Foundations Worktour Pittsburgh 2016
Foundations Worktour Pittsburgh 2016
The Crossroads Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin July 10th, 2016 Foundations Worktour 2 Pittsburgh 2016 3 4 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 Old St. Patrick’s Church @oldstpats oldstpatschicago Just a Thought Awakenings Old St. Pat's Happenings RCIA Social Action Ministry June Baptisms Worktour OSP Next Family Ministry Community Life P age T wo Just a Thought By: Fr. Tom Hurley July 10, 2016 In recent weeks, I have been in a few other churches around the Chicago area for various occasions and according to my own sensitivities, I don't find them to be as aesthetically pleasing as our own here at Old St. Pat's. I'm biased, I know. I am often reminded how blessed and fortunate we are to have such an incredible sanctuary in which to gather and pray everyday. We have a very bright, engaging architecture within the confines of these four walls and I, for one, am grateful for the way our liturgical space enhances our prayer. I sometimes just take this place for granted and often need to be reminded how fortunate I am to be here. It's not just the space that is beautiful but all of YOU especially! Likewise, I am often reminded how incredibly blessed we are by not only (you!) the people who call Old St. Pat's your home and place of worship, but also the talented crew who call Old St. Pat's their place of work, our dedicated staff. Though many of our ministry teams gather quite frequently throughout the course of a given week, the entire staff comes together on the first Wednesday of the month to both pray, eat, "check-in" and continue our planning and implementing of the mission entrusted to our care. I am always impressed by the amount of energy, spirit, and talent that occupies the room for these meetings. I can confidently say that you, the people of Old St. Pat's, are being well served by the women and men who dedicate each day to Building the Kingdom with you and me. This past Wednesday, even though we find ourselves in the middle of the summer, in the aftermath of the July 4th holiday, our monthly meeting was robust and kept us focused on a full agenda. Topping the agenda was the continued formation of a five year Strategic Plan for Old St. Pat's that we hope to have accomplished and presented to you by the end of August. A big thanks to all of you who participated in this strategic planning process by your feedback and participation in surveys and focus groups. The wisdom we gained from you was tremendously helpful. Right now, the key authors of the strategic plan are putting the final touches on the document itself and it will be presented at the end of July to our Board of Advisors and yours truly. After a few other pieces of the agenda were addressed at our staff meeting last Wednesday, some of our individual staff members had some announcements and other important items to share with the rest of the group. One of our wildly talented staff persons to speak was our own Vince Guider. For those of you who may not 2 know him, Vince is our director of the Kinship Initiative. Inspired by the passionate mission of Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ several years ago here at Old St. Pat's, Greg challenged us to think of how we are being church in the world today. The key word he kept using over and over was "Kinship". It's not enough to just hear about others in this world, but isn't it our gospel call to develop relationships with our sisters and brothers, especially those who need us the most? As a result of Greg's talk, we formed what we now call the Kinship Initiative which is our intentional partnership/relationship/kinship with the community of North Lawndale here in Chicago, located just about two miles west of where we are today. The Kinship Initiative is NOT another service project. It is NOT a well-to-do, primarily caucasian church community parachuting into a neighborhood to "save the day." Kinship is a relationship of mutual respect that is built on reciprocity. We see this as an on-going journey and I stand so grateful to Vince for his selfless, dedicated presence to both the community of North Lawndale and Old St. Patrick's. He is truly standing as a "bridge" in helping to build our kinship with one another. At the meeting on Wednesday, Vince passionately appealed to us as a staff to keep finding more time to just be present in North Lawndale. Likewise, that appeal is there for ALL of us as the people of Old St. Pat's. He turned around a common statement for us to ponder, "Don't just stand there, do something!" to "Don't do anything, just stand there!" Just be present. That's a great lesson for all of us. To the many people of Old St. Pat's who have helped to form our kinship already through tutoring, singing, running, retreating, and praying with new found friends in North Lawndale, I thank you. I would invite you to look at other portions of this publications and prayerfully consider how or at what upcoming scheduled event you'd like to just "be present" in our Kinship Initiative. You don't necessarily have to do anything. Just be there. There are many opportunities. It's the way we are going to be builders of the Kingdom together. If you need some help and feel lost in the process of "What do I do?" or "How do I take the first step?" contact Vince Guider at 312.798.2374 or VincentG@oldstpats. org. He will help you. I hope these July days are finding you well and renewing your bodies and souls. Prayerful best to you this week, Father Tom Hurley Stay in touch with Fr. Hurley by following @TomHurleyOSP on Instagram and Twitter. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A wakenings Who Are These Robbers? By: Rachel Lyons I want to know what happens to the robbers and the passersby. This Sunday's Gospel which is often referred to as 'The Good Samaritan' leaves out any details about the robbers who initially beat up someone and leave them on the side of the road. Who are these robbers? Why don't they have enough money or food or clothing? What is so unequal in the society around them that they are not cared for? Who is taking too much? What hurt are the robbers carrying? And why do we often only see them as one-dimensional, as robbers, and not as human beings or souls or children of God? For me, the robbers are a vivid wake up call to the broken bonds of community and of humanity. The robbers continue on the road and leave another person in pain, robbing a human of their dignity. And then two more people pass by this suffering human. And they, too, rob him of his dignity. Who is this priest and this Levite? And are they that different from the robbers? We must be willing to call into community and into humanity and into divinity all of God's children: the robbers, those who pass by the victims of their actions, and the victims themselves. Jesus is not asking us to measure out who deserves care and who wins the respectability politics game and who looks enough like those in power to be saved. No. Jesus shares a story of being neighbor in order to make concrete what it really is to love God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind. To love your neighbor as yourself. Let there be emphasis on personal acts of mercy to care for those abandoned in our city AND let there be a brave conversation with those who hurt others and those who ignore the victims. Robbers and too-busy-for-you speed walkers and apathetic citizens are neighbors, too. We don't get a choice of who is in and who is out. The second reading today from Colossians emphasizes that all of creation is in Christ Jesus, "and in him all things hold together." So then how do we find opportunities to call back to community our neighbors who hurt and our neighbors who pass by? I had an opportunity like this right on the front steps of Old St. Pat's, and I missed it. About a year ago, I was chatting with folks outside of church on the sidewalk before 5pm mass. As I approached the church steps, I saw a person asking for money to get on the bus. The person stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up to the church doors. Another man stood at the top of the stairs, presumably waiting for a family member to join him before heading into church. The person at the bottom of the stairs got his attention and started to speak about the search for change to get on the bus. The man at the top of the stairs did not look at the person but merely waved his hand curtly as if to say, "Move along, you don't belong here." He then turned around and went into mass. The person at the bottom of the stairs narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and started walking away. I went up to him and talked for a bit, embarrassed by what just happened. While this choice seemed to be the best one at the time, I found myself with a whole lot of regret later. I think I should have approached the man at the top of the stairs rather than the one at the bottom. The man who was attending church at Old St. Pat's should know that we do hospitality differently here, and it does not look like wagging a finger at another human or waving them along. It involves eye contact. It demands interruption in your day so there is more room for the Holy Spirit to move, to breathe, to live, to foster connection. It echoes Jesus' words and actions. I missed the man at the top of the stairs, and I am sadly certain he will go on to pass by more people. I could have had a conversation with him that invited a change in his heart. Now, maybe he would have ignored me. Fine. But I would sleep better at night knowing I tried. And I would not be writing about a man I missed at the top of the stairs at Old St. Pat's one year later. I pray for courage in the days to come, that our community of faith is united as one in word, in deed, and in each confrontation that leads to reflection, growth, and transformation. It starts with us. Rachel Lyons directs the Social Action Ministry at and leads a number of important faith and justice based programs at Old St. Patrick's Church. You can contact her by email to [email protected] 3 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ' s H appenings July at a Glance... Event Date | Time Theology on Tap: Mercy (The Sunday, July 10 | 6:15 p.m. Essential Virtue) Music Under the Stars Contact |Location Huges Hall OSP Next [email protected] Saturday, July 16 | 7:30 p.m. with Encore Milennium Park Jay Pritzker Pavilion Jennifer Cannon 630.947.3588 The Next Chapter Sunday, July 17 | 11 a.m. Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center Bernadette Gibson [email protected] Theology on Tap Sunday, July 17 | 6:15 p.m. Hughes Hall OSP Next [email protected] Mass of Healing Thursday, July 21 | 12:10 a.m. Mass Old Saint Patrick's Church Bernadette Gibson [email protected] CARA Suit Drive Sunday, July 24 | All Day Old Saint Patrick's Church Beth Marek [email protected] Last Day for Partners Sunday, July 31 Registration! Contact [email protected] with questions. B-Ball on the Block Thursday, August 4 | 3:30 p.m. Mason Elementary School Vincent Guider [email protected] #WeAreOSP Happy Birthday, Betty! Birthday Blessings to our Beloved Betty O'Toole who is celebrating her 85th birthday. Betty has done an amazing job of devoting so much of her self, her time and her care to baptisms and liturgies over the years. 4 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ' s H appenings Someone you should know... Lauren McCallick Director of Development [email protected] 312.831.9355 Dear Old St. Pat’s Family, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Lauren McCallick, and I have recently taken on the role of Director of Development here at OSP. I come to you from the Notre Dame Club of Chicago where I worked as the Director and sole employee (Go Irish!), but I’ve been a member here for almost five years. I’m delighted to be part of the OSP team. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I moved to Chicago and started attending Old St. Pat’s shortly after graduating from Notre Dame in 2011. Old St. Pat’s first became part of my life when I was participating in a two year volunteer program at Christ the King Jesuit College Prep on the West Side. My community mates and I heard about the church from a former volunteer. I think I signed up as a member only days after attending my first Mass. The sense of community, the warmth, the music, and the hospitality really called to me. Since becoming a member, I’ve become a Eucharistic Minister, a Baptism volunteer, and an OSPnext Social Committee Chair. I love this place and the strong sense of purpose here. I’m excited to work with you and eager to help build up the Old St. Pat’s mission. I look forward to meeting all of you, so when you see me on Sunday please introduce yourself. If I can ever help you with anything, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful community. -Lauren McCallick And They Say Catholics Don’t Read the Bible! Participants are asked to pre-read the selection for each session (none are longer than just a few pages and we’ll notify you by email what to read before each session.) Then be ready to engage in lively discussion around some of the most familiar, and perhaps not so familiar, stories from the Old Testament. It will also help us provide our best hospitality and to prepare the correct number of materials if you can let us know which sessions you plan to attend by contacting Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] or 312-831-9379 no later than Monday, July 18. Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center 711 W. Monroe Street, 2nd floor Wednesday, July 20 6:45 p.m. Gathering and Refreshments 7 p.m. Session begins “First the Rain , then the Rainbow. ” 8:15 p.m. Session ends Noah and the Flood About our co-facilitators … Lorraine Kulpa is a member of Old St. Patrick’s Church, an art and travel enthusiast, a retired attorney, and recently completed her graduate studies in Biblical Spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Wednesday, August 17 “I Can’t Understand a Word You’re Saying!” The Tower of Babel Bob Kolatorowicz directs the Adult Education Ministries at Old St. Patrick’s and after twenty-five years thinks he might be starting to get the hang of it. 5 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ' s H appenings Rock 'n' Roll Road Closures Sunday, July 17 Please be advised there will be road closures* in our area due to the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. Loop Neighborhoods 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Downtown 6:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. *Road closure times are approximate. Roads reopen as the last participant passes and course materials are removed. Check for a complete list of road/ramp closure times and alternate directions. Chic ago Riv er N . Bra nch r Sho ake N Lasalle Dr NL E edy Kenn Lake Shore Eisenhower Expy BUS DR N COLUM SOLDIER FIELD E DR 5 ve rt A SA er rch DR OR DR ARB NHAM H BUR E 18TH 94 e Av Stevenson Expy 8 E 24th Pl S State St Mcguane Park W 31st St Mark your calendar for the best fair trade market of the year! We'll host 30 fantastic vendors in Hughes Hall from 9am - 1pm on Sunday, November 13. The market is an expression of our commitment as people of faith to honor the dignity and work of all human beings by seeking fair trade and locally made goods. Our market vendors are selected because they commit to 1) fighting poverty and transforming lives through job training and worker justice; 2) creating entrepreneurial opportunities for people often denied access to markets; and 3) being good stewards of the earth's resources. il nt Tra Lakefro Lake Meadows Park Sunday, November 13, 2016 Contact Rachel Lyons for more info: [email protected]. 10 E 31ST ST D 6 4 9 S Indiana Ave Bosley Park Dunbar Park 11 rail ront T Lakef y xp nE so ven Ste S MICHIGAN AVE E 26TH ST S DR MARTIN L KING JR DR E 25th St ing Jr Dr LK 55 S State St ve rA rtin Ma S Halsted St S Dr y Exp e rch DR ORN ARB Dan Ryan T DE F OR E Cermak Rd Old St. Pat's Annual Solidarity Market Interested in being a vendor? We are currently full for the 2016 market but will certainly send applications to new vendors and keep you informed if/ when other vendors cancel. 3 41 W Cermak Rd SA Northerly Island Burnham Park 12 o alp an SC TR S LASALLE ST AI L S Columbus Dr 2 E Mcfetridge Dr 7 90 W 18th St Dvorak Park Lake Michigan E Balbo Ave 6 V07 W 18th St T N Rush St N Michigan Ave N Michigan Ave S MICHIGAN AVE S Halsted St Dan Ryan Expy S Canal St S Racine Ave 13 SHOR GLUKOS ENERGY STATION MEDICAL RESTROOMS SUBJECT TO CHANGE E HARRISON ST LAKE HALF MARATHON COURSE 10K COURSE BAND STAGES WATER + *GATORADE AT EVERY OTHER STATION 6 W Roosevelt Rd South Branch Of Chicago River 1 FINISH Dearborn Park W Roosevelt Rd ON W CONGRESS PKY W HARRISON ST University Of Illinois At Chicago SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 START TIME: 6:30 AM 1 Grant Park EFR LAK LAKEFRONT TRAIL Sheridan Park 1 START S COLUMBUS DR Arrigo Park Millennium Park E VAN BUREN ST S FRANKLIN ST S Clinton St 290 S Canal W Van Buren St E MONROE ST 5 E WACKER DR E LOWER RANDOLPH ST E Madison St N STATE ST S Wacker Dr W Jackson Blvd 1 S Lake Shore Dr 4 W Jackson Blvd W Harrison St Chicago River W WASHINGTON ST N CLARK ST W MONROE ST W Adams St Addams Park N STATE ST N FRANKLIN ST 3 W MADISON ST W Congress Pky 2 W LAKE ST N CANAL N Halsted St N DESPLAINES ST NO gden Ave acine Ave NR W Washington Blvd Olive Park 41 N LAKE SHORE DR W Illinois St 94 Skinner Park Northwestern University E GRAND AVE W Ohio St 90 r N Orleans St xp E Ontario St eD Park SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITYE OF CHICAGO AND THE CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT Ave W Chicago Chicago Ave Eckhart Park Save the Date! Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ' s H appenings Encore invites you to join us for... Music Under the Stars A Concert in Millennium Park -Jay Pritzker Pavilion Acclaimed conductor, Christoph Konig, will lead the Grant Park Orchestra in classical music by Haydn (Symphony No. 55) and Bruckner (Symphony No.4). We’ll enjoy the concert for free in the lawn seating. Please bring a blanket or chair since we’re on the lawn, and concertgoers often bring food or drinks. For more information and proposed location, please contact Encore volunteer, Jennifer Cannon at 630.947.3588 A recent RCIA initiate had this to share about their experience: “Peace. Home. This is what I've gained through the RCIA process with the wonderful people at Old St. Pat's. Are you interested in learning a bit more about Catholicism to discover whether or not it's for you? Would you like to spend some time hearing from different Catholic teachers and preachers, entering into discussions with your peers, and experiencing more of "the Catholic life"? If so, the RCIA process might be for you! This process is hosted by the community of Old St. Pat's and is meant to be a journey of learning and discernment ... and maybe even a bit of fun and friendship, too! When you're starting out, making a commitment to meet every Tuesday for two hours seems like a lot, but then this cool thing happens. You become part of a small community within a larger one. See, in RCIA, after the first few weeks, you end up getting grouped with about ten others. I've made wonderful friendships at RCIA, which made it easier to be open and honest as we had conversations about various topics within the Catholic faith. After a while, these two hour sessions on Tuesday nights became something I looked forward to, because I felt right at home with the people I had met. And then the Easter Vigil - words can't do it justice. It's amazing and overwhelming and beautiful. I almost made it without crying, until Peg, who was part of my small group in RCIA was cheering so much, I just lost it, but definitely tears of happiness! Which brings me to where I am today, a confirmed Catholic (!) and an (almost) regular on Sundays at the 5:00 mass. Each week I leave feeling such a wonderful sense of peace. Father Hurley is so funny and engaging, each Mass is beautiful, and I just feel that all is well in the world, and that I truly can walk out of the doors of Old St. Pat's and have so much to share with all those in my life. This would never had been possible without RCIA. I highly recommend it!” If you would like to learn more about the RCIA at Old St. Pat's, please contact Keara Ette at 312.798.2328 or [email protected]. 7 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S ocial A ction M inistry Social Action Ministry Clothe the Naked - Year of Mercy Rana Plaza, 2013. Three years ago this factory in Bangladesh collapsed in the deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry. We lost over 1,000 people. When we think about clothing the naked, we want to remember to donate clothes to shelters, to our neighbors, to those who need a suit to find a job. And we need to remember how clothes are made in the first place, who benefits from wage theft and unsafe buildings, and whose hands and labor bring us shirts, pants, and jackets. We are called as people of faith to build a kingdom that honors the dignity of all people and the dignity of work. Let us reflect this month on the work of mercy, Clothe the Naked, both in what we give to others and in how our patterns of consumption are healthy or unjust. Our world needs more critical consumers and advocates for worker's rights, fair trade, and environmental justice. Here at Old St. Pat's, our Social Action Ministry invites you into the corporal works of mercy as a way to enrich this special Year of Mercy. Join us as we bring the Gospel message beyond our church walls in service, kinship, and justice. Outreach - Beth Marek directs our Outreach programs and volunteer ministry to under-resourced communities, bringing material goods and fellowship to our neighbors throughout Chicago and abroad. Kinship Initiative - Vince Guider directs our Kinship Initiative, bringing together the people of North Lawndale and Old St. Patrick’s Church to walk alongside one another in friendship and mutual transformation. Advocacy - Rachel Lyons directs our Social Justice in Action ministry, focusing on justice education, leadership development, and political advocacy to create systemic change in our city and state. Kinship Initiative • Contact the Edward Touhy Guardian Angel Foundation for their senior PROMise formal wear drive each spring for students Outreach • Donate to The Cara Program Suit Drive on Sunday, July 24 before/after masses. • Donate clothing for adults to the House of Mary and Joseph shelter. 8 • Support the students moving into the teen housing this fall for North Lawndale College Prep. Work of Mercy: Clothe the Naked Organizing & Advocacy • Check out The Human Thread Campaign to create just systems for garment workers and customers. • Watch The True Cost film about the garment industry. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: J une B aptisms Join us in welcoming the following children of God into the Catholic faith through the Sacrament of Baptism in June of 2016. Luca Pasquale Labriola Elise Melrose & Angelo Labriola James Guido Kuchenbecker Julie & Jay Kuchenbecker Ellery Jean Williams Kaylan & Matthew Williams Patrick Graham McGinley Molly & David McGinley Julia Rose Kuchenbecker Julie & Jay Kuchenbecker Isaiah Jason Johnson Erica & Todd Johnson Braxton Jeffrey Ulit Jasmin & Jeffrey Ulit Clara Jane Shingleton-Duyka Alexander Shingleton & Landon Duyka Ward Carter Oliver Taylor & Robert Oliver Beckett Alexander Ulit Jasmin & Jeffrey Ulit Jack Christopher Fasano Marissa & Christopher Fasano Owen Michael Petyo Kristen & Kirk Petyo Francesca Ann Rivera Charlene Pelino & Jose Rivera Anthony Adam Berta Catherine & Nicholas Berta Vivian Margaret Slowikowski Megan & Timothy Slowikowski Elan Nathaniel Kampanatkosol Soila Velasco & Richard Kampanatkosol Evelyn Mae Brady Anna Gindorff & Christopher Brady Nicholas Marduk Alkhas Nineveh Alkhas Langley Margaret Tully Margaret & Daniel Tully Isabel Ann Roman Martha & Christopher Roman Gemma Lynn Catizone Stacey & Michael Catizone Isla Catherine Ginn Megan & Eric Ginn Desmond Alan Vargas Jaqueline McClellan-Vargas & Anthony Vargas Louis Alexander Kandulski Sarah & Adam Kandulski Macey Elda Padolina-Ramirez Mary Ann Padoline-Ramirez & Michael Ramirez Aidan Christopher LeBlanc Aloha & Christopher LeBlanc If you would like your child's Baptism photo to be featured in an upcoming bulletin, please email [email protected]. 9 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: W orktour : P ittsburgh 2016 Building Foundations in Pittsburgh By: Leyla Scheurig and Declan Grogan This past week twenty-three teens and six adult leaders piled into three vans to go and serve the people of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We worked with an organization called Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh. Their mission is to provide free home repair to those living at or under the poverty line so that all may have a safe home to live in. We learned all about the social justice issues of poverty and systemic racism that plague people living in Pittsburgh. When people are living at the poverty line it is difficult to pay for the necessities that we take for granted everyday. Rebuilding Together helps to ease economic stress by putting money back into the community and keeping people in safe homes. We worked on multiple sites ranging from houses that were completely gutted to houses with families living in them. We installed insulation, shoveled dirt, painted, cleaned basements, scraped and repaired walls, repaired stairs and much more. All the while we worked hard together for the shared purpose of doing what God called us to do. Every morning before heading off to work Courtney would read a passage to inspire us for the day and remind us why we were all there. Many of the readings come from Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat For Humanity, and one morning the passage encouraged us to go out and take the short lines. Jobs with desirable conditions have long lines because everyone wants them, but jobs that are hard or have less desirable conditions will have short lines since no one wants them. While in Pittsburgh we learned how to take the short lines and how in the end those are the most rewarding. We were able to step back and see the work we had done and how happy it made the home owners. We were there to serve others, but the personal journey we went on together was just as incredible. In Pittsburgh we were able to create a space where it was completely ok to be ourselves. There was no fear and there was no judgement. In today’s world and especially as teenagers it is hard to find people who will accept you for you. Worktour is that place that we all found a home. The idea is that we can bring this community that was built in just a week and share it with everyone else in our lives. As rising seniors who have been on three Worktours each, we can say with confidence that Worktour is where real friendships are formed and experiences are had that we will keep with us forever. A week in Pittsburgh brought us closer together and closer to our faith. Thank you to our amazing leaders and you, our community that prays for us and supports us. On this trip we dove head first into our faith and learned that through God we can bring happiness to others. It was an honor to go to Pittsburgh and build up the foundations of others while also building up our own. Leyla Scheuring is a senior at Oak Park River Forest High School and Declan Grogan is a senior at Fenwick High School. 10 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: W orktour : P ittsburgh 2016 Worktour Reflections Thanks to everyone who supported and prayed for our Foundations teens as they embarked on a tranformative week of service and action in Pittsburgh, PA. The reflections below offer a glimpse of the life changing experience our teens encountered. Worktour allowed me to see my faith in action as I dug deeper into national social justice issues and served at a senior citizen’s house. Pittsburgh was also our safe place to be ourselves, and I created lasting friendships with like-minded teens. My experience on Worktour was one of utter bliss. I am continually struck by the passion that a group of teens feels for service and for each other. Our trip to Pittsburgh will always be remembered as one of the best weeks of my life. - Lisa Pitts - - Claire Wild - Worktour is one week of nonstop bonding with some of the best people on Earth, while simultaneously deepening your faith and making a difference in the world. My three Worktours were by far the best three weeks of my life. - Clare Brennan - I saw how people still have hope and get excited about the smallest things, like a fresh coat of paint. I also saw how determined the people of Pittsburgh are to bring it back to what it once was. - Matt Vaccarello - - Drew Rautenberg On Wednesday morning, my group was working with an organization called Gtech to build a park in an empty lot next to the house we were working on. We helped paint and install some rainbow colored tires in the lot as some small, simple play equipment. The next day we were working upstairs in the house again and we looked out the window and saw some kids playing on the tires we put in. That was really awesome because it showed that we were really making a difference in the peoples’ daily lives. - Grant Wenc Worktour has expanded my mindset about the correlation between poverty and systemic racism. It is up to all of us, privileged and not, to ignite change in communities void of hope. Worktour is a chance to make small differences which add up to a large change. - Olivia Selgrad 11 My experience on Foundations Worktours 1, 2, and 3 have been examples of just living. I’ve experienced more life in these last 3 years than I have in any portion of my life combined. There is no better solution for life’s problems than hope, love, and action and no place does it better than here. Worktour Pittsburgh was an incredible, eye opening, and inspiring experience. The friendships built during Worktour are truly the foundation of Foundations. -Michael Browder Worktour was an amazing social justice and faith exploration. We were able to discuss issues present in today’s society, and make an impact on safe and healthy housing in Pittsburgh. - Charlie Webber On Worktour, I become a better person and I built friendships that will last forever. All of this was done while learning about the poverty and systemic racism in Pittsburgh as we scraped walls, painted, and pulled nails in order to end these cycles. We can’t save Pittsburgh in one week, but if we were all to make the conscious decision to see these issues, we can end the cycle of poverty and ensure equality for all. This week I dug deep into my faith by learning a lot about Pittsburgh and how poverty is a main problem there. The group we worked with focused on helping others who needed a safe home that couldn’t afford it or make repairs on their own. It felt good knowing I improved some of the lives of those who live in Pittsburgh. - Olwen Heady - Worktour was a life changing experience. I have never been so happy to see someone else smile in my entire life. When you feel God’s love at its purest form, through His brothers and sisters, that’s what you know you have really dug deep into faith and God’s word. - Rachael Ryan Over the past week our Foundations teens have been heartfelt ambassadors of our faith to the community of Pittsburgh and to one another. They have talked to locals, painted, put down flooring, prayed together, danced, sang, and loved. As a leader I am grateful for the inspiration they provide. - Ryan Malawy - - Leyla Scheuring Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: W orktour : P ittsburgh 2016 I can’t begin to describe how incredible Worktour was, but I’m going to try. I made so many connections with different people that I would have never talked to in Foundations; on top of that, I learned and experienced what poverty was. - Maggie Haseley For me, our week in Pittsburgh was full of thin places - places where the space between heaven and earth is more permeable. Through our work with the Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh, our afternoon on the lazy river, our time spent reflecting on poverty and numerous other moments, I was reminded that our good and gracious God is willing to enter into the mess with us, will constantly be our refuge, and is a God of abundance. - Courtney Nichols This Worktour I really opened up to my group. Sometimes I have trouble being myself but when I opened up everything worked out and people liked who I was. I learned myself is the best thing I can be. Before going on the Pittsburgh Worktour, I had spent little time contemplating the social justice issue of poverty even though my job has me teaching in an inner-city school where the majority of my first grade students are living in poverty. The experience of this Worktour has definitely helped me to better understand how I might be able to fight against poverty in the community where I teach and bring that sense of hope back to the people who are in need of it most, just like all of the Foundations teens were able to do this trip. Worktour is a constant reminder that no action is too small, no task is too big, and hope can always be found if you dig deep enough. Going on Worktour only gets more and more fun by the day. The people you work with and for are always extremely grateful and thankful because they know a group of teens like this can make such a big difference. The experience is so genuine and fun and it can’t be found anywhere else. - Joe Burns - - Annie Kielian This week on Worktour I dug deep by trying new things, like sanding a wall or trying new foods. I got to meet new people and form new relationships. - Maggie Greenlees - Worktour is a great place to get out of your shell and comfort zone. It’s a great place to make new friends while also helping the world. One thing Courtney told us about was how little things can go a long way in helping people, and I definitely saw that in the houses we worked on. This week I was struck by the Foundations community. I was amazed by how welcoming everyone is, and how much work we can complete if we work together. This year on Worktour I was touched by the kindness of the Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh crew and homeowners we worked with. Their enthusiasm and happiness inspired me to continue to dig deeps and make a difference. I’ll never forget the gratitude Mrs. Robinson, one of the homeowners, expressed when we left on Friday afternoon. -Catherine Nunez - - Florence Almeda - Our Pittsburgh WorkTour was an incredibly life-giving week. From ridiculously loud van rides to heartfelt conversations with Pittsburgh homeowners and AmeriCorp volunteers to DRYLOKing basements, our time together was a great reminder to focus on what’s important. It is always a gift to spend a week with our teens—building community with them, learning from and with them, and rejoicing in the gifts that God has given each of us. And laughing at ourselves (a lot). On Worktour, not only did I get the chance to serve those in Pittsburgh, but I really got to build relationships with them. The staff at Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh and the homeowners were so incredible and it was so amazing to be a part of this trip. This week I learned about Pittsburgh and served its people. I loved every moment of it and I will forever cherish the relationships I have made. My week in Pittsburgh was the best week I’ve ever spent on a Worktour. We spent our days completely painting and flooring the home of our lovely homeowner, Miss Deb. Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh really changes the life of the impoverished residents of the city. - Jennie Motto Mesterharm - - Evan Schmitt - - Meagan McCormick - - Declan Grogan - 12 - Grace Larrabee - Visit our website at - Mac Anderson This week, I learned some home-repair skills that will last a lifetime. The crews at Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh were so helpful, motivational, and great. I knew we were making a real difference after seeing the smiles on the faces of my peers, homeowners, crew members, and leaders alike. - Mark Lorden - Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP N ext OSP Next is the community for Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s! There’s no"signing up" - if you’re here, you're part of the community! Simply join us anytime for one of the events or opportunities listed here. Meet your fellow OSP young adults as we Engage, Encounter & Serve. Email [email protected] with any questions. Want to join a committee? Let us know! Theology on Tap: Mercy (The Essential Virtue) Sunday, July 10 from 6 - 8 p.m. | Hughes Hall In her talk, Maggie Meier will discuss the theology of atonement vs. the radical, unearned mercy revealed in Christ. Such mercy is transformative, both of our inner vision and outward actions. In seeing ourselves and others anew through the eyes of compassion, our actions naturally become generously merciful as well. By seeing with mercy, we become the image of Christ's mercy alive in the world. Thus mercy becomes the cornerstone of the Christian life. Future Dates: Following Pope Francis: Stories of Mercy and Life (Sunday, July 17) & Mercy for the Indicted (Sunday, July 24) BBQ at The Boulevard Saturday, July 16 | 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. On July 16th, the OSP Next Faith in Action committee will be cooking a barbecue lunch for residents of The Boulevard, a local homeless shelter focused on restoring health and regaining self-sufficiency. Join us for fellowship and great food. We will carpool over, meeting at St Pat's at 9am, and return by 2pm. RSVP to [email protected]. 2016 Catholic Young Adult Volleyball Tournament Sunday, July 17 | North Avenue Beach This one-day volleyball tournament allows young adults from Catholic Parishes in Chicago to enjoy a wonderful day of volleyball, friends, and fun! You can sign up as an individual or you can sign up a whole (*mixed) team of between 4 and 6 people. $25 per person and all participants who register by July 6 will receive a tournament T-shirt. Net proceeds of this event will go to Aid for Women. Register at L42VHH7. *Games of 4x4 will require one female on each side, games of 5x5 or 6x6 require two females on each side. If you have questions, please contact Meghan Meehan [email protected]. Sign up for the OSP Next Mailing List or ‘Connect’ with us by emailing [email protected] or vistiting our webpage at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too! 13 OSP Next: Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s Visit our website at OSPnext @OSPnext Follow Old St. Pat’s on: P artners R eligious E ducation Registration for 2016-2017 Pratners Religious Education, Blueprints, and Foundations is open through July 31st! Registration for Partners Religious Education, the BluePrints 8th Grade Experience, and the Foundations Youth Ministry Program are now available on line through, the same safe, user-friendly database which we’ve used the past couple of years. Partners has reached maximum capacity in the past ten years, and we continue to have waiting lists in a number of classes. Keep in mind that for Partners, only TWO absences are allowed during a sacramental year; THREE during a non-sacramental year. If this does not work with your family’s schedule, you may want to consider programs elsewhere. Important information about First Communion in 2017 All First Communicants must have been enrolled and actively participated in the First Grade Partners Program during the 2015-2016 school year. *Please note: Pre-K and 6th Grade have reached capacity. Partners Religious Education Pricing: One child: $ 410 Each additional child: $ 150 First Communion fee, per child: $ 85 Reconciliation fee, per child $ 85 Confirmation fee, per child $ 85 Foundations, per teen $ 75 Confirmation is a 13 month program, beginning traditionally in September of 7th grade and continuing through October or November of 8th grade. The sacramental fee is paid in 7th grade. Incoming Confirmation students are referred to as Confirmation 2017 as they receive the sacrament of Confirmation in 2017. Beginning June 1st, the fee for one child is $410 and each additional child remains $150 Sacramental Fees and Foundations fee remain the same. Registered Old St. Pat's Memebers will receive a 50% discount If you are not yet a member, but would like to become one, please visit If you are not sure of your membership, you can contact at 312.798.2355, or email her at [email protected] Please note that those who will make their Confirmation in November of 2016 (most of whom will be entering 8th grade) must register and will automatically be enrolled in the 8th Grade BluePrints Program where their focus will be on living out the gifts of the Holy Spirit The link for registration is 14 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife Cara Suit Drive Sunday, July 24 We are collecting gently used business attire for men and women (suits, slacks, dress shoes, blouses, sport jackets, etc.). Please make your donations in front of the church before and after all Masses on Sunday, July 24. 2016 Service Dates All service hours are from 9 a.m. to Noon. Please contact the weekday or weekend coordinator if you are interested in being of service! Weekend Service: Mary Beth Riley [email protected] or 630.655.9447 Weekday Service: Jim Holbrook [email protected] or 773.237.2625 Service Dates: Tuesdays: July 12, August 9, September 13, October 8, November 8, December 13 Saturdays: August 13, September 10, October 11, November 12, December 10 15 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: P rograms H earts and P rayers "But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn, and cared for him." - Lk 10:33-34 Sunday, July 10th 2016 Readings: Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 3031, 33-34, 36-37 or Ps 19:8-11/Col 1:15-20/ Lk 10:25-37 Mass Remembrances: 9:30 a.m. Kathy Moore (=) Christine Nourie (=) Denise Engelmann (=) 11:15 a.m. Daniel (Danny) Goedken (=) Joan T Lynch (=) 5:00 p.m. Becky Metzler (=) Book of Patrick: Judith Lynch, Sheila Ann Sullivan, Mayme Haveck, Robert Chinn, Susan Benedetti, Kevin Patrick Connor, Ramon Aguilera, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Alfred and Rose Demartini, Michael J. Martin Monday, July 11th, 2016 Readings: Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 10:34-11:1 Mass Remembrance: Vincent James Sacco Peter Ferro (=) Book of Patrick: Daniel Kaczmarek., Jerome C. Most, Dorothy B. Doyle, William J. Forster, Catherine Maree, The Martin Family, Jim McGuinness, Arcadio Alarcon, Jr., William A. "Buck" Williams, Jose I. Ibarra, Jr. Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 Readings: Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-8/Mt 11:20-24 Mass Remembrance: Chuck Riso (=) Linnea Rutkowski (=) Book of Patrick: Phillip Brokenshire, Christopher Carroll, Raymond Lipke, Anne Marie Briski, John O'Heir, Anna Pisciotto, Thomas W. Kowalski, Ruth Hewitt, Joe Marshman Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 Readings: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Ps 94:5-10, 14-15/Mt 11:25-27 Book of Patrick: Loreto Mamone, John Joseph Kane, Gary J. Maher, Patricia Clancy Lieferman, Mary Cullen Curley, 16 (=) Deceased Richard J. Powers, Dr. James R. Kennedy, Women and Men of Faith Maia Camilla Buffa Thursday, July 14th, 2016 Readings: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Ps 102:1321/Mt 11:28-30 July 10 St. Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727) Book of Patrick: Sophie Babski, David Mann, Frances S. McBreen, Tom & Mary McKean, Margaret & Clarence Sokoloski, Veronica’s desire Kathryn & Frank Brisley, Elizabeth McAvoy, to be like Christ Mary Dowd, Margie Morich, Zenaida crucified was Nabo Friday, July 15th, 2016 answered with the stigmata. Veronica was born in Mercatelli, Italy. It is said that when her mother Benedetta was dying she called Mass Remembrance: Seamus O'Toole her five daughters to her bedside and Book of Patrick: Barbara Fox, Mr. & Mrs. entrusted each of them to one of the five Thomas W. Havey, Donald Harkins, Nils wounds of Jesus. Veronica was entrusted Sproesser, Frances V. Novak, Michael and to the wound below Christ’s heart. Readings: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Is 38:1012, 16/Mt 12:1-8 Brenda Bedeker, Rose Hofstede, Sharon Sullivan Haggerty At the age of 17, Veronica joined the Poor Clares directed by the Capuchins. Her Saturday, July 16th, 2016 father had wanted her to marry, but she Readings: Mi 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14/Mt convinced him to allow her to become a 12:14-21 nun. In her first years in the monastery, Book of Patrick: Bob Tully, Baby Mary H. she worked in the kitchen, infirmary and sacristy and also served as portress. At the Dudley, Julian Piech, Edward M. Osetek, age of 34, she was made novice mistress, Nora Murphy, Edmund and Florence Snieg, Nils Sproesser, James Robert Miller, a position she held for 22 years. When she Tom and Karen Haggerty, Grace Suzanne was 37, Veronica received the stigmata. Truty Life was not the same after that. Sunday, July 17th, 2016 Readings: Gn 18:1-10a/Ps 15:2-5/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:38-42 Prayer Requests For Those Who Are Sick Rob Swason, Ryan Clark, Conor Motynihan, Ruth Fischer, Lester Jedynak, Joe Osterhout, Jack Kirkwood, Peter Incardone Church authorities in Rome wanted to test Veronica’s authenticity and so conducted an investigation. She lost the office of novice mistress temporarily and was not allowed to attend Mass except on Sundays or holy days. Through all of this Veronica did not become bitter, and the investigation eventually restored her as novice mistress. Though she protested against it, at the age of 56 she was elected abbess, an office she held for 11 years until her death. Veronica For Those Who Have Recently Died was very devoted to the Eucharist and Nancy Collins, Albert Greene, Michael to the Sacred Heart. She offered her Damore, Richard Hodgdon, Michael Sofiak sufferings for the missions. Veronica was canonized in 1839. Adapted from Prayer Requests: Names of the sick or recently deceased are listed for one week in the prayers of the faithful and two subsequent weeks in the bulletin. Please call Bernadette Gibson at 312.798.2389 to add a name to the list. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: G eneral I nformation Mass Schedule Wedding Schedule Sunday 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@oldstpats. org, or 312.831.9383. Monday – Friday (Daily Mass) 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Wedding Banns Church is open for Personal Prayer: Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Reconciliation Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request. Liturgical Ministry If you feel called to serve as a Hospitality Minister, Eucharistic Minister or Lector for one of our Sunday liturgies, please contact David Philippart at [email protected], or 312.831.9372. Training for Hospitality Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers takes place four times per year. Training for Lectors occurs annually. Weddings If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at [email protected], or 312.831.9383. The Baptismal Program & Schedule To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism Scheduler, at 312.798.2366. Photo Credit: Becky Hill Photography May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You. I. July 16, 2016 Benjamin Vaughn & Jessica Larsen Christopher Parolin & Margaret Coghlan Nursery Service Jordan Aaron Kopp & Ann Therese Mark Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the school on Des Plaines Street. II. July 23, 2016 Low-gluten Host Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion hosts. If you would like to receive a low-glutenn host, please contact David Philippart, Liturgy Ministry, at [email protected], or 312.831.9372. Sign-Language Interpreter Upon request, a sign language interpreter can be available at the 11:15 a.m. or 5 p.m. Mass on Sundays, as well as for holidays and holy days of obligation. It would be most appreciative if you would give us 5 days of advance notice. To request access to a sign language interpreter at Mass, please contact Katie Kearns at 312.831.9372, or [email protected]. Old St. Patrick’s Website Be sure to visit our website,, for the most up-to-date information. 17 Andrew M. Guerin & Elizabeth D. Bajadek William Albert Schmit & Tina Villapondo Charles Lee Thomason & Amanda Jean Blakley Michael Thomas Marynowski & Sarah Elizabeth Rigby Michael Joseph Johnson & Michelle Elizabeth Van Kuiken III. July 30, 2016 Seth Lowder Stephans & Rose Alicia Marnell John Patrick Gannon & Kathleen Francis Dorsey Jeffrey Brice Pitcock & Paige Elisabeth Stallings Andrew Moran Sullivan & Kristina Hughes Pastoral Care: Do you know someone in need of Pastoral Care amongst our Old St. Pat’s community? Please contact Bernadette Moore Gibson at 312.493.8737. Parish Counselor: If you or someone you know is in need of counseling services, please contact Old St. Patrick’s Parish Counselor, Sarah Thompson at [email protected] or 773.234.9630. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Old St. Patrick’s Church Administrative Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f 312.648.9025 Accounting Janette Nunez 312.798.2305 [email protected] The Cara Program Maria Kim 312.798.3319 Linda Vasquez 312.798.2307 [email protected] Katie Brandt 312.831.9352 [email protected] Jim Holbrook*Funerals 773.237.2625 Bernadette Gibson [email protected] [email protected] Adult Education Ministries Bob Kolatorowicz 312.831.9379 [email protected] Annulment Support Ministry Patty Stiles 847.220.3011 [email protected] Baptisms Betty O’Toole, scheduler 312.798.2366 [email protected] Buildings/Grounds Andrew Hayden 312.798.2345 [email protected] Chicago Food Depository Mary Beth Riley* 630.655.9447 [email protected] The Children’s Place Katie Byrne* 312.863.1120 [email protected] House of Mary and Joseph Kate Boege* 312.337.7953 [email protected] Interfaith House Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Joe Harzich* Business Manager Tim Liston312.835.4932 [email protected] 312.798.2381 [email protected] Clergy - Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Hurley 312.831.9363 [email protected] Admin. Assistant to Pastor Skye Darke 312.831.9377 [email protected] Visiting Clergy Fr. John Cusick Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap. Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ Fr. Paul Novak, OSM Fr. William O’Shea Msgr. Kenneth Velo Fr. John J. Wall Special Olympics Greg Benacka* 708.271.4460 [email protected] St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Su Casa Jim Karczewski* 630.279.0144 [email protected] Trinity Volunteer Corps Marty Kenahan 708.567.0518 [email protected] U of I Hospital Pediatrics Sue Sierkierski* 312.546.4312 [email protected] Counseling Services Lauren Breitling Sarah Thompson 773.234.9630 [email protected] [email protected] Community Outreach Communications & Media Lauren Kezon 312.831.9364 [email protected] Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Adult Literacy Program Marilyn and Antonik* 773.286.3390 [email protected] Blood Drive Mark Buciak* 773.307.0033 [email protected] 18 Development Lauren McCallick 312.831.9355 [email protected] Sunday Giving Commitment & Book of Patrick (Memorial for Loved Ones) Lauren McCallick 312.831.9355 [email protected] Encore: 50+ Active Adults Mary Kay Slowikowski [email protected] Visit our website at Family Ministry Bea Cunningham 312.831.9351 [email protected] 312.493.8737 pastoral cell Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families Outreach (Old St. Pat’s) John Parro* [email protected] Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected], 312.831.9379 Listening Parent Ministry Maureen Schuneman* [email protected] Grief Support Facilitators Judi Black, Bill Brennan 312.798.2358 Hospitality Linda Vasquez 312.798.2307 [email protected] Jewish Catholic Ministry Jewish Catholic Dialogue Gina Lakin* 773.485.9966 [email protected] Eileen O’Farrell Smith* [email protected] Family School David Kovacs [email protected] Interfaith Union Eileen O’Farrell Smith [email protected] Liturgy David Philippart [email protected] 312.831.9367 Katie Kearns [email protected] 312.831.9372 Marriage Preparation Jack Berkemeyer - Pre-Cana Experience 312.798.2386 [email protected] Patty Stiles - Pre-Marital Assessment 847.220.3011 [email protected] Members/New Members Lauren McCallick 312.831.9355 [email protected] Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Music Jennifer Budziak [email protected] 312.798.2382 Laura Higgins 312.798.2384 [email protected] [email protected] Mark Scozzafave [email protected] Bill Fraher 312.831.9353 [email protected] North Lawndale Kinship Initiative Vincent L. Guider 312.798.2374 [email protected] Office Manager Joanne Gresik 312.831.9370 [email protected] Pastoral Care Ministry Bernadette Gibson 312.798.2389 prayer line [email protected] 312.493.8737 pastoral cell Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Receptionist 312.648.1021 Resident Theologian Presenter Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson [email protected] 312.831.9373 Retreat Program: Beloved Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 [email protected] Social Action Rachel Lyons 312.798.2399 [email protected] Special Events (Fundraisers) Sheila Greifhahn 312.798.2343 [email protected] Joe Brandt 312.798.2348 [email protected] Spiritual Direction Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 [email protected] Tours of Old St. Pat’s Jim McLaughlin* 630.852.7269 [email protected] Wedding Ministry JoAnn O’Brien 312.831.9383 [email protected] Follow Old St. Pat’s on: Wedding Volunteers Mary Jo Graf 312.360.1622 [email protected] Robin Ramel 630.747.1588 [email protected] Women’s Spirituality Mary Anne Moriarty* 312.861.0382 OSP Next (Young Adult Ministry) Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Foundations and Blueprints Courtney Nichols 312.798.2329 [email protected] The Mary and Bill Aronin Center for Social Concerns 703 W. Monroe Chicago, IL 60661 Career Transitions Center Deb Wilson 312.906.9908 [email protected] Coprodeli, Peru Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Friends of Fabretto, Ni caragua Tom Gleason* 773.227.6556 [email protected] Harmony, Hope & Healing Marge Nykaza 312.466.0267 marge@harmonyhopeandhealing. org Parking at Old St. Pat’s For your convenience, we are providing parking information to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits Old St. Pat’s. Please continue to check back on the parking availability in these lots. We will continue to have updated information for you. We appreciate your patience and understanding. PARKING IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN THE LOT ON THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF ADAMS AND DESPLAINES. SUNDAYS Parking Lot 1: Parking is available in this lot until 9:30 p.m. on Sundays. Parking Lot 2 & 3: Parking is available in these lots until 1:00 p.m. on Sundays. WEEKNIGHTS* (AFTER 5:30 P.M.) You may park in the roped off section of Lot 1 until 9:30 p.m. on weeknights (entrance on Monroe). Once this section is full, you may park in the remainder of the lot. Please inform the attendant you are with Old St. Pat's, then retrieve a time stamped parking pass from the security office in 711 W. Monroe. Place the time stamped OSP parking pass on the dashboard of your vehicle. We thank you for your patience during this time of transition. *Please check with the staff person hosting your program or event for parking instructions. Horizons for Youth Brian Broccolo 312.627.9031 [email protected] Global Alliance for Africa Jonathan Shaver* 312.399.2830 [email protected] Tom Derdak [email protected] Board of Advisors Dave Baron, Steve Bonneau, Keara Ette, Kevin Hanley, Arnette Heintze, Greg Hunt, Tim Keneally, Bob Kolatorowicz, Tim Lison, Rose Loftus, Eileen O'Shea, and Jill Wrobel Visit our Website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: 19
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