40 Years ! - Rolls Royce Owners` Club of San Diego


40 Years ! - Rolls Royce Owners` Club of San Diego
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
Welcome New Members
Page 2
Upcoming Meets
Page 2
Chairlady’s Message
Page 3
July 15, 2012 Meet
Leo Carrillo Ranch
Page 4
RROC National Meet
Page 6
August 12, 2012 Meet
Balboa Bay Club
Page 8
Thanks, Sig
Page 11
Technical Topics - Hydraulic Pump Overhaul
Page 13
Upcoming Meets
welcome new
Fred Ross
Palm Springs 92262
1966 Silver Cloud III
September 9
Mount Palomar Drive and Picnic
October 7
British Car Day
November 10
Rancho Santa Fe Drive & BBQ
December 15
Annual Party and Awards Dinner
Cover Photo:
Janice and Dennis Eickhoff’s 1979 RR Silver Shadow II SRK36942
Doug Gates
British Car Day Expanded for Out-of-Towners. This year British Car Day at Liberty Station is being expanded to include activities for those outside San Diego
so they can make a weekend of it. We have arranged special hotel rates Saturday night and activities including a barbeque and even slot car races.
Get more information at www.sandiegobritishcarday.org
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
After an extended and enjoyable European vacation we realize the best part is coming home.
Rob and Ivonne Webb
Thanks to vice chairman Al Whitley for holding the fort in Rob’s and my absence. When we
were participating in the RREC 20 hp Tour in the Alps of Provence, we were thrilled to receive
an email from Al informing us that during the RROC National Meet in Kentucky, San Diego
Region was given the McFarlane Award for the best newsletter, and the Shoup Trophy for
best attendance at a single meet. At the April Board Meeting, hearing that Virginia Foster was
planning to attend the Kentucky Meet, we asked her to be attentive at the awards banquet in
case San Diego Region wins an award. She went up twice to represent the Region!
Apparently RROC National Board Chairmen were so impressed with the San Diego Region that they decided to
come to our city on October 19-20, 2012 for the winter National Board Meeting. Rob and I will host a casual
dinner for the National Board members, our Board and San Diego Region members who would like to get
involved in our Club activities.
Report on our tour in Great Motoring Joy GMJ12, our 1926 20hp. that we keep in Kent, Great Britain. As some
of you may know last year our 20hp had a major problem, water in the oil, and we had to participate on the Rally
to Normandy in a Toyota loaned to us by our friends in Kent. After searching for a replacement block in England
without success, Rob phoned Billings Cooke at the Vintage Garage in Vermont to find out if his father Frank
Cooke had made a casting for a 20hp. Rob found out that Frank had not made castings for that model, but that
he had imported two 20hp blocks from Rolls Royce about 35 years ago and that Billings still had them in his shop.
Rob bought one and had it shipped to our 20hp engineer/machinist. Fortunately for us the block had no holes
and a total restoration of the engine was completed and GMJ12 was gently driven 350 miles prior to our arriving
to England in June. We drove 342 miles at 30 mph before attending the RREC National Rally at Rockingham
Castle, where we joined the 20hp Register Rally to Provence. Great Motoring Joy did not disappoint us even in
the most demanding, steep, winding Alpine roads.
To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the 20hp, our tour included a visit to the home where Sir Henry Royce
spent the last 20 years of his life and where he designed the 20hp,Villa Mimosa, in Canadel Sur Mer, near St.
Tropez, on the French Riviera. From the 10th of June to the 11th of July 2012, we drove successfully 2,729 miles,
at no more than 40 to 45mph with overdrive engaged.
On Sunday August 12, our Region enjoyed the most delightful Meet, hosted by Virginia Foster. Brunch at the
Balboa Bay Club and sailing in the Bay reminded me of San Tropez, but I think that Balboa Bay is much more
beautiful!. It’s the biggest small boat harbor around.
See you at the September Palomar Mountain picnic Meet.
Best wishes from Rob and me, Ivonne.
Chair - Ivonne Webb
[email protected]
Vice Chair - Al Whitley
[email protected]
Treasurer - Terry Luallin
[email protected]
Secretary - Harry Clark
[email protected]
Volume 40 Issue 4
Activities - Klaus Reichardt
[email protected]
Co-Chair - Frank Hamad
Awards - Tom Scheil
[email protected]
Co-Chair - Marilyn Mulloy
Historian - Brad Zemcik
[email protected]
Judging - Dan Pattee
[email protected]
Public Relations - Tom Wright
[email protected]
Membership - Larry Davis
[email protected]
Technical - Tyrone Flower
[email protected]
Photographer - Lou Suter
[email protected]
SCN Editor - Ted Struck
[email protected]
Past Chair - Valerie Suter
[email protected]
Pre War - Greg Millard
[email protected]
Congratulations !
40 Years !
july meet
On Sunday July 15 we had the privilege of
attending a wonderful event organized by Steve
and Al Tarkington. When the day starts out as a
driving event replete with coffee and donuts, you
know it will be a good one. They met us in the
parking lot of the Carmel Valley Park and Ride and
from there we caravanned along the El Camino
Real, part of the original road that served as a
footpath between the California missions, and our
section connected Mission San Diego de Alcala
to Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. Following
much of the original trail, the El Camino Real
wound through the communities of Del Mar,
Rancho Santa Fe, Olivenhain and Carlsbad, where
we departed onto Palomar Airport Road, arriving
at the Leo Carrillo Ranch, a 27-acre historical park,
preserved and maintained by the City of Carlsbad.
Home to actor Leo Carrillo, his wife Edith
(Deedie) , and their daughter Antoinette, Rancho
de los Quiotes (Ranch of the Spanish Daggers)
represented a man’s dream to connect with the
proud memories of his past -- pleasant memories
of visiting his uncle’s ranch.
The original ranch was 2,538 acres and
was inhabited by Native Americans. It was
homesteaded in 1837 by Leo’s great grandfather,
but it went through several owners prior to Leo’s
purchase of 1700 acres in 1937 for $17/acre. Two
years later he purchased 837 more and he had a
working ranch complete with horses and cattle. In
1978 The Carrillo Ranch partnership acquired the
majority of the ranch, but left the core 10.5 acres
to the City of Carlsbad to develop a park. On this
property is the L-shaped hacienda built in 1939
which we toured. It houses a collection of Leo’s
memorabilia from his stage work and his wellknown TV role of Pancho on The Cisco Kid.
We parked our cars outside the entrance and
Al & Steve Tarkington
Photos by: Klaus Reichardt, Ted Struck and Steve Tarkington
leo carrillo ranch and annual mascot competition
story by marge sosa
Marge Sosa
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
Prior to the picnic, members of the group scurried
around placing mascots on their cars for the Mascot
Competition. Some examples of the Early California
theme: Vivian and Bill Biely had decorated for a
wedding with big white bows; Greg Millard had a
gold prospector, Steve and Al Tarkington’s was a
Bullwinkle puppet, Klaus Reichardt had a cattle hoof
with pictures of the Carrillo Ranch pasted on to his
Cadillac masquerading with the Flying Lady no less
(points for hutzpah!). And the Rolls winner was
Steve and Al Tarkington, and the Bentley winner was
Greg Millard.
It was a fun day thanks to the excellent planning and
the interesting venue. Thanks, Steve and Al.
2012mascot competition
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
Region members
attending this
meet included
Klaus Reichardt, Ed
Gehringer & Marge
Sosa, 1993 Bentley
Brooklands; Ted
Struck, 2006 Bentley
Arnage; Al & Steve
Tarkington, 1960 RR
Silver Cloud II; Bill
& Vivian Biely, 1997
RR Silver Spur; Greg
Millard with guest
Don Whisnant,
1934 Bentley Vert
Roadster; Tom &
Maureen Nelson.
leo carrillo ranch and annual mascot competition
were joined by a peacock, one of many we saw that
day, until the gates opened and we proceeded inside
to our area. After the picnic, we were joined by our
docent who led us around the property. Leo Carrillo
had remembered fondly the peacocks on his uncle’s
ranch and he decided to include these beautiful
birds on his own, so he started with only six, and the
ones you see today are descendants of these, today
numbering around two dozen, including one all white
one, born during the 2004 breeding season. They
are unafraid of people and follow them squawking
loudly. The correct term for these birds is peafowl,
and they are native to Ceylon, India, Southeast Asia
and the Congo -- the Carrillo Ranch variety is Indian.
They have existed since the 14th century in France,
Germany and England and are often a symbol of
wealth and prestige on the grounds of many castles.
national meet
2012 rroc national meet -- looavul, kentuhkee
story by dennis eickhoff
The 2012 RROC National Meet
converged on the old river town of
Louisville, Kentucky during the third
week of June. So … just how do you
pronounce the name Louisville in
KentuckyEnglish: “Looavul” seems to be
the preferred utterance among six to
eight variations. Situated on the Ohio
River across from Indiana, Louisville
proved to be a fantastic choice by the
RROC Racing Region (think: Indianapolis
500 and Kentucky Derby) as hosts
for this year’s premier event. Michael
Ozment served as the host region
committee chair and planned and
executed flawlessly.
Even though the San Diego Region did
not provide a large member turnout it
did have a profound impact on these
annual proceedings by 1) garnering the
McFarlane Trophy for the best Region/
Society publication for the second
time in three years, and 2) winning
the Shoup Award for Outstanding
Region Participation, and 3) capturing
a Concours First Place in Class 114 –
Silver Shadow / Bentley T judging by
bifurcate members Dennis and Janice
Eickhoff with their black 1979 Silver
Shadow II (toot toot). Way to go, San
The entire week of the meet was a
blur of activity from the very casual to
the more formal events all punctuated
by “hats” and “dress to impress” local
customs. Louisville is a hat town
especially for the
ladies who are,
however, given
a run for their
money by the
gents. It’s probably
a tradition
stemming from
Kentucky’s horse
Dennis Eickhoff
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
Photos by: Dennis Eickhoff,Virginia Foster, Doug Gates and Steve Solomon
Social activities abounded focused
around northern Kentucky and
southern Indiana: shopping, hat
making, cooking, shopping, wagering,
museum education, shopping,
bourbon and wine tasting, barrel
making, shopping, sightseeing,
antiquing, horse racing, zooing and
last, but certainly not least, shopping.
Then there were the larger group
gatherings around food in the
evenings including the customary
Rolls-Royce and Bentley dinners,
private dinners, society dinners and
gala awards dinner. This is where the
hats made their appearance as well as
at Churchill Downs where, rumor has
it, you will not be admitted to a seat
worth having without a hat.
As in past national meets, there were
multiple technical seminars offering
something for everyone. Mark Albers
of Bentley Zionsville made a couple
notable presentations on Shadow
brakes, hydraulics and electrical
systems. In addition to bigger than
life schematic paper handouts Mark
prepared an actual Shadow cutaway
chassis with the various systems
painted in color coded fashion in
addition to classroom mounted “real”
subsystems for demonstration and
education. No more just visualizing
but actual hands-on experience
finding the valves, actuators, cabling,
relays, solenoids, etc. Way to go,
Finally, there was one concluding
notable milestone for you
experienced RROC annual meet
aficionados: the final evening’s Gala
Awards Banquet concluded in 1 hour,
45 minutes start to finish which I am
sure is an undocumented record for
brevity. Way to go, Host Committee!
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
2012 rroc national meet -- looavul, kentuhkee
racing heritage and does provide
some great eye candy at group social
august meet
story by nancy nolan
Once inside the Club we had a few minutes to
explore. On the wall near the entryway were
photographs of dignitaries and celebrities who had
visited or been members of the Balboa Bay Club.
Included were photos of Presidents of the United
States, astronauts, movie stars and politicians.
We then went upstairs to dine al fresco on the
terrace of the Grill Restaurant with a fabulous
view of Balboa Bay. Champagne and orange juice
flowed freely and the brunch was even more
sumptuous than advertised.
Our Chairlady, Ivonne Webb, thanked Virginia
Foster for accepting the Shoup and McFarlane
Awards on behalf of our Region at the National
Meet in Louisville in June. She showed us a
photograph of Virginia accepting the awards
looking glamorous in a fantastic hat -- ask Virginia
to tell you the story about that hat!
After enjoying the brunch, we went to the pier
where we boarded three electric boats with
surrey tops and were driven around the bay. We
were given the VIP treatment as the boat company
is owned by Ralph and Penny Rodheim, friends of
Virginia since they were teenagers. We toured
around several islands including Balboa Island,
Little Balboa island, Lido Isle, Bay Island and the
Lido Peninsula.
Arthur Hammons
and Virginia Foster
Nancy Nolan
Photos by: Nancy Nolan, Klaus Reichardt, Ted Struck, Lou Suter and Al Whitley
balboa bay club and newport harbor tour
On August 12, we arrived in Newport Beach at
the Balboa Bay Club and were met by our hostess,
Virginia Foster. She was standing in the sweltering
heat and humidity in the parking lot with her
clipboard, and she graciously directed us to our
special parking area.
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
balboa bay club and newport harbor tour
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
Many of the bayfront homes had
private piers where magnificent
yachts were moored. There was a
lot of activity on the bay with sail
boats, motor boats, tourist boats
and kids on paddle boards. Even
a sea lion was caught napping on
the stern of a yacht! Valerie Suter
volunteered to command our boat
and deftly steered us through the
buoys and boats.
balboa bay club and newport harbor tour
After our bay cruise, we met in
the “Library” of the Club where
Ivonne thanked Virginia and her
husband Arthur Hammons for all of
their efforts in making this meet so
enjoyable for all of us.
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A special and unexpected surprise
occurred when Russell Brenner
from the Bentley Drivers Club of
the United Kingdom saw our group
and introduced himself. John Ellison
invited him to see his Calumet
Collection. Ivonne and Rob Webb
invited Russell and his family to
dinner at their Coronado home.
During the day many of us
reminisced about working, living
or vacationing on Balboa Island.
Virginia certainly knows Newport
well as she grew up in the area,
went to Corona del Mar High
School and was always on the bay
in some kind of boat. Her parents
were founding members of the
Balboa Bay Club. How fortunate
we were to have Virginia as our
Many members commented that
Southern California has as many
unique and truly beautiful places to
enjoy as anywhere in the world!
Region members and guests attending the meet included Virginia Foster & Arthur Hammons with guests Carol Karlovich & Mary
Walker, 2006 RR Phantom; Ted Struck & Al Whitley, 1997 Bentley Turbo RL; Bill & Kathryn Gang; Will & Joyce Bartfield with guests
Don & Carol Mackay, 2000 Bentley Arnage RL; Klaus Reichardt, 1980 RR Silver Wraith II; John Ellison, 1980 RR Silver Wraith II;
Lou & Valerie Suter; Ed Gehringer & Marge Sousa; Chris Erickson & Heather Brainard; Bill & Vivian Biely, 1988 RR Silver Spur;
Chuck LaRocco & Joel Cutler, 1997 Bentley Turbo RL; Fred Ross & Gary Heath; Nancy Nolan; Rob & Ivonne Webb.
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
Sigvart Hofland passed away on Friday, August 10 after a valiant fight with cancer. In 1998-1999,
he and his wife Pat were co-editors of the Silver Coast News. He also served on the RROC San Diego
Board as Secretary in 2000 and 2001, as Treasurer in 2002, and as Vice-Chair in 2003 and 2004.
Sig was a gentle man, a great mechanic to his own cars and generous with his knowledge to members
who came to him for assistance. Pat and Sig have hosted several meets. The musical Borrego Springs
meets where Sig sang with his harmonious bass voice accompanied by Ed Gehringer and Michael
Keller’s accordions and Irma Tarr’s tambourine will never be forgotten.
thanks, sig
mark your calendar
Sig will be missed by all those of us who had the good fortune to know him. A Celebration of his Life
took place on Friday, August 24th at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Hemet, California.
“One time as we departed a Palm Springs meet our Shadow blew the radiator. We had
no idea how to get back to SD or what to do about the car. So we called the Hoflands.
Sig to the rescue. He came out the the disabled site, gave us his Rolls, and took charge of
ours. He accompanied it on the “tow” truck and shepherded it through the repair process.
Later he drove our car back to SD to retrieve his. Thanks Sig & Pat. We rejoice in our
fond memories. “
-- Jean & Dave Ely
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
- 11 -
- 12 -
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
You have all been anxiously awaiting Lady Betsy’s reveal
and guess what ... you are going to have to wait a
bit longer! Betsy’s parents have taken a well-deserved
vacation, so we are still waiting to get the rest of her
rich history to share. I hope you will continue to look
in the next newsletter article for her reveal!
For now, Betsy is doing well and is in great health!
technical topics -- hydraulic pump overhaul
Hydraulic Pump Overhaul! Yikes! We recently had a
1970 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Corniche brought in
because she was sitting at some very strange angles
and leaking brake fluid. Yes, the dreaded Hydraulic
System – was that a Lucas design? There are actually
two independently operated braking systems, brake
system 1 which operates two of the front brake
calipers and the upper cylinders of the rear brake
calipers. Operating system 2 on the other hand
operates the other two front brake calipers and the
rear lower cylinders along with height control units.
(All vehicles were fitted with disc brakes.) The Castrol
RR363 brake fluid system was for Rolls and Bentley
models with serial numbers prior to 50,000. The other
Hydraulic system mineral oil (LHM) was for models
with serial numbers from 50,001.
The way the system works is not only important but
works much like our heart circulates our blood. Each
piece plays an important role and if one piece breaks
then the entire system doesn’t function correctly.
Pressure is supplied by two hydraulic accumulators,
which are fed from the hydraulic pumps, one located
in the front engine air inlet manifold that supplies fluid
to system #1. The second hydraulic pump located at
the rear of the engine and supplies fluid to system #2,
ie: your heart in the center of your chest consisting of
four separate valves. System #2 in this case was the
culprit! The left hand height control valve (heart valve),
which supplies pressurized fluid to the rear shock,
stabilizing the height of the suspension (your blood
pressure) failed and was leaking. (My blood pressure is
sky high at the moment because I can’t find Tyrone!)
Let’s Fix It! The height control valve was removed
from the left rear of the cross-member and needed to
be overhauled as the seals had blown out due to age
and the vehicle just sitting. The pictures tell the story
of how we fixed the situation.
There are a few more steps required after the reinstallation of the height control valve, as well as a
procedure for properly bleeding the hydraulic system,
which we will discuss in the following article. If you
have any questions or need to know which specialized
tools you will need, please feel free to contact Tyrone
760-815-9893 so he can walk you through these steps.
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
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For the Record: All trademarks are suject to the trademark rights of Rolls Royce PLC, Rolls Royce Motor Cards Ltd., an affiliate of BMW AG or Bentley Motors, Ltd., an affiliate of Volkswagen AG, including mark, model,
names logos and emblems. All are used by the RROC and the Silver Coast News (SCN) under license.
Legal: The Silver Coast News is published by and for the San Diego Region of the Rolls Royce Owners’ Club, Inc., a non-profit corporation. All information furnished is provided by the membership of the Club for use by
the members only. Articles reflect the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the Region policies, nor do the editors or publishers, who assume no liability for any information contained, imply authentication
or approval. The San Diego Region and its editors seek to publish accurate materials, but neither assumes responsiblity in the event of a claim of loss or damage resulting from publication. Other regions may reproduce
material, provided that credit is given. The editor reserves the right to edit for length or quality.
Private Party Advertising Policy: Advertisements for Rolls-Royce/Bentley vehicles, want ads, parts, lost and found, or information will be published for members at no charge, typically in a business card-sized format.
For car sales include chassis number and asking price. Photos will be published free if supplied in digital JPG, GIF, TGA or Print Quality PDF formats. Film photos will be scanned and published at a nominal charge. Nonmember advertising will be accepted at published rates. Display advertising is accepted, at the discretion of the Editor, for business card, quarter-page, half-page, and full-page insertions in increments of one, three or six
insertions. Please contact the SCN Editor for additional information.
Submitting Infomation to the Editor: The Silver Coast News is published bi-monthly during the last half of the even-numbered months. Meet write-ups and meet photos should be submitted no more than one week
after an event. Other articles and information should be submitted no later than the tenth of every month. Please check with the Editor for specific publication dates. Please submit photos and/or artwork at 300 dpi or
higher. Please identify any people shown in the photograph. and also the year, make, model and VIN number of any car(s) shown.
Published Advertising Rates
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Display Ad Dimensions
Display Ad Size
One Year (6 Issues)
Single Issue
30 Word Ad Interior
$ 60.00
Business Card Interior
$ 175.00
$ 75.00
3.5 Inches
2.0 Inches
Quarter Page Interior
$ 275.00
$ 125.00
3.5 Inches
4.5 Inches
Third Page Interior
$ 325.00
$ 150.00
7.0 Inches
3.0 Inches
Half Page Interior
$ 400.00
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Full Page Interior
$ 500.00
$ 225.00
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Half Page Back Cover
$ 600.00 *
7.0 Inches
4.5 Inches
Full Page Back Cover
$ 800.00 *
7.0 Inches
9.5 Inches
Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012
Volume 40 Issue 4
Congratulations !
40 Years !
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Congratulations !
40 Years !
July - August, 2012