October 2013
October 2013
October 2013 arpca.com dancique... childs communications / designer jennifer habetler photographer michael sahaida M TTM eyetique M TTM nurlan abougaliev, principal dancer, pittsburgh ballet theatre, wearing norman childs eyewear ® the world’s finest collection of unique eyewear arpca.com eyetique.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 1 You wouldn’t let this guy repair your precious Porsche. Why let an amateur repair your fine watch? Our Certified Master Watchmaker has thirty years experience in watch service and repair and can perform repairs in-house on fine Swiss watches. ShadySide henneJewelers.com 2 // Rundschau • October 2013 412-682-0226 arpca.com FEATURES 8 12 Co-Editor John W. “Iron Jack” Purvis 104 Janis Drive McMurray, PA 15317 724.747.3745 [email protected] Make A Wish Recap Food, Drink, Music, and P-Cars Ffor Charity Consol AX and End Of Season Social Season 2 Of Autocross Comes To An End 14 Mid Ohio Recap 16 Proper Storage Of Your Porsche Matt Wimer’s Favorite Course.... In The Rain. Co-Editor Scott “The Ish” Ishler 412-818-4900 [email protected] Layout, Rob Hoffman 412-889-3495 [email protected] Winter Storage Suggestions For Your P-Car D EPARTM ENTS 4 Ghute Fahrt 6 Shotgun! 7 Monkey Business 10 Calendar of Events 17 Membership 18 What You Missed 20 The Mart - Commercial Advertising Rates and Specifications are available by contacting the Advertising Chairman, Paul Nickoloff 724-454-0180 [email protected] ARPCA Classifieds On The Cover Mark Hanson’s 911 RS America at the Rivertowne Pourhouse for the Make A Wish Event CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads are free to PCA members. Ads may be subject to editing and abbreviations to fit available space. Ads will run for three issues unless renewed or a notification of sale is received. Submit ads directly to the editor via mail or email. SUBMISSIONS The editor encourages club members to submit tips, technical information, favorite Porsche experiences, amusing ramblings, graphics, and photos. Please send submissions via mail or email to the editor. All items must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Rundschau is the official publication of Allegheny Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) and is published monthly at 120 Surrey Drive Delmont, PA 15626. Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Allegheny Region, PCA, its officers or members. The editor reserves the right to edit or omit any materials submitted for publication. Copyright Permission to reprint any material herein is granted to any PCA region provided full credit is given to Allegheny Region and the author(s) and provided copyright is not involved. All photographs and artwork are copyright of the respective photographers or artists. PORSCHE, the Porsche Crest, CARRERA, and TARGA are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Suzy Snyder, ARPCA Membership Chairmen 119 Larchwood Drive Turtle Creek, PA 15145 Copyright 2013 Allegheny Region PCA www.arpca.com arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 3 Region Management ARPCA Officers President George Patterson 412-741-0316 [email protected] Secretary Terri Mattock 724-244-3653 [email protected] Vice President Scott “The Ish” Ishler 412-818-4900 [email protected] Treasurer Beth Core 412-860-1688 [email protected] Past-President and Club Historian Ken Jeremiah 724-935-5559 Carrera2s@consolidated. net Committees Advertising Paul Nickoloff 724-454-0180 [email protected] Newsletter Co-Editor Scott “The Ish” Ishler 412-818-4900 [email protected] Autocross/IRAC Rob Hoffman 412-889-3495 [email protected] PVGP Ken and Louise Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] [email protected] Communications Earl Seiler 412-823-4959 [email protected] Concours Brian Strohmeier 412-877-4951 Bstrohmeier@comcast. net Chief Instructor John Schrenker 412-398-4511 [email protected] Dealer Relations Paul Nickoloff 724-454-0180 [email protected] Goodie Store Rob & Melissa Hoffman 412-889-3495 [email protected] [email protected] Membership Suzy Snyder 412-824-2032 [email protected] Social Coordinator Louise Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] Touring Jason Monyok 724-433-1832 [email protected] Co-Track Chair Tim Hronek 412-716-7861 [email protected] Co-Track Chair Drake Core 412-860-0330 [email protected] Webmaster Terri Mattock 724-244-3653 [email protected] Zone 4 Rep Ron Carr zone4rep@embarqmail. com 740-967-6027 Newsletter Co-Editor John W. “Iron Jack” Purvis 724-747-3745 [email protected] Get the most up to date information at www.arpca.com or “like” us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/260337511726/ 4 // Rundschau • March 2013 Gute Fahrt by George Patterson, ARPCA President The leaves are turning… BUT! There are still many good driving days left this year! After a very busy summer Porsche season, we now have the best time of year to drive our cars… What?!? That’s right… With the fall foliage in full bloom, there is no better time than right now to get your P-Car out and on the road… Fortunately, we have several cool events for you to do so. As I sit to write this, I think about all the people in the club and the conversations I’ve had over the years about their cars, their motivations to buy their cars, how they’ve updated them etc. Then the conversations typically move to their favorite Porsche. Everyone has one... Mine is the 1998 Le Mans winning GT1. The spectrum of peoples’ favorites is broad and interesting. As I was looking at the P-Cars parked at the Make-A-Wish event at Rivertowne Brewing on 9.15 [thanks again Rob Hoffman for putting that together], I thought to myself, “they are ALL cool.” Each Porsche has its own cool factor. From a simple 356 to a new GT3, each car has its own reason for being in the Porsche lineage. One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Porsche himself: “I couldn’t find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself. “ Speaking of the new GT3, I just read a review in the Top Gear UK magazine... This car is something of a revolution vs. an evolution in their story. The most discussed element being the 4-letters that make a purist cringe: P N R D. Yes, an automatic transmission. No more rowing of gears. As I’d mentioned before, I was a bit of a doubting Thomas when I first heard about this. Then I took a Panamera GTS with PDK [double clutch - auto] around the track and became a believer soon thereafter... Having a normally aspirated engine with power that used to only be in tweaked turbo territory, 4-wheel steering, physics-defying brakes and a myriad of new bits, this car truly states its case with no apologies. As the TG article states, “Car companies rarely thrive by looking backwards for inspiration...” Can’t wait to see the GT3RS... Events in September were numerous and varied... We had a great business meeting at Auto Palace [Thanks to Aaron and Debbie!]. Auto Palace also had a new Panamera cocktail party which was top-drawer per usual. The previously-mentioned event at Rivertowne Brewing was well attended and helped raise $2,700 for Make-A-Wish. The Mid-Ohio Drivers Education event was a sellout and despite some challenging weather, the attendees all had a terrific experience. Congrats to Dr. John and his team on a successful event and a stellar track year. AutoX #4 happened at month’s end to an enthusiastic crowd. So impressed with our team who brought back AutoX to ARPCA. Well done Gents! Also, a young man whom the club has known since he was a kid shadowing his dad at track events, Alan Schrenker, got married on the 28th of September. Congratulations!!! October has a full dance card as well. We kick off with on the 5th a Concours at the Grand Concourse in Station Square. The judging of cars will simply be people’s choice [no Q-Tips in the wheel wells required...] Business meeting will happen on the 10th at the Clark’s ‘shed.’ This is an automotive Eden... Please come as Chuck and Melinda are extraordinary hosts. After we drool on their cars, we will attend to our club’s business. AGAIN, ALL ARE WELCOME. PLEASE COME BY AND BE COUNTED!!! Two days later on the 12th, we’ll have our Fall Road Rallye. I guarantee awesome weather and a fantastic time. THIS is one of the prettiest times of year to get out in your P-Car [didn’t he already say that?!?]. AutoX #5 will happen at the Consol Park on the 19th. Never too late to give this unique form of motorsport a try [seriously, you won’t hurt your car...]. A bit of OktoberFest will occur immediately following the AutoX. We then have the PVGP check presentation at the Allegheny Valley School on the 24th at 7pm. As always, our club will make a generous contribution because of the membership’s support. To learn more a/o sign up for the aforementioned events, please go to our web site www.arpca.com and get involved... Our P3 [Porsche Program for Patriots] donations keep flowing. Thanks to ALL who enable the club to send a bit of home in a care package to the brave men and women who fight to keep our country free. Michael Coyne has taken this program to new levels in finding new and deserving recipients - all of whom have ties to our club. If you know someone in the military who’d like to receive a care package, just let me know. A couple things to consider for you future calendar... On January 25-26, the 24 Hour race at Daytona takes place. Over the years, we’ve had a contingent of ARPCA folk heading south to watch. This year will be unique with the unification of the American Le Mans series and the Grand-Am series... It’s a nice time of year to go to Florida and not have to shovel snow... In June, Porsche returns to Le Mans with a full factory effort. That is an amazing trip as well... Any takers? The Discovery Channel’s 4-part series on Patrick Dempsey’s quest to get to and race at Le Mans is fantastic. If you haven’t seen it, it’s available on-demand. Ron Howard’s F1 movie, Rush, is awesome... Finally, Kimi is going back to Ferrari. That will be fun to watch next year... So many events. So many good times to happen. I want to see you there. And I want to see your articles in this publication! It truly is a great club that we have. Please engage in it and come out to play. Thanks for all who make our club great & GUTE FAHRT!!! NEW GERMAN WORD “Velocity” translates as “ Geschwindigkeit “ arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 5 Shotgun! by Scott Ishler, ARPCA Vice President The good news is our beloved Black-n-Gold did not lose the first weekend this month. Of course the bad news is they did not win either… Oh well, welcome to October. Days are getting much shorter and in no time we’ll have little kids (and big kids pretending to be ‘little’) knocking at the door yelling Trick Or Treat! Alas the driving season is coming to a close…. Booooo! Many thanks to those who emailed with feedback on our 2013 events and with 2014 suggestions. Even bigger thanks to those who already have stepped up and volunteered to help or be event chairs. Doing so now helps you pick events YOU would like to help out with as opposed to being ‘voluntold’ later. Seriously, please keep the feedback coming by either email [email protected] or [email protected]. Rundschau, yours and my favorite car club monthly publication, needs your help over the next few months. Why? Many of our cars get put in hibernation and as such we lack recap articles and pix or advertisements for future events. In the absence of those, we need more of your stories and articles. Tell us about things YOU did with your car this summer or plan to do with in the way of upgrades over the hibernation period. Send your articles (and pictures too!) to [email protected]. We’ll be glad to edit and publish keeping the membership enlightened with new articles (as opposed to my usual drivel). Speaking of hibernation (again BOOOOO)… and though a reprint, tear out Duane Smith’s (Sewickley Porsche Service Manager) excellent article on How to Properly Store Your Porsche on page 16 of this issue. Hopefully you will not need it until mid/late December but at least then you will have it handy (well try and post it online too). Sister PCA regions asked for re-print permission after reading it here first last year. Thanks, Duane! Finally, stay close to your email and our website (www.arpca.com). Hopefully we can have a few impromptu gatherings later this month and in November, weather permitting. With short notice, this will be the most effective way to disperse quickly. The 2014 ARPCA Officer elections information will also be distributed this way in early Nov for on-line voting (via MSR) too! Stay tuned and Happy Porsche-ing! Your source for auto racing safety gear & equipment We stock most Porsche / BMW applications & can help you determine the best compound for your needs PFC pads & rotors now stock on new GT3 991 Cup Car! 6 // Rundschau • October 2013 www.ApexPerformance.net Orders: 866.505.2739 Tech: 843.299.0997 National Sponsor ARPCA Members: Use Promocode “ARPCA” to save on your next order! (valid on most items over $75) arpca.com s or sp- Monkey Business with the current rates and contact information. ARPCA’s track team was “signed-off” at or ThePaul ratesNickoloff, are very reasonable for the publicaby Commercial Director ng tion demographics. In addition, if you are an ar ARPCA member, you also qualify for special ARPCA’s track team was “signed-off” at or pricing. ely the current rates and contact information. with the current rates and contact information. p- Fallwith is here…. Here are a couple of updates: For those who support the Rundschau re ratesARPCA are very reasonable for the are verytrack reasonable publica1. The 2013 Golf Outing - The GolfpublicaOut- The rates ARPCA’s team for wasthe“signed-off” atth through advertising, we certainly appreciate addition, youa lack are an tion demographics. In addition, if you are an ng tion ingdemographics. was cancelled In this year dueif to it. Your support helps keep this publication goI with themember, current rates and information. pyoutentatively alsocontact qualify for special ar ARPCA of attendees. I am planning a ARPCA member, you also qualify for special se ing. The rates are very forinterested, the publica- pricing. -ely pricing. 2014 version – toreasonable all who are Remember, we haveIna addition, new item ifforyou theare Rundng For those who support theyour Rundschau re tion candemographics. you send me an email with “ideal”an For those who support the Rundschau – member, an Advertiser’s Spotlight section. Our et ARPCA you we also qualify special ar schau through advertising, certainly appreciate th golf outing requirements? I wouldfor love to through advertising, we certainly appreciate advertisers count on you to use their services eelyI pricing. it. hear Youryour support helps –keep thissend publication feedback please respons-go- it. Your support helps keep this publication go– here is another way you can get to know our ur For whobelow. support the Rundschau ing. re ing. se es tothose the email advertisers. Each month, we will showcase one ED advertising, certainly th 2. through Remember, we have awe new itemhelp forappreciate the Remember, we have a new item for the RundAs ARPCA Members, can you us Rundget of our advertisers – I think you will find thisgoinit. Your support helps keep this publication I an Advertiser’sDo Spotlight section. et schau more– advertising? you know some-Our schau – an Advertiser’s Spotlight section. Our formative and helpful. nk se advertisers youtotoadvertise use theirinservices e- ing. one who count wouldon want our advertisers count on you to use their services -If you have any comments, potential advertised we ayou new item Rundhere is another way can getfor to know our – here is another way you can get to know our ur –Remember, newsletter andhave on our website? WEthe NEED or –suggestions, please send these to Our me: n, ers, schau an Advertiser’s Spotlight section. et advertisers. Each month, we will showcase one advertisers. Each month, we will showcase one ED YOUR HELP WITH ADVERTISERS! [email protected] on Suggestions included adding advertisers count on you to use their services e- For of our advertisers – I think about you will this in- of our advertisers – I from thinkstudents you will find this inthose of you thinking it find or think – here is another way you can get to know our ur and helpful. nk youformative know someone who would be interested formative and helpful. month, wethis willpublication, showcase one If you have any comments, potential advertisED If you have Each any comments, potential advertised in advertisers. advertising / supporting our – I please think will find this in- ers, or suggestions, please send these to me: ers, or advertisers suggestions, send these to me: n, weof have added a block in you the publication and helpful. nk formative [email protected] on [email protected] Suggestions from students included addingIf you have any comments, potential advertised n, ers, or suggestions, please send these to me: on [email protected] Suggestions from students included adding - s Rundschau a.com a.com - . arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ . 7 Make-A-Wish Charity Drive Recap by Rob Hoffman We did a wonderful thing as a club. We helped raise $2,700 for Make A Wish with Mr. Waterheater on September 15 at the Rivertowne Pour House in Monroeville in order to make a child’s wish come true. On that beautiful Sunday afternoon we had about 30 Porsches show up and display in the lot of the Pour House. We enjoyed some wonderfully crafted beer, incredibly delicious food, participated in a silent auction for Steeler Tickets, Panera Bread for a year, Massages, Nooks, Cupcakes, and so many other fantastic prizes and listened to Chris Higbee play live and acoutsic in the bar area. Man, that guy can play fiddle! All in all the day saw a little over 200 attendees come to the event. Thank you to all who attended, donated and took the time to particpate in the car show. It was truly a great event, and a day to really be proud of what we as a club can do to help others. Give your baby a new home. yougetus.com Villa Homes at Redstone Highlands North Huntingdon Campus 772 Frontier Dr., North Huntingdon ( Just off Lincoln Way) • 724-864-1429 8 // Rundschau • October 2013 arpca.com ARPCA Autocross #5 Saturday, October 29 at Consol Field Washington, PA Club Register at ARPCA.com Event The final 2013 Autocross event will be an IRAC (Inter Regional Autocross) event! Participants from our sister regions in Ohio will come to AX with us! We’re looking for strong participation from ARPCA as well as MORPCA, NOR and OVR. The event promises to be a great way to end of 2013 Autocross season. After the AX, ALL Club Members and AX’ers are welcome to stay for dinner and drinks as our we end our Autocross Season at Solomon’s Seafood and Grille. Spouses and family are encourage to attend! Mix and mingle with AX’ers and fellow PCA members from sister regions and display your car in the lot. Solomon’s is located at 222 Hall Avenue Washington, PA 15301. arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 9 October 5 Sat 14 Thu Porsche Grand Concours at Station Square 2:00-‐6PM 10 Thu Business Mtg -‐ Clark Residence -‐ 7:30pm Road Rally #2 -‐ Bridgeville, PA Start -‐ 9:45AM Autocross #5 -‐ Consol Park, Washington, PA Oktoberfest -‐ After AutoX -‐ Solomon's 12 Sat 19 Sat 19 Sat November December Business Meeting -‐ TBD Window Systems Inc. Office -‐ 7:30pm 12 Thu Holiday Party & Toy 9 Th Drive -‐ TBD Business Meeting -‐ 18 S Zielinski Estate -‐ 7:30pm 25-‐2 SGK-954 RaceCar Ads_02-ARPCA.pdf 1 5/28/13 4:15 PM Driving hard to achieve results for our business clients C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ED RICE Member of ARPCA Focusing on Banking & Business Law 28th Floor, Two PNC Plaza • Pittsburgh, PA 15222 • 412.355.0200 • WWW.SGKPC.COM 10 // Rundschau • October 2013 arpca.com 2013-14 Calendar of Events Visit www.arpca.com for more info on events or to register for events visit www.arpca.motorsportreg.com. Jan-‐14 Thu Feb-‐14 Business Meeting -‐ 13 Thu TBD -‐7:30pm Mar-‐14 Business Meeting -‐ 13 Thu TBD -‐7:30pm Jan-‐14 Feb-‐14 Breakfast -‐ Detroit Auto Show 25-‐26 Sat-‐Sun Rolex 24 at Daytona Party Business Meeting -‐ TBD -‐7:30pm Mar-‐14 8 STat TBD -‐ 13 Thu ARPCA M TBD -‐ 13 Thu Spring DBusiness Meeting id-‐Winter etailing Meeting -‐ & oy 9 Thu Porsche/PCA Business Business Meeting Breakfast -‐ D etroit Party TBD -‐7:30pm SessionTBD -‐7:30pm TBD -‐7:30pm Auto Show 5-‐26 Sat-‐Sun Rolex 24 at TBD ing -‐ 18 Sat DaytonaPorsche/PCA ARPCA Mid-‐Winter TBD Spring Detailing -‐ Legend Business Meetings Legend Session Social Business Meetings Track DE/AX Social Talk to An Expert Larry Collins Senior Sales & Leasing Associate Commercial Real Estate Services * A minimum $30 per registration will be donated to PVGP and underlying charities. PVGP Track DE/AX PVGP With twenty years of successful Commercial Real Estate experience, Larry provides a full range of professional services, including, but not limited to: Sales & Leasing, Tenant Representation, Re-Evaluation and Disposition of Bank Owned (REO) Property and Specific Property Searches. Cell: (412)471-3311 x 233 (412) 606-2522 arpca.com [email protected] Koppers Building Pgh, PA 15219 Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 11 Consol Autocross and After Party by Rob Hoffman Consol Autocross... Hmmm... Must be October. The air is crisp, the tires are cold, and autocross is wrapping up for another year. Season 2.0 saw three ARPCA Autocross events and two events with the Steel Cities Region SCCA. It was an awesome summer of AX to say the least. Like last year we will be wrapping up the season with an IRAC (Inter-Regional Auto- cross Championship) event with our fellow Ohio PCA friends. The final Autocross of the season is Saturday, October 19 and it goes down at no place other than Consol Energy Field in Washington, PA. Consol Field has a fantastic area to hold an Autocross. The space allows for a course of fast straights and offers plenty of room for twists, turns and slaloms. We’re looking for strong participation from ARPCA as well as MORPCA, NOR and OVR. The event promises to be a great way to end of 2013 12 // Rundschau • October 2013 Autocross season. AX has been a huge hit for a second year since its return to our club. If you haven’t attended an AX this year this is your last chance for 2013. We’ve seen Porsches and non-Porsches compete. AX is a great way to test and develop your skill as a driver in a very safe and controlled environment. The Schedule for the Consol Field AX is as Follows: • Gates open 8am • Open Course walk - 8:15-9:30 • Registration begins - 8-9:15 • Guided course walk - 9:30 • Drivers meeting - 9:45 • First Car off -10:00 As always the number of runs will be determined by number of participants. Everyone typically gets at least 4 runs per driver in the arpca.com AM and 4 in the PM session. After the event we head to Solomon’s to meet the rest of the ARPCA for food and drinks. ALL members, whether you participate or not are welcome to join us for dinner and drinks as our we end our Autocross season at Solomon’s Seafood and Grille. Spouses and family are encourage to attend! Mix and mingle with AX’ers and fellow PCA members from sister regions and display your car in the lot. The Address is: Solomon’s Seafood & Grille 222 Hall Avenue Washington, PA 15301 and is located near to Consol Field. If you have any questions please feel free to contact AX Chair Rob Hoffman at 412-889-3495 or [email protected] arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 13 Mid-Ohio Driver’s Education by Matthew R. Wimer, Photos by Terri Mattock On Friday after tech inspection a group of about 20 of us went to a Mexican restaurant where we consumed abundant amounts of food and appropriate amounts of drink. While there, we witnessed a ferocious thunderstorm and wondered if we would face those conditions the following day. Saturday morning presented a steely gray drizzle that quickly evolved into a persistent rain. This would be my first day of track experience in those conditions. Mid Ohio has its undulations, and there are places where rivulets crossed the track, providing the potential for mayhem. Except for a few “lazy spins” as one of our chief instructors described it the following day, and a few bruised egos, the morning sessions went well. Our classroom was particularly full that morning for the “Dan and Ralph show” as Drs. Bursick and Gaudio named it, and I wonder if that was due in part to the fact that this was the only warm and dry place in Lexington. I credit them PVGP Home Theatre Raffle • • • • • • • 55” flat panel tv Speakers: left, center, right, surrounds, subwoofer Yamaha audio/video receiver Blu-ray DVD player Universal color touch screen remote Complete installation, programming, calibration System value: $14,000 ticket (only 500 tickets will be sold) Drawing: Sun, July 24, 2011 14 // Rundschau • October 2013 arpca.com for keeping the material fresh for those of us who have been in the class for awhile. On Saturday afternoon the weather was wonderful and the big boys with slicks pulled their cars out of the garages resulting in the usual noise of an operating track. Things were back to normal. As the owner of a beautifully balanced but underpowered Boxster, I love the Mid Ohio circuit. There are lots of technical corners where I can compete, and unlike the Glen, my left arm can actually stay in the car some of the time. This year I began assisting with registration. This has given me a small glimpse into the amount of work that goes into putting on a DE. Thanks to all who run these events. Thanks also to my instructors this year-Dr. Geoff Herald at the Glen, Gino Tasca at the Ledges, Carol Neal at Pitt Race, Dave Palmer at Pitt PDE and Doug Colbary at Mid Ohio. You stretched the rubber band without allowing it to break. We go to DEs for the driving, but we come away with friendships. Can’t wait for next year. Fast Service! Great Quality! Awesome Pricing! Commercial Printing Direct Mail Variable Data/Digital Printing Copy/Scanning Design info@ fotorecord.com • www.fotorecord.com • 724-837-0530 arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 15 Proper Storage Of Your Porsche by Duane Smith, Sewickley Porsche It is getting to that time of the year when we start thinking about putting our toys away for winter. Here are some suggestions for doing so properly: A question I get asked from time to time is: “Should I change my oil before I put my car away or when I get it out in spring?” I recommend putting any vehicle away with fresh oil. Changing your oil before storage ensures you get contaminates out which would otherwise likely be covering your critical engine components such as crankshaft and bearings during extended periods of non-use. It is also one less thing you have to worry about after a long winter when the weather breaks and you want to start driving your baby again. My next suggestion would be to thoroughly wash and put a good coat of wax on your car. Start by washing the car then prepping the paint for wax by clay barring the exterior paint. The clay bar process strips any old wax plus it removes any contaminates on the surface of your paint. Make sure to follow up with a good coat of your favorite wax. Now we want to protect our tires. It is best to clean the tires really well. We want to remove any kind of tire shine as most products contain chemicals which extract the agents in your tires designed to prevent dry rot. Movement from rotation and heat which occurs while driving on your tires helps to keep them healthy and ply-able. Driving on your tires helps counteract tire shine chemicals from drying out the rubber making up your tires. After cleaning your car, wheels, tires, and waxing it; take it for a final drive. Drive at least 15 miles to get the engine up to operating temperature. This also ensures we get any excess water out from the cleaning process. Towards 16 // Rundschau • October 2013 the end of your drive, stop at a gas station and fill up to help prevent condensation from forming in your gas tank. Buy a bottle of gas stabilizer and add it to your tank when you return home. Once the tires are clean we want to pump up the pressure to 50psi. Over inflating tires decreases the size of contact patch and helps minimize flat spotting (from not being driven). I also recommend during storage to push the car forward or back an inch every other week. Doing so also helps to prevent flat spots. Porsche strongly recommends NOT starting your car unless it is going to be driven at least 15 miles. Starting your car and just letting it idle creates condensation inside the engine. It takes at least 15 miles of driving to get enough heat into the engine to burn off that condensation. So if you do not plan to drive your car do not start it. Otherwise you will be doing more harm than good as the condensation will just be sitting in your engine. Not good. Now that you have your tires inflated to 50psi, move your car into its storage location in your garage. Do one final wipe down with a damp chamois or California Duster. Next, plug in a Porsche Battery Maintainer. There are many different kinds of battery maintainers out there but I have found Porsche ones work best. Aside from being extremely simple to use, they plug into the cigarette lighter socket and have a long thin cord which fits between the door and door seal (so you do not have to leave a window down). Then plug the maintainer into a wall outlet and it will turn on and off as needed. Just set it and forget it. Finally put a cover on your car and she is ready for hibernation! arpca.com Membership Happy Anniversary! These Allegheny Region members are celebrating membership anniversaries this month Michael Barbush Russell J. Morse Thomas B. Upshur Barry I. Sheer David L. Faber Ralph M. Raspa John C. Brittain Clifford D. Davis Richard H. Cellich Merrill Marcovsky Kevin S. Maehling 42 30 26 26 26 25 24 21 21 19 18 James P. Brown Jay J. Gyger Mark A. Vanderelli Alan M. Bilecky Marla Zerrer Michael J. Terral Douglas R. Armbrust William Gurzenda Frank G. Novak John J. Herock Rod H. Altmeyer 18 17 17 15 15 15 14 13 12 12 11 Rick E. Day Paul A. Russ Vic Tatum K. Scott Ishler Joseph A. Knecht Victoria S. Ross James C. Fisher Robert J. Gray Brandon Rae Less than 5 Years 10 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 17 Welcome New Members! Rob Chisholm Andy Clem Rich Urbach Sam LaManna Ricardo Cardenas & Silvia Plaza Allison Park, PA Pittsburgh, PA Oakdale, PA Bethel Park Pittsburgh 2006 Cabriolet 2003 911 2013 911 2006 911 2011 911 GT Primary Members 607 Affiliate Members 451 Total Members 1,058 FALL ROAD RALLYE Join us for our Fall Rallye Saturday 10/12/13 Start at 10:00AM from the former Star Theater, Exit 54 from I-79 N/S. From the north; Exit 54 to traffic light, LEFT to next light, LEFT to theater parking lot on RIGHT. From the south; Exit 54 to traffic light, LEFT to second light, LEFT to theater parking lot on right. LOOK FOR THE PORSCHE FLAG!!! We’ll be traveling thru Southwestern PA keeping an eye peeled for signs, unusual objects in peoples yards, highway markers, beautiful fall scenery, etc. Be sure to arrive before 9:45, First car off at 10:00, We’ll meet at a local restaurant, as always for stories, lies, etc. Club Event arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 17 What You Missed by Terri Mattock, ARPCA Secretary Call to Order - The meeting was called to order on September 12th, 2013 at 7:30pm by President George Patterson, in the Porsche showroom at Auto Palace, with 21 members in attendance. Those in attendance: George Patterson, Bill Zielinski, Sandy Zielinski, Beth Core, Drake Core, Rob Hoffman, Ken Jeremiah, Louise Jeremiah, Marty Smith, Tim Hronek, Ed Rice, , Earl Seiler, Judi Seiler, Scott Ishler, Melinda Clark, Chuck Clark, John Malobicky, Lisa Malobicky, Tom Bartos, Paul Nickoloff and Terri Mattock. Treasurer’s Report – Beth Core – Report was reviewed and approved; exact figures read at the meeting. Minutes – Terri Mattock - Minutes from the August meeting were approved. Committee Reports Advertising – Paul Nickoloff – One new advertiser has been added for this issue. One more will be added before the end of the year. Advertising packages include online ads as well as the print ads in the Rundschau. Dealer Relations – Informal lunch outings will be held at both Porsche dealerships. Goodie Store – Rob Hoffman – Items are available online, fall items will be added. PVGP – $5,400 donated to the PVGP….a record year. The check presentation to the PVGP will be held at the Allegheny Valley School in Coraopolis at 7pm on October 23rd. Membership – 607 primary members; 451 auxiliary members. Total of 1058. Need a “New Member and Anniversary Outreach” program. Newsletter - More content is needed for the Rundschau such as “New Member Profiles”, games, trivia. Communications - Earl Seiler Information for the email blasts should consist of text only (no pictures); easier to view on smart phones. • 18 // Rundschau • October 2013 • • • Email blasts will be sent out on the 1st and the 15th of the month as needed Creation of a template would ease the transfer of the email blast information to the website. New communications chairperson is needed. Social – • Sep 15th – Make-A-Wish Event at Rivertowne Pour House in Monroeville • Sponsored by Mr. Waterheater; food, beer, silent auction, Reserved Porsche parking (currently 15 cars have reserved spots) • Sep 18th – Auto Palace – Reception from 6-8pm celebrating the launch of the new Panamera • Sep 29th – Pittsburgh Cars ‘N Coffee – Car show at Auto Palace – 2-5pm. • Oct 5th – Grand Concours at the Grand Concourse, Station Square – Social at the Gandy Dancer, Chairs: John & Lisa Malobicky, Secure valet parking with two security guards; two hours of free parking if you choose to have dinner after the social; enter from the West entrance near the Sheraton. People’s Choice Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place • Oct 19th - Banquet after the Autocross – location Solomons Seafood and Grille – Mike Benlock, chair • Holiday Party – Scott Ishler, chair. Venues and dates are being considered and will be finalized at the October meeting. • Mid-Winter Party – Date and location TBD. • Past events -BBQ at Pitt Race – Melinda Clark – dinner after the track event with wonderful desserts made by members, Wine & Shine at Thistlethwaite Winery – Jamie Mesar /Mike Benlock – 20-25 cars were there; raised approximately $350 for the UPMC Hospital Child Advocacy Center’s Back To School Program. Tour/Rally • Fall Rally – Oct 12th – Iron Jack Purvis and Fast Frank Bunecicky, Starting point is in Bridgeville at the former Star Theater (Exit 54 from I-79 N/S). Arrive there by 9:45am. arpca.com $5/car donation, benefitting ARPCA’s P3 program; please pay that day. 60 mile scavenger hunt with lunch afterwards (pay for your lunch at the location). For questions or to register, email Iron Jack: [email protected] Track – Sep 20th-22nd – Mid Ohio DE – will soon be sold out; profit will be made. • Sep 29th – Autocross #4 with the SCCA • Oct 19th – AutoX with an Oktoberfest celebration afterward. • Website – continues to be updated; new webmaster/social media chair needed. Concours - Oct 5th event at the Grand Concourse. P3 – Michael Coyne- Two more contacts have been made with assistance from Dan Franzetta. Goodie packages have been sent: one to a soldier in Kuwait; and another to a member in the air force serving in an undisclosed location. Please send references to Michael Coyne and he will get the items to those individuals. Contact information is in the Rundschau. • 24 Hours of LeMans in June – Porsche returns Motion to Adjourn – Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. Many thanks to Auto Palace for hosting our meeting among many beautiful cars. Next meeting: October 10th at 7:30pm at the home of Chuck and Melinda Clark. The meeting at the “Shed” will be preceded by food and drinks beginning at 6pm. Respectfully submitted, Terri Mattock, a.k.a. “Tiny T” Secretary Note: This is an edited summary of the minutes, subject to approval. Limited snacks and beverages are available at our meetings and you are all welcome to attend and share in the unedited fun between our business discussions. We welcome your input and fresh ideas. “It’s not the car… it’s the people who make the Club.” Old Business - Melinda Clark - $57 was made from the sale of ARPCA member pins. New Business • • • • • • 2014 Planning Committee meeting determine events and budgets; prepare list of candidates for 2014 officers Calendar for track and social events, committee chairs; all are welcome to attend Future events to consider: Nemacolin Champagne Brunch, Helen’s at Seven Springs Sep 29th – Tom Bartos – ARPCA is invited to attend a Car Cruise at Treesdale which benefits the Employee’s Childrens’ Scholarship Fund. 1pm 24 Hours of Daytona – a few ARPCA members will attend; more later Detroit Auto Show in January Cleveland Auto Show in February arpca.com Rundschau • October 2013 \\ 19 The Mart - ARPCA Classifieds Porsche 911SC rebuildable front brake calipers for 1975-1983 model - $250 [email protected] Factory 911 engine/transaxle yoke w/stand on wheels; 964/993 Factory adjustable front strut brace, new, never installed; early Fabspeed stainless straight-thru mufflers for 993, perfect for track, possibly too loud for street; 944 Turbo S factory lightweight phone dial “Cup” wheels, 8 X 16 w/ 245/45 Kumho Victa racing tires w/ 1/2 tread. Audi A4 front strut brace, fits B5 series 96 - 01, new, never installed; 4 factory 6 X 15 steel wheels, perfect for snows, fits 96 - 02 A4/S4 and 95 - 01 A6/S6, exc. condition. Dic Sundra - [email protected] (412) 366 - 4950 Goosebumps #51 1982 911 sc euro for sale Upgrades include: stock look fuel cell, emergency off switch, full fire system, Stable Energies full roll cage, Cobra seats, Schroth belts (Hans for driver), Vosstek aluminum pedals, Wevo short shifter, close ratio gears, Momo wheel, stiffer sway bars and torsion bars, front brake ducts, tail, corner balanced, two set of Fuchs wheels 7&8 and 7&9, new Hoosier slicks, several used spares. Engine rebuild by Chris at Autobahn Extremists in Ohio 3 years ago. Professionally maintained for ten years. Recent service by Dan Fowler at Fast Company includes new brake pads and rotors, brake fluid, oil change, battery, and exhaust manifold gasket. Never been hit, clean, dry, reliable and fun. Perfect DE car… get in and drive! Best offer in the $30K range. Randy Evans 724-747-7366 [email protected] 2004 Porsche 911 Turbo (VIN: WPOCB299X45675613) · 6 Speed Manual Transmission · 24,250 Miles, Clean Car Fax · New Brakes At 18,000 Miles When Certified · All Good 18” Tires And Rims · Current Pa State Inspection Was $57,000 Now $52,500 David Taylor A.R.P.C.A Member Cell: 814-483-0336/Email [email protected] WINTER CAR STORAGE - Located in the Strip District. The building has 24 hour security an WINTER CAR STORAGE - Located in the Strip District. The building has 24 hour security and is heated. $60.00 per month. jeff@ eldoradoink.com or phone 412-999-5525. Racers Edge 6061T6 Billet Aluminum 944 / 968 M030 Hubs: Installed on roller/project car. Project abandoned before completion. Removed from car before driven on street or track. $725 OBRO Call for details: 412-977-7343. 1984 Porsche 911 Targa. Completely original. Everything works---All numbers match---Same owner last 22 years---All books and records--C&G Performance maintained--- car is perfect--- no paint---no dings---red with black interior---$30.000 724-337-6622 724-980-9805 [email protected] ask for Tony 20 // Rundschau • October 2013 930 RUF modified 911. This is a Porsche not a RUF factory car but includes the following RUF upgrades: 6 speed gearbox, 17” wheels, intercooler, turbos, cams, gauges, front spoiler, oil cooler. Also has twin outlet B&B muffler system, Recarro seats, and a harness bar. Asking $50,000. Brandon Steward - [email protected] For Sale: 1983 Mercedes-Benz 380-SL, Blue on Blue, both tops, 54k miles, $17,900, Call Mike @ 412-977-7343. arpca.com ©2012 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. Optional equipment shown is extra. Obsession doesn't wear a watch. There's a reason two out of every three ever built are still on the road. Dedicated to Porsche vehicles above all else, Porsche certified technicians must complete over 80 hours a year training in the latest diagnostic technology and techniques. You'll also take comfort knowing all Porsche genuine parts are factory-backed for two years when installed by your authorized dealer. Better still, there is no substitute for having your vehicle serviced by professionals who not only know Porsche, but live Porsche every day. Porsche Certified Service. Auto Palace Porsche 4627 Baum Blvd. Pittsburgh PA 15213 (412) 687-4000 www.auto-palace.com Mon-Thu 9 - 6 Fri 9 - 5 Sat 10 - 2 Porsche recommends arpca.com
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