40years - NCMC Foundation
40years - NCMC Foundation
Spring 2015 • Volume 5 • Issue 1 years ON 19 true north TI NCM 40 C F O U N DA 75 - 2015 Celebrang Healthcare Philanthropy 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala. . . . . 13 Cover photo courtesy of Juan Leal NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Transforming local healthcare through philanthropy Cover photo courtesy of Juan Leal. 2014 Grants and Scholarships Help Purchase the Very Best Diagnostic Equipment . . . . . . 10 In This Issue Letter from Foundation Leadership 2014 Grants and Scholarships NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy Board Member Profile Celebrating our accomplishments. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 How we’ve grown from 1975 to now. . . . . . . . . . 3 Western States Burn Center Wheeler Award Recipient Stacie Hubbard, RN with Western States Burn Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 NCMC Foundation Gala Honored for Second Consecutive Year Gala recognized by professionals in the special event industry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Does Your Will Create Peace? Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 NCMC Foundation Grants $1,244,256 in 2014! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Meet John Haefeli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Sets Attendance and Fundraising Record 725 guests generate $230,000 for NCMC Cancer Institute plus Gala photos, sponsors and committee thank you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 17th Annual Turkey Trot Raises Funds for CardioVascular Institute of Northern Colorado 3,600 participants came out to trot . . . . . . . . . 35 2014 Donor Recognition Thank you to all our generous donors. . . . . . . . 39 Show Your Love Event Raises Funds for Breast Cancer 400 guests attend event at the Union Colony Civic Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street | Greeley, CO 80631 Ph: 970.356.9020 | Fax: 970.350.6723 [email protected] Visit our website www.ncmcfoundation.org The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation promotes philanthropy to enhance and ensure the health and well being of the people in our region. 2015 NCMC Foundation Board of Directors Front row from left to right: Masoud Shirazi, Rose Stoller, Jean Morrell, Sally Warde, Al Dominguez-NCMC, Inc. Board Chair. Top row from left to right: Benjamin George, MD, Chris Kiser-Foundation President, John Haefeli, Steve Baker, Peter Martin, Tim Brynteson, John Dollarhide, Curtis Crylen, MD. Not pictured: Ray Cullen, Ryan Kamada, Royal Lovell-Board Chair, Marcus Reinhardt, MD, Dale Richardson, Rick Sutton-CEO Banner NOCO, Stephanie Torrez. Letter from Foundation Leadership We hope you enjoy the Spring 2015 issue of True North, as we have included many photos from the 2015 NCMC Foundation Gala, which by all accounts was a tremendous success. A record 725 people attended the 26th annual event, and a new fundraising standard was set with $230,000 in net proceeds for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute. Over the years, the NCMC Foundation Gala has become one of the top fundraising events in northern Colorado! Chris Kiser Foundation President I want to thank the 2014 Foundation board chairman, Ray Cullen, for his excellent guidance and leadership over the past year. Ray is the Executive Director of Business Development and Marketing at Hensel Phelps. His experience in both the business and nonprofit world was a major asset to the Foundation board and his leadership skills were greatly appreciated. Fortunately, Ray will remain active on the board, serving as immediate past chairman on the executive committee. I also would like to welcome Royal Lovell as the 2015 Foundation board chairman. Royal brings outstanding leadership qualities to the board, as he is President of Flood and Peterson. We look forward to continued excellence from our Foundation board leadership under Royal’s guidance. Speaking of excellence, your contributions to the Foundation make a significant impact on the overall operations of NCMC. While change remains constant in the healthcare world, experts seem to agree on one issue: reimbursements will decline, and hospitals nationwide will look to philanthropy more than ever before to provide needed funding. In healthcare philanthropy, a contribution of $1 is equal to $22 in goods and services. That is a considerable return on your philanthropic investment in our local healthcare! In 2014, the Foundation made grants to NCMC departments and internal programs totaling $1,244,256. These grants purchased important equipment like technological upgrades and new equipment for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute; architectural improvements for the Sunrise Monfort Children’s Clinic; and AEDs for the Heart Safe City program. A complete listing of the Foundation’s 2015 grants appear on page 10. All of these grants were made possible by your generous contributions to the NCMC Foundation! In addition to internal grants made to NCMC, the Foundation also administers the NCMC, Inc. Charitable Fund. This fund is designed specifically to fund worthy nonprofit organizations and initiatives in Weld County. The Charitable Fund is managed by the NCMC, Inc. Board of Directors, led by Inc. board executive Ken Schultz. In 2014, the NCMC, Inc. Charitable Fund made grants totaling $192,852 to Weld County nonprofits in categories like education, healthcare, social services, and community outreach, and supported numerous benefits, galas and fundraising dinners. Combined, that is an astounding $1,437,108 that the NCMC, Inc. Charitable Fund and the NCMC Foundation contributed to nonprofit organizations and healthcare initiatives in 2014! In an era of economic uncertainty, we are pleased to be a major source of support to essential nonprofit organizations and services in our community. We value your contributions; they DO make a difference! Thank you for your continued generosity to the North Colorado Medical Center Foundation. Chris Kiser NCMC Foundation President 2 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Letter from Foundation Leadership 19 years ON NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy F O U N DA TI NCM 40 C 75 - 2015 Celebrang Healthcare Philanthropy Pictured are Dawn of A New Era Campaign Chairman Norman Dean (far right) and members of the Executive Committee of the Weld County General Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, ca. 1977. Front row from left to right: Wendell Fuller, Sylvia Webster, Edwin Lesh, Jr. Back row from left to right: Roberta Ruyle, Edwin Boos, Edgar (Lefty) Bartels. The year 1975 conjures up a variety of emotions in many Americans. The long struggle in Vietnam ended with South Vietnam surrendering to North Vietnam. President Gerald Ford was our nation’s 38th president, becoming the only person to serve as Vice President and President without being elected by the Electoral College. The economy was plagued by inflation and a recession. The median United States household income was $11,800. Head coach John Wooden captured his 10th and final NCAA basketball championship at UCLA. A company named Altair was selling home computer kits that allowed consumers to build and program their own personal computers. A new comedy show called “Saturday Night Live” debuted on NBC. Richard Stenner, circa 1980 Meanwhile in Greeley, Colorado, Weld County General Hospital administrator Richard Stenner was formulating a plan that continues to have a significant impact on local healthcare philanthropy over forty years later. In 1974, Stenner showed amazing foresight when he charged associate administrator Wendell Fuller with the task of organizing a volunteer committee to examine the potential for forming a philanthropic support group that would allow Weld County residents to support their local hospital. Stenner’s prescient rationale for developing an independent, nonprofit fundraising organization was that people were unlikely to donate money to a county governmental entity. Additionally, potential donors would be uncertain as to how their gifts might be used unless an organization separate from the county was established to make allocation and investment decisions. Simply put, a philanthropic recipient for charitable dollars, to be used to supplement the hospital’s budget, needed to be created. “I saw the hospital as a valuable community asset. At that time, Medicare and Medicaid were relatively new and uncertain government programs,” said NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy continued Stenner. “We wanted to keep our support local, and not depend on the government. The Foundation stepped in to take care of our community. Private fundraising helped provide financial support to the hospital as well as our citizens.” In February 1975, the Hospital’s Board President Kent Reitz, along with Wendell Fuller, sought approval from the Weld County Commissioners for the formation of a charitable foundation to support the work of the hospital. The commissioner’s approved the Hospital Board’s request. In August 1975, the Foundation’s first Steering Committee meeting was held. The meeting was attended by Bill Ankeney, Bud Etherton, Mildred Hansen, Ed Husted, Clark Weaver, Sylvia Webster, Patsy Zick and Wendell Fuller. On December 3, 1975 the Weld County General Hospital Foundation was formally incorporated, with Wendell Fuller serving as the first Executive Director. Mildred Hansen and Lawrence McArthur, The organization’s goal was honorary co-chairs of the Dawn of a to raise private support to New Era campaign. enhance the quality of care delivered at Weld County General Hospital. Foundation highlights over the past forty years include: 1994-1996 1980-1985 “Dawn of a New Era Campaign” – Chaired by Norman Dean, the campaign raised more than $2 million for healthcare services at NCMC. 1986-1992 Richard Boettcher Ken and Myra Monfort “Setting the Course in Healthcare Campaign” – under the leadership of Richard Boettcher, the campaign generated $4.3 million in support, including the construction of NCMC’s northwest wing, as well as a very generous gift from Ken and Myra Monfort for the Monfort Family Birth Center. 1987-2006 Dr. Richard Kemme, center, speaks at the grand opening of the Monfort Children’s Clinic. Seated at left: Richard Boettcher and Rolf Brende. At right: Kay Kosmicki. “Monfort Children’s Clinic Campaign” – Chaired by Dr. Richard Kemme, the campaign raised $6 million to build, furnish, operate and fund an endowment to support the Clinic’s efforts to provide medical care to our community’s children in poverty. The clinic is named in recognition of a $1 million gift from the Monfort Family Foundation. The Clinic is now operated by Sunrise Community Health. The NCMC Foundation grew from $2.1 million to $14.3 million in assets. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy continued 1994-2001 that detects eye diseases and disorders in children from ages 2 to 6. 2004-2008 Joyce and Joel Rothman Will and Anne Rothman “Chaplaincy Campaign” – Chaired by Joel and Joyce Rothman, the campaign raised more than $1.7 million to fund an endowment and additional support for employment of hospital chaplains, who provide comfort and spiritual support to patients and their families. This nationally unique program is named the Will Rothman Family Chaplaincy, in honor of Will and Anne Rothman, who provided the campaign’s lead gift. 1996 “Second Century Campaign” – Chaired by Mike Shoop, the campaign raised more than $5 million to support the construction of a 300,000 square foot addition to the North Colorado Medical Center. The Second Century Project included the creation of the CardioVascular Institute, expansion of surgical services, emergency department, Monfort Family Birth Center and the new Idris Kendrick McArthur Chapel. Mildred S. Hansen Estate Gift of $1.5 million – to fund scholarship programs. At the time, the $1.5 million gift was the largest in the Foundation’s history. Over the years, the Hansen Scholarships have annually funded a four-year scholarship and two two-year nursing scholarships that pay tuition, fees, books and a stipend. Mike Shoop overlooks the construction of the Second Century Project. Susan Todd, Mick Todd, Tate Todd, Dayna Bedingfield, John C. Todd at the chapel dedication ceremony 2001 Curtis Strong Estate Gift of $2.15 million – the largest single gift in the Foundation’s history – funds a number of eye-related programs in the community. With this gift, the Foundation established and operated the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Curtis Strong Impaired, a program which enhances the sight and life skills of the visually impaired through advice, training and tools. It is now operated by Ensight Skills Center, Inc., but receives its operating funds from the Curtis Strong Eye Fund. The Eye Fund also funds programs for adults to obtain eye examinations and eyeglasses in addition to a program 2006-2010 “Campaign for the Western States Burn Center” – The Foundation raised $1.5 million to support the expansion of the WSBC, the premier burn center in the eight state Rocky Mountain Region. The center grew from 2,000 to 12,500 square feet and was equipped with the very latest in burn treatment technology. Western States Burn Center grand opening with Kathryn Palmer, RN; Ken Schultz, NCMC, Inc. Executive Director; Rick Sutton, CEO Banner NOCO; Rebecca Garber, NP WSBC; Cleon Goodwin, MD WSBC. NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy continued 2013 2015 NCMC Foundation Gala – A record 725 people attended “The Great Gatsby” themed black-tie fundraiser, with an all-time high of $230,000 in net proceeds raised for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute expansion initiative. Heart Safe City Representatives Lt. Bill Diershow, Dawn Olson, the late Donna Sapienza, Chris Kiser, Mitch Wagy “Heart Safe City Campaign” – The Foundation launched a campaign and has raised nearly $122,000 to purchase and place AEDs in all schools and public gathering spots in Greeley, as well as funded continuing education for CPR training. Greeley became the second city in Colorado to be designated as a “Heart Safe City” and the program was adopted by the McKee Foundation in order to place AEDs throughout Loveland. 2014 “Cancer Institute Campaign” – The Foundation launched a $2 million fundraising campaign as part of a $10 million renovation, expansion and technological upgrade project for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute. Since its humble beginnings in 1975, the NCMC Foundation has raised an astounding $50 million in private philanthropic support for North Colorado Medical Center. Additionally, it has nearly $20 million under management, and in 2014, the Foundation granted over $1.2 million to various NCMC departments for the purchase of needed equipment, programs and scholarships. As we look to the future, the NCMC Foundation will remain true to the vision of its founding members by partnering with the hospital to ensure that physicians, nurses and clinicians have the facilities and leading-edge technology and equipment they need in order to provide excellent patient care. “Providing national class patient care is capitalintensive. A hospital can’t afford to buy all the new technologies it needs out of its operating budget,” said NCMC Foundation president Chris Kiser. “I like to think of the Foundation as providing the margin of excellence, just like Mr. Stenner envisioned in 1975.” North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute expansion 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NCMC Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Healthcare Philanthropy Western States Burn Center Wheeler Award Recipient Stacie Hubbard, a registered nurse in the Western States Burn Center (WSBC) was the annual recipient of the Wheeler Award. Hubbard has been a staff RN in the WSBC since 2006. She is a credentialed Advanced Burn Life Support educator and holds critical care certification as well. Hubbard is very active in outreach education and support of the burn center. The Wheeler award was established by Dr. James R. Wheeler in 1993. Dr. Wheeler is credited with starting the burn unit at North Colorado Medical Center in 1981 with the assistance Stacie Hubbard of Dr. Tad Gilmore and Dr. Richert Quinn. This annual award was created to recognize individuals with outstanding dedication to burn care. Senior staff of the Burn Center select the recipient each year. The award was presented to Hubbard by Anne Wagner, MD, the new Medical Director of the WSBC. Dr. Wagner became the Burn Center Medical Director in September 2014 and is joined by Dr. Edwin Garcia as her partner. Stacie Hubbard (second from left) accepts the Wheeler Award from Western States Burn Center staff: Lori Worthman, RN; Anne Wagner, MD; Maggi Basinger, RN Director. NCMC Foundation Gala Honored for Second Consecutive Year The 2014 NCMC Foundation Gala, “Masquerade in Venice,” received the Best Entertainment Concept and Execution Award at the 16th Annual Icon Awards Gala, held March 6, 2015 at the Grand Hyatt Denver. This marks the second consecutive year the NCMC Foundation Gala received the award. The 2013 “Indian Bazaar” themed Gala was also recognized with the award, which is sponsored by Colorado Expression and Confetti Magazines. The Icon Awards Gala, emceed by Denver CBS news anchor Ed Greene, honors the best and brightest special event professionals in the Denver region. Over 500 people attended the “Fifty Shades of Play” themed awards ceremony. The 2014 NCMC Foundation Gala, “Masquerade in Venice,” was chosen over several hundred entries submitted by special event professionals. A panel of nationally recognized special event planners served as judges. The “Best Entertainment Concept and Execution” award is based on overall creativity, originality, and overall integration of elements and execution of an event. Jerry Barnett, Diana Wood & Paul Borillo “We are honored to have won the award two years in a row,” said Diana Wood, NCMC Foundation Director of Special Events and Marketing. “It’s wonderful to be recognized and honored by professionals in the special event industry. Moments Notice Entertainment and Paul Borillo Entertainment are great to work with; it’s amazing seeing our vision come to life each year.” The 2014 NCMC Foundation Gala netted $220,000 for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute, which will assist in technology upgrades as part of a $10 million renovation. Western States Burn Center Wheeler Award & NCMCF Gala Honored. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Does Your Will Create Peace? Frank Stepp, Sr. Vice President, Thompson & Associates Your actions today will dictate how your family will be effected after you pass. A little preparation today can save the ones you love the most from needless anger, misunderstandings and stress. Here are a few thoughts that can make things easier for your heirs, just as they would have Mr. Cooke’s heirs: In life, Jack Kent Cooke was a successful business man. He built businesses and winning teams, most notably the Washington Redskins. In death however, his will created chaos. By the time he died of a heart attack in April 1997, the 84-year-old Mr. Cooke, a high-school dropout who got his start by peddling encyclopedias door to door, had amassed a $1.3 billion collection of media companies, sports teams and real estate. But he also left a convoluted will, amended eight times (some of the revisions were selfdrafted) and seven executors. Over the next 30 years the babyboomer generation will pass on some $35 trillion in assets, representing the biggest potential intergenerational wealth transfer in history. • Have your will drafted by an estate planning attorney Frank Stepp Family fighting tied the estate up for seven years, involved dozens of lawyers, $64 million in professional fees and, in the end, bound the family together despite bitter divisions. Family stress was never Mr. Cooke’s desire but his poor planning resulted in a legacy of pain and bitterness between the people he loved most. Expert economists estimate that over the next 30 years the baby-boomer generation will pass on some $35 trillion in assets, representing the biggest potential intergenerational wealth transfer in history. Your estate may be a part of that $35 trillion. • Review the will every 5 or 6 years, or after a major life change • Clearly express your wishes in the will and other memorandums • Name only one executor (preferably not a family member) • Name alternate executors or successor trustees • Dispose of personal property prior to your death You will leave a legacy. The question is what legacy will you leave? NCMC Foundation offers an estate planning service through Thompson & Associates. You can meet with Frank Stepp in the Foundation offices to review your current will or make plans for a new one. There is no obligation on your part and everything you say is held in confidence between you and Frank. Once you have finished meeting with Frank you will have peace of mind and a comprehensive estate plan recommendation that tells your story and reflects your values. You can then take those recommendations to your attorney for drafting. Frank Stepp is a certified estate planning consultant with Thompson & Associates. His services are provided free-of-charge to friends of North Colorado Medical Center Foundation. If you are interested in a free, no obligation appointment with Frank to discuss wills, trusts, or estate planning, please contact Donna Benson at 970-350-6773 or [email protected]. 8 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Does Your Will Create Peace? Show Your Love Event Raises Funds for Breast Cancer Dancers perform during the finale at the Show Your Love breast cancer benefit. The “Show Your Love” breast cancer benefit was held February 7 at the Union Colony Civic Center. This marks the 3rd annual event sponsored by The Conservatory Dance Studio and Loveland Dance Academy, with proceeds benefitting breast cancer research and support groups. Nearly 400 guests attended the event, which featured high-quality performances from regional dance artists and musicians, along with a silent auction. Linda McSwain, co-owner of The Conservatory Dance Studio and Loveland Dance Academy, described how the event was started and what it means to her. “In 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The following year was a year of surgeries, treatments and life-threatening complications. It was during this time that my dance business partners, Katie McSwain-Hiatt and Jenni Leinweber, started their first fundraisers in 2006,” she said. “Together, Katie, Jenni and I have been able to use the performing arts, and particularly dance, as a means to reach out to organizations that support those undergoing breast cancer treatment, as well as supporting organizations that work towards finding a cure. We hope “Show Your Love” will become an inspiration for others - either to become involved or to be a part of our audience.” Proceeds donated to the NCMC Foundation benefit the NCMC Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Support Group, to provide assistance to qualifying women undergoing cancer treatment at North Colorado Medical Center. This assistance provides support for patients at a time when they need it most. The “Show Your Love” breast cancer benefit is pleased to be able to donate $1,141 to the NCMC Foundation from the 2015 show. The NCMC Foundation is grateful to Linda McSwain for her partnership and support! Show Your Love Event Raises Funds for Breast Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2014 Grants and Scholarships NCMC Foundation Grants $1,244,256 in 2014! The North Colorado Medical Center Foundation funds lifesaving and life-changing programs both at North Colorado Medical Center and in the community. Included among the many grants made in 2014 were funds to purchase the very best in diagnostic and medical equipment at NCMC, scholarships to support individuals pursuing a degree in healthcare and continuing education funding for NCMC professional staff. Your contributions truly make a difference in our hospital and community! Here is a breakdown of our 2014 grants and scholarships: $576,268 to support the renovation, expansion and technological upgrade project for the NCMC Cancer Institute. $211,852 to NCMC departments to support the Hospitality House, Monfort Family Birth Center, Western States Burn Center, CardioVascular Institute Heart Conference, Heart Safe City Program, Emergency and Trauma Care Symposium, North Colorado Med Evac flight suits, ophthalmologic slit lamp teaching aid, Doctor’s Day appreciation, Weigh & Win kiosk, NCMC staff education and Hospice of Northern Colorado. $120,000 for the Monfort Children’s Clinic to fund architectural and plaza upgrades, to include pedestrian walkways and landscaping for the new family medicine clinic, Sunrise Adelante, which opened in December 2014, adjacent to the Monfort Children’s Clinic. The family medicine clinic completes the healthcare campus, which includes the Monfort Children’s Clinic and Sunrise Family Dental Clinic. 10�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2014 Grants and Scholarships $93,228 in patient support programs for qualified individuals. Support includes purchasing specialized burn garments for burn outpatients, assistance with living expenses for patients undergoing various cancer treatments, fitness programs for Cardiac and Pulmonary patients, medical transports and patient education materials. $110,000 to support low vision services provided by the Curtis Strong Center for the Visually Impaired, as well as adult eyeglass and eye surgery programs. $74,555 in scholarships awarded to qualified individuals in the community and employees at North Colorado Medical Center who are pursuing a career in healthcare. $43,114 to support the Will Rothman Family Chaplaincy program which provides hundreds of patients and families the opportunity to receive emotional and spiritual comfort when facing illness, injury, major surgery, or after learning of a life changing diagnosis. $15,239 for one time prescription assistance through the Med-Aid program to people in Weld County who have an urgent medication need, but no way to cover the cost. 2014 Grants and Scholarships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Board Member Profile Meet John Haefeli John showing off his fly-fishing catch from the Yampa River in Steamboat Springs, CO. Talk about half full, John Haefeli’s cup is overflowing. He is, self-prescribed, the “most fortunate human being on the face of this earth.” It’s rare to see him not smiling. Haefeli is a man that doesn’t see barriers, he sees opportunities—and the rest of us benefit from that. The Haefeli’s “adopted” twins, Ashley and Nicole Larson. Delia trekking in Nepal. Whether it’s students who had him as a teacher or a coach, or fellow board members from a number of organizations around town—Chamber of Commerce, Greeley-Evans School District and Catholic Community Services, and of course the NCMC Foundation to name the most recent—everyone who knows Haefeli appreciates him. Haefeli is a native of Greeley and grew up with his brother Joseph, sister Ann and his parents Julianne and Joseph—his father was Dr. Joseph Haefeli, a respected optometrist in town. The family was well known in Greeley for their extensive community involvement. His parents played an integral part in determining Haefeli’s life path as a teacher and instilling his own desire to serve his community. “My parents legacy of giving back is really profound for me. They created a family expectation to do what was right. I remember bouncing around the back of my mom’s Rambler going from place to place while she founded Head Start in Weld County or raised money and awareness for the Guadalupe Shelter or Catholic Community Charities. She also served on the NCMC, Inc. Board for over 20 years and was a lobbyist for the American Health Association. She still inspires me,” he said. Haefeli “hangs his hat” on being a District 6 educator for 25 years. He taught social studies in middle school and high school, finishing his career at Greeley West. Currently, he serves as an adjunct faculty member at University of Northern Colorado’s School of Teacher Education, a position he has held for four years. Haefeli attended both Colorado State University and UNC. He received his undergraduate degree in history from CSU, and his master’s in education administration from UNC. He played baseball at CSU and later scouted for the Chicago Cubs and coached baseball at UNC. Today, he stays active in sports by serving as an official for college basketball games at home and across the nation—something he’s done the last 37 years. He also works sports into his busy volunteer schedule. He’s the site director for the CHSAA “A” state high school basketball tournament in March at the Budweiser Center and also the “AAA” state baseball tournament in May in Greeley. Haefeli met his wife, Delia, as a fellow teacher at Maplewood Middle School in 1991. They married in 1993. Delia is currently a math teacher as well as a cross-country and basketball coach at Winograd K-8. She grew up in Kremmling, Colorado. John officiating basketball game at University of Denver. The two are “very comfortable in the outdoors” and enjoy hiking and fly-fishing together. Even though they never had children of their own, the couple became “parents at 52.” They “adopted” two former Greeley West students who were on their own after high school. “We have surrogate twins—Ashley and Nicole—who we became very close with when they were freshman in high school. They come to us for moral support. We are a harbor in the storm and a warm home and meal,” he said. Haefeli joined the NCMC Foundation Board in 2011. He sees the Foundation as committed not only to bettering the hospital, but to improving the whole of Greeley. “I believe the only way we can move from good to great in our community is to make our institutions stronger,” he concluded. 12������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Board Member Profile 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Sets Attendance and Fundraising Record The 26th Annual North Colorado Medical Center Foundation Gala, presented by Noble Energy, netted a record $230,000 for the North Colorado Medical Center Cancer Institute on January 31st. Over 725 guests turned out for the “The Great Gatsby” themed black tie affair held at the Embassy Suites in Loveland. Long time NCMC Foundation Board Member and community leader, Masoud Shirazi was honored with the Foundation Legacy Award, presented annually to an outstanding individual or organization for their distinguished service and commitment to improving healthcare in our region. “The annual NCMC Foundation Gala isn’t your typical black tie fundraising dinner,” said Diana Wood, NCMC Foundation Director of Special Events and Marketing. “It’s truly a unique event, which has evolved into one of the largest special events in our region. It’s a memorable evening as we raise money for the NCMC Cancer Institute, honor the Foundation Legacy Award recipient, and celebrate the excellence of NCMC and Banner Health.” Proceeds from the 2015 Gala are directed towards technology upgrades and expansion of the NCMC Cancer Institute, with a $10 million renovation that began in the fall of 2014. The NCMC Foundation has launched a capital campaign to raise philanthropic support for the Cancer Institute, which will provide the latest in cancer treatment technology to patients at NCMC. Guests were treated to 1920’s gourmet cuisine and specialty drinks; the opportunity to bid on nearly 100 one-of-a-kind silent auction items including suite seats at premiere sporting events, artwork, spa packages and much more. The evening also featured Greeley Unexpected artist Armando Silva, who painted and auctioned an original art piece while onlookers watched his performance during dinner. Entertainment highlights of 2015 NCMC Foundation Legacy Award Honoree “The Great Gatsby” featuring Masoud Shirazi and wife, Vonda The Cotton Club Review included a stilt walker, Erte models, aerial lyra, tap, a Cab Calloway number and other performances reminiscent of the Roaring 1920’s. A lucky guest won a beautiful 1920’s styled 27-inch strand necklace of 7mm white pearls with a rose overtone, in a matinee length with a 14 karat white gold clasp valued at $2,500 courtesy of Weiss Jewelers of Greeley. The NCMC Foundation, founded in 1975, has served as NCMC’s philanthropic partner in supporting healthcare at NCMC and in the community. During that time, the Foundation has been entrusted as stewards of over $50 million in charitable gifts. For further information, go to www.NCMCFoundation.org. All gala photos courtesy of Juan Leal. 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mitch & Bobbie performing a number to Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing. 14�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Sarah Kaplan & Brad Schlesinger Gaming Table Fun Jim Chick & Stephanie Betz Rod & Carol Salter Erte Model 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Illeane & Stan Podolski Aerialist Specialty Drinks Centerpiece 16�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Finished painting by Armando Silva. Armando Silva Painting Live 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bryan & Krista Haubert Silent Auction NCMC Foundation Staff: Chris Kiser, Diana Wood, Randie Lieser, Amy Gomez, Michelle Booren, Donna Benson, Kyle Holman 18�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala A record 725 guests enjoyed the evening. The Cotton Club Review Juliana performs a number. 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chris Page dances to Bye Bye Blackbird. Dr. Richard & Maureen Pancini, Cathy & Harry Spurrier 20�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala The Shirazi Family: Marc Shirazi, Michael Shirazi & Kelsey Kopasz, Hossein & Christy Shirazi, Vonda & Masoud Shirazi. Matthew & Emily Shirazi, Kelsey McElhinney, David Shirazi Kendall & Matt Reck Karen & Dr. James Speed 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ErinStacy & Dr. David Ritsema Alton as Cab Calloway A unique silent auction item from Joseph Phelps vineyards CEO Banner Health Northern Colorado Rick Sutton, and his wife, Bonnie Avs package in silent auction 22�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Ryann & Dr. Curtis Crylen Royal & Angela Lovell Brook Payne, Sally Warde, Devon Carr Mia & Tim Clancy 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The Cotton Club Review Autumn Loder & Natalie Morehead Michelle & Scott Rettmer, Bonnie Sowder Patrick Pollock & Dee Cancino, Autumn Loder & Nick Raschke, Natalie Morehead & Todd Wolff 24�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala John & Wendy Sparks Travis & Jennifer Gillmore Dr. Richard Halbert & Janice Ranson Sheri & Dave Bressler Zeynep & Keith Evans Pat & Pam Daniel 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Joe Newby & Stacey Oster, Jim & Annie Reagan, Marrisa O’Dell, Jennifer & Craig Rasmuson, Alyson Nicole & Matt Owens Jeff Anderson & Sueann Swetzig Steve & Julianne Fritz Jeanne & Dr. Randy Hatch, Ashley & Logan Richardson, Dr. Jason & Katrina Hatch 26�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala The Cotton Club Review Suzanne & Rick Ketchem Lourdes & Jose Amaya Trudy & Wes Sargent Erte Model 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Drs. Susan & Doug Carter, Cindy & Dr. Jim Wolach, Beth & Jim Hall, Christine & Dr. Greg Goodell, Drs. Nikki & Steven Sides Jeff & Angela Solomonson Dr. Danielle Doro, Dr. Matt & Rebecca Ledges, Dr. Elisa Dannemiller, Dr. Jill Hanck 28�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Dr. Benjamin & Bleny George, Kristi & Russ Smart Michael Shirazi & Kelsey Kopasz Rick Sutton, John D’Angelo, Roberta Bean, Bruce Rippe, Maggi Basinger, Suzanne Ketchum, Mary McCabe, Wendy Sparks, Rebecca Hamblin, Jordan Aslor, Kim Stefan, Marilyn Fain, Julianne Fritz, Kelly Hurt, Mary Scannell 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gina & Greg Pickerel Jenny Stigall, Haley Faulkner & Caitlyn Dehn Erik VanDecar & Gina Olivo Amber & James Hardy Ryan & Kayla Kamada 30�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala Gloria & Ernie Ybarra Stacey Oster & Joe Newby Ted & Sandy Carter Dr. Ahmed Sherif & Rabia Haderi Greeley native Hunter Hall performs with the Cotton Club Review Tiffany & Jason Hettinger 1929 Gardner 26th Annual NCMC Foundation Gala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 SEVEN TEEN TH A nnual Turkey Trot raises funds for CardioVascular Institute of Northern Colorado The NCMC Foundation, along with the CardioVascular Institute of North Colorado at NCMC hosted the 17th Annual Turkey Trot, presented by Noble Energy on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014. Thanks to all that volunteered or participated in the event! Pictures from the event can be viewed at https:// ncdigitalworks.shutterfly. com/communityraces. Nearly 3,600 registrants participated in the event, which is one of the largest Turkey Trot events on Thanksgiving Day in Northern Colorado! Over $50,000 in net proceeds will be utilized to assist Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation patients. A big thank you to the over 200 volunteers that are needed to make the event so successful! Security, North Colorado Family Medicine, Plant Services, Volunteer Services and Wellness Services. The finish line! The dedicated members of the committee that made the event so successful are: Nicole Alessi, Paul Bakes, Mary Branom, Allison Bruce Miller, Susan Bush, Craig Dekraai, Kathy Foy, Linda Hepperle, Kathy Hope, Chris Kiser, Juan Leal, Clinton May, Tasiah Martinez, Kathy Miczulski, Dawn Olson, Lynne Parks, Wendy Polulech, Sarah Redl, Heather Schminke, Carol Smith and Diana Wood. For those employee volunteers that took time out of their holiday on Thanksgiving Day to make this event successful, we thank you! The event has the fantastic support from MANY different departments within the hospital. We would like to extend a special thanks to the following departments for their support, dedication and hard work: Administration, Environmental Services, Food and Nutrition Services, NCMC Foundation, NCMC Heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in the United States. It’s estimated that 80,000,000 American adults (1 in 3) have one or more types of cardiovascular disease. Approximately every 25 seconds, a person will suffer a cardiac event; approximately every minute someone will die from one. There are 195,000 silent heart attacks each year and the estimated average number of years of life lost to a heart attack is 15 years. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the United States and also causes long-term disability. The number of people who have COPD is on the rise with more than 12 million who are currently diagnosed. It’s estimated another 12 million may have COPD and not realize it. Lung disease affects more than just the lungs, but the entire body. The brain, heart, muscles and all organs are affected by less oxygen. For more information on the NCMC Cardiac or Pulmonary Rehabilitation programs, please call 970-350-6204. All photos courtesy of Juan Leal. Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot continued Runners anxious to get started Little gobbler Dressed for the occasion Getting a lift! Dr. Matthew Uyemura tries to keep up! 36������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot continued Almost to the finish line! Getting a helping hand ErinStacy, Asher and Dr. David Ritsema Keeping the stride Chase & Kaela Yoder, Cayman Yoder, Chandler Yoder, Julie & Warren Yoder Foundation Board member Jean Morrell Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Seventeenth Annual Turkey continued Runners of all ages participated. Ready for dessert 38������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Seventeenth Annual Turkey Trot 2014 Donor Recognition Gift of $25,000 or more Banner Health - North Colorado Medical Center Knights of Swallows NCMC, Inc. Noble Energy Orr Land Company Gift of $10,000 to $24,999 Acklam Corporation Advanced Medical Imaging Consultants Carrico Family Foundation DCP Midstream, LP First National Bank Halliburton HollyFrontier Corporation The Human Bean Jerome Charitable Lead Trusts Kaiser Permanente Dr. Richard J. and Mary Kemme KP Kauffman/ Kauffman Well Service Francis M “Mike” and Marilynn Loustalet Beverly A. Peratino Power Services Company Michael and Lori Shoop Professional Finance Company Carroll V. and Jean SoRelle Spradley Barr Ford Lincoln of Greeley, Inc. Curtis Strong Estate Todd Family Foundation Gift of $5,000 to $9,999 A & W Water Service, Inc. BBVA Compass Bonanza Creek Energy Bouchard-Bates-Ripsam-Boxleitner Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Shirley Brand Estate Cementer’s Well Service Foundation William Patrick and Pamela C. Daniel Bill and Donna Dosch Flood and Peterson Yaron Goldman Hensel Phelps JE Dunn Construction Adolfson & Peterson Construction Agfinity Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Ancon Construction Applied Control Ardent Services Audubon Engineering Baessler Homes, Inc. Steve and Teresa Baker Banner Medical Group - Western Region Basic Energy Service Daniel and Teresa Beckle Donor Recognition Area in the main lobby of NCMC Alison Jo Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Community Foundation Mineral Resources, Inc. Rick Montera Northern Plains Trucking PDC Energy, Inc. Phelps-Tointon, Inc. Rain for Rent Craig and Jennifer Rasmuson Wenaas Family Foundation Gift of $1,000 to $4,999 Adamson Funeral & Cremation Services Beebe Draw Farms Authority Bill and Kris Bensler Dr. David and Melinda Blatt Allan and Lisa Bliesmer Boston Scientific Corporation/ Mansfield George and Karin Boughter Boulder Associates, PC Briggsdale Gas & Go Bucklen Equipment Company, Inc. The Bucklen Foundation Cache Bank & Trust Cade Drilling Calfrac Well Services Corporation Cementer’s Well Service, Inc. CMS Mechanical Services, Inc. Coan, Payton, & Payne, LLC 2014 Donor Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Donor Recognition continued Colorado Financial Management, Inc. Columbia Management / Reagan Shopp Comprehensive Risk Services Connecting Point Corpac Steel Countyline Security Storage, LLC / Lohmann-Tenorio Family C R Gdowski Properties, LLC Craftworks Foundation Crothall Healthcare Dr. Curtis E. and Ryann L. Crylen Ray and Tracy Cullen Tracy A. Damrell and Barb Johnson Dance Dream 3 Studios, LLC Dare Co. The Dean Charitable Foundation Denver Health Medical Center Dragon Products Richard and Kay Drake Dreyfus Investments EagleMed, LLC East Morgan County Hospital Scott and Holly Ehrlich Ensign Environmental Designs Extraction Oil & Gas, LLC FCI Constructors, Inc. Fiske Electric Fort Morgan State Bank Walter M. Francis Martin N. Gaither Dr. Benjamin and Bleny George Travis and Jennifer Gillmore Gray Oil Co./Rex Oil Co. Greeley Independence Stampede Guaranty Bank and Trust Art Guttersen Dr. Richard E. Halbert and Janice K. Ranson, Esq. Harper Livestock Company Paul and Mary Henneck Hospice of Northern Colorado, Inc. Innovest Portfolio Solutions, LLC John Elway Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Michelle Joy Jay and Susan Kackley Kenny Electric Service Key Energy Service Kimzey Casing Service Nick and Kay Kosmicki Christina P. R. Kuehster LaSalle Oil Company Laser Oilfield Services Mary Lauer Leed Energy Services Leprino Foods Company Liberty Oilfield Services Jeffrey and Jennifer Losh Royal and Angela Lovell LSI Insurance Agency, Inc. M & M Excavation Company Robert and Susan Majerus McAlister’s Deli McKee Medical Center Meadow View of Greeley Med-Trans Corporation Medtronics Meritage Midstream Mom 365 Mountain States Casing Company NCMC Volunteers NGL Water Solutions DJ, LLC Ron and Vicki Norby North Central Chapter Colorado Oil & Gas Association North East Chapter Colorado Oil & Gas Association Northeast Colorado Regional Emergency Medical and Trauma Advisory Council, Inc. Northern Colorado Paper Inc. Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital Ogallala Community Hospital David and Jennifer Owens PCS Ferguson, Inc. Gary and Amy Perl Dr. Arnold E. Pfahnl Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association, Inc. Power Service of Colorado / Tom Brue Reck Flyers LLC Restoration Logistics Ruth Rice Estate Dr. David and ErinStacy Ritsema Roche Constructors, Inc. Rocky Mountain Inspection Services, Inc. Ken and Pat Schultz Sears Real Estate Secure Energy Services Select Energy Services Shirazi Benefits, LLC SilverEdge Silverline Services Sodexo Healthcare Services Jeffrey and Angela Solomonson Dr. Sheldon Stadnyk and Lisa Wetherbee Sterling Regional Med Center Ellen E. Stewart and Donald R. Vancil Summit Pathology Rick and Bonnie Sutton Synergy Resources T.R. Robel Services Inc. Tarpon Energy Services, LLC Robert and Diane Tateyama TCBY TEAMHealth Tetra Tech TIC - The Industrial Company Trinity Housing Corp of Greeley Rick and April Tucker Dr. Gene and Julie Tullis UBS URS Corporation Rev. Dr. Mark and Geneva Weiler Weld County Garage Wells Fargo Bank Jeff and Anne Wenaas White Cliff Pipeline, LLC Drs. D. Craig and Vicki Wilson Eric and Andrea Wilson Wood Group - PSN Scott D. Wright Robert and Deborah Younger Gift of $250 to $999 James and Phyllis Alles Anderson & Whitney Matthew and Tonya Anderson B & J Hot Oil Service Dr. Shane Banks Marjorie L. Basinger 40�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2014 Donor Recognition Donor Recognition continued Bell Helicopter Darrell and Donna Benson Blackeagle Energy Services Clifford and Mary Lou Bobier Dick and Irene Boettcher Dick and Irene Boettcher Fund at the Community Foundation Kevin and Karen Bothwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Boudreau Rev. Rolf V. and Julie Brende Matthew and Sonja Brucklacher Caldera Event Group, LLC Dr. Vicki L. Callahan and CJ Callahan ccrd partners Certified Prosthetics & Orthotics, LLC Steve and Betsy Clark Colorado Doorways, Inc. Julie Cozad, Weld County Commissioner and Larry Cozad Dana Orthodontics Dan and Cyndi Dennie Dr. Gregory and Amber Denzel Drs. Scott K. Dhupar and Maromi Dhupar-Sakurai Nettie O. Dodge Nathan and Jennifer Downey C. William and Debbi Eastwood Ehrlich Toyota M. Margaret Eisenman Empire Electric Inc. Marilyn G. Fain Farmers Bank Cynthia Feis Dr. Juliet H. Fried Steven and Julianne Fritz Jeanie K. Gallagher Leslie Gann-Exner Chris and Carolyn Gdowski Michael and Helen Geile Janet M. Givens Sharon K. Gleason Westlake and Karen Goehring Anna L. Greenawalt Georgia A. Gutierrez Matthew B. Hailey Dr. Riley and Kristin Hale Jim and Beth Hall Laurie A. Hamit Hampton Inn & Suites Wendy Harrison Karen W. Height Paul and Erica Herman Jason and Tiffany Hettinger High Sierra Water Services, LLC The Hillrose Fire Department Dr. Cecilia M. and Mr. Joseph Hirsch Kyle and Kristen Holman Mark and Enita Hout Nancy A. Howes J & M Machine, LLC Sadat Kamandy Richard and Julie Klein Diana L. Krausnick Samuel Lafata LaSalle Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Charles and Bernadene Leffler Helen P. Lohnes Jody L. Leonnig Life Care Center of Greeley Alicia L. Loschen LT Environmental Drs. Maurice and Marianne Lyons Jerry Maltos Peter and Beth Martin Barbara J. Masters Russell L. Mayer Jack and Mary McCabe Nate McCorkell Patricia McNulty-Collins Cecil and Joanne McPherron Scott W. McPherson Michelle L. Miller Ty and Stacey Miller Morning Fresh Farms, Inc. Pete and Jean Morrell Chris Morris Deborah L. Murphy N Line Electric, LLC National Inspection Services, LLC Craig and Anne Nerby Rod Noble OtterCares Foundation The Perl Group - Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Juanita Peters Plains Marketing L.P. Bill and Joan Popejoy Leiton Powell Ram Swab Services, LLC Reliance Industrial Products Ltd. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Richards RK Mechanical, Inc. RMH Group, Inc. Rocky Mountain Emergency Vehicles Rocky Vista University, LLC Dr. James M. and Barbara Sando SBJ Child Development Centers, Inc. Mark A. Scanniello Randy Schoenecker Mildred E. Schroetlin Kari G. Seay Tim and Rachel Shannon Marcia L. Siebring Dr. Ted and Caryl Sills Smart Management LLC John and Wendy Sparks Sports Authority Sunrise Community Health, Inc. Timothy P. Swain Dr. Marsha Tallman Donald and Mary Tennessen Thomas & Tyler, LLC Mick and Susan Todd Clifford J. Trausch Michael and Jill Trotter Valerus Dr. Carol S. Vanetti and Mr. Jerry Wones Vygon USA Washington County Golf Club Gene P. Weber Winograd Middle School Volleyball Team Wireless Advanced Communications Dr. James W. and Cindy Wolach Mike and Diana Wood Work Out West (Greeley) Ernie and Gloria Ybarra Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Young 2014 Donor Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 North Colorado Medical Center Foundation 1801 16th Street Greeley, CO 80631 Upcoming Events Estate Planning Service Monday, April 20 & Tuesday, May 26 by appointment Meet individually with Frank Stepp, Senior Vice President with Thompson & Associates. The program is a free service provided to the community by the NCMC Foundation. For more information about the service or to schedule an appointment with Mr. Stepp, please contact Donna Benson at 970-350-6773. North Colorado Med Evac Golf Tournament Monday, June 8 The golf tournament benefits North Colorado Med Evac air medical transport program at NCMC. Location: Greeley Country Club – AM and PM tee times available. Contact Diana Wood at 970-395-2687, [email protected] or go to www.ncmcfoundation.org to register.
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