NR 22 2015 06 03 - Sigourney News
NR 22 2015 06 03 - Sigourney News
Proudly Serving All Of Keokuk County Since 1860 $1 PO BOX 285, 114 E. WASHINGTON ST. SIGOURNEY, IOWA 52591 [email protected] 641.622.3110 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015 NUMBER 22, 155TH YEAR Opinion/Editorial................... Pg. 2 Milestones/Local News.......... Pg. 3 Church Calendar....................Pg. 4 Public Notices, Records....... Pg. 5, 9 Classifieds........................ Pg. 6, 7 Social News..........................Pg. 8 State Track Salute............... pg. 11 Local News......................... Pg. 10 Sports................. Pg. 11, 12, 13, 14 Sigourney Health Care and Assisted Living Alice Menne will be playing her guitar for a Gospel sing along June 4 at 2:00 p.m. Manor House Happenings Thursday, June 4 Alice Menne is the entertainment at Manor House beginning at 3:30 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. Tuesday, June 9 Manor House is hosting SingA-Long at 6:30 p.m. and the community is encouraged to attend. Thursday, June 11 Sheetz with Music is the entertainment at Manor House beginning at 2 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. Ackerman’s Iowa City Flea-Tique Market Pictured are the Vail Grandchildren: Ron Vail, Lori Caraccio and Johnny Vail, along with Sigourney Mayor Terry Hollingsworth. Vail Grandchildren Donate $30,000 to Help Restore Lewis Memorial Fountain Allison Glandon NR Regional Editor The grandchildren of Chet and Colleen Vail have come forth with a staggering $30,000 donation in hopes to see the Lewis Memorial Fountain in its full glory once again. Sunday, May 24 the Vail family presented the large check to Sigourney Mayor Terry Hollingsworth. Hollingsworth showed his appreciation by giving the family members collector’s addition piggy banks that featured Lewis Memorial Foun- tain. The family will also have a plaque going up for their generous donation. “Chet and Colleen spent their entire lives in Sigourney; every time they left, they couldn’t wait to come back to the place they called home. By donating this money to the fountain, we will hopefully bring people of this community together. We know this is something they would have wanted,” Said the Vail family. Terry Hollingsworth is optimistic that the fountain will be up and running by the fourth of July. The Johnson County Fairgrounds in Iowa City, will be the site for the 2nd annual Ackerman’s Iowa City Flea-Tique Market on Sunday June 7 from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. An early-bird session will start at 6:30 a.m. There will be an admission fee, with free and close parking. were: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 – County Bank Wednesday, May 27, 2015 – Mildred Abel Thursday, May 28, 2015 – County Bank Friday, May 29, 2015 – John & Vernice Knudsen Saturday, May 30, 2015 – Sigourney Kiwanis Sunday, May 31, 2015 – Hanna Kullander There are still several drawings left, Anyone can still win! Delta Kids Club Elect Officials for 2015 Sigourney Senior Center The Sigourney Senior Center will be offering A Matter of Balance Program. This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls and increase activity levels. This program will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays May 26-June 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Delta Alumni Banquet The annual Delta Alumni Banquet will be Saturday June 6 at Thomas Memorial Hall at the Keokuk County fairgrounds. Social Hour will be at 4:00 p.m. with the meal at 5:45 p.m. Reservations should be made by June 1st by calling June Rice 641-624-2077 or Laurel Streigle 641624-2155. Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Hedrick Community will host a community blood drive from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9 at 109 N. Main Street, inside Community Center. Delta will host a community blood drive from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10 at 104 N. Second St. W, inside Delta City Hall. Fountain Frenzy Raffle Winners The raffle winners May 26-31 Pictured are the elected members for 2015 Delta Kids Club. President Joel Goldman; Vice President Nathan Richardson; and Secretary Justin Graff. This May, members of the Delta Kids Club elected officials to lead them for the year. The Clubs focus is Community Service and members participate in one volunteer project a month. The elected officers will help guide the club in planning, preparing, and executing these projects. The Clubs motto is “Kids Caring for their Community”. The election results are as follows. President: Joel Goldman. Vice President: Nathan Richardson. Secretary: Justin Graff. While elections are only held once a year, kids can join year round to participate. There is only a twice a month time commitment. Kids 16 and older are welcome to participate, but do so as mentors and their time can go towards Community Service hours required for school. Any questions, contact Maggie Goldman at [email protected]. Gardening Library Now Open at ISU Extension The Keokuk County Master Gardeners (KCMG) have opened a gardening library at the Iowa State University Extension Office in Sigourney. Books and magazines may be checked out and some of the magazines may be kept. There are a variety of gardening books available to the public. Regular hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sigourney Public Library Sigourney Public Library will hold Toddler Time every Monday and Tuesday morning from 11:00-11:30 a.m. SIEDA Head Start SIEDA is now taking preschool applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Call 641-6229901 for more information and/or to complete the application Manor House Sing-a-long Sing-A-Long at Manor House Care Center is every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Sigourney City Council Sigourney’s City Council meets every first and third Wednesday normally at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Expo Board of Directors Keokuk County Board of Directors meets every third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the KC Extension Conference Room at the KC Expo. More on page 2 Pekin Rising Ruritan Seniors Present Donation to Bethanne Cooksey Memorial Scholarship Fund The Pekin Rising Ruritan Seniors presented a donation of $2000 to Terri Stull, mother of Bethanne Cooksey, for the Bethanne Cooksey Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bethanne was an underclassman at Pekin High School and was killed in a tragic car accident in March. 2 The News-Review Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Bipartisan Priorities Deserve A Letter to Terry Branstad A Vote In The House As we near the end of the 2015 session, there are many bipartisan issues that have been overlooked in the Iowa House. This includes initiatives to make our communities safer, improve health care and boost quality of life that won the support of Democrats and Republicans in the Iowa Senate. Among them are efforts to: Keep all students safe with adequate training for schools to investigate harassment and bullying, including alleged incidents that occur outside of school, and to impose school discipline. Combat human trafficking through public awareness efforts, special training for law enforcement officers and making the crime a forcible felony. Prohibit the use of GPS to track a person without legitimate purpose or authorization. from the desk of Give adoptive parents time to bond with their new child by requiring businesses with maternity leave programs to give adoptive parents the same time off as birth parents. Improve detection of breast cancer by notifying women in their mammogram results if they have dense breast tissue, may be at greater risk of developing breast cancer and should consult with a physician about additional screening options. Forbid felons from receiving life insurance proceeds if they commit a violent crime against an insured person within the six months prior to the death of that person. Provide immunity from prosecution for possessing, sharing or using controlled substances or drug paraphernalia to assist those suffering from an opioid overdose. The House has a second chance to reconsider these bipartisan ideas because they were included in Senate File 510, which was approved by the Senate on May 14. Making these initiatives law this year is the right thing to do for Iowans. Southeast Iowa Museum Crawl Celebrate Iowa Museum Week with a trip back through time. The second annual Southeast Iowa Museum Crawl, which will take place June 13, is just the place to do that. Participating museums have agreed to be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, and promise to fill your mind and imagination with days gone by. Featured stops for this event include The Johnny Clock Museum in Lockridge, Carnegie Historical Museum in Fairfield, Pioneer Historical Society Museum in Farmington, and Morris Memorial Park in Stockport. Each of these stops will have family friendly activities taking place that will engage the young and old alike. You will be able to participate in a museum treasure hunt, have photos taken in vintage clothing, participate in a checkers tournament, and witness the art of woodcarving. Information about the museums, maps to the locations, and details of the event may be found at This project was made possible through the local efforts of many historians and history enthusiasts as well as the Historic Hills Scenic Byway, in conjunction with Governor declared Iowa Museum Week. Pathfinders is a nonprofit organization that assists local communities with initiatives related to economic development, natural resource conservation and recreation. Pathfinders has been serving Jefferson, Van Buren, Mahaska, Keokuk, Davis and Wapello counties since 1978. To learn more, contact Pathfinders by calling 641-472-6177 or visit www. American Pickers to Film in Amana Colonies Amana Colonies is excited to welcome Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz and Antique Archeology to the area. The team will film episodes of their hit series American Pickers throughout Iowa. Filming will begin next month. American Pickers is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on History. This hit show follows two of the most skilled pickers in the business, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, as they embark on an epic road trip across the U.S. in search of America’s most valuable antiques from motorcycles, classic cars and bicycles to one-of-akind vintage memorabilia. Mike and Frank are on a mission to recycle America, restore forgotten relics to their former glory, and learn a thing or two about American history along the way. Filming is scheduled to start next month. American Pickers is looking for leads and would love to explore what you may have. They are on the hunt for interesting characters with interesting and unique items. Some of what they look for: vintage bicycles, toys, unusual radios, movie memorabilia, advertising, military items, folk art, vintage musical equipment, vintage automotive items, early firefighting equipment, vintage clothing, pre-50’s western gear. American Pickers is produced by Cineflix Productions for History. New episodes air Wednesdays at 9pm ET on History. If you have a large collection or want to refer someone to Mike and Spray Tan Special Thursday, June 11 ONLY 15.00 reg. $30.00 $ Amy McLaughlin Walker Bobbie Jo Kracht • Brandi Miller GIni Garrett - Healing Arts 202 North Main Street • Sigourney • 641-622-3772 5 $ 00 OFF Any $25.00 Product Purchase Through Month of June Coupon good at Amy’s Salon House and Spa, Sigourney, through June 30, 2015. One coupon per customer per visit. Wagler Motor Co., Inc 308 Main Street, Sigourney, IA 52591 (641)622-3260 or 800-254-9928 Hours of Operation: M-F 8-5, Sat. 8-12 2010 Fusion SE 4 Cylinder, Runs Great, 112K Miles. Special Price $9,950 2014 Dodge Charger V-6, Good Equipment, 27K Miles. Blow Out Price $17,500 2013 Explorer XLT 4x4 V-6, Leather, Certified, 35K Miles. $33,950 Come Take A Look At ALL Our New & Pre-Owned Vehicles! Frank, email: your name, number, address and description of the collection and photos to: [email protected] , or call 1-855-oldrust. William Penn Cheerleading Hosting Summer Camp The William Penn cheerleading team is again hosting a camp this summer. The camp will be held on July 23-24 at the Penn Activity Center. The first day will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the second will go from 8 a.m. until noon. For more information and prices, contact Head Coach Lisa Conner at 641-990-0066 or by email at [email protected] Stop the Dakota access (bakken) pipeline energy transfer partner’s wants to bring thru Iowa. Support sf 506 to require a 75% voluntary easement requirement before a franchise for eminent domain can be granted. Support funding the clean water trust fund, sf 504. Illinois just reported 107,000 solar jobs last year. Ia has less that 6,000; bring a solar maker to IA like we did for wind. Use community colleges and high school stem programs to train veterans in us, and high schools students to install. Use the financial power of our insurance industry and alliant/midamerican for “buy/lease” programs to install, on every home and business in IA. Germany gets 30% of energy from solar and is same latitude as us. With global warming we will experience more heat for next 70+ years so solar make sense, and has -0- c02 footprint. This adds better “energy security” for all Iowans from mega storm interruptions of our grid. Promote more green jobs: (geothermal solar/wind/hydro/ electric battery storage and fully fund isu “carbon sequestration” project to burn 30% of switch-grass and other “green crops” at existing coal plants. this reduces coal c02 footprint by 50% (30% less coal used + 20% carbon sequestration) using resulting “ash’ as mulch additive to poorer soils. This mulch sequesters the carbon, stays within soil, and helps increase soils ability to hold water, p, k, n and other crop inputs in a form plants can access. This decreases these as “water pollutants” to leach into our rivers and streams! This is a direct 3x with carbon sequestration, increased tilth and nutrient availability for crops, and a 3rd economic crop beyond corn and soybeans for farmers to grow as part of their rotation, plus it also helps break the plant diseases now appearing from constant corn/ bean farming rotations! This sets Iowa up for major economic expansion as the low cost energy provider for manufacturing, in the middle of the USA, with great access by rail, river, air, truck to anywhere in the us in 1-2 days. None of this involves oil/gas which are “dead’ fuels. Hydrogen cars are coming next year because of polymer storage of hydrogen, which removes the explosive potential. This will affect all transport (air/auto/truck) in addition to the changes to natural gas (cng/lng) coming next year from clean energy/westport partnership to cover the diesel truck fleets. All major city buses are now cng/lng, and fed ex, waste management, ups etc. are all massively converting fleets to cng/lng fuels. C02 is cut by 50% and conversion costs for diesel trucks are recouped in less than one year, with “fuel” savings of over $l/gallon for cng/lng and more btu’s in these fuels which = better power for trucks. The Paris accord will feature every country announcing c02 reductions. This will be partially done by adding many more nuclear power plants to be built, especially by India and china, to combat the global warming and air quality issues-. Us “billion- FISH FRY aires” are now investing in uranium fuel mines in preparation for this conversion. Japan will announce restarting the sunami plants closed this summer. 70 nuclear plants are under construction; 183 are in the planning state; and 383 are under proposals by 76 countries in the world. The shift to “non-c02” energy is a behemoth that is not stoppable. Iowa does not need a 23,000,000-gallon/day pipeline that will only despoil our land, water, air, recreation, and quality of life. If even just one spill occurs, not counting the “costs” to the Iowa treasury in lost $$$ from a large multiyear cleanup spill, this would change life in Iowa for all of us, for generations yet to come. This is the “Iraq” decision for ALL of Iowa’s elected officials. Over 1,500 landowners are being affected, many who are Century Farm families. These lands were handed down by our forefathers and intended to be “: preserved and protected” so as to be passed on to future generations as part of a “legacy”, not only to Iowa but the world. If you ask what Norman Borlog, Henry Wallace, Walter Geoppinger, and many other Iowa Ag pioneers would do, the answer is clear. Stop the madness that the Bakken pipeline represents; focus on a “sustainable energy” and “land/water/air/ recreation/quality of life” agenda dictate; move Iowa center stage in the us toward the challenges of climate change, and green jobs for all, especially our veterans. Governor Branstad, your legacy is “waiting” ... the pope will shortly address climate change for Catholics worldwide. there is a growing Iowa consensus of republicans, democrats, independents, tea party and non tea-party, evangelists, environmental groups (30 in the cr area alone), 1,500+ landowners and family and friends, and “public interest” groups all coalescing as a political movement to punish any person, party, and business that denies the reality of climate change. We all must embrace all acts necessary to save this planet, now, not later. This is god’s gift to all of us. The polluters, and proponents of carbon based fuels must go; not later, but step by step, now. We need the leadership of a governor who protects the people and lands that are Iowa. And it must happen now, not next year. Please support sf 504 and 506 for clean water trust fund and changes to the eminent domain statute. Iowan’s voted for the Iowa constitutional change to bring low a into the 21st century, and move to a cleaner and greener economy. As the governor of Iowa, you have a duty to enforce what 2.8 million Iowans’ have voted for. Please act, now, as your leadership is needed before this session is closed. If sb 504 and 506 are not acted on, before the session ends please bring the legislature back for a special session to vote on these. All of Iowa is watching, and the 2016 elections will punish anyone who fails us in what we have directed, as part of that constitutional change vote. Keith Puntenney ~ Attorney At Law Dakota Access Landowner 1404 Aldrich Ave Boone, Iowa 50036 515-230-1001 [email protected] Keokuk Co. Supervisors The Keokuk County Supervisors meet weekly on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at the Keokuk County Courthouse boardroom Tops Meeting Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets at the Extension office at KC Expo on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. SPL Board of Trustees The Sigourney Public Library’s Board of Trustees meets the second Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. at the SPL. KC Public Health Keokuk County Public Health Immunization Clinic is the third Wednesday of each month from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. This is a free clinic for individuals with out insurance or underinsured. Blood Pressure Checks are also available on a walk in basis. Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 12 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 4th Street, Kalona. Care Center Happenings Bingo at Sigourney Care Center is Tuesdays at 2 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. Food Pantry Keokuk County Community Services food referrals are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Courthouse in Sigourney. News-Review Deadlines The News-Review deadlines for all articles, classified ads and display advertising are Friday at 12 p.m. at Knights of Columbus Hall, Harper Friday, June 5 Serving 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. $10.00 Per Person Children 1/2 Price Serving Whole Catfish, Tilapia, Scalloped & Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Roll & Drink PUBLIC INVITED For Carry Outs Call 319-330-6456 MIKE’S GRILLING 1/4 lb. Angus Burgers and Ribeye Sandwiches Thursday, June 11-10:30 a.m. to ? We are under New Management, Stop by to see what we are up to! Sigourney INVIGORATE® FUELS - Gas • Diesel • E85 Highway 92 East - Sigourney 641-622-DELI Bring your vehicle to us for a sleek, smooth body. Our precision frame straightening, dent removal and custom color matching techniques will have your vehicle back in shape at no time. • Expert Collision Repair • Frame Straightening • Computer Color Matching • Free Estimates • Insurance Claims Welcome • Complete Front End Work The News-Review Colleen Carman Kiefer Colleen Carman Kiefer, 91, died May 30, 2015 at the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City. She was born January 20, 1924 to Edgar and Nancy Nelson Mather in Coatsville, Mo. She attended a country school in Missouri and later worked for Minnie Tollenaar for a few years. On May 1, 1945 she married Richard Peter Kiefer at SS. Peter and Paul Church. They lived and farmed in the Keswick area since 1952 where she lived until she moved to the Sigourney Care Center in 2014. Colleen was a member of Our Lady of Lourdes in Keswick and then St. Mary Catholic Church In Sigourney. She was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society, Jolly Jane’s Club, and was a 10 gallon blood donor. She loved her family, gardening, baking, making noodles, angel food cakes, and coconut cream pies for her family. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Dick in 1993, son Russell, four brothers David, James, Joseph, Boyd Mather, five sisters Helen Mather, Lulu Mather, Betty Mather, Bessie Ruggles, and Edna Croft. She is survived by her two sons Joe (Joan) Kiefer of Keswick and Ed (Barb) Kiefer of Geneseo, Ill., three grandchildren Brian (Stephanie) Kiefer, Sarah (Ryan) Clarin, Jolene (Jeff ) Tomlinson, five great grandchildren Alexandra and Jackson Kiefer, Molly and Myles Clarin, and Joy Tomlinson. Funeral Service will be held Thursday June 4, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. St. Mary Catholic Church – Sigourney. Burial will follow at Sorden Cemetery near Webster. A Prayer Service will be held Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. with visitation to follow from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at Holm Funeral Home. Memorials can be made to St. Mary Catholic Church, Sigourney Care Center, and Keswick QRS. Arrangements were made by Holm Funeral Home. Dale Arthur Long Dale Arthur Long 78, died May 26, 2015 at the Keokuk County Health Center in Sigourney. He was born December 10, 1936 to Carlyle and Marjorie Keck Long in Gallatin, Missouri. He graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, Calif. in 1955. He moved back to Iowa and he met Kathryn at the Big Smith overall factory in Oskaloosa. On July 26, 1958 he married Kathryn Ann Smich in Sigourney. They lived near Sigourney and moved to Hayesville in 1966. He was employed at Amana Refrigeration from 1958 to 1991 and later drove for the Star Mail Route from 1991 to 2001. Dale served in the Air National Guard, received his private pilot’s license and trained many future pilots. He loved motorcycles and traveling with his wife. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife Kathryn on September 24, 2014, and step mother Bonita Long. He is survived by his two daughters, Sherrie (Richard) Casper of Hayesville, Connie (Bryon) Hershey of Oskaloosa, four grandchildren Stephanie Casper Anderson, Ryan Hershey, Michael Hershey, and Tiffany Hershey Rockwell, seven great grandchildren, three sisters Janice (John) Germain of Lexington, Michigan, Nancy (Dale) Adams of Croswell, Michigan, Janet (Ralph) Simonian of Long Beach, California, one brother George (Joyce) Hammond of Lake Forest, California, a sister-in-law Ida Mae Lance of Hayesville. Services were held at the Holm Funeral Home May 30, 2015 10:00 a.m. Burial followed at Pennington Cemetery in Sigourney. Memorials can be made to Sigourney Veterans for Flags. Arrangements were made by Holm Funeral Home – Sigourney. Keith Walter Shaver Keith Walter Shaver, an especially kind and gentle friend to many, passed away on April 14, 2015 at the age of 87 at his home in Lafayette, Colo. Keith was born on October 19, 1927 in Sigourney, the middle child of Dr. Roy Shaver and Mary McCully Shaves’ five sons. He grew up in Sigourney and graduated from Sigourney High School in 1945. Military service was next and her served in the U.S. Army in Korea. He returned to Iowa and attended Iowa Wesleyan College, graduating in 1951. Keith taught school in Germany, Iowa and Colorado. He retired in 1985 and began his antique business and working on genealogy. Not marrying or having children of his own, Keith is survived by 14 nieces and nephews. He is also survived by three sister-in-laws: Lura Shaver of Corondo, Calif. Kathleen Shaver of Ames, and Madonna Shaver of Sigourney, and a host of special friends in Colorado. Keith was proceeded in death by his parents, brothers: William, Leroy, Philip & Charles, a sister-in-law: Evelyn Shaver and a nephew: Bill As per his request, no services were held. Memorial donations may be made to the Friends of the Fountain, 100 North Main St. Sigourney, Iowa. Thank You one and all for making my 90th so special. It was greatly appreciated. Gayle Moore Encourage Kindness Today Grand View University Dean’s List Recognition for outstanding academic achievement has been given to Mallory Richarson of Sigourney and Phirom Peterschimdt, both Grand View University students for the 2015 spring semester. The students are named to the Dean’s List for earning a grade point average of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale while carrying at least 12 hours of classes. Grand View University, with an enrollment of approximately 2,200 students, is an independent, liberal arts college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. MILESTONES Iowa State University 2015 Local Graduates Hedrick - John Ferrell, Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy, Rural Sociology Keota - Blake Bayliss, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Business, Accounting, Cum Laude; Patrick Frank, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Animal Science, Summa Cum Laude; Kayla Romoser, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Family and Consumer Science Education and Studies, Magna Cum Laude; Matthew Romoser, B.S. Bachelor of Science, Animal Science, Cum Laude Ollie - Bradon Lamb, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems Edward Conrad and Hannah Miller Recognized at Upper Iowa University 2015 Honors and Awards Banquet Upper Iowa University recently held its 30th annual Scholarships and Awards Recognition Banquet and awarded 129 scholarships to students across the University. Recipients were selected by the UIU Honors and Awards Committee and the University academic divisions. Edward Conrad of Sigourney was awarded the William F. Baker Science Memorial Award. The William F. Baker Science Memorial Award was established in 1953 by the William F. Baker family. The memorial provides for one or two prizes each year for the best herbarium collection by a student. Hannah Miller of Wellman earned the Michael David Selgelid Memorial Scholarship. In memory of their son, Michael David, Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Selgelid established this scholarship with funds raised through the efforts of their friends and Doc Dorman’s “Old Time Peacocks.” Dr. Selgelid, class of 1931 and an organizer of Doc Dorman’s Old Time Peacocks, was also a former Upper Iowa University Trustee. Hannah Miller also earned the The Pam Whitmore Scholarship for Excellence in Student Teaching. Pam Whitmore, Class of 1965, taught for five years in Wisconsin Public Schools, 30 years with the Department of Defense Overseas Schools, and four years with Upper Iowa University as an assistant professor in the department of education. Pam supervised student teachers while at Upper Iowa and became a strong supporter of student teachers. Because of her strong support and love for her students, she and her husband, Fred Koch, are giving a cash award to a student with a GPA of 3.75 or higher who will be student teaching beginning in the fall or spring semester of the next academic year. The scholarship will be given to a student majoring in education. Pekin High School 2014-2015 Fourth Quarter Honor Roll Seniors (Straight A’s): Paige Baetsle, Madelyn Baker, Avery Bennett, Maggie Brown, McKenna Gambell, Jordan Hinshaw, J.D. Hollingsworth, Whitney Horras, Matthew Jones, Victoria Lisk, Kyle Miller, Mallory Reed, Cole Reighard, Caylee Swearingen, Shelbi Talley and Christian Wittrock. Juniors (Straight A’s): Nikole Arendt, Emily Bemis, Courtney Comstock, Payton Lock, Taylor Lock, Ashley Lucas, Shae Oostra, Whitney Phillips, Sloan Reighard, Tayler Winn and Gwynne Wright. Sophomores (Straight A’s): Aspen Clark, Zackary Conger, Shea Dahlstrom, Garrett Greiner, Jordan Handy, Nathan Kielkopf, Kaylee Linder, Mackenzie Martin, Ryan Millikin, Trever Northup, Drew Powers, Gabriele Rutherford, Hazel Ward and Ashlyn Zook. Freshman (Straight A’s): Keaton Baayen, Kennedy Coleman, Leah Dix, Maci Gambell, Whitney Johnson, Saylor Rex and Haelee Zook. Seniors: Tanner Adam, Kayla Barton, Matthew Bolinger, Jeffrey Brain, Cassie Clubb, Torrent Decker, Baylie Dimmitt, Gabbi Earnest, Ligeia Ervin, Samantha Fink, Bridget Fritchen, Gretchen Greiner, Billie Griffin, Jerica Ingle, Erica Jonson, Micaela Knapp, Logan Lamb, Colton Lanman, Rebecca Phillips, Chance Scearcy, Bobby Thornton and Breanna Weinhold Gina and Bob Swearingen 25th Anniversary We’d like to say THANK YOU to everyone that came out to our farm to help with the fire. The Sigourney Fire Department, The Keswick Fire Department, The Keota Fire Department and all of our family and friends that were there to help move the pigs and put out the fire. We appreciate everyone being there to help more than you know. How lucky we are to live in a such a great community! Deke & Susie Wood Nathan, Sarah, Steve & Amanda Besty & David Axmear Sigourney - Jenna Kurtz, B.S. Bachelor of Science, Journalism and Mass Communication, Magna Cum Laude; Melanie Steinhart, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Family and Consumer Science Education and Studies South English - Tyler Bouslog, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Engineering, Magna Cum Laude Wellman - Kyle Huber, B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Animal Science, Cum Laude What Cheer - Audrey Wiese, B.S. Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science (AGLS), Animal Ecology Love, Seth, Shane and Family Juniors: Elizabeth Atwood, Chase Copeland, Devin Dailey, Kaysha Dodson, Brady Donovan, Spencer Essary, Austin Fariss, Riley Fraise, Kaylee Garrels, Roni Greiner, Michael Hadley, Madison Knapp, Allison Lankford, Amber Lankford, Madison Lathrop, Taylea Manley, Lyndsey Pickrell, Dylan Richey, Aaron Shaw, Joel Swanson, Ryan Swanson, Cassidy Tolle, Shelbie Williams, Keaton Winn and Tessa Winn. Sophomores: Emily Barton, Bonnie Becker, Matthew Brain, Zach Buller, Kaitlyn Conger, Tyler Copeland, Madison Fears, Michael Fink, Emily Hadley, Joe Hagedon, Makayla Hammes, Thomas Hampton, Athena Hedman, Jared Horras, Jakeup Huff, Joshua Jasper, Logan Kates, Amber Knox, Shelby Lanman, Chelsea Lanphier, Willoh Mills, Malcolm Myers, Taylor Peiffer, Brad Pregon, and Hunter Swearingen. Freshman: Kaden Baker, Hailey Beam, Simon Bollinger, Alexis Bowen, Austin Bowen, Clayton Culp, Jessica Dage, Kodi Dailey, Canyon Decker, Loraine Dodson, Jordyn Earnest, Chandler Eckley, Chase Eckley, Antonia Garcia, Jade Harper, Cody Hassinen, Jordan Hixson, Jacob Keith, Tyler Loyd, Mackenzie Manley, Makenna Myers, Faith Oostra, Dalton Reber, Sydney Rex, Sam Roth, Audra Weber, Slater Williams, Deanna Winn, Paige Winn and Isaiah Wittrock. Meredith Wheeldon Keokuk County 4-H Senior Feature Meredith Wheeldon is the daughter of Ed & Kathy Wheeldon, and sister to Katelyn & Lindsey Wheeldon. Meredith attended Sigourney High school were she was involved in: Band, Student Council, Cross Country, Speech, National Honor Society, Color Guard, JAG, Drama, Gymnastics and was the FFA President. Meredith was in the Stick-to-It 4-H Club and did projects such as Home Improvement, Photography, Visual Arts, Family & Consumer Science and Extemporaneous Speaking. Meredith was also very active in the 4-H community with Ag Olympics, Bake Sales, Pumpkin picking & sales, Expo Fair, Hay Bale Decorating, Flower Planter Auction and being the 4-H Club Vice President. When Meredith was asked what her favorite memory or highlight was she answered, “At fair a couple of years ago after a concert, I smashed my shin and had to go get stitches.” Meredith has future plans of attending Marquette University with a major in Psychology. Hawkeye Community College Dean’s List Hawkeye Community College announced the Dean’s List for the Spring Semester. The Dean’s List is official recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by fulltime students. To make the Dean’s List, an individual must be a fulltime student and successfully complete 12 or more credits in the Fall or Spring Semesters with a semester GPA of 3.50 or better for courses taken at Hawkeye. The following are local students on the Dean’s List for the Spring Semester: Jonathan Mullen of Deep River, Derek Albert of Sigourney, and Allison Hewett of North English. June 4: Aubrynn Kime, Blake Davis, Dayton McDanel June 5: Christy Thomas, Ella Grace DeBoef, Erin Ogden, John Westercamp, Kaitlynn Pate June 6: Bridget Cochran, Jordan Baumert, Judith Christner June 7: Alan Molyneux, Alisha Foubert, Emily Slagle, Gene Roland, Mary Allen Mauer, Wayne VanWeelden June 8: Brooke Schmidt, Chris Rasmussen, Margie Thomas, Melinda Sors, Sandy Spain, Tammy Neitzel June 9: Heath VanZee, Noelle Elizabeth Ruckman, Octavia VanPatten June 10: Brityn Kukuzike, Ian Flint, Kailey Gauley, Myrtle Molyneux June 11: Ana Bos, Brian Foubert, Robb Boze, Steve Gatton June 12: David Bos, Margaret Bird, Megan Striegel June 13: Dave Decker, Mya Yamakie, Trenton DeJong June 14: Amy Hauschild-Bird, April McKain, Mark Riffel, Rita Streigel June 15: Brandyn Neville, Chris VanPatten, Diane Kitzman, Frank Coppersmith, Samatha Schlesselman, Sullivan Stanley June 16: Ryan Hull June 17: Cheryl Hemsley, Jennifer Phillips, Joe Steadham, Josh VanZee, Steve McAdams June 18: Adam Josephson, Ben Mauer, Eric Chad DeBoef, Gary Randell Schultz June 19: Shayla Bair June 20: Cory Kitzman, Louise Erwin, Shanoah Sullivan, Stacy DeBoef-Picard June 21: Alyssa Striegel, Chad Little Wednesday, June 3, 2015 3 THE NEWS-REVIEW 114 East Washington Sigourney, Iowa 52591 641-622-3110 News: [email protected] Sales: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The Sigourney News-Review was established in 1960 after the consolidation of the Keokuk County News and the Sigourney Review We reserve the right to edit any and all copy presented to our news department. We reserve the right to reject any advertising, request pre-payment and cancel at any time. Contract rates available on request. Quantity discounts available. Newsroom News Editor: Allison Glandon, 641-622-3110 or email signred@lisco. com. Use this contact to offer story tips or send letters to the editor. People/Social News: Allison Glandon, 641-622-3110 or email signred@ Use this contact for engagements, anniversaries, weddings, new arrivals, achievers and other such items. Obituaries: Inquiries and billing information to [email protected]. Circulation & Subscriptions Local Area - $41 per year. Deb Chaney, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122 or email [email protected], subscriptions and rewnewals can take up to two weeks to process, and may cause lags in service if not planned ahead. Didn’t Get Your Paper? If you do not receive your paper in Wednesday’s mail, call The News Review at 641-622-3110. Billing & Accounting Pam DeVries, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 119 or email [email protected] Classified Advertising Call Gail Pilkington at 641-6223110 or email [email protected] Paper or Internet Advertising Amber Kephart, 641-622-3110, [email protected] Printing, Retail Lisa Flack, 641-456-2585, ext. 113, or toll-free 800-558-1244, ext. 113. We offer complete printing for brochures, newsletters, business cards, posters, photos, clothing, specialties and more! Administration Publisher: Ryan Harvey, 800-5581244, ext. 118, or email ryanharvey. [email protected] Regional Mgr.: Amber Kephart, 641-622-3110, [email protected] News Tips The News Review welcomes any and all news tips. At the office, call 641-622-3110 or email signred@lisco. com. To request a photographer, please give at least a day’s notice. Deadlines Legal Notices..............12 noon, Friday Classified Ads..............12 noon, Friday Display Ads.................12 noon, Friday Submitted News.........12 noon, Friday Obituaries...................12 noon, Friday Breaking News..........9 a.m., Monday* Event coverage requests..........24 hours *This news may not be published in the current issue. The News Review Staff Regular employees in order of continuous years of service: Gail Pilkington, Graphic Designer; Ryan Harvey, Publisher; Ana Olsthoorn, Composition; Amber Kephart, Regional Manager, Advertising Director; Allison Glandon: Editor Official newspaper for Keokuk County City of Sigourney City of Keswick City of Delta City of What Cheer Member of Iowa Newspaper Assn. National Newspaper Assn. A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 29 Hampton IA 50441 Ryan Harvey, President and CEO Published weekly at 114 East Washington St., Sigourney, IA and Periodicals Postage paid at Sigourney, IA 50441. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The News Review, 114 East Washington St., Sigourney, IA 50441. Advertising liability is limited to the price of the advertising. If The News-Review shall fail to publish a notice as required, in whole or in part, or shall in no event exceed the amount of the charges allowed by law for the publication of the notice which was not published. The News-Review 4 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Bethel United Methodist Church Pastor LuAnn Benge 319-456-3105 Located 6 miles east of Sigourney on Hwy. 92 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m. Alive at Five event is the 1st and 3rd Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Delta Christian Church Henry Goetz, Lay Pastor 641-799-4800 Worship: Sunday at 9 a.m. Delta United Methodist Church Vince Homan, Pastor Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School for Elementary age children is at 9:30-10:15 a.m. English River Church of the Brethren Diana Lovett, Pastor 29252 137th St., South English (2 mi. E. of S.E. on Hwy. 22) Church: 319-667-5235 Summer hours for Worship at 10 a.m. Farson Baptist Church Jerry Newman, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church Joe Winkler, Pastor 308 N. Jefferson St. S.S. Supt. Dorothy Jacobs 641-622-2786 Worship, 10 - 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9 – 9:45 a.m. Bible Study, Thursday, 7 p.m. A Christian movie will be shown the last Saturday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Visitors Welcome First Presbyterian Church 215 N. Jefferson, Sigourney 641-622-3029 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Gibson Presbyterian Church Hans Cornelder, Pastor Worship, 10 to 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9 to 9:45 a.m. Youth Group: Second Sunday of the month at 5 p.m. Grace Family Church Rev. Dar Eckley, Pastor (Located between Hedrick and Richland on Hwy. 78) 23536 Hwy. 78, Box 64, Ollie Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m; Sunday school-10:15 a.m. RocKnowledge Youth Group is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Hedrick First Christian Rev. Carla Nelson 206 Park St. Hedrick Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Gathering for Worship, 10:45 a.m. Hedrick-Martinsburg United Methodist Church Carl Benge, Pastor 203 N. Spring St., Hedrick 641-653-4477 Sunday Worship: 8:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. This Week’s Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: Atwood Electric, Inc. 641-622-3626 Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-636-3883 209 N Lincoln St, Keota Saturday Vigil Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church, LCMS Rev. Richard Meyer 315 W. Kelly Street Office: 319-668-2999 Sunday worship at 11 a.m. Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays Keswick and Webster Methodist Church Circuit Pastor: John Tunnicliff WEBSTER: Sunday school: 9:30 a.m. Worship service: 10:30 a.m. KESWICK: Sunday worship at 9:15 a.m. Communion is on the 1st Sunday of the month for both churches Lancaster Christian Church Dirk Alspach 22934 W. County Rd. V5G 641-224-2255 Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday evenings from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Youth Group 7-12 grade. Saturday, June 13 Myers/Wilcox Wedding Sunday, June 14 9 a.m. Sunday Worship w/Communion, followed by fellowship Richland United Methodist Church Carl Benge, Pastor 106 W. South St., Richland Phone: 319-456-2251 Worship Times: Adult Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Church Sigourney Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-622-3426 Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m. Sigourney Christian Church Jim Stout, Interim Pastor 308 S. Jefferson, 641-622-2151 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. Elder Gathering 1st Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Board meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. CWF meet immediately following Sisters meet each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Sigourney Church of Christ New Life Fellowship Dale Raatz, Interim Pastor Denny Eden, Pastoral Care 319-430-2677 Hwy. 22 South, Keswick 319-738-3851 Sunday Services: 10 a.m. Wednesday Teaching: 7 p.m. Evening of Praise: every third Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. Richard Pippert, Pastor Website: Sunday Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. The Church Of Living Water Shane Jarr, Pastor 13 North Main St., Hedrick Sunday School -9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship -10:40 a.m. Evening Services - 7 p.m. Bible Study Wednesdays - 6 p.m. What Cheer Hilltop Chapel John and Pat DeBoef, Pastors 4 blocks east of Opera House 506 E Briney St Phone:641-634-2839 [email protected] Sunday: 10a.m.-11:30 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Children’s Church on lower level. What Cheer Baptist Church Dick and Jane Larson, Pastors 641-433-0013, 641-790-1934 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Kid’s Club and Adult Bible Study are on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. What Cheer United Methodist Church Rev. Vince Homan Sunday School, 9:30; Worship, 10:30 a.m. Youth Group, Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. What Cheer Christian Church S&S Roger Steffen Specializing in Restoration of Homes Since 1972 • Vinyl Siding • Seamless Steel Siding • Insulation • Replacement Windows • Seamless Gutter Free Estimates. Insured. Larry Naylor, Pastor Worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m. Guernsey, IA 319-685-4492 1-800-230-2974 Best of Luck for Successful Seasons! Make a Statement. Be a Statesman. Make a Statement. Be a Statesman. | 800.779.7366 | 800.779.7366 Custom Built With Cleary Pride! BUILDING SPECIALS! Sigourney United Methodist Church Prairie View United Methodist Church Pastor, Dave Peterson 27131 Highway 78, Ollie Wednesday, June 3 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Patriotic Panthers 4-H Saturday, June 6 9 a.m. Manna Meal Sunday, June 7 9 a.m. Sunday Worship, followed by fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Tuesday, June 9 9 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday, June 10 5:30 p.m. United Methodist Women 7 p.m. SPRC 7 p.m. Packwood Trojans 4-H Michelle, Pastor 319-664-3653 Every Sunday: Inspiration time, 10 a.m.; Worship, 9 a.m. 1st Sunday of the month: Communion. 2nd Saturday of the month: Parish Council. Last Thursday of the month is the UCW meeting. Billy Claywell, Pastor 615 South Jefferson 641-622-3708, 641-622-3582 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship with Communion Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service at 6:30 p.m. Ollie Baptist Church Gary Reeves, Pastor 641-667-2841 208 South 3rd St Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. Sewing and Quilting United Church of Deep River 30’x54’x13’ • $14,954 42’x54’x15’ • $20,047 60’x108’x17’ • $49,099 CONTACT US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! FAIRFIELD, IA 641-472-1525 Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code modifications extra. Price subject to change without notice. 800-373-5550 • FEATURING: Mahaska Drug Committed To A Healthy Community GIFT HEADQUARTERS • Precious Moments • Yankee Candles • Colonial Candles • Willow Tree Angels • Jim Shore Collectibles • Boyd’s Bears • Cherished Teddies • American Greeting Cards • Home Decor Items for Every Holiday Framing & Matting Dept. CRAFT DEPARTMENT Let Our Computerized Mat • Made to Order Crochet Cutter Enhance Any Framing Name Project • Wilton Cake Supplies The Possibilities Are Endless • Red Heart Yarn Photo Department • Bernat Yarn • 1 hour Photos from Media • Craft Books for Any Cards & CDs Project • Bring slides & pictures, have • DMC Floss them printed or put on a CD • Scrapbooking Supplies • Florals for every Season • Photo Gift Items 205 North E Street, Oskaloosa, 641-673-3439 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 PRAIRIE MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Your Local FarMutual Serving Keokuk County and Surrounding Counties Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle from May 27, 2015 KEOTA Lyle Insurance Agency, Inc. NORTH ENGLISH English Valley Insurance Agency NORTH ENGLISH Grimm Real Estate & Insurance, Inc. OLLIE Gentry Insurance Agency OSKALOOSA Heil Insurance Agency OTTUMWA McCune & Reed Insurance, Inc. SIGOURNEY Sig - Horak Insurance SOUTH ENGLISH Grimm Real Estate & Insurance, Inc. WILLIAMSBURG Grimm Real Estate & Insurance, Inc. KEOTA, IOWA PH. 641-636-3773 1-800-929-9219 The News-Review KEOKUK COUNTY RECORDS Keokuk County Sheriff’s Report 5/11/15 thru 5/23/15 The Sheriff ’s news is a brief summary of the activities/arrests/tickets from previous weeks as submitted by Keokuk County Sheriff, Casey Hinnah. Criminal charges are mere accusations and the accused is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Notice of Public Hearing PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on June 15,2015 at 8:35 a.m. in the Board Room on the first floor of the Keokuk County Courthouse in Sigourney, Iowa to consider a proposal that Keokuk County approve and execute an easement documentation agreement with JRJF,LLLP, an Iowa limited liability limited partnership which further illustrates and specifies a retained ingress-egress easement over, along and across property owned by Keokuk County which is located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 76 North, Range 11 West of the Fifth principal Meridian in Keokuk County, Iowa. KEOKUK COUNTY SK22 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Citations Weylin S. Scott was cited 5/11 for Excessive Speed (Auto) Kailey Dawn Shannahan of Parnell, was cited 5/12 for Speeding 55 or < (6 thru 10+) Robert Gregg O’Brien Orman of Ottumwa, was cited 5/12 for Speeding 55 or < (6 thru 10+) David Venegas was cited 5/13 for Failure to Maintain Control Amanda Lynn Streigle of Sigourney, was cited 5/16 for Speeding 55 or < (6 thru 10+) Rebecca Jane Shaw of Wellman, was cited 5/17 for Failure to Obey Stop Sign Milenko Obradovich was cited 5/19 for No Insurance Zachary Ryan Scott Fisher of Fremont, was cited 5/20 for Speeding 55 or <(6 thru 10+) Ronald Gordon Sisler Jr. of Albia, was cited 5/21 for Violation of Financial Liability Coverage Misty Lynn Bruner of Iowa City, was cited 5/22 for Failure to Yield to 10-33 Vehicle Misty Lynn Bruner of Iowa City, was cited 5/22 for Speeding 55 or < (20 Over +) Karen Louise Reece of Ottumwa, was cited 5/23 for Speeding 55 or < (6 thru 10+) Alice Joanne Stewart of Waterloo, was cited 5/23 for Speeding 55 > (11 thru 15) Andrew William Sirovy of North English was cited 5/23 for Speeding 55 > (11 thru 15) Real Estate Melody Ruth Miller and Melody R. Miller to Ernest Maelon Allman , OLL-MARS-10-03, OLL-MARS-10-04, OLL-MARS-10NORTH ST PT. Larry J. Dickinson and Karen A. Dickinson to Dickinson Family TR, Larry J. Dickinson COTRE, and Karen A. Dickinson COTRTE, KEOPARV-06-01, KEO-PARV-06-02, KEO-PARV-05-04, KEO-PARV-0503-PT. Greiner Family RESTR and Geraldine M. Greiner TRTE to Fagen LTD., 76-10-25-NE1/4 SE1/4-PT, Keokuk County Board Proceedings MAY 18, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in regular session, Monday, May 18, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. Absent was Daryl Wood. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Berg moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of May 11, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department. Maintenance building discussion arose regarding funding, efficiency and safety issues. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the Personnel Report for Jill Moore, part-time office assistant, termination/retirement effective May 7, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Berg seconded approval of work completed by Ace Electrical, Inc. on the tower project and final acceptance thereof was held. All ayes and motion carried. Public hearing regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2015 Keokuk County Budget Amendment was held. No oral or written comments received. No public was present. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to close said public hearing at 9:34 a.m. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Berg seconded approval of Fiscal Year 2015 Keokuk County Budget Amendment was held. All ayes and motion carried Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the May 18, 2015 claim listing. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Hadley attended Keokuk County Health Care Coalition functional exercise, Hedrick Cargill dedication and met with DNR to view a hog facility site. Berg attended Decat, MH Redesign and Southeast Iowa Case Management meetings last week. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. VA Director Blair shared a VA threat protection email with the Board. Auditor Bates gave an overview on the Medical Examiner Investigator (MEI) meeting last week and confirmed May 26, 2015 agenda placement for formal action. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 10:35a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. CLAIM DATE: May 18, 2015 ABEL, LINDA 444.50 AGRILAND FS 3,876.25 AHLERS & COONEY 500.00 ALL AM PEST CONTROL 205.00 ALLIANT ENERGY 770.88 ALTORFER MACHINERY 945.74 AMER HOME FIND ASSOC 233.25 BARRON MOTOR SUPPLY 216.28 BATES, CHRISTY 8.00 BELL, LONNIE R 11.70 BINNS & STEVENS 504.00 BOND, RICHARD 516.95 BOS, DIANA 248.50 BRETHREN CHURCH 213.50 BUSINESS RADIO SALES 74.93 CARD CENTER 573.83 CENTRAL IA DISTRIBUTING 1,690.90 CENTRAL IOWA DETENTION 262.50 COBB OIL CO 13.50 COMBUSTION CONTROL CO 3,178.00 COX SANITATION & RECY 31.00 DESIGN HOUSE 900.00 DOUDS STONE 6,219.57 EDMUNDSON, CHRISTINE 89.82 ELLIOTT OIL COMPANY 2,187.08 FAIRFIELD PRECAST CONCRETE 544.00 FARMER, MARGE 99.00 FARMERS COOP 2,006.40 FERRELL, JAMES 17.10 GALLS INC 375.00 GREENLEYS CORP 304.26 GRETTER AUTOLAND 382.95 H & M FARM & HOME 195.93 HANSELMAN, BETH 151.84 HORRAS, SARA 12.60 HOUSE, GEORGE 5.70 IA DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY 1,380.00 IACCVSO 50.00 IDEAL READY MIX CO 8,693.25 IHCA ICAL 275.00 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES 117.15 IOWA SEC OF STATE 132.56 ISACA 100.00 JACK WALKER CDJ 441.80 JACK WATSON SPORTS 450.00 JACK’S CORNER DRUG 293.90 JACKSON TWP CLERK 556.50 K AND L FOODS 2,365.61 KEMPF, MARGARET 140.40 KENT, CHARLES 88.69 KEOKUK CO HEALTH CTR 562.08 KEOKUK CO HWY DEPT 314.30 KEOKUK CO RECORDER 12.65 KEOKUK CO VET CLINIC 191.17 KERR, JOHN 12.60 KONE INC 150.86 LANKFORD, WENDY 79.56 LISCO/LTDS 1,149.34 LUMBER COMPANY 259.71 M & M ENTERPRISES 8,779.00 MAHASKA CO ENVIRON 3,750.00 MARTIN EQUIP 152.46 MESSERSCHMITT, LAVADA 133.12 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING 430.43 MIDWEST BREATHING AIR 717.66 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP 6,330.10 MOORE, ROGER 105.00 MULTI-COUNTY OIL CO 4,803.38 MYLES MILLER REFRIG 4.99 OFFICE CENTER 899.43 PHELPS AUTO SUPPLY 1,240.06 POWESHIEK CO SHERIFF 1,050.00 QUILL CORPORATION 82.69 RIVER PRODUCTS CO 2,141.01 SCHROEDER FRAME & ALIGN 128.40 SEATON CONSTRUCTION 33,830.32 SEMCO LANDFILL 481.00 SHEPHERD, JOY 675.50 SHIVEHATTERY INC 2,963.60 SIGOURNEY CLEANERS 35.20 SIGOURNEY, CITY OF 512.87 SINCLAIR TRACTOR 131.80 SMITH, LARRY 39.47 ST PATS/LITTLE CREEK 126.00 STROBELS INC 41.95 SUMMIT COMPANIES 792.00 T I P REC 884.30 THOMPSON, CASEY 15.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 112.10 THRELKELD-LARSON, VIRGINIA 104.52 TIFCO INDUSTRIES 236.24 TRANSIT WORKS 4,328.90 TREMMEL BACKHOE SERV 80.00 TRUE VALUE 183.41 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 41,269.59 US CELLULAR 606.61 VERIZON WIRELESS 40.01 VISION AG LLC 956.19 WAECHTER, MARILYN 13.52 WALLERICH, DAVID 60.56 WAPELLO RURAL WATER 178.90 WARREN TWP CLERK 133.00 WASHINGTON TWP CLERK 532.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT 7,299.46 WELLINGTON TOOL SALES 157.75 WINDSTREAM 70.04 WINN CORP 1,622.25 ZEE MEDICAL 398.90 ZEP SALES & SERVICE 240.36 TOTAL $175,728.64 SK22 EXPECTING PLAT 2015-0539. Brad Shelangoski, Bradley W. Shelangoski, Kate Shelangoski and Katie D. Shelangoski to Robert S. Sandburg and Joni R. Sandburg, KEO-OPKT-20-11. Dale A. Kemp to Draisey Marcy J. Mcelyea and Marcy Mcelyea Draisey, SE-WHIT-08-02-PT, SE-WHIT-0803-PT. Marolyn Lea Shirkey to Jerome E. Horras and Jennifer M. Horras, HAR-OPHA-18. Marolyn Lea Shirkey to Jerome E. Horras and Jennifer M. Horras, 76-10-30-NE1/4-PT, 76-1030-E1/2 NE1/4-RR ROW PT, 76-10-30-NE1/4-PT, SUPPLEMENTS WD 2015-0595. Vernalda H. Yahn to Lee Duwa and Donna Duwa, 74-10-27-NW1/4 SW1/4-L05, 74-10-27-NW1/4 SW1/4-L06 SD01, FULLFILLS CONTRACT B433 P229. Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Chester W. Render, Chester Render, Joy P. Render and Joy P. Kisellus to Chester W. Render TRTE, Chester W. Render REVTR, Joy P. Render TRTE and Joy P. Render REVTR, UNDIVIDED ½ INTEREST TO EACH TRTE, 77-11-07SE1/4 SW1/4, 77-11-07-S1/2 SE1/4, 77-11-18 NE1/4 NE1/4-PT, 77-1108-SE1/4 NW1/4, 77-11-08-NE1/4 SW1/4, 77-11-08-SE1/4 SW1/4, 77-11-08-SW1/4 SE1/4, 77-11-17NE1/4, NW1/4, 77-11-17-NW1/4 NE1/4, 77-12-13-E1/2 SE1/4, 77-11- 5 18-W1/2 SW1/4, 77-11-18-NE1/4 SW1/4-PT, 77-11-17-NE1/4 NE1/4, 77-11-17-SW1/4 NE1/4, 77-11-17SE1/4 NW1/4, 77-11-17-NW1/4 SW1/4, 77-1-18-SE1/4 NE1/4, 7711-18 E1/2 SE1/4, 77-11-19-W1/2 NE1/4, 77-11-19-NE1/4 NW1/4-PT. Marriages Vickie Sue George and Gary Alvin Kempf, residents of Keswick. Emily Marie Patterson and Ryan Joseph Weber, residents of Sigourney. TITLE VI SPECIAL ORDINANCES CHAPTER 5 MOWING ORDINANCE By order of the City Council of Delta, Iowa, all weeds or tall grass must be cut by May 15, June 15, August 15, September 15 and October 15 respectively each year. If any lot or parcel of ground containing grass or weeds in excess of six inches in height is not cut by the above dates, the City will cause the same to be cut and the cost will be assessed to the property owners. The charges for said mowing shall be not less than $75 for the first offense, $100 for the second offense and $125 for the third offense. City of Delta Sigourney City Council Minutes Sigourney City Council Minutes The following are summarized minutes of the regular City Council meeting of May 20, 2015. The Sigourney City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 with Mayor Hollingsworth presiding and the following Council members answering roll call: Landgrebe, McLaughlin, Schultz and Glandon. Others present were: Pat Miletich, SADC President; Doug and Joyce Bender; Trent Myers; Allison Glandon, Sigourney News Review; Randy Hemsley, Street and Sanitation Superintendent; Allan Glandon, Police Chief; and Angie Alderson, City Clerk. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. McLaughlin moved, seconded by Glandon, to approve the tentative agenda. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Glandon moved, seconded by Landgrebe, to approve the following items on the consent agenda: minutes from the May 6, 2015 regular Council meeting; Council accounts payable claims totaling $54,002.80; City Clerk financial reports for April 2015; payroll expenses, other miscellaneous expenses, ACH and monthly transfers for April 2015; annual principal and interest payments for G.O. Bonds and revenue bonds; 2015 renewal application – water treatment, distribution and wastewater operator certificates for Don Northup; 2015 renewal application – water treatment, distribution and wastewater operator certificates for Brent Gilliland; Aaron Kephart and Deana Torgrim to attend the 2015 Iowa Acts of Interest to Law Enforcement Workshop sponsored by the Office of Prosecuting Attorneys Training Coordinator, Iowa County Attorneys Association and the Iowa Department of Public Safety on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 in Coralville, Iowa at a cost of $60.00 each; and the credit card report. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. McLaughlin moved, seconded by Schultz, to open the public hearing regarding the amendment of the current City budget for fiscal year 2015. Upon the roll being called, the following voted Ayes: Landgrebe, McLaughlin, Schultz and Glandon. Nays: None. Motion approved and the public hearing was opened at 6:06 p.m. Landgrebe moved, seconded by Glandon, to close the public hearing regarding the amendment of the current City budget for fiscal year 2015. Upon the roll being called, the following voted Ayes: Landgrebe, McLaughlin, Schultz and Glandon. Nays: None. Motion approved and the public hearing was closed at 6:08 p.m. Schultz moved, seconded by Landgrebe, to approve Resolution 2015-05-02 for a proposed budget amendment for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Landgrebe moved, seconded by Schultz, to approve the recommendations from SADC for the Community Betterment grant funding program. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Glandon moved, seconded by Schultz, to approve Doug and Joyce Bender to pour nine feet (9’) of concrete from the south edge of Mrs. Northup’s garage to the utility pole at the alley intersection. This would include excavating from the north end of the concrete through the north end of the east west alley and to put in clean rock. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Glandon moved, seconded by Schultz, to approve Trent Myers to tile a ditch by his property at 1020 South Delta Road at his expense. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Glandon moved, seconded by Landgrebe, to approve the following community betterment projects: $2,000.00 for Library “lost” items; $2,000.00 for nuisance abatement costs; $1,000.00 for rock and hauling rock for the parking lot at the Legion Park ball fields; $659.80 for National Night Out expenses; and $250.00 for wood and paint to fix benches at the sports park. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. Schultz moved, seconded by Glandon, to approve posting an ad to possibly hire for one position on an as needed basis. Roll call vote was Ayes: 4. The June 3rd, 2015 regular Council meeting will be held at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 6:43 p.m. The full and complete minutes are available at the Sigourney City Clerk’s office upon request. Terry W. Hollingsworth, Mayor ATTEST: Angela K. Alderson, Sigourney City Clerk May 20, 2015 CLAIMS Access Systems - Services $503.62 Acco - Supplies $2,463.09 All American Pest Control - Services $125.00 Alliant Energy - Utilities $8,553.21 Atwood Electric, Inc. - Services $48.72 Casper, Sherrie - Reimbursement $96.33 City of Sigourney - Pool $150.00 Dobbins Landscaping - Services $900.00 Douds Stone - Supplies $509.37 Donald Piano Sales & Service Services $95.00 Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc. - Supplies $2,977.03 Electronic Engineering - Services $152.47 Electric Pump - Services $25,479.60 H & M Farm and Home - Supplies $192.24 Heartland Shredding - Services $45.00 Hickenbottom Inc. - Supplies $480.72 Iowa County Attorneys Association - Training $120.00 Iowa Department of Natural Resources Certifications $240.00 Ideal Ready Mix Company, Inc. Services $151.88 Iowa One Call - Services $64.70 Keystone Laboratories, Inc. - Services $774.37 Misc. On Main - Supplies $1,283.95 Phelps Auto Supply - Services $42.85 Renner Construction, LLC Services $2,000.00 Semco Landfill - Services $2,269.00 Sigourney Cleaners - Services $40.20 Sigourney Community Fire Department - Appropriation $1,100.78 Sinclair Tractor - Supplies $3,274.96 Snakenberg Welding - Services $476.65 Strobel’s, Inc. - Supplies $6.50 Verizon, Inc. - Telephones $254.93 $54,872.17 APRIL 2015 Revenues: General $190,583.05 Memorial Hall Restoration $17,158.66 Library $12,933.79 Road Use $14,794.72 Employee Benefits $59,954.86 Housing $125.00 CLG Historic Preservation $1.48 Emergency $5,467.92 Local Options Sales & Services Tax $18,977.11 Tax Increment Financing $26,150.16 Lewis Memorial Fountain $22,623.00 Restricted Gifts $1,371.73 Debt Service $125,061.62 Town Square Park $1,500.00 Water Utility $35,433.61 Water Project $4,469.29 Sewer Utility $39,839.27 Sewer Project $12,000.00 Sewer Surcharge $2,114.48 Sanitation $15,180.74 Water Customer Deposit $1,000.00 April 2015 Revenue Total $606,740.49 Other Checks Issued: Alcohol Beverage Division LMF Liquor License $25.00 Card Center - Meals / Supplies $695.57 Verizon - Cell Phones $254.75 City of Sigourney - LMF Wine Tasting Cash $500.00 Treasurer, State of Iowa - Sales Tax $3,267.00 NSF Check Bank Fee $5.00 Randy Hemsley - Cell Phone Reimbursement $20.00 Logan Northup - Cell Phone Reimbursement $10.00 Iowa Library Services - Conference $150.00 FTI, LLC - Inflatables Deposit $600.00 U.S. Postmaster - Utility Bills $366.62 Adjusting Entry $0.04 Transfers $19,060.58 Payroll (3/16/15 to 3/29/15) $18,470.41 Payroll (3/30/15 to 4/12/15) $39,976.11 April 2015 Other $83,401.08 Checks Issued Total S22 Sigourney School Board Minutes Regular Meeting May 20, 2015 The Board of Directors of the Sigourney Community School District met in regular session on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at the Sigourney Jr/Sr High School Media Center, Sigourney, IA. Board members present included Mark O’Rourke, Denise Conrad, Anne Arduser, Justin Boender, Marsha Steinhart, and Shellie Striegel. Ruth Manchester was absent. Also present: Superintendent Dave Harper, Elementary Principal Deanna Hutchings, Jr/Sr High School Principal Shannon Webb, and Business Manager/Board Secretary Susan Huls. Call to Order/Determination of a Quorum: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President O’Rourke. Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to open the meeting. Motion carried 6/0. Good News/Comments from the Board: Anne Arduser commented that the Prom and After Prom was excellent; Shellie Striegel noted that she was amazed with the Prom and how impressive it was. Mr. Harper commented that Class Night, Baccalaureate, and Graduation all went very well and noted several students received IHCC diplomas. The Board of Directors was recognized for their volunteer service to the school district. Focus on Education: Mitch Eslick, Elementary Physical Education Teacher gave a presentation on the good things happening in the phys ed program in the school and shared the recent professional development curriculum led by LuAnn Swanson. Approve/Amend Agenda: Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the agenda with the amendments of VII.2. Resignationsadd Assistant Baseball to Lucas Meier and approve volunteer coach; VII.5 High School Kitchen- strike recommendation, add three bids received. Motion carried 6/0. Welcome Visitors/Comments: State Senator Kevin Kinney gave an update on the status of school funding in the legislature, and the importance of kids staying in school. Alan Sellers spoke to the group about the Youth Soccer Program in Sigourney and the success of this program. Mr. Sellers asked the board to consider adding soccer as a school sport. Consent Agenda: Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the consent section of the agenda to include the minutes of the Budget Hearing held April 8, 2015, the Regular Meeting held April 8, 2015, the Organizational Meeting held April 15, 2015, the Special Meeting held April 15, 2015, and the Special Meeting held May 1, 2015, the financial reports and list of bills as presented. Motion carried 6/0. Action Items: Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to accept the resignation of Lucas Meier as Assistant Baseball Coach and Assistant Girls Basketball coach, Lora Helm as Elementary Secretary, and Matt Latcham as Trapshooting Coach pending finding suitable replacement; all effective the end of the 20142015 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Arduser moved, seconded by Steinhart to approve the employment of Michelle Herman as Food Service Director. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Boender to approve the employment of Randy Schmidt as Transportation Director with a contract for 260 days at $45k, to be shared with Tri-County and Keota Schools. Motion carried 6/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Conrad to approve Shay Moore as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Boender to approve Rebecca Ohland as JH Softball Coach for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Mr. Harper informed the board that a request to transfer to a full-time cook position at the elementary was filed and granted for Renee Burtlow. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve Ross Hemsley as a volunteer coach for the HS Softball program. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Boender to approve the Winger Companies bid for $164,900 to replace the HS boiler. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to approve the DR and C bid to replace the roof above the HS office and lobby area at a cost of $5,832 after July 1, 2015. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Boender to approve the bid from Martin Bros. for $28,967.58 to replace the cleaning station in the HS kitchen. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Steinhart to approve the first reading of policies 600 to 900. Motion carried 6/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Arduser to accept the SIAC recommendations and use the data for future decision making. Motion carried 6/0. Steinhart moved, seconded by Conrad to approve the IASB Membership for the 20152016 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to approve the ISFIS Membership for the 2015-2016 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the 28E Agreement with IAEP to purchase food and supplies for the 2015-2016 year. Motion carried 6/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the 28E Sharing Agreement with TriCounty for librarian services for the 2015-2016 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Steinhart moved, seconded by Conrad to approve bowling as an activity available to our students and the sharing agreement with Keota for SK Bowling for the 2015-2016 school year. Motion carried 6/0. Discussion Items/Reports: Finance met prior to board meeting; Buildings & Grounds: Community Meeting regarding VPPEL Tuesday at 5:30 pm; Negotiations: no report; Policy: 500 Series will be revisited before presenting for 1st reading. Mr. Harper spoke about the Facility Development Meeting next week, and reported that Sigourney boasts a 93.2% graduation rate while the state average is 90.5%. Reports from administrators and supervisors were heard and/or included in board materials. Exempt Session: At 8:05 pm the board went into exempt session for negotiations discussion for non-union employees. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the non-union salary increase not to exceed 2.5% overall for the group. Roll call vote: O’Rourke, aye; Conrad, aye; Arduser, aye; Boender, aye; Steinhart, aye; Striegel, aye. Motion carried 6/0. Closed Session: At 8:19 p.m. Conrad moved, seconded by Steinhart to enter into closed session as authorized by section 21.5(1) (i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session. Roll call vote: Roll call vote: O’Rourke, aye; Conrad, aye; Arduser, aye; Boender, aye; Steinhart, aye; Striegel, aye. Motion carried 6/0. At 8:45 p.m. the board returned to open session. Adjourn: Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Motion carried 6/0. Mark O’Rourke, President Susan Huls, Secretary Sigourney CSD Board Report - Newspaper 05/26/2015 03:36 PM Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND A-ONE GEOTHERMAL, GEOTHERMAL INSP. 250.00 ALL AMERICAN PEST CONTROL, FEB/MARCH/APRIL 2015 375.00 ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP., PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 760.81 ALLIANT ENERGY, GAS/ELEC 03/18-04/14 2015 5,562.41 AMERICAN TIME, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 339.94 APPLE INC, IPAD MINIS 2,818.00 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY, TRANS SUPPLIES 312.00 BAIN ELECTRIC, JANITORIAL REPAIRS 103.25 BELVA DEER INN, PD SPEAKER 78.44 CANON, RELOCATION SERVICES 450.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE, PAM STENZEL PD 163.00 CEDAR RAPIDS COMM SCHOOL DIST, 4TH QTR OE 459.08 CENTRAL IOWA DIST, JANITORIAL REPAIRS 929.83 CHANNING L. BETE COMPANY, INC, ELEMENTARY SUPPLIES 239.80 CITY OF SIGOURNEY, WATER/SANITATION 1,852.45 CONTINUUM RETAIL ENERGY SERVICE, LLC, ENERGY SERVICES APRIL & MAY 7,887.27 FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, APRIL 2015 DAY PROGRAM 9,670.25 FIRST RESOURCES CORP./KEOKUK, MARCH WORK ACTIVITY 375.25 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC, HS LIBRARY 61.89 GARDEN GATE, THE, SERVICE 95.00 GRAINGER, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 51.60 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA, DISTRICT SUPPLIES 758.00 GREENLEY’S CORPORATION, ADMIN SUPPIES 423.36 H & M FARM & HOME SUPPLY CO, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 212.05 HAMMES, MELANIE, INFINITE CAMPUS TRAINING 37.40 HARPER, DAVID, BOARD SUPPLIES 9.38 HEATHER FREEBERN, EVERYDAY MATH PD 3,600.00 HINCKLEY SPRINGS, SUPPLIES 80.14 HOGLUND BUS AND TRUCK CO, TRANS SUPPLIES 791.94 IDHS, MEDICAID REIMB. 5,398.85 IMAGINE LEARNING, INC., ELEMENTARY TRAINING 1,000.00 INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, SPRING 2015 CONTRACTED CLASSES 18,148.10 IOWA ASS’N OF SCHOOL BOARDS, 2015 MEMBERSHIP 2,368.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, NETWORK SERVICES 726.84 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC ASSOC., VOCAL REGISTRATION 195.00 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASS’N, 2014-2015 STATE SPEECH AWARDS 253.00 IOWA WATER MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, MONTHLY WATER TESTING 145.00 ISFIS, BACKGROUND CKS 216.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC, HS BAND SUPPLIES 145.49 JAMF SOFTWARE, IPAD MANAGEMENT 104.00 K & L, HOME EC SUPPLIES 77.83 KABEL BUSINESS SERVICES - FLEX, FLEX FEES 165.60 KEOKUK COUNTY AUDITOR, SPECIAL ELECTION 755.41 KEOKUK COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT, GAS/DIESEL APRIL 3,130.04 KEOKUK COUNTY RECORDER, RECORDING FEES 57.00 KEOKUK COUNTY VETERAN’S AFFAIRS, NEW FLAGS 47.00 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS, ELEM SUPPLIES 759.07 LISCO, APRIL & MAY PHONE SERVICES 2,270.67 LUMBER COMPANY, THE, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 10.25 LYNCH DALLAS, LEGAL SERVICES 841.50 M & J GALLERY, SERVICES 404.80 MCI MEGA PREFERRED, APRIL SERVICE 98.48 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP., ADS/LEGALS/MARCH & APRIL 837.14 MIDWEST ALARM SERVICES, ALARM MONITORING 71.34 MOHEGAN SECURITY, ALARM MONITORING 43.00 MOUNT PLEASANT COMMUNITY SCHOO, HONOR BAND REGISTRATION 162.00 NASCO, FAM. CONSUMER SCIENCE/PERKINS 32.00 NEFF COMPANY, GRADUATION SUPPLIES 403.05 NEOPOST USA INC, POSTAGE MACHING RENTAL 113.67 PEAP, ACADEMIC AWARDS 135.00 PERFECTION LEARNING CORPORATIO, HS LIBRARY SUPPLIES 377.68 PHELPS AUTO SUPPLY, TRANS. SERVICE 15.00 PIZZA RANCH, SIAC 146.00 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS, BOOK FAIR 1,489.58 SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY, INC, NURSE SUPPLIES 34.10 SCHROEDER FRAME & ALIGNMENT, L.L.C., TRANS. SUPPLIES 55.00 SIGOURNEY BODY SHOP, TRANS. REPAIRS 1,455.75 SIGOURNEY NUTRITION FUND, PROGRAM MEALS 346.50 SINCLAIR TRACTOR, TRANS. SUPPLIES 63.69 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, INC., 2015-16 FEES 3,300.00 STROBEL INC, TRANS. REPAIRS 322.00 SWANSON, LUANN, PROF. DEV. SERVICES 1,148.00 THOMAS BUS SALES OF IOWA, INC, TRANS SUPPLIES 70.31 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER, INC., TRANS SUPPLIES 224.49 THOMPSON, CASEY, ELEM CPR TRAINING 220.00 TRUE VALUE, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 257.92 U.S. CELLULAR, APRIL CELL SERVICES 485.03 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, SERVICE 168.23 V.i.P.S., ELEM FURNITURE 637.61 VISA, CREDIT MAY 15 3,206.04 WASHINGTON EVENING JOURNAL, SENIOR CLASS AD 90.00 Fund Number 10 91,975.60 Fund Number 22 MANAGEMENT FUND HORAK INSURANCE, POLICY CHANGE 19.00 Fund Number 22 19.00 Fund Number 61 NUTRITION FUND ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO., NUTRITION SUPPLIES 2,428.39 EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANIES, INC., NUTRITION SUPPLIES 620.55 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES CO., NUTRTION SERVICES 176.61 MARK’S PLUMBING PARTS, NUTRITION REPAIRS 147.04 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING, NUTRITION SUPPLIES 4,647.48 WAPELLO COUNTY EXTENSION, FOOD SERVICE TRAINING 300.00 Fund Number 61 8,320.07 Fund Number 21 ACTIVITY FUND ADEPT ENGRAVING, SPANISH CLUB FUNDRAISER 1,777.00 BELLE PLAINE HIGH SCHOOL, GOLF TOURNAMENT 180.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE, FFA STATE CONV 3,060.20 DAVIS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, TRACK ENTRIES 155.00 DECKER SPORTING GOODS, SUPPLIES 1,629.00 DESIGN HOUSE, THE, PROM 392.10 ELITE SPORTS, ATHLETIC AWARDS 196.48 GARDEN GATE, THE, CHEERLEADING SUPPLIES 331.50 GRAPHIC EDGE, THE, STADIUM SEATS 397.42 GREINER, SHANNON, PROM REIMB 265.27 HAMMES, MELANIE, TRAVEL REIMB. 36.55 HOPKINS SPORTING GOODS, SUPPLIES 1,782.84 IOWA GIRLS’ ATHLETIC UNION, 2015-16 DUES 100.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC, FFA STATE MUSIC 20.44 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY, DRAMA SUPPLIES 49.50 K & L, FFA BANQUET 783.32 MAHASKA BOTTLING, APRIL VENDING 792.65 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING, SPANISH CLUB 140.22 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP., SUBSCRIPTION 41.00 MISC. ON MAIN, FFA T’S 1,123.50 NEFF COMPANY, ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 556.58 OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, TRACK ENTRIES 80.00 PEKIN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, TRACK ENTRIES 130.00 SCHROEDER, MISSY, REIMB. FOR CONC. SUPPLIES 350.78 SWIM’S SPORTS & ENGRAVING, WRESTLING AWARDS 45.00 TRUE VALUE, DRAMA SUPPLIES 77.49 VISA, SPANISH CLUB FUNDRAISER 1,109.90 Fund Number 21 15,603.74 Fund Number 36 PPEL FUND B & H PHOTO-VIDEO, SOUND SYSTEM 6,209.88 BLDD ARCHITECTS, PROFESSIONAL ARCH. FEES 429.29 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, EQUIPMENT LEASE 869.21 CANON, COPIER MAINTENANCE 1,380.26 ESTES CONSTRUCTION, FACILITY ASSESSMENT 12,000.00 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY, HS & ELEM AC UNITS 4,916.61 M & M ENTERPRISES, NEW CONSTRUCTION PYMNT #3 48,716.49 V.i.P.S., ELEM FURNITURE 14,999.96 Fund Number 36 89,521.70 Fund Number 40 DEBT SERVICE FUND FARMERS SAVINGS BANK & TRUST, LIGHTING PROJECT 2,743.24 Fund Number 40 2,743.24 S22 The News-Review 6 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Starts at $8.50 for 25 words! Call 641-622-3110 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Truck Driver - Immediate Opening: Deliver swine breeding stock throughout Midwest. Some grain and feed hauling. CDL and clean driving record. Experience required. Equipment provided. Full-time salaried or Part-time option. Williamsburg, Iowa. Call Gary Ledger, Ledger Swine Farms, 319-330-3579. SK22-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted: Need Key Carrier/ Supervisor at True Value store in Sigourney. Part time for Saturdays and Sundays. Please apply at the store.SK10tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers: OTR/Local Regional. Great hometime. $500 Sign on Bonus. Top Benefits. CDL-A. Stutsman, Inc., Hills, IA, [email protected], 319-679-2281.SK22-2* –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Caring Full or Part-time RN/LPN’s needed! Work close to home. Provide one-on-one pediatric skilled care. Call Heartland Home Care, Inc. EOE 1-319-339-8600 www.hhciowa. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Want A Career Operating Heavy Equipment? Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Hands On Training! Certifications Offered. National Average 18-22hr. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– $3000 Sign On Bonus! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! High Weekly Miles, Pre-Planned Freight and Excellent Benefits! Call Today 888-963-0056 or Apply Online www. (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVER TRAINEES - PAID CDL TRAINING! Become a new driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn $800 per week! Stevens will cover all costs! 1-888-528-8864 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted Looking for 3-5 people to help us with light work on June 15th. This would be perfect for School Teachers, College Age or anyone with that day available. Must be 18 or older. Pay would be $16.00 per hour. Please Call 712-551-6899 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 Bedroom Apartment in Sigourney 1 Bedroom Elderly/Disabled Apartment in What Cheer •RentBasedonIncome •StoveandRefrigeratorProvided If interested, call Area XV Multi-County Housing Agency 800-848-9438 AnEqualHousingOpportunityand anEqualOpportunityProvider HELP WANTED FOR RENT Dickey Transport OTR Drivers Needed– ALL NEW EQUIPMENT! Lowest Industry Turnover Rates! Quality Home Time Every Week! Full Benefits. FT/PT, Weekends & Seasonal. Packwood, IA www.dickeytransport. com (319) 695-3601 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Now Hiring Flatbed Drivers - Earn 42-48 cpm start pay, based on experience - High Miles! BC/BS Insurance, Pets Allowed. CDL-A, 1-Year OTR Required. 888.476.4860 www. (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: Small 2 bedroom house in South English. $350/month plus utilities. 319-667-5896. SK22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: Small 2 bedroom house in Webster. $350/month plus utilities. 319-667-5896.SK22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 2 bedroom house in Harper. $350/month plus utilities. 319667-5896.SK22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: Large 2 bedroom upstairs apartment. Partially furnished. No pets. Water included. References and deposit required. Call 641-6609601 or call 641-622-2101, ask for Cindy. SK22-4* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 1 bedroom apartment on Sigourney square. $525/month, all utilities paid. 1 month deposit and references required. Available June 1. Call Holly at 641-622-2910. SK20tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 2 bedroom apartment, furnished, very nice, outside deck. Call Brian at 641-521-2307. SK20tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Apartment For Rent: 2 bedroom, furnished, close to the square. 641660-6941. SK15tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FOR RENT: 1 bedroom units available in Clear Lake. Rental assistance and utility allowance available. Onsite laundry, no pets. 877-935-9340, This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Handicap Accessible. MAP17-5 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Farmer to plant a crop on property in Delta. Will pay for seed, tractor and time. For More Information Call 281-650-1404 Keokuk County Public Health seeks a part-time person to provide personal care and homemaker assist to individuals in their own homes. 75 hours CNA Training preferred. Wages negotiated with with respect to experience and qualifications. Contact Keokuk County Public Health at 101 South Main, Courthouse, Sigourney, Iowa 52591 for further information and application. Phone 641-622-3575. EOE. TruBank at the What Cheer Office has an opening for a part-time Teller. Hours will generally be less than 10 per week and include one Saturday morning per month. Applicants should be detail oriented and possess strong customer service skills. Cash handling experience preferred, but will train the right applicant. TruBank offers competitive wages and a pleasant working environment. Apply at TruBank, 108 South Barnes St, What Cheer, IA 50268. Equal Opportunity Employer/Member FDIC. •TenantPaysUtilities Eligibility is Based on US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Screening WANTED Home Care Staff Wanted FOR RENT Help Wanted Sigourney BP is now hiring: •PTKitchenHelp •PT/FTCashier Apply at Store, or Download App at The Keota School District is taking applications for a Regular-Route Bus Driver for the 2015-16 School Year Please contact the Keota Central Office at 641-636-2189 or cherie. [email protected] for an application, or send your resume to: Keota CSD Attn: Cherie Westendorf P.O. Box 88 Keota, IA 52248 PUBLIC AUCTION Located at 202 Church Street, Martinsburg, IA AUCTION SIGNS POSTED Saturday, June 6 - 10:00 A.M. PRIMITIVES: Dazey 4 qt. butter churn; Monmouth 5 gal. crock; Western 3 gal. & Blue Ribbon 5 gal. brown-top jugs; unmarked 4 gal. brown-top jug; metal steam trunk; milk cans; buck saws; single trees; double handled cross cut saws; wooden pulleys; ice tongs; kerosene lanterns & lamps; strap-on roller skates; kraut cutter; bicycles; cow bell; egg crate; qt.-size blue jars TOOLS: Dremel 16” scroll saw; B & D 7 ½” band saw; old specialty wrenches; stack-on rolling tool chest; elect. power shovel; extension cords; battery charger; step ladders; electric weed eaters; fertilizer cart; wheel barrel; fence stretcher; portable air compressor; leaf blowers; yard tools; log chains; tree trimmer; shop vacs; lots of hand tools; storage containers; bench grinder; var. clamps; hand plane; sm. vice; elect. sander; lots of hardware & many more tool related items MOWERS/SCOOTER: Huskee riding lawn mower, 20 HP B & S, 42”; Craftsman push mower; Golden Companion elect. scooter FURNITURE: Patio furniture; metal & wooden desks; kitchen & folding chairs; quilt rack; sofa; wooden rockers; entertainment center; bar stools; lime green sitting chairs; double beds; blond dresser; cedar chest; older baby bed APPLIANCES: Window air conditioner; chest-type deep freezer; electric dryer MISC.: Gas grills; croquet set; Schwinn air dyne bike; new toilet; elect. tread mill; coolers, printers; speakers; DVD/VHS players; baseball equipment; var. TV’s; books; canning jars; linens; bowling balls; spot lifter; pictures; metal shelving; cooking & baking ware; sm. kitchen appliances; boom box; binoculars; air mattresses; Avon Visit for complete listing & pictures These items are extremely clean & this is an abbreviated listing Merle & Janice Handy & Others - Owners DEPOT: 641-653-2258 CELL: 641-777-6459 It’s as easy as... Add Marketplace for $5. Run your ad in all 22 papers (plus 3 shoppers) for just more. $10 GArAGe SAleS Sat., June 6 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Maps available at Hedrick sinclair Richland City Wide GaraGe Sale Saturday, June 6 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MAP AVAILABLE AT BP STATION 2 5 10 Call now for details! Contact your local newspaper ad sales representative today! MARKETPLACE is published in the following MID-AMERICA PAPERS: Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal (Allison) • Clarksville Star • The Conrad Record • Eagle Grove Eagle • Kanawaha Reporter • The Leader (Garner, Britt) • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise (Rockwell, Thornton) • The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor • The Reporter (Ogden) • Eldora Herald-Ledger OTHER MID-AMERICA NEWSPAPERS: Graphic-Advocate • Keota Eagle • New Sharon Sun • Sigourney NewsReview • The Hardin County Index (Eldora) • Postville Herald • The Monona Outlook • Calmar Courier Public Notice Notice Of Sheriff’s Levy And Sale Iowa District Court Keokuk County Court Case #EQEQ040720 Civil #15-000214 STATE OF IOWA KEOKUK COUNTY BANK OF AmErICA NA VS. ELLEN L. BUNNELL; GArrY L. BUNNELL Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) real estate described below to satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is Lot Seven in Block Six in the City of Hedrick, Keokuk County, Iowa Property Address: 106 Park Street, Hedrick, IA 52563 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale: July 14, 2015; Sale Time: 10:00 A.M.; Place of Sale: Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office Lobby, 204 S. Stone St., Sigourney, IA 52591 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $50,189.15; Costs: $5,771.67; Accruing Costs: $0.00; Interest: $5,587.50; Sheriff’s Fees: Pending. Attorney Megan Stumph 6363 College Blvd. Ste. 100 Overland Park, KS 66211 913-663-7600 Date: May 15, 2015 /s/ Casey J. Hinnah 21-2 Keokuk County Sheriff Business Directory ABSTRACTING SERVICES KEOKUK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. 100 S. Main St. Sigourney, IA 641-622-3321 DAY & BORDwEll ABSTRACTS Abstracts of title in Keokuk & washington Counties 114 w. washington St., Ste. 1 P.O. Box 303 Sigourney, IA 641-622-2600 319-863-9200 FAX 319-653-4797 SIGOURNEY HEAlTH CARE & ASSISTED lIVING Assisted living, Intermediate and Skilled Care Facility 900 S. Stone, Box 21 Sigourney, IA 641-622-2971 Buy a line classified ad in any Mid America paper and add any other paper for just . $2 Hedrick’s Annual City Wide MANOR HOUSE CARE CENTER DEER VIEw MANOR Assisted living, Intermediate and Skilled Care Facility 1212 S. Stuart St. Sigourney, IA 641-622-2142 AA/EOE What Cheer • 641-634-2424 108 South Barnes • What Cheer, IA 50265 Huge 3 Family Garage Sale: Friday, June 5, 3-8 p.m.; Saturday, June 6, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; 503 West Spring St., Sigourney. Basketball bankboard and hoop; lighted display case; pie cupboard; outdoor sink; clothes; puzzles; bed frame; much, much more. SK22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CARE FACILITIES Deadline to turn in application is July 1, 2015. Oskaloosa • 641-673-8405 302 South Market • Oskaloosa, IA 52577 GARAGE SALE INTERNET SERVICES Cloudburst9 wireless Internet High Speed wireless Internet that does not require a landline. Call 877-528-2727 or locally call Andy Conrad at 319-461-0108 MEDICAL SERVICES KEOKUK COUNTY MEDICAl ClINIC Robert Castro., M.D. Mary Graeff, M.D., F.A.A.P. Sam Mikota, DNP, FNP-C Brian Murphy, A.R.N.P. 23019 Hwy. 149 (lower level) Sigourney, IA 641-622-1170 PEDIATRIC & YOUNG ADUlT ClINIC Ronda Dennis-Smithart, MD, FAAP Christine Doyle, ARNP, CPNP 1417 A Avenue East, Suite 100 Oskaloosa, IA 52577 641.673.7537 We Treat Your Kids Like Our Kids! UI HEAlTH CARE-SIGOURNEY Family Medicine Harriet Echtenacht, M.D. Robert Baker, PA-C Michelle Malloy, ARNP 1314 S. Stuart Sigourney, IA 641-622-3840 PRINTING SERVICES THE NEwS-REVIEw Envelopes, letterheads, Forms, Register Forms, Business Cards, Posters, Banners, Invitations and More 114 E. washington P.O. Box 285 Sigourney 641-622-3110 fax 641-622-2766 LEGAL SERVICES llOYD, McCONNEll, DAVIS & lUJAN, llP Attorneys at law 117 S. Jefferson Street Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-2215 How are your state and local taxes being spent? Get instant, free access to public notices published throughout the state. The News-Review Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Starts at $8.50 for 25 words! Call 641-622-3110 NOTICE FOR SALE The Bi-Annual reunion of decendents of Peter and Anna Buch Hammes is Sunday, June 28 at KC Hall in Harper beginning at 12 p.m. with a potluck. SK22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CONTRACT SALESPERSON: Selling aerial photography of farms on commission basis. $4225.00 first month guarantee. $1,500-$3,000 weekly proven earnings. Travel required. More info or 877/882-3566 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA certified Aviation Maintenance training. Financial aid if qualified -Job placement assistance. CALL now. Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-6826604 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: 1. Round table, 1 leaf, 2 chairs- $20 (fair condition); 2. Antique dresser with oval mirror - $90 OBO; 3. Queen size bed and dresser - $325 OBO; 4. Wooden, two-drawer file cabinet - $10. Serious callers only! Leave message at 563-5347141.MAP22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Green Mountain wood pellet grills; Ammunition, hand loading, muzzle loader supplies, firearms by order at Myles Miller Refrigeration, 641-622-2643.S1tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Used Club Car golf cart. Don Bermel, 641-660-0732. SK34tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– New Spa still in Crate. 220v 4.5hp seats 4. Dealer price $5,495 Sell $2,995 Payments OK. Call/text Tom for pictures 515-669-5533 Delivery Setup available (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Southeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 800-227-7636 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Ranch House For Sale: 128 Spring Street, St. Lucas, IA. Three bedroom, two and one-half bath, appliances included. Built in 1993, large lot, one and one-half stall garage attached to house, nice back deck, full basement, handicap accessible with many more features. Price negotiable. For more information, at 563534-7141 or 563-382-2482. MAP22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WANTED $WANTED$ COMIC BOOKS Pre1975: Original art & movie memorabilia, sports, non-sports cards, ESPECIALLY 1960’s Collector/Investor, paying cash! Call WILL: 800-2426130 buying@getcashforcomics. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– What Cheer BUSINESS DIRECTORY PREGNANT? and NEED HELP? M, W, F: 3 - 4:30 p.m. Thursday: 5:30 - 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to Noon IRTHRIGHT 117 North 1st Street Oskaloosa, IA 52577 641-673-9722 PEST CONTROL A 3rd Generation Family Business using the latest technology to solve all of your pest problems! Call Phil Laux, Dalton Laux or Nick Berg at 641-622-3565 Serving and supporting the community since 1971 LaKappCo., Inc. Larry Kapple Heating & Air Conditioning Repair - Service - Sales All Makes and Models 641-660-9840 What Cheer • 641-634-2080 Plumbing & Electric Supplies HOURS M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 Noon Closed Sunday • Our plans or yours • • Turn-Key Construction • • Guaranteed Pricing • • Low Energy Costs • Free yourself from the burden tobacco is placing on your life, and save money by becoming tobacco free. When you enroll with Quitline Iowa, you gain instant access to tools that increase your chances of quitting by nine times more than trying to quit on your own. Act now to save later. 1.800.QUIT.NOW | (1.800.784.8669) Call To See Our Model Home Any Time (319)656-5131 dly Prou g Usin Share Curiosity. 319-310-4105 or 641-595-4105 Deep River Authorized Dealer for: Bins We handle Sukup Floors, Drying Needs and Moving Existing Bins “Over 40 Years Experience” Call for ANY KIND of New or Used Bin Repair Atwood Electric, Inc. Our Commitment To You: • Quality • Integrity • Service 23124 Hwy. 149 P.O. Box 311 Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-3626 800-247-0214 Fax: 641-622-2438 What Cheer Fire Department Jeremy Bolinger, Chief Chris Terrell, Assistant Chief Terry Burger, 2nd Assistant Mike Armstrong, Secretary/ Treasurer and Training Officer EMERGENCY: 911 Non-Emergency: 641-634-2361 Sigourney Health Care Assisted Living 900 S. Stone St. Sigourney, IA 52591 Kids: You need to talk to your parents. Some kids think synthetic drugs, often called fake marijuana and bath salts, are safe. They are not – they can be dangerous in many ways. Talk to your parents about the dangers of synthetic drugs. Find out more at For Immediate Assistance, call the Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center toll-free Help Line at 866-242-4111. Partnership @ J Ridgeway Hardware SERVICES ©Partnership @ Pregnancy Testing Free and Confidential Van Dee Bins I want to thank H&M for the boots I won at their open house. Steve Greiner.S22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– During the surgery and convalescence for Bill’s recent knee surgery, we send heartfelt thanks to all friends and family who were so generous with your thoughts, prayers, time, talents, food, cards, flowers, etc. Your warmth and outpouring of support are greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Fr. Fladung for his prayers and concerns. Bill and Margaret Bender. S22* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CARDS OF THANKS Read Together. © 2014 Alere. All rights reserved w w w. r e a d . g o v Subscribe To The News-Review And Receive It Any Way You Want It! r a e 0Y .0 1 4 $ y l n ceive iew O Re s-Rev ivery, For l w e e D N ail ! S e Y h T A M • W e n i Th l n O B O R O 641-622-2971 • Skilled Nursing • Respite Care • Long Term Care • Assisted Living • Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy • In-House Restorative Nursing “Your Full Service Florist” ✿ Fresh Flowers for All Occasions ✿ Blooming and Green Plants ✿ Silk and Dried Arrangements ✿ Balloons and Great Gift Ideas! To subscribed, stop by The News-Review, 114 E. Washington, Sigourney, call 641-622-3110 with a Debit/Credit Card, or complete the form below and mail it along with a check to: The News-Review, P.O. Box 285, Sigourney, IA 52591 Enclosed is a $41.00 check for The News-Review. Graduates Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: __________________ 7 The News-Review 8 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Keokuk County Society News Tales of the Ancient Sportsman By Burdell Hensley The high school baseball and softball season has gotten off to a rather soggy start. Some teams have gotten a few games in and others have not seen the field yet. Logan’s Oskaloosa team is yet to play and Chris and Alec’s Ottumwa Sophomore team got one inning in. I did manage to get in a pair of games last week. Wednesday evening I was at Pella Christian for the PC-Albia game. The game was tight all the way until PC scored three in the bottom of the sixth to take a 6-3 lead. Albia answered with three in the top of the seventh to tie the score at 6-6. The Eagles won the game on a bases loaded walk in the bottom of the inning. A neat human interest story about this game was the fact that the catchers for the two teams were brothers. Senior, Nate Haveman, lives with his dad in Albia and plays for the Blue Demons while sophomore, Scott Haveman, lives with his mother in Pella and plays for the Eagles. In this game the brothers shared the same catcher’s mitt. At the end of an inning they would either leave the glove on home plate or toss it to the other dugout. Thursday evening I was at North Mahaska for the Pleasantville-NM game. There was no suspense in this game as the Trojans belted 10 hits and took advantage of 10 NM walks and three hit batsmen to romp to a 13-0 win. Nate Sowers tossed a onehit shutout for Pleasantville. Some area teams that got off to good starts would include the English Valleys boys with wins of 15-0 over Keota and 13-1 over Tri-County. The Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont girls opened up with four wins last week. The Rockets beat Albia twice, 10-5 and 11-2, beat Colfax-Mingo 12-0 and took out Chariton 9-2. Sigourney’s girls took wins of 11-0 from North Mahaska and 14-2 from Montezuma, but they dropped an 11-2 decision to SICL favorite Lynnville-Sully. In girl’s play North Mahaska got an 11-6 win over Pekin, Keota dropped English Valleys 15-1 and Tri-County topped EV 5-2. It has been a tough week for the Ancient –one. My one remaining wisdom tooth is infected and I can’t chew much of anything. I have lived on Tylenol and food run through a blender. Add to that misery the fact that tendonitis has returned to my left knee. Frankly, I’m a mess and I really can’t think of many positives in the whole deal. I guess it gives me a better understanding of some of the things others have gone through. I still haven’t gotten a cane and I am still pushing on. I feel really good for my friend Rick Heller and his Iowa Hawkeye Baseball team. I have known Rick since his high school days. He was an outstanding athlete at Cardinal High School and he held the high jump record at the Rocket Relays for some time. Rick played baseball and then started his coaching career at Upper Iowa University. From there he moved on to UNI and when they pulled the rug out from under him by dropping the program, he moved on to Indiana State. He had a very successful tenure at Indiana State and when the Iowa job came open, he applied and was chosen to lead the Hawkeyes. In three short years he has the Hawkeyes in the NCAA Tournament for the first time in 40 years. Rick’s Hawkeyes beat Oregon 3-1 in the first game and then lost to Missouri State in a tight winner’s bracket game. The loss dropped the Hawks into the consolation bracket where they faced Oregon again. This time they won 2-1 in 11 innings. They get a couple of hours before they tangle with Missouri State in the championship game. If they beat the Bears tonight, they will have to beat them again tomorrow. That is a tough task for even a Major League pitching staff to handle. Whatever happens, I am proud of Rick and the Hawkeyes. Another sideline to this story is that Tyler Peyton, one of the Hawks top pitchers could have been a Pekin Panther. Tyler’s dad, Byron, was the baseball coach at Pekin for several years while Tyler was a youngster. Byron took the baseball job at Dallas Center-Grimes and won a state title there with Tyler as one of his top players. Saturday we briefly returned to winter. Emily had a soccer game at 10:00 a.m. and it was cold and windy. I bundled up good and then wrapped up in blankets. By the second half I went to Lori’s car which was parked where we could see what was going on. That was much better. This old guy just doesn’t hold his heat very well anymore. Saturday afternoon was little Bea’s dance recital at Bridgeview in Ottumwa and I was glad to be inside. It was quite a show and the kids did very well. I got my yearly dose of culture, so now I am well rounded. When I look in the mirror it is obvious that I am quite well rounded. Let’s take a look back and see what happened yesterday. 100 years ago: June 7, 1915- The Oskaloosa Blues fell to Hiteman 3-0 in 10 innings. The game featured an outstanding pitching duel between F. Shoemaker of the Blues and Terrel of Hiteman. H. Brock had three hits for the Blues. June 8- A game was played in Delta between the married men and the boys. The boys won 18-6. 75 years ago: June 3, 1940- Miss Nellie Cruzen won the Class C honors at the Double Columbia Archery shoot in Waterloo. June 8- Osky Junior Legion tops Sigourney 7-3. Dean Heckenberg pitched the win for Osky. John Hunt poked a double and a single and Ralph Scharff lined a pair of singles to lead the winners. Sigourney had a double from Rees- Hilda Souer man and two singles from Wilcox. 50 years ago: June 1, 1965Twin Cedars nipped Albia 6-5 in 10 innings. Ray Stone pitched the first nine innings and Joe Ford pitched the 10th to get the win. Denny Des Planque walked and scored the winning run on a throwing error. June 2Dick Wilke fired a hole-in-one at Elmhurst. June 3: Osky Connie Mack beat HLV 4-2. Mel McKie pitched the win and belted three hits for the Mackers. June 4- Pekin scored three in the eighth to take a big win over Eddyville. Jim Collett went the distance for the win. Gene Messer doubled for Pekin and Brian Spainier and Collett had RBI singles. 25 years ago: June 2, 1990- Pella Christian shuts out No. 16 Ottumwa 9-0 on the softball diamond. Emily Grimes pitched the win and Karen Vander Voort cracked three hits and drove in three runs. June 5- North Mahaska won a 14-10 slugfest from Montezuma. Jim Hicklin pitched the win and fanned 15 batters. Hicklin also clubbed two home runs, a double and a single to drive in five runs. Andy Lindenman and Brent Mossman each had a pair of hits. June 8- Hedrick’s Tonya Webb will be touring Europe with an All-Star Basketball team from Iowa. They will be playing 10 five player games. June 8- Mike Winegardner tossed a no-hitter as the New Sharon Royals handed the Leighton team its first loss in Major Little League play. Have a great week and let’s dry things out a little. Ponderings of the Heart Jane Green Larson Sometimes in the day after day busyness of life, I open my emails and something is sent by someone who shares our faith in Jesus, and I read the words and it moves me from within. This email message was received a couple of weeks ago and I want to share it with you today. One day, a man went as a visitor to a church. He got there early, parked his car and got out. Another car pulled up near by and parked. The driver got out and said, “I always park there! You took my parking place!” The visitor went inside for the service, found an empty seat and sat down. A young lady from the church approached him and stated, “That’s my seat! You took my place!” The visitor was somewhat distressed by this rude welcome, but still said nothing. After the service, the visitor went into the Sanctuary and sat down to pray. Another member came up to him and said, “That’s where I always sit! You took my place!” The visitor was even more troubled by this treatment, but still said nothing. Later as the congregation was praying for Christ to dwell among them, the visitor stood up, and his appearance began to change. His clothing became a simple robe. Horrible scars became visible on his hands and on his now sandaled feet. Someone from the congregation noticed Him and called out, “What happened to you?” The visitor replied, as His hat became a crown of thorns, and a tear fell from his eye, “I took your place!” Sometimes we need a little shot of reality in our life, and this certainly gave me a pondering that I felt I’d like to share with others. I hope you will relate this day to my pondering of the heart. Indeed, those who know of a surety that Jesus took our place on that old rugged cross, know without a doubt, that Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all...salvation. It is difficult to comprehend how he could take our place and redeem us of our sins, but the Bible says he did so and we can believe that is exactly what he accomplished.. Are you enjoying your days here on earth with this wonderful weather? I have especially enjoyed watching the fields between What Cheer and Des Moines as I continue to spend three days a week at our son’s house in West Des Moines. The corn and beans have been planted and coming up through the rich, black Iowa soil. Time will go fast...and before long, we will be seeing the harvest. I’ll look forward to seeing you next week, same time, same place! God bless you. * Chrysler * Plymouth * Dodge * Jeep Highway 92 West • Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-2020 Just Reminiscing 1-800-747-9150 Do hope you enjoyed searching and finding the thirty books of the Bible last week! The following has the names of the Bible books bolded so you may check your answers. Thirty Books of the Bible There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends...One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo, Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “The books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus, there really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. Good Luck! Delta News The 7th annual Strong Cousin reunion was held Sunday May 24th at Steve and Peg Cronk’s countryside residence near Vinton. The cousins present were Laura Ruth Peel of Davenport, Tom and Janice Rodgers and Jessica Rodgers of Le Claire, Bill Strong and Janet of Vinton, JoAnne and Don Mayhew of Vinton, Terri and Bruce Kline of Vinton, and Roger Strong and Dixie Shipley both of Delta, along with the host couple. There were also many other family members present. Bill has researched the Strong family genealogy and had brought this along for those interested. The afternoon was spent visiting. Visitors of Dixie Shipley this week were former Delta schoolmates Ron Sherwood of Cedar Rapids, and Ray and Marilyn Boomershine of Oskaloosa, and Wesley (former Burr Oak schoolmate) and Marlene White of Surprise, Arizona. Wesley was in the area for his 55th class reunion. Also a lady from Decorah stopped by the Delta Grocery. She had traveled by train to Denver, Co. to see her family and was on her way home. She had her picture taken with a large hat on display in the store The Delta Christian Church bi-monthly board meeting was held following church on May 17th, in the church sanctuary. Chairman Laurel Streigle led the meditation ‘Control or be Controlled’ and Henry Goetz led the meeting in prayer. The previous meeting minutes, the financial secretary report and the treasurer’s report were presented and approved. Committee reports were given and business was discussed. The meeting was adjourned. Church is open to all each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. The annual Memorial Day weekend Hart picnic was held Sunday, May 24th, at the late Arl and Maxmarian Hart farm home. This event was started by Newell Hart about 6 years ago. It was hosted by Karen, Rodney, and DeAnna Hart. Past and present neighbors, family, country school friends, and other community friends met together for a potluck meal with hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks provided by the hosts. Visiting, laughs, and fun reminiscing were enjoyed by all. The rainy day effected the attendance but, the visiting was not dampened. The picnic always leaves a good memory. Officers of the Delta Alumni Association are making plans for the Delta High School Alumni Banquet. It will be held June 6th at Thomas Memorial Hall at the What Cheer Fairgrounds. The doors will open at 4:00 p.m. for visiting and the meal will be served at 5:45 p.m. The classes of 1945, 1950, 1955 and 1960 will be honored. The 1961 high school class was the last one to graduate from Delta High School. Reservations can be made with Laurel Streigle at 641-624-2155 or June Rice at 641624-2077 Alumni members are coming from out of state and out of county. This is a great opportunity to renew friendships and stir some great youthful memories. McDonald Bone Yard & Auto Recycling Heath McDonald, Owner/Operator • 502 N. Davis, Keota We BuY Junk Vehicles, Trucks, Buses, RV’s, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metal We Sell Good used Tires and Batteries Call for PriCes 641-636-3892 or 319-461-5217 Mon.-Fri. - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commercial Residential Mefford Ma sonry Masonry Stone Free Estimates - Call 641-799-5754 Colt Mefford, Owner The News-Review Notice of Taxes Due in Keokuk County The following is a true and correct list of all land and town lots in Keokuk County, Iowa on which taxes are due and unpaid as appears from the tax list in the county system. Notice is hereby given that unless the taxes, interest and costs are paid, the following described land and town lots or so much thereof as is necessary to pay said taxes, interests and cost thereon, will be sold at the Keokuk County Courthouse in Sigourney Keokuk County, Iowa, on the third Monday June 15th 2015, starting at 10 o’clock A.M. of said day until all land and town lots are offered for sale. The sale will be adjourned from time to time as provided by law. For details of said facts and records relative to the amount of taxes penalty interest and cost thereon the year for which the said taxes are due, the name of the owners, or whom it is taxed, you are referred to the records of the Treasurer’s Office of Keokuk County, Iowa, Sigourney, Iowa. These taxes must be paid before 4:00 p.m. June 12,2015. No postmark will be honored. Taxes must be paid by cash, money order or cashiers check in the Keokuk County Treasurer’s office. No personal checks between 5/22/2015-6/12/2015. You may pay online at iowatreasurers. org through June 12,2015. The internet will be not be available from June 13,2015 through June 17,2015 .. Notice: Treasurer’s office will be closed on Monday June 15, 2015 for tax sale until 2:00 P.M. Treasurer of Keokuk County Iowa Christine Edmundson District Parcel 1 ADTOT 054550 2 ADTOT 056900 3 ADTOT 052600 4 ADTOT 057250 5 ADTOT 057750 6 BNTHP 008350 7 BNTHP 054310 8 BNTOF 061000 9 BNTOF 059650 10 CCTOK 014600 11 DLCOS 013200 12 DLCOS 012500 13 DLCOS 018500 14 DLCOS 020300 15 DLCOS 019300 16 DLCOS 017500 17 DLCOS 006200 18 DLCOS 009500 19 DLCOS 009600 20 DLCOS 001400 21 DLCOS 011800 22 DLCOS 022600 23 DLCOS 001600 24 DLCOS 007200 25 DLCOS 016500 26 DLCOS 020900 27 DLCOS 008800 28 DLCOS 008600 29 DLCOS 000600 30 DLCOS 025700 31 DLCOS 003200 32 DLCOS 027000 33 ERTFE 018750 34 ERTFE 048975 35 ERTNE 009500 36 HDCHP 035910 37 HDCHP 007100 38 HDCHP 010800 39 HDCHP 024500 40 HDCHP 042200 41 HDCHP 022100 42 HDCHP 047450 43 HDCHP 038800 44 HDCHP 010700 45 HDCHP 028500 46 HDCHP 034600 47 HDCHP 045000 49 HDCHP 043100 50 HDCHP 002300 51 HDCHP 030300 52 HDCHP 014200 56 HDCHP 028100 57 HDCHP 036800 58 HDCHP 035600 59 HDCHP 045025 65 HDCHP 012200 66 HDCHP 012300 68 HDCHP 027900 70 HDCHP 010100 72 HRCOK 001500 73 HVCOS 005400 76 JATOP 041115 77 JATOP 041160 78 JATOP 041325 79 JATOP 041375 80 JATOP 041875 81 JATOP 018750 82 JATOP 031750 83 JATOP 032550 84 JATOP 070050 85 KOCOK 034600 86 KOCOK 041250 87 KOCOK 023600 88 KOCOK 024300 89 KOCOK 018100 90 KOCOK 039900 91 KOCOK 041700 92 KOCOK 039800 94 KOCOK 040400 95 KOCOK 000700 96 KOCOK 021700 98 KOCOK 042700 99 KOCOK 038200 100KOCOK 040100 101KOCOK 001400 104KOCOK 042000 107KOCOK 017600 109KRCOE 004400 110KRCOE 000500 111KRCOE 005900 112KRCOE 001100 113KRCOE 004800 114KWAOT 020125 115KWCOT 019000 117KWCOT 008100 118KWCOT 009700 121KWCOT 014000 123KWCOT 012700 124KWCOT 006100 125KWCOT 009400 126KWCOT 009500 127KWCOT 002900 128KWCOT 003700 129KWCOT 010500 130KWCOT 011900 131KWCOT 010600 132KWCOT 000400 133KWCOT 004500 Deed Name Legal s-t-r Legal 1 BUEHNEMAN, SCOTT A & ROSELYN S 33/77/12 BEG PT 328’ E NW COR CONKLIN, CRAIG D & SHIRLEY J 27/77/12 NE SW CONKLIN, SHIRLEY & JEAN SPAROW 27/77/12 NW SW GORSH, JEFFREY L & MARTHA R 26-77-12 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A GORSH, JEFFREY L & MARTHA R 23-77-12 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A MEIER, TRICIA L 32-74-13 PARCEL SE COR SE SE VANMERSBERGEN, STUART M 30-74-13 E 218.5’ OF S 108’ FERRELL, DENNIS W & JOYCE A 04/74/13 NE NE WADE, TINA & AARON 05/74/13 COMM NW COR NE1/4, TH TALLEYRAND BAR & GRILL LLC TALLEYRAND LOTS 4-5-6 BPSP LANDHOLDINGS LLC O P LOTS 1, 2 & 3 CONT: CAMBELL DENNIS E DEED:CAMPBELL, LOLA M MCNABB’S ADD LOTS 1 & COLLINS, LISA KAYE ROSS SIMOND’S ADD LOTS 1 FREES, ROBERT P S 115’ OF E1/2 OF 1 CONT: GOFF BETH DEED:FRY, RYAN JARED & ASHLEY LYNN02/75/13 DIV 10 OF LOT 7 SE SW CONT: HAINES, RICHARD & YVONNE DEED:COPLEN, MARVIN G & SHIRLEY A REED & DUNN ADD LOTS HAMMES, HARRY JACOB’S ADD LOTS 7 & HAMMES, HARRY J O P LOTS 5 & 6 BLK 12 HAMMES, HARRY J O P N 33’ SECOND ST HAMMES, LEROY V MCNABB’S ADD LOTS 5, HAMMES, LEROY V 2/75/13 LOTS 1, 2, 3 & 4 OF KING, CAROL J O P LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, LAMBERT, MELVIN A O P S 50’ LOTS 1, 2, LAMBERT, MELVIN A O P LOTS 1, 2, 3 & 4 LIPPARD, WALLACE DEAN O P LOT 3 BLK 12 CONT: MAGGIO, ANTONIO J & MITZI V DEED:COPLEN, MARVIN G & SHIRLEY A O P LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 3 MCADAMS, GARY E O P LOTS 12, 13, 14 & MORGAN, KYLE EUGENE O P LOT 9 BLK 16 SCULL, RANDY SIMOND’S ADD LOT 4 & SEABA, DAVID F O P LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 9 VANDEVENTER, ROBERT LEE REED & DUNN ADD LOTS WOODS, IVAN L & DENISE VAN DEE O P LOTS 1, 2 & 3 HOLETON, JOHN L PT NE COR N&S 230’ X CONT: MILLER, STEPHEN P DEED: LEINENWEAVER, MARLENE 32-77-11 COMM NE CORNER NE SW C & S ENTERPRISE LLC 05/77/11 FR NE NW BAAYEN, TAMARA JOYCE O P W 1/2 N 1/2 BLK CONT: BREON, CARLA J DEED: KNOX, JACK ALFRED MORRISON’S ADD LOTS BUNNELL, TRAVIS J O P LOT 15 BLK 8 BUNNELL, TRAVIS J & HOLLI J O P LOT 1 BLK 4 BUNNELL, TRAVIS J & HOLLI J O P LOTS 12, 13 & 14 BURTLOW, MARLENE O P LOT 6 BLK 28 BUTLER, CASSIE M & ANTHONY L 36/74/13 S 27 RDS N 1/2 S 2/3 CERNIC, JACK & KATHI K N 200’ OUT LOT 19 CERNIC, JACK &KATHRINE KOLLEEN CLARKE’S ADD LOTS 6, CLUBB, TERRY & FRANCINE O P LOT 1 BLK 39 CLUBB, TERRY & FRANCINE RENEE O P LOT 2 & N 16’ CLUBB, TERRY L & FRANCINE R O P LOTS 5 BLK 54 CONT: DEEGAN, NICKALAS DEUTSCHLE, TODD A O P W1/2 LOTS 5 & 6 EARNEST, DANIEL O P LOT 1 BLK 16 CONT:EARNEST, DANIEL DEED:BLAINE, BONNIE L O P LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 7 EARNEST, DANIEL L & MELISSA S O P LOT 4 BLK 6 GATES, MARK & TONI O P LOT 1 BLK 3 KOPP, DAVID A & O P LOTS 5, 6, 7 & LISK, MARJORIE O P LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 54 LISK, MARJORIE M O P LOT 6 BLK 54 CONT: OVERTURF, DUSTIN DEED: VER SCHUURE, FREDERICK & O P LOT 1 BLK 50 CONT: OVERTURF, DUSTIN DEED: VER SCHUURE, FREDERICK & O P LOT 2 BLK 50 STOTTS, EDEN O P LOT 3 BLK 17 UMPHRESS, SHAWN PATRICK & 26/74/13 O P LOT 5 BLK 17 DALTON, AMY JONELLE & OUT LOT 4 GLANDON, DANIEL A 28/75/12 LOTS 37,38,39,40, 64, MOLKENTHIN, PHYLLIS J 27-74-11 AUD PARCEL B NE NW MOLKENTHIN, PHYLLIS J 27-74-11 NE NW EXC AUD PARCEL MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT W & GAIL S 22-74-11 P/O AUD PARCEL D MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT W & GAIL S 22-74-11 AUD PARCEL A SE SW MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT W & GAIL S 22-74-11 P/O AUD PARCEL D MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT WILLIAM & 28/74/11 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT WILLIAM & 29/74/11 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A MOLKENTHIN, ROBERT WILLIAM & 29/74/11 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A SHARP, ANTHONY D 25-74-11 AUD PARCEL A SE SE CONT: BAUGHMAN, ANTHONY DEED: YANSKY, DOUGLAS F & YVETTE C H ACHARD’S 2ND ADD CONT: BAUGHMAN, ANTHONY DEED: YANSKY, DOUGLAS F & YVETTE PARKVIEW ADD LOT 5 CONT: BAUGHMAN, ANTHONY DEED: SKINNER, STANLEY R & ROBERTA PARKVIEW ADD LOT 8 BILLGER, FLORENCE B CLARKE’S ADD LOTS 1, CADY, CHARLES STOUDER’S ADD LOT 20 CROSSETT, JEFFERY L O P LOT 20 BLK 15 DALTON, AMY J ETAL O P S 50’ OF E 80’ FLYNN, MICHELLE E ACHARD’S 1ST ADD LOT HALEY, MICHELLY KYE CHARLTON’S ADD LOT 8 LYNAM, SIDNEY & DEBORAH O P LOTS 8 & 9 & CONT: MORRIS, SHARON F DEED:REBLING, PAUL R ACHARD’S 2ND ADD N OSBORN, KAYREN S STOUDER’S ADD LOTS 9 REIGHARD, LLOYD KEITH & RUTH O P LOT 13 BLK 5 RENAUD, PATRICIA ACHARD’S 2ND ADD LOTS SALEK, ERIK & CHRISTY O P W 80’ LOTS 7 & STOUTNER, GLENN & BETTY STEWART’S ADD LOTS 13 WOLFE, CHRISTOPHER WAYMAN & O P LOT 2 BLK 5 (PLAT MIMS, MAUREEN M O P LOTS 12 & 13 CONT: PAUL, JEREMY D DEED: STUTZMAN, WILLIAM WILFORD N 20’ RR R0W ADJ CONT: PAUL, JEREMY D DEED: STUTZMAN, WILLIAM WILFORD O P LOTS 1,2,3,4,5 & SCHMELZER, GARY W & RAYANN L O P LOT 4 & S 22’ TOOMEY, KEVIN E & LOT 3 OF AUDITOR’S HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L 27-77-12 E 1/2 NW NW EXC BUEHNEMAN, ROSELYN S & SCOTT A O P LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 8 GEORGE, DAVID P & DIANE 22/77/12 140’E&W X 80’N&S IN GEORGE, DAVID P & DIANE F JACKSON’S ADD LOTS HAMILTON, ELEISE CHARLENE 22/77/12 50’ N & S X 290’ E & HARPER, ANDREW & JAYSON T O P LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 6 HARPER, ANDREW & SHEREE 22/77/12 LOT 24 EXC E 46’ N1/2 HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L BARNES ADD LOTS 7 & 8 HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L JACKSON’S ADD LOTS 1, HARPER, SHEREE L 22/77/12 E 70’ OF N 250’ LOT HARPER, SHEREE LYNN JACKSON’S ADD S1/2 HUDSON, LEONA C ETALS BARNES ADD S1/2 LOT 3 HUDSON, THOMAS ARNOLD & 28/77/12 BEG 138’ W & 25’ S NE HYNICK, DAVID L 21/77/12 LOT 6 EXC W 1083’ NE IVES, APRIL HEATHER 22/77/12 BEG NW COR LOT 1 OF 3 IVES, APRIL HEATHER 22/77/12 W 130’ N 160’ S 210’ $900.00 $282.00 $407.00 $1,356.00 $129.00 $441.50 $545.00 $31.00 $467.00 $770.00 $872.00 $194.00 $277.00 $43.00 $347.00 $137.00 $759.00 $807.00 $10.00 $181.00 $28.00 $342.00 $12.00 $123.00 $777.00 $344.00 $688.00 $459.00 $1,058.00 $6.00 $421.00 $43.00 $470.00 $8.00 $44.00 $603.00 $400.00 $227.00 $445.00 $41.00 $206.00 $63.00 $393.00 $863.00 $278.00 $184.00 $211.00 $392.00 $321.00 $800.00 $496.00 $651.00 $362.00 $349.00 $56.00 $207.00 $665.00 $237.00 $358.00 $321.00 $801.00 $247.00 $651.00 $261.00 $360.00 $113.00 $244.00 $1,247.00 $6.00 $334.00 $286.00 $280.00 $634.00 $310.00 $623.00 $686.00 $140.00 $268.00 $40.00 $80.00 $492.00 $701.00 $381.00 $520.00 $984.00 $736.00 $477.00 $325.00 $18.00 $697.00 $75.00 $189.00 $165.00 $346.00 $264.00 $53.00 $124.00 $225.00 $265.00 $99.00 $793.00 $235.00 $245.00 $371.00 $72.00 $161.00 $106.00 $1,080.00 Without public notices, how would you know? A hidden notice is no notice at all. Public notices in our newspaper let everyone know what is happening that might affect them. Legislators in Iowa understand an informed citizenry is the core of our democracy. “Let the people know the facts, and the country will be safe,” is how Abraham Lincoln put it. Improving legislative intent Since knowing is so important, we joined the other newspapers in Iowa and also publish our public notices online at You can quickly find notices about things that might affect you no matter where they are printed. All notices, in one location, at no cost to you. It is a public service to our readers because we believe in democracy just like our legislators. All Iowa public notices in one place... free, searchable and online 135KWCOT 015500 137LATOK 008950 138LBTFE 029420 139LBTFE 061050 140LBTFE 060320 141LBTFE 060350 142LBTFE 063375 143LBTFE 058700 144LBTFE 058800 145LBTFE 058900 146LBTFE 059000 147LBTFE 059100 148LBTFE 059200 149LBTFE 059775 150LBTKK 066750 151LBTKK 069950 152LBTNE 003450 153MBCOP 001600 154MBCOP 006700 155MBCOP 005600 157MBCOP 009100 158MBCOP 007500 159MBCOP 002800 160OLCOP 003600 161OLCOP 006600 162OLCOP 007400 163OLCOP 002000 164OLCOP 004200 165OLCOP 001600 166OLCOP 002100 167OLCOP 007600 168OLCOP 011600 170OLCOP 003400 171OLCOP 007000 172OLCOP 001000 175PRTOT 007800 176PRTOT 033500 177PRTOT 033755 178PRTOT 047000 179PRTOT 026300 180PRTOT 057600 181PRTOT 057700 182PRTOT 015100 183RLCOP 020200 184RLCOP 015200 185RLCOP 006800 186RLCOP 034400 187RLCOP 007400 188RLCOP 006700 189RLCOP 010300 190RLCOP 031200 191RLCOP 027700 192RLCOP 024550 193RLCOP 012300 194RLCOP 011000 195RLCOP 027500 197RLCOP 009600 198RLTOP 024450 199RLTOP 052550 200RLTOP 018200 201RLTOP 018300 202RLTOP 018400 203RLTOP 018500 204RLTOP 049250 205SECOE 012200 206SECOE 008500 207SECOE 003300 208SECOE 001900 209SECOE 005800 210SECOE 006350 211SECOE 009400 212SECOE 009500 213SECOE 009800 215SECOE 016300 216SECOE 003600 217SECOE 007900 218SGCOS 029800 219SGCOS 158050 220SGCOS 074600 221SGCOS 094400 222SGCOS 226000 223SGCOS 017725 224SGCOS 044600 225SGCOS 080100 228SGCOS 046200 229SGCOS 050900 230SGCOS 055400 231SGCOS 076300 232SGCOS 062900 233SGCOS 071200 235SGCOS 027500 236SGCOS 004000 237SGCOS 028400 238SGCOS 082900 239SGCOS 083000 240SGCOS 037600 241SGCOS 074500 242SGCOS 039800 243SGCOS 078800 244SGCOS 034050 245SGCOS 073100 246SGCOS 063000 247SGCOS 113000 248SGCOS 066400 249SGCOS 055200 251SGCOS 175000 252SGCOS 178000 254SGCOS 033400 255SGCOS 020300 256SGCOS 017755 257SGCOS 051000 258SGCOS 095400 260SGCOS 077000 261SGCOS 045600 SMITH, ANTHONY R & KIMBERLY B 22/77/12 REEVES, RAYMOND D & CHERYL 19/76/10 MARTIN, RANDALL L & DANA R 11-77-10 MCILLECE, DENISE 14/77/10 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 15-77-10 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 15-77-10 STONER, MYRON 28/77/10 STONER, MYRON L 29-77-10 STONER, MYRON L 29-77-10 STONER, MYRON L 20-77-10 STONER, MYRON L 20-77-10 STONER, MYRON L 20-77-10 STONER, MYRON L 28-77-10 WATKINSON, ROBIN S 22-77-10 CONT: GRAF, TIMOTHY & LINDA DEED: BERMEL, JODI A & KATHY 36-77-10 HARDT, BRUCE & LORRAINE 36/77/10 DOWNING, LEON & WANDA 04/77/10 BURTLOW, MELVIN M JR & EVA KOONTZ, WAYNE L & GERALDINE K CONT: PHILLIPS, RICHARD & LISA E DEED: REBLING, STEVEN N & REBECCA S PHILLIPS, RICHARD LAVERN & RAWSON, CHARLES D WHITE, VONDA DEAN 28/74/12 ALES, MARK ALAN CAPPS, CAMERON C & MELISSA L 23/74/11 CAPPS, MELISSA L &CAMERON C2/3 23/74/11 CERISE ENTERPRISES LLC COURTNEY, SUSAN J HECKETHORN, SHAWN MARIE LEDGER, PHIL MONTGOMERY, MILLIE FRANCES & POWERS, DENNIS & MARY WHITE, TRACI L WICKENKAMP, MEGAN J YODER, BOB & VICKY BUEHNEMAN, LUANN 23/77/13 HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L 35/77/13 HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L 35/77/13 HARPER, ANDREW D & SHEREE L 36/77/13 KEASLING, DEAL DEWANE & 29-77-13 KNIGHT, NORMAN 32-77-13 KNIGHT, NORMAN 32-77-13 NESHIDA, LAURA L 22-77-13 ANDEWAY, MARILYN JEAN CAMPBELL, MICHELLE S & CHMELAR, MARILYN J DEUTSCH, JOSEPH R & KATHRYN L DUWA, LEE D & DONNA J 27/74/10 FLEIG, MARC & KYIA L 27/74/10 FRITCHEN, STEPHEN F GAINER, MICHAEL & SHILO HEARN, RALPH & JUDY HEARN, RALPH R & JUDY A CONT: MARTIN, DARREN & SARA DEED: USOVSKY, JERRY ROBERTS, STEVEN B & LISA A 27/74/10 ROBERTS, STEVEN B & LISA A STEVENS, DOROTHY L 27/74/10 ANDERSON, HARMON C & 22/74/10 CHALUPA, DWANE 07/74/10 DULING, EDWARD A 31-74-10 DULING, EDWARD A 31-74-10 DULING, EDWARD A 31-74-10 DULING, EDWARD A 31-74-10 SIEREN, JOHN ROBERT 30-74-10 BANK OF AMERICA NA 26/77/11 BATTERTON, CONNIE K BUNNELL, GAYLE DIETZE, KATHALEEN E DIETZE, KATHALEEN E HOYLMAN, WILLIAM A & CYNTHIA R NOEL, NATHAN M NOEL, NATHAN M 26/77/11 POLTON, BRYAN L SMITH, DAVID A YOUNG, TROY SCOTT 26/77/11 YOUNG, TROY SCOTT 26/77/11 ANTHOFER, BENJAMIN J 02/75/12 BANK OF AMERICA NA BIRD, ROGER A BIRD, ROGER A BIRD, ROGER A 02/75/12 BUEHNEMAN, SCOTT A & ROSELYN S CHANEY, DAVID CLUBB, JAMES F & REBECCA L 02/75/12 CONKLIN, CRAIG D & SHIRLEY J 02/75/12 CONKLIN, CRAIG D & SHIRLEY J CONKLIN, CRAIG D & SHIRLEY J 02/75/12 CRIPPEN, MICHAEL J CRIPPEN, MICHAEL J & KARIN J DARNER, TIFFANI ERBACHER, MELODY S FAGERSTEN, GARY GEORGE & 36/76/12 GILLILAND, MARSHA GLANDON, MARK R & MICHELLE R GLANDON, MARK R & MICHELLE R GLANDON, RONALD & MARILYN L CONT: GOLDMAN, JOSEPH & DEED: OROURKE, JAY D & GAIL R GRANDMA HANKY’S LLC GREENE, THOMAS H HARRIS, LORI ANN HUSBAND, CHERYL R JENNINGS, CHARLES & JULIE JENNINGS, CHARLES H & JOHNSON, SUSAN K JUTABHA, OPAS & PUANGTONG 02/75/12 CONT: KELLER, LISA LESHER, JAMES E LE MANVILLE, SHERRY CONT: MURRAY, PATRICK M DEED: BC INVESTMENTS LLC 02/75/12 OLSON, BRAD & VICKI RAILROAD PROPERTIES LLC CONT: RICHARDSON, LESLIE SCOTT DEED: OROURKE, JAY D & GAIL R SCHWIND, SPENCER J &PATRICIA L SPEARS, JESSICA STREIGLE, FORREST A & 02/75/12 Public Notice Notice Of Sheriff’s Levy And Sale Iowa District Court Keokuk County Court Case #EQEQ040753 Civil #13-000155 STATE OF IOWA KEOKUK COUNTY Washington State Bank, Washington, IA VS. William R. Streeter, James Warren, Brenda Warren, Amy Collette Hoyke, F/K/A Amy Collette Streeter, And Parties In Possession Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) real estate described below to satisfy the judgment. The Property to be sold is Lot Seven (Except The South Six Feet Thereof) And The South Six Feet Of Lot Eight; All In Block Three In Sarah J. Stouder’s Addition To The City Of Keota, Keokuk County, Iowa And Lots Four (4) And Five (5) In Block Three (3) In Sarah J. Stouder’s First Addition To The City Of Keota, Keokuk County, Iowa Property Address: 404 North Green, Keota, IA 52248 and 310 North Green, Keota, IA 52248 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale: July 7, 2015; Sale Time: 10:00 A.M.; Place of Sale: Keokuk County Sheriff’s Office Lobby, 204 S. Stone St., Sigourney, IA 52591 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $50,959.07; Costs: $4,238.71; Accruing Costs: $0.00; Interest: $1,342.50; Sheriff’s Fees: $179.00. Attorney: H. Raymond Terpstra 3600 First Ave NE, Ste. 101 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 319-364-2467 Date: May 26, 2015. /s/ Casey J. Hinnah Keokuk County Sheriff 22-2 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 E 82’ LOT 1, ALL LOT COMM SE COR N&S 433’ P/O AUD PARCEL D AUDITOR’S PARCEL A AUD PARCEL C NE SE AUD PARCEL B NE SE NE NW LYING N OF RR NE NE EXCEPT RR NW NE EXCEPT RR NE SE EXC 260’ X 419’ SE SE E 35 ACRES SW SE LOT 2 NW NW PLAT B1 AUD PARCEL B SE NW $813.00 $1,312.00 $1,631.00 $834.00 $64.00 $34.00 $59.00 $552.00 $525.00 $454.00 $510.00 $515.00 $231.00 $438.00 AUD PARCEL A SW NW AUDITOR PARCEL A BEG SW COR E & W MCCREERY’S ADD LOT 8 O P LOTS 2 & 7 BLK 5 $343.00 $1,107.00 $417.00 $12.00 $923.00 O P LOT 5 & W 6’LOT 6 $659.00 O P E 60’ LOT 6 $419.00 O P LOTS 9 & 10 BLK $279.00 LOT 8 OF 5 SW SW, LOT $1,350.00 O P LOTS 5 & 6 BLK 7 $147.00 POB 23.94 RD W NE COR $14.00 BEG NE COR NW SW W $30.00 O P LOT 11 & W 14’ $35.00 LOTS 7,8,9 & E 10’ $885.00 O P LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 7 $184.00 O P LOT 6 & N1/2 LOT $156.00 MARSHALL’S ADD LOTS 1 $36.00 O P W1/2 LOTS 3 & 4 $341.00 HALFERTY’S 2ND ADD $554.00 MARSHALL’S ADD LOT 5 $200.00 O P LOT 1 BLK 13 $768.00 BEG SE COR S1/2 NE TH $588.00 NE SE $576.00 E 2.5 ACRES NW SE $12.00 SW SW $415.00 PARCEL S 1/2 SW SE $394.00 SW SW $1,089.00 SE SW $693.00 44’ TO BEG SE SE $630.00 STROUP’S ADD LOTS 3 & $673.00 WOODWARD’S ADD LOT 4 $767.00 STROUP’S ADD N1/2 $43.00 SUB DIV 4 OF 1 OF 2 $420.00 LOT 6 NW SW $16.00 PARCEL 237.4’ E & W X $1,163.00 STROUP’S ADD LOT 7 $697.00 SMITH’S ADD LOT 5 & 6 $236.00 WOODWARD’S ADD LOT 11 $447.00 LOT 10 BLK 10 $24.00 STROUP’S ADD LOTS 1 & SUB DIV 1 OF 5 SE SW O P S 1/2 LOT 6 BLK 6 LOT 5 EXC S 49’ NW COR NE NE S 244’ OF E 620’ SE NW S OF RR NE NW E 19 ACRES SW NW EXC SE COR 3 3/4 ACRES E COMM NE COR 620.8’ TO SUB DIV 1 LOT 2 NW NE LOT 6 BLK 2 WHITE’S ADD LOTS 18, J F WHITE’S 1ST ADD WHITE’S ADD LOT 7 BLK WHITE’S ADD LOTS 3 & CROSBYS ADD LOTS 5 & SUB DIV LOT 2 NE NE GLANDONS ADD LOTS 3 WHITE’S 1ST ADD LOT 4 SUB DIV NE NE LOT 11/ LOTS 8, 9, 12 & 13 & LOT 7 NE NW N83’ OUT BRAY’S ADD E 9’ LOT 2 JACKSON’S ADD LOTS 5 W203’LOT 7 EXC N 407’ SUB DIV 3 OF O L 11 O P LOTS 3, 4 & 5 BLK O P LOT 7 BLK 17 LOT 11 EXC S 89’ NW W 110’ OF S 181 1/3’ O P N 22’ LOT 3 BLK 8 E 120’ LOT 8 SUB DIV O P LOT 3 & W 1/2 O P LOT 1 BLK 12 O. P. W 22’ OF E 44’ E1/2 OUT LOT 29 STRIP OF LAND 180’ X JACKSON’S ADD LOT 3 & C & W 4TH SURV N 60’ A STRIP 16’ E & W X O P LOT 6 BLK 11 $14.00 $362.00 $131.00 $573.00 $16.00 $45.00 $321.00 $177.00 $175.00 $41.00 $1,247.00 $1,893.00 $311.00 656.00 $627.00 $39.00 $1,591.00 $329.00 $41.00 $385.00 $21.00 $431.00 $327.00 $19.00 $143.00 $307.00 $177.00 $1,087.00 $4,731.00 $342.00 $1,477.00 $2,864.00 $980.00 $209.00 $798.00 $515.00 $442.00 $581.00 $824.00 $365.00 $82.00 $877.00 $1,606.00 E 1/4 OF OUT LOT 3 HOGIN’S ADD OUT LOT 1 E 79’ OUT LOT 21 LOWE’S ADD O L 5 JACKSON’S 3RD ADD O P LOT 1 BLK 40 LOWE’S ADD LOT 6 BLK O P W1/2 LOTS 5 & 8 DIV 4 OF 1 SE NW & E $301.00 $1,915.00 $297.00 $781.00 $1,535.00 $2,497.00 $1,167.00 $578.00 $5,079.00 C & W 2ND LOT 14 EXC OUT LOT 32 EXC E 20’ $1,521.00 $334.00 LOT 4 OF 3 OF 2 NE SE O P LOT 6 BLK 8 RR ROW - O P LOT 8 $370.00 $1,205.00 $22.00 O P E 62’ OF S 72’ SKILLMAN’S ADD LOT 6 O P LOT 2 & E 6’ DIV5OF11 EXC N34’SESE $359.00 $780.00 $1,329.00 $708.00 Keokuk County Board Proceedings MAY 26, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in special session, Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. All members were present. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Berg moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of May 18, 2015 as submitted. Wood abstained due to being absent from said meeting. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department as follows: discussion regarding Belva Deer trail phase 2 and phase 3 trail funding and hire provider for inspection services for the six (6) miles of Keokuk County involved in the Dakota Access Pipeline project. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the Personnel Report for Stephen Clubb as temporary summer help at $14.50 per hour, effective May 26, 2105 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to accept the final work completed by Racom Corporation for the Communication Tower Project. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Administrative Assistant Gilliland regarding Keokuk County Community Services update for the month of April. Hadley moved, Wood seconded approval of application for use of Courthouse grounds on August 4, 2015 – National Night Out as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to appoint Bonnie L. Clubb, RN and Anita J. Yoder, RN as Keokuk County Medical Examiner Investigators effective May 26, 2015 through December 31, 2015. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Wood attended a RUSS meeting. Hadley attended a Semco meeting. Berg attended Empowerment and SADC meetings. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. Custodian Bruns entered the Boardroom to inform there is no longer a water leakage problem in the basement. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. SK22 9 262SGCOS 098200 STULL, STEPHEN S & GWENLYN K SKILLMAN’S ADD LOT 2 $591.00 CONT: VEST, ROBERT & RHONDA 264SGCOS 025800 DEED: BC INVESTMENTS LLC O P LOT 4 BLK 34 $715.00 265SGCOS 005300 WOODSMALL, DENZELL L & O P LOT 3 BLK 17 $1,081.00 CONT: YOUNG, MICHAEL R 266SGCOS 091100 DEED: OROURKE, JAY D & GAIL R O P LOT 5 & LOT 6 $570.00 267SGCOS 013100 YOUNG, RICHARD EARL CODY 01/75/12 N 150’ W 1/2 LOT 3 $222.00 268SGCOS 084000 YOUNG, WILLIAM E & TERESA R O P LOT 2 BLK 35 $105.00 269SGTOS 029300 MORRISON, CODY L 09-75-12 NE NE EXC W 16’ $880.00 270SGTOS 029400 MORRISON, CODY L 09-75-12 NE SE $449.00 271SGTOS 029500 MORRISON, CODY L 09-75-12 SE NE EXC W 16’ N OF $557.00 272SGTOS 029600 MORRISON, CODY L 10-75-12 LOT 1 NW NW PLAT B3 $148.00 274SRTOP 024230 CERNIC, JACK & KATHI K 04-74-12 P/O AUD PARCEL C $34.00 275SRTOP 024630 CERNIC, JACK & KATHI K 05-74-12 P/O AUD PARCEL C $26.00 276SRTOP 026230 CERNIC, JACK & KATHI K 05-74-12 P/O AUD PARCEL C $59.00 277SRTOP 011400 CLUBB, TERRY LYNN & FRANCINE R 08/74/12 SE NE INCL FOREST $1,183.00 278SRTOP 017200 ELLIS, RANDY VERNON TRUST 1/2& 6/74/12 66’ ABAND RR ROW $20.00 279SRTOP 045950 STERLING, JANA L 33/74/12 PARCEL A NW SW & $692.00 280THCOT 005400 CARPENTER, WILMA M BARNES 1ST ADD LOT 7 $12.00 281THCOT 001700 VOGEL, TERRY & SHERRY BARNES 1ST ADD LOTS 1 $134.00 282VBTOS 054400 CALZARETTA, MICHAEL G 32/76/12 BEG SE COR NE SW W119 $721.00 283VBTOS 070800 CALZARETTA, MICHAEL G 32-76-12 S 280’ E 119’ NE SW $1,306.00 284VBTOS 070900 CALZARETTA, MICHAEL G 32-76-12 S 280’ W 1/40 NW SE $35.00 285VBTOS 027950 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 PT AUD PARCEL A SE NE $20.00 286VBTOS 028050 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 PT AUD PARCEL A SW NE $828.00 287VBTOS 028150 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 PT AUD PARCEL A $202.00 288VBTOS 028200 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 NW SE AKA PT AUD $739.00 289VBTOS 059200 PLOCK, MARK STEVEN & 17-76-12 COMM NW COR NE SW $1,393.00 290VBTOT 006600 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 08-76-12 NW SW $411.00 291VBTOT 006700 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 07-76-12 E 1/2 NE SE EXC W $126.00 292VBTOT 006750 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 07-76-12 W 300’ OF S 440’ OF $627.00 293VBTOT 006800 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 07-76-12 N 1/2 E 1/2 SE SE EXC $34.00 294VBTOT 006850 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 07-76-12 W 300’ OF N 1/2 E 1/2 $45.00 295VBTOT 007000 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 08-76-12 SW NW $465.00 296VBTOT 007100 KEMPF, DONNA G LE 07-76-12 E 1/2 SE NE $141.00 297VBTOT 006200 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 SE NW AKA PT AUD $699.00 298VBTOT 006300 KNIGHT, NORMAN 08-76-12 NE SW AKA PT AUD $623.00 299VBTOT 010650 KNIGHT, NORMAN D 08-76-12 NW NE WEST SIDE ROAD $146.00 300VBTOT 010700 KNIGHT, NORMAN D 08-76-12 NW NW $933.00 301VBTOT 010800 KNIGHT, NORMAN D 08-76-12 NE NW $1,049.00 302VBTOT 011050 KNIGHT, NORMAN D 07-76-12 E 1/2 NE NE $259.00 303WBCOE007800 WHEELER, RONALD E O P N1/2 LOTS 3 & 4 $459.00 304WCAOT 058700 VANPATTEN, GARY JOE & NANCY N 10/76/13 PT DIV 2 OF 2 SE NW $211.00 305WCAOT 058900 VANPATTEN, GARY JOE & NANCY N 10/76/13 FRANCE’S ADD OL 1OF5 $196.00 306WCCOT000100 ACORD, EUGENE W & JOYCE L J M JOHNSTON’S 1ST $249.00 307WCCOT000200 ACORD, GENE J M JOHNSTON’S 1ST $50.00 308WCCOT001400 ARMSTRONG, DEAN W & W W C ADD LOT 20 $461.00 310WCCOT000500 BANK OF AMERICA NA 1ST RR ADD LOT B & $905.00 311WCCOT002400 BIRD, WILLIAM G KING’S ADD LOTS 3 & 4 $354.00 312WCCOT003900 BIRD, WILLIE J M JOHNSTON’S 2ND $35.00 313WCCOT004200 BUNNELL, GAYLE LORTSCHER’S 1ST ADD $43.00 315WCCOT004000 CAMPBELL, DENNIS 1ST RR ADD LOT 9 BLK $248.00 316WCCOT018300 DUMERMUTH, APRIL DAWN W W C ADD W 69’ LOT $479.00 317WCCOT007200 FOGLE, DARREN J M JOHNSTON’S 2ND $1,541.00 318WCCOT015150 GATTON, MICHAEL J MOHME’S ADD LOT 5 EXC $182.00 319WCCOT015160 GATTON, MICHAEL J MOHME’S ADD N 35’ $17.00 320WCCOT022100 GATTON, MIKE MOHME’S ADD LOTS 7 & $45.00 322WCCOT026500 GRAGG, MAX L LORTSCHER’S 1ST ADD $177.00 323WCCOT026550 GRAGG, MAX LEROY & JULIE ANNE ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 3, $8.00 324WCCOT002000 HURLEY, DONNIE S ETAL E B JOHNSTON’S ADD $144.00 325WCCOT044200 HURLEY, DONNIE S ETAL B CASEY’S ADD LOTS $261.00 326WCCOT053500 KEASLING, MICHELLE DENISE & CASEY’S ADD LOTS 2, $198.00 327WCCOT006700 KEMPF, AARON W KING’S ADD LOT 2 BLK $209.00 328WCCOT019300 LITTLE, CLINT 2ND RR LOT 4 BLK 3 $6.00 329WCCOT017400 LUNDY, CHRISTOPHER E & JULIE A B CASEY’S ADD LOTS 4 $1,358.00 330WCCOT028800 LUNDY, SHARI P B CASEY’S ADD LOT 6 $786.00 CONT: MACCREADY, MELLISSA 331WCCOT001500 DEED: BC INVESTMENTS LLC LORTSCHER’S 2ND ADD $578.00 332WCCOT029200 MAULE, THOMAS J LORTSCHER’S 2ND ADD $36.00 333WCCOT023400 MCCARTNEY, LYDIA M & KING’S ADD E 50’ LOTS $638.00 334WCCOT017500 MCCULLOUGH, MARSHIELA MARIE & LORTSCHER’S 3RD ADD $194.00 335WCCOT005000 MCKAY, JASON MOHME’S ADD N 97’ LOT $305.00 336WCCOT025400 MCKAY, JASON G 1ST RR ADD N 50’ LOTS $259.00 337WCCOT053000 MCKAY, JASON G & LISA A 1ST RR ADD S 100’LOTS $114.00 338WCCOT002600 MOLYNEUX, KEITH BEDFORD’S ADD DIVS 1 $304.00 339WCCOT050200 MOLYNEUX, KEITH 1ST RR ADD W 55’ LOT $138.00 340WCCOT030700 MORRIS, EARL O & NEVA C LOTS 1-2-3-4 BLK 5 $40.00 343WCCOT042100 OLSON, STEPHEN J & DANIEL J LORTSCHER’S 2ND ADD $344.00 344WCCOT037200 OLSON, VICKI L BEDFORD’S ADD LOTS 9 $1,116.00 345WCCOT055900 OLSON, VICKI L BEDFORD’S ADD LOTS $275.00 346WCCOT027900 PARKER, CHARLENE KAY B CASEY’S ADD LOTS $515.00 347WCCOT020200 PRINGLE, DAYTON 1ST RR ADD LOTS 6 & 7 $440.00 348WCCOT056000 SLESINSKI, IVAN B CASEY’S ADD LOTS $234.00 CONT: TOWNS, BRENT 349WCCOT024700 DEED: VERMILLION, BOBBY LORTSCHER’S 1ST ADD $33.00 351WLTOS 044800 CARNAHAN, ERIC 60% & 06-74-12 SE NW EXC 1 ACRE $674.00 352WLTOS 044900 CARNAHAN, ERIC 60% & 06-74-12 NE SW $345.00 355WLTOS 030050 VERMILLION, MICHELE L 31/75/12 PARCEL A NE NW PLAT $477.00 356WNTOS 011500 DENNY, TODD A & CONNIE R 26/75/13 COMM NW COR TH E & W $1,320.00 357WNTOS 012300 MOREY, DAVID J & NANCY TRUST 14/75/13 SE NE $277.00 358WNTOS 012400 MOREY, DAVID J & NANCY TRUST 14/75/13 LOT 3 SE SE & LOT 1 $48.00 359WNTOS 012500 MOREY, DAVID J & NANCY TRUST 14/75/13 ALL N OF R NE SE $219.00 360WNTOS 052450 MOREY, DAVID J & NANCY TRUST 14/75/13 SW SE EXC S 990’ $146.00 361WNTOS 052600 MOREY, DAVID J & NANCY TRUST 14/75/13 LOT 1 NW SE EXC PT TO $103.00 362WNTOS 006600 PEARSON, RONALD R & 12-75-13 COMM 670’ N SW COR TH $563.00 363WSTOS 015400 JUTABHA, PUANGTONG 36/76/13 E1/2 SE NW $442.00 364WSTOS 015500 JUTABHA, PUANGTONG 36/76/13 E 28 ACRES NE NW $625.00 365WSTOT 063650 CLUBB, TINA LORENE 22/76/13 AUDITOR’S PARCEL A $586.00 366WSTOT 034300 GATTON, MICHAEL J 08-76-13 SE SE $1,049.00 367WSTOT 034425 GATTON, MICHAEL J 08-76-13 COMM SE CORNER SW SE $80.00 368WSTOT 034625 GATTON, MICHAEL J 08-76-13 NE SE EXC N 25 ACRES $185.00 369WSTOT 034900 GATTON, MICHAEL J 06-76-13 SE NE $382.00 370WSTOT 035100 GATTON, MICHAEL J 06-76-13 NW SE $431.00 371WSTOT 035200 GATTON, MICHAEL J 06-76-13 SE NE $458.00 372WSTOT 035300 GATTON, MICHAEL J 06-76-13 SW NE $432.00 373WSTOT 035400 GATTON, MICHAEL J 06-76-13 SE NW $566.00 374WSTOT 036500 GATTON, MICHAEL J 09-76-13 SE SW $372.00 375WSTOT 036600 GATTON, MICHAEL J 09-76-13 SW SW $517.00 376WSTOT 069750 GRAGG, DANA DIANN 6/29/98 290/203 $342.00 377WSTOT 062100 KNIGHT, NORMAN 05-76-13 IRR NE NE EXC 5 ACRES $590.00 378WSTOT 062200 KNIGHT, NORMAN 05-76-13 IRR NW NE PLAT B1 $1,141.00 379WSTOT 058350 KNOWLER, DOROTHY MAE & 07-76-13 COMM NW COR NW NE TH $326.00 380WSTOT 021250 MCALLISTER, SANDRA 03/76/13 W 246.6’ OF N 440’ $945.00 381WSTOT 056150 MONTGOMERY, CHARLES E & 14/76/13 BEG NE COR NWNE $512.00 382WSTOT 070600 SCHLECTA, LAVERNE 19/76/13 BEG 488’ N SW COR E $267.00 383WSTOT 071300 THOMAS, WILLIAM E & NANCY M 21/76/13 COMM NW COR NW SW $309.00 384WSTOT 022400 VANPATTEN, GARY JOE & 10/76/13 W1/2 SW NE $503.00 PUBLIC BIDDER 484WCCOT045200 THOMPSON, MICHAEL E J M JOHNSTON’S 2ND $3,224.00 485SGCOS 009700 JAACKS, JON W & PATRICIA A O P W1/2 LOT 5 BLK 18 $36,934.00 Delta City Council Minutes DELTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 13,2015 - 6:00 P.M. DELTA CITY HALL The Delta City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at the Delta City Hall. Mayor pro tem, Sheri Walker called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers answering roll call were as follows: Walker, B. Fisher, T. Fisher, Rostami, Whitmore. Absent: Votroubek. Others present for the meeting were Garden and Assoc. engineer; Jack Pope, Don Bird and the City Clerk. Upon motion by Rostamti and second by B. Fisher the consent agenda was approved as presented; including tobacco permit renewals for Delta Grocery and Neighbors Gas and Grill. Ron Call Vote: Walker, aye; B. Fisher, aye; T. Fisher aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmore, aye. Old/New Business: Jack Pope, Garden & Associates Engineer, discussed the need for the dry pond improvements at the Lagoon. T. Fisher made a motion to have G&A Assoc. proceed with the construction permit from the IDNR, seconded by Rostami. Vote on the motion: all ayes. Don Bird discussed with the Council the special assessments which have been placed on the building and property which used to be the 108 Club”. Mowing and utility assessments (also back taxes, interest and penalties) have accrued over the yew’s making purchasing and rehabilitating the building very costly. Don wanted the Council’s opinion on how to proceed with the possible acquisition of the building. Rostami made a motion to appoint Dixie Shipley as the city’s Keokuk County Community Endowment Fund representative and Alice Robertson as the alternative representative. T. Fisher seconded the motion. All aye. Whitmore presented and moved for the adoption of Resolution # 05-13-15 (A) a resolution providing for the reduction of the interest rate for Water Revenue Bond, Series 2005, dated March 29, 2005. Todd Fisher seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Walker, aye; B. Fisher, aye; T. Fisher. aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmote, aye. Resolution adopted. Barb Fisher presented and moved for the adoption of Resolution # 05-13-15 (B) a resolution adopting and approving Tax Compliance Procedures relating to Tax-Exempt Bonds. Dawn Whitmore seconded the motion. Roll Call THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Vote: Walker, aye; B. Fisher, aye; T. Fisher, aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmore, aye. Resolution adopted. Todd Fisher presented and moved for the approval of Resolution # 05-13-15-1 - a resolution for tax abatement for new home for Jennifer and Daniel Carriker. Whitmore seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Walker. aye; B. Fisher, aye; 1. Fisher, aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmore, aye. Resolution adopted. The Maintenance Report was given and discussed. T. Fisher made a motion to adjourn and Whitmore seconded. All ayes. Time: 7:00 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, June 10,2015 at 6:00 p.m. Mayor pro tem, Sheri Walker Attest: Alice Robertson, City Clerk APRIL 2015 DISBURSEMENTS Windstream 105.30 Alliant 1431.27 Mid-America Pubs 40.73 IPERS 543.76 Treasurer, St. of IA, employee taxes 389.00 US Cellular 125,63 Menards, supplies 78.47 H&M Supply 101.61 Doud Stone, rock 3434.61 Ogden Oil, diesel 79.50 Waste Management 2057.85 Neighbor’s Gas & Grill, gas 154.05 DJ Davis Trucking, rock hauling 253.50 Sigourney PO, certified letters 118.99 Heslinga, Dixon & Hite, attorney fees 330,00 IRS, 941 taxes 2915.23 D. Prell, locate 75.00 Treasurer, St. of IA, sales tax 1238.00 WRWA, usage 1329.10 Keystone Labs, testing 138.83 TOTAL 14940.42 APRIL 2015 RECEIPTS General Fund 10930.17 LOST Fund 2424.04 Road Use Fund 4123.08 Trust & Agency Fund 2232.43 Water Fund 7236.34 Sewer Fund 2920.20 Garbage Fund 2174.35 KCCEF Grant Fund 3000.00 TOTAL 35040.61 S22 The News-Review 10 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 MENUS & CALENDARS Sigourney Schools ACTIVITIES Wednesday, June 3 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. Tri-County 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. Tri-County 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ HLV 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ HLV Friday, June 5 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. English Valley 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. English Valley Saturday, June 6 9 a.m. Varsity Softball Tournament @ West Branch Monday, June 8 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. Montezuma 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. Montezuma 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ BGM 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ BGM Tuesday, June 9 9 a.m. JH Softball vs. North Mahaska Wednesday, June 10 10 a.m. JH Baseball @ Tri-County 10 a.m. JH Softball @ Tri-County 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. Tri-County 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Tri-County Friday, June 12 5 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Iowa Valley 5 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Iowa Valley Saturday, June 13 9 a.m. Varsity Softball @ Eddyville-Blakesburg English Valley Schools ACTIVITIES Wednesday, June 3 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. Montezuma 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. Montezuma 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ North Mahaska 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ North Mahaksa Friday, June 5 10 a.m. JH Baseball @ Sigourney 10 a.m. JH Softball @ Sigourney 5 p.m. Varsity Softball vs BGM Saturday, June 6 10 a.m. Baseball Tourney at Wilton Monday, June 8 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. Tri-County 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. Tri-County 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Belle Plaine 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Belle Plaine Tuesday, June 9 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. West Branch Wednesday, June 10 10 a.m. JH Baseball @ Montezuma 10 a.m. JH Softball @ Montezuma Friday, June 12 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Montezuma 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Montezuma Saturday, June 13 Varsity Softball Tourney @ Vinton Shellseburg Tri-County School ACTIVITIES Wednesday, June 3 10 a.m. JH Softball @ Sigourney 10 a.m. JH Baseball @ Sigourney 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Lynnville-Sully 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Lynnville-Sully Friday, June 5 10 p.m. JH Baseball @ Montezuma 10 p.m. JH Softball @ Montezuma 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. Iowa Valley 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Iowa Valley Saturday, June 6 Varsity Baseball Cardinal Tourney Monday, June 8 10 a.m. JH Softball @ English Valley 10 a.m. JH Baseball @ English Valley 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Keota 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Keota Tuesday, June 9 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Twin Cedars 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. Twin Cedars Wednesday, June 10 10 a.m. JH Softball vs. Sigourney 10 a.m. JH Baseball vs. Sigourney 6 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Sigourney 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Sigourney Friday, June 12 6 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. HLV 6 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. HLV Pekin Schools Activities ACTIVITES Wednesday, June 3 9-10:30 a.m. K-4th Girls Basketball Camp 10:30-12 p.m. 5th-6th Girls Basketball Camp Thursday, June 4 9-10:30 a.m. K-4th Girls Basketball Camp 10:30-12 p.m. 5th-6th Girls Basketball Camp 5:30 p.m. JH Softball vs. WACO 5:30 p.m. JH Baseball vs. WACO 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball @ WACO 5:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ WACO Friday, June 5 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Davis Co. Monday, June 8 5:30 p.m. JH Softball @ L&M 5:30 p.m. JH Baseball @ L&M 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. L&M 5:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. L&M Tuesday, June 9 5:30 p.m. JH Baseball vs. WMU 5:30 p.m. JH Softball vs. WMU 5:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ WMU 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball @ WMU Thursday, June 11 5:30 p.m. JH Softball vs. Wapello 5:30 p.m. JH Baseball vs. Wapello 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball @ Wapello 5:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball @ Wapello Friday, June 12 5:30 p.m. JH Baseball @ Highland 5:30 p.m. JH Softball @ Highland 5:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball vs. Highland 5:30 p.m. Varsity Softball vs. Highland Keokuk County Senior Citizens MENU Wednesday, June 3: Swedish Meatballs, Noodles, Broccoli, Plums, Waldorf Salad Thursday, June 4: Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Chuckwagon Corn, Strawberry Banana Gelatin Friday, June 5: Beef Macaroni Casserole, Peas, Spinach and Mandarin Orange Salad, Italian Dressing, Banana Monday, June 8: Herb Chicken Breast, Scalloped Potatoes, Asparagus Cuts, Baked Apple Tuesday, June 9: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Copper Penny Salad, Peach Strawberry Banana Medley. Wednesday, June 10: Turkey Noodle Casserole, Buttered Corn, Mixed Green Salad, Lemon Dill Dressing, Fresh Melon, Ice Cream Cup Thursday, June 11: Roast Pork, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Breaded Tomatoes, Banana, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Friday, June 12: Potato Crusted Fish Fillet, Oven Roasted Baby Potato, Creamed Peas, Fruited Yogurt Sigourney Elementary Student Council Visits Sigourney Health Care Mrs Weber’s Sigourney Elementary student council visited Sigourney Health Care during Nursing Home Week. The children took turns hitting the piñata, Mrs. Weber was the one who cracked the piñata and the children scrambled to get the candy and then shared with the residents. Pictured Front row: Evan Streigle, Doreatha Walker, Alyssa Smallwood, and Mrs Weber; second row: Joey Glandon, Corrine Donald, Trace Bell and Kale Clarahan; third row: Cole Streigle & Kathleen Coffman. Lion’s Paper Pick-Up Sieda Community Action Seeking Candidates For Board Of Directors The Sigourney Lions Club is conduction their monthly Paper Pick Up this Saturday, June. 6. Please have papers out by 9 a.m. and no magazine or periodicals. Sieda Community Action is seeking candidates to serve as low-income representatives for their board of directors. Sieda’s Board of Directors is the governing body of the nonprofit corporation and is responsible for establishing corporate policy, including matters related to the establishment of the agency goals and objectives, the agency’s program planning, the agency’s budget, and procedures and criteria applicable to its functions. The Board is comprised of 15 to 18 members drawn from seven counties in Sieda’s core service area (Appanoose, Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Van Buren, and Wapello Counties). Sieda seeks candidates for low-income representation from Appanoose, Jefferson, and Van Buren Counties. Interested parties must complete a board membership questionnaire available online at or at their local Sieda Community Action Resource Center. The Board Development Committee will place the names of candidates who meet the minimum qualifications on a ballot for their respective county. Sieda clients will then have the opportunity to vote on the nominees for the City of Sigourney Flag Football Registration Registration forms for Flag Football can be picked up, dropped off or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office at 100 N. Main St. All forms must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office by Friday, July 10 by 4:30 p.m. There will be a late fee after July 10th-July 17th. Children registered in Kindergarten thru 4th grade for 2015-2016 school year are eligible to play. The season will begin on Wednesday, August 26, lasting until September 30th. Game times will be 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. For more information or questions, please contact Flag Football Director, Alan Sellers at 641-295-5180. Hedrick Community to Host Delta to Host Community Blood Drive Community Blood Drive Delta will host a community blood drive from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10 at 104 N. Second St. W, inside Delta City Hall. Appointments: To donate, please contact Amie Van Patten at (641) 660-7299 or visit and use code 5117 to locate the drive. Donor Eligibility Criteria: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through www. Keota Lawn and Power Equipment Sales and Service 105 South Green, Keota 641-636-3107 Dean Redlinger and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. or MVRBC Donor Card is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center at (800)7475401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 4/15/15 are eligible to give at this drive. About Blood Donation: Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors. ABOUT MVRBC: Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center is the provider of blood and blood components to more than 85 hospitals in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. In your area, MVRBC is the exclusive provider to Keokuk County Health Center. Hedrick Community will host a community blood drive from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9 at 109 N. Main Street, inside Community Center. Appointments: To donate, please contact Ottumwa Telerecruitment Department at (800) 452-1097 or visit and use code 5239 to locate the drive. Donor Eligibility Criteria: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. or MVRBC Donor Card is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call the Gary Bain 110 E. Washington B - Sigourney Bug Man Pest Control LOCALLY OWNED Greg Rasplicka 641-622-3771 641-799-5608 Residential & Commercial Electrical Work Keswick Legion Auxiliary A regular scheduled meeting of the Auxiliary of Keswick American Legion James Murphy Post No. 319 was held Thursday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. nine members were in attendance. President Carla Burdock called the meeting to order. Chaplain Lois Axmear opened the meeting with a prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Preamble of the Legion Auxiliary were recited in unison. Nine officers answered roll call. The minutes of the April 23, 2015 meeting were read and approved. Due to the absence of the treasurer there was no report given. The winners for the poppy posters were: 2nd grade-Marissa Little; 3rd grade- December Davis; 4th gradeMacy Schmidt. The group placed poppies wreaths for the Armah Cemetery veteran’s graves. Doris Wright made a motion, seconded by Sharon Homan, that Carla will put the wreaths on the veteran’s graves at the Armah Cemetery this year. Lois Axmear has been responsi- 641-673-6001 Contact Christina Peiffer For Your Insurance Needs! Quality Boarding and Grooming Kelly 641-224-2287 Keota Transmission and Repair Erik Strand 128 E. Broadway • Keota, IA 52248 Specializing In Transmission & Driveline Repair Larry 641-660-2600 Dr. Randy Blaylock, Veterinarian Hedrick Office 641-653-4440 Sigourney Home 641-622-3633 REMEMBER ble for this for many years. Carla will notify Dayton Township personal asking them to responsible for their removal and to be responsible for replacing them in the future. Motion was carried. Carla was responsible for getting the wreaths on the veteran’s graves at the Sorden Cemetery. Kathy White will be responsible for getting the wreaths on the veteran’s graves at Bailey Cemetery. There being no further business to be presented, Chaplain Lois Axmear closed the meeting with a prayer. Doris Wright was hostess, and the group went to Rose’s Kitchen where Doris treated everyone to ice cream. The next meeting will be June 25 with Sandra Hudson as hostess. Kathy White will present the program. 319-461-5767 Pine Hill Doggie loDge [email protected] Bain Electric Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center at (800)747-5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 4/14/15 are eligible to give at this drive. About Blood Donation: Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors. ABOUT MVRBC: Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center is the provider of blood and blood components to more than 85 hospitals in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. In your area, MVRBC is the exclusive provider to Keokuk County Health Center. low-income sector seats. The candidate receiving a majority of votes will be seated by a board vote to the board of directors. Completed board membership questionnaires should be returned to Sieda Community action by mail at PO Box 658 Ottumwa, Iowa 52501; by electronic mail to bdunn@sieda. org; or in person at their local Sieda Community Action Resource Center. Completed questionnaires must be returned by June 26, 2015. Board member elections will be held the week of July 13. Sieda Community Action, a private organization established in 1965 as a community action agency, works with communities to secure opportunities for people in need through advocacy, counseling, education, partnerships and supportive services. The agency implements a range of services designed to strengthen families, promote child development and help individuals and families with basic needs. Those interested who would like more information about serving on Sieda’s board of directors can visit or call 800.622.8340 If you want it in Wednesday’s paper, you have to get it to us by noon, the Friday before! 114 East Washington, Sigourney, IA 52591 M-F, 8 am-5 pm 641-622-3110 • [email protected] • Sigourney Lions Club Paper Pick Up and Food Drive Sat., June 6 Please Have Food and Papers Out By 9:00 A.M. No Magazines or Periodicals The News-Review Wednesday, June 3, 2015 11 Congratulations 2015 State Track Winners 4x200 Relay 1:31 Shelbie Williams - Shot put - 38' 10.25'' Kaysha Dodson - High jump - 5'6'' Gwynne Wright - 800 - 2:16 Tyler Copeland, Keaton Winn, Christian Wittrock and Chase Copeland Abell Auction & Real Estate Agriland FS Amy’s Salon House & Spa Bain Electric Barron Motor Supply Bell’s Collision Repair Bender Foundry Service, Inc. Brenneman Construction Broadway Service Center Cassens’ Mill Copeland Towing & Recovery County Bank, Member FDIC County Line Mart Crop Production Services English Valley TV & Electronics Farmers Cooperative Association Farmers Lumber Co. Garcia Carpet Gentry Insurance Greiner Crop Service Greiner Real Estate & Auction LLC H & R Block Healing Arts Hinshaw Trailer Sales Holm Funeral Home Hometown Market Horak Insurance Jack Walker CDJR Jack’s Corner Drug Jim Tinnes Trucking John N. Wehr Just My Style Keoco Auction Company, LLC Keokuk County Abstract Keokuk County Health Center Keokuk County Implement Co. Keota Eagle Keota Eagle Foods Keota Meat Processing Keota Transmission Keota Veterinary Clinic LaKappCo., Inc. Latta, Harris, Hanon & Penningroth, LLP Libertyville Savings Bank, Member FDIC Lyle Insurance Manor House Care Center/Deer View Manor McDonald Bone Yard MHP Home Health & Hospice Services Misc. on Main Modern Communications Northwestern Mutual Olde English Barber Shop Ollinger Electric Phelp’s Auto Pilot Grove Savings Bank, Member FDIC Pizza Ranch Powell Funeral Homes Prairie Mutual Insurance Association PTL The Shop Ray-Man, Inc. Renner Construction Ridgeway Hardware River Hills Community Health Center River Products Co. Inc. SDE Ltd./SDE Tire Sigourney Body Shop, Inc. Sigourney BP Sigourney Health Care Assisted Living Sigourney Financial Services Sigourney Pride Sigourney Shoe Repair Sigourney TV & Appliance Skunk River Arms Sloan Mohr Monument Co. South English Ag Service State Farm Insurance – Kelli Steil State Farm Insurance - Rodger Redden Terry Schroeder Alignment & Towing, LLC The Garden Gate The News-Review The Pro Line Building Co. The Roost Tap The Sun Thomas Grocery TruBank, Member FDIC True Value UI Healthcare – Sigourney Vision Ag Vittetoe Inc. W.C. Gretter & Sons Wayne Davis Trucking White State Bank, Member FDIC Wolf Floral Inc. Wolfe Family Vision Center 12 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 AREA SPORTS: softball Panthers Pound Grinnell for Win No. 1 By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor After getting shut down at Mediapolis, 12-3, in their opening game of the 2015 season, the Lady Panthers traveled to Eldon three nights later, looking to get their offense going against Cardinal. The Pekin girls did just that. Eleven hits, including three homeruns, helped the Pekin offense come back strong, after tallying just three hits the game before. After scoring six runs in the top of the fourth at Cardinal, coach Allison Glick’s squad held a narrow 8-7 lead. The Panthers then tacked on another run in the fifth, giving them a 9-7 advantage. The Pekin offense stalled from that point on, however, as the Comets scored three runs off of pitcher Ashlyn Zook and the Pekin defense in the bottom of the seventh to win it, 10-9. Zook allowed ten hits and five earned runs in six innings of work at Cardinal, but her biggest contribution came at the plate. The sophomore jacked two homeruns in the game and finished with three RBIs. Senior Madeyln Baker also went deep and finished two-for-four with two RBIs. Left fielder Cassidy Tolle added two hits and two runs, while Bridget Fritchen and Emily Bemis each went two-for-three with a double. The Panthers carried their offensive momentum into the weekend, when they played Grinnell and North Mahaska in Williamsburg. After losing 11-6 to North Mahaska, Pekin took on a 3A Grinnell team, demolishing the Tigers 17-3, for its first win of the season. The Panthers got a solid effort in the circle from Zook and a 14-hit effort from their offense. Sophomore Kaylee Linder led the charge for the Panthers, singling three times and scoring three runs. Fritchen, Zook, Sloan Reighard and Courtney Comstock each added two hits apiece and combined to score 11 runs. Next up for the Panthers are games at Lone Tree on Monday, and at home against IMS on Tuesday, June 2. The team then ends its week at home against Davis County on Friday. Rylee Voss tries to put down the tag on a Keota runner. EV Softball Still Searching for its Groove By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Despite the fact that the English Valleys varsity softball team is still looking for its first win of the season, the effort has been there early on for the Bears. Coach Mike Gerard’s group lost its first two conference games of the season by a combined seven runs, before falling to Williamsburg (11-1) and Lone Tree (9-7) over the weekend. EV got things going last Tuesday against a Keota team, which it beat twice last year. Early on, at least, it looked like the Bears would continue their string of wins over the Eagles. The Bears struck early and often, giving starting pitcher Annie Axmear seven runs of support in the TC Softball Takes Down EV By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor A tough 6-4 loss at Montezuma last Tuesday only seemed to fuel the Tri-County girls that following night against English Valleys. The Trojans scored twice in the first, twice in the third, and again in the sixth to notch their first win of the season, 5-2. Full statistics were not available at press time. Coach Chad Little’s team collected ten hits and drew four walks off of EV starter Annie Axmear. After getting rained out the next night, in a game scheduled against Moravia, the Trojans hosted Belle Plaine to end the week on Friday. It wasn’t a very good night for Tri-County, as the Plainesmen made quick work of the Trojans, 15-0. TC looked to pick up its second win of the season on Monday, when it hosted BGM. The Trojans then play at Lynnville-Sully on Wednesday, before hosting Iowa Valley on Friday, June 5. K E TA FUN DAYS Thursday, June 11th 6:30 p.m................Bill Riley Talent Show - KHS Junior High Gymnasium Friday June 12th 5:30 p.m................ Food Stand opens on Broadway 6:00-8:00 p.m. ...... Kid’s Carnival sponsored by CYM Youth Group - south of Libertyville Savings Bank 6:00 p.m................ Kid’s Parade - east of Libertyville Savings Bank Registration begins at 5:45 p.m. - No Theme 6:00 p.m................ Fun Days Horseshoe Tournament - east of The Roost 6:00 p.m................ Pedal Pull, registration 6:30 p.m. - start on Fulton St. east of The Roost 6:30 p.m................ Keota Community Club Ice Cream Social on Broadway 6:30 p.m................ Music by the Keota Brass on Broadway 9p.m.-12:30 a.m. .. Dance at Lagos Acres, cover charge, must be 21 to enter Saturday, June 13th 8:00 a.m................ Keota Fun Run - starts at Keota Elementary, registration 7 to 7:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. ............. Grand Parade down Broadway Avenue, sponsored by The Roost, Registration at 8:30 a.m. at Holy Trinity Parish Hall 11:00 a.m. ............. Food Booth opens on Broadway 11 a.m.-4 p.m........ Local Vendor Market at Keota City Hall/Fire Department 1:00-3:00 p.m. ...... Kid’s Carnival sponsored by CYM Youth Group south of Libertyville Savings Bank 1:00 p.m................ Garden Tractor Pull, behind The Miller Building, sponsored by Miller Auto Body, Lone Tree Pullers Association 1:00 p.m................ Bean Bag Tournament - east of The Roost 4:30-5:30 p.m. ...... KHS Alumni Cocktails at Keota VFW 6:00 p.m................ KHS Alumni Banquet - KHS Main Gym The News-Review first two innings. After scoring twice in the first inning, the Bears exploded for five runs in the second to build an early 7-1 lead. However, two Keota runs in the bottom of the second, followed by two more in the third, quickly made things very interesting. English Valleys’ third-inning lead of 8-5 quickly evaporated during the bottom of the fourth. The Eagles laced hit after hit through the infield off Axmear, and, before it was all said and done, went on to score six runs in the frame to gain an 11-8 lead. It was more of the same when Coach Gerard inserted 8th grader Ellie Ayers into the game at pitcher to start the fifth. The Eagles scored four more runs off Ayers and took a 15-8 lead into the sixth inning. That score remained until the top of the seventh, when EV scored three times in a last-ditch comeback effort. However, EV’s rally fell short and the Eagles took the game, 15-11. Senior shortstop Rylee Voss went three-for-four with a double and a triple in the game. Freshman Sydney Olson went two-for-three with a double, while 8th grader Maleah Ackerman added a double. Freshman Audrey Grove added a triple and two RBIs to the effort. Pitcher Annie Axmear allowed six hits and three earned runs in four innings of work. The Bears then traveled to Thornburg the next night and suffered their second hard-fought loss in as many games. EV’s Axmear went all six innings against Tri-County, but two runs by the Trojans in the second, followed by two more in the third, were too much for the Bears to overcome. English Valleys scored twice in the fifth on a two-run double by Voss, but were held to just four hits in the 5-2 loss. Ackerman, Grove and Mallory Hester each added singles for EV. The Bears made up their game with Lynnville-Sully on Monday, before hosting Montezuma on Tuesday, June 2. The team then plays at North Mahaska on Wednesday and hosts BGM on Friday, June 5. Annie Axmear makes a pitch at Keota. Stam’s Plant Sale! $5 Off Hydrangeas Taylor Gerard makes a nice play at second. $10 Off Any tree Valued $50 to $99 $15 Off Any tree Valued $100 or More Annuals 3 Pack Now 99¢ 4 Pack Now $1.25 4” Geraniums Now $2.59 4” Petunias Now $2.59 4” Red Geraniums Now $2.59 1 Mile East of Oskaloosa on Hwy 92 641-672-1437 Open Monday-Saturday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Closed Sundays Ellie Ayers watches her fly ball sail to center. The News-Review Wednesday, June 3, 2015 13 AREA SPORTS: baseball The Bears came off the field smiling after beating the Eagles. Bears’ Bats Cooking Early On By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Evidently, no rust accumulated on the bats of the English Valleys baseball team during the off-season in North English. In two games last week, the Bears compiled 28 runs, 27 hits (including six doubles and four homers), 16 stolen bases and two wins. The Bears got things started last Tuesday at Tri-County with a 13-1 win over the Trojans. Senior Adam Kerkove went all five innings, allowing five hits, one walk and striking out five. In addition to his solid performance on the mound, Kerkove finished three-for-three at the plate with two runs and a double. The Bears struck immediately in the first, scoring three runs, before adding another in the second. The third inning is when things unraveled for the Trojans. EV sent batter after batter to the plate and wound up plating six runs to take a commanding 10-1 lead. EV then proceeded to score three runs over the next two innings to take the five-inning win, 13-1. Senior third baseman Cody Seaton had a monster game for the Bears, going three-for-four with a double, a homer, two steals and three runsbatted-in. Brennen Grimm also homered, while Tanner Icenbice and Sheldon Ealy added two hits apiece. The Bears hosted Keota, who was coming off a 17-2 win over HLV, the next night in EV’s first home game of the year. Coach Jeremy Thomas’ Bears started right where they left off against Tri-County, erupting for 12 runs in the very first inning against the Eagles. Long balls by both Grimm and Andrew Kerkove in the first inning gave the Bears total command, as EV got the win, 15-0. Grimm and Kerkove combined for six hits, four runs and eight RBIs on the afternoon. On the mound, Grimm was dominant, allowing no hits, while striking out ten, in four innings of work. A hit batter was Grimm’s only mistake of the night. “I just tried keeping my fastball on the outside corner,” Grimm said after the game. “I basically threw lowand-away fastballs all game and it got the job done.” EV also got two hits from Adam Kerkove, along with doubles from Blake Ealy and Davis Axmear. The Bears looked to stay unblemished on Tuesday, when they played HLV in Cedar Rapids at Veterans Memorial Stadium. The team then plays at North Mahaska on Wednesday, June 3, before heading to Wilton on Saturday. A Tough Start for Trojan Baseball By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor It wasn’t quite the start to the season the Tri-County varsity baseball team was looking for. The Trojans fell in each of their three games last week, the hardest of which to swallow was the season opener at Montezuma. After coming back from a 5-0 deficit by scoring three runs in the sixth and three more in the seventh, Tri-County relinquished the lead to the Braves in the bottom of the seventh. The Trojans led by one in the final frame, but pitcher Luke Bombei and the TC defense couldn’t hold off the Braves, who scored twice in the seventh to get the walk-off 7-6 win. Jake Brumbaugh threw well, allowing four hits, four walks and one earned run in five innings of work. At the plate, Brumbaugh went twofor-five with a double and two runs-batted-in. Mason Garber, Luke Bombei and Jacob Weber each added two hits to the effort, with both of Weber’s being doubles. Lane Williams and Cameron Krumm came through with singles, as well, and combined to score three runs. The Trojans fell the next night to English Valleys, 13-1, before losing a tough one the next night to Belle Plaine. TC broke through with two runs in the bottom of the first, to take a 2-1 lead, but that was the only offense the Trojans could generate on the night. As a team, Tri-County could muster just four hits – two by Brumbaugh and one each by Garber and Jacob Bombei – leaving Brumbaugh as the hard-luck loser on the mound. The senior went all seven innings, allowing nine hits and four earned runs, while striking out seven. Scott Edmundson’s squad hosted BGM on Monday and then played at Lynnville-Sully on Wednesday, June 3. The team then hosts Iowa Valleys on Friday, before playing at Cardinal on Saturday. Cody Seaton takes a mean cut against Keota. Brennen Grimm threw four hitless innings last week v. Keota. 14 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Sigourney SPORTS Jake VanEe in as relief at North Mahaska. Jordan Albert takes a cut at a high fastball. Peyton Crawford singles to lead off the 7th at NM. By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor The line between a win and a loss can, sometimes, be very, very thin. The Sigourney varsity baseball team has found itself on the wrong side of that line during the early going of the 2015 season. Coach Lee Crawford’s Savages got their season underway at home, last Wednesday, against Montezuma. The high-scoring shootout, which included 30 walks between the two teams, lasted for over three hours and finally ended when the Savages failed to answer the Braves’ 8th-inning run in the bottom half. Despite ten hits and 17 drawn walks, Sigourney lost the opener to Montezuma, 14-13. After falling behind 3-0 after the top half of the first, the Savages stormed back with five first-inning runs, before falling behind, once again, 9-5, after three and a half innings of play. Just like they did in the bottom of the first, though, the Savages fought back to the lead, this time by scoring six runs in the bottom of the fourth. Neither team crossed home plate in the fifth, but in the sixth, after entering the inning down 11-9, the Braves tacked on three runs to go ahead by a score of 12-11. The Braves then in- creased their lead to 13-11 with a run in the 7th, before the Savages tied things up with a pair in the bottom half. However, the Sigourney defense was unable to halt the Montezuma offense in the top half of the 8th, as the Braves to a 14-13 lead and shut down the Savages in the bottom of the 8th. Cole Streigle and Colby Kerkove each went three-for-four on the night and combined to drive in six runs. Jordan Albert also added two hits for Sigourney, while J.C. Dumont went two-for-four with two RBIs and two walks. The Sigourney offense got cooking The News-Review The Sigourney infield huddled up for a plan in the 7th at NM . First Win Proving Elusive for Savage Baseball early again two nights later, at North Mahaska. A pair of first inning walks eventually led to a two-run single by Colby Kerkove, the team’s leadoff hitter. Peyton Crawford, Sigourney’s starting pitcher on Friday, shut down the Warhawks for the next two innings, allowing his team to extend its lead to 4-0, on RBIs by Jordan Albert and Avery Moore. Carson Crawford and Avery Moore also added hits on the evening. However, Crawford wasn’t able to silence the North Mahaska bats forever, as the Warhawks scored three times in the third, cutting their defi- cit to 4-3. Two innings later, the Warhawks scored twice more off Crawford, taking a 5-4 lead and chasing the junior from the mound. Trailing 5-4 in the final frame, Sigourney’s Crawford redeemed himself by leading off the inning with a sharp single to left. The junior then stole second and third base, before scoring on a balk by North Mahaska pitcher Jacob Sherburne. After failing to close out the game in the seventh, North Mahaska jumped all over reliever Jake Van Ee and the Savages. The Warhawks eventually loaded the bases and, with two outs, scored the game-winning run on a walk by VanEe, giving them the 6-5 win. That was VanEe’s only allowed run in two and one-third innings of work. Meanwhile, Crawford went four and one-third innings, allowing three walks and two hits, while striking out ten. The Savages also dropped a pair of games over the weekend in West Branch. Sigourney fell to West Branch, 8-1, before losing a hard-fought, 2-0, game to top-ranked Alburnett. Sigourney hosted Belle Plaine on Monday, before playing at HLV on Wednesday and at Lynnville-Sully on Thursday, June 4. The team then ends its week at Moravia on Friday. SHS Softball Rebounds to End Week By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor The Sigourney varsity softball team started its season with perhaps the biggest challenge it will face all season – the 8th-ranked Lynnville-Sully Hawks. The Savages traveled to Sully last Tuesday to play a team that lost just two games all of last year. With the formidable challenge on their plate, the Savages were unable to match the play of Lynnville-Sully, who ran away by scoring four runs in the fifth and two more in the sixth, beating Sigourney by a count of 11-2. Brooke Waechter had two of Sigourney’s seven hits. The following night, Sigourney came home and took out its frustration on an overmatched Montezuma team. The Savages scored three runs in both the first and third innings, before erupting for eight in the fourth to secure their first win of the season, 14-2. Senior Jordan Carter tossed four near-perfect innings, allowing one hit and one walk, while striking out two to get the win. At the plate, Carter was also spectacular. The lefty went a perfect four-for-four with two doubles, a triple and three RBIs. Joining Carter in the hit barrage was Waechter, who finished threefor-four with two doubles and two stolen bases. Leah Carter added a double and a single, helping the Savages collect 17 hits in just four innings. Shortstop Autum Barthelman also registered three hits, while Kendall Streigle went two-for-four with four RBIs. Sigourney capped its week in New Sharon on Friday with an 11-0 shutout win over North Mahaska. The Savages collected nine hits, nine steals and five walks in the six-inning win, and rode Jordan Car- ter to their second win of the week. Carter allowed three hits and a walk over her six innings of work on Friday. Two of the team’s nine hits came via Carter, while Barthelman added two and Ally Schroeder went onefor-two with a walk, steal, run and RBI. The Savages look to keep their early-season momentum going when their hosted Belle Plaine on Monday. The team then played at double-header at Fairfield on Tuesday, before its double-header at HLV on Wednesday, June 3. Sierra Davis squares around for a bunt. Brooke Waechter watches as her fly ball sails over the right field fence. Jordan Carter threw a gem at North Mahaska. To promote your business call Margie Stansberry 641-684-5563, ext. 21 Ottumwa Radio - known for getting results Coach Shelly Streigle congratulates Waechter after her HR at North Mahaska.
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