Sunday, December 6th - Old St. Patrick`s Church
Sunday, December 6th - Old St. Patrick`s Church
The Crossroads Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin December 6, 2015 Join us for our Advent Reconciliation Service Wednesday, December 9th 6 p.m. | Doors Open 7 p.m. | Service Begins Turn to Page 4 for more information. Advent of Mercy 2015 2 3 4 7 8 9 12 14 15 18 20 Just a thought It’s a Jubilee! December at a Glance Christmas Calendar November Baptisms Advent Calendar OSP Blood Drive Prayer for Jubilee Year of Mercy The Giving Tree OSP Next Community Life Follow us on: 2015 P age T wo Just a Thought.. For December 6, 2015 Tom Hurley 2 Father Thomas J. Hurley Pastor Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A wakenings It’s a Jubilee! By: Tim Liston I’ve been staring at a blank page with one word written on it for about twenty minutes. This word has people in the Catholic world talking, scratching their heads and getting to work. It’s a simple word, but it can mean a lot of different things to different people. Mercy. As Pope Francis calls for this Jubilee Year of Mercy, I have been Tim Liston thinking about mercy in a lot of different ways. If you haven’t had a chance to read the Pope’s Prayer for Mercy yet, I highly recommend doing so going into this Jubilee Year beginning on December 8 (see page 14). Let me preface my thoughts by saying, we have so many great theologians with years of studying and Masters of Divinity on the Old St. Pat’s staff. I ain’t one of them. So let me try and do this the best I can. I guess you could say I’m asking for a little mercy here. I always think that Jesus resonated with so many because he took complex concepts and broke them down in simple ways. So as I’ve been thinking about mercy over and over again, my mind (which has a strong penchant for pop culture, especially music) kept circling the same three simple phrases about mercy. 1. “Have Mercy”: Anyone who watched Full House remembers Uncle Jesse’s catch phrase 2. “Lord Have Mercy on Me!” There is a classic blues song called “Stormy Monday”. This song has been covered by countless artists, but trust me when I tell you – listen to the Bobby Bland version. There is a line that goes as follows: “Sunday I go to church, and I get down on my knees and pray. Loooorrdd have mercy! Lord have mercy on me!” [Editor’s note: No one can plea for mercy better than a blues musician] 3. “Mercy!”: All you White Sox fans can probably appreciate Hawk Harrelson’s simple one-word call during games. So these thoughts seemed completely unrelated until I read Pope Francis’ Prayer for Mercy about the tenth time. Bear with me on this, it might be a stretch, but here is what I think... “Have Mercy” = The Pope’s call to “be clothed in weakness…and feel compassion.” Maybe this means forgiving a family member this Advent season for a longstanding grudge; or maybe it means 3 asking your co-worker who has had a couple of bad breaks this year out for a coffee; or maybe still it’s making a conscious effort to reach out to someone experiencing loneliness (maybe a recent widow). I don’t think it has to be Earth-shattering, but maybe a little mercy will go a long way this year. “Lord have Mercy on me!” = The Pope’s call to embrace God’s mercy much like that given for “Matthew’s enslavement from money, Peter’s betrayal or the repentant thief.” If you’re carrying the burden of a sin long since committed, maybe it’s time to ask God for forgiveness. In other words, maybe you need to show yourself some mercy. This Wednesday, Old St. Pat’s is offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It might just be the opportunity you need to free yourself from this burden; or maybe this is the year to finally pick up the phone and say sorry to someone, allowing God’s mercy for your past offenses. It worked for Zacchaeus. “Mercy!” = The Pope’s hope that “our Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed.” You needn’t look any further than our own city to find the poor, the captives and oppressed. So maybe the “Mercy!” shout is a call for change. We can show mercy and we can ask for mercy, but I think what Pope Francis has so eloquently done and said is that we need to be the catalyst for mercy around us. The OSld St. Pat’s Social Justice and Social Outreach efforts lend so many proverbial microphones to shout “Mercy!” Whatever your mercy looks like (aside from my oddball analogies), we hope that this truly is a year of jubilee. And please know that these Old St. Pat’s doors are literally and figuratively open. All you need to do is cross the threshold...the door is open. Unrelated Post-Script: Many of us (myself included) often only see the end result of the hard work of this staff. Our maintenance staff who tirelessly works to make this place a beautiful and welcoming space, our liturgy & music staff who put so much effort into creating new and life-giving Masses every week, our formation staff who puts extraordinary thought and passion into each seasonal theme and ministry, and our communications staff who puts endless hours into bringing all of this work to life. During this Advent season I want to say a special thank you to the unsung heroes on this staff. I couldn’t be more proud to work with such dedicated people. Special shout out to ALL of the wonderful members that volunteer their time to make our work a little easier, we would be Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D ecember at December at a Glance... a G lance Event Date | Time Contact |Location Jubilee Year of Mercy Begins Tuesday, December 8 World Wide Advent of Mercy: Wednesday, December 9 | 7 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Reconciliation Service Laudato Si’ Session Rachel Lyons [email protected] Thursday, December 10 | 7 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St., Room 25 AB Rachel Lyons [email protected] West Loop Christmas Friday, December 11 | 6 p.m. Hughes Hall (21+) & FXW Gymnasium Movie Night Tim Liston [email protected] You Are Not Alone: Sunday, December 13 | 10:45 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St., Library Divorce Support Group Handling the Holidays Deb Romeo [email protected] Sunday, December 13 | 1 - 2:30 p.m. Grace 711 W. Monroe St., Room 25 AB Patty Stiles [email protected] The Giving Tree Sunday, December 13 | 6-8 p.m. Wrapping Party Hughes Hall Beth Marek [email protected] Partners Sunday Sundays, December 13 & 20 Old St. Patrick’s Church Advent Night of Pause Wednesday, December 16 | 5:30 - 10 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Catholicism 101 Wednesday, December 16 | 6-8:30 p.m. Mass for the Anointing Thursday, December 17| 12:10 p.m. Mass Keara Ette [email protected] Hughes Hall OSP Next [email protected] of the Sick Old St. Patrick’s Church David Philippart [email protected] Family Christmas Story Sunday, December 20| 9:30 a.m. Mass Memorial for the Homeless Monday, December 21 | 6:30 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24 | Mass at 3 & 5 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church & Campus Christmas Day Friday, December 25 | Mass at 7, 8, Old St. Patrick’s Church Old St. Patrick’s Church [email protected] The Feast of St. Stephen You Are Not Alone: Divorce 9:30, & 11:15 a.m. Saturday, December 26 CHURCH AND OFFICES CLOSED Sunday, December 27 | 10:30 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St., Library Support Group Deb Romeo [email protected] New Year’s Eve Mass Thursday, December 31 | 5:30 p.m. Mass Old St. Patrick’s Church New Year’s Day Mass Friday, January 1, 2016 | 10 a.m. Mass Old St. Patrick’s Church Welcome to the Advent of Mercy! We are honored by your presence as together we enter into the sacred time of Advent and commence the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. Please accept our special invitation to our Reconciliation Service. It will be an evening of music, contemplation, ritual, reflections by Terry Nelson-Johnson, and the opportunity for sacramental reconciliation. The evening promises to be beautiful, provocative and . . . Merciful! Sunday, December 9th Grace and Blessings, The Staff of Old St. Pat’s 6 p.m. Doors Open | 7 p.m. Service Begins 4 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings “We Are OSP” Photo of the week “National Irish Dancing Championships” Submitted by: Trinity Academy of Irish Dance Last week, Claire and Stella Riley, Old St. Pat’s members and dancers at the Trinity Academy of Irish Dance, headed to the National Irish Dancing Championships (known as the Oireachtas in the Irish Dance world) over Thanksgiving Break. We are excited to announce that the girls had a very exciting weekend at the Oireachtas! Both competed on Ceili teams this weekend and Claire’s U8 team placed 3rd Overall and Stella’s U12 took 14th! Additionally, Stella placed 36th overall in the individual competition. 5 Submit a #weareosp photo by emailing [email protected] or following @oldstpatschicago on Instagram and tagging your photo #weareosp! Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings Homeless Persons’ Memorial In the shadows of the Magnificent Mile... Our brothers and sisters are without homes... They will not go unremembered. Please join us. December 21, 2015 6:30 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church 700 W. Adams St. Chicago, IL *Reception in the Hughes Hall to follow Reconnect with Connections Christmas Party! Sunday, December 13 6 - 9 p.m. | Following the 5 p.m. Mass Dugan’s - 128 S. Halsted ‘Tis the Season to give thanks for our Connections We will be hosting our 4th annual raffle to Community! Come help us celebrate Christmas support an Outreach Charity at Old St. Pat’s. cheer, friendship and hospitality at our Annual Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the Connections Christmas Party. party. Cost: $10 payable at the door – includes pizza If you would like to volunteer the night of this and a cash bar. RSVP to Elizabeth at event, please contact Jim at [email protected] [email protected] by Wednesday, December 9 Hope to see you on the 13th! so we can offer the best in hospitality. 6 Ho, Ho, Ho - The Connections Team Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C hristmas C alendar CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 24 | Christmas Eve* Family Ministry Kids Christmas Pageant 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Church 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Hall Mass 3 p.m. FXW Gym Mass with Sign Language Interpreter 3 p.m. FXW Cafe 12 a.m. Church Mass Midnight Mass Friday, December 25 | Christmas Day* Mass 7, 8, 9:30, and 11:15 a.m. Church Saturday, December 26 The Church and Church offices will be CLOSED. NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 31 | New Year’s Eve Mass 5:30 p.m. Church Friday, January 1 | New Year’s Day Mass 10 a.m. Church *Please note: As Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses tend to be fuller than usual, we ask that you arrive early. Please be understanding of spacial constraints, plan ahead, and arrive early. Thank you! 7 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: N ovember B aptisms Join us in welcoming the following children of God into the Catholic faith through the Sacrament of Baptism in November of 2015. Greyson Albert Andres (Abigail Leynes & Patrick Andres) William Michael Etue (Kristin & Brenden Etue) Eleanor Grace Morgan (Erin & Robert Morgan) Charles Benjamin Aubin (Joseph & Susan Aubin) Nash Thomas Franz (Michelle & Michael Franz) Vivian Marie Nimry (Joseph and Melissa Nimry) Catalina Bella Blitz (Matthew Blitz & Anna Proni) Caitlin Willabeth Galfer (Erin & Miles Galfer) Noah Daniel Osornio (Jennifer Power & Daniel Osornio) Walter Michael Bueche (Stephen & Colin Bueche) Ellyson Honor Galatz (Alissa & Benjamin Galatz) Charles Donald Perez (Anne & Andrew Perez) James Patrick Brenegan (Amanda & Paul Brenegan) Greer Josephine Gilmore (Carol Gilmore) Dominick Joseph Cainkar (Amy & Joseph Cainkar) Kailani Lexie Gronko (Maureen & Edward Gronko) Emma Grace Pindozzo (William Pindozzo Jr. & Stacey Ann Blair) Ollie Craig Chamberlain (Rebecca & Jason Chamberlain) Madeline Fay Hannes (Meghan & Kyle Hannes) Nora Margaret Caskey (Kathryn & George Caskey) Beatrice Irene Jackson (Heather & Jeremy Jackson) Elena Therese Cirillo (Nicole & Joseph Cirillo) Harper Rose Kuhl (Sarah & David Kuhl) Emerson Lee Cordell (Paul & Felicia Cordell) Andrew Charles Lagoni (Caroline do Nascimento & Nicholas Lagoni) Cecelia Rose Dammrich (Moira & Matthew Dammrich) Daniel Thomas Day (Kerry & Paul Day) Stella Morphew Doar (Shaina & William Doar) Allison Marie Drum (Anthony & Jennifer Drum) 8 Robert Taylor Powers (Andrew Powers & Anne Taylor) Tobin Charles Salland (Patrick Salland & Blythe Sobol) Quinn Leigh Stepien (Lauren & Alexander Sepien) Brendan Levey Stroka (Paul Stroka & Elizabeth Levey) Liam Thomas Sweeney (Eileen & Paul Sweeney) Eleanor Grace Lancy (Bradley & Emily Lancy) Lily Valentine Vesecky (Lela & James Vesecky) Benjamin Philip Lipsit (Matthew & Kristine Lipsit) Corinne Katherine Woltman (Meghan & Andrew Woltman) Andrew Cooper Mack (Peter Mack & Elizabeth Brandwein) Jaxson Julius Wrobel (Jeffrey & Jill Wrobel) Jack Joseph Milakofsky (Adam & Allison Milakofsky) Emil Patrick Zei (Cheron & Charles Zei) Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A dvent 2015 You Are NotAre Alone You The Advent of Mercy Give to the Thanksgiving Food Drive! Turn to Page 8 for more information Advent of Mercy 2015 9 Visit our website at Advent of Mercy 2015 Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A dvent C alendar Date Sunday, November 29 Event First Sunday of Advent Time and Location 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8p.m. Masses in the Church Sunday, December 6 Second Sunday of Advent 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8p.m. Masses in the Church Gospel of Luke Scripture Study 6:30-7:45 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St. Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected] Tuesday, December 8 Wednesday, December 9 Feast of the Immaculate 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Conception Mass in the Church Mercy of Advent: 7 p.m.; Church open for prayer 6 p.m. Reconciliation Service Hospitality following in Hall Rachel Lyons [email protected] Friday, December 11 West Loop Movie Night 6 p.m. Doors | 7 p.m. Movie Hughes Hall | Adults/21+ ; FXW Gym | Kids & Families Tim Liston [email protected] Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. Masses in the Church Gospel of Luke Scripture Study 6:30-7:45 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St. Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected] The Giving Tree Donation Drive Now through December 13 Before and After All Masses Drop off gifts before and after all morning Masses before and on Sunday, December 13. Beth Marek [email protected] The Giving Tree Wrapping Party 6-8 p.m. Hughes Hall Beth Marek [email protected] Everyone is welcome to join in the fun of the Outreach Wrapping Party from 6 – 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 13 in the Church Hall 10 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A dvent C alendar Date Wednesday, December 16 Event Night of Pause in the Church Time and Location 5 - 10:30 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church From 5:30 to 10 p.m., the church will be open for an evening of quiet pause, prayer, and reflection. All are welcome. Catholicism 101 6:30-8 p.m. Hughes Hall [email protected] Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent 7, 8, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. Masses in the Church 9:30 a.m. Mass in Hughes Hall hosted by Foundations teens Family Christmas Story Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Mass Performance in the Church; Hospitality following in Hall [email protected] Gospel of Luke Scripture Study 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. 711 W. Monroe St. Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected] Monday, December 21 Memorial for the Deceased Homeless 6:30 p.m. Contact: 312.226.9184 In the shadows of the magnificent Mile, our brother and sisters without homes are losing their lives. On the longest night of the year, we honor them. Please join us for reflection in the church and hospitality in the Hall following. 11 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP B lood D rive American Red Cross Blood Drive at Old St. Pat’s A Huge Success - Thanks To You! On Sunday, November 8, Old St. Pat’s held its annual Blood Drive. We collected over 120 pints! On a beautiful Fall day there were plenty of reasons not to come inside to donate, but there was one main reason to donate: to share God’s gift of life with others most in need. This year, our Blood Drive had an official name “The John Buciak Blood Drive.” Donating blood in the spirit and honor of a friend or family member is a wonderful way to share our most vital gift. More than 160 people joined us to donate or volunteer this year. The incredible thing is that we had donors ranging in age from 19 year old DePaul University students to Paul Saner, a long time member of Old St. Pat’s and loyal donor, who is 82 years young at heart! We have donors from across the street (Linda a long time member of Old t. Pat’s and loyal donor) to Ken Smith who takes the red and blue lines from 47th street and comes to St. Pat’s only once a year, just to donate blood. We would like to thank everyone involved in the annual Blood Drive, especially our generous donors who are indeed the perfect example of a living Christ in a difficult world. We also would like to thank our many volunteers who helped make the day run so smoothly. In fact, we had a record number of volunteers this year. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. They were extremely hard working and gave part of their Sunday to make our donors feel welcome by giving heart filled hospitality. Warm appreciation to the FXW School who so kindly let us use their gym for our blood drive so we would be able to offer a very suitable space and date (the 2nd Sunday November) to our loyal donors. We are thankful to all of our sponsors for their generous donations for our Donor Appreciation Raffle. The winners of the Donor Appreciation Raffle are listed on the next page. 12 We take our hats off to Bill Jacobs of PIECE on North Ave for supplying their award-winning pizza and Trader Joe’s for their fresh bananas and Michigan apples so our donors could have a healthy post-donation meal. Also, many thanks to Larry Duncan of FFC, Formula Fitness Clubs for donating a free one week members to everyone. For the second year in a row our blood drive was graced with the Comfort Dogs of the Lutheran Church Ministry. These wonderful canines and their handlers added a special loving and caring touch to our day with their kindness. We thank Canines Susie and Darlin for bringing us special joy and peace. No one could have done it better. In addition, I would like to personally acknowledge with heart-filled thanks the Old St. Pat’s staff who helped support the Blood Drive this year, particularly the hard working Maintenance Crew who was ready to go on an early Sunday morning. We could never manage this Blood Drive without them! Throughout the year, we encourage you to look for a Blood Drive near your home or office by entering your zip code at Remember that the Red Cross is the only nationwide Non-profit blood bank. Many people will have new life because of your willingness to share a pint of blood. This is one of the greatest gifts one can give. My father, John told me that when God gives you a gift, the best thing you can do is share it with others. Thanks for sharing God’s gift of life with others most in need. Best wishes for a prayerful Advent, a wonderful Christmas Season and a New Year filled with health and happiness. May God bless our donors, volunteers, sponsors, and the canines. Mark Buciak Volunteer Blood Drive Director [email protected] 773.307.0033 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP B lood D rive The Blood Drive Donor and Volunteer Appreciation Raffle Prize and Sponsor: Winners: 3 Month Membership at Fitness Formula Club Gold Coast Locaton: Kate Nash Back Pack from Patagonia: Tom Hall $100 Gift Card from Treasure Island Market: Martha Johnson REI Outdoor Class for Two: Ken Smith Gift Bag from Trader Joe’s: Michelle Diem $25 Gift Card from Snarf’s Sandwich Shops: Donna Ciota $25 Gift Card from Snarf’s Sandwich Shops: Francis Shimandle $25 Gift Card from Snarf’s Sandwich Shops: Laura Evans $25 Gift Card from Snarf’s Sandwich Shops: Lauren McCallick Save the date of Sunday, November 13, 2016 for our next blood drive! Donate a pint of blood every 56 days! 13 Loyal donor Dennis McGeal and blood drive director Mark Buciak are all smiles. Mark Buciak and Sharon Jazons welcome donors. Volunteer Georgiann Melchiorre’s warm smile greets donors. Long time donor and OSP choir member Francis Shimandle quietly saving lives. A happy donor giving the gift of life. Ace volunteer, Sharon showing she has real heart. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: J ubilee Y ear of M ercy Prayer for Jubilee Year of Mercy By: Pope Francis Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, “If you knew the gift of God!” 14 You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness and restore sight to the blind. You are the visible face of the invisible Father, We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. Amen. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: T he G iving T ree The Giving Tree Donation Drive Through Sunday, December 13 Time: After all morning Masses before and on Sunday, December 13 Location: Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact: Beth Marek, [email protected] Join the Old St. Patrick’s Outreach Group in making Christmas merrier for the thousands of men, women and children who benefit from the many Outreach programs supported by Old St. Patrick’s and staffed by numerous Old St. Pat’s volunteers. Please take an ornament from the Giving Tree and include a person in need on your Christmas list. Unwrapped gifts, with the Giving Tree ornament firmly attached, may be brought to the Giving Tree truck in front of the Church on any Sunday between now and December 13, or to the Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, 711 West Monroe Street, Chicago during the week. The deadline for gifts to be contributed is Sunday, December 13. Contributions of wrapping paper and tape would be appreciated. This year, we will gladly accept cash donations if you would like us to shop for you. The Giving Tree Wrapping Party Sunday, December 13 Time: 6-8 p.m. in Hughes Hall Location: Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact: Beth Marek, [email protected] Everyone is welcome to join in the fun of the Outreach Wrapping Party from 6 – 8 p.m. on Sunday, December 13 in Hughes Hall (following the 5 p.m. Mass). What a great way to get into the holiday spirit as you help those in need! Meet new friends while enjoying Christmas cheer and refreshments! If you have any questions about the Giving Tree or the Wrapping Party, contact Sara Rinke at 773.960.3492, or [email protected]; or Donna Kamuda at 312.636.9848, dgkamuda@gmail. com. 15 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: JP ust F aith rograms Justice is what love looks like in public. -Cornell West Do you find that your life is rapidly moving from one year to the next and you have little time to reflect on what it truly means to be a Christian in today’s world? JustFaith is a program that invites you to listen, learn, dialog, pray, and dive into how our faith calls us to respond to our world. Within a small group setting, we explore books, videos, prayer, and conversation about the most pressing injustices of the day, face-to-face encounters with our brothers and sisters experiencing poverty, and the history of the Christian tradition calling us to speak out against oppression in our world. We seek to be grounded in the realities of today while compassionately working to restore healing, kinship, and peace to those we meet. What is JustFaith? JustFaith connects your life’s purpose and calling with the needs of the world around you, locally and globally. The powerful spiritual program has been offered in 2,000 churches and organizations across the country with more than 40,000 graduates since 2001. Old St. Patrick’s Church just completed our second year with JustFaith, and we are thrilled to start a new JustFaith cohort in January 2016. The JustFaith experience builds community among a small group of 10-15 participants who commit to a transformative journey over several months. Two co-facilitators will walk with you through twenty-four sessions (each session is two hours). What is the schedule? JustFaith will start in mid-January 2016 on a weekday evening (day TBD). Sessions are held at Old St. Pat’s through September 2016, with breaks in between. Each phase of JustFaith includes different resources for prayer and Scripture reflection, questions for group dialogue, books and articles on justice issues, guest speakers, immersion experiences at local non-profits, and opportunities for retreats with your fellow JustFaith group members. Does it cost anything to participate in JustFaith? The program costs approximately $200/person total, and payments can be made in installments. If you have financial concerns, we are happy to talk with you about supporting your JustFaith journey in any way we can. How do I get more information and register? Contact Rachel Lyons, Organizer for the Mission for Social Justice at Old St. Pat’s. You can learn more about JustFaith, speak with a JustFaith gradaute, or register right away: [email protected] or 312.798.2399. 16 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S ocial J ustice I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas As we enter this Christmas season, consider pausing for a moment to reflect upon how you and your family can have a positive impact in the world by adopting environmentally and socially conscious consumption habits. In acknowledgement of our shared responsibility as stewards of our common home and as brothers and sisters in one human family, consider these ten ideas for “greening” your Christmas: 1. Before you start your Christmas shopping, take a moment to consider items you already own that could be regifted to someone who would appreciate them more 2. Give experiences not gifts; for example, tickets to a sporting event, movie, or concert; a museum membership; a visit to nature center; a service from a local small business 3. Give a homemade gift with a family connection; for example a set of favorite family recipes, a collage of family pictures, or blank gift cards that kids have decorated 4. Give a fair trade gift; for example find wonderful gifts at,, and 5. As a gift or simply because it’s Christmas, give a donation to charity in a friend or family member’s name; for example Catholic Relief Services or Heifer International 6. Rather than purchasing and disposing of fancy wrapping paper, wrap your gifts in materials on hand, or with reusable fabric ribbons 7. Decorate with homemade decorations; for example paper snowflakes for windows, strings of popcorn on the tree – visit your local craft store for other ideas 8. Create a Christmas tradition of volunteering at a local charity or church outreach ministry 9. Set your home’s thermostat two degrees lower than normal, and at least ten degrees lower while you are away; consider installing a programmable thermostat to help 10.Replace old or broken Christmas lights with energy-efficient LED lights, which are safer, more durable, and will save you money on your energy bill About The Old Saint Patrick’s Initiative for Social Justice Our goal is to establish Old St. Pat’s as a visionary voice of social justice, environmental consciousness and action by educating our community, creating partnerships with those who share our commitment to thoughtful stewardship, and enacting environmental initiatives throughout Old St. Pat’s. For more information or to become involved with our initiative, please contact Rachel Lyons at 312.798.2399 or [email protected]. 17 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP N ext OSP Next is the community for Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s! There’s nothing formal to join - if you’re here, you ARE the community! Simply join us anytime for one of the events or opportunities listed here. Meet your fellow OSP young adults as we Engage, Encounter & Serve. Looking to do even more? Join a committee anytime! Email [email protected]. OSP Next Fellowship Please join us TODAY after the 5 p.m. Mass - It’s a chance to meet new friends over some food & conversation, after most 5pm masses, and once a month for brunch after the 11:15am mass! Look for the “green shirts” volunteers at the OSP Next t-shirt table outside after mass. We’ll head to Tapworks, 820 W. Jackson afterwards. Upcoming fellowship dates: Dec 6 & 20 (5 p.m.); Dec. 13 (11:15 a.m.) OSP Next Annual Christmas Caroling Tuesday December 8 | Franciscan House Shelter | 2715 W. Harrison St.| 6:30 p.m. Join OSP Next as we bring holiday smiles and cheer on a cold winter night to the guests of the Franciscan House shelter. Regardless of your level of musical talent, we need your voice and your presence! Music booklets will be provided. Meet at shelter, 6:30pm, or meet at OSP church steps 6:10pm to carpool. Questions? Contact: Jonathan Beato, [email protected] December Volleyball Night Thursday, December 10| 7:45 p.m. December Volleyball Night is Thursday, December 10 in the Frances Xavier Warde School Gymnasium, 120 S. Desplaines. All levels of play are welcome! Contact: Jenny Stricker, [email protected] December After Five Sunday, December 13 | 6-8 p.m. OSP Next will be helping at the annual December Wrapping Party, a churchwide event for celebrating the season and wrapping presents from the Giving Tree Donation Drive. Volunteers are needed starting at 2 p.m. to prepare appetizers, set up food, and serve drinks. OSP Next young adults will be gathering from 6-8:30 p.m. to wrap presents. Questions, Contact Christine Szewczyk, [email protected] Sign up for the OSP Next Mailing List or ‘Connect’ with us by emailing [email protected] or vistiting our webpage at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too! 18 OSP Next: Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s Visit our website at OSPnext @OSPnext Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP N ext OSP Next T-shirt Pickup! December 6 & 20 Whether you are one of the Green Shirt Volunteers, a committee member, or just want one of the new young adult tshirts (anyone is welcome!), please stop by the OSP Next table outside after Mass. We will be accepting suggested donations to help cover the cost. (Cash & Credit accepted) Committee Members & Volunteers: $5 suggested All others: $10 suggested Catholicism 101: An Advent Night of Pause Wednesday, December 16 | 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Hughes Hall Guest lecturer: Fr. Pat McGrath Cost: $10 suggested donation per session. Questions? Contact Brian Conroy at [email protected] Catholicism 101 is a monthly series designed to help you brush up on those topics you may not have revisited in your adulthood. This month, Fr. Pat McGrath will be discussing the Advent Practices of “Waiting” and “Trusting”. There will be fellowship via dinner, and after Father’s discussion, Catholicism 101 Vespers will be held in the church. The church will also be open at 5:30 p.m. for reflective prayer prior to the event. Suggested Donation, $5. Questions? Contact Brian Conroy, [email protected]. OSP Next Book Club Monday, December 28| 7 p.m. Our monthly book club is fun, relaxed, and filled with captivating conversation. Join us this month as we read Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan. We meet Monday, December 28 at 7 p.m. at The Book Cellar in Lincoln Square (4736 N. Lincoln). Contact Rachelle Lindo with any questions at [email protected]. January Book | TBD 19 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife Global Alliance for Africa at Lagunitas Brewery Come celebrate the holidays with GAA at Lagunitas Brewery! When: Monday, December 7, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. What: Lots of fun, music, food, great beer, and a small silent auction Where: Lagunitas Brewery, 2607 W. 17th Street Lagunitas Brewing Co., Global Alliance for Africa, and local Indy Band Varsity are joining hands to benefit GAA’s Art Therapy and Community Library programs in East Africa for a Holiday Event on Monday, December 7, 2015, at the Tap Room at Lagunitas Brewing Co. Join us for an evening of food, fun, live music from Varsity (one of Bust Magazine’s top 21 Female-Fronted Bands)...And great beer. Lagunitas Brewing Co. donates the net proceeds back to GAA and has lots of terrific beer for you to try! Tickets $15.00 per person $10.00 if you’re a student (must be 21+ to attend). Our MLK Faith in Action Assembly is back again this year! Monday, January 18 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Join us for a powerful day to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and to work towards justice and equality in job opportunities, housing, and safety for our communities. Shuttles are available from Old St. Pat’s to the assembly at First Baptist Congregational Church (Washington and Ashland). Fr. Tom Hurley and our Social Justice in Action team will also host a lunch for everyone in Hughes Hall following the assembly. The celebration is free, but please RSVP to reserve your spot at the assembly/lunch. Mark your calendars and RSVP today: [email protected]. *Lunch to follow in Hughes Hall *Shuttles provided from Old St. Pat’s 20 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife The church will be open for an evening of quiet pause, prayer and reflection. All are welcome. Evening Schedule • 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. - Church open for quiet prayer • **6:30 - 8 p.m. - Catholicism 101 (Hughes Hall) with Fr. Pat McGarth, SJ • 8:30 - 9 p.m. - Adcent Vespers in church • 9 - 10 p.m. - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in church • 10 - 10:30 p.m. - Church open for quiet prayer Contact: Keara Ette | [email protected] ** OSP Next invites the larger Old St. Pat’s community to enjoy this month’s Catholicism 101: Advent Practices of Trusting and Waiting, presented by Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ. Fr. McGrath will share a presentation and lead a discussion about how Ignatian Spirituality might contribute to our Advent spiritual practices. Appetizers and drinks will be provided! Scripture Study: An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke led by Bob Kolatorowicz Sundays, December 6, 13, & 20 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. (Closely following the 5 p.m. liturgy and ending before the 8 p.m. liturgy begins) Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, 2nd Floor Beginning with the First Sunday of Advent (November 29), and continuing throughout the coming liturgical year, our Sunday Gospels will be, for the most part, select passages from the Gospel of Luke. This three session mini-course offers a concise overview of the Gospel of Luke and invites you into a closer reading and a deeper reflection on this richly textured portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ. It can also serve as a bit of a preview and preparation for those Gospels we will be hearing on Sunday throughout the coming liturgical year. Whether you read the Scriptures daily or whether you have never cracked open the cover of a Bible, you are most welcome! Please register at 312.831.9379 or bobk@ no later than Thursday, December 3. It would be helpful if you bring a Bible with you to the first session. The New American Bible, Revised Edition is a recommended translation, but any version will suffice. Bob Kolatorowicz is on the staff of Old St. Patrick’s Church working with our adult education ministries. 21 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife A couple of weeks ago, a number of Old St. Pat’s members were part of a joint service project in which alumni from Notre Dame and Boston College competed to see which team could assemble the most food packages to be distributed by Catholic Charities to needy seniors in their monthly outreach program. OSP members on the Notre Dame team included Lauren McCallick, Liz Young, Megan Osterhout, Laura Rawls, Mark Moskop, and Dick Hogan. We are so proud of the dedication to service and community shown by our members. Continue living our Mission! A Big Pre-Christmas Thank You! Many thanks to the generous Old St. Pat’s Community for making the 1st Annual Early Christmas Drive a total success! We were able to supply both moms and babies with not only necessary items but some unexpected treasures too! We just returned from delivering the bounty today to a very grateful New Mom’s, Inc. Ho, Ho, Ho! Beth Marek & Melanie Sikorski 22 Thank you for the spare change! Our Outreach Ministry is grateful for the support, and your generosity have been vital in growing in our mission. We were overwhelmed with the change you brought in but have ended the nickel and dime campaign. Moving forward, we ask for your continued support of our Outreach Ministry by taking an ornament from the Giving Tree. Help us make one more person’s Christmas brighter and full of love! God bless! Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife Off Site Insight is an Old Saint Patrick’s member-led initiative that brings a taste of Old St. Pat’s programming to your doorstep. These monthly “off site” gatherings welcome you and your friends to come together, hear an interesting speaker, and engage in enriching conversation. It is also a fun way to connect with others in the Old St. Pat’s community and friends from your area! Format: Staff Liason Bob Kolatorowicz: [email protected] or 312.831.9379 Monday, December 7, 2015 6:30 p.m. Refreshments and Welcome 7 p.m. Presentation 8:15 p.m. Prayer and Announcements 8:30 p.m. Program concludes “The Wizard at The Well: Oz in Advent and Advent in Oz” with Avis Clendenen *A free will donation to cover our meeting room costs is much West: The Well Spirituality Center 1515 W. Ogden Ave. LaGrange Park, IL As Glinda, the good witch of the North said in The Wizard of Oz, “Home is the place we all must find. It’s not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we’re always home. Anywhere.” Embark on an Advent evening in the dark, yearning hours of December where we will make our imaginative way down the yellow brick road of life’s challenges and trials; the golden road of pilgrimage for a couple sacred hours. Relying on the wisdom of Oz and the wisdom within, we shall follow the Way of our own spiritual power, where we shall—like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, Tinman and Cowardly Lion, [and the wicked witch]—meet the disempowered parts of ourselves and celebrate again intelligence, courage, and heart enough for our Advent journey. Free parking is available. Coordinators Kate Mulcahy [email protected] Free parking is available. Avis Clendenen is Professor Emerita of Religious Studies at Saint Xavier University in Chicago where she serves as Special Assistant to the President. Avis gives days of reflection and retreats that integrate the arts and technology, exploring the intersections of Christian spirituality, depth psychology and the tasks of living fully in the second half and the second half of the second half of life. She is the author of Experiencing Hildegard: Jungian Perspectives; co-author with Sister Irene Dugan, r.c. of Love Is All Around in Disguise: Meditations for Spiritual Seekers; editor of Spirituality in Depth: Essays in Honor of Sister Irene Dugan, r.c.; and co-author with Troy W. Martin of Forgiveness: Finding Freedom Through Reconciliation. This earth truly is Our Common House - so what does Praise Be to You Laudato Si’ Pope Francis on ‘Care for Our Common Home’ this mean for us as people of faith? Come to reflect and discuss this groundbreaking and now historical encyclical with us. Old St. Patricks=;s and Notre Dame De Chicago Parish have teamed up to present a monthly series on Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis: On Care For Our Common Home. Our first session at Notre Dame was very fruitful, and we invite you all to join us at Old St. Pat’s for the second session in December. We’ll learn together how we can faithfully live out our Thursday, December 10, at 7 p.m. Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center 711 W. Monroe Room 25AB, Second Floor *Parking Available 23 call to be good stewards of the Common Home we call Earth in our hearts, parish, workplace and home. The encyclical is online at All are welcome. To reserve seating please email [email protected] Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: H earts and P rayers “Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” - Lk 3:5-6 Sunday, December 6th, 2015 Thursday, December 10th, 2015 Readings: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:46, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6 Readings: Is 41:13-20/Ps 145:1, 9-13/ Mt 11:11-15 Mass Remembrances: Mass Remembrances: Lucille “Sis” Szura (=) 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Leni and Doug Fast David Perry (=) Josef Mayer (=) Mary Pat Wernette (=) James Dolan (=) 11:15 a.m. James Cassidy (=) Noreen Collins (=) Kenneth Gillis (=) 5 p.m. 8 p.m. Book of Patrick: Rose and Dave Demartini, Joseph V. Leonard, Shanan Avery McKeaney, John M O’Connor, Carolyn B. Priest, Louis S. Rosen, Thomas Salt, June Weinrauch Monday, December 7th, 2015 Readings: Is 35:1-10/ Ps 85:9-14/Lk 5:17-26 Mass Remembrances: Marianne Timmins (=) Book of Patrick: Martin Cain, Patrick Thomas McNamara, Alva & Catherine O’Toole, Julie Rouzan Pellettiere Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 Readings: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Ps 98:1-4/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 Mass Remembrances: Book of Patrick: Judy Anderer, Larry Barr, Marie Callan, Gene Fanning, The Hamilton Family, Sinead Eavan Buchanan Hanlon, Alexis Hawkins, Mary Jean Healey, Robert H. Huffman, III, Flanagan & Hurley Families, Mary Kelleher, Joseph Edward Kulpa, Dr. Douglas Loberg, Sr. Hortense Marie, Michael R. Malec McKenna, Barbara Ryan Book of Patrick: Thomas Brehm, Kara Marie Crist, Gus G. Gianaras, John A. Graf, Miriam Komie, Peter Muscato, Thomas O’Donnell , Virginia Philbin, Judith McMahon Swibes, Lucille Szura, Ted & Mary Weisbruch, Sr., Mr. John Young Friday, December 11th, 2015 Readings: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Mt 11:16-19 Mass Remembrances: Felicidad Austria Ang (=) Book of Patrick: Michael and Samantha Bauman, Bernadette Bloomfield , Jeanine Budach, D. Lloyd Casey, Jack Kiley, Joseph J. Jureck, Lee McCann, John McIntire, Kenneth T. Schmidt, Jr., Patrick Edward Scott, Bridget O’Keefe & James Patrick Sepich, James & Marian C. Shannon, Rev. Huey T. Thomas, Sr., Shirley and Robert Widner Saturday, December 12th 2015* Readings: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Jdt 13:18-19/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 Mass Remembrances: Book of Patrick: Mary Ann Butler, Charlie Donovan, Mary M. Dowd, Andrew E. Ferretti, Catheleen Kahn Healey, Dallas N. Johnson, Louis & Judith Murdock, Julie Rouzan Pellettiere, Linda Potaniec, John Hinchey Sullivan Sr., June Weinrauch Sunday, December 12th, 2015 Readings: Zep 3:14-18a/Is 12:2-6/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18 Prayer Requests Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 For Those Who Are Sick Readings: Is 40:25-31/Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10/ Mt 11:28-30 Mary Cwik, Lois Flavin, Rose Howard, Jenny Maxwell, Marie McAndrews, Joanne McGovern, Bill Moss, RoseMarie Pedryc, Tom Ryan, Cathy Scheffki, Laurie Stell, Emi Sturman, Jack Thompson, Regina Vadeisa Mass Remembrances: Joseph and Mary Feeney (=) Book of Patrick: Patricia Erwin, James Houlihan, Sr., Dan Kutansky, Mary F. O’Farrell S. H. , Frank Sepanski, James & Lena Spagna (=) Deceased 24 For Those Who Have Recently Died Lois Flavin, Bob Hadanak, Jerica Alaine Harris, Laurie Stell Harzich, Raquel Suby * These names will be read on Friday, December 11th, 2015. Visit our website at Women and Men of Faith December 6 Blessed Adolph Kolping (1813-1865) The rise of the factory system in 19th-century Germany brought many single men into cities where they faced new challenges to their faith. Because workers elsewhere in industrialized Europe were abandoning their faith, Father Adolph Kolping ministered to these workers to help them grow in their faith. Born in the village of Kerpen, Adolph became a shoemaker at an early age because of his family’s economic situation. Ordained in 1845, he ministered to young workers in Cologne, establishing a choir, which by 1849 had grown into the Young Workmen’s Society. A branch of this began in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1856. Nine years later there were over 400 Gesellenvereine (workman’s societies) around the world. Today this group has over 450,000 members in 54 countries across the globe. More commonly called the Kolping Society, it emphasizes the sanctification of family life and the dignity of labor. Father Kolping worked to improve conditions for workers and greatly assisted those in need. He and St. John Bosco in Turin had similar interests in working with young men in big cities. He told his followers, “The needs of the times will teach you what to do. Father Kolping once said, “The first thing that a person finds in life and the last to which he holds out his hand, and the most precious that he possesses, even if he does not realize it, is family life.” He and Blessed John Duns Scotus are buried in Cologne’s Minoritenkirche, originally served by the Conventual Franciscans. The Kolping Society’s international headquarters are across from this church. Kolping members journeyed to Rome from Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania for Father Kolping’s beatification in 1991, the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s revolutionary encyclical Rerum Novarum (On the Social Order). Father Kolping’s personal witness and apostolate helped prepare for that encyclical. Adapted from Prayer Requests: Names of the sick or recently deceased are listed for one week in the prayers of the faithful and two subsequent weeks in the bulletin. Please call Bernadette Gibson at 312.798.2389 to add a name to the list. Follow Old St. Pat’s on: G eneral I nformation Mass Schedule Wedding Schedule Sunday 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@oldstpats. org, or 312.831.9383. Monday – Friday (Daily Mass) 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Wedding Banns Church is open for Personal Prayer: Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Reconciliation Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request. Liturgical Ministry If you feel called to serve as a Hospitality Minister, Eucharistic Minister or Lector for one of our Sunday liturgies, please contact Clare Hurrelbrink at [email protected], or 312.831.9372. Training for Hospitality Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers takes place four times per year. Training for Lectors occurs annually. Weddings If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at [email protected], or 312.831.9383. The Baptismal Program & Schedule To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism Scheduler, at 312.798.2366. Nursery Service May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You. I. December 12, 2015 Cliff Desnosthene & Gloria Franco Peter Chester & Heather Tomley Douglas Be Craft & Jessica Gilbertson Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the school on Des Plaines Street. II. December 19, 2015 Low-gluten Host Gerald Daliva & Frances Mabbagu Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion hosts. If you would like to receive a low-glutenn host, please contact Clare Hurrelbrink , Liturgy Ministry, at clare@oldstpats. org, or 312.831.9372. Adam Matthew Mackowiak & Jennifer Valtierra Betancourt Sign-Language Interpreter Upon request, a sign language interpreter can be available at the 11:15 a.m. or 5 p.m. Mass on Sundays, as well as for holidays and holy days of obligation. It would be most appreciative if you would give us 5 days of advance notice. To request access to a sign language interpreter at Mass, please contact Katie Kearns at 312.831.9372, or [email protected]. Old St. Patrick’s Website Be sure to visit our website,, for the most up-to-date information. 25 Victor Andrew Szligowski & Erin Marie McGrath III. January 2, 2015 Thomas John Goldrick & Rachel Dora Maly Paul Joseph Frese & Lisa Joy Ekberg Pastoral Care: Do you know someone in need of Pastoral Care amongst our Old St. Pat’s community? Please contact Bernadette Moore Gibson at 312.493.8737. Parish Counselor: If you or someone you know is in need of counseling services, please contact Old St. Patrick’s Parish Councelor, Sarah Thompson at [email protected] or 773.234.9630 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Old St. Patrick’s Church Administrative Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f 312.648.9025 Accounting Janette Nunez 312.798.2305 [email protected] Linda Vasquez 312.798.2307 [email protected] Adult Education Ministries Bob Kolatorowicz 312.831.9379 [email protected] Advancement Tim Liston 312.798.2381 [email protected] Book of Patrick (Memorial for Loved Ones) Bridget Carey 312.831.9355 [email protected] Annulment Support Ministry Patty Stiles 847.220.3011 [email protected] Baptisms Betty O’Toole, scheduler 312.798.2366 [email protected] Buildings/Grounds Andrew Hayden 312.798.2345 [email protected] Clergy - Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Hurley 312.831.9363 [email protected] Admin. Assistant to Pastor Skye Darke 312.831.9377 [email protected] In Residence Fr. John J. Wall Fr. John Cusick Visiting Clergy Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap. Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ Fr. Paul Novak, OSM Fr. William O’Shea Msgr. Kenneth Velo Communications Lauren Kezon 312.831.9364 [email protected] Community Outreach Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Adult Literacy Program Marilyn and Joe Antonik* 773.286.3390 [email protected] Blood Drive 26 Mark Buciak* 773.307.0033 [email protected] The Cara Program Maria Kim 312.798.3319 Chicago Food Depository Mary Beth Riley* 630.655.9447 [email protected] The Children’s Place Katie Byrne* 312.863.1120 [email protected] House of Mary and Joseph Kate Boege* 312.337.7953 [email protected] Interfaith House Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Joe Harzich* 312.835.4932 [email protected] Special Olympics Greg Benacka* 708.271.4460 [email protected] St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Su Casa Jim Karczewski* 630.279.0144 [email protected] Trinity Volunteer Corps Marty Kenahan 708.567.0518 [email protected] U of I Hospital Pediatrics Sue Sierkierski* 312.546.4312 [email protected] Counseling Services Sarah Thompson 773.234.9630 [email protected] Encore: 50+ Active Adults Mary Kay Slowikowski* [email protected] Faith Formation Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Family Ministry Bea Cunningham 312.831.9351 [email protected] Katie Brandt 312.831.9352 [email protected] Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families Outreach (Old St. Pat’s) John Parro* [email protected] Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected], 312.831.9379 Listening Parent Ministry Maureen Schuneman [email protected] Grief Support Facilitators Judi Black, Bill Brennan* 312.798.2358 Hospitality Bridget Evers 312.831.9368 [email protected] Jewish Catholic Ministry Jewish Catholic Dialogue Gina Lakin* 773.485.9966 [email protected] Eileen O’Farrell Smith* [email protected] Family School David Kovacs [email protected] Interfaith Union Eileen O’Farrell Smith [email protected] Liturgy Department David Philippart [email protected] 312.831.9372 Katie Kearns [email protected] 312.831.9372 Marriage Preparation Jack Berkemeyer - Pre-Cana Experience 312.798.2386 [email protected] Patty Stiles - Pre-Marital Assessment 847.220.3011 [email protected] Members/New Members Tim Liston 312.798.2348 [email protected] Bridget Carey 312.831.9355 [email protected] Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Music Jennifer Budziak [email protected] 312.798.2382 Laura Higgins 312.798.2384 [email protected] [email protected] Mark Scozzafave [email protected] Bill Fraher 312.831.9353 [email protected] North Lawndale Kinship Initiative Vincent L. Guider 312.798.2374 [email protected] Rachel Lyons 312.798.2399 [email protected] Office Manager Joanne Gresik 312.831.9370 [email protected] Pastoral Care Ministry Bernadette Gibson 312.798.2389 prayer line [email protected] 312.493.8737 pastoral cell Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Receptionist 312.648.1021 Resident Theologian Presenter Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson [email protected] 312.831.9373 Retreat Program: Beloved Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 [email protected] Social Justice Bob Kolatorowicz 312.831.9379 [email protected] Rachel Lyons 312.798.2399 [email protected] Special Events (Fundraisers) Sheila Greifhahn 312.798.2343 [email protected] Bridget Conway 312.798.2348 [email protected] Spiritual Direction Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 [email protected] 630.852.7269 [email protected] Wedding Ministry JoAnn O’Brien 312.831.9383 [email protected] Wedding Volunteers Mary Jo Graf* 312.360.1622 [email protected] Robin Ramel* 708.366.1293 [email protected] Women’s Spirituality Mary Anne Moriarty * 312.861.0382 Young Adult Ministry (Old St. Pat’s) Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Foundations and Blueprints Courtney Nichols 312.798.2329 [email protected] The Mary and Bill Aronin Center for Social Concerns 703 W. Monroe Chicago, IL 60661 Career Transitions Center Mary Sabathne 312.906.9908 [email protected] Parking at Old St. Pat’s For your convenience, we are providing parking information to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits Old St. Pat’s. Saturdays Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the parking lot at the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines. Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the roped off area marked “Old St. Pat’s” in the parking lot at the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines. PARKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE EAST SECTION OF LOT 2. Sundays Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines all day and evening; Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines until 6:30 p.m. You must pay after 6:30 p.m. Lot 3: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from 711) until 5 p.m. You must pay after 5 p.m. to park in this lot. Weeknights Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines; if you are coming to Old St. Pat’s for meetings, please let the attendant know and keep your keys as he leaves after 8 p.m. Lot 3: You must pay to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from 711) throughout the week. Coprodeli, Peru Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] 3 Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua Tom Gleason* 773.227.6556 [email protected] Harmony, Hope & Healing Marge Nykaza 312.466.0267 marge@harmonyhopeandhealing. org Horizons for Youth Brian Broccolo 312.627.9031 [email protected] 2 Lot 2 Parking is NOT permitted in the East Section of Lot 2. 1 Global Alliance for Africa Jonathan Shaver* 312.399.2830 [email protected] Tom Derdak [email protected] Tours of Old St. Pat’s Jim McLaughlin* Visit our Website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
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