September 2015 - St Paul Lutheran Church
September 2015 - St Paul Lutheran Church
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SARASOTA & Early Childhood Learning Center WhatsInside Thoughts from Pastor Lyle — Page 2 Spotlight on Ministry - Technology — Page 3 God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday — Page 4 Family Promise Giving Challenge — Page 7 SPARK Sunday school — Page 8 SEPTEMBER 2015 HARVEST CELEBRATION SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Witnessing • Sharing • Encouraging • Serving T e M ss ng r Plan on joining us on the St. Paul grounds following a combined worship service which will begin at 10:30 am. We will be providing fun for the whole family! Friendly faces, food and games are on the agenda for the afternoon. Our fellowship team will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers. We only ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to share with everyone. Please sign up ahead of the event in the Fellowship Hall or on the back of the Sunday Worship Info sheet so we are sure to have enough food on hand for everyone. Let’s share God’s bounty and goodness with each other! Back to School Project Thank You! Thanks to your generous donations, the St. Paul Lutheran Church family was able to supply the teachers at Alta Vista Elementary with much needed school supplies for the upcoming school year. Dr. Barbara Shirley and her staff are always so appreciative of the outpouring of help from our congregation. What a wonderful way to help our community and our church neighbors! Thank you for all your Dehea Smith, Assistant Principal Alta Vista; Pastor Lyle; Dr. shopping and your monetary donations, Barbara Shirley, Principal Alta Vista; Cindy Paxton, St. Paul which totaled over $700.00! Social Ministry; and Jackie Ekstrom, Social Worker Alta Vista Page 2 THE MESSENGER THOUGHTS FROM P ASTOR LYLE “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” --- Colossians 3: 12 Greetings dear ones! When it came time for me to sit down and reflect upon the subject of this newsletter article, my mind and my heart continued to draw me back to the subject of friendship. A friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg, even though you’re a little cracked. A friend is one who multiplies joys, and divides grief; one who understands our silence. My mind and my heart are still dwelling upon the recent loss of a dear friend named Bruce, my brother in Christ, a gentleman, a gentle friend. Gentleness allows us to be caring and nurturing to others. It helps us to stay calm and not escalate problems or push people’s buttons. It helps us to be an encourager and to build others up. My brother, my friend Bruce, truly exhibited gentleness… a gentleness that was always framed with compassion and kindness and with humility and patience. I miss him! Jesus said, “I am the vine and you are the branches.” Indeed, as the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran, and as a member of our church, Jesus is the vine, He is the very trunk of the vine and we all branch off of Him. As Christians, Jesus is that main connecting piece, which connects us to one another. Jesus says that the bond that holds us is love, and connecting in Christ’s love moves us from servants to friends. A great example for us to build strong connections to friends is the redwood trees which grow in California. These trees can be 18-20 feet in diameter on their trunk. And to support a tree like that you would think that the roots would need to be just as big if not bigger. However, the redwood’s roots only go down ten feet or so; they spread horizontally up to hundreds of feet. So what begins to happen is that the roots of the other trees around that tree begin to interlock with each other. They are holding hands underground. They grab on to each other for support, so when the strong winds and storms come they hold each other up. They need each other for survival. When we connect to Christ through our faith, we are then connected with one another. This week, this month, I encourage you to think about who YOUR friends are, and how you can bless them. Find ways in which you can intentionally bless them as your friend. I want to invite you to make the decision to have healthy and whole Christian relationships with others. Like those redwood trees, become interlocked with others as friends; as sisters and brothers in Christ. You will be blessed and you will be a blessing to others as you walk together in faith. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” See you around town! The Messenger is the newsletter of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Mailing address: 2256 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota FL 34239-2499 Telephone: 941-955-6479 Fax: 941-955-8600 ECLC Preschool 941-955-6480 Email: [email protected] Preschool email: [email protected] Council email: [email protected] Pastor email: [email protected] Web site: Editor: Debi Rado St. Paul Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA. Pastor: Reverend Lyle W. Truitt Executive Committee Michelle Moreno, president Clint Shantz, vice president Sue Scherr, secretary George Hutfilz, treasurer Congregation Council Judy Alberts, Judy Carnal, Pam Collis, Marilyn Hutfilz, Pam Jorno, Debra L'Heureux, Michelle Moreno, Nancy Neff, Jeff Page, Cindy Paxton, Clint Shantz, Sue Scherr, Pastor Lyle Truitt, Calvin Summerall, youth representative Ministry Team leaders Sharing & Caring – Betty Smowton Christian Education – Sue Scherr Communications – Sharon Wittren Early Childhood Learning Center – TBA Evangelism – Pam Collis Fellowship – Judy Alberts, Nancy Neff Finance – Jeff Page Food Pantry – George Hutfilz Outreach Ministry Fund – Curtis Swenson, Jeff Page Property – Dave Spitler Social Ministry – Cindy Paxton Stewardship – Debra L’Heureux Worship and Music – Marilyn Hutfilz Parish administrator – Arleen Austin The Messenger is published monthly and distributed without charge to St. Paul Lutheran congregation members and friends. Copyright ©2015 St. Paul Lutheran Church, Sarasota FL. Permission granted for reproduction of individual articles with credit to source. P. Lyle ST. PAUL MISSION STATEMENT As a Holy Spirit-led family of God, we are called through Baptism to proclaim and bear witness to God’s reconciling grace in Jesus Christ to all; so that by joyfully sharing God’s Word and encouraging each other to service for the sake of others, our lives together make a difference for Christ and His kingdom. Page 3 S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 Spotlight on Ministry UpDate Technology Ministry St. Paul’s Technology Ministry was created by the Congregation Council in August, 2013, to support the operation and maintenance of all technologies in use on the campus. These include the projection system, the sound systems, computer hardware and software, networks and routers, copiers, the telephone system, and miscellaneous A/V equipment. Musical instruments remain the responsibility of the Worship and Music Committee. We function similarly to the Altar Guild with our membership actively involved in the use of the various technologies. We meet periodically as necessary to discuss issues and plan for future technology enhancements. We report to the Congregation Council through the Finance Committee and are part of the Administration budget. Since our creation we have overseen a major upgrade to our sound system (but there is more to be done) and led the recovery efforts from the lightning strike this past June that damaged several thousand dollars of equipment and saw us without working projection screens for a few weeks. Currently we are evaluating enhanced church software that would enhance our record keeping and upgrade our presence on the Internet. We are also exploring phone system upgrades. We are always looking for additional volunteers, especially as screen operators on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact George Hutfilz, [email protected] or (941) 266-1905 to get started. As a result of the congregation members vote at the special meeting on July 19, the approved updates to the two air conditioner units are underway. It’s hoped to save money by doing away with the band-aid approach. There will be lots of exciting events and opportunities to share Gods love with each other and our community on God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday coming up in September. More on this elsewhere in the newsletter. We hope everyone will get involved! The annual Harvest Celebration is scheduled for September 27 (page 1). The 1st Sunday Pancake Breakfast in October proceeds will benefit the ELCA Global Missions. Enjoy good food and help others too. Win -Win! Save the dates are: October 18 - Bishop Schaefer will visit St. Paul October 24 - Conversation with Council, Noon preceded by lunch at 11:30 am Do you have what it takes? A search is underway for a fearless leader (or two) to head up the Fall Capital Campaign at St. Paul. More on the details later, but if you are interested and have the necessary skill and fortitude, please contact Michelle Moreno at [email protected]. Do you have the right stuff to be Our superhero? Page 4 THE MESSENGER SUNDAY • SEPTEMBER 13 It’s time again to join all our sister churches across the United States in this annual initiative of giving of our time and talents to the community! Reaching across generations to let God’s light shine, we would like to have our youth come together with a few adults and share some of the songs the youth learned at this year’s VBS with the residents at the Bahia Oaks Assisted Living facility on this special Sunday. We will also be doing another Water Distribution activity in our local parks on this Sunday. For Saturday, September 12, we are making plans for a Sunday School in the Park event to reach out to children in our community and extend some of the VBS fun! We will sing songs, share a Bible story and a small craft project. We hope to be setting a new table in the community where we can share God’s love and joy! Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Fellowship Hall with times and more details regarding these exciting upcoming events. You can also check with Debra L’Heureux or Pam Collis to find out more information. So please Save the Date, watch for more details being posted, and prayerfully consider taking part in at least one of these events. Have you noticed the latest St. Paul Education Building beautification project? Yep… it’s our own Joan and Conrad Hellwege adorning the windows. Rumor has it, they thought the tarps covering that same window were “ugly.” So, be careful what you comment on around here! I must say, they’re looking mighty fine! God of all creation, may those who faithfully believed in You on earth praise You forever in the joy of heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Rest in Peace ~ Good & Faithful Servants Bruce E. Hamilton July 23, 2015 Don Cedergren August 23, 2015 S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 Page 5 Page 6 THE MESSENGER Messenger Bulletin Board A place for St. Paul ministry teams and members to post brief church-related notices. To submit items, call or drop off written information at the office, including how to contact you, or email to [email protected]. The deadline is the 15th of each month. HELP WANTED ~ FOOD PANTRY Your food pantry ministry is in need of some additional volunteers on Saturday mornings between 8:00 am and 11:00 am. We need ten people each week to manage the distribution of food to our clients. While we have a corps of regular volunteers, its ranks have thinned with recent moves, and there are always conflicts when regulars are unavailable. If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact George Hutfilz, ‘Twas the day after Bible School and all over town, With a sigh of relief, we all settled down. Out to the golf course goes Pa in his cap, And back in the bedroom, Ma takes a nap. Gone Linda, gone Brenda, gone David and Johnny, Gone Margie, and Mary and Ronnie and Donnie. Gone stories, and puppets, and songs in the air, Gone paint under fingernails and paste in the hair. Rest sweetly, dear workers and wake with good cheer, For Bible School won’t come again for a year. As they drifted off, I heard them exclaim: “It was worth all the work and we’d do it again!” — Westmont Bapt. Church [email protected] or (941) 2661905. If you would like to check us out first, feel free to drop by on a Saturday morning, and we'll show you the ropes. Florida Women of the ELCA Fall Gathering the Lake Yale Baptist Retreat Center, Leesburg, FL, on November 13 – 15, 2015. For more information, grant application, and registration forms, go online to: 1st Sunday Breakfast If you gals are up for a weekend of workshops, fellowship, worship, and friends, then this is for you. The Fall Gathering will be held at Don’t forget on Sunday, September 6, fellowship will be serving breakfast from 9:15 to 10:30 am. As always, a freewill offering is accepted. Over 30 volunteers provided fun and learning and love to 50 to 60 children daily, Monday thru Friday. A big shout out to the station leaders: Barb Torrance - Base Camp, Barry Smith and Bob Fong Games, Jamie Furno and Jenna Furno - Imagination Station, Ann Olsen, Gail Seyfarth and Phyllis Shantz - Mountain Top Treats, Clint Schantz - KidVid Cinema, and John Beyer - Bible Expeditions. More thanks goes to Tara Eshenbach - music director, Rick & Sue Barry, John Beyer and Ron Torrance - awesome set decoration. We absolutely could not have been prouder of our youth volunteer group leaders (too numerous to mention by name—you know who you are!) who helped with the kids and kept them under control. Climbing Everest was an awesome adventure with God’s power to provide, heal, comfort, forgive and love! FROM YOUR FINANCE COMMITTEE Report for Year-to-Date July 2015 Income received: Expenses: Net (Loss) $ 195,158 $ 234,532 ($ 39,373) ECLC Net Income $ 16,991 SEPTEMBER 2015 September Celebrations! St. Paul members celebrating are: Sept 1 - Rhonda Holliday Sept 3 - Sue Fisher Sept 4 - John McAuliffe Sept 6 - Emilee Miller Sept 6 - Tamara Paolucci Sept 7 - Charles Kistner Sept 7 - Mary Marshall Sept 8 - Tonia Miller Sept 8 - Sharon Wittren Sept 9 - Jeffrey L’Heureux Sept 10 - Richard Olson Sept 14 - Mel Schwartz Sept 17 - Christine Danielewicz Sept 17 - James Luce Sept 20 - JoAnn Flanigan Sept 20 - Christina Paul Sept 21 - Cody Torrance Sept 22 - Lorraine Hughes Sept 22 - Nicole Riley Sept 22 - Barry Smith Sept 23 - Adelaide Coffin Sept 23 - David Holliday Sept 23 - Tess Vaessen Sept 26 - Mark Weber Sept 27 - Mary Innes Sept 28 - Marcia Eckhardt Sept 29 - Fern Leimkuehler Sept 29 - Eleanor Olson Sept 24 - Thad & Carolyn Masters Page 7 St. Paul Lutheran Church & Early Childhood Learning Center 2256 Bahia Vista Street, Sarasota FL 34239 Phone 941-955-6479 Fax 941-955-8600 Preschool 941-955-6480 E-mail [email protected] Website Rev. Lyle W. Truitt, Pastor Sunday Schedule 8:30 am Traditional Worship 9:35am Spark Sunday School (age 9-12) 10:00 am Children’s Bible Class 10:30 am Contemporary Blended Worship Sunday school Begins September 13! Who: ages 9 - 12 Where: st. paul library When: 9:35 - 10:25 am Why: to learn about jesus How: with a great new age appropriate curriculum No experience necessary. Will train. Contact Sue Scherr by either email or phone if you are interested. By email @ [email protected] or phone 262-818-0499.
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T e M ss ng r - St Paul Lutheran Church
Sharing & Caring – Betty Smowton
Christian Education – Sue Scherr
Communications – Sharon Wittren
Early Childhood Learning Center – Pam Jorno
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