310SE Backhoe Loader and 315SE Sideshift Backhoe
310SE Backhoe Loader and 315SE Sideshift Backhoe
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RIGHT-HAND AND LEFT-HAND sides are determined by facing in the direction of forward travel. WRITE PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (P.I.N.) in the Machine Numbers chapter. Accurately record all the numbers to help in tracing the machine should it be stolen. Your dealer also needs these numbers when you order parts. File the identification numbers in a secure place off the machine. WARRANTY is provided as part of John Deere’s support program for customers who operate and maintain their equipment as described in this manual. The warranty is explained on the warranty certificate which you should have received from your dealer. This warranty provides you the assurance that John Deere will back its products where defects appear within the warranty period. In some circumstances, John Deere also provides field improvements, often without charge to the customer, even if the product is out of warranty. Should the equipment be abused, or modified to change its performance beyond the original factory specifications, the warranty will become void and field improvements may be denied. Setting fuel delivery above specifications or otherwise overpowering machines will result in such action. THE TIRE MANUFACTURER’S warranty supplied with your machine may not apply outside the U.S. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm. TX,INTR,BD2221 –19–09OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=2 Introduction T105479 –UN–04DEC96 310SE TX,INTR,BD1976 –19–24SEP96–1/1 120699 PN=3 Introduction T105478 –UN–02DEC96 315SE EX,INTR,BG69 –19–02DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=4 T121433 –19–21SEP99 Introduction TX,INTR,BD1975 –19–24SEP96–1/1 120699 PN=5 Introduction HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! We need your help to continually improve our technical publications. Please FAX or mail your comments, ideas and improvements. SEND TO: John Deere Dubuque Works P.O. Box 538 Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0538 Dept 304 FAX NUMBER: 319-589-5800 OMT184377 310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loaders Operator’s Manual. Ideas, Comments, (Please state Page Number): OVERALL, how would you rate the quality of “ALL” Test Manuals provided to you? (Check one) Poor Fair Good Very Good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Excellent 9 10 Company Name Address Phone FAX No. Dealer Acct. No. THANK YOU! CED,TX03768,2670 –19–11NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=6 Contents Page Page Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05-1 Operating Windshield Wipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Side Windows—Secondary Exits . . . . . . . . . . . Upper Rear Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle Rear Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heater and Air Conditioning—If Equipped . . . . Tachometer and Hour Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operator’s Manual Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06-1 Operator’s Station Instrument Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Indicator Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Stop-Engine Indicator and Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator . . . . . . . 10-4 Seat Belt Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Engine Oil Pressure Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Alternator Voltage Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Engine Air Filter Restriction Indicator . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Transmission Oil Temperature Indicator . . . . . . 10-5 Rotary Beacon Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Hydraulic Oil Temperature Indicator . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Mechanical Front Wheel Drive (MFWD) Indicator—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Ride Control Switch and Indicator—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Park Brake Indicator and Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Turn Signal Switch and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 Operational Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9 Front Loader Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Stabilizer Control Levers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Backhoe Controls—John Deere Two Lever . . . 10-11 Backhoe Controls——SAE Excavator Two Lever Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 Backhoe Controls—Three Lever ( CASE style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Backhoe Controls—Four Lever ( FORD style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14 315SE Backhoe Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15 310SE Boom Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 315SE Boom Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 Swing Lock Pin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17 Extendible Dipperstick Locking Pin . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Seat Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Seat Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19 Seat Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 Dome Light and Radio—If Equipped . . . . . . . . 10-23 10-24 10-25 10-26 10-27 10-27 10-27 10-28 Break-In Observe Engine Operation Closely. . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 After the First 10 Hours or Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 Between the First 50 to 100 Hours— After Sales Inspection (ASI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 Pre-Start Inspection Inspect Machine Daily Before Starting . . . . . . . . 20-1 Operating the Engine Check Instruments Before Starting . . . . . . . . . . . 25-1 Starting the Engine—With Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-2 Starting the Engine—With Powershift Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4 Starting Fluid—Cold Weather Starting Aid . . . . . 25-6 Using Booster Batteries—12 Volt System . . . . . 25-8 Using Coolant Heater—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Check Instruments After Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Warm Up Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Cold Weather Warm-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11 Stalled Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11 Stopping the Engine—Normal Shutdown With Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12 Stopping the Engine—Normal Shutdown With Powershift Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . 25-13 Driving the Machine Driving on Public Roads—310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . Driving On Public Roads—315SE. . . . . . . . . . . . Ride Control Operation—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . Keep Riders Off Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1 30-2 30-3 30-4 Continued on next page All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. COPYRIGHT 2000 DEERE & COMPANY Moline, Illinois All rights reserved A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION Manual Previous Editions Copyright 1998 i 120699 PN=1 Contents Page Driving the Machine—With Manual Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Driving the Machine—With Powershift Transmission—If Equipped . . . . . . . . Travel Speed—310SE With Manual Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Travel Speed—310SE With Powershift Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Travel Speed—315SE With Manual Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Travel Speed—315SE With Powershift Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parking the Machine—With Manual Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parking the Machine—With Powershift Transmission—If Equipped . . . . . . . . Page Operating on a Slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Positioning Spoil Piles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leveling Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moving With Backhoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Backhoe Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using a Sight Gauge for Trenching . . . . . . . . . Trenching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Extendible Dipperstick With Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Loader Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excavating With Front Bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dozing and Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excavating Banks or Stockpiles . . . . . . . . . . . . Backdragging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Truck Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universal Bucket Couplers and Bucket Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-5 . . . . . . . 30-7 . . . . . . . 30-9 . . . . . . . 30-9 . . . . . . 30-10 . . . . . . 30-10 . . . . . . 30-11 . . . . . . 30-12 Operating the Machine Preparing to Operate Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-1 Backhoe Valve Linkage Adjustment . . . . . . . . . 35-2 Operating Stabilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-3 Operating Boom Lock—310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 Operating Boom Lock—315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 Operating Swing Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-5 Operating Extendible Dipperstick Lock—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-6 Operating Auxiliary Flow Control Valve—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-6 Operating Backhoe—John Deere Two Lever Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-7 Operating Backhoe Controls—SAE Excavator Two Lever Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-8 Operating Backhoe Controls—Three Lever ( CASE style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-9 Operating Backhoe Controls—Four Lever ( FORD style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-10 Shifting Backhoe With Bucket—315SE. . . . . . . 35-11 Operating Extendible Dipperstick—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-12 Backhoe Transport/Storage Position. . . . . . . . . 35-12 Operating Front Loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-13 Adjusting Loader Bucket Self-Leveling Linkage Indicator and Return-To-Dig Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-14 Changing Loader Buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-16 Operating Differential Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-17 Operating Mechanical Front Wheel Drive (MFWD)—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-18 Reverse Stabilizer Feet—310SE . . . . . . . . . . . 35-19 Add Front Counterweights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-19 Add Liquid Ballast to Front Tires . . . . . . . . . . . 35-20 Operating Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-21 Work at Proper Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-22 35-22 35-23 35-23 35-24 35-25 35-26 35-26 35-27 35-27 35-28 35-28 35-29 35-29 35-30 35-32 35-33 35-35 35-36 Transporting Loading and Unloading Machine on a Trailer . . . 40-1 Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-3 Fuels and Lubricants Diesel Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-1 Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Conditioner. . . . . . . . . . . 45-2 Diesel Fuel Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-3 Storing Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-4 Do Not Use Galvanized Containers . . . . . . . . . . 45-4 Fuel Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-4 Diesel Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-5 Transmission, Axles and Mechanical Front Wheel Drive Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Hydraulic Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Grease For Extendible Dipperstick, Sideshift Frame, And Stabilizer Leg Wear Strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Lubricant Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Mixing of Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-10 Periodic Maintenance Attach Do Not Operate Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Your Machine at Specified Intervals . . . Check Hour Meter Regularly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avoid Mud Build-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use Correct Fuels and Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . 50-1 50-1 50-2 50-2 50-2 Continued on next page ii 120699 PN=2 Contents Page Page Prepare Machine for Maintenance—With Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-3 Prepare Machine for Maintenance—With Powershift Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-4 Loader Boom Service Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-5 Opening and Closing Access Doors . . . . . . . . . . 50-6 Maintenance and Repair Record Keeping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-7 Oilscan Plus, Coolscan Plus,Dieselscan and 3-Way Coolant Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-8 Maintenance and Repair Record Keeping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-9 Maintenance and Repair Record Keeping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-11 Maintenance—As Required Inspect Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain Fuel Tank Water and Sediment. . . . . . . . . Check Tire Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Inflation Pressures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking Wheel Fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loader Boom Service Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check and Adjust Boom Lock—310SE. . . . . . . . Clean Cab Air Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspect and Clean Hydraulic Reservoir Fill Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Side Shift Frame—315SE . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Stabilizer Leg Wear Strips—315SE . . Lubricate Extendible Dipperstick—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Extendible Dipperstick Side Rails—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Front Wheel Bearings— Non-Powered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate MFWD Driveshaft — If Equipped . . . . Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily Check Engine Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Loader Pivots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate MFWD Front Axle Universal Joints—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Stabilizers and Cylinders—310SE . . . Lubricate Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lubricate Front Axle Steering—Non-Powered . . Check Rear Axle Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check Battery Electrolyte Level and Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check Hydraulic Reservoir Oil Level . . . . . . . . . Check Transmission Oil Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Change Engine Oil and Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check MFWD Planetary Housing Oil—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance—Every 500 Hours Check Air Intake Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replace Hydraulic System Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . Check Boom-to-Dipper Pin Torque . . . . . . . . . . Replace Hydraulic Reservoir Breather . . . . . . . . Replace Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check Coolant Conditioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-1 55-1 55-2 55-3 55-3 55-4 55-5 55-6 75-1 75-2 75-4 75-5 75-6 75-7 80-1 80-1 80-2 80-2 80-3 80-4 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours Change MFWD Front Axle Housing Oil—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-1 Clean, Pack, and Adjust Front Wheel Bearings—Non-Powered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-2 Check Engine Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-3 Check and Adjust Engine Speed Control Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-4 Change Rear Axle Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-5 Change Transmission Oil Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-6 Change Transmission and Torque Converter Oil and Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-8 Change Hydraulic Reservoir Oil . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Clean Engine Crankcase Ventilation Tube . . . 85-10 Change Transmission and Torque Converter Oil and Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-11 Change MFWD Front Wheel Planetary Housing Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-12 Replace Air Cleaner Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-13 55-6 55-7 55-7 55-8 55-8 55-9 55-9 Maintenance—Every 2000 Hours Adjust Engine Valve Lash (Clearance) . . . . . . . 86-1 60-1 60-2 Maintenance External Service Brake Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . Clean Dust Unloader Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspect Air Cleaner Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean Dusty Primary Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test the Coolant Freeze—Protection Level . . . . Servicing the Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking Coolant Hoses and Radiator . . . . . . . Draining the Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diesel Engine Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filling the Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-3 60-3 60-4 60-6 Maintenance—Weekly Check Coolant Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-1 Lubricate MFWD Driveshaft Universal Joints (S.N.—881151)—If Equipped . . . . . . . . 65-1 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours Check MFWD Axle Oil—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . 75-1 90-1 90-2 90-2 90-3 90-3 90-4 90-4 90-5 90-6 90-7 Continued on next page iii 120699 PN=3 Contents Page Page Do Not Service Injection Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Do Not Adjust Injection Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Replace Engine Vibration Damper . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Draining Fuel Filter Sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-9 Precautions for Alternator and Regulator . . . . . . 90-9 Prevent Acid Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-10 Service Batteries Carefully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-11 Checking Electrolyte Specific Gravity . . . . . . . 90-13 Using Battery Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-14 Replacing Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-15 Removing Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-15 Replacing Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-16 Remove and Install Halogen Bulb. . . . . . . . . . . 90-17 Changing Reverse Warning Alarm Volume . . . 90-18 Checking Neutral Start System. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-19 Adding Attachments/Accessories to Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS) . . . . . 90-19 Welding on Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-20 Checking Ride Control Accumulator—If Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-21 Check Park Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-23 Checking Machine Cycle Times . . . . . . . . . . . 90-24 Bleeding Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-25 Adjusting Speed Control Lever Tension . . . . . . 90-26 Checking and Adjusting Toe-In . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-27 Installing Teeth on Backhoe Bucket . . . . . . . . 90-29 Do Not Service Control Valves, Cylinders, Pumps or Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Hardware Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Keep ROPS Installed Properly . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Changing Sideshift Backhoe Stabilizer Feet—315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-31 Metric Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values . . . 90-32 Service Recommendations for Metric Series Four Bolt Flange Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . 90-33 Additional Metric Cap Screw Torque Values. . . 90-34 Unified Inch Bolt and Cap Screw Torque Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-35 Check Oil Lines and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-36 Service Recommendations for O-Ring Boss Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-37 Service Recommendations for Flat Face O-Ring Seal Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-38 Service Recommendations for Inch Series Four Bolt Flange Fittings . . . . . . . . . . 90-39 Park Brake, Charge Indicator Light, Tachometer/Hour Meter Circuit and Engine Speed Control Linkage Checks . . . . . . 95-4 Brake System Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-6 Steering System Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-9 Transmission Neutral Disconnect Circuit Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-10 Driving Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-10 Mechanical Front Wheel Drive (MFWD) Driving Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-13 Hydraulic System Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-15 Check Operation of Accessories (Engine Stopped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-19 Cab Component Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-20 Miscellaneous Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-25 Troubleshooting Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-2 Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-11 Gauges and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-16 Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-20 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-27 MFWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-32 Rear Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-33 Storage Prepare Machine for Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-1 Monthly Storage Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-2 Crime Prevention Tips Help Prevent Crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Record Identification Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keep Proof of Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Park Indoors Out of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When Parking Outdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduce Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report Thefts Immediately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-1 110-1 110-1 110-2 110-2 110-2 110-3 Specifications 310SE and 315SE Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 115-1 310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loader . . . . . . . . . 115-2 Other Information—310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-13 310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loader Weight . . 115-14 Buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-15 310SE and 315SE Backhoe Loader Drain and Refill Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-16 310SE And 315SE Backhoe Loader Lifting Capacities—Standard Dipperstick. . . 115-17 Operational Checkout Operational Checkout Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-1 Gauge and Indicator Check With Engine Off . . . 95-1 FNR, Neutral Start Circuit and Reverse Warning Alarm Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-2 Continued on next page iv 120699 PN=4 Contents Page 310SE And 315SE Backhoe Loader Lifting Capacities—Extendible Dipperstick (Retracted) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-18 310SE And 315SE Backhoe Loader Lifting Capacities—Extendible Dipperstick (Extended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-19 Machine Numbers Record Product Identification Number (PIN) . . . 120-1 Record Engine Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-1 Record (MFWD) Front Axle Housing Serial Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-1 Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLIS-1 John Deere Service Literature . . . . . . . . . . . SLIT-1 John Deere Service Keeps You On the Job AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT . . . IBC-1 v 120699 PN=5 Contents vi 120699 PN=6 T105701 –19–08JAN97 Safety TX,05,BD2222 –19–09OCT96–1/1 05-1 120699 PN=9 Safety RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION –UN–07DEC88 This is the safety-alert symbol. When you see this symbol on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury. T81389 Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices. DX,ALERT –19–03MAR93–1/1 UNDERSTAND SIGNAL WORDS DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near specific hazards. General precautions are listed on CAUTION safety signs. CAUTION also calls attention to safety messages in this manual. TS187 –19–30SEP88 A signal word—DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION—is used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards. DX,SIGNAL –19–03MAR93–1/1 05-2 120699 PN=10 Safety Carefully read all safety messages in this manual and on your machine safety signs. Keep safety signs in good condition. Replace missing or damaged safety signs. Be sure new equipment components and repair parts include the current safety signs. Replacement safety signs are available from your John Deere dealer. Learn how to operate the machine and how to use controls properly. Do not let anyone operate without instruction. TS201 –UN–23AUG88 FOLLOW SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Keep your machine in proper working condition. Unauthorized modifications to the machine may impair the function and/or safety and affect machine life. If you do not understand any part of this manual and need assistance, contact your John Deere dealer. DX,READ –19–03MAR93–1/1 05-3 120699 PN=11 Safety AVOID INJURY FROM ROLLOVER ACCIDENTS---------------------------------WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT---------------------------------DO NOT ATTEMPT TO JUMP CLEAR OF TIPPING MACHINE—SERIOUS OR FATAL CRUSHING INJURIES WILL RESULT---------------------------------MACHINE WILL TIP OVER FASTER THAN YOU CAN JUMP FREE • Be careful when operating on a slope. • Avoid sharp turns. • Balance loads so weight is evenly distributed and load is stable. • Carry tools close to the ground to aid visibility and lower center of gravity. • Reduce speed before turning or swinging load. • Know capacity of machine. Do not overload. • Be careful when operating at the edge of an excavation, trench, or drop-off, and loading or unloading from a trailer. • Read and understand operating instructions in this operator’s manual. T7242EA –19–22FEB90 To avoid rollovers: TX,05,BD2026 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-4 120699 PN=12 AVOID INJURY FROM BACKOVER ACCIDENTS ---------------------------------BEFORE MOVING MACHINE, BE SURE ALL PERSONS ARE CLEAR OF AREA---------------------------------ALWAYS BE ALERT FOR BYSTANDERS MOVING INTO THE WORK AREA. USE HORN OR OTHER SIGNAL TO WARN BYSTANDERS BEFORE MOVING MACHINE ---------------------------------WHEN USING A SIGNAL PERSON, KEEP PERSON IN VIEW AT ALL TIMES. BE SURE SIGNAL PERSON IS CLEAR BEFORE BACKING UP T7241AY –UN–21FEB90 Safety To avoid backover accidents: • Always look around before you back up. Be sure that everyone is in the clear. • Keep bystanders away from pivot area of an articulated machine. • Keep reverse warning alarm in working condition. • Use a signal person when backing up if view is obstructed. Always keep signal person in view. • Learn the meaning of all flags, signs, and markings used on the job, and who has the responsibility for signaling. • Keep windows, mirrors, and lights clean and in good condition. • Dust, heavy rain, fog, etc., can reduce visibility. As visibility decreases, reduce speed and use proper lighting. • Read and understand operating instructions in this operator’s manual. TX,05,BD2027 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-5 120699 PN=13 AVOID INJURY FROM ROLLAWAY ACCIDENTS---------------------------------TO PREVENT ROLLAWAY, ALWAYS MAKE SURE MACHINE IS PROPERLY SECURED BEFORE LEAVING OPERATOR’S SEAT---------------------------------DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY MAY RESULT IF YOU ATTEMPT TO MOUNT OR STOP A MOVING MACHINE To avoid rollaway: T7241AZ –UN–21FEB90 Safety • Select level ground when possible to park machine. • Park a reasonable distance from other machines. • Place transmission controls in neutral, move FNR lever to neutral, and engage park brake. • Lower all equipment to ground. • Stop the engine. • Block all wheels if you must park on a grade. Position machine to prevent rolling. • Read and understand the operating instructions in this operator’s manual. TX,05,DH1526 –19–26JAN91–1/1 INSPECT MACHINE T6607AQ –UN–18OCT88 Inspect your machine carefully each day by walking around it before starting. (See Pre-Start Inspection chapter.) T82,BHSA,CL –19–14MAR90–1/1 05-6 120699 PN=14 Safety USE HANDHOLDS AND STEPS When you get on and off the machine, always maintain a three point contact with steps and handrails and face the machine. Do not use steering wheel or any controls as handholds. T6981AN Never jump on or off the machine. Never mount or dismount a moving machine. –UN–15JUN89 Falling is a major causes of personal injury. Be careful of slippery conditions on platforms, steps, and handrails when leaving the machine. TX,05,BD2031 –19–07OCT96–1/1 PREVENT MACHINE RUNAWAY Avoid possible injury or death from machinery runaway. TS177 –UN–11JAN89 Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Machine will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed. NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start engine only from operator’s seat, with transmission in neutral or park. DX,BYPAS1 –19–03MAR93–1/1 USE SEAT BELT PROPERLY Use a seat belt when you operate with a rollover protective structure (ROPS) or cab to minimize chance of injury from an accident such as an overturn. TS205 –UN–23AUG88 Do not use a seat belt if operating without a ROPS or cab. DX,ROPS1 –19–03MAR93–1/1 05-7 120699 PN=15 Safety MAINTAIN SEAT BELT Between replacement intervals: • Carefully examine buckle, webbing, and attaching hardware. • Be sure that attaching hardware is in place. Tighten, if necessary. • Replace seat belt if it does not operate properly, or if it is damaged, worn, or deteriorated. See Seat Belt in Operator’s Station chapter. T105665 –UN–07JAN97 IMPORTANT: Complete seat belt assembly should be replaced after three years of usage, regardless of appearance TX,05,BD2033 –19–07OCT96–1/1 SECONDARY EXITS Machines equipped with cabs are equipped with secondary exits. (See Secondary Exits in Operator’s Station chapter for further information.) TX,05,BD2034 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-8 120699 PN=16 Safety DRIVE MACHINE SAFELY –UN–19FEB90 Set boom lock and swing lock pins to center backhoe before driving. If you must drive on steep hillsides, move the backhoe to uphill side for added stability. Drive carefully: on slopes where room is limited over rough ground, curbs, or tracks near a ditch or excavation T7208AC • • • • For traveling: • be sure brake pedals are connected • lower loader bucket • keep machine in gear at all times Use accessory lights and safety devices to warn operators of other vehicles. Where flashing lights are prohibited, disconnect warning light flasher. TX,05,DB2035 –19–07OCT96–1/1 TRAVEL SAFELY Use a signal person when moving machine in congested areas. Coordinate hand signals before starting the machine. T6964AD Always keep reverse warning alarm in working condition to warn people when machine starts to move in reverse. –UN–20DEC88 Know the location of bystanders before moving the machine. TX,05,BD2036 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-9 120699 PN=17 Safety OPERATE BACKHOE SAFELY Avoid accidental machine movement. Before turning seat around to operate backhoe: • Lower stabilizers so rear wheels are just off ground. • Lower loader bucket to the ground (rolled forward if possible). • Move transmission gear shift and FNR lever to neutral. • Engage park brake. T105702 –UN–11DEC96 Before digging, check location of cables, gas lines, and water lines. On level ground, an experienced operator may use the backhoe bucket to move the machine. Otherwise, from loader operation position, raise loader bucket and stabilizers and drive machine to move it. Properly retain machine with stabilizers after each move. Stabilizers must be set on a firm surface. Do not dig under stabilizers. Be alert to possible machine movement when raising stabilizers, and loader bucket. Avoid swinging bucket downhill when operating on slope. Dump on uphill side if possible. Move boom slowly when raising loaded bucket to full height. Clear all persons from area of operation and machine movement. TX,05,DB2037 –19–07OCT96–1/1 Keep away from power lines. Serious injury or death may result. Never move any part of the machine or load closer to power line than 3 m (10 ft) plus twice the line insulator length. T6669AT –UN–18OCT88 AVOID POWER LINES TX,05,DB2038 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-10 120699 PN=18 Safety BEWARE OF EXHAUST FUMES Prevent asphyxiation. Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. T6458AO –UN–18OCT88 If you must operate in a building, be sure there is adequate ventilation. Either use an exhaust pipe extension to remove the exhaust fumes, or open doors and windows to bring enough outside air into the area. 025,05,J9 –19–26JAN91–1/1 KEEP RIDERS OFF MACHINE Only allow the operator on the machine. Keep riders off. TS290 –UN–23AUG88 Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign objects and being thrown off of the machine. Riders also obstruct the operator’s view resulting in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner. DX,RIDER –19–03MAR93–1/1 HANDLE FUEL SAFELY—AVOID FIRES Always stop engine before refueling machine. Fill fuel tank outdoors. Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated trash, grease, and debris. Always clean up spilled fuel. TS202 –UN–23AUG88 Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable. Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near open flame or sparks. TX,05,BD2039 –19–07OCT96–1/1 05-11 120699 PN=19 Safety PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES Be prepared if a fire starts. Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone. TS291 –UN–23AUG88 Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy. DX,FIRE2 –19–03MAR93–1/1 HANDLE STARTING FLUID SAFELY Starting fluid is highly flammable. Do not incinerate or puncture a starting fluid container. TS1356 To prevent accidental discharge when storing the pressurized can, keep the cap on the container, and store in a cool, protected location. –UN–18MAR92 Keep all sparks and flame away when using it. Keep starting fluid away from batteries and cables. DX,FIRE3 –19–16APR92–1/1 CLEAN TRASH FROM MACHINE Open access door(s) to cool the engine faster, and clean engine compartment. T6669AG Temperature in engine compartment may go up immediately after engine is stopped. BE ON GUARD FOR FIRES DURING THIS PERIOD. –UN–18OCT88 Keep engine compartment, radiator, batteries, hydraulic lines, fuel tank, and operator’s station clean. 02T,05,J33 –19–14MAR90–1/1 05-12 120699 PN=20 Safety PROTECT AGAINST FLYING DEBRIS T6642DK –UN–18OCT88 When you drive connecting pins in or out, guard against injury from flying pieces of metal or debris; wear goggles or safety glasses. 02T,05,J25 –19–07JAN91–1/1 WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment appropriate to the job. TS206 –UN–23AUG88 Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones while operating machine. DX,WEAR2 –19–03MAR93–1/1 PROTECT AGAINST NOISE Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of hearing. TS207 –UN–23AUG88 Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or uncomfortable loud noises. DX,NOISE 05-13 –19–03MAR93–1/1 120699 PN=21 Safety HANDLE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS SAFELY –UN–26NOV90 Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause serious injury. Potentially hazardous chemicals used with John Deere equipment include such items as lubricants, coolants, paints, and adhesives. TS1132 A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides specific details on chemical products: physical and health hazards, safety procedures, and emergency response techniques. Check the MSDS before you start any job using a hazardous chemical. That way you will know exactly what the risks are and how to do the job safely. Then follow procedures and recommended equipment. (See your John Deere dealer for MSDS’s on chemical products used with John Deere equipment.) DX,MSDS,NA –19–03MAR93–1/1 USE SAFETY LIGHTS AND DEVICES –UN–10FEB89 Operators of machines that travel below normal highway speeds should take special precautions to avoid collision with other vehicles. Install and use all safety lights and devices necessary to assure safe operation and local compliance. Keep these safety items in good condition. Replace missing or damaged parts immediately. N36564 Before driving on public roads, check state and local laws that may apply to tractors, self-propelled machines, and towed equipment. Additional lights, mirrors, SMV emblems, or reflectors may be required. A—Lights B—Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem C—Reflector Tape D—Reflectors TX,05,DH1729 –19–26JAN91–1/1 05-14 120699 PN=22 Safety KEEP ROPS INSTALLED PROPERLY The protection offered by ROPS will be impaired if ROPS is subjected to structural damage, is involved in an overturn incident, or is in any way altered by welding, bending, drilling, or cutting. A damaged ROPS should be replaced, not reused. TS212 –UN–23AUG88 Make certain all parts are reinstalled correctly if the rollover protective structure (ROPS) is loosened or removed for any reason. Tighten mounting bolts to proper torque. TX,05,DB2040 –19–07OCT96–1/1 WARN OTHERS OF SERVICE WORK Unexpected machine movement can cause serious injury. T7447AO –19–22APR91 Before performing any work on the machine, attach a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag to the steering wheel. TX,05,DH1820 –19–14MAY91–1/1 05-15 120699 PN=23 Safety PRACTICE SAFE MAINTENANCE If maintenance procedure must be performed with engine running, do not leave machine unattended. Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed. Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts. Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris. Understand service procedure before doing work. Keep area clean and dry. Use loader boom service lock (A), backhoe boom lock and swing lock to prevent elements from moving during service. If locks are not available, lower equipment to the ground. TS218 –UN–23AUG88 Never lubricate or service machine while it is moving. Keep hands, feet, and clothing away from power-driven parts. Before servicing machine and leaving the operator’s seat, do the following: 1. Park machine on a level surface. 2. Lock equipment in raised position or lower to the ground. 3. Move FNR and gear shift levers to neutral. CAUTION: Never rely on FNR or gear shifter alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. 4. Engage park brake. T103308 –UN–24AUG96 IMPORTANT: Turbocharger-if equipped, may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 5. Operate at 1/2 speed without load for two minutes. 6. Move speed control lever to slow idle position. 7. Turn key to OFF position and remove from switch. 310SE Shown Continued on next page 05-16 TX,05,BD2041 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=24 Safety 8. Relieve hydraulic pressure by moving control levers until equipment does not move. Disconnect battery ground cable (—) before making adjustments on electrical systems or welding on machine. Allow engine to cool. TX,05,BD2041 –19–07OCT96–2/2 REMOVE PAINT BEFORE WELDING OR HEATING Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated by welding, soldering, or using a torch. Do all work outside or in a well ventilated area. Dispose of paint and solvent properly. Remove paint before welding or heating: TS220 –UN–23AUG88 Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust. • If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust. Wear an approved respirator. • If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or paint stripper containers and other flammable material from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes before welding or heating. DX,PAINT –19–03MAR93–1/1 05-17 120699 PN=25 Safety Flammable spray can be generated by heating near pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself and bystanders. Do not heat by welding, soldering, or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or other flammable materials. Pressurized lines can be accidentally cut when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area. TS953 –UN–15MAY90 AVOID HEATING NEAR PRESSURIZED FLUID LINES DX,TORCH –19–03MAR93–1/1 AVOID HIGH-PRESSURE FLUIDS Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. X9811 –UN–23AUG88 Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable medical source. Such information is available from Deere & Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, U.S.A. DX,FLUID –19–03MAR93–1/1 05-18 120699 PN=26 Safety CLEAN THE MACHINE REGULARLY Remove any grease, oil, fuel, or debris build-up to avoid possible injury or machine damage. T6642EJ –UN–18OCT88 High pressure washing [greater than 1379 kPa (13.8 bar) (200 psi)] can damage freshly painted finishes. Paint should be allowed to air dry for 30 days minimum after receipt of machine before cleaning with high pressure. Use low pressure wash operations until 30 days have elapsed. Do not spray oil cooler fins at an angle. Fins may bend. TX,05,FF2787 –19–27JUL94–1/1 SERVICE COOLING SYSTEM SAFELY Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. TS281 –UN–23AUG88 Shut off engine. Only remove filler cap when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. DX,RCAP –19–04JUN90–1/1 DX,STORE –19–03MAR93–1/1 STORE ATTACHMENTS SAFELY Stored attachments such as dual wheels, cage wheels, and loaders can fall and cause serious injury or death. 05-19 TS219 –UN–23AUG88 Securely store attachments and implements to prevent falling. Keep playing children and bystanders away from storage area. 120699 PN=27 Safety DISPOSE OF WASTE PROPERLY –UN–26NOV90 Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used with John Deere equipment include such items as oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries. TS1133 Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not use food or beverage containers that may mislead someone into drinking from them. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into any water source. Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can damage the Earth’s atmosphere. Government regulations may require a certified air conditioning service center to recover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants. Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste from your local environmental or recycling center, or from your John Deere dealer. DX,DRAIN 05-20 –19–03MAR93–1/1 120699 PN=28 Safety Signs T7916AD –19–06JAN93 T105775 –UN–16DEC96 SAFETY SIGN TX,06,BD2042 –19–07OCT96–1/1 T101888 –19–04SEP96 T101885 –UN–14AUG96 SAFETY SIGN Pressurized A—Safety Decal TX,06,BD2043 –19–15OCT96–1/1 06-1 120699 PN=29 Safety Signs T105221 –UN–15NOV96 T105733 –19–13DEC96 SAFETY SIGN TX,06,HH293 –19–17OCT96–1/1 06-2 120699 PN=30 Safety Signs T6914AU –19–24FEB89 T103609 –UN–06SEP96 SAFETY SIGN TX,06,BD2044 –19–07OCT96–1/1 06-3 120699 PN=31 Safety Signs T7325AB –19–06JAN92 T7412AA –UN–15NOV90 SAFETY SIGN TX,06,BD2045 –19–07OCT96–1/1 06-4 120699 PN=32 Safety Signs T105661 –UN–11DEC96 T7945AE –19–17JAN97 SAFETY SIGN 315SE TX,06,BD2046 –19–07OCT96–1/1 06-5 120699 PN=33 Safety Signs T114759 –19–07APR98 SAFETY SIGN T115723 –UN–05JUN98 Ride Control—if Equipped Ride Control—if Equipped CED,OUO1040,158 06-6 –19–03JUN98–1/1 120699 PN=34 Safety Signs T115725 –19–05JUN98 SAFETY SIGN T115724 –UN–05JUN98 Ride Control—if Equipped Ride Control—if Equipped CED,OUO1040,159 06-7 –19–03JUN98–1/1 120699 PN=35 Safety Signs T115725 –19–05JUN98 SAFETY SIGN T115722 –UN–05JUN98 Ride Control—if Equipped Ride Control—if Equipped CED,OUO1040,160 06-8 –19–03JUN98–1/1 120699 PN=36 Safety Signs T101894 –UN–14AUG96 T7593AC –19–30AUG91 SAFETY SIGN A—Decals TX,06,BD2047 –19–07OCT96–1/1 06-9 120699 PN=37 Safety Signs T6735AC –19–01FEB89 SAFETY SIGN Engine Coolant Heater Cord Assembly TX,06,BD2048 –19–07OCT96–1/1 06-10 120699 PN=38 Safety Signs T111205 –UN–25AUG97 T104926 –19–21JAN97 SAFETY SIGN 310SE Shown TX,06,BG234 06-11 –19–28AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=39 Operator’s Station INSTRUMENT PANEL T115444 –UN–19MAY98 See remainder of this chapter for information on indicators, switches and gauges. See Operating the Engine chapter for information on start aid button and key switch. T115380 –UN–15MAY98 Standard Package Optional Package A—Park Brake Switch B—Mechanical Front Wheel Drive Switch—If Equipped C—Ride Control Switch and Indicator—If Equipped D—Air Conditioning/Dehumidification Switch E—Rear Wiper Switch F—Rear Lights Switch G—Horn Button H—Blower Switch I—STOP-Engine Indicator J—Temperature Switch K—Hour Meter/Tachometer—If Equipped L—Fuel Gauge M—Ignition Switch N—Start Aid Switch CED,OUO1040,92 –19–14MAY98–1/1 10-1 120699 PN=40 Operator’s Station INDICATOR LIGHTS T105662 –UN–13DEC96 See remainder of this chapter for information on indicator lights. A—Park Brake Indicator B—Seat Belt Indicator C—Mechanical Front Wheel Drive Indicator D—Beacon—If Equipped E—Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator F—Engine Oil Pressure Indicator G—Transmission Oil Filter Indicator H—Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator I—Air Filter Restriction Indicator J—Alternator Voltage Indicator K—STOP-Engine Indicator EX,10,BG70 10-2 –19–03DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=41 Operator’s Station STOP-ENGINE INDICATOR AND ALARM T7673AM –UN–06JAN92 IMPORTANT: If STOP-engine indicator comes on and alarm sounds for more than ten seconds with engine oil pressure indicator on, stop machine immediately and investigate cause of problem. If STOP-engine indicator comes on and alarm sounds for more than ten seconds with engine coolant temperature indicator on, reduce load and run engine for one to two minutes at slow idle to allow time to cool. If light continues to stay on, stop engine and investigate problem. Do not re-start engine until problem has been corrected. The STOP-engine indicator comes on and alarm sounds when: • Engine oil pressure is low. • Engine coolant temperature is excessively high. • FNR lever is shifted into forward or reverse with park brake on. • FNR lever is shifted into forward or reverse with park brake off and seat rotated toward the backhoe position. If indicators do not function correctly, see Troubleshooting chapter. TX,10,BG235 10-3 –19–28AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=42 Operator’s Station ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE INDICATOR T105331 –UN–21NOV96 Engine coolant temperature and STOP-engine indicators will light and alarm will sound when engine coolant is above 115°C (240°F). Do not stop engine when indicators light together or temperature will rise further. Reduce load and run engine at slow idle. If indicator does not go out after one to two minutes, stop engine and allow to cool before servicing. TX,10,BD2051 –19–07OCT96–1/1 SEAT BELT INDICATOR T7840AW –UN–06OCT92 The seat belt indicator will light at engine startup and stay on until park brake is released. With engine running, indicator will come on when park brake is engaged. TX,10,BD2052 –19–07OCT96–1/1 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR T105339 –UN–22NOV96 IMPORTANT: Prevent possible engine damage. If engine oil pressure light comes on for more than ten seconds, stop machine and investigate the problem. Engine oil pressure and STOP-engine indicators will light and alarm will sound when engine oil pressure is low. Stop machine and correct problem before resuming operation. TX,10,BG236 10-4 –19–28AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=43 Operator’s Station ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE INDICATOR T6201BD –UN–18OCT88 Alternator voltage indicator will light when alternator output voltage is low. Check battery charge or electrical system. (See Maintenance chapter for Battery and Electrical service information.) TX,10,BD2054 –19–07OCT96–1/1 ENGINE AIR FILTER RESTRICTION INDICATOR T105332 –UN–21NOV96 Engine air filter restriction indicator will light when air filter elements are restricted. Clean or change filter elements as necessary. (See Maintenance Chapter 90 for element service information.) TX,10,BG347 –19–01OCT97–1/1 TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR T105333 –UN–21NOV96 Transmission oil temperature indicator will light when transmission oil temperature is high. Reduce load immediately, shift into neutral and run engine at slow idle. Inspect for plugged oil cooler. TX,10,BD2056 –19–07OCT96–1/1 ROTARY BEACON INDICATOR T111018 –UN–06AUG97 Rotary beacon indicator will light when beacon is turned on with switch. TX,10,BG237 10-5 –19–28AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=44 Operator’s Station HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER INDICATOR T105334 –UN–21NOV96 IMPORTANT: If indicator lights and oil is warm, change filter as soon as possible to prevent damage. (See Maintenance— Every 1000 Hours for oil and filter change procedure. NOTE: Cold oil can cause indicator to light temporarily. Allow time for oil to warm up and light to shut off before servicing filter. Indicator will light when hydraulic oil filter element is restricted. TX,10,BD2057 –19–07OCT96–1/1 HYDRAULIC OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR T105338 –UN–21NOV96 Hydraulic oil temperature indicator will light when hydraulic oil temperature is high. Reduce load immediately and place control levers in neutral. Run engine at slow idle. Inspect cooler and radiator area for debris that could cause plugging of the cooler. TX,10,BG346 –19–10JAN97–1/1 MECHANICAL FRONT WHEEL DRIVE (MFWD) INDICATOR—IF EQUIPPED T105240 –UN–17DEC96 Indicator (A) will light when mechanical front wheel drive is engaged with switch (B). TX,10,BD2058 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-6 120699 PN=45 Operator’s Station RIDE CONTROL SWITCH AND INDICATOR— IF EQUIPPED T115935 –UN–18JUN98 The indicator located on the switch will light when ride control is engaged with switch (A). CED,OUO1040,93 –19–19JUN98–1/1 PARK BRAKE INDICATOR AND SWITCH Park brake indicator (B) and STOP-engine indicator (C) will light, and alarm will sound if FNR lever is not in neutral position and park brake is engaged. T105243 –UN–07JAN97 Indicator (A) will light when park brake is engaged with switch (B). Push left-hand side of switch to engage brake and right-hand side to disengage brake. TX,10,BD2059 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-7 120699 PN=46 Operator’s Station TURN SIGNAL SWITCH AND INDICATORS NOTE: Turn signal switch lights when activated. T6201BG –UN–18OCT88 T105222 –UN–15NOV96 Push turn signal switch (A) to activate turn signals. T6201BK –UN–18OCT88 Left Turn Indicator Right Turn Indicator TX,10,BD2060 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-8 120699 PN=47 Operator’s Station OPERATIONAL CONTROLS T105247 –UN–18NOV96 Use controls (A—F) for driving the machine. (See Driving the Machine chapter for description and operational information.) T105248 –UN–18NOV96 Manual Transmission Shown Manual Transmission Shown A—FNR Lever (FNR/Range Lever on Machines with Powershift) B—Clutch Disconnect Switch C—Gear Shift Lever (Only on machines with Manual) D—Speed Control Pedal E—Brake Pedals F—Differential Lock Switch TX,10,BD1948 –19–18SEP96–1/1 10-9 120699 PN=48 Operator’s Station FRONT LOADER CONTROLS T102045 –UN–14AUG96 NOTE: There are two clutch disconnect switches (A). (See Operational Controls is this chapter for location of other switch.) Use controls (A—C) for operating front loader. (See Front Loader Control Lever in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) A—Clutch Disconnect Switch B—Loader Control Lever C—Auxiliary Loader Control Lever TX,10,BD1949 –19–18SEP96–1/1 STABILIZER CONTROL LEVERS T8118AW –UN–22NOV93 Use levers (A and B) for operating stabilizers. (See Stabilizer Control Levers in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) A—Left Stabilizer Lever B—Right Stabilizer Lever TX,10,BD1942 –19–17SEP96–1/1 10-10 120699 PN=49 Operator’s Station BACKHOE CONTROLS—JOHN DEERE TWO LEVER T105735 –UN–13DEC96 A conversion kit for changing controls is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to other controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. A—Boom and Swing Lever B—Dipperstick and Bucket Lever C—Extendible Dipperstick Control Pedal—If Equipped IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position Use levers (A and B) and pedal (C) to operate backhoe. (See Operating Backhoe Two Levers in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) TX,10,BG254 10-11 –19–08JAN97–1/1 120699 PN=50 Operator’s Station BACKHOE CONTROLS——SAE EXCAVATOR TWO LEVER STYLE T105735 –UN–13DEC96 A conversion kit for changing controls to the SAE controls is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the SAE two lever controls must be installed. Use levers (A and B) and pedal (C) to operate backhoe. (See Operating Backhoe Two Levers in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. A—Dipperstick and Swing Lever B—Boom and Bucket Lever C—Extendible Dipperstick Control Pedal—If Equipped Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position CED,TX03768,2663 10-12 –19–04NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=51 Operator’s Station BACKHOE CONTROLS—THREE LEVER ( CASE STYLE) A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to three lever option is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the three lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. T7395DG –UN–12OCT90 IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position NOTE: If equipped with an extendible dipperstick, a fourth lever is added and is positioned to the right-hand side (next to boom lever). Use levers (A—C) and pedals (D and E) to operate backhoe. (See Backhoe Control Levers—Three Lever in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) CASE is a trademark of Case Corp. A—Bucket Lever B—Dipperstick Lever C—Boom Lever D—Swing Right Pedal E—Swing Left Pedal TX,10,BG255 10-13 –19–04NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=52 Operator’s Station BACKHOE CONTROLS—FOUR LEVER ( FORD STYLE) T6228AB –UN–17OCT88 A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to four lever option is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the four lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. A—Extend Dipperstick B—Retract Dipperstick C—Raise Boom D—Lower Boom E—Load Bucket F—Dump Bucket G—Swing Right H—Swing Left NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position FORD is a trademark of Ford Motor Company CED,TX03768,2662 10-14 –19–22OCT99–1/1 120699 PN=53 Operator’s Station 315SE BACKHOE CONTROLS NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position. T8602AD –UN–22DEC95 Use levers (A and C), switch (B) and pedal (D) to operate backhoe. (See Operating Backhoe—Two Lever Controls in Operating the Machine chapter for operational information.) A—Boom and Swing Lever B—Sliding Frame Lock Switch C—Dipperstick and Bucket Lever D—Extendible Dipperstick Control Pedal—If Equipped EX,10,BG72 10-15 –19–03DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=54 Operator’s Station 310SE BOOM LOCK CONTROL T105250 –UN–18NOV96 T102050 –UN–14AUG96 Apply boom lock (A) using control lever (B). TX,10,BD1945 –19–17SEP96–1/1 315SE BOOM LOCK CONTROL T105507 –UN–02DEC96 T105506 –UN–02DEC96 Apply boom lock (A) using foot switch (B). EX,10,BG73 10-16 –19–03DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=55 Operator’s Station SWING LOCK PIN T105249 –UN–18NOV96 NOTE: 315SE has three mounting holes for swing lock pin to allow boom to be locked in centered position or swung to the right or left. Swing lock pin (A) is stored in holder. Pin can be installed in hole (B) from operator’s seat to lock. T102052 –UN–04SEP96 310SE T105663 –UN–11DEC96 310SE 315SE TX,10,BD1946 –19–17SEP96–1/1 10-17 120699 PN=56 Operator’s Station EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK LOCKING PIN 1. Lower backhoe to ground and turn engine off before removing or installing locking pin. T105264 –UN–17DEC96 2. Place locking pin (A) in holder (B) and retain with quick-lock pin when dipperstick is not in transport position. Install locking pin with quick-lock pin in hole (C) when transporting. T105263 –UN–19NOV96 CAUTION: To prevent serious injury, always install locking pin from ground. TX,10,BD2061 –19–07OCT96–1/1 SEAT BELT 1. Pull out belt from right side of seat. T105665 –UN–07JAN97 2. Insert belt into catch on left side of seat to lock in place. 3. Press red release button to unlock seat belt. TX,10,BD2062 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-18 120699 PN=57 Operator’s Station SEAT CONTROLS CAUTION: Be sure seat is locked in position before operating machine. A seat which is loose or not properly locked can cause loss of control of machine and injuries or death. Pivot Control: Lift up lever (A), pivot seat, and release lever to lock seat. Forward—Rearward Control: Lift fore-aft lever (B), slide seat to desired position and release lever. NOTE: Back tilt lever, weight adjuster and lumbar are available on suspension seat only. Back Tilt Control: Lift lever (C), tilt seat to desired position and release lever. T105265 –UN–19NOV96 Weight/Height Adjustment Control: Suspension Seat— With NO weight on seat, turn weight adjustment knob (D) to change seat height and ride stiffness. NOTE: SUSPENSION SEAT: With knob turned counterclockwise as far as it can go and with no weight on seat, the distance to the floor from top of seat is 19 in. With knob turned clockwise as far as it can go, the distance to floor from top of seat is 21 in. The distances will decrease by 2 in. when a 190 lb person sits on seat. Suspension Seat Controls A—Pivot Lever B—Fore-Aft Lever C—Back Tilt Lever D—Weight Adjuster E—Lumbar Knob Lumbar Control: Turn knob (E) to position lumbar for operator’s preference. Grease seat base guide rails with multi-purpose grease, John Deere TY2098 or equivalent. Continued on next page 10-19 TX,10,BG323 –19–21OCT99–1/3 120699 PN=58 Operator’s Station NON-SUSPENSION SEAT CONTROLS Pivot Control: Lift up lever (1), pivot seat, and release lever to lock seat. Forward—Rearward Control: Lift fore-aft lever (3), slide seat to desired position and release lever. T125402B –UN–22OCT99 Height Adjustment Control: Lift lever (2) to change seat height. 1—Pivot Lever 2—Fore-Aft Lever 3—Height TX,10,BG323 –19–21OCT99–2/3 AIR SUSPENSION CONTROL T125403B –UN–22OCT99 Height Adjustment Control:Press switch (1) to change seat height. 1—Height Adjustment Switch TX,10,BG323 –19–21OCT99–3/3 10-20 120699 PN=59 Operator’s Station T8415AA –UN–09FEB95 SEAT BELT Seat belt and mounting hardware must be inspected for wear or damage before operating the machine. Replace the belt or mounting hardware if worn or damaged. Replace the complete seat belt assembly every three years regardless of appearance. A date label, to determine the age of the belt, is attached to each belt. TX,10,DH3548 10-21 –19–07FEB95–1/1 120699 PN=60 Operator’s Station LIGHTS Use switch (A) to operate amber turn and warning lights (D) at front and rear of cab. T105266 –UN–19NOV96 Use switch (B) to operate work/drive lights (E) and optional front work lights (F). T7371AX –UN–02OCT90 Switch (C) is used to signal turning direction. A—Warning Lights Switch B—Work and Drive Lights Switch C—Turn Signal Switch D—Amber Lights—Turn and Warning E—Work/Drive Lights F—Front Work Lights—Optional Continued on next page 10-22 TX,10,BD2064 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=61 Operator’s Station Use switch (A) to operate rear work lights (B). Red lights (C) illuminate when brakes are applied and when front drive lights are on. T102062 –UN–14AUG96 T105267 –UN–19NOV96 Amber lights (D) blink in direction of turn when turn signal is applied. Amber lights flash when warning lights switch is pushed. A—Rear B—Rear C—Rear D—Rear Work Lights Switch Work Lights Red Lights—Tail and Brake Amber Lights—Turn and Warning TX,10,BD2064 –19–07OCT96–2/2 DOME LIGHT AND RADIO—IF EQUIPPED Use switch (A) to operate dome light (B). T102063 –UN–17SEP96 Radio (C) is located above front window in front of dome light. A—Dome Light Switch B—Dome Light C—Radio TX,10,BD2066 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-23 120699 PN=62 Operator’s Station OPERATING WINDSHIELD WIPERS T102067 –UN–14AUG96 IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to wiper blades, DO NOT operate wipers if blades are frozen to windshield. 1. Push front (A) and/or rear (B) wiper switch to first stop to make wiper(s) cycle slowly. 2. Push to second stop to make wipers cycle fast. 3. Push switch (C) to operate front windshield washer. T102068 –UN–14AUG96 T105268 –UN–04DEC96 4. Fill washer reservoir (D), as needed, under top access panel. A—Front Wiper Switch B—Rear Wiper Switch C—Front Washer Switch D—Washer Reservoir TX,10,BD2067 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-24 120699 PN=63 Operator’s Station SIDE WINDOWS—SECONDARY EXITS To open, pull handle (A) in and away from cab post latch. T102093 –UN–16AUG96 Retain in open position against fixed window on same side by fastening knob (B) into socket (C). Turn knob until tension is felt to prevent window from swinging during operation. T7351BK –UN–30AUG90 The side windows can open 180° and can be used as secondary exits. TX,10,BD2068 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-25 120699 PN=64 Operator’s Station UPPER REAR WINDOW Upper rear window can be used as a secondary exit. To open window, lower middle window, push latches (A) to release window and push up to ceiling. To retain window in open position, push up on window to lock in catches (B). T102103 –UN–01AUG96 NOTE: Gas filled cylinders aid in lifting rear window up towards ceiling. T102115 –UN–16AUG96 T7351BN To close window, release catches and lower window to closed position. Push on bottom of window to latch in place. –UN–17DEC90 NOTE: To close upper window, middle window must be in the open position. TX,10,BD2069 –19–07OCT96–1/1 10-26 120699 PN=65 Operator’s Station MIDDLE REAR WINDOW To open middle rear window, press latches (A) to release, pull inward, and lower window to rubber bumpers (B). T105269 –UN–19NOV96 To close middle window, press latches and lift until it meets upper window. Push in on top of each side to lock window in position. 310SE TX,10,BD2070 –19–07OCT96–1/1 Push switch (A) (snowflake) to turn on air conditioner/dehumidification. Adjust temperature using dial (B) and air flow with dial (C). To operate heater, push switch (A) (cactus). Adjust temperature with dial (B) and air flow with dial (C). T102117 –UN–17DEC96 HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING—IF EQUIPPED CED,OUO1040,51 –19–11MAY98–1/1 TACHOMETER AND HOUR METER Use hour meter (B) to determine when to perform service and maintenance procedures. (See Maintenance chapters in this manual for intervals and instructions.) T105737 –UN–13DEC96 Use tachometer (A), if equipped, to measure engine speed. TX,10,BD1947 –19–18SEP96–1/1 10-27 120699 PN=66 Operator’s Station OPERATOR’S MANUAL HOLDER Store operator’s manual in the holder located inside the cab roof. T7381AA –UN–02OCT90 On units equipped with ROPS, operator’s manual holder is located in sealed storage container on inside left fender. TX,10,DH1406 10-28 –19–15MAR93–1/1 120699 PN=67 Break-In OBSERVE ENGINE OPERATION CLOSELY IMPORTANT: Become thoroughly familiar with the sound and feel of your new machine. Engine is filled with SAE 10W30 break-in oil. If necessary to add oil, use seasonal viscosity oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) The factory uses a yellow fluorescent dye additive in the oil to aid technicians in detecting possible oil leaks. This dye causes oil to have a slightly green or yellow appearance under some lighting conditions. Color does not indicate a problem and green or yellow appearance will disappear after 20—30 hours of engine operation. 1. Operate engine at normal loads. (See Specifications chapter.) 2. Avoid excess engine idling. 3. Check indicator lights and gauges frequently during operation. TX,15,BG238 –19–28AUG97–1/1 AFTER THE FIRST 10 HOURS OR DAILY NOTE: Use only the specified lubricants and coolant. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) 1. Perform 10 hour or daily service. (See Maintenance— Every 10 Hours or Daily chapter.) 2. Check coolant level, engine oil, transmission oil, rear axle oil and hydraulic oil levels. 3. Watch for fluid leaks. 4. Check hardware torque and tighten as necessary. (See Maintenance chapter for hardware torque specification.) TX,15,BD2073 –19–07OCT96–1/1 15-1 120699 PN=68 Break-In BETWEEN THE FIRST 50 TO 100 HOURS— AFTER SALES INSPECTION (ASI) 1. Perform procedures listed in Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily chapter when required interval is due. 2. Change engine oil filter. (See Maintenance—Every 250 Hours chapter.) 3. Change hydraulic system oil filter. (See Maintenance— Every 500 Hours chapter.) NOTE: Transmission oil does not need to be changed during break-in period. 4. Change transmission filter. (See Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours chapter.) 5. Check boom lock and adjust as necessary. (See Maintenance—As Required chapter.) TX,15,BG239 15-2 –19–06MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=69 Pre-Start Inspection INSPECT MACHINE DAILY BEFORE STARTING Perform periodic service checks in the Maintenance—10 Hours or Daily chapter. • • • • • • • Check and lubricate loader pivot pins (A). Check engine oil level and air cleaner (B). Check precleaner (C). Check hydraulic oil level (D). Clean operator’s station (E). Check and lubricate backhoe pivot pins (F). Check pedals and controls for freedom of movement (G). • Check inflation pressure of tires (H) and hardware torque of wheels. • Clean radiator fins (I). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Check for worn or frayed wires and loose or corroded connections. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: Check for leaks, missing or loose clamps, kinked hoses, and lines or hoses in areas that rub against each other or other parts. BACKHOE AND LOADER: Check for loose, bent, broken or missing parts and hardware. LUBRICATION: Check lubrication points shown on Periodic Maintenance Chart or in Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily chapter. T103808 –UN–18SEP96 PROTECTIVE DEVICES: Check ROPS, guards, shields, covers, and seat belt. FIRE PREVENTION: Clean machine of debris. PARK BRAKE: Check for correct operation. SAFETY: Walk around machine to be sure all persons are clear from machine area. 310SE TX,20,BD2075 –19–07OCT96–1/1 20-1 120699 PN=70 Operating the Engine CHECK INSTRUMENTS BEFORE STARTING T105274 –UN–16DEC96 All indicators (A) must light. (See Operator’s Station chapter for location and description of indicators.) If any fail to light, check the bulb. If bulb is good, but indicator still fails to light, see your authorized dealer. T103810 –19–07OCT96 Turn key switch clockwise and hold in BULB CHECK position. TX,25,BD2076 –19–07OCT96–1/1 25-1 120699 PN=71 Operating the Engine STARTING THE ENGINE—WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION TS220 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Prevent asphyxiation. Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death to you or someone else. If you must operate engine in a building, be positive there is adequate ventilation. Either use an exhaust pipe extension to remove the exhaust fumes or open doors and/or windows to bring enough outside air into the area. Avoid possible injury or death from a runaway machine. DO NOT start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Machine will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed. TS177 –UN–11JAN89 NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start engine only from operator’s seat, with FNR lever in neutral and park brake engaged. 1. Sit in seat and fasten seat belt. 2. Sound horn. Continued on next page 25-2 CED,OUO1040,66 –19–13MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=72 Operating the Engine NOTE: Controls and switches must be in the positions described, before starting engine. 3. Move gear shift (A) and FNR (B) levers to neutral. T105361 –UN–22NOV96 4. Insure park brake switch (C) is on. IMPORTANT: To avoid engine damage, never start engine with speed control at high speed. 5. Move engine speed control lever (D) to 1/3 speed. T102144 –UN–17DEC96 IMPORTANT: Do not operate starter more than 30 seconds at a time or it may be damaged. If engine does not start, wait at least two minutes before trying again. If engine does not start in four attempts, refer to Troubleshooting chapter. 6. Turn key switch clockwise to turn engine until it starts. If engine does not start after 30 seconds, wait two minutes before trying again. A—Gear Shift Lever B—FNR Lever C—Park Brake Switch D—Engine Speed Control Lever CED,OUO1040,66 –19–13MAY98–2/2 25-3 120699 PN=73 Operating the Engine STARTING THE ENGINE—WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION TS220 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Prevent asphyxiation. Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death to you or someone else. If you must operate engine in a building, be positive there is adequate ventilation. Either use an exhaust pipe extension to remove the exhaust fumes or open doors and/or windows to bring enough outside air into the area. Avoid possible injury or death from a runaway machine. DO NOT start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Machine will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed. TS177 –UN–11JAN89 NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start engine only from operator’s seat, with FNR lever in neutral and park brake engaged. 1. Sit in seat and fasten seat belt. 2. Sound horn. A—FNR/Range Lever B—Park Brake Switch C—Engine Speed Control Lever Continued on next page 25-4 CED,OUO1040,67 –19–13MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=74 Operating the Engine 3. Move FNR/range lever (A) to neutral. 5. Move engine speed control lever (C) to 1/3 speed. IMPORTANT: Do not operate starter more than 30 seconds at a time or it may be damaged. If engine does not start, wait at least two minutes before trying again. If engine does not start in four attempts, refer to Troubleshooting chapter. 6. Turn key switch clockwise to turn engine until it starts. If engine does not start after 30 seconds, wait two minutes before trying again. T115365 –UN–15MAY98 IMPORTANT: To avoid engine damage, never start engine with speed control at high speed. T115364 –UN–15MAY98 4. Engage park brake switch (B) to on. CED,OUO1040,67 –19–13MAY98–2/2 25-5 120699 PN=75 Operating the Engine STARTING FLUID—COLD WEATHER STARTING AID TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from exploding container. Starting fluid is highly flammable. Keep container away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Contents are pressurized. Do not puncture or incinerate container. Remove can from machine if engine does not need starting fluid. CAUTION: Remove can from container and install container upside down to protect starting aid components from dust. T102145 –UN–17DEC96 IMPORTANT: Prevent damage to engine. Use starting aid when temperatures are below 0°C (32°F) and only when engine is COLD. Using Starting Fluid IMPORTANT: To avoid engine damage, push starting aid button only when engine is cold and cranking. Starting aid fluid is being injected into engine as long as you push and release switch (A). T102146 –UN–14AUG96 NOTE: If equipped with a high pressure KBI cold weather starting system, press and hold starting aid fluid button (A) to start engine. NOTE: Crank engine for 30 seconds maximum, allowing two minutes between cranking periods. While cranking engine, push starting aid switch (A). Replacing Starting Aid Can 1. Turn container counterclockwise to remove. 2. Remove can (B) from container. 3. Remove safety cap and spray button from new can and install into container. KBI is a registered trademark of Kold Band International LTD Company Continued on next page 25-6 TX,25,BD2078 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=76 Operating the Engine 4. Install container clockwise into base. TX,25,BD2078 –19–07OCT96–2/2 25-7 120699 PN=77 Operating the Engine T6713AI1 T6508AE1 –UN–24OCT91 –UN–24OCT91 USING BOOSTER BATTERIES—12 VOLT SYSTEM Single Battery Application A—Machine Battery(s) Two Battery Application B—Booster Battery(s) Before boost starting, machine must be properly shut down and secured to prevent unexpected machine movement when engine starts. CAUTION: An explosive gas is produced while batteries are in use or being charged. Keep flames or sparks away from the battery area. Make sure the batteries are charged in a well ventilated area. Always remove grounded (—) battery clamp first and replace it last. 1. Connect one end of the positive cable to the positive terminal of the machine batteries and the other end to the positive terminal of the booster batteries. 2. Connect one end of the negative cable to the negative terminal of the booster batteries. Then connect other end of the negative cable to the machine frame as far away from the machine batteries as possible. 3. Start engine. IMPORTANT: The machine electrical system is a 12-volt negative (—) ground. Use only 12-volt booster batteries. Continued on next page 25-8 TX,25,BD2079 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=78 Operating the Engine 5. Disconnect positive cable from booster batteries and machine batteries. 4. Immediately after starting engine, disconnect end of the negative cable from the machine frame and disconnect the other end of the negative cable from the negative terminal of the booster batteries. TX,25,BD2079 –19–07OCT96–2/2 USING COOLANT HEATER—IF EQUIPPED CAUTION: Prevent possible personal injury from an electrical shock. Use a heavy-duty, grounded cord to connect heater to electrical power. Plug coolant heater into a 115-volt outlet 10 hours before you start the engine. TX,25,BD2080 –19–07OCT96–1/1 IMPORTANT: If STOP-engine indicator light does not go out within 10 seconds after starting engine, STOP THE ENGINE and correct the problem before restarting. NOTE: Cold oil may cause hydraulic oil filter indicator to come on temporarily. With park brake switch engaged and engine running, check gauges and instrument panel. T6201BM –19–17JUN91 CHECK INSTRUMENTS AFTER STARTING TX,25,BD2081 –19–07OCT96–1/1 25-9 120699 PN=79 Operating the Engine WARM UP MACHINE IMPORTANT: To insure proper lubrication, idle engine at 1/3 speed for five minutes. Extend period as necessary when operating at temperatures below freezing. • Before moving machine, run at 1/3 speed for at least 30 seconds. IMPORTANT: To avoid carbon build-up in engine and to use fuel in most efficient manner, do not allow machine to idle at low rpm. • Do not run engine at fast or slow idle. • Operate machine under light loads for first five minutes once engine is warm. • Check instruments regularly. TX,25,BD2082 –19–07OCT96–1/1 25-10 120699 PN=80 Operating the Engine COLD WEATHER WARM-UP IMPORTANT: If hydraulic oil is cold, hydraulic functions move slowly. Do not attempt machine operations until hydraulic functions move at close-to-normal cycle times. In extremely cold conditions, an extended warming up period will be necessary. Avoid sudden operation of hydraulic functions until engine is thoroughly warmed up. Remove ice, snow, and mud from machine before operation. 1. Run engine at 1/2 speed for 15 minutes. IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to bucket leveling tube due to cold oil, cycle bucket three times at hood height before using under normal operation. 2. Raise loader lift arms to hood height. Cycle bucket from stop to stop three times. 3. Cycle all remaining hydraulic functions to distribute warmed oil until all functions operate freely. TX,25,BG240 –19–29AUG97–1/1 STALLED ENGINE IMPORTANT: Engine damage may occur due to overheating after stalling when working under load. Follow restart procedure to keep coolant circulating through engine. RESTART WARM ENGINE: Immediately remove load and restart engine. Run engine for 30 seconds at 1/3 idle before adding load and resuming work. See Stopping the Engine—Normal Shut Down in this chapter if machine is to be stopped after restarting stalled warm engine. TX,25,BD2084 –19–07OCT96–1/1 25-11 120699 PN=81 Operating the Engine STOPPING THE ENGINE—NORMAL SHUTDOWN WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION T105361 –UN–22NOV96 IMPORTANT: Before stopping engine that has been operating at working load, idle at 1/3 speed for one to two minutes to cool hot parts. If engine stalls while operating under load, restart immediately and idle at 1/3 speed for one to two minutes before stopping to allow coolant to continue circulating through engine. IMPORTANT: Turbocharger may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 1. Park machine on a level surface. T102144 –UN–17DEC96 2. Lower all equipment to ground. 3. Move gear shifter (A) and FNR (B) levers to neutral position. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. 4. Move park brake switch (C) to engaged position. A—Gear Shift Lever B—FNR Lever C—Park Brake Switch D—Engine Speed Control Lever 5. Run engine at 1/3 speed with no load for one to two minutes. 6. Move speed control lever (D) to slow idle position. 7. Turn key off to stop engine. Remove key. 8. Release hydraulic pressure by moving control lever(s) until equipment does not move. CED,OUO1040,68 –19–13MAY98–1/1 25-12 120699 PN=82 Operating the Engine IMPORTANT: Before stopping engine that has been operating at working load, idle at 1/3 speed for one to two minutes to cool the engine. If engine stalls while operating under load, restart immediately and idle at 1/3 speed for one to two minutes before stopping to allow coolant to continue circulating through engine. T115364 –UN–15MAY98 STOPPING THE ENGINE—NORMAL SHUTDOWN WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION IMPORTANT: Turbocharger may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 2. Lower all equipment to ground. 3. Move FNR/range lever (A) to neutral position. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. T115365 –UN–15MAY98 1. Park machine on a level surface. 4. Move park brake switch (B) to engaged position. 5. Run engine at 1/3 speed with no load for one to two minutes. 6. Move speed control lever (C) to slow idle position. 7. Turn key off to stop engine. Remove key. 8. Release hydraulic pressure by moving control lever(s) until equipment does not move. CED,OUO1040,69 –19–13MAY98–1/1 25-13 120699 PN=83 Driving the Machine T105517 –UN–02DEC96 DRIVING ON PUBLIC ROADS—310SE 2. Retract backhoe bucket and dipperstick. Install dipperstick locking pin. Know local laws and ordinances affecting driving on highways. Make sure slow moving vehicle emblem, mirrors, lights and reflectors are in place and functioning properly. 3. Raise and center backhoe boom. Engage boom lock and swing lock pin. Before driving: 4. Raise stabilizers. CAUTION: Use a seat belt to minimize chance of injury from an accident such as an overturn. 5. Turn seat to face front of machine. 1. Fasten seat belt. TX,30,BD2086 –19–07OCT96–1/2 6. Move pedal lock bar (1) to lock pedals together. T125540B –UN–01NOV99 7. Raise loader bucket off ground and roll bucket back. TX,30,BD2086 –19–07OCT96–2/2 30-1 120699 PN=84 Driving the Machine T105520 –UN–02DEC96 DRIVING ON PUBLIC ROADS—315SE Know local laws and ordinances affecting driving on highways. Make sure slow moving vehicle emblem, mirrors, lights and reflectors are in place and functioning properly. 4. Raise boom and swing 90° so that bucket is next to side shift frame. Before driving: 6. Raise stabilizers. CAUTION: Use a seat belt to minimize chance of injury from an accident such as an overturn. 1. Fasten seat belt. 5. Install swing lock pin and engage boom lock. 7. Turn seat to face front of machine. 8. Connect left and right brake pedals together. 9. Raise loader bucket approximately 406 mm (16 in.) off ground and roll bucket back. 2. Slide side shift backhoe to one end of frame. 3. Retract backhoe bucket and dipperstick. EX,30,BG74 30-2 –19–03DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=85 Driving the Machine RIDE CONTROL OPERATION—IF EQUIPPED CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected boom or bucket movement when equipped with ride control. Ride control accumulator energy must be discharged when working on hydraulic components. Turn ignition switch to ON. Turn ride control switch to ON position and move the loader control lever into the float position. T115935 –UN–18JUN98 Do not have the ride control switch ON when starting the machine; the machine may move if the ride control switch is ON and the machine is started. Do not have ride control ON when operating the loader; the ride control system may cause unexpected movement. Move ride control switch (A) to ON to improve machine ride and reduce tire flexing when traveling over rough terrain at a high speed with loaded bucket or while transporting with an empty bucket. The ride control system has an accumulator and valve in the loader circuit. A—Ride Control Indicator B—Ride Control Switch C—Locking Tab D—Arrow If engine is stopped with ride control switch in ON position, ride control switch will remain in the ON position and ride control will be on when the machine is restarted. NOTE: With ride control on, the front end of the machine cannot be lifted off the ground with the loader and stay in the up position. The front end of the machine will drift back to the ground. To hold front end up while using the backhoe, turn the ride control switch to OFF. If the machine is to be serviced for maintenance, discharge the oil pressure in the ride control system, as follows: 1. Place loader bucket approximately 30 cm (1 ft) of the ground. 2. Make sure area around bucket is clear and move ride control switch to OFF position. Continued on next page 30-3 CED,OUO1040,88 –19–21OCT99–1/2 120699 PN=86 Driving the Machine 3. Turn key switch to ON without starting the engine and move ride control switch to ON position. 4. Move loader control lever to float position. Bucket should lower to ground. 5. If ride control accumulator has lost gas charge, see Checking Ride Control Accumulator in Chapter 90 of this manual. CED,OUO1040,88 –19–21OCT99–2/2 KEEP RIDERS OFF MACHINE Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign objects and being thrown off of the machine. Riders also obstruct the operator’s view resulting in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner. TS290 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Only allow the operator on machine. Keep riders off. TX,30,BD2087 –19–07OCT96–1/1 30-4 120699 PN=87 Driving the Machine DRIVING THE MACHINE—WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION T102172 –UN–19SEP96 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Machine will move in direction of pedal if only one is applied. Connect brake pedals together before traveling at high speed. 1. Connect brake pedals (A) by engaging lock bar (B) between pedals. Keep lock bar engaged unless brakes are to be used to aid in turning. CAUTION: Use a seat belt to minimize chance of injury from an accident such as an overturn. TS205 –UN–23AUG88 2. Fasten seat belt. Continued on next page 30-5 CED,OUO1040,70 –19–13MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=88 Driving the Machine 3. Move engine speed control lever (A) to desired speed and start engine. (See Starting the Engine in Operating the Engine chapter.) T102174 –UN–17DEC96 NOTE: Park brake indicator will light, alarm will sound, and STOP-engine indicator will come on if FNR lever is engaged while park brake is set. Turn park brake off before engaging FNR lever. If park brake is disengaged when machine is stopped, it automatically engages. If machine is started with switch in OFF position, turn switch on, then off before driving machine. 4. Turn park brake switch (B) to disengaged position. T105362 –UN–22NOV96 5. Push clutch disconnect button (D) to remove engine power from drive train and engage gear shifter (E) to appropriate gear for travel. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always set park brake to hold machine. 6. Use FNR lever (C) to change direction of travel. FNR lever can be operated without using the clutch disconnect. T102177 –UN–19SEP96 • Reduce speed when changing direction of travel. • Move FNR lever (C) toward F to travel forward and toward R to travel in reverse. • Move lever to neutral N, when machine is not moving. FNR lever will drop to a detented position when in the neutral N position. 7. Vary travel speed when driving using speed control pedal (F). A—Speed Control Lever B—Park Brake Switch C—FNR Lever D—Clutch Disconnect Button E—Gear Shifter F—Speed Control Pedal CED,OUO1040,70 –19–13MAY98–2/2 30-6 120699 PN=89 Driving the Machine DRIVING THE MACHINE—WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION—IF EQUIPPED T102172 –UN–19SEP96 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Machine will move in direction of pedal if only one is applied. Connect brake pedals together before traveling at high speed. 1. Connect brake pedals (A) by engaging lock bar (B) between pedals. Keep lock bar engaged unless brakes are to be used to aid in turning. CAUTION: Use a seat belt to minimize chance of injury from an accident such as an overturn. TS205 –UN–23AUG88 2. Fasten seat belt. CED,OUO1040,71 –19–13MAY98–1/4 3. Move engine speed control lever (A) to desired speed and start engine. (See Starting the Engine in Operating the Engine chapter.) T102174 –UN–17DEC96 NOTE: Park brake indicator will light, alarm will sound, and STOP-engine indicator will come on if FNR/range lever is engaged while park brake is set. Turn park brake off before engaging FNR lever. If park brake is disengaged when machine is stopped, it automatically engages. If machine is started with switch in off position, turn switch on, then off before driving machine. 4. Turn park brake switch (B) to disengaged position. Continued on next page 30-7 CED,OUO1040,71 –19–13MAY98–2/4 120699 PN=90 Driving the Machine 5. Use FNR/range lever (A) to change direction of travel. FNR/range lever can be operated without using the clutch disconnect. • Reduce speed when changing direction of travel. • Move FNR/range lever (A) toward “F” to travel forward and toward “R” to travel in reverse. • Move lever to neutral “N”, when machine is not moving. FNR/range lever will drop to a detented position when in the neutral “N” position. T115390 –UN–15MAY98 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR/range lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always set park brake to hold machine. 6. FNR/range lever also selects forward gear ranges 1, 2, 3, and 4 and reverse ranges 1, 2, and 3. The fourth position (4) in reverse provides the same speed range as the third position (3). • Rotate handle on FNR/range lever (A) to select gear position. • Gear position is indicated by the pointer (B). CED,OUO1040,71 –19–13MAY98–3/4 T102177 –UN–19SEP96 7. Vary travel speed when driving using speed control pedal (F). CED,OUO1040,71 –19–13MAY98–4/4 30-8 120699 PN=91 Driving the Machine TRAVEL SPEED—310SE WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION Travel speeds are as follows for machines using 19.5L x 24 standard rear tires: No. 1 5.8 km/hr 3.6 mph FORWARD GEAR No. 2 No. 3 9.5 km/hr 23.2 km/hr 5.9 mph 14.4 mph No. 4 39.3 km/hr 24.4 mph No. 1 6.4 km/hr 4.0 mph REVERSE GEAR No. 2 No. 3 10.6 km/hr 25.9 km/hr 6.6 mph 16.1 mph No. 4 43.8 km/hr 27.2 mph CED,OUO1040,72 –19–13MAY98–1/1 TRAVEL SPEED—310SE WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION Travel speeds are as follows for machines using 19.5L x 24 standard rear tires: No. 1 5.8 km/hr 3.6 mph FORWARD GEAR No. 2 No. 3 9.5 km/hr 23.2 km/hr 5.9 mph 14.4 mph No. 4 39.3 km/hr 24.4 mph No. 1 6.4 km/hr 4.0 mph REVERSE GEAR No. 2 No. 3 10.6 km/hr 25.9 km/hr 6.6 mph 16.1 mph No. 4 25.9 km/hr 16.1 mph NOTE: Third and fourth gear speeds are the same in reverse. CED,OUO1040,72 –19–13MAY98–1/1 30-9 120699 PN=92 Driving the Machine TRAVEL SPEED—315SE WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION Travel speeds are as follows for machines using 16.9 x 28 standard rear tires: No. 1 6.1 km/hr 3.8 mph FORWARD GEAR No. 2 No. 3 10.1 km/hr 24.6 km/hr 6.3 mph 15.3 mph No. 4 41.5 km/hr 25.8 mph No. 1 6.8 km/hr 4.2 mph REVERSE GEAR No. 2 No. 3 11.3 km/hr 27.4 km/hr 7.0 mph 17.1 mph No. 4 46.3 km/hr 28.8 mph CED,OUO1040,73 –19–13MAY98–1/1 TRAVEL SPEED—315SE WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION Travel speeds are as follows for machines using 16.9 x 28 standard rear tires: No. 1 6.1 km/hr 3.8 mph FORWARD GEAR No. 2 No. 3 10.1 km/hr 24.6 km/hr 6.3 mph 15.3 mph No. 4 41.5 km/hr 25.8 mph No. 1 6.8 km/hr 4.2 mph REVERSE GEAR No. 2 No. 3 11.3 km/hr 27.4 km/hr 7.0 mph 17.1 mph No. 4 27.4 km/hr 17.1 mph NOTE: Third and fourth gear speeds are the same in reverse. CED,OUO1040,74 –19–13MAY98–1/1 30-10 120699 PN=93 Driving the Machine PARKING THE MACHINE—WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION 1. Park machine on a level surface. T105361 –UN–22NOV96 2. Lower front loader to ground. 3. Move gear shifter (A) and FNR lever (B) to neutral position. 4. Engage park brake with switch (C). IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to engine, run engine at 1/2 speed no load for 2 minutes before shutting down. T102144 –UN–17DEC96 5. Set engine to 1/2 speed with lever (D) and idle for 2 minutes. 6. Set engine at low idle. NOTE: STOP-engine indicator and park brake indicator will stay on until engine has completely stopped. 7. Turn key to OFF position and remove from switch. A—Gear Shift Lever B—FNR Lever C—Park Brake Switch D—Engine Speed Control Lever 8. Release hydraulic pressure by moving control lever until equipment does not move. CED,OUO1040,116 30-11 –19–19MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=94 Driving the Machine PARKING THE MACHINE—WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION—IF EQUIPPED T115364 –UN–15MAY98 1. Park machine on a level surface. 2. Lower front loader to ground. 3. Move FNR/range lever (A) to neutral position. 4. Engage park brake with switch (B). IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to engine, run engine at 1/2 speed no load for 2 minutes before shutting down. T115365 –UN–15MAY98 5. Set engine to 1/2 speed with lever (C) and idle for 2 minutes. 6. Set engine at low idle. NOTE: STOP-engine indicator and park brake indicator will stay on until engine has completely stopped. 7. Turn key to OFF position and remove from switch. 8. Release hydraulic pressure by moving control lever until equipment does not move. CED,OUO1040,117 30-12 –19–19MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=95 Operating the Machine T105527 –UN–03DEC96 PREPARING TO OPERATE BACKHOE 310SE Shown 1. Back machine close to desired digging location and park on flat ground. 2. Move FNR and gear shifter to neutral position and engage park brake. 3. Position loader bucket on ground and lower boom until front wheels rise off ground. (See Operating Front Loader in this chapter.) 5. Lower stabilizers until rear tires are just off the ground to level unit. (See Operating Stabilizers in this chapter.) 6. Remove swing lock pin, place pin in storage position and disengage backhoe boom lock. 7. Check backhoe levers for proper clearance. (See Backhoe Valve Linkage Adjustment in this chapter.) 4. Turn seat to face backhoe. (See Seat Controls in Operator’s Station chapter.) TX,35,BD2091 –19–29NOV99–1/1 35-1 120699 PN=96 Operating the Machine BACKHOE VALVE LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT T7407AJ –UN–30OCT90 IMPORTANT: Levers must be adjusted correctly to assure clearance with seat and allow full lever travel. 1. Put backhoe valve spools in neutral position 2. Place a piece of masking tape across inside surface of rear ROPS posts at backhoe lever knob height. 3. Measure from edge of knobs to tape. Adjust distance (B) to 140 mm (5.5 in.). B—Distance 140 mm (5.5 in.) 4. Check distance between knobs. Center to center distance should be 260 mm (10.25 in.). 5. Check levers for full travel and proper operation. Linkage rods should not contact each other at any lever position. CED,TX03768,2666 35-2 –19–29OCT99–1/1 120699 PN=97 Operating the Machine OPERATING STABILIZERS T102201 –UN–24AUG96 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Stabilizers must be set on a firm surface. Do not dig under stabilizers. Be alert to possible machine movement when raising stabilizers and loader bucket. T102200 –UN–24AUG96 Before operating the backhoe, use stabilizers to lift and level the machine. Use the levers to move stabilizers from raised position (A and C) to lowered position (B and D). T105531 –UN–03DEC96 310SE 315SE A—Left Stabilizer Up B—Left Stabilizer Down C—Right Stabilizer Up D—Right Stabilizer Down TX,35,BD2092 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-3 120699 PN=98 Operating the Machine OPERATING BOOM LOCK—310SE IMPORTANT: To prevent possible machine damage, unlock boom before operating backhoe. T102050 –UN–14AUG96 To unlock boom: 1. Raise boom against stops to release tension between hooks and locks (A). 2. Pull lever (B) toward operator to raise locks away from boom hooks (unlocked position). To lock boom: 1. Pull lever toward operator to raise locks. T105250 –UN–18NOV96 2. Raise boom against stops. 3. Release lever to lower locks in hooks (locked position). TX,35,BD2093 –19–07OCT96–1/1 OPERATING BOOM LOCK—315SE IMPORTANT: To prevent possible machine damage, unlock boom before operating backhoe. T105506 –UN–02DEC96 To unlock boom: 1. Raise boom against stops to release tension between hooks and locks (A). 2. Depress foot switch (B) to raise locks away from boom hooks (unlocked position). To lock boom: 1. Depress foot switch to raise locks and hold. T105507 –UN–02DEC96 2. With locks raised, raise boom against stops. 3. Release foot switch to lower locks in hooks (locked position). EX,35,BG76 35-4 –19–03DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=99 Operating the Machine OPERATING SWING LOCK T105249 –UN–18NOV96 IMPORTANT: To prevent possible machine damage, remove swing lock pin before operating backhoe. NOTE: 315SE has three mounting holes for swing lock pin to allow boom to be locked in central position or swung to the right or left. Remove swing lock pin (A) from mounting hole (B) and place in storage position in operator’s station. T102208 –UN–14AUG96 Storage Position—310SE Shown T105663 –UN–11DEC96 310SE 315SE TX,35,BD2094 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-5 120699 PN=100 Operating the Machine OPERATING EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK LOCK—IF EQUIPPED T103811 –UN–17SEP96 CAUTION: To prevent serious injury, always install locking pin from ground. 1. Lower backhoe to ground and turn engine off before removing or installing locking pin. T105279 –UN–19NOV96 2. Remove pin from lock hole (A) and place in storage holder (B). Retain with quick-lock pin (C). TX,35,BG241 –19–29AUG97–1/1 TX,35,BG243 –19–08NOV99–1/1 OPERATING AUXILIARY FLOW CONTROL VALVE—IF EQUIPPED T111183 –UN–21AUG97 Auxiliary hydraulic valve is equipped with three different flow settings. Each setting is identified with a numbered decal (A) on adjustment lever. To adjust flow: 1. Loosen set screw (B). 2. Turn lever so desired setting (A) is viewed from rear of machine. • Turn lever to left for 18 gpm. • Center lever position gives 22 gpm. • Turn lever to right for 9 gpm. 3. Tighten set screw. 35-6 120699 PN=101 Operating the Machine OPERATING BACKHOE—JOHN DEERE TWO LEVER CONTROLS T125493 –UN–04NOV99 A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to SAE two lever style is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the four lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position Operate backhoe with control levers. Move levers as shown to maneuver backhoe components in desired directions. T125491 –UN–28OCT99 For faster cycle times, fully extend levers when moving and operate more than one component at a time. A—Lower Boom B—Raise Boom C—Extend Dipperstick D—Retract Dipperstick E—Load Bucket F—Dump Bucket G—Boom Swing Left H—Boom Swing Right TX,35,BG277 35-7 –19–08JAN97–1/1 120699 PN=102 Operating the Machine OPERATING BACKHOE CONTROLS—SAE EXCAVATOR TWO LEVER STYLE T126184 –UN–24NOV99 A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to SAE two lever style is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the SAE two lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position Operate backhoe with control levers. Move levers as shown to maneuver backhoe components in desired directions. T125491 –UN–28OCT99 For faster cycle times, fully extend levers when moving and operate more than one component at a time. A—Lower Boom B—Raise Boom C—Extend Dipperstick D—Retract Dipperstick E—Load Bucket F—Dump Bucket G—Swing Left H—Swing Right CED,TX03768,2664 35-8 –19–22OCT99–1/1 120699 PN=103 Operating the Machine OPERATING BACKHOE CONTROLS—THREE LEVER ( CASE STYLE) T125492 –UN–28OCT99 A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to three lever style is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the three lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position Operate backhoe with control levers. Move levers as shown to maneuver backhoe components in desired directions. T125491 –UN–28OCT99 For faster cycle times, fully extend levers when moving and operate more than one component at a time. A—Lower Boom B—Raise Boom C—Extend Dipperstick D—Retract Dipperstick E—Load Bucket F—Dump Bucket G—Boom Swing Left H—Boom Swing Right CASE is a trademark of Case Corp. TX,35,BG279 35-9 –19–08JAN97–1/1 120699 PN=104 Operating the Machine OPERATING BACKHOE CONTROLS—FOUR LEVER ( FORD STYLE) T6228AB –UN–17OCT88 A conversion kit for changing John Deere two lever controls to four lever style is available from your authorized dealer. Labels corresponding to the four lever controls must be installed. CAUTION: Several control patterns are available for this backhoe. Always verify control response before operating. T125490 –UN–28OCT99 Prevent possible personal injury from unexpected machine movement. DO NOT operate backhoe unless you are in the operator’s seat facing rearward with stabilizers down. IMPORTANT: To avoid machine damage, do not swing boom into stabilizers. NOTE: When seat is turned around to backhoe operation position, seat position sensor will sound an audible alarm and light the STOP indicator if FNR lever is moved to forward or reverse position Operate backhoe with control levers. Move levers as shown to maneuver backhoe components in desired directions. T125487 –UN–28OCT99 For faster cycle times, fully extend levers when moving and operate more than one component at a time. A—Extend Dipperstick B—Retract Dipperstick C—Raise Boom D—Lower Boom E—Load Bucket F—Dump Bucket G—Swing Right H—Swing Left FORD is a trademark of Ford Motor Company CED,TX03768,2665 35-10 –19–22OCT99–1/1 120699 PN=105 Operating the Machine SHIFTING BACKHOE WITH BUCKET—315SE 1. Lower stabilizers. 2. Swing boom in opposite direction of shift. 3. Lower bucket to ground so teeth hold firmly. T105537 –UN–03DEC96 4. Depress sliding frame lock switch (A) to unlock. 5. Using boom and dipperstick levers, push backhoe in desired direction. T105538 –UN–03DEC96 T105534 –UN–11DEC96 6. Release sliding frame lock switch. Fully extend one of the backhoe levers and hold momentarily to ensure that backhoe is locked into place. EX,35,BG80 35-11 –19–04DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=106 Operating the Machine OPERATING EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK—IF EQUIPPED Push top (A) of pedal to extend dipperstick. T105287 –UN–19NOV96 Push bottom (B) of pedal to retract dipperstick. T102223 –UN–24AUG96 Two Lever Dipperstick TX,35,BD2097 –19–07OCT96–1/1 BACKHOE TRANSPORT/STORAGE POSITION 1. Curl bucket, retract dipperstick and center boom. 2. Engage boom lock and install swing lock pin. 3. Raise stabilizers. 4. Turn seat to face front of machine. 5. Roll back loader bucket until bottom is parallel to ground. TX,35,BD2098 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-12 120699 PN=107 Operating the Machine OPERATING FRONT LOADER T102230 –UN–24AUG96 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Operate loader facing forward in the operator’s seat only. NOTE: Control lever will return to neutral if released during normal loader operation. Push lever in following directions for corresponding loader movements: NOTE: Moving lever completely forward (A) will place loader in float position. Lever will stay in float position until it is manually moved . • A—Lever Forward: Lower Boom • B—Lever Rearward: Raise Boom NOTE: Moving lever completely to the left (rollback) will hold it in position until bucket is level. Once bucket is level, lever will return to neutral. • C—Lever Left: Roll Back Bucket • D—Lever Right: Dump Bucket T102232 –UN–14AUG96 For faster cycle times, fully extend lever in desired direction, run engine at fast idle and move boom and bucket at same time. A—Lower Boom B—Raise Boom C—Roll Back Bucket D—Dump Bucket TX,35,BD2099 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-13 120699 PN=108 Operating the Machine ADJUSTING LOADER BUCKET SELF-LEVELING LINKAGE INDICATOR AND RETURN-TO-DIG SWITCH T105234 –UN–13DEC96 1. Position bucket flat on ground and turn engine off. 2. Remove linkage cover (A) and reinstall cap screw. 3. Hold bucket lever in rollback position. EX,35,BG60 –19–06MAY98–1/3 4. Measure gap (A) between guard/stop (B) and bell crank (C). Between Guard/Stop and Bell Crank—Specification Gap .................................................................................... 1 mm (0.04 in.) 5. If gap is not to specification, adjust rod jam nut and yoke (D) to obtain correct gap. Allow bucket lever to return to neutral position. 6. Measure gap (E) between top of bell crank pin (F) and bottom of actuator tang (G). Between Top of Bell Crank Pin and Bottom of Actuator Tang— Specification Gap ..................................................................................... 152 mm (6 in.) T102233 –UN–26JUL96 7. If gap is not to specification, adjust sensor and yoke (H) to correct. A—1 mm (0.04 in.) gap B—Guard/Stop C—Bell Crank—Neutral Position D—Rod Jam Nut and Yoke E—152 mm (6 in.) gap F—Bell Crank Pin G—Actuator Tang H—Sensor Tube Jam Nut and Yoke I—Bucket Dump J—Bucket Rollback Continued on next page 35-14 EX,35,BG60 –19–06MAY98–2/3 120699 PN=109 Operating the Machine 8. Loosen cap screw (A) and move return to dig switch so roller (B) is touching area (C) on cam. 9. Tighten cap screw without moving switch. –UN–09NOV88 10. While watching clearance between cam and switch, turn bucket level pointer back and forth to be sure cam does not hit switch bracket. T87154 NOTE: Be sure that switch arm and roller do not bottom on switch housing. 11. If arm touches bracket or switch arm, and roller bottoms on switch housing, reposition switch. Repeat steps 8—12 for adjustment. 12. When adjusted correctly, bucket position will be approximately level or slightly forward with ground. Install cover when adjusted correctly. EX,35,BG60 35-15 –19–06MAY98–3/3 120699 PN=110 Operating the Machine CHANGING LOADER BUCKETS CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from falling hardware. Bucket cylinder and links will fall forward if bucket is in dig position when pins are removed. Remove pins only when bucket is on ground in full dump position. 1. Place bucket in dump position on floor. 2. Remove pin (A) and pivot links (B) to rear against cross tube (C). 3. Remove pin (D) and carefully lay cylinder (E) on cross tube. T103832 –UN–17SEP96 CAUTION: Bucket is heavy and can cause injury if not moved properly. Use adequate lifting device to move bucket. 4. Remove pins (F) and bucket. 5. Position new bucket in dump position where previously removed bucket was. Install pins (F). 6. Connect bucket links and cylinder using previously removed pins (A and D) and retaining hardware. A—Pin B—Pivot Links (2 used) C—Cross Tube D—Pin E—Cylinder F—Pins (2 used) TX,35,BD2101 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-16 120699 PN=111 Operating the Machine CAUTION: To prevent injury from loss of machine control, DO NOT engage differential lock when driving at high speed or steering will be limited. To prevent injury from unexpected movement, DO NOT engage lock with machine stopped and only one wheel spinning. Press down on foot switch (A) to lock differential. When differential is locked, both rear wheels turn at the same speed. T102308 –UN–06SEP96 OPERATING DIFFERENTIAL LOCK Unequal traction will keep differential locked. When traction evens out, differential lock disengages automatically if switch is released. If traction is constant, hold switch down to keep lock engaged. TX,35,BD2102 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-17 120699 PN=112 Operating the Machine OPERATING MECHANICAL FRONT WHEEL DRIVE (MFWD)—IF EQUIPPED NOTE: For best performance, fuel economy, and tire wear, operate MFWD only when needed. T105240 –UN–17DEC96 IMPORTANT: Prevent possible gear damage. MFWD can be engaged and disengaged while driving, except in cases of unequal traction. Machine must be stopped before engaging MFWD during unequal traction. Optional Gauge Package Shown To achieve best MFWD performance, be sure front tires are inflated to proper air pressure. (See Tire Pressures in Maintenance—As Required chapter.) NOTE: It may take several seconds for the MFWD to engage or disengage depending on the mechanical gearing of the MFWD assembly. Push down switch (B) to engage MFWD. Indicator light (A) will remain on while MFWD is engaged. TX,35,BD2103 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-18 120699 PN=113 Operating the Machine REVERSE STABILIZER FEET—310SE Use rubber pad side (A) of stabilizer foot when operating on paved surface to prevent damaging work area. Use cleat side (B) of stabilizer foot when operating in dirt to prevent slipping. T8214AO –UN–27APR94 To change foot surface, remove pin (C), rotate foot 180° to opposite surface, and install pin to keep foot from turning back around. TX,35,BD2104 –19–07OCT96–1/1 CAUTION: Counterweights are heavy and can cause serious injury if dropped. Be sure counter weights are properly supported with a forklift or other adequate lifting device before removing. 1. Support counterweights before adding or removing weights. Use a forklift by inserting tines in slots (A). 2. Install front counterweights for added stability as necessary. Remove cap screws (B) to remove existing weights and to retain new weights to machine. T105666 –UN–11DEC96 ADD FRONT COUNTERWEIGHTS TX,35,BD2105 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-19 120699 PN=114 Operating the Machine ADD LIQUID BALLAST TO FRONT TIRES NOTE: See Maintenance—As Required chapter for tire pressure. Weights given are for tires 75 percent full of liquid. Water Only Water/CaCl2 Solution * Tire Size Water Volume Water Weight Water Volume Water Weight Weight of Solution Per Tire 11 L x 15 53 L 53 kg 45 L 19 kg 64 kg (14 gal) (117 lb) (12 gal) (42 lb) (142 lb) 57 L 57 kg 49 L 21 kg 70 kg (15 gal) (126 lb) (13 gal) (46 lb) (155 lb) 11 L x 16 12 PR F3 *Approximately 1.6 kg (3.5 lb) CaCl2 per gallon of water will stay slush free to -24°C (-12°F) and will freeze solid at -47°C (-52°F). TX,35,BD2106 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-20 120699 PN=115 Operating the Machine OPERATING TIPS Reducing speed when driving over rough terrain, carrying a heavy load, or working in a congested area will increase your ability to control the machine. Avoid rough terrain, rocks, curbs, and ditches whenever possible. When backhoe is not being used, backhoe boom must be locked in full raised position. Curl backhoe bucket and retract dipperstick. While driving, carry loader bucket low for good visibility and machine stability. Before starting work, walk the site to uncover hazards. Keep site clean and level to maximize machine stability. Do not knock down stakes or grade markers to avoid re-work due to losing sight guides. Use proper equipment to best suit terrain and debris being worked with. Loose, fragmented material will dump quickly from the bucket. To break up material as it enters bucket and avoid sticking, excavate in thin layers. If cleaning bucket by rapping against stops, use MINIMUM amount of force to avoid cylinder damage. If rapping bucket lightly does not work, clean bucket out by hand. Do not attempt to clean bucket out by striking against the ground or another object. TX,35,BD2107 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-21 120699 PN=116 Operating the Machine WORK AT PROPER ANGLES T104818 –UN–06DEC96 Work perpendicular or at an angle to stockpile to prevent highest part of pile from collapsing onto machine. Use backhoe bucket to remove material that may fall onto machine. Work perpendicular or at an angle to excavation to prevent cave-ins. Do not operate near the edge of an excavation or trench. T104819 –UN–06DEC96 Use backhoe bucket to fill areas where cave-ins occur. TX,35,BG244 –19–29AUG97–1/1 OPERATING ON A SLOPE Driving straight up or down slope with loader and backhoe bucket near ground and dipperstick retracted: With front bucket loaded: • Level or slightly retract bucket when driving up slope. • Fully retract bucket when driving down slope. T104820 –UN–06DEC96 CAUTION: To avoid injury from machine rollover, DO NOT turn while operating on slopes. • Level bucket when driving up slope keeping bucket raised high enough to prevent digging into ground. • Point bucket down slope and drive slow when traveling down slope. T104821 –UN–06DEC96 With front bucket unloaded: TX,35,BD2109 –19–07OCT96–1/1 35-22 120699 PN=117 Operating the Machine POSITIONING SPOIL PILES T104822 –UN–06DEC96 To prevent cave-ins, place spoil pile at least 1 m (3 ft) away from edge of excavation. Deeper excavations require larger area for spoil pile due to increased pile size. Place spoil piles in convenient locations for easier truck loading or backfilling. On slopes, place piles on the upper side for improved machine stability and easier backfilling. TX,35,BG245 –19–29AUG97–1/1 TX,35,BG246 –19–29AUG97–1/1 LEVELING MACHINE Operate machine on firm, level ground when operating backhoe. T104823 –UN–06DEC96 1. Level work area as necessary. IMPORTANT: To avoid injury from tipping or unexpected machine movement do not dig under stabilizers. NOTE: When stabilizers are lowered to level machine, they may not be extended the same length due to variations in ground. T104824 –UN–06DEC96 2. Lower stabilizers to level machine and provide side-to-side stability. Take load off rear tires with minimum clearance between tires and ground. 3. With front bucket in dig position, lower until weight of machine is off front tires. Add material in bucket for additional counterweight. Position loader bucket in fully dumped position when ground surface is icy, wet, or rocky. 35-23 120699 PN=118 Operating the Machine MOVING WITH BACKHOE Use one of the following procedures to move machine forward and continue digging in the same excavation. T104825 –UN–06DEC96 DRIVE FORWARD Place backhoe in transport position, turn seat to face front, and drive machine forward. BACKHOE NOTE: Moving the machine with backhoe is recommended for experienced operators. • Swing backhoe to center position and check area in front of machine for bystanders. • Move gear shift and FNR levers to neutral. • Release park brake. • Raise loader bucket. • Raise stabilizers so tires are on ground supporting rear of machine. • Retract backhoe boom and dipperstick and place bucket teeth firmly in the ground. • Slowly extend dipperstick and lower boom to move machine forward. • When machine is in desired position, lower stabilizers and loader bucket to level machine, engage park brake and continue digging. TX,35,BG247 35-24 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=119 Operating the Machine USING BACKHOE BUCKET Use type of digging which is best suited for your specific job. T104826 –UN–08JAN97 Crowd Digging: For most general excavating, leveling material, and digging trenches. Crowd digging utilizes the crowd cylinder (A) for majority of movement. 1. Position dipperstick in vertical position and then move away from machine approximately 0.61 m (2 ft). Crowd Digging 2. Retract dipperstick and curl bucket simultaneously to make first cut. First cut should be approximately 1.2 m (4 ft) long and 75—100 mm (3—4 in.) deep. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for remaining cuts and increase depth to 100—150 mm (4—6 in.) deep. Bucket Digging: For power digging or working in a small area. Use bucket cylinder (B) for digging. T104827 –UN–06DEC96 1. Lower extended bucket to digging area and lower boom to force bucket into ground. 2. While retracting the dipperstick, curl (retract) bucket until it is full. If bucket stalls, raise the boom slightly and continue to curl bucket. Bucket Digging If dipperstick stalls, roll back bucket to break out. TX,35,BG248 35-25 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=120 Operating the Machine USING A SIGHT GAUGE FOR TRENCHING T102503 –UN–10SEP96 Drive two stakes in ground, 9 m (30 ft) (A) apart, in line with desired trench location. Use stakes as a sight gauge. Use of a sight gauge is recommended especially if machine is moved off course often. TX,35,BD1950 –19–20SEP96–1/1 TRENCHING T7208AL –UN–30JAN90 Trenches should be dug in a “V” to prevent cave-ins. (See Positioning Spoil Piles in this chapter for spoil dumping information.) T104828 –UN–06DEC96 If cave-in occurs and cannot be reached from current position, DO NOT back over trench. Drive the machine to side at cave-in, and park at a 90° angle. T104829 –UN–06DEC96 Trenching on Slope Fixing Cave-In TX,35,BG249 35-26 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=121 Operating the Machine OPERATING EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK WITH ATTACHMENTS T103835 –UN–11OCT96 When using attachments, it is recommended to retract extendible dipperstick and lock in place. Operating hydraulic hammers, compactors, etc., with dipperstick extended may cause abnormal wear and stress on dipperstick components and ultimately shorten their life. TX,35,BD2115 –19–07OCT96–1/1 USING LOADER BUCKET NOTE: Bucket and boom can be positioned while machine is on-the-go. T104830 –UN–06DEC96 1. Place bucket in dig position on ground. 2. Move gear shift lever to appropriate gear to dig. First or second gear is recommended. 3. Move forward into the material. T104831 –UN–06DEC96 4. Raise and curl bucket to hold load. TX,35,BG250 35-27 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=122 Operating the Machine EXCAVATING WITH FRONT BUCKET NOTE: Buckets with teeth are recommended for excavating. –UN–30JAN90 Position bucket at a slightly downward angle on ground and drive forward to scoop ground and curl bucket at end of excavating area. T7208AR If digging in tightly packed, hard or dense ground, use a gentle up-and-down motion to break up ground. TX,35,BD1951 –19–20SEP96–1/1 DOZING AND PLOWING T104832 –UN–06DEC96 DOZING: With bucket parallel to ground, remove as little dirt as possible from top surface. Let dirt spill from partially dumped bucket to fill in low spots. PLOWING: Place boom in float position and bucket in dig position to prevent gouging surface (e.g.—cleaning concrete and snow removal). Also use float position to avoid mixing surface and stockpile material. TX,35,BG251 35-28 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=123 Operating the Machine EXCAVATING BANKS OR STOCKPILES T104833 –UN–06DEC96 CAUTION: To prevent possible injury from falling material, remove overhangs from top of bank or stockpile before starting excavation. Remove overhang with backhoe or loader before starting to dig at the base of a bank or stockpile. Using backhoe or loader, reduce required breakout force required when digging into hard, dense, or tightly-packed material by working from top of bank or stockpile to bottom. Remove Overhang T104834 –UN–06DEC96 Under normal conditions, start to excavate bank or stockpile from bottom, working up the side. Work face of bank or stockpile evenly to prevent outcroppings and overhangs. Excavate bank or stockpile with machine at a 90° angle to digging surface. 1. Position bucket on the ground in dig position. NOTE: Use differential lock as necessary. Hard Material Start Point 2. Place gear shift lever in first or second gear depending on ground conditions. 3. Move forward into the bank or stockpile. T7208AV –UN–30JAN90 4. Raise and curl bucket as it fills. Normal Excavating Position TX,35,BG252 –19–29AUG97–1/1 TX,35,BG253 –19–29AUG97–1/1 BACKDRAGGING 35-29 T104835 –UN–06DEC96 Leveling and grading can be done by backdragging with front loader bucket in reverse. Place front loader boom in float position when backdragging so bucket will follow contour of ground. 120699 PN=124 Operating the Machine BACKFILLING T104836 –UN–06DEC96 CAUTION: To avoid injury due to an overturn when backfilling, DO NOT position machine at an angle to excavation. To ensure best possible traction and stability, approach excavation straight on. IMPORTANT: To prevent machine damage, DO NOT use loader bucket in dump position or side of bucket to backfill. Use bucket side or loader in dump position only if finish grading with front boom in float position. Backfilling Next To a Building: NOTE: If operating in an area with limited work space, use backhoe bucket instead of loader for easier maneuvering. Extra dirt can be backfilled around foundations to allow for settling. When backfilling next to a building, push load as close as possible with loader bucket, then backdrag to pull excess material away. Backfilling An Excavation: As an excavation is filled nearly to grade, begin to compact material by slowly moving front wheels onto fill material while gradually emptying loader bucket. Front wheels will compact loose soil which will support machine as it moves further onto filled area. Continued on next page 35-30 TX,35,BG254 –19–29AUG97–1/2 120699 PN=125 Operating the Machine NOTE: To level surface and fill tracks as grade is reached, backdrag when backing out over filled area. (See Backdragging in this chapter for backdragging procedure.) T104836 –UN–06DEC96 Backfilling Large Areas: To bring a large area up to grade, while being able to drive in, spread material in thin layers over entire area. Operate at nearly full engine speed while in first gear and dump material on-the-go. Reverse direction just prior to emptying bucket. Tractor will compact fill material as it moves back and forth. TX,35,BG254 35-31 –19–29AUG97–2/2 120699 PN=126 Operating the Machine TRUCK LOADING Level and smooth loading area before loading trucks to increase machine stability. T104837 –UN–06DEC96 Retract and lock backhoe and dipperstick. Install swing lock pin. Be sure working area is clear of all persons, including truck driver, before loading truck. Park truck close to stockpile to reduce backhoe travel time. “V” Path If possible, load truck on driver’s side for easy communication with driver. T104838 –UN–06DEC96 If possible, park truck so wind will be at your back to keep dust of the dumped load out of your eyes and away from engine air cleaner. Follow a "V" path between truck and stockpile. Raise loader while moving toward truck and lower while moving away from truck to save time. Load truck box from center front to center rear. Dump load into truck at a steady pace (rather than abruptly) to minimize stress on truck. If loading large rock, first place a load of smaller rock into truck to cushion impact of large. If loading with backhoe bucket, do not swing bucket over truck cab. TX,35,BG256 35-32 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=127 Operating the Machine BENCHING T7208BA –UN–30JAN90 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from a collapsing soil bank. DO NOT undercut soil bank with bucket. NOTE: Start benching on a level surface. If necessary, use backhoe bucket to create a level starting point to bench. 1. With bucket positioned at a slightly downward angle, move gear shift to first gear, lower bucket into ground and drive forward. 2. Create a windrow of spoil material to build the bench. TX,35,BD2121 –19–07OCT96–1/3 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from rollover. DO NOT drop leading front tire past windrow edge. DO NOT work parallel to road edge to compact spoil. –UN–30JAN90 NOTE: Keep material in bucket while moving forward to fill low spots on bench. T7208BB 3. Push windrow at 45—90° angle to road edge to extend bench. T7208BC –UN–30JAN90 4. Compact windrow spoil with leading front tire ONLY. Continued on next page 35-33 TX,35,BD2121 –19–07OCT96–2/3 120699 PN=128 Operating the Machine T7208BD –UN–30JAN90 5. Make a final grading pass to straighten uphill bank and level bench. TX,35,BD2121 –19–07OCT96–3/3 35-34 120699 PN=129 Operating the Machine LIFTING T105290 –UN–17DEC96 CAUTION: Never move the load suddenly. Never move load over person’s head. Do not allow any persons near the load. Keep all persons away from raised load until blocks are supporting it or load is sitting on the ground. Make sure chain/sling is in good condition and is rated for load you are lifting. 1. For maximum lifting capability, attach chain/sling to buckets at positions shown. Refer to Specifications chapter for capacities of backhoe. T105289 –UN–20NOV96 2. Attach a hand line to load for stability. Use long enough line to ensure that person holding it is a safe distance from load. 3. Before lifting, perform following test of load stability: NOTE: If using backhoe to lift, raise rear tires off ground 50 mm (2 in.) and be sure machine is level. If ground is soft, place boards or other wide support under stabilizer feet to increase stability. a. Park machine close to load. b. Attach load to chain/sling. c. Raise load 50 mm (2 in.) above ground. d. If using backhoe, swing load all the way to one side. e. While keeping load close to the ground, extend it away from machine. If there is any indication of reduced stability of your machine, lower load to the ground and make necessary adjustments so machine can successfully perform test. Do not lift load until machine can perform test at acceptable level. TX,35,BG257 35-35 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=130 Operating the Machine UNIVERSAL BUCKET COUPLERS AND BUCKET OPTIONS NOTE: In addition to the Universal coupler shown here, other couplers are available through your authorized dealer for a specific machine manufacturer; such as Case, and Ford New Holland. T111029 –UN–06AUG97 The 310SE has the same pin size as the 410E, allowing 410E bucket to be used on the 310SE. This provides 190° bucket rotation without changing bucket pin location (pin sizes are 2.15 in. for the bucket to dipperstick and 1.96 in for the bucket linkage to bucket). Bucket must be installed in truck load position to prevent rod from hitting grease fitting on top of dipperstick. A universal coupler is available to adapt a 310SE backhoe for use with existing Deere types of buckets. To use coupler (A), slide front bucket pin into pin groove (B) of coupler and attach back bucket pin through appropriate size hole (C) in coupler, with coupler installed, the following buckets may be used: • • • • • 310SE and 410E Buckets 300D—510D Buckets 210C—610C Buckets Case C, D, K and L Series Buckets Caterpillar B-Series Buckets Continued on next page 35-36 TX,35,BG258 –19–29AUG97–1/2 120699 PN=131 Operating the Machine NOTE: The E-series and C- and D-series John Deere buckets have different rear pin positions in the coupler. 310E buckets do not fit on this coupler. T115740 –UN–10JUN98 To attach the coupler to a bucket, engage the hook on the coupler with the front bucket pin. After the front pin is in the hook, roll the bucket to the correct rear pin position. The coupler has three rear pin holes to attach different buckets. A—Caterpillar B—Deere C- and D-Series and Case C—Deere E-Series, 410E TX,35,BG258 35-37 –19–29AUG97–2/2 120699 PN=132 Transporting LOADING AND UNLOADING MACHINE ON A TRAILER –UN–09NOV88 1. Keep trailer bed clean. Place chocks (A) against trailer wheels. T87155 2. Use a ramp or loading dock. Ramps must be strong enough, have a low angle, and correct height. Load and unload machine on a level surface. 3. Fasten seat belt before starting engine. Allow engine to run for several minutes. 4. Place backhoe swing lock and extendible dipperstick (if equipped) in locked position. 5. Drive the machine up ramps slowly with centerline of machine over centerline of trailer. (See Driving the Machine chapter for driving instructions.) 6. Lower loader bucket onto blocks or trailer bed. 7. Lower backhoe bucket to trailer bed. 8. Move FNR lever to neutral position. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR to keep machine from moving. Machine can unexpectedly roll or move under power, resulting in death or serious injury. Always engage park brake to hold machine. 9. Engage park brake switch. IMPORTANT: Turbocharger may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 10. Run engine at 1/2 speed without load for two minutes. 11. Move speed control lever to slow idle position and stop engine. 12. Turn key to OFF position and remove from switch. 13. Move hydraulic control levers to release hydraulic pressure. Continued on next page 40-1 TX,40,BD2123 –19–06DEC99–1/2 120699 PN=133 Transporting 14. Fasten chains or cables to machine frame at locations (A). DO NOT place chains or cables over or against hydraulic lines or hoses. 15. Fasten backhoe bucket with chains or cables to trailer to prevent movement during transport. 16. Cover engine exhaust pipe opening with tape to keep dust and rain out of pipe. T105539 –UN–03DEC96 IMPORTANT: Prevent possible hydraulic system damage. Fasten chains or cables to machine at proper locations. UNLOADING THE MACHINE FROM THE TRAILER 1. Park the trailer on a level surface. 3. Clean the trailer bed. Remove chains from the trailer bed. Uncover engine exhaust pipe. 4. Use long ramps to unload the machine. T106205 –UN–08JAN97 2. Place chocks against all trailer wheels. 5. Lock the brake pedals together with the pedal lock device. 6. Fasten seat belt and face the front of the machine. 7. Start the machine and run the engine at low idle for several minutes. 8. Raise the front bucket approximately 1 ft. and lower the backhoe near the ground position and lock the boom and the swing frame. 9. Release the park brake. 10. Shift to 1st. gear and drive slowly off the trailer. TX,40,BD2123 –19–06DEC99–2/2 40-2 120699 PN=134 Transporting TOWING T105300 –UN–02DEC96 IMPORTANT: Engine cannot be started by towing. Damage to transmission may result. DO NOT tow machine faster than 10 km/h (6.21 mph) or any longer than 1 hour. Towing IS NOT recommended. If you MUST tow machine, use the following procedure: 1. Turn engine off. Access Plate Removed CAUTION: Prevent possible injury or death from unexpected machine movement. Block wheels to prevent machine movement before disengaging park brake. 2. Block tires 3. If your machine is equipped with mechanical front wheel drive (MFWD), remove the front axle drive shaft. 4. Move FNR and gear shift levers to neutral. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury or death from unexpected machine movement. Only release the park brake through the access hole in floor of operator’s station 5. Remove access plate in floor of operator’s station. Continued on next page 40-3 TX,40,BD2124 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=135 Transporting 6. Release park brake for tow by turning cap screws (A) completely in. Loosen hex nuts (B) to adjust park brake screws (A). 7. Remove blocks from tires. 8. When towing is completed, enable park brake to hold machine by turning both cap screws out to specification (C) as illustrated. T102654 –UN–17DEC96 IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to park brake assembly from heat build-up, brake must be manually disengaged. Cap Screw—Specification Position from Housing ................................... 27 + 1 mm (1.06 + 0.04 in.) T102655 –UN–10SEP96 Lock cap screws with hex nuts (B). 9. Close access plate when complete. TX,40,BD2124 –19–07OCT96–2/2 40-4 120699 PN=136 Fuels and Lubricants DIESEL FUEL content less than 0.05% is preferred. • If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% is used, reduce the service interval for engine oil and filter by 50%. • DO NOT use diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 1.0%. Consult your local fuel distributor for properties of the diesel fuel available in your area. In general, diesel fuels are blended to satisfy the low temperature requirements of the geographical area in which they are marketed. Recommended standard grades are: • Use Grade No. 1-D fuel at temperatures from -30 to +30°C (-22 to +86°F). • Use Grade No. 2-D fuel at temperatures from -10 to +50°C (+14 to +122°F). Diesel fuels meeting Military Specification VV-F-800E are preferred. If diesel fuel specified to ASTM D975 is used, the fuel must meet the following properties: • Cetane Number 40 minimum. Cetane number greater than 50 is preferred, especially for temperatures below -20°C (-4°F) or elevations above 1500 m (5000 ft). • Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) below the expected low temperature OR Cloud Point at least 5°C (9°F) below the expected low temperature • Sulfur content: • Sulfur content should not exceed 0.5%. Sulfur • Lubricity: • Fuel lubricity must pass the BOCLE scuffing test at 3300 gram minimum load level. • If fuel of low or unknown lubricity is used, add John Deere Premium Diesel Fuel Conditioner at specified concentration. Bio-diesel fuels with these properties and meeting an appropriate specification may be used as an alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel. Arctic fuels (such as Military Specification VV-F-800E, Grade DF-A) may be used at temperatures below -30°C (-22°F). CAUTION: Handle fuel carefully. Do not fill the fuel tank when engine is running. DO NOT smoke while you fill the fuel tank or service the fuel system. TX,45,BG259 45-1 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=137 Fuels and Lubricants LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER When possible, use existing fuel formulations for engines used off-highway. This fuel will not require any additives to provide good performance and engine reliability. However, many local fuel distributors will not carry both low and regular sulfur diesel fuels. If the local fuel distributor will supply only low sulfur fuel, order and use John Deere PREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER. It provides lubricating properties along with other useful benefits, such as cetane improver, anti-oxidant, fuel stabilizer, corrosion inhibitor and others. John Deere PREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER is specifically for use with low sulfur fuels. Nearly all other diesel fuel conditioners only improve cold weather flow and stabilizer long-term fuel storage. They do not contain the lubrication additives needed by rotary fuel injection pumps. TX,45,BG348 –19–01OCT97–1/1 45-2 120699 PN=138 Fuels and Lubricants DIESEL FUEL STORAGE Proper fuel storage is critically important. Use clean storage and transfer tanks. Periodically drain water and sediment from bottom of tank. Store fuel in a convenient place away from buildings. IMPORTANT: DO NOT store diesel fuel in galvanized containers. Diesel fuel stored in galvanized containers reacts with zinc coating on container to form zinc flakes. If fuel contains water, a zinc gel will also form. The gel and flakes will quickly plug fuel filters, damage injection nozzles and injection pump. DO NOT use brass-coated containers for fuel storage. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Store diesel fuel in plastic, aluminum, and steel containers specially coated for diesel fuel storage. Avoid storing fuel over long periods of time. If fuel is stored for more than a month prior to use, or there is a slow turnover in fuel tank or supply tank, add a fuel conditioner such as John Deere PREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER or equivalent to stabilize the fuel and prevent water condensation. John Deere PREMIUM DIESEL FUEL CONDITIONER is available in winter and summer formulas. Fuel conditioner also reduces fuel gelling and controls wax separation during cold weather. Consult your John Deere engine distributor or servicing dealer for recommendations and local availability. Always follow manufacturer’s directions on label. TX,45,BG313 –19–29SEP97–1/1 45-3 120699 PN=139 Fuels and Lubricants STORING FUEL If there is a very slow turnover of fuel in the fuel tank or supply tank, it may be necessary to add a fuel conditioner to prevent water condensation. Contact your John Deere dealer for proper service or maintenance recommendations. DX,FUEL –19–03MAR93–1/1 DO NOT USE GALVANIZED CONTAINERS Store fuel in: IMPORTANT: Diesel fuel stored in galvanized containers reacts with zinc coating on the container to form flakes. If fuel contains water, a zinc gel will also form. The gel and flakes will quickly plug fuel filters and damage fuel injectors and pumps. • plastic containers. • aluminum containers. • specially coated steel containers made for diesel fuel. DO NOT USE brass-coated containers: brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. DO NOT USE a galvanized container to store diesel fuel. MX,FLBT,C –19–04JUN90–1/1 CAUTION: Handle fuel carefully. If the engine is hot or running, DO NOT fill fuel tank. DO NOT smoke while you fill fuel tank or work on fuel system. To avoid condensation, fill the fuel tank at the end of each day’s operation. Shut off engine before filling. Fuel Tank—Specification TS185 –UN–23AUG88 FUEL TANK Capacity ............................................................................... 106 L (112 qt) TX,45,BD2125 –19–06MAY98–1/1 45-4 120699 PN=140 Fuels and Lubricants DIESEL ENGINE OIL Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature range during the period between oil changes. The following oil is preferred: • John Deere PLUS-50 The following oil is also recommended: Other oils may be used if they meet one or more of the following: API Service Classification CG-4 API Service Classification CF-4 ACEA Specification E3 ACEA Specification E2 TS1661 • • • • –UN–10OCT97 • John Deere TORQ-GARD SUPREME TORQ-GARD SUPREME Multi-viscosity diesel engine oils are preferred. If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% is used, reduce the service interval by 50%. Extended service intervals may apply when John Deere preferred engine oils are used. Consult your John Deere dealer for more information. PLUS-50 is a registered trademark of Deere & Company. TORQ-GARD SUPREME is a trademark of Deere & Company DX,ENOIL 45-5 –19–10OCT97–1/1 120699 PN=141 Fuels and Lubricants T103849 –19–19SEP96 TRANSMISSION, AXLES AND MECHANICAL FRONT WHEEL DRIVE OIL Depending on the expected air temperature range between oil changes, use oil viscosity shown on the chart above. You may also use oils which meet minimum John Deere standards, or other oils meeting John Deere Standard JDM J20C and J20D. JOHN DEERE HY-GARD TRANSMISSION AND HYDRAULIC OIL IS RECOMMENDED because it is specifically formulated to minimize brake chatter, and to provide maximum protection against mechanical wear. Oils meeting MIL-L-46167A may be used as arctic oil. HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company TX,45,BD2126 –19–07OCT96–1/1 45-6 120699 PN=142 Fuels and Lubricants T103848 –19–19SEP96 HYDRAULIC OIL Depending on the expected air temperature range between oil changes, use oil viscosity shown on the chart above. You may also use oils which meet minimum John Deere standards, or other oils meeting John Deere Standard JDM J20C and J20D. JOHN DEERE HY-GARD TRANSMISSION AND HYDRAULIC OIL IS RECOMMENDED because it is specifically formulated to minimize brake chatter, and to provide maximum protection against mechanical wear. Oils meeting MIL-L-46167A may be used as arctic oil. HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company TX,45,BD2127 –19–07OCT96–1/1 45-7 120699 PN=143 Fuels and Lubricants T6722AA –19–27JAN89 GREASE • SAE Multipurpose Grease with Extreme Pressure (EP) performance and containing 3 to 5 per cent molybdenum disulfide • SAE multi-purpose EP Grease • Grease meeting MIL-G-10924C specifications may be used as arctic grease. Depending on the expected air temperature range, use grease shown on chart above. Greases recommended are: • John Deere Moly High Temperature/EP Grease (Preferred) 02T,45,C49 –19–01AUG94–1/1 GREASE FOR EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK, SIDESHIFT FRAME, AND STABILIZER LEG WEAR STRIPS SAE Multipurpose Grease with Extreme Pressure (EP) performance and containing 3 to 5 per cent molybdenum disulfide (preferred). TX,45,BD1972 –19–24SEP96–1/1 45-8 120699 PN=144 Fuels and Lubricants ALTERNATIVE AND SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS Conditions in certain geographical areas may require lubricant recommendations different from those printed in this manual. Some John Deere brand coolants and lubricants may not be available in your location. Consult your John Deere dealer to obtain information and recommendations. Synthetic lubricants may be used if they meet the performance requirements as shown in this manual. The temperature limits and service intervals shown in this manual apply to both conventional and synthetic oils. Re-refined base stock products may be used if the finished lubricant meets the performance requirements. DX,ALTER –19–18MAR96–1/1 LUBRICANT STORAGE Your equipment can operate at top efficiency only when clean lubricants are used. Make certain that all containers are properly marked to identify their contents. Use clean containers to handle all lubricants. Properly dispose of all old containers and any residual lubricant they may contain. Whenever possible, store lubricants and containers in an area protected from dust, moisture, and other contamination. Store containers on their side to avoid water and dirt accumulation. DX,LUBST –19–18MAR96–1/1 45-9 120699 PN=145 Fuels and Lubricants MIXING OF LUBRICANTS In general, avoid mixing different brands or types of oil. Oil manufacturers blend additives in their oils to meet certain specifications and performance requirements. Consult your John Deere dealer to obtain specific information and recommendations. Mixing different oils can interfere with the proper functioning of these additives and degrade lubricant performance. DX,LUBMIX –19–18MAR96–1/1 45-10 120699 PN=146 Periodic Maintenance ATTACH DO NOT OPERATE TAG T7447AO –19–22APR91 CAUTION: To prevent serious injury or death by unexpected machine movement, attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to front of monitor to alert others of service work being performed. TX,50,BD1954 –19–20SEP96–1/1 Lubricate and make service checks and adjustments at intervals shown on the periodic maintenance charts (A) and in the maintenance chapters. Perform service on items at multiples of the original requirement. For example, at 500 hours also service those items (if applicable) listed under 250 hours, 100 hours, and 10 hours or daily. T105302 –UN–20NOV96 SERVICE YOUR MACHINE AT SPECIFIED INTERVALS Intervals shown on charts and in this manual are for normal conditions. If operating in difficult conditions, service at shorter intervals. TX,50,BD2128 –19–07OCT96–1/1 50-1 120699 PN=147 Periodic Maintenance CHECK HOUR METER REGULARLY T102669 –UN–14AUG96 Check hour meter (A) to determine when your machine needs periodic maintenance. Tachometer/Hourmeter TX,50,BD2129 –19–07OCT96–1/1 AVOID MUD BUILD-UP A clean machine is easier to service. Clean the following areas as required, especially when mud begins to build up. • • • • • • Stabilizer hoses going through main frame Between rear tires and fenders Backhoe cylinders Backhoe pivot points and hoses Loader cylinders, pivot points and hoses Front axle kingpins TX,50,BD2130 –19–07OCT96–1/1 USE CORRECT FUELS AND LUBRICANTS IMPORTANT: To prevent machine damage when servicing your machine, use correct fuels and lubricants. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) TX,50,BD2131 –19–07OCT96–1/1 50-2 120699 PN=148 Periodic Maintenance PREPARE MACHINE FOR MAINTENANCE— WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION –UN–26NOV90 Before performing procedures in the maintenance chapters and before leaving the operator’s seat, park the machine as described below unless another position is specified. TS1133 IMPORTANT: Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used with John Deere equipment includes such items as oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into any water source. T105361 –UN–22NOV96 1. Park machine on a level surface. 2. Lower front loader to ground and lock backhoe in transport position. 3. Move gear shift (A) and FNR (B) levers to neutral. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. 4. Engage park brake with switch (C). T102144 –UN–17DEC96 IMPORTANT: Turbocharger may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 5. Move engine speed control lever (D) to 1/2 speed and run without load for 2 minutes. 6. Move speed control to low idle, turn key to OFF and remove from switch. 7. Move hydraulic control levers to release hydraulic pressure. A—Gear Shift Lever B—FNR Lever C—Park Brake Switch D—Engine Speed Control Lever CED,OUO1040,75 –19–13MAY98–1/1 50-3 120699 PN=149 Periodic Maintenance PREPARE MACHINE FOR MAINTENANCE— WITH POWERSHIFT TRANSMISSION –UN–26NOV90 Before performing procedures in the maintenance chapters and before leaving the operator’s seat, park the machine as described below unless another position is specified. TS1133 IMPORTANT: Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used with John Deere equipment includes such items as oil, fuel, coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries. Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into any water source. T115364 –UN–15MAY98 1. Park machine on a level surface. 2. Lower front loader to ground and lock backhoe in transport position. 3. Move FNR/Range lever (A) to neutral. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. NEVER rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. T115365 –UN–15MAY98 4. Engage park brake with switch (B). IMPORTANT: Turbocharger may be damaged if engine is not properly shut down. 5. Move engine speed control lever (C) to 1/2 speed and run without load for 2 minutes. 6. Move speed control to low idle, turn key to OFF and remove from switch. 7. Move hydraulic control levers to release hydraulic pressure. A—FNR/Range Lever B—Park Brake Switch C—Engine Speed Control Lever CED,OUO1040,76 –19–13MAY98–1/1 50-4 120699 PN=150 Periodic Maintenance LOADER BOOM SERVICE LOCK Use front boom lock channel when front loader must be raised for service procedures. To lock front boom in up position: 1. Empty loader bucket and place in dump position. 2. Raise boom until lock channel can fit over cylinder rod. 3. Stop engine and lower channel over cylinder rod. T102680 –UN–26AUG96 4. Lower boom until it is stopped by lock channel. 5. Place with pin and cotter pin back in mounting hole for storage. To return front boom to storage position: 1. Start engine and raise boom slightly to remove pressure from lock channel. Boom Locked 2. Remove pin and cotter pin from lock. 3. Lift lock channel up so tab is positioned through hole in boom arm. T102679 –UN–26AUG96 4. Retain in storage position with pin and cotter pin. Boom Lock—Storage TX,50,BD1955 –19–20SEP96–1/1 50-5 120699 PN=151 Periodic Maintenance OPENING AND CLOSING ACCESS DOORS T102686 –UN–14AUG96 T105303 –UN–20NOV96 Open service access doors by turning handle (A). TX,50,BD2133 –19–07OCT96–1/1 50-6 120699 PN=152 Periodic Maintenance MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM The checklist on the following pages summarizes scheduled maintenance, and parts and oil required at each maintenance interval. Use the checklist to: • remind you to perform machine maintenance at specified intervals to minimize downtime. • calculate cost of machine operation and ownership allowing you to make better job estimates. • place yourself in a stronger position at trade-in time. • satisfy your SECURE contract requirements. T6828AA –19–03APR89 As maintenance is performed, check off each item on the list and record date and hour meter reading. Use the second (perforated) copy of this form in the Checklists chapter. Do not tear out or mark on Checklist in the Periodic Maintenance chapter. Keep it to make extra copies. CED,OUO1040,41 –19–06MAY98–1/1 50-7 120699 PN=153 Periodic Maintenance T111411 –UN–16SEP97 T111410 –UN–16SEP97 OILSCAN PLUS, COOLSCAN PLUS,DIESELSCAN AND 3-WAY COOLANT TEST KIT 3-Way Coolant Test Kit Oilscan Plus Oilscan Plus, Coolscan Plus, Dieselscan and 3-Way Coolant Test Kits are John Deere fluid sampling products to help you monitor machine performance and system condition. The objective of a fluid sampling program is to insure machine availability when you need it and to reduce repair costs by identifying potential problems before they become critical. and/or fluid change interval. Certain systems require more frequent sampling. Consult your John Deere dealer on a maintenance program for your specific application. Your dealer has the sampling products and expertise to assist you in lowering your overall operating costs through fluid sampling. Oil and coolant samples should be taken from each system on a periodic basis, usually prior to a filter Oilscan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company Coolscan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CED,OUO1040,114 50-8 –19–23NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=154 Periodic Maintenance MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM BREAK-IN SERVICE INTERVALS Break-in service is required for your machine at intervals shown in chapter 15. Refer to chapter 15 during the first 100 hours of machine operation. After 100 hours refer to service intervals in chapter 50. SERVICE INTERVALS AFTER BREAK-IN Service your machine at intervals shown on this chart. Also, perform service on items at multiples of the original requirement. For example, at 500 hours also service those items (if applicable) listed under 250 hours, 100 hours, 50 hours, and 10 hours or daily. As Required • Check belt tension • Grease side shift frame—315SE • Drain water from fuel tank • Grease stabilizer leg wear strips—315SE • Check tire pressure • Grease extendible dipperstick • Check and adjust boom lock • Grease non-powered front wheel bearings • Clean cab fresh air and recirculation filters • Grease MFWD driveshaft spline Every 10 Hours or Daily • Check engine oil level • Grease backhoe bucket linkage pivots and cylinder rod ends • Grease loader pivot points • Grease front axle and steering cylinder pivots • Grease MFWD driveshaft U-joints (S.N.—881150) • Grease MFWD front axle U-joints • Grease stabilizers and pivots • Grease backhoe pivot points Weekly • Check coolant level TX,50,BG261 50-9 –19–29NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=155 Periodic Maintenance REQUIRED PARTS Insure machine performance and availability; use only genuine John Deere parts. Verify part numbers are current and that any associated parts are also on hand, i.e., filter O-rings. Description Part Number ASI Engine Oil Filter RE59754 Fuel Filter RE62418 Hydraulic Reservoir Breather Filter AT101565 Hydraulic Oil Filter AT144879 1 PLUS-50 Oil: TY6389 8.5 L (9 qt) Transmission Filter AT179323 1 1 250 Hours 500 Hours 1000 Hours 2000 Hours 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.5 L (9 qt) 1 1 1 8.5 L (9 qt) 8.5 L (9 qt) 8.5 L (9 qt) 1 1 HY-GARD Transmission and Hydraulic Oil: Transmission TY6354 gal. 14 L (16 qt) 14 L (16 qt) Hydraulic System TY6354 gal. 37 L (39 qt) 37 L (39 qt) MFWD TY6354 gal. 6.5 L (8.0 qt) 6.5 L (8.0 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. — 854673) 13 L (14 qt) 13 L (14 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. 851674—) 16 L (17 qt) 16 L (17 qt) Coolant Conditioner TY16004 As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed Diesel Engine Oil AT178840 1 1 1 1 Transmission Oil and Gearbox/Axle AT178844 2 2 2 Hydraulic Oil Tank AT178844 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oilscan Plus Kits: Cab Fresh Air Filter AT141209 As Needed Cab Recirculation Filter T158848 As Needed 3-Way Heavy Duty Coolant Test Kit TY16175 0 Air Filter (Primary) AT171853 1 1 Air Filter (Secondary) AT171854 1 1 CoolScan Plus Kit (Ten samples per kit) AT183016 1 1 Dieselscan Diesel Fuel Analysis (Six samples per kit) AT180344 1 1 1 PLUS-50 is a registered trademark of Deere & Company HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company Oilscan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CoolScan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CED,OUO1040,44 –19–06MAY98–1/1 50-10 120699 PN=156 Periodic Maintenance MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM Model: ❒ 310SE PIN/Serial Number: Model: ❒ 315SE Customer: Delivery Date: Hour Meter Reading: OIL SAMPLING Oil samples should be taken from each system prior to its recommended drain or change interval indicated on this form: 250, 500, 1000 hours. Maintenance recommendations supplied by OILSCAN PLUS will be provided based upon the oil analysis and operating information you supply. Regular oil sampling will extend the operational life of your machine’s systems. ❒ Check MFWD front axle housing oil level ❒ Check rear axle oil level ❒ Check battery electrolyte level and terminals ❒ Check hydraulic reservoir oil level Comments: Every 250 Hours ❒ Check transmission oil level ❒ Change engine oil and replace filter ❒ Check MFWD front wheel planetary housing oil level Date: Maintenance Performed By: ❒ Check air intake hoses ❒ Replace hydraulic system oil filter ❒ Check boom-to-dipper pin bolt torque Every 500 Hours ❒ Replace hydraulic reservoir breather ❒ Replace fuel filter ❒ Check coolant and add conditioner as needed Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Change MFWD front axle housing oil—If equipped Clean, pack, and adjust non-power front wheel bearings Check and adjust engine speed control linkage Change rear axle oil Replace transmission oil filter Every 1000 Hours ❒ Change hydraulic reservoir oil ❒ Clean engine crankcase vent tube ❒ Change transmission and torque converter oil ❒ Change MFWD planetary housing oil ❒ Replace air filter elements Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: Hour Meter Reading: Every 2000 Hours ❒ Adjust engine valve lash Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: Hour Meter Reading: CED,OUO1040,53 –19–11MAY98–1/1 50-11 120699 PN=157 Maintenance—As Required INSPECT BELT T103850 –UN–17SEP96 Check belt (A) for wear and damage. See your authorized dealer for replacement. TX,55,BD1957 –19–20SEP96–1/1 DRAIN FUEL TANK WATER AND SEDIMENT 1. Loosen plug (A) on rear of fuel tank until fuel flows for several seconds, to remove water and sediment. T105806 –UN–16DEC96 2. Tighten plug. TX,55,BD2137 –19–07OCT96–1/1 55-1 120699 PN=158 Maintenance—As Required CHECK TIRE PRESSURE CAUTION: Explosive separation of a tire and rim parts can cause serious injury or death. Only attempt to mount a tire if you have the proper equipment and experience to perform the job. Have it done by your John Deere dealer or a qualified repair service. When inflating tires, use a clip-on chuck and extension hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side and NOT in front of or over the tire assembly. Use a safety cage if available. Inspect tires and wheels daily. DO NOT operate with low pressure, cuts, bubbles, damaged rims, or missing lug bolts and nuts. TS211 –UN–23AUG88 Always maintain the correct tire pressure. DO NOT inflate the tires above the recommended pressure. NEVER cut or weld on an inflated tire or rim assembly, rim, or rim parts. Heat from welding could cause an increase in pressure and may result in a tire explosion. Check tire pressure with an accurate gauge having 6.9 kPa (0.07 bar) (1 psi) graduations. If tires contain liquid ballast, use a special air-water gauge and measure with valve stem at bottom. When inflating tires be sure to lock air chuck to valve stem and stand to front or rear of tire. (See Tire Inflation Pressures in this chapter or in the Specifications chapter. TX,55,BD2138 –19–07OCT96–1/1 55-2 120699 PN=159 Maintenance—As Required TIRE INFLATION PRESSURES NOTE: Shipping pressure may not be same as operating pressure. You may change tire pressures to suit working condition according to tire manufacturer’s recommendations. Pressure Tire Size (Front) kPa (bar) (psi) 11 L x 15 8 PR F3 306 (3.0) (44) 11 L x 16 12 PR F3 441 (4.4) (64) 12.5/80-18 (MFWD) 10 PR 414 (4.1) (60) Tire Size (Rear) 19.5 L x 24 8 PR R4 165 (1.7) (24) 16.9 x 24 8 PR R4 193 (1.9) (28) 16.9 x 28 8 PR R4 193 (1.9) (28) TX,55,BG314 –19–29SEP97–1/1 CHECKING WHEEL FASTENERS Standard axle 136 +20 -27 (100 +15 -20) MFWD axle 300 +110 -40 (221 +81 -29) Rear axle: N•m (lb-ft) 495 ±99 (365 ±73) Standard axle T6000AU (lb-ft) –UN–21OCT88 N•m T87507 Front axle: –UN–18OCT88 Tighten wheel cap screws and fasteners. TX,90,DH1383 –19–06MAY98–1/1 55-3 120699 PN=160 Maintenance—As Required LOADER BOOM SERVICE LOCK Use lock channel when front loader must be raised for service procedures. To lock front boom in up position: 1. Empty loader bucket and place in dump position. 2. Raise boom until lock channel can fit over cylinder rod. 3. Stop engine and lower channel over cylinder rod. 4. Lower boom until it is stopped by lock channel. T102680 –UN–26AUG96 5. Place pin and cotter pin back in mounting hole for storage. To return front boom to storage position: 1. Start engine and raise boom slightly to remove pressure from lock channel. Boom Locked 2. Remove pin and cotter pin from lock. 3. Lift lock channel up so tab is positioned through hole in boom arm. T102679 –UN–26AUG96 4. Retain in storage position with pin and cotter pin. Boom Lock—Storage EX,55,BG88 55-4 –19–04DEC96–1/1 120699 PN=161 Maintenance—As Required CHECK AND ADJUST BOOM LOCK—310SE CHECK: T102741 –UN–14AUG96 1. Raise boom against stops (A) so it is in locked position. 2. Using boom lock lever in cab (see Operator’s Station chapter for location), cycle from locked to unlocked position a few times and adjust as follows if necessary. ADJUST: Locked Position IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to lock, adjust lock so it is able to pass through full range of motion. Lock must go down to post (E) and up to stops (A). T105667 –UN–11DEC96 NOTE: Boom lock is not shim adjustable. 1. Remove pin (B) from lock. 2. With boom locked, adjust position of eyelet (C) so it is aligned with mounting hole. 3. Tighten jam nut (D) to hold eyelet in adjusted position. A—Stops B—Pin C—Eyelet D—Jam Nut E—Post CED,OUO1040,119 55-5 –19–20MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=162 Maintenance—As Required CLEAN CAB AIR FILTERS 2. Remove recirculating air filter (B) and fresh air filter (C). Inspect filters for cleanliness. Replace filters if damaged. CAUTION: Reduce compressed air to less than 210 kPa (2.10 bar) (30 psi) when using for cleaning purposes. Clear area of bystanders, guard against flying debris, and wear personal protection equipment, including eye protection. T102744 –UN–14AUG96 1. Open filter access compartment (A). 3. Clean filter(s) using one of the following methods: T102745 –UN–16AUG96 • Direct compressed air opposite normal air flow. • Tap filters on a flat surface with dirty side down. • Wash in warm, soapy water and flush. Let filter(s) dry before reinstalling. 4. Install filters and close filter access compartment. TX,55,BD2141 –19–07OCT96–1/1 INSPECT AND CLEAN HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR FILL SCREEN T105819 –UN–16DEC96 Remove cap (A) from filler tube. Inspect hydraulic reservoir fill screen and clean as necessary. EX,55,BG161 –19–18DEC96–1/1 55-6 120699 PN=163 Maintenance—As Required LUBRICATE SIDE SHIFT FRAME—315SE 1. Clean rails as necessary. T105547 –UN–04DEC96 2. Lubricate contact area on rails. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) EX,55,BG89 –19–04DEC96–1/1 EX,55,BG90 –19–04DEC96–1/1 LUBRICATE STABILIZER LEG WEAR STRIPS—315SE T105548 –UN–04DEC96 Fully extend stabilizers and apply grease to each stabilizer leg. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) 55-7 120699 PN=164 Maintenance—As Required LUBRICATE EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK—IF EQUIPPED T103638 –UN–07SEP96 NOTE: Avoid excessive grease on dipperstick. A thin film provides adequate lubrication. Lubricate extendible dipperstick with a low pressure grease gun. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of grease.) T103857 –UN–18SEP96 1 Point 3 Points TX,55,BD2144 –19–07OCT96–1/1 T115494B Lower backhoe to ground with full extension. Paint grease on side rails as necessary. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of grease.) –UN–19MAY98 LUBRICATE EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK SIDE RAILS—IF EQUIPPED TX,55,BG286 –19–22SEP97–1/1 55-8 120699 PN=165 Maintenance—As Required LUBRICATE FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS— NON-POWERED T6000AK –UN–18OCT88 IMPORTANT: When machine is used in mud, lubricate daily. 1. Remove plug and install lubrication fitting. 2. Grease with approximately five low pressure strokes of grease. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) 3. Remove lubrication fitting and install plug. TX,55,BD2143 –19–07OCT96–1/1 LUBRICATE MFWD DRIVESHAFT — IF EQUIPPED T125640B –UN–08NOV99 Apply grease to lubrication fitting (1) until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) CED,TX03768,2667 55-9 –19–08NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=166 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL T105305 –UN–20NOV96 IMPORTANT: Prevent possible engine damage. DO NOT run engine when oil level is below the ADD mark. The most accurate oil level reading is obtained when engine is cold before operation. 1. Park machine on a level surface, stop engine and engage park brake. 2. Remove dipstick (A) and check oil level. AFTER THE ENGINE HAS BEEN RUN: Allow oil to drain into oil pan for 10 minutes before checking the oil level. Ten minutes after shutdown, oil level must be above the ADD mark. 3. Remove filler cap (B) and add oil as necessary. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) RG5421 –UN–15DEC88 BEFORE THE ENGINE IS STARTED: Engine is full when oil level is within cross hatched area (C). It is acceptable to run engine as long as oil level is above the ADD mark. TX,60,BD2145 –19–07OCT96–1/1 60-1 120699 PN=167 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily T102791 –UN–22AUG96 LUBRICATE LOADER PIVOTS T102792 –UN–18SEP96 4 Points T102796 –UN–22AUG96 T102793 –UN–26AUG96 10 Points 2 Points 2 Points Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) TX,60,BD2146 –19–07OCT96–1/1 60-2 120699 PN=168 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily LUBRICATE MFWD FRONT AXLE UNIVERSAL JOINTS—IF EQUIPPED NOTE: Machines after the serial number break have universal joints that are sealed in grease. No greasing is necessary. T102816 –UN–22AUG96 Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) 2 Points—Right Side Shown TX,60,BG309 –19–29OCT99–1/1 Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) T102795 –UN–18SEP96 LUBRICATE STABILIZERS AND CYLINDERS—310SE TX,60,BD1958 –19–07OCT96–1/1 60-3 120699 PN=169 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily LUBRICATE BACKHOE T102807 –UN–26AUG96 Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) T105545 –UN–04DEC96 9 Points—310SE 9 Points—315SE Shown Continued on next page 60-4 TX,60,BD2148 –19–07OCT96–1/2 120699 PN=170 T102809 –UN–26AUG96 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily T102808 –UN–06SEP96 5 Points 11 Points TX,60,BD2148 –19–07OCT96–2/2 60-5 120699 PN=171 Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily LUBRICATE FRONT AXLE STEERING— NON-POWERED T102811 –UN–22AUG96 T102810 –UN–26AUG96 Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) TX,60,BD2149 –19–07OCT96–1/1 60-6 120699 PN=172 Maintenance—Weekly CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from hot spraying coolant. Remove radiator cap only when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Then cap slowly to stop so pressure is released from system before removing cap. 1. With engine cold, coolant level must be between HOT and COLD marks on recovery tank (A). 2. If coolant is below COLD mark, add coolant to recovery tank. TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CHECK COOLANT LEVEL 3. If recovery tank is empty, check for leaks and repair as necessary. Add coolant to radiator (B) and recovery tank. Coolant level must be at bottom of filler neck. T102749 –UN–14AUG96 NOTE: If recovery tank is full and radiator is low, check for leaks on radiator and hose connections. TX,65,BD2151 –19–07OCT96–1/1 T105306 –UN–20NOV96 Apply grease to lubrication fittings until it escapes from joint. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) T102817 –UN–22AUG96 LUBRICATE MFWD DRIVESHAFT UNIVERSAL JOINTS (S.N.—881151)—IF EQUIPPED TX,60,BD2147 –19–03DEC99–1/1 65-1 120699 PN=173 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours CHECK MFWD AXLE OIL—IF EQUIPPED 1. Remove plug (A) to check oil level. Oil should be filled to bottom of plug. T102819 –UN–22AUG96 NOTE: MFWD is filled with API GL-5 gear oil at the factory. If oil level is low, use HY-GARD oil to fill to proper level. 2. Add oil as necessary through plug hole. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for type of oil.) 3. Install plug. HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company TX,75,BD2152 –19–06MAY98–1/1 CHECK REAR AXLE OIL LEVEL 1. Remove plug (A) from axle and check oil level. T104867 –UN–22NOV96 2. If oil is not level to bottom of hole, add oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for type of oil.) CED,OUO1040,103 75-1 –19–14MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=174 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours CHECK BATTERY ELECTROLYTE LEVEL AND TERMINALS CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Use a flashlight to check battery electrolyte level. NEVER check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer. ALWAYS remove grounded (-) battery clamp first and replace it last. Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. TS203 –UN–23AUG88 Avoid the hazard by: 1. Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area. 2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves. 3. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added. 4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte. 5. Use proper jump start procedure. If you spill acid on yourself: 1. Flush your skin with water. 2. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid. 3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. If acid is swallowed: 1. Do not induce vomiting. 2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not exceed 1.9 L (2 quarts). 3. Get medical attention immediately. 1. Remove battery box cover. Continued on next page 75-2 TX,75,DH1574 –19–28APR93–1/3 120699 PN=175 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours –UN–10FEB89 IMPORTANT: If water is added to batteries during freezing weather, batteries must be charged after water is added to prevent batteries from freezing. Charge battery using a battery charger or by running the engine. T6996DB 2. Fill each cell to within specified range with distilled water. DO NOT overfill. CAUTION: Prevent possible injury. ALWAYS remove grounded (—) battery clamp first and replace it last. T6996DA –UN–10FEB89 3. Disconnect battery clamps, grounded clamp first. A—Battery Post B—Fill Tube C—Electrolyte Level Range TX,75,DH1574 –19–28APR93–2/3 TX,75,DH1574 –19–28APR93–3/3 4. Clean battery terminals (A) and clamps with a stiff brush. –UN–21OCT88 5. Apply lubricating grease (B) around battery terminal base only. T6758AA 6. Install and tighten clamps, grounded clamp last. 75-3 120699 PN=176 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours CHECK HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR OIL LEVEL NOTE: Check hydraulic oil level with machine parked on a level surface. Check before starting engine, with backhoe and stabilizers in transport position, and loader bucket lowered to ground. Sightglass decal has a scale for proper level of oil. 1. Check oil level in sight glass (A). Oil level should be in mid-range of decal. 2. If oil is below operating range in “add” range, remove filler cap (B) and add oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of hydraulic oil. T103090 –UN–16AUG96 Check when oil is cool. 3. Install filler cap. TX,75,BG315 –19–29SEP97–1/1 75-4 120699 PN=177 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours CHECK TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Never rely on FNR lever alone to keep machine from moving. Always engage park brake to hold machine. 2. Engage park brake. 3. Move gear shifter and FNR lever to neutral. T103096 –UN–16AUG96 1. Park Machine on level surface. 4. Start engine and run at slow idle for three minutes to warm transmission oil. 5. With engine running at slow idle, turn dipstick handle (A) counterclockwise and remove. NOTE: Normal hot oil can be above full mark. 6. Check oil level on dipstick. If oil is not within operating range, add oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) 7. Install dipstick and turn clockwise to tighten. Close side service door. TX,75,BD2155 –19–07OCT96–1/1 75-5 120699 PN=178 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours CHANGE ENGINE OIL AND FILTER T103019 –UN–06SEP96 IMPORTANT: If fuel sulfur content exceeds 0.5 percent, change engine oil at 1/2 the normal interval. If engine has not run 250 hours before the season changes, change oil. 1. Run engine to warm oil. Park machine on a level surface, set park brake and stop engine. (See Prepare Machine for Maintenance in Periodic Maintenance chapter.) 2. Remove drain plug (A). Allow oil to drain. Dispose of waste oil properly. Engine Oil—Specification T103025 –UN–06SEP96 Capacity ................................................................................. 8.5 L (9.0 qt) 3. Using a suitable filter wrench, turn filter (B) counterclockwise and remove from base. Clean mounting surfaces of base as necessary. 4. Apply a thin film of oil to sealing on new filter and install by turning new filter clockwise by hand until gasket touches mounting surface. Then torque an additional 1/2—3/4 turn with wrench. 5. Install drain plug. T103023 –UN–16AUG96 6. Remove filler cap (C) and fill engine with oil to specification. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil to use.) Continued on next page 75-6 TX,75,BG264 –19–06MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=179 Maintenance—Every 250 Hours IMPORTANT: Before starting engine after a filter change, crank engine for ten seconds without starting to refill filter and pre-lubricate turbocharger. T103024 –UN–16AUG96 7. Disconnect fuel shutoff connector (D) to keep engine from starting and crank for ten seconds. 8. Connect fuel shutoff, start engine and run at a slow idle. If engine oil pressure light on monitor does not go out and alarm shutoff, stop engine immediately and find the cause. 9. Stop engine, check for leaks around drain plug and filter and tighten filter as necessary. Check oil level. (See Check Engine Oil Level in Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily chapter.) TX,75,BG264 –19–06MAY98–2/2 CHECK MFWD PLANETARY HOUSING OIL— IF EQUIPPED NOTE: MFWD is filled with API GL-5 gear oil at the factory. If oil level is low, use HY-GARD oil to fill to proper level. 2. Remove plug and check that oil is filled to bottom of plug hole. T105325 –UN–21NOV96 1. Rotate housing until OIL LEVEL line (B) is horizontal and fill plug (A) is above line as shown. 3. Add oil to plug hole if necessary. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) 4. Install plug. 5. Repeat procedure for opposite side wheel. HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company TX,75,BD2157 –19–07OCT96–1/1 75-7 120699 PN=180 Maintenance—Every 500 Hours CHECK AIR INTAKE HOSE NOTE: Air intake hose is located at back side of air cleaner housing and extends to turbocharger. 1. Remove engine side shields and open top access door. 2. Check hose (A) for cracks and replace as necessary. 3. Check for loose connections and tighten clamps as necessary. T105744 –UN–08JAN97 4. Install side shields. TX,80,BD2158 –19–07OCT96–1/1 REPLACE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM OIL FILTER 1. Turn filter (A) counterclockwise and remove. 2. Apply film of oil to sealing ring on new filter, install until it touches mounting surface and tighten an additional 3/4 to one turn with a suitable wrench. 4. Start engine and run for 2 minutes to allow filter element to refill and purge air from charge circuit. 5. Stop the engine and check hydraulic oil level. (See Check Hydraulic Oil Level in Maintenance—Every 250 Hours.) T103111 –UN–06SEP96 3. Check hydraulic oil level. 6. Check for leakage around filter. Tighten filter just enough to stop leaks. TX,80,BD2159 –19–07OCT96–1/1 80-1 120699 PN=181 Maintenance—Every 500 Hours CHECK BOOM-TO-DIPPER PIN TORQUE Check boom-to-dipper pin (A) for proper torque. Torque bolt to specification. T103370 –UN–27AUG96 Boom-To-Dipper Pin Bolt—Specification Torque ......................................................................... 620 N•m (460 lb-ft) CED,OUO1040,120 –19–20MAY98–1/1 REPLACE HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR BREATHER Be sure to position breather in original position to avoid dripping oil. Remove existing reservoir breather (A) and replace. T103091 –UN–16AUG96 NOTE: Hydraulic reservoir breather is located under top right side of hood. TX,80,BD2160 –19–07OCT96–1/1 80-2 120699 PN=182 Maintenance—Every 500 Hours REPLACE FUEL FILTER NOTE: Dispose of waste properly. T103117 –UN–16AUG96 1. Turn retaining ring (A) counterclockwise and remove filter element (B). Allow sediment to drain into a container. 2. Remove fuel drain knob (C) from filter element and install to new filter. 3. Clean filter base (D). NOTE: Do not attempt to turn filter element into base. T7896AJ –UN–25NOV92 4. Install new fuel element by aligning vertical locators (F) into slots (E) on filter base. Push filter element up firmly until filter snaps against base. 5. Turn retaining ring clockwise into filter base until retaining ring clicks tightly into place. 6. Loosen bleed screw (G) by turning knob counterclockwise. 7. Operate primer lever (H) until fuel flow from bleed screw is free of air bubbles. T103124 –UN–19AUG96 NOTE: If there is no fuel flow, push primer lever toward engine and turn crankshaft using starter motor to reposition camshaft. Repeat step 6. 8. Tighten bleed screw. 9. Push primer lever toward engine as far as possible. A—Retaining Ring B—Filter C—Drain Knob D—Filter Base E—Slots F—Vertical Locators G—Bleed Screw H—Primer Lever TX,80,BD2161 –19–07OCT96–1/1 80-3 120699 PN=183 Maintenance—Every 500 Hours CHECK COOLANT CONDITIONER TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Remove filler cap only when engine is cold or when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. IMPORTANT: John Deere Liquid Coolant Conditioner does not protect against freezing. Coolant conditioner prevents rust, scale, and liner cavitation. T101885 –UN–14AUG96 NOTE: Check coolant every 500 hours or 6 months, or when replacing 1/3 or more of coolant. Add coolant conditioner as necessary. 1. Remove radiator cap (A) and test coolant solution. Use one of the following kits to check coolant: T111110 –UN–13AUG97 • 3-Way Heavy Duty Coolant Test Kit (TY16175) Coolant test strips provide an effective method to check freeze point and additive levels of engine coolant. See your authorized dealer for 3-Way Heavy Duty Coolant Test Kit and follow instructions on kit. • Coolscan Plus For a more thorough evaluation of coolant, perform Coolscan Plus analysis, where available. See your authorized dealer for information about Coolscan Plus. 2. Add TY16004 John Deere Coolant Conditioner or equivalent non-chromate conditioner/rust inhibitor as necessary. Follow instructions on container for amount. 3-Way Test Kit Cooling System—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 16 L (17 qt) T111109 –UN–13AUG97 3. Install cap. Coolscan Plus Coolscan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CED,OUO1040,115 –19–02DEC99–1/1 80-4 120699 PN=184 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE MFWD FRONT AXLE HOUSING OIL—IF EQUIPPED NOTE: Dispose of drain oil properly. T103125 –UN–05SEP96 MFWD is filled with API GL-5 gear oil at the factory. Fill MFWD with HY-GARD oil to fill to proper level. 1. Remove plug (A) to drain oil. Dispose of waste oil properly. MFWD Front Axle Housing Oil—Specification Capacity .................................................................................... 6.5 L (7 qt) 3. Remove plug (B) and add oil so it is level with bottom of plug hole. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) 4. Install plug. HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company T103126 –UN–05SEP96 2. Install plug. TX,85,BD2163 –19–06MAY98–1/1 85-1 120699 PN=185 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CLEAN, PACK, AND ADJUST FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS—NON-POWERED –UN–21OCT88 1. Raise machine so steer wheels are off ground. Remove hub cap (J), pull cotter pin (I) from spindle and remove slotted nut (K). T87549 2. Slip off special washer (L) and outer bearing cone (H). Remove wheel and hub assembly. Then remove seal (A) and inner bearing cone (C) from hub (E). 3. Clean all dirt and grease from bearings, bushing (B), spindles, and hub assemblies. A—Seal B—Bushing C—Inner Bearing Cone D—Inner Bearing Cup E—Hub F—Pipe Plug G—Outer Bearing Cup H—Outer Bearing Cone I—Cotter Pin J—Hub Cap K—Nut L—Washer 4. Inspect bearing cups (D and G), and cones for damage or excessive wear and replace damaged parts as necessary. 5. If a new bearing cup must be installed, drive out the old one and install a new cup with the cupped face outward. 6. Inspect grease seals for damage or hardened lips and replace as necessary. 7. Pack bearings and coat seal lips with John Deere Multi-Purpose Grease or equivalent. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) 8. Install seal (A), bushing (B), and inner bearing cup (D). Fill gap between inner bearing cup and seal with grease. Assemble balance of parts except cotter pin and hub cap. Tighten slotted nut to specification. Front Wheel Bearing Slotted Nut—Specification Torque ............................................................................. 47 N•m (35 lb-ft) 9. Turn wheel several revolutions. Tighten nut again to specification. Turn nut counterclockwise to nearest slot and install cotter pin. If hole of spindle is in line with a slot after tightening, turn nut counterclockwise to next slot. Continued on next page 85-2 TX,85,BD2164 –19–06MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=186 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours 10. Remove pipe plug (F) from wheel hub and install lubrication fitting. Lubricate wheel hub assembly until grease starts to exit past outer bearing cone (H). Remove lube fitting and install pipe plug. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for recommended type of grease.) 11. Lower machine to the ground and install hub caps. TX,85,BD2164 –19–06MAY98–2/2 CHECK ENGINE SPEEDS 2. Use tachometer (A), if equipped, to check engine speeds: Slow Idle—Specification RPM ...................................................................................................... 850 Fast idle (Using Speed Control Pedal or Lever)—Specification T102669 –UN–14AUG96 1. Warm engine to normal operating temperature. RPM ............................................................................................ 2375 ± 25 If engine speeds need adjustment, see Check and Adjust Engine Speed Control Linkage in this chapter. TX,85,BD2170 –19–07OCT96–1/1 85-3 120699 PN=187 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHECK AND ADJUST ENGINE SPEED CONTROL LINKAGE Injection Pump Override in Forward Position—Specification Distance ................................................................. 3—6 mm (1/8—1/4 in.) T6030AU 2. Measure injection pump lever override. Override must be to specification. –UN–18OCT88 1. Move speed control lever to extreme forward position. 3. Adjust yoke on speed control rod to provide override. 4. Move speed control lever to rearmost position and check override. Override must be to specification Injection Pump Override in Rear Position—Specification Distance ........................................................... 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) Minimum 5. Recheck high idle override. 6. Remove reservoir cowling to adjust foot control pedal. 7. Disconnect yoke (A) from rod (B). T7387AB –UN–16DEC91 8. Adjust vertical rod (C) length to allow foot control pedal to stop on floor with hand lever in the extreme forward position. TX,85,BD2165 –19–06MAY98–1/1 85-4 120699 PN=188 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE REAR AXLE OIL 1. Remove plug (A) and drain oil into a container. Install plug. Rear Axle Oil—Specification Capacity (S.N. —851673) ....................................................... 13 L (14 qt) Capacity (S.N. 851674—) ....................................................... 16 L (17 qt) 2. Remove plug (B) and fill with oil to bottom of plug hole. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) T105316 –UN–21NOV96 NOTE: Dispose of waste oil properly. It will take approximately five minutes for oil to settle into outer housing when oil is warm. 3. Wait five to ten minutes for oil to settle, recheck level and add as necessary. If oil is cold, settle time may increase. T104868 –UN–22NOV96 NOTE: Read decal next to fill hole for correct oil fill quantity. 4. Install plug. CED,OUO1040,50 –19–29NOV99–1/1 85-5 120699 PN=189 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE TRANSMISSION OIL FILTER T105314 –UN–21NOV96 1. Turn manual transmission filter (A) or powershift transmission—if equipped, filter (1) counterclockwise and remove. 2. Apply film of oil to sealing ring on new filter. Install until it touches mounting surface and tighten an additional 3/4 to one turn with a suitable wrench. 3. Check transmission oil level. Manual Transmission Oil Filter T125848B –UN–15NOV99 4. Start engine and run for three minutes to allow filter element to refill and purge air from charge circuit. Powershift Transmission Continued on next page 85-6 TX,85,BG318 –19–17NOV99–1/2 120699 PN=190 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours 5. With engine running at low idle, remove dipstick (B). Check transmission oil level and add as necessary. T106213 –UN–08JAN97 6. Check for leakage around filter. Tighten filter just enough to stop leaks. TX,85,BG318 85-7 –19–17NOV99–2/2 120699 PN=191 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE TRANSMISSION AND TORQUE CONVERTER OIL AND FILTER T103366 –UN–27AUG96 NOTE: This procedure does not drain all of the oil from the manual transmission. Only approximately 8.0—8.5L of oil will drain. It is intended that the remainder of oil will remain in the cooler and torque converter. NOTE: Dispose of waste oil properly. Manual Transmission Drain Plug T125848B –UN–15NOV99 1. Remove drain plug (A or 2) from bottom of transmission and drain oil into suitable container. Powershift Transmission Drain Plug Continued on next page 85-8 TX,85,BG304 –19–02DEC99–1/2 120699 PN=192 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours 2. Turn filter (B or 1) counterclockwise and remove. Manual Transmission System Oil—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 14 L (15 qt) Powershift Transmission Oil—Specification Capacity .................................................................................. 15 L (16 qt.) T105317 –UN–21NOV96 3. Apply film of oil to sealing ring on new filter, install until it touches mounting surface and tighten an additional 3/4 to one turn with a suitable wrench. 5. Start engine and run at slow idle for three minutes to warm oil. 6. With engine running at slow idle, turn dipstick handle (C) counterclockwise and remove. 7. Check oil level on dipstick. If oil is not within operating range, add oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) T103367 –UN–27AUG96 4. Install drain plug and fill transmission at filler/check tube (C). (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) 8. Install dipstick and turn clockwise to tighten. TX,85,BG304 –19–02DEC99–2/2 85-9 120699 PN=193 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR OIL 2. Move backhoe and stabilizers to transport position and lower loader bucket to ground. Stop engine. 3. Remove reservoir filler tube cap. 4. Disconnect drain clamp (A) on end of hose (B) and drain oil. Allow adequate time for oil to drain. Dispose of waste oil properly. T105669 –UN–11DEC96 1. Park machine on a level surface. Hydraulic Reservoir Oil—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 37 L (39 qt) 6. Attach hose. 7. Refill hydraulic reservoir. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) 8. Check oil level. T105668 –UN–11DEC96 5. Replace hydraulic oil filter. (See Maintenance—Every 500 Hours chapter.) TX,85,BD2166 –19–07OCT96–1/1 CLEAN ENGINE CRANKCASE VENTILATION TUBE T105323 –UN–21NOV96 Remove vent tube (A) and clean interior using diesel fuel. TX,85,BD2167 –19–07OCT96–1/1 85-10 120699 PN=194 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours CHANGE TRANSMISSION AND TORQUE CONVERTER OIL AND FILTER T103366 –UN–27AUG96 NOTE: This procedure does not drain all of the oil from transmission. Only approximately 8.0—8.5L of oil will drain. It is intended that the remainder of oil will remain in the cooler and converter. 1. Remove plug (A) from bottom of transmission and drain oil into suitable container. Dispose of waste oil properly. Transmission System Oil—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 14 L (15 qt) T105317 –UN–21NOV96 2. Turn filter (B) counterclockwise and remove. 3. Apply film of oil to sealing ring on new filter, install until it touches mounting surface and tighten an additional 3/4 to one turn with a suitable wrench. 4. Install drain plug and fill transmission at filler/check tube (C). (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) T103367 –UN–27AUG96 5. Start engine and check oil level at filler tube. (See Check Transmission Oil Level in Maintenance—Every 250 Hours chapter.) TX,85,BG317 85-11 –19–06MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=195 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours 1. Rotate wheel so drain plug (A) is at its lowest point, remove plug and drain oil. Dispose of waste oil properly. MFWD Front Wheel Planetary Housing Oil—Specification Capacity .................................................................................... 1 L (1.1 qt) 2. Install drain plug. T7371AP –UN–02OCT90 CHANGE MFWD FRONT WHEEL PLANETARY HOUSING OIL 3. Rotate wheel so plug (A) is above OIL LEVEL line (B) when line is horizontal. T105325 –UN–21NOV96 4. Add oil to bottom of fill plug hole and install plug. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter for proper type of oil.) TX,85,BD2169 –19–07OCT96–1/1 85-12 120699 PN=196 Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours REPLACE AIR CLEANER ELEMENTS 1. Remove right-hand side cover. 2. Loosen clips (A) to remove air cleaner cover. IMPORTANT: Remove filter gently to avoid dislodging dust from the filter. T6201BE –UN–19JAN91 Inspect elements when air filter restriction/indicator comes on. (See Engine Air Filter Indicator in Operator’s Station chapter. 3. Slide primary (B) and secondary (C) elements out to remove. T103383 –UN–06SEP96 T103382 –UN–06SEP96 T103381 –UN–06SEP96 4. Clean inside of outlet tube. CED,OUO1040,45 –19–06MAY98–1/1 85-13 120699 PN=197 Maintenance—Every 2000 Hours ADJUST ENGINE VALVE LASH (CLEARANCE) 1. Remove engine side shield. T6129AJ –UN–27OCT88 2. Disconnect crankcase ventilation tube from rocker arm cover. Clean tube with solvent or diesel fuel. Check that O-ring in rocker arm cover is in good condition. 3. Remove rocker arm cover. 4. Install JDE-81-4 Timing Pin (B) and JDE-83 Flywheel Turning Tool (A). 5. Turn flywheel until timing pin goes into hole in flywheel. CED,OUO1040,37 –19–28APR98–1/4 6. Use either of the following methods to determine which cylinder is at top-dead-center (TDC): T6104AA –UN–27OCT88 • Try to move both push rods at number one cylinder. If both are not loose, pull timing pin out of flywheel, rotate flywheel 360°, and insert timing pin. Both pushrods being loose indicates the piston is at TDC on compression stroke. • Remove timing hole cover from fuel injection pump. If the timing lines (A) are in alignment, then the number one piston is at TDC on the compression stroke. If the lines are not in alignment, the number four piston is at TDC on the compression stroke. Continued on next page 86-1 CED,OUO1040,37 –19–28APR98–2/4 120699 PN=198 Maintenance—Every 2000 Hours NOTE: Valve clearance can be adjusted whether engine is hot or cold. –UN–13MAR89 7. Measure and adjust valve clearance on the valves shown, first with number one piston at TDC and then with number four at TDC. Intake Valves (I)—Specification T6119AI Valve Clearance ......................................................... 0.36 mm (0.014 in.) Exhaust Valves (E)—Specification T6164HH –19–06FEB89 T6164HG –19–06FEB89 Valve Clearance ......................................................... 0.46 mm (0.018 in.) Continued on next page 86-2 CED,OUO1040,37 –19–28APR98–3/4 120699 PN=199 Maintenance—Every 2000 Hours 8. Clean cylinder head and rocker arm cover mating surfaces. 9. Install rocker arm cover gasket. DO NOT use sealant. T6321AG 10. Install rocker arm cover. Install dry cap screws and tighten to specification. –UN–18OCT88 NOTE: Rocker arm cover gasket is reusable. Rocker Arm Cover Cap Screws—Specification Torque ............................................................................. 35 N•m (26 lb-ft) DO NOT overtighten cap screws. 11. Remove timing pin and turning tool. Install plugs. 12. Connect crankcase ventilation tube to rocker arm cover and install cap screw in mounting strap. CED,OUO1040,37 –19–28APR98–4/4 86-3 120699 PN=200 Maintenance EXTERNAL SERVICE BRAKE INSPECTION Do first inspection at 5000 hours followed by 1000 hour inspection intervals after the first 5000 hour inspection. If the service brakes are subjected to severe duty, inspect more frequently. 1. Inspect brakes for wear through the external inspection ports (A). T8137AC –UN–03DEC93 T115934 –UN–18JUN98 2. Remove axle housing and replace brake disc if oil grooves (B) on facing material are no longer visible. CED,OUO1032,1075 –19–19JUN98–1/1 90-1 120699 PN=201 Maintenance CLEAN DUST UNLOADER VALVE T103397 –UN–27AUG96 IMPORTANT: A missing, damaged, or hardened dust unloader valve will make dust cup precleaner ineffective, causing very short element life. Valve should suck closed above 1/3 engine speed. Squeeze dust valve (A) to remove dust from air cleaner. If operating in high dust conditions, squeeze dust valve every couple of hours of operation to release dust. TX,90,BD1968 –19–07OCT96–1/1 INSPECT AIR CLEANER ELEMENTS IMPORTANT: Install a new primary element: –UN–10NOV88 • If element shows damage • If element will not clean DO NOT clean secondary element. T90684 Install new secondary element: • If primary element is damaged and needs replaced • If element is visually dirty NOTE: If gasket is broken or missing, install a new element. Inspect elements for wear or damage and replace as necessary. Clean primary element as necessary. (See Clean Primary Element procedures in this chapter for cleaning instructions.) TX,85,BG318 90-2 –19–06MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=202 Maintenance CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from flying debris. Reduce compressed air to less than 690 kPa (6.9 bar) (100 psi) when using for cleaning purposes. Clear area of bystanders, guard against flying debris, and wear personal protection equipment, including eye protection. T47764 1. Tap element with the palm of your hand, NOT ON A HARD SURFACE. –UN–09NOV88 CLEAN DUSTY PRIMARY ELEMENT 2. If this does not remove dust, use compressed air under 690 kPa (6.9 bar) (100 psi). 3. Direct air up and down the pleats from inside to outside. Be careful not to break the element. TX,90,BD1965 –19–07OCT96–1/1 See your authorized dealer for JT05460 SERVICEGARD coolant and battery tester. Follow directions included with the tester. T85402 If you operate your engine in extremely cold temperatures, see your dealer for information on arctic operation. –UN–10NOV88 TEST THE COOLANT FREEZE— PROTECTION LEVEL SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company TX,90,BD1969 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-3 120699 PN=203 Maintenance SERVICING THE COOLING SYSTEM TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Shut off engine. Remove filler cap only when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. T8214BE –UN–27APR94 Drain and fill the cooling system every 5 years or 5000 hours. TX,90,BG266 –19–29AUG97–1/1 CHECKING COOLANT HOSES AND RADIATOR T103399 –UN–27AUG96 Check hoses (A) for cracks and leaks. Tighten clamps as necessary. T103400 –UN–27AUG96 Check radiator for dirt, damage, leaks, and loose or broken mountings. Clean radiator fins. TX,90,BD2173 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-4 120699 PN=204 Maintenance DRAINING THE COOLING SYSTEM TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Shut off engine. Remove filler cap only when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. Every 5000 hours drain and flush cooling system using clean water and refill with new coolant. Cooling System—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 16 L (17 qt) T103404 –UN–28AUG96 1. Release pressure and remove cap. NOTE: Radiator drain cock can be reached from underneath the machine. Grille and bumper removed for clarity of photograph. 2. Connect a hose to drain cock (A) on radiator. 3. Turn drain cock counterclockwise to open valve. T103401 –UN–27AUG96 4. Loosen drain cock (B) to drain engine block. TX,90,BG267 90-5 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=205 Maintenance DIESEL ENGINE COOLANT The engine cooling system is filled to provide year-round protection against corrosion and cylinder liner pitting, and winter freeze protection to -37°C (-34°F). The following engine coolant is preferred for service: protection at lower temperatures is required, consult your John Deere dealer for recommendations. Water quality is important to the performance of the cooling system. Distilled, deionized, or demineralized water is recommended for mixing with ethylene glycol base engine coolant concentrate. • John Deere COOL-GARD Prediluted Coolant The following engine coolant is also recommended: • John Deere COOL-GARD Coolant Concentrate in a 40 to 60% mixture of concentrate with quality water. Other low silicate ethylene glycol base coolants for heavy-duty engines may be used if they meet one of the following specifications: • ASTM D5345 (prediluted coolant) • ASTM D4985 (coolant concentrate) in a 40 to 60% mixture of concentrate with quality water IMPORTANT: Do not use cooling system sealing additives or antifreeze that contains sealing additives. COOLANT DRAIN INTERVALS Drain the factory fill engine coolant, flush the cooling system, and refill with new coolant after the first 3 years or 3000 hours of operation. Subsequent drain intervals are determined by the coolant used for service. At each interval, drain the coolant, flush the cooling system, and refill with new coolant. Coolants meeting these specifications require use of supplemental coolant additives, formulated for heavy-duty diesel engines, for protection against corrosion and cylinder liner erosion and pitting. When John Deere COOL-GARD is used, the drain interval may be extended to 5 years or 5000 hours of operation, provided that the coolant is tested annually AND additives are replenished, as needed, by adding a supplemental coolant additive. A 50% mixture of ethylene glycol engine coolant in water provides freeze protection to -37°C (-34°F). If If COOL-GARD is not used, the drain interval is reduced to 2 years or 2000 hours of operation. DX,COOL3 90-6 –19–05FEB99–1/1 120699 PN=206 Maintenance FILLING THE COOLING SYSTEM TS281 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from hot spraying water. DO NOT remove radiator cap unless the engine is cool. Then turn cap slowly to the stop. Release all pressure before removing cap. Cooling System—Specification Capacity ................................................................................... 16 L (17 qt) Remove radiator cap (A). Coolant level must be at bottom of filler neck. T101885 –UN–14AUG96 IMPORTANT: Use only permanent-type low silicate, ethylene glycol base antifreeze in coolant solution. Other types of antifreeze may damage cylinder seals. NOTE: All machines are shipped from the factory with a 50-50 mixture for protection to -34°C (-30°F). Adjust mixture accordingly to provide freeze protection for your machine. FREEZING TEMPERATURES: Fill with permanent-type low silicate, ethylene glycol antifreeze (without stop-leak additive) and clean, soft water. Add TY16004 John Deere Coolant Conditioner or equivalent. TX,90,BG269 90-7 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=207 Maintenance DO NOT SERVICE INJECTION NOZZLES IMPORTANT: Do not service or remove injection nozzles. The service life of the injection nozzles may be shortened by: • • • • Overheating Improper operation Poor quality fuel Excessive idling If injection nozzles are not working correctly or are dirty, the engine will not run normally. (See your authorized dealer for service.) TX,90,DH1583 –19–10DEC92–1/1 DO NOT ADJUST INJECTION PUMP Adjusting the injection pump in any way not approved by the manufacturer will end the warranty. (See your copy of the John Deere warranty on this machine.) IMPORTANT: Never steam clean or pour cold water on an injection pump while the engine is running, or while injection pump is still warm. To do so may cause seizure of pump. Do not attempt to service an injection pump that is not operating correctly. (See your authorized injection pump service center.) Clean trash regularly from injection pump. TX,90,DH626 –19–09DEC93–1/1 REPLACE ENGINE VIBRATION DAMPER The damper assembly is not repairable and should be replaced every 5 years or 4500 hours, whichever occurs first, or whenever crankshaft is replaced. See your authorized dealer. CED,TX03768,2668 90-8 –19–29OCT99–1/1 120699 PN=208 Maintenance DRAINING FUEL FILTER SEDIMENT Drain water and sediment as necessary. –UN–25NOV92 1. Loosen knob (B) and drain fuel for several seconds from drain tube (A). 2. Tighten knob. T7896AI 3. Bleed fuel system. (See Change Fuel Filter in Maintenance-Every 500 Hours chapter.) TX,90,BD2176 –19–07OCT96–1/1 PRECAUTIONS FOR ALTERNATOR AND REGULATOR When batteries are connected, follow these rules: 1. Disconnect negative (—) battery cable when you work on or near alternator or regulator. 2. DO NOT TRY TO POLARIZE ALTERNATOR OR REGULATOR. 3. Be sure alternator wires are correctly connected BEFORE you connect batteries. 6. Connect batteries or a booster battery in the correct polarity (positive [+] to positive [+] and negative [—] to negative [—]). 7. Do not disconnect the batteries when engine is running and alternator is charging. 8. Disconnect battery cables before you connect battery charger to the batteries. 4. Do not ground alternator output terminal. 5. Do not disconnect or connect any alternator or regulator wires while batteries are connected or while alternator is operating. T82,EXMA,I –19–03AUG92–1/1 90-9 120699 PN=209 Maintenance PREVENT ACID BURNS Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. Avoid the hazard by: • • • • • Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte. Use proper jump start procedure. If you spill acid on yourself: If acid is swallowed: • Do not induce vomiting • Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not exceed 2 L (2 quarts). • Get medical attention immediately. TS203 –UN–23AUG88 • Flush your skin with water. • Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid. • Flush your eyes for 15—30 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. TX,90,BD1970 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-10 120699 PN=210 Maintenance SERVICE BATTERIES CAREFULLY TS204 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Use a flashlight to check battery electrolyte level. Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer. Always remove grounded (—) battery clamp first and replace it last. Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. Avoid the hazard by: 1. Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area. 2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves. 3. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added. 4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte. 5. Use proper jump start procedure. If you spill acid on yourself: TS203 –UN–23AUG88 1. Flush your skin with water. 2. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid. 3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. If acid is swallowed: 1. Do not induce vomiting. 2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not exceed 1.9 L (2 quarts). 3. Get medical attention immediately. If electrolyte spills on the floor, use one of the following mixtures to neutralize the acid: 0.5 kg (1 lb) baking soda in 4 L (1 gal) water, or 0.47 L (1 pt) household ammonia in 4 L (1 gal) water. Continued on next page 90-11 CED,OUO1040,121 –19–20MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=211 Maintenance IMPORTANT: Electrolyte can damage paint and metal surfaces of your machine. Do not overfill the battery cells. CED,OUO1040,121 90-12 –19–20MAY98–2/2 120699 PN=212 Maintenance CHECKING ELECTROLYTE SPECIFIC GRAVITY TS204 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Use a flashlight to check battery electrolyte level. Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer. Always remove grounded (—) battery clamp first and replace it last. Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. Avoid the hazard by: 1. Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area. 2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves. 3. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added. 4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte. 5. Use proper jump start procedure. If you spill acid on yourself: TS203 –UN–23AUG88 1. Flush your skin with water. 2. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid. 3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. If acid is swallowed: 1. Do not induce vomiting. 2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not exceed 1.9 L (2 quarts). 3. Get medical attention immediately. Check the specific gravity of electrolyte in each battery cell. Continued on next page 90-13 CED,OUO1040,122 –19–20MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=213 Maintenance See your John Deere dealer for JT05460 SERVICEGARD battery and coolant tester. Follow directions included with the tester. –UN–10NOV88 A fully charged battery will have a corrected specific gravity reading of 1.260. If the reading is below 1.200, charge the battery. T85402 NOTE: In tropical areas, use 1.225 for the full charge reading. In cold areas, use 1.280 for the full-charge reading. SERVICEGARD is a trademark of Deere & Company CED,OUO1040,122 –19–20MAY98–2/2 USING BATTERY CHARGER TS204 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from exploding battery. Do not charge a battery if the battery is frozen or it may explode. Warm battery to 16°C (60°F). Disconnect battery ground (—) clamp before you charge batteries in the machine to prevent damage to electrical components. IMPORTANT: Do not use a battery charger as a booster if a battery has a 1.150 specific gravity reading or lower. Turn off charger before connecting or disconnecting it. A battery charger may be used as a booster to start engine. N36890 Stop or cut back charging rate if battery case feels hot, or is venting electrolyte. Battery temperature must not exceed 52°C (125°F). –UN–07OCT88 Ventilate the area where batteries are being charged. TX,90,BD2178 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-14 120699 PN=214 Maintenance REPLACING BATTERIES Cold Cranking Amps Volts BCI Group -18°C (0°F) -29°C (-20°F) Reserve Capacity (minutes at 25 amps) 12 31 750 600 150 TS204 –UN–23AUG88 Your machine may be equipped with one or two 12-volt hybrid batteries with (—) negative ground. Use only batteries meeting following specifications: TX,90,BG212 –19–23DEC96–1/1 REMOVING BATTERIES IMPORTANT: Check for worn or frayed wires and loose or corroded connections. 1. Disconnect negative (—) battery cables first, then positive (+) cables. 2. Remove nuts and hold-down brackets. T105672 –UN–11DEC96 3. Lift batteries out of compartment. TX,90,BD2180 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-15 120699 PN=215 Maintenance T103416 –UN–28AUG96 T105868 –19–17DEC96 REPLACING FUSES Access Cover of Side Console IMPORTANT: Install fuse with correct amperage rating to prevent electrical system damage from overload. F1—7.5 Amp MFWD/ Alternator/Diff Lock Fuse F2—15 Amp Fuel/Ether Aid and Reverse Alarm Fuse F3—5 Amp Dome Light/Radio Fuse F4—5 Amp Radio Fuse (Unswitched Power) F5—15 Amp Wiper Fuse F6—30 Amp Heater Fuse F7—15 Amp Rear Light Fuse F8—25 Amp Front Light/Tail Light Fuse F9—10 Amp FNR/Park Brake Fuse F10—20 Amp Turn/Stop/Flasher and Horn Fuse F11—Not used F12—Not used F13—10 Amp RTD/Beacon Fuse F14—5 Amp Monitor/Gauge Fuse F15—10 Amp Auxiliary Fuse F16—10 Amp Start Fuse K3—Hydraulic Pump Relay K4—Reverse Alarm Relay K5—Park Brake Relay K6—Neutral Relay S21—Flasher TX,90,BD2181 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-16 120699 PN=216 Maintenance REMOVE AND INSTALL HALOGEN BULB 1. Remove screws (A), cover (B), lamp (C), and lamp housing (E). –UN–12MAR91 2. Disconnect wiring lead and release retainer clip to remove bulb (D). T7484AC CAUTION: Do not touch the halogen bulb with bare hands. Oil and moisture may cause premature bulb failure. Clean bulb glass if touched, using an oil-free cloth with alcohol. A—Screw (2 used) B—Lamp Cover C—Lamp D—Bulb E—Lamp Housing 3. Install new bulb, lamp and assemble housing. TX,90,BD2182 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-17 120699 PN=217 Maintenance CHANGING REVERSE WARNING ALARM VOLUME IMPORTANT: It may be necessary to adjust the volume to meet local regulations. 1. To change alarm to low volume, remove nut (A) and disconnect wire from "POS HI" terminal. 2. Remove nut (C) and shorting bar (B). T7673AH –UN–16DEC91 T7673AI –UN–16DEC91 3. Attach wire to "POS LOW" terminal (D). Install nut and tighten. Save shorting bar for future use. A—Nut B—Shorting Bar C—Nut D—Terminal TX,90,BD2183 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-18 120699 PN=218 Maintenance CHECKING NEUTRAL START SYSTEM T103418 –UN–28AUG96 CAUTION: Avoid possible injury or death. DO NOT attempt to start machine unless you are sitting in operator’s seat with the clutch switch depressed. DO NOT bypass or disable any of the starting system parts. Set park brake before attempting to start engine. This machine has a neutral start switch that is activated by the FNR lever (A). Manual Transmission Shown Set park brake and place gear shifter in neutral. Check the neutral start system to ENSURE that the machine: • WILL start with the FNR lever in neutral N position. • WILL NOT start with FNR lever in any other position. If starting system fails to operate correctly, have your authorized dealer repair the system immediately. TX,90,BD2184 –19–07OCT96–1/1 ADDING ATTACHMENTS/ACCESSORIES TO ROLL-OVER PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE (ROPS) Do not add attachments or accessories to the ROPS without contacting your authorized dealer for information. Improper attachment may impair the protection offered by the ROPS. 045,90,K117 –19–08JUN94–1/1 90-19 120699 PN=219 Maintenance WELDING ON MACHINE IMPORTANT: Disconnect battery ground cables to prevent voltage spikes from damaging alternator or dash instruments. T105672 –UN–11DEC96 Connect welder ground clamp close to each weld area so electrical current does not arc inside any bearings. TX,90,BD2185 –19–06MAY98–1/1 90-20 120699 PN=220 Maintenance CHECKING RIDE CONTROL ACCUMULATOR—IF EQUIPPED X9811 –UN–23AUG88 CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury may call the Deere & Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, or other knowledgeable medical source. CAUTION: The boom will jump upward during this check. Make sure area around bucket is clear. 1. Start engine. Continued on next page 90-21 CED,OUO1040,95 –19–14MAY98–1/2 120699 PN=221 Maintenance 2. Push ride control switch (A) to OFF position. 3. Raise boom to maximum height and hold control lever over relief for 2 seconds. 4. Lower boom and bucket to ground and stop engine. Put boom control lever in neutral. 5. Push ride control switch (A) to ON position. The boom should move up approximately 100 mm (4 in.). To Discharge Accumulator: 1. Place loader bucket approximately 30 cm (1 ft) off the ground. 2. Make sure area around bucket is clear and move ride control switch to OFF position. T115935 –UN–18JUN98 6. If the accumulator has lost gas charge, see your authorized dealer for servicing the accumulator. 3. Turn key switch to ON position without starting the engine and move the ride control switch to ON position. 4. Move loader control lever to float position. Bucket should lower to ground. 5. If ride control accumulator has lost gas charge, see your authorized dealer to service the accumulator. CED,OUO1040,95 –19–14MAY98–2/2 90-22 120699 PN=222 Maintenance CHECK PARK BRAKE T111092 –UN–12AUG97 CAUTION: Prevent possible injury from unexpected machine movement. Fasten seat belt before performing this check. 1. Fasten seat belt. 2. Start machine on dry, hard pavements. 3. Raise loader and backhoe buckets off ground. 4. Move the park brake switch (A) to the OFF position. 5. Disengage MFWD, if equipped. 6. Move the FNR lever to forward F position, and the gear shifter to 2nd gear. 7. Depress the speed control pedal to the floor and drive approximately 7 m (20 ft) before moving the park brake switch to ON position. The machine must stop within 2 m (6 ft) and transmission must shift to neutral N. 8. If necessary, check adjustment of park brake cap screws. (See Towing in Transporting chapter.) TX,55,BG263 90-23 –19–29AUG97–1/1 120699 PN=223 Maintenance CHECKING MACHINE CYCLE TIMES Operate each hydraulic control lever until all air is out of the hydraulic system and oil is warm. Check for freedom of movement of all controls and correct direction of travel before you check cycle times. Use the times below as a guide. If cycle times vary greatly from those listed, troubleshoot the hydraulic system. INDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT CYCLE TIME SPECIFICATIONS Oil temperature: 65 ± 5°C (150 ± 10°F) Engine speed: Fast idle Function Operating Conditions Maximum Cycle Time in Seconds Loader boom raise Bucket flat on ground to full height (includes bucket self-leveling) 4.9 Loader boom lower 2.8 Loader bucket dump Bucket just clears ground 2.3 Loader bucket rollback Bucket just clears ground 2.3 Backhoe boom raise Backhoe at maximum reach with bucket teeth on ground up to cylinder cushion 2.7 Backhoe boom lower Backhoe at maximum reach. Transport position to bucket teeth on ground 2.9 Crowd in Boom in transport position 3.6 Crowd out 3.4 Backhoe bucket dump 2.1 Backhoe bucket curl 3.0 Backhoe swing Boom raised to cushion, bucket curled, dipperstick parallel to ground. Time cycle to cylinder cushion 4.1 Right stabilizer down Full up to ground level 2.8 Left stabilizer down Full up to ground level 1.9 Stabilizer up left and right Ground level to full up 2.4 Extendible dipperstick extend and retract 3.2 TURNS Steering right to left Turns 2.3 to 3 Steering left to right Turns 2.3 to 3 Steering right to left (MFWD) Turns 2.3 to 3 Steering left to right (MFWD) Turns 2.3 to 3 TX,90,BG334 90-24 –19–08NOV99–1/1 120699 PN=224 Maintenance BLEEDING BRAKES T6838AE –UN–26OCT88 CAUTION: Do not operate machine if pedal travel exceeds 133 mm (5.25 in.) while applying 267 N (60 lb-force). Operating machine with excessive brake travel could cause brakes not to stop machine on first application. NOTE: Air will "gravity bleed" from brake system through brake valve without use of bleed screws. Brake lines must be inclined toward brake valve. Low ambient temperature or aeration of oil will slow bleed process. 1. Engage park brake. Lock brake pedals together to bleed both brakes. 2. Run engine at high speed to fill brake reservoir. 3. Release brake pedal completely and wait a minimum of 10 seconds. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a firm pedal is obtained with pedal travel within specification. Pedal Travel—Specification Distance ............................................................. 133 mm (5.25 in.) or less Brakes will continue to self-bleed as you operate machine and pedal firmness should improve. 5. If unable to obtain firm brake pedal, inspect lines and connections for leakage. If no leaks, see your authorized dealer. TX,90,BG270 90-25 –19–06MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=225 Maintenance ADJUSTING SPEED CONTROL LEVER TENSION 2. Tighten nut (A) until specified force is required to move lever using a spring scale placed just below the knob. Speed Control Lever—Specification Force......................................................................... 62—71 N (14—16 lb) T103498 –UN–03SEP96 1. Remove cover from console. TX,90,BD2188 –19–06MAY98–1/1 90-26 120699 PN=226 Maintenance T6159AC T6157AF –UN–18OCT88 –UN–18OCT88 CHECKING AND ADJUSTING TOE-IN 1. Measure distance from ground to center of hub (A) and make a mark on front (B) and rear (C) of each front tire in center of tread. T6162AT –UN–02NOV88 2. Measure distance between front marks (B). 3. Measure distance between rear marks (C). 4. The distance between front marks must be less than distance between rear marks by the following amount. Toe-In Measurement—Specification Non-MFWD Standard Axle Distance between ......................... 6 ± 3 mm (1/4 ± 1/8 in.) (B) and (C) MFWD Axle Distance between ............................ 3 ± 3 mm (1/8 ± 1/8 in.) (B) and (C) Machines Without Mechanical Front Wheel Drive: T103499 –UN–03SEP96 1. To adjust toe-in, loosen both tie rod clamps (E) and turn tie rod tube (D). 2. Turn clamps so that cap screws are toward rear of machine and tipped down approximately 45°. 3. Tighten clamp cap screws to specification. MFWD Toe-In Tie Rod Clamp Cap Screws—Specification A—Center of Hub B—Front of Tire C—Rear of Tire D—Tie Rod Tube E—Tie Rod Clamp F—Nuts G—Rod End Torque ............................................................. 95 ± 14 N•m (70 ± 10 lb-ft) Machines With Mechanical Front Wheel Drive: 1. To adjust toe-in, loosen nuts (F). Continued on next page 90-27 TX,90,BD2189 –19–19NOV99–1/2 120699 PN=227 Maintenance 2. Turn rod end (G) to get proper toe-in. 3. Adjust toe-in equally on both tie rods. 4. Tighten nuts to specification. Toe-In Tie Rod Nuts—Specification Torque ............................................................................. 50 N•m (35 lb-ft) TX,90,BD2189 –19–19NOV99–2/2 90-28 120699 PN=228 Maintenance INSTALLING TEETH ON BACKHOE BUCKET T7646AP –UN–16DEC91 1. Position flex pin (C) with grooves (D) toward the tooth tip. The grooves are the locking mechanism. NOTE: If "back" is stamped on the pin, this word must face the shank. If shank is badly worn, install new shank. Install special teeth for digging in rock or frost. 2. To remove tooth tip (A), drive out flex pin (C). T7646AN –UN–16DEC91 T7646AO –UN–16DEC91 3. To fasten tooth tip to shank (B), drive flex pin (C) in place. A—Tooth Tip B—Tooth Shank C—Flex Pin D—Grooves TX,90,BD2190 –19–07OCT96–1/1 90-29 120699 PN=229 Maintenance DO NOT SERVICE CONTROL VALVES, CYLINDERS, PUMPS OR MOTORS Special tools and information are needed to service control valves, cylinders, pumps, or motors. If these parts need service, see your authorized dealer. T82,EXMA,BJ –19–08JUN94–1/1 TX,90,FF1225 –19–15MAR93–1/1 HARDWARE TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Check cap screws and nuts to be sure they are tight. If hardware is loose, tighten to torque shown on the following charts unless a special torque is specified. CAUTION: Make certain all parts are reinstalled correctly if the rollover protective structure (ROPS) is loosened or removed for any reason. Tighten mounting bolts to proper torque. The protection offered by ROPS will be impaired if ROPS is subjected to structural damage, is involved in an overturn incident, or is in any way altered. A damaged ROPS should be replaced, not reused. TS176 –UN–23AUG88 KEEP ROPS INSTALLED PROPERLY When installation of equipment on a machine necessitates loosening or removing ROPS, mounting bolts must be tightened to specification. ROPS Mounting Bolts—Specification Torque ......................................................... 420 ± 84 N•m (310 ± 62 lb-ft) TX,90,BD2192 –19–06MAY98–1/1 90-30 120699 PN=230 Maintenance CHANGING SIDESHIFT BACKHOE STABILIZER FEET—315SE 1. Raise stabilizers high enough to remove stabilizer feet. 2. Loosen locking nut (B) and turn in locking bolt (A) on each stabilizer leg to lock in place. Tighten locking nut. 3. Replace stabilizer feet. CAUTION: Stabilizers may drop down when loosening the stabilizer lock bolts. Keep clear of area under the stabilizers when loosening the stabilizer lock bolts. T115437 –UN–18MAY98 4. Loosen locking nut (B) and turn out locking bolt (A) on each stabilizer leg to release. Tighten locking nut. CED,OUO1040,108 90-31 –19–14MAY98–1/1 120699 PN=231 Maintenance TS1657 –19–02APR97 METRIC BOLT AND CAP SCREW TORQUE VALUES DX,TORQ2 –19–20JUL94–1/1 90-32 120699 PN=232 Maintenance T6890BB –UN–01MAR90 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR METRIC SERIES FOUR BOLT FLANGE FITTING A—Sealing Surface B—Split Flange C—Pinched O-Ring D—Single Piece Flange DO NOT use air wrenches. DO NOT tighten one cap screw fully before tightening the others. DO NOT over tighten. 1. Clean sealing surfaces (A). Inspect. Scratches cause leaks. Roughness causes seal wear. Out-of-flat causes seal extrusion. If defects cannot be polished out, replace component. TORQUE CHART * 2. Install the correct O-ring (and backup washer if required) into groove using petroleum jelly to hold it in place. 3. Split flange: Loosely assemble split flange (B) halves. Make sure split is centrally located and perpendicular to the port. Hand tighten cap screws to hold parts in place. Do not pinch O-ring (C). 4. Single piece flange (D): Place hydraulic line in center of flange and install four cap screws. Flange must be centrally located on port. Hand tighten cap screws to hold flange in place. Do not pinch O-ring. 5. After components are properly positioned and cap screws are hand tightened, tighten one cap screw, then tighten the diagonally opposite cap screw. Tighten two remaining cap screws. Tighten all cap screws as specified in the chart below. Thread ** N•m lb-ft M6 12 9 M8 30 22 M10 57 42 M12 95 70 M14 157 116 M16 217 160 M18 334 246 M20 421 318 *Tolerance ± 10%. The torques given are enough for the given size connection with the recommended working pressure. Increasing cap screw torque beyond these amounts will result in flange and cap screw bending and connection failures. * **Metric Standard thread 04T,90,K175 –19–05JAN96–1/1 90-33 120699 PN=233 Maintenance T6873AA –UN–18OCT88 ADDITIONAL METRIC CAP SCREW TORQUE VALUES CAUTION: Use only metric tools on metric hardware. Other tools may not fit properly. They may slip and cause injury. T-Bolt T6873AB –UN–18OCT88 Check tightness of cap screws periodically. Torque values listed are for general use only. Do not use these values if a different torque value or tightening procedure is listed for a specific application. Shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. Always replace shear bolts with identical grade. Fasteners should be replaced with the same or higher grade. If higher grade fasteners are used, these should only be tightened to the strength of the original. H-Bolt –UN–18OCT88 Make sure fastener threads are clean and you properly start thread engagement. This will prevent them from failing when tightening. T6873AC Tighten cap screws having lock nuts to approximately 50 percent of amount shown in chart. METRIC CAP SCREW TORQUE VALUES * T-Bolt H-Bolt M-Bolt M-Bolt Nominal Dia N•m lb-ft N•m lb-ft N•m lb-ft 8 29 21 20 15 10 7 10 63 46 45 33 20 15 12 108 80 88 65 34 25 14 176 130 137 101 54 40 16 265 195 206 152 78 58 18 392 289 294 217 118 87 20 539 398 392 289 167 125 22 735 542 539 398 216 159 24 931 687 686 506 274 202 27 1372 1012 1029 759 392 289 30 1911 1410 1421 1049 539 398 33 2548 1890 1911 1410 735 542 36 3136 2314 2401 1772 931 687 *Torque tolerance is ±10%. 04T,90,M170 90-34 –19–01AUG94–1/1 120699 PN=234 Maintenance TS1656 –19–02APR97 UNIFIED INCH BOLT AND CAP SCREW TORQUE VALUES DX,TORQ1 –19–20JUL94–1/1 90-35 120699 PN=235 Maintenance CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. X9811 –UN–23AUG88 CHECK OIL LINES AND FITTINGS T85401 Check all oil lines, hoses, and fittings regularly for leaks or damage. Make sure all clamps are in position and tight. Make sure hoses are not twisted or touching moving machine parts. If abrasion or wear occurs, replace immediately. –UN–24JAN89 If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury may call the Deere & Company Medical Department in Moline, Illinois, or other knowledgeable medical source. Tubing with dents may cause the oil to overheat. If you find tubing with dents, install new tubing immediately. IMPORTANT: Tighten fittings as specified in torque chart. When you tighten connections, use two wrenches to prevent bending or breaking tubing and fittings. TX,90,DH1559 –19–01AUG94–1/1 90-36 120699 PN=236 Maintenance SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR O-RING BOSS FITTINGS Straight Fitting T6243AE –UN–18OCT88 1. Inspect O-ring boss seat for dirt or defects. 2. Lubricate O-ring with petroleum jelly. Place electrical tape over threads to protect O-ring. Slide O-ring over tape and into O-ring groove of fitting. Remove tape. 3. Tighten fitting to torque value shown on chart. Angle Fitting 1. Back-off lock nut (A) and back-up washer (B) completely to head-end (C) of fitting. –UN–18OCT88 2. Turn fitting into threaded boss until back-up washer contacts face of boss. T6520AB 3. Turn fitting head-end counterclockwise to proper index (maximum of one turn). NOTE: Do not allow hoses to twist when tightening fittings. 4. Hold fitting head-end with a wrench and tighten lock nut and back-up washer to proper torque value. TORQUE VALUE * Thread Size N•m lb-ft 3/8-24 UNF 8 6 7/16-20 UNF 12 9 1/2-20 UNF 16 12 9/16-18 UNF 24 18 3/4-16 UNF 46 34 7/8-14 UNF 62 46 1-1/16-12 UN 102 75 1-3/16-12 UN 122 90 1-5/16-12 UN 142 105 1-5/8-12 UN 190 140 1-7/8-12 UN 217 160 *Torque tolerance is ±10%. 04T,90,K66 90-37 –19–19MAR96–1/1 120699 PN=237 Maintenance SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FLAT FACE O-RING SEAL FITTINGS –UN–18OCT88 1. Inspect the fitting sealing surfaces. They must be free of dirt or defects. 2. Inspect the O-ring. It must be free of damage or defects. T6243AD 3. Lubricate O-rings and install into groove using petroleum jelly to hold in place. 4. Push O-ring into the groove with plenty of petroleum jelly so O-ring is not displaced during assembly. 5. Index angle fittings and tighten by hand-pressing joint together to insure O-ring remains in place. 6. Tighten fitting or nut to torque value shown on the chart per dash size stamped on the fitting. Do not allow hoses to twist when tightening fittings. FLAT FACE O-RING SEAL FITTING TORQUE * Nominal Tube O.D. Swivel Nut Bulkhead Nut Thread Size in. N•m lb-ft N•m lb-ft -4 9/16-18 16 12 5.0 3.5 -6 11/16-16 24 18 9.0 6.5 0.500 -8 13/16-16 50 37 17.0 12.5 0.625 -10 1-14 69 51 17.0 12.5 19.05 0.750 -12 1 3/16-12 102 75 17.0 12.5 22.22 0.875 -14 1 3/16-12 102 75 17.0 12.5 25.40 1.000 -16 1 7/16-12 142 105 17.0 12.5 31.75 1.250 -20 1 11/16-12 190 140 17.0 12.5 38.10 1.500 -24 2-12 217 160 17.0 12.5 mm in. Dash Size 6.35 0.250 9.52 0.375 12.70 15.88 *Torque tolerance is +15 / -20%. 04T,90,K67 90-38 –19–01AUG94–1/1 120699 PN=238 Maintenance T6890BB –UN–01MAR90 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INCH SERIES FOUR BOLT FLANGE FITTINGS A—Sealing Surface B—Split Flange 1. Clean sealing surfaces (A). Inspect. Scratches cause leaks. Roughness causes seal wear. Out-of-flat causes seal extrusion. If defects cannot be polished out, replace component. 2. Install O-ring (and backup washer if required) into groove using petroleum jelly to hold it in place. C—Pinched O-Ring D—Single Piece Flange must be centrally located on port. Hand tighten cap screws to hold flange in place. Do not pinch O-ring. 5. Tighten one cap screw, then tighten the diagonally opposite cap screw. Tighten two remaining cap screws. Tighten all cap screws as specified in the chart below. DO NOT use air wrenches. DO NOT tighten one cap screw fully before tightening the others. DO NOT over tighten. 3. Split flange: Loosely assemble split flange (B) halves. Make sure split is centrally located and perpendicular to port. Hand tighten cap screws to hold parts in place. Do not pinch O-ring (C). 4. Single piece flange (D): Place hydraulic line in center of flange and install cap screws. Flange Continued on next page 90-39 04T,90,K174 –19–01AUG94–1/2 120699 PN=239 Maintenance TORQUE CHART * N•m lb-ft Nominal Flange Size Cap Screw Size Min Max Min Max 1/2 5/16-18 UNC 20 31 15 23 3/4 3/8-16 UNC 28 54 21 40 1 3/8-16 UNC 37 54 27 40 1-1/4 7/16-14 UNC 47 85 35 63 1-1/2 1/2-13 UNC 62 131 46 97 2 1/2-13 UNC 73 131 54 97 2-1/2 1/2-13 UNC 107 131 79 97 3 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195 3-1/2 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195 4 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195 5 5/8-11 UNC 158 264 117 195 *Tolerance ±10%. The torques given are enough for the given size connection with the recommended working pressure. Torques can be increased to the maximum shown for each cap screw size if desired. Increasing cap screw torque beyond this maximum will result in flange and cap screw bending and connection failures. 04T,90,K174 –19–01AUG94–2/2 90-40 120699 PN=240 Operational Checkout OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT PROCEDURE A location will be required which is level and has adequate space to complete the checks. No tools or equipment are needed to perform this checkout. Use this procedure to check all systems and functions on the machine. It is designed so you can make a quick check of machine operation while doing both a walk around inspection and performing specific checks from the operator’s seat. Complete the necessary visual checks (oil levels, oil condition, external leaks, loose hardware, linkage, wiring, etc.) prior to doing the checkout. The machine must be at operating temperature for many of the checks. Should you experience a problem with your machine, you will find helpful diagnostic information in this checkout that will pinpoint the cause. Use the table of contents to help find adjustment procedures. This information may allow you to perform simple repairs yourself, reducing machine down time. Locate the check to be performed at the top of the left column and read completely down the column before performing the check. Follow this sequence from left to right. In the far right column, if no problem is found, you will be instructed to go to next check. If a problem is indicated, you will be referred to either a chapter in this manual or to your authorized dealer for repair. The information obtained after completing the operational checkout will allow you or your authorized dealer to pinpoint a specific test or repair needed to restore the machine to specifications. TX,95,BD2223 –19–01NOV96–1/1 GAUGE AND INDICATOR CHECK WITH ENGINE OFF – – –1/1 MONITOR INDICATOR LIGHTS AND ALARM CHECKS Turn key switch to BULB CHECK position and hold. YES: Go to next check. LOOK: Are all monitor indicator lights on? Is STOP light ON and does alarm sound? NO: Check monitor/gauge fuse. See Replacing Fuses in Maintenance chapter. If motor starts and bulb check position is OK, key switch has failed or there is a short in wiring. See your authorized dealer. NOTE: Starting motor MUST not operate. – – –1/1 95-1 120699 PN=241 Operational Checkout FNR, NEUTRAL START CIRCUIT AND REVERSE WARNING ALARM CHECKS – – –1/1 FNR SWITCH CHECK Engine off. YES: Go to next check. Move FNR lever to forward (F), reverse (R), then neutral (N) position. NO: If no "click", inspect neutral start fuse or see your authorized dealer. FEEL: Observe and feel forward, neutral and reverse detents. T7447AH –UN–04JAN91 Turn key switch to ON position. Move FNR lever into forward and reverse. LISTEN: Did you hear a "click" from the side console neutral start relay as FNR lever was moved? – – –1/1 NEUTRAL START CHECK Put FNR lever in neutral. YES: See your authorized dealer. Move FNR lever to forward (F) position and turn key switch to start position. NO: Go to next check. Move FNR lever to reverse (R) position and turn key switch to start position. LISTEN: Did starting motor operate? – – –1/1 95-2 120699 PN=242 Operational Checkout START CIRCUIT CHECK Move FNR lever to neutral (N) position and turn key switch to START position. Observe and listen to monitor as engine is cranking. LISTEN: Did starting motor operate? LISTEN: Did alarm sound? T7447AH –UN–04JAN91 LOOK: During engine cranking, were all ten indicator lights ON? Is STOP indicator ON? YES: Go to next check. NO: If engine turns but does not start, check fuel shutoff/start aid/reverse alarm fuse. If starting motor does not operate check start fuse. See Maintenance chapter for fuse checks. See your authorized dealer if fuses are OK. – – –1/1 REVERSE WARNING ALARM CHECK Key switch ON. YES: Go to next check. Move FNR lever to reverse (R) position. NO: See your authorized dealer. LISTEN: Does reverse warning alarm sound? T7447AI –UN–04JAN91 – – –1/1 95-3 120699 PN=243 Operational Checkout PARK BRAKE, CHARGE INDICATOR LIGHT, TACHOMETER/HOUR METER CIRCUIT AND ENGINE SPEED CONTROL LINKAGE CHECKS – – –1/1 PARK BRAKE INDICATOR CHECK IMPORTANT: If engine oil pressure indicator light stays ON, STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY, check oil level. Engage park brake. Put FNR lever in neutral (N) and start the engine. Put FNR lever in forward (F) position. T7447AG –UN–04JAN91 LOOK: Is STOP indicator ON ? Does alarm sound? Is park brake and seat belt light ON? Are all other indicator lights out? Release park brake. LOOK/LISTEN: Is park brake indicator and STOP light out? Alarm will not sound. YES: Go to next check. NO: If engine low oil pressure indicator light stays ON, STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY and check oil level. If alternator indicator light is ON, increase engine speed to 1200 rpm and alternator light MUST go out. If no park brake light, inspect wiring connector at switch on park brake linkage. See your authorized dealer. – – –1/1 SEAT POSITION SENSOR CHECK Engine speed at low idle. YES: Yes: Go to next check. Lower all equipment to ground. NO: See your authorized dealer. Release park brake. Transmission gear shift lever in neutral, FNR in forward or reverse. Operator’s seat in the backhoe position. LISTEN: Does monitor alarm sound and is STOP indicator ON? – – –1/1 95-4 120699 PN=244 Operational Checkout TACHOMETER/ HOUR METER CIRCUIT CHECK IMPORTANT: If engine low oil pressure indicator light stays ON, STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY and check oil level. Engage park brake. Put FNR lever in neutral and start the engine. LOOK/LISTEN: Is hour meter indicator rotating? Does tachometer (if equipped) indicate rpm? T7447AH –UN–04JAN91 YES: Go to next check. NO: If park brake indicator light stays ON, adjust park brake switch on park brake linkage until light goes out. See Maintenance—As Required chapter. If no hour meter or tachometer movement, see your authorized dealer. – – –1/1 ENGINE SPEED CONTROL LEVER LINKAGE CHECK Engage park brake. Put FNR lever in neutral (N) position. Note rpm on tachometer (if equipped). NO: Tighten friction lock. See Adjusting Speed Control Lever Tension in Maintenance chapter. Check engine speed. See your authorized dealer. Move speed control lever to fast idle position. YES: Go to next check. T102991 –UN–20AUG96 LOOK: Does tachometer read 900 + 25 / - 0 rpm (slow idle) or 2375 + 25 / - 0 rpm (fast idle)? LOOK: Does speed control lever remain at selected position? – – –1/1 ENGINE SPEED CONTROL PEDAL LINKAGE CHECK Depress speed control pedal LISTEN: Does engine speed stay the same as with speed control lever in fast idle position? YES: Yes: Go to next check. NO: Adjust Speed Control Linkage. See your authorized dealer. T7394BF –UN–06JAN92 – – –1/1 95-5 120699 PN=245 Operational Checkout BRAKE SYSTEM CHECKS – – –1/1 PEDAL STOP CHECK Lift left and right brake pedals. YES: Go to next check. LOOK: Are brake pedals against pedal stop screws? NO: Adjust brake pedal stops. See your authorized dealer. NOTE: This ensures that brake check valves are opened and brakes released. T7394BG –UN–17JAN92 – – –1/1 BRAKE SYSTEM LEAKAGE CHECK Depress and hold left brake pedal, then right brake pedal using approximately 267 N (60 lb-force). LOOK/FEEL: Brake pedal must NOT feel spongy (caused by air in system). Does pedal settle more than 25 mm (1.0 in.) per minute? T7367AM NO: Go to next check. YES: Bleed brake system. See Bleeding Brakes in Maintenance chapter. See your authorized dealer. –UN–17JAN92 – – –1/1 95-6 120699 PN=246 Operational Checkout BRAKE DRAG/PARK BRAKE CHECK Position machine on a gradual slope with front of machine downhill. Lift bucket so it clears ground. YES: Go to next check. NO: See your authorized dealer. Shift FNR lever to neutral, differential lock control up, disengage park brake and release service brakes. T6171AL –UN–09DEC88 Let machine coast freely for several feet. Apply park brake. LOOK: Did machine stop? Release park brake. LOOK: Did machine move or coast freely? NOTE: If machine does not move freely on slope, drive the machine for five minutes. Feel axle housing area to locate which brake is dragging. – – –1/1 95-7 120699 PN=247 Operational Checkout PARK BRAKE FUNCTION CHECK Start machine, move throttle to 1200 rpm. Leave park brake ON. Put FNR lever in forward position. Shift transmission starting with 1st. gear through 4th. gear, pausing for 5 seconds in each gear. YES: If the machine moves in any gear, see your authorized dealer. YES: If the indicators do not work, see your authorized dealer. NO: Go to next check. Move FNR lever to reverse position. Shift transmission starting with 1st. gear through 4th. gear, pausing for 5 seconds in each gear. Move FNR lever back to neutral position. Move throttle back to slow idle and shut the machine off. LOOK: The machine MUST NOT move in any gear. LOOK: STOP light and Park Brake indicators MUST be lit. LOOK: Hazard light MUST be flashing. LISTEN: An audible beeping alarm MUST be heard. LISTEN: With the FNR In the reverse position, the reverse audible alarm MUST be heard. – – –1/1 95-8 120699 PN=248 Operational Checkout STEERING SYSTEM CHECKS – – –1/1 STEERING SYSTEM CHECKS Raise loader bucket above ground level. YES: Go to next check. Raise rear of machine off ground using stabilizers. NO: Check hydraulic oil level. See your authorized dealer. Operate engine at approximately 1000 rpm. Turn steering wheel from full left to full right several times. LOOK: Did front wheels move smoothly in both directions? LOOK: When steering wheel was stopped, did front wheels stop moving? NOTE: Internal leakage or a sticking steering valve spool can cause wheels to continue to move after steering wheel is stopped. – – –1/1 STEERING SYSTEM LEAKAGE CHECK NOTE: Hydraulic oil must be at operating temperature. YES: Go to next check. Run engine at slow idle. Turn steering wheel until wheels are in maximum right turn position. Continue turning steering wheel, using approximately 11.3 N•m (100 lb-in.) force while counting steering wheel rpm. NO: If steering wheel turns more than 7 revolutions, verify whether valve or cylinder is leaking. See your authorized dealer. Repeat leakage check turning steering wheel to the left. LOOK: Did steering wheel turn 4—7 revolutions or less to the left or right? This represents acceptable steering wheel movement during normal operation. – – –1/1 STEERING PRIORITY VALVE CHECK Operate engine at slow idle. YES: Go to next check. Turn steering wheel to stop left and right. Note effort required to turn wheel. NO: Steers hard and no decrease in engine rpm. See your authorized dealer. Turn wheel to stop and apply constant pressure. LOOK/FEEL: Does wheel stop at both axle stops and require normal steering wheel effort? LOOK/LISTEN: Does tachometer (if equipped) decrease in rpm or does engine rpm decrease when steering wheel is held against stop? – – –1/1 95-9 120699 PN=249 Operational Checkout TRANSMISSION NEUTRAL DISCONNECT CIRCUIT CHECK – – –1/1 NEUTRAL DISCONNECT CIRCUIT CHECK YES: Go to next check. CAUTION: Machine will move forward as FNR lever is moved. Start engine, set idle speed at approximately 1500 rpm. Put transmission in fourth gear. Release park brake. NO: Check fuse. If OK see Troubleshooting chapter; Gauges and Indicators, Clutch Control Does not Disengage or “Click.” See your authorized dealer. Shift FNR lever to forward (F) position. LISTEN: When FNR lever is shifted to forward (F) position, can a noticeable drop in engine speed be heard? Press button on gear shift lever or loader control lever individually and note sound of engine. LISTEN: Does engine rpm increase when the neutral solenoid switches are depressed? – – –1/1 DRIVING CHECKS – – –1/1 TRANSMISSION SHIFT LINKAGE, SYNCHRONIZER AND NOISE CHECK IMPORTANT: Press button on gear shift lever when shifting gears. NO: Go to next check. Run engine at approximately 1500 rpm with FNR lever in forward (F) position. YES: See your authorized dealer. Shift transmission into each gear and drive for a short distance. LISTEN: Can any gear noise be heard when shifting between gears? – – –1/1 95-10 120699 PN=250 Operational Checkout DIFFERENTIAL LOCK CHECK Raise wheels off ground with stabilizers and loader bucket. Unlock brake pedals. Turn MFWD switch off (if equipped). YES: Go to next check. NO: See your authorized dealer. Operate machine at approximately 1500 rpm in 3rd forward. T6295AD –UN–19OCT88 Depress differential lock control. Apply one brake pedal. LOOK: Both wheels must stop. Release differential lock. Apply one brake pedal. LOOK: Does braked wheel stop and other wheel spin? – – –1/1 DIFFERENTIAL GEAR AND PINION CHECK Shift transmission to first gear and operate engine at approximately 1500 rpm. NO: Go to next check. Move FNR lever to forward (F) position. YES: See your authorized dealer. Turn and hold steering wheel in a maximum left turn and depress left brake pedal to stop the left wheel. Turn and hold steering wheel in a maximum right turn and depress right brake pedal to stop the right wheel. LISTEN: Can excessive gear noise be heard in the differential or pinion gear area? – – –1/1 FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT (TOE-IN) CHECK Drive machine in fourth gear forward on a surface with loose material. LOOK: Is material from behind front wheels thrown excessively inward or outward? NO: Go to next check. YES: If material is thrown, excessive tire wear will result. See Adjusting Toe-In in Maintenance chapter. T6264AI –UN–22OCT91 – – –1/1 95-11 120699 PN=251 Operational Checkout ENGINE AND TORQUE CONVERTER CHECK Position machine with loader bucket at ground level against dirt bank or immovable object. Shift transmission into first gear. Move FNR lever to forward (F) position. Disengage MFWD. T6171AM –UN–09DEC88 Engage differential lock. Increase engine speed to fast idle. NO: Go to next check. YES: If the wheels can be easily stalled, go to Troubleshooting chapter, Engine, Engine Does Not Develop Full Power or to Troubleshooting chapter, Power Train, Unit Lacks Power or Moves Slow. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Do rear wheels stall? NOTE: This test will give a general indication of engine, transmission and torque converter performance. – – –1/1 TRANSMISSION HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CHECK Run engine at approximately 1500 rpm. YES: Go to next check. Shift transmission into third gear. NO: See your authorized dealer. Move FNR lever to forward (F) position. Make several shifts from third forward to third reverse. Start counting the number of seconds when FNR lever is moved to opposite direction. LOOK: Is shift from one direction to the other completed in three seconds? NOTE: If bad in one direction ONLY, check direction pack. – – –1/1 RIDE CONTROL FUNCTIONALITY CHECK, ELECTRICAL Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Turn ride control switch to ON position. NO: See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Switch light should light. LOOK: Light in switch should go off when start switch is OFF or ride control switch is OFF. – – –1/1 95-12 120699 PN=252 Operational Checkout RIDE CONTROL FUNCTIONALITY CHECK, HYDRAULIC Start machine and adjust engine speed to 1000—1500 rpm. YES: Go to next check. Move ride control switch to ON position. NO: See your authorized dealer. LOOK/FEEL: Try to lift front end of machine off the ground using the bucket. Machine should not be able to lift and hold. LOOK/FEEL: With ride control OFF, try again to lift front end of machine off the ground using the bucket. Machine should be able to lift and hold. – – –1/1 MECHANICAL FRONT WHEEL DRIVE (MFWD) DRIVING CHECK – – –1/1 MFWD SWITCH CHECK Push switch and engage MFWD. YES: Go to next check. LOOK: Does MFWD light in display monitor come ON when switch is pressed? NO: See your authorized dealer. Push switch to disengage MFWD. T102991 –UN–20AUG96 LOOK: Is MFWD light in display monitor OFF with MFWD disengaged? – – –1/1 MFWD DIFFERENTIAL CHECK Start engine and run at low idle. YES: Go to next check. Raise machine off ground with stabilizers and loader. NO: See your authorized dealer. Shift transmission to 1st gear and put FNR in forward. Engage MFWD. Lower front wheels to just contact ground. LOOK: Do both front wheels turn? – – –1/1 95-13 120699 PN=253 Operational Checkout ENGINE AND TORQUE CONVERTER CHECK With loader bucket level and cutting edge at the centerline of front wheels, put machine against a dirt bank or immovable object. Engage MFWD and differential lock. Shift transmission to first forward. T6171AN –UN–09DEC88 Increase engine speed to fast idle YES: Go to next check. NO: If all wheels stop, a torque converter or transmission control valve problem is indicated. If the front wheels stop, MFWD problem is indicated. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Do both rear wheels and both front wheels turn? – – –1/1 MFWD GEAR AND PINION CHECK Drive machine at transport speed with MFWD engaged, then disengaged. NO: Go to next check. LISTEN: Does MFWD “whine” when disengaged? YES: If MFWD whines, check oil levels and fill to correct levels. See your authorized dealer. NOTE: It is normal for MFWD to “whine” when engaged. – – –1/1 95-14 120699 PN=254 Operational Checkout HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CHECKS – – –1/1 MAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP PERFORMANCE CHECK NOTE: If hydraulic oil is not at operating temperature, heat oil until loader and backhoe cylinders feel warm to touch. Put loader bucket flat on ground with park brake ON. Operator’s seat positioned toward front of machine. YES: Go to next check. NO: If cycle time slow, see Troubleshooting chapter, Hydraulic System, Slow Hydraulic Functions. Run engine at slow idle. Measure cycle time of loader rise to maximum height (including bucket leveling). LOOK: Does loader rise to maximum height in 15 seconds or less? NOTE: Take the average cycle time for at least three cycles. This time will give a general indication of hydraulic pump performance. – – –1/1 AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC PUMP PERFORMANCE CHECK NOTE: Hydraulic oil should be at operating temperature. YES: Go to next check. Position operator’s seat toward rear of machine. NO: If cycle time is slow, see Troubleshooting chapter, Hydraulic System, Slow Hydraulic Functions. Put backhoe in transport position. Run engine at fast idle. While holding loader boom rise over relief, move dipperstick from fully retracted position to fully extended position and measure cycle time. LOOK: Is the cycle time 12 seconds or less? – – –1/1 AUXILIARY PUMP UNLOADING VALVE SOLENOID CHECK Engine ON at low idle, transmission gear shift lever in neutral. YES: Go to next check. Lower stabilizers to ground. NO: See your authorized dealer. Engage park brake. Position operator seat toward rear of machine. Operate dipperstick. Move FNR lever to forward. LOOK: Does dipperstick slow down? – – –1/1 95-15 120699 PN=255 Operational Checkout CYLINDER CUSHION CHECK Raise wheels off ground with stabilizers. YES: Go to next check. Lower boom from transport position. NO: Remove and repair cylinder cushion. See your authorized dealer. Run engine at 1500 rpm. Activate backhoe swing left and right. Note sound and speed as cylinders near end of their stroke. LOOK: Does speed of cylinder rod decrease near the end of its stroke? LISTEN: Can hydraulic oil be heard flowing through orifice as cylinder rod nears the end of its stroke? Repeat check using backhoe boom function. NOTE: Crowd cylinder does not have cylinder cushion. – – –1/1 STABILIZER CYLINDER AND VALVE CHECK Operate machine at approximately 1500 rpm. YES: Go to next check. Position loader bucket above ground. NO: Cylinders drift up or down. Inspect lock-outs. Cylinders drift down rapidly. See your authorized dealer. Lower each stabilizer cylinder and raise rear of machine off ground. LOOK/FEEL: Do cylinders extend smoothly and hold machine up? Retract each stabilizer cylinder. LOOK/FEEL: Do cylinders retract smoothly and remain up? – – –1/1 NOTE: Feel backhoe cylinders. Cylinder must be warm to touch (38—52° C [100-125° F]). If cylinders are not warm, heat oil to specifications. BACKHOE AND LOADER FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK With backhoe fully extended, put backhoe bucket at a 45° angle to ground. Lower boom until bucket cutting edge is 50 mm (2.0 in.) off the ground. T7374CI –UN–04OCT90 NO: Go to next check. YES: Verify which function is drifting. See your authorized dealer. Position loader bucket same distance off ground as backhoe bucket. Run engine at slow idle and observe bucket cutting edge. LOOK: Do cutting edges touch ground within one minute? – – –1/1 95-16 120699 PN=256 Operational Checkout HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE LIFT CHECK TEST NOTE: Husco valves have one lift check for both work ports, and therefore only need to be checked in one direction. Raise loader bucket 1 m (3.0 ft) off the ground with the bucket level. NO: Go to next check. YES: Inspect control valve lift check. See your authorized dealer. Position backhoe at maximum reach with bucket in dump position, 1 m (3.0 ft) off the ground. Stop the engine. Activate each function one at a time. • • • • • Loader boom rise Loader bucket rollback Backhoe boom up Dipperstick extend Backhoe bucket dump LOOK: Do functions move when the control lever is activated? – – –1/1 LOADER BOOM FLOAT CHECK Put loader bucket at maximum height position with bucket dumped. YES: Go to next check. Run engine at approximately 1500 rpm. NO: If it jumps out of detent, check detent spring and detent balls. See your authorized dealer. Move the loader control lever forward into boom float detent position, and at the same time into bucket rollback detent position. Remove hand from control lever. LOOK: Does loader control lever remain in the boom float detent position? – – –1/1 95-17 120699 PN=257 Operational Checkout LOADER RETURN-TO-DIG CHECK YES: Go to next check. T6171AT –UN–09DEC88 T7374CH –UN–04OCT90 Put loader bucket at maximum height position with bucket dumped. NO: Adjust switch until it is activated in cam. See Adjusting Loader Bucket Self-Leveling Indicator Linkage and Return-to-Dig Switch in Operating the Machine chapter. See your authorized dealer. Run engine at approximately 2000 rpm. Move the loader control lever forward into boom float detent position, and at the same time into bucket rollback detent position. Remove hand from control lever. LOOK: Does the loader control lever disengage from the bucket rollback detent when the bucket is level? LOOK: When the bucket is at ground level, bucket must be level and the bucket indicator pointer must be aligned with mark on the boom pivot. NOTE: When return-to-dig is used with loader boom in full-up position, the bucket leveling linkage will move the bucket control valve out of return-to-dig position before bucket is actually level. – – –1/1 NOTE: The loader bucket leveling feature functions during the boom rise cycle only. When bucket is lowered, the operator can manually level the bucket or use the return-to-dig. BUCKET LEVELING LINKAGE CHECK YES: Go to next check. NO: Adjust loader control valve linkage. See your authorized dealer. Put loader bucket in the rollback position with the boom near ground level. T7374CJ –UN–05OCT90 Raise the loader and at the same time hold the control lever in the bucket rollback position. Observe bucket and loader control lever as the loader rises. LOOK/FEEL: Does loader control lever move into the bucket dump position and the bucket dump function slowly activate? When the loader control lever moves to activate the bucket dump function, does the bucket position remain stationary the remainder of the loader boom raise cycle? – – –1/1 95-18 120699 PN=258 Operational Checkout CHECK OPERATION OF ACCESSORIES (ENGINE STOPPED) – – –1/1 FRONT LIGHT SWITCH CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push front light rocker switch to middle position. NO: Check fuse and bulbs. Check wiring. See Troubleshooting chapter, Gauges and Indicators, No Work or Driving Lights. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Are two front lights, two red tail lights and gauge lights ON? Push front light rocker switch in completely. NOTE: Four front lights exist with optional work light package. LOOK: Are four front lights, two red tail lights and gauge lights ON? – – –1/1 REAR LIGHT SWITCH CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push side console rear light rocker switch in. NO: Check fuse and bulbs. Check wiring. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Are rear lights ON? – – –1/1 TURN SIGNAL CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push right side of turn signal rocker switch down. NO: Check fuses and wiring. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Are right front and rear amber lights flashing? Does right indicator light on top of steering column flash? Push left side of turn signal rocker switch down. LOOK: Are left front and rear amber lights flashing? Does left indicator light on top of steering column flash? – – –1/1 95-19 120699 PN=259 Operational Checkout WARNING LIGHT CHECK Key switch ON. YES: Go to next check. Push bottom of warning light rocker switch in. NO: Check fuses and wiring. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Are both front and rear amber lights ON? Are both turn signal indicators and light in warning light rocker switch flashing? – – –1/1 HORN CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push horn button NO: Check fuses and wiring. See your authorized dealer. LISTEN: Did horn sound? – – –1/1 CAB COMPONENT CHECKS – – –1/1 SEAT LINKAGE CHECK Lift lever (1). YES: Go to next check. Move seat forward and rearward and release lever. NO: Repair linkage. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Does lever move freely and lock seat in desired position? T103194 –UN–20AUG96 – – –1/1 95-20 120699 PN=260 Operational Checkout SEAT HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT CHECK Turn knob (3) or lift lever to raise or lower seat to desired position. LOOK: Does seat move up or down and remain in desired position? YES: Go to next check. NO: See your authorized dealer. T103194 –UN–20AUG96 – – –1/1 SEAT SWIVEL LINKAGE CHECK Lift lever (2) up. YES: Go to next check. Move seat from loader to backhoe position and engage latch. NO: Lubricate or repair linkage. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Does seat latch move freely and hold seat in desired position? T103194 –UN–20AUG96 FEEL: Does lever move freely and hold seat in loader and backhoe positions? – – –1/1 SEAT BACK LINKAGE CHECK Lift lever (4) up. YES: Go to next check. Position seat back as desired and engage latch. NO: Lubricate or repair linkage. See your authorized dealer. FEEL: Does lever move freely and hold seat in desired positions? T103194 –UN–20AUG96 – – –1/1 LEFT CAB DOOR LATCH AND OPENER CHECK Unlatch door. YES: Go to next check. Observe door as it opens. NO: Adjust cab door. See your authorized dealer. Pull door closed and latch it. FEEL: Does cab door latch work freely? LOOK: Will door cylinder push door open? LOOK: Does cab door contact door stop bumper before door cylinder bottoms? – – –1/1 95-21 120699 PN=261 Operational Checkout RIGHT DOOR LATCH AND OPENER CHECK (IF EQUIPPED) Unlatch door and pull door open. YES: Go to next check. Close and latch door. NO: Adjust door. See your authorized dealer. FEEL: Does cab door latch work freely? – – –1/1 REAR WINDOW LATCH AND OPENER CHECKS Squeeze latches on both sides of middle rear window. Lower window to rubber bumpers. Push latch releases on upper rear window. YES: Go to next check. NO: Check for obstructions. See your authorized dealer. Observe window as it opens. Push window up and into window catches and note fit. Observe cylinders while closing window. Raise middle window and push into latches. LOOK: Do window latches and hinges move freely? LOOK: Will the gas-filled cylinders slowly assist raising the window to open position? NOTE: Cylinders must not be at end of travel when closing window. LOOK: Do window catches hold and not bow the window in the up position? – – –1/1 SIDE WINDOW CHECKS Open left and right rear side windows. YES: Go to next check. Fasten rear window against front window. NO: Adjust windows. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Does sleeve on rear window align with knob on front window? T6171DF –UN–09DEC88 LOOK/FEEL: Do hinges move freely? Are locking latches equally loaded when closed? – – –1/1 95-22 120699 PN=262 Operational Checkout BLOWER MOTOR CHECK YES: Go to next check. NO: Check wiring harness. See your authorized dealer. T101677 –UN–28JUN96 Engine OFF key switch ON. Turn blower switch (A) to position 1, 2, 3 and 4. FEEL/LISTEN: Does blower fan have four speeds? Does air exit from ducts? – – –1/1 HEATER YES: Go to next check. NO: See your authorized dealer. T101678 –UN–28JUN96 Start engine and run at fast idle. Wait two minutes. Turn heater temperature switch (A) to maximum heat. Turn blower switch (B) to high speed. FEEL: Is air from ducts warm? – – –1/1 95-23 120699 PN=263 Operational Checkout AIR CONDITIONER (IF EQUIPPED) YES: Go to next check. NO: See your authorized dealer. T101679 –UN–28JUN96 Start engine and run at fast idle. Turn air conditioner switch (A) to ON position. Turn blower switch (B) to high speed. Turn temperature switch (C) to cold position. Wait for any warm air in duct system to dissipate. FEEL: Is air from ducts cool? – – –1/1 REAR WINDSHIELD WIPER CHECK Turn key to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push rear wiper rocker switch to first detent, middle position. NO: Check fuse. Check rear wiper. See your authorized dealer. Push rear wiper rocker switch all the way in. Push rear wiper switch to OFF position. LOOK: Rear wiper must operate and have two speeds. LOOK: Wipers must return to park position. – – –1/1 FRONT WINDSHIELD WIPER CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push front wiper rocker switch to first detent, middle position. NO: Check fuse. Check front wiper. See your authorized dealer. Push front wiper switch all the way in. Push front wiper switch to OFF position. LOOK: Do both front wipers operate and have two speeds? LOOK: Do wipers return to the park position? – – –1/1 95-24 120699 PN=264 Operational Checkout FRONT WINDSHIELD WASHER CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push windshield washer rocker switch in. NO: Check fluid level, and fluid lines for blockage. Check wiring. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Fluid must spray on both front windows. Rocker switch must return to OFF position. – – –1/1 CAB DOME LIGHT CHECK Turn key switch to ON position. YES: Go to next check. Push dome light switch to ON position. NO: Check fuse and bulbs. Check wiring. See your authorized dealer. LOOK: Do lights come ON? – – –1/1 MISCELLANEOUS CHECKS – – –1/1 VANDAL PROTECTION CHECK Lock cab door(s) using ignition key. YES: Go to next check. FEEL: Does lock operate freely and key not stick in lock? NO: Lubricate or repair lock. See your authorized dealer. – – –1/1 95-25 120699 PN=265 Operational Checkout CHECK PERIODIC MAINTENANCE DECAL Check periodic maintenance decal on inside of hood access door. YES: Go to next check. LOOK: Is periodic maintenance decal legible? NO: Replace decal. Go to John Deere Dealer for part. – – –1/1 BACKHOE TRANSPORT PIN CHECK Raise boom into transport position. YES: Operational Checkout completed. Remove swing lock pin from holder in cab and install through top and bottom holes of swing frame and through main frame. LOOK: Does swing lock pin install freely? NO: Repair or replace swing lock pin. Check pin bore for burrs or obstruction. See your authorized dealer. – – –1/1 95-26 120699 PN=266 Troubleshooting NOTE: Diagnostic charts are arranged from most probable and simplest to verify, to least likely and more difficult to verify. Remember the following steps when diagnosing a problem: Step 1. Operational Checkout Procedure Step 2. Troubleshooting Charts Step 3. Adjustments and/or Tests Step 4. See your authorized dealer. TX,100,BD2193 100-1 –19–07OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=267 Troubleshooting ENGINE Symptom Problem Solution Engine Will Not Start Or Starts Hard Fuel tank empty Check fuel quantity. Fuel tank vent plugged Remove cap and listen for sound of air entering tank. Replace cap. No electrical power to injection pump solenoid Turn key switch to ON position. Must hear click at injection pump. Replace fuse. Repair wiring. Water in fuel or water frozen in fuel line Drain water from fuel tank. Inspect fuel filter for water. Change filter. Debris in fuel or wrong grade of fuel Check fuel tank outlet strainer for type of fuel debris. Check bottom of fuel tank for debris. Clean tank. Add fuel. Check grade of fuel. Add correct fuel. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Air leak on suction side of fuel system Check for bubbles in fuel filter and tighten connections. Inspect fuel lines for damage. Fuel transfer pump diaphragm leaking Check engine oil for fuel dilution. Slow cranking speed Check battery and connections. Incorrect engine oil (cold weather). Restricted air filter Check air filter restriction indicator and air filters. Clean. Stuck injection pump metering valve. Tap injection pump housing (lightly) if engine now starts. Replace metering valve. See your authorized dealer. Faulty electric shutoff Test shutoff solenoid. See your authorized dealer. Improper injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-2 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–1/9 120699 PN=268 Troubleshooting Symptom Engine Surges Or Stalls Frequently Problem Solution Injection pump See your authorized dealer. Injection nozzle(s) Remove and test nozzles. See your authorized dealer. Worn compression rings or low compression See your authorized dealer. Blown head gasket See your authorized dealer. Air in fuel Inspect filter for evidence of air in fuel. Tighten connections and bleed fuel system. Fuel tank vent plugged Remove cap and listen for sound of air entering tank. Replace cap. Debris in fuel or wrong grade of fuel Check fuel tank outlet strainer for debris. Check bottom of fuel tank for debris. Clean tank. Add fuel. Check grade of fuel. Water in fuel Drain fuel tank and inspect filter element for water. Replace filters. Fuel filter plugged Replace filter. Return line from injection pump to tank restricted See your authorized dealer. Fuel injection pump out of time See your authorized dealer. Check return oil fitting on top of injection pump control cover plugged. See your authorized dealer. Injection pump metering valve sticking See your authorized dealer. Engine overheating See your authorized dealer. Fuel transfer pump See your authorized dealer. Fuel injection pump See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-3 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–2/9 120699 PN=269 Troubleshooting Symptom Engine Misses Engine Does Not Develop Power Problem Solution Injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Improper valve clearance Check and adjust valve clearance. Valve sticking or burned See your authorized dealer. Worn or broken compression rings or cylinder head gasket leaking See your authorized dealer. Air in fuel Check for evidence of air in filter. Tighten connections and bleed fuel system. Debris in fuel or wrong grade of fuel Check fuel tank for water. Check fuel tank strainer and fuel filter for debris. Clean. Check grade of fuel. Idle speeds out of adjustment (too low) See your authorized dealer. Fuel injection pump out of time See your authorized dealer. Fuel transfer pump See your authorized dealer. Injection pump governor faulty or metering valve sticking See your authorized dealer. Engine overheating See your authorized dealer. Incorrect valve clearance Check and adjust valve clearance. Bent push rods See your authorized dealer. Cylinder head gasket leaking See your authorized dealer. Valve sticking or burned See your authorized dealer. Worn or broken compression rings See your authorized dealer. Fuel injection pump See your authorized dealer. Injection nozzle(s) plugged See your authorized dealer. Fuel tank outlet strainer plugged Check fuel tank for water or debris. Remove and clean. Continued on next page 100-4 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–3/9 120699 PN=270 Troubleshooting Symptom Engine Emits Excessive Black or Gray Exhaust Smoke Problem Solution Fuel filter plugged Replace fuel filter. Wrong grade of fuel Drain and add correct fuel. Air system restricted Check air filter restriction and air filters. Clean. Incorrect high idle speed (too low) or linkage out of adjustment Adjust linkage. Check high idle speed. See your authorized dealer. Incorrect engine or injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Incorrect valve clearance Adjust valve clearance. Injection pump return fuel tube or fittings are restricted See your authorized dealer. Fuel transfer pump malfunction See your authorized dealer. Fuel line restricted See your authorized dealer. Excess drag in brake system See your authorized dealer. Excess drag in axle See your authorized dealer. Muffler restricted See your authorized dealer. Injection pump delivery or governor faulty See your authorized dealer. Injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Low compression See your authorized dealer. Worn camshaft See your authorized dealer. Restricted air filter Check air filter restriction and air filters. Clean or replace. Incorrect grade of fuel Drain and add correct fuel. Incorrect injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Excessive fuel delivery See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-5 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–4/9 120699 PN=271 Troubleshooting Symptom Engine Emits Excessive Blue or White Smoke Slow Acceleration Detonation (Excess Engine Knock) Abnormal Engine Noise Problem Solution Injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Turbocharger not functioning See your authorized dealer. Cranking speed too slow Check batteries and connections. Incorrect grade of fuel Drain and add correct fuel. Engine running too cold Check thermostat operation. See your authorized dealer. Injection pump out of time See your authorized dealer. Injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Low compression See your authorized dealer. Excessive wear in liners and/or piston rings stuck See your authorized dealer. Wrong grade of fuel Drain and add correct fuel. Injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Fuel injection pump See your authorized dealer. Low engine oil level. Add oil. Stuck cold weather starting aid See your authorized dealer. Incorrect injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Low coolant temperature See your authorized dealer. Low or incorrect engine oil (too thin) Add correct oil to proper level. Loose or worn hydraulic pump drive coupling See your authorized dealer. Engine oil diluted with fuel Inspect engine oil. See your authorized dealer. Incorrect fuel injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-6 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–5/9 120699 PN=272 Troubleshooting Symptom Low Oil Pressure (Oil Pressure Light On—Red "Stop" Flashing) Problem Solution Excessive valve clearance Adjust valve clearance. Bent push rods See your authorized dealer. Worn rocker arm shafts See your authorized dealer. Loose connecting rod caps See your authorized dealer. Loose main bearing caps See your authorized dealer. Worn main bearings See your authorized dealer. Worn connecting rod bearings See your authorized dealer. Incorrect cam timing See your authorized dealer. Scored piston See your authorized dealer. Worn piston pin bushings and pins See your authorized dealer. Low oil level Add oil to proper level. Inspect engine oil. Wrong viscosity oil/oil diluted with diesel fuel Change oil and see your authorized dealer. Oil pressure switch or indicator See your authorized dealer. Oil pressure regulating valve See your authorized dealer. Plugged or broken oil pump intake screen See your authorized dealer. Loose oil pump drive gear See your authorized dealer. Worn oil pump gear or housing See your authorized dealer. Excessive main bearing, connecting rod or balance shaft clearance See your authorized dealer. Cracked cylinder block See your authorized dealer. Leakage at internal oil passage See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-7 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–6/9 120699 PN=273 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Engine Overheats (Engine Coolant Indicator Light On And Red "Stop" Flashing) Low coolant level Fill cooling system and check for leaks. Low engine oil level Add oil. Loose or broken fan belt See your authorized dealer. Engine overloaded, operating in wrong gear Reduce load. Fan on backwards See your authorized dealer. Radiator dirty or plugged See your authorized dealer. Radiator shroud missing, damaged or baffles missing See your authorized dealer. Improper fuel Drain and add correct fuel. Radiator cap Replace cap. Faulty temperature sender See your authorized dealer. Incorrect injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Excessive axle drag Check axle drag. See Operational Checkout Procedure. Excessive brake drag Check Brake drag. See Operational Checkout Procedure. Faulty thermostat (Stuck closed) See your authorized dealer. Thermostat missing, cooling system coated with lime deposits See your authorized dealer. Water pump See your authorized dealer. Excessive fuel delivery See your authorized dealer. Scored piston See your authorized dealer. Thermostat (stuck open) See your authorized dealer. Engine Runs Cold Continued on next page 100-8 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–7/9 120699 PN=274 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Oil In Coolant or Coolant In Oil Leaking cylinder head gasket See your authorized dealer. Leaking cylinder liner packing See your authorized dealer. Cracked cylinder liner See your authorized dealer. Oil cooler See your authorized dealer. Cracked cylinder block See your authorized dealer. Air system restricted Check filter restriction indicator and air filters. Replace. Leakage in fuel system Inspect. Repair. Incorrect grade of fuel Refill with correct fuel. Operator holding hydraulics over relief. Return control levers to neutral position. High system relief valve setting See your authorized dealer. Incorrect injection pump timing See your authorized dealer. Faulty injection nozzle(s) See your authorized dealer. Bearings not lubricated See your authorized dealer. Worn bearings See your authorized dealer. Air leak in engine, intake or exhaust manifold See your authorized dealer. Improper clearance between turbine wheel and turbine housing See your authorized dealer. Broken blades on turbine See your authorized dealer. Damaged or worn bearings and/or worn seals See your authorized dealer. Excessive crankcase pressure See your authorized dealer. Excessive Fuel Consumption Turbocharger Excessively Noisy or Vibrates Oil Dripping From Turbocharger Adapter Continued on next page 100-9 TX,100,BD2194 –19–07OCT96–8/9 120699 PN=275 Troubleshooting Symptom Excessive Drag In Turbocharger Rotating Members Problem Solution Turbocharger oil return line carbon buildup where line passes exhaust manifold. See your authorized dealer. Carbon build-up behind turbine wheel caused by combustion deposits See your authorized dealer. Dirt build-up behind compressor wheel caused by air intake leaks See your authorized dealer. Bearing seizure or dirty or worn bearings caused by excessive temperature, unbalanced wheel, dirty oil, oil starvation, or insufficient lubrication Check for plugged air filters. TX,100,BD2194 100-10 –19–07OCT96–9/9 120699 PN=276 Troubleshooting ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Symptom Problem Solution Starting Motor Will Not Turn Start fuse. Check and replace if necessary. Loose red connector. Check under loader control lever and push connectors together. Starter. Listen for “click” from starter solenoid. If “click” is not heard, the starter control circuit is functioning. If “click” is not heard, repair starter. See your authorized dealer. Start relay. With the machine in neutral and clutch disconnect switch depressed, remove left-hand engine side shield and listen for “click” from starter relay when the key switch is moved to START position. If “click” is heard, the key switch, circuit breaker, start fuse, connectors, and neutral start switch are functioning and the starter relay, relay ground, or starter is worn. See your authorized dealer. Loose “bullet” connectors on start fuse holder. See your authorized dealer. Key switch. See your authorized dealer. Neutral start switch. See your authorized dealer. Start relay ground. See your authorized dealer. Start relay contacts. See your authorized dealer. Battery. See your authorized dealer. Corroded, loose, or broken battery post. See your authorized dealer. Wiring. See your authorized dealer. Excessive power train load. Depress clutch disconnect switch. Continued on next page 100-11 TX,100,BD2195 –19–07OCT96–1/5 120699 PN=277 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Starter Solenoid Chatters Poor or corroded connections at battery, battery ground strap, or starter. Inspect, clean, and tighten if necessary. Low battery voltage. See your authorized dealer. Pinion gear not moving into engine flywheel ring gear. See your authorized dealer. Broken teeth on flywheel. See your authorized dealer. Loose or corroded battery cables. Inspect and clean or tighten. Loose battery ground cable. Open battle cry cover and inspect and tighten battery ground cable. Excessive power train load. Depress clutch disconnect switch. Excessive engine load. Change engine oil to proper grade for temperature. Low battery voltage. See your authorized dealer. Starter solenoid stuck. Lightly tap on case of starter solenoid. Starter not disengaging. Lightly tap on starter case to determine if starter “shift” lever is stuck. Starter relay stuck on. Lightly tap on starter relay to determine if relay is stuck. Wiring harness. See your authorized dealer. Broken teeth in ring gear. See your authorized dealer. Overrunning clutch slippage. See your authorized dealer. Starting motor. See your authorized dealer. Cracked battery case. Replace battery. Starting Motor Spins But Will Not Crank Engine Engine Cranks Slowly Starting Motor Continues To Run Excessive Noise When Engine Is Cranking Battery Uses Too Much Water Continued on next page 100-12 TX,100,BD2195 –19–07OCT96–2/5 120699 PN=278 Troubleshooting Symptom Cracked Battery Case Low Battery Output Charging Indicator Light Remains On With Engine Running Problem Solution High ambient temperature. Refill with distilled water. Battery cell. Check if one or more cells take more water than others. Battery being overcharged. See your authorized dealer. No battery hold down clamp. Replace battery and install hold down clamp. Loose battery hold down clamp. Replace battery and install hold down clamp. Battery hold down clamp too tight. Replace battery and install battery hold down clamp properly. Frozen battery. Keep battery full charged in cold weather. Low water level. Add water. Dirty or wet battery top causing discharge. Clean and wipe battery top dry. Corroded or loose battery cables. Clean and tighten battery cables. Broken battery post. Wiggle battery post by hand. If post wiggles or turns, replace battery. Low battery voltage. See your authorized dealer. Battery cell. See your authorized dealer. Excessive electrical load. See your authorized dealer. Wrong size battery. See your authorized dealer. Too many accessories. See your authorized dealer. Loose or glazed alternator belt. Check belt. Tighten if loose. Replace if glazed. Continued on next page 100-13 TX,100,BD2195 –19–07OCT96–3/5 120699 PN=279 Troubleshooting Symptom Alternator Light Out But Low Charging System Voltage High Charging System Voltage (Battery Boiling) Noisy Alternator Problem Solution Engine rpm low. Raise engine rpm above 1000 rpm. If light remains on, see your authorized dealer. Diode or phase winding. Increase engine rpm to fast idle. If light goes out or gets dim, it indicates a worn diode or phase winding See your authorized dealer. Excessive electrical load from added accessories. See your authorized dealer. Loose or corroded electrical connections on battery, ground strap, starter, or alternator. Inspect. Clean, or tighten electrical connections. Battery. See your authorized dealer. Regulator or alternator. See your authorized dealer. Monitor/gauge fuse. Turn key switch to BULB CHECK position. If no lights, replace fuse. Indicator light bulb. Inspect and replace if necessary. Loose wiring connector. Inspect and repair. Wiring harness. See your authorized dealer. Poor connection or broken wire between alternator and starter solenoid. See your authorized dealer. Regulator. See your authorized dealer. Worn bearings in alternator. Remove belt and feel for rough bearing while turning alternator pulley. Drive belt. Inspect and replace if necessary. Pulley not aligned. Inspect. Continued on next page 100-14 TX,100,BD2195 –19–07OCT96–4/5 120699 PN=280 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Loose alternator belt or mounting. Inspect and tighten if necessary. Diodes. See your authorized dealer. TX,100,BD2195 100-15 –19–07OCT96–5/5 120699 PN=281 Troubleshooting GAUGES AND INDICATORS Symptom Problem Solution Fuel Gauge Does Not Move, No indicator Lights, Machine Will Not Crank Start relay fuse. Replace fuse. Poor or loose red connector from relay. Push red connector together under loader control lever. Poor or loose ground connection. Check ground screw under loader control lever. Gauge fuse. Replace fuse. Poor or loose ground connection. Check ground screw under loader control lever. Fuel shutoff fuse. Replace fuse. Wire to injection. Repair wire. Ground solenoid. Repair ground. Injection pump. Replace solenoid. Indicator light. Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If no light, replace bulb. Wire or connector. See your authorized dealer. Sender. Replace sender. Gauge fuse. Replace fuse. Indicator light. Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If no light, replace bulb. Fuel Gauge Does Not Move, No Indicator Lights, But Machine Will Crank Machine Cranks But Will Not Start Engine Coolant Temperature Indicator Light Does Not Indicate Overheating Or Bulb Does Not Light In BULB CHECK Position Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Will Not Light Continued on next page 100-16 TX,100,BD2196 –19–07OCT96–1/4 120699 PN=282 Troubleshooting Symptom Alternator Indicator Will Not Light Monitor Lights Do Not Come On During BULB CHECK Fuel Gauge Shows Empty At All Times Fuel Gauge Shows Full At All Times Problem Solution Wire, connector or sender. Ground yellow wire at sender. Indicator must light. If not, repair wiring or replace sender. Monitor/gauge fuse. Replace fuse. Indicator light. Turn key switch to BULB CHECK. If indicator does not light, replace bulb. Wire or connector. See your authorized dealer. Monitor/gauge fuse. Replace fuse. Indicator light. Replace bulb. Wire or connection. See your authorized dealer. Monitor module. See your authorized dealer. Poor ground connections at gauge. Remove dash panel and check gauge mounting hardware. Poor power connection at gauge. Remove dash panel and check gauge mounting hardware. Hole in fuel sender float. Look at float in tank to see if it is floating. Replace sender unit. Ground fuel sender. Gauge must indicate full. If it does not, the wiring is defective. Repair wiring. See your authorized dealer. Gauge. Replace gauge. Open circuit at sender or wire. Remove wire at sender. If gauge still indicates full, locate and repair short between sender and gauge. Continued on next page 100-17 TX,100,BD2196 –19–07OCT96–2/4 120699 PN=283 Troubleshooting Symptom Horn Does Not Sound Windshield Wiper Does Not Operate Heater Fan Does Not Operate No Work Or Driving Lights Rear Lights Do Not Operate Problem Solution Sender float stuck. Look in fuel tank. See if float is above fuel level. Repair or replace sender. Remove sender wire. If gauge still indicates full, replace gauge. Horn ground. Ground horn to machine frame. Horn fuse. Check and replace. Horn. Replace horn. Horn button. Replace horn button. Wiring harness. See your authorized dealer. Wiper fuse. Check and replace. Loose or broken wire. Inspect wiring for breaks or loose connections. Repair. Wiper switch. See your authorized dealer. Wiper motor. See your authorized dealer. Heater fuse. Check and replace. Loose or broken wire. Inspect wiring for breaks or loose connections. Repair. Heater switch. See your authorized dealer. Heater motor. See your authorized dealer. Driving light fuse. Check and replace. Poor ground. Inspect and tighten. Light switch. See your authorized dealer. Burned out bulb. Replace with new bulb. Loose connector in wiring harness of ROPS. Inspect and reconnect. Continued on next page 100-18 TX,100,BD2196 –19–07OCT96–3/4 120699 PN=284 Troubleshooting Symptom Dim Lights Return-To-Dig Does Not Operate Neutral Disconnect Does Not Disengage. Problem Solution Poor ground at light. Inspect and tighten. Low battery charge. Check battery connections. Low alternator output. Check belt tension and adjust. Poor ground at lights. Clean and tighten. Return-to-dig/beacon/pump fuse. Replace fuse. Boom switch out of adjustment. Check cam to see if it activates switch. Adjust as required. See Adjusting Loader Bucket Level Self-Leveling Linkage and Return-to-Dig in this manual, Chapter 35. Wiring. Inspect and repair wiring. Solenoid on loader valve. See your authorized dealer. FNR/park brake fuse. Replace fuse. Park brake switch See your authorized dealer. Loader lever switch See your authorized dealer. Gear shift lever switch See your authorized dealer. Wire. Inspect and repair wire. Solenoid. Replace solenoid. See your authorized dealer. TX,100,BD2196 100-19 –19–07OCT96–4/4 120699 PN=285 Troubleshooting HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Symptom Problem Solution Reservoir Drains When Changing Hydraulic Filter Return tube vent hole in reservoir may be plugged. Remove, inspect and repair. See your authorized dealer. Vent tube broken off inside reservoir. Remove and repair. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level. Add oil to correct level. Failed pump drive shaft. Replace. See your authorized dealer. Pump problem. Remove hydraulic filter and inspect. If filter contains excessive amounts of metal material, see your authorized dealer. Obstruction in oil lines or valves. Inspect for pinched lines or stuck valve spools. See your authorized dealer. Loader system relief problem. Check system relief. See your authorized dealer. Low loader hydraulic power. Incorrect loader system relief pressure setting. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic oil aerated. Incorrect oil; drain and refill. Suction hose has air leak; inspect and tighten. Leakage within work circuit. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level. Check oil levels. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Incorrect system relief pressure setting. See your authorized dealer. Priority valve. See your authorized dealer. No Loader Or Steering Hydraulics No Loader Hydraulics (Steering OK) Low Hydraulic Power Slow Steering Hydraulics Continued on next page 100-20 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–1/7 120699 PN=286 Troubleshooting Symptom No Steering Hydraulics (Loader Hydraulics OK) Machine Transport Speed Is Low Engine Pulls Down Excessively During Loader Operation Engine Pulls Down Excessively During Backhoe Operation Slow Backhoe Hydraulics— Loader OK Slow Hydraulic Functions Problem Solution Steering valve leakage. See your authorized dealer. Steering cylinder leakage. See your authorized dealer. Steering linkage. Inspect and repair. See your authorized dealer. Priority valve problem. See your authorized dealer. Worn steering pressure regulating valve. See your authorized dealer. Engine or transmission problem. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic system restrictors. See your authorized dealer. System relief pressure setting too high. See your authorized dealer. Engine not operating to specifications. Check engine performance. See your authorized dealer. System relief high pressure setting too high. See your authorized dealer. Pump unloading problem. See your authorized dealer. Auxiliary pump flow low. Check auxiliary pump flow. See your authorized dealer. Pump unloading relief setting too low. See your authorized dealer. Auxiliary pump solenoid problem. See your authorized dealer. Control valve worn. See your authorized dealer. Low pump flow. See your authorized dealer. System relief leaking. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level. Add oil to correct level. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Continued on next page 100-21 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–2/7 120699 PN=287 Troubleshooting Symptom Loader Or Backhoe Operates Slowly In One Function No Loader Or Backhoe Power In One Function Slow Loader And Backhoe Hydraulics (Low Pump Output) Problem Solution Engine rpm too low. Increase rpm or check engine speed. (See Check Engine Speed in this manual.) Hydraulic oil aerated. Incorrect oil; drain and refill. Suction hose has air leak; inspect and tighten. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Hose or line leakage. Inspect and tighten fittings. System relief valve stuck or leaking. See your authorized dealer. Control valve section problem. See your authorized dealer. Control lever and linkage out of adjustment. Inspect lever and linkage. See your authorized dealer. Circuit relief valve or plug leakage in control valve. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic cylinder leakage. See your authorized dealer. Bent cylinder rod. See your authorized dealer. Control lever and linkage out of adjustment. Inspect lever and linkage. See your authorized dealer. Circuit relief valve or plug leakage in control valve. See your authorized dealer. Bent or restricted line. Inspect and repair. Hydraulic control valve not operating properly. Remove, inspect and repair. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic oil aerated. Incorrect oil; drain and refill. Suction hose has air leak; inspect and tighten. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Incorrect system relief valve setting. See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-22 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–3/7 120699 PN=288 Troubleshooting Symptom Low Hydraulic Power (Low Hydraulic Pressure) Hydraulic Function Makes Chattering Noise Functions Drift Control Valve Sticks Or Works Hard Problem Solution Main pump. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level (no aeration of oil). Add oil to correct level. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Hydraulic oil aerated. Incorrect oil; drain and refill. Suction hose has air leak; inspect and tighten. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Incorrect system relief valve. See your authorized dealer. Incorrect system relief valve setting. See your authorized dealer. Leakage within work circuit. See your authorized dealer. Excessive leakage in hydraulic system. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level. Add oil to correct level. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Hydraulic oil aerated. Incorrect oil; drain and refill. Suction hose has air leak; inspect and tighten. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Worn or wrong circuit relief valve installed in backhoe valve. See your authorized dealer. Oil leaking past valve port. See your authorized dealer. Oil leaking past cylinders or valve. See your authorized dealer. Control valve linkage binding. Inspect and adjust linkage. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic system overheating. See your authorized dealer. Return spring rubbing on spring cap. See your authorized dealer. Broken return spring. See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-23 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–4/7 120699 PN=289 Troubleshooting Symptom Hydraulic Oil Overheats Foaming Oil Hydraulic Pump Leaking Problem Solution Contamination in control valve. Remove and clean. See your authorized dealer. Scored valve bore or bent spool. See your authorized dealer. Excessive load. Reduce load. Operator holding hydraulic system over relief. Return levers to neutral when not in use. Oil levels too low in reservoir. Check levels and add oil. Use recommended oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Using low viscosity oil in hot weather. Use recommended oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Hydraulic cooling system restricted Clean around radiators and coolers. Incorrect system relief valve pressure. See your authorized dealer. Priority valve problem. See your authorized dealer. Plugged oil cooler. Clean oil cooler. Excessive leakage in the hydraulic system. See your authorized dealer. Oil level too low or too high. Check oil level. Adjust to full mark on sight gauge. Incorrect type of oil. Use recommended oil. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) Air leak on suction side of pump. See your authorized dealer. Oil maintenance not performed. Perform correct maintenance. (See Periodic Maintenance chapter.) Cap screws that hold pump sections are loose. Tighten to torque specifications. See your authorized dealer. Worn shaft seal. See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-24 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–5/7 120699 PN=290 Troubleshooting Symptom Excessive Pump Noise Steering Valve Does Not Return To Neutral No Response When Steering Wheel Is Turned Machine Turns In Opposite Direction Problem Solution Broken pump seal or backup gasket. See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic oil overheating. Determine cause of overheating. See Hydraulic Oil Overheats in this chapter. Low oil level. Add oil to correct level. Hydraulic filter bypass valve chattering. Replace filter. Inspect, clean, and repair. Worn pump drive. See your authorized dealer. Oil lines in contact with operator’s station. (Worn cab, transmission, or canopy rubber isolators.) See your authorized dealer. Pump attaching hardware loose. Retighten to specification. (See Maintenance chapter.) Leakage in hydraulic circuit. See your authorized dealer. Broken centering springs See your authorized dealer. Damaged steering valve sleeve. See your authorized dealer. Low oil level Check reservoir oil level. External leakage. See your authorized dealer. Priority valve problem. See your authorized dealer. Steering valve leakage. See your authorized dealer. Steering cylinder leakage. See your authorized dealer. Worn main pump. See your authorized dealer. Steering cylinder lines not connected properly. Connect steering cylinder lines to opposite ports. Continued on next page 100-25 TX,100,BD2210 –19–08OCT96–6/7 120699 PN=291 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Excessive Vibration Of Steering Wheel Misalignment of steering valve gerotor. See your authorized dealer. Machine Turns When Steering Valve Is In Neutral Steering valve leakage. See your authorized dealer. Misalignment of steering column to steering valve. See your authorized dealer. Steering Wheel Kickback Check valve leakage. See your authorized dealer. Steering Wheel Turns Hard Check valve leakage. See your authorized dealer. TX,100,BD2210 100-26 –19–08OCT96–7/7 120699 PN=292 Troubleshooting TRANSMISSION Symptom Problem Solution Machine Will Not Move In Forward Or Reverse Low oil level in transmission Add oil to correct level. Brakes dragging See your authorized dealer. Park brake not releasing See your authorized dealer. Disconnect clutch not disengaging See your authorized dealer. Restricted modulation orifice See your authorized dealer. Worn or slipping forward/reverse clutch disks See your authorized dealer. Clutch disconnect switch is not hooked up See your authorized dealer. Low or no system pressure See your authorized dealer. Converter drive splines worn or not engaged in pump drive shaft See your authorized dealer. Pump gears seized See your authorized dealer. Mechanical failure in transmission See your authorized dealer. Transmission shifter forks and/or shaft broken See your authorized dealer. Broken drive shafts Inspect drive shafts and universal joints for external damage. See your authorized dealer. Broken ring or pinion gear See your authorized dealer. Solenoids worn or have no power See your authorized dealer. Low oil level Add oil. Wrong oil grade Change oil. Leak in transmission control valve or gaskets See your authorized dealer. Transmission Slippage Continued on next page 100-27 TX,100,BD2198 –19–07OCT96–1/5 120699 PN=293 Troubleshooting Symptom Machine “Creeps” With FNR In Neutral Machine Lacks Power Or Moves Slow Problem Solution Low transmission pump flow due to worn pump See your authorized dealer. Converter bad See your authorized dealer. Weak or broken pressure regulating valve spring See your authorized dealer. Warped disks and plates in transmission See your authorized dealer. Piston in clutch pack stuck See your authorized dealer. Staked ball in end of clutch shafts came out See your authorized dealer. Solenoid stuck See your authorized dealer. Seals blown See your authorized dealer. Oil level is low Add oil to correct level. Wrong oil, aerated oil Change oil. Brake dragging Check for excessive heat in brake area of axle housing after operating machine. See your authorized dealer. Park brake dragging, piston stuck See your authorized dealer. Engine fast idle speed set too low See your authorized dealer. Low pressure in transmission system See your authorized dealer. Clutch pack slipping See your authorized dealer. Clutch pack dragging, disks warped See your authorized dealer. Failed torque converter See your authorized dealer. Wrong torque converter See your authorized dealer. Low engine power See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-28 TX,100,BD2198 –19–07OCT96–2/5 120699 PN=294 Troubleshooting Symptom Transmission Shifts Too Slow Transmission Shifts Too Fast Transmission Overheats Problem Solution Mechanical failure in transmission or axle See your authorized dealer. Low or high oil level (aeration of oil) Add oil or drain. Wrong oil Change oil. Transmission pump malfunction See your authorized dealer. Transmission pump oil pickup blocked See your authorized dealer. Pressure regulating valve setting incorrect See your authorized dealer. Clutch pack slipping See your authorized dealer. Restricted modulation orifice See your authorized dealer. Control valve leaking See your authorized dealer. Restricted oil passage to clutch pack See your authorized dealer. Pressure regulating valve blocked See your authorized dealer. Modulation valve piston stuck or spring broken See your authorized dealer. Oil level too high or too low Check oil level and correct. Incorrect type of oil Drain and replace oil. Clutch pack dragging, worn disks See your authorized dealer. Torque converter stalled excessively See your authorized dealer. Operating in too high a gear Operate one gear lower. Oil cooler air flow restricted See your authorized dealer. Missing baffles, damaged fan shrouds or loose fan belt See your authorized dealer. Oil cooler restricted internally See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-29 TX,100,BD2198 –19–07OCT96–3/5 120699 PN=295 Troubleshooting Symptom Excessive Power Train Noise Excessive Gear Clash When Shifting Problem Solution Oil flow to or from cooler restricted See your authorized dealer. Converter-in relief valve stuck open or broken spring See your authorized dealer. Torque converter malfunction See your authorized dealer. Low transmission pump flow See your authorized dealer. Transmission mechanical malfunction See your authorized dealer. Engine over-fueled See your authorized dealer. Engine low idle too slow See your authorized dealer. Oil level low Fill to correct oil level. Worn or damaged parts in transmission or axle. See your authorized dealer. Worn universal joints on drive shaft See your authorized dealer. Misalignment of power train components See your authorized dealer. No oil in lube circuit See your authorized dealer. Hydraulic lines in contact with power train components See your authorized dealer. Assembly adjustments or setting made incorrectly See your authorized dealer. Attempt to shift too fast See Operator’s Manual for instructions. Shifting without using disconnect clutch Depress clutch disconnect when shifting. Shifters worn or broken See your authorized dealer. Synchronizer malfunction See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-30 TX,100,BD2198 –19–07OCT96–4/5 120699 PN=296 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Transmission Pressure Light Comes On Cold oil Warm oil to specifications. Low oil level Add oil. Plugged oil filter Inspect filter. Replace. Low transmission pressure, leak See your authorized dealer. Transmission pump malfunction See your authorized dealer. TX,100,BD2198 100-31 –19–07OCT96–5/5 120699 PN=297 Troubleshooting MFWD Symptom Problem Solution No Power To MFWD Drive shaft failure See your authorized dealer. See your authorized dealer. Inspect and repair. See Technical Manual. Failed axle shaft in MFWD See your authorized dealer. Failed ring gear or pinion in front axle See your authorized dealer. Failed MFWD gear train components in transmission See your authorized dealer. Wheel U-joint failure See your authorized dealer. Failed outboard planetary See your authorized dealer. Failed axle shaft in MFWD See your authorized dealer. Failed limited-slip in MFWD See your authorized dealer. Solenoid worn or has no power See your authorized dealer. Clutch stuck. See your authorized dealer. Internal transmission leak (MFWD tube) See your authorized dealer. No Power To One Wheel Of MFWD MFWD Will Not Disengage TX,100,BD2199 100-32 –19–07OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=298 Troubleshooting REAR AXLE Symptom Problem Solution No Differential Lock Operation Malfunction in electrical circuit to solenoid With engine stopped and key switch turn to accessory, activate differential lock and listen for a click from solenoid valve. Do Differential Lock Operational Checks. Differential Lock Slips Or Chatters When Engaged Differential Lock Will Not Release Stuck differential lock solenoid valve With engine stopped and key switch turn to accessory, activate differential lock and listen for a click from solenoid valve. See your authorized dealer. Excessive leakage in differential lock piston seals See your authorized dealer. Stuck differential lock piston Disassemble, inspect, repair. See your authorized dealer. Excessive wear on differential lock engaging gears Disassemble, inspect, repair. See your authorized dealer. Excessive leakage differential lock piston seals See your authorized dealer. Failed seals on differential lock solenoid valve See your authorized dealer. Stuck differential lock piston See your authorized dealer. Excessive wear of differential lock engaging gears See your authorized dealer. Stuck foot switch Inspect. Malfunction in electrical circuit With engine stopped and key switch on, activate differential lock and listen for a click from solenoid valve. See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-33 TX,100,BD2200 –19–07OCT96–1/3 120699 PN=299 Troubleshooting Symptom Rear Axle Overfilled With Oil Poor Service Brakes Service Brakes Will Not Release Problem Solution Stuck differential lock solenoid valve With engine stopped and key switch on, activate differential lock and listen for a click from solenoid valve. See your authorized dealer. Stuck differential lock piston See your authorized dealer. Stuck differential lock engaging gears See your authorized dealer. Differential lock piston seals leaking See your authorized dealer. Service brake piston seals leaking See your authorized dealer. Park brake piston seals leaking See your authorized dealer. Air in brake valve or lines or piston Bleed brakes. See Bleeding Brakes in Maintenance chapter. Brake valve leaks See your authorized dealer. Brake piston seals leak. See your authorized dealer. Brake disks worn excessively See your authorized dealer. Restriction in brake circuit See your authorized dealer. Low oil level Check oil level and fill. Brake pedal not returning to full up position See your authorized dealer. Warped brake disks See your authorized dealer. Stuck brake piston See your authorized dealer. No free travel on brake adjusters See your authorized dealer. Brake valve malfunction See your authorized dealer. Wrong oil in rear axle Drain and refill with correct oil. Disks worn excessively See your authorized dealer. Brake Valve leakage See your authorized dealer. Continued on next page 100-34 TX,100,BD2200 –19–07OCT96–2/3 120699 PN=300 Troubleshooting Symptom Problem Solution Park Brake Will Not Hold Worn parts Inspect and replace. See your authorized dealer. Mechanically disengaged (tow release) Check and adjust cap screws. See Check Park Brake in Maintenance— As Required chapter. Low hydraulic pressure oil to park brake See your authorized dealer. Park brake solenoid not working See your authorized dealer. Piston stuck See your authorized dealer. Park Brake Will Not Release TX,100,BD2200 100-35 –19–07OCT96–3/3 120699 PN=301 Storage PREPARE MACHINE FOR STORAGE –UN–09NOV88 1. Repair worn or damaged parts. Install new parts, if necessary, to avoid needless delays later. T47764 2. Loosen alternator and fan belts. 3. Clean primary air cleaner element. T5813AM –UN–09FEB89 IMPORTANT: High pressure washing [greater than 1379 kPa (13.8 bar) (200 psi)] can damage freshly painted finishes. Paint should be allowed to air dry for 30 days minimum after receipt of machine before cleaning parts or machines with high pressure. Use low pressure wash operations until 30 days have elapsed. 4. Wash the machine. Use low pressure wash operations [less than 1379 kPa (13.8 bar) (200 psi)] until 30 days after receipt of machine have elapsed. Paint areas to prevent rust. Replace decals, where needed. 5. Remove seat cushion and other perishable items. IMPORTANT: LPS 31 Rust Inhibitor can destroy painted finish. DO NOT spray LPS 3 Rust Inhibitor on painted surfaces. 6. Retract all hydraulic cylinders, if possible. If not, coat exposed cylinder rods with LPS 3 Rust Inhibitor. 7. Lubricate all grease points. 8. If possible, raise machine high enough so tires do not touch the ground. If not, park on a hard surface to prevent tires from freezing to ground. T7447AO –19–22APR91 9. Store machine in a dry, protected place. If stored outside, cover with a waterproof material. 1 LPS 3 Rust Inhibitor is manufactured by Holt Lloyd Corporation. Continued on next page 105-1 TX,105,FF1190 –19–03AUG92–1/2 120699 PN=302 Storage IMPORTANT: Prevent possible machine damage from unauthorized persons operating machine. Attach a DO NOT OPERATE tag to steering wheel. 10. Place a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag on the steering wheel. 11. Remove keys and lock all covers and doors. TX,105,FF1190 –19–03AUG92–2/2 MONTHLY STORAGE PROCEDURE T6191AA –UN–18OCT88 CAUTION: Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. Start engine ONLY in a well-ventilated area. 1. Drain water and sediment from fuel tank when air temperature is above freezing. 2. Remove LPS 31 Rust Inhibitor from cylinder rods with a cleaning solvent. 1 LPS 3 Rust Inhibitor is manufactured by Holt Lloyd Corporation. Continued on next page 105-2 TX,105,FF,400 –19–06SEP94–1/5 120699 PN=303 Storage –UN–18OCT88 IMPORTANT: Prevent possible engine damage. During cold temperatures, check fluidity of engine oil on dipstick. If the oil appears waxy and/or jelly-like rather than liquid, DO NOT attempt to start engine. Use external heat source to warm the crankcase until oil appears fluid. T6181AU 3. Check all fluid levels. If low, check for leaks and add oil as required. 4. Check belts. 5. Check condition of all hoses and connections. 6. Check electrolyte level. Charge and install battery. TX,105,FF,400 –19–06SEP94–2/5 TX,105,FF,400 –19–06SEP94–3/5 7. Check condition of tires. Check tire pressure. 8. Fill fuel tank. (See Fuels and Lubricants chapter.) –UN–14MAY94 9. Pre-lubricate turbocharger bearings: T8242BD • Disconnect fuel shutoff fuse (B). • Crank engine for 10 seconds. • Connect fuel shutoff fuse. 10. Start engine. Run at 1/2 speed for 5 minutes. Do not run at fast or slow idle. 11. Bleed fuel system. If engine fails to start or runs poorly after starting, change fuel filter(s). Bleed fuel system again. Continued on next page 105-3 120699 PN=304 Storage 12. Make sure that area is clear to allow for machine movement. Operate (cycle) loader boom and bucket, backhoe boom, dipperstick, bucket, and swing functions for three complete cycles. T7223BD –UN–30JAN90 13. Raise machine until tires are off the ground using front bucket and stabilizers. Engage transmission and run for 5 minutes shifting gears approximately every minute. TX,105,FF,400 –19–06SEP94–4/5 TX,105,FF,400 –19–06SEP94–5/5 14. Park the machine with cylinder rods retracted. T7223BC –UN–30JAN90 15. Apply LPS 3 Rust Inhibitor to the exposed cylinder rod areas. 105-4 120699 PN=305 Crime Prevention Tips HELP PREVENT CRIME TS140 –19–07OCT88 You can help take a bite out of crime by properly documenting ownership and discouraging theft. DX,CRPRV,A –19–03MAR93–1/1 RECORD IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS 1. Mark your machines with your own unique numbering system. TS156 –UN–23MAR89 2. Record the Product Identification Number (PIN) of the unit and also individual component identification numbers for engines, axles, pumps, etc. Include the PIN numbers on all documentation, such as insurance, financial, and warranty papers. DX,CRPRV,H –19–04JUN90–1/1 KEEP PROOF OF OWNERSHIP 1. Take color photographs from several angles of each machine. TS157 –UN–23MAR89 2. Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all your machines. 3. Keep your documented identification numbers, color photographs, and inventory in a safe, secure location. DX,CRPRV,I 110-1 –19–04JUN90–1/1 120699 PN=306 Crime Prevention Tips PARK INDOORS OUT OF SIGHT Make machines hard to move: Park large equipment in front of exits. Lower equipment to the ground. Remove key. Remove battery when unit is in storage. Lock cab doors, windows, and vandal-proof devices. Lock building. TS158 –UN–23MAR89 • • • • • DX,CRPRV,J –19–04JUN90–1/1 DX,CRPRV,K –19–04JUN90–1/1 WHEN PARKING OUTDOORS Make machines hard to move: Park in a well-lighted, fenced area. Lower all equipment to the ground. Remove ignition key. Remove battery when unit is in storage. Lock cab doors, windows, and vandal-proof devices. TS144 –UN–23AUG88 • • • • • REDUCE VANDALISM 2. Participate in a neighborhood watch program. Take written notes of suspicious vehicles or persons and report your findings to law enforcement agency. 3. Regularly verify that identification plates have not been removed. If they have, notify law enforcement agency. Order duplicate plates from your dealer. T7223BB –UN–22FEB90 1. Install vandal-proof devices. TX,110,DH1093 –19–09DEC93–1/1 110-2 120699 PN=307 Crime Prevention Tips REPORT THEFTS IMMEDIATELY 1. Immediately notify your local law enforcement agency and insurance agent. 2. Provide a complete description of the machine, all of the documented identification numbers and color photographs. 3. Request verification of the identification numbers after they have been entered with any regional or national crime information center. Double check the numbers to be sure they are correct. TS146 –UN–09JAN89 4. Notify your John Deere dealer of the theft and request that its loss be posted with full description and identification numbers. DX,CRPRV,G –19–03MAR93–1/1 110-3 120699 PN=308 Specifications T103503 –UN–10SEP96 310SE AND 315SE SPECIFICATIONS TX,110,BD2218 115-1 –19–08OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=309 Specifications 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER NOTE: Specifications and design subject to change without notice. Whenever applicable, specifications are in accordance with SAE Standards unless otherwise noted, these specifications are based on a standard machine with 19.5L-24, 8PR, R4 rear tires; 11L-16, 12PR, F3 front tires; 0.86 m3 (1.12 cu yd) loader bucket; 610 mm (24 in.) backhoe bucket; ROPS/FOPS; full fuel tank and 79 kg (175 lb) operator. Item Measurement Specification Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Height 3.43 m (11 ft 3 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Height 3.53 m (11 ft 7 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Height 4.29 m (14 ft 1 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Distance 5.56 m (18 ft 3 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Distance 5.66 m (18 ft 7 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Distance 6.68 m (21 ft 11 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Distance 6.63 m (21 ft 9 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Distance 6.73 m (22 ft 1 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Distance 7.72 m (25 ft 4 in.) A—Loading Height, Truck Loading Position B—Reach from Center of Swing Mast C—Reach from Center of Rear Axle Continued on next page 115-2 CED,OUO1040,162 –19–10JUN98–1/6 120699 PN=310 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Depth 4.42 m (14 ft 6 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Depth 4.55 m (14 ft 11 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Depth 5.61 m (18 ft 5 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Distance 4.37 m (14 ft 4 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Distance 4.50 m (14 ft 9 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Distance 5.56 m (18 ft 3 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Distance 4.06 m (13 ft 4 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Distance 4.19 m (13 ft 9 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Distance 5.33 m (17 ft 6 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Clearance 330 mm (13 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Clearance 330 mm (13 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Clearance 330 mm (13 in.) D—Maximum Digging Depth E—Digging Depth (SAE)—(1) 10 mm (2 ft) Flat Bottom F—Digging Depth (SAE)—(2) 2440 mm (8 ft) Flat Bottom G—Ground Clearance Minimum Continued on next page 115-3 CED,OUO1040,162 –19–10JUN98–2/6 120699 PN=311 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Rotation 190° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Rotation 190° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Rotation 190° Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Height 3.51 m (11 ft 6 in.) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Height 3.48 m (11 ft 5 in.) Length 7.16 m (23 ft 6 in.) Width 2.18 m (7 ft 2 in.) Width 3.10 m (10 ft 2 in.) Width 3.53 m (11 ft 7 in.) Width 2.24 m (7 ft 6 in.) Width 2.18 m (7 ft 2 in.) H—Bucket Rotation I—Transport Height J—Overall Length, Transport Backhoe K—Stabilizer Width, Transport Backhoe L—Stabilizer Spread, Operating Backhoe M—Overall Width, Stabilizer Spread (Less Loader Bucket)—310SE Backhoe M—Overall Width, Stabilizer Spread—315SE Backhoe N—Width Over Tires Backhoe Continued on next page 115-4 CED,OUO1040,162 –19–10JUN98–3/6 120699 PN=312 Specifications Item Measurement Specification O—Height to Cab/ROPS Top Backhoe Height 2.79 m (9 ft 2 in.) Distance 1.12 m (3 ft 8 in.) Length 2.10 m (6 ft 10 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Height 3.4 m (11 ft 2 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Height 3.4 m (11 ft 2 in.) Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) Height 3.4 m (11 ft 2 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Clearance 2.69 m (8 ft 10 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Clearance 2.64 m (8 ft 8 in.) Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) Clearance 2.62 m (8 ft 7 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Angle 45° Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Angle 45° P—Front Wheel to Loader Dig Position Backhoe Q—Wheelbase Backhoe R—Maximum Height to Loader Bucket Hinge Pin S—Dump Clearance, Loader Bucket at 45° T—Maximum Loader Bucket Dump Angle Continued on next page 115-5 CED,OUO1040,162 –19–10JUN98–4/6 120699 PN=313 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Angle 45° Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Distance 767 mm (30.2 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Distance 765 mm (30.1 in.) Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) Distance 818 mm (32.2 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Angle 40° Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Angle 40° Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) Angle 40° Heavy Duty Long Lip 0.86 m3 (1.12 yd3) Depth 163 mm (6.4 in.) Heavy Duty Long Lip 1.0 m3 (1.30 yd3) Depth 206 mm (8.1 in.) Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) Depth 185 mm (7.3 in.) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Force 53.3 kN (11,990 lb) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Force 54.1 kN (12,158 lb) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Force 54.1 kN (12,158 lb) Multipurpose 0.76 m3 (1.00 yd3) U—Reach at Full Height, Loader Bucket at 45° V—Loader Bucket Rollback at Ground Level W—Dig Below Ground—Loader Bucket Level Digging Force, Bucket Cylinder Continued on next page 115-6 CED,OUO1040,162 –19–10JUN98–5/6 120699 PN=314 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Force 36.0 kN (8090 lb) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Force 34.7 kN (7796 lb) Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Force 25.0 kN (5628 lb) Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Rotation 180° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Rotation 180° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Rotation 180° Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Rotation 190° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Rotation 190° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Rotation 190° Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick Angle 18° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted Angle 18° Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended Angle 18° Digging Force, Crowd Cylinder Swing Arc Bucket Rotation Stabilizer Angle Rearward CED,OUO1040,162 115-7 –19–10JUN98–6/6 120699 PN=315 Specifications 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER NOTE: Specifications and design subject to change without notice. Wherever applicable, Item specifications are in accordance with Standards. Measurement Specification Rated Power @ 2200 rpm Power SAE gross 66 kW (88 hp) Rated Power @ 2200 rpm Power SAE net 60 kW (80 hp) Cylinders Quantity 4 Displacement Volume 4.52 L (276 in.3) Engine Torque Rise Torque 42% Maximum Engine Net Torque Torque 368 N•m (271 lb-ft) Electrical System Voltage 12-volt Alternator Amperage 65 amps Alternator with Cab Amperage 95 amps Measurement Specification Gear 1 Speed 5.8 km/h (3.6 mph) Gear 2 Speed 9.5 km/h (5.9 mph) Gear 3 Speed 23.2 km/h (14.4 mph) Gear 4 Speed 39.3 km/h (24.4 mph) Engine—John Deere 4045T Item 310SE Forward Travel Speeds1 with Manual Transmission 1 With standard 19.5L-24 rear tires. Continued on next page 115-8 TX,115,BG321 –19–10JUN98–1/5 120699 PN=316 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Gear 1 Speed 6.4 km/h (4.0 mph) Gear 2 Speed 10.6 km/h (6.6 mph) Gear 3 Speed 25.9 km/h (16.1 mph) Gear 4 Speed 43.8 km/h (27.2 mph) Gear 1 Speed 5.8 km/h (3.6 mph) Gear 2 Speed 9.5 km/h (5.9 mph) Gear 3 Speed 23.2 km/h (14.4 mph) Gear 4 Speed 39.3 km/h (24.4 mph) Gear 1 Speed 6.4 km/h (4.0 mph) Gear 2 Speed 10.6 km/h (6.6 mph) Gear 3 Speed 25.9 km/h (16.1 mph) Gear 4 Speed 43.8 km/h (27.2 mph) Gear 1 Speed 6.1 km/h (3.8 mph) Gear 2 Speed 10.1 km/h (6.3 mph) Gear 3 Speed 24.6 km/h (15.3 mph) 310SE Reverse Travel Speeds1 with Manual Transmission 310SE Forward Travel Speeds1 with Powershift Transmission 310SE Reverse Travel Speeds1 with Powershift Transmission 315SE Forward Travel Speeds1 with Manual Transmission 1 With standard 19.5L-24 rear tires. Continued on next page 115-9 TX,115,BG321 –19–10JUN98–2/5 120699 PN=317 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Speed 41.5 km/h (25.8 mph) Gear 1 Speed 6.8 km/h (4.2 mph) Gear 2 Speed 11.3 km/h (7.0 mph) Gear 3 Speed 27.4 km/h (17.1 mph) Gear 4 Speed 46.3 km/h (28.8 mph) Gear 1 Speed 6.1 km/h (3.8 mph) Gear 2 Speed 10.1 km/h (6.3 mph) Gear 3 Speed 24.6 km/h (15.3 mph) Gear 4 Speed 41.5 km/h (25.8 mph) Gear 1 Speed 6.8 km/h (4.2 mph) Gear 2 Speed 11.3 km/h (7.0 mph) Gear 3 Speed 27.4 km/h (17.1 mph) Gear 4 Speed 46.3 km/h (28.8 mph) Gear 4 315SE Reverse Travel Speeds1 with Manual Transmission 315SE Forward Travel Speeds1 with Powershift Transmission 315SE Reverse Travel Speeds1 with Powershift Transmission 1 With standard 19.5L-24 rear tires. Continued on next page 115-10 TX,115,BG321 –19–10JUN98–3/5 120699 PN=318 Specifications NOTE: With powershift transmission, third and fourth gear speeds are the same in reverse. Item Measurement Specification Non-Powered Axle Curb Turning Radius—Brakes Applied Radius 3.57 m (11 ft 9 in.) Non-Powered Axle Curb Turning Radius—Without Brakes Radius 4.04 m (13 ft 3 in.) Non-Powered Axle Bucket Clearance Circle—Brakes Applied Radius 9.07 m (29 ft 9 in.) Non-Powered Axle Bucket Clearance Circle—Without Brakes Radius 10.74 m (35 ft 3 in.) Steering: Hydrostatic Power Non-Powered Axle Steering Wheel Quantity Turns—Stop to Stop 2.3—3.0 turns Powered Axle (MFWD) Curb Turning Radius—Brakes Applied Radius 3.34 m (10 ft 11 in.) Powered Axle (MFWD) Curb Turning Radius—Without Brakes Radius 4.17 m (13 ft 8 in.) Powered Axle Bucket Clearance Circle—Brakes Applied Radius 9.07 m (29 ft 9 in.) Powered Axle Bucket Clearance Circle—Without Brakes Radius 10.74 m (35 ft 3 in.) Powered Axle Steering Wheel Turns—Stop to Stop Quantity 2.5 turns Measurement Specification Pressure 25 000 kPa (3625 psi) Item Hydraulic System: Open Center Pressure Relief Setting—Backhoe Continued on next page 115-11 TX,115,BG321 –19–10JUN98–4/5 120699 PN=319 Specifications Item Measurement Specification Pressure Relief Setting—Loader Pressure 19 000 kPa (2750 psi) Flow @ 2200 rpm, Backhoe Flow Rate 136 L/min. (36 gpm) Flow @ 2200 rpm, Loader Flow Rate 106 L/min. (28 gpm) TX,115,BG321 115-12 –19–10JUN98–5/5 120699 PN=320 Specifications OTHER INFORMATION—310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER Hydraulic system: • Gear-type pump, tandem with unloader • 10 micron replaceable element return oil filter Final drives: • Heavy-duty inboard mounted planetary • Evenly distributes axle shock loads over three oil cooled gears Brakes: • • • • Hydraulic wet disk Mounted inboard Self-adjusting Self-equalizing Park brake: • • • • Independent system Spring applied Hydraulically released Controlled by an electric switch on the side console Operator control: • Backhoe w/o Ext. Dipperstick—two levers • Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Retracted—right foot treadle • Backhoe w/Ext. Dipperstick Extended—right food treadle Transmission: • 4-speed helical gear • Synchronized collar shift transmission with hydraulic reverser • Torque converter 280 mm (11 in.) with 2.63:1 stall ratio Lubrication: • Pressure system with spin-on filter Continued on next page 115-13 CED,OUO1032,1006 –19–09JUN98–1/2 120699 PN=321 Specifications • Air cleaner • Dual stage dry, with element and precleaner Tires: • • • • • • Front w/o MFWD—11L-15, 8 PR F3 Front w/o MFWD—11L-16, 12PR F3 Front with MFWD—12.5/80, 10PR Rear w/o MFWD—16.9-24, 8PR R4 Rear w/o MFWD—19.5L-24, 8PR R4 Rear with MFWD—19.5L-24, 8PR R4 CED,OUO1032,1006 –19–09JUN98–2/2 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER WEIGHT Item Measurement Specification SAE Operating Weight with ROPS Weight 6123 kg (13,500 lb) Cab Added Weight 263 kg (580 lb) MFWD with Tires Added Weight 220 kg (485 lb) Extendible Dipperstick Weight 222 kg (490 lb) Optional Front Counterweight Weight 181 kg (400 lb) Optional Front Counterweight Weight 295 kg (650 lb) Transporting TX,110,BD2420 –19–06DEC96–1/1 115-14 120699 PN=322 Specifications BUCKETS Width Heaped Capacity Weight Loader: mm (In.) m3 (Cu Yd) kg Heavy duty long lip 2180 (86) 0.86 (1.12) 426 (940) 2340 (92) 1.00 (1.30) 476 (1050) 2180 (86) 0.76 (1.00) 725 (1600) 2340 (92) 0.96 (1.25) 762 (1680) Multipurpose Width Heaped Capacity 3 lb Weight Backhoe: mm (In.) m (Cu Ft) kg (lb) Standard duty 610 (24) 0.21 (7.5) 159 (350) Heavy duty with lift loops 305 (12) 0.09 (3.3) 117 (258) 457 (18) 0.14 (5.1) 151 (334) 610 (24) 0.21 (7.5) 180 (396) 610 (24) 0.25 (8.8) 216 (476) 762 (30) 0.28 (10.0) 202 (444) Severe duty Ditch cleaning 914 (36) 0.35 (12.5) 231 (510) 457 (18) 0.14 (5.1) 164 (362) 610 (24) 0.21 (7.5) 192 (424) 610 (24) 0.25 (8.8) 206 (455) 762 (30) 0.28 (10.0) 215 (475) 914 (36) 0.35 (12.5) 231 (510) TX,110,BD2212 115-15 –19–08OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=323 Specifications 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER DRAIN AND REFILL CAPACITIES Item Measurement Specification Engine Coolant Capacity 16 L (17 qt) Engine Oil (including filter) Capacity 8.5 L (9.0 qt) Torque Converter and Transmission System Capacity 15 L (16 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. —851673) Capacity 13 L (14 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. 851674—) Capacity 16 L (17 qt) MFWD Front Axle Housing Capacity 6.5 L (7 qt) MFWD Front Wheel Planetary Housing (each) Capacity 1 L (1.1 qt) Fuel Tank Capacity 136 L (36 gal) Hydraulic System Reservoir Capacity 37 L (39 qt) TX,110,BG271 –19–01DEC99–1/1 115-16 120699 PN=324 Specifications 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER LIFTING CAPACITIES—STANDARD DIPPERSTICK Lifting capacity ratings are made with bucket hinge pin, loader bucket and stabilizers on firm, level ground. Lift capacities are hydraulically limited. Lifting capacities are 87 percent of the maximum lift over any point on the swing arc and do not exceed 75 percent of the tipping load. Angle between boom and ground is 65 degrees. Machine is equipped with 610 mm (24 in.) standard bucket, standard or extendible dipperstick, and standard equipment. T103504 –19–10SEP96 NOTE: Loader bucket on ground significantly improves side stability, therefore improving lift capacity to the side. Lift capacity over the rear is not affected. Lift Capacity, Backhoe with Standard Dipperstick Based on SAE J31 (Except with Loader Bucket on Ground) TX,110,BD2214 115-17 –19–08OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=325 Specifications T103505 –19–10SEP96 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER LIFTING CAPACITIES—EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK (RETRACTED) Lift Capacity, Backhoe with Extendible Dipperstick, Retracted Based on SAE J31 (Except with Loader Bucket on Ground) TX,110,BD2215 115-18 –19–08OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=326 Specifications T103506 –19–10SEP96 310SE AND 315SE BACKHOE LOADER LIFTING CAPACITIES—EXTENDIBLE DIPPERSTICK (EXTENDED) Lift Capacity, Backhoe with Extendible Dipperstick, Retracted Based on SAE J31 (Except with Loader Bucket on Ground) TX,110,BD2216 115-19 –19–08OCT96–1/1 120699 PN=327 Machine Numbers RECORD PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) Machine Serial Number (A) NOTE: Record all 13 characters of Product Identification Number. T103542 –UN–04SEP96 Purchase Date TX,120,RR4088 –19–09DEC93–1/1 RECORD ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER T103543 –UN–04SEP96 Engine Serial Number (A) 05T,120,J3 –19–15MAR94–1/1 RECORD (MFWD) FRONT AXLE HOUSING SERIAL NUMBER T103544 –UN–04SEP96 Axle Housing Serial Number (A) TX,120,RR4373 –19–08JUN94–1/1 120-1 120699 PN=328 Index Page 3 3-Way test kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-8 A ASI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 Access doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-6 Accumulator Ride control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-21 Acid burns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75-2, 90-13 Adjustment, backhoe linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-2 Adjustment Boom lock-310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-5 Engine speed control lever tension . . . . . . . . 90-26 Engine speed control linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-4 Engine valve clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-1 Loader bucket self-leveling linkage . . . . . . . . 35-14 Reverse warning alarm volume . . . . . . . . . . . 90-18 Seat belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Toe-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-27 After Sales Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 Air cleaner elements Inspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-2 Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-13 Air filter restriction indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Air filters Cab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-6 Air intake hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-1 Alarm Reverse warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-18 Stop engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Alternator Precaution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-9 Voltage indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Auxiliary Flow Control Valve Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-6 Axle oil, rear Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-5 B Backdragging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-29 Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-30 Backhoe controls 315SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15 Three lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13, 35-9 Two lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11, 35-7, 35-8 Backhoe linkage adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-2 Page Backhoe Bucket teeth installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-29 Cycle times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-24 Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-4 Moving with. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-24 Safety features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05-1 Ballast Front tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-20 Battery Acid burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75-2, 90-13 Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-14 Electrolyte level check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-2 Explosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75-2, 90-13 Jump starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-8 Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-15 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-15 Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-15 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-11 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-2 Bearings, front wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-2 Belt inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-1 Benching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-33 Bleeding Service brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-25 Boom lock control 310SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 315SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 Boom-to-dipper pin Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-2 Boom Lock 310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 Brake inspection, service External . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-1 Brake service, bleed procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-25 Brakes Bleeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-25 Break-in 10 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 50 to 100 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 Breather, hydraulic reservoir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-2 Bucket couplers Universal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36 Bucket Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-16 Installing teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-29 Bulb replacement Halogen bulb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-17 C Cab air filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-6 Index-1 120699 PN=1 Index Page Page Cab Heater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27 Cap screw torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-3 Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-9, CLIS-1 Cold weather Machine warming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11 Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-6 Control Boom lock, 310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 Boom lock, 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 Controls Backhoe, 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15 Backhoe, three lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-13, 35-9 Backhoe, two lever . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11, 35-7, 35-8 Front loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9 Coolant freeze protection level Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-3 Coolant Conditioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-4 Diesel engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-6 Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-5 Heater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-4 Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-1 Temperature indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Cooling system Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-1 Draining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-5 Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-7 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-4 Coolscan Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-8 Counterweights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-19 Cycle times, backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-24 Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Dome light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 Dozing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-28 Drain engine coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-5 Driving on a slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-22 Driving on public roads 310SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1 315SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-2 Driving the machine with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-5 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-7 Dust unloader vlave Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-2 D Damper. replace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Diesel engine oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-5 Diesel fuel storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-3 Diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-1 Differential Lock pedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-17 Digging Backhoe bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-25 Loader bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-27 Dipperstick Grease specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Do not operate tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-1 E Electrolyte Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-13 Element, primary Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-3 Elements, air cleaner Inspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-2 Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-13 Engine damper, replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Engine oil Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-5 Engine Air filter indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Boost starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-8 Coolant heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Coolant temperature indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Crankcase vent tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Diagnose malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-2 Oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-6 Oil check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-1 Oil filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-6 Oil pressure indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Speed check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-3 Speed control lever tension, adjust . . . . . . . . 90-26 Speed control linkage, adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-4 Starting with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-2 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4 Stopping with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . 25-13 Valve lash (clearance), adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-1 Extendible dipperstick side rails Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-8 Extendible dipperstick Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-6 Index-2 120699 PN=2 Index Page Locking pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-8 Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-12 F Feet, sideshift stabilizer 315SE Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-31 Filter Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-6 Fuel, change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-3 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-9 Hydraulic oil system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-1 Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-6 Filters, air Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-6 Frame, side shift 315SE Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-7 Front axle and steering cylinder pivots . . . . . . . . 60-6 Fuel storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-3 Fuel tank Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-1 Fuel Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-1 Filter drain sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-9 Filter, change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-3 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-4 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Tank capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-4 Fuse Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-16 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-16 G Gauges, troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-16 Gauges Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Grease Front axle and steering cyl pivots . . . . . . . . . . 60-6 Front wheel bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-9 Loader pivots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-2 MFWD driveshaft universal joints . . . . . .55-9, 65-1 MFWD front axle universal joints. . . . . . . . . . . 60-3 Specification, dipperstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Page H Heater controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27 Hoses Air intake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-1 Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-4 Hour meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-27, 50-2 Hydraulic oil temperature Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Hydraulic reservoir fill screen Inspect and clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-6 Hydraulic Oil filter indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Oil filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-1 Oil specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Reservoir oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Reservoir oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-4 Reservoir, breather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-2 System troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-20 I Inch torque values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-35 Indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Indicator Air filter restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Alternator voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Engine coolant temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Engine oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Hydraulic oil filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Hydraulic oil temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Mechanical front wheel drive (MFWD). . . . . . . 10-6 Park brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Ride control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Rotary beacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 STOP-engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Seat belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Self-leveling linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-14 Transmission oil temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-16 Turn signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Injection pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Injection Nozzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Inspection, pre-start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1 Instrument panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Instrument Check after starting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-9 Check before starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-1 Index-3 120699 PN=3 Index Page L Leveling machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-23 Lever Loader control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-13 Speed control tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-26 Stabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-3 Levers Stabilizer control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Lifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-35 Lights, indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 Loader boom service lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-5, 55-4 Loader bucket Self-leveling linkage indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-14 Loader controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Loader Bucket changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-16 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-13 Lock Boom 310SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-4 Extendible dipperstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-6 Loader boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-5 Swing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-5 Locking pin Extendible dipperstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Lubricant Alternative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Mixing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-10 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Synthetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Lubricate Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-4 Extendible dipperstick side rails . . . . . . . . . . . 55-8 Extendible dipperstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-8 Front wheel bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-9 MFWD front axle universal joints. . . . . . . . . . . 60-3 Side shift frame 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-7 Stabilizer leg wear strips 315SE . . . . . . . . . . . 55-7 Stabilizers and cylinders 310SE . . . . . . . . . . . 60-3 M MFWD Axle housing oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front axle housing oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grease axle universal joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grease driveshaft universal joints . . . . . .55-9, 75-1 85-1 60-3 65-1 Page Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Oil specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-18 Planetary housing oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-7 Wheel planetary housing oil change . . . . . . . 85-12 Machine Cold weather warming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11 Maintenance position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-3, 50-4 Warming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Maintenance record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-9, CLIS-1 Maintenance Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-1 Position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-3, 50-4 Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-7 Manual Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28 Mechanical front wheel drive Front axle housing oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-1 Front axle housing oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-1 Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Planetary housing oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-7 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-18 Metric torque values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-32 Mixing lubricants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-10 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 N Neutral Start system check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-19 O O-ring boss fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-37 Oil change Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-6 MFWD planetary housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-12 Reverser and torque converter . . . . . . .85-8, 85-11 Oil lines and fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-36 Oil, rear axle Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-5 Oil Change, MFWD front axle housing . . . . . . . . . 85-1 Change, hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Level, MFWD front axle housing . . . . . . . . . . . 75-1 Level, MFWD planetary housing . . . . . . . . . . . 75-7 Level, engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-1 Level, hydraulic reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-4 Level, rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-1 Index-4 120699 PN=4 Index Page Page Level, transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-5 Lines and fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-36 Specification, MFWD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Specification, hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Specification, reverser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Specification, transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Oilscan Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-8 Operating tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-21 Operating Backhoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-1 Differential lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-17 Extendible dipperstick with attachments . . . . 35-27 Front loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-13 Mechanical front wheel drive (MFWD). . . . . . 35-18 on a slope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-22 Operational checkout procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-1 Operational checks Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-19 Brake system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-6 Cab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-20 Clutch disconnect solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-10 Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-10 Gauge and indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-1 Hydraulic system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-15 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-4 MFWD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-13 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-25 Steering system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-9 Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95-2 Operational controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9 Operators manual holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 P Park brake Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-23 Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Parking with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-11 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-12 Pedal Differential lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-17 Periodic maintenance chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-1 Plowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-28 Pre-start Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1 Primary element Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-3 Pump Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 R ROPS attachments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-19 ROPS, torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Radiator Add rust inhibitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-4 Coolant level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-1 Inspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-4 Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 Regulator precaution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-9 Reservoir Breather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-2 Hydraulic oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Oil level check, hydraulic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-4 Return-to-dig switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-14 Reverse warning alarm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-18 Reverser Oil change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85-8, 85-11 Oil specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Ride control switch and indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Ride control Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-3 Rotary Beacon indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 S STOP-engine indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Screen, hydraulic reservoir fill Inspect and clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-6 Seat belt Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-18 Seat controls Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19 Serial numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-1 Service Brake Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-1 Service brake bleed procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-25 Service interval checklist . . . . . . . . . . . .50-9, CLIS-1 Service record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-9, CLIS-1 Shifting backhoe with bucket 315SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-11 Sideshift stabilizer feet 315SE Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-31 Specification Battery electrolyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-13 Index-5 120699 PN=5 Index Page Page Dipperstick grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Grease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-8 Hardware torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Hydraulic oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 MFWD oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Reverser oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-7 Transmission oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Specifications chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-1 Spoil piles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-23 Stabilizer control levers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-10, 35-3 Stabilizer feet 310SE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-19 Stabilizer leg wear strips 315SE Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-7 Stabilizers and cylinders 310SE Lubricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-3 Starting fluid, cold weather start . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-6 Starting the engine with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-2 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-4 Stopping the engine with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-12 with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-13 Storage procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105-2 Storage Diesel fuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-3 Storing lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Swing lock pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-17 Swing lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-5 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 Dome light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 Front windshield washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24 Front windshield wiper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24 Instrument panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Mechanical front wheel drive (MFWD). . . . . . 35-18 Park brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Rear windshield wiper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24 Return-to-dig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-14 Ride control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Turn signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 Warning lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 Work and drive lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22 Synthetic lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-9 Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-3 Toe-in, check and adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-27 Torque converter oil change . . . . . . . . . . .85-8, 85-11 Torque value Flat face O-ring seal fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-38 Inch SAE four bolt flange fitting. . . . . . . . . . . 90-39 Metric cap screw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-34 Metric four bolt flange fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-33 O-ring boss fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-37 Wheel cap screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-3 Torque values Inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-35 Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-32 Torque Boom-to-dipper pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-2 ROPS bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-3 Transmission oil temperature indicator . . . . . . . . 10-5 Transmission Filter change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-6 Oil level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-5 Oil specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-6 Transporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-1 Travel speed 310SE with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . . 30-9 310SE with powershift transmission . . . . . . . . 30-9 315SE with manual transmission . . . . . . . . . 30-10 315SE with powershift transmission . . . . . . . 30-10 Trenching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-26 Troubleshooting Gauges and indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-16 Hydraulic system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-20 Truck loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-32 Turn signal Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 U Using a sight gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-26 V T Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27 Teeth, backhoe bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-29 Tire Pressure check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-2 Valve lash adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-1 Valve, control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-30 Valve, dust unloader Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-2 Vent tube, engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-10 Vibration damper, replace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-8 Index-6 120699 PN=6 Index Page W Warming machine Cold weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-11 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-10 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-20 Wheel bearings, front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-2 Wheel fasteners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-3 Window Rear, middle, storing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27 Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26 Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25 Storing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26 Windshield wipers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24 Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24 Index-7 120699 PN=7 Index Index-8 120699 PN=8 Checklists MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM BREAK-IN SERVICE INTERVALS Break-in service is required for your machine at intervals shown in chapter 15. Refer to chapter 15 during the first 100 hours of machine operation. After 100 hours refer to service intervals in chapter 50. SERVICE INTERVALS AFTER BREAK-IN Service your machine at intervals shown on this chart. Also, perform service on items at multiples of the original requirement. For example, at 500 hours also service those items (if applicable) listed under 250 hours, 100 hours, 50 hours, and 10 hours or daily. As Required • Check belt tension • Grease side shift frame—315SE • Drain water from fuel tank sump • Grease stabilizer leg wear strips—315SE • Check tire pressure • Grease extendible dipperstick • Check and adjust boom lock • Grease non-powered front wheel bearings • Clean cab fresh air and re-circulation filters • Grease MFWD driveshaft spline Every 10 Hours or Daily • Check engine oil level • Grease backhoe bucket linkage pivots and cylinder rod ends • Grease loader pivot points • Grease front axle and steering cylinder pivots • Grease MFWD driveshaft U-joints (S.N. —881150) • Grease MFWD front axle U-joints • Grease stabilizers and pivots Weekly • Check coolant level TX,50,BD2136 –19–15OCT96–1/1 CLIS-1 120699 PN=331 Checklists MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM Model: ❒ 310SE PIN/Serial Number: Model: ❒ 315SE Customer: Delivery Date: Hour Meter Reading: OIL SAMPLING Oil samples should be taken from each system prior to its recommended drain or change interval indicated on this form: 250, 500, 1000 hours. Maintenance recommendations supplied by OILSCAN PLUS will be provided based upon the oil analysis and operating information you supply. Regular oil sampling will extend the operational life of your machine’s systems. ❒ Check MFWD front axle housing oil level ❒ Check rear axle oil level ❒ Check battery electrolyte level and terminals ❒ Check hydraulic reservoir oil level Comments: Every 250 Hours ❒ Check transmission oil level ❒ Change engine oil and replace filter ❒ Check MFWD front wheel planetary housing oil level Date: Maintenance Performed By: ❒ Check air intake hoses ❒ Replace hydraulic system oil filter ❒ Check boom-to-dipper pin bolt Every 500 Hours ❒ Replace hydraulic reservoir breather ❒ Replace fuel filter ❒ Check coolant and add conditioner as needed Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ ❒ Change MFWD front axle housing oil Clean, pack, and adjust front wheel bearings Check and adjust engine speed control linkage Change rear axle oil Replace transmission oil filter Every 1000 Hours ❒ Change hydraulic reservoir oil ❒ Clean engine crankcase vent tube ❒ Change transmission and torque converter oil ❒ Change MFWD planetary housing oil ❒ Replace filter elements Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: Hour Meter Reading: Every 2000 Hours ❒ Adjust engine valve lash Comments: Date: Maintenance Performed By: Hour Meter Reading: CED,OUO1040,53 –19–11MAY98–1/1 CLIS-2 120699 PN=332 Checklists REQUIRED PARTS Insure machine performance and availability; use only genuine John Deere parts. Verify part numbers are current and that any associated parts are also on hand, i.e., filter O-rings. Description Part Number ASI 1 250 Hours 500 Hours 1000 Hours 2000 Hours 1 Engine Oil Filter RE59754 1 1 1 Fuel Filter RE62418 1 1 1 Hydraulic Reservoir Breather Filter AT101565 1 1 1 Hydraulic Oil Filter AT144879 1 PLUS-50 Oil: TY6389 8.5 L (9 qt) Transmission Filter AT179323 1 8.5 L (9 qt) 1 1 1 8.5 L (9 qt) 8.5 L (9 qt) 8.5 L (9 qt) 1 1 HY-GARD Transmission and Hydraulic Oil: Transmission TY6354 gal. 14 L (16 qt) 14 L (16 qt) Hydraulic System TY6354 gal. 37 L (39 qt) 37 L (39 qt) MFWD TY6354 gal. 6.5 L (8.0 qt) 6.5 L (8.0 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. — 854673) 13 L (14 qt) 13 L (14 qt) Rear Axle (S.N. 851674—) 16 L (17 qt) 16 L (17 qt) Coolant Conditioner TY16004 As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed Diesel Engine Oil AT178840 1 1 1 1 Transmission Oil and Gearbox/Axle AT178844 2 2 2 Hydraulic Oil Tank AT178844 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oilscan Plus Kits: Cab Fresh Air Filter AT141209 As Needed Cab Recirculation Filter T158848 As Needed 3-Way Heavy Duty Coolant Test Kit TY16175 0 Air Filter (Primary) AT171853 1 1 Air Filter (Secondary) AT171854 1 1 CoolScan Plus Kit (Ten samples per kit) AT183016 1 1 Dieselscan Diesel Fuel Analysis (Six samples per kit) AT180344 1 1 1 PLUS-50 is a registered trademark of Deere & Company HY-GARD is a registered trademark of Deere & Company Oilscan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CoolScan Plus is a registered trademark of Deere & Company CED,OUO1040,44 –19–06MAY98–1/1 CLIS-3 120699 PN=333 John Deere Service Literature TECHNICAL INFORMATION TS189 –UN–17JAN89 Technical information is available from John Deere. Some of this information is available in electronic as well as printed form. Order from your John Deere dealer or call 1-800-522-7448. Please have available the model number, serial number, and name of the product. Available information includes: TS1663 –UN–10OCT97 TS224 –UN–17JAN89 TS191 –UN–02DEC88 • PARTS CATALOGS list service parts available for your machine with exploded view illustrations to help you identify the correct parts. It is also useful in assembling and disassembling. • OPERATOR’S MANUALS providing safety, operating, maintenance, and service information. These manuals and safety signs on your machine may also be available in other languages. • OPERATOR’S VIDEO TAPES showing highlights of safety, operating, maintenance, and service information. These tapes may be available in multiple languages and formats. • TECHNICAL MANUALS outlining service information for your machine. Included are specifications, illustrated assembly and disassembly procedures, hydraulic oil flow diagrams, and wiring diagrams. Some products have separate manuals for repair and diagnostic information. Some components, such as engines, are available in separate component technical manuals • FUNDAMENTAL MANUALS detailing basic information regardless of manufacturer: • Agricultural Primer series covers technology in farming and ranching, featuring subjects like computers, the Internet, and precision farming. • Farm Business Management series examines “real-world” problems and offers practical solutions in the areas of marketing, financing, equipment selection, and compliance. • Fundamentals of Services manuals show you how to repair and maintain off-road equipment. • Fundamentals of Machine Operation manuals explain machine capacities and adjustments, how to improve machine performance, and how to eliminate unnecessary field operations. DX,SERVLIT SLIT-1 –19–11NOV97–1/1 120699 PN=334 John Deere Service Keeps You On the Job TS1664 –UN–11JUN98 AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT 1—Division 1 - Seattle 4—Division 4 - Moline 8—Division 8 - Atlanta John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 33801 1st Way S #281 Federal Way, WA 98003 Tel: (253) 942-3160 Fax: (253) 942-3179 John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 1515 5th Ave. Moline, IL 61265 Tel: (309) 765-0275 Fax: (309) 748-0117 John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 1201 Roberts Blvd., Suite 230 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Tel: (770) 423-2400 Fax: (770) 423-2411 2—Division 2 - Denver 5—Division 5 - Grimsby John Deere Intercontinental, Ltd. John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 12250 East Iliff Ave, Suite 322 Aurora, CO 80014-6318 Tel: (303) 481-4100 Fax: (303) 481-4101 John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 295 Hunter Road Grimsby, Ontario, L3M4S9 Tel: (905) 945-9281 Fax: (905) 945-1267 John Deere Construction Equipment Co. Overseas 1515 5th Ave. Moline, Il 61265 Tel: (309) 765-3316 Fax: (309) 765-3279 3—Division 3 - Dallas 6—Division 6 - Baltimore John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 3700 Forums Drive, Suite 101 Flower Mound, TX 75028-1860 Tel: (972) 874-2900 Fax: (972) 874-2920 John Deere Construction Equipment Co. 72 Loveton Circle, Suite 101 Sparks, MD 21152-9270 Tel: (410) 785-0400 Fax: (410) 785-4145 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is important to John Deere. We take pride in providing superior service. We’ll be around when you need us: • We maintain a large and varied parts inventory to help minimize downtime. • Precision tools and testing equipment enable technicians to locate and correct troubles. • We hold regular training schools for service technicians so they know your equipment and how to maintain it. DX,IBC,4 IBC-1 –19–11JUN98–1/1 120699 PN=335