Juanita - DancEdge


Juanita - DancEdge
Issue 8. July 2013
Letter from the Principal
It’s hard to believe we’ve already danced half a year away. The students have
achieved so much in this first 6 months. Our troupe students have successfully
competed at two Eisteddfod’s and all our students have participated in the first of three
mock exams. All our students have been working very hard and should be very, very
proud of their class work to date.
The DancEdge ATOD Examinations will be held over two days in week three,
Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 August. We have two more mock exams scheduled
prior to this day. I have sent out the mock exam time table via email to applicable
students and I have also made this time table available on our web site under the
“News” tab. Please check our web site regularly for important information and dates.
Another source of information is our Facebook site. You can find us under DancEdge
Canberra. The same information posted on our website is also posted on our
Facebook site.
All classes in term three will be learning their show work. This is the exciting, fun part
of the year where all the technique we’ve been learning and working so hard on in
class will be show cased in our end of year production. Putting on a show of this size
requires lots of volunteers. We have a few fundraising events coming up and still need
lots of helpers for our first BBQ which is on Sunday 11 August. I will also be looking
for people who are handy with a needle and thread to help with costumes, and of
course we will need lots of helpers for the actual shows. Please let myself or Malou
know if you are able to help in any way.
A huge congratulations to our five students who received the DancEdge Excellence
award this term. Full story to follow.
We have another new class starting term 3 - “Acro”. This class will be run initially on a
Thursday at 5.30pm in studio 2. Places are limited as this is our small studio. This
class will run for one hour and will help strengthen, stretch and increase flexibility as
well as teaching the students some acrobatic flips and tricks. Please send me an
expression of interest via email if your child would like to enrol in this new exciting
Well, that is all from me for now. I hope you all have a safe, well deserved break and I
look forward to seeing you all back fresh in term 3.
Certificate of Excellence Award
Each Term the DancEdge teachers will put forward nominations for a student or
students of their choice to achieve the DancEdge Certificate of Excellence award.
The students will be nominated based on their hard work, commitment, behaviour
and dedication to their classes. The teachers will discuss the nominations and will
vote on the winner for each term.
This term the award was presented to five students; Christina Pickens, Anneke Van
Der Vyver, Sam Rouse, Maggie Edwards and Amberley Elliot.
A big CONGRATULATIONS to all five students! Keep up the fantastic work!!
End of Year Show
The end of year show is fast approaching. Once exams are complete, the students will
focus 100% on learning all the routines for the show. The planning for this show is well
under way however in order to keep costs to families down we have a few fundraising
events planned. We really need helpers for the two BBQ’s. The first BBQ is on Sunday
11 August. Even if you can only help for 1 hour it would be greatly appreciated.
The $90 performance fee, outlined in the DancEdge information pack, is due by the end
of week 6 (Saturday 31 August). The end of year show is not compulsory however it is
lots of fun and I know the students really look forward to this event every year. If your
child will not be taking part in the end of year show please let the class teacher or myself
know as quickly as possible as costumes are now being ordered and organised.
All Students who came along to the Audition/Workshop performed very well. Renee and
myself would like to invite the following students to attend the applicable Musical Theatre
class in week 1 e.g. any student 13yrs+ should attend senior Musical Theatre, students
12yrs & under should attend junior Musical Theatre.
This class will be a character workshop to see how the students handle various
characters from this year’s concert before we make our final decision as to who will
perform which role.
Abby McKenzie
Alana Morison
Alexander Thorpe
Alyse Canton
Amber Perkins
Amberley Elliott
Amelia White
Amy Paton
Ashlea Durbin
Beth Harrison
Cameron McKendry
Charleigh Byrne
Clare Douch
Jacoba McKellar
Jasmine Harvey
Katelyn Durbin
Katie Hubner
Krystal Thompson
Liam Jackson
Lucia Verri
Madison Chan
Maddison McKendry
Maddy Dwyer
Mia Canton
Olivia Donohue
Paige Perkins
Sabrina Coppa
Sam Rouse
Shinae Coll
DancEdge Classifieds
Please email your submissions to [email protected]
For Sale
Turquoise Energetiks leotard
size M
1 pair size 7 Capizzio tan tap
shoes with strap and buckle.
Good Condition—available
from the studio
6231 7707
[email protected]
Embroidery Services
If you would like to get your child’s name
embroidered on their clothing or DancEdge
uniform, Jenny Stirzaker is the lady for you!
Jenny has done many student jackets and
costume bags over the years, with attention
to detail the quality is superb.
Drop in an envelope with the student’s
name, parent’s name and contact details
plus $5. Jenny will pick up and drop back at
the studio on a Tuesday.
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Like us on Facebook today! DancEdge Canberra