Peanut Butter Cups Recipes - Peanut Butter Cups Recipes


Peanut Butter Cups Recipes - Peanut Butter Cups Recipes
Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Presented By
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
You are about to discover the secret of making
homemade peanut butter cups that will “Wow”
Wow your
friends and family.
Why make your own peanut butter cups?
It can save you money. How? For example, a Reese’s Big
Cup contains about 21g of filling and cost $0.79 each. For
$11 you can purchase enough ingredients to make 6
batches of our filling
g with leftovers. Six batches of our
filling is enough to fill 67 Big Cups. That would cost you
$53 to buy that many from a store. You can also make
peanut butter filled candy any time for any occasion and in
any shape or size you wish. You have no limits.
Please read all of the instructions in this booklet carefully
to ensure your peanut butter filling meets your
expectations and delights your taste buds.
Disclaimer. All name brand products listed in this booklet are neither
endorsed nor rejected by Orfa’s Candies. They are used primarily for
informational purposes and representing ideas only. Orfa’s Candies is not
an affiliate
ffili t off th
the H
h C
Company. R
’ iis a registered
i t d ttrademark
k off
the Hershey Company.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
How to Use This Booklet
Equipment Required
Optional Equipment
What’s Not in Our Recipe
What is in Our Recipe
Measure Ingredients
Like a Pro
Our Peanut Butter Cup Recipe
Using a Blender
Using a Peanut Butter Maker
Using Store Bought Peanut Butter
Melting Chocolate
How to Fill Your Cups
New Secret Fillings
Volume to Weight Conversion Chart
Bonus: Peanut Butter Topping
pp g
Additional Resources
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How to Use This Booklet
Please refer to the following symbols to help you
understand how to use this booklet
When you see this symbol look for a hint or an
When you see this symbol a secret is about to
be revealed.
When you see this symbol this means do not
use an ingredient.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Equipment Required
In developing our Peanut Butter Cups, we kept in mind
what equipment you may have in your kitchen so that you
do not have to purchase additional equipment.
The following is the basic equipment you will need.
Blender The blender will be used to
grind the peanuts into peanut butter.
This works quite well but it makes the
peanut butter a little too smooth. We
ill show
you h
how tto fifix that
th t later.
l t
Mixing Bowls To hold the various
Measuring Cups For measuring
large quantities of ingredients
Measuring Spoons For measuring
small quantities of ingredients.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Optional Equipment
There is more than one way to make our Peanut Butter
Cups You can also use this optional equipment which
may make preparing the filling easier.
The following optional equipment may be used.
Digital Kitchen Scale Using a scale
to measure your ingredients is
strongly recommended. Your
quantities can be off a considerable
amount using measuring cups and
spoons. More about this later.
Peanut Butter Maker This is our
favorite gadget. Although you can
make great peanut butter using a
blender, this is much faster and
saves you the step of adding little
pieces of peanuts for the correct
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Optional Equipment
Bread Maker You are probably
saying “a bread maker?” This is a
great way to knead the filling by using
its “Dough” function. Properly
prepared peanut butter filling is fairly
or Nut Chopper
pp You can
use this to chop the whole peanuts
into smaller pieces. This will help to
grind faster in the blender or peanut
butter maker.
Sifter This
Thi is
i used
d to
t sift
ift ingredients
di t
into measuring cups or spoons for
more accurate measurements.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Optional Equipment
Mixer with Kneading Attachment
If you do not have a bread maker but
have a mixer with a kneading
attachment, you can use this to help
mix the filling.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
What’s Not in Our Recipe
Store bought peanut butter is not
used because they typically contain
artificial ingredients, sugar, salt and
preservatives. Also the texture found
in store bought peanut butter is not
correct for the desired texture of ours
With our recipe, you control the
amount of sugars and salt in the filling
to assure proper taste and texture.
Graham cracker crumbs are used in
many peanut butter cup recipes which
are found on the internet to simulate
the texture of Reese’s but that’s going
about it the wrong way. Graham
cracker crumbs have many ingredients
that have nothing to do with peanut
butter filling such as, graham flour,
corn syrup, leavening and cornstarch.
It also contains salt and sugar which
you want to control when making your
own filling.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
What’s Not in Our Recipe
Butter and margarine are not needed
to moisten and add flavoring to the
filling. If you do not use the graham
cracker crumbs, you do not need to
use butter or margarine because there
is just the right amount of oil in the
peanuts to do the job. Besides, butter
and margarine typically contains salt
and other additives which you will not
find in our Peanut Butter Cup
p recipe.
Vanilla is an artificial flavoring and
serves no purpose in our filling. All the
flavoring found in our Peanut Butter
Filling is 100% natural.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
What’s in Our Recipe
Here They Are! Four Simple Ingredients
Peanuts are the main ingredient of
course. Our Peanut Butter Cups uses
y roasted unsalted p
peanuts. If yyou
use any other peanut other than dry
roasted unsalted peanuts then the
texture and flavor may not be what
you expect.
Confectioners Sugar is the second
ingredient. You must use care
measuring confectioners sugar
because it compacts very easily and
you can end up adding more than
what is required for the recipe.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
What’s in Our Recipe
Dextrose is the third ingredient.
Dextrose is a sweetener made from
corn. This is a common ingredient
used in commercial candy making
which acts as a filler,, giving
g candy
texture, and as a sugar reducer.
Dextrose is about 80% as sweet as
granulated sugar. You can easily find
Dextrose online and in some health
food stores. In the back of this booklet
you will find a recommended source to
purchase Dextrose. A two pound
package runs under $4.00 and that is
enough Dextrose to make about 23
batches of our filling.
Salt is the last ingredient in our
Peanut Butter Filling.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Measure Ingredients
Like a Pro
Measuring your ingredients is more than simply the
act of scooping a cupful
cupful. Dry ingredients can be packed
(intentionally or unintentionally) and throw off the entire
recipe - causing it to flop.
For example,
example according to one manufacturer of granulated
sugar 1 cup is 200g or 1 tablespoon of sugar should
weigh 12.5 g, (there are 16 tablespoons per cup). As
illustrated below, we measured 12.5g of granulated sugar
on a digital
scale and then p
poured it into a tablespoon.
you can see below, the sugar does not fill the tablespoon
completely. Why? Because sugar is a dry ingredient and
has a tendency to compact.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Measure Ingredients
Like a Pro
Let’s take a look at another example of how we can get
dramatically different results if we are not careful how we
measure ingredients.
First we scooped 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar from
the canister,
canister shook it until it was level
level, and weighed itit.
Then we poured sugar into 1 tablespoon and leveled it off
with a knife and weighed that. Look at the results, keeping
in mind that 1 tablespoon of sugar should weigh 12.5g.
Scooped 1 Tbsp.
Poured 1 Tbsp.
Quite a difference, isn’t it? That’s just 1 tablespoon.
Imagine if your recipe called for 1 cup of sugar. There are
16 tablespoons to a cup. The error can be as large as:
4.1g x 16 = 65.6g. You could be adding 5 1/4 tablespoons
more sugar than needed. Wow!
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Measure Ingredients
Like a Pro
You can see from the previous page that you could be
adding over 5 tablespoons of sugar per cup without even
realizing it. Just think how that may affect you recipe?
So how to you measure like a Pro? The best way to
measure your ingredients is to weigh them. That
That’ss how
the professionals and the food industries do it.
This problem is always present with dry ingredients
because dryy ingredients
can be p
packed and compressed.
This is not a problem with liquids though. A cup of water is
a cup of water. You cannot pack more liquid into a cup
than the cup can hold. That’s not the same with dry
To measure ingredients like a Pro it is essential that you
use a scale. You cannot go wrong if you weigh your
ingredients. At the end of this booklet is a handy chart
h i you the
th weight
i ht off common d
dry iingredients
di t
compared to their equivalent measured volumes.
If you do not have a scale then the next best way to
measure dry ingredients is to use a sifter to sift the
ingredient into the measuring cup or spoon.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Our Peanut Butter
Cup Recipe!
Here is it! Simple isn’t it? Not really, because these
proportions and ingredients were developed from many
many experiments until the results were just right.
Our Peanut
Butter Filling
Makes about 1 cup (286g) of filling
1 1/2 cups Dry-Roasted Unsalted Peanuts
5 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. Confectioners Sugar
4 Tbsp. Dextrose
1 tsp.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
The following is the most important part of making the
peanut butter filling.
filling Remember
Remember, “Candy
Candy making is an
art, but it is also a science.” It is essential that you
follow these instructions precisely to ensure that your
filling meets your expectations and you get consistent
results every time you make this recipe. Enjoy!
The follow will take you on a discovery from peanuts to
peanut butter filling.
Note: When you are mixing the filling, it may seem dry at
first but as the oil from the peanut butter starts to work its
way into the rest of the ingredients, the filling will become
shiny and formable
formable. You will see a nice shine after the
filling matures in a few minutes.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
Step 1: Using a vegetable or nut chopper, chop 1
rounded cup of peanuts (160g if you have a scale) into
smaller pieces about ¼ their original size and save them
for later.
Chopping the peanuts into
smaller pieces helps make
peanut butter quicker.
Step 2: Place about 1/3 cup of peanuts (40g if you have
a scale) into the blender and press the pulse button about
5 or 7 times to grind the peanuts into very small pieces.
Remove the peanut pieces from the blender and save
them for later.
These peanuts are going
to be added back to the
filling to give you the tiny
pieces of texture.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
Note: If you are not using a scale to measure the peanuts,
160g of peanuts would be about 1¼ level cup and 40g
of peanuts would be about 1/3 level cup.
Step 3: Place the peanuts from step 1
into the blender and use the grind
setting to the grind the peanuts.
Stop the blender every so often to
scrape the sides and push the peanuts
d the
h blades.
bl d
Y will
need to do this often until the oil
gets released from the peanuts.
You can also use the pulse button
this allows the peanuts to fall back
down towards the blades naturally.
Continue grinding or pulsing until the
peanuts have been ground into peanut
butter. Note: This will take about 5
minutes or so for the peanuts to turn
into peanut butter
butter, so have patience
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
Step 4: Remove the peanut butter from the blender and
place the peanut butter with the pieces in either a bowl
mixer or the bread maker.
Using a mixer with a
kneading attachment or
a bread
d maker
k makes
mixing the filling easy.
The filling will be stiff.
Step 5: Measure 5 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of
Confectioners Sugar (or 40g if you have a scale) and
combine it with the peanut butter and peanut pieces.
Step 6: Measure 4 Tablespoons of Dextrose (or 40g if
you have a scale) and combine it with the peanut butter,
peanut pieces, and sugar.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
Step 7: Measure 1
teaspoon Salt (or 6g if you
have a scale) and combine
it with the rest of the
p 8: Mix or knead the
filling until well blended. The
filling will be stiff but you
should be able to form it into
a ball, it should have the
consistency of play dough.
t If you are using
i a peanutt butter
b tt maker
k you can skip
steps 1 through 3. The peanut butter maker set to
“chunky” should contain the little pieces required for
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Blender
Step 9: Check the filling for
the right consistency
consistency. Here
is what the filling looks like
right after mixing.
Step 10: After a few
h filli
filling should
h ld
appear shiny and if you
shake the bowl back and
forth the filling should settle
and flatten down as shown.
If it doesn’t, add a little more
peanut butter.
That’s all there is to it! You have successfullyy made a
batch of our Peanut Butter Filling that is just like Reese’s.
Note: If you want to make a larger quantity of peanut
butter filling, simply increase the recipe proportionally. For
example to make 2 cups, double the recipe.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Peanut Butter Maker
In the this section you will learn how to make our Peanut
Butter Cups using a peanut butter maker
Before we get to that let’s talk a little about peanut butter
makers. There is one dominant manufacturer, Nostalgia
Electric who sells peanut butter makers for home use
Before you go out and spends $40 for one, we strongly
recommend reading the various reviews online about this
peanut butter maker and judge for yourself. We’ve never
tested its p
performance and cannot vouch for it.
The peanut butter maker
that we would recommend is
the Salton brand, but
unfortunately they are no
longer available except
through eBay. The model
you see here is 1976 vintage
d works
k extremely
l well.
This is a great peanut butter
maker and using a peanut
butter maker gives you the
best results for your filling.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Peanut Butter Maker
Step 1: Measure 1 level cup + 1/3 level cup of Peanuts
(or 200 grams if you have a scale) and use a vegetable or
nut chopper to chop the peanuts in smaller pieces about
¼ their original size or smaller.
Step 2: Set the peanut butter maker to chunky and fill the
hopper with the peanuts. The chunky setting does not
mean big pieces like you see in the store bought brand.
This will give you the texture you are familiar with.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Peanut Butter Maker
Step 3: Turn the peanut
butter maker on and grind all
the peanuts catching the
peanut butter into a bowl.
Mmm, doesn’t that look good?
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Peanut Butter Maker
Step 4: Measure 5 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of
Confectioners Sugar (or 40g if you have a scale) and
place it either a bowl, mixer or the bread maker.
Step 5: Measure 4 Tablespoons of Dextrose (or 40g if
you have a scale) and place it either a bowl
bowl, mixer or the
bread maker.
Step 6: Measure 1 teaspoon Salt (or 6g if you have a
scale)) and p
place it either a bowl,, mixer or the bread
Step 7: Mix or knead the filling until well blended and
forms a ball.
That’s all there is to it! You have successfullyy made a
batch of our Peanut Butter Filling that is just like Reese’s.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
Now we are going to contradict one of our earlier
statements about not using store bought peanut butter
However, we will need to adjust our recipe to use store
bought peanut butter. It’s going to be much better than the
typical recipes you would find on the Internet. Use “All
Natural” creamy peanut butter for the best results
results. We
tried using store bought peanut butter that was not all
natural and the results were less than desirable.
The recipe on the following
pages was adjusted based
on using Master Choice All
Natural Creamy Peanut
Butter. Note the peanut
butter oil that rose to the top
of the jar, don’t throw that
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
Step 1: Before you measure the peanut butter make sure
you thoroughly stir the peanut oil that has risen to the
top of the jar with the rest of the peanut butter. Do not
discard the peanut oil otherwise the mixture will be too
Before stirring
It is easier to mix the oil
and the peanut butter if
you empty the entire jar
in a mixing bowl than
trying to stir it in the jar.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
After stirring
Step 2: To give the filling the desired texture place 1/3
cup of dry roasted peanuts (40g if you have a scale)
into the blender and press the pulse button several times
to grind the peanuts into small pieces and save them for
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
Step 3: Combine the Peanut Butter with the
Confectioners Sugar
Sugar, Dextrose,
Dextrose Salt using the dry
measurements from our original recipe as a starting point
except use about ¾ cups of store bought peanut
Our Peanut
Butter Filling
M k about
1 cup (2
8 ) off filli
3/4 cups Store Bought Peanut Butter
5 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. Confectioners Sugar
4 Tbsp. Dextrose
1 tsp. Salt
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
Step 4: Add the peanut pieces to the mixture.
Step 5: Knead or mix the filling until thoroughly blended.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
Step 6: This is where you may have to do a little
experimenting to make sure you have the correct texture
Not all store bought peanut butter has the same viscosity
or thickness so it is nearly impossible to tell you exactly
how much of the sugars to add to obtain the desired
results The following guidelines are used to make sure
the filling has the correct taste and texture.
Use the amount of peanut butter specified in the
p and adjust
y the sugars.
The less
ingredients you need adjust the easier it is to reach
the desired results.
The following is what to look for:
• The filling should have the consistency of play dough,
you should be able to form a ball or roll it into a log.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
• When you roll the filling into a ball, it should not leave
your hands too oily.
• The filling should have a shine to it. The filling needs a
few minutes to mature. You will see the shiny surface
within that time frame
• You should be able to shake the bowl back and forth and
the filling should settle and flatten down. If it doesn’t add a
little more p
peanut butter to reduce the thickness.
• When you taste the filling it should melt in your mouth
almost instantly. If it doesn’t you need to add more of the
sugars. The ratio of Confectioners Sugar to Dextrose
is 4:3 therefore, if you add 1.0 Tbsp. of Confectioners
Sugar then add 3/4 Tbsp. of Dextrose.
• Very little of the peanut butter should stick to the roof of
your mouth. If a lot does then your need more of the
sugars. If you have the correct amount of sugar, then just
a little of the peanut butter should stick to the roof of your
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
• When you taste the filling, you should be able to taste
the sugar first.
first This should be followed by the peanut
butter, the peanut pieces, and finally the salt ,in that
order. If you taste the salt first, you added too much.
These guidelines should help you obtain the right
combination of peanut butter, sugars and salt.
The next page is how we adjusted the original recipe to
accommodate for store bought
g p
peanut butter.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Using a Store Bought
Peanut Butter
This is the adjusted recipe when we used the store bought
peanut butter
butter. We had to add more sugar
sugar, because
because, the
store bought peanut butter was runnier than our
homemade peanut butter. But it worked great! Awesome
filling made from store bought peanut butter. Remember,
your recipe will vary depending on what brand of
peanut butter you purchase. Below is just an
Our Peanut
Butter Filling
Using store bought peanut butter
About 3/4 cups of Store Bought Peanut Butter
6 Tbsp. + 2 1/8 tsp. Confectioners Sugar
4 Tbsp. + 2 1/2 tsp. Dextrose
1 tsp.
p Salt
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Melting Chocolate
Step 1: You can use Wilton’s, Merckens, Ghirardelli, or
any other melting chocolate you like
like. You can also use
dark chocolate for a different experience. When melting
chocolate always make sure the utensils are completely
dry. Water or moisture will cause the chocolate to seize or
clump. Make sure you use a quality chocolate because
this will affect the overall flavor of the peanut butter
filled candy.
Avoid using chocolate
bars for melting
melting. These
are not designed for
candy making and will
not hardened properly
when cooled.
cooled For best
results, use melting
Step 2: If you are using a large piece of chocolate, break
up the
th chocolate
l t into
i t smaller
ll course pieces.
Thi will
ill h
the chocolate melt evenly and faster. If using melting
wafers, you do not have to break them into smaller pieces
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Melting Chocolate
Step 3: Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler or in a
microwave oven within a temperature range of 115
F to
120˚F. This temperature range is very important, if you
heat the chocolate above 120˚F the chocolate will be
messy and soft after it cools. If using a microwave, use
50% power and check the temperature every 15 seconds
with a thermometer. Using a double-boiler is
recommended over a microwave.
p 4: Here is how to use a double-boiler. Fill a small p
with about a ½” of water.
Step 5: Bring the water to a full boil and then remove the
pot from the heat source.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Melting Chocolate
Step 6: Make sure the bowl is slightly larger than the pot
so the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water
Using a metal bowl will
heat up faster than a
i or glass
b l
This will help melt the
chocolate faster.
Step 7: Place a bowl on top of the pot of hot water. Add
the chocolate to the bowl and occasionally stir until the
chocolate is melted. Do not over stir the chocolate, this
may cause the fat molecules to break down and prevent
the chocolate from hardening properly.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Melting Chocolate
Step 8: After the chocolate is completely melted, remove
the bowl from the pot to prevent the chocolate from
over heating. Using this method should heat the
chocolate to the desired temperature. Now the chocolate
is ready for use.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Melting Chocolate
Alternate method of melting your chocolate.
Using the Crock Pot Little Dipper is our favorite way to
melt chocolate. The Little Dipper is designed to keep
dishes warm but it works perfectly well melting chocolate.
After the chocolate is completely melted, we unplug the
Little Dipper. The thick ceramic liner retains the heat and
keeps the chocolate melted while we fill the cups.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Coating the peanut butter cup with chocolate.
Step 1: Place the paper liner into a medicine dosage cup
to help keep the paper liner from collapsing while brushing
on the chocolate. Grip the cup such that your fingers
overhang the rim a little so the cup does not pull out when
brushing upwards with the chocolate.
Placing the paper liner
into the dosage cup
helps prevent the
paper liner from
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Coating the peanut butter cup with chocolate.
Step 2: Pour about ½
teaspoon of melted chocolate
into the cup.
Step 3: Spread the
chocolate evenly on the
bottom and up the sides
with a clean dry paint brush.
Place the chocolate coated
cups in the refrigerator or
freezer and prepare the
filling while the chocolate
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Filling the peanut butter cup.
Step 4: Scoop about ½ tablespoon of filling per coated
cup. If you are making 24 peanut butter cups for example,
then scoop out 24 mounds of filling.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Filling the peanut butter cup.
Step 5: By the time you
finished preparing the filling,
the chocolate should be
hardened enough to fill the
Step 6: Place a mound of
filling in each cup and
gently push the filling into
the corners of the cup.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Step 7: Using the brush, dip it in the chocolate and evenly
spread the chocolate over the exposed filling
filling. You may
have to dip the brush 2 or 3 times to completely cover the
filling. You could also pour about ½ teaspoon of
chocolate on top and then spread it with a brush.
Step 8: Let the chocolate harden, if you can wait that
long, and enjoy!
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Alternate Method (for large peanut butter cups).
Step 1: Place a large cupcake
liner in a 1/3 cup sized
measuring cup.
Step 2: Pour about ½
tablespoon of melted
chocolate into the cup.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Alternate Method (for large peanut butter cups).
Step 3: With the back of the
measuring spoon, spread the
chocolate on the bottom and
slightly up the sides.
Step 4: Scoop about 1
tablespoon of filling and
place it in the center of the
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
Alternate Method (for large peanut butter cups).
Step 5: Shake the measuring
cup back and forth with a
quick motion until the filling
settles and flattens as shown.
Step 6: Pour about ½
tablespoon of melted
chocolate on top of the
filling and spread it evenly
with the back of the
measuring spoon. Shake
the cup quickly back and
forth to level the chocolate.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
How To Fill Your Cups
One batch of our peanut butter filling made all these giant
peanut butter cups you see here below
below. This used almost
12 ounces of chocolate wafers.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #1
Pretzels? Yes! Pretzels takes the
perfect combination of peanut butter
and chocolate to a new level. Here’s
what you do. It is so simple, but it
is so awesome!
Step 1: Measure ¼ cup of
d pretzels
l which
hi h
are a little bit larger than the
size of a pea. Here we used
the same nut chopper.
After chopping
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #1
Step 2: After you finish mixing or kneading the filling from
the previous steps
steps, add the chopped pretzels and blend
them in just enough to be thoroughly mixed in. Do not
over mix the filling because for this may break the pretzels
into smaller pieces.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #1
Step 3: Fill your chocolate molds or cups as you normally
would and then cover with chocolate
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #1
Step 4: Another way in integrate pretzels into your peanut
butter cups is to place the pretzel on the bottom of the
cups on top of the chocolate as shown.
p 5: Add the p
peanut butter
filling on top of the pretzel and
shake the measuring cup
back and forth with a quick
motion until the filling settles
and flattens as shown.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #1
Step 6: Pour the melted chocolate on top of the filling
d spread
d iit evenly
l with
i h the
h b
k off the
h measuring
spoon. Shake the cup quickly back and forth to level the
That’s It! People who have tried this say it’s better than
our original Peanut Butter Cups.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #2
Butterfinger? Oh Yeah! Butterfinger
like pretzels takes the perfect
combination of peanut butter and
chocolate to a new level. Here’s what
you do. It’s so simple, but it’s so
Step 1: Place the
Butterfinger in a refrigerator
to chill before chopping.
Break the Butterfinger into
small pieces using a nut
chopper or crush it with a
f k
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #2
Step 2: Place about 1
teaspoon of chopped
Butterfinger in the cup if you
are making the large peanut
butter cups.
Step 3: Add the peanut butter
filling on top of the
Butterfinger and shake the
measuring cup back and forth
with a quick motion until the
filling settles and flattens as
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
New Secret Filling #2
p 4: Pour about ½
tablespoon of melted
chocolate on top of the
filling and spread it evenly
with the back of the
measuring spoon. Shake
the cup quickly back and
forth to level the chocolate.
That’s It! This combination of chocolate, peanut butter
and Butterfinger is totally awesome.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Here is an awesome idea to do with any leftovers. We had
extra chocolate and the peanut butter pretzel filling.
• We placed a piece of plastic wrap on a plate and then
mixed the peanut butter pretzel filling with the chocolate.
• Don’t over mix it, you want to have nice sized pieces of
chocolate and filling, not all mashed together.
• Place the mixture on the p
plastic wrap
p and let it harden.
Oh my goodness! This tastes unbelievably awesome!
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Here are some more splendid ideas to do with leftovers.
Leftover Filling: Crumble a couple of tablespoons of the
peanut butter filling on top of ice cream and stir it in
Leftover Chocolate: Stir in some pieces of pretzels
and/or Butterfinger place the mixture on top of plastic
wrap, let it harden and enjoy.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Volume to Weight
Conversion Chart
Dry Volume
Weight (g)
Baking Powder
1 tsp.
Baking Soda
1 tsp.
Bisquick Mix
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
Confectioners Sugar
0.4 tsp.
Confectioners Sugar
1 Tbsp
1 tsp.
0.3 tsp.
1 Tbsp
1 cup
Peanut, whole
1 cup
0.17 tsp.
1 tsp.
Sugar, granulated
1 Tbsp.
The following pages shows you how to use the chart.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Volume to Weight
Conversion Chart
How to use the chart.
Let’s assume you have a recipe that calls for 2 ½ cups of
Flour. If you have a scale and wanted to weigh the flour,
how much would it weigh?
Step 1: Look in the chart and find the row that lists the
flour and write down how much the flour weighs per cup.
1 cup
p of flour = 124g
Step 2: Multiply the number of cups called for in the
recipe by the number of grams per cup.
2.5 cups x 124g per cup = 310g
That’s it! You would need 310g of flour.
t Make
M k sure you use th
the proper measurements.
Some of the ingredients listed in the chart are based on
cups and others are based on tablespoons and
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Volume to Weight
Conversion Chart
Let us do one more example.
Let’s assume you have a recipe that calls for 2 Tbsp. of
of Cornstarch. If you have a scale and wanted to weigh
the cornstarch how much would it weigh?
Step 1: Look in the chart and find the row that lists the
cornstarch and write down how much the cornstarch
weighs per teaspoon.
1 teaspoon of cornstarch = 8g
Step 2: You need to know how much 2 Tbsp. weigh so
you must find out how many teaspoons in 2 tablespoons.
1 Tbsp. = 3 tsp. therefore
2 Tbsp. = 3 tsp. per Tbsp x 2 Tbsp. = 6 tsp.
Step 3:
3 Multiply
M lti l th
the number
b off tteaspoons ffrom step
t 2 by
the number of grams per teaspoon.
6 tsp. x 8g per tsp. = 48g
That’s it! You would need 48g of cornstarch.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
Here They Are! Four Simple Ingredients
Peanuts are the main ingredient of
course. Our Peanut Butter Topping
uses dry
y roasted unsalted p
Peanut Oil is the second ingredient in
our Peanut Butter Topping. You can
get p
peanut oil from yyour local g
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
Confectioners Sugar is the third
ingredient. You must use care
g confectioners sugar
because it compacts very easily and
you can end up adding more than
what is required for the recipe.
Salt is the last ingredient in our
Peanut Butter Topping.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
Here is it! Peanut Butter Topping for your ice cream that
rivals the Friendly
s brand.
Our Peanut
Butter Topping
Makes about 1 cup (226g) of Topping
1 1/3 level cups Dry-Roasted Unsalted Peanuts
1 Tbsp. + 2 1/8tsp. Peanut Oil
3 Tbsp
Tbsp. + 5/8 tsp.
tsp Confectioners Sugar
5/8 tsp. Salt
Note: If you want to make a larger quantity of peanut
butter topping,
topping simply increase the recipe proportionally
For example to make 2 cups, double the recipe.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
Step 1: Follow the instructions for making peanut butter
using a blender and grind 1 1/3 level cups of peanuts
(or 174g if you have a scale).
Step 2: Measure 1 Tablespoons + 2 1/8 teaspoon of
Peanut Oil (or 24g if you have a scale) and place it in the
bowl with the peanut butter.
Step 3: Measure 3 Tablespoons + 5/8 teaspoon of
Confectioners Sugar
g ((or 24g
g if yyou have a scale)) and
place it in a bowl with the peanut butter and peanut oil.
Step 4: Measure 5/8 teaspoon of Salt (or 4g if you have
a scale) and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.
Step 5: Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and enjoy.
Store in your refrigerator and heat the topping in a
microwave oven just before use.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Bonus Recipe
Peanut Butter Topping
Note: If you want a little more texture to your topping, you
can first pulse a few tablespoons of the peanuts and set
them aside. Then combine the peanut pieces with the rest
of the ingredients after you make the peanut butter.
This recipe will yield you a thick peanut butter topping. If
you want a topping that is a little more runny, simply add
more of the peanut oil a teaspoon at a time until you get
the consistency you desire.
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.
Additional Resources
We get our Dextrose from
www iHerb com
If you enter the promotional code MEC961 at checkout
you will receive $5.00 off on your first order.
Digital Scale
You can also pickup an inexpensive digital scale from:
© 2009 Orfa’s Candies, All Rights Reserved.