Chapter Q – SEA WINGS Wilmington, North Carolina January 2015
Chapter Q – SEA WINGS Wilmington, North Carolina January 2015
GWRRA Chapter Q – SEA WINGS Wilmington, North Carolina January 2015 Newsletter GWRRA National Director Ray and Sandy Garris Region N Director Alan and Carolyn Little NC District Director Bob (Goose) & Dorothy Richards Assist. District Director East Bobby & Susan Womack Membership Enhancement Chapter Director Rider Educator Treasurer Dale Porter 910-547-0990 [email protected] Dean & Terry Lanning 910-604-1800 [email protected] John Quarles 603-560-3540 [email protected] Couple of the Year John & Margaret Robbins 910-232-1975 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Care Bear Tech Articles Willie Blackman 910-805-3320 [email protected] Dick Hitchcock 910-395-7037 [email protected] Pete Hughes 910-520-7723 [email protected] John Quarles 603-560-3540 [email protected] Assist. Chapter Director Triathlon Coordinator Birthdays and Anniversaries OPEN OPEN OPEN Chapter Director 2015 – Where did 2014 go? We hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and is having a great New Year. We had a nice Christmas Party on December 13th hosting 15 members at the Magnolia Greens Club house. This is not as many members as we have on the Chapter Q roster but it was a good representation of the active chapter membership. “Gifts on Wheels” was once again a good opportunity to reflect on how good we have things and presented an opportunity to give back. Chapter Q was able to provide a nice contribution through our monthly individual contributions and the efforts of those who supported the Triathlons through 2014. We may or may not be continuing the support of Triathlons in 2015 as John Robbins will be stepping down as our long-standing Triathlon Coordinator. I would like to express my appreciation to John for his many years of dedication to this effort. We would like to see if we have any chapter members that might like to step up and take on this challenge in 2015. I am sure John would be happy to provide some assistance to the new coordinator. We also have an opening for a 2015 Birthdays and Anniversaries coordinator as Margaret Robbins will be stepping down. John and Margaret will continue to be our Couple of the Year in 2015. On January 31st the District staff will hold an officers meeting where the District staff will present their view on the direction of the North Carolina District in 2015 for Chapter Directors, Assistant Chapter Directors, Treasurers, Couples of the Year and Membership Enhancement Coordinators. You may join us if you would like to see how these operations take place. I also solicit any questions or comments you may have that we can take to this meeting. Let’s have a great 2015. Ride Often – Ride Safe Dale Porter Assistant Chapter Director – STILL OPEN Chapter Rider Educators 10 Tips for Riding a Motorcycle Safely Riding a motorcycle can be fun, but it can also be dangerous, pitting man against steel. To make the most out of the experience of riding a motorcycle, follow these tips for riding a motorcycle to ensure proper safety along with maximum enjoyment. Riding on a Highway 1. Gap between you and cars When riding, or even driving, it is imperative to keep a safe distance between you and any other vehicles, especially when riding at high speeds on a highway. Employ the rule of “1 second per 10 mph,” meaning that for every additional 10 mph in speed, give enough separation between you and the vehicle in front so that it gives you one additional second to reach the same spot that the vehicle had just passed. So for 30 mph, it should take you three seconds to reach the exact spot as the vehicle before. This is important to allow ample time to brake, if necessary; higher speeds require more time to come to a complete stop. 2. Look ahead and scan beyond Just like on a regular business or residential road, always look ahead and scan beyond. Keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding environment will minimize accidents. Particularly with a high-speed road such as a highway, keeping an eye out for potential dangers ahead of time will give you time to react in a safe manner, possibly avoiding the hazard. Riding With a Passenger 3. No “hot rodding” or showing off. Don’t show off! Doing so can be dangerous, especially when there is another passenger, as he or she may not anticipate the “trick” you are trying to pull off and can end up severely injured. It is best to avoid any creativity. 4. Take into consideration the extra weight. Controlling a motorcycle can become second nature, but riding with a passenger can be a different experience than that of riding solo. Any differing weight can alter the balance. Make sure to adjust accordingly. Riding in the Rain, Wind and Cold 5. Relax This may seem like a counter intuitive tip, but it’s actually beneficial, and it does not mean to forego any other safety tips ever taught and practiced concerning driving and riding. Remember to keep an eye out for any potential dangers at all times, but do so while relaxed, if possible. Staying relaxed will keep your muscles from being tense and help you react faster with a clearer mind. 6. Dress for the occasion Of course, dress accordingly. If it is raining, don’t forget to wear protective clothing from the elements, such as a raincoat. Staying dry will help you feel more comfortable as you are riding, keeping you more relaxed while on the road. As always, wear a helmet. Not only will it protect your head, but it will also help with your vision, enabling you to navigate safer. 7. Assume it is slippery. Tires on a slick road can be especially hazardous. To minimize the dangers of the roads in inclement weather, assume that it is slippery, and act accordingly. By preparing for the worst, it will keep you safer as you navigate the roads. Riding in Traffic 8. Assume people don’t see you. Exercising extreme caution will help you to make better decisions that will ensure your safety. Making gestures and movements as if people can’t see you, such as exaggerated hand signals, wider turns and longer braking will get you noticed and get the other drivers to proceed with caution as well. 9. Pay attention. No matter the condition of the road or how many other vehicles are in the vicinity, always pay attention to the road. Watching the road for possible dangers can give you precious time to react in the best way to avoid any collisions or potential dangers. It only takes a matter of seconds for an accident to occur, but a lifetime to pay the price. Riding With Additional Equipment 10. Use cruise control. For long trips, adding the use of a cruise control will make the riding experience more enjoyable by reducing wrist fatigue with a more comfortable throttle control. Drive Safe Dean and Terry Lanning Couple of the Year We would like to thank everyone that has traveled with us and supported us this past year and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year !! John & Margaret Robbins Cycle Pete’s Tech Tip: Fixing the Rear Suspension Recently, due to an alternator failure (at only 133k), I had to take my bike apart a bunch. Since replacing the alternator required removal of the fuel tank, I elected to FINALLY fix the rear suspension; again. This time, I repaired the preload adjuster with the Traxxion Dynamics hose kit, and replaced the rear spring again to improve the ride height. The job takes longer on my bike than on yours due to the sidecar but it’s not too bad, and the improvement in ride height and ride quality is really noticeable. It’s worth doing when the miles have piled up, kind of a new bike feel. Ride Safe Pete January Birthdays (We continue to build a data base with all member info so help us out) January 3 - Willie Davis January18 - Carole Hughes January 27 - John Milam January Anniversaries January 21 - Candy & Russ Shaeffer January 31 - Brenda & John Milam 2015 Rider Coordinators and O’Berry Gift Assignments Pick your month early and get your pick of the prime months. Almost every month is open now. 2015 Ride Coordinator Commitment January - OPEN February – OPEN March – OPEN April - OPEN May - OPEN June - OPEN July - OPEN August - OPEN September - OPEN October – Dean and Terry Lanning November - OPEN December - OPEN O’Berry Gift Donation Commitment January – Black Creek Knives February – OPEN March - OPEN April – OPEN May - OPEN June – Black Creek Knives July - OPEN August - OPEN September - OPEN October - OPEN November - OPEN December – Gifts on Cycles, No O’Berry Gift Share your Ride Each of you takes rides on your own, or with others outside of chapter events, or as individual visitations to other chapters. We want to know how much fun you are having. Let us know about these rides and write us a little story about them, and share a few photos. Each ride should start with a little safety briefing. Did you know “these count” towards the overall Chapter Rider Education Program? If nothing else, let us (Dean or Dale) know you went so we can add you to our books. December Events 2014 – Gifts on Cycles - O’Berry Foundation 2014 – Chapter Q Christmas Party January 2015 - Events and Rides – and Beyond January 17th (Sat) – Chapter Q Meeting January 25th (Sun) – 1st Quarter Pot Luck at the Lanning’s January 31st (Sat) – North Carolina District Officers Meeting February 21st (Sat) – Chili Cook-off (Smithfield – NC-C2 (See Flyer)) March 14th (Sat) – Swap Meet (Durham - NC-H2 (See Flyer)) April 9th (Thurs) – 40 to Phoenix kick off dinner July 9-11 – Wings Over the Smokies Plaque Chaser Corner – Plaques are retired at the 2014 Gifts on Cycles and will be distributed for 2015 at the Officers Meeting on January 24th. Recipe of the Month: Impossibly Easy Cheeseburger Pie Bake the magic of a cheeseburger in pie form—it's impossibly easy! • • • Prep Time15 min Total Time40 min Serves 6 Ingredients 1 lb - lean ground beef 1 - large onion, chopped (1 cup) 1/2 teaspoon - salt 1 cup - shredded cheddar cheese 1/2 cup - Original Bisquick mix 1 cup - milk 2 - eggs • • Heat oven to 400°F. Spray 9-inch glass pie plate with cooking spray. In 10-inch skillet, cook beef and onion over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beef is brown; drain. Stir in salt. Spread in pie plate. Sprinkle with cheese. • In small bowl, stir remaining ingredients with fork or wire whisk until blended. Pour into pie plate. • Bake about 25 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. “Members Corner” (Got something for sale, want to show a photo of your bike, got something to share********email [email protected]) For Sale 1989 PC800 with Velorex 562 Sidecar. 29K miles. Excellent condition. $4500 Contact Pete Hughes (Chapter NC-Q) 910-520-7723 Chapter Sponsors GWRRA Region N North Carolina NC-C2 Smithfield Chili Cook-Off Entry Fee……..Free First Place……$100 Second Place…$ 50 Third Place…..$ 25 Smithfield Moose Lodge 402 JR Road Selma, N. C. 27576 Saturday February 21, 2015 9:00 AM Start 12:30 PM Eat 2:00 PM Gathering *Judging starts at 11:30 (This will be our February gathering) Directions: At intersection of 70A and I-95 Hwy. Take service road in front 0f J.R.’s Discount Store. Moose Lodge is on right at the end of road. If you like Chili, this is for you! $5.00 at the door gets you all the Chili and fixings you can eat!! Lots of Games!! Free Coffee!! Baked Goods for Sale!! Lots of Door Prizes!! LIABILITY RELEASE: I/WE AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS GWRRA, THE CO-SPONSORING ORGANIZATION (S), AND ANY PROPERTY OWNERS FOR ANY LOSS OR INJURY TO SELF OR PROPERTY BY REASON OF PARTICIPATING IN THIS EVENT. Rider:____________________________________________________Chapter:____________________ Co-Rider:_________________________________________________Chapter:____________________ March M 14, 2 2015 Meban ne Art Center 622 2 Corregid dor St. Me ebane, NC Tak ke NC 119 N att exit 153 off I--40/I-85. Go North, N left at Sonic, S right on 3 rd street. Go o about one mile then left on Corregidor. G Go Pro Camera Win a G Go Pro HD camera c and d the mou unting hard dware. Tickets are $5.00 each. e Whe en you pre-register, for f each tw wo tickets y you purcha ase, you will get a third one fre ee. Registration n 9 a.m. - Noo on LUNCH 12:00 1 Noon Thiis will be our Monthly Gath thering (Meeting willl start at 1 p.m m.) Grand Priize This year the Gra and Prize or your is a sett of tires fo Goldwing. A spec cial thanks to Riley’s s Bike & Trike Shop of Me ebane, who do onated the e tires. Registrattion Inclu udes Use of A Large Indoo or Facility Free Hospiitality Table e Display T Table for you ur Swap Ite ems (Cycle Parts, Accesso ories & Appa arel) Doo or Prizes Grand Priz ze Ticket L Lunch Gam mes 50/50 0 Vendorss Semina ars Chaptter Couple es A Co-Riider Semina ar will be c conducted at 10:00 and a M Motorist Aw wareness Se eminar at 1 11:00. Also o at 10:00 0 there willl be a MEP PC (Recruiting & Retenti on) Semina ar. For add ditional info ormation d Chambers s at 919-94 46-0083. please ccontact Sid If you pre-regis ster by Feb bruary 28th,, you will get g in free. For addit itional inform mation, plea ase contact Don D Harden n at 919-801 1-1759 or EE-Mail him att director@g gwrra-ch2.o org. ______ __________ __________ __________ ____RELEAS SE_FORM__ __________ __________ __________ __ I/WE A AGREE TO HOLD HARML LESS THE GW WRRA, THE CO-SPONSO ORING ORG GANIZATION N AND ANY P PROPERTY OWNER R FOR ANY LOSS L OR IN NJURY TO SE ELF OR PROP PERTY BY R REASON OF P PARTICIPAT TION IN THIS EVENT. Chapter:__________ ___ Chap pter Couple ___ ____ _____________ ____________ ___ Rider Name:_________ Chapter:_ ___________ __ Co-Rider C Name :____________ ____________ __________ _______ _____________ _____________ ____________ __ Rider Signature _______ _Adult pre-Registrations X $10 0.00 = _______ ____ ___________ _____________ _____________ __________ Co-Rider S Signature ___ ____ Tickets fo or Go Pro Camera X $5.00 __ ______ _Adult Registrattions after 2-28 8-15 X $12.50 = __________ _ _______ Ple ease Make Checks Payable e To NC-H2 The Release form f Must be signed d by all reg gistrants a and return ned along with yourr check to o Terry Cham mbers 5112 Huxey G Glenn CT. Durham, N NC 27703 3