Sunday, February 14 - Old St. Patrick`s Church
Sunday, February 14 - Old St. Patrick`s Church
The Crossroads Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin Happy Valentines Day! Lent 2016 Old St. Patrick’s Church @oldstpats Artwork by: Luke LaRocca oldstpatschicago February 14, 2016 2 3 4 7 8 17 19 20 22 24 26 Just A Thought Give Us the Courage... Old St. Pat’s Happenings Kinship Initiative Lent 2016 Social Action Ministry Seven Last Words of Christ Encore Crossroads Runners Siamsa na nGael OSP Next P age T wo Just a Thought... February 14, 2016 As I look north out my window from the Old St. Pat’s Mission Center on a bitter cold yet sunny day in early February, I notice that there Fr. Tom Hurley are three new construction projects going on. Big ones! The cranes are up and from what I can see, it appears as if more residential housing is being constructed in the downtown area. And that’s a view from just one small window. I would imagine there are many other projects going on all around us as well. I don’t know much about the economy, and I’m not very well-versed in how the market and the world of business really works. I’m mindful of the fact that we’re in better shape than we were in 2008. I know that despite some recovery in the economy, there are still a lot of people who are struggling and unemployed. I am aware that even though we are all enjoying lower gas prices at the pump, the downturn with oil is not a great thing for the economy overall. Again, I am parroting a lot of what I hear on the television and radio when they give the business report, but I really am a big time amateur in anything related to business. But looking at the cranes and the new construction does cause a sense of bewilderment in my mind and heart! Those cranes and new buildings tell me there’s growth happening and more people potentially coming to Chicago and the downtown area. On one hand that’s a great blessing! On the other hand, as a pastor, I am perplexed! How can I be looking out the window at growth and new construction while my local church is telling me our numbers are diminishing and parishes will likely close? I know that I’m probably over-simplifying the situation because these new buildings are being put in the downtown area and the smaller, declining churches are found in many neighborhoods of our city, but the stark irony is still there. And I thought about it the other day after reading more articles about the massive changes that are on the horizon for the Archdiocese. How can a local diocese of 2 2.2 million Catholics have to close and consolidate parishes? I realize the situation: few people go to church; many parishes have no energy; leadership is lacking. It’s a bad recipe for decline. I get it. I applaud our archbishop, Blase Cupich, for taking the road of optimism and growth. I love his image that he presented to us as this journey began: the cross of San Damiano. When Francis of Assisi entered a church during the 13th century, the Lord spoke to him from the cross of San Damiano: “Francis, rebuild my Church!” That is the image propelling our present leader Blase Cupich and it should be the clarion call to all of us: let’s help rebuild the Church. We have a great model here at Old St. Pat’s and because of ALL of you, the people of OSP, we can continue in our journey of growth and “making disciples.” The cranes outside my window will no longer stand as a symbol of irony but rather as a sign of great hope. I don’t want this to be a time of discouragement as we see consolidations and closings, but rather I would like us to see this as a new moment. Maybe the Church in Chicago will be a catalyst for greater change in the larger church, both in this country and throughout the world. As I mentioned last week in my homily, we’re in this together and I’m grateful to be in this work of church with all of you. Thank you for allowing me this great and awesome privilege to live, create, and build the Kingdom of God with you. I have grown as a priest, disciple, and person because of this marvelous, extraordinary community. Let’s keep building a church of hope here in our great city. A blessed Lent to all! Father Tom Hurley, Pastor Follow me on Twitter: @TomHurleyOSP Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: A wakenings Give us the courage to accept who we really are and where we should be. By: Bernadette Moore-Gibson Today marks the first Sunday in the season of Lent. Usually, when we think of Lent we think of a time for reflection, a time to consider the life and ministry of Jesus. In today’s Gospel of Jesus in the wilderness we have all the classic signs and symbols of Lent. First, there is the period of time - forty days. The number 40, while it certainly can be a literal number, has a greater theological significance. The number 40 indicates a sufficient time; a time when what needs to be completed can be completed. It is a time that extends beyond the ways in which humans keep time. It represents another way of keeping time, a way of keeping time that accommodates the plans and purposes of God. In the Gospel today Jesus having been baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit has led him into the wilderness where he faced temptation. As I reflect upon Jesus’ time in the dessert it appears that he was in a situation of being asked multiple times “Whose are you, Jesus? And to whom do you belong?” Each time we can hear in Jesus’ reply the voice from the cloud at his baptism saying, “You are Mine, You are my Beloved; and on You My favor rests.” Because in each trial, Jesus affirms that he is God’s own. The choices he makes and the words he speaks reflect the heart of the matter; Jesus relies and trusts in the love and mercy of God. We don’t know factually what Jesus faced in the wilderness. We are told that he is driven into it, or led into it by the Spirit of God. And then, there’s a great silence. We can fill in the gaps with our imaginations - fueled by our own personal experiences. For haven’t we all had wilderness experiences when we felt that we were at the end of our resources physically, emotionally and spiritually? Our wilderness experiences may not be ones of physical deprivation and exposure to the elements, but I suspect that they have driven us to ask our ultimate questions: What is it that matters in life? Who matters? What is my value here in this place? Where is meaning in all of the busyness? To whom do I belong? Whose am I? 3 If you are like me, then it is these wilderness moments, when all the familiar landmarks of life have disappeared, that I am most often driven to PRAYER. Places where I ask God for the courage needed to resist fear and surrender to change. Places where I ask God for the strength to transform my own desert moments into places of abundant life. Oddly enough, when we are most lost we often find that we have a whole lot less to lose - in terms of our sense of control of our lives, so surrender becomes easier. And in surrender comes prayer - a deep, real prayer - and consequently, a richer connection to the source of our being - a God who loves us and is present in our healing. Perhaps it is fitting that this first Sunday of Lent falls on Valentine’s day, a day where we are pointed in the direction of a glimmer of light and into the loving arms of God. Author Anne Lamott writes, “[Prayer] begins with stopping in our tracks, or with our backs against the wall, or when we are going under the waves, or when we are just so sick and tired of being physically sick and tired that we surrender, or at least we finally stop running away and at long last walk or lurch or crawl toward something. Or maybe miraculously, we just release our grip slightly.” And when we do that, we find a life preserver to catch ahold of. And maybe we’re still bobbing out there in pretty deep waves, but we have a line on who is with us. Today Jesus’ wilderness experience has driven him into 40 days of prayer, and the prayer has centered him, reminded him who he is - a child of God, God’s own. The one in whom God is so very pleased. Jesus remembers God’s mercy and Love. As children of God, this is our good news too. This same life line is ready, is there for us tethering us to the good news of God’s Grace, Mercy and constant Love. Let me be so bold as to invite you into a Lenten discipline of 40 days of courageous prayer. The wilderness of our lives may not magically disappear for us and our trials find themselves behind us however, we may discover that the wilderness is not as desolate nor as threatening when we listen with our hearts focused on our loving God. Let us pray to be guided into the pathways of justice, love and mercy during these wilderness Lenten days. Bernadette Moore-Gibson is the Director of Pastoral Care at Old St. Patrick’s Church. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings February & March at a Glance... Contact |Location Event Date | Time Special Friends Mass Sunday, February 14 |Noon - 1:30 p.m. FWX Cafeteria Bea Cunningham [email protected] OSP Book Group Lenten Mission: Songs of Sunday, February 14 |9:30-11 a.m. 711 W. Monroe February Book: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett Jean Lyons [email protected] Wednesday, February 18 | 7 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Jennifer Budziak [email protected] Mercy Mass of Healing Thursday, February 18 | 12:10 p.m. Mass You Are Not Alone: Divorce Sunday, February 21 | 10:45 a.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church David Philippart [email protected] 711 W. Monroe, Flr. 3 Deb Romeo [email protected] Support Group The Next Chapter 711 W. Monroe, Library Sunday, February 21 | 11 a.m. [email protected] Mother/Son Bowling UIC 750 S. Halsted Sunday, February 21 | 12:45 p.m. [email protected] Harmony Hope and Healing Sunday, February 28 | 11:15 a.m. Mass Old St. Patrick’s Church [email protected] Lenten Mission : Works of Wednesday, March 2 | 7 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected] Mercy Old St. Pat’s Fish Fry Friday, March 4 | 5:30 p.m. Hughes Hall Bridget Carey [email protected] You Are Not Alone: Divorce Sunday, March 6 | 10:45 a.m. Deb Romeo [email protected] Support Group Siamsa na nGael 711 W. Monroe, Flr. 3 Tuesday, March 8 | 7:30 p.m. Chicago Symphony Center Visit for tickets Join us online! Our 5 p.m. Liturgy streams online every Sunday. All are welcome to join us every Sunday for our 5 p.m. Liturgy, now streaming online at: Especially if distance or circumstances beyone your contol keep you from being with us. For more information and to get involved, contact Lauren at [email protected]. 4 Due to the Presidents’ Day Holiday, please note that Rosary Group will be pushed back one week. Monday, February 22 | 6 - 7 p.m. Father Jack Wall Mission Center 711 West Monroe Street, 2nd Floor Beth and Katy look forward to seeing you then! For more information, please contact Katy Egan at 773.510.2641, or [email protected] Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings “We Are OSP” Photo of the week “PanCake Breakfast” Submitted by: FOUNDATIONS It may have been a dreary January day in Chicago on January 31st, but the Foundations teens were busy flipping pancakes, brewing coffee, pouring orange juice, and welcoming our guests to the 11th Annual Foundations Pancake Breakfast! We truly appreciate the support of those who attended our biggest fundraiser of the year and we hope you enjoyed the delicious food! All proceeds from the Foundations Pancake Breakfast will go toward our Summer Worktours to Pittsburgh, Birmingham, AL, and Cincinnati and to the Notre Dame Vision Summer Youth Conference. The Pancake Breakfast could not have been such a success without the generosity of the following businesses: Pompei on Taylor – for the delicious sausage Lou Mitchell’s – for amazing pancake mix Meli Café – for more pancake mix McDonald’s – for lots of butter Yolk – for yet more pancake mix Special thanks to Brendan O’Brien and the Youth Ministry Advisory Board for all of your support and dedication! We couldn’t have done it without you! And last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU to everyone in the Old St. Pat’s community who came to dine, purchased a raffle ticket, or gave a donation. You all make the Pancake Breakfast possible! We hope you enjoyed your pancakes and we look forward to serving you next year! Submit a photo by emailing [email protected] or following oldstpatschicago on Instagram and tagging your photo #weareosp Join Us! The Mother - Son Bowling Bash! University of Illinois at Chicago Pizza, prizes, raffle and more! $15 per person PRE-SALE (includes pizza lunch and shoe rental) Register online from January 24 - February 19 at 750 S. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL Day of registration available if space allows for $20 per person Aunt/nephew, grandma/grandson, or any other combo of Adult female and male child/teen will work too! 5 Lets get this party rolling! Questions? Jennifer Wild - 630.251.1886 [email protected] Priya Valenti - 312.498.1336 [email protected] Visit our website at Sunday, February 21 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings Connections is Back in Action! SAVE the DATES! Connections is dusting itself off and refreshing the group for 2016. So far we have a few new committee members who have stepped forward to run the organization. Our goal is to have 5 members for each of the following teams – Social, Service and Spiritual/Speaker. If you would like to be part of this effort, please contact Beth Marek, Director of Outreach at 312.831.9361 or [email protected]. Sunday February 21 4 p.m. Business Meeting for Connections in the Rectory to recruit additional committee team members 5 p.m. Mass with reserved seating 6 p.m. Pizza Party in the Rectory Tuesday March 8 Saturday March 19 Siamsa na nGael*; Pre-dinner gathering and performance Breakfast With the Bunny*; Service Project at Marillac House *Details to follow in next weeks bulletin and on the website. 2016 JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF FUN AND FISH! COME ENJOY SOME COLLEGE BASKETBALL, COLD DRINKS WITH FRIENDS AND A BASKET OF FISH AND FRIES! WHO: OLD ST. PAT’S AND FXW WHAT: FISH FRY & COLLEGE BASKETBALL WHERE: OLD ST. PAT’S HUGHES HALL (ENTER ON ADAMS ST. LOWER STAIRS) WHEN: FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM To register, visit or contact Bridget Carey for more information - [email protected]. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR, HAYMARKET PUB & BREWERY! 6 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: K inship I nitiative Kinship Initiative Monthly Gathering Tuesday, February 23 | 6 - 8 p.m. Lawndale Christian Health Center Skyline Conference Room, 4th Floor 3750 W. Ogden Avenue, Chicago 60623 All are welcome! Mag Mile Shut Down: Why #BlackLivesMatter and So Does Divestment The Kinship Initiative invites you to a rich conversation between neighbors from the North Lawndale neighborhood and Old St. Patrick’s Church. Many Chicagoans engage in heated discussions and ask hard questions about recent protests, marches, public hearings, and direct action events to shut down expressways, airports, police stations, government agencies, and other public spaces. In November 2015, nearly $500,000,000 in sales were divested through peaceful protests on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. The protests were organized partly in response to decades of police violence in black and brown communities of Chicago. Right: Young protesters in Ferguson, Missouri shortly after the Mike Brown murder. Xavier Ramey, the facilitator for the evening, is Senior Assistant Director for Social Innovation and Philanthropy at the University of Chicago, a social activist, community convener, North Lawndale native, and Heart Steering Committee Member of the North Lawndale Kinship Initiative. Above: Mr. Xavier Ramey Xavier will facilitate an interactive conversation on why the protests are fundamental to creating a Chicago that is not only just, but also peaceful. He will share his story of community-derived resistance and how politics and problems of Chicago have led youth of our city into the streets in search of a better life. Please join us to engage in understanding, dialog and prayer to strengthen our bonds of kinship. • Light refreshments • • Two blocks from the CTA’s Pink Line Station at Central Park Avenue Elevator access to the Skyline Conference Room • Ample Free Parking RSVP Michelle Bella at [email protected] by February 21, 2016. 7 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent 2016 Moved to Compassion: We are Your Mercy Lent 2016 8 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent 2016 Lent, Liturgy, and Life Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil. - Luke 4:1 Led by the Spirit It Takes Work Welcome to another Lent! Just as Jesus went into the desert after being baptized, we who are baptized, and we who are longing to be so (that’s YOU, AJ, Stephanie, Joanne, Tracey, Angela, Matthew, Alycia, Jennifer, and Taylor—our beloved catechumens) enter into these forty days to stretch and to struggle, to grow and to gain, to die to self and rise to live for others, for God. We, too, are led into these days by the Spirit, taking up the Spirit’s tried-and-true practices: fasting, praying, giving alms. That strange word, “alms”? It’s more than spare change. It comes from two Greek words: eleēmōn, meaning “merciful,” and eleos, meaning “to show mercy.” In the fifth century, Peter Chrysologus observed “Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. If we have not all three, we have nothing.” Mercy But what does “mercy” mean? A dictionary tells us that mercy is “compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm, or someone who is suffering.” Good start! It is within God’s power to punish us, yet God doesn’t. Being full of mercy is one of God’s chief characteristics, and it’s a requirement that God makes of all who are God’s people. In the Bible, there are different Hebrew and Greek words that are translated into English as “mercy.” Perhaps the three most important are the Hebrew hesed and racham, and the Greek eleos. Scholars sometimes use the phrase “covenant lovingkindness,” with the last two words deliberately run together, to explain hesed. “Covenant lovingkindness” is more than a feeling—it’s an entire of way of relating, of living out in thought, word, and deed a very specific relationship based on love, forgiveness, and bearing another’s burdens. (In Christ, God bore our most onerous burden: suffering and death.) Racham is the plural form of the Hebrew word rechem, a common Hebrew word for “womb.” Mercy protects, nurtures, brings to birth new possibilities. We literally gestate in the womb of God’s mercy. Finally, we sing a form of eleos (“show mercy”) in the refrain (in Greek) we sing to begin our liturgy each Sunday this Lent: Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. (Lord, have mercy! Christ have mercy! Lord have mercy!) Here, the sense is being compassion--love incarnated in deeds. 9 You know this to be true: Relationships take work. And so it is with mercy. Our tradition identifies seven corporal works of mercy. They come from chapter 25 of the Gospel of Matthew: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; shelter the homeless; visit (liberate!) the prisoner; visit (heal!) the sick; bury the dead. And from the whole scripture, our tradition identifies seven spiritual works of mercy: c ounsel the doubtful, teach someone something that is good; encourage someone doing wrong to do right instead; comfort the sorrowing; forgive those who hurt you; bear wrongs done to you with love; pray for the living and the dead. Here at Old St. Pat’s, this Lent, we are encouraging and challenging each other to take up the works of mercy, to be moved to compassion, to become God’s mercy visible and tangible in this weary, warring, wintry world in which we live. How, in the World? Look at your life. Chances are you already engage in the works of mercy, without even thinking about it. Lent is the time to think about it! Some of the works of mercy are self-evident: pray for others; donate canned goods or time at the Greater Chicago Food Depository; listen carefully to a friend or coworker who’s troubled. Got it. But how in the world do I bury the dead in Chicago in 2016? Let’s put our heads together to figure out how best to do the works of mercy in our time and place. Email your ideas to David ([email protected]) and we’ll print them in the bulletin each week. And go to and click on Works of Mercy for ideas. It’s in the Cards Remember to take home a card from the end of your pew. Jot down what you tried during the week and bring the card back next Sunday. Drop it in the basket by the table with the gifts of bread and wine. When we offer to God our lives each week under the signs of bread and wine, we offer up our works of mercy, too. Together with our hearts, there’s nothing more God would want. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L enten M ission Save the date and please make plans to join us in our Lenten Mission! Lenten Evenings of Reflection 7 – 8:30 p.m. | Old St. Patrick’s Church | 700 W. Adams As companions on the journey through Lent to Easter, we invite you to join us at our three Lenten Evenings of Reflection! Each evening takes place in the church and welcomes everyone seeking to renew or deepen her/his faith; extends a special invitation to newcomers and those who have been away from a church experience for a time; offers time and space to prayerfully reflect on the experience of mercy; and invites you for all three nights but welcomes you at whatever night you can attend. Wednesday, February 17 Songs of Mercy with Rory Cooney and Theresa Donohoo “Sing the song of the unseen God.” Join us for a participative and prayerful evening of inspired song led by renowned recording artists Rory Cooney and Theresa Donohoo, joined by our own Old St. Patrick’s musicians and special guests. Composer of a dozen recorded collections of liturgical music and author of Change our Hearts: Daily Meditations for Lent, Rory Cooney and his wife Theresa Donohoo have been making music together for over 30 years, over 25 with their friend and colleague Gary Daigle. They recently released a collection of Christmas songs for GIA Publications called “Like No God We Had Imagined,” and expect to finish a new collection in the spring of 2016. Rory Cooney is the director of liturgy and music at St. Anne Catholic Community in Barrington; he was the recipient of the 2014 Pastoral Musician of the Year award from the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, and received the “As One Who Serves” award from St. Anne in Barrington on the occasion of his 20th anniversary there. Many of Rory’s songs (such as “Jerusalem, My Destiny”) are very familiar to us and significantly enhance our prayer at Old St. Patrick’s. 10 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L enten M ission Wednesday, February 24 Works of Mercy with Ms. Brenda Palms Barber Unfortunately due to conflicting cirsumstances, Ms. Brenda Palms Barber will not be available to join us for this event. However, we encourage you to join us for our two other Lenten Evenings of Reflection Wednesday, February 17 and Wednesday, March 2. (If you have any further questions regarding our Lenten Mission events, please contact Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected]) Wednesday, March 2 Works of Mercy with Terry Nelson-Johnson, D. Min. “I think, and I say it with humility, that this is the Lord’s most powerful message - mercy.” It is one thing to read these stirring words of Pope Francis …. It is one thing to think about these stirring words from Pope Francis …. It is another thing altogether to ingest them, to take them in, to let them get to you, to let them get In To You. Ironically, taking in mercy is a risk and renders us vulnerable. In gathering together this evening we will be challenged and invited and cajoled to risk mercy, to be nourished by the feast of mercy. In addition to reflections by Terry Nelson-Johnson, resident theologian at Old St. Pat’s, our time together this evening will include the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. *Please join us for some light refreshments in the church Hall at the end of each evening. 11 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent C alendar Date Event Sunday, February 14 First Sunday of Lent & Valentine’s Day Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Wednesday, February 17 Lenten Mission: Songs of Mercy 7 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church with Rory Cooney and Theresa Donohoo Contact Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] Prayer in the Spirit of Taize 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Friday, February 19 A time for prayer, song, contemplation, and silence in the spirit of the Taize Community, praying for reconciliation and peace among all of the world. Time and Location Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Sunday, February 21 Second Sunday of Lent Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Wednesday, February 24 Lenten Mission: Works of Mercy This event will not take place due to conflicting circumstances. with Ms. Brenda Palms Barber Friday, February 26 Prayer in the Spirit of Taize Contact Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Sunday, February 28 12 Third Sunday of Lent Visit our website at Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent C alendar Date Event Time and Location Wednesday, March 2 Lenten Mission: Works of Mercy 7 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church with Terry Nelson-Johnson Contact Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] Prayer in the Spirit of Taize 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Friday, March 4 Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Old St. Patrick’s Annual Fish Fry Hughes Hall at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, March 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Tuesday, March 8 Siamsa na nGael 7:30 p.m. Contact Tim Liston at [email protected] Symphony Center 200 S. Michigan Ave. Call 312.294.3000 for tickets or Friday, March 11 Prayer in the Spirit of Taize 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Saturday, March 12 St. Patrick’s Day Civic Celebration Liturgy celebrated by Fr. Tom Hurley and Archbishop Cupich that will include Celtic music, Old St. Pat’s Choir and cantors, traditional Irish musicians, The Sheila Tully Irish Stepdancers, and Shannon Rovers Irish Pipe Band. 13 Visit our website at 9 a.m. Liturgy, 10:15 a.m. Irish Breakfast in Hughes Hall at Old St. Patrick’s Church TICKETS REQUIRED Contact Bridget Carey at [email protected] for tickets. Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent C alendar Date Event Sunday, March 13 Fifth Sunday of Lent & St. Patrick’s Day Community Celebration Thursday, March 17 Feast of Saint Patrick’s Day Time and Location Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church St. Patrick’s Day Community Celebration: Complimentary Irish Breakfast following the 1 p.m. Mass; Mass will include Old St. Pat’s Choir and cantors, traditional Irish musicians, The Sheila Tully Irish Step Dancers, and Shannon Rovers Irish Pipe Band. Our patron saint’s feast day will feature special Celtic music to conclude our St. Patrick’s Day festivities at the 12:10 p.m. Mass. Friday, March 18 Prayer in the Spirit of Taize 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Masses at Old St. Patrick’s Church 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Saturday, March 19 Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross 6 p.m. Reception and 7p.m. Presentation Old St. Patrick’s Church Sunday, March 20 Monday, March 21 Palm Sunday Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. and 5 & 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church 6 p.m. Reception and 7p.m. Presentation Lawndale Community Church 14 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: L ent C alendar Date Thursday, March 24 Event Dinner and Mass* Holy Thursday Time and Location *More information coming soon! Old St. Patrick’s Church Friday, March 25 Sacrament of Reconciliation: 10-11:30 a.m. Good Friday Individual Confessions Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact David Philippart [email protected] Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Noon & 5:30 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact David Philippart [email protected] Stations of the Cross Service 3 p.m. Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact David Philippart [email protected] Prayer in the Spirit of Taize 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Contact Jennifer Budziak at [email protected] Saturday, March 26 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 8 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday Masses will take place at 7, 8, 9:30, 11:15 a.m. & 1 p.m. No 5 or 8 p.m. Masses Monday, March 28 15 Easter Monday Visit our website at Church and church offices are CLOSED Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S cripture S tudy And They Say Catholics Don’t Read the Bible! Please join us for our Lenten Scripture Study Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center 711 W. Monroe Street, 2nd floor Shatter the stereotype! This coming Lent we are excited to introduce a new approach to Scripture Study … think book club! Taking place on four consecutive Sunday evenings and beginning on February 28, 2016, we will host facilitated conversations on four select books from the Old Testament. Participants are asked to pre-read the selection for each session (none are longer than 25 pages) and be ready to engage in lively discussion around some of the most familiar, and not so familiar, stories from the Old Testament. 6:15 p.m. Gathering and Refreshments | 6:30 p.m. Session begins | 7:45 p.m. Session ends Sunday, February 28 The Book of Jonah or “Thank you for the call, but I’d rather not!” Sunday, March 6 The Book of Job or “Why is this happening to me?” Sunday, March 13 The Book of Ruth or “In God’s eyes, there are no outsiders.” Sunday, March 20 Selections from the Book of Genesis or “What do you suppose is on God’s mind?” You are welcome to join us for all or any of our discussions! We ask that you please bring a Bible. The New American Bible, Revised Edition is recommended, but other translations are fine. It will also help us provide our best hospitality and to prepare the correct number of materials if you can let us know which sessions you plan to attend by contacting Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] or 312.831.9379 no later than Wednesday, February 24. Thanks! About our co-facilitators … Lorraine Kulpa is a member of Old St. Patrick’s Church, an art and travel enthusiast, a retired attorney, and recently completed her graduate studies in Biblical Spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Bob Kolatorowicz directs the Adult Education Ministries at Old St. Patrick’s and after twenty-five years thinks he might be starting to get the hang of it. 16 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S ocial A ction M inistry Social Action Ministry Old St. Patrick’s Church - Year of Mercy “How much I desire that the year to come will be steeped in mercy, so that we can go out to every man and woman, bringing the goodness and tenderness of God!” -Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy A Year of Mercy. A year with more compassion and less fear. A year with more food on the table for families and fewer shootings. A year with more jobs that are not simply decent but life-giving for workers. A year with clean water, especially for Flint, MI, and all those who thirst for systems of justice, not corruption. A Year of Mercy. We have an inspiring motivation this Lent to reach out to our neighbors in mercy, sharing the goodness and tenderness which God shows to all. Here at Old St. Pat’s, our Social Action ministries invite you into the corporal works of mercy as a way to enrich the Lenten season and this special Year of Mercy. Each month going forward, we will highlight a specific corporal work of mercy and share some of the ways we live out this work right here in our faith community. Join us as we bring the Gospel message beyond our church walls in service, kinship, and justice. Outreach - Beth Marek directs our Outreach programs and volunteer ministry to under-resourced communities, bringing material goods and fellowship to our neighbors throughout Chicago and abroad. Kinship Initiative - Vince Guider directs our Kinship Initiative in North Lawndale, bringing together the people of North Lawndale and Old St. Patrick’s Church to walk alongside one another in friendship and mutual transformation. Social Justice in Action - Rachel Lyons directs our Social Justice in Action ministry, focusing on justice education, leadership development, and political advocacy to create systemic change in our city and state. See below for more information on each element of our Social Action Ministry and how we are living out the corporal work of mercy for February - Visit People in Prison. You have the opportunity to visit young people in juvenile detention, advocate for restorative justice funding and alternative to incarceration programs, and create jobs for folks with records so families and communities can be restored. Your gifts, your story, your passion has a place with us in our collective work to create spaces of justice and healing and to build right relationships among our one human family. We look forward to spreading God’s mercy and love in the days to come. 17 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: O utreach 2016 Nicaragua Service Trip Saturday July 30 - Sunday Who should participate? Any adult looking for a life enhancing experience helpings others to break the cycle of poverty while enjoying the beautiful mountain surroundings of northern Nicaragua. Spanish language skills are not required. What will volunteers do? Participants will work alongside a well-established organization committed to improving the lives of others. The work will be done in remote communities that are served by Fabretto’s network of schools and education centers. Typical projects include: school gardens that feed the students; the construction of school facilities like kitchens, playgrounds, and handwashing stations; working with small business initiatives that teach community members skills and entrepreneurism. The trip’s flexible structure also allows volunteers with specific skills, talents, and backgrounds to share their interests (i.e., healthcare, education, sports, arts & crafts, etc.) with the kids and residents in the communities where we work. Where? Most of the time will be spent in the northern city of Cusmapa with stops at other Fabretto centers. The trip also includes sightseeing excursions to the Spanish colonial city of Granada and to areas like the Mombacho Cloud Forest and Lake Nicaragua. When? Saturday July 30 through Sunday August 7, 2016 Why participate? The experience of helping others while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded folks. Be a part of the Old St. Pats family that has been travelling to Nicaragua for over 10 years! If you are interested in sharing the life-changing experience of serving the poor of Nicaragua through Fabretto, please join us at one of our information meetings. Trip details, accommodations and logistics, volunteer expectations, and much more will be discussed. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis and are limited to the first 20 participants. Informational Meetings (You only need to attend ONE): • Wednesday, February 17 at 6:30 pm, Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, 711 W Monroe, Room: 21 • Sunday, February 21st at 12:30 pm, Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, 711 W Monroe, Room 21 • Sunday, February 28 at 6:15 pm, the Old St. Patrick’s Rectory To receive information about the 2016 trip if you cannot attend one of the meetings, please contact Cari Dinneen at [email protected] or call 312.388.0139. For more information about Fabretto and the work that they do in Nicaragua, please visit their website at 18 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S even L ast W ords of C hrist Franz Joseph Haydn The Seven Last Words of Christ for String Quartet Op. 51 Reflections for Holy Week with spoken meditations on the Words of Christ on the Cross Saturday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Old St. Patrick’s Church “Over the past six years I have had the opportunity to program this great work each year in the weeks leading to Holy Week... This past year was perhaps the most rewarding for me and opened my own eyes to the potential this music has. What intrigued me the most was there was a certain part of our audience that came to hear this classical music they were familiar with and were elated and moved by the perspective and words of our guests speakers from perhaps a different tradition.” -Dave Moss, Viola Monday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Lawndale Community Church Haydn’s masterpiece The Seven Last Words of Christ was written in a spirit of profound religious conviction. It is a true meditation on the gravity of tragedy and the possibility of hope and redemption, explored through the purity and intimacy of the string quartet. The music is dark, barren, overwhelmingly human, and expresses the immense weight of Holy Week. Haydn wrote “each movement is expressed by purely instrumental music in such a way that even the most uninitiated listener will “ be moved to the very depths of his soul.” 19 The contemplation inherent in the story of the crucifixion will be accentuated with the addition of the spoken meditations on the fateful words spoken on the Cross from a diverse group of speakers from the interfaith community of Chicago and the Kinship Initiative of Old St. Patrick’s Church and the Lawndale Community Church. This unique evening of sacred music and words lends itself as a culmination of the season of Lent and provides a reflective experience in anticipation of Holy Week. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: E ncore Please join us as your friends at Old St. Pat’s Encore, in kinship with our friends at St. Agatha’s Parish, gather to share a weekend of prayer, laughter, inspiration and renewal. “A Call to Personal and Global Transformation” A Weekend Retreat led by Edwina Gateley April 8-10 (Friday evening until Sunday noon) Chicago Cenacle Retreat Center Double Room: $400* ($200 per person) Single Room: $280* *All meals are included Register online at: or call Tammy Roeder at: 312.798.2350 Registration closes March 8th. Edwina Gateley is originally from the UK but has deep roots in Chicago. Her journey has led her to teaching in Africa, founding the Volunteer Missionary Movement, sojourning in the Sahara Desert, spending nine months of prayer in a trailer in the woods, befriending and ministering to street people and women in prostitution – “God’s little ones,” and preaching the Good News: God Is With Us. Edwina is a poet, theologian, artist, writer, lay minister, modern-day mystic and prophet, and a single mom. She gives talks, conferences and retreats in the United States, as well as internationally while continuing to reach out to women in recovery from drugs and prostitution. Edwina’s life has been described by Publisher’s Weekly as ”fascinating – an exceptional blend of contemplation and action”. The Cenacle Retreat Center located at 513 West Fullerton Parkway, is a peaceful haven in the heart of the city. A beautiful chapel, quiet garden, comfortable sleeping quarters, and delicious/nutritious meals provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere. For more information contact Pat Hamill at 312.819.7453 or [email protected] 20 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: E ncore New Orleans Style Jazz Brunch featuring the VanderCook College of Music Jazz Quintet! Sunday, February 14 | 10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, 711 W. Monroe, Flr. 2 The Encore Café is taking a break from its usual breakfast and speaker format to brighten up any mid-winter doldrums with a taste of the Big Easy and the sounds, excitement and energy of a Jazz Quintet. All are welcome! Brunch & Entertainment Menu $15 per person New Orleans Style Jazz Brunch Banana Peach Streusel French Toast In order to provide our best hospitality, we do ask that you please RSVP to Marion O’Connell (312.819.7453) no later than Wednesday, February 10 or register online at Chicken Apple Sausage Spinach Quiche and Seafood Quiche Fresh Fruit New Orleans Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce Coffee & Tea service Cash bar: Mimosas Encore has a special commitment to the women working to transform their lives at St. Martin de Porres House of Hope in Woodlawn. St. Martin’s has an ongoing need of cleaning supplies. Would you consider bringing a bottle of dish detergent to the Jazz Brunch? Thanks! 21 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C rossroads R unners PUT SOM GREE E N O N! JOIN THE CROSSROADS RUNNERS AT THE SHAMROCK SHUFFLE! Get in shape, lace up and join the Crossroads Runners at the 2016 Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k on Sunday, April 3, 2016! Not a runner? Not sure how you’ll be able to run nearly five miles? Don’t fret! Our Chicago Marathon Coach Brendan will help you cross the finish line. Register for the Shamrock Shuffle at: COACH BRENDAN COURNANE’S TIPS FOR GETTING STARTED: Next step is to be sure you have the right equipment - particularly shoes. Your shoes should not have celebrated a birthday with you, regardless of how good they look. Visit a running specialty store to be properly fitted for the correct shoe based on your biomechanics. Next is clothing which will vary if you run indoors or outdoors. Invest in quality clothing - synthetic fibers with ‘wicking properties’. If you run outdoors in winter and spring, add a layer or two for warmth and comfort. Preparation for running is as important as training. SHAMROCK SHUFFLE TRAINING SCHEDULE - WEEK 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY That was an impressive week. Take the day off and REST today. Take it EASY today with a 20-minute or 2 mile run (2 minute run, 3 minute walk) 30 minute WALK Another EASY day with a 20-minute or 2 mile run (2 minute run, 3 minute walk) REST DAY SATURDAY CROSS TRAINING for 30-minutes. That means any non-weight bearing activity such as biking, swimming or elliptical trainer. SUNDAY The beginning of this program is all about building your base. Today take another 20-minute or 2 mile RUN (2 minute run, 3 minute walk) Before starting any excercise program, check with your physician and have a physical examination to be sure you may safely undertake the training program. For more information on the Shamrock Shuffle, the BOA Chicago Marathon or the Crossroads Runners team, contact Joe Brandt at [email protected]. 22 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C rossroads R unners YOU ’RE INVI TED! Crossroads Runners Information & Kick-Off Session Tuesday, February 16 6 - 8 p.m. Frances Xavier Warde School, Cafeteria 120 S. Desplaines, 1st Floor, Chicago Interested in running the Bank of America Chicago Marathon with Crossroads Runners, but need that extra push? Have you heard about our team, but want to know more about our organization? Join us for a Chicago Marathon Information Session, and get all the answers (and the inspiration) you are looking for! Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected] by Monday, 02.15.14. This is YOUR year! Make a Difference in your life and the lives of others! In addition to helping to eradicate poverty, adding meaning to your run, and joining a team of amazing, like-minded people, running the Chicago Marathon as a Crossroads Runner has its perks. We offer many fantastic benefits including: • Free entry • Weekly e-newsletter • Free personalized training with Coach Brendan Cournane and weekly team training runs • Personal website for fundraising • Clinics lead by experts on running, nutrition and fundraising • Exclusive discount on running shoes and apparel • Official Crossroads Runners jersey • VIP race day experience, including access to our post race party at Buddy Guy’s Legends • Free trip to Ireland for the top fundraiser and a friend on AerLingus! • Invitations to socials and other team building events FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CROSSROADSRUNNERS.COM 23 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S iamsa na n G ael Presents Women of the Rising: Pathways to Peace Narrated by Pastor Shannon Kerschner of Fourth Presbyterian Church Tuesday, March 8 |7:30 p.m. | Symphony Center Distinguished Performers at Siamsa na nGael Siamsa na nGael will include an impressive list of vocal soloists , including Rodrick Dixon, Gavin Coyle, Catherine O”Connell and Beverly O’Regan Thiele Rodrick Dixon Rodrick Dixon possesses a tenor voice of extraordinary range and versatility that has earned him the respect and attention of leading conductors, orchestras and opera companies throughout North American. His extensive television credits include several PBS specials and appearances on nationally televised talk shows and news programs. Rodrick Dixon’s musical theater credits include the original cast of Ragtime on Broadway, Show Boat at the Auditorium Theater; Pops Concerts at Grant Park Musical Festival, The Chicagoland Pops Orchestra at Rosemont Theater and the Cincinnati Pops. Mr. Dixon has performed Christmas and MLK concerts of Too Hot To Handel at the Detroit Opera House and the Auditorium Theater for the past 12 years. Catherine O’Connell Catherine O’Connell is a native of Chicago who loves music. Her parents, James and Mary, shared with her their passions for music and theater. Catherine later developed her distinctive style and dramatic stage presence by performing in dozens of pubs, saloon and cabarets in Chicago, New York and the Caribbean. The Chicago Tribune and WGN’s Rick Kogan says, “Catherine is an original, as gifted a singer and as sensitive a performer as I have ever heard or seen. She might easily have become a star in the New York scene but, God love her, she’s tied to our town.” From saloons to Symphony Center, chapels to cathedrals, funeral homes to festival halls, Catherine has touched the hearts and lifted the spirits of thousands of Chicagoans. 24 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: S iamsa na n G ael Gavin Coyle Born and raised in Derry, N. Ireland, Gavin Coyle is a singer, songwriter and recording artist. Gavin started competing as a young boy, winning many local competitions including the Derry Feisanna - one of the largest talent contests in Ireland. At the age of 14 he won the title of All-Ireland Singing Champion. He went on to perform in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Requiem, The Siege Pageant, and Noye’s Fludde. He has also performed on the BBC both in Northern Ireland and in England. Locally, in addition to charity concert/performance work (Ulster Project Habitat for Humanity, Cystic Fibrosis, Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, Irish Children’s Fund, Irish Sisters of the Assumption Missionaries in South Africa, and many others), he’s been featured on WGN radio, performed at Milwaukee Irish Fest, and performed the National Anthem at Chicago Cubs, Bears and Bulls games. Beverly O’Regan Thiele Known for her consummate acting and clear, silver-toned, warm vocals, Iowa native Beverly O’Regan Thiele is among the best in her field for her interpretation of contemporary opera and equally at home in the Classics, concert and recital work. From her professional debut at the age of 23 as “Abigail” in THE CRUCIBLE with Des Moines Metro Opera, to Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center and Europe, Ms. O’Regan Thiele has thrilled audiences with her un-rivaled intensity and honesty of character portrayal and her stunning vocal prowess. Awards include Finalist in the Midwest Regionals, recipient of the Richard F. Gold Career Grant from the Shoshana Foundation, Opernwelt Award winner of the Belvedere Competition in Vienna, winner of the Chicago Women’s Club Vocal Competition and Union League Competition and a recipient of the Sullivan Awards. Tickets range in price from $30 - $60 and may be purchased through the Symphony Center Box Office, 312.294.3000 or today! Sponsorship and post-performance reception packages are available by calling 312.798.2348. 25 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP N ext OSP Next is the community for Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s! There’s nothing formal to join - if you’re here, you ARE the community! Simply join us anytime for one of the events or opportunities listed here. Meet your fellow OSP young adults as we Engage, Encounter & Serve. Looking to do even more? Join a committee anytime! Email [email protected]. February After Five*: Wine & Chocolate Tasting Sunday, February 14 | Following the 5 p.m. Mass In honor of Valentine’s Day, we will be hosting a wine and chocolate tasting in Hughes Hall. After all, wine and chocolate is the perfect Valentine’s Day pairing! Please RSVP to Lauren McCallick ([email protected]) or RSVP on the Facebook event so we have an accurate headcount! (Please note: OSP Next Fellowship resumes Sunday, February 21) Faith in Action Drive and Meal at The Boulevard Medical Shelter February 7 - 20| 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lent calls us to examine our lives and relationships. To promote the rights to food, clothing and shelter, the OSPnext Faith in Action committee is launching a month-long initiative to support The Boulevard, a local homeless shelter focused on restoring health and regaining self-sufficiency. We will be running a clothing drive and cooking a meal for residents of The Boulevard. There are multiple ways for you to participate: 1) Cook lunch and share fellowship with The Boulevard residents, deliver donated items. We will cook lunch and share a meal and fellowship with the residents, and deliver donated items. Please RSVP to: 2) Sort and package donated items (2/16, 7:30 - 9pm, Jack Wall Mission Center Room 23). Pizza and refreshments will be provided. RSVP requested. Questions? Contact Will at [email protected] February Volleyball Night Thursday, February 18 | 7:45 - 9:30 p.m. All skill levels are welcome, and it’s always a good time! Parking is available in the lot diagonal from the church or on Desplaines in front of the school. Please RSVP on the OSPnext event page! Green Shirts Needed for the Fish Fry! Friday, March 4 |5-9 p.m. We are looking for volunteers to help with the upcoming OSP Fish Fry on Friday, March 4 and other upcoming events. Email [email protected] for details. 26 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: OSP N ext Ski & Snowboarding Trip Saturday, February 20 | Wilmot Mountain | Wilmot, WI Costs*: Lift Ticket, Lunch & Complimentary Group Lesson: $42 Rental Helmet: $10 Rental Skis: $11 Rental Snowboard: $21 *These discounted rates only apply if we have 15+ people Interested in learning to ski or ride for the first time? Or maybe you’re experienced and just looking for a fun group to go to the mountain with? Join OSP Next for a group outing to nearby Wilmot Mountain with free lessons and equipment rental available. Registration deadline is Tuesday February 16th. Registration link is NOW OPEN: Contact: Jackie Walsh, [email protected] or 708.525.1358 OSP Next Book Club Hughes Hall | Monday, February 22| 7 p.m. Our monthly book club is fun, relaxed, and filled with captivating conversation. Join us this month as we read The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown, the true story of the University of Washington’s eight-oar crew team and their quest for gold during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. We meet Monday, February 22 at 7 p.m. at The Book Cellar in Lincoln Square (4736 N. Lincoln). Contact Rachelle Lindo with any questions at [email protected]. Catholicism 101 Wednesday, February 17 | 7-8:30 p.m. “Sing the image of the unseen God.” This month, Catholicism 101 will be joining OSP Music Ministry for Songs of Mercy, a participative and prayerful evening of inspired song led by renowned recording artists Rory Cooney and Theresa Donohoo, joined by our own Old St. Patrick’s musicians and special guests. 2nd Annual Grilled Cheese and Wine Party Friday, February 26 | 7-9 p.m.| OSP Rectory Back by popular demand, we are having our Second Annual Wine and Grilled Cheese Party. Rather than a ‘fish fry’ we are partying with grilled cheese on this Friday evening of Lent! This will be a BYOB evening, but a $5 contribution to help cover grilled cheese costs would be appreciated. Sign up for the OSP Next Mailing List or ‘Connect’ with us by emailing [email protected] or vistiting our webpage at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too! 27 OSP Next: Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s Visit our website at OSPnext @OSPnext Follow Old St. Pat’s on: B roadway on A dams We are grateful for the tremendous support and endless energy from the Old St. Pat’s community. We are especially indebted to the OSP Next volunteers, pastoral and events staff, and to Keara Ette and the production staff at Old St. Pat’s for taking a risk in not just allowing, but in cultivating this small dream of ours into a successful reality for a fifth year in a row. For those who were able to attend, it is our hope that you not only enjoyed the evening but that you were touched by a poignant memory, humored by an unexpected lyric, inspired, empowered, surprised, evoked, or at the very least, sent home with a melody stuck in your head, much as we all were for the past 6 weeks. Until next time, we’ll see you on Sundays at 5pm.... -Broadway on Adams Artistic Team (Michael Neary, Megan Buckley, Aimee Scozzafave, Mark Scozzafave). 28 Visit our website at Broadway on Adams Photo Credit: Mike Lyons Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife Volunteers Needed for Poker Tournament Benefitting Horizons for Youth Friday February 19th • Arrive by 5:00 PM for a brief training session • Check in for your shift (1-3 hours) • After your shift is over you are invited to enjoy the food and open bar. Have you ever wanted to learn how to deal Texas Hold ‘Em in a fun, low pressure setting? We have the perfect opportunity for you, and no prior experience is necessary. We are looking for volunteer card dealers to work at this year’s Turner Construction Poker Tournament on Friday February 19th, 2016 at the Merchandise Mart. All proceeds from the event will benefit Horizons for Youth – our Outreach Ministry to youth at risk. This is an incredibly fun event that is extremely worthwhile in helping these young people who are at risk. Many thanks to the wonderful folks at Turner Construction for their generosity too. It’s a really sweet “deal”!!! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lisa at lisa@ Interfaith Couples Meeting Tuesday, February 23 | 7 p.m. Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center | 711 W. Monroe St., Flr. 2 At last month’s gathering, our Muslim/Christian and Jewish/Christian couples joined together for some insightful, meaningful conversation. The evening was such a success, we’ve decided to do it again this month! All interfaith couples - dating, engaged or newly married - are invited and welcome to join us on Tuesday evening, February 23 in the Jack Wall Center, 2nd Floor, from 7-8:30 p.m. We are honored to have as our guest Nosheen Hydari, AMFT, Marriage and Family Therapist. To RSVP and for more information, please contact Eileen O’Farrell Smith at [email protected] 29 Visit our website at Nosheen Hydari, AMFT Marriage and Family Therapist I earned my Masters degree from Northwestern University in Marriage and Family Therapy. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at Northside Center for Relationship Counseling. Additionally, I am a Clinical Consultant at Cook County Department of Corrections Mental Health Transition Center, as well as Crisis Therapist at Community Counseling Centers of Chicago. Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife Off Site Insight Off-Site/Insight is an Old St. Patrick’s Church member led initiative that brings a taste of Old St. Pat’s programming to your doorstep. These monthly “off-site” gatherings welcome you and your friends to come together to encounter an interesting speaker and engage in enriching conversations. It’s also a fun way to connect with other Old St. Pat’s members and friends who live out your way! Format: Monday, February 29, 2016 6:30 p.m. Refreshments and Welcome 7 p.m. Presentation 8:15 p.m. Prayer and Announcements 8:30 p.m. Program concludes *A free will donation to cover our meeting room costs is much West: Carmelite Spirituality Center 8419 Bailey Road Darien, IL 60561 Coordinators Jusy McLaughlin 630.852.7269 judy.,[email protected] Joan Noe [email protected] Mary Kay Slowikowski 630.985.7570 [email protected] Old St. Pat’s Church Staff Contact Bob Kolatorowicz 312.831.9379 [email protected] Free parking is available. “Pope Francis’s Year of Mercy: It’s Biblical Roots” with Fr. Don Senior, C. P. Fr. Donald Senior, C.P., holds a Licentiate in theology (S.T.L.) from the University of Louvain, Belgium and a Doctorate in New Testament Studies (S.T.D.) from the University of Louvain. He has pursued further graduate studies at Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio and at Harvard University. Fr. Senior served as President of CTU for 23 years, retiring in July 2013. On April 27, 2015, he was named Chancellor by the CTU Board of Trustees. A frequent lecturer across the country, Fr. Senior also serves on numerous boards and commissions. He is past President of the Association of Theological Schools of the United States and Canada. In 2001, Pope John Paul II appointed him as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and was reappointed in 2006 and 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI. He has been active in interreligious dialogue, particularly with the Jewish and Muslim communities. Fr. Senior is the General Editor of The Bible Today and co-editor of the twenty-two volume international commentary series New Testament Message. He is the General Editor of The Catholic Study Bible (Oxford University Press, 1990). He has authored and edited several books and article Wellness Corner 7 Research-Based Principles for Making Marriage Work Below is a summary of what makes a successful marriage learned at a marriage counseling course given by renowned marriage researchers/psychologists John and Julie Gottman. 1. Enhance your love maps. Love is in the details. That is, happy couples are very much familiar with their partner’s world. You know everything from your partner’s favorite movies to what’s currently stressing them out to some of their life dreams, and they know yours. 2. Nurture your fondness and admiration. These are two of the most important elements in a satisfying and long-term relationship. Happy couples respect each other and have a general positive view of each other. 3. Turn toward each other instead of away. Romance thrives in the everyday, little things. Real-life romance is kept alive each time you let your spouse know he or she is valued during the grind of everyday life. Turning toward each other is the basis for connection and passion. Satisfied couples have more goodwill and positivity stored in their bank accounts, so when rough times hit, their emotional savings cushion conflicts and stressors. 30 4. Let your partner influence you. Happy couples are a team that considers each other’s perspective and feelings. Letting your partner influence you is about honoring and respecting both people in the relationship. 5. Solve your solvable problems. Gottman says that there are two types of marital problems: conflicts that can be resolved and perpetual problems that can’t. 6. Overcome gridlock. The goal with perpetual problems is for couples to move from gridlock to dialogue. What usually underlies gridlock is unfulfilled dreams that aren’t being addressed or respected by each other. Successful couples believe in the importance of helping each other realize their dreams. 7. Create shared meaning. Marriage isn’t just about raising kids, splitting chores, and intimacy. It should also have a spiritual dimension that has to do with creating an inner life together — a culture rich with rituals and an appreciation for your roles and goals that lead you to understand what it means to be a part of the family you have become. Happy couples create a family culture that includes both of their dreams ( If you need help strengthening your relationship, contact Sarah Thompson, Old St. Pat’s parish counselor, at 773-234-9630 or [email protected]. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: C ommunity L ife The Reverend Shannon Kerschner Pastor, Fourth Presbyterian Church Who will address the topic “Resurrection Moments in a Time of Lent” Friday, March 4, 2016 at 12 p.m. Main Lounge of the Union League Club When the Christian Church calls us again this Lent to participate in a 40 period of prayer, fasting and generosity, it seems that fewer people are listening to that call. Church attendance continues to decline and the influence of Churches seems to be waning. To many it appears that the Good Friday experience of suffering and death trumps the hope and fullness of life proclaimed at Easter. Reverend Shannon Kerschner, pastor of one of the most significant Churches in Chicago, Fourth Church, will reveal to us in the middle of Lent 2016 the “resurrection moments” she perceives in the Christian community today. She is Pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, a vibrant and diverse worshiping community of more than 5,000 members. A presence in the city of Chicago since 1871, this downtown congregation is committed to serving the needs of the community, both locally and globally, a commitment that can be seen in its many well-regarded outreach programs, most notably its nonprofit organization, Chicago Lights. Please MAKE YOUR RESERVATION AND PAY ONLINE by FRIDAY, February 26th. A new person will be taking reservations this month so please give all the details; the church group to sit you with and dietary requirements in the comments section. The lunch fee is $35 for members and $40 for guests. Join the OSP table to take advantage of the special member price. Because of contractual arrangements with the Union League Club, once your reservation is made, your lunch fee is required, even if you are unable to attend. There is a dress code at the Union League Club: business casual for men and women, which includes a shirt with a collar for men and no denim or tennis shoes. 31 THIS WEEK: IMPROVISATION 11 A.M. - 1 P.M. Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center 711 West Monroe Street, 2nd Floor • Women’ empowerment practicing new behaviors • • Improv has some amazing restorative qualities • • We will find connections in a safe sharing environment • • Focusing on what is going on around us • • Listening in a new and deeper way • • Make connections with others in a way that takes the spotlight off ourselves • • Funny comes from being our authentic selves • • Everyone participates together- no one singled out • Date Sunday, February 21 Sunday, April 17 Sunday, May 15 Sunday, June 19 Sunday, July 17 Sunday, August 21 Sunday, September 18 Meeting Room Library Library Library Room 25 A-B Room 25 A-B Room 25 A-B Room 25 A-B The Next Chapter is here to provide: *Practical support and compassionate healing for the widow community. *A safe place to meet others who have lost their spouse and engage in conversation with those who understand such loss. *To minister to the community of widows who have passed through the initial stages of grief who want to connect with others who can offer support for their new future. * To discuss and prepare creative solutions to the problems and issues of this life journey through fellowship, love and education. Free Parking on Sunday is available in the lot across the street Complimentary Coffee & Light Refreshments Provided For information Contact: [email protected] or 312.798.2358 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: P rograms H earts and P rayers Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him. - Lk 5:10-11 Sunday, February 14th, 2016 Readings: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-15/ Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13 Mass Remembrances: 8 a.m. John Calteaux (=) Tabor, Feena MacLaverty O’Neill Thursday, February 18th, 2016 Readings: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-3, 7-8/Mt 7:7-12 9:30 a.m. Lottie Tervanis (=) Book of Patrick: Rose and Dave Demartini, Katie Dunahoo & Jack Klein, J. Dillon Hoey, Aaron Lynch, Brian Shannon, Jr. Kathy Stack (=) Friday, February 19th, 2016 Msgr. John J. Moriarty (=) Readings: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-8/Mt 5:20-26 Richard Schalin (=) 11:15 a.m. William C. Moran (=) 5 p.m. William Crain (=) Barb Gatto (=) Michael Beierle (=) Book of Patrick: William and Theresa Barlow, John C. Burns, Cyrena Dinsmore, Rev. John P. Enright, Judge John V. Evans, Joan R. Giardina, Mary Noreen Herzig, Sandra Ilagan, Patricia Mutehart, Ida Schodt, Tyler James Volenec, Sister Rose Zimmer Monday, February 15th, 2016 Readings: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/Mt 25:31-46 Mass Remembrances: Book of Patrick: Shane Patrick Donlan, Mary Virginia Krone, Gerald E. Lynch, Jerry Martin, Colin Patrick McAndrews, Jane O’Shea Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 Readings: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-7, 16-19/ Mt 6:7-15 Mass Remembrances: Padraig Sullivan (=), Joseph Martin Canero (=) Book of Patrick: Colleen Burns, Mrs. Maxine DaPron, Rose D. Ewanic, Peggy Guernsey, Lawrence J. Hayes, Frank Higgins, Frank O’Boyle, Paul Rohr, Patricia Sea, Sirvart Terterian, Virginia Whalen Saturday, February 20th, 2016 Readings: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8/Mt 5:43-48 Book of Patrick: Peter F.Coffield, Terrence Costello, Mr. and Mrs. M Frank Fischer, James T. Herman, Walter A. Kusek, Patrick James Mizwicki, Arthur and Mary Treanor, William Kennith Zeman Sunday, February 21, 2016 Readings: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14/Phil 3:17--4:1 or 3:20--4:1/Lk 9:28b-36 Prayer Requests Mass Remembrances: For Those Who Are Sick Book of Patrick: Mary Jane Ashenden, Susan Carroll, Eleanor Daley, Josie Hughes, Descendants of Joseph P. McNally, Norman & Patricia Murdock, Jack D. Nichelson, Dina Zarlenga Anne Dillon, Ronald W. Sowder, Mary Pekos, Nancy Johnson, Leo Gunning, Michael Sofiak, Bernie Wagner, Janet Motyka & Edmund Dwyer, Jack Maucieri, Conrad May, Julie Weinholdt Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 For Those Who Have Recently Died Readings: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19/Lk 11:29-32 Marylou Pallardy, Ted Eppig, Catherine Elizabeth Wilson, Patricia Byrne, Philip Rock, Michael Smith Mass Remembrances: Lillian M Ryan (=), Andrew Garwood (=) Book of Patrick: Carl Barber, Thomas Roscoe Barlow, Rev. Frank P. Cassidy, Rose and Dave Demartini, James C. Dowdle, Edward Grant, Antonia Coldebella Favrin, Jack Loftus, Anne Martin, John E. Miller Family, Margaret A. Murphy, Diane Marie (=) Deceased 32 Women and Men of Faith February 18 Blessed John of Fiesole (1400-1455) The patron of Christian artists was born around 1400 in a village overlooking Florence. He took up painting as a young boy and studied under the watchful eye of a local painting master. He joined the Dominicans at about age 20, taking the name Fra Giovanni. He eventually came to be known as Fra Angelico, perhaps a tribute to his own angelic qualities or maybe the devotional tone of his works. He continued to study painting and perfect his own techniques, which included broad-brush strokes, vivid colors and generous, lifelike figures. Michelangelo once said of Fra Angelico: “One has to believe that this good monk has visited paradise and been allowed to choose his models there.” Whatever his subject matter, Fra Angelico sought to generate feelings of religious devotion in response to his paintings. Among his most famous works are the Annunciation and Descent from the Cross as well as frescoes in the monastery of San Marco in Florence. He also served in leadership positions within the Dominican Order. At one point Pope Eugenius approached him about serving as archbishop of Florence. Fra Angelico declined, preferring a simpler life. He died in 1455. Adapted from www.americancatholic. org Prayer Requests: Names of the sick or recently deceased are listed for one week in the prayers of the faithful and two subsequent weeks in the bulletin. Please call Bernadette Gibson at 312.798.2389 to add a name to the list. Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: G eneral I nformation Mass Schedule Wedding Schedule Sunday 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@oldstpats. org, or 312.831.9383. Monday – Friday (Daily Mass) 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Wedding Banns Church is open for Personal Prayer: Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Reconciliation Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request. Liturgical Ministry If you feel called to serve as a Hospitality Minister, Eucharistic Minister or Lector for one of our Sunday liturgies, please contact David Philippart at [email protected], or 312.831.9372. Training for Hospitality Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers takes place four times per year. Training for Lectors occurs annually. Weddings If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at [email protected], or 312.831.9383. The Baptismal Program & Schedule May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You. I. February 20, 2016 To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism Scheduler, at 312.798.2366. Nursery Service Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the school on Des Plaines Street. Low-gluten Host Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion hosts. If you would like to receive a low-glutenn host, please contact David Philippart, Liturgy Ministry, at [email protected], or 312.831.9372. II. February 27, 2016 Samuel Joseph Klein & Caitlin Rae Alekna III. March 5, 2016 Sign-Language Interpreter Upon request, a sign language interpreter can be available at the 11:15 a.m. or 5 p.m. Mass on Sundays, as well as for holidays and holy days of obligation. It would be most appreciative if you would give us 5 days of advance notice. To request access to a sign language interpreter at Mass, please contact Katie Kearns at 312.831.9372, or [email protected]. Old St. Patrick’s Website Be sure to visit our website,, for the most up-to-date information. 33 Pastoral Care: Do you know someone in need of Pastoral Care amongst our Old St. Pat’s community? Please contact Bernadette Moore Gibson at 312.493.8737. Parish Counselor: If you or someone you know is in need of counseling services, please contact Old St. Patrick’s Parish Councelor, Sarah Thompson at [email protected] or 773.234.9630 Visit our website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Old St. Patrick’s Church Administrative Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f 312.648.9025 Accounting Janette Nunez 312.798.2305 [email protected] Blood Drive Mark Buciak* 773.307.0033 [email protected] Family Ministry Bea Cunningham 312.831.9351 [email protected] Linda Vasquez 312.798.2307 [email protected] The Cara Program Maria Kim 312.798.3319 Adult Education Ministries Katie Brandt 312.831.9352 [email protected] Bob Kolatorowicz 312.831.9379 [email protected] Chicago Food Depository Mary Beth Riley* 630.655.9447 [email protected] Funerals Bernadette Gibson [email protected] 312.493.8737 pastoral cell Advancement Tim Liston 312.798.2381 [email protected] The Children’s Place Katie Byrne* 312.863.1120 [email protected] Book of Patrick (Memorial for Loved Ones) Bridget Carey 312.831.9355 [email protected] House of Mary and Joseph Kate Boege* 312.337.7953 [email protected] Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families Outreach (Old St. Pat’s) John Parro* [email protected] Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected], 312.831.9379 Annulment Support Ministry Patty Stiles 847.220.3011 [email protected] Baptisms Betty O’Toole, scheduler 312.798.2366 [email protected] Buildings/Grounds Andrew Hayden 312.798.2345 [email protected] Clergy - Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Hurley 312.831.9363 [email protected] Admin. Assistant to Pastor Skye Darke 312.831.9377 [email protected] Visiting Clergy Fr. John Cusick Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap. Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ Fr. Paul Novak, OSM Fr. William O’Shea Msgr. Kenneth Velo Fr. John J. Wall Interfaith House Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly Joe Harzich* 312.835.4932 [email protected] Special Olympics Greg Benacka* 708.271.4460 [email protected] St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Su Casa Jim Karczewski* 630.279.0144 [email protected] Trinity Volunteer Corps Marty Kenahan 708.567.0518 [email protected] Listening Parent Ministry Maureen Schuneman [email protected] Grief Support Facilitators Judi Black, Bill Brennan 312.798.2358 Hospitality BridgetCarey 312.831.9355 [email protected] Jewish Catholic Ministry Jewish Catholic Dialogue Gina Lakin* 773.485.9966 [email protected] Eileen O’Farrell Smith* [email protected] Family School David Kovacs [email protected] Interfaith Union Eileen O’Farrell Smith [email protected] U of I Hospital Pediatrics Sue Sierkierski* 312.546.4312 [email protected] Liturgy Department David Philippart [email protected] 312.831.9365 Communications Lauren Kezon 312.831.9364 [email protected] Counseling Services Sarah Thompson 773.234.9630 [email protected] Community Outreach Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] Encore: 50+ Active Adults Mary Kay Slowikowski [email protected] Adult Literacy Program Marilyn and Joe Antonik* 773.286.3390 [email protected] 34 Faith Formation Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Visit our website at Katie Kearns [email protected] 312.831.9372 Marriage Preparation Jack Berkemeyer - Pre-Cana Experience 312.798.2386 [email protected] Patty Stiles - Pre-Marital Assessment 847.220.3011 [email protected] Follow Old St. Pat’s on: D irectory Members/New Members Tim Liston 312.798.2348 [email protected] Bridget Carey 312.831.9355 [email protected] Music Jennifer Budziak [email protected] 312.798.2382 Laura Higgins 312.798.2384 [email protected] [email protected] Mark Scozzafave [email protected] Bill Fraher 312.831.9353 [email protected] North Lawndale Kinship Initiative Vincent L. Guider 312.798.2374 [email protected] Rachel Lyons 312.798.2399 [email protected] Office Manager Joanne Gresik 312.831.9370 [email protected] Pastoral Care Ministry Bernadette Gibson 312.798.2389 prayer line [email protected] 312.493.8737 pastoral cell Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Keara Ette 312.798.2328 [email protected] Receptionist 312.648.1021 Resident Theologian Presenter Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson [email protected] 312.831.9373 Retreat Program: Beloved Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 [email protected] Social Justice Rachel Lyons 312.798.2399 [email protected] Special Events (Fundraisers) Sheila Greifhahn 312.798.2343 [email protected] Bridget Conway 312.798.2348 [email protected] Spiritual Direction Tammy Roeder 312.798.2350 Follow Old St. Pat’s on: [email protected] Tours of Old St. Pat’s Jim McLaughlin* 630.852.7269 [email protected] Wedding Ministry JoAnn O’Brien 312.831.9383 [email protected] Wedding Volunteers Mary Jo Graf 312.360.1622 [email protected] Robin Ramel 708.366.1293 [email protected] Women’s Spirituality Mary Anne Moriartys 312.861.0382 OSP Next (Young Adult Ministry) Marisa Randle [email protected] [email protected] Youth Ministry: Foundations and Blueprints Courtney Nichols 312.798.2329 [email protected] The Mary and Bill Aronin Center for Social Concerns 703 W. Monroe Chicago, IL 60661 Career Transitions Center Mary Sabathne 312.906.9908 [email protected] Parking at Old St. Pat’s For your convenience, we are providing parking information to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits Old St. Pat’s. Saturdays Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the parking lot at the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines. Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the roped off area marked “Old St. Pat’s” in the parking lot at the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines. PARKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE EAST SECTION OF LOT 2. Sundays Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines all day and evening; Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines until 6:30 p.m. You must pay after 6:30 p.m. Lot 3: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from 711) until 5 p.m. You must pay after 5 p.m. to park in this lot. Weeknights Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines; if you are coming to Old St. Pat’s for meetings, please let the attendant know and keep your keys as he leaves after 8 p.m. Lot 3: You must pay to park your car in the lot on the Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from 711) throughout the week. Coprodeli, Peru Beth Marek 312.831.9361 [email protected] 3 Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua Tom Gleason* 773.227.6556 [email protected] Harmony, Hope & Healing Marge Nykaza 312.466.0267 marge@harmonyhopeandhealing. org Horizons for Youth Brian Broccolo 312.627.9031 [email protected] 2 1 Global Alliance for Africa Jonathan Shaver* 312.399.2830 [email protected] Tom Derdak [email protected] Visit our Website at Follow Old St. Pat’s on: 35
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