Winter 2016 - Purrfect Pals
Winter 2016 - Purrfect Pals
The Purrfect Pals PURR The Purr fect Pals “Purr ” Join Purrfect Pals on Facebook! We love sharing photos of special kitties, updates on our events, and more on our Facebook page. You can also post photos with our 14,000+ Facebook friends! Come visit us at! Giving Online is Easier Than Ever! Our redesigned website features a new and improved giving page which makes it quick and easy to donate to Purrfect Pals. Visit us online today to make a contribution with just a few clicks or learn more about other ways to support our mission to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound Region! Do You Shop at Fred Meyer? Now you can support Purrfect Pals just by shopping at Fred Meyer! All you have to do is link your Rewards Card and use it when you shop and Fred Meyer will donate to us! You can search for us by name or by our non-profit number (92842). Visit for more info! • Because Every Cat Matters • Winter 2016 Purrfect Pals Receives an Amazing Gift for our Veterinary Clinic! At Purrfect Pals, we believe that each and every cat matters and our highest priority is taking in the cats and kittens who need us most… those that other Puget Sound shelters and rescue groups might not have the resources to help. This includes older cats, cats with major medical needs, cats with chronic illnesses (including FIV and Feline Leukemia) and those with behavioral challenges. Cats who are not easily adoptable have a forever home in our sanctuaries. In order to care for these special cats, Purrfect Pals has a full-service veterinary clinic at our sanctuary. Staffed by a full- time (and part-time relief ) Veterinarian, a Clinic Manager, a Licensed Veterinary Technician and Veterinary Assistants, our clinic provides a wide range of care including routine and specialty surgeries. For procedures we are unable to provide in-house, Purrfect Pals pays to send cats to outside clinics. One service we must rely completely on outside clinics to provide is imaging. When a cat has an illness or injury that requires an X-Ray or Ultrasound, we needed to schedule an appointment and drive them to a hospital in Seattle, Everett or Lynnwood. (continued on page 4) Love Marketing and Fundraising? We are currently looking for volunteers for a variety of planning committees including: General Fundraising, Marketing, Social Media and our Shelter Expansion Capital Campaign. We also have openings on our event planning committees for the Average Joe Cat Show (May 7th in Shoreline) and the Black Cat Ball (October 29th in Bellevue). We need help both now and the day of these events! Please email our Executive Director at [email protected] for more info! Our Arlington sanctuary’s veterinary clinic staff in front of the $80,000+ digital X-Ray system that was recently donated by Sound, a VCA Company. PURR the -2- Meet Our Foster Parents: Craig and Margie Thorngren! toys, cozy beds, and lots of love! They are able to care for weaned kittens, Mom cats with kittens, under socialized kittens, and adult cats too. Their Facebook page, “Thorngren Foster Kittens” features real life updates and shows the ups, downs, and joys of fostering. Through placement and prevention programs, Purrfect Pals works to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound region Because every cat matters. Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Rd. NE Arlington, WA 98223 web facebook twitter #purrfectpals e-mail [email protected] phone 360-652-9611 Hours 11-4, Monday through Saturday Staff Management and Administration Connie Gabelein, Executive Director Austin Dvorak, Operations Manager Carol Lamar, Clinic and Cat Care Manager Susan Bark, Manager of Foster Care and Shelter Relocation Programs Debei Massingale, Intake Coordinator Kelsey Kohlwes, Bookkeeper Shawnna Jonas, Administrative Assistant Veterinary Clinic and Cat Care Staff Brittany Alley Katherine Brobyskov Lora Brodniak Rachel Greenberg Julie Modjeski Kara Turriaga Brandy Unruh Heather Wyatt Board of Directors Jeanne Lind Donna Reitz Toni Zonneveld Kathy Centala Meg Brunner Wendy Dennis Melanie Kelsey Jennifer Moore James Petts Rachel Saimons Whitney Whitworth Craig and Margie are dedicated Purrfect Pals foster parents who have just fostered their 52nd litter after five years! They are a warm and wonderful couple, who are both professionals, with busy work schedules. They dedicate much of their personal time to fostering and their commitment is inspiring. The Thorngrens also have three rescue cats of their own; Baby Beau, Simon, and Ederick. They also enjoy trail riding and camping with their horses Magic and Onyx. Craig and Margie are truly heroes to our cats and kittens! They have made many unscheduled trips to our shelter to pick up new “surprise” foster litters. Many of these litters have needed medication to recover from illnesses and injuries. These two have also become experts in syringe feeding sick kittens and doing subcutaneous fluids. They enjoy fostering and “want to help cats and kittens thrive” and become adoptable. In his spare time, Craig also helps Purrfect Pals as the Lead Volunteer for our Everett Petsmart kitten adoption events. Craig and Margie have a dedicated foster room that is filled with cat trees, Autumn Surprise is one of the most challenging foster kittens that the Thorngrens have cared for and she spent two months with them last fall. Autumn was hit by car and she sustained serious injuries, including a broken rear leg, damaged eye and concussion. Autumn had to have surgery to remove her damaged leg, and then she was placed with the Thorngrens. Autumn needed cage rest, and had to wear a cone, and she was syringe fed until she was strong enough to eat on her own. Craig and Margie patiently worked with Autumn so she could re-learn to balance, walk, climb and use a litterbox, none of which are easy for a tripod kitten to do. With their loving care, Autumn fully recovered from her injuries and surgery. They then worked to socialize her so she could become adoptable, as she was very shy. Happily, Autumn was adopted by a wonderful family and the Thorngrens receive happy updates and pictures often. Purrfect Pals is so grateful to have loving and dedicated foster parents like Craig and Margie! It is never easy for foster parents to say good bye to their kitties, but the happy ending results in a new beginning for the cats and kittens they care for! Sometimes foster parents fall in love and adopt their kittens, which is referred to as “foster failure”. We prefer to call these adoptions “foster wins”, as Simon and Ederick were Purrfect Pals kittens, and both these boys were happily adopted by the Thorngrens! -3- PURR the “Dear Tabby...” Cat behavior advice from Tabigail Van Purrin’ D ear Tabby, We adopted our first kitty about 3 weeks ago – a 6-month-old tabby named, guess what!, “Tabigail”! She is wonderfully affectionate and playful and loves to hang out with us. Of course, we wanted to do right by her, so, since we are new cat owners, we’ve been doing a lot of reading up on proper grooming and stuff like that. We want to start brushing her teeth, because we’ve read it’s really important to do with cats, particularly those who eat canned food, as Tabigail does. The problem is, while she loves to be held, touched, and brushed, she flips out any time we go near her mouth with a toothbrush! What do we do? We tried just stepping up the frequency, and I had my husband wrap her in a towel and hold her down while I brushed her teeth to show her it was no big deal. But that just seemed to upset her even more. We’re obviously going about this the wrong way – please help! Signed, Tabby’s Tooth Fairy Dear TTF, How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth: Step 1: Restock first aid kit, prepare tourniquet for arm about to be removed at elbow by enraged animal, have partner sit nearby with fingers poised over 911. HA HA HA. Just kidding! What you’re describing is, of course, very common in kitties, especially if they haven’t been started on the tooth brushing thing from kittenhood. Tabigail is 6 months old – a full-grown kitty – and full-grown kitties in particular do not like change. Never fear, though! This can be overcome with persistence, patience, and time, and brushing your cat’s teeth is really important for their health! The bacteria that builds up along a kitty’s gum line can eventually cause pretty horrific problems, ranging from tooth loss to excruciatingly painful gingivitis- always a treat after each exposure. stomatitis (inflammation of the gums and mouth). Periodontal disease can also be bad Next up, spend a few days periodically pulling for a kitty’s heart and other organs. her lips back just for a moment to expose her teeth. Lips back, you get a treat. Lips back, For that reason, you are to be commended you get a treat. both for your desire to care for Tabigail’s oral health and your courage in going into a cat’s Now try pulling her lips back while you’re mouth with nothing but a toothbrush between holding the brush (no paste). Then try lips you and total exsanguination! back, holding the brush, touch the brush to her teeth for a moment (no paste). Treats! Always HA HA HA. Just kidding! with the treats! In all seriousness now: you were ALMOST right when you thought stepping up the frequency might help Tabigail adjust to the process, but your technique was definitely as wrong as can be. You never want to grab a cat and hold her down against her will for something like this – that makes her associate tooth brushing with terror, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do. When you’re finally able to touch the brush to her teeth, try brushing them without paste, and then try it with. With enough time and patience, Tabigail will start to learn that none of these things are scary, and all of them come with the reward of treats, praise, and attention. We like treats, praise, and attention, which means ultimately, we might even come to like having our teeth Instead, let’s start over and slow this process brushed. way, way down. (And, of course, I’m hoping it goes without mention that you should only Just in case, though, don’t forget that be using cat-friendly brushes and toothpaste tourniquet prep. And if you could just sign this for this.) waiver absolving me of liability in case of your hospitaliza. . . KIDDING! What you want to do is introduce the task in stages, with several days (or even longer, Head bumps and nose boops, depending on her reaction) in between each Tabigail van Purrin’ step. Break the process of brushing her teeth down into components: there’s the brush, P.S. For more about dental disease and other there’s the toothpaste, there’s pulling her lips veterinary conditions in kitties, please visit our back, and there’s making actual contact. Veterinary Resources page! http://purrfectpals. org/resources/veterinary-resources/. Each one of these components needs to become more familiar and less scary to her Have a question for Dear Tabby? before you can actually do a real brushing job. Email us at [email protected]! So, first, put the toothbrush out in the middle of the living room, or wherever she likes to hang out. Let it start to become something she’s used to seeing in her territory. After a few days of that, pick it up and show it to her in your hand. Let her sniff it, your hand, your arm pits (I don’t know), whatever. Give her a treat. Do that a few times a day for a few days. Then introduce her to the toothpaste similarly – let her sniff the tube, put some on your finger and let her sniff that, and PURR the -4- equipment and provide training for our clinic staff. This amazing donation from Sound is valued at over $80,000. We can’t begin to tell you how very grateful we are for this extremely generous gift! In addition to the donated equipment and services, we were thrilled to receive a framed photograph of the team at Sound, a VCA Company, who made this generous donation possible. All of the employees signed a special plaque, which is now proudly displayed in our X-Ray Room. Dana Taylor, the Production Manager at Sound, a VCA Company, shared this with us: “This has been a very satisfying project to work on. It was a labor of love and we are all very proud with what we did and to hear you are all pleased. We have approximately 100 people at our corporate headquarters in Carlsbad and everyone is excited for Purrfect Pals and the future. We would all like to thank Julie for her inquiry which started it all!” Our sanctuary’s new and improved Intake and Imaging Room is now home to a digital radiography generator, a portable X-Ray generator and an X-Ray table. (...CLINIC GIFT, continued from page 1) As you can imagine, this level of care does not come cheap. Veterinary clinic supplies and services are by far the largest of our expenses and we rely on donations to continue providing them. More importantly, not having imaging equipment onsite means that cats might not receive care as quickly as we would like. digital radiography generator, a portable X-Ray generator and an X-Ray table were delivered to our sanctuary. The following week, Chris from Sound, a VCA Company, traveled to Arlington to install the new Thank you SO MUCH to the cat lovers at Sound who made this possible and to Julie for writing the letter that started it all! Thanks to them, thousands of Puget Sound cats, including those with special needs, will receive the high quality veterinary care they deserve...because every cat matters! Julie Modjeski, one of our wonderful team members, was determined to find a solution that would allow us to provide imaging in our Purrfect Pals Clinic so that sick and injured cats could quickly receive the medical care they deserve. Julie wrote letters to several companies who manufacture or sell veterinary X-Ray and Ultrasound equipment asking if they would be willing to help us. We were amazed when we heard back from the staff at Sound, a VCA Company, in California! Their team had never taken on a project like this but were determined to donate a complete X-Ray system to Purrfect Pals. We are excited to share that in January, a Chris from Sound, a VCA Company, recently visited our Arlington sanctuary to install the donated digital X-Ray system and provide training for our clinic staff -5- Special Thanks to: The cat loving folks at the Animal Rescue Site and for sponsoring the Holiday Shelter Challenge! Purrfect Pals just won a $1000 grant for being the Washington State shelter with the most votes! Thank you very much to everyone who has been voting for Purrfect Pals every day, too! The wonderful employees and customers of Mud Bay for their very generous donations! The stores organized Holiday Giving Trees to support many Puget Sound shelters including Purrfect Pals. Northwest Veterinary Clinic in Stanwood for hosting a holiday fundraiser for Purrfect Pals cats. Ben Bridge Jeweler in Seattle for having two employee dress down days to support Purrfect Pals! Everyone who recently sent donations of food and supplies via our Wish List! Amazon rarely provides your names, unfortunately, so we are unable to thank you personally. Your generosity is very much appreciated, though! The amazing employees at The Feline Hyperthyroid Treatment Center at Cats Exclusive in Shoreline for treating Purrfect Pals cats in 2015. The treatment, made possible by their very generous discount, makes these cats highly adoptable. PURR the Join Us on May 7th in Shoreline for the Average Joe Cat Show! Learn More about this fun and family friendly event at The Critter Room Kitten Cam is Back: Meet the Roswell Fosters! John Bartlett started fostering kittens for Purrfect Pals in 2008 and, since then, has fostered more than fifty litters. In 2011, “Foster Dad John” combined his loves of technology and fostering by setting up a webcam in his house that allowed him to monitor his kittens while he was at work. He enjoyed watching them so much that he started to wonder if other people would also like it! In October of 2011, John launched “the Critter Room” Kitten Cam, featuring “The Lotus Fosters.” The viewer count has steadily climbed ever since, and now over 40,000 cat lovers all over the world follow “Foster Dad John” on Livestream and Facebook! The chat feature on his kitten cam has created a virtual community of “Kitten Cam Fans” who bonded over the adorable antics of his fosters. Once adopted, many of John’s fosters have created their own Facebook pages so their fans can continue to watch them grow online. Local fans of the cam and adopters of the kitten cam alumni began meeting up at adoption events whenever Foster Dad John’s litters were ready to find forever homes. Fans outside of the Seattle area decided they wanted to join the party so they organized the first annual “Kitten Cam Con.” In May of 2014, Foster Dad John and dozens of his fans from all over the United States (and Australia!) came together in Seattle for a four day convention centered around the Average Joe Cat Show, a fundraiser for Purrfect Pals. The third annnual celebration will take place in 2016! What started as a simple web cam has evolved into an international sensation. Foster Dad John has inspired other foster kitten cams and inspired cat lovers all over the world to begin volunteering and fostering for their local shelters and rescue groups. Lifelong friendships have developed, children are learning about fostering in their classrooms and Purrfect Pals, located in rural Washington State, is now known around the globe! Visit Foster Dad John and the Roswell Fosters Today at! PURR the -6- Is “Rescued” Your Favorite Breed? Visit our Ten Puget Sound Adoption Centers! Shelter Wish List • Dry Adult Cat Food (Purina Pro Plan preferred) • Dry and Canned Kitten Food (Royal Canin Babycat or Pro Plan preferred) • Paper Towels • Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards (Thank You, blank inside, sympathy, etc) • Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter • Cat Carriers (top-loading preferred) • Blankets and Towels (new or gently used) • Cat Trees and Scratchers • Cat Beds • White Copy Paper • Medical Scrub Tops, Bottoms and Jackets Softie and Scuba are a bonded pair of cuties who are waiting to meet you in the Sammamish Petco adoption center! Softie is a pretty, shiny 6-year-old black and white tuxedo girl who is affectionate, curious, playful, and likes to talk. Scuba is a handsome 5-year-old tabby with the cutest little round face and curled tail. Scuba is a little shy at first, but warms up quickly -- especially after you give him a little wet cat food! Unfortunately, Softie and Scuba came to Purrfect Pals when their companion developed cat allergies. Purrfect Pals Sanctuary 230 McRae Rd NE Arlington, WA 98223 Denny’s Pet World 12534 120th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98034 South Marysville Petco 129 Marysville Mall Way Marysville, WA 98270 Sammamish Petco 474 228th Avenue NE Sammamish, WA 98047 Everett Petsmart 1130 SE Everett Mall Way Everett, WA 98208 Issaquah Petco 975 NW Gilman Blvd Issaquah, WA 98027 Lynnwood Petsmart 18820 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Renton Landing Petmart 1203 N Landing Way Renton, WA 98055 Woodinville Petsmart 17845 Garden Way NE Woodinville, WA 98072 Tukwila Petsmart 17585 Southcenter Pkwy Tukwila, WA 98188 • Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets (free of dyes and perfumes) • Fleece, Batting and Catnip for Sewing Projects • Disposable Puppy Training Pads and Reusable Bed Pads • Catnip Toys • Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags • Nature’s Miracle (cat formula) • Costco and Gift Cards • Kuranda Cat Towers and Beds ( • “Stretch and Scratch” Cardboard Scratchers ( For more donation ideas, please visit our shelter’s Wish List! PURR the -7- In Honor and In Memory In Honor of the cat doctor who took care of my kitties Spike and Mike. They are both gone now, but will always be remembered. -The Jordans In Memory of Buddy. -Krista Rave-Perkins In Honor of Vern and Leona Tovrea. -Elaline Sullivan In Honor of Oliver. -Leanne Gilly In Honor of Irene. -Tina Whitten In Honor of Lenore Olsen. -Nick Greenlee Chesters In Honor of Cherrio, Purrfect Pals Cat. -Dawn Baughn In Honor of Linda and Glenn Hinrichsen. -Terry De Lavallade In Memory of Tinker. -David Oudeans Dear Kathy and Friends, I want to express my thanks for all the wonderful work you do to the help all our feline friends. Your compassion and caring has deeply touched my heart. Forty years ago my wife and I moved into a house in Edmonds. We left our deck door open and were blessed with our first cat Cleo. I found him curled up on the couch. We thought he was lost and advertized in two papers hoping to be able to unite him with his owners that lost him. We very soon hoped no one would claim him because he endeared himself so quickly to us. He was our constant companion for 26 years. He was a true friend and nurtured several additions to our pride over the years. When my wife passed a few years ago and I had to sell our house, your organization placed several of my companions. I am so thankful for your assistance, as I promised my wife I would make sure they were cared for. I now live in Tacoma with my remaining companions Katie, Kitty, Buster Peepers, and Socks. I am so happy to have these beautiful friends as my companions. You are a bright and shining light in helping all the challenged and needful kittens. I love your commitment and will continue to support your wonderful organization. Love Peace and Happiness to you and yours. Your supporter and friend for life. -Doug Swan In Honor of Robert Robertshaw. In Memory of Grey and Asha Cumberland. -Wes Cumberland In Memory of Lulu. In Honor of Gina Ferrari, may your wedding be wonderful and your marriage even better. -Claire McQueen In Honor of Horatio. -Deanne M. Torrence In Honor of Gail Daschel’s Birthday. -Karen Fineide In Honor of Ella. In Memory of Brandon Strom. -Jonathan Trost -Marilyn Lyles In Memory of Marjorie Waldheim. -The Waldheim Family In Honor of Gina Lindberg and Jared Blatterman. -Wendy Flores, Osborne’s Mom -Crystal Hainsworth In Loving Memory of Hippie. I was honored to be his person. -Evella Kuxhaus -Ellen Zeitz In Memory of Girly Girl. She will be missed. -Joe Petosa In Memory of Sharon Archibald-Koopmans. -Andrew Koopmans In Memory of Pumpkin, Blinky, and Sport. -Mrs. Sandy & Mr. Stephen Hermans In Honor of The Haven Family. -Joe Bartletti In Honor of Marla Peele’s Birthday. -Don & Reva Hamilton In Honor of my friend, Lydia Katzel’s cat Roxie, who passed. -Beth Schlansky In Memory of my sister and in Honor of her cat Dusty. -Ellen Heroux In Honor of Laina Brown. In Honor of Judi Sorensen and Judy Hill. -Crystina Mostad In Honor of Buddy and Felix. In Memory of Spike. -Kasey Burt In Honor of Carol Hacking. -Brad Smith In Memory of Sydney. In Memory of Patricia Lashley. In Memory of Karen Ferrier. In Loving Memory of Chesters. Thank you for caring for him. -Bill & Sharon Spencer -Kai Kubota In Honor of Marianne Gregersen’s birthday. -Elisabeth R. Winchell -Dustin Toftdahl In Honor of Teresa Sweeney and Kathleen Smith. -Carole L. Zohn -Anonymous In Memory of Sweet Kitty Kai. In Honor of Ernie McGuire. -Jack Winslow -Kristin White In Honor of Karen Fineide’s Birthday. -Gail Daschel -Mary Deyoung -Jim and Joan Watt In Memory of Fritz. -The Bransons In Honor of Lisa Murr and In Memory of her kitties. -William Stoelt PURR the -8- In Honor and In Memory said I could adopt you and make you officially mine, I cried tears of joy. I remember the day you discovered bubbles. I laughed at your big precious paws trying to catch them and the shocked look on your face when you realized they couldn’t be caught. I cried at the pure innocence of your being. I remember the day I had to leave you overnight for your thyroid radiation procedure; I cried knowing you didn’t want to be there. I remember the day you were at the ER and they had “warning” signs all over your cage. Oh, Sammy, you were one fierce cat. I cried knowing you had to stay another night. You were the king of all cats, King Sammy, and you ruled the house with an iron paw. You ruled with wisdom and a watchful eye. We had almost 18 years together. You gave me a good many scares along the way and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I miss you “mommy cam” always watching me and keeping me safe. You were the toughest cat that ever graced this earth, but you were a momma’s boy underneath it all. I remember the day we had to say goodbye, I cried like I’ve never cried before. My heart ached. I felt empty and broken. I miss you my boy, but I know you know that. I remember the day, well; I remember every day I had with you. Be a good boy. I’ll see you later. -Connie J. Tosh In Memory of LiLi Damon. -Eileen Little In Honor of my son Jon Ruth and his kitty Nala. -Lee Siqueland -Sandra Ayers In Honor of Sierra, Aurora, Riker, Tucker, Miles, Jordy, and beloved Faith. Thank you for all you do. -Diane Mason In honor of Gina and Nick Daters. -Veronica Monroy -Tracy S. Nowlin -Jack Marash In Honor of Debra Plotkin’s Birthday. -Gael Day In Honor of Erin Karp and In Memory of her favorite kitty Lyra. -Larry and Myra Karp In Memory of Stacey King, Linda Phelps, Rose and Ken Gleason. All cat lovers and rescuers. -Laurie & Paul Snyder In Honor of Marcia and Shanon. -Kathleen Colombano In Memory of Alice “Billie” Boyce. She loved all living things (including mosquitoes), especially our furry friends. -Linda & David Harrison In Honor of Dax. She is happy and sassy, and doing very well. She is well loved! -Seiko Sato In Memory of Susan Pierce’s sweet kitty Sahara. -Ted and Jeanne Lind In Honor of Mary Ellen Reimund and TC. -Judy Ridner In Honor of Beth Schlansky. In Memory of Gracie. In Honor of Dr. Tori, “The woman who has everything”. -Carole Gallimore In Loving Memory of Sammy Tosh. I remember the day I first met you, I cried because you were so cute. I remember the day your crazy owner Dax In Memory of Gizmo. -S.L. Pemberton In Memory of Sally Rae, the most beautiful Holstein kitty. -Joanne M. Delosh In Memory of Paul Richards who built warming shelters so the winter months were less tough on the kitties he came to shelter, feed, and take in. -Kathy Lorenz -Faith Young In Honor of Christine. -Karen Austin In Honor of Pippin J. Shenanigans. -Roberta Manfredi In Memory of Moochie. -Christine Plested In Memory of Lester. -Kit Warfield In memory Charlotte Schein, Jozey Stickney, Maxine Todd, Orange Bear Wagner, Francis Romsland, Cocoa Shebilske, Trixie Knudsen, Bilbo Charlshe, and Emerald Bartlett. -Dave Matherly In Honor of Gina Ferrari. -Kathy Nielson In Memory of Vita and Morve. -James Hillman In Memory of Elizabeth Guzman. In Memory of Julie Cole. In Honor of ZuZu Peepers. -Evelyn Leone -Jeanne Miele -Jennifer Ostwald In Honor of Phanny Peters. -Lyn Peters In honor of all Purrfect Pals volunteers, foster parents, staff, and all the precious kitties in your loving care. -The Bravermans In Honor of Cher, our rescued cat. -Sandra Coke In Honor of Cora Snowball, Rhododendron, and Huntington. -Purrfect Pals Volunteers and Staff at Lynnwood Petsmart In Memory of Piekatt, Snowshoe, The Dink, Buster, and Tazzy. -Patricia Colaizzo In Memory of Sushi. In Memory of Tasha. In Memory of Colby. In Memory of Ace. -Kari and Jim Annand -Deborah Crichton -Jill Skog -Margret Graham In Memory of Ringer and Shadow. -Leslie Harding In Honor of Holly Williams. -Melissa L. Jilk PURR the -9- In Honor and In Memory Back on Halloween weekend of 2005, Dreamcon (a science fiction/fantasy/gaming convention held in Everett) hosted a 20th Anniversary Convention after a ten-year hiatus. As was our wont, during the convention we raised money for a charity via our “Pie in the Face” contest; jars were set out representing three or four of the convention staff, and attendees would “vote” for the winner by donating money into the jar, the proceeds of which went to our charity. That year we selected Purrfect Pals, (and you generously sent a representative with kitties for our attendees to fawn over), and after the convention we sent you a check. Fast-Forward ten years and we decided to host a Dreamcon 30th Anniversary Dinner rather than try to run an entire three-day convention. It was held on Halloween this year. Because we as a community are fairly pathetic about homeless cats, Purrfect Pals was again selected as our charity. The event was small but nicely attended, and again we held the “Pie in the Face” contest. I am pleased to send you a check, even though I was the “winner” of the pie (it’s an experience). Thank you again for all the work you do to help homeless cats and kittens along with providing education to improve adoption of otherwise “unadoptable” cats. Most of us have been touched by your organization in some way. -Karen Thompson In Memory of Little Blackie. In Honor of my friends from the Cat Planet. -Patricia Hedtke In Memory of Chloe Belle. In Honor of Jennifer Austin’s Birthday! -Malcolm S. Higa In Memory of Digna Jo Munson. In Memory of Orpheus and Ace. In Memory of Lily. In Honor of Martha Garrett. -Emily Ivie -Ellen Blackstone In Memory of Sarah, a very special feline friend whose loving spirit touched so many lives. She will be missed. -Trudi Trueit In Honor of Ellen Lesveque. In Memory of Princess Leia. In Memory of Leia Staube. -Janet Marachario -James Procopio -Brian McCrossen In Memory of George, a much loved cat by all who knew him. -Karen Stone In Honor of Junior Blanchett, our first Purrfect Pals adoptee. -Ellen Blanchett -Sara R. Matoi In Loving Memory of Gracie; adopted in 2001 and the best cat ever. -Terri Bauer-Rizzo In Honor of Faith Borgman. -Karen Brooks Wong In Honor of Ivy Ann. -Julie Griffith In Memory of our cat Tank (aka Briggs). -Fatima Aviquivil In Memory of Jadie. -Lori Gwin In Memory of Stephanie McClure. -Brian, Pamela, and Jack Small In Honor of Jordy and Marcia’s Anniversary. -Barb and Mike Lerman In Honor of Coho. In Memory of Nancy White. -Christine Gerdes -Claudia Shackleford In Memory of Candy. -Lauri Lerner -JoAnn Syron -Toni Keefer -Lori Lindermann In Honor of Mango, Oso, and Huicho. -Barbara Bocek In Memory of Molly Bean. In Honor of Christine Nelson. -Emily Butler -Sondra Nelson In Memory of Joey Skipper Jaeger. -Cynthia Jaeger In Memory of Sampson, my Bengal kitty. -Pam Tollefson In Memory of Katrina, beloved by Nansi Kana Karis. -City Kitty Grooming In Memory of Mitaya, adopted from Purrfect Pals. -Judy Sharnes Pippin J. Shenanigans, Esq. Will You Leave a Legacy of Love for Puget Sound Cats & Kittens? Making a planned gift to Purrfect Pals is a wonderful way to ensure that your love and compassion for animals continues to benefit them for many years to come. Including our organization in your estate planning allows you to make a profound and lasting impact on the future of our life-saving programs. It also ensures that your generous spirit will continue to help Purrfect Pals rescue countless cats and kittens in need now and into the future. When naming Purrfect Pals in your will, you may leave a specific dollar amount, a set percentage of your estate, or a particular property. You can also name Purrfect Pals as the beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, bank account, mutual fund, charitable remainder trust, or charitable lead trust. Each of these options may help you reduce your estate taxes. To leave a bequest to Purrfect Pals, simply include the following note in your will: “I give to Purrfect Pals, Tax ID# 94-3127448, (the sum of _______dollars or ____ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) for its general purposes.” If your gift involves insurance policies, land, stock or other property, please include a description. Questions? Please Contact us at 360-652-9611 ext 15 or [email protected]. PURR the -10- In Honor and In Memory Sahara In Honor of Moo. In Honor of Denise. -Mamie Brouwer -Zoe Noble In Honor of Christy Cowan-Beam. -William Johnson In Honor of Lisa Di Lauro. In Honor of Stefany Peterson. -Shellaine Hoffman In Memory of Patch. In Memory of Robert Byrnes and Kristi Jacobsen’s cat, Falco. -City Kitty Grooming In Honor of Paul Casey. In Honor of Heidi Brantzeg. In Honor of Steve Heaps. In Honor of Ruth Downey. In Honor of Heedy. In Memory of Sahara Pierce. -Nancy Lauterbach -Heather Oster -Brett Downey -Christa Lynn -Mary Larson -Ann Marie Autio -Linda Hoffman -Dana Easterling In Honor of Rhoda and Bob Saunders. -Michele Leichner In Honor of Jeff Benskin. -Adriana Irvin In Honor of Carole Legowik-Zohn. -Teresa Sweeney In Honor of Heather and Ed Hocking. -Jill Buck In Memory of Clifford, loved by Tim Goins and Vladimir. -City Kitty Grooming Purrfect Endings Hello! I just wanted to give an update on the kitten we adopted from you guys back in July. Her name was Bridget O’Purr, now known as Misha, ID# 33535 and Carla was her foster mom. We wanted to let you know she is doing amazing. She is always up to no good with her little brother Jensen, so we are expecting an interesting time with the Christmas tree this year. She loves water and will jump into the sink anytime someone turns the faucet on. Her and her brother love to fly around the house and up the cat trees. For being so small they normally sound like a herd of elephants. I have attached some pictures of her. -Kayla Delaney Two years ago on Black Friday my boyfriend Teo and I were facing the holidays without our beautiful black cat Weena. Weena had been with us for over 12 years. She had passed the previous July. We thought we were almost ready to start thinking about adopting another cat. Maybe after the first of the year. We stopped into the Petsmart in Bellevue to shop the sale for some new things to be prepared. Of course we couldn’t help but stop by the Purrfect Pals cat adoption center to take a peak. They were having a Black Cat Friday special on adoptions of older black cats. We knew we wanted another black cat. An older black cat. They are sometimes last to be adopted. We were looking from one cat window to the next and suddenly this cute little black furry face popped up and was staring back at us. The card on the window said her name was Millie Mio and she was about 6 months old. She had been abandoned in an apartment until the wonderful family next door heard her cries for help and rescued her. They had many cats of their own so they brought her to Purrfect Pals. The adoption volunteer asked if we would like to meet her. Thinking it would be nice to just hold and play with a little one again we took her up on the offer. Millie was handed to me and she snuggled into my coat and purred. Then she suddenly grabbed my hand playfully biting and scratching before she jumped over to a nearby cat tree. As she sat above us looking down I felt something wet on my hand. I looked down to see blood dripping from my finger to the floor! When I looked at her again she had such a funny expression on her face. The volunteer apologized and went after a first aid kit. Once the bleeding stopped I asked to hold Millie again. Teo and I took turns petting her and playing with her. We soon realized that this little black ball of fur and energy had stolen our hearts. She would become Bella (Isabella). She would rescue us and we would give her a safe loving home forever. Bella now loves to watch birds and squirrels from her window bed, that is when she isn’t chasing wand toys or running laps through our apartment. Thank you for all the wonderful work done by Purrfect Pals to rescue cats and kittens then give each of them time to find their perfect home. Two years ago today Millie Mio came home with us to become our beautiful Bella. We can’t imagine life without her. -Donna Palmer This is Fluff Norris (formerly “Quiet Riot”). We Misha PURR the -11- Purrfect Endings are indebted both to Purrfect Pals and the woman who convinced Chrissy to accept help. -Jane Buck Felix Diego came in and made himself right at home in my laundry pile!! Thank you Purrfect Pals for an easy adoption process and a wonderful addition to our family! -Randi Cline Felix Diego adopted him from Purrfect Pals about 2.5 years ago. As you can see, he has made himself quite at home. I may have to get him a robe and slippers. -Ellen Sneider Eight years ago today, I took home not one, but two new babies from Purrfect Pals. I was ready to walk out with Punkin (previously Otter) when her litter mate, Mysha, (previously Deanie) jumped right into my lap and looked at me like can I come too? And so the journey began. Thank you for all that you do and for giving my beautiful girls a safe place to be until I could come and find them. All three of us are ever so grateful. -Melissa Helmenstine Chrissy Lee is ready to celebrate her 2nd holiday season with us. We are grateful somebody gave this old(er) toothless girl a second chance and we We adopted Koru in August and I am so happy to say that she is thriving! She gets along so well with our ten year old kitty, Dibley. They chase each other all over the house, clean each other and hug a lot. Although we feel terribly sad that this is our first Christmas in eighteen years without our beautiful Marmite, we are so happy that Koru will be spending her first Christmas with us! -Sarah Brighton Four years ago I made my only Black Friday purchase ever, and I have to say it was a pretty great deal. For only $100 I was able to take home my little goober, Xander (originally Keyton), and he has more than made up that money every day since with his cute face, goofy antics, and sweet nature. He has been a great big brother to our female cat, Mitzi, as well. Plus, he serves as an never ending source of great cat pictures to share on social media! Thanks to Purrfect Pals cat shelter for taking him in and keeping him safe until I was able to meet him and fall in love at first sight. -Hope Langkow Fluff Norris Love Purrfect Endings? Join us on Facebook for more updates! Clip and include in the attached envelope, or mail in your own envelope! Yes! I want to help the cats at Purrfect Pals! 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 (360) 652-9611 Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of: $50 (can provide KMR milk replacement formula for a litter of kittens) $100 (can provide for six months of care for a typical sanctuary kitty) $500 (can help us spay and neuter two litters of kittens and their moms) Name Other Amount (please indicate amount) Address Total City/State Zip Fill out credit card number below Phone E-Mail Check Signature Visa MasterCard Expiration Date Am Ex / Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 Rescued is Our Favorite Breed of Cats and Kittens! Ready to Open Your Home and Heart to a New Kitty? In addition to our main shelter and sanctuary in Arlington, Purrfect Pals cats are available in ten offsite adoption centers between Arlington and Tukwila. Visit our Adoption Centers today and let our staff and volunteers introduce you to your purrfect match! Look inside for a current list of our Puget Sound adoption locations!
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Spring 2016 - Purrfect Pals
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