January 2016 - Clearwater Yacht Club


January 2016 - Clearwater Yacht Club
January 2016
Welcome CYC’s Commodore Cardosi
On Dec. 5, 2015, Johnny Cardosi
became the 72nd Commodore of
Clearwater Yacht Club. (Although the
Club was founded in 1911, 104 years ago,
several of the early commodores served
multi-year terms.) Commodore Rowland
Milam played emcee of his own going-outof-office party, presiding over the presentation of seven traditional CYC awards that
honor members for service and excellence
to both the Club and the community.
It’s nice to see that two past commodores – Tim Roberts and Robert de Vos
– are still so involved with the Club that
they were honored for their contributions
in 2015. And it’s always extra special to
see the fresh, young winner of the Junior
Yachtsman trophy come forward – this
year the honor went to the lovely (and very
smart) Miss Maggie Bradley.
The awards and recipients were:
Tom and Sarah Cooper Community Service Award
Robert Word Memorial Trophy for Race Participation
Marie Shepard McMahon Fellowship Award
Commodore Harris Award for Excellence in Race Management
Meritorious Service Award
Contributing Yachtsman of the Year
Commodore Billing Award Junior Yachtsman of the Year
Betty Perkins
PC Tim Roberts
Theresa Havercamp
PC Tim Roberts
PC Robert de Vos
VC Ed Proefke Jr.
Maggie Bradley
Following the awards presentation, the membership headed outside to the flagstaff where a semi gale was blowing. The outgoing and incoming officers had to deal
with a few halyard wraps during the flag ceremony, but all the right pennants came
and went, ushering in Commodore Cardosi, Vice Commodore Ed Proefke
Jr., Rear Commodore Collin Heimensen, and Treasurer Debora Wilder.
Lots of cheering from the crowd led to GM Brusini’s beloved cannon being fired, the signal that it was time to head upstairs for the dinner dance
and recognition of Past Commodores in attendance. Among the PCs
present were David Billing, Richard Boblenz, Robert de Vos, Gene Fleming,
Robert Gunther, Barrie Gustard, Richard Kidd, Hoyt Nichols, Jerry Prescott,
Sandie Ramsden, Tim Roberts, Andy Spetz, and Tish Wold. The beautiful
Mary Lou Spoto represented her husband, the late Victor Spoto.
And then everyone dug into their Johnny Wedge Salads and Filet
Mignons with Jumbo Prawns and before long, the dance floor was overflowing, thanks to the incredible Billy Rice Band.
If the 2015 Change of Watch is a portent for the coming year, 2016 is
going to be a lot of fun!
See pages 4 and 5 for more photos
January Compass
Commodore’s Corner
Welcome to a new year and a new
watch! Our Change of Watch celebration saw the largest turnout by members
in years. Thanks to all that attended!
The Change of Watch ceremony, the
steak and shrimp dinner, the Billy Rice
Band and the good time had by all was
second to none! Speaking for myself,
Ed and Collin, thank you for making
Change of Watch very special to all of us.
I would like to thank Immediate Past Commodore Rowland Milam, who kept our club moving in a positive direction on his watch. One of his most notable accomplishments
has been improving our food quality by working closely with
Chef John and his team. Thank you Commodore Milam!
Thanks to all the past commodores for their hard
work and dedication. If not for all of them, CYC would
not be the great club it is today. Also a special thanks to
my wife Phyllis for putting up with all the endless club
meetings, especially the ones that ran late.
The Change of Watch brings some new faces to our
Board. I want to welcome our new Treasurer, Debora
Wilder, our new Finance Chair, Rich Libonate, and new
Board member Tommy Meyer, who has so much energy
he’s taking on two committees: Membership and the
Cruisers! Also, many thanks to our returning Board
members and committee members, as well as the many
2016 Officers, Directors,
Appointments & Trustees
CYC Officers
Johnny CardosiCommodore
Ed Proefke Jr.
Vice Commodore
Collin Heimensen
Rear Commodore
Debora WilderTreasurer
Skip Moore
Fleet Captain
Dorothy ConnorSecretary
Immediate Past Commodore
Rowland Milam
Board of Directors
Jim Coats
Richard Libonate
Linda Humphers
Thomas Meyer
Mike Jansen
Tim Walsh
Board of Trustees
P/C David Billing
P/C Dick Boblenz
James Eaton
Wayne Huneke
Harry Jamieson
P/C Gary Strohauer
Fr. Bob Wagenseil
Dr. Don Collins
Peggy Powell
Joe Slavin
Fleet Chaplain
Fleet Surgeon
FCYC Director
FCYC Alternate Director
volunteers who work hard to make our club special.
I want to call your attention to a special announcement
letter in the Compass regarding our Capital Reserve Fund.
This announcement will also be included in the January
monthly billing statements of all club members.
I am sure each and every member will support our club
management team for having the forward vision to keep
our club financially strong now and in the future.
I look forward to an exciting and fun-filled
year as your commodore.
CYC Capital Replenishment Fund
To All Club Members:
Our Club’s daily operations are financed
by monthly dues, slip rental fees, and food and beverage revenue, while member initiation fees are deposited in our Capital Fund account. The Capital Funds
pay for needed improvements to our club house and
grounds. This fund was used several years ago when
the economy dropped, along with our membership,
to support ongoing operations.
Capital improvements have included dining remodeling, bar bathroom remodeling, club house painting,
parking lot repair and sealing, new dry dock awning,
replacing both entry awnings, air conditioners, and
many other improvement projects.
As discussed at the Annual Meeting, the Capital
Fund is not growing to a level Club management
(Board of Directors and Trustees) feels is sound financial management. Per our club handbook on page 30,
paragraph 4 (new edition) “Replacement of Capital
Reserve Funds, the Board and Trustees will annually reach agreement for funding the Capital Reserve
After several months of discussion, the Board of
Directors and Trustees voted to implement a capital
replenishment contribution. This contribution will be
$14.00 per month, per member. It will begin February
1, 2016 and will be reviewed December 2017. This is
NOT a dues increase.
The necessity for increasing the Capital Fund account is to maintain a safe level of funding for our
ongoing improvements, planned and unplanned. The
Capital Replenishment Fund, complementing our
additional new members and their initiation fees, will
continue to keep our club on solid financial ground.
We trust everyone understands the need to support this replenishment fund so that our club reserves will be adequate when needed. Thank you for
your support of our club!
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Johnny Cardosi
January Compass
By Fleet Captain
Skip Moore
Happy New Year! I’m looking
forward to another exciting year at CYC.
So come on down to where the FUN is
and enjoy!
This Stuff Works
There are any number of products on the market that
purport to make electrical connections waterproof. Some
work fairly well and will continue to do so for lengthy
periods, but (and let’s get real here), the ones that are as
completely, totally, and truly reliable as, say, gravity or the
tendency of brightwork to need pampering on a regular
basis, are few and far between. Which is why, we suppose,
Scotchfil Electrical Insulation Putty from 3M continues to
be so popular for marine electrical applications of all kinds.
Granted, the stuff is almost as sticky as tar, albeit not quite.
And, once applied, it’s pretty darn tough to remove. But on
the other hand, Scotchfil more or less renders just about
any sort of splice or cable connection on a boat waterproof!
Permanently! Whether it’s fresh water that threatens, salt water, swamp water, or just plain old corrosion-causing humidity.
Unlike waterproofing liquids you paint on with a brush and/
or sealant-filled heat-shrink-type butt connectors that require
a bit of expertise to correctly apply, Scotchfil comes in tape
form, although it is indeed a sort of Play-Doh-like putty. It’s
especially useful if you need to waterproof a splice in a sizeable wire run or build up a little structure around a significant
irregularity in a stretch of cable so you can more smoothly
apply conventional electrical tape to a connection. Just wind
the stuff on (after removing the interstitial paper) and squish
it into the shape you need.
When insulating low-voltage splices (less than 600 volts),
by the way, 3M says Scotchfil must be overwrapped with
either 3M Super 33 or 3M Super 88 vinyl electrical tape.
Most marine supply stores sell Scotchfil, usually for about
$16 a roll. And they typically sell plain vinyl as well.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
with any questions or concerns.
CYC Board Highlights
At the Board of Directors meeting 12/17/15, the
following actions were approved:
l A motion to adopt the 2016 budget
l A motion to appoint Rich Libonate Finance Chair
and a member of the Board of Directors
The next Board of Directors meeting will be on
Thursday, January 21.
By Tim Walsh
Yachting Chairman
HAPPY 2016! And WELCOME to international
racing!! Our 2016 winter season kicks-off in February
with the 49er FX and Nacra 17 World Championships.
We are anticipating this will be a major event in Gulf
racing as we are expecting about 200 boats to enter from
all over the world to qualify for positions in the Rio de
Janeiro Olympics. This regatta will begin on Sunday,
February 7th and run through Sunday, February 14, 2016.
I hope you will plan to join in the FUN and participate as
a member of the Race Committee.
To help everyone get ready for this spectacular event, we
will be holding a Race Committee 101 class at the Island
Way Grille on Saturday, January 9 from 9:00 to 12:00 with
a complimentary lunch. Please call the club at 447-6000 so
we can keep track of how many will be attending.
Be sure to check out our full schedule for the
upcoming season:
49er FX and Nacra 17 Worlds
Snipe Midwinters
Clark Mills
February 7 – 14, 2016
February 17 – 21, 2016
March 13 – 15, 2016
April 2 – 3, 2016
Call for Race Committee Volunteers
Regatta season for CYC will soon be here. The
Yachting Committee needs help from you, the
Clearwater Yacht Club membership, to assure we have
another successful season. These regattas bring strong
financial support and creditability to our club!!!
So, mark the dates below to volunteer to help us for
these important events:
February 7 – 14 – 49er FX & NACRA 17 World
Club commitment – 30 people waterside and 6 boats
February 17 – 21 – Laser Midwinters East
Club commitment – 70 people (20 landside & 50
waterside) and 21 boats
March 13 – 15 – Snipe Midwinters
Club commitment – 25 people (20 waterside & 5
landside) and 6 boats
Interested volunteers please send an e- mail to Dave
Yoder ([email protected]) giving your name, interested
dates and a contact number (preferably cell #).
CYC Yachting Committee thanks you for your support
of these important club events.
January Compass
CYC Change of Watch Festivities
January Compass
By Fr. Bob Wagenseil, Junior Activities
December was a really big month for us with
final preparations for what became our most successful
(and first) sponsored youth regatta. Everything came
together for a well run, fun and very profitable event!
Thirty-four Intrepid Sailors participated in the Ted
Irwin Memorial Sailathon on Saturday 5 Dec. They
raised over $5,000 to feed the hungry through the
Beach Community Food Pantry at Calvary Episcopal
Church. The young sailors were from Indian Rocks
Family Sailing/Clearwater YC, Dunedin Youth Sailing,
Clearwater Community Sailing Center, and St Petersburg YC. Members of the Irwin family participated and
presented a generous gift of support.
The event was underwritten by Rotary Club of Indian
Rocks Beach. Event coordinators were Indian Rocks
Family Sailing, Calvary Episcopal Church, Pinellas Suncoast Fire and Rescue, Clearwater Yacht Club, Dunedin
Youth Sailing, and US Coast Guard Auxiliary. Together
with our parents, generous sponsors and volunteers, our
young sailors have brought hope and comfort to our
neighbors in need! Outstanding!
That same evening, PC Billing presented the Jr Yachtsman of the Year Award to Maggie Bradley. Maggie and
her brothers are active members of our sailing programs
year round. Maggie is an outstanding high school
student and serves as a watch captain during our youth
summer camps. She is also a member of our new 420
team and is admired and respected by all who know her.
We are very proud of this outstanding Intrepid Sailor!
Applications for all 2016 programs have been sent out
and enrollment is filling up quickly. We always give first
preference to returning campers until mid January. By
the time you read this, we will have arrived in the new
year and therefore any CYC families who are interested in
youth or adult sailing programs are invited to contact me
directly for an application.
Wishing you a new year filled with fair winds and many
Fr Bob Wagenseil [email protected] (727) 510. 6153
January Compass
By Collin Heimensen, Rear Commodore
The Entertainment
Committee is looking forward to an
exciting 2016 at Clearwater Yacht Club.
January and February are shaping up to
be fun-filled months at the club. After everyone recovers from New Year’s Eve, we
will kick off the year with live music every
Friday night starting with The Mix
on January 8!
On January 9, we will be featuring a club favorite, the British
Invasion featuring music from the
Rolling Stones, The Beatles and other British favorites. It
will prove to be a fun night of socializing and dancing!
Trivia Night is back as well, with the games on
Thursday the 14th at 7 p.m.
NEW AND EXCITING! We will have a line dancing class
on Sunday the 17th at the Tiki Bar from 2:30-3:30. Dee is
a fantastic teacher and a good time will be
had by all! If you’re not feeling like boot
scootin’ on a Sunday afternoon, it will
be almost as much fun to sit at the
Tiki, enjoy a beverage or 3 and watch!
We will round out the month with
the Annual Chili Cook-off on Sunday,
January 31st.
New this year, we will be hosting a tailgate party on Super Bowl
Sunday, February 7. We will have
the fantastic steel drum music by
Floyd, Tiki menu and FUN!
The Fat
Tuesday Party is back! We will have
live New Orleans style jazz and a
Fat Tuesday dinner special on Fat
Tuesday (which is February 9 for
those of us who can’t remember).
The Valentine’s Dinner is on Saturday, February 13th
and will feature Tommy Keys
with a live back-up band. If
you haven’t heard Tommy
yet, you won’t want to miss
this night! We will also have a
Sweetheart Dinner on Sunday
the 14th of February featuring
live music by Roger Renaud!
Most importantly, the Entertainment Committee will
meet on Tuesday, January 12th and YOU are invited. We
would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on how to
make your club’s entertainment more exciting and fun!
By Tommy Meyer, Membership Chair
Having enjoyed the benefits of being a member
of CYC, I now find myself in the interesting position of
Membership Chairman. Like all members of CYC, I want
to see our club grow, which is why I am asking everyone to
help expand our membership.
If you have a suggestion, please let me know what it is.
Any and all will be appreciated.
We have the friendliest club in Florida, which is a benefit
for all of us, so keep an eye out for new members.
The next Membership meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 6
at 6:30 p.m.
By Lynne Shackelford
Breakfast with Santa was another
big hit, with about 25 kids enjoying the chilly
temperatures Santa brought from the North
Pole. As usual, Santa arrived by boat with
goodies for all the children – including toys
that the club helps Santa with. Bob Freiberg
did a tremendous job with his pancakes (as
always), and even had some new designs.
Santa’s helpers opened the workshop where
the children decorated Christmas trees and
made new ornaments. Jim Harden (The
Balloon Man) was busy all morning with lots
of fun balloons. The elves took a short break
from the workshop while the kids heard the
story The Night Before Christmas and sang
fun songs like Jingle Bells and Rudolph the
Red Nosed Reindeer.
January Compass
By Ed Proefke Jr., Vice Commodore
The House & Grounds
Committee and Entertainment
Committee enjoyed our year end reception the evening of December 1st. I
would like to thank my Entertainment
Committee members who helped me
get through the year as Entertainment
chair, and I know you will help Rear Commodore
Heimensen this coming year with many fun events.
Commodore Johnny Cardosi succeeded in accomplishing many needed upgrades to the building and
grounds last year and there are still projects that
akfast with Santa
need to be completed in the coming year. With an old
building to care for, as ours is, there always seems to be
something showing up that needs attention.
The pram rack is completed except for the addition
of wood runners on the racks. These racks hold up
the boats, making it easier to slide them in and out.
This upgrade will be accomplished soon after the beginning of the year.
The committee will assess the facilities and develop
a list of items needing attention starting at the meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Please plan to attend and give
your input on House and Grounds needs.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and were able
to visit with family and friends.
I look forward to seeing everyone around the
club during 2016.
January Compass
Gulls Tracks
Hello Ladies!
At the Gulls Board meeting on December 9 it was
decided that our usual biennial Dockside Yard Sale would
be rescheduled from March 2016 to March 2017. The
Yard/Dock sale requires a great deal of work on the part of
the Gulls, and we hope that more Gulls will be able to assist
with the sale in 2017. The December luncheon for the “ladies who lunch”
was held on December 16th. Outgoing President Joyce
Jenkyn inducted the new Gulls Board Officers:
President - Lynne Shackelford
Co-Vice Presidents - Terri Freiberg and Donna Wyatt
Treasurer - Jan Chabot
Secretary - Nancy Perrigo
Since this was the holiday luncheon, the focus was on a
White Elephant Gift Exchange. Each participant brought one
wrapped gift – either a gently-used item from home or a newly
purchased item. They received a number, and then selected a
gift when their number was called – either one of the wrapped
gifts or one that someone else had already taken! Of course
everyone left with a gift – and there was a lot of laughter during the “exchange!!” Some great gifts were exchanged, including a Battle of the Sexes game, fuzzy socks, two apron sets, two
great Tervis glasses (that were stolen from me!!), some alcohol,
By Tommy Meyer, Cruising Chair
What a wonderful Christmas party the
Cruisers had! Ray and Arline Cutro really put on the Ritz
for their last hurrah as Mr. & Mrs. Cruise Director. Thank
you for your hard work and a most enjoyable year.
As we enter another year of cruising, I am hoping
we have more participation than ever. Every endeavor
will be made to secure at least 10 slips for each and
every cruise. Hopefully that won’t be enough, which
will make me try harder to obtain more. Early sign-up
with Virginia (447-6000) is crucial toward achievement
of that goal.
Jan. 8 – 10 Marker One Marina; Trolley into Dunedin
for art festival and dinner
Jan. 29 – 31 Caladesi Island; Men’s breakfast cooking
contest, horseshoe contest, campfire evening dinner
Feb. 19 – 21 Pasadena Yacht Club or Gulfport Marina?
etc. Anne Burkel won $38 in the 50/50 drawing!
Our January 27th Ladies Luncheon will feature Dr. Pat
Snair from Back N’ Balance Chiropractic and Wellness
Center. She will be talking about stress and how it affects
our bodies. Dr. Pat has joined us previously and gives extremely useful advice.
At the February 24th Ladies Luncheon we will have Bernie
Filippi, of Bernie Filippi Photography in Tampa. He has had a
number of his beautiful nature photographs featured on several
major local stations, and will show us some of them. Mr. Filippi
will also give us hints on how to look for and take good pictures. For the March 16th Ladies Luncheon Chef Dawn Bause
will present a cooking demonstration: Quick, Easy & Elegant Party Appetizers. If you are interested in getting more involved in the
Gulls, please let one of our officers know – or just come to
any Wednesday gathering in the Gulls Nest at 10:30am and
stay on for lunch. The Gulls meet every Wednesday morning, whether it’s for a monthly Board meeting, a monthly
Gulls-sponsored ladies luncheon, or just for conversation,
planning or games, and then stay on for lunch. The Gulls are always looking for new ideas for programs
for the coming season, so please give some thought to
the kinds of things you would enjoy and let Terri Freiberg
([email protected]) or Donna Wyatt (mimi_wyatt@
aol.com) know!
Hope everyone’s Holidays were wonderful! Happy 2016!!
Joyce Jenkyn Gulls President 2014 & 2015
Feb. 27 Lunch cruise to the Pub
March 11 – 13 Treasure Island
April 1 – 3 Bradenton, Regatta Point Marina; De Soto
Seafood Festival
May 20 – 22 Longboat Key Moorings; Beach Party.
Start Extended Cruise
May 23 – June 5 Extended cruise; Boca Grande, Saint
Charles YC, South Seas Plantation, Venice YC, Field
Club and home
June 24 – 26 Tampa Yacht Club
July 22 – 24 St. Pete YC; Rays baseball game
Aug. 19 – 21 Cruise to Carlouel or Cruise-in to CYC?
Sep. 16 – 18 Riviera Dunes
Oct. 21 – 23 Field Club; Annual Cruise Party
Nov. 11 – 13 CYC Cruise-in?
Dec. 14 Cruisers Holiday Party
Looking forward to serving the Cruisers in the coming
year. Please join the next Cruisers meeting on Wed.,
Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m.
January Compass
By Mary Kay Delk, Bow Chasers Publicity
Who knows what the future holds?
It’s the start of a New Year and here is one prediction that
is 100% accurate: The Bow Chasers will continue to host
great parties and have lots of fun. To find out what your personal future holds, join us on January 26 as Jan Chabot welcomes us and a well-known medium peers into our future.
Here’s the Beef…and the Ham
The Bow Chasers’ annual holiday party was a smashing
success! We kept our tradition of inviting our sweethearts
to be our guests and went back to an old tradition—serving beef tenderloin and ham. Connie and Gordy Maynard
graciously hosted us and their home is perfect for parties.
Everyone is still talking about what a terrific time they had!
Yet Another Party
Holiday spirit was on display at the Bow Chasers’ holiday luncheon. Bow Chasers were decked out in antlers,
Christmas trees and Santa hats, with an unconfirmed ugly
sweater sighting. We took the opportunity to thank Dan
Geis, House and Grounds supervisor, for all his help.
New Year’s Resolution
Ladies, have you promised yourself that you will have
more fun or be more active in 2016? The perfect way to
fulfill your resolution is to join the Bow Chasers! We have
an excellent learn-to-sail program and lots of fun activities.
Interclub Race Results
Go Bow Chasers! We continue our winning streak at interclub regattas. Cathy McNally placed first and Lucille Gray
placed second at the Broad Reachers regatta at Pass-a-Grille.
January Schedule
January 5:
January 12:
January 19:
January 20:
January 26:
Race 1, Commodore Series
Race 2, Commodore Series
Race 3, Commodore Series
FWSA General Meeting, St. Pete Yacht Club
Race 4, Commodore Series and party
at Jan Chabot’s
Until next month, remember that the cure for anything is salt water.
Help CYC Turn Green
Clearwater Yacht Club
has gone blue to turn GREEN!
Check out the blue recycle bins on the dock
and at the Tiki Bar for all your throways in plastic,
glass, paper and steel.
Sponsoring recycling at CYC
for the month of January will be
Joe & Helen Correia!
Thank you, Joe & Helen!
January Compass
Save These Dates
Club Dining Hours
Tuesday-Thursday 11:30 am - 9:00 pm
Friday & Saturday 11:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday Breakfast 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tiki Hut Hours
Tuesday-Thursday 6:00 am -10:00 pm
2:00 pm - closing
Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am - closing
January Events
February Events
Friday 1st
Tuesday 2nd
Tiki open 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Hot Dogs & Brats
Club closed upstairs
Tuesday 5th
Bow Chasers Sail
House & Grounds 6:00
Wednesday 6th
Gulls Social 10:30
Membership 6:30
Thursday 7th
Land Cruisers 5:30
Saturday 9th
British Invasion Event
Sunday 10th
New Member Orientation 10:30
Tuesday 12th
Bow Chasers Board
Entertainment 6:30
Wednesday 13th
Gulls Board 10:30, Cruising 6:30
Jazz & Martini Night
Friday 15th – Monday 18th
Cruisers to Caladesi Island
Tuesday 19th
Bow Chasers Sail
Waterside 5:45
Book Club 6:00
Yachting 7:00
Wednesday 20th
Bow Chasers Race 5
House & Grounds 6:00
Wednesday 3rd
Gulls Social 10:30
Membership 6:30
Saturday 6th
Raising Hope MDR Luncheon
Sunday 7th – Sunday 14th
49er FX & NACRA 17
World Championships
Tuesday 9th
Bow Chasers Race 6
Bow Chasers Board 12:30
Entertainment 6:00
Wednesday 10th
Gulls Board 10:30
Cruisers 6:30
At the Dec. 17, 2015 Board of
Directors meeting, the following
new memberships were approved:
Edward & Bonnie Jesteadt
Howard LeVasseur
Charles & Alice McManus
Mike & Gail Nursey
Dennis & Kim Raymond
Lisa Simington & Paul Scharf
Gale Arnold & Randy Stein
Chris & Tracy Witherington
If you see the pineapple flag on
their tables, please introduce
yourself and give them a warm CYC
Saturday 13th
Valentine’s Dinner Dance
Sunday 14th
Valentine’s Sweetheart Dinner
Tuesday 16th
Bow Chasers Interclub Race
Waterside 5:45, Book Club 6:00
Yachting 7:00
Wednesday 17th
Gulls Social 10:30
LMWE Registration
Gulls Social 10:30
FWSA Meeting at SPYC
Thursday 18th – Sunday 21st
Thursday 21st
Thursday 18th
Laser Midwinters East
CYC committees
and organizations
Entertainment, Collin Heimensen
Finance, Richard Libonate
House & Grounds, Ed Proefke Jr.
Junior Activities, Fr. Bob Wagenseil
Membership, Tommy Meyer
Nominating Committee, Rowland Milam
Policy, Johnny Cardosi
Waterside, Skip Moore
Yachting, Tim Walsh
Policy 5:00, Board of Directors 6:00
Policy 5:00, Board of Directors 6:00
Saturday 23rd
Friday 19th
Cruisers to Pasadena or Venice YC
CYC Organizations
Tuesday 26th
Saturday 20th
Wednesday 27th
Sunday 21st
Bow Chasers, Sandie Ramsden
Cruising, Tommy Meyer
Gulls, Lynne Shackelford
Private Event MDR
Bow Chasers Sail
Gulls Sponsored Ladies
Luncheon 11:30
Sailors Table 7:00
Thursday 28th
Bingo Night 7:30
Friday 29th – Sunday 31st
Cruisers to Marker One
Marina Dunedin
Sunday 31st
Chili Cook-Off
The Mix Playing 1:00-4:00
Lasers Pasta Banquet Dry Dock
LMWE Race & Awards
Tuesday 23rd
Ship’s Store, Cindi Page
Bow Chasers Fun sail/Make-up
Trustees 5:30
Wednesday 24th
Photo Credits: Mary Kay Delk,
Pat Dowling, Linda Humphers,
Lynne Shackelford, Fr. Bob Wagenseil
Gulls Sponsored Luncheon 11:30
Sailors Table 7:00
Thursday 25th
Bingo Night 7:30
Saturday 27th
Cruisers Lunch, Cruise to the Pub
Co-Editors Tina Fitzgerald, Linda Humphers
The deadline for all copy, ads and
photos is the Friday following the Board
of Directors’ meeting each month.
January Compass
General Manager’s Letter
By Tom Brusini, General Manager
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope this letter finds you happy
and healthy as we move forward to 2016!
To all our members: thank you for a good year last year!
Like most things, we had our ups and downs…but mostly ups!
Your support of our dining operation – whether upstairs in the
Grille or Dining Room, or downstairs at the Tiki Hut or inside
the Dry Dock – helped make the year. Many of you supported
us by hosting your private parties here, from receptions to
birthdays to graduations, and most everything in between.
And to that, my able crew and I say thank you very much!
HIGH FIVE! No, not the celebration after a touchdown – it’s
our current membership promotion! What a super way to
introduce new friends to our family and be rewarded at the
same time. Remember, any class of membership can benefit by
sponsoring someone under this program, as long as the incoming member signs up as a full, voting member. Each new one
gets you a $500 food & beverage credit on your club account
once the sponsored member is aboard for 90 days…wow!
The Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of every
month at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.
All members and their guests are welcome to join.
After our book discussion, many of us stay for dinner.
We’d love for you to join us. Please call Virginia at
447-6000 for reservations. You do not have to read the
book to join and listen. Our discussions are stimulating
and fun. If you enjoy reading, this is the place to be!
All books are predetermined by the members prior
to discussion. Our upcoming meetings will feature the
following selections:
January 19
Under the Wide and Starry Sky
By Nancy Horan
Here comes January; get out your highlighters and mark
your calendars now:
Fri. 1st: Tiki Hut open from 10:00- 4:00; upstairs club closed for the holiday
Sat. 9th: British Invasion Concert - Rolling Stones & Beatles!
Wed. 13th: Martinis & Jazz
Wed. 27th: Gulls sponsored Ladies Luncheon
Sun. 31st: Chili Cook-Off in the Dry Dock!
I’ll supply all the details, as usual, but for now call your
friends, talk with your spouse or significant other, and plan
on attending some of the fun events we host here!
As to private parties, we already have many booked for
2016, so…if there’s a date you need available, best to call
now and see if it’s open. Look ahead to the birthdays and/
or milestone dates of the ones you care about, and plan on
partying here. Ask any member that’s hosted a private party
here before, and they’ll tell you what fun we have!
As always, thank you for your continued support of our fine club!
At your service, I remain
Tom Brusini
If you enjoy:
l Dining
l Telling sea stories
l Cruising in company with other sailboats
We’re gathering in the Grill on the 4th Wednesday of each
month 6:30 p.m. for drinks and blather, 7 p.m. for dinner.
Next Sailors’ Table will be Wed., Jan. 27
CYC has...
February 16*
By BonSue Brandvik
*Author BonSue Brandvik will discuss her latest novel
about the Grand Dame of hotels, the Bellevue Biltmore,
and the spirits that once roamed there. BonSue is a dynamic speaker and fun to listen to. She will also be our guest for
dinner so try not to miss this one!
For Super Bowl 50 Sunday February 7th
Party on the Patio !!!
January Compass
Who’s the Best
Chili Cook at CYC?
Date: Sunday, Jan. 31
El Mejor de Todos
— Best Overall
El Mejor Chile con Frijoles
— Best Chile with Beans
El Mejor Chile sin Frijoles
— Best without Beans
El Chile Más Singular
— Most Unique Chili
Las Mejores Decoraciones
— Best Decorations
Date: Saturday, Jan. 9th
featuring a club favorite,
the British Invasion
featuring music from the
Rolling Stones, The Beatles
and other British favorites.
Come prepared for a
groovey night of socializing
and dancing!
Clearwater Yacht Club
830 S. Bayway Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33767
Phone: 727 447 6000
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.clwyc.org
CYC Staff
Tom Brusini
General Manager
John Yingling
Executive Chef
Virginia Vollenweider Office Manager
Michelle Geis Accounting Manager
Dan Geis
Maintenance Supervisor
Lori HortonDockmaster
Wednesday, January 13th
Smooth jazz,
smoother martinis!
Want to make
Contact Virginia
in the office
at 727 447 6000 or
at [email protected].