Fall Issue
Fall Issue
15 0 15 30 30 S The harpening Stone 45 45 The Source For Maintaining Your Industry Edge n 2007 S e c o n d H a l f From the VP’s Desk Survey Says...? Scott Prokop is Vice President and General Manager of Dahle North America, Inc. We have always been a company who values input from both our dealer community and the consumers who use our products. While we are small enough in size to be flexible, we are large enough to implement systems and procedures that are all aimed at improving our processes and making us a more efficient company. In the next few weeks we will be sending out a short survey that I would appreciate a reply back from you. One of the topics on the survey and one that has been much debated on is our Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) program. As you can imagine the response from the dealer community on MAP has been mixed. I will say however, that more people are in favor of it than opposed to it. So please keep an eye out for the survey and I look forward to reading your responses. Freight Issues One area that we have been closely monitoring this year has been LTL (Less Than truck Load) freight shipments. Over the years we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of drop shipment orders directly to consumers. In a perfect world every location we ship to we would like to believe the customer has a facility with a loading dock and the necessary means and equipment to receive palletized shipments. We realize that this is not always the case and for an increasing number of shipments, special conditions are needed to get the freight from our dock delivered to your customer damage free. When we receive a drop ship order from you and there are no special delivery requirements noted, we assume it is being shipped to a business that can handle and receive the shipment. Therefore, we ask that you advise us on your order if there are any special circumstances or delivery options that are required. They may include one or a multiple of the following: Inside Delivery, Liftgate Delivery, Residential Delivery, and “Turn Key” Delivery. For a description of each one of these terms please see the Shipping 101 section of this newsletter. When these special services are requested on your order they are processed, shipped, and invoiced accordingly. If a special delivery request is needed and not indicated on your order and we get invoiced from the freight carrier we will invoice the respective dealer for these additional charges via a separate invoice. If you have any questions regarding this issue please feel free to contact our Customer Relations Department or your Regional Sales Manager. In This Issue: P2: The Sales Corner: The Enduring Value of Quality P3: The Sales Corner: Selling to Large Corporations P4: The Service Perspective: “Help! I Need a Part For My Cutter!” P5: New Product: Dahle’s Premium Stack Cutters P6: Marketing 360o: Customer Support & Sales Aids P7: Shipping 101: The Protection of Section 7 P8: Tech Talk: Customer Service Satisfaction P9: Tech Talk: Warranty & Freight Claim Policy P10: New Employee Arrivals P11: The Pieces: News & Events, Past Issues ® North America S The ales Corner The Enduring Value of Quality This weekend I was working in the garden, using my Dahle 8” All Around Shears to cut sections of drip tubing for a watering system. I have used this same pair of scissors over the last twelve years to cut twine, rope, corrugated, electrical wire, and twigs. I’ve trimmed branches from tomato plants, and cut netting for pole beans with them. I have used a single blade to shave wood chips from a piece of lumber, to use as kindling. And, although I am reluctant to admit it, I once used them to pry the lid off a paint can. What struck me is how well the scissors performed. Aside from a bit of dried paint on one handle, they look, feel, and cut like a brand new pair. Unlike many cheap brands that flood the market, competing for the same limited retail shelf space, my Dahle scissors still feel like a well-crafted tool. The blades never get ‘wobbly’, and the handles never get loose. (The handles cannot become loose, as many of you have seen in my scissor demo). I am confident that in another twelve years they will still be providing straight, sharp, clean, accurate cuts. So, what is Dahle’s secret? Why are our products so good? The answer lies in our constant commitment to quality. What was the best twelve years ago is the best today. We have not downgraded the renowned quality of our Solingen Steel. We have not cheapened the workmanship, or the construction, in search of higher profitability. Dahle can maintain an attractive pricing structure because we don’t spend a fortune periodically reinventing our line simply for marketing impact. All of Dahle’s products reflect the highest commitment to quality standards. No wonder we can present Dahle with complete confidence. And, it is no wonder that Dahle’s sales volume continues to grow. Sales are up across the board. Are you getting your share? is quality. Our mats are 5-ply compared to the 3-ply construction of most others. Our 5-ply construction assures maximum dimensional stability, superior resistance to delaminating, a smooth surface, and a cushioned cut. Notice the ‘bumpy’ surface on some of those other mats. Be sure to point out the unmatched clarity of our Crystal Clear mat. Again, quality makes the difference, and Dahle leads the way. By the way, near the shelf in the garage where I store my Dahle scissors, there are two screw holes in the wall. They serve as a reminder of the ‘Boston’ pencil sharpener that was once attached to that spot. After the base cracked, I removed it and began using a Dahle #155 Sharpener. It has never failed me, and I don’t expect it ever will. Ahhh, the reassuring comfort of owning quality! Since we are in the midst of the Back-toSchool season, my message would not be complete without mentioning Vantage Cutting Mats. The Vantage Mat business has been phenomenally successful for us. Our volume continues to grow, and we continue to replace competitive brands with the Vantage brand. The reason again Chuck Cannon- National Sales Manager Chuck Cannon is Dahle’s National Sales Manager for Cutting and Office Products and has been with Dahle since April, 2001. Chuck’s career in the Art Industry began almost 30 years ago while selling art pencils and art markers for Eberhard Faber and also selling fine art pencils for Faber-Castell. P2 Selling to Large Corporations Small and medium size companies represent the large number of first time shredder buyers and are the most likely to raise an objection based on a lack of awareness for the issues of document privacy and security. Larger companies, on the other hand, are more apt to recognize the need for document security. Indeed, many of them will already have one or more shredders in use. The fact that a company incorporates paper shredders into a routine for maintain- “Once a company starts to use a shredder, the volume of use grows dramatically” Greg Rillings Regional Sales Manager volume of use grows dramatically. It is not uncommon to have repeat sales and upgrades to larger units within the first six to eight months after a sale has been made. The purchasing department of a large corporation is the logical place to begin when establishing a relationship with a prospective account. You, the sales rep, should introduce yourself (and the Dahle product line) to the purchasing agent responsible for paper shredders. In addition, you should inquire if the company has either a director of security and/or a records manager - two key influencers/decision makers in the purchase of paper shredders. The director of security has the responsibility for all aspects of corporate secu- rity: physical, data, and document security. The records manager is in charge of the storage, management, retrieval and ultimate destruction of records in all forms. The key to both positions is their ability to ‘brand specify’ a product for purchase. If you can demonstrate, to one of these key people, how a Dahle shredder will do the job more effectively for a longer overall life, the director may specify the purchase of a Dahle shredder. This will often circumvent an open bidding procedure by the purchasing department, greasing the skids for the order. And, as always, LET EVERY CUSTOMER KNOW YOU SELL DAHLE PAPER SHREDDERS. Good Selling . . . ing the privacy of business documents shortens the sales cycle considerably. Also the opportunity for multiple unit placements increases in proportion to the size of the company. Many sales reps pass up the opportunities for shredder sales because the account already owns one or more shredders. Compare this reaction with that of a copier rep who, instead of turning away, probes to find out if their present equipment is meeting all their needs. Is the present shredder large enough to handle the workload? Are there needs to be met by other departments? Offer to review the needs of each department. Paper shredders are low service, long life products. But, once a company starts to use a shredder, the Greg Rillings- Regional Sales Manager P3 Greg Rillings is Dahle’s Northeast / Midwest Regional Sales Manager and has been with Dahle since October of 1993. Greg’s experience in the office equipment industry began as a teenager while working for his father. In addition to having owned an office equipment dealership of his own in New York, Greg was the National Service Manager for Shredex from 1989-93. The Service Perspective “Help! I Need A Part For My Cutter!” When I answer my phone, I hear the words, “Help! I need a part for my cutter” most often. Usually, they’re spoken from a consumer looking for a new blade or a replacement handle, but our dealers call with this request as well. Although our products have an extremely long lifespan, they occasionally need a replacement blade or clamp to bring them back to perfect working order. The few most commonly replaced cutter or trimmer parts include a handle for a guillotine, and a blade/blade assembly the cutting head and replace the blade, we encourage our consumers to purchase a new cutting head. of manufacture. I have had calls from people who have a rolling trimmer from the 80’s and just now need a new blade. The most critical part of ordering replacement parts is locating the exact product number for each particular cutter or trimmer. Most Dahle products have been in the lineup for many years so in addition to the model number, I also need to investigate any product revisions along the way. Most Dahle cutters and trimmers have the model number If the paper cutter is not made in Germany, determining the model number is not always as easy. At one time, wood base lever cutters and rolling trimmers were manufactured in the United States. Some had a model number printed on the cutting surface but others, such as the first Safe ‘N Easy line, used a sticker. Having been on the surface, this “The nine digit Artikel-NR number (also read as Item #, Product Code) will allow me to easily figure out what replacement parts will fit their particular product” Janice Fiandaca Sales Support Representative Cutting & Office Products or a plastic clamp for a rolling trimmer (the clear plastic strip that runs along the blade side of the trimmer and is often described as a clamp, guard or rule). Though most Dahle blades are self sharpening, there may come a time when it can no longer maintain a precision edge and need to be replaced. For safety purposes, most rolling trimmers require the replacement of the entire cutting head. These cutting heads not only house the cutting blades and maintain their proper alignment, they also act as a paper clamp and prevent the paper from shifting as it cuts. Individual cutting blades are available on certain models and although it is possible to disassemble screened on the top surface but not all do. The easiest way to determine the exact model and revision number is by their manufacturing sticker located on the back side of the product. All German made paper cutters contain a white label with all the pertinent manufacturing information such as product number which will tell me the approximate year it was manufactured. The nine digit Artikel-NR number (also read as Item #, Prod. Code) will allow me to easily figure out what replacement parts will fit their particular product. In over 10 years at Dahle, there have been less than 5 calls where the label is no longer attached! Just a note: some of the labels have a number that indicates the date sticker is sometimes no longer attached. Luckily, I have copies of old catalogs. So with a few questions regarding dimensions and color of the grid, we can usually figure out the model number. Even though some products are no longer available, we still have some parts for discontinued or redesigned products. We are currently working on a Replacement Part Price list for our dealers. As you can see, there are many variables when determining the exact part needed for each particular cutter so feel free to call me at anytime! Janice Fiandaca- Sales Support Representative P4 Janice Fiandaca is a Sales Support Representative for Dahle Cutting and Office Products and has been with the company since 1996. Janice has over 19 years of customer service experience and previously worked for the printing division of NCR. New! Premium Stack Cutters Now accepting orders! Dahle’s new Premium Stack Cutters are in stock and ready to ship. A catalog sheet and all other product information can be found on our website. Premium sTACK cUTTERs Ground German Solingen steel blade Automatic Cutting System holds paper securely, and cuts through material with a single downward movement of the cutting handle Laser guide ensures accuracy on every cut Ergonomically correct handle reduces fatigue Electronic display verifies each step of the cutting process Automatic paper clamp holds work securely and evenly across the entire cutting surface Built in safety covers on both sides of the blade prevent accidental injury Spindle driven self-locking backstop Sturdy metal base offers extreme durability Spring action cutting block allows for easy rotation Optional floor stand provides proper height and leverage for easy cutting Item 852 858 P5 Cut 17" 18 ¹/2" Capacity 200 Sheets 700 Sheets Table Size Floor Stand 35 ³/4" x 24 ³/4" 752 47 ¹/2" x 31 ¹/2" 758 correct cutting handle will not move Dahle’s developed a new line of Stack until both acrylic safety shields are in Cutters that can produce a clean, burr the down position. This prevents your free factory edge appearance on up to hands from being in the wrong place 700 sheets of paper at a time. This line and eliminates the chance of personal of Premium Stack Cutters features a injury. laser cutting guide and Dahle’s exclusive Automatic Cutting System. These Two models of Premium Stack Cutters features provide an extremely accurate are available. Model single step operation to 852 has 200 sheet cutclamp and cut through “These new Stack ting capacity and model paper with the downCutters are the most 858 can cut through ward movement of the cutting handle. advanced manual paper 700 sheets of paper. These cutters are priced cutters on the at $2,000 and $4,000 “With laser guided respectively and can accuracy and the market today” be mounted on the Automatic Cutting Chuck Cannon optional floor stands. System,” said Chuck National Sales Manager Dahle Premium Stack Cannon, National Cutters are manufacSales Manager, Dahle tured in Germany and can be found in North America, Inc. “These new Stack art departments, custom frame shops, Cutters are the most advanced manual and print & copy centers throughout paper cutters on the market today.” the world. Dahle Premium Stack Cutters give you the precision you need along with the safety you deserve. Each cutter has built in safety features that will increase the efficiency of your tasks as well as provide a safe and pleasurable cutting experience. The ergonomically Idea Marketing Success Gain Monthly Shredder Sales Tips Marketing 360˚ Customer Support & Sales Aids At Dahle, we continually evaluate the resources and sales aids that are available to our dealers and consumers. Throughout the year we listen to your comments and use this information to improve our current marketing materials and provide more of what you would like to see. Here are some of the newest resources and improvements we’ve incorporated during the first half of the year. You can find a more complete list of Dealer Resources on page 11. www.dahle.com has an image hyper link that can connect our customers with a Dahle Operator to have their questions answered. The majority of the questions we answer are product specific, but we often field a lot of questions from customers who want to know where they can purchase a Dahle product in their area. This is one of the main reasons we have recently called you to update your contact information. Live Customer Support Our live support feature also allows our Customer Relations team to initiate a conversation with any customer browsing our website. This is a great feature to pro actively help a customer quickly find what they are looking for. It’s a very intuitive system and Dahle is proud to be able to offer this extra form of service to our customers. Beginning in June, Dahle incorporated a “live” customer support system on our website. This new feature will allow our Customer Relations Team to provide immediate answers to the questions of our customers browsing our website. Each webpage on Chris Jackson- Marketing Manager P6 Beginning in March Dahle began emailing all Shredder Dealers with monthly Sales Tips. These tips are intended to offer helpful hints and suggestions to our dealers that could possibly offer a solution to an existing sales roadblock. Each Sales Tip is archived and the complete list can be viewed at the bottom of each Sales Tip eMail. If you are not receiving this email and would like to, send me an eMail and I’ll add you to the list of recipients. New Shredder Catalog Dahle has recently finished a new 24 page Shredding Solutions catalog which includes the new Multi+Media shredders and the most current product specifications. This catalog has 4 new pages of information and I encourage everyone to read it from cover to cover. This resource can be easily added to any dealer website. Chris Jackson is Dahle’s Marketing and Customer Relations Manager and has been with the company since July, 2001. Chris has been in the marketing field for over 7 years and previously worked for the Greenfield YMCA as their Communications Director. Shipping 101 The Protection of Section 7 As many of you know, shipping costs and freight damages are increasingly rising and among a company’s biggest expense. The best way to help reduce any unnecessary shipping charges and make sure we receive the most money back from any freight damages is through education. At Dahle we keep up to date on the latest tips & techniques through educational classes and seminars. Shipping and handling education will be the focus of this new section titled “Shipping 101”. following statement. The carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful Recently I attended a seminar from charges.” In laymen’s terms, section 7 MESCA Freight Services. MESCA is a on the bill of lading offers protection to freight brokerage company that works the shipper (consignor) if the customer hard to get Dahle the best possible (consignee) does not pay the carrier Nationwide freight services. The seminar’s (freight company) for the shipment. In purpose was simple: Learn how to essence, it’s a legally binding statement properly fill out a Bill of Lading (BOL) the prevents the freight company from form. Those of you who have sent an item trying to collect via freight will know payment from the that a BOL can be very MESCA Freight Services shipper if the receiving confusing. Their are a company is unwilling or lot of fill in the blank has access to over fifteen unable to pay. So from sections and a lot of common carriers and offers now on, every bill of tiny print containing Dahle the best possible rates lading we produce, we confusing legal jargon. sign our name in Section It’s these small print for shipping freight. 7. It’s an easy way to sections that are the protect your business if most important since the person you are shipping to is unable they usually contain disclaimers that to pay for the shipment or goes out of release the carrier from liability. During business. this class we focused on the importance one specific section, Section 7. Section 7 can be read on any bill of lading stating: Subject to section 7 of conditions of applicable bill of lading, if this shipment is to be delivered to the consignee, the consignor shall sign the Optional Shipping Services Occasionally there are added services or costs involved with shipping items via UPS/FedEx or common carrier. These services should be added to an order at the time of processing. If these services are not included in the original order and necessary for product delivery, Dahle will invoice the dealer for any charges accrued. Inside Delivery: $45.00 The driver will unload the shipment and “place the shipment inside the first accessible door”. Liftgate Delivery: $80.00 Consignee (party receiving shipment) does not have a loading dock. Shipment needs to be lowered via hydraulic lift to the ground level so delivery can be made. Specially equipped trucks are needed for this type of delivery. Residential Delivery: $50.00 Consignee is located in a designated Residential area. Home businesses are Residential deliveries. Turn Key Delivery: Call for price Shipment is delivered, unpacked, set up, and moved to a location of the customer’s choice. Packing material (pallet, shrink wrap, strapping, corrugated, etc) is removed from the premises. Cost: varies depending on location and size of shipment. Bill Urquhart- Shipping Manager P7 Bill Urquhart is Dahle’s Shipping and Receiving Manager and has been with the company since August, 2001. Bill has over 12 years of Shipping / Receiving experience and previously worked for SolidWorks, a leader in 3D CAD technology in Concord, MA. T ech alk Street Atlas For Service Providers Customer Service Satisfaction Being that this is the first release of the combined newsletter for all Dahle product dealers, I would like to welcome all the Cutting and Office products Dealers to their first reading of Tech Talk. Previous columns related to service and maintenance of Dahle Professional Shredders so please bear with me as I refine a format for this new combined audience. Hopefully this submission will cover some areas for all. First of all I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the technicians in the trenches who work hard to make our customers happy. Give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. With that said I would like to talk a bit about on-site service for Warranty, Freight Claim and Out-ofWarranty service related policies and procedures. With the customer and field technicians in mind, Dahle has updated past policies and continues to monitor current procedures for further improvement. I will start with the Outof-Warranty issues because frankly it is pretty cut and dry. P8 Policy For All Non-Warranty Related Issues Dahle offers free telephone technical support for both Cutters and Shredders. If you as an On-site Service Provider receive a call for maintenance on a Dahle cutter or paper shredder and would like to reduce diagnostic time and the amount of visits to a site, call Dahle Technical Support at (603) 9240003 ahead of time for any guidance needed. If you are On-site and a Technical Support Representative is not available, please ask to have one paged. We ask your cooperation in only having someone paged if you are on-site. If you are Nation-wide or Multi-State Service Providers relying on Map Quest, Yahoo or any other Internet services to provide direction or location, there is a great software program available for under $70.00 that should perform all of your needs from your desktop. Street Atlas 2008 Plus by Delorme is highly recommended. These are the people that map our planet. If your Internet connection goes down at any time you will still be able to produce directions for your technicians and much more. It has a reverse telephone number feature incorporated and easily imports data from excel and many other formats. Visit www. delorme.com for more details. Policy For: All Warranty & Freight Claim Related Issues The following procedures were designed to reduce downtime for the Customer. They were also designed to release the Dealer of any unnecessary burdens that they would not be responsible for. Here’s what Dahle will do: Dahle North America’s Service any On-site service in these matters Department will immediately address will be at the end users site before the all Warranty and Freight Claim issues by Technician arrives. This eliminates contacting the end user within two hours a Technician from having to make of notification. Ninety Eight Percent of multiple trips these notifications result in contact being To facilitate and simplify the return of made within the first fifteen minutes. any unused parts, a return self-addressed, This practice has shown the best results postage paid white box is included with with customers and dealers throughout the parts and schematics mentioned the United States and has the following above benefits: The Dealer is Here’s how it “If On-site service is agreed released from any works: upon with the Customer, further responsibilities If a Customer calls you in resolving these with a Warranty or the Dealer who sold this matters Freight Claim related product will be given the first issue, simply gather If any on-site service the information and is necessary and agreed opportunity to provide the call the Dahle Service upon by the End-User on-site service” Department to relay / Customer, the Dealer the nature of the who sold the product Bob Champagne problem. Dahle will Technical Service Manager is given the first need the customers opportunity to perform point of contact name and telephone this On-site maintenance. The Dealer number. A Purchase Order number or may then be eligible for reimbursement Dahle Order number for reference will from Dahle commensurate with prior also be helpful. If the product is a Paper agreed upon On-site rates between Shredder, only the serial number will be Dahle and the Dealer needed. This number typically begins All parts and schematics needed for with two letters. Replacing the product Arranging for on-site Service free of Contact the customer immediately and determine the quickest possible solution to resolving the issue by either: charge to the customer As mentioned above, if on-site service is agreed upon with the Customer, the Dealer who sold this product will be given the first opportunity to provide the on-site service. If you are a Dealer that does not provide on-site services, a Dahle approved service provider will be dispatched to resolve any on-site customer approved issues. These 3rd party providers are not Dealers and they do not sell any products. They are exclusive to providing service only. This insures that a service provider does not compete for business from the original dealer. Dahle is very aware and sensitive to this issue and takes great strides to eliminate any Dealer conflicts. There are some remote areas where this may be impossible to overcome. In these instances, the original Dealer is informed and the Servicing Dealer is given specific instructions on how to proceed. Bob Champagne- Technical Service Manager P9 Bob Champagne is Dahle’s Technical Service Manager and has been with the company since July 2005. Bob has been in the service industry for over 19 years and previously worked for Revacomp, a nationwide service provider, at their Boston, MA location. Update: New Employee Arrivals Libby Nelson Government National Sales Manager e: [email protected] t: (866) 248-7902 ® Government Sales Libby Nelson Government Sales Manager tf: 866.248.7902 fax: 919.776.0244 email:[email protected] www: www.dahlegov.com 4 9 Vo s e Fa r m R o a d Pe t e r b o r o u g h , N H 0 3 4 5 8 Stacey Dunn Government Sales Support & Service Coordinator e: [email protected] t: (603) 924-0003 ext 115 ® North America Stacey Dunn Government Sales Support & Service Coordinator tel: 603.924.0003 ext: 115 tf: 800.995.1379 fax: 603.924.1616 email:[email protected] www: www.dahle.com 4 9 Vo s e Fa r m R o a d Pe t e r b o r o u g h , N H 0 3 4 5 8 Christine Taylor Customer Relations Representative e: [email protected] t: (603) 924-0003 ext 100 ® North America Christine Taylor tel: 603.924.0003 ext: 100 tf: 800.243.8145 fax: 603.924.1616 email:[email protected] www: www.dahle.com Customer Relations Representative 4 9 Vo s e Fa r m R o a d Pe t e r b o r o u g h , N H 0 3 4 5 8 Dahle North America welcomes Libby Nelson as their new Government National Sales Manager. Libby will be responsible for increasing Dahle shredder sales to Federal and Government agencies as well as maintaining Dahle’s Government Services Administration (GSA) contract. Throughout the year, Libby will be accomplishing these goals by attending industry related trade events as well as meeting with state and government agencies to educate their personnel on federal security requirements for document destruction. Nelson arrives at Dahle highly qualified having been in the shredder industry for over fourteen years. Her past experience includes Advertising/ Marketing Manager at Schleicher & Co. of America, and most recently, Government Contract Administrator and Sales at Martin Yale Industries. Dahle North America welcomes Stacey Dunn to the newly created position of Government Sales Support and Service Coordinator. Stacey will be responsible for supporting the sales needs of Libby Nelson, Dahle’s Government Sales Manager as well as handling freight claims and supporting Bob Champagne, Dahle’s Technical Service Manager. Stacey previously held the positions of Events specialist and marketing coordinator at SolidWorks, a leader in 3D CAD technology in Concord, MA. Throughout the year Stacey will act as a liaison between all Dahle departments to make sure Government orders are processed and all freight claims are resolved in a timely manner. Dahle would also like to welcome Christine Taylor to the newly created position of Customer Relations Representative. Christine’s main responsibilities will be processing all incoming orders and managing our “Live” Customer Support feature on the Dahle website. Christine will be the information hub of the headquarters office as she will also be answering all incoming phone calls and supporting all other members of the Customer Relations Team. Please join us in welcoming Christine to the Dahle family. P10 Please join us in welcoming Libby to the Dahle family. Please join us in welcoming Stacey to the Dahle family and don’t hesitate to contact her for answers to any of your service related questions. The Pieces: News & Events Dahle’s on the Move! 2007 Trade Shows American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) September 24-27, 2007 Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV ARMA International 2007 October 7-10, 2007 Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, MD PhotoPlus Expo 2007 October 18-20, 2007 Jacob Javits Convention Center New York City, NY Bits & Pieces Past Issues 1st Quarter 2007 At the end of the year Dahle will be moving it’s North American headquarters to a new location. We will moving to the other side of Peterborough, NH at 49 Vose Farm Road. This new location will vastly increase our office and warehouse space and allow for growth in the future. All phone, fax and eMail information will remain the same. We will do our best to provide uninterrupted service during the month of December. Free On-site Sales Training Are you looking for a motivating presentation at your next sales meeting? Do you have a group of new personnel in need of product training on Dahle Shredders or Cutting and Office Products? Our experienced Sales Managers are available to help! They’ll provide a solid foundation on the features and benefits of our quality German products and make you feel confident and proud to represent Dahle. The cost is free and the benefits to your organization are priceless. Please call (800) 995-1379 or contact your Regional Sales Manager for your personalized training. Dahle is also available for a roundtable discussion. If you are experiencing sales barriers or have ideas or concerns about other issues, we would be happy to help facilitate a discussion. We can help arrange a meeting with you and your sales staff to assist in finding a solution to your concern. 3rd Quarter 2006 2nd Quarter 2006 1st Quarter 2006 Dealer Resources ® North America 375 Jaffrey Road Peterborough, NH 03458 t: 800.995.1379 f: 603.924.1616 e: [email protected] w: www.dahle.com P11 Throughout the year Dahle’s Marketing Department continually adds valuable resources to the Dahle website. These resources will not only assist you in your presentations but also serve as sales tools for your website. Below are some of the most recent resources that have been added. For a CD with all Dahle resources as well as a complete library of product images, please be sure and request a Resources CD. Shredder Selection Guide Benefits and Information Sheets InHouse -vs- Mobile Shredders Personal Shredder Benefits Sheet Small Office Shredder Benefits Sheet Office Shredder Benefits Sheet Multi+Media Shredder Benefits Sheet Department Shredder Benefits Sheet High Capacity Shredder Benefits Sheet High Security Shredder Benefits Sheet Online Sales Benefits Sheet Online Sales Registration Form Dahle Cutting Chart Why Choose Dahle - Cutting Products Why Choose Dahle - Shredders Why Would I Sell Shredders? Shredder Needs Analysis Form Shredder Cheat Sheet Shred Samples Comparison Sheet Literature Request From - Shredders Literature Request From - Cutters Frequently Asked Questions Rolling Trimmers FAQs Lever Style / Guillotine FAQs Specialty Cutting Tools FAQs Scissors and Shears FAQs Sharpeners FAQs Office Products FAQs Craft and Hobby Tools FAQs Shredder FAQs Multi+Media Shredder FAQs Product Demonstration Videos Professional Rolling Trimmer Premium Guillotine Professional Office Shredder Press Releases Premium Stack Cutters with Laser 133 Personal Rotary Sharpener 564 Premium Guillotine w/Laser Personal Shredders Multi+Media Shredder
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