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PDF file - Tohoku University
Conte C ents Welcome W e addresss 22 Flloor map 33 Tiime tab ble 44 Prrogram 55 12th May ((Sun.) 5 13th May ((Mon.) 5 14th May ((Tue.) 7 th 15 May ((Wed.) 10 16th May ((Thu.) 11 Poster P 13tth May (M Mon.) 12 Poster P 14tth May (Thhu.) 18 Advvisory bboard F. Bég guin (France) U. Costantino (Italy) T. Eno oki (Japan) E. Frackowiak (Polannd) M. Kaanatzidis (USA)) F. Lero oux (France) P. Nov vak (Switzerlannd) J. Plan nk (Germany) S. Rab bii (USA) R. Ryo oo (Korea) K. Tan nigaki (Japan) J. H. Choy y (Korea) M. Endo (JJapan) G. Evans (China) ( F. Kang (C China) S. Kim (K Korea) T. Nakajim ma (Japan) D. O'Hare (UK) K. Prassides (UK) A. Rougier (France) O. Shornik kova (Russia) Loccal comm mittee Chairm man Katsumi Tanigaki ((Tohoku Univ.)) Region nal organizing ccommittee 255 Morrinobu Endo (SShinshu Univ.) Toshiaki Enoki (Tok kyo Institute off Technology) Tak kashi Kyotani (T Tohoku Univ.) Tsuy yoshi Nakajimaa (Aicchi Institute of T Technology) Plenary P leecture 225 Secrettary general & PPublic relations Keynote K 227 Invited I prresentationn 33 Oral O preseentation 440 Abstractss Hid dekazu Shimotan ani (Tohoku Uniiv.) Social events & Loca l arrangementss oshi Heguri (Toohoku Univ.) Sato Registration & Prograam Yoichi Tanabe (Tohhoku Univ.) Poster P preesentation I 665 On‐site managementt Poster P preesentation II 1001 Kan nagasekaran Thhangavel (Tohok ku Univ.) Fucai Liu (Tohokuu Univ.) Welcome address Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear colleagues and friend: It is our great pleasure to welcome all of you at Sendai in the 17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC17). On behalf of organizing committees of the International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, we feel our honor to have all of you here at Sendai in Japan. The symposium follows a series of very successful symposium, which started first in La Napoule, France in 1977. Later, the symposium is established as the current name of International symposium on Intercalation compounds at the symposium of Orleans, France 1991. ISIC takes place biennially, and the symposium in 2013 is the 17th occasion for us to be together and exchange ideas on the chemistry and the physics of intercalation and related compounds. The symposium covers the following themes of the intercalation compounds in a wide range of technology and science: y Intercalation compounds y Graphite, carbon, and graphene y Zeolites, inclusion compounds and related materials y Metallic hydrides y Nanomaterials including clathrates and clusters y Electrochemical functional materials (lithium battery, supercapacitors, fuel cell) y Hydrogen-storage materials y Cationic and anionic clays y Nano composites y Microporous and mesoporous materials y Biomaterials and drug delivery systems y Other layered materials: cationic and anionic clays, transition metal chalcogenides, oxides, phosphates, etc. y Host-guest interactions in confined space and cage compounds y Nano-composites and nano-technology y New materials science using nano space y Metal-organic frameworks and Latent porous complex. Sendai had been damaged by the earthquake and Tsunami on March 11th, 2011, and this was the most powerful earthquake known ever to have hit Japan. When the symposium place of ISIC17 was selected to be in Sendai, we were honestly anxious whether we can open the symposium under a good condition. Thanks to the support of many people from all over the world, the situation of north area of Japan around Sendai has become better than we thought to date. We are happy to show the present situation to the participants. We appreciate all helps that we have received, and are very willing to host all of you in Sendai now. We hope that all participants will enjoy scientific discussion as well as atmospheric hospitality in Sendai. ISIC17 is co-sponsored by The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Materials Research Society, The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society and The Carbon Society of Japan. Financial supports are given by Sendai Tourism & Convention Bureau, Foundation Advanced Technology Institute, Intelligent Cosmos Foundation and AIMR of Tohoku University. Many appreciations should be expressed to the regional and international organizing committee members for their intensive efforts in preparation of this symposium. I hope that all participants could find the symposium fruitful and inspiring for future researches and have an enjoyable stay in Sendai. Katsumi Tanigaki ISIC17 Organizing Committee AIMR and Grad School of Science, Tohoku University Flo oor m map h will be held in the Sendaai Internationaal Center. Oral sessions, pposter sessionns, and Lunch he 2nd floor. Alll rooms for thhe above sesssions are on th Th he floor map iis shown beloow. Time table 12th May (Sun.) 13th May (Mon.) 8:30 Registration 9:00 Opening 9:30 P-1 O. Zhou 14th May (Tue.) 15th May (Wed.) K-3 H. O. Pastore K-5 I-5 L. Marchese I-10 M. Terrones O-17 M. Pospisil O-18 J. Brendlé R. Nouchi O-38 C. L. Chiang O-39 T. Enoki O-19 N. Khaorapapong O-40 R. Matsumoto 10:00 I-1 Y. S. Lee Coffee break 10:30 11:00 11:30 Coffee break K-4 Y. Nozue Q. Zhou Q. Zhang I-6 S. S. Saxena M. Toyoda J. Akimoto O-21 H. Tou O-22 G. Rogez I-2 S. Shiraishi O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 12:00 O-20 T. Nakano O-23 T. Koretsune Y. Iwasa O-45 S. Zhang O-46 M. Kobayashi I-13 S. Heguri Coffee break Coffee break I-11 K. Sugawara K-6 I-12 K. Guerin I-14 K. Takai O-41 A. Ando O-42 S. J. Hwang O-47 T. Kaneko O-43 N. Sorokina O-44 S. Ionov Lunch Lunch 13:00 13:30 Poster Poster 14:00 14:30 K-1 C. J. Xu 15:00 O-5 O-6 N. Emery Y. Moritomo 15:30 O-7 O-8 K. Goto A. Fogg O-9 Y. Sugahara 16:00 O-10 H. Matsui 16:30 Registration 17:00 (Ark Hotel Sendai Aoba-dori) Coffee break I-4 J. M. Oh O-11 F. Kovanda 17:30 K-2 18:00 O-12 T. Taniguchi 18:30 Welcome reception 19:30 P-2 D. Arčon O-48 H. Hyodo O-49 Y. Takano Closing Lunch 12:30 19:00 16th May (Thu.) (Ark Hotel Sendai Aoba-dori) K. Kimura O-13 A. Nakayama O-14 M. Kawaguchi O-15 K. Harigaya O-16 K. Shirai MCIC Award lecture I-7 J. He O-24 Q. Wang O-25 T. Kameda O-26 Y. Feng O-27 J. Y. Uan O-28 J. Plank Excursion O-29 D. O'Hare O-30 J. H. Yang O-31 K. Lang Coffee break I-8 V. Zima I-9 R. Makiura O-32 M. Ogawa O-33 W. Y. Sun O-34 O. Shornikova O-35 T. Nakato O-36 N. Miyamoto O-37 C. Herold Banquet (Sendai Shozankan) Lunch Program 12th May (Sun.) 16:00-18:00 Registration Ark Hotel Sendai Aoba-dori, 2F 18:00-20:00 Welcome reception Ark Hotel Sendai Aoba-dori, The Grand Court 13th May (Mon.) 8:30-9:00 Registration Sendai International Center, 2F 9:00-9:20 Opening Chair: Katsumi Tanigaki P‐1 CNT x‐ray source array: from soot to cancer detection 9:20-10:00 Otto Zhou Dept. Physics and Astronomy, The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA I‐1 Boric acid modification of activated carbon for improvement of electrochemical capacitance 10:00-10:20 Young-Seak Lee, Min-Jung Jung, Da Young Lee, Hye-Ryeon Yu Dept. Applied Chemistry and Biological Engineering, Chungnam National Univ., Korea 10:20-10:40 Coffee break Chair: Tsuyoshi Nakajima I‐2 Graphite Fluoride‐Li Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitor 10:40-11:00 Soshi Shiraishi,1 Hiroyuki Fujimoto2 1 Grad School of Engineering, Gunma Univ., Japan; 2Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Japan O‐1 Low‐temperature plasma‐controlled synthesis of graphene decorated with Ni and NiO nanoparticles 11:00-11:15 with excellent supercapacitive performance Quan Zhou, Zongbin Zhao, Han Hu, Jieshan Qiu State Key Lab of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian Univ. of Technology, China O‐2 11:15-11:30 Layered double hydroxide derived graphene/nanotubes hybrids for advanced energy storage Qiang Zhang, Meng-Qiang Zhao, Jia-Qi Huang, Gui-Li Tian, Tian-Chi Chen, Fei Wei Dept. Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China O‐3 11:30-11:45 Discussion of intercalation behavior for the pitch‐based carbon fibers Yasuhiro Ouchi,1 Satoshi Ueda,2 Asami Takenaka,3 Taro Kinumoto,2 Tomoki Tsumura,2 Masahiro Toyoda2 1 Present Address; Kobelco Research Institute, Inc., Japan; 2Dept. Applied Chemistry, Oita Univ., Japan; 3 Present Address; Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd., Fuji Research Lab., Japan O‐4 11:45-12:00 Soft Chemical Synthesis and Electrochemical Li Insertion Properties of a Novel Lithium Ruthenium Oxide Junji Akimoto, Yukako Shimbe, Kunimitsu Kataoka, Mikito Mamiya National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 12:00-13:00 Lunch Sakura Hall PI‐1‐71 Poster session 13:00-14:30 Hagi Conference Hall Chair: Fabrice Leroux K‐1 Multivalent ion storage mechanism: A new strategy for energy storage 14:30-15:00 Chengjun Xu Grad School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua Univ., China O‐5 15:00-15:15 In Operando XRD study of Li7MnN4 upon Li extraction‐insertion: a reversible three‐phase mechanism Nicolas Emery,1 Eddie Panabière,1 Olivier Crosnier,3 Stéphane Bach,1,2 Thierry Brousse,3 Patrick Willmann,4 Jean-Pierre Pereira-Ramos1 1 ICMPE-Gesmat, UMR 7182 CNRS-UPEC, France; 2Univ. Evry Val d’Essonne, Dépt. Chimie, France; 3IMN, UMR 6502, France; 4CNES, France O‐6 Prussian blue analogues as promising cathode candidates for Li+ and Na+ secondary battery 15:15-15:30 Yutaka Moritomo, Tomoyuki Matsuda, Takachi Masamitsu Grad School of Pure and Applied Science, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan. O‐7 Solid State NMR Study of Sodium and Lithium Intercalated in Hard Carbon Electrode of Secondary 15:30-15:45 Battery Kazuma Gotoh,1 Saori Shimadzu,2 Naoaki Yabuuchi,2 Shinichi Komaba,2 Kazuyuki Takeda,3 Atsushi Goto,4 Kenzo Deguchi,4 Shinobu Ohki,4 Kenjiro Hashi,4 Tadashi Shimizu,4 Misato Izuka,1 Hiroyuki Ishida 1 1 Grad School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Applied Chem., Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan; 3Division of Chem., Kyoto Univ., Japan; 4National Institute for Materials Science, Japan O‐8 Anion exchange in cationic inorganic frameworks 15:45-16:00 Andrew M. Fogg, Helen V. Goulding, Alex P. Hill, Liesbeth L. Birchall Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Liverpool, U.K. O‐9 Reactions of Ion‐exchangeable Layered Perovskites with Organophosphorus Compounds 16:00-16:15 Yoshiyuki Sugahara,1,2 Akira Shimada,1 Nagisa Toihara,1 Yoriyoshi Yoneyama,1 Seiichi Tahara,3 P. H. Mutin4 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ., Japan; 3Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan; 4Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, Univ. Montpellier 2, France O‐10 Proton Conduction and NH4+‐Intercalation Effect in Water Nanotube of Molecular Porous Crystal 16:15-16:30 Hiroshi Matsui,1 Asahi Sugawara,1 Junro Fujikake,1 Makoto Tadokoro2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Chemistry, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan 16:30-16:50 Coffee break Chair: Kosmas Prassides I‐4 Biological behavior of drug‐nanomaterial hybrid with plasma proteins and blood cells 16:50-17:10 Hyoung-Mi Kim,1 Byung Chul Jung,2 Yoon Suk Kim,2 Jae-Min Oh1 1 Dept. Chemistry and Medical Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., Korea; 2Dept. biomedical laboratory science, Yonsei Univ., Korea O‐11 17:10-17:25 Intercalation of drugs poorly soluble in water into hydrotalcite‐like hosts František Kovanda, Kamila Ctiborová, Tereza Pastýříková Dept. Solid State Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic K‐2 The creation of alkali metal hexagonal boron nitride intercalation compounds 17:25-17:55 Atsuro Sumiyoshi1, Hiroshi Hyodo2, Yohei Sato3, Masami Terauchi3, Kaoru Kimura1 1 Dept. Advanced Material Science, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 2Dept. Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan; 3Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku Univ., Japan O‐12 Synthesis of hBN single crystals at high pressure and ambient pressure, and their properties 17:55-18:10 T. Taniguchi National Institute for Materials Science, Japan O‐13 Pressure‐induced structural‐change in hBN coexisting with hydrogen gas at room temperature 18:10-18:25 Atsuko Nakayama Niigata Univ., Japan O‐14 18:25-18:40 Preparation and Properties of Magnesium Intercalated BC2N Masayuki Kawaguchi,1 Hiromichi Ishikawa,1 Hiroyuki Enomoto,1 Yasuji Muramatsu2 1 Osaka Electro-Communication Univ., Japan; 2Univ. Hyogo, Japan O‐15 Presence of Edge States in BC2N nanoribbons with zigzag edges 18:40-18:55 Kikuo Harigaya,1 Tomoaki Kaneko2 1 AIST, Japan; 2NIMS, Japan O‐16 Electronic Nature of Defect States of Boron Crystals 18:55-19:10 K. Shirai, N. Uemura ISIR, Osaka Univ., Japan 14th May (Tue.) Chair: Makoto Ogawa K‐3 8:30-9:00 Lamellar Zeolites: what are they? H. O. Pastore, F. S. O. Ramos Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil I‐5 9:00-9:20 Luminescent intercalated materials for light harvesting and optoelectronic applications Leonardo Marches, Fabio Carniato and Chiara Bisio DISIT and Centro Interdisciplinare Nano-SiSTeMI, Univ. del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, Italy. O‐17 9:20-9:35 Molecular modeling of ZnS nanoparticles stabilized by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and intercalated into montmorillonite Miroslav Pospíšil,1 Petr Kovář,1 Petr Praus,2 Richard Dvorský,3 Petra Horínková2 1 Charles Univ. in Prague, Dept. Chemical Physics and Optics, Czech Republic; 2VŠB-Technical Univ. of Ostrava, Dept. Analytical Chemistry and Material Testing, Czech Republic; 3VŠB-Technical Univ. of Ostrava, Institute of Physics, Czech Republic O‐18 9:35-9:50 One step synthesis of functional talc‐like organic‐inorganic hybrids Jocelyne Brendlé,1 Marion Lacaud1,Véronique Bounor-Legaré,2 Mohamed Bahloul,2 Severinne Rigolet1 1 Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse CNRS UMR 7361, Univ. de Haute-Alsace, ENSCMu, France; 2 Univ. de Lyon 1, CNRS UMR5223, IMP@Lyon1, France O‐19 9:50-10:05 Adsorption of bis(8‐hydroxyquinoline)zinc(II) in smectites Patcharaporn Pimchan,1,2 Nithima Khaorapapong,1 Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan 10:05-10:25 Coffee break Chair: Shoji Yamanaka K‐4 Exotic Electronic Properties of Alkali Metal Clusters Arrayed in Zeolite Crystals 10:25-10:55 Takehito Nakano, Yasuo Nozue Dept. Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan I‐6 10:55-11:15 From quantum critical magnets to superconducting graphite Siddharth S. Saxena Quantum Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Univ. of Cambridge, United Kingdom O‐20 11:15-11:30 Instability of Antiferromagnetism and Insulator‐to‐Metal Transition in Alkali Metal Clusters Incorporated into Sodalite Takehito Nakano,1 Yuko Ishida,1 Takuji Ikeda,2 Yasuo Nozue1 1 Dept. Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan; 2AIST Tohoku, Japan O‐21 11:30-11:45 Rattling and Quantum‐Tunneling States of Heavy Ba ions in Type‐I Clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30 H. Tou,1 K. Sonoda,1 K. Furumoto,1 H. Kotegawa,1 K. Suekuni,2 M. A. Avila,3 T. Takabatake4 1 Dept. Physics, Kobe Univ., Japan; 2School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Japan; 3Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Univ. Federal do ABC, Brazil; 4Dept. Quantum Matter, ADSM and Institute for Advanced Material Research, Hiroshima Univ., Japan O‐22 11:45-12:00 From insertion to pseudomorphic replication of Prussian blue analogue nanoparticles using layered simple hydroxide reservoirs Guillaume Rogez,1 Marina Lang,1 Emilie Delahaye,1 Pierre Rabu1 1 Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, UMR CNRS-UdS 7504, France O‐23 Current‐induced orbital magnetism in a zeolite‐templated carbon system, C36H9 12:00-12:15 Takashi Koretsune,1 Ryotaro Arita,2,3 Hideo Aoki4 1 Dept. Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 2Dept. Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 3JST, PRESTO, Japan; 4Dept. Physics, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan 12:15-13:15 Lunch Sakura Hall PII‐1‐71 Poster session 13:15-14:45 Hagi Conference Hall Chair: Olga Shornikova I‐7 Intercalation Chemistry and Asymmetric Catalysts 14:45-15:05 Jing He State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China O‐24 15:05-15:20 Synthesis of high‐temperature CO2 adsorbents from organic anions intercalated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with markedly improved CO2 capture capacity Yanshan Gao, Qiang Wang College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry Univ., P. R. China O‐25 Uptake of metal ions from an aqueous solution using layered double hydroxide modified with 15:20-15:35 chelating agent Tomohito Kameda, Hidenori Takeuchi, Kazuaki Hoshi, Toshiaki Yoshioka Grad School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku Univ., Japan O‐26 Preparation and Performance against Thermo‐oxidative Degradation of Polypropylene of Anti‐oxidant 15:35-15:50 Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides Y. Jiang,1 Q. Huang,2 F.B. Zhang,2 S.T. Chen,2 Y.J. Feng,1 D.Q. Li1 1 State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China; 2 Synthetic Resin Laboratory, Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, China O‐27 Applications of optically transparent Li‐Al‐CO3 layered double hydroxide thin films on Mg alloy for 15:50-16:05 improving corrosion resistance and on InGaN light emitting diodes to increase light extraction efficiency Jun-Yen Uan,1 Chia-Feng Lin,1 Jia-Han Syu,1 Peng-Han Tsai,1 Zhi-Yu Lin1 1 Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan, ROC O‐28 16:05-16:20 Intercalation of Graphite Oxide into a Hydrocalumite type layered double hydroxide J. Plank,1 N. Zou,1 Z. Zhao2 1 Chair for Construction Chemicals, Dept. Chemistry, Technische Univ. München, Germany; 2Carbon Research Laboratory, Dalian Univ. of Technology, China O‐29 Synthesis of a Highly Dispersed Layered Double Hydroxides with High Surface Area and Porosity 16:20-16:35 Dermot O’Hare,1 Qiang Wang1,2 1 Chemistry Research Laboratory, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Oxford, UK; 1College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry Univ., China O‐30 Novel synthetic route of zinc gallium oxynitride from zinc gallium layered double hydroxide via urea 16:35-16:50 pyrolysis Jae-Hun Yang, Yi Rong Pei, and Jin-Ho Choy Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials(CINBM), Dept. Bioinspired Science and Dept. Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea O‐31 Nickel hydroxide nanosheets as building blocks for films with photophysical and electrochemical 16:50-17:05 properties Barbora Schneiderová,1 Jan Demel,1 Pavel Janda,2 Kamil Lang1 1 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i, Czech Republic; 2J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v.v.i., Czech Republic 17:05-17:25 Coffee break Chair: David G. Evans I‐8 Layered metal phosphonates as hosts in intercalation chemistry 17:25-17:45 Vítězslav Zima,1 Ludvík Beneš,2 Klára Melánová,1 Jan Svoboda1 1 Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, Czech Republic;2 Univ. of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic I‐9 17:45-18:05 Molecular nanotectonics at air/liquid Interfaces Rie Makiura1,2 1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center, Osaka Prefecture Univ., 2JST-PRESTO O‐32 Nanostructure design of intercalation compounds for molecular recognition 18:05-18:20 Makoto Ogawa1,2 1 Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Earth Sciences, Waseda Univ., Japan. O‐33 18:20-18:35 Porous Metal‐Organic Frameworks with Carboxylate and/or N‐Donor Ligands and their Adsorption Property Wei-Yin Sun Coordination Chemistry Institute, State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures, Nanjing Univ., China O‐34 18:35-18:50 Sorption Properties of Expanded Graphite Olga Shornikova, Veronika Osadchaya, Marat Lutfullin, Victor Avdeev Dept. Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia O‐35 18:50-19:05 Emulsions Stabilized by Photocatalytically Active Intercalation Compounds Teruyuki Nakato,1 Hiroaki Ueda,2 Sachika Hashimoto,2 Ryosuke Terao,2 Emiko Mouri1 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan; 2Grad School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Japan O‐36 Inorganic Nanosheet Liquid Crystals for Fabrication of Macroscopically Anisotropic Gels 19:05-19:20 Nobuyoshi Miyamoto,1 Yuichiro Kamachi,1,2 Syogo Ikeda,1 Takumi Inadomi,1 Morio Shintate,1 Yusuke Yamauchi1 1 Dept. Life, Environment, and Materials Science, Grad school of Fukuoka Institute Technology, Japan.; 2 International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan O‐37 19:20-19:35 Gold intercalates into graphite Mélissa Fauchard, Sébastien Cahen, Philippe Lagrange, Jean-François Marêché, Claire Hérold Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198, France 15th May (Wed.) Chair: Morinobu Endo K‐5 8:30-9:00 Metallic Electrode Contacts with Planar Atomic Sheets of Layered Materials Ryo Nouchi,1 Nobuhiko Mitoma,1,2 Tatsuya Saito,2 Katsumi Tanigaki2,3 1 N2RC, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 3WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan I‐10 9:00-9:20 Formation of N‐doped graphene and BN nanoribbons, and NbS2 sheets by intercalation/exfoliation routes Mauricio Terrones1, 2 1 Research Center for Exotic Nanocarbons (JST), Shinshu Univ., Japan; 2Dept. of Physics, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering and Materials Research Institute. The Pennsylvania State Univ., USA O‐38 9:20-9:35 Preparation, Thermal Stability and Electrical Properties of Epoxy/ Silane Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanosheets (GONs) Composites Ming-Yuan Shen,1 Yao-Hsing Huang,2 Huang-Wen Chou,3 Chin-Lung Chiang3 1 Dept. Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan; 2Dept. Cosmetics and Fashion Styling, Cheng Shiu Univ., Taiwan; 3Dept. Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Hung-Kuang Univ., Taiwan O‐39 9:35-9:50 Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Graphene Oxide and its Oxygen Concentration Dependence Vattakatturamakrishnan Rajeevkumar,1 Kazuyuki Takai,1 Si-Jia Hao,1 Hitoshi Hayashi2, Junichi Takashiro,1 Kiguchi Manabu,1 Toshiaki Enoki1 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Denso Corporation, Japan; 2Denso Corporation, Japan O‐40 9:50-10:05 Graphite intercalation compounds prepared from flexible graphite sheets exhibiting high air stability and electrical conductivity Rika Matsumoto,1 Yusuke Okabe,1 Masahiko Arakawa,1 Hiroshi Yoshida,1 Noboru Akuzawa2 1 Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan 10:05-10:25 Coffee break Chair: Vítězslav Zima I‐11 High resolution ARPES study of Ca intercalated bilayer graphene 10:25-10:45 Katsuaki Sugawara,1 K. Kanetani,2 T. Sato,2 R. Shimizu,1 K. Iwaya,1 T. Hitosugi,1 T. Takahashi1,2 1 WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan I‐12 10:45-11:05 Nanostructured iron trifluoride from the fluorination of iron silicide Katia Guérin,1 Nicolas Louvain,1 André Hamwi,1 Pierre Bonnet,1 Barbara Laik,2 Jean-Pierre Pereira-Ramos, Moulay-Tahar Sougrati3, Jean-Claude Jumas3, Patrick Willmann4 1 Clermont Univ., UBP, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR CNRS 6296, France; 2Univ.Paris Est Créteil, Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est, UMR CNRS 7182, France; 3Univ. Montpellier II, Institut Charles Gerhardt de Montpellier, UMR CNRS 5253, France; 4Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France O‐41 11:05-11:20 Layer‐by‐layer etching of MoS2 flakes during oxygen ashing process for fabrication of MoS2 transistors Rui Kanemura,1 Takahiro Mori,2 Noriyuki Uchida,2 Eiichiro Watanabe,3 Daijyu Tsuya,3 Satoshi Moriyama,3 Tatsuro Maeda,2 Noriyuki Miyata,2 Tetsuji Yasuda,2 Masatoshi Tanaka,1 Atsushi Ando2 1 Yokohama National Univ., Japan; 2AIST, Japan; 3NIMS, Japan O‐42 11:20-11:35 Exfoliated nanosheets of inorganic solids and graphene: useful building blocks for intercalative nanohybrids with various functions Seong-Ju Hwang Dept. Chemistry and Nano Sciences, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea O‐43 11:35-11:50 Pyrocarbon Deposition on Carbon Fibers Natalia Sorokina,1 Alexandr Tikhomirov,1 Artyom Malakho,1 Olga Shornikova,1 Boris Reznik2 1 Chemical Dept., Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia; 2Karlsruhe institute of technology (KIT), Institute for chemical technology and polymer chemistry, Germany O‐44 11:50-12:05 Electrophysical and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Composite Materials Ionov S.G.,1,2 Kalashnik A.V.1 1 Dept. Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia; 2Institute of New Carbon Materials and Technologies, Russia 12:05-13:25 Lunch Sakura Hall 13:25-19:00 Excursion 19:00-21:00 Banquet Sendai Shozankan 16th May (Thu.) Chair: Sohrab Rabii P‐2 Superconductivity in layered materials: Intercalation vs. field effect 8:30- 9:10 Yoshihiro Iwasa1,2, Jianting Ye1, Yuichi Kasahara1, Wu Shi1, Yijin Zhang1, Yu Saito1 1 Quantum-Phase Electronics Center and Dept. Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 2Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, Japan O‐45 Superconductivity of Rare‐Earth Metals Intercalated β‐form Metal Nitride Chloride MNCl (M: Zr, Hf) 9:10- 9:25 Shuai Zhang,1 Takahiro Onimaru,2 Toshiro Takabatake,2 Shoji Yamanaka1 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Hiroshima Univ., Japan; 2Grad School of Advanced Science of Matter, Hiroshima Univ., Japan O‐46 Synthesis and Physical Properties of Calcium‐intercalated Hexagonal Boron Nitride 9:25- 9:40 Mototada Kobayashi,1Takahiko Satoh,1Yuuma Kataoka,2 Satoshi Heguri3 1 Dept. Material Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Japan; 2Dept. Material Science, Univ. of Hyogo, Japan; 3Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan Mott state in alkali metal intercalated polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons I‐13 9:40-10:00 Satoshi Heguri,1 Quynh Thi Nhu Phan,2 Yoichi Tanabe,2 Hidekazu Shimotani,2 Katsumi Tanigaki1,2 1 WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan 10:00-10:20 Coffee break Chair: Takashi Kyotani K‐6 Antiferromagnetic Mott‐insulating and high‐temperature superconducting states in alkali fullerides: 10:20-10:50 two contrasting manifestations of strong electron correlations Denis Arčon,1,2 Anton Potočnik,1 Peter Jeglič,1 Alexey Y. Ganin,3 Yasuhiro Takabayashi,4 Ruth Zadik,4 Ross Colman,4 Martin T. McDonald,4 Matthew J. Rosseinsky,3 Kosmas Prassides4 1 Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; 2Faculty of mathematics and physics, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 3Dept. Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK; 4Dept. Chemistry, Durham University, UK I‐14 10:50-11:10 Chemical‐modification and Calorimetric study on the Magnetism of Nanographene Kazuyuki Takai Dept. Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan O‐47 11:10-11:25 High‐Efficient Plasma Synthesis of Nitrogen Endohedral Fullerene by Controlling Fullerene Configuration Toshiro Kaneko, Soon Cheon Cho, Rikizo Hatakeyama Dept. Electronic Eng., Tohoku Univ., Japan O‐48 11:25-11:40 Self‐compensation property and bonding conversion of V and Li or Mg co‐doped β‐rhombohedral boron Hiroshi Hyodo,1 Shouta Inoue,1 Hiroyuki Iseki,1 Kohei Soga,1 Kaoru Kimura2 1 Dept. Mater. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan; 2Dept. Adv. Mater. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan O‐49 11:40-11:55 Deintercalation induces superconductivity in Fe(Te,S) and Fe(Te,Se) system Yoshihiko Takano,1,2 Keita Deguchi1,2 1 National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan; 2Grad School of Pure and Applied Science, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan 11:55-12:05 Closing 12:05-13:25 Lunch Sakura Hall Poster 13th May (Mon.) PI‐1 Sp2 Nanocarbon/Sulfur Composites for High Performance Lithium Sulfur Batteries Jia-Qi Huang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaof-Fei Liu, Shu-Mao Zhang, Fei Wei Dept. Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China PI‐2 The structural response of K0.25V2O5 investigated by in situ XRD upon Li insertion‐extraction Nicolas Emery,1 Stéphane Bach,1,2 Rita Baddour-Hadjean,1 Jean-Pierre Pereira-Ramos1 1 ICMPE-Gesmat, UMR 7182 CNRS-UPEC, France; 2Univ. Evry Val d’Essonne, Dépt. Chimie, France PI‐3 Electrochemical Li‐ion intercalation in carbon nanosheets Yoshiyuki Hattori, Rikio Kojima, Eiichi Takagi, Toshiyuki Mori, Toshihisa Tanaka, Hidekazu Touhara Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu Univ., Japan PI‐4 Intrinsic rapid Na+ intercalation observed in NaxCoO2 thin film W. Kobayashi,1,2 T. Shibata1, Y. Moritomo1,2 1 Grad School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan; Interdisciplinary Materials Science (TIMS), Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan 2 Tsukuba Research Center for PI‐5 Nitrogen‐doped Electrospun Porous Carbon Nanofiber Webs as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries Ding Nan, Zheng-Hong Huang, Wanci Shen, Feiyu Kang School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China PI‐6 Defective Multiwalled carbon nanotube paper and its application for LIB anode material Haryo Satriya Oktaviano, Keiko Waki Dept. Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan PI‐7 Development of Efficient Carbon Anode Material for a High‐ Power and Long‐ Life Lithium Ion Battery Hiroyuki Fujimoto,1 Koichi Morita2 1 Energy Technology Laboratories, Osaka Gas Co., LTd. 2Osaka Gas Chemical Co., Ltd. PI‐8 Phase Equilibria in the Li─TiS2, Li─TiSe2 and Li─TiSSe Systems E.A. Suslov,1 O.V. Bushkova,1 A.N. Titov2 1 Institute of High-temperature Electrochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Metals Physics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 2 Institute of PI‐9 Electrochemical discharge mechanism of commercial graphite fluoride used as electrode in primary lithium batteries Katia Guérin,1 Zouina Karkar,1 Yasser Ahmad,1 Elodie Petit,1 Marc Dubois,1 André Hamwi,1 Patrick Bernard,2 Bernard Simon2 1 Clermont Univ.ersité, UBP, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR CNRS 6296, France; 2SAFT, FRANCE PI‐10 Combustion synthesized metal Pyrophosphate (Li2MP2O7) and Borate (LiMBO3) intercalation compounds for Lithium‐ion batteries Prabeer Barpanda, Yasunobu Yamashita, Tian Ye, Shin-ichi Nishimura, Sai-Cheong Chung, Yuki Yamada, Atsuo Yamada Dept. Chemical System Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan PI‐11 Pyrocarbon‐coating on mesocarbon microbeads and their anode properties for lithium ion batteries Hiroyasu Kondo,1 Akira Abe,1 Yoshimi Ohzawa,1 Tsuyoshi Nakajima,1 Alain Tressaud2 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan; 2ICMCB-CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux I, France PI‐12 Silicon‐coating on natural graphite for anode of lithium‐ion battery using chemical vapor deposition method Hiroshi Ito,1 Shunsuke Yamada,1 Yoshimi Ohzawa,1 Tsuyoshi Nakajima,1 Henri Groult2 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan; 2Laboratory of Electrolytes and Electrochemistry, Univ. of Pierre and Marie Curie, France PI‐13 Surface passivation of natural graphite for lithium ion battery by chlorine Satoshi Suzuki,1 Zoran Mazej,2 Boris Žemva,2 Yoshimi Ohzawa,1 Tsuyoshi Nakajima1 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan; 2Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia PI‐14 Electric‐double‐layer capacitance in few‐layer graphene Hidenori Goto,1,2 Eri Uesugi,1 Ritsuko Eguchi,1 Yoshihiro Kubozono1,2 1 Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Okayama Univ., Japan; 2Research Center of New Functional Materials for Energy Production, Storage and Transport, Okayama Univ., Japan PI‐15 Reductant‐free Reduced Graphenes by Radiolysis for Supercapacitors Myunggoo Kang, Dong Heon Lee, Hyun Jung Dept. Chemistry, Dongguk Univ.-Seoul Campus, Republic of Korea PI‐16 Coffee Grounds Activated Carbon Materials for Electric Double‐layer Capacitors Nobuhito Kamikuri,1 Yoshihiro Hamasuna,1 Daisuke Mishima,1 Daisuke Tashima,2 Seiji Kumagai,3 Masumi Fukuma4 1 Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 2Interdisciplinary Research Organization, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 3Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Akita Univ., Japan; 4Dept. Electrical Engineering, Matsue College of Technology, Japan PI‐17 Meso Porous Carbon Black Application for Electric Double‐layer Capacitors Tomohide Kishita,1 Daisuke Tashima,2 Seiji Maeno3, Yoshinobu Nagasawa,4 1 Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 2Interdisciplinary Research Organization, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 3Lion Akzo Corporation, Japan; 4Lion Corporation, Japan PI‐18 Three‐dimensional graphene/RuO2 macroassembly with high volumetric capacitance for supercapacitors Xiao-ying Xie,1 Ying Tao,1 Chen Zhang,1 Quan-Hong Yang1, 2 1 School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Univ., China; 2Engineering Laboratory for Functionalized Carbon Materials, Grad School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua Univ., China PI‐19 Preparing Catalyst Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Using Spraying Technique Naohiro Fujii,1 Ryohei Furusawa,1 Yuuki Urakawa,1 Akira Tomishima1, Daisuke Tashima2 1 Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 2Interdisciplinary Research Organization, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan PI‐20 Preparation of biofuel‐cell by using a carbon‐coated alumina film as an enzymatic electrode Yasuto Hoshikawa,1 Alberto Castro-Muñ iz,1 Hiroshi Komiyama,1 Wataru Nakayama,1 Takashi Kyotani,1 Tetsuji Itoh2 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2AIST Tohoku, Japan PI‐21 Synthesis and applications of anion exchangeable lanthanide hydroxide nanoparticles Andrew M. Fogg,1 Tom C. Jellicoe,1 Jennifer R. Rees,1 Lara Bogart,2 Raphael Levy2 1 Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Liverpool, U.K.; 2Institute of Integrative Biology, Univ. of Liverpool, U.K. PI‐22 Electron spectroscopic study of electronic structure of MgB4 Taiki Saito,1 Yohei Sato,1 Masami Terauchi,1 Hiroki. Saito,2 Masatoshi Takeda2 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka Univ. of Techinology, Japan PI‐23 TEM‐SXES study of electronic structures of metal‐B6 materials Masami Terauchi,1 Taiki Saito,1 Yohei Saito,1 Kaori Inayoshi,2 Masatoshi Takeda2 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka Univ. of Technology, Japan PI‐24 Mixed metal sulfides (ZnS‐MnS)‐montmorillonite hybrids prepared by solid‐solid reaction process Jirabhorn Kabilaphat,1 Nithima Khaorapapong,1 Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PI‐25 Intercalation Compounds in Ca‐montmorillonite: An Application as Sulfide ion Sensor Kemawadee Udomphan, Atchana Wongchaisuwat, Ladda Meesuk Dept. Chemistry, Kasetsart Univ., Thailand PI‐26 Preparation of pillared magadiites with soft pores Yusuke Yamauchi, Yoshiaki Matsuo Dept. Materials Science and Chemistry, Univ. of Hyogo, Japan PI‐27 Intercalation of candesartan into Mg‐Al hydrotalcite František Kovanda, Sandra Altalová, Lenka Seilerová Dept. Solid State Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic PI‐28 Binary Silica Nanoparticle Superlattices with ico‐AB13 Structure Y. Sakamoto,1 S. Toko,2 Y. Kuroda,3 T. Matsui,2 K. Kuroda4,5 1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Materials Science, Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan; 3Dept. Applied Chemistry, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 4Dept. Applied Chemistry, Waseda Univ., Japan; 5Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ., Japan PI‐29 Expandable Microsphere of a Layered Silicate Produced by Using Monodispersed Silica Particles Tomohiko Okada, Asuka Suzuki, Shiho Yoshido, Shozi Mishima Dept. Chem. & Mater. Eng., Shinshu Univ., Japan PI‐30 Adsorption of Tris(2,2'‐bipyridine)ruthenium(II) cation ([Ru(bpy)3]2+) on Layered Alkali Silicates, Octosilicates, Modified with Sulfonic Acid Group Minoru Sohmiya,1,2 Takanori Nakamura,1 Makoto Ogawa1,2 1 Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PI‐31 Preparation of phyllosilicate/alkylammonium/ethanolamine composites and X‐ray diffraction study under controlled relative humidity Kazuko Fujii, Hideo Hashizume, Shuichi Shimomura, Toshihiro Ando Adv. Mater. Process Unit, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan PI‐32 Layered Silicate Adsorbent as Excellent TiO2 Partner for Green Organic Synthesis Yusuke Ide,1 Masato Torii,2 Tsuneji Sano2 1 World Premier International (WPI) Research Center, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan; 2Dept. Applied Chemistry, Hiroshima Univ., Japan PI‐33 Optical Conductivity Spectra of Type‐VIII Clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30 K. Iwamoto,1 T. Mori,1 S. Kajitani,1 H. Matsumoto,1 N. Toyota,1 K. Suekuni,2 M. A. Avila,2 Y. Saiga,2 T. Takabatake2,3 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Quant. Matt., ADSM, 3Inst. Adv. Mater. Res., Hiroshima Univ., Japan PI‐34 High Temperature Electrical Transport Properties Measurement Apparatus for Thermoelectric Clathrate Material Dwi Prananto,1 Jiazhen Wu,1 Satoshi Heguri,1 Yo'ichi Tanabe,2 Hidekazu Shimotani,1 Katsumi Tanigaki1,2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PI‐35 Shielding properties of multi‐component epoxy composites L. Vovchenko,1 L. Matzui,1 V. Oliynyk,2 V. Launetz,2 Yu. Perets,1 A. Brusilovets3 1 Dept. Physics, 2RadioPhysics and 3Chemistry, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Univ., Ukraine PI‐36 Liquid Phase Synthesis of Multiple Sandwich Organoeuropium Complexes and their Physical Properties Takashi Tsuji,1 Suguru Fukazawa,1 Rion Sugiyama,1 Natsuki Hosoya,1 Hironori Tsunoyama,1,2 Atsushi Nakajima1,2 1 Dept. Chemistry, Keio Univ., Japan; 2ERATO, Japan Science and Thechnology Agency(JST), Japan PI‐37 High energy‐resolution EELS and SXES studies of characteristic chemical shifts of AlReSi approximant crystalline alloys Shogo Koshiya,1 Masami Terauchi,1 Yoshiki Takagiwa,2 Kohei Yamada,3 Ikuzo Kanazawa,3 Kaoru Kimura2 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Advanced Materials Science, the Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 3Dept. Physics, Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Japan PI‐38 Molecular Structure of an Intercalated Non‐Ionic Surfactant in Synthetic and Natural Montmorillonite Régis Guégan,1 Sylvian Cadars,2 Mounesha N. Garaga,2 Franck Fayon,2 Lydie Le Forestier,1 Xavier Bourrat,3 Dominique Massiot2 1 ISTO, UMR 7327, CNRS-Univ. d’Orléans, France; 2CEMHTI, CNRS UPR3079, Univ. d’Orléans, France; 3BRGM, France PI‐39 Intercalative route to oxynitride type defect perovskites Sr1‐x(LixTa1‐x)(O,N)3‐y (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) Jung-Mi Kim, Young-Il Kim Dept. Chemistry, Yeungnam Univ., Republic of Korea PI‐40 Comparison of Intracellular Uptake Efficiency for Silica and Polyethyleneglycol Coated Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles Dong Heon Lee,1 Myunggoo Kang,1 Hong Jai Lee,4 Jeong Ah Kim,4 Yun-Kyong Choi,2 Hyunjin Cho,3 Jung-Keug Park,2 Tai Hyun Park,4 Hyun Jung1 1 Dept. Chemistry; 2Dept. Medical Biotechnology; 3Dongguk Univ. Research Institute of Biotechnology, Republic of Korea; 4School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National Univ., Republic of Korea PI‐41 Structure, Morphology and Dielectric Properties of Doped Nickel Oxide Materials Bualan Khumpaitool,1 Jinda Khemprasit1 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand PI‐42 Electron density and electric structure study of monoclinic Li2TiO3 Kunimitsu Kataoka, Junji Akimoto National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan PI‐43 Intracellular dynamic state of the fluorescent layered double hydroxide nanocomposite Miyuki Tanaka,1 Sumio Aisawa,2 Hidetoshi Hirahara,2 Eiichi Narita,2 Qiang Dong,1 Shu Yin,1 Tsugio Sato1 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Grad. Sch. Engn., Iwate Univ., Japan PI‐44 A chemical precursor mediated process to control metal nanoparticle formation using layered double hydroxides as precursors Qiang Zhang, Meng-Qiang Zhao, Gui-Li Tian, Jia-Qi Huang, Fei Wei Dept. Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China PI‐45 Time dependent substitution of Mg2+ in Mg2Al(OH)6(CO3)0.5 layered double hydroxide with Co2+ at room temperature and hydrothermal condition Tae-Hyun Kim1, Jee-Yeong Lee1, Seung-Min Paek2, Jae-Min Oh1 1 Dept. Chemistry and Medical Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., South Korea; 2Dept. Chemistry, Kyungpook National Univ., Korea PI‐46 Study on in vitro Toxicity of Bio‐compatible CaFe Layered Double Hydroxide Nano Particles Su Yeon Kim,1 Ahmad Imran,1 Dae-Hwan Park,1 Jaeyong Cho,1 Chul Hyun Yo,2 and Jin-Ho Choy1 1 Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials(CINBM), Dept. Bioinspired Science and Dept. Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea; 2 KISI ReSEAT program senior fellow, Korea PI‐47 Hydrogen Adsorption of Li‐Al Layered Double Hydroxide with arylate and acetate anions Yu-Wei Huang, Soofin Cheng 1 Dept. Chemistry, National Taiwan Univ., R.O.C. PI‐48 Saturated fatty acid interleaved LDH hybrid filler dispersed into poly(butylene)succinate Mohammed Hennous,1,2 Antoine Dalod,1 Laura Sisti,3 Grazia Totaro,3 Zoubir Derriche,2 Annamaria Celli,3 Christian Coehlo,1 Vincent Verney,1 Fabrice Leroux1 1 Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, UMR 6296, Blaise Pascal Univ., France; 2Laboratoire de physico chimie des Matériaux, Oran Univ., Algeria; 3Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali, Bologna Univ., Italy PI‐49 ZnO/ZnAl2O4 based on layered double hydroxides for ethanol‐sensing Mei-Yu Guan, Yu-Fei Song, Ying Guo State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resourced Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P. R. China PI‐50 Synthesis of high purity few‐walled carbon nanotubes using a [Fe(CN)6]3–‐intercalated Mg‐Al layered double hydroxide catalyst precursor by catalytic chemical vapor deposition of methane Tingting Sun, Guoli Fan, Feng Li State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P.R.China PI‐51 Enhanced and Preferential Photocatalytic Degradation of Scalable ZnO/ZnAl2O4 Microsphere Derived from Layered Double Hydroxide Precursor Spray‐Dried Microspheres Ruijie Huo, Zhiping Zhao, Ye Kuang, Fazhi Zhang, Sailong Xu State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PI‐52 Effect of Layer Band Gap and Shape on the UV Resistance Property of Layered Double Hydroxides Guirong Wang, Kaitao Li, Yanjun Lin State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PI‐53 Intercalation of pravastatin sodium and nateglinide into layered double hydroxide for the remediation of hygroscopicity Aki Hayashi, Mai Kubota, Miki Okamura, Hirokazu Nakayama Dept. Functional Molecular Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ., Japan PI‐54 Synthesis of biomolecule‐modified 5‐fluorouracil‐intercalated layered double hydroxide and its cytotoxicity Sumio Aisawa, Jun Kumasaka, Satoshi Takahashi, Hidetoshi Hirahara, Eiichi Narita Dept. Frontier Mater. and Func. Eng., Iwate Univ., Japan PI‐55 Hierarchically Porous Graphene Generated within the Layers of Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) and Its Application for Electrochemical Energy Storage Jie Sun, Juan Wang, Xueqi Zhang, Yanluo Lu, Wensheng Yang State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P.R.China PI‐56 Highly dispersed carbon‐supported Pd catalysts and enhanced catalytic performance for hydrodechlorination of chlorobenzene Chunshi Nan, Guoli Fan, Feng Li State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P.R.China PI‐57 Highly dispersed Pd catalyst supported on hydrotalcite for selective acetylene hydrogenation Yufei He, Junting Feng, Dianqing Li State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PI‐58 Hydrotalcite‐supported Pt nanocrystals synthesized by a mild solution method for selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde in neat water Xu Xiang, Lisha Xie, Ying Li State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PI‐59 Highly Selective and Efficient Oximation of Aldehydes by Reusable Heterogeneous Sandwich‐type Polyoxometalate Catalyst Shen Zhao, Yu-Fei Song State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P. R. China PI‐60 Structural and electrochemical characteristics of pyrocarbon‐coated natural graphite powders with different particle size using pressure‐pulsed chemical vapor deposition technique Yoshimi Ohzawa,1 Shota Yokoyama,1 Tsuyoshi Nakajima,1 Alexander M. Panich,2 Alexander I. Shames 2 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan; 2Dept. Applied Chemistry, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Israel PI‐61 Materials properties and electrochemical performance of micro‐ and mesoporous activated carbon produced from agricultural waste of rice husk Seiji Kumagai,1 Yusuku Miura,1 Masashi Sato,1 Nobuhito Kamikuri,2 Yoshihiro Hamasuna,2 Daisuke Mishima,2 Daisuke Tashima3 1 Dept. Electrical & Electronic Eng., Akita Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Electrical & Electronic Eng., Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan; 3Interdisciplinary Research Organization, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan PI‐62 Solid State NMR Study of Dynamics of Intercalated Molecules in Donor‐type GICs Kazuma Gotoh,1 Kazuya Fujiwara,1 Tosapol Maluangnont,2 Michael M. Lerner,2 Motohiro Mizuno,3 Hiroyuki Ishida1 1 Grad School of Natural Science & Technology, Okayama Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Chem., Oregon State Univ., USA; 3 Grad School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa Univ., Japan PI‐63 A versatile, highly compressible and superhydrophobic grapheme/polymer hybrid monolith Han Hu, Zongbin Zhao, Quan Zhou, Jieshan Qiu Carbon Research laboratory, Liaoning Key Lab for Energy Materials and Chemical Engineering, State Key Lab of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian Univ. of Technology, P. R. China PI‐64 Cellular interaction of chemically modified graphene oxide nanosheets Hyoung-Mi Kim1, Kitae Ryu2, Kyunghwan Kim2, Tae-il Kim2*, Jae-Min Oh1* 1 Dept. Chemistry and Medical Chemistry, Yonsei Univ., Korea; 2Dept. Biosystems and Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Seoul National Univ., Korea PI‐65 X‐ray Profiles of Chiral Single‐walled Carbon Nanotubes Haruka Kyakuno,1 Shin Tadera,1 Yusuke Nakai,1 Yasumitsu Miyata,1 Kazuhiro Yanagi,1 Hiromichi Kataura,2,3 Yutaka Maniwa1,3 1 Dept. Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan; 2Nanosystem Research Institute (NRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan; 3JST, CREST, Japan PI‐66 Effects of chemical oxidation on the hydrophilicity and adsorption selectivity of activated electrospun carbon nanofibers Yu Bai, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang Lab of Advanced Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China PI‐67 Electric transport in multilayer graphene interconnects and resistance reduction by intercalation Hisao Miyazaki,1 Masayuki Katagiri,1 Yuichi Yamazaki,1 Mariko Suzuki,1 Naoshi Sakuma,1 Ryosuke Kosugi,2 Kazuya Imazeki,2 Kazuyoshi Ueno,2 Akihiro Kajita,1 Tadashi Sakai1 1 Low-power Electronics Association & Project, Japan; 2Grad. Sch. of Eng. and Sci., Shibaura Inst. of Tech., Japan PI‐68 Anisotropy Evaluation of Carbon Films with Controlled Perpendicular/Parallel Orientation of Carbon Layers synthesized from BBL Polymer Genki Odahara,1 Yasushi Soneda,1 Noriko Yoshizawa,1 Masaya Kodama1 1 Ene.Tech.Res.Inst., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan PI‐69 Frequency Dependence of Electrical Conductivity of Carbon‐Polymer Composites Yu.S. Perets, L.Yu. Matzui, L.L. Vovchenko, V.V. Kozachenko, O.A. Lazarenko Dept. Physics, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Univ., Ukraine PI‐70 The influence of structural phase transitions in the intercalant layers on the kinetic properties of graphite intercalation compounds with iodine and antimony chlorides and bromine Iryna Ovsiienko,1 Liudmyla Matzui,1 Liudmyla Vovchenko,1 Oleksandra Lazarenko,1 Denis Matsuy,1 Oleksii Brusilovetz2 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Univ., Dept. Physics1 and Chemestry2, Ukraine PI‐71 Determination of ground state in potassium intercalated polyacenes Quynh Phan T. N.,1 Satoshi Heguri,2 Yoichi Tanabe,1 Hidekazu Shimotani,1 Katsumi Tanigaki1,2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PI‐72 Synthesis of K‐doped armchair type polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Yuki Matsuda,1 Satoshi Heguri,2 Quynh Thi Nhu Phan,1 Katsumi Tanigaki12 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan Poster 14th May (Tue.) PII‐1 Vanadium supported on mixed Molybdenum‐Titanium Pillared Clay catalysts for the low temperature SCR‐NO by NH3 Jihene Arfaoui,1 Abdelhamid Ghorbel,1 Carolina Pettito,2 Gerard Delahay2 1 Dépt. Chimie, Faculté des Sciences de. Tunis. Campus Universitaire Tunisia.; 2Institut Charles Gerhardt, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier, France PII‐2 Fabrication of superhydrophobic polymer coated fluorescent [Eu(Phen)2]3+‐laponite nano‐composite for latent fingerprint detection Seung-Jin Ryu,2,3 Aran Kim,1 Jin-Kyu Lee,2 Hyun Jung1 1 Dept. Chemistry, Dongguk Univ., Korea; 2Dept. Chemistry, Seoul National Univ., Korea; 3National Forensic Service, Korea PII‐3 Delamination of organotalc by PAMAM Dendrimer Marcos A. S. Andrade Jr.,1 Heloise O. Pastore2 1 Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil PII‐4 Intercalation of protonated polyethylenimine (PEI) into magadiite Rômulo B. Vieira,1 Heloise O. Pastore1 1 Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil PII‐5 Organoalkylammonium AlPO‐kanemite‐intercalated zirconocene: activity in polymerization of ethylene Aline Cristiane dos Ouros,1 Michèle Oberson de Souza,2 Heloise O. Pastore1 1 Micro and Mesoporous Molecular Sieves Group, Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil; 2Laboratory of Reactivity and Catalysis, Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil PII‐6 Selective Desorption of Bovine Serum Albumin by Organic Modified Montmorillonite Tsung-Yen Tsai, Chao-Chen Hsu, Shih-Sin Huang Dept. Chemistry and Center for Nanotechnology, Chung Yuan Christian Univ, Taiwan, R.O.C. PII‐7 Synthesis of Zinc Selenide in Montmorillonite by Hydrothermal Method Sonchai Intachai,1Nithima Khaorapapong,1Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept.Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐8 ZnS‐MnS‐Montmorillonite Hybrid Prepared by Solid‐Solid Reaction Process Jirabhorn Kabilaphat,1 Nithima Khaorapapong,1 Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐9 Adsorption of tris(8‐hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III) in saponite Patcharaporn Pimchan,1,2 Nithima Khaorapapong,1 Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐10 Lower temperature synthesis of a lepidocrocite type layered titanate for improved photocatalytic reactivity Shota Igarashi,1 Masashi Morita,1 Soh Sato,1 Makoto Ogawa1, 2 1 Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Earth Sciences, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐11 Two Dimensional Size Controlled Interlayer Space of Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)‐smectite Composite for Cationic Dye Immobilization Minoru Sohmiya,1,2 Shingo Omata2, Yuki Sawanaka2 and Makoto Ogawa1,2 1 Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Earth Sciences, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐12 Exfoliated Nanosheets of Transition Metal‐Doped Layered Titanates and Their Intercalative Nanohybrids Showing Highly Efficient Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity Hyung Bin Jin, Seong-Ju Hwang Dept. Chemistry and Nano Sciences, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea PII‐13 Fluoride ‐ Graphite intercalation compound as a precursor for the preparation of graphene Yasser Ahmad, Marc Dubois, Katia Guérin, André Hamwi Clermont Univ., UBP, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, France PII‐14 Cobalt Oxide‐Silica Hybrid Jirasak Gamonchuang,1 Nithima Khaorapapong,1 Makoto Ogawa2 1 Dept. Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand; 2 Dept. Earth Sciences and Grad School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐15 [V,Al]‐magadiite: A bifunctional acid/redox layered silicate Hipassia M. Moura, Heloise O. Pastore Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil PII‐16 Aminopropyl‐magnesium phyllosilicate monolith: A novel design of supported materials Karine O. Moura, Heloise O. Pastore Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil PII‐17 Photodecomposition of methylorange by TiO2 pillared layered silicates nanohybrid Jae-Hun Yang, Gain Kim, Yi Rong Pei, and Jin-Ho Choy Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials(CINBM), Dept. Bioinspired Science and Dept. Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea PII‐18 Formation of RUB‐24 through Interlayer Condensation of Protonated Layered Octosilicate in N‐methylformamide Shimon Osada,1,2 Nami Hosaka,1 Taichi Terasawa,1 Yusuke Asakura,1 Kazuyuki Kuroda1,2 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Kagami Memorial Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐19 Formation of AST‐type Zeolite by Interlayer Condensation of β‐Helix Layered Silicate Ryosuke Takayama,1 Yusuke Asakura,1 Toshimichi Shibue,2 Kazuyuki Kuroda1, 3 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Materials Characterization Central Laboratory, Waseda Univ., Japan; 3Kagami Memorial Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐20 Conversion of Layered Silicate RUB‐51 Silylated with SiCl4 to a Microporous Material Yusuke Asakura,1 Kazuyuki Kuroda1,2 1 Dept. Applied Chemistry, Waseda Univ., Japan; 2Kagami Memorial Research Institute for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ., Japan PII‐21 High Pressure Synthesis and Structural Characterization of the Type II Clathrate Compound Na30Si136 Encapsulating Two Sodium atoms in the Silicon Polyhedral Cages Shoji Yamanaka, Masaya Komatsu, Masashi Tanaka, and Kei Inumaru Hiroshima Univ., Japan PII‐22 Low Temperature Specific Heat Study on Type I Clathrates Jiazhen Wu,1 Jingtao Xu,2 Dwi Prananto,1 Hidekazu Shimotani,1 Yoichi Tanabe,2 Satoshi Heguri,1 Katsumi Tanigaki1,2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐23 Magnetic Sponge Prepared with an Alkanedithiol‐Bridged Network of Co‐Pd Alloy Nanoparticle Yoshikazu Ito,1,2 Akira Miyazaki,3 Kazuyuki Takai,1 Vajiravelu Sivamurugan,4 Takashi Maeno,5 Takeshi Kadono,6 Masaaki Kitano,7 Yoshihiro Ogawa,5 Naotake Nakamura,8 Michikazu Hara,6,7 Suresh Valiyaveettil,4 Toshiaki Enoki1 1 Dept. Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 3Dept. Environmental Applied Chemistry, Univ. of Toyama, Japan; 4Dept. Chemistry, National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore; 5Dept. Chemistry, Kumamoto Univ., Japan; 6Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Japan; 7Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; 8Dept. Applied Chemistry, Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan PII‐24 Vibrational Properties on Al Based Hydrides Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering T. Sato,1 A.J. (Timmy) Ramirez-Cuesta,2 K. Tomiyasu,3 K. Ikeda,4 S. Orimo,1,5 K. Yamada1,4 1 Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, U.K.; 3Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 4Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan; 5WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐25 Synthesis and Characterizations of YMn2H6 Guanqiao Li,1 Motoaki Matsuo,1 Daiju Matsumura,2 Yasuo Nishihata,2 Shigeyuki Takagi,1 Kazutoshi Miwa,1 Shin-ichi Orimo1,4 1 Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Quantum Beam Research Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; 3Toyota Central R&D Laboratories, Inc., Japan; 4WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐26 Electroluminescent devices based on junctions of SRO with ZnO:In. F. Severiano Carrillo,1 G. García Salgado,2 L. Castañeda Aviña1 1 Instituto de Física "Ing. Luis Rivera Terrazas" Av. San Claudio y 18 Sur, Ciudad Universitaria, Pue. México. 2 Centro de en dispositivos semiconductores ICUAP. 14 Sur y San Claudio, Ciudad Universitaria, Pue. México PII‐27 2D to 3D structures: hydrothermal transformation of Na‐RUB‐18 into mordenite (MOR) zeolite F. S. O. Ramos, E. C. O. Munsignatti, H. O. Pastore Micro and Mesoporous Molecular Sieves Group, Institute of Chemistry, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil PII‐28 Optical Properties of Electrons Confined in Main Channels of Zeolite L Loaded with Potassium Pham Tan Thi, Takehito Nakano, Yasuo Nozue Dept. Physics, Grad School of Science, Osaka Univ, Japan PII‐29 Optical and Magnetic Properties of Potassium Clusters in Zeolite P Gayan Prasad Hettiarachchi,1 Takehito Nakano,1 Yusuke Masaki,1 Mohd Nazlan Mohd Muhid,2 Halimaton Hamdan,2 Yasuo Nozue1 1 Dept. Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan; 2Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia PII‐30 Magnetic Properties of Na‐K Alloy Clusters Incorporated in Low‐Silica X Zeolite at Higher Na‐concentrations Luu Manh Kien, Teruo Goto, Duong Thi Hanh, Takehito Nakano, Yasuo Nozue Dept. Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan PII‐31 NMR Property of Rb‐Atom‐Loaded Sodalite with Extra‐Frame Cations of K and Rb Mutsuo Igarashi,1 Takehito Nakano,2 Atsushi Goto,3 Kenjiro Hashi,3 Shinobu Ohki,3 Tadashi Shimizu,3 Yuko Ishida,2 Atsufumi Hanazawa,2 Yasuo Nozue2 1 Gunma National College of Technology, Japan; 2Dept. Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan; 3National Institute for Materials Science, Japan PII‐32 Enhanced catalytic performances of Ag nanoparticles supported on layered double hydroxide for styrene epoxidation Zhongqiang Liang, Xiaotong Wang, Sailong Xu, Fazhi Zhang State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PII‐33 Layer‐by‐Layer Assembly of Na9 [EuW10O36]∙32H2O and Layered Double Hydroxides Leading To Ordered Ultra‐Thin Films: Cooperative Effect and Orientation Effect Yu-Fei Song, Xiaoting Wang State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, P. R. China PII‐34 Functionalization of hybrid layered simple hydroxides : the post‐synthesis modification approach Guillaume Rogez, Marina Lang, Oleg Palamarciuc, Emilie Delahaye, Pierre Rabu Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, UMR CNRS-UdS 7504, France PII‐35 One‐Dimensional ZnS/benzoic acid Composite Nanofibers Derived from Layered Zinc Hydroxide and Their Application in Photocatalysis Shuang Yue, Lianying Wang, Shuangxia Yang, Xiaodi Guo, Jing He Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PII‐36 Solid‐state synthesis of carbon nanotubes and carbon/cobalt nanostructures with surface functionality from layered double hydroxide and applications in water treatment Shuangxia Yang, Lianying Wang, Shuang Yue, Xiaodi Guo, Jing He Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PII‐37 Layered Cobalt Hydroxide Nanofibers: Facile Synthesis, Characterization, and Formation Mechanism Xiaodi Guo, Lianying Wang, Shuang Yue, Shuangxia Yang, Jing He Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PII‐38 Uptake of borate ion from aqueous solution by Mg‐Al layered double hydroxides J. Oba,1 T. Kameda,1 T. Yoshioka1 1 Grad School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐39 Removal of chromium and selenium by Fe2+ doped Mg‐Al layered double hydroxides Eisuke Kondo,1 Tomohito Kameda,1 Toshiaki Yoshioka1 1 Grad school of Environmental studies, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐40 Adsorption mechanisms of substituted phenols onto a organically modified Layered Double Hydroxide Tomomi Uchiyama,1 Tomohito Kameda,1 Toshiaki Yoshioka1 1 Grad school of Environmental studies, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐41 Assembly and Property Study of Acid Red 6 and Acid Blue 25 Cointercalated Layered Double Hydroxides Pinggui Tang, Yongjun Feng, Dianqing Li State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Univ. of Chemical Technology, China PII‐42 Synthesizing Li‐Al layered double hydroxide film on aluminum substrate by electrochemical deposition method in ambient atmosphere Wei-Chung Liao,1 Jun-Yen Uan1 1 Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan, ROC PII‐43 Formation of Mg(Ni)–Fe(Cr)–CO3 LDH on SUS–316L stainless steel and corresponding protection against corrosion by the coating Chieh-Hung Chen,1 Jun-Yen Uan1 1 Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan, ROC PII‐44 Experimental Evidence for the Formation of CaAl – Polycarboxylate – LDH During Actual Hydration of Calcium Alumina Cement by Using SAXS Analysis Johann Plank,1 Serina Ng,1 Ezzeldin Metwalli,2 Peter Müller-Buschbaum2 1 Dept. Chemistry, Technische Univ. München, Germany; 2Physik-Department, Technische Univ. München, Germany PII‐45 Synthesis of Ca2Al‐LDHs via non‐ionic surfactant reverse micelles Anchalee Wongariyakawee, Dermot O’Hare Chemistry Research Laboratory, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Oxford, UK PII‐46 Polypropylene / layered double hydroxide nanocomposites with enhanced thermal stability Wei Zhang, Jae-Hun Yang, and Jin-Ho Choy Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials(CINBM), Dept. Bioinspired Science and Dept. Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea PII‐47 Anionic Charge Effect of Guest molecules on Crystallinity of Adenosine Phosphate derivatives Intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides Su Yeon Kim, Yirong Pei, Jae-Hun Yang, Jin-Ho Choy Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials (CINBM), Dept. Bioinspired Science and Dept. Chemistry and Nano Science, Ewha Womans Univ., Korea PII‐48 Amino acid‐ mediated synthesis of NiAl Layered Double Hydroxide Azzam Faour, Fabrice Leroux, Christine Taviot-Guého, Vanessa Prevot Clermont Univ., Univ. Blaise Pascal, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, France; CNRS, UMR 6296, France PII‐49 Flexible Electrodes Based on Carbon Nanotube Papers as High Stable Electrode for Lithium‐ion Battery Jia-Qi Huang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaof-Fei Liu, Shu-Mao Zhang, Fei Wei Dept. Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China PII‐50 Liquid crystal phases of layered perovskite nanosheets with varied layer thickness Shinya Yamamoto,1 Yasuo Ebina,2 and Takayoshi Sasaki,2 Nobuyoshi Miyamoto1 1 Dept. Life, Environment, and Materials Science, Japan.; 2International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan PII‐51 Structure and morphology of graphite nanoplatelets depending on preparation conditions Matzui L.Yu.,1 Vovchenko L.L.,1 Lazarenko O.A.,1 Perets Yu.S,1 Shames A.I,2 Matsuy V.I.3 1 Dept. Physics, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Univ., Ukraine; 2Dept. Physics, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Israel; 3Institute of Physics of Metals by D.V. Kurdumov NASU Bul. Acad. Vernadskogo, Ukraine PII‐52 Self‐assemblies of single‐walled carbon nanotubes through an intercalation‐dispersion process Emeline Remy,1 Alexandre Desforges,1 Claire Hérold,1 Jean-François Marêché,1 Sébastien Fontana,1 Fabrice Valsaque,1 Sébastien Cahen,1 Jaafar Ghanbaja,1 Jérôme Gleize,2 Brigitte Vigolo1 1 Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS - Univ.ersité de Lorraine, France; 2Laboratoire de Chimie Physique - Approche Multi-échelle de Milieux Complexes, Univ.ersité de Lorraine, France PII‐53 Hybridization of graphene and amphiphilic polymer at Liquid‐Air Interface for functionalized composite membranes Si-Da Wu,1 Wei Lv,2 Quan-Hong Yang1,2 1 School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin Univ., China; 2Engineering Laboratory for Functionalized Carbon Materials, Grad School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua Univ., China PII‐54 Preparation, Characterization and Thermal Property of HDPE/Sulfur‐Free Expandable Graphite Composites Ming-Yuan Shen,1,2 Chen-Feng Kuan,3 Hsu-Chiang Kuan,3 Chia-Hsun Chen,4 Ming-Chuen Yip,1 Tai-Ying Liu,5 Chin-Lung Chiang5 1 Dept. Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan; 2Plastic Industry Development Center, Taiwan; 3Dept. Computer Application Engineering, Far East Univ., Taiwan; 4Dept. Material Science and Engineering, Far East Univ., Taiwan; 5Dept. Safety, Hung-Kuang Univ., Taiwan PII‐55 High‐resolution ARPES study of oxygen‐adsorbed graphene Toru Takahashi,1 K. Sugawara2 T. Sato1, T. Takahashi1,2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan ; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐56 Alkali‐Metal Intercalated Bilayer Graphene Studied by ARPES James Kleeman,1 K. Sugawara,2 T. Sato,1 T. Takahashi1,2 1 Dept. Physics, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ., Japan PII‐57 Bader charge analysis of hydrogenated graphene with a vacancy Sunnardianto Gagus Ketut, Koichi Kusakabe Dept.Materials Engineering Science, Osaka Univ., Japan PII‐58 Intercalated graphite modification by phosphoric and acetic acids Maksimova N.V., Saidaminov M.I., Komarov A.D., Sorokina N.E., Avdeev V.V. Dept. Chemistry, Moscow State Univ., Russian Federation PII‐59 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of evolved gases during thermal decomposition of intercalated graphite Saidaminov M.I., Maksimova N.V., Myasnyankina V.V., Malacho A.P. Dept. Chemistry, Moscow State Univ., Russian Federation PII‐60 Porous structure of exfoliated graphite‐pyrocarbon composites Alexandr Tikhomirov, Natalia Sorokina, Kirill Skrypnik, Artyom Malakho, Victor Avdeev Chemistry Dept., Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia PII‐61 Thermal transport properties of various exfoliated graphite monoliths Stanislav Filimonov, Natalia Sorokina, Nikolay Yaschenko, Artyom Malakho, Victor Avdeev. Chemical Department.,Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia PII‐62 Thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of exfoliated graphite‐pyrocarbon composites Natalia Sorokina, Alexandr Tikhomirov, Kirill Skrypnik, Artyom Malakho,Victor Avdeev 1 Chemistry Dept., Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia PII‐63 Synthesis and Physico‐Chemical Properties of Composite Materials Based on Matrices of Expanded Vermiculite and Thermally Expanded Graphite Kalashnik A.V., Ionov S.G. Moscow State Univ., Dept. Chemistry, Russia PII‐64 Specific Heat Study of Expanded Fullerides Yuichi Kasahara,1 Yuki Takeuchi,1 Ruth H. Zadik,2 Alexey Y. Ganin,3 Yasuhiro Takabayashi,4 Matthew J. Rosseinsky,3 Kosmas Prassides,2 Yoshihiro Iwasa1,5 1 Quantum-Phase Electronics Center and Dept. Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 2Dept. Chemistry, Durham Univ., UK; 3Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Liverpool, UK; 4Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Okayama Univ., Japan; 5Correlated Electron Research Group (CERG), RIKEN-ASI, Japan PII‐65 Alkali‐Doped Fullerides: Study based on Density Functional Theory for Superconductors Ryosuke Akashi,1 Ryotaro Arita2 1 Dept. Applied Physics, the Univ. of Tokyo, Japan; 2JST-PRESTO, Japan PII‐66 Insight into the Framework Structure of Zeolite‐Templated Carbon: Experimental and Theoretical Study H. Nishihara,1 H. Fujimoto,2 H. Itoi,1 K. Nueangnoraj,1 H. Tanaka,3 A. Maki,3 M. Miyahara,3 T. Kyotani1 1 IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Japan; 2Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Japan; 3Depart. Chem. Eng., Kyoto Univ., Japan PII‐67 Intercalation of Sodium into Graphite‐like Layered Material BC2N by Electrochemical Method Kaoru Yamada, Masayuki Kawaguchi Osaka Electro-Communication Univ., Japan PII‐68 Intercalation of Lithium and Sodium into Boron/carbon Material by Electrochemical Method Takayuki Kaseda, Masayuki Kawaguchi Osaka Electro-Communication Univ., Japan PII‐69 Theoretical study of a stable metallic phase of Kxpicene by potassium insertion Kotaro Yamada, Isao Maruyama, Koichi Kusakabe Dept. Materials Engineering Science, Osaka Univ., Japan PII‐70 Topochemical Cross‐Linking of the [Hf2N2] Layers of the α‐form HfNBr with Sulfur Shuai Zhang, Mayumi Yoshikawa, Haikui Zhu, Kei Inumaru, Shoji Yamanaka Dept. Applied Chemistry, Hiroshima Univ., Japan PII‐71 High Pressure Synthesis and Superconductivity of the Laves Phase Compound CaAlSi Composed of Truncated Tetrahedral Cages Ca@Al6Si6 Masashi Tanaka, Shoji Yamanaka Dept. Applied Chemistry, Hiroshima Univ., Japan
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