dominica catholic radio officially launched
dominica catholic radio officially launched
our CATHOLIC community Volume 2 No. 3 JANUARY 2013 Issue A publication of the Diocese of Roseau, Dominica DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED $2.00 Inside Bishop’s Message 03 OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES The Sisters Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary (ICM) - The Credit Union Movements Contribution 04 Profile: Maurice Defoe 04 My Vocational Life Journey 05 OUR DIOCESE Disciples On Mission: Lucille Douglas Blackman Church Decorating Remains A Mission With A Passion 06 Know Your Faith: Man’s Response To God - We Believe Liturgy Update: The Word Of God In The Liturgy 07 Dominica Catholic Radio Officially Blessed And Launched 08 Our Catholic Heritage - The Roseau Cathedral And Images - Part IV 09 Around The Diocese 09 Feast Of Our Lady of Guadalupe 10 The Spirit Of Giving 10 The Anchor Program 11 Diocesan Catholic Grandparents Association 11 Overview Of The Construction And Renovation Projects Around The Diocese 12 Synod Implementation Ongoing 14 The Society Of St. Vincent De Paul 15 Folk Nativity Production 2012 16 Events & Notice Board 17 Christian Leadership 2013: Go For It 18 Kid’s Corner 19 OUR CATHOLIC WORLD The Year Of Faith - Dei Verbum 20 The Pilgrimage To Our Lady Of La Salette 21 OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH The Holy Father Speaks To Youth “Go And Make Disciples Of All Nations” 22 Portsmouth Catholic Youth Movement 22 23 Starting A Youth Group - A 10 Point Plan Convent High School’s ‘Little B’ Calypso Competition 24 The Editorial Committee Diocese of Roseau, Turkey Lane, P.O. Box 790 Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica Tel: (767) 448-2837 - (767) 448-8717 Fax: 1(767) 448-3404 Email: [email protected] 02 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE Editor’s Pen A Respect For Life t what point do we consider a person to be alive? It is at conception or at birth or somewhere in-between? As Catholics we believe that life begins at conception. When a woman intends to have children, she prepares herself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. She tries to be as healthy as she can and avoids eating and being exposed to toxic substances which could harm her baby. She reads books on pregnancy, visits her doctor or nurse regularly and asks advice from her mother or older women in her family who have already had children. She seeks emotional support from her husband and close family and friends. She prays that she will have a safe pregnancy and a healthy happy child. It can be extremely devastating to woman and to a family to lose an unborn baby. Everyone is affected not just the mother but also the father and the rest of the family. So many hopes and dreams are shattered with the loss of a baby. It is difficult to understand why on the one hand there are those who will do anything to have a baby and to seek to protect and safeguard that child throughout its life, while on the other hand there are others who do everything to get rid of a child or even neglect or abuse it after it is born. Life is a precious gift which God has given to us, even with all our scientific knowledge we cannot explain its origins and we cannot replicate life. Life throws many circumstances at us where tough decisions must be made. The pregnancy of a teenager or adult as a result of being raped or abused cannot be taken lightly. The act of rape itself is brutal and violent and the victim will suffer the effects for the rest of her life. But aborting the child, which may seem to be an option, will result in destroying yet another life. A woman or girl at this time needs all the support, love and prayers from her family. She should not be made to feel shame or that she should make rash decisions. As we begin a new year let us pray for the innocents who have lost their lives, for those who have lost their innocence and for those who have to deal with tough situations and make difficult decisions that they may choose life. . Front cover photos by Kassim Lewis Bishop’s Message Cathedral Renovation Project Status W ork started on the Cathedral Renovation Project in March 2012, with the removal of pews and liturgical furniture. I take this opportunity to thank again all those who participated in the coup-demain on Easter Monday to complete this removal and the transfer of necessary items to St. Gerard’s Hall, which now serves as our Cathedral Chapel. This first phase is described as Lot 1 of the project. Lot 2, which involved the removal and disposal of the asbestos roofing tiles, was executed over July and August 2012, by the environmental and engineering firm of Green Engineering from Trinidad and Tobago under the technical supervision of Consulting Engineering Partnership, a local engineering consulting firm, ably assisted by Ecoengineering Consultants of Trinidad and Tobago. Let me use this opportunity to again express my appreciation and thanks to all our neighbours, in particular our closest, the Methodist Church, for their understanding and cooperation in the execution of this phase of the project. We are now about to commence Lot 3 of the project which involves the demolition of the roof timber structure and of existing masonry columns, beams and arches and the construction of new reinforced concrete columns, beams and arches to roof level. A contract is being awarded to the local firm of JARS Sales and Services Ltd. for a negotiated tender price of two million one hundred thousand, eight hundred and fifty seven dollars and ninety-five cents, Eastern Caribbean currency (EC$2,100,857.95). This phase is estimated to last for about twelve months. The balance of funds available at this time is sufficient to provide for this contract, but not for any further works including the new roof itself and subsequent finishing costs. Lot 4, which involves installing a new roof structure and covering the building, is estimated at $2m. This is what we need in order to continue the project without interruption in 2014. This will be followed by the electricals, ceiling and finishes such as painting, tiling and furnishings. Therefore our appeals for financial assistance must continue. It is no doubt reason for us to intensify our efforts at fundraising in every form that is available. To date we have raised EC$3,980,184.00 (3.9m) and we have spent $1,393,997.00 (1.4m). It means that our balance is 2,586,187.00 (2.6m). Since Lot 3 is going to extend the duration of 2013 we have the opportunity to intensify our fundraising efforts. However, prior to the completion of Lot 3 we must have the funds for Lot 4, which involves the replacement of the roof. We need to order the steel frame and covering for the roof well ahead of time. As you can see, dear friends, our work is cut out for us. Other projects in the Diocese of which I would like to make mention are: 1. DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO. I am pleased to announce the Blessing and Official Opening of the Dominica Catholic Radio was on Sunday, January 6th, 2013. The ceremony was live on Dominica Catholic Radio on 96.1 FM and Marpin Channel 94. 2. ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY I am also pleased to announce the official opening of the new Catholic Secondary School, the St. John’s Academy, in Portsmouth. The ceremony took place on Wednesday, January 11th, 2013. 3. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH On Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. we shall have the consecration of the new St. Andrea’s Church in Vieille Case. . THE RENOVATION OF THE OUR LADY OF FAIR HAVEN CATHEDRAL HOW CAN YOU HELP • Put a little something extra in collection every month, envelope it and label it ‘Cathedral Roof Renovation’. • Arrange for a standing order or direct debt from your bank account monthly to any of the renovation accounts listed below. • Pay online by adding the appropriate account number to your pay bill facility with your local bank. In order to facilitate the process, the Diocese has opened accounts at the undermentioned institutions NAME The National Bank of Dominica The First Caribbean Int. Bank Bank of Nova Scotia The Royal Bank of Canada National Co-operative Credit Union ACCOUNT NUMBER 100060310 106965624 8932 7284409 0000300400 All contributions will be most welcome. TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 03 OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM) Lay Associate in Pastoral Care (LAPC) By Vernice Bellony Parish of St. Joseph The Credit Union Movements Contribution W F ollowing the 2nd World War, most countries in the world, if not all, went through a serious economic recession. Poverty, lack of educational opportunities and diseases were rampant in the world. Dominica was no exception. This prompted the request from the then Bishop of Roseau, Bishop Moris, to seek the assistance of a nun trained in social work to help alleviate the situation in the Dominican society. His request was granted and in the late 1940’s a young nun, Mother Mary Alicia from Belgium arrived in Dominica. (She was later known as Sr. Alicia de Tremmerie when her congregation underwent a name change in 1963.) On her arrival, Bishop gave her US $50.00 to begin her task. In earnest, Sister started her task. She invited some women, discussed their plight with them, who revealed they organized “subs” to make ends meet. She told them of the Credit Union movement which, she studied from information obtained from Fr. John Sullivan, founder of the Credit Union movement of Jamaica. Some men led by the late Mr. Joffre Robinson were invited and together the Credit Union was established. Prospective members attended educational sessions every Saturday, saved as little as 25 cents weekly. In a short time a member could get a loan of $5.00 or $10.00, which was repaid at 50 cents weekly. (It should be noted that $5.00 then was a good change). These poor people could never face a commercial bank. Even in this early stage Sr. Alicia dreamt of having a “Credit Union Bank”. It should be noted that many Dominicans including the Bishop had some trepidation. “What if the loans were not paid, would that not give the ‘church’ a bad name?” This did not deter the young nun. She, with some brave men and women travelled through rough roads to spread the idea of that great movement with its motto – ‘People helping people’. cont’d on page 06 04 PROFILE: MAURICE DEFOE OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE hat is your role in St. Joseph’s parish? I live in Mero. I am a Lay Associate and conduct Communion service at Mero and Belles. I am also a lector, commentator, maintenance person for the chapel and the president of the chapel community. What inspired your involvement in church service? It all began whilst I was recovering from illness and I realized I needed to make certain changes in my life. My father would always tell me to be more involved and go to church on Sundays but when you are a younger and you are out in the world, you are searching for something. Most of the time you are looking for the wrong thing or sometimes the right thing but in the wrong way. I saw the need to be a more active member but I kept delaying it until I finally decided that I needed to be closer to God. I would always admire the Lay Associates who came to Mero on Sundays to proclaim the Good News. I grew more in prayer and confidence although I was always a praying person. When I began showing my interest, I was asked to be a lector, then a commentator and afterwards I became a Lay Associate. How long have you been serving as a Lay Associate? About 4-6 years Are you married? Do you have any children? Yes, I am married and have four sons and two grandsons Are you involved in any other church groups? I am the secretary for the men’s group in St. Joseph and also a member of the Mero prayer group. What would you say to inspire others to be more involved in church ministry? Our Catholic faith is rich and very deep. We have a lot of our Catholics who are lukewarm and some of them are not coming to church. I believe we should make an effort to bring them back because those of us who know the Gospel and are practicing it are aware of our brothers and sisters who are lost or in doubt and do not know how to return. I think it is our responsibility to distract them from the life that they live and also to evangelise them. Life in itself is a journey and all of us are on our way and whilst on the journey we are our brothers’ keeper. In St. Joseph, we are trying to embark on a programme where we visit persons who have departed from the church to find out what is preventing them from attending Mass, to visit the sick and to bring them communion, to keep in touch with people who are unable to attend Mass for whatever reason. Most of their reasons also block grace from Jesus Christ in their life so that they are unable to see the way back to the Church. So we all need to inspect ourselves and detect what is blocking us from God’s grace and find a way to meet Jesus. . By Fr. Peter Wamutitu T he role of my parents and family towards my vocation development: Family Prayer From the age of reason I found myself being asked every day to say some prayers. They made me read a lot of prayers during the family prayer times. Every morning before breakfast we always had morning prayers together, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. Everything started with prayer and ended in prayer. My father, as a head of the house, made sure that everybody followed the prayer programme every day. The family remains united to date. At school Being in a Catholic school made it easier for teachers and parents, because parents had a closer relationship with teachers. I was taught religion at home, at school and in the Church. My study of religion and other subjects brought me closer to God. My First Holy Communion day was the best time, the time I was waiting to meet Jesus face to face. I became close to Jesus through the example I got from my parish priest. I became an altar server. I enjoyed carrying the Cross for the entrance procession. During the readings my parish priest would insist that we would listen attentively to the word of God. Afterward to listen for the stories through the gospel would become real in my mind. I always felt like I was there in person when Jesus spoke. Standing with the candles close, so that he could be light to my mind and heart, I love the story of the call of Samuel. I felt that like Samuel I was called by God at such an early age. Sharing at the table of the Lord, made me remember the boy who had five loaves and two fish. There was always enough for everyone. The rest was securely stored away for distribution to the sick, the elderly and shut-ins and weekly adoration. During the consecration, the ringing of the bell made me realize that Jesus was present on the altar, and it was a pleasure to bow with the others. This made my community stronger because my priest made Jesus available to everyone as the role of a priest is very essential in the lives of others. In this young mind of mine I realized that because of the dedication, love and sacrifice that my priest made, he could not do it all alone. I became inspired to work with him and do the things that he was doing. Openly I spoke to my dad about it; he took me by the hand and brought me to the priest. Vividly I heard him say “son I present you to the priest”. I felt like a key towards an open door of what I seek trying to discern in my life. The priest guided me from then on. I completed my primary education. I went to high school. I joined Catholic Action movement for the young people and youth group. I was the head of the Altar Servers. Joys and fulfillments of my priestly formation After my graduation I went directly to the seminary where I received my basic knowledge and doctrines of the Catholic Church. I was introduced to community life and pastoral work. I was happy to perform the tasks that I have dreamed of as a young boy. After the seminary formation I was ordained a Deacon; through diaconate ordination I received special graces that could allow me to minister to the people of God more effectively. I was able officially to baptize, officiate at weddings and funerals, have courage to share the word of God with authority and also I could bless people and such. Exposing the Blessed Sacrament and the Benediction brought new life in me. In still remains my best moment in the ministry. After a few months I was ordained a priest. Through priestly ordination I was empowered to lead the people of God in Eucharistic celebration, bringing Jesus to people of God especially the sick, the elderly and the Shut-Ins. My greatest joy is seeing the hand of God working throughout my life. I am getting to understand what it means to serve the Lord. There is life and beauty in serving God. The more I let God into my life the more I receive from Him. I have come to love Him more than anything else in the entire world. As He challenges me where He says “Taste and see the sweetness of the Lord; He is Almighty, the provider, the Healer”. My advice to young people is to give God a chance in your life and He will help you to bring out your true self as His image and likeness. It is only then you can fulfill and meet the goal of your life. Take a risk and swim in the river of the Holy Spirit and you will prove to the world that through Christ you are victorious. Remember the key to success is prayer, obedience and love. Don’t waste your life with minimum achievements: aim high. Make Sunday your best day to honour your God and He will honour you and make His home in you. How I came to Dominica Many years ago I used to listen to stories from my grandfather who was a solider in the British army during the Second World War, during which time he was deployed to the Caribbean especially to the Bahamas and Jamaica. As I remember well I used to say that one day I would visit the land where my grandfather fought many battles with success. I did not know how I would eventually find myself in this beautiful Nature Island that we love. It was later during my seminary formation that I came to know that there were quite a number of Kenyan priests who were working in Jamaica and the Bahamas. During the last year of my seminary formation, I intimated to one of the Kenyan priests on holiday from Jamaica that I would love to join them. He was so kind and good to me, that he reminded me of the joy that my grandfather expressed on his return from the Bahamas. He shared with me his experience of the reality of life in the Caribbean where he had many contacts of various dioceses. He said that some places had no priests or very few. I told him that I wanted to go where there was the least number of priests. I realized that Dominica at that time had only 7 local priests, whereas in my diocese there are over 250 local priests. I wrote to His Lordship Bishop Gabriel Malzaire requesting acceptance in the diocese. The rest is history. A few months later I landed in Dominica and within a year I was ordained for the Diocese of Roseau. . LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 05 OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES My Vocational Life Journey OUR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND LAY ASSOCIATES Disciples on Mission Time * Talent * Treasure Lucille Douglas Blackman Church Decorations remains a Mission with a Passion M By Dorothy Henderson y passion for the art of flower arranging began during my early years at the Convent High School in Roseau when staff and students gathered in the Assembly Hall to celebrate special Feast Days of the Liturgical Year. What a tremendous joy it was for me to behold the decorated shrines of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, exquisitely done by our beloved ICM Sisters. The Poet, John Keats wrote, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”. Yes, the joy for me was truly captured then, causing a deep desire to share the beauty of God’s creation wherever I went. I became an avid reader of the art of flower arranging, and undertook a course from ‘Lifetime Career Schools’ in Los Angeles, California. That joy became a passion as I studied at the Mary Adams Flower Studio in 1969. I also had the privilege of attending two renowned Flower Schools in England, including the Flower Arranging & Floristry School in 1987. Remember the saying “Practice makes perfect”. As a member of the Legion of Mary, I was assigned to serve the St. Alphonsus Parish with Mrs. Rhona Fingal and Mrs. Claudia Bellot as teammates. What fun and joy we experienced in developing our creativity and decorating skills for the various church celebrations. My time, talent and treasure were also utilized at Pointe Michel. I was encouraged by Fr. Proesmans to decorate the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Pointe Michel for several Feast Days. In my quest for excellence, I attended flower classes with Mrs. Didier where I participated at an International Flower Show with the Horticultural Society in Martinique. Our booth, ‘A Tropical Fishing Scene’ won three Gold Medals, a proud moment for Dominica. I also enrolled in Fr. Mark’s Florists Retreats at the Holy Redeemer Retreat Centre. During 1974 through 1997, I played a leading role in ‘doing the flowers’ at the Cathedral in St. Lucia. My most memorable decorating occasions were for the Ordination of our own Archbishop Emeritus Kelvin Felix to the Archdiocese of Castries as well as for the visit of Pope John Paul II to St. Lucia. What a Blessing and Honour it was. I became very passionate about sharing my talent and opened a School in Flower Arranging and Floristry with participating students from all denominations and walks of life, and God smiled on us. Upon returning to Dominica my Ministry of Beautification continued at the St. Alphonsus Parish. I teamed up with several ladies including Mrs. Adwina Magloire and Mrs. Cynthia Royer. Jesus’ word in John 2:17 says, “Zeal for my Father’s House consumes me”. My real dream and vision during this Year of Faith is that many more volunteers would come to serve in this Ministry, bringing the beauty of God’s Creation and his loving presence into all our Liturgical celebrations. To God be the Glory…AMEN! . The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - The Credit Union Movements Contribution Cont’d from page 04 Some of the pioneers were Jerome A. Barzey, Joffre society. and Lorna Robinson and Edward Elwin. One cannot leave Today the movement has grown into a “great giant”, out the name of Kenneth Richards a pioneer and father of but still retains its principles. God bless the late Bishop the movement. He wrote a booklet on the subject entitled Moris, Sr. Alicia, the Catholic Church of Dominica and “People who help People” -- a booklet that should be in the great leaders. Let us all remember our pioneers, who every one’s library. toiled and spent countless hours and late nights spreading It is this movement which has assisted the poor the message and educating prospective leaders and man to educate his sons and daughters, help him build members who were supposed to attend seven consecutive a better house, buy lands and property, have a voice in educational sessions before becoming a member. . 06 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE Man’s Response to God We Believe Why is faith a personal act, and at the same time ecclesial? aith is a personal act insofar as it is the free response of the human person to God who reveals himself. But at the same time it is an ecclesial act which expresses itself in the proclamation, “We believe”. It is in fact the Church that believes: and thus by the grace of the Holy Spirit precedes, engenders and nourishes the faith of each Christian. For this reason the Church is Mother and Teacher. (166169, 181*) F “No one can have God as Father who does not have the Church as Mother.” (Saint Cyprian) Why are the formulas of faith important? The formulas of faith are important because they permit one to express, assimilate, celebrate, and share together with others the truths of the faith through a common language. (170-171) In what way is the faith of the Church one faith alone? The Church, although made up of persons who have diverse languages, cultures, and rites, nonetheless professes with a united voice the one faith that was received from the one Lord and that was passed on by the one Apostolic Tradition. She confesses one God alone -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and points to one way of salvation. Therefore we believe with one heart and one soul all that is contained in the Word of God, handed down or written, and which is proposed by the Church as divinely revealed. (172-175, 182) . *Excerpt from the Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops OUR DIOCESE Know Your Faith Liturgy Update: W The Word of God in the Liturgy hen the bishops came together at the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965), theirs was a deep pastoral concern for the liturgy, so much so that they declared: “The Council sees compelling reasons for reforming and cherishing the liturgy” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy – Sacrosanctum Concilium, [SC] 4 December 1963, §1). The bishops gave this reason: For it is through the liturgy, especially the divine Eucharistic sacrifice that the work of our redemption is exercised” (SC§2). In its Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, [DV], the Council teaches that the word of God has absolute prominence in the liturgy: “The Church has always venerated the divine scriptures just as she venerates the Body of the Lord, in that it never ceases, above all in the sacred liturgy, to partake of the bread of life and to offer it to the faithful from the one table of the word of God and of the Body of Christ” (DV§21). Yes! That’s Right! “the one table of the word of God and of the Body of Christ.” The Council made a practical demand for the renewal of the liturgy: “Sacred scripture is of paramount importance in the celebration of the liturgy … So, if the restoration, progress and adaptation of the sacred liturgy are to be achieved, it is necessary to promote that warm and living love for scripture to which the venerable tradition of both Eastern and Western rites gives testimony” (SC§24). We take note: Paramount importance. “PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE” OF THE WORD OF GOD “Paramount importance” of the word of God finds expression in the actions and signs used in the sacraments, as well as the prayers and songs used in liturgical celebrations. They are all firmly grounded in the word of God. “Paramount importance” of the word of God is indicated by the rites that accompany the proclamation of the Gospel in the celebration of the Eucharist, and are intended to highlight the dignity of God’s word. All the Eastern and Western liturgies introduce the solemn proclamation of the Gospel with a procession involving lights and incense. The Second Vatican Council has restored the enthronement of the Gospel. All these rites and signs express the interior veneration the Church has for God’s word. “Paramount importance” of the word of God finds its fullest expression in the celebration of the Eucharist itself, in the Biblical readings. The Church has always thought and still does today, that only God’s word is worthy to have a place in the celebration of the Eucharist. In the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, we cannot replace the word of God with readings from any other author or source, no matter how beautiful such readings may be. The beauty of God’s word is unsurpassable, and is of paramount importance in the celebration of the liturgy. . To be continued in the next issue of Our Catholic Community TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 07 OUR DIOCESE Dominica Catholic Radio Officially Blessed and Launched S By Msgr. William John-Lewis unday January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany of the known through this medium,” he pointed out. The bishop Lord, was an historic day in the Diocese. At 4:00 said the Catholic Church in Dominica is embarking on the p.m. a group of people gathered outside the Social radio station venture “with new hope and enthusiasm.” Centre building on Lon Acre to participate in the blessing Msgr. William John-Lewis, the executive director and launching of Dominica Catholic Radio. It was the of Dominica Catholic Radio gave a brief account of the moment that the Diocese had been waiting for since the genesis of the Station and his involvement in securing Catholic Radio began testing its signal over a year ago the needed equipment from FOOD FOR THE POOR and by broadcasting inspirational Christian music, catholic the Catholic Radio Association of America, and seeing devotional prayers and homilies and other instructional to the setting up an progress of the station to bring it talks. For the diocese it was a dream come true. to its current state. He also quoted from the Decree on In his address to the gathering which included His the Media and Social Communications to situate his Excellency, the President of Dominica and Mrs. Williams, remarks emphasizing the goal of Dominica Catholic as Senator Alvin Bernard representing the Prime Minister, expressed in its Vision Statement as ‘The spreading of the other Government Ministers, Members of the Diplomatic Good News and the promotion of the Catholic Church,” Corps , several members of the Clergy and parishioners, the mission being “the authentic, integral development His Lordship Bishop Malzaire, quoting from the Decree of the people of God in the diocese of Roseau through on the Media and Social communications, Inter Mirifica sound teaching on the Catholic faith as proclaimed by (promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on December the Magisterium of the Church.” 4th, 1963) explained the Church’s position regarding the Monsignor William John-Lewis, said the station social media. is not a commercial one and is ‘listener-sponsored.’ “It Quoting the first Chapter means everyone who hears it has of the document, His Lordship to think this is my radio and I stated: “The Catholic Church, have to put my money into it,” he since it was founded by Christ said. “We also devised a group that our Lord to bear salvation to all I coined the Dominica Catholic men and thus is obliged to preach Radio Army of Angels (DCRAA). the Gospel, considers it one of its Those are people who will give duties to announce the Good News annual pledges or semi-annual of salvation also with the help of pledges, so that we continue to the media of social communication have a base of funding for the and to instruct men in their proper Catholic station.” Monsignor Nazarine Gordon - Station Manager use. John-Lewis said apart from It is, therefore, an inherent right of the Church to spreading the gospel there will be programmes that focus have at its disposal and to employ any of these media on justice, health, counseling, and “other programmes insofar as they are necessary or useful for the instruction that touch the life of our people.” of Christians and all its efforts for the welfare of souls”. The afternoon began with a prayer led by Msgr. He went on to speak of the important role Dominica William John-Lewis, followed by a welcome and opening Catholic Radio would play in the work of evangelization remarks by the Station manager, Ms. Nazarine Gordon. for the diocese, and encouraged participation from There were also remarks by the Ministers for Community everyone in the diocese. He stressed that the survival Development, Mrs. Gloria Shillingford, and the Minister of the Radio Station depended on the financial support for Information, Mr. Ambrose George. Deacon Alvin of its listeners. While we owe a debt of gratitude to our Knight, well-know radio personality and member of the donors who provided the equipment and the many skilled Executive committee, served as master of ceremonies. volunteers who have given of their expertise, now that we The station is governed by a board of directors with have the station, we must own it. Bishop Malzaire as president, Msgr. John-Lewis as Bishop Malzaire said the bishops of the Antilles executive director, Ms. Nazarine Gordon as Station heeded the call as far back and 1986 when Voice of manager, and Executive committee, an advisory board the Islands was founded as a regional Catholic Radio; and several volunteers. hence the name Voice of the Islands. However, he said It can be heard on 96.1 on the FM frequency, poor reception in some of the islands curtailed regional live stream on and support and funding agencies began pulling back and channel 94 on Marpin 2k4. Dominica alone could not carry the brunt of the mounting Following the cutting of the ribbon, which was done expenses and operations closed down in 1995. He by Mrs. Williams, the wife of His Excellency the President, described Dominica Catholic Radio as a ‘resurgence’ of His Lordship offered the prayer of blessing over the new what the Catholic and Christian community in Dominica establishment. After the blessing, the gathered assembly is familiar with as regard the transmission of the gospel was invited to tour the studios of Dominica Catholic through the electronic media. “The church in the Diocese Radio. The evening ended with light refreshments at of Roseau has always seen the need to make Christ better Bishop’s house. . 08 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE Our Catholic Heritage Around the Diocese Christmas Mass and Treat for the elderly at Our Lady of Fatima Parish on December 15th 2012 St. Luke ’s Parish C h ristmas Show o n Dece 2012 mber 22 nd ing g Meet in n n la rish P ima’s Pa ber 13th 2012 t a F f o y em Our Lad on Dec LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 3 for 201 09 OUR DIOCESE M arts of ancient synagogue” uch closer to the and I will review this with period of Jesus’ life you as this makes the link and ministry, there Art * Music * Culture to the fifth part of this is no conclusive evidence article wherein I present of Jewish art, but in recent Celebrating our many talents the sanctity and art of a times, new archeological catholic church building sites have been discovered The Roseau Cathedral and Images and chapel, with emphasis in Israel and Palestine. Part IV By Bernard Lauwyck on our Roseau Cathedral. Steven Fine, the author The author traces of Art & Judaism, concludes that the Jewish people had no problem with art that was the process by which antique synagogue, after the not “idolatrous” and made full use of it. “Definitions of destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem, came to be considered “holy places”. The scrolls of the Sacred what was acceptable clearly changed over time.” Some time ago, I visited the Musée d’Art et Scripture were the cult object of the synagogue. They d’Histoire de Judaisme (Museum of Jewish Art and were publicly read and privately studied. The chest of History) in Paris, which traces the history of Jewish scrolls was the focal point of the sacred space. The Torah art, culture and religion in France and Europe. I felt so shrine was transformed into an “ark” and synagogues ignorant and out of place because I did not understand became small temples. The application of imagery the art and liturgical items presented there. I assumed, derived from the Jerusalem Temple played an important as a Christian, that I would feel at home in the artworks role to express the notion of “holy place.” “This notion of this Old Testament religion. I could not be more of the sanctity of the synagogue was developed and wrong about this fascinating but strange religion. We matured over time in every new and fascinating ways” In the next section, part V, the catholic view as Christians should do more to learn about Jesus the Jewish rabbi and this ancient religion in which he was expressed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, in his “The spirit of the liturgy”. I hope born and grew up. Steven Fine also has a chapter on “sanctity and the you will accompany me on this journey. . OUR DIOCESE Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe By Judith Alexis I n 1521, the city of Guadalupe, Mexico was inhabited by native Aztec Indians whose religious practice involved the worship of many gods, and pagan rituals such as human sacrifice. About twenty years later, the Spanish conquered the country, and Christianity was introduced to the people without much success. It was during that time that our Blessed Mother appeared to a native convert named Juan Diego on a hill called Tepeyac. Consequent to her apparition, many miracles occurred, millions of pagan souls were converted, human sacrifice was outlawed, and a church was built in her honor - by her request - on the very site where Juan Diego saw ‘the Lady from Heaven’. Another such chapel, built and dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, is peacefully nestled in the small, serene community of Bourne, located about 3 miles east of Portsmouth in the parish of Sts. John & Lewis. From December 4th - 12th, 2012, the small chapel community was host to scores of pilgrims who traveled from Portsmouth and the neighbouring villages of Toucarie, Dublanc, Paix Bouche and Vielle Case to celebrate the Novena and Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Patroness of the Americas and the Caribbean. The Novena was held from 6:00 nightly, beginning with the chaplet of Guadalupe, and concluding with the Novena prayers and Mass. Topics for each night were presented by Deacon Pershing Waldron, Deacon Curtis Victor and by Deacon Alvin Knight who was joined by his wife Francisca on the 8th night to deliberate on the topic ‘Christian Family Life’. Presiding at the Masses were Fr. Godfrey Tarimo, Parish Priest of St. Andrew, and Fr. Herman Sharplis, Parish Priest of Sts. John & Lewis. The Feast Day, observed world-wide on December 12th, was celebrated with a Pontifical High Mass by Most Reverend Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau. In his usual able manner, Bishop Malzaire used the story of Our Lady’s apparition, and her Virgin Conception to convey the message that nothing is impossible for God. When Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego so many years ago, she identified herself as the ‘Ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth’. Her request to have a church built was taken to the local Bishop but when he hesitated, and asked for a sign, the Blessed Mother sent Juan to collect an assortment of roses to give to the bishop. Instead of roses however, the bishop and Juan Diego himself were astounded to find an image of Our Lady miraculously imprinted on his tilma (cloak) which he had used to carry the roses from mount Tepeyac. In 1999, Pope John Paul II declared December 12th as a liturgical holy day. He also entrusted the cause of life to Mary’s loving protection, and placed under her motherly care the innocent lives of children, especially those who are in danger of not being born. . Excerpts from - Liturgical Year & Catholic News Agency (CNA) The Spirit of Giving T By Wallace Williams he month of December as it is commonly known as a month of giving and sharing, the parishioners of St. Andrew have experienced that joy in various forms. Almost every zone ignited the flames of the Christmas spirit and brought cheer to the wider community and those who are home bond through roadside sing along and home visits respectively, distributing packages to the elderly and less fortunate in our parish. In Upper Penville, twenty-five packages were given to the sick and needy. A group of young men named Stars D.A made a donation of a microphone to the church while the church continues to raise needed funds for the repainting of its chapel. In Lower Penville, they drive on the same route of fund raising but focused on a different destination that is to meet payments for its insurance. Also, tremendous preparations are being made to celebrate their upcoming feast of St. John Bosco on the 2nd of February 2012. The Youth converged in Vieille Case along with the neighboring communities to commemorate the close of 2012 in thanksgiving and praise, though the minimal turn out called for questioning. As the season unfolded the Paix Bouche community received a double portion of the Holy Spirit on December 30th 2012 where seven members 10 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE of the community were welcome into the faith through the Sacrament of Baptism and fourteen young children received for their first time Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The celebrant being Fr. Tarimo emphasized greatly on the need to build strong Christian families and to exercise peace in these times of crisis. Congratulations to all of you as we call on you parents, god parents and the entire church community to practice going to church regularly and contributing meaningfully to the development of the church as models for our children to emulate as we strive to help them grow in the faith and the truth of God’s word. . By Evelyn Martin T he anchor program at the Chapel of our Lady of Fair Haven targeted the parents of children who attended the catechism program. The aim of the program was to provide participants with the tools necessary for increasing their faith. This year was declared by Pope Benedict as the Year of Faith. After a short deliberation, the majority of parents decided to attend the Sunday morning program while waiting for their children who would be attending catechism classes at the same time. An average of 30 parents attended the program in earnest every Sunday, and from all reports, it seemed to be very interesting -- refreshing in some instances and enlightening in others. The facilitator, Mrs. Evelyn Martin imparted very important historical information. The true to life examples which she provided really helped to put everything into perspective. There was a tremendous amount of interaction among the participants. The interest was so high that there was talk among some of the participants of continuing the program beyond the ten sessions which were designed to cover the entire course. Over the duration of the course, participants covered topics such as: • God, the Holy Trinity • Sin and Forgiveness • History of Salvation • Incarnation • The Cross and Resurrection • The Communion of the Church Each lesson was subdivided into four parts. It is the general belief that the program should be extended to the entire congregation overtime. It is hoped that through the deepening of their faith, the participants will be encouraged to pass on the knowledge to their friends, families and associates. . Diocesan Catholic Grandparents Association T By Rupert S. Lance he pre-planning has begun for organizing a Catholic Grandparents Association throughout the Commonwealth of Dominica. The Social League who have been observing Grandparents Day since 1998 have embraced the opportunity which will invite the wider public to focus on strengthening family ties. The Dominica Catholic Grandparents Association hopes to introduce Grandparents Day in all our Primary Schools with an Adopt-a-Prayer initiative affirming and encouraging the elderly in homes to pray for sick and abused children. Among the activities being associated with the Grandparents Association are: to encourage grandparents to embrace the vocation in passing on the Faith and to develop an annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Ann, the grandmother of Jesus in July. In the month of September we celebrate Grandparents Day in our own Communities under the theme “Here I am Lord” where we introduce grandchildren to the Blessed Sacrament. We invite grandparents everywhere to become members of the Catholic Grandparents Association in your parish and to remind parents to encourage their children in this initiative. Everybody is a grandchild and your valuable contribution of time, talent and treasure will help the Association achieve its goal. You do not have to be a grandparent to join, just complete an application form. If you would like to organize a branch in your community, you will need to do the following: (1) Consult your Parish Priest (2) Form a group of four consisting of 1 coordinator/Pro, 1 schools contact, 1 Pilgrimage contact, and 1 registration of members; and (3) start encouraging and registering. Membership forms available upon request. If you would like to volunteer, contact Dominica Grandparents Association, Shrine of St. Ann, Massacre. P. O. Box 1757, or email to: [email protected] The Prayer for Grandparents composed by his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, in 2008 for the Catholic Grandparents Association will be published and distributed. Grandparents, the family needs you. The church needs you. Society needs you. We all need you. . TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 11 OUR DIOCESE The Anchor Program OUR DIOCESE Overview of the Construction and Ren By Bernard Lauwyck, D Calibishie Chapel Portsmouth Church T he first official acts of Most Rev. Gabriel Malzaire as newly ordained Bishop of Roseau, ten years ago, was to bless and dedicate the newly built chapels of CAMPBELL and LOUBIERE. Little did Bishop Malzaire know then, that he will go down in history as a builder-Bishop. Some of the highlights in the past years were the Blessing and Dedication of the new chapels at COCKRANE and BOURNE and the renovated ATKINSON CHAPEL. As we are one Catholic community in Dominica, it should be of interest to each of us to get an overview of the construction and renovation projects currently underway or in the pipeline for the immediate future. 12 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE Vieille Case Church Emergency Staircase at Convent Preparatory The most important projects presently are the renovation and seismic retrofitting of the ROSEAU CATHEDRAL, the construction of a new church in PORTSMOUTH and VIEILLE CASE and a new chapel in CALIBISHIE. These projects are well underway and with adequate funding should finish without any delays. The future projects for which the fundraising and preliminaries are well underway are the construction of a new chapel in MAHAUT, the renovation of the roof and ceiling of the St. Luke’s church or the National Shrine in POINTE MICHEL, the renovation of the chapel at DUBLANC, the construction of catechetical classes for the chapel in LOUBIERE and GIRAUDEL, construction o r t i r t r H c e r o Photos by Bernard Lauwyck, Vanes OUR DIOCESE enovation Projects around the Diocese yck, Diocesan Engineer e U n n h d f d e t r n Fatima Church renovated sanctuary Salisbury Church new ceiling Boetica Chapel new roof Roseau Presbytery new roof of a new roof at St. Martin’s Secondary in ROSEAU, the renovation of the catechetical center in ROSEAU, a new toilet section in GOODWILL, the recovering of the church in SALYBIA. Projects in progress but not yet completed are the renovation of the roofing of the presbytery in ROSEAU, the extension to the PETITE SAVANNE chapel, the renovation of the roof and ceiling of the Father Couturier Hall in LA PLAINE, the complete renovation of the chapel at BOETICA, the construction of an emergency escape staircase at Convent Preparatory in ROSEAU, the renovation of the chapel in SCOTTS HEAD, the upgrading of the Parish Hall in GOODWILL. Further down the line, planning is at the initial stage for a new Secondary School building in PORTSMOUTH, the renovation of the presbytery in MASSACRE, the construction of a second reinforced concrete staircase for the St. John’s Primary School in PORTSMOUTH, the construction of a YOUTH MINISTRY center in Roseau. Smaller works are the upgrading of the sanctuary in the church in NEWTOWN, the new stained glass windows donated by Archbishop Felix in SOUFRIERE, new pews for the CAPUCHIN chapel, fencing works at COCKRANE and St. Alphonsus Pre-school and church compounds at NEWTOWN and LOUBIERE. . Vanessa Prevost & Jemina Bernard LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 13 OUR DIOCESE A Synod Implementation Ongoing By Msgr. William John-Lewis t the beginning of the New Year, we take a look at the important events that will define our implementation process throughout this year. The liturgical year began with the first Sunday of Advent and the new slogan ‘Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ’ for the second year of our pastoral plan was launched. These words taken from St. Jerome serves as the focus for the entire year. A focus that is further delineated, expanded and celebrated in the practical activities that are undertaken on the community and parish level as on the diocesan and administrative levels. We are reminded that our pastoral plan works incrementally, that is, each New Year builds on the activities of the previous year. Thus, with the teaching of lectio divina being completed in all communities, all families are being encouraged to begin the practice of lectio divina weekly in preparation for the Sunday liturgy. The father of the family is to embrace his responsibility as the spiritual head of the family and lead in the family ritual of lectio divina. The course of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) which was offered last year at the Pastoral Center will be offered again this time on parish level at the invitation of parish priests. The follow-up course on the New Testament will be offered beginning shortly after the Easter celebrations. The Diocese has already begun preparations to formalize and standardize the lectionary used in all 14 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE parishes, and to upgrade the lectionaries and Book of the Gospels, inviting the parishes that have none to procure a Book of the Gospels. Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be required to do an exposition of a Scriptural text as part of their final preparation for the Sacrament while the parishes are encouraged to hold a weekly service of the Word, part of which will be the practice of Lectio Divina. Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Season of Lent will be observed as a day of fasting and abstinence for the success of the synod implementation. All Catholic Schools will examine the theme of Repentance in Israel and hold a Service of the Word with distribution of Ashes. During the first week of this season of grace, the clergy of the diocese will go on their annual spiritual retreat which will focus on lectio divina and the Gospel of Luke. Lent, being a season marked by conversion and repentance, parishes are asked to study the Gospel of Luke set in a Service of the Word as part of their Lenten exercise. Families and neighbours are invited to put aside one evening a week to study the Word of God and to practice Lectio Divina. During this time, parishes are also invited to offer an explanation on “How the Bible came to be” as part of their instruction on the Word of God. The Secretariat for Youth in collaboration with the Catholic Schools will dramatize the Stations of the Cross in the streets of Roseau. The season of Easter will be marked by another lecture in the distinguished lecture series aimed at informing the general public on different aspects of the Faith. The first lecture, Faith and culture, hopefully by then will have been delivered. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal annual conference will present a theme from the Gospel of Luke and workshops on Apologetics will be organized. During the holiday months of July and August, the two-week Bible camp for our young people will focus on the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles and lectio divina allowing time for questions and answers on the faith. Throughout the year, Our Catholic Community Magazine will carry an article on our synod implementation and pastoral plan, and on our own Catholic Radio (Dominica Catholic Radio) there will be programmes highlighting various documents of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Faith. The first of these programmes will be on Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic constitution on Divine Revelation, the document that spells out the Church’s understanding of the nature of revelation, that is the processes whereby God communicates with human beings. As such it touches on questions about Scripture, Tradition and the Teaching Authority of the Church. Let us pray God’s blessings on our plans. May the Lord prosper the work of our hands. May this new year find us having a greater appetite for studying, learning and appreciating the Word of God as a means to our forming a deeper relationship with Christ the Lord. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. . OUR DIOCESE The Society of St. Vincent De Paul T By Rupert S. Lance he Society of St. Vincent De Paul was founded in Paris, France in 1833 by a few young men and a Catholic publicist. The principal founder was a 20-year old university student, Frederick Ozanam. He, together with five other students, decided to show their Catholic faith in action by working with the poor in their community. They formed a group called the Conference of Charity. Within a few months other groups (conferences) were formed in several provinces of France. After a few years the Society had reached Rome (1842), England (1844), Belgium, Scotland and Ireland (1845), United States and Mexico (1846). Today the Society exists in 141 countries. It has 50,000 Conferences and over 700,000 members. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul owes its existence in Dominica to His Grace, Archbishop, Emeritus, Kelvin Felix. In 1973 Fr. Kelvin Felix, then Parish Priest of St. Alphonsus Church, urged that a conference of St. Vincent De Paul be formed in Dominica, following a visit to Dominica by Br. Steve Solomon, then Executive Secretary of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul in Trinidad and Tobago. Reverend Fr. Kelvin Felix commissioned then Deacon Sebastien Madosingh of Trinidad, who was attached to the St. Alphonsus Church, to assist in the formation of the conference in the Roseau/Goodwill area. That same year the first Conference was established in Dominica. The president of the conference was the late Mr. Ephraim Georges. Today there are 25 established conferences with a membership of about 300, throughout Dominica. The latest established Conference was the St. Dominic Conference in Atkinson one year ago. Each Conference is headed by a president elected by the members of the Conference. The president then selects an executive. The president of each Conference, together with two executive members, form the National or Superior Council whose Spiritual Director is the Bishop of the Diocese. The current president of the Superior Council is Mrs. Merina Sebastian. The Society is a lay organization of the Catholic Church engaged in works of charity. It works with the poor so no work of charity is foreign to it. The Conferences in Dominica engage in a number of activities: visiting and making friends with the abandoned, lonely, sick and bed-ridden; helping in cleaning their homes; providing food, clothing and shelter; providing books, clothing, bus and school fees to needy students to enable them gain access to secondary education; and assisting the needy in funding productive activities. The poor we will have always with us (Matt 26:11) and so the Society in Dominica hopes to intensify the prayer life and works of charity of its members in an effort to deepen its evangelization. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul is, par excellence, the social arm of the Catholic Church. It provides a wonderful opportunity to Catholics to draw closer to Christ by seeing him in their neighbour, the poor, down trodden and so working and developing a friendship with the marginalized to promote their human dignity. . TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 15 OUR DIOCESE Folk Nativity Production 2012 By Morris Cyrille T conclusion as the Judge played he difference in attendance by Ian Michael Anthony is at theatre productions is concerned. Mr. Anthony when demarcated by Hurricane he appears is in regal and David. Pre-David days, there autocratic mien. was no such thing as television In his defense Emmanuel and cable, modern day David the accused tell the story telecommunications and rapid of the nativity of the Christ child. changes that now seem to distract The narration begins. And enter the Dominican public. Joseph played by Glenis Jno Everything happened out Baptiste and Mary portrayed by of one’s home: sports, political Mrs. Ophelia Marie. meetings, interest group Mr. Bully states that Einstar assemblies, cinema and stage, Leblanc and himself composed picnics, river, sea, hikes, cookouts, etc. Mrs. Ophelia Marie as Mary & Mr. Glenis Jno Baptiste as Joseph 19 songs in two weeks for that folk dramatization of the Sacred Director Alwin Bully in his Director’s notes for his latest stage presentation, a Birth. The Sixth Sisserou Singers were ideal in supporting recasting of Folk Nativity says: “At that time the People’s Action Theatre was at its prime with a company of about some of Dominica’s strong solo voices like Mrs. Marie, 30 performers staging plays and musicals at St. Gerard’s Mr. Marie, Mr. Jno Baptiste and Mr. Anthony. Bring in the experienced actor/singer Steve James Hall that would run for 20 to 35 performances before as Angel Gabriel and Maxine Alleyne-Esprit as Lead Angel touring to neighbouring islands.” So Mr. Bully who delighted hundreds of Dominicans in the heavenly hosts amidst a plethora of Dominica’s through the 1970s and stage performing talent including the Waitukubuli Dance into the 1980s decided Theatre Company and Shyann Dewhurst of Africa Stilt and “Folk with others, following an Dancers intervention by Ophelia Nativity” came to life on Marie back in 1976, to the stage at the Arawak House of Culture write “Folk Nativity.” For those who from the 13th -15th of attended the 2012 December 2012. production of “Folk The audio may Nativity” with a new cast not have been its best Mr. Webster Marie as Emmanuel David it was a couple of hours on opening night, the well spent; only Ophelia Marie seems to have been in the accompanyment may Mr. Steve James as Angel Gabriel 1978 presentation. have been loud on The word “Nativity” refers to the Birth of Jesus, (the occasion, baby Jesus may have seem to be an afterthought Saviour of the World). “Folk” has the connotation of the in the hands of Joseph, but by play end, it was a satisfied ordinary person on the street or the grass roots culture and happy audience who made their way home to spread of the people. the word. In the play there is this character called Emmanuel There were those in the audience who thought that David (Emmanuel-God with us and David the hereditary “Folk Nativity” should also be performed in the schools, ancestor of Jesus in the Jewish tradition) who is accused but Mr. Bully resurrected Folk Nativity as a fundraising of all sorts of unspeakable offences against individuals, effort towards the restoration of the Roseau Cathedral. property and the State. The guilt of Emmanuel David, All who saw Folk Nativity would have had their played by Webster Marie the rustic narrator, is a foregone Christmas long before Christmas Day. . 16 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE Notice Board january Green Ribbon Month 14th-18th: The Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Clergy of the Province of Castries • 22nd: World Respect Life Day february • 2nd: Sister Alces 26th Anniversary • 2nd: 17th World Day of Prayer for the Gift of Consecrated Life • 3rd: World Day of Consecrated Life • 13th: Ash Wednesday • 24th: Special Collection - Peter the Apostle • 11th: World Day of Prayer for the Sick Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral Renovation Committe • • wishes to thank all parishioners who supported its fund-raising activities for the year 2012. Special thanks to those who continue to make regular contributions and those who fulfill their pledge commitments. We look forward to your continued support in raising funds for the completion of Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral roof. May God to grant you many blessings in 2013. Feasts & solemnities january 14th: Memorial of the Blessed Peter Donders - Patron of Belles • 20th: Memorial of the Miraculous Infant Jesus - Patron of Dublanc/ Bioche • 31st: Memorial of St. John Bosco - Patron of Lower Penville february • 2nd: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Patron of Cochrane • 11th: Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes - Patron of Soufriere Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral Fundraiser • Diocesan Youth Secretariat • • • • • • • • • • january 5 : World Youth Day Rio Pilgrims Formation Session from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 13th:-19th:Vocations Week 19th: Youth Secretariat Meeting from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. february 1st –2nd: Youth Secretariat Spiritual Retreat (HRRH) 23rd: World Youth Day Rio Pilgrims Formation Session from 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. 16th: Leadership Training Programme in St. Andrews Parish from 5:00 p.m. 23rd: Leadership Training Programme in Our Lady of La Soie Parish from 5:00 p.m. March 23rd: Diocesan Youth Rally at the Cabrits National Park 2nd: Leadership Training Programme in St. Andrews Parish from 5:00 p.m. 9th: Leadership Training Programme in Our Lady of La Soie Parish from 5:00 p.m. th Dominica Catholic Radio can be heard on 96.1 on the FM frequency, channel 94 on Marpin 2k4 & live stream on http:// Please spread the word and send in your financial contributions to Dominica Catholic Radio, P.O. Box 790, Roseau, Dominica Ruth Paul won the raffle for the coffee grinder Speacial thanks to all those who patronized the raffle. Your support was greatly appreciated Motorbike Day One Death Is One Too Many • • • • • • • • 26th January 2013 25th January: Live Broadcast of Convent High School’s Assembly 25th January: On The Beat on DBS from 7:00 p.m. Weekend of January 26th Blessing of bikes and bikers Pep talk on Healthy Riding Laying of wreath/ Candle lighting Cross country motorcade Health Fair Exhibition We all wear Green!!! For more information call the parish office 449 1456, Peace Committee 275 2708, Mahaut Village Council 449 2520 or 265 3996 ErratA In the December issue: • The article ‘Profile: Martin Anthony’ on page 06 should read ‘Profile: Vernon Martin’ • ‘Photos by Charles Lewis’ on page 12 & 13 should read ‘Photos by Charles Louis’ Our Catholic Community apologises for the error. Send us your parish events & notices Call us at 448 2837 or email us at [email protected] LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 17 OUR DIOCESE EVENTS OUR DIOCESE Christian Leadership 2013: Go For It “Never let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do.” – SOS Coach John Wooden will require courage, and the only way to get it is to develop it. Courage is your conditioned capacity to respond to all life events with positive actions rather What are YOUR goals? What do you want for than negative beliefs. It will also require you to build on yourself? What future will you create? your strengths. Your weaknesses are merely dangers ver the weekend of to be avoided. “Never let what May 19th to 21st 2012, you can’t do get in the way we in the Diocese of of what you can do.” - Coach Roseau, were blessed with John Wooden. the presence of Bill and Billy You must also commit to Moyer, Cofounders of the personal responsibility in 2013. SOS Leadership Institute, In order to do this, you must for the launching of our allow someone else to hold you SOS Christian Leadership accountable. Accountability Development Program. As we leads to personal responsibility. end 2012 and begin 2013, Accountability pushes you past it is an opportune time to your self-imposed limitations. take stock of what we have Accountability is the most achieved in 2012 as it relates powerful and effective force in to our personal leadership helping you grow. You can’t development, our church settle in because you have development program, and chosen to be accountable. our community leadership With those thoughts SMA Prefects & Teachers listening attentively to Leadership development and to glance on in mind, I encourage you to Presentation by Bill & Billy Moyer where we want to go in 2013. GO FOR IT in 2013! Choose Has our Leadership talent grown or has it declined? growth and make it your best year ever! To help us in our evaluation, I wish to share with you Billy Moyer’s Blog posted on Monday, December 3rd, Here are some ways to Go For It: 2012, entitled: “GO FOR IT IN 2013” http://www. • Reflect on your strengths. • Set written goals for the year. Writes Billy, “You have two choices in 2013: Grow • Develop a plan of action for those goals. or decline. Growth demands that you consciously • Track your progress. choose growth and that choice always requires you to • Believe that you CAN do it! Don’t give up, don’t ever change. When most people decide to grow, their plan give up! only reflects an increase in what they have already • Find a good coach or mentor to hold you accountable. been doing. If you want to Go For It in 2013 you And last but certainly not least, remember must choose growth, which means you must commit that now is the time to take action and Go For It! A to change! Change is difficult because that choice is successful 2013 begins now. Only YOU can take the contrary to our natural human instincts. Remember first step toward achieving what matters most in that “if you do what you have always done, you will your life. Will you take that step today?” . be who you have always been.” Going For It in 2013 O SUBSCRIBE FOR ONE YEAR TO ‘OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY’ Please tick as appropriate - (12 monthly issues) Local: (pick-up) EC$ 24.00 Local: (mailed) EC$ 40.20 Caribbean: EC$ 48.00 NAME: (Mr, Mrs.,Ms.)……………………………………….. International: EC$ 64.20 (or equivalent) Online: EC$ 24.00 ADDRESS: ………………………………………………….. Payment must be sent to: …………………………………………………………..... The Editorial Committee Diocese of Roseau …………………………………………………………..... Turkey Lane, P.O. Box 790 Roseau TEL: ………………………………………………….... Commonwealth of Dominica EMAIL 18 …………………………………………………... Cheques, bank drafts etc. should be made out to - Bishop of Roseau OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE We have wonderful things in store for you in every month. There will be stories to read, numbers to trace, words to circle, ornaments to make, pictures to colour, words to match, puzzle to discover and much much more...... Follow the numbers and trace Moses’ trip from Egypt to the promised land. OUR DIOCESE Welcome to the Kid’s Corner Read Exodus 19:16--20:26 and Mark 12:28--33 Circle the correct answers. God chose (Moses, Aaron) to be the leader of His people. Moses led God’s people out of (Egypt, Syria) to the promised land. On the way they stopped to camp in the (wilderness, village) near Mount Sinai. There a (great, small) storm came, and the (trees, mountain) shook. God told Moses to go to the top of the mountain. There God gave him ten (laws, promises) for the people. Many years later Jesus told the (Sadducees, priests) that there were two great commandments. He said, “Love the Lord thy (Maker, God) with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy mind, and all thy strength, and thy (neighbor, friend) as thyself.” .....this section is for reading..... This is the first two pages of a little book called Saint Martin De Porres by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D T he country of Peru in South America was discovered in 1529 by Francisco Pizarro, a Spaniard. On January 6, 1529, the Feast of the Epiphany or the Three Kings, he founded the capital city of Peru and called it “City of the Kings.” Later, the city took the name of the valley where it was located----Lima. Since that time it has been known as the city of Lima. It was the capital of the first viceroyalty begun in America. After the discovery of Peru, many Spanish people came to bring Spanish culture to America. One of them was John de Porres, a nobleman from Alcantara. He had been born in Burgos but his ancestors were from Cordoba, Spain. John came to the New World as the Governor of Panama. On the way, he stopped at Lima. . TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 19 OUR CATHOLIC WORLD A The Year ByofMsgr.Faith - Dei Verbum William John-Lewis n important aspect of our observance of the Year of Faith will be a series of teachings, aired on our Catholic Radio, Dominica Catholic Radio, on various documents of the Second Vatican Council. The first of these documents to be studies is entitled Dei Verbum, the Latin title for the “Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. Dei Verbum simply means, “The Word of God.” Why study Dei Verbum Why this series of teachings on Dei Verbum? This is for two reasons: (1) It is part of the implementation of our Synod. Yes, the Synod is not finished. We are still “Disciples on Mission, Gifted and Called.” We are in the process of implementing the synod recommendations which have been complied in a ten-year Diocesan Pastoral Plan. Our focus for the first three years of the Pastoral Plan is the “Word of God.” And one of the activities the Pastoral Plan calls us to do, is the study of Dei Verbum. (2) A second reason for our study of Dei Verbum is the “Year of Faith” proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. And in this Year of Faith, Pope Benedict urges us to revisit and study the Documents of Vatican II. This year is the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. In 1962 the Council was convened by Pope John XXIII. In this Year of Faith we are also asked to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism. These are the two very important reasons why we are encouraging you to study Dei Verbum and to learn from it what the Church teaches about the Word of God. Dei Verbum, a Key Document of Vatican II Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, promulgated November 18, 1965, is one of the four primary or main documents of the Second Vatican Council. The other three are: Lumen Gentium, the “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church”; Sacrosanctum Concilium, the “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy”; and Gaudium et Spes, the “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.” You will notice that Lumen Gentium and Dei Verbum are called “Dogmatic Constitutions.” Dogmatic, is the most solemn pronouncement that a Council utters. Thus Dei Verbum, a dogmatic Constitution is one of the most important documents of the Council. In the collection of the Council’s documents, Dei Verbum is printed second; the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) is printed first. Dei Verbum, the Church’s Pronouncement on the Bible Our Catholic faith is based on divine revelation. The Catholic Church knows that she was founded by Jesus Christ, and that she was commissioned by him to proclaim the Gospel of God’s love to all humanity. In Dei Verbum Vatican II spelled out in some detail what the Church believes and teaches with regard to divine revelation, primarily as it is contained in the Bible. Dei Verbum emphasizes the written word in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) and 20 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE the New Testament ( C h r i s t i a n Scriptures). Dei Verbum addresses the questions of what God’s word is and how it comes to us so we may be able to know it in order to live it. The Meaning of Revelation As its name expresses, Dei Verbum’s main subject is revelation. What is revelation? Revelation, from the Latin word, revelare, means to “uncover,” to “remove the veil.” In the case of divine revelation, it is God removing the veil from the divine face so we can come to know God – not just things about God, but God’s own self – in a personal, relational way. Overview of the Document After a brief prologue the document has six major chapters: 1. Divine Revelation itself 2. The transmission of Divine revelation 3. Sacred Scripture: Its divine Inspiration and Its Interpretation 4. The old testament 5. The New Testament 6. Sacred Scripture in the Life of the Church The major concern of the document is to proclaim a Catholic understanding of the Bible as the “word of God.” This understanding is placed within the larger context of the Church’s understanding of revelation itself. Here the document speaks not of revelation about God, but the revelation of God. The second chapter deals with the relationship between Scripture and Tradition in the context of the transmission of revelation within the church. The third chapter contains the basic principles whereby Catholic Scripture scholars should approach the Bible. The chapters on the Old and New Testament place these books within the history of salvation that lies at the core of these collections. The final chapter places Scripture in the life of the Church. In a way that would have surprised many Catholics the Council taught that the “Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures just as she venerates the [Eucharistic] Body of the Lord.” (n. 21). The document encourages Catholics to read the Bible and in particular urged theologians and priests to become more thoroughly formed by the Bible. Quoting St. Jerome, an early biblical scholar and translator of the Bible, it reminds us that “ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” . …to be continued next issue By Marcella Severin F rom the time we entered France through Geneva (the latter we reached by air), mountain beauty surrounded us on every side! These enormous elevations were, for the most part, verdant, and the few stony ones were a delight to behold, unlike the brown, bare, rough, stony ones of Egypt. Some members of our group still feared them, and one member said she would put all her weight onto the opposite side of the bus to try to prevent the so-careful bus driver from plunging into the sheer precipices below! On the green flats of some of these mountains, perched small villages, the spire of their Churches rising above all their buildings. Our Lady of La Salette After three hours, we reached the Retreat House of La Salette. Le Sanctuaire de la Salette, as it was called, housed the Basilica, a few chapels, the hostel, the cafeteria, a restaurant, two reception rooms, the Museum, and, of course, the store. They were all in one edifice that lay on the only flat table-like land that the surrounding mountains offered. Another building, not far away, was the chapel of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Everywhere else was mountain! BUT, as one author so aptly described the scene: “from the terrace to the top of the mountains all is covered with beautiful verdure”… “Here”, he wrote, was “this solitude, withdrawn from the world of men”. In another place, he said: “…here, time was effaced”. Over these huge, almost perpendicular elevations and the road, immense white clouds of cool mist often spread far and wide, till afternoon. At evening, they returned. The only purely mist-less days we had were our last two. At the foot of Mount Gargas, where Maximin and Mélanie saw Our Lady, and which was opposite the Retreat House, was the site of the Apparition of the seated Weeping Lady; and of the Standing Lady with Maximin on one side, and Mélanie on the other; and the dog sleeping close by them. Next to these now bronze, dark green images, Photos by Jacqueline Douglas gushed the ice-cold stream, piped further downstream. On the other side of the stream, across from the statues mentioned, stood both fearful Maximin and Mélanie, in the same colour bronze, staring at the Weeping Lady. Maximin held a (dark green bronze) stick in his hand; for, in his own words, “if it does anything, I will give it a good knock”! Not far behind the two children, on top of the table land, was another huge statue, of the same metal and colour, of Our Lady of La Salette. Mount Gargas Some members of our group were so fascinated by Mount Gargas, since the Cross, all the way at its summit, enticed them; and since clear, cut tracks had been carved into Gargas, guess what! — Yes! They did the 1,250 ft. of elevation! What they saw must be what the same author saw in 1854: “at that high elevation, the scene of the Apparition, (which is) closed in with its own mountains, like an amphitheatre, exhibits, from the terrace of the fountain to the summits of the enclosing mountains, one vast carpet of green, variegated with its flowers, and is alone adorned with a verdure so rich, and with an aspect so soft.” The flowers, which we ourselves saw, he lists: “the spring gentian, and the stemless gentian, the mountain violet and the Alpine forget-me-not, and the mountain polygala; and, mixed with these, is the rock-cystus, the Alpine soldanella, and a small cowslip”. Like the pilgrims of 1854, I thought: “What… fine taste Our Lady has!” The lower tracks of Gargas closer to the Apparition scenes were tiled, to accommodate pilgrims in the planned, and guided, daily, evening, candlelight processions. The Leaders Unlike anywhere else on our pilgrimage, our activities at La Salette included our two welcoming priests: Fr. Pat, with his exciting voice and expressive guitar, and Fr. Del, both of whom seemed to have known us long ago! They were there at the international processions, and at the Basilica international masses. Fr. Del accompanied us on our private Way of the Cross behind the Basilica. Both were there when we recited the Rosary in both French and English, with our French counterparts, in La Chapelle de la Rencontre. They missed only our private Rosary, with our bishops, on the very site of the Apparitions. To end, we must commend both Bishops Gabriel Malzaire and Kenneth Richards, and Jacqueline Douglas and Mrs. Veronica Younis --all wonderful leaders! The last two took care of preparations for the tour, with meetings that included information on payment deadlines, airlines, tour buses, visas, passports, roommates, and meals. On the tour, Bishop Malzaire, Jacqueline, and Mrs. Younis informed us of our daily schedules after our morning and evening prayers together. The Bishops prayed with us at each meal, before and after. Bishop Kenneth Richards, though he never knew us before, fit in quite well. He attempted the Kneeling Penitence with us. He took turns preaching the homilies. He climbed the mountain Gargas with us. He often kept up the group rear, giving assistance: be it lugging extra suitcases, pushing a wheelchair, or giving a word of comfort, laughter, or wisdom and, only in my case, open confession, besides being, by his admirable height, my lighthouse everytime I could not locate my fellow pilgrims!). Last, but not least, and really amazing was the truly chic â la française Mme Germaine Toussaint, who, though older than us, was able to tour with us at her own pace. She only missed what she evidently couldn’t handle: example: the mountain climbing and the Kneeling Penitence. . LISTEN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO MARPIN CHANNEL 94 21 OUR CATHOLIC WORLD The Pilgrimage to Our Lady of La Salette OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH The Holy Father Speaks to Youth “Go and make disciples of all nations!” (cf. Mt 28:19) Become Christ’s disciples lead other young people to friendship with him. his missionary vocation comes to you for another I encourage you to think of the gifts you have reason as well, and that is because it is necessary received from God so that you can pass them on to for our personal journey in faith. Blessed John Paul others in turn. Learn to reread your personal history. Be II wrote that “faith is strengthened when it is given to conscious of the wonderful legacy passed down to you others!” (Redemptoris Missio, 2). When you proclaim the from previous generations. So many faith-filled people Gospel, you yourselves grow have been courageous in as you become more deeply handing down the faith rooted in Christ and mature in the face of trials and as Christians. Missionary incomprehension. Let us commitment is an essential never forget that we are dimension of faith. We links in a great chain of cannot be true believers if men and women who have we do not evangelize. The transmitted the truth of proclamation of the Gospel the faith and who depend can only be the result of the on us to pass it on to joy that comes from meeting others. Being a missionary Christ and finding in him the presupposes knowledge of rock on which our lives can this legacy, which is the be built. When you work to faith of the Church. It is help others and proclaim the necessary to know what Gospel to them, then your you believe in, so that you own lives, so often fragmented because of your many can proclaim it. As I wrote in the introduction to the activities, will find their unity in the Lord. You will also YouCat, the catechism for young people that I gave you build up your own selves, and you will grow and mature at World Youth Day in Madrid, “you need to know your in humanity. faith with that same precision with which an IT specialist What does it mean to be a missionary? Above all, it knows the inner workings of a computer. You need to means being a disciple of Christ. It means listening ever understand it like a good musician knows the piece he anew to the invitation to follow him and look to him: is playing. Yes, you need to be more deeply rooted in the “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” faith than the generation of your parents so that you (Mt 11:29). A disciple is a person attentive to Jesus’ can engage the challenges and temptations of this time word (cf. Lk 10:39), someone who acknowledges that with strength and determination” (Foreword). Jesus is the Teacher who has loved us so much that he More to come in the next issue of Our Catholic gave his life for us. Each one of you, therefore, should Community. . let yourself be shaped by God’s word every day. This will Excerpt from the Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for make you friends of the Lord Jesus and enable you to the twenty-eighth World Youth Day 2013 T Portsmouth Catholic Youth Movement By Fr. Herman Sharplis fter several attempts to reorganize the Catholic as Pastor and Spiritual Director of the youths. The Youth Movement in Portsmouth, a new group was youths continue to demonstrate a deep interest and launched on Sunday 23rd December, 2012 during commitment to Church life. They are involved in the the 8:00 a.m. Mass at Portsmouth. liturgy as every fourth Sunday in The forty-five member strong the month is Youth Mass. group includes youths from age They have also demonstrated twelve to eighteen years. The group good stewardship by raising funds which started in September has for their group t-shirts. Over a grown over the past three months. two month period, the youths They made a great impact with undertook car washes, hiking and their presence at the celebration of seeking assistance for the funds to Christ the King on November 25th. purchase the t-shirts. This New Year the youths will The celebration which took place focus on several faith development in Portsmouth was for the Western programmes like the CHOICE Vicariate. The youths of that Vicariate put on a major presentation entitled ‘Hailing games, Anchor and other programmes. They meet every Friday at the church hall for Christ our King’. The group coordinators are Mrs. Bethude Azille different activities and meetings. The group aim is to go on for many years. . and Miss Frederica James, with Fr. Herman Sharplis A 22 OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY JANUARY 2013 ISSUE From the Office of the Diocesan Youth Secretariat 1. Why start a Youth Group For many parishes the most effective way to minister to young people is to set up a youth group. This allows young people to gather with others to search, discover and celebrate what it means to be a young Catholic today. It may be that a number of groups may be needed to meet the needs of the young people in a parish. Key questions to ask are: Who is the group for? Why is this group important? What do we want from this group? 2. What will this group do? Through our baptism, we are called as members of the Church to greater holiness and to spread the Good News. Setting up a youth group will allow young people to become involved in activities that revolve around the Catholic faith whilst providing support and social networks for them. Key questions to ask are: Do we provide activities that revolve around the Catholic faith? How do we support the young people? How are we connecting young people to parish life? 3. What is the target age group? When starting a youth group it is very important to establish the age level you hope to work with. Young people fall into many different categories, the word “youth” or “young person” can apply to all ages between 10 and 35! There is a vast difference in the needs and life experience of the different age groups. You might look to start a number of groups to meet the different needs of the various age groups. 4. Gathering support in the parish. It is important to realise that the responsibility for young people cannot be left to a handful of volunteers in the parish. The whole community has a role to play— the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” applies here. Getting a team of adults who are keen and motivated as well as having the time and energy can sometimes be difficult. In recruiting volunteers it is wise to look at what gifts and skills they have and seek to utilise these. Don’t worry that there may not be enough “young adults” to help. Older and wiser heads are just as important. 5. What do the young people want to do? By this stage you will probably have some idea as to what you would want the group to do. It is important that you ask the young people what they would like to see happen. This gives the young people a voice and “ownership” of the group. There are a variety of ways of consulting with young people. • Call a meeting • Needs Assessment Questionnaire • Listen to the needs of young people • Empower the young people • Allow for greater ownership by the young people • Make consultation a part of the regular evaluation and planning process 6. Developing a programme of events Once you have done all the previous steps you will be ready to put together a programme. It is good to get a balance of activities: • Prayer • Social • Study (learning about the faith) • Service Back cover photos by Kassim Lewis Another way to think about developing activities is to think of 4Fs - Faith, Fellowship, Fun and Food! Look to make links to what is already happening in the parish. The youth group should be a place where the members grow in their faith and in parish life while still participating in the wider community. 7. When and how often to meet? It is best to discuss as a group how often you will meet. This might be monthly, fortnightly or weekly. Remember that young people have many calls on their time so it is important to try and get agreements regarding commitment. Be aware of the other commitments of the young people – school, social, sports. Look for consistency in meeting, e.g. if you are meeting monthly choose an easy remembered date first Friday. Make sure you have enough leaders to cover all of the sessions so that they do not feel overstretched. Put together a termly plan and don’t forget to look at what may be happening locally and at a Diocesan level. 8. Promoting the group in the parish Advertising the group to a wider audience brings many benefits. It helps attract new people but also tells people that youth are active in the life of the community. Here are some ways to advertise: • Regular announcements in the parish bulletin • Posters • Personal invitation (face to face, phone calls) • Website (either a youth site or part of the parish website) • Email/Text • Social networking group • Advertise in local schools • Encourage the young people to spread the word amongst their friends. 9. Resources and contacts One of the best resources for youth work is the parish community. What gifts and talents do the leaders have? Who can you approach in the parish? What groups meet locally? Are there any ecumenical links? The Diocesan Youth office also contains a wealth on resources for youth group leaders. Please contact us for help in planning your activities: youth 10. Building for the future • Remember that youth ministry is not a one man or woman show! • Identify and recruit potential leaders—encourage the young people to take on leadership roles. • Encourage training/formation of leaders , The Diocesan Youth office can assist with training. • Remember to keep parents involved. • Share good news stories, write to the local media with pictures. • Young People—always be on the lookout for new members. • Parish – Clergy, Pastoral Councils, Finance Committees—Make sure they are on board. Let them know what is happening. • Review and evaluate on a regular basis o What is working? o What needs to be done? . *Adapted from the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, UK Youth Ministry Department TUNE IN TO DOMINICA CATHOLIC RADIO 96.1 FM 23 OUR YOUTH: EDUCATION, RECREATION AND FAITH Starting a Youth Group - A 10 Point Plan * Our Catholic Community Magazine Budding Writers & Photographers Workshops Are Here Again... Budding Writers Workshop: Saturday 23rd February 2012 Budding Photographers Workshop: Saturday 9th March 2012 both at the Diocesan Pastoral Center from 9:00 a.m. Call our office at 448-2837 or visit us for registration & details Register Now!!!!! Convent High School’s ‘Little B’ Calypso Competition T Kaele Benjamin Amber Johnson Elizabeth Duveney he Convent High School’s Music department held it’s annual Calypso competition on 15th December, 2012 at the C.H.S. Auditorium. There were three segments to this show: Calypso, Jingle & Idol. The three 3rd forms competed for the Calypso and the Jingle’s titles. AMBER JOHNSON won the CALYPSO crown segment with a number entitled ‘A Student’s Life’. ELIZABETH DUVENEY won the Idol segment with a number entitled ‘I’ll Be There’. KAELE BENJAMIN was the 2nd Runner-Up of the Idol segment with a number entitled ‘Someone Like You’. The Idol Competition was open to all students of the school and through an elimination process, the final eight were chosen to perform on the calypso night. The winner of the Calypso segment will be participating in the Junior Monarch competition in February. .
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