Celtic Manuscripts workbook
Celtic Manuscripts workbook
Celtic Manuscripts workbook CATHACH 6th C. ‘By permission of Royal Irish Academy’ c. Book of Durrow Cathach Book of Kells Learning Outcomes: On completion of the topic ‘’Irish Illuminated Manuscripts 6th-9th C’ students should be able to: Understand the Christian context that produced these works Identify an Illuminated Manuscript Construct a simple Celtic design List the materials and methods used Distinguish different decorative styles and techniques of Illuminated Manuscripts Recognise the shared motifs used in Metallurgy / Stonework / Illuminated manuscripts This booklet could be used: Concurrently with the topics As homework exercises As a revision resource Date: 20 10 2011 : All printed pages may be downloaded ORDINARY LEVEL Examination papers from 2005—2011 EXPANDING THE TOPIC outside the classroom 3. ‘The Temptation of Christ’ from the Book of Kells is illustrated on the accompanying sheet. Answer (a), (b) and (c). (a) Sketch and describe two types of decoration found on this page. (b) Write a short note on the materials used to make The Book of Kells. (c) Name and give a short description of one other Irish manuscript that you have studied. 2005 Visit shops and record products that use Celtic motifs, jewellery, tourist shops, spot products that use a Celtic font . Write students’ names in Celtic Uncial font and decorate them using Celtic motifs and hang as a wall border around the classroom Use Celtic Calligraphy in the ‘Craft’ exam Visit the exhibition in TCD ‘ Turning Darkness into Light’ http://www.tcd.ie/Library/bookofkells/ worksheets can be downloaded to suit all secondary levels Use sketches to illustrate your answer. 2005 2. The Chi-Rho page from the Book of Kells is illustrated on the accompanying sheet. Answer (a), (b) and © You tube ‘ The Secret of Kells’ (2-3 MINUTES) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=2NqV6501YMw&list=FLJi4cXQCVQDKEQTWsf2ilwg&index=11 This is a short extract beautifully illustrated and could be used as an introduction to the topic. ) Sketch and describe two different types of decoration found on this page. Copyright approvals: (b) Describe the materials and techniques used to produce the Book of Kells. These images are for single use only and may not be downloaded or (c) Name and give a brief description of one other page from the Book of Kells. photocopied without prior permission from appropriate sources Use sketches to illustrate your answer. 2007 Royal Irish Academy The Cathach www.ria.ie Trinity College Archives [email protected] Front cover Book of Durrow, Book of Kells 3. The Virgin and Child page from the Book of Kells is illustrated on the accompanying sheet. Answer (a), (b) and (c). (a) Describe and discuss the figures on this page. (b) Describe and discuss the abstract decoration on this page. (c) Give some general information about the Book of Kells. Use sketches to illustrate your answer.2011 Page 2 ancient-celts.com citrinitas.com art-imagery.com Puzzle All Star Puzzles [email protected] Higher Level Exam Trace the use of colour from the Cathach 6th C. Book of Durrow 7th C and Book of Kells 8th C. 2. The decoration of the Book of Durrow displays evidence that it was influenced by the patterns and motifs found on stone and metal from the pre-Christian period. CATHACH 6C. Discuss this statement with reference to the illustration on the accompanying sheet, and describe and discuss one other page from any manuscript of your choice. Illustrate your answer. Higher 2006 Ordinary: Metalwork/Neolithic 3. The pages illustrated on the accompanying sheet are from two Irish illuminated manuscripts. St. MATHEW [Durrow] CHI Rho Book of Kells Name the manuscripts and describe and compare both pages referring to layout, imagery, design, colour and symbolism. BOOK OF DURROW 7C. and Discuss briefly the function of these manuscripts and the conditions that enabled their production. Illustrate your answer. 2008 Ordinary: Pre Christian metalwork/stone crosses No illumination Q. in 2009 3. Discuss the stylised treatment of the human figure in Irish Manuscripts such as the Book of Durrow or the Book of Kells. Refer in your answer to one named page from either book. BOOK OF KELLS 8C. and Discuss briefly how such manuscripts were made and explain what their original function was. . Discuss the stylistic developments in early Christian manuscripts from the Cathach to the Book of Kells. In your answer make reference to the layout, the use of colour and the approaches to decoration. 2011 and Name and describe briefly one page from any manuscript of your choice. Illustrate your answer. Page 18 Page 3 Terms used in exam questions 2005-2011 W un rite th ders or d es e t tand raw er i ms ng o you r he f re Select one design technique ie. Spirals, Embossing,Knotwork and trace its development from metalwork into Illuminated Manuscripts. Annotate every detail Stylized Sketch Describe Decoration Materials Techniques Manuscript Figure ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— Page 4 Page 17 W de rite te rsta or rm nd dr s h ing aw y er e of th our es un e - Alphabet game At the end of the topic invite students to connect words . eg M Monks, manuscript A Animal designs ( Zoomorphic) Pattern N New Testament (B o K) Motif U Imagery S Design C Colour R Symbolism I Imagery P Psalms (Cathach) Function T Discuss Page 16 ——————— — ————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— ——————————— Page 5 Identify the manuscript from which this is written —————————————— —————————————— —————–————————-List 3 decorative styles, refer to the use of colour also. —————————–———— —————————————-- Sketch images from the Illuminated Manuscripts where shared design motifs have been used in Metalwork and Stonework of 7th, 8th Century Knot work in Metalwork —————————–————-—————————————— Explain the term ‘diminuendo’ Illustrate with an example —————————————— —————————————— —————————————— —–———————————-— Imagine you have only soot available to make ink… mix up a little paste and write your initial using similar decorative techniques as seen above Millefiori in Metalwork What is ink gall ink? —————————————— —————————————— —————————————— ——–———————————-- Interlacing in Stonework Page 6 Page 15 Define and illustrate the following terms: What is the difference between a manuscript and a book? ———————————————————————— knot work ———————————————————————— spirals ————————————————————————- What is written in the Book Of Durrow? ————————————————————————- Step patterns When was it written? triskeles ———————————————————————— Who wrote it? ———————————————————————— How was it written? ———————————————————————— millefiori List the materials used ———————————————————————— ———————————————————————— ————————————————————————- symmetry Draw a stylised animal as seen in the Book of Durrow here. cloisonne filigree Page 14 Page 7 Arrest of Christ Trace and colour a detail from a ‘CARPET PAGE’ from the Book of Durrow.Describe the colours, and annotate your image ————————— ——————————— —— —————————— — ————————— — ————————— — ————————— — ————————— — ————————— — —————————— — ——————————— —— ———————————— ———— —————————————What was the function of this page?———————————————————— ———————————————————————— ———————————————————————— ————————————Select a section from the Book Of Durrow that contains Strap work Spirals Animal decoration [zoomorphic] Annotate your selection Page 8 Page 13 SPOT THE DIFFERENCE; Match the keywords with the appropriate column Portrait of Christ, Decoration, Pigment, Colour Stylised, Knotwork, Triskeles, Spirals,Capital letter, Majuscule or Uncial, Calligraphy, Vellum, Ink, Quill, Psalms, Zoomorphic, Figurative, Symbol, Religious, Bible, Carpet Page, Evangelist, New Testament, Scribe, Orpiment ,Red lead ,Latin, Gospels Materials used Page 12 Methods, Designs Content Page 9 Business Name Write one Latin word from the book of Kells How to construct simple ‘Step’ Pattern As Seen in the Book of Durrow ———————————————————————— Look at the 3 representations of the letter N, from The Cathach 6C. Book of Durrow 7C. Book of Kells 8C. Describe how each was decorated, annotate each image Using a six square grid from graph paper, construct a step pattern to make a border for a greeting card. Use 4 colours to highlight your pattern Page 10 Page 11