Summer 2016 - Purrfect Pals
Summer 2016 - Purrfect Pals
The Purrfect Pals PURR The Purr fect Pals “Purr ” Join Purrfect Pals on Facebook! We love sharing photos of special kitties, updates on our events, and more on our Facebook page. You can also post photos with our 16,000+ Facebook friends! Come visit us at! Giving Online is Easier Than Ever! Our redesigned website features a new and improved giving page which makes it quick and easy to donate to Purrfect Pals. Visit us online today to give a tax-deductible gift with just a few clicks or learn more about other ways to support our mission to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound Region! • Because Every Cat Matters • Summer 2016 Happy 75th Birthday to Kathy Centala, Purrfect Pals Founder! By Whitney Whitworth From birth, Kathy Centala was brought in to this world as a cat lady. Born in a time when wives’ tales about cats sucking the breath from babies were common place, Kathy’s father ignored superstition and saw a special connection between his infant and their family kitty, appropriately named ‘Mama Cat’, while the two snuggled peacefully in her crib together. Having spent her entire youth in a family that openly embraced felines, Kathy began to develop an unspoken and deep connection with her family pets. Her kind, caring nature left her brokenhearted when, in the second grade, a nun from her school told the class that no cats go to heaven. Crying, Kathy ran home to her mother, informing her that she “didn’t want to go to a Heaven with no cats.” Her mom, with all of her motherly wisdom and sharing Kathy’s same compassion, reassured Kathy that, “of course there are cats in Heaven! There are all sorts of cats of every size and shape, and there were even purple cats if Kathy wanted there to be!” Donate Your Vehicle to Help Cats! Buying a new car this year? Instead of trading in your old one, consider making it a taxdeductible donation to support the cats at Purrfect Pals! Our partnership with Donate for Charity, a nationally known vehicle donation program, makes it nearly effortless for you. A call to Donate for Charity is toll free at 1-866392-4483 or you can visit their website for more information. (continued on next page) Love Marketing and Fundraising? We are currently looking for volunteers for a variety of planning committees including: General Fundraising, Marketing, Social Media and our Shelter Expansion Capital Campaign. We also have openings on our event planning committees for the Average Joe Cat Show (May in Shoreline) and the Black Cat Ball (October 29th in Bellevue). We need help both now and the day of these events! Please email our Development Director at [email protected] for more info! Kathy with Ty Hootie in the Adoption Room at Purrfect Pals in Arlington. Kathy lives onsite as the sanctuary’s caretaker and remains very involved in day-to-day operations. PURR the Through placement and prevention programs, Purrfect Pals works to end cat homelessness in the Puget Sound region Because every cat matters. Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Rd. NE Arlington, WA 98223 web facebook twitter #purrfectpals e-mail [email protected] phone 360-652-9611 Hours 11-4, Monday through Saturday Staff Management and Administration Linda Benson, Interim Executive Director Connie Gabelein, Development Director Dr. Jennifer Bennett, Lead Veterinarian Austin Dvorak, Operations Manager Carol Lamar, Clinic and Cat Care Manager Susan Bark, Manager of Foster Care and Shelter Relocation Programs Debei Massingale, Intake Coordinator Kelsey Kohlwes, Bookkeeper Shawnna Jonas, Administrative Assistant Veterinary Clinic and Cat Care Staff Brittany Alley Abigail Gardner Rachel Greenberg Angelina Monary Julie Modjeski Sara Noland Tom Noland Kara Turriaga Brandy Unruh Heather Wyatt Board of Directors Jeanne Lind Donna Reitz Toni Zonneveld Kathy Centala Meg Brunner Wendy Dennis Melanie Kelsey Jennifer Moore James Petts Rachel Saimons Whitney Whitworth -2Kathy Centala: “The first cat I can remember was ‘Mama Cat’. We used to call her that because she mothered lots of kittens. At that time, we didn’t know as much about cats as we do today, like spaying and neutering. We always had cats since the time I was born.” WW: Can you tell me a little bit about your history with Purrfect Pals? What inspired you to make Purrfect Pals your life’s work? KC: “I asked myself, ‘What can I do to make a change?’ I can’t build a Humane Society, but I could buy a house to take in animals. I started in Brier, but Brier wasn’t very happy with the animals. They even refused to pick up my garbage because of the poop. I had Kathy volunteering at the Average Joe Cat Show in 2015 to take (the waste) to the dump, but even they turned me away. I started calling around asking (...KATHY’S 75th, continued from page 1) about regulations, because I knew I had Of course, Kathy didn’t have to wait to to move. I called Snohomish County and experience kitty nirvana, as she was able they answered asking, ‘are you the Cat to create her own piece of heaven right Lady of Brier? Snohomish County would here at Purrfect Pals. be glad to welcome you!’ I guess they had read about my home in the local paper, Much like the first time I met Kathy, and knew who I was before I even called. whose humble yet powerful mission Now, justice has come totally around inspired me to get involved with Purrfect because I watch the garbage man come Pals, we met at the Arlington shelter collect it from me!” headquarters. Just as any good tour guide, Kathy introduces me to a few WW: What was it like in the beginning for residence of the office - Shaleah, who you and for the cats? weighed twenty-six pounds when she arrived but is working hard with the KC: “When I started, I was so utterly poor staff on her weight-loss mission, Daddy’s because all of my money was spent on Girl, a beautiful nine-year-old tabby the property. I worked at United Airlines who was receiving extra-special meal in reservations. I would work all of the time from Kathy due to her renal failure, hours that I could between 1:00pm and and Shamara, a long-haired tuxedo 4:00am so I would have time to take who lovingly mixes purrs and nibbles care of the cats in the afternoon. At our for me throughout our interview. And, first fundraiser, a booth at an event in though I personally am easily distracted the Westin Hotel, we raised $400 and, by adorable kitties, Kathy and her story gradually, the word about Purrfect engaged me with warmth, passion, and Pals started to get out. Soon we had genuine heart that quickly had my full volunteers, like Janice Johnson, who attention: would come in just to wash litter boxes and help wherever they could. We saw Whitney Whitworth: Who was the first (continued on page 6) cat you can remember having as a pet? PURR the -3- Purrfect Pals Takes in Six Special Cats from Shelter Forced to Close Its Doors in Oregon Precious Six very special kitties recently arrived at the Purrfect Pals Sanctuary. CRAFT, a wonderful no-kill cat shelter in Bend, OR, had to make the very difficult decision to close its doors. They asked if we would take in whichever cats were remaining after they adopted and transferred out everyone they possibly could. They were successful placing most of their cats but Bobbi, Oreo, Precious, Spring, Sylvester and Daisy still needed a new home. Our ultimate goal is to find forever homes for these special kitties but, until they are adopted, they will be cherished here at Purrfect Pals. Eleven-year-old Bobbi is an energetic girl who found herself homeless after her family’s house was destroyed by a fire on Oreo Sally Thanksgiving Day. She isn’t a fan of the word “senior” and prefers to be described as “aged to purrfection” instead. Oreo is a quiet but affectionate thirteenyear-old gentleman whose elderly owner passed away. He likes dogs but doesn’t understand the appeal of other cats. Daisy is a feisty seven-year-old manx. She came to CRAFT very overweight but they managed to help her lose ten pounds over two years. She prefers to be an only cat and is being treated for arthritis. Six-year-old Sylvester is a fun and friendly clown of a cat with a curly tail. He loves people, cats and dogs! He suffers from chronic upper respiratory infections and stomatitis but doesn’t seem to let any of Bobbi Sylvester that get him down. He is a real sweetheart! Spring is a darling, petite and golden-eyed sprite of a five-year-old. She is a bit on the quiet side but don’t let that fool you. She loves the company of people and other cats! This sweet girl suffers from stomatitis which is treated with occasional steroid injections and other treatments. Precious is a calm and very loving nineyear old tortie/calico with the prettiest green eyes you have ever seen. She is being treated for stomatitis but would make a wonderful companion to someone willing to look past that. Would you like to learn more about these six special kitties from Oregon? Please email us at [email protected]! Spring PURR the -4- Please Join Us in Bellevue on October 29th! Tickets are now available online for our gala auction and gourmet dinner! The 19th Annual Black Cat Ball will take place the evening of Saturday, October 29th, 2016, at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, and you won’t want to miss it! As always, the Black Cat Ball is guaranteed to be fun and festive, with complimentary champagne flowing as you browse silent and live auction tables with items priced for every budget, from $15 to thousands of dollars. Attend and indulge yourself, knowing that every dollar you spend will be used by Purrfect Pals to help put an end to cat homelessness through placement and prevention. Participate in our costume contest (or feel free to come dressed in evening wear!) and enjoy a gourmet vegetarian or vegan dinner while Randy Scott, radio personality, entertains and inspires you! This year we will again have double the space, more auction items and a larger crowd of cat lovers to mingle with! You’ll have the chance to bid on over 500 items, including wonderful evenings of dinner and theater in Seattle and on the Eastside as well as stays in elegant hotels. We will also be offering fabulous Jessica Rabbit and her friends were guests at the 2015 Black Cat Ball! getaways including relaxing stays on the breathtaking Oregon Coast. We will have adventures galore! Exciting afternoons of whale watching and kayaking trips, Yoga, music and dance lessons, relaxing massages and spa treatments will be available to tempt you. Host a circle of your friends at wine tastings across the Pacific Northwest and then take home a bottle of the kind of wine that has critics buzzing. Enjoy a Seahawks-Panthers home game from the comfort of 100-level seats or spend the afternoon training in and driving a rally car at the Dirtfish Performance Driving School in Snoqualmie! Our storage space is filling rapidly with donated jewelry, art glass and paintings as well as baskets of goodies, home decor, collectibles, gourmet kitchen items and garden art. Bid on one of several wonderful climbers or that special bed for your favorite cat. You can even bid to have your cat’s photo featured in the 2018 Purrfect Pals calendar (perhaps even on the cover?). Sponsorship Opportunities are Still Available! For more information, please call Sue at (360) 395-8285 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you so much to the sponsors who have already signed on to help make this our best event yet! Bruce & Jeannie Nordstrom In Honor of Our Cats, Sierra & Aurora Griffin Commercial Parts JJ & Greg Farrar For more information or to register online for tickets today, Please visit: One of our 2015 Costume Contest Winners! PURR the -5- The 19th Annual Black Cat Ball Help Make the Black Cat Ball a Success! We keep insisting that you can make a difference in the lives of cats and kittens in our community. That’s because you do! Purrfect Pals is supported entirely by donations, mostly modest ones that, when added together, make our work possible. And all those tables and tables of fabulous items up for auction...are donated. It’s true that some of those donations are made by hotels, airlines, artists, restaurants and jewelers. Most, however, come from cat loving Purrfect Pals supporters like you. Do you own a lakeside cabin, and would be willing to give a weekend stay? Could you give up a week stay at your timeshare? Imagine the bids - and the money to help rescue a dozen litters of kittens and their mamas - it would garner! Do you have season tickets to the opera, symphony, Seahawks or Mariners games, and could give up just one night/game? always popular, as are fine wines, artisan beers and spirits, electronics, garden art... Most of the money earned at auction is from smaller items, all added together! What do you do for a living? Almost any service or item offered would appeal to somebody. Do you quilt? Knit? Make jewelry? Weld steel garden creatures? Have you inherited some wonderful collectibles you don’t have room to display, or jewelry you know you won’t wear? Or could you nerve yourself to ask for a donation from just one store or restaurant you regularly patronize? Most businesses do have budgets for charitable donations, and they want to please their customers. We need the modest donations, too: a package of kitty note cards, the small quilted table runner, the coffee basket, the scratching post or cat bed, the $20 gift card or the brand new cookbook you’ve never cracked open. Kitchen items are We’ve again made this easy for you. We just need the procurement form on this page filled out for whatever is donated. We can pick up items if you are unable to get them to the shelter. Remember, every penny raised at the Black Cat Ball goes to caring for the cats of Purrfect Pals! Black Cat Ball Procurement Form Feel free to photocopy if you need additional copies! When filled out, please mail to: Black Cat Ball, Purrfect Pals, 230 McRae Road NE, Arlington, WA 98223. Deadline is September 15 Volunteer Solicitor Information Gift Information Name Gift Item Name Day Phone Donor Information Donor Est. Value $ Name as it should appear in catalog Gift Item Description (please specify color, size, material, time available, exchangeability, valid for how many people, assembly required, and any other pertinent information): Contact Name (if different from above) Address City State Zip Signature Day Phone Fax website Auction Item Delivery Item or gift certificate accompanies this donor form I would like Purrfect Pals to make a gift certificate for the item, details above. Item needs to be picked up (address/date/time) Items not sold at the Black Cat Ball will be retained and sold in our Average Joe Cat Show Silent Auction, or through other means, to benefit Purrfect Pals PURR the (...KATHY’S 75TH, continued from page 2 steady growth through our adoptions at local places, like a bookstore on Capitol Hill. Now, we have just exploded! I remember I would have to stop every day after work just to buy Friskies for the kitties, and now, it seems, we have no place to put it! (At the time,) I didn’t know how to fundraise. Now, I sit back and watch the generous donations come in. Connie Gabelein (formerly Executive Director and now Director of Marketing and Development for Purrfect Pals) has been the biggest force in helping with this. We are using things like Social Media now to get a bigger audience for our cats and for our fundraising. We don’t just have big donors, but we have a lot of little, dependable contributors now. We still have a very grateful mindset and are still frugal by nature.” WW: How has the shelter environment changed since you started Purrfect Pals? KC: “We see spay and neuter being a big focus now. It wasn’t always that way. In the beginning, Purrfect Pals was one of the only no-kill shelters in this area, and now it is pretty common. I’ve started noticing the next generation take an interest in special needs animals and volunteerism. A young man came -6recently who wanted to work specifically with special needs kitties and those that are hard to place. I used to volunteer in a veterinarian’s office. We had a lot of families who would come in and get their cats declawed. After seeing cats come out of surgery bleeding from their bandages on their paws and looking miserable, I asked him, ‘why would you want to declaw?’ He told me, ‘there’s money in that.’ I’m really glad that we have moved away from that (mindset) and are more educated now.” WW: Do you have any favorite kitties? KC: “The ones we have rescued and made whole again. Our mission was always to get those adopted who were hard to place. I remember going to a shelter to pick up a batch of cats and some guy said, ‘who would ever want that cat?” and Janice and I both said, “Oh, I’ll take that one!” WW: Are there any that specifically stick out in your memory? KC: “Gwen. I remember when we first got her she came in with her ears back and unhappy with everyone. We worked very hard with her. Shortly after adoption, her owner sent us a picture with (Gwen) lying on their legs. She is a completely changed cat from when she came in. We took in a cat named Rex once, who was so unhappy when his people moved to Japan. Despite our best efforts, he was never quite happy. Three years after he came to Purrfect Pals, his owners moved back and were thrilled that he was still here. As soon as they entered the building he ran to them, recognizing them immediately, and was so happy to see them. We watched his entire attitude change. Then there is Moochie, the blind cat. He came here with glaucoma and our shelter’s veterinarian had to remove his eyes because they were so bad. His adopters originally were not ready for a new pet, as they had a cat that recently passed away and were just stopping by to drop off donations. However, we introduced him to them and they fell in love immediately. Now he is living the high life and even has hired help who comes and sits with him so he is never alone if his family is not around.” WW: You’re sort of an expert in cats. Is there any advice you would give first time cat owners:? KC: “To new cat parents - don’t force yourself on them. If they go under a bed and hide, don’t go after them. Any change for a cat is hard. It’s like if you were airlifted from here to Afghanistanthe change would be hard. Expect that it is going to take time. Don’t come back one week, three weeks, three years later and say that it just doesn’t work. We all know that it takes time to make friends, and every cat is different and adjusts differently. Be Patient!” WW: Where do you see Purrfect Pals in the future? KC: “Helping more special needs cats. Now, I feel comfortable that Purrfect Pals will go on even after me. There is enough support, and I am very grateful for that.” Kathy with two of her feline friends in 1993 when she moved the Purrfect Pals Sanctuary from Brier to its current home in Rural Snohomish County. Photo Credit: The Seattle Times Kathy Centala will be celebrating her 75th birthday this September. As she likes to say, “I’m entering my fourth and last quarter of my life, and, as Seahawks fans know, final quarter is when exciting things happen. I’m looking forward to it!” -7- PURR the Anyone who has met Kathy will tell you that she isn’t willing to let a silly little thing like age get in the way of helping cats and kittens. They will also tell you that Kathy lives very modestly and it is next to impossible to buy her a birthday gift because she will turn around and donate it for our Black Cat Ball auction in order to help save more cats! Don’t tell Kathy but, In honor of her birthday and to show our gratitude for her passion and commitment to helping cats and her community, we are hoping to raise $75,000 in donations to Purrfect Pals. Please consider contributing to this very special birthday gift using the enclosed envelope. We will also be compiling all of your birthday messages for her so please feel free to send them to [email protected] or 230 McRae Rd NE, Arlington, WA 98223! In Honor and In Memory Shelter Wish List • Dry Adult Cat Food (Purina Pro Plan preferred) • Dry and Canned Kitten Food (Royal Canin Babycat or Pro Plan preferred) • Paper Towels • Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards • Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter • Cat Carriers (top-loading preferred) • Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets (free of dyes and perfumes) • Disposable Puppy Training Pads and Reusable Bed Pads • Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags For more donation ideas, please visit our shelter’s Wish List! Moochie is one of Kathy Centala’s favorite success stories. He came to Purrfect Pals with severe glaucoma and needed to have both eyes removed. He has since been adopted by a wonderful family and doesn’t let being blind slow him down. Last night at 10:30pm, our nearly-19-yearold female tuxedo kitty, Scrappy (“Scrappers”, “Scraps”) Holmes, passed away. My wife and I adopted her from Purrfect Pals in the summer of 1999 as Hope, at that time a two-year-old who had been found with a litter of her own kittens and brought to a shelter. She was our only “child” for more than five years, and our human children, now 8 and 11, have never known a day without her--until today. She loved to be petted and sought out attention constantly. She was also very talkative, disposed to carrying on long meow conversations with me--or perhaps she was patiently trying to teach me how to meow properly. Naturally, we are all devastated by this loss, but in reflecting on the many years we enjoyed with Scrappy, we feel compelled to offer our heartfelt thanks for the furry companion who was just another member of the family. In Honor of Oskar the Blind Cat. In Memory of Lucy. In Honor of Tara Hopwood. -Linda Healy -Allan Hopwood In Memory of Gilbert and Julie Contreras, Father and Sister of Jeanne Miele. -Jeannie Fannin In Memory of Winston. In Memory of Samantha. In Memory of Olive Bisbee. In Memory of Tasha Cook. Thank you so much. We look forward to supporting Purrfect Pals in the future, and wish you all the very best in your ongoing mission of introducing homeless kitties to loving homes. It’s worth it. -Aaron Holmes -Tracy Campion -Susan Pierce -Stuart Wilber -Nicole Perez -Ruth Bailey -Julia Lowther -Megan Sutherland -Karen Ford -Margarite Hargrave -Margaret Graham In Memory of Harlow. -Emily Wegeleben PURR the -8- In Honor and In Memory In Honor of Georgia Dunn, Puck, Lupin, and Breaking Cat News. Puck and Lupin are alumni of Purrfect Pals. -Martha Tebbenkamp In Honor of Judy Hill on her birthday and to thank her for sharing her kitties with me over many years. Scout thanks her for being the best auntie ever! -Judi Sorensen In Memory of Clancy 2000-2015. -George Harper & Jeff Couts In Memory of Poncho 1999-2015. Shasta In memory of Shasta. Cancer is a criminal! Shasta was only 7 years old. Shasta liked going outside for walks and was always waiting at the back door to go for a stroll. She was also a talker & liked watching birds out the front screen door with her brother & sister. She loved being brushed & snuggling on the couch. Shasta was a purfect pal to have and will be missed by her brother Chopper & 2 sisters Chelan & Abigail. We’ll never forget little Shasta & miss her greatly! -Karen & Ric. In Memory of Louis 1995-2015. In Memory of Cassey. In Memory of our Granddaughter Paige Marie Weedman. -Nancy Cummings In Memory of Logan. In Honor and Memory of Kiki Andrews. -Jeannie Nordstrom In Memory of Jce 2000-2016 missed by Nora Shriner. -City Kitty -Dixie Benny In Memory of Jeanne Robinson who passed away March 12th. -Beu White -Kathryn Warren -Julie Aulava -Doug Miller -Karen Campbell -Kimmy Caley -Kacie Baldwin -Technical Vendor Management -Jerry Linstead -Harlen Ainscough In Memory of Monster 2003-2016. -Cynthia Hesslewood In Memory of our dear little girl, Lovely. She was adopted under the name “Forget Me Not” back in February 2005. Both names indeed fit her well. Thank you for a lifetime of memories. -Mike & Lisa Giordano -Carrie Wolter -Charmaine McAbrew -Brianna Broxson In Memory of Keith Moody. It is with a heavy heart I make this donation. Keith was a friend and a coworker to many, and a great lover of cats. He and I spoke often of our own cats and the many we encountered on our Ballard postal routes. This donation is from many, I merely have signed the check. -Frances Case -David L. Huston In Honor of Sadie Lady. -Grandma & Grandpa Nicholas In Honor of James Benecke on his birthday. -Carole Benecke Thank you for all the work you do to help cats. Today is my birthday and I want to give you a gift! -Lori Bellamy In Memory of Marjorie Waldheim. -George & Carol Waldheim In Memory of Annie 2002-2016 loved and missed by Shirley Vanderbilt. -City Kitty In Memory of Lily 2002-2016 loved by Caitlin and Mochal schuller. -Erin Wood Fifteen years ago I went to Purrfect Pals to find a companion for my wife. A small tuxedo cat named Rowdy Rudy came to the front of his cage and began talking to me. He became more than a companion; he became part of our family. When I was away and called he would come to the phone and rub against it to get in on the conversation. Sadly, Rudy passed last night at the age of fifteen, laying in between my wife and I. We miss him. Thank you for Rudy. Sleep well my friend. He leaves three of his friends, all from Purrfect Pals. -William & Marilyn Lyles In Memory of all the many cats we’ve had through the years. Each was very special. They have a special place in kitty heaven and are happy beyond belief. -D. Learned In Memory of my Boo Boo Kitty (formerly Cecillia) that I was so blessed to have for three short years. She was sixteen years old and developed jaw bone cancer. She was a beautiful orange and white tabby whose owner became ill and couldn’t feed or take care of her. Boo had been brought back to health by Purrfect Pals but was caged alone for six months because she didn’t like other animals. I stuck my finger in the cage, she rubbed every part of herself on it and I just fell in love and had to adopt her. She had been declawed as a kitten and was a bitter, but after about a year she was doing it very infrequently. She was quite a talker, always happy to be brushed, unhappy if I stopped, didn’t care for toys, but loved to eat. She was such a loving wonderful companion, I was so fortunate to spend one final week with her before having to do the hardest part of pet ownership, which is to ensure they do not suffer. Before I let her go I told her that when she saw her first mommy in heaven to tell her that she was so loved by her second mommy and how she had been taken care of so well. I miss her terribly but have cremated her and I can look at her little urn and in time I will be able to smile and think of the wonderful times we shared and the tears will diminish. I found out after adopting Boo that I was allergic to cat hair (I had already committed to her and wasn’t taking her back to a cage) so I can’t adopt another but will continue to support your wonderful organization. Thank you Purrfect Pals for saving her life three years ago, you enriched both our loves. -Dianne LaSalle In Honor of Wanjai, Class of 2008 aka. Bunnie. -Mark Hughes In Honor of the Purrfect Pals Staff and Volunteers. -Katrina Jarman PURR the -9- In Honor and In Memory In Memory of Diane Ritter (our daughter). -Robert & Norma Moe In Memory of Clyde, the Wood Family’s Cat. -Alice Chapman In Memory of Cathode. In Memory of Zoe. -City Kitty -Connie Newman In Memory of my friend Vickie Konicke and her “Galden” and in honor of her Goldens. -Vicki Rowland In Honor and Congratulations of Emma. -Rotary Club of Arlington In Honor of Foster Dad John and In Memory of Klondike & Ladybug. -Marilynn Wright -Marilyn Strickland & Razzie -Sini-Tuulia Korkeila -Jeri Bell -Maria Linda Magre -Susan Bailey -Wendy Kuzminski -Debra Dehmer -Elizabeth Foley -Kathleen Fraioli -Lynda Lemaster -Elijah Edwards -Kimm Schaut -Rebecca Biggs, Coco, Reinette, and Frank. -Joan Burroughs -Kathleen Fitzgerald -Mary Jane Tala -Judy Penn -Wen Cheng -Leesa Brown -Jennifer Overman -Mary Shevlin -Teresa Pierce -Melissa Bowlin -Wanda Zimmerman -Carrie Simmons -Amy Broughman -Sandra Mielke -Cory White -Cynthia Camp -Jennifer Frazier -Lana Waud -N’Diva Arhm -Patricia Murphy -Carol Wenokur -Christopher & Stephanie Cuomo In Loving Memory of Poopster. In Honor of Tasha. -Judi Sorensen -Elizabeth Briesemeister In Memory of Clem, Pissmile, Smokey, Dusty, Kai-chow, Kiki, Nonie Girl, Bear, Magel, and Mae-Mae. -Vonny McCarver In Memory of Oscie, Ron Babb’s much loved porch cat. -Peg Kehret In Memory of Carbee, the matriarch of our kitty family. We brought Carbee home when she was only five weeks old. We had to say goodbye to our sweet girl just 20 days before her 21st birthday. Carbee loved going outside in our backyard (on her leash and walking jacket) to eat grass on our property (just rocks and dirt). Lindy would plant a tub of grass for her each year so she could sit in it and nibble to her heart’s content. Carbee has been gone a year now. We still miss our gentle, beautiful black girl. Her brother Bear misses her too. -Lorrie & Lindy Lippert In Honor of Jesse Mack, Ember Hadden, and Young Living Essentials. -Jesse Mack In Honor of Tracy Van Woert. In Memory of Smudge. In Memory of Bear, Langton, George Thompson, Lucy Sinon, and Cougar Bayless. -Larry Siegler In Memory of Vincent Peterson, Misha Johnson, Honey Boy, Baby Girl Dahlgren, and Monkey Hughes. -Larry Siegler In Memory of Harmony aka Flufette Fluef Poof-a-licious Poof-Pufflet Noodle-Puff Kern. A Purrfect Pals Cat. -Heather Kern In Memory of Lili Damon. In Honor of Spencer. -Faith Young -Diane Pettengill In Memory of my precious panther McGee. -Beth Schlansky -Janice Carle In Memory of the Girls. -Robert Wilkey In Honor of Lucy’s love of animals. In Honor of Puck and Lupin, of BCN and our Fibbie and HobieCat. -David Jones -Susan Rupp In Memory of Sassy, dear member of the Barrett-Rodriquez Family. -Julie Kumasaka In Memory of Lilly. Special Thanks to Immaculate Conception Regional School. -2nd grade class -Toni Keefer In Honor of all our beloved pets. -Darcy Kirley In Memory of Butterscotch, my Purrfect Pal for eight years who passed in February. -Linda Langford -GB Flanagan In Honor of a true cat friend, Borden Flanagan. -Lucile B. Flanagan In Memory of Midnight. -Anita Simpson In Memory of George and Cersei. -Sue Masser -Ted and Jeanne Lind -Louise Farthing -Jerald and Deborah Johnson -Timothy and Tena Martins -Melanie Wood -Lorrie and Lindy Lippert In Honor of Purrfect Pals. -Employees at KPG, Inc In Memory of my parents. -Patricia Miller Klondike PURR the -10- In Honor and In Memory In Memory of Monica and Catalino Manera. -Mona Manera In Honor of Jen Berg. In Memory of Leo Pablo. In Honor of Tate Reynolds. In Memory of Grabby Gordon. -Karl Hillstrom In Memory of Loki and Truffles. -Jessica Shincovich -Brian Kullberg In Memory of Rosie Cat. -Wendy Reynolds In Memory of Julie Cole. -Vivia Boe In Memory of Cheryl Marie Lewis (1950-2016). She was a cat enthusiast who created a huge cat sanctuary in her backyard. -Anonymous In Honor of Puck, from Breaking Cat News. -Georgia Dunn In Memory of our cat, Solomon who had to be put to sleep on June 24th, 2015 because of Cancer. He was 21 years old. -Amanda Henderson In Honor of Lulu Dori. In Memory of Princess. -Kristin L. White -Lisa Williams In Memory of my Purrfect Pals Cleopatra. -Cynthia Turner In Honor of Pam Markely. BJ In Memory of Sassy, dear member of the Barrett-Rodriquez Family. -Julie Kumasaka -Gail Rautmann Keep up the fight! -Barbara Carrick Love, Hugs, and Prayers for all you do for God’s creatures. -Ginger Cates -Claire Stevens Thank you for all your work to save these babies. -Jennifer Schenk -Jeanne Miele In Memory of Wanda Overmyer. -Margaret Blough In Memory of Ringer and Shadow. -Leslie Harding In Memory of Bailey. In Honor of Phanny Peters. -Lyn Peters In Memory of my bestest kitty, Ebenezer. -Sarah Duncan -Elizabeth Hull In Memory of Fred (October 2002 – May 2016). -Judi Seger In Memory of Honey. In Memory of Sammon my cat who passed last week at fifteen. -Michael Gustafson In Honor of Ana Lucia Sierra Heinz. -Annelise Heinz In Honor of Jake my Purrfect Pals cat I still adore. -Faye Torgerson In Honor of Cher our rescued cat. -Sandra Coke In Memory of Piekatt, Snowshoe, The Dink, Buster, and Tazzy. -Patricia Colaizzo In Honor of ZuZu Peepers. -Jennifer Oswald Inspired by Foster Dad John, we send you some toys, beds, and Chicken Whales. Please Convey to John how much we admire his work and how difficult it must be for him and all foster parents, particularly when there is illness, prematurity etc. However, having been a viewer of the camera since before Miranda (I swore I would fly out there to save RainDow and called every day, with apologies, until she was adopted – see lawyers are insane!) the successes far outweigh the difficulties and lives are saved and the information shared and multiplied. brings them all together. All that said, watching FDJ, the cam and your site, I have learned many things that would otherwise not know and I am truly grateful for the generosity of spirit and of course what you do. -Barbara A. Castrataro, ESQ. In Memory of Fuzz. -Hailey Wood -Rosanne Chiachi In Honor of Ceaser my darling fur baby. In Memory of Toby. -Jean Stewart In Memory of Teddy and Timmy. In Memory of Loki and Truffles. In Memory of sweet Phoebe. In Honor of BJ. In Memory of Samuel T. Cat. In Memory of Conway. -Lyn Hoff -Tonja Gray -LuAnn Smith -Susan Robinson -Megan Brunner -Anthony Yaranon -Mary Ellen Slater In Honor and God Bless those who are compassionate. -Benjamin Joynes In Honor of Peter of the Ghostbusters. -Thanna Rivers In Honor of Dusty and Ellie. -Neil Anderson In Memory of Jann LaRae Aliverti. Jann was the ultimate cat lover as she couldn’t have children. She had recently lost her last two kitties over the last year and was so looking forward to adopting senior kitties, but she passed before doing so. She so loved her babies. -Leslie Aliverti Jones Purrfect Endings Seven months ago, we adopted Dulce from the Renton Petsmart adoption center. We were cautioned what a shy senior she was and we were ready to take on this challenge, even if it meant her hiding out most of the time. Mordecei Mortdecai is doing very well and has become friends with our other cat Precious. He is such a loving cat and still bringing us lots of joy. Six months have flown by. He is such a baby and loves to be carried around. He does not like it when we put him down. He still makes muffins on us when we hold him and is such a sweet cat! Thank you for allowing us to bring him home. He loves blankets and pillows (but mostly laps!). -Roseanne Glenn Bode, formerly known as Bernie, is ten years old! He is the best. I was warned he was a troublemaker. He really is, but it’s endearing! -Stacia Hofmann PURR the -11- Dulce has since traveled with us along with our other cat MasterMarcy from Seattle to Arizona (in the car and very well). She has made a huge turn around; quite the chatterbox - especially when she wants her food at 6am, loves to sleep on the bed, head-bunts good night and good morning, nuzzles the brush when she wants to get combed (which is more times than we can count). us (chirps) all the time, takes out all the catnip toys, but never puts them back and craves attention and affection. We cannot imagine not having her in our family. Thanks Purrfect Pals. -Roxanne Diss Love Purrfect Endings? Join us on Facebook for more updates! We are both very lucky to have adopted such wonderful cats from such a great shelter. I hope this encourages those out there with shy cats who need that little extra bit of attention and care that it is possible -Jasmine Ridahl A year ago tomorrow, I adopted 10-year old Ginger (fka Babs) from your shelter. She tried to bite me when I first reached up to pet her, but then jumped down and sat beside me as if to apologize. She had been waiting 2 years for someone to choose her so I decided to give her a chance. A year later, she is a real clown. She talks to Dulce Clip and include in the attached envelope, or mail in your own envelope! Yes! I want to help the cats at Purrfect Pals! 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 (360) 652-9611 Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of: $50 (can provide KMR milk replacement formula for a litter of kittens) $100 (can provide for six months of care for a typical sanctuary kitty) $500 (can help us spay and neuter two litters of kittens and their moms) Name Other Amount (please indicate amount) Address Total City/State Zip Fill out credit card number below Phone E-Mail Check Signature Credit Card Visa Expiration Date MasterCard / Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Road NE Arlington, WA 98223 Tickets are Now Available Online for our 19th Annual Black Cat Ball Gala Auction and Dinner! This year’s Black Cat Ball will be held on the evening of Saturday, October 29th at Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. Please invite your animal loving friends and family and join us for this fun and festive evening to support Purrfect Pals! For learn more about the Black Cat Ball, please visit Have questions about volunteering, becoming an event sponsor or donating auction items? Please call Sue at 360.395.8285 or email her at bcb@ Visit to order your Black Cat Ball tickets today!
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Winter 2016 - Purrfect Pals
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