Spring 2016 - Purrfect Pals
Spring 2016 - Purrfect Pals
The Purrfect Pals PURR The Purr fect Pals “Purr ” Join Purrfect Pals on Facebook! We love sharing photos of special kitties, updates on our events, and more on our Facebook page. You can also post photos with our 14,000+ Facebook friends! Come visit us at www.facebook.com/purrfectpals! Giving Online is Easier Than Ever! Our redesigned website features a new and improved giving page which makes it quick and easy to donate to Purrfect Pals. Visit us online today to give a tax-deductible gift with just a few clicks or learn more about other ways to support our mission to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound Region! www.purrfectpals.org/give Donate Your Vehicle to Help Cats! Buying a new car this year? Instead of trading in your old one, consider making it a taxdeductible donation to support the cats at Purrfect Pals! Our partnership with Donate for Charity, a nationally known vehicle donation program, makes it nearly effortless for you. A call to Donate for Charity is toll free at 1-866392-4483 or you can visit their website for more information. • Because Every Cat Matters • Spring 2016 Purrfect Pals Cats and Kittens are Taking Over the Internet! Can’t get enough of cat videos on the internet? We’ve got you covered! As fans of Foster Dad John’s beloved “Critter Room” kitten cam are aware, we love watching Purrfect Pals cats and kittens online! Now you can also watch the cats in the Purrfect Pals Leukemia Land Sanctuary thanks to our new 24/7 live streaming, powered by MeShare technology! Thanks to the generosity of our friends at MeShare, we have two new high-quality web cams in our Leuki Land. Visit purrfectpals.org/leukicam today for links to the live streaming. Rumor has it we will also be adding an outdoor camera so you can watch the cats and kittens in Leuki Land play out in their enclosed yard this summer! You can watch the MeShare Leuki Cam live on your computer and most of your mobile devices. MeShare’s mobile app is available for iPhone and Android. You can also use robotic toys to remotely play with the cats and kittens who live in our Leukemia Land Sanctuary! Every day is a party for these wild and crazy kitties and the new Purrfect Pals iPet Companion Leuki Cam lets you join the fun in real-time (and for free!). The link to the iPet camera feed is also available at purrfectpals.org/leukicam. (continued on page 4) www.donateforcharity.com Love Marketing and Fundraising? We are currently looking for volunteers for a variety of planning committees including: General Fundraising, Marketing, Social Media and our Shelter Expansion Capital Campaign. We also have openings on our event planning committees for the Average Joe Cat Show (May 7th in Shoreline) and the Black Cat Ball (October 29th in Bellevue). We need help both now and the day of these events! Please email our Executive Director at [email protected] for more info! Now you can watch the kitties in our Leukemia Land sanctuary playing on their exercise wheel from your computer. You can also play with them remotely using robotic toys! PURR the -2- Meet Our Foster Parents: The Cobb Family Through placement and prevention programs, Purrfect Pals works to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound region - of fostering kittens is when they have upper respiratory infections or intestinal parasites.” Jeanette has sadly lost two kittens to “fading kitten syndrome” but she takes comfort that she has saved so many precious lives. Because every cat matters. Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Rd. NE Arlington, WA 98223 web www.purrfectpals.org facebook facebook.com/purrfectpals twitter #purrfectpals e-mail [email protected] phone 360-652-9611 Hours 11-4, Monday through Saturday Staff Management and Administration Connie Gabelein, Executive Director Dr. Jennifer Bennett, Lead Veterinarian Austin Dvorak, Operations Manager Carol Lamar, Clinic and Cat Care Manager Susan Bark, Manager of Foster Care and Shelter Relocation Programs Debei Massingale, Intake Coordinator Kelsey Kohlwes, Bookkeeper Shawnna Jonas, Administrative Assistant Veterinary Clinic and Cat Care Staff Brittany Alley Katherine Brobyskov Lora Brodniak Abigail Gardner Rachel Greenberg Julie Modjeski Kara Turriaga Brandy Unruh Heather Wyatt Board of Directors Jeanne Lind Donna Reitz Toni Zonneveld Kathy Centala Meg Brunner Wendy Dennis Melanie Kelsey Jennifer Moore James Petts Rachel Saimons Whitney Whitworth Jeanette Dave, Peggy, and Jeanette Cobb are one of our extraordinary foster families! The Cobb’s started fostering in October 2006 and they are now fostering their 52nd litter! Jeanette is an adult who had a late diagnosis of autism, for which she was thankful to be able to receive treatment and support. This amazing young lady has been an animal lover all her life, and she has two cats and two dogs of her own. Jeanette lives in an apartment attached to her parents home. Jeanette says “Kittens help calm me and lower my anxiety” that is caused by autism. What she loves the most about fostering is “being able to save the lives of cats and kittens”. Her favorite activities are playing with the kittens, watching them hiss playfully at toys, romp with each other, and explore their new world. Many mom cats are very shy and protective of their newborn kittens, and tend to hide in their carriers. But they quickly learn to trust Jeanette, and soon jump in her lap, purring, and wanting to be petted! Jeanette is truly a “cat whisperer” and speaks their feline language. Jeanette enjoys watching the kittens grow through all their stages, from fragile newborns to rambunctious kittens ready for adoption. Jeanette worries when her kittens are sick and says the “hardest part Fostering kittens does require several trips back and forth to the shelter for medical care, but Jeanette does not drive. Happily Dave has recently retired from the corporate world and now he is an official “kitty driver” for Jeanette, while Peggy works as registered nurse. Several years ago Dave designed and built a wonderful kitten foster room in their home for Jeanette. This cozy room features climate control, easy to clean tile floor and walls, cat trees and warm beds, and lots of windows with a forest view for bird watching! Jeanette spends many hours with her foster litters each day, and also keeps their foster room absolutely pristine! Once a litter is ready for adoption, Jeanette and her parents attend the kitten adoption events at Everett Petsmart and she really enjoys meeting the families who adopt her kitties. Dave and Peggy feel the kitten adoption events have helped Jeannette grow socially, due to the interaction with public, other foster families, and staff and volunteers. Jeanette feels her volunteer work in fostering is appreciated by the adoptive families and Purrfect Pals staff too, and she is absolutely right! We could not save cats and kittens without our amazing foster families! Jeannette does get sad when she has to say goodbye to her Mom cat and kittens when they are adopted. Happily, she does look forward to her next litter, and wonders how many kittens will be in the litter, what the age of the kittens will be, what they look like, and how she can help the new Mom cat feel at ease and at her foster home? The largest litter the Cobb’s have fostered was a Mom cat with seven adorable kittens. Just imagine all feedings, litterbox cleanings, and messes eight kitties can make! And just think about all the love they give too! Thank you, Cobb Family, for all you do for Purrfect Pals cats and kittens! -3- PURR the “Dear Tabby...” Cat behavior advice from Tabigail Van Purrin’ D ear Tabby, We are moving in about 6 weeks and it’s going to involve an hour-long ride in the car for our two cats Simon and Garfunkel. Just based on taking them to the vet every year, I know this is going to be quite an ordeal for all of us. Not only do they fight like crazy whenever I try to put them in the carrier, but they cry the entire time they’re in the car too, sometimes even thrashing themselves against the carrier door to try to get out. Do you have any advice on what to do to make this easier on them (not to mention us)? Especially since after the trip is over, they’ll be faced with unfamiliar surroundings (our new house), which will also be stressful? Mrs. Robinson Dear Mrs. Robinson, Ah, the ol’ cat carrier. We all hate it. Let us count the ways. First: horrible. Second: awful. Third: COME ON. I would never lock YOU in a box and shove you into the back seat of a car, you monster! That said, unlike most of my feline brethren, I am enlightened enough to recognize that cat carriers are for our own good. They not only keep us safer in case of an accident, but also reduce the risk of us getting out and getting lost. That’s why, personally, when I have to go in my carrier, I Am A Rock. How can you make this a little easier on your little ones? Bring about a little Sound of Silence? Let us count the ways! The first thing to do is the same thing I keep saying about everything else in this column: you have to start getting your cat to associate the things it doesn’t like with good things like treats and praise. In the case of this project, that thing is the carrier. (Or two, if you’re using one for each of your Old Friends.) Instead of leaving it in your garage or attic, only getting it out when it’s time to load your cats in, start leaving it in your living room with the doors opens. Put something inside it that smells like your cats and/ or you (perhaps some Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme? Perhaps not). Whenever you see your cats exploring it, praise them and give them a treat. After a week or so of exploration, try coaxing them (one at a time) inside using treats or toys. Try to keep them Feelin’ Groovy about going in and coming out. Do this a few times before stepping up to closing the door behind them. Then do that a few times before stepping up to lifting the carrier off the floor. Eventually, you want to start moving out the door to the car. Then load them into the car. Then sitting in the car with the engine on. Then in the car, driving around the block. You can see where this is headed, right? What you want to do is Keep the Customer Satisfied, by teaching your cats, using small steps, that there is nothing to be afraid of here. And the way you do that is by demonstrating over and over that the carrier, the car, the ride – all these things involve treats and praise. A few other tips: • Top-loading carriers can be a lot easier to get an anxious cat into than a front loader. If you only have a front-loader, try setting it on its end and dropping your cat in the top. • Feliway, a product containing synthetic cat pheromones (sold in many pet stores), has been demonstrated in a recent randomized, controlled trial to “significantly” reduce stress in cats at the vet*. I would suggest spraying it on the walls of the carrier and/or the bedding when you first start leaving the carrier out. It can be a real Bridge Over Troubled Water! • While you’re driving, try not to slam on the brakes or make jolting movements (you know, like my human does. Could you take corners a little more slowly there, Ma? I’m Slip Slidin’ Away Top Loading Carriers are Amazing! in here!). Talk quietly to your kitty. Keep the environment soothing. Some cats like having the carrier covered with a towel, some don’t – test this out during the adjustment routine. All these things together, and you should have, if not an EASY drive Homeward Bound, at least an easier one. To help Si & Gar adjust to their new home, you essentially want to do the same things you did when you first adopted them. You can find more about that on the Purrfect Pals website: http://purrfectpals.org/adopt/ new-adopters/ GOOD LUCK and Why Don’t You Write Me when you’re settled? Let me know how it went! Love and nose boops, Tabigail van Purrin’ *Feliway study: Pereira JS, et al. Improving the feline veterinary consultation: the usefulness of Feliway spray in reducing cats’ stress. J Feline Med Surg 2015 (in press). (To read the abstract: https://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26282847) Have a question for Dear Tabby? Email us at [email protected]! PURR the -4- (...INTERNET CATS, continued from page 1) Now Foster Dad John isn’t our only foster parent with a live kitten cam! Craig and Margie Thorngren, who have fostered more than fifty (Wow!) litters of kittens for Purrfect Pals, also have a new MeShare camera and are generously streaming their foster room 24/7. A link to Craig and Margie’s kitten cam is posted on their Facebook page (“Thorngren Foster Kittens”). We are extremely grateful to MeShare, iPet Companion and an anonymous donor for providing this great technology to Purrfect Pals (along with hosting and tech support!) free of charge. Our new live streaming “Leuki Cam”, powered by MeShare, catches Danika, Lady Violet, Sally, Jack Skellington and Lady Sybil resting (a rare occurance!) in our Leukemia Land sanctuary in Arlington. We hope that the Leuki Cams will be not only fun and entertaining for viewers, but also educational. We also think we will be able to increase donations to Purrfect Pals, adoptions and public awareness by giving such an open and honest look inside our sanctuary for special needs cats. This is definitely unscripted “Reali-kitty television.” Yes, those who tune in will see adorable, fluffy cats and kittens playing. However, viewers may also see cats who aren’t feeling well due to Feline Leukemia or our employees pilling cats with sniffles and bathing grumpy cats who have ringworm. These are regular occurances in a shelter environment and could be tough to watch. Rest assured, though, that the cute moments outnumber the sad ones! In the words of Foster Dad John, enjoy the cam and have a nice day! P.S. The Leukemia Land kitties asked us to let you know that they added some fun toys, beds and other items for their room to our Amazon.com Wishlist. Hopefully you will see them on the Leuki Cam soon! A link to the wish list is available at purrfectpals.org/give/wishlist. Meet the Stars: Leuki Land Cats! Oogie Boogie, eight months old, and his siblings (Jack Skellington, Sally, Zero and Dr. Finklestein) have lived in Leuki Land since October and are very active and silly! Danika is a friendly and playful girl who likes sleeping up on top of the wall cabinet when she isn’t running around the room or on the exercise wheel. Hero is a very sweet nine year old kitty and her hobbies include running on the exercise wheel and sitting in laps. She has lived in Leuki Land for six years. -5- PURR the Our Cats are Living in Luxury in the Brand New “Denny’s Pet World” Adoption Room! Because of the upcoming demolition of the Totem Lake Mall, Denny’s Pet World, one of our offsite cat adoption partners, recently relocated to a brand new building in Kirkland. We are thrilled to share that when they were designing their new space, the wonderful owner and employees at Denny’s included an amazing adoption room where Purrfect Pals cats and kittens can stretch out and relax while waiting to find families! The new cat adoption room features several beautiful custom cat trees and wall climbers from Scratch & Sniff Unique Pet Furniture and a lovely aquarium for our kitties to enjoy! The cats roam freely in the room and the space is very welcoming for visitors. If you are ever in the Totem Lake area of Kirkland, please drop by and visit the Purrfect Pals cats at the new Denny’s Pet World store at 13123 NE 124th Street (across the street from Toyota of Kirkland). The kitties would love to give you the grand tour of their wonderful new space The new Denny’s Pet World Adoption Center is a cat paradise! The room features a stunning aquarium full of live entertainment and custom cat trees and wall climbers to play on! and introduce you to their fish friends! Black Cat Ball! Would you or your business like to help us make our 19th Annual Black Cat Ball, a gala auction and gourmet dinner supporting Purrfect Pals, a huge success? Please visit purrfectpals.org/newsevents/bcb to learn more about donating auction items, volunteering or becoming an event sponsor! Balthazar, who was recently adopted by a wonderful family, and Austin Dvorak, Operations Manager for Purrfect Pals, enjoy the brand new Denny’s Pet World Adoption Center. PURR the -6- The Average Joe Cat Show, a fundraiser for Purrfect Pals, isn’t a stuffy competition limited to traditional show cats. We don’t discriminate against cats who happen to be purebred, but you won’t find any “Best in Breed” awards at this event. For eleven years now, we have gathered every spring to celebrate cats and their quirks. housecats, some begrudgingly dressed in costumes for the occasion. They will be competing for titles such as Most Impressive Ear Hair, Loudest Purr, Biggest Feet and Most Obnoxious Cat. And, since every cat is a winner in our (and their) minds, every contestant who doesn’t win first place will take home a red second prize ribbon. Shelle Singer from StarDog What you will find at the Average Joe Cat Photo (who has two Purrfect Pals cats of Show is a gymnasium filled with cute her own!) will also be on hand to take complimentary (but professional quality) photos of your kitty! Meet Oskar the Blind Cat & Klaus! you can bring home from our vendor fair will. Pet food retailers and manufacturers will even be handing out free samples. But Wait, There’s More! We will even have some special celebrity guests at the show this year! Oskar the Blind Cat and his buddy, Klaus, will once again be at the show with some of their awesome cat toys and other goodies! We also invited our animal rescue friends to share in the fun again this year! In If your cat isn’t much of a social butterfly and would prefer to enjoy the festivities from the safety of his favorite bed at home, there are still plenty of ways for you to participate in the Average Joe Cat Show. This fun, familyfriendly event also features a cat photography show, a cat and kitten adoption event, tons of vendor booths selected with cat lovers in mind, professional cat behavior experts offering up advice for tackling your naughty kitty’s habits, a kids’ craft table, silent auction to support Purrfect Pals, gourmet hot dogs (veggie dogs, too!) from Dante’s Inferno Dogs, Greek food from Athena’s Food Truck, and more! If the ribbons your cat will win in the photo contest doesn’t impress Come meet internet celebrity kitties Oskar and Klaus her, surely the fun catnip toys, cat in their booth at the Average Joe Cat Show! beds, cat trees and other goodies Big Boy, the winner of the “Best in Show” award at the 2015 Average Joe Cat Show! -7addition to Purrfect Pals, the show will feature several non-profit organizations including The NOAH Center, Seattle Animal Shelter, Seattle Area Feline Rescue, Feral Cat Spay & Neuter Project, Genevieve G. Animal Advocacy, Feral Care, Snow Leopard Trust, the Paw Project and Fourpaws Lifeline. Several of these groups will be bringing adoptable cats and kittens and all of them will have staff and volunteers on hand to talk about volunteering, fostering and other Visit the Average Joe Cat Show website today to enter the cat show or cat photo contest, vote for your favorite cats in the “People’s Choice” competitions or learn more about this fun, family-friendly event! PURR the opportunites for you to lend a helping paw to Puget Sound animals in need. It’s not too late to enter your cat (or cats) in this year’s Average Joe Cat Show or our cat photo contest! This year our photo contest categories include Funniest Photo, Most Adorable Cat, Best Cat in a Box, Grumpiest Looking Cat and Most Artistic Photo. Enter the cat show and photo contests today by visiting www.purrfectpals.org. Voting has already begun for our “People’s Choice” competitions, so be sure to enter soon! www.purrfectpals.org/newsevents/ajcs Prefer to register for the Average Joe Cat Show or Photo Contest by mail? No problem! Please email us at director@ purrfectpals.org or call us at (360) 6529611 to request an entry form. We are all looking forward to seeing you (and maybe even your cat!) on May 7th! Join the Fun at the 3rd Annual Kitten Cam Con! Fans of Foster Dad John’s Critter Room Kitten Cam are organizing the 3rd Annual “Kitten Cam Con,” an action-packed four day event (held May 4th-8th) in Seattle centered around our Average Joe Cat Show! Registration is now open for this year’s event in Seattle. Visit the Kitten Cam Con Facebook page for more information or to sign up today! www.facebook.com/KittenCamCon Last year, local fans of the kitten cam were joined by dozens who traveled from New England, Florida, Arizona and Australia. Fans will once again be joining us from near and far and we are expecting a large increase in attendance for the 2016 convention. The world wide Internet phenomenon of Kitten Cams has transformed the lives of people and cats around the globe. Friendships and communities are continually being created among viewers through the power of social media. The mission of Kitten Cam Con is to create real life and Internet events that further this community and to celebrate, promote and support foster parents with kitten cams and their associated animal shelters and rescue groups including Purrfect Pals! A European Kitten Cam Con is even being organized later this year in Cologne, Germany! Foster Dad John and 2015 Kitten Cam Con Attendees explore Downtown Seattle. PURR the -8- Special Thanks to: Ghostie Birthday Presents! The Ghostbuster Fosters, alumni of the Critter Room Kitten Cam, who celebrated Ray and Egon’s 2nd birthday by collecting donations for the cats at Purrfect Pals! Their parents and friends delivered piles and piles of boxes of much-needed food, toys and other supplies which are already being put to great use in our foster homes! Many thanks to everyone who donated. 150 people sent gifts which added up to over $8,000! The boys spent 6+ hours opening 250 boxes (with a little help from friends and family) live on the internet. Concur Technologies Employees The wonderful Purrfect Pals Volunteers who donate their time in our offsite Adoption Centers all over the Puget Sound Region! Without their tireless efforts, we would not be able to find loving homes for so many homeless cats and kittens. Thank you to each and every one of you for opening your heart to kitties in need! for supporting our cats! Those of you who support Purrfect Pals through Workplace Giving Programs! The company matches for your donations and volunteer time added up to over $120,000 in 2015! Artist Georgia Dunn, who is donating the royalties from the sales of her new “Breaking Cat News” Shelter Poster to Purrfect Pals! We are so grateful to have talented and giving friends like Georgia! Order your poster today at topatoco.com. The Employees at Concur Technologies in Bellevue, who recently spent a day spring cleaning in the “Rec Room” at our Arlington sanctuary! They are given one day a quarter to volunteer at a non-profit organization of their choice. Michele, a Purrfect Pals volunteer, has regularly organized a team of her co-workers to come up to paint or do whatever job the shelter needs. This month, they helped deep clean the Rec Room by pressure washing the cat towers, scrubbing the walls, floors, etc and entertaining the kitties! Michele shared, “I love taking coworkers up there to learn what we’re all about. Not only do we get to help out the kitties, but we also get a chance to get educated on the shelter and about cats (their behaviors, eating habits, declawing, illnesses, etc.). We will continue the tradition going forward!” We are so glad they were able to donate their time once again to Purrfect Pals. Thank you, Concur, for encouraging employees to give back and thank you to Michele’s team of volunteers J.J. Farrar, who comes to the Purrfect Pals sanctuary every week to pick up cardboard and other recyclables and drive them to the recycling center! It is not the most glamorous of volunteer jobs but she does it with a smile. Thank you, J.J.! Everyone who recently sent donations of food and supplies via our Amazon. com Wish List! Amazon rarely provides us with your names, unfortunately, so we are unable to thank you personally. Your generosity is very much appreciated, though! Shelter Wish List • Dry Adult Cat Food (Purina Pro Plan preferred) • Dry and Canned Kitten Food (Royal Canin Babycat or Pro Plan preferred) • Paper Towels • Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards • Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter • Cat Carriers (top-loading preferred) • Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets (free of dyes and perfumes) • Disposable Puppy Training Pads and Reusable Bed Pads • Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags For more donation ideas, please visit our shelter’s Amazon.com Wish List! purrfectpals.org/give/wishlist PURR the -9- In Honor and In Memory In Memory of Willard, Debei Massingale’s husband. -Lindy & Lorrie Lippert In Honor of Cheerio. Ray, Egon and Janine (aka “The Ghosties”) -Dawn Baughn In Honor of LaVonne. -Lafay Dillon In Memory of Alex. -Lisa Gooch In Honor of Robert & Martha Nicoloff. -Charles Nicoloff In Loving Memory of Finn. In Memory of Buster Tisch. In Memory of Timothy Tiger. In Memory of Leia. -Constance Perenyi -Daniel Tisch -Ava Frisinger -Birna Sigurbjornsdottir In Memory of Cosmo, who was lovingly cared for by Victoria Stover. -City Kitty In Honor of Jill Southworth’s 52nd Birthday. -Kay McKenzie In Memory of my son, David. -Judith Weiner In Honor of Shaemus, Shannon, Tanelle, and Tabby. -Mary Scott In Memory of Molly. She was rescued in June of 2005 as a kitten and quickly became the love of our lives. After about three years, she developed an Autoimmune disorder called Pemphigus Foliaceus. In order to control the disease, she was on a regiment of steroid medication. The dosage increased gradually as she aged, and eventually compromised her liver and kidneys. We made the difficult decision to end her suffering on January 21st of this year. She was a scamp. She was well adjusted to being an indoor kitty, and reveled in chasing bugs, leaves, and any animals, that dared to venture into our yard and pass within her window views. She enjoyed playing with the Christmas tree ornaments, and often dove into warm piles of laundry just out of the dryer. She wasn’t much of a lap cat, but cuddled up close when it was her idea, not ours. She spent her overnight hours on the bed waiting for us to rise in the morning, sometimes, impatiently. She was quite a talker, and never failed to give us a stern talking too if we left her alone for an extended period of time. Those tasked with her care in our absences, also got a good verbal lashing. We miss her dearly; thank you all for the good work you do with feline rescue. -David & Joan Parmelee In Memory of Harley, who was loved for seventeen years by Carol Bonomini. -City Kitty In Memory of Silva and in Honor of the Ghostbusters’ two year birthday. -Kimm Stahl Schaut In Honor of Constance Perenyi who has been so supportive to me during the loss of my sweet kitty Finn. -Mary-Jo Yazzeth In Memory of Smudge. -Janice Carle In Memory of Diane Ritter who would be ecstatic over your new digital X-ray and the other items that were donated to you. Purrfect Pals was her life the last few years she lived. If all she could do was sit on the floor with cats. Your staff made her feel so welcome and loved. -Robert & Norma Moe In honor of the Ghosties’ birthday! -Susan O’Day In Honor Kylee, Chloe, and Hemmingway and all the fur babies that have gone before them. -Sandy Gibson In Memory of T.C, beloved companion of Mary Ellen. -Judith Ridner In Memory of Pam Markelz -Gail Rautmann In loving Memory of Michael & Barbara Todisco. -Michelle Todisco In Memory of a very dear senior cat named Paris. She showed up at my house as a stray several years ago. She didn’t know what cat food was. She was a true garbage survivor. She provided to me three years of love and affection. She became besties with my basset hound Ginger. Needless to say, Ginger is a bit sad. Thank you. -Sheri Pemberton In Memory of Linda Evans and her two friends, MiLana and Little One. -Art Rosengren In Memory of Greg Dionne. My son-in-law was a loyal supporter of your helping cats. Thanks again, and again for all the good work you people do to help animals! -Wanda Fletcher In Memory of Papa Willy. -Gene & Margaret Estes In Memory of Sahara, Susan Pierce’s handsome orange boy and special love. -Lorrie Lippert In Memory of BoBo. He was a faithful companion to Christine Bekkouri and will be missed by all of us at City Kitty. -City Kitty In Memory of Rob Woltzen. -Harold & Jeanne Woltzen In Memory of Stacey King on her birthday. -Mary Sweet PURR the -10- In Honor and In Memory In Honor of Phanny Peters. In Memory of Tasha. -Lyn Peters -Margret Graham In Memory of Piekatt, Snowshoe, The Dink, Buster, and Tazzy. -Patricia Colaizzo In Honor of my friends from Cat Planet. -Patricia Hedtke In Honor of Cher, our Cat. In Memory of Princess. -Sandra Coke -Lisa Williams In Memory of my Purrfect Pal, Cleopatra. -Cynthia Turner-Totten Jeanne Robinson and Her Kitties In Memory of Jeanne Robinson. She had two generations of Purrfect Pal kitties. She adopted her first two “babies”, literally, they were tiny, Chase & Tia, in 1996 when she moved here. It was her first weekend before she started at Safeco. Tia later died of cancer & Chase had other health issues. That and old age eventually got him. Jeanne then adopted Chloe who overlapped Jeanne’s affections with Chase.Then when Chase passed she shortly thereafter adopted Charlie so Chloe would also have a playmate/soul mate. She supported Purrfect Pals throughout the years with purchases of Amazon supplies, and special donations to particular cats in need. She had entered a photo contest with a picture of Chloe and Charlie a couple of years ago and won an award in the Average Joe Cat Show. This fall Jeanne & her dad attended the Black Cat Ball, one event that had been on Jeanne’s wish list for sometime. She even was able to use the embroidery machine to create her cat mask. Although her health was failing even at that time, she had a wonderful evening with her dad at the ball. -Jaclyn Robinson -Kacie Baldwin -Kimmy Caley -Karen Campbell -Kathryn Warren In Honor of Pam Markelz. In Honor of Gina & Jared Blattermans wedding. -Gina Lindberg In Memory of Harlow, Happy Birthday! -Emily Wegeleben In Memory of Jessie. In Memory of Jack. In Memory of Clawdius. -Elizabeth Collins -Donna Korczyk -Kristen Fraser In Honor of Sue Masser’s “milestone” birthday, and in appreciation of all she does for our Purrfect Pals kitties. -Lorrie Lippert In Honor of Lady Peaches. In Memory of Neil. In Memory of Valium the cat. -Nora Van Doren -Gail Rautmann In Memory of Linda and Glenn’s mother and father/ mother-in-law & father-in-law. A special couple, and cat lovers. -Lorrie Lippert In Memory of Loki and Truffles. -Jessica Shincovich In Memory of Harlow. In Honor of LuLu Dori. In Memory of Jeff Branch. In Memory of Kermit. In Memory of Princess. -Emily Wegeleben -Kristin L. White -Valerie Branch -Cassandra Skahen -Lisa Williams -Susan Bamford In Memory of MeShaw, who we miss so much. -Sheri Edwards -Kim Harrell In Memory of Sassy, the dear member of the Barrett-Rodriguez Family. -Julie Kumasaka -Lisa Barclay In Memory of Buster, Linda, and Glenn’s senior boy. This handsome, sweet, and gentle boy is greatly missed. -Lorrie Lippert In Memory of our Tastlyn and Kyrie. -Susan Masser In Memory of the cats who have shared my life. -Marianne Gregersen In Memory of Julie Cole. In Memory of Rosie Cat. In Honor of Connie Gabelein’s birthday. -Nancy Freeman In Honor of ZuZu Peepers. -Jeanne Miele -Jennifer Ostwald In Memory of Wendall. -Claire Stevens In Memory of Ringer and Shadow. -Leslie Harding Purrfect Endings Just wanted to let you know that Sundae (formerly known as Bethany) is doing great. In April, we will celebrate two years together. We are still learning about each other, though. I’ll always be thankful she “chose” and accepted me. She will check out visitors but will not let them touch her. We get along fine, though. Thanks for all you do! Carrot PURR the -11- -Betty Carswell Love Purrfect Endings? Join us on Facebook for more updates! facebook.com/purrfectpals Dollie Gracie (“Porsha”) has been with me over a year now. How much we are buddies is amazing! Just wanted to thank you guys again for caring for Carrot (previously known as Barker) while he was on his journey to find a great home. We can hardly believe its been a year since we brought him home. -Nancy Pederson Your “Big Hunk” (our Buddy) is doing well. He has become a therapy-type cat for my husband. We love him! -George and Bette Brown He is a wonderful cat. He is so silly and sweet. Throughout this year, he has kept us laughing and smiling. He loves climbing the cat tower, rolling around with catnip toys, talking to us with his throaty meows, and roughhousing with his adopted kitty sister, Angua. We are looking forward to many wonderful years with him. We truly appreciate the work that Purrfect Pals put in to save him as a kitten and to help him get where he is today. Thank you! I adopted Dollie from Purrfect Pals in 2008 and wanted to write with an update. She’s doing better than ever--spunky, assertive, and loving. A professional photographer came to my home recently to take photos of me (I’m a writer) and Dollie insisted on being in the photo. Pretty cute. Thanks for taking care of my girl before she came to live with me! -Nyasha, Kody, Carrot, & Angua -Elissa Clip and include in the attached envelope, or mail in your own envelope! Yes! I want to help the cats at Purrfect Pals! 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 (360) 652-9611 purrfectpals.org Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of: $50 (can provide KMR milk replacement formula for a litter of kittens) $100 (can provide for six months of care for a typical sanctuary kitty) $500 (can help us spay and neuter two litters of kittens and their moms) Name Other Amount (please indicate amount) Address Total City/State Zip Fill out credit card number below Phone E-Mail Check Signature Credit Card Visa Expiration Date MasterCard / Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 Vote for Your Favorite Cats in the Average Joe Cat Show “People’s Choice” Competitions! THE AJCS VOTING RACE IS ON! You can vote online today for your Favorite Cats and Cat Photos in the Average Joe Cat Show “People’s Choice” Competition! All Average Joe Cat Show and Photo Contest entries are eligible to win one of two People’s Choice awards! You can help them win the race by voting online today. Each vote costs only $1.00 and all proceeds will support the sanctuary cats at Purrfect Pals! There is no limit to the number of votes you can give and you are welcome to vote for your own cats! Visit www.purrfectpals.org today for the voting link!
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Winter 2016 - Purrfect Pals
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