21/08/15 - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
21/08/15 - Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
What’s On at GMAS Georgiana Molloy Anglican School A school of The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc) P O Box 920 Busselton WA 6280 www.gmas.wa.edu.au FOR YOUR DIARY PRINCIPAL WEEK 6 Monday 24th August English & Science Tutorials Yr 7-12 in Library 3.30-4.30pm Tuesday 25th PP-Yr 6 Assembly 2.25-3.05pm English Essay Skills Tutorial (ATAR only) ENG4, 3.30-4.45pm Wednesday 26th Secondary School Athletics Carnival Maths Tutorial MAT3, Yr 7-12 3.30-4.30pm Thursday 27th SOSE Tutorial in Library Yr 7-12 3.30-4.30pm Friday 28th Yr 3-6 Chapel 12.00-12.30pm PP-Yr 2 Chapel 1.10-1.30pm Term 3 Concludes Friday 25th September Term 4 Commences Tuesday 13th October Friday 21st August 2015 Registration for GMAS has been completed this week. The process is quite rigorous and all encompassing. There are specific standards that need to be addressed and evidence provided to show how we meet the standards. Files documenting this evidence had to be sent ahead of time and then a panel of independent staff come down and interview relevant staff in regards to the standards and evidence provided. The panel also tour the school and look at new buildings erected since the last visit and practical areas, with a view to looking at the safety and health requirements. Our Chair of Council, Mrs Eleanor Lewin was also involved in the panel questions in regards to the Governance of the school. The Executive team involving Mr Pablo Sandor, Father Earle Chamberlain, Mr Phil Deroost and me had the pleasure of talking with the panel at various times throughout the day, and in particular, on the tour of the school. I was so proud to showcase the facilities, the grounds, the students and staff of GMAS. I organised for several Student Leaders to come and talk with the panel at morning tea. The girls: Rani and Ashleigh (Year 9) and Isabella and Amy (Year 12) acquitted themselves admirably and were honest and open in their answers about the school, their work and directions they hope to take in their education. Heads of School: Mrs Campbell, Mr Whirledge, Mrs Ness and Mr Treloar all had a role to play in panel discussions and queries. Year Co-ordinators: Ms Creswell and Mr Bland shared their ideas and experiences with their students, as too did Ms Trewarn and Mrs Pates providing another cross section of year group Leaders across the school. Father Earle, Mr Deroost and Mr Sandor had other sessions with the panel in looking at Pastoral Care, Student Learning, Curriculum and Financial Management over the course of the day. In summary, the panel were very impressed with the presentation of the school – the grounds, the facilities, and the general “vibe” of the school. They were very positive in their notes about the students and staff, too. GMAS will get written confirmation of the length of time we will be registered for in the near future. I would like to acknowledge and thank Mrs Mary Fairhead for her tireless work in collecting and collating all of the evidence needed for this registration process and making sure we met the deadlines set, also Mrs Eleanor Lewin, Chair of GMAS Council for her support and help throughout this process, also the Executive team for all their endeavours leading up to and on the day. Ms Jo Burns Acting Principal Student Absentees [email protected] Administration Student Services Registrar Accounts Dept Uniform Shop Café 97525 252 97525 270 97525 237 97525 273 97525 204 97525 203 UNIFORM SHOP HOLIDAY HOURS Monday 12tth October 10am-3pm https://www.facebook.com/ georgianamolloyanglicanschool?ref=hl Student Absentees Parents are reminded to ring Student Services on 9752 5270 by 9:00am and advise your child’s name, year group, reason for absence and estimated length of time your child will be absent from school. Currently, the school is experiencing a high number of unexplained student absentees each day as a result of parents not advising the school. The school has a duty of care to account for each absentee on a daily basis, and the volume of unexplained absences requiring telephone contact has increased significantly. This has impacted on the school’s capacity to clarify each unexplained absentee in a timely manner. We urge parents to advise the school in advance if your child will be absent. During Semester Two, the school will start using SMS to contact parents if an “unexplained” absence has been recorded in our system. Once this system is operational, parents will receive an SMS to confirm an unexplained absence. The school will advise parents via the Newsletter once this system is operational. Page 2 What’s On at GMAS DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Athletics Carnivals The Junior School athletics carnival unfortunately had to be cancelled due to bad weather and has been rescheduled for Friday 28th August. Families of Year 4 have organised a cake stall and sausage sizzle. Wednesday 26th is the Secondary School carnival and families of Year 7 are providing a cake stall. At both carnivals we invite parents to join the P&F for a morning tea in the MAC. Mrs Vogel and the team have been working tirelessly towards these days and it would be great for parents to come down and support their children. Remember that it is a school day so please can I ask that all students attend school unless it is unavoidable. CAFÉ ROSTER Speed Limit in the Carpark Please note that the speed in the carpark is 10Kph. It is very important that drivers stick to these limits for the safety of the children here at school. Thanks to those that observe these limits. MONDAY 24TH AUGUST Louise Gardner and Dana Taylor The Three Musketeers The time is finally here! The school production, The Three Musketeers, is taking place Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Good luck to Mrs Thompson, Mr Watts and the cast, all your hard work to get to this point will be worth it. Please support the school musical by coming along. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. TUESDAY 25TH Catherine Scott and Chantelle Pirikahu Some of the comments from Thursday night’s show are: “If you aren't already booked in to see the 3 Musketeers do yourself a favour and change your weekend plans. You'll be greatly disappointed if you miss out. Bravo cast and crew.” “Congratulations GMAS Drama, Arts and Music Departments and whomever else was involved! My face hurts from laughing!” “Congratulations music and drama crew, brilliant work.” “A big congratulations to our amazing director Mrs T and her awesome team – what a fantastic night of entertainment!!!! The set, costumes, talent, entertainment and laughs are abundant. It is one of the best performances to date and it all came together beautifully. Well done one and all!!!” WEDNESDAY 26TH Maike Lawrence-Brown THURSDAY 27TH Roz Sapsford and June Maideen FRIDAY 28TH Robyn Feutrill and Aleisha Whitehouse Mr Phil Deroost Acting Deputy Principal SENIOR SCHOOL TISC Talk – On Tuesday night Year 12 students and parents were treated to a highly informative information session on the Universities application process. This talk and information on the scaling process plus a course finder are on the TISC website: www.tisc.edu.au. A video of the talk will also be posted on the s-drive for students who missed the talk, or may wish to refer back to it later in the year. Thanks to all the students and parents who attended, there were some great questions at the end and the feedback from all attendees was that it was a very worthwhile exercise. ATAR Students have received their TISC booklets and registration letters this week through Home Rooms. Registrations have opened and the TISC booklets detail the timelines for the process. Application fees apply, and late fees for late applications/changes. Athletics Carnival – Next Wednesday is the Athletics Carnival. Fingers crossed for some good weather and great competition and House Spirit. Nominations have been done and all students should be competing in at least 1 event unless they bring a note regarding medical exemption. Sports uniform should be worn and only designated Cheer Squad members can dress up in House themed costumes. Other students can wear their House coloured tops and coloured Zinc and House coloured streamers are OK, but nothing that covers their uniform (unless they are a designated Cheer Squad member). Costumes must be removed before competing for safety reasons, so Cheer Squad members will need to have a sports kit available for when they are competing. My need for impartiality prevents me from saying GO MEELUP! Uniform matters – It is pleasing to note an improvement in a number of highlighted aspects of uniform as the year has progressed. One issue that still needs addressing is the requirement for boys to be clean shaven. We have a number of students who attend school (some repeatedly/regularly) in an unshaven state. Please support us in this regard by reinforcing this message at home. Students have been warned/reminded of this rule, and actions will result if it persists. Sailing to success – last week I mentioned in my article that Caelin Winchcombe (Year 10) was competing in the Laser 4.7 World Sailing Competition in the Netherlands. His placings included: 2 x 1sts, 3rd and 4th (in 11 races) and he finished 18th/65 in Gold (top) Division (out of 250 International competitors in all). A great result for Caelin (and Australia). Super Scientist – Tait Jeffries has been selected for the National Youth Science Forum to be held at Australian National University in January 2016. Well done Tait for earning this place in a field of 1,200 applicants nationally. Caelin Winchcombe WACE Revision Courses – ATAR Advantage, who have run revision courses locally in Terms 1 and 2 this year, will be running final WACE exam preparation programs over the last two weekends in October. Details will be published when they come to hand. continued Page 3 What’s On at GMAS SENIOR SCHOOL continued Adventurous Journeys – The Duke of Edinburgh Awards and Outward Bound Australia have developed a 6-day program specifically for Award Participants to complete their Adventurous Journey Section or Residential Project. Outward Bound will run an exploration camp from their Walpole base from Tuesday 29th September – Sunday 4th October 2015. Please see me for more details. World Underwater Hockey Championships – Tate Strudwick (Year 12) and Natalie Iredale (Year 10) recently returned from representing Australia at this competition in Spain. Tate’s team, one of 8 in the U23 competition came 4th, beating New Zealand (in extra time with Aus 3 and NZ 2) along the way. This team has never beaten NZ, and they were the Gold medalists last competition. The three teams that won Gold, Silver and Bronze, were Columbia, Netherlands and Great Britain (who beat Aus 1-0 in the playoff for Bronze), and Tate’s team lost only by one goal to each of those teams throughout the competition. Underwater Hockey is big throughout Europe and South America, so hats (or caps?) off to the girls for finishing 4th. Natalie Iredale’s team came 7th, which is also a fantastic effort as the team was comprised of very young players (the range for the U19 team was 13yrs to 18yrs). On to the next World titles! (which will be held in Hobart in 2017). Great work girls! Mr Steve Treloar Head of Senior School Tate Strudwick and team mates STUDENT LEADER PROFILE Hi, my name is Amy Bolton and I’m the Student Representive Council (SRC) President at Georgiana Molloy Anglican School. I am in charge of the Student Representative Council, which consists of 2 students from each Year Group in Secondary School. I enjoy socialising with interesting people and learning new skills. The best part about being a Leader is being able to give the students a voice (through the SRC) and allowing them to make positive changes to their school. Being a Leader has made me a more confident person and has exposed me to many great opportunities, such as meeting other Leaders from around WA. MIDDLE SCHOOL House spirit is building! With the Interhouse Athletics Carnival approaching next week the Middle School Student Leaders decided to organise a series of House challenges for each year group in the Middle School during Home Room. This week students were involved in a “pass the balloon” relay (they were only allowed to use their elbows). The cheering and competitiveness was shining with Flinders winning in Year 7 and Eagle in Year 8. These events will continue for the next couple of weeks with points being added to the overall House totals. Congratulations Congratulations to Ella du Preez who represented WA recently in hockey (details in the Co-curricular report) and to all who competed in the Busselton City to Surf Fun Run last Sunday. Huge congratulations to all students and staff involved in the Three Musketeers – a wonderful production and an absolute credit to all. Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm. Science Week This week has been National Science Week and the students have been involved in a range of science activities, quizzes and more. Thank you to Mr Hamish Gibson and the Science Department for providing our students with these opportunities to learn about and understand Science in a different way. Uniform A reminder that students may only wear sport uniform to school if they have Physical Education Period 1 and may wear it home if they have PE at the end of the day. The sport jacket is only to be worn over a jumper; it is not to replace the school jumper. “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.” Tim Duncan Mrs Lisa Ness Head of Middle School Page 4 What’s On at GMAS YEAR 7 COORDINATOR English in Year 7 This week the Year 7 cohort is finishing a unit on newspapers and the media. We have been learning how to identify parts of the newspaper and have been especially focusing on writing newspaper articles. We had a test based on this on Tuesday, which was a CAT (Common Assessment Task). This means the marks achieved will contribute to the student ranking. Next week we will publish the three best achievers for this CAT. Beyond Bullying As a part of the Beyond Bullying project the Middle School teachers have been using the resources provided by the Friendly Schools Plus Team from the Telethon Institute, in Health lessons this term. The lessons should promote resilience and strategies to deal with bullying. Students have already completed the initial survey and will complete the same survey in less than a year from now. We are now halfway through the term, and it’s certainly a busy time of year, with the School Production, the Athletics Carnival next week and many assessments due, all in addition to usual commitments. Efficient time management is essential, so we encourage all students to utilise their diaries when recording homework, assessments and upcoming commitments. Miss Steph Cresswell Year 7 Coordinator Brook Jeynes, Cara Ringrose and Rose Hindle in an English class JUNIOR SCHOOL The Weather is One Thing the School Still Cannot Control This morning as I walked to my office, I noticed the beginnings of the wonderful pink blossom that will soon be in abundance within the school grounds. It reminds us, that despite all the recent Wintery weather, Spring is just around the corner. Unfortunately, the sunshine did not arrive in time to save our Junior School Athletics Carnival. We apologise for the inconvenience. However, our primary concern must be for our students and with The Bureau of Meteorology forecasting a 95% chance of rain with showers and a possible storm, gusty winds and potential hail for Friday, we were left with little choice but to delay the Carnival until next week. At this stage the forecast is favourable for Friday 28th August. MUMPS: NOTICE TO PARENTS At this stage, there has been an unconfirmed, potential case of Mumps within the Year 3A class. Conclusive results will not be available until next week. The Mumps virus is spread on airborne droplets (e.g. through coughing or sneezing) and individuals can be infectious for up to 7 days prior and 9 days after swelling of the glands. Symptoms include fever, headache and swelling of the glands. While there is no specific anti-viral treatment, suspected cases should be referred to your GP. For more information: http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Healthy-WA/Articles/J_M/Mumps Sporty Stuff Congratulations to all those students that ran in the Busselton City to Surf. With over 60 competitors, GMAS had great representation at the event and I commend everyone for their wonderful spirit. Indeed, one parent went to the trouble of writing in to let me know that the behaviour and support offered by our students was exemplary. Well done! Incidentally, one of our mums, Belinda Dennis, was first woman across the line in 51.55mins. Maddie Fenwick also deserves specific mention for her selection in the WA Under 13 State Hockey Team (Maddie is still Under 11)! This is an incredible achievement and we wish her well competing on the East Coast in the holidays. Other Events Three Musketeers – The Primary School enjoyed a wonderful matinee viewing of this production. Friday and Saturday nights are your last chances to watch this spectacular performance. Book week is almost upon us, see flyer on next page of this What’s On to see what is planned! GMAS will send five teams up to Bunbury on 30th August to compete in Tournament of Minds. Good luck to them all! The GMAS Ball takes place on 5th September and raffle tickets are still available at the front reception. Some incredible prizes. 4th September will our be Fathers’ Day Stall. Keep the ‘spring’ in your step and smile, a new season is just days away! Mr Rob Whirledge Head of Junior School Page 5 What’s On at GMAS EARLY CHILDHOOD We have hit the half-way mark of Term 3! And what a term it has been. Bunnings visited the Pre-primary classes this week to help students create wonderful gifts for Father’s Day. It is lovely for GMAS to be visited by community organisations and we really value these special partnerships. Plans are already underway for the next Bunnings project. It is wonderful to see classes continue their learning through investigations. The creative work produced really showcases the skills and content knowledge of each and every student. It is great to observe children when they are engaged in rich, inspiring learning activities. Skills such as memory, self-regulation, oral language, and social skills, as well as literacy and numeracy skills are practiced and mastered during investigations. The children’s experiences shape their motivation and approaches to learning, such as persistence, initiative and flexibility; in turn these dispositions and behaviours affect their learning and development. A gentle reminder to parents and students that the play equipment is out of bounds before and after school, even when parents are supervising. During these times there are limited staff members on duty. Please respect and understand that this is an important duty of care issue, and we want to prevent unnecessary accidents. Book Week is next week at school. After recently having the dress up day for Book Fair, it has been decided that we will not be dressing up for Book Week this year. I am conscious of putting pressure on parents and students to find/create an additional costume so close to the last one. I apologise for any inconvenience caused, as I know some families have received flyers from classroom teachers. Mrs Snee has organised for an Early Childhood picture book to be produced by students, so I encourage your children to contribute their fantastic ideas. See flyer below. Mrs Kathryn Campbell Head of Early Childhood Books Light Up Our World CBCA Book Week 2015, 22nd - 28th August This year the Children’s Book Council of Australia is celebrating its 70th Book Week! The GMAS Library is going to produce two books celebrating the Book Week theme – ‘Books Light Up Our World’. Students from Years 3-12 are invited to contribute a story or piece of writing with a connection to the joy, discovery or enlightenment that can come from books and reading. These pieces can be fiction of any genre or non-fiction and should be submitted to the Library by Friday 28th August, preferably by emailing to [email protected]. We will need volunteers to help type up hand-written work submitted by junior students. If you can help, please email this address. In Early Childhood we are going to produce a picture book on this theme. Students from Kindy-Year 2 are invited to contribute a picture or story. Please bring your picture to the Library by Friday 28th August. These books will be available for purchase by parents in Term 4. Mrs Snee and Mrs Pollock GMAS Library REGISTRAR ENROLMENT INFORMATION Student Departures 2015 The school is currently in the process of organising its classes and timetables for 2016. If you are aware your child is not returning to GMAS in 2016 can you please inform Mrs Victoria Kearns, Registrar on 97525237 or [email protected]. Enrolments 2017 Applications are now open for parents who wish to enrol their son or daughter (who are currently not attending GMAS) at the school for Year 7, 2017. Please contact Victoria Kearns, Registrar on 97525237 or [email protected] for an application or further information. Mrs Victoria Kearns Registrar School Special 740 – Minor time changes only. School Special 741 – Will now travel via Geographe Primary School and undergo minor time changes. School Special 742 – Will no longer travel via Geographe Primary School.. School Special 742 will undergo a route change in Geographe to use Marine Tce and no longer serve Milward St, Hester St, Willmott St, Gannet Ct, Silver Gull Ct, Avocet Bvd and Dotterell Cr. Timetables and maps showing the changes are available online at www.transregional.wa.gov.au . We wish to advise there have been minor adjustments to the bus services, effective Monday 24th August 2015. These changes are as follows: What’s On at GMAS Page 6 School 740 am Abbey & Vasse 7:45am Bussell Hwy near Bell St, Via Bussell Hwy, L Bussell Hwy, L Busselton Bypass Rd, 7:53am R Lakeview Bvd, R Parkview Bvd, R Elijah Cir, R Campbell Blvd, L Arnup Dr, R Heritage Dr, L Kaloorup Rd, L Rendezvous Rd, L Belltonia Way, R Red Gum Way, L Rendezvous Rd, L Paperbark Way, 8:10am R Kookaburra Way, R Whitemoss Dr, L Kookaburra Way, L Peppermint Way, L Rendezvous Rd, L Queen Elizabeth Av, R Busselton Bypass, R Country Rd, R Bussell Hwy, R Joseph Dv, R Hawker App, Need More Information Call us 13 62 13 Visit us on line Transregional.wa.gov.au Lost Property Call Swan Transit 9753 7500 TransBusselton Bunbury St Busselton WA 6280 School 740 Abbey and Vasse to GMAS School 741 West Busselton to GMAS School 742 Geographe & BSN to GMAS Effective August 24th 2015 Busselton areas to GMAS Georgiana Molloy Anglican School R William Dr, 8:35am L Alan St, L Bussell Hwy, School 740 pm Abbey & Vasse 8:05am 3:28pm R Broadwater Bvd, Georgiana Molloy Anglican L Falcon Dv, School, R Hadfield Av, L Hawker App, L Hamilton Wy, L Joseph Dv, R Bignell Rd, L Bussell Hwy, R Fairway Dv, L Country Rd, 8:15am L Bussell Hwy, R Pickmore Crc (clockwise), L Queen Elizabeth Av, R Fairway Dv, R Rendezvous Rd, L Melaleuca Dr/Clydebank Av, R Peppermint Way, R Recreation Lane, R Kookaburra Way, L Queen Elizabeth Av / Grace Ct R Whitemoss Dr, (Cornerstone College stop), L Kookaburra Way, R Queen Elizabeth Av, L Paperbark Way, L Bussell Hwy, R Rendezvous Rd, R Joseph Dv, R Red Gum Way, R Hawker App, L Belltonia Way, Georgiana Molloy Anglican School R Rendezvous Rd, 8:30am R Kaloorup Rd, School 741 pm West BSN R Heritage Dr, 3:28pm L Arnup Dr, R Campbell Bvd, Georgiana Molloy Anglican School, L Elijah Cir, L Parkview Blvd, L Hawker App, L Lakeview Blvd, L Joseph Dv, L Busselton Bypass, L Bussell Hwy, R Bussell Hwy to a stop near Bell R Queen Elizabeth Av, St. 4:10pm L Grace Ct, via Grace Ct / Queen Elizabeth Av, School 741 am West BSN R Clydebank Av, 7:55am R Recreation Lane, West Busselton Primary School, R Queen Elizabeth Av, via Bower Rd, L Melaleuca Dr, L Bussell Hwy, R Fairway Dr, L Craig St, L Pickmore Crc (clockwise), L Manson St, L Fairway Dv, L Bower Rd, L Bignell Rd, R Glenleigh Rd, L Hamilton Wy, L Earnshaw Rd, R Hadfield Av, R Alexander Rd, L Falcon Dv, L Hutchins St, R Broadwater Bvd, R Dereck St, L Bussell Hwy, R Dolphin Rd, R Alan St, L Geograph Bay Rd, R William Dr, L Silver Glen Av, L Silver Glen Av, School 742am Geographe and Busselton 7:50am From a stop on Layman Rd near Sandilands Bvd, via Layman Rd, L Keel Rt, U turn via Keel Rt, L Layman Rd, L Spinnaker Bvd, U turn via Spinnaker Bvd, R Layman Rd, R Navigation Wy, L Marine Tce, R Ransonnet Dr, L Freycinet Dr, L Casuarina Dv, R Marine Tce, L Ford St, R Harris Rd, R Carey St, L Marine Tce, L Brown St, 8:10am R Harris St / Albert St / Bussell Hwy, R High St, L Dorset St, L King St, L Bussell Hwy, R Court St, R Seymour St, R Abby St, L Bussell Hwy, 8:17am L Queen Elizabeth Av L College Ave, R Geographe Bay Rd, R Dolphin Rd, L Dereck St, L Hutchins St, R Alexander Rd, L Earnshaw Rd, R Glenleigh Rd, L Bower Rd, R Manson St, R Craig St to terminate in Craig st before Bussell Hwy 4:05pm School 742pm Geographe and Busselton 3:28pm Georgiana Molloy Anglican School, L Hawker App, L Joseph Dv, L Bussell Hwy, R Strelly St, L Fairlawn Rd, L College Av, R Queen Elizabeth Av, R Bussell Hwy, R Abby St, L Seymour St, L Court St, L Bussell Hwy, R King St, R Dorset St, R High St, L Bussell Hwy / Albert St / Harris St, L Brown St, R Marine Tce, R Carey St, L Harris Rd, L Ford St, R Marine Dv, L Casuarina Dv, R Freycinet Dr, R Ransonnet Dr, L Navigation Wy, L Layman Rd, L Keel Rt, U turn via Keel Rt, L Layman Rd, L Spinnaker Bvd, U turn via Spinnaker Bvd, R Layman Rd / Peel Tce, to terminate in Peel Tce near Ford Rd. 4:22pm R Fairlawn Rd, R Strelly St, L Bussell Hwy, R Joseph Dv, R Hawker App, Georgiana Molloy Anglican School 8:33am What’s On at GMAS Page 7 What’s On at GMAS TS E K E L C I B T ILA A AV AT OR O D E TH Page 8 Page 9 What’s On at GMAS CAREERS AND VET REMINDER…SENIOR FIRST AID The Senior First Aid (SFA) Training has been scheduled for the Year 11 students to be held on Monday 31 August 2015. The training will take place in the MAC Viewing Room commencing at 8.30am and concluding at 3.00pm. All students will complete a full day’s training in a variety of First Aid areas and gain a Senior First Aid Certificate valid for 3 years. Permission forms must be returned to your Home Room teacher by Monday 24 August 2015. The cost of the course is $109.73, saving $85.30 off the regular cost. PREPARE NOW FOR SUCCESS PREPARATION FOR YEAR 11 ATAR ENGLISH The English ATAR course focuses on developing students analytical, creative and critical thinking and communication skills in all language modes. The English ATAR course is designed to develop students facility with all types of texts and language modes and to foster an appreciation of the value of English for lifelong learning. Tuesday 29 September – Friday 2 October 2015, 1.00pm-4.00pm $130.00 Each group has a maximum of 16 students. Enrolment is “first in” basis. For a registration form please see Mrs Holder in the VET Department VANTAGE AUTOMOTIVE Employers are searching now! The 2016 recruitment drive has already begun… The Vantage Automotive Apprenticeship Program provides School Leavers with an exciting and challenging opportunity to receive formal qualifications through extensive product training while in full-time employment. We offer many pathways to a fulfilling and rewarding career, including: AUR31612 - Cert IV in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology AUR20212 - Cert II in Automotive Air Conditioning AUR31012 - Cert III in Automotive Sales (Parts Interpreting) AUR40112 - Cert IV in Automotive Management AUR40212 - Cert IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis If you have any questions about the programs on offer please email: [email protected] FUTURE POSSIBILITIES PARENT INFORMATION SESSION 2015 Do you have or care for a young person with a disability? Do you want to help them make successful transitions in life? Are they in Primary School? Are they in Secondary School? Are they looking for employment? Do you want them to be better prepared to live and participate in the community? If you have answered ‘yes’ to more than one of these questions, then this is the event for you. Come along and hear presentations from various speakers. Talk to exhibitors from employment service providers, education, accommodation services and other agencies who can assist you and your young person. WHEN: Tuesday 1st September 2015 WHERE: Sanctuary Golf Club, 100 Old Coast Road BUNBURY TIME: 6.00pm-8.00pm Please RSVP to Donna at: [email protected] or Phone: 0409 200 702 VET STUDENT PROFILE NAME: Corey Van Vliet WORK PLACEMENT: Wizard Pharmacy Bunbury WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT WORK PLACEMENT? I really like the work, the staff here make everyone feel welcome. WHAT ARE THE MOST USEFUL SKILLS YOU ARE GAINING? Customer service skills. I’m also learning new terminology. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? I would like to one day work in upper management. Mrs Sarah Taylor-Fuller Head of Department - Careers/VET Mrs Jenelle Holder Careers/VET Administrator Page 10 What’s On at GMAS EXCHANGE STUDENTS PROGRAM This week I spoke to the students about their favourite foods and what they didn’t like all that much! Marta, Giulia and Jade love our Australian Lamingtons. Ilaria enjoys Tim Tams, Henri was smitten with Beef Pies and Luca enjoys eating Crumpets! Mael loves Vegemite however Lamb is definitely not his favourite! Mrs Justine Richmond Coordinator Jade Henri Guilia Ilaria Marta Luca Mael PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Year 11/12 Outdoor Education camp The Year 11 and 12 students will embark on their Semester 2 Expedition hiking on the Cape to Cape in Week 7. The dates planned are Tuesday 1st to Wednesday 2nd September, with the Thursday to Friday of the same week being back up dates in case of really poor weather. Students have been working toward this camp for over a term as the Year 12 students have to plan and run the camp as Leaders. We will be hiking from Gracetown to Indjidup and visiting the Wardandi Centre on our return. Mrs Belinda Anderton Outdoor Education Teacher UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop will be open on the school holidays Monday 12th October 10am-3pm. When school returns for Term 4 on Tuesday 13th October Summer Uniform is required. Mrs Michelle Knipe Uniform Shop Manager SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Waste Free Wednesday Thank you again to those parents and students who have taken some time and thought into preparing a lunchbox that is waste free. It is so great to see the pride students have in presenting their lunch boxes when they know there is little or no waste within. For those struggling because of time constraints involved in washing additional containers, perhaps set up a roster system of children helping out with washing containers on returning home or during the dinner dishwashing time. It is a great lifelong skill they will be learning! I’m certainly having some great discussion about what is considered ‘waste’ with children and where that waste actually ends up. Keep up the great work and those who haven’t joined the bandwagon yet, give it a try..the planet will thank you! (-: Ms Michelle Gabelich Sustainability Committee Year 903 are selling Bathroom products, all homemade with natural materials and at very competitive prices. Items for sale are: Bath Bombs Scented Candles Lip Balms Ms Lucia Vandenbergh Teacher What’s On at GMAS Page 11 SECONDARY SCHOOL INTERHOUSE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Wednesday 26th August (Years 7 - 12) On Carnival day, students are to attend school in sports uniform with House shirts, reporting first to their Tutor room for attendance check. Following this, students will be asked to gather in House rooms. The carnival is due to start at approximately 9.00am, and finish at 3.00pm with a program of events for carnival already included on the School’s website. (If students are not in events they would like to enter or have been entered in an event they don’t want to be in, please let me know as soon as possible.) Please note times on the program are a guide only and students should not leave school grounds prior to the normal school dismissal time. Carnival events will take place at various locations around the 2 Western ovals, including the running track, and soccer oval. Parents are encouraged to attend and will be able to witness most events from their position (to the East of the main straight). The presentations to individual champions and winning House positions will be announced hopefully on the day at the end of the carnival or at the following assembly. Please be prepared for any weather conditions on the day, considering sun protection and/or wet weather protection as necessary, as well as making sure students bring plenty to eat and drink. If the carnival is cancelled due to weather normal classes will run and students are expected to stay for these until the end of the day. Families of Year 7 and the P&F will be hosting a cake stall for students and a morning tea for parents so please join us in the MAC. The Café will be operating as normal, however students will only be able to purchase food via an order, as they will not be released to go and purchase items. This is a compulsory school event and any student not participating will need to provide their tutor teacher with an explanation. We would value any volunteers to assist us in all our carnivals (K - 12). If you are available to help at any of this year’s Interhouse Athletics Carnivals, please contact me at school at [email protected], or Emma Reynolds at [email protected]. Alternatively you could phone on 9752 5252. Mrs Robyn Vogel Head of Physical Education Department Page 12 What’s On at GMAS GMAS Cambodia Service Trip 2015 Quiz Night Sponsors List Many thanks to all the businesses who have supported the fundraising efforts of the students and staff participating in this quiz night. Please aim to support those that support such a worthy cause. We would like to extend special thanks to Total Horticultural Services and the Beynon Family for their sponsorship to build a house. The Beynon Family Blue Door Day Spa Samovar Restaurant Brad Sco Electrics Echo Clothing Siesta Park More Café Fat Duck Jacksons Xscape At The Cape Peacetree Estate Dunsboroughto the Cape Wine Zens Arts Studio Wildwood Valley Voyager Dri wood Cape Farm Shop White Hot Interiors Busselton Interiors Shoe Gal Sandy McGregor Nutrime cs Chemart Seasalt & Cocoa Scentsuy Consultant Maiola Wines Bella by the Bay Callows Bean and Gone Foris Geographe Petroleum Beyond Safety Sportspower Laurance Wines Yahava Kwik Koffee Dean Kemp Bahen & Co Chocolates Wills Domain Winery Flowers on Prince Ocean City Detailing Red Leopard Photography Fat Hippo Capelberry ArtEsk Ella Bache Dymocks Barefoot Books Busselton Florist Palmers Winery Bootleg Brewery Rivendell Winery Gabriel Chocolates House of Cards Vasse Virgin Page 13 What’s On at GMAS CO CO--CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Special Congratulations: Maddie Fenwick in Yr 6, has been selected to play hockey for WA in the State U13 team (The Emeralds). Maddie has played hockey for GMAS for 5 years and has been coached by Ms Kate Northover (Melia) and Ms Emma Royer during this time. Maddie plays hockey for GMAS and Cavaliers Hockey Club. Maddie will be travelling to the Sydney Olympic Hockey Stadium to play in the Nationals in late September. Caelin Winchcombe in Yr 10, has been competing in the International Youth Laser 4.7 World Sailing in the Netherlands. Caelin’s final results are: 2 x 1st places, 3rd and 4th (in 11 races), finishing 18th/65 in Gold (top) Division (250 competitors in all). Tate Strudwick in Yr 12 and Natalie Iredale in Yr 10 have been in Spain competing in the Worlds Underwater Hockey Championships. There were 8 teams in the U23 girls competition and Australia came 4th. Tate’s Under 23 team beat New Zealand (2014 Gold medallists) 3 to 2. Natalie Iredale’s team finished 7th overall. This was a fantastic effort as the team comprised of very young players and the range for that U19 team was 13yrs to 18yrs. Experience will help them in the following World Titles which will be held in Hobart in 2017. Ella Du Preez from Yr 7 recently represented Western Australia in the State School Girls Hockey team. Ella played 7 games against QLD, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tasmania. Ella and her WA team came 4th overall by one point. Matthew Hunt in Yr 6 has been selected into the Busselton Basketball Association U13 Boys 2015/2016 Representative Training Squad. Busselton City to Surf Many thanks to all the staff, students and parents who entered the Busselton City to Surf event. Thanks to Mrs Julia and Mr Greg McDonald for being the “Team GMAS” captains on the day and to Mrs Herring for transporting the marquee. GMAS ended up with 64 participants in the event which is 9 more than in 2014. Belinda Dennis one of our parents who ran for “Team GMAS” was the first female across the line in 51.55 mins. Well done Bel. Here are the results of the “Team GMAS” participants who finished in the top 50 places in the 4 km run: Matthew Hunt, Yr 6 – 11th, Dorian Gray, Yr 6 – 14th, Teneile Smith Yr 8 – 17th, Tyler Lindberg Yr 4 – 23rd, Thomas Hunt Yr 8 – 24th, Gavin Hunt (parent) – 27th, Clancy Dennis Yr 3 – 39th, Oliver Brightman Yr 5 – 45th, Harry Young Yr 6 – 47th, Tristan Gray Yr 6 – 48th. Well done everyone. City to Surf team Hockey The Derby: GMAS 1 – GMAS 0 The real Derby last weekend was not at Subiaco, but at the Busselton Hockey Stadium, which saw the two mighty Under 11 boys teams come up against each other on the turf. It was end-to-end stuff, with no shortage of commitment, but ultimately GMAS Blue sneaked home with a well-taken chance four minutes from time. Congratulations to all players – a great advertisement for GMAS Hockey. Fitness Club Fitness Club is run by Mrs Black and Ms Ngo every Monday afternoon and is for all students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. Come join in, meet in the Junior School undercover area at 3.30pm and keep fit while having fun for free. We now have some awesome new equipment thanks to an Australian Sports Commission Sporting grant, come along and check it out. It’s all fun before the game Soccer wind up (Year 2 – Youth Boys teams) Tuesday 15th September, 3.30 pm at the MAC, oval side for afternoon tea and presentations. Little Athletics Registration day is 5th September from 9am – 12 at the Bunbury Athletics track. For more information on joining Little Athletics please go here: http://www.bunburylittleathletics.com.au/ Cooper strong in defence Surf Lifesaving Registration day is 20th September from 10am – 12 am at the Sea Search and Rescue Meeting room. New and old members welcome. Cricket Registrations Registrations for students wanting to play for Cricket for GMAS (T20 and Under 12, 14) are done through our school. Students wanting to play In2Cricket are invited to attend the Cricket Registration day to be held at Barnard Park on 4th September at 4pm. Students playing T20 for GMAS do not need to attend this day. Our Under 12 Cricket team is now full. Students wishing to play in the Under 12, 14 and 16 competition may wish to register for Dunsborough Cricket Club who are holding their muster on Wednesday 2nd September, from 4 – 5.30pm in the cricket clubrooms (near the nets). Mrs Val Best Co-Curricular Sport Coordinator COMMUNITY NOTICES Page 14 VACSWIM HOLIDAY SWIMMING PROGRAM Enrolments for October programs opened on 3rd August and close on 30th August. It is important for every child to learn to swim and develop essential water safety skills. VacSwim’s school holiday swimming programs are conducted by qualified instructors who teach children the skills to be confident swimmers and safe in the water. This year there has been a small price increase from $10.00 per enrolment to $12.50 per enrolment (family enrolment for three or more children living at the same address is now $34.50). For further information and online enrolment please visit education.wa.edu.au/swimming AUSTSWIM, the Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming and Water Safety will be conducting a Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety course in your locality soon. Please note the following details: Course Code: TSW314985 Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Fee (AUD) $378.00 Spaces available for Drum tuition. Contact Mr Paul McDaniel 0408 788 835. Music forms at Student Services. Application forms and further information is available by contacting AUSTSWIM WA Contact Phone: 1300 885 666 Contact Email: [email protected] Geographe Leisure Centre Cnr Queen Elizabeth Avenue & Recreation Lane, Busselton Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 8.30am—5.30pm KIDS DISCO! (3 to 12 years of age only) Busselton Child Care Centre $10 per person - tickets can be picked up from BCCC Mon –Fri by 4th September Includes party food. Time: 4.30 pm – 7.00 pm When: Saturday 12th September Where: 22 Peel Terrace (Behind the old Information Centre carpark, corner of Causeway Road and Peel Terrace) Theme: Your favourite book character You’re more than welcome to bring other friends or family outside of BCCC! Ph: 9752 1706 COMMUNITY NOTICES Page 15 DALYELLUP BEACH SURF LIFESAVING CLUB The registration day for the upcoming 2015/16 season is on Saturday 19th September at the Dalyellup Community Centre from 9am to 1pm. We will also be selling drinks as well as bacon and egg burgers between 9am and 11am, and then sausage in a bun between 11am and 1pm. Children aged from 6 top 16 years are welcome to participate to enhance their surf skills and have some fun; we hope to see you there.
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