* 50 CENTS ~ 60 cents In Canada C NOVEMBER 1954 co • AC~lI:e':lorl Flash Equipment Cam r Ih' Deyelopers t t a.v_1 s , n Electronic Flash EftJlGroer Enlarging Easels t Films d FI.hbulb enses Ligh i oy _G,wl E ulpmelrtt Editors ItI Papers I rolector ) PlI8 ~oiJ ~w_ II u. §. CANUA ANNUAL 1955 Photo by ORMOND GIGLI I r " " ~amera THE COMPLETE, '·$'13 iIj·] iJl 11 PHOTO EQUIPMENT GUIDE I'f."~ 13 ·tfA5 i HROUGHOUT its history, US. Camera Magazine has presented to its readers, speci~l feature reports and directories of photographic equipment. These exclusive reports and equipment articles have kept the readers abreast-,-and ahead-of developments 'in the photographic field., Here, on the following pag~s, the editors have compil~d a complete guide to photographic equipment. Encompassing the 'wide scope of equipment, available to the ,amateur on the American market, the guide is a particularly valuable reference , source 'for photographers. Coming, as it does, just before Christmas-it will serve ,admirably to assist, in holiday gift selectiOlis of photographic equipment or supplies. And, all year 'round it will yield its treasures of information to the photographer seeking particular data about equipment or ,supplies. The U.S. Camera Complete Phbto Equipment Guide has been prepared from ,information supplied by the numerQus -manufacturers in the photographic field. ,Descriptions and prices, as ,furnished by the rnanufactlllers',are quoted ,as those. , being in effect as of September 1, 1954~ . and are subject to change. Further information about products shown Or listed in the special guide section 1p.ay be obtained at your local photo dealer Or by writing directly to the Hianufacturers- or distributors'-:wlrose addresses will oe' found' pegihning on page 164. T " '.....•... i : ; '. . 159, , 74 B3 '• • 96 '!' SUB·MINIArURE AND ~5MM ; ...• l SHEETFILM. 2'/..3'1• ....,..l1xI4 •• ~. .... i ROLLF'LM-I~.7.120.620.70MM , ..•..... : .•.. ~ \ ....' •• "'," ••••••.• : .•••••••••• : ..•• ,' .•.• , . ;'••,." ..........••, ••• :, 'Of,':'12i".,j['l'j'4 8MM 16M'" .-: :".:.::: i· .. ! ' , I ,. 98 I .' ..•.•.••. : .•.•.....•.•••••.••• 101 'j'" .:I':'::r"":'~"":"""" .,. ,.: ..~.: i' 105 13:' 'til:. iJ 34 3;1,;[,JI I FILM. STILL AND MOYIE : ; .108 FILM-CODE NOTCHES ; l. 11 0 FILTERS FOR C,OLOR, PHOTOGRAPHY •.....••••.•.•.•. . l ••••.. 111 LAMPS-PHOTOFLASH •••...........••.•..•.....•.... ; 112 LAMPS-PHOTO FLOOD AND SPOTLIGHT ....•....•..... ; •.•..• 113 PRINTING PAPERS-CONTACT; PROJECTION ...•. : ..... ; •..... 114 CONTACT PRINTERS , ,' 116 DENSITOMETERS ; 116 DEVELOPERS. PREPARED •............•.....•••.•••, .•.•.. ~ . ; . 117 DEVELOPING AND PRINTING KITS .......••..........•... " ...• 118 DEVELOPING TANKS "" 119 DRIERS .••...•.... , •.•••........•... , .•. , .. , .•...•......... 122 ENLARGERS-8MM TO 35MM ..•.........•..••...••••........ 123 ENLARGER5-35MM ....•.•.....•.....•••..........•....•.. ;.123 ENLARGERS-35MM TO 5x7 .....•......•.•.• , .•.•.•.. , .•. _.• 124 ENLARGING EASELS ......•..•...........•.••.•..•...•' .•.... 123' ENLARGING METERS ..•••.•.•.•...•.•..........•............ 128 SAFELIGHTS •..•....•..•.••.........•.•.••.•..•....•. , ..••. 130 TIMERS •••••..•••..•....••••• "., ......•.•••.•..•..•.••..... 130 WASHING DEViCES , _ 131 • B ;101111 ;1.'1111.] l.1:I·.,~ I:; i 3;1J GUIDES, CALCULATORS , •....••...• : ..• " ...• 132 METERS •••••.••..•...•...........•..•.••.•....•.•....•... , .132 I! [,t: iii :[" j.\11 I q,j '3;i' FLASHGUNS •. " ••......•......... _.....••••.•......•..•.•.•• 134 FLOODS AND SPOTS ••.•••....•... , ......••. , ..•........ _.. _.140 SPEEDLIGHTS •.•..•.•••.•....••..•• , ..••..•........••...... 143 ,(,tl$'JI. 3'liJI4t~18;il EDITORS •••..••••....•••.•..••..•.•......•.•••••.......•.•. 146 PROCESSING E9UIPMENT 148 TITLERS •..•••••...•.• , ...••.•.•••.........••.•..•..•...... 149 .MUi t.,) X:i (·];f=I~[.lYj 1.·1:".1! ,.]. 8MM. 16MM MOViE ••......•.••.... , .. , ............•. , ", FILMSTRIP AND SLIDE " 149 152 .(J3 ;13 3:F!lA ;( 121 3,4[.':• . .....•.•••.•..•..•......... '" ... ; ...•...............•.. " .157 1!"]."'j'A3ifJ 1........•••.••.•• , .........•.....• : .•...... , .......• __ •.... 158 It~ I1·'13 a! ,.,:' X·llt) j. iil' 4S' ,:5' , ..•..•......................•.......... , .•.•.......•.•...•. 159 CAMERAS FOR STILL PHOTOGRAPHY SUB-MINIATURE and MINIATURE, 35mm ANSCO KAROMAT built in; 8ash unit plugs in ",ith. out wircs; color-matic scttings; solid molded bod)"; hody-tYlw shutter release; aulOtntltie sllul\.·1" counlcr; tripod .lntJ cailic rclca~(' sockets; permanently altaclll~d film take-UI) spool; ('".~rl,,~Hdy IcathCJ' (~as(~ ,"'ilh shouldcr 511'011 •. Price: $66.50, including case ami AKAREX fla~11. Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 ('xpoSIII'CS t l""llh; Schlll,irlclo.Xcnon 50ml1) f/2 lells with combined ,-jew-and coupled rallscfindcr; double Synchro-Compur ~hutlcr wilh speeds from I to 1/5001h -"('C,) & U; fully ~)'nch..onized fOl" i\( and X setting, flash tRnd strohe; T-Ic\'cr for lime exposure, also prevents tloubIc exposure; conlhiued vicl'lo·.and coupled r:.lugefinrl("r' huilt 01110, nnd intcrchal1::;cable with, lells units of 35, 50 and 901010; automatic paJ'allnx cnulpcnslliion; simultaneous film transilorl anel shutler cockiuA'; film speed irHlicatol'; CXIlosurc counter. Pdcc: S198.50; c\'crcad}' ~:I$-C. 811.50. Di"., ~lITHOPA CORP. ALPA 4 ARGUS C-4 C~lrtridgc 3.'llllm; up to 36 exposurcs, lxll/2; SOmm coaleo Schneider Xenon, f/2.0 len5; dcpth of field I'calc; Sy)lchro Compur Rapid shutter, spccd" from I to 1/500th sec. & B; built-in syuchronization; built-in Cye Icvel findcr; IIclicnl focusing'; coupled, ::;ingle-window typc rangefilldcr; eXI)osure eOllnter; depth of field guidc; rapid feed. iug IC"('r with automatic shutler cocking dcviee; exposure countel"; body rclr.asc j dOllhle cx. pusure prevcntion; fla~h ~un accessory clift. Pl'icc: 3125.00; C'15C, 812.50; flnsh unit, 88.9,;). ANSCO MEMAR Swiss 35mm single_lens reflex; up to 36 cxpo!"urcs, 1xlYz"; uepth IIf field !:ic'llc; focal I)hlllc shut. ler; onc-kl\oh winds C,lIl1Ct"n alld ..;cls all !:ilwcds j I ~ce. to 1/1000th; T & B; ~)'ltchr()nization huilt-in for strohe ,unl fiash al an)' specd; :-ports tnlc findcr; intcntional lloullIe expostu'C; complcte rangc uf intcl"changcahlc, coatcd lcnses and acce~!:iodes. Pdce: 8199.00 with coated Alorar 5011101 f/3.5; 82a9.00 with C'oatl·d Alfinoll 5011HH, f/2.8 lens; $289.00 with Schneider Xcnon !>OIlIlU, f/l.9; 8:149.00 with coalcd S,"jlar 50mll1, f/I.8 Apochl"olIlat. ALPA S Samc as Alpn 4, hut with huilt. ill Kern prism ~'hich rchl\'ert!S image and provides logical 45Jcgrcc viewing angle. Price: 8269.00 wilh c03tcd Alorar 50mm f/3.5 j $309.00 with coat cd Alfinon 50mm, f/2.8; 8359.00 with Schneider Xcnon !)Omm, f/l.9; $419.00 ,"'ith Swit:... 501llm, f/l.8 Apochl"olllat. fOlll'-clelllC'llt Agfa Sulinar anastigmat lens focu5<cS as a ullit; Srnt'hro-COlllptli' shuttcr with 9 speeds from 1 to 1/500th Sec. & U; M-X ~wrlchrollization fOI' all flashlamps" and electronic flash tuues; IClls-coupled eojlleitJence ')'PC rangefindcr in singlc win_ dow with viewfindl~r; double exPOSUI'C prcvention; film typc reminder dial; depth of fi.eld scale; automatic film trOlusport aud eX .. pOStll'C COunh'r; all l.::olltrols and settings visiblc from top; hinged back; built-in accc::;sOr)' clip. Price: SU7 .50; cilrrying case, $09.75; fla,..;h unit. 88.95. i\1fr., ANSCO APLAX MODEL 3S For cartridge 3511\111; 36 expo_ sures lxl1/2; 4:oatcd f/1.9 50mm Foe::l Jells; dcpth Hf field scnle; ~)'nchl'onizatioll huih~in j focalplane shu Iter with speeds from 1/10th to 1/1000th sec., T & B; !tC'licfll fucus; cye-Ievel Ii nuer; ulle witHlo,"' for rang-iug and "ic,,"'_ illg; couplcd l'ang-cfuHlcr. Price: 829a.()O. includinp: cvcrcadv ra~c. Dis'., GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. C .. rtl"idgc 35mH1; up to 36 exposures, Ix17/16j S01ll111 f/2.8 c03tetJ anastigmat Cintar 1("118j supc.·imposed - iJnnge - t~'pe rallgcfinder combined "'illl optical vic",,' finfler couplccI to 1.'l1s; focuscs frolll 3 ft. to infillity j gear controlled shuth~r speeds from 1/10th to 1/aOOth SCf". & llj color_matic sellillg.",. built-in SYIlchrol1izatioJI; fia~h unit dips un without wires or hr3rkets; eO)11hincd Jilm.shuttel· wind to pre"cnt df)uhh.~ expnSU"e; die cast hfio)'; body-I)' ftc shutkl' l'(~lcasc; autoIU3tic exposurc eoullter; e3hlc release und tt'ip.)d sockcts; p~nna Hentl)' attneht·d film takc-up spool. Price; 884.50; r.\ l'read)' t'ase, 87.50; fin .... h II1lit~ 88.95. Mfr., ARGUS CA~IEltAS, INC. ASTRA 3S FX ARGUS A-4 Uses standard 35111111 c:u·triflges; up to 36 cxpo~urcs, lxl1J:!; conled f/3.5 Agla Apol;lr n113stigmat; X-synehroniz("d shutt("r u'ith specds from 1/25th to 1/200th scc. & B; fillll iudex to silO,,' t)'flC and ~Ileed 4)f film in ralncrn; t~'iJ)-spro("ket film 3d. v:1J1Ce; 1humh-lc"cl film transIH)rt; optical c)"c-Icvcl fimler; lIuih-ill accessory clip; hin;;1'41 )H..~k; ;111 settings "'h;ihltl front top. Price: $39.50; l'veready .......... 86.95; fla~h IInit, 88.95. ANSCO REGENT ALPA 7 CarldcJge 351l11U; up to 36 exJlosures; lxl 7/16; 44111111, f/3.S coaled Cintnr anastig1ll3t lens; fingcl·til) focusing fl'om 2lj~ fcct to infinity; betwecn-tltc_lens ::,hll1ter with !'!pceds from 1/25th to 1 /200tll ~cc. & B j flash S)'IIClll'ouiz<llioll hnilt-in (,Ir :til lIlidget based bulhs; color-matic sdting~; H\ct,d rcinfurccd, IIIHldcd body; hody-type iohutter rc· leR5e; automatic eXI)t)~urc eountcr; cable rclea,:.c .. utJ trilJotl f,ockct; peruulllently auachcd film takc-nll spool; attached )lcck stt·ap. Pl'iee: 832.50; cvercady casc, 83.6;';; finsll ullit, 8:-:1.80. Single len~ 1'('J1(:X; 35mm, up 10 36 CXllosurcs, Ix I:lh i fucal plane shntter; spced,') froln 11::: to 1 1 .5001h sce.; huilt-in FX 5)'11chrollizRtion for stro),e, hulh, and speed Itash; gn)und glass focusing; 5port~ vic'\'-finder; huilt·ill magnifier; bod)' l:'huttci' rclC'n~cj interchangeahle lenscs j douhlc ex· posurc prevcnlioll. Pricc: 589.75, with f/l.9 coatetJ ;\le'\"C~r lells; 8109.50, with f/2.B ("o:"lted Zeiss Tessal' pre-set diaphragm; 874.50: with f/3.5 cfi:ltcd Zeiss Tessal' pre· .sct di<fllhragm. Dis •., STERLlNG·HOWARD CORP. ARGUS C-3 Samc 3S All)a 5. hut has singlc wiudow, supcrimposed, couplcd I"augefindcl" and multifucal ",ie~' filloet· ffir 50,90, l:i5111111 lcnses; !"clf-timer. Pl'icc: S309.00 ,"'ith rnatcd Alornr50mnl f/3.5; 8349.00 ~ith coatcd Alfincn 50mm, f/2.8; S:i99.00 with coated Schneidcr X~moJl 501t1111, f/l.9j 8459.00 with coated Kcrn Switar 50111111. fll.8 Apoehromat. Di•••, KARL HEITZ INC. 74 Cartridgc 35mm, np to 36 cxpOSU ....~s, lxlV:!; eontctJ A#.;f.:J Apolar f/3.:> lens; P"ontur SV shutter, speeds fl·.)1II I t() 1/300th ~ec. & Jj; built-ill Fi\fX flash and c1cclrfinic flash sVllc)u-onization. automatic 'ilm c~u"tcr. double eXllo~urc ftrcvClltcr; huilt-in sclflilllcr; dcpth of field scale; self.·reeting frollt; optical ~uhject findcr; huilt-in acel's~or)' eli,). Pl'ice: 854.50; casco 86.95; flasll unit, 88.95. ANSCO SUPER REGENT CArtridge (lO~UJ"(·S. 35111m; 1,x1 Jh; up to 36 CX~ coated f/3.5. Cartridge 35111111; up to 36 exposures lxl 7/16; 50mm f/3.S coated anastigmat Cintar lcns; sextant_typc rangefinflcr couplcd to IClls; focuses frolU 3 ft. 10 infinily; gear controlled shuttcr spceds from 1/10th to 1/300th 8(.·C. and H; fia.::h s~'))elH"onizatiolJ AUTO CAMERA MARK 3 C3S!iCttC loading 351111n; capacity 21 ft.; two models availahlc, one provhles 200 lxI-inch framcs; olher pro,"idcs 300 x I.inch * h'all1csj 36mlll ''1l ray co~tcd f/3.5 Icns, with angular field of view of shutter speeds frolll 1/101h 1/200.h sec., & T; elcctricolly cOlltrollet..l to 4 fr'lIl1l~S pcr sec.; spring motor provides power for camera operation ,·dth Ltll~ cycle initiated hy electrical pulscs of cither 12 or 24 V DC; X synchrunized contacts; camera may he controllcd manually; cxposure counter. Price: 011 I'cqucst. Full line of accessories to adapt camera to timc-l;.t[lsc, stcr(~o; phol\llllicrography. 35~degrces; '0 spct.·d.." of 1/2:ilh. l/':>Otll, 1/1001h sct'., & B; angle Hf camera and field of vision of 1hc hinocular in Ihe rntio 5:2; the camcra takcs what thc binocular sccs; camcra automatically foeusscd al infinity, 01 all timcs. Pricc: $32.95. Film, dcveloping and 2x3 enlargemcnts can be ordercd hy mail. Disl., RA~DO~t CORP. f.";lInc C\lllItlcr; C:II1ICI':I back rcmo\'ablc; sidc scrc~'S for strap cnrryillg. PI,ice: $99.50; cveready casc. SI0.50. BOLSEY MODEL C finuer; tripou soekct; exposure countcr. Pricc: 8295,00 wilh 50mm f/l.8 lens; 8250.00 ~,ith aOmm f/3.5 lens; S352.4,O ~,ith 50mm f/l.5 lens; 8179.85 body only. 0;51 .• RAYGRAM CORP. CERTO SUPER DOLLINA II BOLSEY MODEL B2 0;5'" J. A. MAURER, INC. BALDINETTE Folding 35mm; up to 36 CXI'O~ !'lures, lxl 1/2; 50mm f/3.5 coalcd Radiullar AII,asligmat lells; depth of field scalc; Prontor SV shutler, 5[lccds from 1 10 1/3001h sec., & n; fiash synchrollhr:ation builtin; delaycd aelioll limf'r; doublc r.xposurc prcvenlion j body shul~ Icr release; cye-Icvel fi ndcr; manual focusing. Priec: 839.95, Baldincllc I, with f/3.5 Raldanar in Rnsh Pronto shutler; speeds to 1/200lh sec., & B; S49.95, 8al. dincttc II, wilh lens and shutter dcscribed abovc; 87.95, cvcrcady casc. SUPER BALDINETTE 3S Carlridge, 351U1Il, Ill' 10 40 ]IOSUres, 24;~a6mm; ~/ ollensak Allastiglllal. eoatcd, 44m III , f ;::L2 len.'!:; \'i;nllclls:lk 3-hlaue shullcl', $I)CCUS from 1/10th 10 1/200111 sec.; T & B; c)'c-Icvel finucl'; cxposurc countcr; scale and helical focusing; con pled rangcfiudcr with Iwo window8 COl' rang"C and dew finder; 1l0.duulJlc~cxposurc dcvice; s)'lIchronized shullcr wllh interllal wiring in Ihc camcra, scrcw-on sockct for flashgun; depth.. of-field scalc; film-Iypc in_ dicator. Price: S58.50. Evcready COlSC, 67.95. Af'ccssorics inc1uuc .... lip-on )clIse.'O; filters, flash.c;un and synchronizer; available ill kll wilh ease and gUll, 566.50. f:m'tridg(", :35111111, Iwin Ic~ns r.:flcx fot'u~illg; nJl to 10 f'lxpo~urcs, lxl y~; malchcu ,14mtn coaled. 1'/3.2 \Yr)IlCIl:ilOlk Anasligmal lenses; deplh of fidel !!Ic.tle; \~:oI4 lcnsak shUtler, speeds from 1/101h 10 1/2001h scc.; T & 0; svnchro· lIizcd shutler wilh intel'n~1 wir. illH" in camera; reflex focusin" luul helical focusins; coupled rangefintlcr; two witulows for rangc and view findel'; (Iouble exposure vrevcntiol1; cxposure f:ouuter; film sl,ccd indicalor: film typc indicator. Price: 589.95; cvcready casc, 810.50. Cartl'idgc 35m,"; up to 36 expOSUX'C I xl ¥2; Zeiss Tessar f/;j,5 coated lells; Compllr Ral)iu Syn' chro shuttel' with spccds {r\llll 1 to 1/500th sec. lJ i coupled rau:;;-efinder; optical-typc viewfilHlcr; fl:tsh synchl'onizalion buill-in. Prit.'c; 899.50; with Zci"g Tcssar f/2.8 IClls, $119.50; wilh fi2.0 R (J cI C II 50 1 0 e k H 1,1 if!. 0 It I ~~ n ~ ~ 8129.50; evcl'('a(I~' t.'a~c, S9.95. Dis •., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. CONTAFLEX Mfr., HOLSEY CORP OF AMERICA BOWER 3S BOLSEY MODEL B-22 SET-O-MATIC folding :-l5 III III ; 20 or 36 CxpoIx] 11.:; conplc(l rangefimler; COJllpur ROlph] shunCI', spceds from 1 10 1/5001h sec,. & H: double ("xposurc Iwcvcntion. Pricc: 8129.95. wi.th 50mJl1 Schneidcr Xenon f/2 lens; S109.95~ ~'ilh SOlUlIl Schneidcr Xcnar f/2.8 Jcns; dcluxe c'Vercady case, S8. 95, ~Ul'es; Di,l.. KLING PIIOTO SUPPLY CORP. BELTICA Standard Bolscr 35mm CallH)l'a wilh a new aliachlllclll fIll' eOIlIputing flash cXpOSUr('S 011 camt~ra. avcragc shoo ling conuitiolls. COlllpulCI' on back of camcra scts hulh typc (5 or 25, SM or SF, 8an13111 8) agaillsl film choicc (PIUil X t", SutJrCtnC, Kodaclu'ume or Anseo, daylighl \lr tungslen), gi,'es propet· answer in t.·ode 1(~lIcrs; IUctal l)late witb foul' )CtlCJ'CU slots is lIIoullt,·d under lells; pin \III hotloJIl diaphragm control moves 10 ('ode lellet·; melal plate llullS onl to lock pill; . ,imple nl("('h;.tllit.~al link hetwecn dia .. phrasm cOlll-rol allu ll~n~ 1II01lnt moves the diaphl'agm control to prop.-:r 0IH1;lling: a!" camt>rll is focU>3ed. Prif'le: 569.50; <1\·ail~lt1e ill kil wilh c:lse and gUll, 879.50. BOLSEY MODEL C-22 SET-O-MATIC Cal'tridge, 3511lIH; 36 ('xpO~Hrcs, J xJ lh; ~leinhl'iI CII.<;S:1I· 451111n l'oHled f/2.8 lens; cll:pth u£ field ~eltl~:; l·ho;'·c uf f01l1' .. hUIIC1'Sj Vario willt specds from 1/2.>111 10 1/300tlt !t.~e., H; Pronlo.· S~ from olle 10 1/2001h scc .• B; huilt-in sell'-tilllcl'; PI'\llItor SV, S:lJne hUI synt.'lwollizcd on all s))eeuJ'i; Com pur Rapiu MX, from 1 lu 1/500111 ~cc., Ii, and syllchroJJizcd fln all speeds j slOp anu go sig-nals, hy means of colo.'ed dolS; douhlc expoSUl'e prc"cnlioH; llIultiple expo",llre dcvice; autonlatic ('xpusure counlerj ("ye-Il~vcl optical d('wliHucr; body ano Icns shUllcl' ~'c lea';'f>s; cahle rcleasc so(·ket; tripod sockcl j rcccs~l~d IClis. lIlaullal f(l('u~ing. Pl'iec: :;;36.:;0 with V ill'io shutler; 8 /J.;i.50 \\oilh Pr'olltor S; $47.50. Pl'ollhlr SV; S52.aO ,dlh COmpltl' Rapid l\IX. Evel'cauy casc, U~e~ a511l111 cnl'lriugcs ant.I Con tax ca.sscllcs j up 10 36 ("xpo.';ures, I xl y~; $lillglc~lel1s I·cfln.:; Tessal" £/2.3. 4.511)111 coalcu lells; Synchru-Compur ~hutler \\0 hh :s))ced~ from 1 10 1/5001h ~ec.; flash and spccu-light sYllchronizalioll hniltin; pre~sci spring uiaphraglll coupled to shull("r relcase (:'YIIclll'o-dinphragm); split-field I'allgcfilldcl' <lIul ground-glass focusins; EXlrabrilc Frclisel field 1t.'lIs; anlOlllalic film advance and ('xposure COUIlICl'; pcnla prislll asSUI'CS seeing 1Jllagc ullrevcrscd. Pri("t.~: 8169.00; cvcready easc. 812.50. CONTAX II-A $7.50. Ui~t., Fulding 35mlll; Ul' 10 36 cxposurcs; lxlljz; f/2.9 coalc(1 i\ledtar or f /3.5 T -Co a tcd Zeiss T(~s sal' IClls; depth of licit. scale; !"ynchronized CJuuor shutlcr with spceds from 1 to 1/2001h sec., T & B; or Compur Rapid shutter wilh speeds frol11 1 10 1/500111 scc., & B. wilh built-irl flOlSh synchronlzalion; exposure eoulIlCI'; cyc-Ievel oplical finder; manual focusing; all.mclal construe.. lion. Price: 855,00, ~'ith £/2.9 'lcritar Icns ill Cludor shutler; 875,00 wilh £/:}.5 Tcssar in Rapid Compur shUlicr. Disl., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO, BINOCA Sub-minialurc; uscs I6mm film in special daylight lo:tdillg magazinc; 12 cxposureS per loading; COI1l~ hinatioll camera and binocular; hinocular is 2.5 power; catnern filled inside binocular has 4-0111111 Iclepholo f/4.5 lens; shutler SAUL nO,\,\::ER, INC. CANON IV S2 Cal'triuge :i5mm; lip to 40 ex .. po!:ourc~, Ixl '/2; twin Ie liS reflex; coated £/3.2 Anasligmat 441lun leng; SCI-O-Malic lIulomalic diaphragm computcr; couplcd r:.lugefinder; inlernally syllchl'onized ~huller for flash with anY glandartl or midgct basc flashh~lh; S,~t O-Matie chart 011 hock of ealllera; t:'cOcx focnsillg UlI ground glass; shultcr speeds £1'0111 1/10th to 1/2001h sec.; T & B; parallax correction indicator 011 ground glass vicwer at 2 h.; flip-up disappearing magnifying lens; doulJle exposurc prcvcntioll; £0muses from 2 h.; optical eye·lcvcl vicwfinder; new film lead catch; finger .. lip controls; automatic Cal'll'iclg-,~ 351111U; 36 CX1HJ50-lIl'CS; lx1 1/::; Calloll 501ll1ll ('(latNI fiI.8 ICII~ j single ~-ifldo,,' ran~l:-vie~· filldcr; mngnificatlun contl'ol vicwfindcr llIalcheu 10 ficlus of 50mm, 100111111 and l:i:iJIIIII 11'IIS("S; douhle exposurc prevcntion; iutcnliollal IUuhiplc eXI,osurcs po~sihlc; foc:tIplane .!3huttcr with spccds from 1 10 1/10001h scc., T & B; synchronizatioll hunt~ill for F, X, 1\1, delay Bashhulbs; coupled l'anse .. For 35mm cal·tridge or spool j 36 t'xp\lsures, lxl1j::; Icns mounl ha~:oncl-I)'PC; metal focal vlane ~huller; stJ('cd~ from 1 sce. 10 1/1250 sec., also n anu T; dt.·lavcd acliOIl release adjuslablc to 3; 6, 9, 12 sec.; syncbronization built.in; fiJm-I)'pe indicato .. j automatic film Iransport; exposure eoulltcl'; range-findcr and view finuer eomhincd in onc window; <It.'pth of focus suidc; tril,od ~ockct intcgral pori o{ body. Price. with coaled SOmm Te.iO,sar f/3 ..5, 8241.00; wilh coated SOlum SOllnar f/2, 8336.00; wilh coated 50mm Sonnar fil.5, 8367.00. Eveready case, 816.00, Full line of accessories availahh'. 75 SUB·MINIATURE and MINIATURE, 35mm viewfinder; synchronization builtin; rapid film re..wind knob; aece!lsory shoe; depth of field scale; cable release socket. Price: 829.95; eveready case, $6.95 i B-C flashgun, 55.50. CONT AX III-A EDINA MODEL B RAPID-O-MATIC coated lens; 589.50 with same lens but Com pur Rapid shuttcr. Dist., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO., INC. EDINEX III-S ries available. DI9'., CARL ZEISS, INC. DIAX 1a For 35mm eartrJdge Same as II.A but has photoelectric exposure ASA 5ca)e. Price with Olm or spool. a built.in meter with coated SO- Tessar £/3.5 $286.00; with 50mrn Sonna .. £/2, $381.00; with SOrum Sonna.. {/1.5. 8412.00. E\'crcad~' case, 816.00. Same list of accessorJes as Contax II.A. CONTESSA 35 35mm; Com pur Rapid Synchro shutler with speeds from 1 to 1/500th sec. & B; il1te,rchangeable lenses; n-tX synchronization; built-in \'Iewfindcrs for 35mm, 50lfllfl, and 90mrn lenses; selftimer huilt·in. Pricc: 889.95 with f/2.8 coated lells; 869.95 with £/3.5. Cage: 88.50. Also available: f/3.5 XCllagnon wide angle, 859.95; with rangefinder and f/2 lens, 8129.95. Same as 'Model A, hut has coated (/2.8 lens; Velio shutter "'ith speeds of 1/10th, 1/25th, 1/50th, 1/IOOth, 1/200th, & B. Price g37.50. Accessories the sallie. Mfr., WIRGIN WORKS. BROS. CAMERA EDINEX DIAXETTE Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 expo~ sures, 1 xlYz; coated six-clement 50mm Schneider Xenon f/2 lens; Com pur-Rapid shutlcr with speeds from 1 to 1/500th sec., & D; coupled split-image rangcfil1der; optical viewfinder; helical focusing mount; focuscs from 4 It.; flash synchronization built-in, eollal)slble lens mount; del.. th of field scale; remo\'ablc hack for ground glass focusing; tripod socket. Price: 867.50; eveready case, 85.50. Full line of acces~ sodes. Dis .., STERLING-HOWARD CORP. EDIXA MODEL A Cartridge 3Smrn, takes 20 or 36 exposures, Ixll.f2; depth of field scale, combined range and vicw fil,d(.·r at eye_level; built~in pho.. toelcetric exposure meter with ASA scale; the fully (lUX) synchronized Com pur Rapid shutter has speeds to I/SOOth sec.; film counter has automatic slop; is fitted with a fast, highly correct(,CJ {/2.8 45mrn Tessa.. lens. I-rice: 8142.00. Eveready case, 812.00. Full line of accessorius. Cartridge 35mm, size 24x36mm, coated Stcillheil-Cassar lens, [/2.8, 45mm; Pronto shutter with builtin seH-timer, synchronized. with specds [rom 1/25th to 1/200th & B; doublc exposul'e In'cvention; alltomatic film counter. Price, with case, 839.95; evcready easc, $6.95. Accessory shoe fitted to take rangefinder, fiash uult. Dis .. BIBER FOTO CORP. Cartridge, 35mm, up to 36 exposures. lxl1j~; f/2 coated Schneider Xenon lens; Compurrapid shutlcr with specds from 1 to 1/500th ~ec., n & T; coupled range_finder type focusing knoh; buill-in svnchronization [or flash; depth of 'field scale j optical view_ filld("r; automatic exposure counter. Price: $49.95; eveready case~ 85.50. Di .... STERLlNG.HOWARD CORP. EDINEX MIDGET MARVEL DITTO 99 CONTINA I 35 Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 ex_ pOSUl'e Wirgin EdinaI' f/2.8, 43nun lens; Vario shutler "'jtb specds from 1/10th to 1/200th see. & B; synchronization huilt-in for Clnss 1\1 lamps; self-timer; focuses from 3 It. to infinity; screw mount; optical typc vic\1"~ finder; film advallecd with lever_ wind; automntic shutler cocking; cxposurc counter; doublc cxpo. sure prcvention; focusing scale. Price: $29.95; e\'eready easc, S6.95; BC flashgun $5.50; rangefinder, 84·.50. EDIXA MODEL B Same as Model A. but has f/3.5 lens; Vdio shutler-. Price: $37.95. Cartridge 85mm with 20 aud 36 exposure loading. This camcra is \'cry similar to the Contina II 35, hut do(~s not ha\'e the built-in optical range-finder. Len3cs factory coated. Shutlcrs with built-in, full flash synchronization at all speed:; (l\IX). Price: 'with Nova .. f/3.5, ProntoI' SV, self-timer, $56.00; with TessaI' f/2.8, Synchro Compur, $77.00. E\'ercad)' case, 811.00. Full line of neeessories. CONTINA II 35 Cartridge 35mm, 20 and 36 exposures, 1xl 1/ 2 ; eye-level findert lo:cale focusing; exposure counter, depth of field guidc; built-In optical range-findel'~ ehoic,~ of lenses; Opton Te~sar f/2.8, 45nlln in SYllchro Com pur shutler with speeds to 1/500th sec. or NovaI' f/3.5, 45mlll in ProntoI' SV shutter "'ith speeds to 1/300tb sec., "'ith built-in delayed uNion de,"'ice; built-in synchro-' nizatlon. Price with Te~sar lens, $84.00; with Nova .. lens, 863.00. Everead)' case, 511.00. Aeeesso- 76 Cartridge 35nlln; up to 36 exposurcs, lx1 ¥z; rapid sequence camera with clockwork motor permitting 12 exposures in about 5 seconds; single winding of motor for 12 ex posures; automatic film advance and shutler cocking; exposure counter; hard coated f/2.8 DittaI' Icns; focalplane shutler with speeds from 1/25th to 1/IOOOth sec., & B; 1\1-X flash s)"llchroni7.ation builtin; scttings for foreign flash bulhs; removable back with spe. cia I closing device to seal out dust and mosture; die-cost alunainum coustruetion. Price: $99.00. Accessories inelude: interchangeable lcnses in bayonet mounts, widc aoglc and telcphoto; extension tubes; Ditto BC flasbgun; Duplo e\'eready,case to hold camera and flashgun. Tnkcs 35mm cartridge; up to 36 exposures, lx1 %; f/3.5 coated lens; Prontor-S flash shutlcr; speeds up to 1/.:lOOth sec.; buUtin sclf~tillJer; depth of field scalc; optical vie'"'finde.·; built-in base for rSlngcfinder, Price: $29.95. EDINEX-S Takes 35mm cartridge; up to S6 cxposures, 1xllf2; same features as Midget but has f/2.8 coated lens. Price: 839.95. EDIXA MODEL C Same as Model A, but with f/2.8 Schneider Isconar lells; Pronto shutler with speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th sec. & B; focuscs from 2¥2 h. to infinity; coupled range finder. Price: $49.95; cveready case. $6.95; BC flashgun, S5.50. D;st., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. r;:XA AUTOMATIC EDINEX III-S DI,t., DITTO CAMERA CORP. EDINA MODEL A RAPID-O-MATIC Cartridge 35mJll; up to 36 ex_ posures, lxllf2" , coated f/3.5 lens; Vario shutler with speeds of 1/25th, 1/50th, 1/200th sec.; coupled film transport, shutler wind, and exposure counter with special lever wind; direct optical All features of Edinex-S, but has coupled rangcfinder. Price: $74.95 with f/2.8 Sleinbeil C••sal' coated lens in Prontor-S shutter; S104.50 with f/2 Xenon lells 1n Compur rapId shutler; 899.50 with Com pur Rapid MX 8hutler and f/2 Hodenstoek Heligon Cartridge 35mrn; up to 36 ex. posures, lx1112; single lens re. flex; focal-plane ... huttcr; eye- and waist-level \'iewfindel'; shutter speeds from 1/25th to 1/150th sec. ,",v. n; synchronization built. in for regulilr and electronic flash; exposure countcr; built-in magnifier; interchangeable lells mount; hclieal focusing. Price: vISion fol' intentional douhle ell(· posul'e; aulomatie C1CpOSUI'G counter; film advance lock; sprocket less take.up spool; optical eye-level viewfinder. Price: SUB·MINIATURE and MINIATURE, 35mm 539.95. 885.00, with coated f/2.8 Wcstar lens; Sl09.50 wilh coaled f/3.5 ILOCA I-A Zeiss Tcssar lens; 8129.50 with coated £/2.8 (showlI) Wcslanar fully 311lolllatit· ICI1S; $9.9.'5, Cartridge 3510111; up to 36 exposures, I xl Y2 ; 45,"m f/2.9 con ted lIital' lens; Vario shuttel', speeds {I'om I to 1/200th sec., & B; delaycd action timer; huiltin flash svnchronization; manual focusing; automatic cxposure counter; film advance lock. Pdee: 844.00; case, 88.50. leather case; SI5.50, BC flash- gun. J EXAKTA VX AUTOMATIC sce .• & n; synehronizcd for M and X ut all speeds; interehan~cahlc lenscs; built-in single window rang .... finder-viewer of ~uper im. posed type; helical focus in,:; ; rcmovable baek; automatic shuttcl' windlllS and film transport; dou. ble exposure preventioll; sell. timer i depth of field scale. Price: 8227.50; 8177.50 with E,'a f/2 coated 50mm lens; 811.50, eveready case. Full linc of llece~sories. D;sl., FUTURA CAMERA CORP. GALl LEO CONDOR I Cartridge 35111nl; single lens reflex; 36 exposures ) xl:Yz; focal. plane shutter with spct.'tls from 12 sec. 10 1/10001h sec., n & T; synchronization huilt-in for FP, .i\'lS, X; eye- and waist-level tind. er; delayed actio II timer; depth of field guide; exposure counter; interchangeahle lenses; ground .. glass focusing; coupJC'd film transport and ..,huttel· cocking'; 1»uilt-in knife; film speed guide; interchangeahle view-finder. Price: 8341.70 with £/1.9 Schneider Xenon fully automatic lens; $239.50 with f/2.8 West. anar fully automatic Jens; 8259.50 with f2.8 SOlUm T·coat· cd Zeiss Tessar pr(" ..set; S269.50 with f/1.9 58111m Hugo Meyer Coerlitz Primoplan pre-set V_ coated lens; other lenses availnhle; eveready c:1se, 512.00; Penta Prism eye-level prismatic viewfinder, $50.00; BC flashgun, S15.50. Dis!., EXAKTA CAMERA CO. FUTURA STANDARD ILOCA QUICK B from Y2 $CC. to 1/1000th sce. & B; single window view-I'ange find .. er with adjustment for sight and autonHltic parallax correction; extinction type meter huih. in and couplcd to shutter spced regulator, Icns diaphrngm anu sensitivity indicator of film; exposure automntieally controlled hy adjustment of meter; spring motor advances film, cocks shut~ tel" for thrce exposures in se4luenec; autornatic exposure coun .. ter; depth of field indicator; flash svnchl'onizntion built in for X e·onnection; built .. in standard tri· pod socket; all metal construction; nw.tal cover, hinged on cam .. era, protects enlnera when not in usc. Price: 8340.00, including carrying casco Full linc of accessori('s available. GALILEO CORP. OF AMERlCA Cartddge 35111111, up to 36 exposureS, I xl %. Galilco EHuS 50mm f/3.5 coated lens; Calileo Isells Rapid shutter, with spe.... ds from 1 to 1/500th sec., B; builtin flash syllchrollization FS; eye .. level finder; coupled ranp:clinder; exposure counter; douhle expo .. sure prevention; rangefirHler eyepicce is adjustable {or individual eyesight. Pl'ice: 879.95; case, GEMFLEX Dis.., ERCONA CAMERA CO. KODAK BANTAM RF 89.00. GALl LEO CONDOR II Similar to Condor I; ('artri(lge 35m"" up to 36 eXpl)SUres, 1x1 J/2; Gnlileo Esnog 50mm f/2 coated lens; Galilco Isells Rapid shU1!4"l.r; sp ..•.....ds frollt 1 to 1/500th sec., B; huilt.in synchroni7.ntion. FMS; eye-Ievcl finder; coupled ransefinder; single rang-cflnoervicwfilHJCI' window; exposure eountek'; depth .. of-field guide; onc {rame film advance lever which cocks shutter; double exposure prevention; ASA & DIN ratin,:; dial on film-winu knnb. Pl'iec: 8134.95; case, 810.00. GALl LEO CONDORETTA Sub-miniature rollftllll ~ize 1t1mm; 10 exposureJ:l; twin-lens n·Rt~x type; Gelll Anastigmat f/:I ..3, 25111IU lens; Swallow shutter wHh speeds from 1/251h 10 1/100111 sec., & 8; fixed focus; tripod sock('t; w:list ..I(·vcl findel'; (·vercauy case. Prlc(': $] 9.95. Disl., SCHMIDT & CO. Cartl'idge 35mm; 36 exposures lx1 Y2; Elor f/2.8 coated 501010 lens; rangefinuer eouplect; inter·· locked shutter tensioniug and film advance; double exposure pre .. vention; delayed action release; nutomatic film counter; Com pur Rapid shutter fully synehronizcd for M and X with ~pceds from I to 1/400th sec., & ll; interchnl1seahJe lenses; depth of field scali'; uctaehaltle back. Price: 8127.95; 8139.45 with Schneider Xc.. ar f/2.8 45mm Icns; $144.75 with EvaI' f/2 50nun lens; SI97.2;,) with Frilon f/l.5 50mm Icns j 811.50, eveready caSe. FUTURA P Lo"" priced modd with most fca. tures of Stanuaru Model; Xenar f/2.8 coated 45mm lens j Prontor SV shutter with speeds {rom 1 to 1/300th sec., & B; £ully s}'n· ehronizcd for AoI, X, and F type flash; built.in coupled I'ange· findcr viewer. Price: 8129.50; 598.75 with Futar f/.~.5 coated 45mm lens; 811.50, case. FUTURA S Cartridge 35mrn; 36 expOSures lxl Y2 : Frilon f/1.S coated 50mm lens; Synehro Com pur shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/500th 78 Takes .~5nun cartridge; up to .~6 CxpOSUl'es, 1x1lj2; f/2.9 lIitar lens; Prontor SV shutte.·; l'1-X synchl'onizatioll; spceds from I to 1/300th sec.; (~ouplcd rallg('finder with single window viewing and focusing j huilt-in self.. timer; automatic shutter wind wilh film transport; automatic e:-::»osure counter; body shutter rc"~nsc; depth of field seale; film re.ninder dial; worm.geared, helical type focusing mount. Priec: 879.95. HIT R o llfill1l loading; size 828\ 8 ex:posur~s; lells-coupled rangcfinucl'; equipped with 50mm Ektnuon £/3.9 coatcd lens; click stops; red dot exposul'C indiefltion::;; Ko(l:lk Flash 300 shutt('r; specds hom 1/25th to 1/300th seC., T t..~ n; plunger.type shutter rclf;n!lc; syllcl,,'oldzcd foJ' f:lass F and 1'"1 bmps; eye .. level single willnow viewing nnd ranging; nutomatic film stop, douhle eXJlosure pre· vention; intcntional douhle ex:posurc ut!dee. Price: 559.75. KODAK PONY 135 Us~s 35mm film; up to 36 ('xpoSUI'CS, lx1 Y2; Galilco Ten)g 40mm {/4 coated Icns, stonping down to f/22; Galileo Aplon shutter ",·jth spceds from 1 to 1/300th sec., B; huilt-in flash fiynchruniT.ation, FS; eye-level finder j helical focusing; eXI)Osure counter; douhle exposure prevention. Price: 847.50; case, >.'8.00. Dis!., G. A. BUTTAFARRI GAM I 16 Suh .. miniature; eal'tridgc loadiug 16mm; 30 expOSures 12x17mm 01' 10x17mm; uses unperforated 16mm or perforated cine film; 25mm Galileo Esamitar f/l.9 coated anastigmat lens; foeu~eg from 20 .. in. to infinity, Galileo focal plane shutter with specds Suh:'miniature using special day_ ligllt loaning rolls; 10 exposures 14x14mm; 20-JlIl11 Tacker f/4.5 lens; built-in eyc .. I,~ ... el finder; shutter scttings, 1/25th sce. & ll; Icathcr o\'cr metal construction. Price: 82.95. Dis.., GENERAL PHOTOGRAPH1C SUPPLY CO. ILOCA QUICK A Cartriuge 35mm; similar to B model; 36 exposures. lxl 1h J 4511110 f/3 . .'5 lIitar eoatect lens; Vario shutter with speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th sec., & B; flash synchronization built-in I double eXI)osurc prevention; pro· For 35mm ..'artrid~('; up to .~6 exposures; lxl 1h; 51mm f/4.5 LUlncnized Konak An"ston lens~ Kouak Flash 200 shnllcr with speeds from 1/25th to 1/2001h., & B; plunger .. type body I'clcase; rdeasc lock prevents exposurc until tclescol"Jillg lens hal'rel is in pietul'e-taking position; synehronjzntion built-in for Class F and M fla~h lamps; depth of field scale; automatic film stop; autoJnatlc exposure counter; optical eve-level finder; lens mount {~eusing: film.type indicator. Priee: 829.75. Complete line of neeessories availahle. KONICA I KODAK PONY 828 LORDOX I unit, ... t all spccdi'>; automatic dial; huilhill self Ihner; ~)'e~lcvcl optical finder; coupled rangefindcr; CX:I'OSur() counter; automatic shutter cock ... ing with film advance; neeessory shoe clip. Price: 8336.00; SI2.:.I0, c~·erendy case. COllll,lctc line of acecl:,sol'ie::. ~y"chro"izing nollfilm size 828; 8 exposures, 28x401ll1ll; Lumcnizcd 5111\10 Kodak Anaslull fi4.5 lens; depth of field scale; Kodak Fla~h 200 13hllllcr, speed:; from 1/25th to 1/200lh sec., n; synchrunizatioll huill-ill; c~·c-Icvcl vic",·filldcr India· [11; Ie II;': lIIullJtl focusin(.;; film tnJC illdicalm'; l10dy relense; safely dcvicl' I'rcvcllt~ h'ipping ShUltCl' ulltil Jells is extended to pictu1'e-taking position. PI'icc: LEICA M3 829.;;'0. n flh rlrck iOtrap. CIHllplctc line l)f aCC(';':~lJl'i,'s avnilahlc. KODAK RETINA IIA For 35mlll earll'illgc, 20 or :,J6 cx .. po.~ures; lxll/::e; £/2,8 Koni M C')OIIt'rl l1exanuH 5 clemenl 50mm lens; l"'ullplcd rllugeMvic"'finder havM ing t..:ol«J1'.~cpal"tlti()nMprisU1.s; shut. I('r slH:eds hom 1 sec. tv 1/500t1l. & B; synchronLr.cd with ASA contact; hdical, collap,,dhle Icn~.. muunt. Price; 889,30; cl'('.I'c3,ly case, 89.75. Aeecssol'ics nvailahl," KONICA II Cal'tridg c 35111111; up to 36 expolxl %; 50lllIH f/2 cnaled 6-(,,!f:l1Il"nt Schnddcl' Rf'tinOi-XClioll JCIl~; S~·ll1·ill·tI-COJlJ,nil' ~hu Hr.," wilh spcCtl..:: £.'0111 I to 1/5001h ~('c., & n; dc~pth uf field ~calc; illfl'at'cd illfinity m::u·k; &~·Hchr(lll' izatiolJ huilt.in; clluplcd n1ngcp filld(~r; l:lillgl(.~ '"" iuJo,"" dew and rang(·fiIHIl'I" t'Xpu~\JI'(' CtHlntel', llullHnatic i"huttl'r cUI~killg-; ,1uu .. ble expuslIl'C JH'I'l'l~lltel'; l'apill lilm witHI ICl'cl', Pd('c: 8127,5U. Cnlllpleic Iillc of ac,·r.l:l~ul'i,:~ n\·ail .. 5U1'C!', lillIe, KODAK SIGNET 35 FOI" 3:imm eal"ll'irlge, 20 or :.16 IxI1/2; £/2,8 KOJd. C.oatcfJ 1-I.·xaIlHIl 5 dCll1cnt ;;Ollllll Icns; eOllplccl I'angc-l-i<''''fillflpr "itlt .·olu.·· ...cpal·alion-IH·islllS: ~hllt tcr SPCI~fl~ fl'om I ~ec, to 1/500Ih. pIns 13 "fl.:. T; dr.dcc to pt'cl·(.'ut lloliidc ,,-'''))0l:lU1'1'; release on shUI· It'L' f01' intcml"-'rl dOllhle CXI'IOSUI','; fo~ut' lo(.~k; h(.·lif'.al\ rCll·;Icta),)(.· 1<'lls IlInunt. PdCI': 8110.00; (.'l'1'1·(·afl~· 1·:I~I(~. $9.75. A ... t,,·4;sodl·J'; ;In,ilahle, .'xpo~u("('~; Mr,·.. KCli\'ICA CA~IErtA l:arlt'idge 10:lI.1i1lS :l5t1nu; up tn :16 cxposurcJ", 1x:llj2; intcr.. changeahle lcnscs; focal plane .. hUlh~l· ~-i.lh ~peed:3 fl'OIll 1 10 1/1000th J"cc" T & B; s~·ndll·oHi zatioll hnilt~ill fOl' X, ;\[, F ...lclay; 5 to 10 ..cc. delay sl'lf~timer; llcpth of ficld scall~S likl~ Leica IlIF, hut this HlOfld Iws special II:lyOHCt lells Httllll1tS; scp::lrntc ,",oekets flU· t"'gular anu clCI'II'ollie 11:1:;1.; singlc window l'anA'I~.. vicw~ filldel'; I'apid film adv.ulee Icver; automalie parallax .. djustrnent at nil di~l:1lJces; coincidl'l1cc typc l'angefindcl' cnulllt~,1 to all LeiCll 1('llses h'um 28111111 to 13.'>ulln; ;ltIhllllalienliv lIla ....kcd l·ic,,·lindc1' 1'01· 50, 85, 90 and 1:'~:lrnm Leica It.·uses; aull)lIlalic eXI)osul·C ,:OUII' 1('1'; film advance cl)cks ... huttCI·; coupl.,.. eX)JOStll"Cl IIlt;tCI'; hingcd h:u'k rOt" ca$\' film IU;HIi.Il':;. l'dl:e: 81-4,7.00 "illt 501l1IH ('(Ia'tccl f/2 SUIHIUicl"ll1l Iplls. 1);;1., J:. LEITZ. l:'olL )If,·.• EASTMAN KOnAK CO. . KONAN-16 AUTOMAT LORDOX JR. Cal'ldl1~c :lamm; UjI to 36 expo~ "tIl·cs, lxl V:!; coated 501l11H f/3.H Tripld I('n..;; V cro shutt ... r with :,-pe,,(ls fnnl1 1/25lh 10 1/200tl, sec" & n; focuses from 3 ft.; s~'IlI'hl'()ni~ctl f.Il' Si\I Hud SF up tn 1/100th; fur l"l:i and #25 IllllhJ';~ up tu 1/,,)Oth; X ,Ida" for strohe; IISCl~ allY 11 ..... 1. Il!lit with Europcan filtiJ1g'; douhlc CXI)osurc I"r~~vcn.. lion; l·l' ..... lcl·cI viewftntIcl'; allIIlctal h;)(h·. Pdce: $27.50; Cl'"I'ea(h' l·a~l;. S 1,,75, Dist.,' i\IONTC()J\H~nY 'YARD &: cn. MAMIYA SUPER 16 LEOTAX DVI CO. Sllb~Jltilliflt1tre; LEICA If Fo!" 35n1ln cadridgc; up to ~6 CXpOSUI'CS, 1xl]/2; 1·4'111111 f/3.5 1.ulllcniz,~d KHdak Ektal' 1'~l\s; Kodak Synchro :lOO shuttcr with spceds froUl 1/25th ttl 1/:.IOOth SCC., & 8; dellih tlf ficld scalc; flash synchronization huill-in; comhlned conplcd l'icw 611d l·an~,~. undcr; Cxllt)sUrC guidc, aUIt)luatic exposure coulltClr; tilm .. tYIlC in,Jip c:ltor; c1t)uhIe CXPO!ol,(II'Cl lH'cvell .. lion; Pricc: $Ai7,50. Complctc linl"' of aC{'CSSOr-le3 aVllilahlc. For 3511lUi film; 20 or 36 ex~ POSUI'(';;', ] xl y~; coaled 50mIH f/2,U ""\"c1 zI:II' anastigmat Jells in PI'fHllIII' S~V shutlcr with spceds tn 1/:JOOth Sec. i full 1\JX S~'U~ ~hroltizatiol1; elH·Ioscd optical c,·c·lc\'d limlcr; accessoq' clip; dq>th o£ fOt:u~ ~Ctllt~; douhlc ex· PO~Ul"· ,)J'Cl 1'lIlion: dclayl'ft acthut lilll('l'. PI'ice: 54·9.50, includillg cl'crc;ul:,' casco Cal·tl'iflgc 3filllll1; up 10 3() cx~ P0!3UI'CS, lxl]/2; coalf'(l 50mm Elmar Anastigmat f/:l,5 lcns; screw Illt)unt; infrared infinity mark; depth of fi,'ld scnl('; focal .. planc shutter with speeds froUt 1/251h to l/anOth :3('(~., & B; eye.lcvel filldl~r; helical focusil'IH I'XpOSUl'C eounlcr: dcpth of fiel ... :;:uidc; ;H·C,~s... ory clip; hllih-in flash :"l'''ChrHUiznlioll, P.'il~,': 81.12.00·. LEICA lit Similar to modd 11[f; ul' to 36 cxposures, 1 xl 1/:.=; coated 50111111 F.lm:.ar f/~.5 I(",,~; s(.'rcw mount (inlt~rchanJ.;,~ahle); iufa'arcd ill .. finil~ mark; dcpth uf field sealc; fucal.plane l'ihlltt~r, specds from ] /251h tt) 1/1000tl1 s<'c., & H; huilt~in it ..... h synchronization; hlliltpin ere .. ICl",!1 findl'r; helical focnsing' j coul,led ..allgcfi,uler; t·xpO~\Jr... Coulltel'; d<"pth of fidll ~lIid~. Pril:c: $177.00; $I2.:l0. l"';II'I·~·ing casco FilII linc of ,.tll,i.,:'.. uscs cartridge 16111111 film; ,:untcd adjustable focllsing- 2P)n1lH f/3,:i anasti;;lUal 'ells; fully lIush synchronized -::hutter whl. SJlI~I'ds from ]/2 to 1/200th Sl·e .• It U; automatic film "'inflill,!;, !'hutter cocking, and CX: pu . ;;urtJ cOllnting in single IlloveIIH~lIt; dt)uhlc Cxpol!lure prevcn_ tioll; hnilt .. hl :rellow filler; cye· II~vd (lI,tIcr; mallual {ocusinA' willt I<:l'er. Pril':H: S:-i9.95, with cvcready casc ;IIul flash ':;"1). P Cartridge 35m",; up to 36 eXpO~ surcs; 50l1lm f/l.5 anastigm::lt Shular; i'oeal planc shUllCI' willt speeds f"om 1 to 1/.')OOth !,:l:cond lIud B; eotl1_1... d rangc findel', "pti(.·al t)'PC e)'c.. lcl'cl yil~wliude.'; ul.ltom ... tie shultel' coekin;:; "'hlt filtH ad~'allc,~; e ..... osurc countcr; iutl'rehangl~ahlc II:ns ~'ith screw muurlt; huih~ill X:\l alld elccll'onic flash synchronizatioll; ,Ict,tlt of field scalc; millimuln focusing or :,J l/2 fcet. Pricc: 8-287,SO, Full liue of aecc~sod('~, ineludillg' I('uscs. Ohadhutl)t': GE;\'F.HAL PHOTO~ I;UAPHIC SUPPLY COMPANY. D;<t •• MA~l1YA CAMERA CO. MINICORD LORDOMAT LEICA IIIf Suh ..miniature; 16mm fillll; 2~ exposures; Rokkor 25111111 f/3.5 Icns i Konan slide shutlcr with sllccds from 1/25th to 1/200th see., T & B; huih-in flash syn .. du'ollization; fihn advance mcch. anism. Price: $:il,OO; Icathcl' urIC, 82,50. Acccssorie~ include 6lter and clo~e~up attachment. D;'I .. INC. KAi'iE~IATSU NEW \'OIlK. Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 exIJosures, Ixl1/2; coatcd Summi. ,'rOil 50mlll f/2 ICIl!'; dCI,th of field scale ~ screw mount (Intcr_ challp;~ahle); focal-planc ~hultcr with speeds {rom 1 to I/I000th see" T & B; built .. in adjustahle flash 8)'lld,ronization {or any foeul~planc type flas'h lamp, or any zero delay dedrt)nie fla~h Cartridgc 35mm; up to 36 expo .. :'fureS. Ixl ¥2; 50mm l:t)ated f/2.8 Wetzlar Icn.s; Prontor S~V shuttcr ",ith slJceds frolll I to 1/300th sec .• & H; I\1X fla~h S"IIClll'olliza~ tion huilt-in; inh·rehant;cahle lens Juount; combinalion raugc- and vic'""'fillder~ thumh opcr.atcd windcr advances filnt, cocks shuttcr and prcvents doublc exposure; self~timcr. Pricc: S89.50, includins ~\'~rcady case. Suh-miuiature; uses 16mm fillll; magazhw loadillp;; twin lcns rc~ flex; 40 c;\:IW'iUI'Cg 10xlOIllIlI; 2;5 CX JlO'!fll re rla~·lJghl color; Gocn Helgnr 2.3111111 coated 6-clclUClit f/2 lells; all .. mct;ll flush synchronized focal plane shutler ~'ith speeds froUl 1/10th to 1/400th sec.~ & ll; roof Jlrism foeu.sill;:n rapid fi.lm ~'illd and shuttcr cock~ ing; retractahle pistol grip fing,~r rest; dcpth o{ focus sc:.lc; eomcs with cv~reaciy case, I cassette, ca .... yillg cortI. Price: 88'''.50. Full line of :tccessories. Disl., KING PHOTO IMPORT CO. 79 SUB-MINIATURE and MINIATURE, 35mm couples with all focal Icuglh lenses available; removable canl" era back; permanent take.. up spool. Pricc: 8359.00; 8269.00 with Nikkor f/2 IClls. fuJI Hno of accessories and lenses availablo. Dist•• NIKON CAMERA CO .• INC. MINOLT A-35 II OPEMA foeusins; depth of field scale; oplieal CXI)osure Inete("; rangc· finder; self-timcr; rapid winder wllh coupled film Iransport. shut .. ter mechanism and film counter; double exposure prevcntion. shoe for flash unit; rewind knob with frec wheel clulch and film re.. minder; film locking stud; tripod socket. Price: 569.50. eveready case, 88.50. Aecessorics and lenses available. Dist., BURKE & JAMES, INC. PENTACON diaphragm Meyer Primo plan, 8139.50; with 50mm f/2.8 preset diaphragm Zeiss Tcssar, 8139.50; leather case, 810.95; BC flashgun, 815.50. 01.... PRAKTICON CO. PRO 35mm IUiniature, fixed· focus ; takes 12 exposures on re·loaded film; cam. era and exposed film arc returned to manufacturcr for finishing; 12 prinls of 3Y~x3l.,4·inch arc rC" turned to user with the reloaded camera; made of plastiC. Price: $3.00 with film; $}.OO for l'roeessing. Mfr .• BEAURLINE INC. Cartridge 35111111; up to .:\6 SUI'CS t cxpo~ lxl¥z; Super Rokkor 45.. mill coated f/2.8 lens; focal plane shutter with spccdti from 1 to 1/5001h sec., T & B; combination view and rangcfindcr coupled to lens; sclf.timcr huilt-in; flash synchronization built-in; automa_ tic film advance control; double exposure prevention; hin,:;cd back for easy loading; accepts stand. ard intcrchnngcablc lenses. Price: 8160.00; c\'crcncly case, 87.50. Carlridge, 35mm, up to -12 ex .. posures; 24x32mm; f/2.8 HC" eoatcd Gelar lens; focnl plnne shutler, specds from 1/251h to 1/500th sec., B; coincident. hnage contrast colored range.. finder; single window coupled rangc and view.finder; removablc back for easy loading; entire lens unscrews for easy interchange... ability; Price: 554.50, evercady easc, $6.50. Dist., STERLlNG.HOW ARD CORP. PAX 35 Disl., KANEMATSU NEW YORK. INC. MINOX 111-5 RAPID SEQUENCE II A Carlridge loading 35mm; single lcns reflex; 58mm f/2 pre-set dia_ phragm Zeiss Giotar lens; enlarged eyc.. levcl prism viewfi lldcr; upright image, sides unreversed; eoullieu film transport and shut_ ler ('ocking; speeds from 1 10 1/1000th sec. with focal plane shutlcr; sYllchronizatiun huilt~in for regula.· and electronic flash; dclayed ,Iction selt~timer; illter. chanf'!:c:lhility of lenscs ()"om 28 to 1000111111; 110 l)aralJax. Pri~e: 8249.50; with pre·set diaphragm SOmHl (/2.8 ,"'cstannr: 8249.50; with f/l.S prc·sct diaphragm An .. gcnieux 521, S299.50. Icalher ease, $15.00; GC flashgun, Sl~.50. Disl., PENTACON CORP. Ultra .. miniatul"c, size 8xllmm; 50 CX1)osurcs in dnylight loading cartridge; automatic simultaneous shutter winding and film 11"anspOl"t; exposure counter; orange :lIU] gl'cell built_in filtet's; focuses from 8.illchcs to infinity; direct view .. findcr; parallax cor .. .·celioll; coated COlllplall 15mm f/3.S lens; lamcllar shutter, spccds from lh to 1/1000th sec., T & G; synchronized fOl· fla:3h; camcra measures o/sx1x3 inchcs. Pricc: 8139.:'0, including leather case and cht'omc chain. Cartridgc 35mm; up to 36 CXPOM SU1'CS, lxl 1h ; 451111U coatcd f/3.5 Icns in helical focusing mount; cocking typc shutlcr with st)ceds from 1/25th to 1/150th 5('C .• & G; SUpCdlHposed itl1;-tge rangc. findcr; automatic frame eountcr; accessory shoc for flash; syn .. chronization for reg:ular and elec_ tronic flash (X delay); removahle camera back. Price: 849.95; cvercady case, 87.50. Disl., COOPER PHOTOGRAPHIC SALES CO. NIKON MODEL 5 Cartridge 35mll1; up to 36 ex .. posures lxllj2; Kata 45111111 f/2.8 len:3 in rotating nlount, Pronto shutler with spe(~ds from 1/25th to 1/200th sec., & B; 10 see. de... lay sclf·timer; built-in oplical eye-level findcr; automatic shut .. ler cockins. film wind and coun .. ter. Price: 836.95; carrying case, Single Icns rcflex; 351111n cartridge; up to 36 e"posures, 1 Xl 1/2; f/2 Zciss Biotar 57nul1 T Meouled pre~set lens; f oeal~plallo shuttel' with speeds. from 1)2: to 1/500th sec., & B; F MX syncI1l·oni7.31ion huilt .. in for strobe and flashbulbs; intcrehl1llgeablo len 5 c 5; eye .. and w a i s t ~I eve I finders; magnifier nnd sportsfindcr. self-cocking shutler with automatic film a(h'anee. Priee: 8199.50; cvcrc:l<ly eas~, 59.95. full lillc of acccssorics and choice of lenscs. 80 "" RECTAFLEX ROTOR PRAKTIFLEX FX PAXETTE II-M Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 expo .. sures, lxl 1h; Steinheil Cassar f/2.8 coated 45mm lens; Pronlor SV shutler; interchangeable lenses; synch·ronizcd for X.:M delay; optical viewfinder; hclieal Uses 35mm cartridges; lip to 36 exposurcs, lxlljz; singlcMlens reflcx; Duo·Prism focuser; focal .. planc shuttcr with spccds from 1 to 1/1300th sce.; spced setting bcfore and afteR· film transport; two spced diah; buihMin syn M chronizatioll for flash and strobc; synchronized at all speeds; optical rangefillder; imagc.findcr is vicwed through a large window behind lens; upright image on Sl"oundMglass; helical focusing mount; tripod socket; fully opcn .. ing hack. Price: 8295.00, with Schneider Xenon f/2 lens; 8250 ... 00. with Allgenieux f/2.9 lens. Accessories available. Dist., PRAKTICA CO •• INC. $6.95. Disl., INTERSTATE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. CartddGe loading 35mm; up to 36 CXpOSUI'CS, lxl 1/2: Nikkor coaled f/l.4 5em lens; eouplcd .. nngefindcl· wilh single window for viewing nnd focusing; focal .. plane shu Iter wilh spceds !l·om 1 to 1/5001h sec.; buih .. il1 flash synchronization for all speeds; exposure eoul1ting device; depth of field scale; focuioling wheel; interchangeable lenses; rangefinder D;st.. STERLING-HOWARD CORP. RECTAFLEX PAXETTE 18 MYCRO III-A Sub.. miniaturc, uses 14mm film; 10 exposures 'I2xV2"; 20mm f/4.5 coaled lens; lcver ..sct com_ pur~type shutter; speeds 1/25th, 1/S0th, 1/100th sec., & B; adjusuhle diaphragm f/4..5to f/l1; alJ~melnl constl"uction; eye.level finder; fixed focus lens. Price: S12.95. including case. Black.. alldM~'hile anti color film available from dislributor, .30 per roll in boxes of six. Accessories include Iripod, lells shade, filtcrs. Takes 35l11m film; Jnotor driven rapid sequenec canlera; one wind of mutor lasts for 24 exposures. Schneidcr Xenon f/l.9 coatcd lens; intcl'l1al l\'IMX flash syneh.. o~ nizatiol1; righl angle "iewer; inM Icrchan~caLle lenses; 1l1olorlock; shoe bracket; film transport, ex. POSUt·C counter; ree~'cling, and shullcr eoekinp:: are all automatic. Price: 8104.95; 89.50, carry .. in~ I'ase. PRAKTICA FX Disl .• PHOTOGRAPHIC IMPORT. ING & DISTRIBUTING CORP. Disl .• KLING PHOTO CORP. INDUSTRIES, Cartridge 35rnm; up to 36 expOSUI'es, lx1:1(2; single lens re.. flex; 50lUm f/2.8 fully automatic Isco Westan3r lens; Ihrough.the .. lells focusing; no parallax; up .. right image; accessory prismalic finder eon,'erts regular finder for eye·level vieu'ing; interehangeabilitv of lenses from 28 to 1000mll1; synchrollization buill .. in for regular and electronic flash; $hutler specds from Vz to 1/500th sec.; focal plane shul~ ter; coupled film transport and shutter cocking. Price: 8139.50; with 50mm f/2.8 Iseo Westar, $99,50; with 58nl1n f/1.9 pre.. sct Same features Reetaflex, but this is three.. lens tUl·l·et model; unil consists of three-lens turret, hand grip wilh Iriggel· shullel'J:"elea~e and rifle bUll for usc in place of h'-Bul grip; each lens accommodaled with positive focusing and fr;uning through eye.level ground .. glass viewing system. Price: 8585.00 with 50JJlm f/.8 Angcnieux lens; 8660.00 with 50.. l l l l l l f/l.5 preset Angenieux IClls. Disl., DIRECTOR CORP. PRODUCTS REGULA lA For 35mm cartridge; 36 exposures, IxIV2; 50l1lm Steinheil Cassar f/2.8 eonted lens; rapid film transport lever; depth of field scale; Synehro·Compur shut .. tcr, speeds from 1 to 1/500th 8ec., B; synchronization buiItMin; double cxposure prevclltion; au .. tomatic counter; visible red. and .. white exposure signal; accessory Qlle 10:l(lins. full~' aulultlatic up· ct'ation; spdng motol' built-ill: allxiliary eh'ctrie motor availah1.' a." acccssor~-j slalldanl hnck pel'milling u~c o( ~tandard 3,s1l1l1l cnrtridges nvailahle. Pdce: On HC(luesi. SUB-MINIATURE and MINIATURE, 35mm 8220.00, with 50mm coated UIIl'on f/2 lens, Compur Rapid l'\lX ~hutter, flllly SYllchronizt~rl: wilh 50mm Color-Skopar f/3.;-; S~"ncIH'O Comllur; $157 •.50; ea .. (". 812.,s0, VOIGTLANDER VITESSA Dis ... INTERCONTINENTAL ,'IARKETING COUP. SCENEX Sub-l111niature, 1I1'CS rollfilm. ~izl' 828; 8 CXpOtiUI'CS, lxl; 5111111.'1' :-opec.-Is 1/25th and 1/50tl. sec.; p1n1'Iic ca~e; l;("o11n11 a tid. Jlulisltf'd lCll~; ~~'c.lc\'el viewflluler, Pri("l~: SJ .00; shoulder strap ea~e 8.29, "'r.·.. EARL PRODUCTS CO. fIJI' Hll~hgllll; Imill-i ll cp'· findl~r; h(lIly shutler 1"1'lea,..e; C"ahlc release :l1111 tripOtl "Hckl'l. Pdl..·l~ 869.:-;0 inc. elise. clip IC\"l~1 REGULA IB Model 42 C:u'trirlgc ,~5I11m. 20 or 36 eX])QJOures, lxl l/ 2 ; r,01ll1l1 :u:h."omatic f /7.7 lens; huilt.in :<,\Tlu:Ju'oniz<1tion; rot.trr-typc ~hu"ter, speeds I /60th J:lce., & T; built-in cloud fi IIl'r; exp.,:o;ure counter; ("y,~-Ien_:l Ii udcr; Iu'licnl fOt'usiH~; I riplHI ~oekct. Price: $14.95; $2.80. flash allad"111('lIt; $5.00, tWf'rf~ll,I~' Cnl'tl"irl:.;(~ .~5nllll; lip to 36 expolxl 1h; :iOnu" Nikk,\r ellatcd It":II~; int,~rchallgeahlc lenses, f,)clI~es from 18 inches; sere"" 1ll0uJlt; focal plane shutlcr with :o:pct~ds from I to 1/500th sec" T & IJ; hnHt-in X-M Rash synehrolliz.ttioll; d("pth of ficld !'lealc; ("oupled rllllgcllnder; .separal(~ ran;,;e- anu viewfinder i auto .. matic shutter cOt'kinS a l i t I film illh-allcc; lilitonl:ltie frarne eouutCI·; hclieal foeutling Itm~ mount. I'dec: $] 79.50, evcrcauy case, 89,50; #9636 fla!'hgun, $22.50. COlllpl(~tf' line of accessories. Mfr .. HEIlOLU ~lrG. co. STEINECK A. B. C. REGULA ID Same as mOflcl lAo LUI with eoalcd SOlUm Schneider ItcAulon f/a,:) lens. Prif'c: 8·1-9.50 inc. casco Model 50 REGULA IF S:III1C as model lA, hut wilh Regulou f/4.5 5uIlIItI J(,H~; "nrio fla!'h synchrlJlli~cd $ihultcr, speeds from 1/251h to 1/2001h $~9.50 inc. ~cc .• B. caSt', ROBOT ROYAL ... VOIGTLANDER VITO II Model 43 REGULA IE Price: ;olUI'CS, Samc :l!'l ;\10,1-:1 42. I,ut has 5010111 f/1.4. Nikkor coated lens; inter_ changenhle lenses. Price $303.08, evel'endy easc, 88.9;'. Accessories <lvai1:lhlc, Sallie as lIlocJcI lA, but with Rc;:;ulol1 f/4 ..5 50mll1 lells; Pron· tor SV shultcr; i"pcccis from 1 to 1/3001h sec.; n. Price: 841-.50 inc. ease. ms" IJURLEIGH BROOKS, INC. TOWER SPARTUS 35F ea~~. S:unc as mo.Jd IA hUI has PrHI1lor syllc .... o,Ii;,o:cd ~hullCr:'. speeds 1 to 1/300th "'f'.C., T & n. Price: ~59.50 illf'. casco #96:~6 fla~h unit. $22.:i0. Cal"tridl!c 3511110, up to 36 eXPQsurcs, 1xll/2; coatcfl 50mm UI. tron 1/2 JCIIS; Compllr Rapid /\IX. fully ~ynehrollizcd shuller, !"I'eerls from 1 to 1/500th scc.! & 8; push hutton opcns enmera anrl puts lens hi action; depth of lield 8enle; eoupl.~d rangf'finrler; l'OTllhincd .. nngcfillder and viewfindf'r window; comhined film advallcc and nUIOntalie shutler cocking; automatic parallax t.ol1trol; exposurt~ counter i body .~hutler r('lease; film specd indicator. PriC(': 8127.50; with CoJor-Sk,)par f/3,5 len.~. $99.50; $10.50, c:tsc. Sub.,ll1ininhtrc; uses ~pedal film magazinc giving 8 exposures; coated 12,,s 111m Steinheil f/2,5 lell~; rotal"Y focal-planc shutter sel al 1/125th sec,; fixed focus; wrist-level and cye-Icvel finders; eOl1lplt,tc ~'ith strap to wcar 011 wrist. PI'i(':c; 8150,00. Cal'lddgc 3~IIHn; up to 36 expo_ surcs, Ixllf2; 45ml1l f/2.9 Tower Anastigmat Inns; focuses Iront 3l/2 it. to infinily; shuller speeds {rom 1/25th to 1/20011. scc" & 8; fl<tsh s~"nehronization huih-ill; devicc to prevent double expo. surc; automatic film counter; op_ tical cYi'·I("\·eI \icwfindcr; cspo_ SUI'C :-;uidc; accessory clip; re1lI0vahle back; all-Inetal construe. tion. P.·j(':(".: 837.50; evereadv cas(".. 84.·.95. . Model 51 Cartridge 3,smm, up to 36 expo· surcs, lxll/2; conh!d 50mm ColorSkopar f/3.5 lens; Prontor SVS shutler; speeds Irom 1 to l/!lOOth sec., & n; depth of field s~ale; delayed actioll; lOync-hronization built-in; eye-Icvel Jintlcr huilt-in; manual and ~care focusil1~; e~llO sure counter; <1('.l'lh of field guide, Price: $61.25; $54, . .'>0, with coated f/3,5 Colol'MSko,;ar Ie liS, Pronlor SV shUtlcr, sp~eds from 1 to 1/300th sec., & n: hl1ih.in fl?sh :lnd !'elf-timer; with Compu.' SYllChl'U shlltlel', spectls f,"onl I to 1/5001h scc., & H, 861.25; 88.2fi. carrying ("aSf~. WELTI Di..., ERCONA CAMERA CORP. STEKY Cartridge :-15mnl: .).') (''\:PU:o'UI'(~!' on lxl 011 36-expoHI:'C roll; 40mlll coah'd Schnci.-lcr Xenon f/l.9 Icn .. ; Rofor ,;hullcr ~-it11 specds from lh: to 1/500t" sec., & D; huilt~in f.pring motor fircti 24 picturc~ ~-ilhout rc~indjng; intcrchangc:.tblc Icnsc.~; depth of field scalc; foeusc~ from 21;2 ft.; i)]X synchronization built-in; coupled rangcfinder; optieal.typc cyc-Ievel view finder; !'hlltter-reIcase button autolO:.ttically cxposes, transpol'ts film; winds shut. tcr, opcratcs ('ountcr; will operatc Single olctioll or burst firin b , as fast as 8 per :sce. Pric~: 8295.00; with f/2.8 Xcnar ICIlS, 82,s5.00 j cvcready casc, 814·.,s0; aeecssories ineludc ll'nscs in focal lensths [.'om 30mm to 200mm; optical and sports-type finders; elcetro-1nasnctic rClUote control, $4·6.,s0; microscope adapter; extensiOIl cords; interval 1imcrs. ROBOT ROYAL INSTALLATION CAMERA "KULI" Samc [catU.'C8 as Rohot Royal, but has ren10te control c!ectl'omagnetic rclcase, 6, 12, or 24-volts; huih~in spring motor ope"atcs C:llner~1 autotl1ati('ally; dcsigncd for seicntific alld illdnstrial applications. Price: On request. ROBOT ROYAL 400 SHOT CAMERA Same features as Robot Royal, but ""ill htke 4.-00 exposures on 82 Similar to Model ,sO, hut has coupled rangefil1(lcl'; ,~omhined singlc l'ange and viewfindel'; shutter spceds ft'om 1 10 1/300th sec., & JJ; X.M flash syllf"hl'ouiz:ltion built-,in. Price: 839.50; cVf"rcady casc-. 84,95. Di, .. , SF-ARS, 1l0F.IJUCK AND CO. VOIGTLANDER PROMINENT Sub.miniature; uses 16mlll film in special magazine; makes 24, exposures, 10x14rnm; Stekinar anastigmat f/3.5 eoat<ld 25mm lens; behind-the·lcns shutter; speed" range from 1/25th to 1/100th sec., & D, fixed focus; built-in filter; eye-level finder; automatic film counter; all metal construction. Pricc: $21.95, ",-ith eveready ease &/and filter. Cartridge 35nl1n; up to 36 cxposurcs, lxll/~; T-c-oated Zdss. Tcssar lens; dCllth of held scnlc; Com pur Rapid shutter, spceds from 1 to 1/,sOOlh s.ee., & B; synchronization huilt.in; eyelevel optical finflcr; manual focusing; exposure counter; l)od,. shutlcr" relcase; aCCCSJ:lOI'Y shue. Price: 879.50, WELTI II Dist., WILMOT SALES CORP. TOWER 23 Cartridge 351U111; up to 36 e'Xpo· snres, lxl]/~; single Icns )'eHcx; 50nllu f/3,5 eoatcd lens ~,ltlt click stops, prc-set diaphragm; focuses hom 3 ft. to infinity; reflcx ground glass focusing; focal plane shuller ~'ilh speeds from 1/20th to 1/500th sec., & B; Hash !:'yuchronization built.in; dep1h of field scale; optical eye-level viewfinllt:r; reflex magnifier. Price: 889.50; e,veready case, 86.50; Cartridge 3l'lmm, up to 36 CXJlQ· 8ur,~s, lxlY2; irHerehangeahle telemcter.1i nder (vic\o'. fillder and rangcnndcr in one eyepiece) couplcd with lens; shuttcr selling coupled with film wind. ing; depth of field scale; hod)' shutler "'dense; hullt-in selftimcl'; ,sOml1l eoatcd Nokton f/l.,s lens in fully synchronized Compul' Rapid shutter, speeus f.rom 1 10 1/500th sec., ..~ D. Priec: 8270.()n: lell~es; Cartridge 35mm; up to 36 exposure!), Ix}lh:; f/3.S T.eoatcd Zeiss Tessar lens; eleplh of f'ehl scale; Com pur Rapiel shutte.·, speeels from 1 10 1/500th sec., & D; buih.in flash synchronizn~ tion; combincd coupleel ransc· fineler and eyc-Ievel optical finder; boely shutter relea8t:'; OXp08111'0 counter. Price: SI49.50. AIRES AUTOMAT DIsI., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. WINDSOR 35 eready case, 86.95; flash unit, 89.95. ANSCO SUPER 5PEEDEX Takes 35mm eartridgc; UI' to 36 exposures, lxll/z; 50111111 f/3.S coateel lellS; nille-Sl)e~d .shutter; speed!il from 1 to 1/300th ~ce.; combined range and vlewfi,uler window; len!'; and viewfinder fo· 1~U8 1 0 3 f t . ; synehroni7.ation builtain. Price: $59.95; eveready case, $8.95. Dis.., GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. WINPRO 35 Cartridse, 35mm, up to 36 ex· IlOsures, lxlljz; 4-Omnl color-corI'eclcd doublet lens; patentecl positive shutter; built.in flash synchronization; exposure eounl. er; double exposure prevention, Imilt.in vic",' finder; plullger-t"'I'~ release; has lens openings 1,2,3, & T; lens shade; fixed foeu!il: Price: 815.95. AeceS60rics iudude: ~:invro 35 flash unit, S:·L95. Rollfihn size 120; 12 exposures 2 l j.. x2 '/1 ; twin-lens reflex; 75mm Nikkor f/3.5 ('oated lens in bayonct mount has eliek stops; Seikosha.RaJlid ~htltter with eliek stops anel ~p.~ecJs from 1 to 1/500th sec., ..'<:: B; synehroniza. tion built.in fell' F & X delay; built-in optical e"'e- and ",'aist.. level finder; self-erecting hood; counting, cocking and film trans· I)ort fully automatic. Price: 8177.00; with 75l11m f3.5 Coral lens, 80137.00; eVerc.lC]~· case, carrier; extra-bright subject .find_ er; sliding front panel to protect lenses; folding lisht shield for viewing len~; lens panel and viewing hood work together~ Price: $15.95; carrying case, $.1.50; flash unit, 84.95. ANSCO READYFLASH Rollfihn size 120; 12 exposures, $12.50. 2'\<',x2 1J.; AMIFLEX Rollfilm size 620; 8 exposures, 21j.. x3 1.1t; fixec1 focus; synchro. fiash shutter for accessory 8ash unit; eye-level viewfinder; metal anll .. I"stie ('onslruetion. Price: S.5.9:i; Ansc-nflash Type I, 82.75. Dis ... ZENITH FILM CORP. ANSCO SPEEDEX ZEISS IKON TENAX coated 1/3.5 Agfa Solinar four.clcment anastigmat lClls; entire lens focuses as unit; Synchro-Colnllur IIhutter with speeds' from 1 to 1/500th sec. & B; lU.X 9vnchronizatton for all flash and strobe lights at all shutter sitcedsj COU1.lcd rangefindcr combined with dcwfincler; auto. matic film I()adhl~ and measuring; automatil' tlollble·exposure prevention; safety bed lock; safety spool lock~; !:"ing-set lens and shutter; depth-of-ficld tahle coupled to focusing scale; film type reminder dial; built.in aeeessory clip; all adjuatmellts visible froIn top. Price: $134.50; carry ins ca!'ic.', 89.75; Rash unit, 88.95. ANSCO VIKING f/4.5 Cal'ldelge 35mm; up to 50 ex. posures, lxl; f/3.5 T.coatcd Zciss T essar lens; depth of field scale; Compur Rapid shune.·, !ilpeeds from 1 to 1/500th sec., & B; trJggcr·like mechanism ad. vanccs film and cocks shuller in single operation, permitting se· quence exposures; eye.level op. tical fll1c.lcr; manual foeusins; ex .. poSure counter. Price: 889.50; 866.00 with f/3.5 coated No"nr UoJlfilm. !'lize 120; 12 exposures, 2 1.tj.x2J..4_ j hdll-lens reAex; 80utm coated f/3.5 anastigmat lenses; double 'Hlion type shutter wilh speeds hom 1/10th 10 1/200th H·C.~ & H j huilt-in flash sYJlehronizalion, ASA terminal; coupled focusing $~'stell1 j fP·vulid-glass viewing j magnifiel' huilt-in; self. erecting" focllsing hood; focuscs from 3 fl.; flepth of f1e1d scale; all-meul hody. Price: ~34.95; le'1 thcr case, 84.50. »;s ... STEHLlNG-HUWARD CORP. ANSCO FLASH CLIPPER I(~ns. Disl .. CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. ROllFllM (127, 120-620, 70mm) AIRES REFLEX RollCalm, 8be 120; 12 exposures 2 1;4x2:I4; twin.lens reflex; matehcd Coral 75m01 coated f/S.5 Icnses; Seikosha.·-Ral)id shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/200th sec., & B; automatic :film stop and expvsurc counter; finder hood with finger.tip control; large mag_ ui(yinS glass with light shade; huih.in (rame finder for eye·level focusing; full FX flash synchroni. zation; exposurc table; focuses from 3 ft.; depth of field scale. Pdce: 899.50; with Zuiko lens, 8119.50; eveready case, 810.50. Di .... AIRES CAMERA CO. Rollfilm sizc 616; 16 exposurcs; 2 1/16x2l/2 ; fixed focus; doublet f/l1 lens ; sinsle.leaf shutler; built. in synchronization; cyc .. lc,rcl view. finder; built-in yellow filter; all. metal construction. Price: 514.75. Aceessorie:'> include: Eveready cn8C~ 83.25; Flash Unit, S3.'J5. ANSCOFLEX Rollfilm size 620; hdn..lcns rc· 8 c x; 12 exposures, 2 1A. x2 14; double IIwni!!-cus lens; synehro~ nized shutter for flash; lock.on flash attachment; shutter lock gllal'ds ug"ainsJ douhlc exposures; hinged back and SUltply spool Simih,,' to Spcctlex Speciol, but with cHatcd Agnar f/4.5 lens; "adu shuttcr, spceds from 1/25th to ) /2001h s~c., T & D; built-in synclu·oni7..<ltion; docs nol have self-timer 0" douhle cxposure pre. vention. Pl"icc: 829.50; eveready case, S6.9:i; fla1'h IIl1it, 88.95. ANSCO SPEEDEX SPECIAL RotHilm 120 sizc, 12 exposurcs, 2 1tix2y,,; coatcd f/4.5 Apotar .:tllastigmat lens i Prontor shUtler, speeds frolll 1 to 1/30011. sec., T '"~ B; huilt-in synchronization for nil flashlamps and elcctronie fla~b tuhc~ i deltth of field scale; douhlc exposure prevention; buih. in self-timer; sclf·erecting front; eye-level ,-lew fi nder; body shutter releasc; swing·out film spool; triw . pod ~ncket; cable release; all. metn] eOllstrU{'lion. Priec: $47.50; ev('rf..·.:uly case, 86.95; 8ash unit, S8.9a. Rollfilm size 120; 8 exposures. 2'/.ix3l/4 ; coated f/4.5 Aguar anastigmat leus; Prontor shutter, speeds from 1/25tll to 1/200th see. & B; syllehro"ization builtill; manual focusing; built-in sclf• timer; swing·oul film spool; eye~ levcl viewfinder; tripod socket; eable release socket; all-anetal cone-truetion. Price: 844.50; case, 86.95, flash unit, 88.95. ANSCO VIKING f/6.3 Similar to Viking- f/4.5 but with coated f/6.3 Agnar lells; Vario shutte.· with speeds fr011l 1/25th to 1/200th se-e. & B; aU other fca. turea eorrcspond. Price: 832.75; case, 86.95; fla~h unil, $.8.95. ANSCO SPEEDEX SPECIAL "R" ANSCO VIKING READYSET Rollfilm 120 size; 12 exposures; 2 14x2:y.'1 j 85mm coated Allotar f/4.5 l«:n8; depth of field suide; Prontor S .. \' shutler with speeds from 1 to 1/300th sec. & D; builtin FI\fX synchronization; eye.level viewfinder; rangefi nder; built-in sclf~til1ler; double exposure pre.. venter; swinS.out spool carrier; exclusive independcnt built-in dis· tance mete.'. Pricc: $55.00; ev- Rollfilm 120 size, 8 exposures, 2 1/t,x31,4 ; Agfa homar lens; synebroflash shutter with B & T; two· position focusing; body shutter release. Price: 818.95; eveready case, 84.95; flash uuh, S8.95. Mf•.• ANSCO. APOLLO RolI:fim size 120; 16 exposures; 75mm f/3.5 anastigmat lous; ,liS I ROLLflLM (127, 120·620, 70mm) self.timer for ddaycd actiflll; eye .. level ftnder built.in; body rch:a~~l; ,.:hutlcr .spl:t'd~ JrllHl I pusun' lu'e\,cTllion; Al'gll~ B('{I-i~ dol ~hows in lens ~ hen film rllJ. vallccd; luclal I'cinf(ll"cl'cJ, IHuJJ_ cd hody j IIcl·k . ~Il"ap; tripod .s.uck('t. Price; £22.50; e\'cl'cudy caJ'I'ying: ea~(', ~:1.15; plug in fla~h gUll, $1-\,80, ~lfr .. ARGUS CA~IEI:AS. INC. PI'll111nr SV shUtlcr. sp('cds 1 to 1/2?iOlh St'C" & B; buill-ill Syn .. dU"lIl1izalion; sdflintcr built-in; douhle eXlJosure (u'e\'cntion; expo~ure eQUnler; cyc-)c\'cl and \'1, .. i!'I-le\·c1 \ if'wfi"der; lIulllual r(l~u.~ill"::: huuy :::-hutlcr .. e1ease; aeecssor~ clip. Pri .... c: ~47 ,50; 56,5U, ('\ cl'c:ltIJ' ea,,('. ASTRAFLEX II MODEL 500 to l/200th sec. T & n; (1'~1Hh of fIeld senlc; aCCCSSOl'Y clip. Price: 839.95, \oo'ith ('a~l·. Dis!., GENERAL PHOTO(;HAPHIC SUPPLY CO. BALDIX ~peef-I; synchrollizntioll hHill-in for c1a,..s )1 lamps; fixcd focus; optical type cyc-lcn'~l vic~filHlcr; ;u.·cidcrllal eXI'o~ure ... ;!t·clv luck. Price: $9.95; e'"ercady' cotse, $2.9~. ~Ir.· .. WHITEHOUSE PRODUCTS, INC. BEATTIE PORTRONIC ARGUS 40 HoJlfilm, Hollfilm ~izc 62u: 21,/tx2l/J,; coat('d 12 (':\:PO"UI·C"; \'al'('x f/-1.5 alla~lig.nat laking 1('11... : flrl~l'l" til' focusin~ fl'om 3 y~ fl. In infinity; full l'UlI:;C uf r ... Iu":-j ~hllttl:I' ] /l:;Oth sp('('d... SI'('. l/:!.;)th fa'UIII ,f\,: H; to :lIIlf1ll1atic fi:ll:"h ~"J1('III:Ollh-:aliull; uplh·:d gl'HUllfJ . alld ,lulb:ht·.1 "il-winS ICII$; "ic\\ nllfl('I" witlt ('Jlfl in;.;. metal hood; hod~'-I~'PC l"huth.'!" 1·(·lca.:c j filill allli ~hlltt"l' \\ irHI (·olllhin .... d to pn:"clIl tluuld,' expO~lIrc; Op'iullfd dHIlj,ll'-t·Xpo-;urc dc\ it·t·: lTle~I:t1 I't'ill fut't'cII 1lI0lded Iw,ly; hillt!('d, IIH..· (.al hark: ll'ipofl ~ockj'l; Pl'iel~: ~:l7 .'>5; fla~h (,\·l'I·I'IUl~· ca~l~, ~4 ,95; 1I11il. S:l"R(L 2 RullJi11lt 120, 12 CXpOSUI'CS, 2 1/ 1 x:! I/~: Zl'i~e: Tc.~~al· lO.al'lIt, 1H'CCIHllcd lell,~: hdienl fo- ~t.'I f/:-L5 cu,"ilt~; dl'plh of 1i(·ld ~c;)lc: pl'C· 51":1 OIulolltalle djaphl''''~IIl; foc;.) plaUt' ~ltllllt·I·. ..:;pcecl'e' fl'ont 1 to 1/ 10BOl It I"-t'l'.; ltuill~ill 5YIII·ItI'0Iliz:tlion (1)1' t~llTtl'lIl\ic 01' hulh On:--h; jl1l"I'ch"n,t!l'ah)(~ lens ltlotlnl; alllCllllnth· film Willi!. ~:OUlit nlltl .<:hUllt'l· ,'('-,..ct: e~1I1 be ndnptcd to cUI fdm or platc, Pri ... c: 81?i9,50; "illt f / 2,8 T"jllplnu IU'I'-'''ct, ~1:'9.,50: ~~. "I"C:llly Al'l'c,,.,.nl"il'~ illc·llu}c.·: wilh· nll!!lc luhl:":: fl:ll"h l:a:o:c, Jjf- x21J.... sizc ; cxposul'e~ ~ynchrc)lIized 120, 12 fully ~;~ttf:~' ~(i:',il::.~l'~~ a~;~~:.i~:.lll'~lli/::~.:~1 P"onlcH' ::;V ~hullel': t"pecd .. from 1 to l/~OUth sec., ~~ B; 7.~111111 t'onlcd f/3,5 Elln:l~on lens; huilt .. ill ~('lflhll"'I'; hudr shutll~r reIcn!:'c.":: f:l!"t film :Hlntlu'c with raldld winding klll.h; uuuhtc ex .. I'I>i'urt' JlI'I''1'Clltifllt: t~~'c-level view .. fiudcl'; llcpth of field scale; film l~·pc :lUll $pcctl indicator; acce~.. . . nl·~ t'Jip for l":xpH~ure uleler, l'nlll!('(illlll'r. fla .. In:,:ull. Price: fur c1t'I,tl'flllie fbsh niH..! ('flllll'ul; 1IIa;'::I:t:ille hns IlIulnl' .II'h t~" :atld fdlll 1l1('lt'!'Jug- "lllJiplln'lIt ~ :lSIHHI In:,;.;n7.iltes wilh "Hille f('ll'III"')'O avail. aillc; c1f'ctl"il":aJl~' o'If'I':lIc,d, 11l:_ hind-lhl'-h'll:'- :"lllllfel' "..·ilh 1"-pc'cd of ] /501h ~('l'.; idl'ntifll':lliull "lui; o'llieal l"~'C.'-It·"c·1 fillll"I'; 11I:IIII1:tl ur 84,7.50. $6.95. l~\'('t"l';ldv cn~c, Di>l., KI.I.'i/; PIHnn f:ORP. S750.0o; S:J?i.OO, huill-in \'('llIut(' huill-in f.!1·Ulllld-;..d,a~... BEACON 225 tclcphnto ;Iud Il~II""""; ('xlcn~ion ~1It1; lilll'l'.': and mi .. BEATTIE PORTRONIC MODEL J-R FOl' 70111111; 32;; ('xpn ... tll·PS 2 t.l.~ X ]00 ft. JII:q:wzinc lu'lfl; f/1·.5 euated Rnl'l:U' 1(,1l~s; ~flullt:., .::tll'" a.s- ~lallcl;II'd llllHI.'1 i 90111111 CORP. huih.in ~'II.·IIl'Ul1iz;-ttiull CUt· ,,If'c. Il'ollie fl,,"!"" :Illli J'l'IIiOlc eUIIIl'HI; <u'('('pl~ ~1:lIlfl:.II·d 7HIIIIU 01' .'l511111l nt'alltl' PC)I'II'uni(' i\la;::::a7.iIH'; fo· ('u~('d hv a calil.. 'nll'd fvola,c;e sc:de Orl n I;l"it':d 111I,U II I Ill' gl·UUIHl. ;:In.s~, PriC(': S::\75,OO. ASTRAFLEX II MODEL 1000 .. ~ i\luflcl 500. hut ""jtlt 105111111 Tc:"":.I1' (/:L5 ICll~; ~hUllcl." froll! 1 In ] 11000th of a sccund, PI'iN'; ~ 1 ;;9,.,0; ,,'illt £/:1.5 Tl· ...!O;U· IH'C-~ct Jell .... 5179.;;0. 5alll(' sll('(":ll~ 'If,".. PIiOTOf;IIAPHIC PHOIHTTS. Ii'\c.. BALDA 120 12 Iloli~h('tl takill/.! LIlIll:lI' BELFOCA expoSUI'CS a I'd gl'Olllld IC~ll~; fixed fOCtl'" fnllll 71/~ fl. tv inJillity; oplical gl'OUIIlI :'11111 l'(di~h('(1 \"i('\\ iUg" lell~; 1'l'fh'x-t~·ltC \ ic"" Glld('I'; fuldill~, 1l1l'1;d hood; hody"l~"pe ~hlJl1l'I' n-:leu;,,('; 1 ~~: T S111111j~I' ~ellillg~: :llltulll:llic Hollfilll1 sizc 620; 12 cxposun::s, 2V, x2 ~(I; 70111111 Wltil,u' ail'f/12 11'11."'-; ,'fhilt-.. illl "Ill'cd of li50th :"t'C,; s:nlf·hl·c:.nization huill-ill ftll' cla~s M IUll1p~; fixl":c.1 fO('II'e" accidclltal CXIlO~I1I'C ~n ft:ly luck; optit'al I~'pc ('y('~le,'c1 d('w .. finder, Pdcc: $14,.95; nash IIlIil, 84-,85; ... \"('I·.·l1l"" l'll~(~. $::\.9:>, ~p"ct'(l nnuldel hUIiSl' .... I'lIll ....· Oa~h '::Yllchroni:t:al ill II ; flillt alld :--hut.. le'I' "\-\"illd cl'luhillj'tl '" PI·l·\.'nl .IHHbll~ CXpl,:'lIl"': AI';.!:u,,; Hl·tl ... dol .s.ho\\s in I'~II~ hhcl1 (illU :,11 .. \ :lJlced; Jtlcl.a! t·l·i.ufun·cll. )IIHIlI(.<1 hody; "l'ck .,ll·:ql; tdpod :"clf'kel. Pl'lt'I': f;l 4·,9:;; (~\ c'l·c'atl~· cas(' 82,;;0; plug-ill fl~~h. 8:~.RO, ARGUS SUPER 75 .'INc.. rr.·.. LJ:::-cs 120 rulifillll, 8 cxpu:"UI'(~S 2 1/ l x;\J/" or (wilh l"t!'luo\ahlc IIt:1,k) 16 expO$UI'CS l:'"f.... x 2'1.1; ]O:lltltll ... u:i1('c1 f/1·.5 Ell"",' IClls ill fl:'l~h PI'uHlo ~hUltf'l" ."tilt-in ~,·lflillHT; !'>Iwc,h. 10 1/200th ~cc,. II: IIOfly ~hll1tI'I' f·f:le~:I"'(,;; :adjusl" :l1dl' 1'\"l·.h·\'('1 fU1(ll'I'; nt:.Jllunl Col'u.<.,ill~"; Il'ipuci 'e'~ll'kCI; eaLlc l"e .. 1'·:I."lt~ ~·uc'kt~l: ac.:ce",:sory clip. P!'if'C: 837.;;0; l'\'l'r{,:'ld v ea~c, 86 ..>0. WIIITF:HC'USE PRODUCTS, BEACON II ..Itulllillll, !:'i7.c 120; fllldill;: tnlei H. exposUl·(":.~ 2 14 X;~ I~ ; lil' 12 lIeg3' ti,'c:< 2 III x2 1/1 ; l'onlpd :lIla!"li~ItlRt f/4,5 IClll'.: llt·'ptll of field scalI'!; Pf'"II ItH' :o'"r(tt'I', t"p"l·,ls fl'om 1/25 to 1/250th sec., & ll; Luilt.hl fl .. ~1t :o4:'·III'!U'Ulli:t::lliull; dl'laY('ll ac. tion tilll('I'; bvtl:v shUlh'r n,l,'asci c:'·t.'-It·\.·l IiIHI('I'; 111:1I1U:l1 fUI'uj· jl1~: IH'H\ i~ioll fut· 7.()IIC fHcn~ina:, Pl"iec: 839,9."i; 86.7;;, ca!Oe. Dist., C" 'I EI:A SPf.ClALTY CO. ' BALDAX Hollfillll size 620; PI'icc: (,;I'e't~. 3%. D;,I.. STF:I{L1NG·HO""ARD Rollfilm size 620; 2 I,IJ, x2V,; OpI iea I IUl·u.:ifl'::, S12.50. ac.Japlt~I·. {'1·u,.COPC ARGUS 75 AUlomatic porlntit (':1l1h'r:l; 701H1I1 !':i",c; 1I1kl'~ :{2;; I'X')U.'Ut·I'~ 21/~~ .'l:u,.: IOU fl, magazillc IOlHI; equipped with I".. 0 W ullf'II.'llk 12 c'XPO~IIl'C5 2,/. x2 11. j c:nal,'.1 :I11a~tigltlal Lurn;·lr f/8 t"kin e lells; cli.·k C,;Itop:;; rulol' .. llIalic fl .. ;,h l'xpOioure r..,clc ltIah,lll:'d to footal-;e '-('ale; flngt·r.lill fo('u~illg Il'om 31/:! ft. 19 infiuil)" optical ~I'OIlIl(.J anel polhhcd \ il''''' ins 1,,1':< i rl'flcxInu": ,,It..'wfi,,dl'r with IoldillS h(,od; hody-type ~hUller r ... It:'Mse; I & T ~hutter ~clliIlS,;; aUlomalie R"5h 8~"nehruJlizalionj cJoublc ex- l1C1l1flhl' • .size 120; 12 expusures :!Y-ix21j1.; ~ilHibr lu Haldix in all h';;llurc~ hut hns OluIOIlI:lti(, film ~tup :IIHI expcnnll'C COUlllcr; l'f1UipPCfl \\ hit 80 ... 111 j.·/2.9 SChlwicll'r lbdiunar Icnt'; 8 ...1111(, ... r ~r'lP~'tis fl·tHI) I to I /2:>HI h sec., & n. Prif'c: S(.4.rlO;. BILORA STAHL HoIllilll\ ~izc 120; 8 (';XllOJ;:.ures y~ :\:3Vl; hox type O:tsh can.· el"n: has :':III1C ff":!ltlll"es .as 5'1'''' ehl'~ ltIollcl, hUl ""ilh f/II fi~ed fut'uS kilo!', Price ~ $7,25, A('ccs. St)l'il'~ ~'HIlC :.I'" Synchro morlcl. 2 Sr..9~, e\·l'rc:ldy casco BALDALUX 120 .sh~e 120; 8 2y~,.3 V, or 16 t~·i,h rel1lo,·nLlc 1ll:.J~k) 1"}S x 2 1/', exposure . ;; 105mHt cnnt('cl Sehnc.'ic.Jer Ratlionar f/4.5 lens; Uo1I61m• BILORA BONITA 66 Rolllihn size 127, 16 cxposur~3 1 V. xl:"nc ; Whitar 501lt1t1 air· -5P:ICCcJ douhld f /11 ICII~: 'Vhite_ hHu~e shutlcr wilh 1/50th ~ec. Itnllfillll ~izc 120; 12 expo~urt~ 21j.x2'1..; twin le,,~ rt'flex; sharp gruund IItOUllt; f /9 flllly lell:" .in fucu.'!in! 'With :5~'IIc1l1·Olli:.cf'd BROWNIE FLASH SIX·20 MODEL ROlLFIlM (127, 120·620, 70mm) douhlet lells; hetwccll .. lell~-shuller with I & T sellings; flash s)'ul'hronized; swing.nut tllm lwlder; fillgC"-lilt rei case ; rt:flcx fH~usiHg; large vicwfintler. Pdce: 89.9;; j 8a.00; flash uttaclHIHlnt; 82.00, casco Mfr., COMPCO C.ORP. I & H shu tter speeds; 3-sto)) rlinphraglH includes f/9; f/ll & 1/16; full.illlugc viewfinder; Rash unit ~i.r(· of C;llllrl'::J.; lingcr tip I'dCOl~.: lias l"CeClllOlcic fOI' cable rd.:OISc; tl'ipod !~",.ckct; all-IHctal '~OH.'i'lrul·linll. ll; I~yc.lcvcl and waist-level find. ers; focusing scale; IJclical 10cusing; syllchl'Oni7.3tion built-in. PriCtl: 836.50 with Vario 8hut~ h·I·; 84,:.J.50 with P.·ontor 5; 84.7.50 with PI'ontor SV. Ever4':uly Cohoe: $7.50. Pd.,(': 512.50; ('\'el"l'au:,' t·:I"'~. 83.95; UHora fla~h unil, S:-L:;O. BOWER-X MODEL 63 BILORA SYNCHRO CROWN FLEXARET sizc 6~0; 8 cxposurcs, IIlClUseus lens; two· pU!'-itioH fOl'lIsill;;; .~hulll·r ":4lllillAS I & 0; enclosed e~"e-le,'cI findcl'; huilt-ill !:YlIcllI·ullizalioll. Pdee: 89.95. I3I·o·,\·nic Flasholtl.·I'. 82.70. ACl'c"sol'ies a\'uilabll:. ':\'0. 7.1\. cl.):'(:Ul1 &lllaclllncnt; filt.'l', llolHihn 2:y,.:s31,~; BROWNIE HOLIDAY Rol161111 size 120, 12 CXpOSUI'C!i, 2 1/-1 x2 ll. ; twil1-I,'n~ l·et...·X; f/3.5 coated J\1i .. ar IClls; atllomatir. crank-lever film tran.o;purt; full view masnifil'" nnd dircct field sportsfindf'I'; P"(llllul·-S shutll'r with spccds from 1 to 1/300tll ~ec, & B; flash ~)-lIchrolljzatiou huUt-in. Pdc\~: 899.8S. Disl., BIBf:R FOTO C.ORP. CRYSTAR 2S UolifiJI1l size 120; 8 (""POI;III"("." 2 J.4,.x3 J/ l ; .,ox I)'IIC fla~h calHI:rn; precision g."OUlIU coah·(l fIll lcn.~ ,",'ith 1'/16 slop; !"yn· dn-onizcu fla8h fit..: un top caml'ra i I & n ;,hII tl.l'\· ,,,pcl~ds; ad· justable focul:'ing for dosc.ups j hol'izoliial lIud \'cl"lil:al vic",·finutOrs; tripod !"l)cket. finger tip I'CI~ltse with l"f'.ccplahlc IOI- cahle I'elease; Pl"icc: $8.95 i Bilo)"a Rollfi 1m size 620; 8 CXIlOSUI'CS, ~i;t;(; 2 III x31j..,' Stcillhdl Cussal" f /6.a l:oah'd If'lIs; Varia :,;hultcr '" ith 5-pcet-ht fnnu 1/25th to 1/2-00tl. sec" D; FM syJlchrol1i. zalilli l huilt-in; cye and wahtIc' cI fllUJCI·S; hclical fo.·.using; focu:,;ing scalc. Pricc: $24.95. r.'"crc:Hly ell~C, 8,6.50. Di,I., SAUL DOWER, INC. BOX TENGOR fla6h unit, $:-1.50. HullfiJIU. o.;iZll 127; 8 C'-IHl$IIl'CS, 1;Y.. x2 1/:!; oJltie;dl~' eClltl','c(l, fiXt·d _1'0'" 11 l'> 1t·1l ... ; .. i,,?!:It·.aeI1on, ::tutomillie selling ~llU1tel'; slu:cd J 1--t5th sl·e.; eyc~lcv~l ,'il!'" filul ...·:, .. huttCl· relcase top lIf c'aIJH~r:l; 11I'aided 1"OIYOI1 IIcc'k ... II'ap. Pl·icc: 82.9;;, Accc:~soric:o; illcJmle: CIl)~e.Up aitadllllent; cloud filter. BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH Di"., INTERCONTINENTAL MARKETING C.ORP. Ilolifillll l!'iz,' 120; 12 f'XPOStll'CS 2Vl",211-l; twin-Iells r(·fl"x; Uelll coatt·d f/3.5 Mugni ICII.~I·S; !"illglc aetiOIl clH,k-allu-l·clca.!H; shultcl' specd.s fr,,,,, 1/10t], 10 1/10:>th sec., & B; eahle l'elcasc socket; huilt-iu ASA !'>\"Ilclll'oJlizatioll; ~:t·If-crecljng hood'; huilt·in Illag· nifier i tripoLI !'ool'k"t; ('vcrcatly case. Price: ~49,95, iuclutJiu; evcready case. CRYSTARFLEX II S:lIue vision hood:; :l~ !t'lodd I, IWI llab dircct e)'e.. levcl sports finder i.1I t'oclI:,ill;':: klloh; shull·'r .,;pct~rl.s frum 1 tu 1/~OOth sel:" 0..'(: H. Priee 559.95 with easc. BOLSEY-FLEX TRIO Disl., A. G. PHOTO DIST. Itollfilm, ~iy.l' 120; 12 exposures, ,21It.x21.4; refle." type; I.·Hnled f/7.7 ICII~; 3-StHI' dinphraSIIl; internal ~'·lIdl1'ol1b;atiun; douhlc (;xpOSUrll ju-cvcntiQH; reflex filld~ t:r; alulllillulIl .lit:'-(';(J"l con~truCa tion; cquippcu "... Jlh Holsey Tclcscopi~ fh'tJhgun, r"flcclor ~Hdcs down I.alter)· Cfl~C when 1I0t in usc; uses pendl hatteries. Price: 829.95, including c\,c,ocllcly casco ~Hr .. BOLSEY CORP. OF AmiRICA BOWER-X MODEL II Rollfilm .size 620; 8 eXl)o.§urcs 2 1/':1",3 1.4 or 12,2 'J,j ",21/.. ; Schneider Radionar £/-1-.5 coated lens; choice of three shutters; Vario, Prontor S or Prollior SV ",·ith ~reeds :from 1 to 1/25tlth H:<'.; 36 ICIIJlfilm. J20: H .~xposures size 214 x:l ~(t; cualcd Goerz Frontar 1"/9 lem., can be focugl:d for three distance ~ groups; rotar)"~ type shuttcr, 1/30th sec. spe~ll, .1IId n. bnilt~ill synchronizHtiulI; '" alst-Ievcl ,'it~W findcr; 3 ICII.!i It'II'I'lur,-·.s.. Pdct~, SI5.00. DiSl., CARL ZEISS, INC. BROWNIE BULL'S-EYE Rollfillll 620, 2 1/",x31.i4; Kodak T",'indar lens; focu&ee {rolll 6 ft. 10 infinity shutter sellings I & T; huilt-in Hash synchronization; red "i~nal double cxposure J)rcvention. Calnera comes in completc package which includcs Kodalite ;\fidgd Flasholder, 8 M·2 8ash bulbs, 2 pCJ1l1ght bOlucrics, 2 rolls Vcrit'hrolHc 6.lm in Duo~Pak, In~trl1etion book. Pricc: 817.95 lor ,··,tire: 11Rcknge. Ih.llfihn size 620; 12 ,·XIW8Ul·CS, .:.P/l-x2Yt; 8lmm i/l.':) fi'l'd (ocu~ 14ms; shuttcr "ylldn"'.lliz('d for S;\I, SF flashlamps; Hj w:Ji~t.ll'"vl~1 fHcr·si1:c vicwfin,)4"':; ~n)l)oth.. ac. lion shutter rcl I"·" S.:. Pr"icc: 86.9.'>. Korlalite Flasholdl'"r with flash guard, 84·.00; Kodak Field Casc, Sa.25. )lfr., E.~ST)IA:>I KODAK CO. CLiKETTE HolHillll, .size 620: f;amera oulfit for automatic elo~e.ull photogra_ phy; includes size 620 eamerot; Hash attachment; On",h guard; closc .. up focusing frame ... ttach~ )llcn'; focusing fralne places cant .. era at correet dis1anc~ for Eiharp J)ietures. Price: $14.,.95, complete outfit. Mfr., W ALDEN INDUSTRIES, INC. COMPCO REFLEX II Rol16.hll sizc 620; 12 exposures, 2 1.4 " 21./i;; twin lens eamcra; Rollfilm, siz~ 120, 12 cxposurt!s: 2 'It x2 1/1; all-metal hvx camel'll with. hui1t~in s}'nchronh.;ltioll. Price: $11.95, cOllJplete ""ith fbsb. ~I£r., LIFE·O·ILUIA C.AMERA C.ORP. DeJUR REFLEX Uscs 120 rollfilm sizc, takinK 12 .~XllO~urcs, 2 ~(1121/4; 2-lells reflex str:lp; Priel~: $9.75; 82.95, flash untt; SI8.95. deluxe outfit in. ,-Iude!:' eanH'ru. flash unil. 4 flash bulb:;, 2 bntlcries. 1 roll film and ea8~. ~H... fEDERAL MfG. & struetion; t.-tpod socket; choice of five colors in leather covering. Price: 81:i _95; cveready casc, $3.00; Ferrania folding flash unit, J\lodel A, with baUery, 86.25. ENG. CORP. FERRANIA IBIS 6-6 FERRANIA ASTOR wilh 85mm f/3.2 coated AmI· sti,:;nlat finder lens and .~t)rttctl f/3.S 851001 Chrollltar Anasli~mHt taking lel1s. Sflecds from 1/10th to 1/200th scc. T & 8. Swin;;out film holder facilitales lurtdinp:; big mngnifier; fidd h~'H!; side and hollom trlflod socket; film idcntifier; eye and wai~t-Iev.... l fincl .... rs; internally synchronized shulter; depth-oi-field scalc. autO a matie self-cocking shullcr will, cable rclease socket; c\'el'eauy C:l.se. PrIce 899.50 inc. case. Mr.·. DcJUR-AMSCO CORP. two lriflod sockets; self-erecting "ie\o\'fimlel'; fixcd focus; eye-le\'cl fimler; manual focusing; Pril:c: 829.95 ""ith Stcinheil Cassar f/6.3 lens tn Vario shuBer, 529.95; with f/4.S Cassar lens in Pronto,-S ShUttCl', 839.95; with f/4.5 C .. ssar 'ells in COin pur shutt~r. $49.95. ,,'ith f/~.8 Icn:> in Pronton J\lX shutter. $59.95; 86,25. £.1inex flashgun; 56,95. evereall)' cal'a:. o;st.. CAMERA SPECIAI"TY CO. rtolHihn size 120; 12 exposures. 21I'lX~YJ; Galilco f/4.5 coalcd lens focusing from 3 ft.; ProntoI' shutter with speelh from 1 to 1/300th in'e.; built-in synchronization for electronic flash and l\[ bulbs; double exposure prevcntion couplcd ,,'ith optical warn in::;: in the fi .... ld f)f vi<,wfinder. Priec: 8.'iS.00; etl~('! 58.00. FERRANIA ELiOFLEX I Di.-I., G. A. BUTTAF ARRI. EXAKTA 66 FLEX·O-CORD II DeJUR DR-20 Uscs 120 rollfillfl! 12 cxposures, 2 % x2 1.4 j twillalens reflex; FI .....\:o coated f/3.5 .lens; Flexo shuttcr, 1/10th to 1/200th sec., U; flash built-in for class 1\1 lomps; waistlevel viewfindcr; depth of fielcJ guid~. Priel:: $39.95 including carrying case. rtollfihn size 120; 12 cxposures 2Y.. s2%; twin-lens rcftt·"; eoatcu 85mln f/3.5 'Vollensak takin/; lens and an f/3.2 viewing lens: Rapax ftasll synchronizcd ~huth:r with spceds hom 1 to 1/400111 scc., T & 8; flash colo .. code; swing'aout film holder; O\'crsizc maguifiel'; field lens under ground .. glass panel; automatically erect .. ing vle"dng hood; eyealevel, waist-level finders; depth of focus scale; two tripod sockets. one on hollom, one on side of body J ASA bayonet flash sockct; film idcntifier. Price: 8129.50. inc. eveready case. Di,.. , GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. FOLDEX 120 Mfr., DcJUR.AMSCO CORP. DUNKER 70MM Uses 70mm film; two matched rtaptar coated lenses; takin,:; lens is ill Alpax Sync.; shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/1001h sec.; focusiug lens is in 1.lain harrel. always open, no shutt .... r; rtt('k and pinion focusing knob; foclI~c$ from 3 ft. to infil1it)·: ground_ glttss back. Price: 8350.00. il1dUllcs 18_inch eahle rclea~c_ ~lfr., DUNKER'S VE.JA-DE.PROD- ucrS. EDI·BOX SYNCHRON Rollfihn size 120; 12 exposures 2 1/J x2Ya.; 85mlll FcrraHia I)ri.. mar len~ in collapsihle Inount; Ferrania Silent .~hutler with 1/50th sec. & U; fltl:o;h svnchronizatlon huilt-in for F Inmps; fixcd focus; built_in oplieal c)'e and waist.levcl finders; lens shuttCI" unit mounted 011 retractable metal harrd; all-metal eonstru~a tion. Price: 812.95; eveready case, $:i.OO; portrail lcn~; 82.20. FOI' rollfilm size 120; 12 expo· SUI'es, 2 11'J. x2 14; single-lens re· flex; 80mm f/2.8 Zciss Tessar lens with built-in pre-set diaphragm; shutter is two_curtain, focal-plane type; spceds froUl 1/1000th sec. to 12 seconds: del;lycd action exposures possible; automatic film-transport and shutter cocking; interchangeable lenses; camera back removable i bui1tain electronic and regular flash s:rnehronizatiOll; folding viewfinder is convertible to eyelevel sighting; can be exchanged with other vie"'finder; eye-level Penla Prism as accessory; hinged magnifier covers cntjre gl:"oundglass area; loops for nc.-:k-strap; tripod sockets at bottom and side; intentional double exposure de,,'ice; windo~' for 8rosa a ble film notes. Price: $300.00, with eveready case. Dist., EXAKTA CA~lERA CO. Rollfilm size 120. 12 exposures, 2Y4 ,,2 1,4 i Galileo hMono,:;" 85mm coated lens focusing' from 6 fl. to infinity; Ferrania "Special" self. cockjng shutter with spcc'ds from 1/25lh to 1/200th sec. & 8; built-in synchrolliz3llon. helical focusing; mirror reflex finder and wire frame sports finder; exposure .-:ount('r; exposure guide i double exposure prc\'cntion; huiltin lock prevents necidental tripping of ~huller; red signal appcars after shutler rdease indIcating film hnr; been exposed; tripod and eahle r .... h~ase socket~. Price: 826.50; S5.50. cvrr('ady casc_ FERRANIA ELiOFLEX II Salue as model I, but equipped with 3-element 75mlll f/6.3 Ferrauia takin~ lens (oellsim;: from 4 ft. to infinity, stopping down to 1/18. Pr;,'c, 528.50. Rollfilrn, size 120 or 620, similar in looks to Foldex 20; makes 8 exposures, 2 14 x3lfi; 105mm OctvOIr lens; shutler sveeds of 1/50th sec .• & 8; synchronization builtin; eye-Icvel viewfinder; accessory clip for flash unit; body release. Pricc: 819.75 i case, $3.95; flash unil, 83.95. Mlr., PHO-TAK CORP. GRAFLEX 22 MODEL 200 Rollfilm size 120. 12 cxposures, 2:lj,ix2%; twin-lens reflex; 85mm coated. Graftar f/3.S lens i Cen a tur)' XFM shuttcr with specds from 1/10th to 1/200th sec., T & 0; f/3.2 viewing lens; Field lens inslalled; color COIled flash !:'ynehronization; depth of field Bealc; open-frttlne finder; 3x magnifier; self-erecting hootl; shoe oUllct for flash synchronizalion. Pric(" 893.00; eveready case, $9.~0. ~ece~sories include: carrying' casc, lens; hood, flash units; lens cap. G:RAFLEX 22 MODEL 400 FERRANIA RONDINE FED·FLASH Ro1lfilm size 120 j 8 exposures 2lJix3%.; fixed focus; flash syn_ chronization built-In; shutter speC<fs from 1/25th sec. to T; nil_metal box. Price: 86.95; flashgun. S3.00. Dis'., CA~IERA SPECIALTY CO. EDINEX 120 rtollfilm size 120; 8 exposures, 2Y1 x3*; EdinaI' f/6.3. 105nlln hard~coatcd anastiglnat lens; synchronization built-in; Vario shuttel'; specds from 1/25th to 1/200tb sec.; body shutter relcase; outornatic self-erecting bed; Rollfilm s.ize 127; 8 exposures l'YIi x 21/2; 64mrn Ultar aehro& malic Incniseus f/15 lells; Fcucr. Oil Flashmatie shutler with 1/40tll scc. speed; fixed focus; synehroa nlzation built-in; e)'c-level finder; built-in shutter release; neck .. Rollfilm size 127; 8 exposures, 1 % x21j2; 751tl1ll f/8.8 Ferrania Linear coaled lens focusing from 6 £to to infinitv; Fcrrania shut a tcr. speeds 1/7S'th sec. & B; builtin flash synehronization; eye-andwaist level finders; all-mctal COila Rollfilm size 120; 12 exposures, 2114x21A; similar to l\lodc1 200; 85mm f/3.5 coated Grahar lells; Graphex shutlcr wilh specds front 1 to 1/400th sec., T & B; buill. in XMF synchronization; eye and waist-level finders~ depth of fi('.Id guide; field lelts. Price: $117.50; eveready eose, 89.50. 87 ROllFllM (127, 120·620, 70mm) G RAFLEX 70mm coated 80UIII1 Ektar C/2.8 lens with ba"onct mount; infrared infi nity mark; depth 0 f field scale; Coeal plane shutter with speeds from I to 1/1600th scc., & B; built .. in synchronization for flash or strobe, all types oC lamps; re.. flex focusing; exposure counter; depth of field guidc; hack dctaehahle to pcrmit sheet film usc; hody-type shutter release; intcrchangcable lenses; hood and mag_ nificr rclcase; automatic film trnnsport; interchangeable roll.film magazine; cahle release socket; universal accessory bracket; Kodak Ektalilc field lens heneath groundglass. Pricc: 8476.00; 815.00 and up, choice of carrying cases. Full lInc oC accessories and lenses. cr; couJII(~d rangcfilldcr; dCllth oC field guide; automatic shutter lock; hody relcAse. Price, 8102. Eveready casc, 810.00. Full line accessories. IKONTA III·C SUPER IKONTA C Rollfilm, 120, 8 exposures in sizc 2 1,4x3 J,4 or, with mask, 16 ucga. tives 1 ;')~x214... Has S'II11C fe.-tures as 1konta A. Price, with coated Tessar f/3.5 lens with SynchroCom pur shuttcr and s1)ceds to 1/500th and B, $114.00. Eveready case, S10.00. full liu~ acccssories. IKOFLEX I-A Disl •• WILLOUGHBYS, INC. Uses 70Ulln film; 50 exposure casette loads j c(luippcd with 5. inch £/2.8 Ekl:l.r lens; weighs 51/2Jbs.; h."ls masnc~jum hody; alutnillum lens 1Houn.; spl'ing molor drive wHit folding handle in base of hody, powers shoot ins sequence; 10 exposures pcr spring winding; automatic film ndvancc and shutter-cocking; focal-plane shultel' with speeds from I to 1/500th sec., T & B; interchangeable lenses; combination opl-Ieal vie~·. finder-l"angefinclcr is automatically masked for each lens; sports-type finder; built-in film slicer; cam .. era hack removahle for daylight loading-unloading; Bash synchrolIi:z::ttion built-in with provision for zero and 20 millisecond delay; flashgun slips inlo bayonet mount 'on body top; accepts midget and serewhase bulhs; plastic data sheet on back oC camera; haud strap and pistol S-.:ip; shutter speed dial; .film indicator windo'",; film advnnee indicator. Expected to be availahle on the civilian market in 1955; Signal Corps Model finished in olivc drab; Civilian Model in black leathcr; Pricc: To bc announced. Mfr .• GRAFLEX. INC. GUGO 120 Hollfilm, size 120; 12 eXllosures, 2',4 x214; coaled f/S.S Steiner 751010 lens; Vario shutter with speeds Crom 1/2,sth 10 1/2001h sce., & B; flash synchronization huilt.ill; center optical viewI1l1(lcr; depth oC Coeus scale; tripod socket; accessory shoc. Price: SI9.50; eveready casc, 83.25. DI"., BURKE & JAMES. INC. HASSELBLAD 1000F IKONTA A Rolifilll1. 120; 16 CXlIosur..s, lo/~x21,it; choice of three lens and shutter eomhinations; Price wilh Noval' £/4.5. Prolltor SV, sclf-tlmer; S53 .00 j with NO"ar f/3.5, Pronlor SV. self_timer, $62.00; with Tessar C/3.5, Synehro Com pur. wilh spf'cds UJl to 1/5001h sec., 8NtI.UU. EvercRdy case, 810.00. Acccssories. IKONTA II-B Rollfilm, 120, with 12 l:xposures, 2 1/p,2 1,4. Choiec of three lens and shutter comhinations: builtin synchronization; eye-level finder; scale focusing; depth of field guide; automatic shuttcr Jock; shoc for wai~t-levcI finder. Pdee with coatcd 75111111 Novar £/3.5 lens, Prontor. SV, self-timer. speeds Crom 1 to 1/250 scc .• & B. 870.00, with NovaI' £/4.5, 7511110, in SynehrOllbed Prontor shuttcr with speeds from 1 se.~. to 1/300th I;c.e., & n; dcla~'cd action; 857.00; with Tcssar f/3.5 in synchroni.zed Compur, snecds Crom 1 to 1/500th ~ee.; 895.00. Eveready case, 810.00. Full line accessories. Dlsl .• WILLOUGHBYS, INC. HASSELBLAD 1600F Rollfilm, .ize 120; 12 exposures 2*x2lf..; single lens refle:<; 88 Rollfilm, 120, 8 exposnres 2J/.Ix :i lIl' with same characterislics as e, 1I .. bUI adding lIon·cunpled rall#;cfinder. Price, with coated 105rnm Novar. f/4.5, Jells ill Prontor shutter wilh spced!" to 1/250th sec., self-limer: S69.00; with coated 105mm Novar, f/.'i.5 lens in Prontor shutle.·. S86.00; with coated 10510111 TesS:lr, Com. pur Rapid shntlcr. sp('(·ds to 1/500th sec., with self-timer; RolHillll, 120, 12 expOSllres. 2% x2 l/.l , twin-If'I1.'" rdlcx; sellopening hood for shielding Exira. hrite foeusin,g screcn, with builtin lua#;nifil'[' aud (Jjr~el visio., eych'vel fillder; delayed 3elion; antomatic shullcr lock; hody relcasc; taking lens is a coaled Tcssar or No\'ar f/3.5 mounletJ in Pronlor SV shuttcr wilh speeds from I to 1/3001h sce. & B, buill-in flash synchronization (lUX). PriC(~. with NovRr It~ns, 895.00; wilh Tessar It.·ns, 8120.00. Eveready cage, 812.00. IKOFLEX II-A $130.00. Case, $10.00. IKONTA III-B RoIlfihn. 120, 12 expo<;urcs 2 J.4x2 1/-1-' Most features same as Ikonta II-B, hut IhlS model has a rangefillder Cor ,.,anual Icns Coeusing. Price, with CHatcd 75mm Novar I/4.5 lells in Prontor shutters, speeds to ] /:lOQth S'-'c. with sell.timer, $66.00; with coated 75mm Novar C/S ..") lens in Prontor shutter, $77.00; with coaled 75mm Tessar C/3.5 lens in Cumpur Rapid shutter. speeds to 1/500th sec., $106.00. Evercady case. SI0.00. IKONTA II-C Rollfilm sizc 120; 12 eXJlosures 2Ylx2Y4; single lens reflcx; coated 800101 Ektar (/2.8 lens ""ith hayonet mount; Coeal plane shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/1000th & B; built-in synchronization Cor flash or strobe i takes all types lamps; reflex Cocusing; exposurc counter; depth of field scale; infrared infinity mark; hack detachable Cor using sheet film; body shutter release; interchangeable lenses; hood and u13gnifier release; automatic film transport; interchangeable rollfilm magazine; cable release socket; univerlilal a( eessory brackct; Kodak Ektalite ficld lens beneath ground-glass; aperture pre· 'selector. Price: 8.379.50. Full line of accessories including lenses and earrying cases. 2 "I~ x2 1,4, wilh huih_lU ASA cali. braled photo_electric exposure meter. Otherwise same features as Ikonta B. Price 5172.00. Eveready case, 812.00. Full Iinc of aeecs.!wries. Rolifillll, 120, 8 expusures 2 14x 3 J/.I , Prontor shultcr, speeds to 1/250th sec., & B; delayed action time; built-in synchronization; eye-Icvel finder; scale focusing; depth oC field guide j automatic shuttcr lock; hod)" rclease ~ Price with 105mm ('oater) Novar lens, f/4.5, 860.00; with coated NovaI' f/3.5 lens in Com pur Ranid shut_ ter. 573.00 ~ with f/3.5 Tessar in synchrollizf>d Compul' Rapid shutter, speeds to 1/500th sec., $130.00. E,·ercady C;lse; 810.00. Full accessories. Rollfilm, 120, makc!! 11 exposurcs 2 1/.1 x2 J4,; coaled 80nlln Tessar f/2.8 lens; !'1ynchronized Compur Rapid shutler with speeds from I to 1/500t" sec. & B, depth o( field !!cale; fully synehroniz.-,d for flash and strobe (MX) for entire range of speeds; delayed action timer; eye .. lcvcl fillder; vicw-fi nder aud raugc.finuf'r eomhilled: film locking device; 8hutter lock; hody releasc; shoc for waisl-findel'. Price, $145.00. E,·ereat.ly case, $12.00. fun line of accessorics. SUPER IKONTA III B Rollfilm, 120, 12 exposurcs, 2 J.4 x2'14. Similar to Ikoflex I-A, hUI this model is mOre advanced, automatically cocking shutter as film is wound, and is equipped with the l'es!;lar C/3.5 lens in fully synchronized S)'nchro Com pur shutter, with speeds to 1/500th sec. & B. Price, 8159.00. Eveready case, $16.00. full aeee~sorie8. Dis... CARL ZEISS, INC. ISOFLEX I Rollfillll 1;:ize ]20; 12 exposures, 2 1,4 x2]4; 8mln Ising Achromat f/7.7 lens; Ising shutter wilh 1 & T speeds; reflex focusing:; double eXposure Jlrevcntioll devicc ~ S"lIchrouization huilt-in. Price: 818.905; eveready easc, $3.00 & 87.00. ISO FLEX 53 is thc same as I. except for a shading hood ovcr the viewer. Price is 820.95. ISOFLEX 53 Rollfihu, size 120; 12 exposures 2 14 x2J,4 ; twin lens reflex; 8wIII hing Achrolllat C/7.7 lens; ising shutter with I & T speeds; built.in synchronization; reBex t:oeusiu~; double exposurc prevention; fo. cuscs frolll 5 It.; waist .. lcvel finder. Priee: $20.95. SUPER IKONTA A Disl .• DELTA CORP. Rollfilm, 120, exposures 16, size lo/sx2 J/.1 , et!uipped ",·ith 75mm Tcssar, C/3.5 lens in synchronized Compur Rapid shutter, speeds to 1/500th see., & B; cyelevel .find- Rollfilm, size 120; 12 exposures 2 %.x2 1/.1; 75mm Zeiss Tessar coated C/3.5 lens; Synchro Com .. pur shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/500th sec., & B; MX synchronization built-in; coupled rangefinder and viewfinder in One windo",'; scH_erceting front; red-dot settings; depth of field scale; autonntie film counter; double exposure prevention; automatic fihn transp~rt; film type il1dieator. Price: 8120.00; with 75rum coated f/3.5 Novar Icns. 596.00. Dis... CARL ZEISS, INC. SUPER IKONTA BX Rollfilm, 120, 12 (''\:posurcs, FOREIGN SALES KING PENGUIN for 120 roIlfihu; 8 exposures. 2%xS 1/1; Orae 100mm f/1l mcnigeus lens; Peubuin single action shutter; speeds 1/30th sec. & B; s"nehronization huilt-in; (·ye-Ievel viewfindcr; fixed focus: Priee: 818.35. Slu'nth ca~(';. $5.50. D;.... GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. KODAK DUAFLEX III KODAR MODEL Rollfilm, size 620, 12 eXllosure.~~ 2 l4x2 14; reflex type; 72111111 hard coaled £/8 Kodnr lens; Kodalite 200 ROllFllM (127, 120·620, 70mm) shutter "'ith speeds from 1/25'h 1/200,h scc .• & B. Accessories include complete linc of lens atlaehments; Kodak Flashholdcr, 87.95; Field Case, 811.25; Kodak Snapsaek, S4.95. '0 Mlr., EASTMAN KODAK CO. flashgun using C haUeries; duuble exposure prcvcnliol1 device with red signal; (olding hood for over_ &'izc reflex finder; exposure instruction next to lens opening; focusing scale; optical-type waistlevel viewfinder; Hdjuslahlc neck strap. Price: 823.95. KONIFLEX Pl'icc: 86.95. F.\'l'rcad~' ea ....e, 82.50. Litular F1:Jf!<h Unit, 83.50. 0;.... MAGNIFLEX Rollfilm, size 120; 12 exposul'es 2 1/ 1 x2)/.; t"'ill-Iclls reflex; coated f/3 . .> h'nscs; shullcr speeds from 1/25th tu I/IOOth sec., & n huilt-in s~'lIchroJ1ization; c.nblc rclc<lsc socket; ~clf-cl'('ctins hood; huilt.in magnifi.'r; tripod so~kel; Icath(~r ("a~e. Pd('l~: 857.50. Di''', A. UTORS. KODAK DUAFLEX III KODET MODEL Rollfl1m, size 620, 12 exposures 2 l A,x2 lA; reflex type; 75mm Kodel f /15 fixt.-'tI focus lens in Kodak shutler; Kodalite flashgun using C batteries; double exposure prevention device with red signal; wahl.level viewfinder; folding hood for OVCI"5izc reflex finder t :,djustablc neck 5trap. Price: 815.95. SAUL BOWER. INC. G. PHOTO DISTIliB. 120 or 620 "ol1tilm, 12 eXllosures 2 1;.ix2 1A; f/3.S coated Hexanon 5 clement 85.,1111 taking lens; f/3.0 euated Hexar view in" lens; flash synchronized Seikosh;:l-Rapid shutler; speeds from 1 sec. to 1/400th plus U and self-limer; nutolllatic film advance ,,'ithout red ""jndow; huilt.in exposure guide; accessory clip: Price: 8169.50. Accessories availahlc. Mlr., KONICA l:AMERA CO. L1FE-O-RAMA III ~dzc 120, 12 exposurcs ("o;ltc,1 75111111 Zulko f/:.J.!') lens; SeikoshaRapid r;:hultcr "'jth .~IH~t·dr;: from 1 10 1/500th sec., ...f?:. n; huih.in IhI:-h synchl't)ni%atioll; couplet! sillgle eyc piece I'angc & vicw_ finder; autumatie film wind stop nnd CXIIO~III'e COllnt("r; douhlc ex. por;:ure prc\'(,l1tiufl; focusln~ ar_ 1·.nngC'Hcnt !HHVe;w:. fillil plane with. ill camcr;l. PI'icc: 899.95. with cvcrcnd,' e'l!:'e. A.'c(':.~sorics in,,'lude: Autn-U,;. 8] 8.9:>; Flash Unit, 819,95; len:- houd i filt("r kit. Rullf.lm 2 Y4 x2 lA,; alla~tigrnat MAMIYAFLEX AUTOMATIC KODAK TOURIST II Dis .., MAMIYA CAMERA CO. MASTER REFLEX MAMIYA-SIX KODAK CHEVRON Rollfilm, size 620; 12 CX..flosurcs; 2%x2 34; Ektar 78mm f/3.5 lens; Svnchro-Rapid 800 shutler; speeds £~om 1 to 1/800th I'oCC •• T & B; click stops; shutt~r release le\'er on camera body; Imilt-in 8ynchronbation for Cll"sS F, Class ill, or electronic flash; split-ncld type rangefinder coupled whh lens; depth of field scale; eye. level fillder enclosed, optical viewfinder; parallnx eorrcetion; huiltin cye I)ieee in viewfilldcr for use with glasses; huUt-in ran~efinder pointer; le\'cr oJleratet! film ad. vance; automatic film stop and eount~r; film type dial indicator; simple adapter permits usc of 828 film. Price: 51198,50. (/:3.5 Sekor lens with ll\.ctclJill~ viewing lens; f1a!\o1J syllclu'oniz('11 shu tiel' with spc4~ds from 1 In 1/3001h sec., & 0; huilt.il1 dclaycd aetion; magnifier in hood; autolBatie winding, Iraille .~tlUIII· ing, shutter cocking; douhlc 4"X· pOSure prevention. Price: 899.95. with oveready case. FuJI line of aceessorlcs 3\'ai1ahle. Rollfilm, size 120, 12 e~posures 21jt ",2 J/ 1 i 75mm hard-coated Ennar al1n~tigl1lat lens; . "hutlcr speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th sec., & n; bullt-in !:lynch..onization for flash and spe,~d lights; zone focusing usiug red dot syslem; shutl"'r and diaphragm controls visihle from above; t",,, interJlally fitlcd cahle release sockets; shoe for rangennder and flaohguns; double expOsUre prc\'cntion; inlentionnl double exp()surc~ via eahle relcaB'c socket. Priec: $29.95 with Vario shulter; 842.95 with PrOlltor SV & MX shutter, with 9 spceds; self. timer; S6.00, eveready case; 87.95 Life-O-Rama BC fla~hgun. MI,· .• LlFE-O-RAMA CORP. CA~IERA LINDAR Itollfilm ~izc 2 Y.,x2 ; Dis••• ERCONA g-rouncI.glas~ fucu'foingi CA~JERA CORP. MICROCORD ]20; 12 ("XIJOSIIr('S, twin.It:l1s r("flex; 7;)1111U (·oat"'«1 f/:.J.5 Ziliko OI"lI\pu" 1('115 wi.th matching \ icwiJlg ICll~; Sci. koshawRapid ~huttcr "ith sllccds from 1 tn l/;';OOth sec., & U; hnilt-in fla:-h srnehronizatiol1; fullr automatic wil1dil)~, frame cnuntins alld shutlcr eueking; 1/ . Rolifilll1 size 120; single-lens re· flex; 12 ('XpOSUI'CS 2Y~x21!J; coated 1'Ieyer Priuwhu' Cla.5 lens in scr~w mount; d,~pth of ficld scalc; focal-plane shutter; sJlet~ds from 1 to l/IOOOth sec .• T & B; delayed action timer; fl •• sh i<Oyn· ehronjz.atioll buih-in eye-Icvel and waist.lcvel nntJel's; grounf1~lass reflex focusing; exposure counter; double exposure prevenliol1; all-metal construction. Prit~c: 8185.00 with eoah·d f/3.5 Meyer Primotar 85mm Icns; 0$215.00 with eoatct! {/~L5 1'ley('r Pdml)lar 85nllll lens anel pr~sct diaphragm; $250.00 with coated Cal'l Zeiss Tesssar f/2.8 80HlIH lells and pl·e· sci diaphragm. I·U'I~t.I ,=':l"' .. und.~la:;;s \'iewfindt'r. Pricc: 8179.95. with """'l·.'ady e:lSc. COlHplclC line of accc:,jsories availahle. MAMIYAFLEX MODEL II U80!l 120 rollfilm; 12 cxposures, 21;4 x2lj4; t"'hl-Iells reflex; tak... ing lens, 7SIn", Ross Xpre~ f/iLS, 4-colllponent; large aperture view. in:.: lens, f/3.2, 3-eumponent. COlUpur type shutter, spccds 1 10 1f;J,OOth sec., T & 0; depth of fielcl scnle; !ynehronizntlon built.. in; reflex foeusin~; tripod socket; hayunet accessory !nOUllt; expo· sure counler i parallax corr,~etioll. Price: 8136.95. Ev.~rcatly e:t,.~. $] 2.5U. Flash B-c' Unit. 814,95. Di,t.. GENERAL PHOTOGRAPlIlC SUPPLY CO. MINOLTA-SEMI P Rollfilm size 620; 8 eXI)oSures, 2 1/J-x3 l A; synchronization hulltin; eye.level ,·jewfinder; camera hcd shultel' release. Prices, dcpcnding on [ells and shutter Cfluil)ment, are a~ follows: 824.75, with 3811111\ Kodet f/1~.5 fixed focus lens j flash Kodoll shutter with spec(h I, B, & T j stops tu f/32; 843.75, with IOSIllIll Kotbk Anas_ tOil f/6.3 lells in Kod:lk F'lash RolUilm size 620; 12 exposurcs 2 1It.x2 J,4; Lindar f/9.5 lens; sln-ing self-cocking shUlter, speed 1/25th sec., B; 6ynchronization huilt-in; waisl_level finder; fixed focu81 portrait attachment buih. in; Idpod a..nd cable release sockets; a II-metal eOtl!truction. Rollfihn size 120; ]2 ('x".. sure, 2 1!J. x2 Yt; twin_lcl13 reO ..,x; 7;)OIm Rollfilm, size 120; 16 exposures, 2114,,1%; Prom.nr S-II 75mm coaled f/3.5 lells; Konan Flicker shutter with speech f,'om l/:.~ to 1/200t.h scc., & U; huilt~in flOlsh synchronizat.ion; cyc~lcvcl vicwfinder; front. lens focusing; dcpt.h of field indlcat.or; light lUetal alloy construction. Price: 832.00. OMEGA 120 MINOLTACORD RoJltilm !izc 120; 9 exposureS 90mm Omicron f/3.5 4-clcmcJlt lells; focuses from 3 ft.; Rapax Synehrom3tie shuller with speeds from 1 to 1/400th sec •• & B; s~'nehrolljzation lor F, X, i\t lamps with ASA 2~prOJlg conncction; coupled rangefindcr; huilt~in olllieal eyc .. levcl finder; tclseoping all-lIIetal body; one~ strokc film tranlS{lort and shUller cocking dcdce; rctraclnhle pressure plates; oversize focusing wheel with de{lth of field scale; ;Iutonlatic parallax eompf~nsation at all distances. Price: 8239.50; Omcga flash, nutomalieally eou[)Ied to film advance mechanism, llcrmits firing 6 flashbulbs in rapid sequence, 849.50; leather carry..alJ t::ase, 54.2 ..150; aluminum carry-all case, 869.50; other aecessorics available. 2~x2%; Rollfilm, size 120; 12 exposures twin-Icns reflex; laking lens. Pro mar S~III coated f/3.5 75 III Ill. vicwing lens, Vicw-Promar 75nun coated f/3.2; Citizcn shuttcr with stJeeds from 1 to 1/300th sce.; & n; self-timcr built"in; twin tcrminal typc synchronization; body rclease; crc-Icvcl viewfinder with magnifier; semi-auto.. matie filen loading; automatic stop winding crank; hclicoid Icvcr movcs lcns portion; light Ulctal alloy construction. Price: 881.00; carrying case, 810.00. 2~x2Y4; Mfr., SIM~ION ar 4 clement 75mm lens; optical .. Iy-eoupled rangcfindcr with colorseparation prisms in single raugc.. finder window; Koni~Rapid S shutler synChronized ""'ith ASA contact; speeds from 1 sec. to 1/500tb and Bi helical retracting lens mount; self.creeting bello,",,'s; Iinil focusing of the entire lcnsInount: Accessories avaJiable. Price: with f/3.5 leus, 899.50; with f/4.5 lens, 889.50. Eveready case. 89.50. D;st., INC. KANE~IATSU NEW YORK, NETTAR II-B BROS., INC. PANON SUPER WIDE ANGLE Rollfilm 120, 8 exposures, 2%,x 3 1,4; 110nun Zcllar lens; PhoTak shutler with I & T scttings;, plunger-type relcasc; eyc.lc,·el finder; safety lock on back;, fixed focus. Price: S5.95. Rollfilm 120, 12 exposures, 21/4" 2Y.. ; f/3.5 color corrected German Anaslighlat lens, spceds to 1/100th sec.; body rclease meeh. anisln; douhle CXI)osure prcven.. tion; sclf..ereeting viewing hood i built-in magnificr. Price 827.95, Including fla!'h-~un and case. Rollfilnt~ size 120; 6 exposures. 2x4 %; SOmm lIc,.:anoll anastigJUat £/2.8 lens in fot::al plane shUI .. ter with sp(~eds from lj~ to 1/200th sec; 14-0·degret:: panoramic camcra; foeu.ses from 3 fl.; buill .. in 13ynellrol,izatioll; open-franlc eye· level viewfillder; manual f(l~ eusinr;; revolving lells and shuttcr construction cnal,les call1cra to make 140.degree an,:;le rangc; curved film earricr to corrcspolld With arc travelctl hy lens; huill. in Icvel prevcnts di~tortion: weiJ.!;hs 4. Ihs. Priec: $450.00, with leather ea!'c. PETRI Rollfilhl 620, 12 cxposures, 2 J/Ix2 1/ t ; 74111111 coated Oehar lens; shutter spced 1/50th sce....'t:. T; built.ill flash synchronization; hody release; scJf.crcctrllJ; ,·iewing hood. Priee: $14.95; RcBex I Flash unit, with automatic hulb ejector; buih·in tester; 84.95; Eveready case. 84.95. Rollfilm sizc 120; coated f/3.5 lens in Cornpur typc shuttcr; optically groulld single viewfinder; coupled range finder; flash synehronization; focusing knob on track. Priee: 849.95. Rollfilm t 120. 8 exposures in size 2 J4x3 1,4 i Novar f/6.3 eoatcd lens; Vario synchro shutter allow_ lng speed$- to 1/200th sec., & B; buill - in Bash synchronization; waist-Ic"el tindcr; manual foeu~ Ins. Price, 883.00. Case, 87.70. Aeeessorielii availnble. I);st., CARL ZEISS, INC. Distr., GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY COMPANY. PHO-TAK FOLDEX-20 Rollfilm, sizc 120; 12 exposures 2J/.a,x21,4; coatcd Paxonar lens; shutter specds, 1/100th, 1/30th ,"ee., & B; synehro flash eonnecli.. n; 61111 transport knob; diaphragm scale; slip-on foot for flashgun; telescoping Iront; spring holt 00 back of camera; socket for wire releasc; optical viewIi nder; tripod tbread. Price: 813.95; flashgun, 84.95; eveready (-ase, 84.50. Di ..., KINE CAMERA CO. PEARL II Rollfillll 2t,4xlo/pf ; 120, 16 exposures, f/3.5 Koni~Coated Hex- PHO-TAK REFLEX I Dis.., STERLlNG·HOWARD CORP. PAXINA lib NETTAR II-C PHO-TAK EAGLE EYE PENTA REFLEX D;st., RITZ CAMERA CENTERS Rol1fihll. 120, 12 eXposures size 2'l4 x2 ~4; equippcd witll 1/4.5 coated Novar lens; Prontor shutter, with spceds to 1/200th sec., &: B, built-in flash synehronizalion; dela)'cd action timcr; waistI«-vel finder; rnanual foeusin~. Price, 843.00. Eveready easc, $7.70. Aeecssories available. Flash Mfr .. KONICA CAMERA CO. MINOLTAFLEX MODEL III Rollfilm. size 120; 12 exposures 2% x2 14 ; twin-lens reflcx; taking Icns, Rokkor 75mm coatcl f/3.5; viewing lens, View Rokkor 75nun coated f/3.2; both lenscs in hayonct mounts; One.Lever-Scikosha. shutler with spceds from 1 to 1/500th sec., & B; t~'hl terminal tYI,e .synchronizer; automatic film windillg; double extJOsure preven_ tion; pos.sihlc double exposure device; oye.level viewfinder with magnifier; plunoeouvex lens fitted on ground.glaHs; film indicator, light nletal alloy construction. Priee: 8130.00; carry in,; case, 810.00. Price: 834-.75 i FoMex Unit, 83.95; Case, 83.95. Rollfilm 120 or 620, 8 exposures. 2 1/'.x3%; 8Smm Octvar Icns; huilt-in cyo.. level viewfinder, shutler speeds, I/S0th sec., T; built.ln synchronization; aeecssory clip lor fla!'h unit, body releAse. PrJec: 819.75; Foldcx Flas" Unit, $8.951 Ca.e, $3.95. PHO-TAK FOLDEX-6.3 Rollfilm 120 or 620, 8 cxposure.s, 2 1J4x3 1,4; Stetnhcil f/6.3 coated anaHtigmat lens. Varlo shutter with speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th 8ee., T; huilt-in flash s)'nehronlzation; huilt ..in eye.. Ic"ei viewfinder; bocly releas.e. PHO-TAK ROLLEX 20 Ro llfilm 120 or 620, 8 cxposures, 2 l,4x8tf.1; Rollcx lens; fixed foeus; singlc-aetion, non·synchronizt::d shutter; enclose.l optiCAl viewfindcr; shutlcr speed, 1/50th sec., & T. Price: 814.95. PHO-TAK SPECTATOR 120 Roll6hn 120, 8 exposures. 2 14 ,,3 IA; 110mm Zellar Icns; built. ill synchronization; Pho-Tak shutler with I & T settings; builtin eye-level find Or; body release, detachahlc, easy to inscrt, flash unit. Price: 88:95: PHO-TAK TRAVELER 120 Rollfilm 120. 8 exposures, 2 1,4 x3lj.j.; 110mn1 Zellar meniscus f/ll lenG; single bladc shutt("r with speeds 1/50tll sec. & T; huilt-in Bash syuehronlzation\ ROLlFILM (127, 120·620, 70mm) POLAROID HIGHLANDER CAMERA MODEL 80 Prontor flash contact; all melal construction; accessor)' clip on side; standard tripod socket. Price: S6.95. Dis'r., KONICA CAMERA COMPANY REFLEKTA Rollfitm. eye-level Yiewfinderl fi.:llcd focus, body release. Price: 86.95; Tra- veler Flash Unit, 82.95. Mfr., PHO.TAK CORP. PLAUBEL MAKINA III Polaroid Land film Type 31; 8 exposures 2%,x 3% ~ pocket-size picture_iu_a_ minute camera; self-erecting front; front element focusing; long base optical viewfinder; drop-in loading; single dial automatically selects lens and shutler settings. Price: 869.95; film, 81.19 per roll; sheath case, 89.95; compartment case, 819.95. POLAROID LAND SPEEDLINER MODEL 9SA Rollfilm size 2%x3'lJt, I also acoo commodates film pack; sheet film and plates; folding camera; super-imposed image type range. tinder; direct-vision viewfinder; wire frulne finder; parallax ad. justment; ground.glass focusing; COlnlmr ",hutter whh speeds from 1 to 1/4-00Ih sec., T & B; !\Iakina "squeeze_trigger"; built-in electro. Rollfilm using special Polaroid Land film; 8 exposures; 3 141x4 14; develops its own plcturcs in oue minute; has coupled lens shutter setting; synchronization built-iu for regular and electronic 8ash; e)'e-Ievel finder; scale focusing; dcsigncd for Land I-step, I-minutc pictures; film and camera matched for simplicity. Price: 889.75. Carrying case, 814.95, master compartment case. 829.75. '0 '0 Dis •., CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. PRIMAR REFLEX II r RoUfilm size 120 I 12 exposnres 2"%,x21Jl; twin~lcns rc.Bex; matched f/3.5 eoatcd Meritar lenses coupled in helical focusing mount; shutter specds from 1/25th to 1/100th sec. & B; synchronization built-in; all met· nl body. Pricc: 839.95; e81'rying case, S8.50. Disl., CA~IERA SPECIALTY CO. RICOHFLEX VI Mfr., POLAROID CORP. POLAROID LAND PATHFINDER MODEL 110 magnet n:osures synchronous re. lea~t" of shutler at all speeds; buill-in X contact {or speed lights. PI'icc: shutter with speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th sec., & B; $~8.70 with coated f/4.5 lens in Pronto .Bash shutler with ~peeds from 1/25.h 1/200'h sec., & fil 542.50 with coated f/4.5 lells in Pruntor·S flash shutter with speeds from 1 to 1/250th sec., & B; 845.95 with eonted 1/4.5 lens in Prontor~S fully synehronbed shullcr wilh specds from 1 1/250,h sce., & BI 545.95 with con ted f/2.8 Steinheil lens in Prontor·S fully synchronized shutler with spceds from 1 to 1/250th sec, ....f?: B; 86.75, ever_ cady easc; 85.50, holstcr case. Rollfilm size 120; 12 exposure 21,4 x2 1.4; single-lens rcflex; coated 10511110 Zeiss Tessar £/:3.5 lens or 100nlln f/2.8 eoatcd Mcyer Tdoplan lens; SCI'ew mounts (in. terchangeable); £oenl-plane shut. tcr with speeds from 1 to 1/1000th sec .• T & B; delaycd action; syll" chronjzation built~in; reaex fo .. eusing; cxposure counter; depth of field guide; magnifier on reflex viewfinder. Price: 8285.00 with Tcssar lens; 817.50, casco Accessories include: wide-angle and telephoto lenscs; flash unit; sheet film holder; extcnsion lubes; adaplers. 8393.00. with 1(10111'" Anlicomal' {/2.9 lens; with f/4.2 I,·us. FuJI line of ."II'f:cs __ ori('s "Tid lenses. 8~72.00. U;" .• II'ILlUUGHUYS, INC. PHOTDNA REFILEX Dis'., ERCONA CAMERA CORP. RAYELLE Similar to Model 95A in cOllstrucdon; cquipped with Rnptnr f/4.5 lens; Raptax shuller, speeds from 1 to 1/400th sec., T & B; synehro .. nization built.in; coupled range_ finder; news .. type finder; exposure calculator. Price: S249.50. Deluxe case, 833.50. Rollfilm, sizc 120, 12 exposures 2 ~ x2 11.; twin_lens reflex; matched f/3.5 coated annstigmat leuses; internally synchroni:l.ed ASA flash lerminal; accepts Ri. cohkill 35mll1 adapter; Riken shutler. speeds 1/2.51" to 1/IOOtb scc .• & B; waist-level viewfinder; Single lever cocking and relcasing shutter; depth of field scale; self. erecting hood. Price 849.95, with eveready case; 812.95, Rieohkin 35mm adapter. Di81.. PHOTOGRAPHIC IMPORT. Ii\G & DISTRIBUTING CORP. PRECISA Rollfilm, size 120; 12 exposures, 21j.1X2%; 75mm COOllcd f/3.S Stcinheil Cassar anastigmat lens; ProntOl" SVS shutter with speeds from I 10 1/3001h sec .• & B; au. tomatically opening hood; built. in sports finder; double exposure prevention; flash synchronization; houy release; tillable viewfinder magnifying lens for fine focusin::;; built.in self-timer; dCI)lh of field scale; cable release socket; all. melal ease.. Price: eready case, S6.00. Disl.. CO. 92 OCEAN 849.95; PHOTO ev- SUPPLY Rollfi hu size 120; 12 expoSure" 2"% x2 % or 16 size 1 % x 2Jj.i; optical cye .. level viewfinder; body shutter release; coated f/3.5 anastigmat lens in Automat shul1er with sp<:cds from 1/25tll to 1/100tl1 sec., T & B. Price: 539.95. PRESTO Rollfilm size 120; 8 exposures 2 141 xS 141 or 16 negatives, 1 %x 2 14 l folding type; eye-level view finder; manual focusing; self_ timer built.in; tripod and cable release sockets; body shutter release J metal eonstruetion; leather beIJows. PrJee; 536.29 with coated f/4.5 lens -in Vario .Bash Rollfihn size 120; 8 exposurcs, 2%x3 1,4; f/9 fixed focus lens; I & T settings on shutter; optieal eye-level viewfinder; built.in flash synchronization with standar.l Rollfilm size 120; 16 exposures, l%x21f2; fixed £ueus, Meniscus Jens; shutter spced of 1/25 of a second & B; waist level view. finder; leatherette covered body with hnnd earrying strap. Price: 51.98. Dislr., GENERAL PHOTO. GRAPHIC SUPPLY COMPANY, 1/601h sec., & T; built-in Dash unit; universal focus; built-in test unit for Hash synchroniza ... tion; eye_level finder; with 4r Hash bulbs. Price: 514.25; $4.00, earryillg case. ROLLFILM (127, 120-620, 70mm) Mfr., HEROLD MFG. CO. ROLLEICORD IV TENNAR '" 1 10 1/500th sec. B; built_in MX Hash synchronization; multiple exposurc dcvicc; adjustable focus ins magnifiers; large focusing knob with 61m typc and film speed in" dicators; automatic countcr dial and rcwind knoh for usc with 35mm Rolleikin adapter; new type ba8c for usc with quick locking tripod adaltter. Price: 8309.50 inc. case and tax. Rollfilm, size 120; 12 exp08ures 21.,':1,x2%; twin-lens reflex; taking lens coaled 75mm Schneider Xcnar £/3.5 fully synchronized rtf.X Compur shutter wJth speeds fronl I to 1/5001h sec., & D; double exposure prevention; interlock mechanism to permit intentional double or multiple exposures, or when flash rni~-fircs; internal antireflection haffics; grooved trillod base; depth of field scalc; waist .. level and eye-level sports finders; rcOcx focusing; autonlatlc eXflo" sure counter; socket for cnlJle rCa lease. Price: 8149.50, including casco ROLLEIFLEX AUTOMATIC 3.5 f/7.7; rotary-tYP8shUIl~r;1/601h ICC., & T; depth of fidd sealel buih"in sYI.ehronization; waistJevel and sporU·lype finders; re8ex fO('UllhIR; depth of field suide. Price: $23.95, with flash gun, i5.00. everoady case. SPARTA-FOLD D;'l., BURLEIGH BROOKS INC. PONDER & BEST Rollfilm, size 120; 8 exposurcs, 2%. x;Jl/4; fixed foeus Elinar lens; 1 & B shutler spceds; huilt-in flash synchronization; booy shutter releasc; tripod soC'kd; eahlc release socket; folding c.Urccl viewfinder; all metal const.rue. tion. Price: 819.75; carrying case, 83.95; flashgun. 84.95. ROYER Utles 620 rollfilm. 8 exposures, 2 % 11:3 % I 105mm eouted Uerthlot ana8ti~mat f/4.5 len8 in Prontor II 8hutler, Ipeeds from 1/10th 10 1/2UOth see. ~ B; delayed aeIJon & 8ynchrunization buill-In' deplh of field scale; hullt-In eyelevel finder; double expo8ure pre"Ventlon. P .. j,.,.: 84Q.:iO 1 $:ln 50 with f/4.5 Sitar lens; 889.95 with f/4.5 Bcrthiot or Angeu,," and Telr.ro}' Ral1A'cfindf·r. D;S1 .. I;ENERAL PHOTOGIIAPHIC SUPPLY (;0. SCHLEUSSNER GOLF CAMERA D;sl., ERCONA CAMERA CORP. TENNAR 620 Rollfilm sizc 120; 8 exposures 21)1 x3 1,4 ; fixed focus; thrce shut_ tcr settings; synchronizcd flash shutter; Price: 619.95; flash unit, $3.00; carrying case, 82.50. SPARTUS 120 Uso~ 120 roll film posures 2 4. x2 1/.i; 1 size; 12 ex2·lclls rdlcx; Zeiss Tcssar £/3.5 len.:'.• 75111111 coated; c..Ielllh of field scale; Synchro-Compur light_value system shutler with cross-coupled lincar !ieales ·Cor automatic exposure se" Icction, speeds from 1 to 1/500th sec., B; delayed.nCllon timcr; built-in I\1-X flash svnchroniza. tiou; waist·level and eye-Ievd finders; Cocu~lng hood enclosed with large magnifier wilh coyer plate; large focusing knob with huilt-in film sTlecd and film type reminders; Ilood has toggle-spring hinge. reflex focusing; exposurc counter, douhle exposure prevention with release {or intentional douhle or multiple exposures; cable rclease socket; toggle-spring action on Eveready case; cahle release and lens cap. Price: ~~249.50. inc. case and tax. Price: S~34.50. with coated 75mm Schneider Xenar C/3.5 leila. inc. C'ISC and lax. Complcte selection of neccssories. Rollfilm size 620. 12 eXI'Osure~, 2 JA.x2 1/.&; coated 7¥2CIII Stcinheil Cassar lens; built-in flasL synehro. nization; double t.·xpo,Surc pre,,·cl1tion; intentional multiple exposurc possiblc; buill.in shoe to hold accessories; body finger releaso; eye-level optical 6nder; deplh of focus scale; tripod sockel; 2 cable release sockets. Price: 834.50, Model I whh f/4.5 lens. Pronto shutter. speeds to Rollfdm size 620; 8 exposures 21,4 x3 J/.& ; Einar Optik lells; )"nBn· ual focusing, eyc.levcl vie",·findcr; flash synchronization Luih-in; universal focus; body releBsc; Priee: 616.75; holstf':l' case. 86.25. Dist., CAMEIIA SPECIALTY CO. Rollfilm size 120; 8 exposures, 2 1Ax3 y.; box camera with flash 8un; fixed focus; synchroniza_ tjon Luilt in. Price: 84.95; camera only, 83.95. SPARTUS FULL-VUE 1/200110 sec.; 839.50, Model II wit II f/4.5 lens. Prontor S shutter with speeds to 1/300th sce.; Model IV, w;lh f/3.5 leng, Prontor S shutter. spced~ to 1/300th sec.; S6.5U. cveready case. 849.50, TOWER REFLEX TYPE D;,.., SAUL BOWER, INC. SEMFLEX S11 For 120 roIl6lm, 12 exposures, 2 1/.&x214; twin-lens reflex; taking lens. Florberthiot, f/.3 .5. 4-elements eoated; viewing lens. Berthiot, f/2.8 coated; Oree shutter, speeds from 1 sec. to 1/400th; B & T; reflex foeusing; self.ereeting sporls finder; expo· 8ure counter; lever film advance; cable release socket; tripod sock· et; double exposure prevention; plano - convex vieWing SereCD. Price: 8109.90. Eveready case, 112.50. Rollfilm, size 120, 12 exposure!! 2 1,4 x2:I4; twin-lens reflex; 97mm meniscus f/16 lens; rotary-type shutter, speed 1/60th see., & T; reHex-type finder; fixed focus; synchronized for fla~h; ~houlder strap. Price: $9.50; $3.00. eve_ ready ease; S3.50, fl;)sb nttaeh .. ment. ROLLEIFLEX 2.Sc D;.l., GENERAL PHOTOCRAPHIC SUPPLY CO. For 120 rollfilm, 12 exposures, 2 J,4 x2 1,4; equipped with 5-ele... ment, f/2.8 80mm Schneider Xcnotar or Zci~s Planar lens; Syn ... chro-Compur shutler, speeds from SPARTAFLEX SPARTUS PRESS FLASH RoIl6l.rn. size 120, 12 exp08woeS, 2%x2%; twin-lens re8ex; laking lens, l00mm coated .chromat Ro1161m. size 120, U exposures, 2%lt3 1,.?; 120nlln meniscns £/16 lens l rotary.lype shutter, speed 94 TOWER FLASH 120 Rollfilm size 120; 8 exposures, 2 14 x3 1,4; fixcd focus; !'hutler specds 0 £ I & B; focu.ses from 6 ft.; flush synchronization huill_in; ""'aist-Ievel \'icwflluler; all-mctal construction. Pdee: $4.9:'; a.lsh unit, 52.50, including two bat. teries. Ilollfilm size 120; 12 exposures 2 1/.a,x2 1,4; lens aperturcs from II' 10 f/16; fixed focuses from 5 ft.; ~huller Sllccds, J & B; flush syu .. chronizalion buil .. in; waishlc",el rdlcx viewfinder; cable relcasc aucJ Iri.pocJ sockcl; '11l.mctal con .. :olrucllHI1. Pricc: $7.50; flash unit 82.;';0. I.ulll.ill synch,·t,niliE:Jtion; hulll.in ... c1r.. tillH~r; deplh 'If field :::cale; tripud ~uckel; cahh: I'd case ~uck.. ct; body shUlicr relca~c; tde... cupic vic", Gndcl·; aulolllalic inh~rlock dcvic,:; zone fucu~ing; ;ICCCl'l:,c.ry clip; p:lrtinl flulIhh: C:'(. PU~HI'C prC"(~l1lion. Pricc ~ S6.;;U, TOWER JUNIOR BOX CAMERA 839.50; 01 II a ...1i;';111at .in ['runtor S.V uplical c,'e-Ievcl fi~lrlcr; aeCCS.o;Ol·)· .·Ii,.; hurly shlluer rt·!t·OIl'ie; c~ahlc 1·,·I("l.l':c ~o.·k("l; tripod suck('l. ,1.:_ 1:., .·.1 u.:rillll tinH~I': .:winA-nut fi 1111 10:lcl ing. Price: S29.50. IIi" .. Ctle,\:. 1"11:::1 ~lauller ,dth spe.cdif 10 J /:lO()lh .~il:C~.; rull l\IX ~.vllclll·onizllliol1; ~ION'fGO,UERY WARD .'i.: CO. VREDE-BOX WELTAX Rollfillll sbc 127; 8x cxpOSUI'C5, )':115; I & n :-hutter spcl~d~, rHeu~c~ J'rulU 6 ft.; ulltical l.'yc.lc\I.'1 \'iewlitHlcr; h'l·hh(';11 haud strap; pla ... lic hody. Prir.: S~.:-t9. J YHx2Y2; fi:r.:cd focu.i TOWER DELUXE Pri('c: 812:1.50; '~'-"I'ea"'y casc, $6.95. Di.st. SEARS, HOJo:nUc.I( ANO CO. UNCA Rollfilm siz..: ]20; 12 "xlw~nres: 2V... ,,21J4; f/3.5 CO'II.,.. Sldn:n IClls; Vario ring-SCI sl.lIlh·I' wilh t<IH·t~cJ.o; fl'lIl11 ) /2;')lh tn J /2001h tlt!C.; sl'l(wc,·eetillg ~nap.opcu fronl; de)lth of (ocu ... sC:lI(l; cable rcIcase sockct; hotJy release; op. tical viewfinder; huilt~in dash ~ynchroniz:Jtiol); He Rull"'", si\f.\~ 12() j 8 expu.~lln~s, 2 J/j.,,31J.&; IClls :'I)CI'lures, f/l1 ..'\.. 1'/16; fOCUs,eiS f.·nlH 6 h.; J ..'\: It shutll~r ~pcctls; Ha~h syncht·o. Ili>';:llion huill·in; CyC-ICH:1 view. lilHler; all .. mclOII hurly. Pdcc: $5.7.>; 0:1&11 unit $:!.5U. tiilH ;llClit~1I10r, flu ... hgun; .~\'cl',·ady r:l,.\". "I·ice: VOIGTLANDER BESSA I TOWER REFLEX II TOWER REFLEX III HoJlfi1m, size 120; 12 c"po:wrcs, 2 Y.. ,,2 J/.t; 75111J11 f/3.5 W'cl'totr h-ul'; PI'onto tlyn\'.hroni~ed tlhuller ~ hit s.~ecds frnlU ] /2:;tll to ]/200th SeC., & II; bllilt-in fl'Hih syueLroni7.:Jliuli l'or 20-111111 d.,lay i scnle eSlimale f'''-'II$il1g; I'",·u.~e,;: from it:Y~ It.; dC1,11l of fidtl seale; douhlc cxpo~urc 1,re\O;I,tion; all-.nclal e"nslrueliol1. I·ric.~: 829.95; .:v,~r("adv casc, $:;.9K, ftn~h "nit, $:;.35. - TOWER TWIN-LENS REFLEX II Similar to Model I, bUI has (/::I.2 NikkoI' ,'te,",'ing 'en~; 75111111 Nikkor taking lens; shutter ~tJeeds 1"rulI1 ] to ] /5001h .sec., & lJ; Iluillil... sbe 2 J4x:-PJI .11· ] 20; ]2, 8 cxpo!SurC!l 2 Y-a x2 1,4 ; en· clo~cd oplic~1 c~'c-Ic,'c1 viewfillclcr ... ho",,~ holh piclure s,izcs; ncct;g· clip; hotly shutter release; cnhlc l'clcfhH~ so(·ket; two tdllod s:ockclrq ~wiI1S-olit film loading; cllalt:tJ 10511)11l f/4.5 F'rankar anastiglU1H lens ill Vario fla:.h .. huller ",,·ilh spceds to 1/20()th ''',~c.; >aynelll'()uiz(':, lit 1/.'iOlh wilh ~·\1 hulh .• : all/25th with #'5. PI'icc: 819.50. lCollfillll, 120 si:r.c; 12 (""LPOSUI'I'~, 2 VI x2'/1-; depth of field foIel-llc; hod)' tlhuttcr rclc:I.';iC; manual fllcu.siIlS; cye-level oplic:.t 1IIHI("I' wilI. parnllax compensalion. j."'ricc: ~59.:)0, wilh f/.3.S coaled J\'h~I' itnr 1\'lIs; ProntoI' S shultcl' wilh spt~eds fro III 1 10 1/250tll ». ..I\.Oi.I .• CAMEUA SPECIALTY CO. WIRGIN 11 Hollfilm ~izc ]20; 12 ("XPOSlIl'Ci' .2 'II ",,2 I;" ; 7.)111111 cOl.ltcd ;)lcn:'8clIl' 1f'lIs; fi"cd focus; ligllt-tight hills-cd huck; fta~h <;'~·lIc·llI'otliz:l lion hllih ill; self-"rcl'ling hdlo",'s,; t:yc-Icvd filld,..I·. PI·icc: ] 7.95; flash nTlil, 83.9U. WIRGIN 4S .lCllllfilm si:l',e 120; 12 CXPO~UI·I·,.. 2 Vl x2 'II; 75111m coated £/4.5 "'iq;in Alla~lig'lIat lells; ",hullcr ~l'c.'\I" t'I'om 1/2:>lh 10 1/12.'i11l :-".:.; T & Prit:~,: ~3·J..50; \\ iI'gin flash ullit, $6.98. Ru1lfilm, sizc ]20, 8 ex pO_"Hn·i'. 2'1.. x:P/.I., or 16 CX'H):':IlI'C~ l'~x 2 'I,; eoftted 1'/4-.5 V 'I~kal· leu",; P"~)lIlor SV ~hutler, :':'H"t'd~ fl'UIII 1 tu 1/23,Oth foI.~e •• ,,'i1 Jl; JHlih-ili fl;lsh ~}·llchr,,"i?;.tiol1; d.,I:l~·,·.J :)('_ tinrl lhnct·; hurlv :,:huller rt:Jca~,-~; optical eye-len:t liml"I'''; 1';II'al- .u; 1;IX cvnlrol; o"'(',<i~,~ film ..... hllling knHI,; d.:·,tll I.f 'it·I,1 ,2"uhl~': ac. eeS:owr)' clip. Pdct:: S57.50' ,",ith V .. ~k:lt· SV ~"Ul1c,'; 872.5U ,,-ilh Sk.,,-:u· SV; 89,50, WIRGIN Sl VOIGTLANDER RANGEFINDER BESSA II \'\::iq;in LIS, hUI hlll'i f:ualctJ 75111111 \'r ollt'llsak V \'In ... ligrnlll 1'/-1.5 I'~II~; ... hullcr ~p'~"fl~ 1""1111 1/2.)lh 10 1/1~0Ih sec'., ... & .II; .:a ... y lo.u1ill,!; "ilh l'iwingUllt roll huhl"I's; Il'ipo.l H·k.·(o;. ,,'.-iC'·.: 8:i9.a(); \Vil'Sili H:l h unit, S01I1I1: C:l~C. "lcIIll('.al I.. Jr. III1H.lel, but has IOamlll t'/ ..... 5 SdHII·idl~l· Itadlulwr IClls ill Prlllliur S.V ..,.hullcl· ",jlla 1'OI'eetfs 10 J /2.)0Ih ~ec.; full .\1 X 1'i~"H'hrUlli:f.utiorl; 11,·lalCd lI~~tiOIi limer. Price: :. ... 86.98. Di,I .. \"\MEUA SPEnALTY CO. 829.300. WARDS DELUXE ROLFIX II ZEISS IKON Idc:lllical ",ilh Jr. fUOlld, bUI has .'.,aled 10.'imm l'/3.5 Il.odertstnek. lens in SYllehl'o-Colllpur ... hullcr ,",'ith speeds: 10 ]/:iOftlh 'I'dnar !'o~·r.; );.~ ...d TOWER TWIN-LENS REFLEX I ftHlIlll ... sl7.c 120; 12 "XIIOl'illur ~, 2 ~~x214; tyln Icn~ r,·flex; 75m... cuated (/3.5 Towcr Jells; c"mlmrI) I": shutler with spceds from 1 to ) /200t". $CC., B; flash sYliehro. ni7.lllion huilt.ln; f ueuses frHIll ;} h.; de(ltfJ of field seolc; J;"cfte:c. gruuJl<1 slass focusing; automatic ,·xllt.sure coulltcr and fihn stup; nll-mctal cn IISlruetion. Price: S79.50; e,'eread~' casC, 86.95. WARDS DELUXE ROLFIX JR. WARDS DELUXE ROLFIX I Rullfilm size 120; 12 t:xpo ... urC$ 2 YJ ,,2 V... ; Anchl·olU:llh· coatetJ !tolJtll,", sizc 120; )2 e.xpaSUTCS, 2YI. X 21j.'.. ; Krcu7,,,,,ch lent<; ~hut. tel" sl,ecds front 1/30th to 1/100t" ~ce., & n; fl~.sh s)'nchroniz:.ttiull huih~in (or 20·mlJl dcla~'; scalc estimate (oeusing; duuble CXPU:i~ UTC prevention; c;'c-Icvcl and rcflcx viewfilld("r; ;,lJ-flIctal botJy. "riee: S17 .95; evel'l~ady easc, 83.96; Ib .•d. nnil, 85.35, m"., INTEHSTATE PHOTO SUPPLY CORP. SOI·y 815.UO. Ui""t., A . •;. PIIOTO DIST, TOWER REFLEX I I.:ns; lens opcuiJlS~ at (/7.7, t'/ll, f/16; focuses frolll 5 ft.; I & B shutler speeds; syllchroniz("d fur flash; reRex viewfilld.:r; cuble: 1'.:lease and tdporl s-ockcls; hand slr.. p; ull.m("tlll ),ody. "dec: 812.9;).: e\;re,:H1Y easc, 82.9U i nash unit, $.).3". Di.... SEAHS. IWEUUCK AND CO. Hulltilm, .sizc 120; 8 CX'HJ~UI'f~S :2 Y. x3 l/..; laq,o:c rncniscu~ ICI1~; lixt':cl focus; shutter spcetl~, I, 1/25tll .$cc., T & H; focuscs 1'1'0111 8 fL; buill-in fln~h j ,"-l::'lical .1IId hol'izolltal vicwfindcl's; hllih-in ~ clio,",' Ii her; metnl eon~tl'IIl;liun. Pdcc: 86.95; flal'h Hllit, 8:L50. Cull MX syuchronizalioll; dc. lIction lillieI'; double "X4 I'reventioll. Pricc: $4,1.50. Jlo~ure Roli/ilm, size 120. 8 C"PO~UTCS 21ft x3 J.4 J euatctJ ) U5mlll Color. Skopar f/3.:'i lells; S~' ..chru-enJH. pur .MX sl.ullcr, sl'c,~ds (r"m ) to 1/500tll Sce., & 8; delayed OIetiun timcr; dClllh uf tidd scale; fully ftOlsh.~:"1l4~hruni;u:d; lJuih.11l e~·e. WARDS SOLIDA I"vel finder; manunl IucusingJ •· .. ullied. ""~.WhHI",,· t~pe r .. n;!e. finder. Pricc: 8119.50; 8159.50, with euatctl 105111111 Culor Hellar (/3.5 lens ill Sytlf~hro-n."J,i~1 l\'IX shutler; $9.50, easc. lColifilm, si:r.e J 20; 8 ("Xl)osurc~ 2YI.xa~; coaled 11011110 C/4·.:; N"\'ar auastigu'l.ll lells ill Prolltur S shutter witl. speeds froUi ) I.) 1/250th ~cc., B; huih.ill s}'nchn" lIizatioJl; eye-level 9plieal find"r: dOllhJc e,"pO~UI'C prcvention; hod~' VOIGTLANDER PERK EO I Rolllihn, abe 120, 12 exposures, 2 % ,.;2 1; " ; eoa led V 3skar f/4.5 Jeus. Prunlo :ilhu,lIer. speeds front 1/25111 tl, 1/2001h sec., &: Dj shutler release; IItanual focusill;.!. RoHfilm siu: ]20; 12 eXlwsUI't~!i 2 1/1- x2 '/..; 7.;null t/3.5 Ellagoll J'ricr.: ll)li7 .50 ;86.00, ~aS4:. Oi,•.• CA~IEnA SPECIALTY CO. 9S filch; double extensiun; parallax_ correcting c)'c-Icvcl fi nder; lens boartl has s\"o'illgs and tilts; drop bed; colihralcd srounu~dass with lour-sitlcd focusing hoou; revolvfng back. Price: 869.50, Jess lens; $98.50 with 4Vtj," eoateu Voigll:Jlluer f/4.5 ICI1S with S)'n~hl'ollizcd shutler; spceds fronl 1/25th t.o 1/20011.. I'ce. & B. De. luxe case, 816.95. Aece~sorics incluuc rangcfillller, flash equip_ 1IIC11t, filtcrs. lenses. SHEET FILM (2V4 X 3% 1o 11 x 14) BACO PRESS VIEW '", I Mfr., BURKE & JAMES, INC. Sheet fillll, pack!;, size 4x5; comllination prc:o>s ano view camera; r:u:k and pinion rear focus; rotating' luck; swing, tilt and rhillg frollt; 22¥~-illch hcllo"'·5 dr-;u,'; I'('cesset! front stallfJaru to t:lke Packard shutler; act~Cllls standard cut film holders; Ie II.:" equipillent optiOfl:1J. run h·n,;. Pri('c: 865.00, less Hne of accc$sorics. "Hr., BACO ACCESSORIES CO. BERTRAM cxtension 21"; groundslass back locus; all·mClal conslruction. monorail bcel; douhlc extclI~ion bcllo\"o's. frunl anu rcar foeusil1l;; ealihralcu groundglass. Price: 894.50, o1-x5, Icss Icns hut has revolvinl; alJ.mctal hack, foldi1lS four-siued light. hood; lens hoaru. 4x4"; bellows extension 21". 8109.50, 5x7, le.ss lens hut has re"crs-ihle \"o'oou hack; 4-.sid,:d Jig-ht hood; Icns hOllru, 5 % x5 '4"; hcllu\"o's eXlension 21"; takes all Paekarcl shullcrs up to 2" opcnins. 8132.50, 8xl0. l('sEC lcns hUI wilh siandard t.ype re"crsihlc woodclI back; Icn.1I; hoard 6x6"; hcllows cxten.tciofl, 29"; takc!'l all Packnrd shutters up 10 2 1,4" opcning. B & J REMBRANDT PORTRAIT CAMERA Sheet film! film pack, 2J~ x3 l 4 ; ,u'esS-I)'pc; accepts all 2lJ,.x3%. Cral,hic_tYI)C accessories; lOSmOl f/3.5 coatctl Jens; nine-speed SYllchro-Compur shutler ",·jllt speeds frollt 1 10 1/400th sec., T & B; full tilt in&: back ","jlh posi. tive locking feature; recessed knobs conlrol lilt, 21,1.1 x2 1/.J 1'011. film adapter ;l\·ailablc; rallgcfinder ",-ith huilt-in mask; clickstop diaphraglll can he opcratcd h,- touch; large I~ft am.l righth;lIuJ knobs simplify focusillS; shoc mount 011 hrackct-tYllC holtIers accept any lIl.lshgun; clip-on neck strap; varia hIe hand grip; cuSIOUl filled sunshade relracts Idcseopicall:v; four lenses 31'C iPo°ailablc; Ihc aUlo-selector eon!'itruelion of lenscs ,nakes possihlc challgc to correct rallgcfindcr, vicwfinder anu dislnllec scale alld aujustillg for pnrallnx h:v just in_ .scrting lells into mount. Price: 8495.00. Prices for oth('r lenses anu acccssorie!> availahle on ,'c- BRAND 17 UNIVERSAL CAMERA M rr" CURTIS LABORATORIES, INC. CENTURY GRAPHIC Shcct film, packs, choiec of 4x5, 31)1 ,\:,P/-a, or 2 ~ x3l/.l hncks; also 4x5 c..Iivitling hack; nplional lcns elluipmenl; lake::: fHea) lenglhs frOll1 aY2 to 17-inchcoo;j magncsium cOllblruclioll; 17.inrh bellows eXlension; eollap~dhle wirc frame-Iype findcr; fronl and hack s\"o'illg. "ise, lilt; droJl hc ...l: scale focusing; re,'ol"illg gn,und:dass hack. Price: 8125.00 with 4x5, 3 J/.l x4lA 01' 2 ~~ x;t Y-I: re~'o lvillg' Graphic h;lf~k; 8125.00 wilh 4x5 anu 3Y,*x4 1.t. rcvol~'in:; GI'aAcx hack: 8140.00 ",ilh 'lx5 J'evulvins Gr:.phie dividing hack. Acces_ sories include: inlel·changeahle lenses; filter~; Kalarl r.tngcfilltler; flash; ca~e; film Iwluers. CALUMET CC-800 8x10 B & J SPEED PRESS 4xS D;SI., WILLOUGHBYS, INC. & J COMMERCIAL VIEW Sheet film, packs, 4x5 (show n) ; I~ns equipment optional; hellows "xtcnsioH 20"; .re~'crsible wood hack; rack-and-piniull focusing; ffouhl(' extension hcllows; calihralcd groundglass; four-sidccl focusing hood; lells board, S¥4 X.~lj4' }'ricc"': 874.50 (4x5), less lens j 884.50 (5x7) Jess lens; ~109.50 (8xl0) less J(>ns. Deluxe case, 824.50. Aecesso,-ies includc 5x7 reducing hack. B & J GROVER UNIVERSAL VIEW Shf'ct film, packs, 5'17 (shown); IClls equitHHellt optional; bellows 96 Mfr., GilA FLEX, INC. Mfr., BRAJ>;D CA,'IEIIA CO. Sheet film, packs, d-x5; lens auu shutter upliollal; hellows extcnsion 15"; hard\"o'ood houy; rack anu pillion focu<oillg with dual control knohs; focllsinp;: lock; back adjustments include ri5c, lall, till; Icns board 6x6"; tripod soekt:t; acecI'IS 2%" opening Packard shul (C'·; COl lihrulru ground~lass; 4-sided focus in;:: hood. Price: 869.50, less 1t'lIs ,IIH) shultcr; rc~ular hack; $99.50. les90 IClls anu shuller, with dh'id(·d sliuiu,l:; hn('k 10 proviue 1\"0'0 2l.j2x4" ne~nth'es on 4x5 film. Same priees lor 5x7 Renlbrandt. f(tlCS," B Shcct film, packs, or rollfihn, 21,4 ),:;P.4; eollap:,ible wire fl'"me finuer; mallual, scale, and ::;rounu_ gla,;;s focusing; film holder illcludc:tl; Graflok hack; foldine; infinit~, stol)S; rising, tilting, and l'llea·ally shifting front; red hellows, ~ray leather. Pdce:: from 8125.00, dCllcnding on lens anu shUlier selected, inc1uuinH holder. Complcte linl' of accessories, Sheet film, packs, 4x5; lcns elluipmcnt optional; bellows cxtcm,iun 13"; cye.lc,'el finder; revoh'ing I,at·k; Ir;lck lo("k; all metal bouy; lcns hoard has all swings afUl tih!'l; drop hed; ealibrOiled brou'Hlgla~s; fOUl'-shled fC)cu~ing huod; focusing !"calc; 4x4" IClis board. P"ice: 884.50. less lells; 8115.00 with 5 J/.." eoatcd f/6.3 Icns in synclll'ollizcd shuttrr, ~pcetls up to 1/20l")lh sce.; 8197.45 wilh 135mm f/4.5 'Vollcn~ak Raplar lens in Ropax shutter; Kola.ol Rangcfiuocr. Aeeessori~s :lvailahle os for Miniature mouel. Dcluxe case, 818.95. B & J SPEED PRESS MINIATURE Sheet film, ,packs, 2 1/.& x3 1;"'; lens equipmenl oplional; bellows, 8"%,_ Sheet fillll, 8x10; all.metal; fronl al1t1 rear tiwings JIIOVC 30.dcgrees on each side of' vcrtieal; ulllimiled horiZOlltal swing.s j new-typc suspcnsion of camera bouy tlnu lens stnutlaru; ph'oling is on optical axis with locking JlI'essure applied at SCI)aratc point; double cxtension track, allo\"o'ing tl 31inch hellows draw at full extcnsioll; equipilctl wilh slid ill':; t.ri. pod block; structural paris of aluminum with control knohs of alumjnulO and Lrass. Pdee: 8295.00. Aeeessorics a,'aiiaLle ineludc 5x7 anu 4x5 reducing baeks, holdcrs, carrying eascs. DEARDORFF PRECISION STANDARD COMMERCIAL VIEW Shcet film, 8xl0 and 1]xI4; uses cxtra Jon,:; focus lenses to pern,it making the fie~i.·ct.l size of imagc from e,~rr':et point of view; hack swhl':::s providt~ verlieal s",'in,.; of 30 degrces caeh side of eentcr on 8x10; horizontal swing 20 fI~grces eaeh side of ecnlcr on 11x14; frOllt swings pro,'ide vertical swing 30 df"grccs each ~idc of eelltci' Oil 8xl0; horizontal swirlg' 20 degrecs each side of celltcr on llx14; bellows cxtcn· !'lion is 504inches on Ux 10. 75 inches 011 l1x14. It'ns board 011 hOlh cameras. 8x8. Pdl'~S: S655.00, Icss ICIIS, and slanu, for 8x10; $758.00, less lells alld Sland, for llx14. Accessories in· elullc carrying eal'CS, rt~dueing, diyiuing h.u"ks; extra lel1shoards. Packard shutler auaptcrs. in. verh~ll CUJlC for I'hort focus lenses and COllllllcrcial Series camcra st"nds. DEARDORFF PRECISION VaEW, 4xS, Sx7, 8xl0 Mfr., CALUMET MFG. CO. CURTIS COLOR-SCOUT Sheetfilm ::1I1f1 paek~; 4x5 direct color c.:uuera; makes color scparalion ncgatives direcl from suhjecl; uses 81h-inch Ektar lens in 5)'11ehro shutter wilh a top sllecd of 1/200th second, or 8lA inch Wollensak Raptar ill Rapax ful} syneh shutler with 1/400 seeoud top speeu; cOllies with lens shaue anu filter holder, set of 6 color balance tillers in ease, 6 sets of sheet film holders in carrying case, 1 sct fihnJ.ack magazille; couJ)lcd rangefiruJer; viewfintJer. Priec; 81,255. This series of cameras arc nlike exccpt for size; bellows eXlension 4x5 special 24"; 5x7 24,"; 8xl0 has 30"; front anti rcar TUI'ntahles an,) frollt StalH]aru made from stainless steel; IClls hoard is square and rC"crsible all ",'ay around; thc 4x5 accommodates lenses fr01ll 3112" to 24,"; the 5x7 from 3 V:! to 24:'; tl.e 8x10 {rom ... tn .'l0". Price:::: 824-0.00 for 4x5 Special; 8261.UO (ur 4x5 Special ",-ith I'~woldllg ba~k ouly; 824.0.00 for 5,,7; 8330.00 fot' 8x10; all arc duuhl .. swing frolll IIlO<lcJS, and comC ""hlt lens b031'd and r~H~rsihlc back. Acccssodcs includc cal'I'~ inl; .~a~("~, I'Nlu('il1g', clividinl; hacks, "Xfl';) I~n~hoarus, Packard shulter IlCI:lph.'r~. lellS; 8168.50 'dth 1,,5 Grallok ),<H~k. Pt'ices include pnn hcnd and carl'~"illg casco Completc linc of ac- .... C'~sorics available. Mf..., GRAfLEX, INC. HACON 23 TECH DEARDORFF 8xl0 STUDIO CAMERA ShcC't film :o'<b,e BxIO. 5x7, 4x5; vkw C;lIl1C'I'a; h~n!" "'qUipIlICHt oplillnal; greHln.I_~lass h:'lcok; ltdlo"'"s ('xt~'rl1"ion lHaxilnum 28iaH'IH"~; rNIl' cahJe conll'ol of fl'ont ealllt'l'a swillgs. Pl"icc: To hc an.. OUlIl·CU. full liuc uf aceess''''ics illdudin,.; J'I'llud,llg hucks, .... land!', Ilexpo 01' Packal'd shutler aclapt- )1£.0., L. F. DEARDORFF & 501\5, Ii\'"c'. GRAFLEX SUPER D REVOLVING BACK KEITH VIEW CAMERA Shcetfilm. packs, ,·,,)Jr.IUl; 8izc 2 YJ"x3 Yl; coalC'd f/,1.5, 105111111 Xcnnt" lens; Cornpul' ~hlllter willi speeds frolll 1 to J /500th ~Cf·., & B; manu:d ~1:Hle and I!I'uuIHI-gla!"s focu!"ing; t,·ipl.· ~'x lt~n!'ion bellows; SP0I"I~ rlnder; l"'\'lddn;:;: & tilling Iltwk; dl'oph<:t1, geal'cd rising fnlHt; t iltill~ fl'nnt; latcral lIH}'"l'l11cnl. PJ-i~c: S195.00, Standnl'd m~Hlc·l has all tile ah~~,'c features cx~'cpl J'llvolv .. in~ ...'\:. lilting hllck. Pl'icc: $169.50. Fnll lilll: of a~~c'·l'... udcs. HACON 45 TECH Sheet film, 4:'05 and 8xl0; solid Dlack ~Illhlut cOIl ... lru ... tiol1, solid brass fittings; iIlCUrp(H'ales all possiblc view cauler:t 1l10'"Clncnts; uses standard film anti plair: holders; double .'xt.: .. ~inl1 hdlo"'s; 8,,10 Inodcl hllS CXIC'IISioll nf :l6. inches; 4-x5 has e'xh'm,jon uf 22~ inchcs; C:lIllcra folds eOllllHlclly fo)" cO"I'ying; hellow~ 1)£ :\fu"uceo grnin Vinyl Plastic; ellUippcd wilh plaslic cO".'I·l'd case. Pl"ie~~: $295.00, fOt· 8x10 size; 81'1,7.50 for 4x5. I\"If..., KEITH CA)IERA CO. GRAPHIC VIEW II 'jim, pack:-, rollfillll ~ ~ize cooall~d Schucide."r X~'nar 1"/4.7 135UlUl lens; COlllpur.S~·n crn shuIICI'; sJlc(~ds fl'oJn 1 tn 1/.~;()Oth sec., 8.: D; IUanlHl! and gl'OU1HI-gl:lsS foeu~illg; SpOl'ts lin .... cl·; triple extcnsion helJows; I'evolving & tilting haC'k; el1·op· bcd. gearcd ri!'ing honl; lilting fl'oul; lah~I';,d JlIOVelllcnt 0 f I("nshoard by WOl'm gear; iUlcrchallgcaldc reuses. Price: 8273.10. full lillc of aceessuries. Mf,·., HACA SUPPLIES. Shecl fi lin 01' pIa It·s; 5x7 8: 8x] 0; bclluw$ cl 1-" "" of ."-!5 inehc ... IH'I'll1its usc of largc dianu;tcl', long-focus lenscs j ample g", illg~, 9x9-inch lens hoat·d; by llIeall~ of kits readily fillcd inlo tll(' No.1 Century gl·OUIIU.glu&os curl'iage, 8xl0 & 5x7 films call he cxposl~d "lwOon"; kits lll'C rcmovcd for full negalive exposures. PI'icc: 8370.00. less lell ..., hut illcluding No. 1 Ccntul'Y Sliding ground. glass cardagc. Century ;\-laslcl" studio sland has two built-in compal'tlllculs fOI' filln IH)ldcl's, lop tilts to 53-desxe~ angle. PI'ice: 8260.flfl. Shl'N 4-,\;;), ~ HILBA UNIVERSAL Pl"t·s~ am( vicw; shcet fillll; packs; 4x5 anu 5x7; lig-ht'" l'i,.::ht; all.IIlctal; takcs lenses IIJl tu 5" tliauH:tcr alHI ft'onl ,'l" to 18" (4:<5) O,l' 26" (5:'07) focal lell~lh; douhl.: r;,dl hctl; I'xll'C'lIlc s""ings ;1I1d tilts; slow lIIotion Itdju:Hll1C'l1t 'dth nlieru .t'crl:W: 6 easy COIIII'ol knohs; revoldll~ hack'. Pd.:l:: 8159.00, 4x5, Icss Icns; $2J9.00. 5x7, lcss IClis. C;'lrJ"~'i"g- ~· .. sc: 528.90 ('h5): 53·l.90 (5,7). l.lut.~s; D;,\., KARL HEITZ, INC. LINHOF SUPER TECHNIKA 23 KODAK CENTURY MASTER STUDIO KODAK MASTER VIEW Shect film, packs, or I'ollfilm, 3 1/1 x4·%_, 4x5; sifl,;l~-IC'Il~ rdlex camcru; fcatures iutcl·c1lange ..lblc fihll allaclllllellis ;lIltJ IClIshoards; ffh:al-Illanc ,.. hutll~l· '" itla specds fl'OIll 1/30111 10 1/l000111 !'Of'C'_, T; l,ujTl-in s'·IIt:hrulli:r.nlion; autolHalie elial;Ju-aglll; F.klalilc Ficld Ie liS ; filmpack adaptol' irH'ludcd. Pri ... c: $299.50. -1.x5 HWclcl ""ith coalcd 1901ll1ll OplHl' f/5.6 IClls in automalit· diaphraglll, ""itlt pack adallh~l'; $289.50. 3111 :'04-1j•. model with coall;d 150111111 f/4,.5 Icns in automatic <linllhl·agll1. with pack "llapter. full line o( acecssurics. diagonal cornel" lines; back and front tilting adjustment pcrmits forward or backward motion up to 30.dcgrees j enmera fronl has 20-degrcc horizontal swing; righl or lcft; baek has 12-dcgrec horizontal swins, right or lcft; rising-failing adjustments on front of camera permil 4-inch rise or 2lj,j.-inch fall; front vcrnicr scrc",' permits ¥2-inch adjustmcnt either sidc; front assembly mo"-cs latcrally 2"1,4-inches in either dircc. tion; 28-in. rnoxhnum, 2-inch minimum bcllow~ extcllsion; shuttcr and lens asscmblics up to 6-inches may be used; mctal. intcrchangeable lens boards avail. ablc; wide range of Jen!:lcs. Price: 8310.00, less lens. Carrying casc, $25.00; 5x7 ncdueing Back, 852.50. Mfr., EASTMAN KODAK CO. Sheet film, pack~, 4,.5; all-mclal conSlruC"lion; 12-tlcgrec swing in either .... i1·cctinn front and h,u·k on 0 vCI·tieal axis fHr hOI·izulltal currcC'tion, 30·tlcgrc.· s.",-in~ in eithcr dircction fl'ont nlld hack 011 a horizontal axis fOI' "l'rtical cOI·I· ... ction; risinr; and falling" fr'Ollt go.·s lip 3-il1chc~. down I iuch; Y:'''l.-illch ill ('ilher dir'cction; horizontal slifl(' fl'out ;)nd back; .160-dcgr... c rcvo Iv.lllg h .. ck; click slups OIt ,all n('ulral IIO!"itiHlls; IIwlloraii hed; l;;·illch h('lIows .It-:.lW; s,lil-it level. Pricc; $14-5,00, lc!<!'O Icu", hut induding eal'ryillg l'a~e, UIH: Graphic Him holdc.·. Cumplete line of ICIlSC!'O, shulh.'rs, alld acccssodcs. Sheet HIm, packs, 21/Jx3]4; roll. film size 120 with Rollcx roUfilm hack; miniaturc press/vie'. cnmcra; comes cquippcd with 3 Icnscs-65mm Schneidcr Angulon f/6.8 wide-angle, 10511nll Schncidel' Xenar f/3.5 normal, llltcl 180null Schneider Tclc_XCIIlII' f/5.5 telcphoto; all lenses ellalcd :111«( in SYllchro Compur ;\IX full~ l'vllehronizcd shuttel's; SPCCd3 f~om 1 to 1/500th sec., & Il; depth of field guide for each Icn~; cuupled rangcfinder aels fOl' all threc Icnscs on one ellm, ""hieh i"" supplicd; grouHdglass :Iud scale focusing; parallax cOI'recl»olls for nil lcnscs; automatic di",tance sc:rlc for 3 Icnscs; comhincd window for range and vil'n'findcr; so""in:::-ing. tilting, I'cvolving hack; tilling, "risillg, falling front j 1dlllc exh'n.sioll hello "'S.. Ilun:i11111111 fl.·H'" 13". luillinllllll 2Y2"; eh'ot' hC'tl: llIultjfo~~u... I·anj:;:('find.'r huilt-in. Pri ... C' ~ S;;(19.90~ iI,dHtlc~ ;~ lcon~cs. "'ith I 05111lH £/3,5 X('n:u' Hlllv, S·t3::\.OO. At'C'I'!'!<hl"iI':-: illdo(lc ca-.·,·ying case~ Hollcx 1'ullfilm hack, film pack :Idnpl('l·';:. L1NHOF SUPER TECHNIKA 4x5 KEITH COpy CAMERA Shcct fillll size 5x7; bcllo",'s of Murocco graill Villyl Plastic; kiln flded h:lnJwlJod COHstruC'lioll; c10uhle (;Sll~ll~i()n hclluw.<; of .~6. illch I.~ngth Wlll!1I fllily (!xlC'lld~·(1. Price: SI10.00. Otilla' bucks avnilahle. Shcet film, film packs, 4·:'05; CCluip.lcd wilh 4x5 01" a y. x 'I- VI hacks; cadI wilh Ekt;,lite Fielel lcns illslallcd; interchon:.;cahle . ICIl:-'hu.uds; l6-ineh bellows ul'aw; iucntical swings, tilts, and shifts on hoth front and back; adjll~t IHcnts u.adc 011 optical axis; v. ~cctioll alulniuulu bed; calilcra )'C'd combines ""itll pan-lilt head; spirit levcl; Irack locks; sheet film holder aIHI casC'o included. Price: 8148.50 with anyone Hf .j. Graflcx or Graphic hacks, but without KODAK MASTER VIEW 8xl0 ~ ~ .~-. ~hcct KEITH HOME PORTRAIT CAMERA Sllccl film SiZl' 5x7; :ICCOIHmoe'ates lens(.'s fl"l)111 6Y:! tn 10-illC'h foc;,l! length; ColltU'l'a hello", S Hf Ml)ruc~o gr.dn Vinyl Plastic; CamllJian Hard Rock !\laple (!nllsll"uetion; h.lSC' nf canlC-I'a in one piecc; cquipped with ax7 ha(!k amI sliding divhJill1; hack fur tW(l exposurcs HII 5x7 film. Pri('c: $99.50; ""ilh 5.,.;7 Lack only, $69.50; dividing back, $32.50. 4x5; optional lens elJldpJllcnt; pholllS1(,Ill'lcS may he in.stalled; Jllultifu('us rallg.'fiIHlcr; unhcr:-:II hack with £kta"lile fit'h( I.'n~; ac· ('C'pts all ~t:llldlll'l1 4x5 hoillcr... ; Pularoi(l D~.ek, enlarging: :Iuacll1111.'111 j h;'J(·.k is rotatillg. jlltl'rchaHI;C'ahlc. has 4-way s",-ing'JOI; lriplc cXh'n~ioll 1)(~lIo",s, dl'uI_ hed; risi"g. fallillg, shiflhlS, lUt_ in,s, rind swillgiug fronl; t""·,, spiril levels; eye.lcvcl ami col. lapsible wire frame finder; focll:;. :11111 film, ~hul1cl' l'al'lJel"~ Sheet film, pack~, 8x10; nil metal construction; enn he us(:d for 5x7 CLlms; rc,"cI'sibJe hllck; sround glass elched to indicMtc 4x5 .and 5x.7 -inch film sh:cs; dcar 97 ~iull 1H'IIHwl": jllh~l'chang(~abJe fiJm allrtc)uUCIlI$ ~ folding infildly SlOps; rising fl'out; G1'aflok or GraHI:x ba("k; Ektalitc Field lcns inclutlNI in 3 1,4 x4 1/a. and 4x5 foell,~in~ panel&-. Priccs depcnl.l on It'lts .uul shulI~r cl)uipmcnt. Full linc of a('CI:~.'lIlI'if'.'l. SHEET FILM (21;4 x 3~4 to 11 x 14) ing scale; ail-mOlal COll."lrudioll. Mfr., GRAFLEX. INc:. Pri('c: S;-l29.75, less Ions; 8589.57, wilh 3 leur-h. all ('oaicli. nil fully ~vIIChrOlli7.cd in COlnllUI" Rapid 5;'11('l1l'O shuUl"I":'.· all coul,lcti to Mllhifl)CUS SINAR STANDARD t·:tn~cfinflcrs 127mm f/4·.7 Schncith'r Press Xcnar; 90m01 1/6.8 Schneider Anguloll, 24·0mll1 1/5.a Schneider focuses frum 3¥~ fl.; synclll'lI shutlcr ""'ith Spct'd~ fl'HIII 1/10th to 1/200th sce., T ..~ B; X-V-M Rash ,e;.ynehrvnizatinu huih-in; drop bed; groulld ~Ia:"s ha("k for focusing; douhlc-("XI("II~ion hello~'s; optical vicwfiIHl("!·; SIH)I'l:-<_ finder; .lunl focusing control", ~ hard""'ood bod,' con'l"('d ill l~'atlu'r. Pri~(': 899.50'. C:olHplcrf' line o[ access-odes. TOWER PRESS No. 9611 MODEL C Same hotJ~ as No. 9665. hUI withoul lens, ~huttcr. ,·i"",,'lilltll·I·. rallgefi"tler, or Ra"h llnjt. Prkc: S87.60. FulJ Jiuc (II rt{·t·t·!"l>l'ril'~. Tclc.Xcna,', Ac("(~~sori('... include i"lultifoCllS optical virwliudcr, 4,,,5 Graflcx type hack, 9x12('1I) back, utility CotSC, illtl!rt~"Zlnt;('nl"c and It''rIs('s all cOlll,led rnngcfilldcr. 10 ", .. ItHocus TOWER PRESS No. 9665 speeds to 1/1000th sce.; viewfinders; holdor~; ea~es, tdIHHI:i, It.~n;'"> bo;~rd. f1:t~h t~quLprnent. Di,t., GENERAL I'HOTOGRAPIIIC SUPPLY CO. LlNHOF SUPER TECHNIKA Sx7 Snnlc fca.nr.·.. .nul dr'ails as Super Tcchnika 4x5, but wilh 2:-l.inch IJlO,ximum lind 4.inch minimum bcllow!l d.'aw; presstype spring hal:k. for :-Iandard 5x7 holder!'. \'o'ith grouml glaRos. Price: 844,9.75, le~'l len~; 861.50, 5x7 to 4x5 reducing hack; S:lO.OO, eompartm('.nt CU,'lH. PACEMAKER CROWN GRAPHIC Shcet film, pa("k~, or rollfilm, ·J.x5? 1:p,1,x:4]/.1-' 2J./'l x 31jJ 5i7.e~; features tbe sanl'c ndvanla;.!cH as thc Paccmaker Speetl Gr;'I)hics wilh exccption of the focal-planc shutter. prJccs dcpcnd 011 Icnft and shnll("r cquiplncllt. A.c~C:;lStH·ics s.nne as for Spced Graphic. Dist., KLING PHOTO C01lP. MAC VAN TWIN LENS REFLEX STUDIO PACEMAKER SPEED GRAPHIC Uses sheet film and 70mm rol1film; size 4x5 & ax7; 4.:lIpacity 100 ft. I'ollfilm ~ "!ollen~ok naptar f/4.5 lensc~; tntl"rch:tngcahlc IClIse~: \\"ollclIs"k shllltl~r "dth sJ)(·cd~ from 1 to 1/10011. 8(',' •• T & R; fOl"u ... illg' tl...ollSh sccnudarv ima~l" of r~flcx ndrrtu· j ...~Rc'( in';agc ~'i('willg; clr(·II'onic flll!"h ~yltchl'ollizatiun; illtcl'chllnp;cnhll! an.1 rotating h,,('k~; par:.tlax adjll.'ltllll"lIt~; IIlunlial (11" drdrif'ally drivcn; spl"illg klloh contl'vl; full 360-degrcc rotalinn, Pl'ic(',: 011 r~Cful~~t. Full liu(' of :l(·Cl!~sorics. 1\1 fr., 1\1;,w\' AN MFG. CO. MICRO-TECHNICAL MARK VI Takes 4x5 shct,tfilm. filmpa.·ks, Prcss-,'h~w camera; 1('lIft antl ~hul ICI' cquiplllcill optinJl:d; triplc t:xlen"iolll hcllow~ ~ ::"oll1ld;:da~s focusill~;, (IrOI~ ~}Co; ~'idc",allrle r:H'k; J'IS-Ing. tdtll1~ and .",h.rtlll~ fronl; 4-way ~will,a hark. ,~60 dcgl'ecs rotalioJl: Pdc('.: SJ 9Q,95 without Icn~ and .shulI'·I·: 82'19.75 with ranl!l"fillll('I·. Ac('(",.. :-:oric~ inclutlc: focal plane ~hullcr with Shcet film, film pack, .-j,x5 or 5x7; vicw camCl'a of Swi:ls makc; ut. most vm·... atilitr; takes lcnses UII to 5" diarnctcr and fronl 3" to anv focal Icngth; extreme mobility o'f hack and frollt framcs; ea~v interehangin~ anti adding of' base tubes, blH:k, hcllo~'s, frames, optics, tlhUIICr; lovdingo and setting ('onlrols ,"'ith eoarsc poslltonlng, flile adJustlltcll1 and Zl';ro marks; haJiic lub~J!. on tripod hcad takes Rash balleri(':s; complrll~ Hne of accclf~orics availahle. Pdcc~: 82:';9.00. 4,,:'"), les!f lens anti simiIf'r; $;;29.00, 5x7, Ie:;... lens and shutter. SINAR EXPERT Sheet fiJm. paek~, 01' ., .. Uti 1m, 4x5. 3 1/1 x.<1 1,4, 2 'II x3lj" si7.('.:o; fcaturc~ inlcH~haHg.~ablc ICIl!:'- hoards; fOf'al-pJnne shUllt'r ~ tlh govcl·ncfl spf'{~,h fl'om 1/::l0th 10 1/10001h sec.: hllih~in s"tlch.·unizalioll; dua( cOIlIt'ol :rH~k-a'lll ptnioll focusing; selector swilch to Sf't hodv relcase 101' 1'1'O,lt und hack shuitl"I' opcl.·atiol1; tilting front with "ertical amI latcI'al shifts; orop bcd; double cxtcn- Samc a.~ Sinar Standurd, hut with additional J':l~C luhc, auxiliary framc. wide ;l1lgh~ he II o""'s. paraiIcl hellow,;!;. ma~l1iCying len~; Icw,boards, carrying !"uitcruw. Spceial acccssol'ics includc: Unh'ersal .-::.hullcr with s-pecds from 1/301h III 9 .-wc. & D; synchronized 10 ~trohe and Rash. automatic rl';ll1ote cOIIIl"ol Il1cCh3nis)o, universal filter holtler and sun."h:HII~: lrickshot-mirror; adaptcr fur color sepnration. Price: S:i99.00 . .-j·x;';, withoul Icn.q allcl shUII!';I': ~,1·89.00, 5x7, less IClls and shulh·r. Dis .. , KARL HEITZ, INc:. TOWER PRESS No. 6165 Shcct film, film Va('ks, size 21,4x3].4; pre!'ls-tYIlC ealllcra; 10ilmm f/4.:'i coatcd W'oIlcnsak lcns; lens stops down to f/32; lens hoard mounl; intcrchangcahlc lcnscs; Sh("cl film, film pat'k~, ."iZI' 21/1 x· 3J./1 ; pre.!l-~.t~·P(· f~;IIIH'I'U; 101mJU coat cd f/4.a Kodak Ektar Icns; lens hoar.' Innunl; inh'rchangl" able J("n~l'~; Kodak Syneh~u. Rapid noo shutt"r ~ 1Ih ,"p("ctl~ from 1 Iv 1 ,'BCOth "'(.'('., &: H ~ Towcr couplcfl rang-efi lHl("r; drop bcd; X-l"-)\I d(~1<Iy Ra~h ~~'nchl'oni zatioll )'lIilt-in; f'quipv('(l with B-C flas:h ullit alld bath'ry; WOOl I and mOlal hodv ('ovc-rt'.• 1 wilh lealher. Prict:: 9l;199,::iO, All af'_ ccssorics :'Iv:'libbl.', TOWER PRESS No. 9667 (4xS) Shcl~1 film. film pal';:k,:,. si7.(~ 4x5; press-Iypc; 12711un ('0 a 1("(1 f/4.7 Kodak Ekur JCII~; lcns opcnin,zs to f/32; len::" hoard 1II0unl; intcr('IJ;I11g'('ahlc lenses; Kodak Fla~h SlIpl'rmallc !'huttcr with !'p('f'fl.", {"om 1 to 1/400tl. sec,; T & D; F.i\l flush &-~'lIchronizatioll built-in; duuhlc l'xtt'nsioll hel_ low$: (Ir(.p hed; dVllhll~ fO('I1!"-ing controls; o('Jlth ()f held s('al,,; eoulllNI Tow('r I·ang(.'flndcr; foCUSf'S from 3J./:! fl.; ground-p;I .. :,~ back; focll&-ilq; scalc on IWfl; illlinity SIOf'$ j Hlltical e~'c-I('\'cl vicwfiud('rj sports fiJul{'r; tilting lel1~ board; J'f"v o lvillg h:wk t aluminum 1)I)th' with Iralhrl" Ct,,'Crill:;; R-C Jla~h UBII and ballf'I'y included. Prict,: 8199.:;0: c;.lInera hod~' onl~·. 889.50. Full line of acccs~ol'ic~. TOWER PRESS No. 9668 Same Nv, 9665, hUI has 1011niH coalcn f/4.5 \Vollclisak Raplar 1(',,~; ."~·1tell1'ollh:("d Rapax shutlcr ~'ith ~p('c(l~ frum 1 to 1/-100Ih $C(' •• T t.l(,: n; n-c flash unit ;lnd huttf:I'y illclulletl. Priel': 8199.50. All nccc~.suri(·~ availahle. lHsl., SEARS, ROElIUCK AND CO. CAMERAS FOR STEREO PHOTOGRAPHY BOLEX STEREO SYSTEM black-and-white film run,.· be uscd; stcreo Inovies Inay be takcn Cront 18" to infinity; stCr(lO projcetion lens is duplex Kern-Pnillaril C/].6 lcns (will fil 90-perccllt of modcl'n 16mm ~ound or silent projcctors); stcrco projcetioll screcn has bJ:lek light-ah!'urbins mat cdge; two pair.':! l_f Polaroitl glasses ~uppllcd. Price: 8454.50, stereo system eompletc; 8796.50, soterco systcln and H~16 Supremc c;uncr:'. Mfr., PAILLARIJ PROIJUCTS, INC. foeos lenses with matchcd optics; Rash synchronized, Pt'"c-sct shuttcr; binocular-typc view fi nocr; plastic and metal construction. Priec: 819.95, for complcte kit consisting of 3-D eaHicra; Ras-h unit; folding stcreo ,'h~,"'cr nnd gadgct bags. D;st., 3-D CAMERA COIlP. EDIXA STEREO MODEL IA CORONET 3-D CAMERA KIT Combinati.ons of Dolex "-16 Dc .. luxe Ino"ic ealUCJ'a and Role" Sterco Systcm which cmploys spc. cial twin KCI'n-PailJard lcnscs and eloft(·-up attachment; callicra Icns is :'III f/2.8; fixcd focus i dcsigncd cxclusively to fit the Bolcx H-16; Octnmetel' vicwfindcr is adaptCld Cor sterco by offset hrackets and slip-on mask; 16111111 color or 98 euses from 31/2 fl. to illfinity; two eouplcd V"rio shutlcr!' with spced settings ot' 1/25th. l/fiOlh and 1/200th scc., plu~ B; rapid IcV"er wbul thnl IrnJ1:"ports film & ('ock~ ... hullcr; douhle cxpo.surc prcvt.'nlioll; built~in :'l~'J1chroniza tion for rcgular and clcctronic ftash; dircct. cr('elcvel "if"""'fi"df"r; exposurc counler; huilt-in shuc for rangcfiudcr; hint;!cd back; tripod sockct. Pd(~e; S59.9fi. EDIXA STEREO MODEL IB Same as Model lA, but has t~'o coupled Velio shUIt('r." with spcl"d settings of 1/10th, 1/25th. 1/501h, 1/1001h, 1/200th soo.. , & R. Price: $69.95. ELGEET CINE-STEREO Stcreo system dcsigned for usc with any standard 16111111 lIIodl' eamcra with or Kodak ICII-s IIl0unts and 16,"111 Ilrojcctors; systcm includck 13mll1 £/2.8 lak4 ing lens with prism assembly and f/l.6 stereo p:roje~tion lens; "e" Stcrco camcra using standard size #127 film; 4 sterco pairfoj to caeh roll; takes 8· single frame pictures by elosing one lens; fixcd Cartridge 35mm; 20 stca·c.o pairs per loading; matched 35rnm, f/3.5 Steinbcil Cassat'" IClu;es; fo- STEREO CAMERAS lion; buill-in CXP05>UI'C caleul~tor; distOlIH'(' indicator .)rovi,l('s focHsing points for cJo~e·ups~ groups and ficenes, as wdl as standard footage scalc; spirit Il.:vcl huilt-in eamcra viewfinder; fcatUI"(,S "nu film threading" loading; foJdlllg rcwind cl'ank hnilt-illto rewind knob; automatic esposurc eountC'r; film t~'pc iudiC'atOl'; depth of field ~eale; in h ..·o-~l)lIe brown with mctal trim. Price: 884,50, 111(.'11141iug nc('k ~traJl and lens cap. Mfr., EAST~IAN KODAK CO. LEITZ STEMAR 26x;=J4.inch stereo screen; view. fi'U]C1'; .,",'0 J,oiJ's of Polrll'oid glass spcclacl('s; six pairs cardhoard hamc Polaroid spectacles; click _"top diaphragms on lenses; orj~ cutiJlg hack; ullivcr~al focus; ,'ange of foclIJO fnun 5 ft. to ill· fillily. Price: $249.00. fillcrs, lens sh:ules. i evel'eady casc; slide cases and files, viewcr. STEREO REALIST Model ST-42 SaUte as Model ST~4) except fOl' ,'ontcd f/2.8 David Whitc lcnscs; ~hntter specds fl'om 1 to 1/200th :oo('c., T & B. Price: 8198.50. ~Ilr., '1lId('r of coincidcnt typc; vicw_ find c.' 011 top camera hctwcen I.. uscs; paralJnx corrl.:clioll; deplh of field calculator; flash Col. leu_ ialor eOlllputctl for SM and SF hulhs:; huilt-in synchl'ollization; huilt-ill retaining rings fOI" filtcrs; flash COllln.ct huilt-illto Olccc8sory dip. Price: $]74,50; $12,50, evcl'eady case ",'ilia built-in tripod sockct. DAVID WHITE SALES CO. STEREO-TACH (STILL CAMERAS) Mf,·. REVEllE CAMERA CO. STERE-ALL Can he (' .. as to auached to HlOst cammakc stcreoscopic pk~ IIlountS on canlcra hy means of adaptcr duS, or ulli. \"cr.<;.al 1ll011lltillg bl':Jck~t; preci· sion optical device with ... hl'OIllahnninurn fiJost fOurftH'r, lnirrors; Illad(~ of black DUI·ex:. Pricc: hll'c~; ,'If,'., ELGEET OPTICAL CO. ILOCA STEREO II S17.95. Mfr., ADVERTISING Cartridge 35mUl; 29 stCt'CO pairs 011 st~lIIdard roll; ASA standard 2:'lx24mtn size; matched f/3.5 conlco 35111111 lIitar lenses ill shutlei' nwunts; depth of field scal~·; Prontor S shutter with speeds from I to 1/3001h sec., & B; IJUn'-in fl;l!"h synchronization; ddaycc..l action Ihncr; all controls c'ouplccl; cClll~r·whccl focusing; douhlc cxpo~urc prc\'cntiol1; optical eye-level finder; lIIanual focusing; all-metal construction; exposurc countCI'; rcmovahlc hack. Pricc: 8125.00; cvtJready eatic, 812.00; Pentax Sports Findcr wilh built-in Spirit level, 87.50. o;s'., ERCONA CA~IERA CORP. whirh l'cpJace~ the Ldca lells fnr Ihn:c-di1llcllsional shootin,;; l.:ollsist:-: of two £1I11al' f /:Lj cn:lt~.1 35nlll1 1t.'lIse-So 1I\0uilied wilh ()l'.i(.'.d (~(~lIh'rs 18.4111111 apart; for distant sl1bjcrt~, a sct of t""o pri~lIJs hIS o\'el" lhe frOnt of thc Sh'lllal'; Ih~ diag:ollal angle of view of Ihc two 1... llse," is 47,5 de~~TCI'F; t""ill, cOllp[('d diaplll'agms ",,'urk sinH.ltall(~ously, j:!:h'c OllH?rlurC$ fnull f/3.5 to f/l I ; focu:o:cs from :-l1/2 flo to inftuity., couplcs with Lcica rangd1lJdcr; optical vicwfinde-r to outlin~ pictul'c 31'1,:01 is. 18mUl wide hy 241llm high for each half oC sh~r ... o pail'; dotled 1i1lC' ""ithil1 filldcr Crame allows eOlllpcnsation for parallax; hayol1C't_lI1ountl~d I ... us hood. Price: $297,00, including prism OlU3Ch. mcnt alld olltical vicwfindc.'. AI'"'1~,<;SOrics includc hauery opel'atC'c1 "ie",'C'I'; twin I(~ns attaehm"ul, using Jlolarjz(~d filler", and glrlss,~:-', fot' proj('('tion in Pr .. tlo prnjc('ton,. DISPLAYS, INC. Devict.~ Cartridgc IOOlding 3511\)11 stereo; 16,20,29 exposures; Tl'icor f/3.5 anastiglllal Icnses; fixcd focus:; 1/50th sce. constant spccd; ,':'yl1chroniz<ltion built-in: nptical vicwcr huih.in; automali'c flouble exposure prevention; pU$itive rcoo ",'ind; automatic C~Jl()SUI'(' eountel'. P!'i('.(': $49,9;';. Acces8nrir,s in. dudc; Stcrc-AII fla5>h unit $7.50; Ster('.AII vic-wcl', 512.50; (·vercady case, $8,00. ~If r., UN I V E R SAL CAM ERA COI\P. STEREO REALIST Dis.. , E. LEITZ, INC LlNEX STEREO KIN-DAR SVC STEREO PHOTOMACROGRAPHIC CAMERA Shcel film, si7.C 31,1l x4'Y,; Ektalion paired, color cOITeelNI anastigmat lcnscs; mountil1g teml)lah~ ('ouverts resulting stereo hna;:;cs to 6x13cm stercogram for viewing in 6x13cm slcrco self·i1luminating vir,wer; calncrrl IHollllted On HU" Ilase st"ndard with !'Olilit bracket and lockin;knoh; bracket allows caUl,~ra as:ooclllhl~' to be n'oved up or dow1l to pCl"mit photomacrographing largc or small speeimcHs; the fo('us finder protrudes fronl frolll of ealne,'a on rack and pinion mOllnt and i$ providcd with two (3X & SX) calihrated, lens to subjcct. posi. tinns; shuttcr oIlerales on B only, permits simultaneous exposure h'y hoth ICllSC!'O; C'ahl~ relca.<;;c prO· vidctl for T cx:posUI'es; flash lamp ~ls~elHhly pro\'idcs for pcanut type flash bulhs; srnphic trpe spring baek wilh ground 1!la~s vil~win~ hood, Price; 81,750.00; SV-52 Ste-r~o Vi('wcr, 841.50, Mh., SYNTHETIC VISION CORP. Stcrco still camcl'a; takcs ASA standard sizc pictllrc~ for mountillg in 1 % x 4-ineh siand.u'd slidcs; Stdnhcil.Cassar f/fJ.5 anastigmat Icuscs; shuttcr spccds from 1/10th to 1/200th, & IJ; focuscs f.·oUl 2ljz: ft. to infillity; synchronization built-in; viewing aud focusing thl'ough siJJ~lc winIlow .·an;.;r,fllldcr-,'icwfinder; builtin sync alld flash guide; fold-away film rC""itul crank; picture counter illdicate~ nUlllhcr of uncxposed framcs; ,lie. cast OlluminulH eOIlstruction. Pl'iee: 899.50. Mf,·., THE KINDER CO. U~C$ special, ullperforated color fillll IOrl.1 of 16 cxpoSUJ"!..'S makill:; 8 stel'co pairs; fi 1111 will hc rl.:~ IUI'IH~d to Lincx or otll(~r de~ig natcd processors for d(', clopmcnl; Hxed focus ICllscs:; ::tp('t'turc sci· tinGs; single shutter 8peed. flash synchronized; shutt('r eO,ck('d for f'ach exposu.'c; viewfindcr is hlacked out until film magazillc shutler is o.)en; Jlletal construction; hallery illuminalt.·d viewer supplicd. Pril.:c: $4·4.50, incI. carrying (~ase and o ilL' Illagazinc. Acccssories illcludc fla~h gun, 56.50; additional vicwcrs, 87.50; film, ,Sl.25, illcilidcl> processing. Stcrco 35mnt, cal'h'idge; makes up to 29 ."t('reo pair!'; matchcd :-li'imm Cooke.t~'pe 1'/3,5 anastiglIlat ICl1se~; ring sct, ~car retarded shutler; speeds froll\ I to 1/1501h sec" T & R; buih-in IO:ynchronization; eyC'·)('vcl finder; sealc focusing; eouplcd s]Jlil~field military-type rangcfindcr; hyperfocal distance tablr,; dcpth of r.eld Auidc; cxposurc counter; ;Inti-double exposure signal; shuttcr cocking Icver; cahlc relcasc socket; parallax eOl'rection; cxposure chart undcr leu~ ('OVCl' gives propcr bpccd and f~stop for basic conditions oUldoors. P"iec: 8159,00. STEREO REALIST MODEL ST-41 Mr.·., LIONEL DIV. OF LIONEL CORP. REVERE 33 STEREO Stereo still eamcrOl, 23 x 24mll1; matched 351\1m coated f/3.5 Ko,Iak Anaston lcnscs; .synchronizcd tohUttCI' with speeds from 1/25th to 1/200th scc., & B; huilt-in flash synchro nization; auto_uatie cocking; double c~l'0sure prCVCn- 100 Stc.'eo 35111m; 20 to 36 cxpoSUI'CS; automatic film transporl and shuttcr cocking Hlcchanisnl; double cxposure safeguard:; .s;n~ glc frame p.·ovision; Iwo matched coalcd 35111n1 f/3.5 Rc\'crc Wollcnsak Amaton astigmatic Icnses:; Revere WolIcllsak Rapax shutter with spceds frol1l l /Z to 1/200tl. sec.; T & n;' coupled range_ TDC STEREO COLO~IST Stcreo 35mlll c;;lrt.-idgc; A.S.A. :standard 5-perforatioll sizc, from 16 to 29 slcrco pairs; 351l1nt coated f/3,5 anastigmat lenses coupled for selling Iro,llu single controls; film advance automatically cocks shutter; synchronization for rcguI;.r and clectronic flash; range and vicwfindcr com~ hinNI ill singlc-window eoinci. (Icnec design, willa visible hnbble to le,·C'1 camcra; Gauthicr sterco shutter with speeds fl'ol11 1/10th to 1/2001h sec_, & B; depth of focus sealc reading ogainst distance setting .'cvcals wide rangc of sharp focus. Pricc: $99.50. TDC STEREO VIVID Cal'h'idgc loading 35mm stereo; up to 29 stcrco pairs pc.' loading; f/3.5 David White anastigmat lenscs; shUlicr specds froll1 1 to 1/1501h sec., T & B; built-in flash synchronization; focusing ~enl('; couplcd split-imagc ransC'filld('r; centcrcd viewfinder e1iminatcs parallax; double eXllosurc eOlltrol; depth of field .scale; exposure conntcr. Priec: 8159.00. Accessories include: flash unil; Stereo 35111111 eartridgc; A.S.A. standard 5-pcrloration size, frol11 16 to 29 sterco pairs; 35mm coatctl f/3.5 auastigmat Icnses t::oupled for sctting from single controls; film advance automatically cocks shuttcr; syuchronization for standard and e.Jectronie flash; rangc aud vicw6 .. dcr com. binc-d in singlC'-window eoinci. dcnce dC'si/Z:lI, ""ith visible levdin~ hubble; shuttC'.· relcase button ed 3top e31nOl'a bctwccll lenscs; cahle release socket. It ig pl'iccu at 894.75; 812.25, carr:"ing case. Mfr., STEREOCRAFTERS, INC. VIDEON CHALLENGER singlc frame CXPOSUI"CS PCI" load~ il1g; 45mm coatctl f/3.5 \Vintlsol' lenses; W'inusor shutlel' with speeds from 1/25th to 1/100111 sec" & B; focuses from 3 ft.; s}'lIchronization for M lamps built.in; optical vicwfint.lt.-'I·; focusing scale. Pricc: 839.95. fbslt unit, 85.95. ~If,'" THE WINDSOR CAMERA CO. VIEW-MASTER PERSONAL located Oil fl"Onl of camera; shul. Icr and diaphragm sellings coupled through an uexpo.<:ul'e" dial shuller SIH'CUS from l/lOth to J/lOOth sec., & H. Price: 8149.50. mr., THREE »I~IENSION StCI'CO; uscs il5mm cartrid~c; 20 stcrco pairs pcr roll; twin matched tlnce.clement f/3.5 coated lIex lenses; shuller speeds fl'OIll 1/10th to 1/100th sec., T & D; flash s)'llchronizatio n buitl-in; siugle control shuller. focusing and apel". ture setting; optical vie"'flndcl'~ multiple cxposure possible. Priec: £49.95. Completc line of aceessOl'ics. 0;51., STERLING-HOWARD CORP. WINDSOR Stcreo canlel'a with patentcd Expo .. Sure guidc; eoatct.! 251001 m:Jtehcd f/3.S lenses; sbuttcl' speeus of 1"101h 1/1001h scc. & B; FM flash s~'nehl'onizatiun built.in; unh'cl'sal focus; dellth of field scale; cye.levcl viewfintlcr; LOfly release shuttel'; viewfindcl' h3s level bubble. Pd.ce: $139,50; case 812.50. '0 Cartridg~ 35mm; makes 16, 20. or 29 sH"'co p:drs; coated f/3.5 lIex StCl'COl1 malched lenses; synchronized Jlre-setting Stereo shutIf.er, ,dtla specds from l/lOth sce. to 1/100tl. sec., n; manual focusing; depth of field scale; shullcl' cocking le'"er; shuttel' blades, diaphragms. spceds. and foeusing 3l'(' all single control and positi\·cl,. cOllplctl; accul'ato film met('ring; vie"'findcr mount- Mf,·., ZENITH FIL,ll CORP. WOLLENSAK MODEL 10 CO. VIDEON II speeu 1/50 sec.; flash synchro_ nized; simplc opc,I'allon; plastic eOII.':otJ"tlClion. Price: 839.00, Mfr., SAWYER'S INC. WINPRO 3-D Stc.'eo still eame.'a; eartrid~e 35111111; 29 stel'co pairs Or 58 Stereo camera us('s stantlal'd 351l11l1 film loau; match cd, coatetl, fixed focus 40mm f/6.3 h!lJses; shutler Siereo still camera; Vlocotetl 35mm f/2.7 'VolleHsak Amaton anOl.o:tiglH3t lenses; click stops; napa" Synehl'omatic shutter "'ith spc('dg from '1/2 to l/ilOOlh sec., T & illFX flash 5ynchl"oniza. tion; len ... stops located 011 top of mOUnlS; 3-arrow CXpOSUl'C guide; sUJlerimposed-illlage rOlHg,~fin<.Je."; nUloll1ntie flash eomputcr; ey"· le\'cl focusing" and viewing; singh~ f ..amc lH'o\'ision; douhle cxposure pl'e\'tmtioll; accepts standard #5 difS,c filters and ScricI' VI SUII shadc. allrl I.lcecssodc.... ; satin cllrome aIHI black leather trim. Price: n; 81')9.50. Mf,·., WOLLENSAK OPTICAL CO. CAMERAS FOR MOVIE PHOTOGRAPHY B & H 220 WILSHIRE Bmm MOVIE CAMERAS B & H 134-W COMPANION tlrive; 3-lcns tun'ct ""itll matching posilive-type "'il~wfi nders; B & H coalC'ltl .5-iucl\ f/2.5 lens in Scrcw mount; unh't..\I·s~1 focus; built-in lens shade; exposure guide built-in; single exposure device; critical foeus.er; auto. matic film gate. Pri.ee: 8129,95; 822.95, case, Hange of inter. ehangeahle Icn8cs S:JOle as ModeJ 134.• V plus 2-ineh f/3.5 TTH and Rollfillll 8111111 silellt; capacity 25 ft. doubl(' \ddlh; 8, 16, 24" 32 frames per second; 160-uegl'ec angle rotnl')' disc shutlcl'; shutler $pecd 1/35th second :Jt 16 frames; ~pring motor; positive slart; t"ulIflo"'1I SlOp; 5 It. llseful I'un; dial foolnge indicator; built. in cvcAevcl vie~'finder 'with ctchcd fral~le for st41m.brd and telephoto Jens hPJd; interchangeahle lenses; Luilt.iu exposure suide; wrist cortl. Price: $79.95 with cO:Jtcd B & fI l/::::~inch f/2.5 fix('d focus lens in se.,c",· luount. Acccssorics include fdters, lens C3p; sheath easc, 88.95; other e:Jses, 89.95 and $18.95. B & H 134-TA TRI-LENS For 8 mm silent; 25 ft. capacity double "'idth; illoh'idunlly eali. bratcd film speeds of 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 frames pcr sceond; 166.degrcc angle rotary uise 5huttcr; positive start, rundown stop; 5 h. ~pril1g run; dial foot~ age indicator; spring molor n & H. B & H 134-V SPORTSTER Similar to Model 134-W, but has ntlditional speed of 64 fralOes pcr second; automatic film gate; sin. gole exposure dcvice. Price: S89,9S. Accessories same as Model 134-W, CompanioJ\, B & H 172-A AUTO-8 EXPLORER lHag:Jzine loading 801m silcnt; 25 It. capacity, double width; 16, 24, 32. 48 alld 64 fl'ames per sceontl; 166-degrr.c anglc rotary disc shutler; 1/35th scc. specd ~t 16 frames per second; spring motor drive; indicator alarm; 9 ft. spring run; dial and visible pointer in vicwfintler for footage indication; posith'c optic~l builtin eye-level viewfinder; 2-lens turret; H & H coated .5.inch f/2.5 Comat lens ir' screw mount; fixcd focus; built.in Icns shade; singlc exp(Jsul'e device; eXI)OSUrC guide built-in; continu. ous operation lock; viewfindel's ..ide wilh lenses. on tu ...·ct. Price: 8169.95; 58.95, sheath-type ca,,('; 89,95, eallditl-Iype easc; 822.95, combination easc. Full range of lcnses available. B & H 172-B AUTO-8 VOYAGER Similar to Model 172-A, but with single lens; not cfJuippcd with indicator alarln or visible pointel' in \·icwfiIHlc., fOI' footage ilHlicatioll. Price: 8134.9S, with .5-ineh f/2,5 coated Comat lens. Cascs alld aeeessol'ics available. B & H 172-C AUTO-8 VAGABOND lHagazinc loading 8mIU silent; 25 ft. capacity double width; 0.5inch f/2.5 Com at fixcd focus lens; matching- viewfintler objeeth'e!'; non-variable shutter with speeds of 8, 16, 24, 32, frame" pCI' second; 1/35th sec. at 16 frames. 1/52nd at 24 Lp.s.; interchange. able lenses; D Icns mount; 2·]clls turret; multiple finders in turl'ct; spring nlolor, positive start. rundown stop; useful sprilJ~ rUIJ~ 9 ft.; footage indieatol'; 3-way stal't.. ing button; audible indicalol· sit;. nals cntl of film run. Price: 8159.95, Full linc of Icnses. RolJfiIm 8mm silent; 25 ft. capacit:,', douhle wit.hh; goverJlol' (,oTltrolictl molor; ] 6 frames pc,' second; eomple1c winding o[ haml cl'allk provitles full 10 ft. I'un; 101)1111 '..-ide-anglc f/2.5 lens; fixe(l focu.!'; [~atul'es the H sun di;d", a nc"' dcvice ""hieh whell turlled to allY C)lle of foul" ontdnol' light condilions shown, aUlomnticalIy sets the Icns; picture-window viewfinder; st:lrling hultOIl C3n he set for normal opc.'ati()n~ cOlltillUOUS run and single frame e:""IPosurc; drop-in JO:Jdill;:!:; film gatc eloscs auto. )lIaticOllly; footage counter. Pricc: 81,9.95; 822.95, telcphoto 311nchmcnt; 85.95, sheath case; $2.50 fillcl' holder. B & H 252 MONTEREY Roll loading, 8mlll silent; callaeily 2a flo double width; eoatcd B & H 10mlll f/2.3 Supcr Comat lens; 16 framcs pCI" sec.; rotnting: shUtler, 166-dcgree angle; shullcr spcctl l/aSth sec. at 16 f.'ames; 1/28th sec. at single frame; lens open. ing f/2.3 to f/16; spring motor, positive stal"t, run-down stop; 10 ft. uscful spring run; automatic footagc inuicator; vicwfiudcl" shows image in actual size; uni. vers:JI focusing; single lens turret; leng reeesscd in barrel; singlc expOSure dcviee; exposure guide 101