Legals - Ida County Courier
Legals - Ida County Courier
Ida County Courier Wednesday, October 21, 2015 13 PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Sheriff PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Board of Supervisors Ida Grove, Iowa September 28, 2015 The Board of Supervisors convened in adjourned session, members present Chair Robert Paulsrud, Rhett Leonard and Joseph Cronin. Minutes of the meeting held September 21, 2015, were read and approved. County Engineer Patrick Mouw and Burdette Conover were present to discuss various road preparation arrangements with regards to moving an American Legion Freedom Rock from property owned by Elfriede Paulsrud to Holstein. The Engineer also discussed various road maintenance issues. A phone conference was held with John Danos, Dorsey and Whitney Law Firm, with regards to procedures to establish a TIF Wind Farm Urban Renewal Area and submission of a proposed contract to utilize his services with regards to the proposed TIF project. Leonard moved and Cronin seconded a motion to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Ida County Employee Handbook. Motion carried, all voting Aye. The Board acknowledged receipt of manure management plans from Deron Schmidt; PGA Site 2/Allan Schmidt and Albers Site/Craig and Gloria Todd. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again at 8:00 a.m., Monday, October 12, 2015, or on call of the Chair. /s/Lorna Steenbock /s/Robert Paulsrud Auditor Chair THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CRAWFORD COUNTY UNITED BANK OF IOWA Plaintiff(s), vs. Rosanna Hinojosa Defendant(s) NO.: SCCV038719 DATE PETITION FILED: Sept. 9, 2015 ORIGINAL NOTICE TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the clerk of this court naming you as a defendant in this action, which petition prays for an action to enforce a Promissory Note and Security Agreement. The name and address of the plaintiff is United Bank of Iowa, 501 2nd Street, Ida Grove, Iowa 51445. The plaintiff’s phone number is 712-364-3393; facsimile number: 712-364-4113. You must serve a motion or answer on or before the 9th day of November, 2015, and within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Crawford County, at the courthouse in Denison, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator at 712-279-6035. Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1-800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. CLERK OF COURT Crawford County Courthouse Denison, Iowa 51442 IMPORTANT: YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. Notice of Appraisement Hearing and Public Meeting of Compensation Commission to Assess Damages In the Matter of the Condemnation Of Certain Rights in Land by the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Improvement of Primary Road No. U.S. 20 West of the City of Holstein Located in Ida County, Iowa Project No. NHSN-020-2(112)-2R-47 Group “A” TO: Tom Andresen, Michael Bergman, Martha Boyle, Jim McGuire, Robert Butcher and Jean Burns. An Application of Condemnation, having been represented to the Chief Judge of the 2nd Judicial District, requesting the appointment of six (6) qualified persons as a Condemnation Commission: WHEREAS, such an appointment has been filed in my office and whereas you have been appointed and selected as such Condemnation Commissioners: NOW THEREFORE, you are commanded to be and appear before the undersigned at the Office of the Sheriff of Ida County, Iowa, at 401 Moorehead St. Ida Grove, Iowa, on the 27th day of October 2015, at the hour of 9:30 A.M. for the purpose of qualifying as such commissioner, and proceed to view said premises and make an award of damages as provided by law. Prior to the meeting of the commission, the commission or a commissioner shall not communicate with the applicant, property owner, or tenant, or their agents, regarding the condemnation proceedings. FAIL NOT TO MAKE YOUR APPEARANCE UNDER PENALTY OF THE LAW This notice published pursuant to Section 6B.11, Code of Iowa Wade A. Harriman, Sheriff Ida County, Iowa 14 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 public notice Ida County Courier PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Commissioner of Elections NOTICE OF CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the eligible electors and qualified voters of the Cities of Arthur, Battle Creek, Galva, and Ida Grove Wards 1, 2 & 3, County of Ida, State of Iowa, that the regular Municipal Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Polls will open at 12:00 noon and will close at 8:00 PM. Polling Places: City of Arthur: Community Center, 224 S. Main, Arthur IA 51431 City of Battle Creek: Community Center, 115 Main St., Battle Creek IA 51006 City of Galva: City Hall, 116 S. Main, Galva IA 51020 City of Ida Grove: Vote Center for Wards 1, 2 & 3 Rec Center Community Room, 311 Barnes St., Ida Grove IA 51445 The polling place is accessible to elderly and disabled voters. Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. For further information, please contact the County Auditor’s Office at 364-2626. Candidates will appear on the Official Ballot as follows: Dated at Ida Grove, Iowa, this 21st day of October, 2015. /s/ Lorna Steenbock, Commissioner of Elections Ida County Courier Wednesday, October 21, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE City of Battle Creek City of Galva October 12, 2015 The Galva City Council met in regular session on the above date with Mayor Padavich presiding with the following council members present: Freese, Goettsch, Schossow, Schubert and Wiese. Guests: Dan Sinclair. Bryan Segebart. Motion by Schubert, second by Freese to approve the agenda with the addition of a building permit application. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Schossow, second by Wiese to approve the Consent Agenda. All Ayes. Motion carried. Consent Agenda a. Minutes of September 14, 2015; b, Clerk/Treasurer Financial Reports; c. Allow bills presented. BILLS PRESENTED October 12, 2015: Payroll Account – federal, state, FICA & IPERS withholding $2,202.22 Reserve Fund – transfer funds 153.00 Depreciation Fund – transfer funds 249.00 Aurelia Lumber – 4x4 post 35.20 Bomgaars – supplies 55.28 Buena Vista Stationery – toner, paper 139.99 Cherokee Rural Water –1.752 gallons 4,730.40 Feld Fire – quarterly monitoring 105.00 (4th qtr.) G & C’s – fuel 80.12 Hach – chlorine testing supplies 461.44 rd Holstein Sanitation – 3 qtr. residential contract 9,500.00 IIMC – dues 155.00 IDNR – annual water use fee 99.00 Iowa League of Cities – budget class 36.00 Mangold Environmental – wastewater testing 20.00 Keith Merrick – plaques 102.03 MidAmerican Energy – utilities 998.96 Mid-America Publishing Corp. – publications 92.00 Martin’s Flag Company – flag pole w/solar light 475.09 Paul Larson Insurance – snow plow premium 317.00 Pilot Rock Signs – decals for snow plow 50.00 Schaller Telephone – phone 22.34 SKC Striping – street lines 1,530.52 SIMPCO – housing trust fund 4,000.00 Stevenson Hardware –supplies 12.17 Treasurer – State – 3rd qtr. sales tax 1,504.00 Walmart – office supplies, clock, garbage bags 41.28 Brad Pedersen – certified operator 597.37 Jordan Beckman- salary 2,500.00 Anita Brandt – Salary 1,290.10 – Reimb. medical insurance 217.00 – Reimburse mileage 443.07 – Reimburse motel 328.96 LIBRARY BILLS: Payroll Account – federal, state, FICA & IPERS withholding 579.63 Schaller Telephone 37.97 MidAmerican Energy 59.80 Baker & Taylor – books 154.33 Pockets Full of Fun – puppet show 250.00 Walmart – books, DVDs 183.45 Judy Whitmer – salary 988.92 – reimburse medical insurance 215.00 – reimburse mileage 49.96 Mary Wiese –payroll 64.54 Aimee Kell – payroll $55.32 RECEIPT SUMMARY BY FUND – GENERAL – $13,820.37; ROAD USE – 3,864.61; EMERGENCY – 286.23; LOST – 0; TRUST & AGENCY –1,233.86; WATER UTILITY – 7,812.25; RESERVE FUND – 153.00; DEPRECIATION FUND – 249.00; SEWER UTILITY – 3,937.82; SOLID WASTE – 4,187.24; WATER/SEWER DEPOSIT –90.00. DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY BY FUND – GENERAL – 2,654.64; LOST – 475.09; ROAD USE – 2,042.68; TRUST & AGENCY – 345.36; WATER UTILITY – 6,861.80; SEWER UTILITY – 519.19; SOLID WASTE – $9,500.00. IDA COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT - Sheriff Harriman was unable to attend the council meeting. METERING & TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS - DAN SINCLAIR TALKED with the council about his cellular-based Badger meters. The meters have a “beacon” that can be read through the internet as often as hourly if the user wants/needs the usage information. Mr. Sinclair told the council that the meters have an expected 20-year life span. There is a battery in each beacon that lasts approximately 14 years. He also told the council there is a monthly fee for cellular access of $.89 per month, which should be passed on to the customer. Following discussion, it was decided to look into financing for changing to this cellular-based metering system. ZIG’S AUTOMOTIVE - JUNK/NUIISANCE VEHICLES - Bryan Segebart was present at the request of the council to discuss complaints received about his junk and nuisance vehicles. Councilman Schubert told Mr. Segebart that he has too many cars sitting there and the area needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Segebart told the council he has removed some vehicles and is working on removing/ cleaning up the area. FIRE BOARD PROPOSED BUDGET 20172018 - Mayor Padavich reported on the September 14, 2015, Galva Township Fire Board meeting and the proposed formula to set the township and city’s levy. This levy would increase the city’s portion $5,000 over the present asking of $4,231.00, for an approximate total of $9,231.00. The next annual Galva Township Fire Board meeting will be September 2016. OFF-SET PROGRAM APPEALS PROCESS - RESOLUTION - Motion by Freese, second by Schossow to approve the Resolution Approving Iowa Offset Appeal Process. All ayes. Motion carried. HALLOWEEN PROCLAMATION - The council set trick-or-treating for Saturday, October 31, 2015, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Residents are encouraged to have their porch lights on if they want trick-or-treaters IDA ALIVE - BIKE RACKS - The council read the email from Ida Alive, telling of their grant application that will be used to place bike racks in each city of the county. GEODE ENVIRONMENTAL - ACCESS AGREEMENT - Following discussion, motion by Schubert, second by Freese to approve Access Agreement for Environmental Investigation, Main and First Street by Geode Environmental to perform soil and groundwater testing. All ayes. Motion carried. SIDEWALK @ FIRE STATION - The Fire Board will be replacing the cement in front of the fire station and the property next to the library within the next thirty days. Council member Freese will check with Wiese brothers Construction to see how much it would cost to replace the sidewalk on the north side of the library while they are replacing the other cement. RECODIFICATION ORDINANCES CHAPTERS 1 THROUGH 9 - Motion by Goettsch, second by Freese to table this and schedule a work session just for re-codification after harvest. All ayes. Motion carried. LED LIGHT PROGRAM - Following discussion about the cost of the bulbs and the rebate from MidAmerican Energy, it was decided to have City Hall, the shop, library and possibly the shelter house changed to LED lights. All ayes. Motion carried. SNOW STORAGE - Motion by Goettsch, second by Schossow to pay G & C’s $400 to store snow on his lot on Main Street this winter. All ayes. Abstain: Freese. Motion carried. PROSPECTTIVE CITY BUILDING - It was decided to get bids on a 30x40 building for equipment storage. MAINTENANCE POSITION - OWI & INSURANCE - Mayor Padavich told the council about maintenance man Beckman receiving an OWI in September. After checking with the city’s insurance, Employers Mutual Insurance has said he cannot drive any city vehicle that has a license plate during the time that he does not have a license. FLAG POLE - The council discussed the new flag pole installed at city hall. BUILDING PERMIT - TOM GOETTSCH - NEW GARAGE - Motion by Schossow, second by Schubert approving the garage. All ayes. Abstain: Goettsch. Motion carried. IN OTHER BUSINESS, THE COUNCIL DISCUSSED: •Spraying city properties. •Stop Sign at First and Monona Streets. There being no further business, the council adjourned upon motion by Wiese. Mayor TJ Padavich ATTEST: City Clerk/Treasurer Anita Brandt, MMC/IaCMC 15 October 14, 2015 Battle Creek, IA The Battle Creek City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Hall. Mayor Holmes presided over the meeting. Council members present were: Judy Schau, Myra Meek, Jill Wingert, Todd Riessen and Dan Hedberg. Mayor Holmes called the meeting to order. Motion by Hedberg, seconded by Meek to approve the agenda and minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Nuisances were discussed. Motion by Schau, seconded by Wingert to approve the 4th of July Committee. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Meek, seconded by Riessen to approve the Craft Fair as a 4th of July Committee project for Sunday, December 6th at the former school property, as requested by Teresa McMillen. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Schau, seconded by Hedberg to approve the street closure for the Presbyterian Harvest Supper on Saturday, November 14th. Motion carried unanimously. A recent traffic stop prompted the concern about permits for oversized loads. Motion by Wingert, seconded by Schau to allow permits issued by the county to be acceptable to the city. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Meek, seconded by Wingert to approve the Mayor to sign the Bill of Sale and the Quit Claim Deed for the new wells, pending a minor repair of the gauge. Motion carried unanimously. The council clarified that all persons will be charged a rental fee for use of the shelter house. Motion by Hedberg, seconded by Riessen to accept the quote from Blacktop Services in the amount of $53,004 for street repairs. Motion carried unanimously. Work will begin as weather permits. Motion by Schau, seconded by Hedberg approving the clerk to submit the Urban Renewal Report as prepared. Motion carried unanimously. Expenses involved with the sewer at the Presbyterian Church will be submitted to the city’s insurance. Building permits were reviewed for 310 Clara Street - fence. Motion by Schau, seconded by Wingert to approve the bills and reports. Motion carried unanimously. Meek moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Schau seconded and motion carried unanimously. Diane Lansink, City Clerk/Treasurer Lloyd Holmes, Mayor CLAIMS: 09/11/2015 – 10/14/2015: ACCO, supplies $270.25; Al’s Corner, fuel $59.33; Bomgaars, supplies $92.51; Boysen Electric, repairs $257.60; Bridges Bay, training $195.80; Brown Supply, supplies $348.50; Builders Sharpening, supplies $69.05; Craig Young, meals/mileage $142.70; Data Technologies, training $95; EFTPS, taxes $2,159.46; Ferguson, supplies $245.24; Frontier, utilities $737.78; GCC Alliance, repairs $775.50; Hallett Materials, supplies $265.83; Hanson Auto, supplies $42.17; Hayes Oil, fuel $411.02; Hoefling Lawn Service, spraying $650; Sioux City Water Treatment, training $40; IAWEA Region 3, meeting $40; Ida County Sanitation, garbage $4,822.38; Ida County Sheriff, law $23,002.75; IDNR, permit $99; Iowa Dept. of Revenue, taxes $461.32; Iowa Library Services, training $25; Iowa One Call, locates $37.80; IPERS, pension $1,323.38; Lloyd Holmes, mileage $16.10; Lundell Construction, repairs $342.40; Mangold, testing $378; Marx Trailer, sander $4,869; Menards, supplies $215.37; MidAmerican, utilities $2,052.07; Mid-America Publishing, publications $33.89; Nielson Concrete, repairs $110; Postmaster, postage $111.25; Quill, supplies $57.47; Selections, supplies $10.48; Sheila Petersen, mileage $51.75; Toyne, repairs $3,131.71; Treasurer State of Iowa, tax $920; Wallace Construction, hauling $210; Walmart, supplies $28.85; Young’s Auto, repairs $950.64; Payroll (9/8/15) $2,965.34; Payroll (9/22/15) $3,630.49. DISBURSEMENTS: General $28,915.25; Library $1,546.15; RUT $3,370.38; LOST $4,869; Water $5,968.65; Sewer $4,154.66; Garbage $4,927.38. REVENUE: General $14,001.48; Library $1,135.92; Road Use $8,759.84; Emergency $329.32; Debt Service $255.96; Sliplining $1,586.46; Water $5,891.47; Sewer $5,117.75; Garbage $4,546.74; Storm Water $1,629.06. PUBLIC NOTICE Ida County Sheriff NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR IDA COUNTY STATE OF IOWA Ida County Iowa District Court IDA COUNTY Case #: EQCV015130 Civil #: 15-000402 BANK OF AMERICA NA VS THIES, SHAWN & DEBORAH; PARTIES IN POSSESSION Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate Described Below to satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is: Parcel 1: A tract of land located in the SE ¼ NWfr¼ and in the NE¼ SWfr¼, all in Section 19, Township 87 North, Range 39, West of the 5th P. M, Ida County, Iowa, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of Lot 1 of Burton’s Big Star Acres Addition in the SWfr¼ of said Section 19; thence on an assumed bearing of South 08° 36’ 42” West, 92.10 feet; thence South 89° 39’ 12” West, 105.80 feet; thence North 12° 10’ 29” West, 168.60 feet; thence South 84° 39’ 29” East, 38.00 feet; thence North 34° 30’ 42” East, 64.89 feet; thence North 88° 48’ 03” East, 187.04 feet; thence South 42° 00’ 39” East, 89.87 feet; thence South 70° 08’ 25” West, 177.14 feet to the Point of Beginning. Tract contains 0.94 Acres, together with and subject to all easements of record. Property Address: 130 WESTAR COURT, IDA GROVE IA 51445 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 11/13/2015 Sale Time 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale IDA COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 401 MOOREHEAD ST., IDA GROVE, IA 51445 This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provislons of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount $271,969.66 Costs $31,265.32 Accruing Costs PLUS Interest $100,603.37 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney BENJAMIN HOPKINS 1350 NW 138TH ST., STE 100 CLIVE, IA 50325 (515) 222-9400 Date 10/15/2015 WADE A. HARRIMAN IDA COUNTY SHERIFF PUBLIC NOTICE Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE SCHOOLS OCTOBER 2015 VENDOR REPORT GENERAL FUND #10: Vendor Name Description Check Total AGI Parts, Technology Support $1,387.50 Amazon, Instructional Supplies 543.46 Bleckwehl, Kim, Reimbursement 23.00 BMO Harris Mastercard, District Supplies 4,840.65 Bomgaars, General Supplies 180.61 CDW-Government Inc., Computer Supplies 305.91 Central Iowa Distributing Inc., District Maintenance Supplies 1,133.86, Technology Parts 1,687.23 Chronicle Printing and Publishing, Advertising 21.00 City of Ida Grove, Water & Sewer/ IG Bldgs. 596.22 Continuum Retail Energy Services, Natural Gas 291.72 Creative Mathematics, Contracted Service 630.00 Culligan Water Conditioning, Water Services 9.25 Direct Pro Audio, Electrical Equipment 645.99 Dollar General Charge Sales, Miscellaneous Supplies 32.90 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., Maint. Supplies 30.62 Franck & Sextro, P.L.C., Legal Services 120.00 Goodenow, Susan, Contracted Service 12,434.70 Hanson Auto Supply, Repair Parts 108.24 Hemer Plumbing and Heating, Contracted Service 515.47 Ida County Courier-Reminder, Inc., Advertising/Legal Notices 490.53 Ida County Sanitation, Inc., Garbage Collection Services 518.96 Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., General Supplies 70.56 Ida Grove Food Pride, General & Food Supplies 984.27 Iowa Assoc. of School Boards, Dues/Registrations 125.00 Iowa High School Speech Assoc., Dues/Registrations 175.00 Iowa School Finance Information, Consulting Services 3,731.00 Iowa State University, Tickets 130.00 John Deere Financial, Tractor Repairs/Parts 59.71 Johnson, Faith, Contracted Services 3,430.00 Kenealy, Terry, Staff Reimbursement 163.20 Kiwanis Club of Ida Grove, Dues/ Meals/Mtgs. 362.00 Lakeshore, Instructional Materials 34.98 Leonard, Kathy, Reimbursement 158.80 Malcom’s Paint & Hardware, Maint. Supplies 367.88 Math U See, Instructional Supplies 125.58 Matheson Tri Gas, Inc., General Supplies 27.15 Medical Enterprises Inc., Drug ✔Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver ~ DEADLINES ~ FRIDAY - 3 PM ALL NEWS and DISPLAY ADVERTISING in the Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver FRIDAY - 5 PM ALL CLASSIFIED ADS in the Ida County Courier, Reminder & Green Saver Testing 44.00 Menards, General Supplies 11.99 MidAmerican Energy, Electricity & Nat. Gas 8,436.44 Morningside College, Registration 150.00 Mumm Soft Water, Supplies 155.50 Newbridge, Instructional Supplies 2,237.51 Nolte, Cornman & Johnson P.C., Auditing 2,320.00 Northwest AEA, Copies/Regist./ Gen. Supplies 224.00 Odebolt Lumber, General Supplies 45.99 Pioneer Valley Books, Educational Supplies 2,222.12 Postmaster Battle Creek, Postage 173.31 Postmaster Ida Grove, Postage 528.69 Prairie Lakes AEA, Duplicating/ Printing 685.66 Pronto-Phillips 66, General Supplies 6,363.01 R.L. Craft Company, Inc., Contracted Service 826.62 Rainbow Resource Center, Instructional Supplies 1,488.57 Ray’s Mid-Bell Music, Music Supplies 157.32 Regional West Medical Center, DOT Physicals 20.00 Reis Auto Parts and Service, Bus/Auto Service 3,479.35 Rick’s Computers, L.C., Computer Supplies/Repairs 2,363.00 Risky Business Conference, Contracted Service 240.00 Rupp Tire Shop, Tires & Repairs 230.50 Rutten Vacuum Center, Maint. Supplies 996.31 Schmidt Fencing, Inc., Fencing 2,083.74 School Specialty Inc., District Supplies 240.73 Selections, General Supplies 39.39 Something Unique, General Supplies 910.00 Stan Houston Equipment Co., Inc., Maint. Supplies 150.44 Teacher Created Resources, Instructional Supplies 9.99 Time for Kids, General Supplies 280.98 United States Cellular, Cellular Phone Service 79.35 Veritas Press, Instructional Supplies 48.90 Ward’s Natural Science, Science Supplies 494.96 Wunschel’s Service, District Vehicle Fuel 65.20 Fund Total 74,296.52 ACTIVITY FUND #21: All Iowa Drill Team, Registration 495.50 BMO Harris Mastercard, District Supplies 514.42 Bomgaars, General Supplies 297.76 Crawford County Shooting Sports, Entry Fees 30.00 Culligan Water Conditioning, Water Services 77.85 Custom Ink, Class T-shirts 766.92 Diamond Vogel Paint, Maintenance Supplies 4,920.78 Fancy Threads, Athletic Clothing 1,857.30 Ida Grove Cenex/HASH Inc., General Supplies 163.87 Ida Grove Food Pride, General & Food Supplies 105.49 Iowa FFA Association, Dues/Fees 142.00 Iowa Scale Company, Scale Certification 92.00 Martin Brothers, Food Supplies 1,339.31 Miesner, Jeff, Teacher Reimbursement 365.50 Pepsi-Cola, Pop 2,665.76 Revolution Dancewear, Dance Wear 149.80 Schiernbeck, Wanda, Reimbursement 78.00 Spring Lake Golf & Country Club, Golf Entry Fees 200.00 Storm Lake High School, Entry Fee 60.00 Subway, Supplies 76.00 Trost, Steven, Athletic Official 70.00 Van Dusen, Anna, Student Reimbursement 19.25 Western Christian High School, Entry Fees 100.00 Fund Total 14,587.51 SAVE-IDA & CRAWFORD COUNTY 1 CENT #34: Alloy Specialty Inc., Contracted Services 2,102.50 Badding Construction Company, Contracted Service 3,884.07 Fund Total 5,986.57 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT LVY #36: HAPARA, Technology Services 21.25 Unite Private Networks, LLC, Tech Service 1,059.00 Fund Total 1,080.25 SCHOOL NUTRITION #61: BC-IG C.S.D.- General Fund, Hot Lunch Payroll Expense 9,767.44 Dean Foods North Central, LLC, Nutrition-Dairy Products 2,397.08 Keck, Inc., Storage Fees/ Commodities 2,552.88 Martin Brothers, Food Supplies 12,091.95 Presto X Company, Contracted Services 129.00 Sara Lee Bakery Group/ Earthgrains, Hot Lunch Bread Products 919.52 SNA Emporium, Nutrition Supplies 47.40 Fund Total 27,905.27 AGENCY FUND #91: BC-IG C.S.D. Activity Account, Registration Fees 7,985.00 BC-IG C.S.D.- General Fund, Hot Lunch P./Roll Exp./ Reg. Fees 21,942.50 BC-IG C.S.D.-Hot Lunch Fund, Reimbursement of Reg. Fees 15,488.30 Odebolt-Arthur Comm. School, Misc. Registraton Fees 25,251.75 Fund Total 70,667.55 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: 194,523.67 September Payroll Wages 365,393.81 FICA 22,464.87 Medicare 5,253.82 IPERS 33,024.41 Insurance 46,046.49 TOTAL PAYROLL $472,183.40 Farmers Cooperative in Ida Grove is seeking someone to receive, ship and handle grain. Duties and responsibilities include: • Assisting in grain inventory & positioning grain • Coordinating inbound & outbound grain • Knowledge of railcar loading procedures • Helping with documentation and implement goals of the location & FC Please call 712.364.3013 or go to to apply 900 1st St., Ida Grove • Adam Snyder PUBLIC NOTICE Battle Creek - Ida Grove Community School District SUMMARY OF THE OCTOBER 12, 2015, REGULAR JOINT BOARD MEETING OF THE BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Battle Creek-Ida Grove (BC-IG) Community School District Board and the Odebolt-Arthur (O-A) Community School District Board met in regular joint session October 12, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the Music Room at the BC-IG Elementary in Ida Grove. The BC-IG board meeting was called to order by Kim Claussen, Board Vice-President. Kathy Leonard, Board Secretary, conducted a roll call vote as follows: Stephanie Konradi, absent; Tony Bennett, present; Myra Meek, present; Crystal Endrulat, present; Ryan Goodman, present and Jeff Rasmussen, present. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. The O-A board meeting was called to order by Joey Hoefling, Board President, via Skype. Kathy Leonard, Board Secretary, conducted a roll call vote as follows: Pat Hoefling, present; Naomi Lozier, present; Stacy Raasch, present and Brad Lundell, present. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. Also in attendance was Terry Kenealy, shared superintendent. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agenda as published and the motion carried 6-0 for BCIG. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by Lundell to approve the agenda as published and the motion carried 5-0 for O-A. Taylor Clark, FFA Advisor and Ag Teacher, and Jaden Uhl and Rhett Ketelsen, students, presented information to the board regarding a possible greenhouse at the High School. They outlined the educational value and possible funding options. The students estimated the cost of the project at $35,000. By consensus, the board asked the students to get more definite estimated costs for the project and pursue funding options. They are to report to the board later as the estimated timeline would be to construct the building over the summer to be operational by fall 2016. Claussen welcomed visitors. No one spoke during the public forum portion of the meeting. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the consent agenda for BC-IG consisting of board minutes, claims totaling $194,523.67, and open enrollment applications. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to approve the consent agenda for O-A consisting of board minutes, claims totaling $92,564.10 and open enrollment applications. The motion carried 5-0. Mary Rohlk, shared District Librarian, gave an overview and demonstrated the Accelerated Reading Program in place in both districts. Traci Allen reported on a 4th grade vocabulary project at the O-A Elementary using unused book jackets. At this point of the meeting, Jeff Herzberg, Prairie Lakes Chief Administrator, was present to discuss performance goals for the superintendent and the superintendent evaluation process. This was final step of superintendent search process that Herzberg conducted with the boards last spring. After discussion and review of the four goals set for the superintendent candidates (unifier, communicator, promoter and visibility), it was moved by Bennett and seconded by Endrulat to approve the identified performance goals of unifier and communicator for the Battle CreekIda Grove Superintendent for the 2015-2016 contract year and the motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve the identified performance goals of unifier and communicator for the OdeboltArthur Superintendent for the 2015-2016 contract year and the motion carried 5-0. Kenealy updated the boards on an incident that happened at Friday night’s football game. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Endrulat to approve the early graduation requests from Raelynn Posey, Ryan Childers and Quinn Schleimer, pending completion of all graduation requirements. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Endrulat and seconded by Bennett to approve the student teaching contract with University of Iowa and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District for FY 15-16 and the motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by Lundell to approve the student teaching contract with the University of Iowa and the Odebolt-Arthur School District for FY 15-16 and the motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to approve authorizing personnel at the Central Office or the Athletic Director to stamp or scan the board president’s signature on the Officials’ Contracts with the Battle CreekIda Grove School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve authorizing personnel at the Central Office or the Athletic Director to stamp or scan the board president’s signature on the Officials’ Contracts with the OdeboltArthur School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Goodman and seconded by Endrulat to approve the SBRC request for allowable growth in the amount of $21,851.55 due to a special education balance deficit for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District. The motion carried 6-0 for the Battle CreekIda Grove Board. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Lozier to approve the SBRC request for allowable growth in the amount of $17,501.63 due to a special education balance deficit for the Odebolt-Arthur School District. The motion carried 5-0 for the Odebolt-Arthur Board. It was moved by Meek and seconded by Rasmussen to approve deleting Dani Trimble and Duane Hummelgard and adding Terry Kenealy and Stephanie Konradi as authorized personnel to access the safety deposit box at United Bank of Iowa on behalf of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Goodman to approve the purchase of a Konica Minolta copier from Marco for the BCIG Elementary for $6,625.58 and the motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Goodman and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the creation of a combined Facilities Study Committee to lead the facility study on behalf of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove School District and the motion carried 5-1 with Bennett voting no. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve the creation of a combined Facilities Study Committee to lead the facility study on behalf of the Odebolt-Arthur School District and the motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to authorize the administration to engage the IASB School Finance Group to review the district’s budget and develop budget projections on behalf of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to authorize the administration to engage the IASB School Finance Group to review the district’s budget and develop budget projections on behalf of the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to authorize the administration to engage the IASB School Improvement Group to conduct a needs assessment survey on behalf of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by P. Hoefling to authorize the administration to engage the IASB School Improvement Group to conduct a needs assessment survey on behalf of the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Goodman and seconded by Endrulat to approve the creation of a combined committee tasked to develop recommendations for the board to consider that would establish formats and/or forums to honor and recognize the history of traditions of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by Lundell to approve the creation of a combined committee tasked to develop recommendations for the board to consider that would establish formats and/or forums to honor and recognize the history of traditions of the Odebolt-Arthur-Community School District. The motion carried 5-0. After discussion on the next steps and process for reorganization, it was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Endrulat to approve initiating the next steps in the process of moving forward with a referendum on reorganization sometime in 2016 that would be voted on by the patrons of the Battle CreekIda Grove Community School District. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Raasch, seconded by P. Hoefling to table initiating the next steps in the process of moving forward with the possibility of a referendum on reorganization sometime in 2016 that would be voted on by the patrons of the Odebolt-Arthur School District. Ayes: P. Hoefling, J. Hoefling. Nays: Lozier, Lundell and Raasch. Motion to table failed 2-3. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by Lundell to approve initiating the next steps in the process of moving forward with a referendum on reorganization sometime in 2016 that would be voted on by the patrons of the Odebolt-Arthur School District. Ayes: Lozier. Nays: Lundell, Raasch, P. Hoefling and J. Hoefling. Motion failed 1-4. (this was BC-IG’s motion that passed). It was moved by Lundell and seconded by Raasch to approve initiating the next steps in the process of moving forward with the possibility of a referendum on reorganization sometime in 2016 that would be voted on by the patrons of the Odebolt-Arthur School District. Ayes: Lozier, Lundell, J. Hoefling and Raasch. Nays: P. Hoefling. Motion passed 4-1. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Endrulat to approve the appointment of Ryan Goodman to represent the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District at the IASB Delegate Assembly in November of 2015. The motion carried 6-0. It was moved by Raasch and seconded by P. Hoefling to approve the appointment of Joey Hoefling to represent the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District at the IASB Delegate Assembly in November of 2015.The motion carried 5-0. Discussion and correspondence included discussion on possible joint work session, the IASB convention in Des Moines, Nov. 1720 and Raasch reported on the IASB Board Orientation she attended on Sept. 30. The next regular joint board meeting will be held Monday, November 9, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in Odebolt. There being no further business before the BC-IG board, it was moved by Endrulat and seconded by Goodman to adjourn. The motion carried 6-0 and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Board was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. There being no further business before the O-A board, it was moved by Lundell and seconded by P. Hoefling to adjourn. The motion carried 6-0 and the Odebolt-Arthur Board was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Kathy A. Leonard, BC-IG Board Secretary Kathy A. Leonard, O-A Board Secretary
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