air*cooled advertiser - Hudson Champlain Region
air*cooled advertiser - Hudson Champlain Region
Hudson Champlain Region Porsche Club of America AIR COOLED * ADVERTISER Summer 2013 ©2013 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. When carving your niche, use the sharpest instrument available. This isn't merely the new Porsche Cayman. This is a world unlocked. It's finding enlightenment and exhilaration in those twists in the road. Something we call the Code of the Curve. It's mid-engine balance, agility and precision. Combined with increased horsepower, lighter weight, a wider stance and acceleration from 0 to 60 in a mere 4.7 seconds, it translates into adrenaline-fueled curve-carving that opens up a world of possibilities. Unlock the Code of the Curve with a test drive. Porsche. There is no substitute. The new Porsche Cayman S. Porsche of Clifton Park 205 Route 146 Mechanicville NY 12118 (518) 664-4448 Porsche recommends Contents Officers and Committee Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 From The President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6 From the Nominating Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10 Let’s Get Technical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13 58th Porsche Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 Porsche LMP1 Sports Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Porsche First Half-Year Sales Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 From the Autocross Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Brotherhood Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Northeast Classic Car Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Annual Picnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Member Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-26 Advertisers Index New Country Porsche of Clifton Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Zone 1 Autocross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 AutoHaus Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Hudson Champlain Region Porsche Club of America AIR COOLED ADVERTISER * Summer 2013 On the Cover: The 1984 911 SC/RS Rothmans rally car. Display Ad Rates Full Page Inside . . . . .$55 Half Page . . . . . . . . . .$40 Quarter Page . . . . . . .$35 Business Card . . . . . .$30 The Air-Cooled Advertiser is published quarterly by the Hudson-Champlain Region Porsche Club of America (HCP-PCA). Postage rates are paid at Clifton Park, NY. This newsletter is available by paid subscription to members of HCP-PCA as part of their annual dues and to others at the rate of $45.00 per year. The staff of The Air-Cooled Advertiser reserve the right to edit material submitted for publication. Summer 2013 3 Club Officers President: . . . . . . . . . . . . .Keith Antal 13 Knollwood Drive Valatie, NY 12184 518-784-2399 [email protected] Vice President: . . . . . . . .Bill Meckley 53 Woodcrest Drive Scotia, NY 12302 518-399-5535 [email protected] Secretary: . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ken Blass 357 Pitts Road Old Chatham, NY. 12136 518-469-0645 [email protected] Treasurer: . . . . . . . . . . . .Dee Albert 11 Huntington Drive Schenectady, NY. 12309 518-339-2919 [email protected] Past President: . . . . . . . .Aaron Ambrosino [email protected] Committee Chairman Activities: Lydia Marlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Autocross: Chris Klapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Historical: Steve Weinstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Membership: Linda Gorthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Newsletter: Aaron Ambrosino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Safety: Timm Baldauf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Track: Chris de Graffenried . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Webmaster: Mick Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] 4 Air Cooled Advertiser T From the President he summer is upon us and we are in full swing with our Hudson Champlain Porsche Club activities for 2013. Our planned events and volunteering members have brought out Porsches of young and old looking to enhance their Porsche experiences. Drivers Education and Autocross Chris de Graffenried our track Chairman, Andy Dorman our Registrar, Van Svenson our Chief Instructor and team have done a great job in organizing their first two Driver Education events this year. We had old and new members teaching and learning more about proper driving skills with their Porsches. Whether it is a vintage 911 or a new Boxster they had experienced instructors offering tips and recommendations on how to better handle each Porsche safely. April 5 & 6 Lime Rock DE. Even though it was a cold day at the track we still had a good turnout. May 8th and 9th Cups and Saucers had 111 registered attendees participate at the Watkins Glen International track. Chris Klapper our Autocross Chairman organized a successful event at the McCarthy road parking lot. On May 19th, the autocross event attracted 23 people and 19 vehicles for a fun filled low speed competitive event (one vehicle at a time). Drive and Dine Lydia Marlow our Activities Chairperson has been busy with organizing and managing our 2013 Drive & Dine events. On April 13th, Brian McGowan organized and led the drive to the Brotherhood Winery in the southern Hudson Valley. We had 28 attendees and 16 Porsches who enjoyed a fantastic German luncheon at Mountain BrauHaus. Then we drove to a very interesting and educational tour at the Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville, NY which is the oldest american winery. On May 4th, Lydia and Steve Marlow organized and led the scenic drive to the Northeast Car Museum in Norwich New York. We had 27 attendees and 15 Porsches enjoy the drive and traveled back to our earlier days reminiscing about our first vehicles we drove. We had a private tour and saw over 160 vehicles on display. It was a fantastic experience. Social On April 20th, the Hudson Champlain board hosted a New Members luncheon at the Century House restaurant in Latham NY. We welcomed new members that could attend the luncheon and informed them of our 2013 activities. It is good to see so many new members already getting involved with our club events. June 9th we held our annual Picnic at the John Boyd Thacher State Park and broke our attendee record. We had 96 members attend with 43 Porsches on display. The weather was beautiful for our people’s choice concours with Todd Fischer winning with his early Red 356 Porsche. Plus Summer 2013 5 everyone enjoyed the games and catered BBQ food. Karen Blass our Charity Chairperson did a great job in promoting our Charity activity. Our members donated a ton of food which she delivered to the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York . Plus we collected and delivered pet food and supplies to the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society. Upcoming Drive & Dine activities – The year is only half way completed and we have more fun filled events planned. So please watch your emails as we announce activities for each month. July 21st - Bennington Museum and the Ice Cream Man drive August 10th - West Point drive Sept 20-22nd - Weekend Get Away to the Finger Lakes Oct 6th - Catskill Fall Drive & Dine Nomination Committee – We have appointed three club members to form our 2014 Nomination Committee. Bill Meckley will be the Chair and work with Sharifa Perry and Tom Ehmann in managing our Nomination and voting process to elect our Club’s Officers for 2014/2015: President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. More information will be mailed to you this summer. Name tags – we are taking names for Hudson Champlain Porsche Club name tags and will place an order this summer. The price is $8 per name tag. If you wish to order name tags please contact Aaron Ambrosino at: [email protected] We have been having great club meeting turnouts with over 40+ members each month. We typically target the 1st Monday of each month at either New Country Porsche of Clifton Park, Autohaus Motors or R&D Automotive. So watch the calendar on our website for date, time and location and come on out for a tech session or meet a few fellow members and hear about our planned activities. Additionally, don’t forget to watch our website for past and future activities which Mick Davis is kindly maintaining at: We look forward to seeing you at one or some of our many club events. Best regards Keith Antal HCP Region President [email protected] 6 Air Cooled Advertiser From the Nominating Committee W hat does it take to make our club what it is? Dedicated members who are willing to step up, lend a hand, and chart our course. We are approaching that time again when the Hudson Champlain Region will be seeking nominations for the very important positions that keep us on the road and track. Our region enjoys a terrific level of participation in activities such as autocross, scenic drives, social occasions, and driver’s education at worldclass race tracks. These events happen because of the talent and dedication of members who not only love Porsches, but cherish the fellowship of their like-minded enthusiasts. Our region has a storied history of success in PCA due to their efforts. Now is your chance! The Nominating Committee sincerely invites those with an interest to consider lending their expertise and talents to continue HCP’s growth. The Committee: Sharifa Perry, Tom Ehman, and I, will be collecting nominations. You may nominate yourself or another club member who you believe may be an excellent candidate. The Committee will contact all nominees to confirm their understanding of, and interest in the positions. You will be receiving a Nomination Form via snail mail soon. If you have any questions or would like to express an interest in serving please feel free to contact me at [email protected], or President Keith Antal at [email protected]. Duties of Officers President: - Presides over all Region meetings - Prepares the agenda and directs the discussion thereof - Acts as an ex-officio member of all standing committees and temporary committees except the Nominating Committee - Executes all documents and correspondence in the name of the Region as authorized by the membership or the Board of Directors - He/she may act as a signer or cosigner of Region checks - The Region President is automatically a voting member of the PCA National Board of Directors which meets two times a year - Term: 2 years Vice President: - Acts in place of the President during his/her absence or when ordered by the President to do so - Assists the President and/or Board of Directors as may be directed. - Term: 2 years Summer 2013 7 Secretary: - Causes to be recorded and preserved the minutes of the meeting of the Region - Presents and reads such minutes at the request of the President - Prepares correspondence of the Region - Term: 2 years Treasurer: - Keeps and preserves the records and books of account reflecting the financial condition and operation of the Region - Signs or co-signs all drafts on the accounts of the Region and any corporate documents which obligate the Region financially - Prepares and files IRS information and state taxing authority returns as required - Upon request of the President, Board of Directors, or Region member ship, furnishes a report of the financial transactions - Receives all monies paid to the Region, and deposits it to the bank designated by the Region - Term: 2 years The Nomination Committee not only has the task of finding four new officers but also recommending eight committee chairs to the office slate. The elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) shall meet and collectively appoint all Standing Committee Chairpersons. However we prefer to have a group of volunteers that are interested in contributing to the education, safety, fun and fellowship within the Hudson Champlain Porsche Club. These Committee Chairs are voting members of the Club’s Standing Committees: Duties of the appointed Committee Chairs Activities - Activities Chair mainly is responsible for organizing and operating our annual calendar of events other than track and autocross events - Chair serves as the focus of region ideas and event planning - Recruits helpers to see that the event is run in a fun and safe manner Autocross - The Autocross Chair organizes and operates and operates our Region autocross program - Responsible for Site selection, course design, calendar dates and volunteer recruitment 8 Air Cooled Advertiser - Autocross is a fun activity to sharpen your driving skills and the Chair makes a large contribution to the success of this activity Historical - Maintain all historical records for the club - These files and data shall include, but not be limited to, the following Newsletters, Photos and Awards Membership - The Membership Chair is responsible for fielding all PCA member leads - Contacting prospective members - Signing potential members for PCA and HCP Newsletter - This is our most important position, the “Glue” that holds the Region together by publishing the Air-Cooled quarterly - The Editor should be web savvy - Have good English language skills - Recruit other Region members to create interesting articles for publication - Have photography skills to document the Regions experiences and activities Safety - The Safety Chair is responsible for seeing that we all come back safely - Provides a focal point for our Tech Inspectors and for on track and open driving event planning - This job is to see that we conduct ourselves in a safe way at all times when our Porsches are in motion in a PCA-sponsored event Track - The Track Chair organizes and coordinates all HCP closed-track events usually 2 or 3 times per year at Watkins Glen or Lime Rock park Webmaster - Webmaster with basic web site talents and skills who will update our HCP web site on a monthly basis - We post the Air-Cooled on the website - Direct questions from the web site to the proper Regional officials for answers Summer 2013 9 In addition to the above, we will be seeking members interested in volunteering for two very important non-voting positions: Registrar - The Registrar Chair handles all event registrations and deals not only with members, but with other attendees from all over Zone 1. - Should be very well organized - Provide a friendly outgoing personality Charity - Charity Chair recommends to the Board the yearly strategy for Charity activities - Chair should be organized and manage Charity activities with the Boards approval - Provide a friendly outgoing personality Bill Meckley Nominating Committee Chairman [email protected] 10 Air Cooled Advertiser ! ZONE ! ! # *' "0/' 540%2033 +3 # 470 	 '6'/4 *'2' 7+-$' # &+(('2'/4 %0523' '#%* 	 ;3 #2#&' 0.1'4+4+0/ 5-'3 ;3 (02 '&+5. +:'& ')+0/3 #2' 53'& (02 %-#33+(9+/) %#23 /42#/43 .534 %0.1'4' $04* ] +/ 02&'2 40 4201*9 *'2' 7+-- $' # 4'#. *#--'/)' (02 #-')+0/3 ')+342#4+0/ 01'/3 # . 3*#21 (+234 %#2 0(( #11208+.#4'-9 # . $04* ] -- 1#24+%+1#/43 .534 $' %522'/4 .'.$'23 023%*' %#23 0/-9 1'230/ '#2-9 2')+342#4+0/ 0/ 02 $'(02' 1'230/ #(4'2 ')+342#4+0/ (''3 #2' (02 0/' 02 470 ] /-+/' 2')+342#4+0/ 6+# %-5$2')+342#4+0/ /'4 0/-9 0 0/ 3+4' 2')+342#4+0/ 4*' 	 0( 4*' '6'/4 ')+342#4+0/ 7+-- 01'/ #/& %-03' # ! 12+/)*+-- 5+4'3 $9 #22+044 /&2'73 #2,7#9 '6'/3 *0/' *441 &'6'/3%0..0/%'/4'2 %0. #4' /+)*4 4#8 023%*' -5$ 540%2033 (02 )2051 2#4' '('2 40 !05 .534 $00, $9 (02 )2051 2#4' "0/' 540%2033 *#+2 #5408'21%# #0- %0. 02 0/ 0$52/ "0/' 540%2033 ')+342#2 #20/ .$203+/0 :0/' #82')+342#2 ).#+- %0. 02 " " Summer 2013 11 W Let’s Get Technical hat is the most important part of your car? Give it some thought. Which part is needed in order for all of the vehicle’s systems to operate to their maximum performance and efficiency? When you whittle it down the answer becomes clear. The engine? No. How about the brakes? Negative. Suspension? Transmission? Nope and nope. All of these systems cannot function properly without tires. After all, the tires are the only part of a car that actually makes contact with the road surface. When you take the example to the extreme it becomes easier to understand. For instance look at any type of auto racing these days, tires are always a big talking point. Differences in brand and compound, whether or not to run slicks, intermediates or full on rain tires. When it comes to the last ten laps of any race, the car with the freshest or best managed tires has the advantage. You can have the most powerful engine on the planet, but if you do not have the correct tires to handle all that power, pretty soon you will just be spinning your wheels. Big brakes are great, but are only effective when the tires they are connected to have grip. Suspension and steering are equally connected. Tires are at the root of all of these important systems. So if tires are the most important part on any car, why are they so often over looked? It is all too common in the auto repair industry to see very nice cars with either neglected, worn out tires or simply the wrong tires. Discount tire centers are very popular these days as there is a ton of competition in this market segment. Usually good for consumers, competition drives prices down. However in this scenario, it may have pushed prices down too far. Let me explain. Nowadays, many folks allow their price sensitivity to persuade them into saving a few dollars on brand X tires that are cheaper and supposed to last longer. More bang for your buck, right? Not exactly, the rubber that the tires are made of have a maximum shelf life of five years, and sometimes they sit on the shelf for a year or two before they get sold and installed. Many folks purchase high mileage tires that are supposed to last at least fifty thousand miles, but only drive 5-10 thousand miles per year at most. The math doesn’t quite add up. Why not choose tires that have more grip and performance (read: shorter stopping distance, better cornering feedback, i.e. safer) that may only last two years or twenty thousand miles, but increase driving safety and enjoyment dramatically. Over time the cost differences become negligible, especially since the other systems in your vehicle will be operating more efficiently and therefore wear at a slower pace. If this is true for regular daily drivers, it is only exaggerated further in sports cars and weekend toys. Bottom line: tires are the most important part of your vehicle. Period. Don’t skimp on them. Now that we’ve established that fact, the next point of discussion is how we approach taking care of our tires. Let’s talk tire pressures. There are many schools of thought here and we could discuss this all day but the basics are all you really need to know. Every vehicle has a factory recommendation for correct tire pressures usually located in the owners’ manual, on a sticker in the door jam, trunk or deck lid or in some cases on the gas flap. Do you know what your factory recommended specification for cold tire pressures is? Most drivers do not. If you do, good for you, you are ahead of the game. 12 Air Cooled Advertiser If not, find out. An under inflated tire not only wears out more quickly and unevenly but most importantly is a very common and huge safety risk! Do yourself a favor next time you fill up your gas tank and purchase yourself a stick or pen type tire pressure gauge for a dollar or two and keep it in your glove box or tool kit. Tire pressures should be checked at least once a month at the very minimum. Ideally, you want to check it every time you drive it, just like we would with a race car. This might not be practical or realistic everyday so a fair compromise is once every week to two weeks. Basically as often as possible, even if you have to ask a technician or gas station attendant to do it for you. Also make sure you have caps on all of your valve stems. The cap is what actually holds the air inside of the tire, the little shrader valve inside the stem is only for letting air in and out and not intended to keep the air in forever. Do not rely on the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) if your car is equipped with one. It usually states this right in your owners’ manual. The TPMS is meant to supplement an actual gauge. While these systems are helpful in avoiding driving on a flat tire, most systems are not very accurate and will not alert the driver to a slight tire pressure change, which could cause a tire to wear out prematurely or unevenly. While we are on the TPMS subject, let me also address over inflation. It seems many folks see a flat tire warning light and add air to the tires to make the warning light go out, unfortunately it is often way too much! The factory specs are very specific to temperature and load, while the tire often has a maximum inflation pressure on the sidewall. This maximum is not equal to the recommended pressure! Tires that are over inflated will wear out just as quickly as under inflated tires and are just as dangerous because of a reduction in the amount of tire that makes contact with the road. Really, you do not want to be off from the factory specs by +/- 2 psi! The next order of business concerning proper tire usage, wear and safety is your car’s suspension health and alignment. The state of your suspension and alignment can completely change the character of your vehicle from confident to downright dangerous. Look for more information in the next issue’s upcoming article. As always, I greatly appreciate your questions and feedback and can be easily reached at [email protected]. Thanks for reading and happy motoring! Tom Dobush Summer 2011 13 58th Porsche Parade There were over 200 cars entered in this year’s Concours. On display is a 1964 911. The very first to roll off the production line, from the Seinfeld Collection. Porsche surprised Parade goers with the 50th Anniversary Edition of the 911. 14 Air Cooled Advertiser Chris de Graffenried’s beautiful 2007 Cayman S being judged at the Concours. Chris took first place in class. The Tire Rack Street Survival Program made it’s debut at this year Parade. Here a member drives the wet skid pad. We enjoyed lunch at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. Summer 2013 15 T Porsche LMP1 Sports Prototype he new Porsche LMP1 sports prototype, which will compete in the sports car World Endurance Championship (WEC) and in the 24 Hours of Le Mans from 2014, successfully completed its first rollout today on the Porsche test track in Weissach. Before the eyes of the entire Board of Porsche AG, Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard took his new ‘wheels’ through its initial function check. The LMP1 racer turned its first laps on the circuit several weeks earlier than originally planned. “We are well on schedule,” says Fritz Enzinger, Head of LMP1. “Our newly formed team has worked with utmost concentration on getting this highly complex vehicle on the track as soon as possible. This allows us a few additional weeks for more testing and further development. From 2014, the regulations are primarily based on efficiency. This makes the competition amongst engineers more interesting and presents us with completely new challenges.” Since the decision in mid-2011 to return with the LMP1 racer to top motorsport as a works effort, the Motorsport Centre at Weissach has grown significantly. A workshop and an administration building were built and accommodate around 200 employees who are responsible for the design, assembly and deployment of the LMP1 car. From the 2014 season, the racer will be fielded by a Weissach-based works squad. “I was involved in the development of the new car right from the outset,” says Porsche works driver Timo Bernhard. “I’m very proud that I was the one to take our baby through its first paces today. Already now the car feels great. I look forward to testing the vehicle in the coming weeks and months with my friend and colleague Romain Dumas.” Bernhard (32) and Dumas (35) are the first two regular drivers in the LMP1 project and will carry out the majority of testing on various international circuits. “During the development of our new LMP1 vehicle, we faced the same challenge as in the series production development of our road legal cars,” says Wolfgang Hatz, Board Member for Research and Development at Porsche AG. “Our aim was to achieve the best possible efficiency without compromising performance.” Matthias Müller, Chairman of the Executive Board at Porsche AG, particularly emphasises the benefits customers will enjoy from the development of the high-tech race car. “The engineers were able to start with a blank sheet of paper in the design of the new LMP1 car that was out here today on the Weissach race track for the first time. Hence, they were able to apply many new technologies within the framework of the regulations that will also benefit the customers of our road legal automobiles in the future. After all, there’s a race car in every Porsche.” 16 Air Cooled Advertiser Porsche First Half-Year Sales Figures B etween January and June 2013, Porsche shipped over 81,500 new cars globally for the first time ever by the midway point in the year – an increase of 18 per cent compared to the first half of 2012. In June alone the Stuttgart-based business sold 14,300 vehicles around the world, up 13 per cent on the same month last year. “We’ve had a good first half to the year and go into the second six months highly motivated,” said Bernhard Maier, Member of the Executive Board Sales and Marketing of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, at a dealer presentation in Faro, Portugal. “Our attractive range of models is proving a hit with customers all over the world. Even before the new Panamera models are launched at the end of July, we already have a large number of orders. Our model strategy is, in particular, borne out by the demand for the first plug-in hybrid in the luxury segment.” In the first half of 2013, all sales regions achieved figures above those for the same period last year: during the first six months in the Asia Pacific, Africa and Middle East regions 30,400 new cars were handed over to customers (+25.2%). With 18,300 vehicles sold, Porsche achieved an increase in China compared to the first half of 2012 of 20 per cent. In the USA deliveries to customers rose between January and June 2013 by 30 per cent to a total of 21,300 units. In its ‘50 Years of Porsche 911’ anniversary year, the iconic sports car has already provided a significant boost to sales worldwide: 15,834 sports cars were supplied to customers during the first six months of 2013, representing a 10 per cent increase compared to the same period last year. With sales figures of 12,886 units, the mid-engine Boxster and Cayman models also recorded an almost threefold increase compared to January to June 2012. As expected, however, the most successful range in the first six months of this trading year was the Cayenne: 42,354 vehicles sold represent a year-on-year increase of 22 per cent. June PORSCHE AG AG PORSCHE Deliveries January January - June June 2013 2012 Variance Variance (%) (%) 2013 2012 Variance Variance (%) (%) 14,304 12,699 12.6 81,565 69,171 17.9 Europe Europe 4,705 4,939 -4.7 -4.7 26,199 25,664 2.1 Germany 2,072 1,906 8.7 11,423 9,562 19.5 America 4,328 3,453 25.3 24,936 19,199 29.9 USA USA 3,700 3,002 23.3 21,309 16,450 29.5 5,271 4,307 22.4 30,430 24,308 25.2 3,285 2,788 17.8 18,323 15,274 20.0 World Asia Asia Pacific, Pacific, Africa and Africa a nd Mideast Mideast China G Fall 2011 17 I From the Autocross Chairman t was cold, rainy and windy on May 19th. But that did not stop 23 members and associate members from showing up at the McCarty Avenue parking lot in Albany for the first Hudson Champlain Autocross event of the year. The spring event featured an early training session which entailed walking the course with Andy Dorman explaining the do’s and don’ts of getting your car around the course. After that the drivers got a chance to pilot the course untimed at a slow pace with the help of an instructor in the passengers’ seat. A special thanks to Instructors Chris de Graffenried, Will Waldron, Andy Dorman, and to Jeff Markussen who makes the whole event work with his running of timing and scoring. Thanks also to Timm Baldauf for doing the vehicle tech inspections before the event. After a break for lunch, the real timed driving began. Fun was had by all as half the group drove and the other half worked either picking up knocked over cones, starting vehicles or helping Jeff with timing and scoring. After three runs, the groups switched places and the other half drove. A total of 6 runs were made by each driver during the afternoon. The fastest time of the day was turned in by Jim Morgan in his 911. Nick Grizey turned in the fastest time in the 911 category, Chris Patti in the Boxster/Cayman category, Andy Dorman in the 944/924 category and Devon Baldauf in the Other Make category. Everyone had a chance to compete and more importantly learn how their car handles when sudden steering inputs happen. The Autocross program is meant to give Porsche owners a safe environment in which to explore and understand what their car will do when sudden driver inputs occur. It is a great way to get to know your fabulous piece of machinery better and to have a blast, a laugh and enjoy great company. Our next Autocross event will be held (rain or shine) at the McCarty Avenue parking lot on July 14th. Plan on arriving by 9:00 so we can get started around 10:00 Registration will be $30; a real bargain! The last Autocross of the year will take place on Sept. 15th. Mark your calendars now. I hope to see a lot of you there to enjoy the people, your car, and learn a little about it too. Happy Motoring, Chris Klapper Autocross Chairman [email protected] 18 Air Cooled Advertiser Brotherhood Winery Photos by Keith Antal Great turnout with 16 Porsches eager to start the drive. The tour guide was well versed on previous owners and the history of the winery. We had a great time tasting the fruits of the vine. Summer 2013 19 Northeast Classic Car Museum Photos by Keith Antal The Northeast Classic Car Museum Drive was a great success with 15 Porsche and 27 attendees. The club split into two groups and the tour guides were very knowledgeable about the vehicles. The museum had over 170 vehicles of all kinds of makes and colors. 20 Air Cooled Advertiser Annual Picnic Photos by Keith Antal 42 Porsches lined up on display. Everyone was meeting new friends or catching up on memories with old friends. The Porsches were clean as a whistle and shined in the sun. Summer 2013 21 Member Anniversaries 25 Years John Jersen Mark Aldao 20 Years Todd Fisher 15 Years Ronnie Salvador 10 Years Tom Pillsworth John Driessen Barry Cook Alan Miller Fred Dente Richard Walden 5 Years James Trauring New Members Richard Smith 2005 911 Silver Arvind Mahatme 2008 Carrera 4S Joseph Cavalcante 2003 Boxster Black Eric Spence 2003 Boxster S Gray David Hoffman 1991 928 Blue Nicholas Marino 2005 911 Seal Grey Stephen Kotecki 1975 911S White Joe Maru 1988 944 Erik Lange 2003 911 Black 22 Air Cooled Advertiser Calendar of Events July Monday, July 1st Monthly Meeting 7:00 p.m. hosted by AutoHaus Motors, 768 Saratoga Road, Burnt Hills Sunday, July 14th Summer Autocross McCarty Avenue parking lot at the South end of 787 Sunday, July 21st Drive to the Bennington Museum & Ice Cream Man Summer 2013 23 Calendar of Events August Monday, August 5th Monthly Meeting at 7:00 p.m. hosted by New Country Porsche of Clifton Park, 205 Route 146, Mechanicville Saturday, August 10th Drive to West Point Saturday - Sunday, August 24th - 25th Zone 1 Autocross Ft. Devens, MA Register at 24 Air Cooled Advertiser Calendar of Events September Monday, September 9th Monthly Meeting 7:00 p.m. hosted by AutoHaus Motors, 768 Saratoga Road, Burnt Hills Sunday, September 15th Fall Autocross location to be announced Friday - Sunday, September 20th - 22nd Weekend Get Away to Watkins Glen, NY Enjoy a fun filled weekend with your Porsche in the Finger Lakes. The Hudson Champlain Region has planned a weekend stay at the Glen Motor Inn. You will enjoy scenic drives, fine food, wine tastings, a Seneca Lake cruise and the opportunity to thunder around Watkins Glen International. Summer 2013 25 Calendar of Events October Sunday, October 6th Catskill Fall Drive & Dine Monday, October 7th Monthly Meeting at 7:00 p.m. hosted by R&D Automotive 16 Tivoli Street, Albany, NY Wednesday - Thursday, October 16th - 17th Drivers Education event Watkins Glen International 26 Air Cooled Advertiser 13 Delta Way Clifton Park, NY 12065
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