NR 08 2015 02 25 - The News
NR 08 2015 02 25 - The News
Proudly Serving All Of Keokuk County Since 1860 PO BOX 285, 114 E. WASHINGTON ST. SIGOURNEY, IOWA 52591 $1.00 [email protected] 641.622.3110 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 NUMBER 8, 155TH YEAR Inside This Issue Opinion/Editorial ............... Pg. 2 Milestones ............................... Pg. 3 Church Calendar ............................Pg. 4 Public Notices, Records ....................Pg. 5 Classifieds .................................. Pg. 6, 7 FFA Salute ..................... Pg. 8, 9, 10, 11 Local News ............................. Pg. 12 Sports ................... Pg. 16, 14, 15 Legislative Forum Legislative forum scheduled for Saturday, March 7, 11 a.m. with State Representative Jarad Klein and State Senator Kevin Kinney in the courthouse. North English Community Center American Quilt Society Certified Quilt Appraiser Charleen Richtsmeier and Professional Quilt Appraiser Valorie Bonk will be coming to the North English Community Center on Thursday, Feb. 26 and Friday, Feb. 27, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Richtsmeier and Bonk will view, discuss, and appraise quilts that are brought to their sessions called “Let’s Talk about YOUR Quilt.” Sigourney Health Care Assisted Living The Beals will be playing February 27 at 10:30 a.m. Sigourney Public Library There will be a Tween Movie Night from 6:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27 at the Sigourney Public Library. Sigourney Public Library will hold Toddler Time every Monday and Tuesday morning from 11:00-11:30 a.m. Pekin After Prom Commitee Triva Night The Pekin After Prom Committee will be hosting Trivia Night on Friday, Feb. 27, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration information is available by contacting Juston/ Lori Lamb at 641-660-4224 or Amy Jones at 641-919-9374. Registration forms can also be picked up at the Pekin High School office. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry A fish fry will be held at the KC Hall in Harper Friday, Feb. 27 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. The public is invited. There will be a fish fry every Friday until March 27th. Hedrick Volunteer Fire Department Bingo The garage was a total loss due to burning cardboard. Garage fire caused damage to adjacent home. 2nd Fire in Ollie Consumes Garage and Damages Adjacent Home By Amber Kephart NR Editor Friday, February 20, 2015 Ollie Fire Department was paged to a structure fire at the George Northup residence. Sigourney, Richland and Packwood Fire Departments were paged for mutual aide. The east garage caught fire due to burning cardboard. The garage is a total loss. The fire then spread to the next-door neighbors home. The fire departments had to break windows and cute 5 holes in the roof for ventilation. There is also severe water damage and burnt siding on the West side of the house. Sigourney City Council Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 Hedrick Fire Department will be having Bingo Saturday, Feb. 28. A Soup Supper will start at 5:00 p.m. Bingo Starts at 6:30 p.m. By Amber Kephart NR Editor The Keokuk County Farm Service Agency (FSA) is offering Farm Bill Workshops on Tuesdays in February at the Sigourney USDA Service Center. The morning sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the afternoon sessions will begin at 1:00 p.m. Producers must make an appointment, as space is very limited. The Lewis Memorial Fountain committee asked the council to give approval for them to start with the restoration on the fountain. The committee has not decided to start the restoration, but wanted to discuss the next steps with the council to see if they were ok with proceeding if the committee chose to. The next step in restoration will be to have the hard water build up removed and to repaint it. This process can take place before spring. The council approved hiring all applicants at the pool. They approved the admission rates and rates for season pass for the 2015 pool season. Family pass fee will stay the same along with daily admission. The council also discussed having additional lap swim times, but nothing was decided. The council approved to hire Mat Dobbins of Dobbins Lawn Care and Landscaping for the April 1 to Nov. 30 2015 Annual Mowing Agreement. The water and wastewater committee asked for the council to approve Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. to do the 2015 Tank Maintenance Project. Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. has the capabilities to dive into the tank while it is still full and operational. This will allow Keokuk County FSA Bingo at Keokuk County Expo Bingo is played at the Expo hall every other Wednesday thru March from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The dates to play are Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 25, March 11 and March 25. Bingo is for all ages and a great entertainment for families. No smoking or alcohol is allowed and a concession stand is available for food. Bethel United Methodist Church Tip Night Bethel United Methodist Church will hold a Tip night at Pizza Ranch on March 2 from 5-8 p.m. Proceeds will go to mission trip planned for July to Gatlinburg, Tenn. Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Sigourney PM will host a community blood drive from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3 at 100 N. Main St., inside the Conference Room. Master Gardeners Program Master Gardeners present Vickie Gonterman Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Keokuk County Expo in the Keokuk County Extension Office. Gonterman will be discussing ‘What’s Hot in 2015’ along with new and exciting varieties of Hydrangeas, flowers and shrubs. More on page 2 Sigourney Fire Department responded to the fire for mutual aide. the tank to stay online as well as be under pressure to give them a full report of how the tank is working. If the city continued to clean the tank the way they had it would cost the city a minimum of $2000 to drain the tower and causes a risk for bacteria. Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. gave a quote to clean the tower and retention basin for $3,075. The DNR would prefer the city to have this professionally done versus draining the tank and retention basin themselves. The council approved for Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. to clean the tank and retention basin. The cleaning is temporarily scheduled for June. The council approved the Memorandum of Understanding between SIEDA and Sigourney Police Department for compliance checks on retailers. There will be two rounds of compliance checks with a completion date of June 30. The council approved community betterment project requests. One of which will be the construction on City Hall. Renner Construction will be fixing the side of the building along with the gutters. The gutters have been causing a build up of water and freezing, which causes a hazard to pedestrians. The next city council meeting is set for March 4, 2015 at 6 p.m. This meeting will also be a public hearing meeting for the 2015 budget. Show your support for Megan and Nick Vance! By Amber Kephart NR Editor Megan was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic melanoma in Jan. 2014. She had surgery to remove the brain tumor and then underwent treatment. In Aug. 2014 Megan underwent a second brain surgery. On the way back to the hospital her husband, Nick was involved in a motorcycle accident and sustained multiple broken bones in his leg. He has been unable to return to work since his accident. Come join friends and family at Wild Hogs Saloon & Eatery in Walford for a benefit being held Saturday, Feb. 28 to help raise money for Megan and Nick. If you can’t make it to the event you can contact LuAnn Berger at 641-660-3276 or Allison Hanson at 641-660-5261 to make a donation. The night will be full of entertainment with Keepin’ It Country performing at 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. and the 8 Seconds band will perform from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dinner will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. You will also have the opportunity to purchase koozies, bracelets and Team Vance t-shirts. Guest bartenders will be serving and all tips from the evening will go to Megan and Nick. Governor Terry Branstad Coming to Sigourney By Amber Kephart NR Editor March 2, 2015 Governor Branstad will be at Sinclair Tractor in Sigourney. He will be there to answer questions by a hand picked panel. He will also be answering questions from the board of supervisors. The board has been advised they get three ques- tions to ask Governor Branstad and three minutes per question. At this time the board has not committed to questions but at the last board of supervisors meeting they discussed asking about the roads in Keokuk County, the bridges in Keokuk County and Courthouse Security. Branstad will be at Sinclair Tractor from 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. This event is open to the public. 2 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 On the Hill with Klein Week 6 was busy as usual; we had some floor debate and moved bills out of committee. With everything else going on the last couple weeks, a majority of our time has been focused on one main issue; the Gas Tax. This week I will focus on transportation infrastructure revenues, HF 371. Please bear in mind I have a limited amount of space to explain my position on a complex issue. There are additional considerations I would like to include, but I run low on space. By the time this article is printed my vote will likely be tallied, and everyone will know my position without question. For starters, when talking about our transportation funding, I agree that we have a serious need for fixing roads and bridges. That being stated, we must do it correctly. The bill before us is not the correct way to go about funding in my opinion. While I don’t agree with this piece of legislation, I still have respect for those who do. We are all trying to do what is best for Iowa, and our districts. Each bill, especially this one, has unique aspects each legislator must take into account. My reasons for opposing HF 371 are many; for starters the heart of the proposal is a 10 cent increase in fuel taxes. In addition to it being a sharp increase, it is planned to happen almost as soon as it’s signed into law (a month at the longest). The 10 cent increase and the gas tax as a whole disproportionately hurts rural districts, not just through the unbalanced formula. Families in rural districts drive farther for work, groceries, and everyday errands. Think about how the tax will be absorbed by seniors on fixed incomes and our school transportation costs. Consider many of our senior citizens travel a great distance for regular health care, even when using public transportation the costs will be passed on to the users. Also look at our larger rural school districts that will pay even more for transportation under this bill. We will only be adding to an unbalanced system, further widening the gap between rural and urban education funding levels. The bill doesn’t get the money to the needs. Our rural roads will continue to have a majority of the problems and receive a minority of the funding. There are also no mechanisms to ensure spending doesn’t go to build new bridges or roads in well-funded urban areas while we try to plug a whole with our pinky. County roads are over 80% of Iowa roads, but get only 32.5% of the Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) distribution and even less of Iowa’s nearly $2 On The Hill With Klein by State Representative Jarad Klein billion annual roads spending. That 32.5% includes only 8% for farm-tomarket roads, important for farmers’ income and bringing Iowa farm products to market. Just based on a 10 cent increase (not after other pieces included in HF 371 are adjusted downward) Washington County will receive an additional $734,000 and Keokuk County $625,000. The cities will receive $243,000 in Washington County and $111,000 in Keokuk. While the dollars sound large, they don’t really go far in bridge and road repair. The dollars will be absorbed into local budgets and we still won’t be closer to fixing the real problems. The 10 cent increase is recognized as being a short term band aid. The DOT even recognizes that they will be asking for additional increases in the near future. Not only is 10 cents not enough, it’s a regressive tax and the proposal doesn’t take into account improving fuel efficiencies and hybrid vehicles. HF 371, is more than a 10 cent increase in fuel taxes, it includes a few other pieces while ignoring a multitude of others I will mention later. One area I have issue with is section 9 where the state extends the date for access Iowa Highway designations. Access Iowa Highways will continue to receive funding priority from the Road Use Tax Fund and the Time-21 fund. Here is the language from state code; “The state department of transportation shall designate portions of the commercial and industrial network of highways as access Iowa highways and shall expedite and accelerate development of access Iowa highways.” Most troubling is that the only designated road in HD78 is Highway 218, not Hwy 22, 92, or other important roads to our southern Iowa economy. The winners are all north of I-80, specifically north central Iowa. For those who have said they’re fine with a tax increase as long as we don’t add new lanes and urban by-passes, you should be disappointed with this piece. I have some additional concerns with the intent of limiting county and city bonding for roads, not least of which, the sections don’t have any real teeth behind them. While it seems to make sense we don’t want to have counties bond beyond the life expectancy of a transportation project, as I look beyond today I see the potential for problems. One issue could arise if counties want to combine and/or refinance bonds, another problem could develop if we are faced with natural disasters that significantly impact our local infrastructure. I am aware there are already many mechanisms and processes to address natural disasters, in this case I tend to err with keeping tools in local toolboxes. I think we are getting too far into local government decisions, furthermore if citizens disagree with a county or city bonding decision they have elections to provide accountability. I also think this overall plan will lead to more bonding, since the state will provide only a small portion of the need and counties will still seek additional funding from more bonding. It’s also important to note Iowa’s gas tax would be higher than five neighbor states, taking away income from Iowa businesses and taking jobs from Iowa workers. Other states maybe considering increases, but none have acted. If we raise the gas tax we will be 15 cents higher than Missouri, 3.4 cents higher than Minnesota, 8 cents over South Dakota, 4.5 over Nebraska, 8 cents over Kansas, and 1.28 cents over Illinois. You and I know the extent people will go to save a few cents. Bottom line on this issue I have said for over 7 years I oppose a 10 cent gas tax increase. I have given the voters my word and I don’t intend to go back on it. Like it or not, which depends on your position, you can trust I will keep my word and maintain my integrity. While it appears I am only saying no on this issue, that’s not the actual case. I have several ideas for revenue streams and savings to fund our system. For starters I would ensure we have maximized savings and direct all savings to the worst bridges all around the state. For starters we need to get an accurate assessment with a set plan on where to direct spending so we can act right away and not wait for a plan to be built. The DOT estimates are based on a 2011 commission estimating a $215 annual shortfall. Their estimate assumes our bridges need big spending. However, a nationally recognized bridge expert’s study shows that while we must inspect our bridges carefully, Iowa bridges overall are in better condition than we have been told. I also recognize the people who worked on the previous study also work in organizations that will use the money if they get it. While I applaud efficiencies found by the department so far, I still think we need to look at the annual $169 million taken off the top of the Road Use Tax Fund for many projects and programs. Part of this is needed for DOT operations. However, some of this spending should be used to repair our roads and bridges. Instead we have funded a sculptured colored concrete median through Iowa City; a parking lot for semis at the Wilton rest area; and a new bridge in Dallas County (interestingly the bridge has not been used for many years due to lack of any connecting road). An early starting point in fixing our problems is changing the above mentioned formula and directing money to the real needs. While I have been told for years it’s a non-starter, I believe it’s a discussion we need to have and in the end even urban legislators will vote to put the money where the real need is. I won’t automatically dismiss urban legislators understanding of fiscal responsibility based solely on where they live. Once we’ve addressed these areas we can move into others. One of my proposed solutions is to include looking at using a portion of the current sales tax stream to fix roads and bridges. To that end, I am a co-sponsor of HJR 5, which will divert ½% of the current (not a new stream) sales tax to transportation infrastructure. I would also include putting teeth in the bill ensuring funding goes to maintenance and not new lanes and new roads. Increasing registration fees on new vehicles 1% would generate $60 million alone, and take into some account for improving mileage efficiencies. We can generate $23 million by creating a fuel surcharge on gallons reported through the International Fuel Tax Agreement generating a surcharge paid by interstate trucking based on miles driven though Iowa similar to Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia. These are just a couple I have numbers for, I don’t have dollar figures if we look at something for bicycles or increasing motorcycle registrations above $10. What’s included in HF 371? None of the above, another reason I will oppose the bill. I’m not even saying I support all the additional proposals including the above mentioned, but they’re not even part of the debate. The gas tax as being proposed is not a compromise, its special interests holding a gun to our head and saying vote yes or else. I say bring on the “or else”, and I will have no trouble sleeping at night. I will not go back on my word and I will have your back in Des Moines. If you have any questions or issues, call or text my cell phone at 515-6895430. My email is jarad.klein@legis., please include your name and address in order to ensure a prompt response. Preparing skilled workers is a key to expanding middle class Iowa must focus more attention on training skilled workers if we are going to expand our middle class and help working families recover from the national recession. A skilled workforce is an incentive to employers. Businesses looking to locate and expand in Iowa want to know that they’ll have the workers to make the products and provide the THE NEWS-REVIEW A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441 (USPS 496-520) Address Correspondence To P.O. Box 285, Sigourney, IA 52591 Circulation & Subscription Inquiries: Contact Mid-America circulation at 1-800-558-1244, send inquires to PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441 or email [email protected]. Credit Cards are accepted. You may subscribe at our office by contacting us locally during business hours or at 641-622-3110. Local Area - $40.00 Per Year Official Paper Of: Keokuk County • Sigourney Keswick • Delta • What Cheer Kenneth Chaney, Publisher Published Every Wednesday Advertising liability is limited to the price of the advertising. If The News-Review shall fail to publish a notice as required, in whole or in part, or shall in no event exceed the amount of the charges allowed by law for the publication of the notice which was not published. Periodicals Postage Paid At Sigourney, IA (Postmaster: Send address changes to Mid-America Circulation, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441; Phone 1-800-558-1244) QR Code to NewsReview Mobile Website services they offer. It’s estimated that by 2018, 62 percent of all Iowa jobs (1.1 million jobs) will require some training or education beyond high school, which means Iowa needs more skilled workers. A recent study commissioned by Iowa’s Economic Development Authority reported that Iowa’s shortage of skilled workers is our state’s most serious economic development weakness. Two-thirds of Iowa companies surveyed are having trouble finding the employees they need. That combined with low population growth among younger Iowans suggests that Iowa could face a problem for a long time if we don’t take action. Fortunately, Iowa’s outstanding community colleges and nonprofit organizations are preparing workers for local job openings. The Legislature has invested in these efforts, including education, workforce deKeswick United Methodist Church Soup Supper Sunday, March 8 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. Chili, Broccoli-Cheese, Potato, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Relishes, Twinkie Cake, Homemade Pies, Beverage Free WILL oFFerING NWTF Skunk River Gobblers Hunting Heritage Banquet A banquet will be held Saturday, March 7 at the Keokuk County Expo. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. Keswick United Methodist Church Soup Supper The Keswick United Methodist Church will hold a soup supper Sunday, March 8 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. The supper includes soups, sandwiches, relishes, and desserts. The supper is free will offering. Bingo at Keokuk County Fairgrounds Bingo will be held at the Keokuk County Fairgrounds in What Cheer every Sunday through March 2015. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Thomas Hall. Manor House Sing-a-long Sing-A-Long at Manor House Care Center is every Tuesday night at 3:30 p.m. Sigourney City Council Sigourney’s City Council meets every first and third Wednesday normally at 6 p.m. at City Hall. Expo Board of Directors Keokuk County Board of Directors meets every third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the KC Extension Conference Room at the KC Expo. Keokuk Co. Supervisors The Keokuk County Supervisors meet weekly on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at the Keokuk County Courthouse boardroom Tops Meeting Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets at the Extension office at KC Expo on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. SPL Board of Trustees The Sigourney Public Library’s Board of Trustees meets the second Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. at the SPL. KC Public Health Keokuk County Public Health Immunization Clinic is the third Wednesday of each month from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. This is a free clinic for individuals with out insurance or underinsured. Blood Pressure Checks are also available on a walk in basis. Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 12 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 4th Street, Kalona. Care Center Happenings Bingo at Sigourney Care Center is Tuesdays at 2 p.m. The community is encouraged to attend. Food Pantry Keokuk County Community Services food referrals are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Courthouse in Sigourney. News-Review Deadlines The News-Review deadlines for all articles, classified ads and display advertising are Friday at 12 p.m. Electric Utilities Fund Specialized Safety Training for First Responders The electric cooperatives of Iowa have teamed up with Alliant Energy and MidAmerican Energy to fund specialized first responder training during the 91st Annual State Fire School session in Ames from February 27-March 1. The electric utilities will fund two identical three-hour workshops, Responding to Electrical Emergencies - Solar and Wind Power, which will be led by renowned instructor Mike Callan. The workshops will familiarize responders with the hazards of electricity in general, along with the unique hazards of solar and wind electricity generation. Participants will discuss the hazards, equipment, safety, and general response tactics for first responders. Callan will also present an extensive all-day course, Responding to Electrical Emergencies – Solar and Wind Power: Train-the-Trainer, that will provide proper tools and training for Fire Service Training Bureau Field Staff, who will then use that knowledge to train additional first responders across the state regarding the unique fire hazards of solar and wind on-site electric generation systems. * Chrysler * Plymouth * Dodge * Jeep Highway 92 West • Sigourney, IA 52591 velopment, job training and adult literacy, to ensure the success of Iowa families, a stronger middle class and a growing economy. This week, legislators heard from students who have taken advantage of new worker training programs to improve their skills and their job opportunities. Pathway Navigators help students figure out what they need to do to get the education and job training that will help land them an in-demand local job. Successful career pathway programs also allow employers to share their perspectives on hiring, technology advances and industry trends that can help develop successful education and job training programs. Our community colleges have taken on the challenge of training a skilled Iowa workforce, and Iowans of all ages and backgrounds are taking advantage of the opportunities they offer to prepare for meaningful work that will keep our state and citizens competitive. COME HELP SUPPORT Megan (Hanson) and Nick Vance Saturday, February 28 at Wild Hogs Saloon & Eatery 350 Commercial Drive • Walford Dinner - $5.00, served from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Bands: Keepin It Country from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. 8 Seconds Band from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Guest Bartenders Serving with all tips going to Nick and Megan For More Information Or To Make A Donation, Contact Allison Hanson at 641-660-5261 OR LuAnn Berger At 641-660-3276 641-622-2020 1-800-747-9150 FISH FRY at Knights of Columbus Hall, Harper Friday, February 27 & Friday, March 6 Serving 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. $10.00 Per Person Children 1/2 Price Serving Whole Catfish, Tilapia, Scalloped & Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Roll & Drink PUBLIC INVITED For Carry Outs Call 319-330-6456 Can’t quite fit the car in the garage anymore? classifieds can help! Visit us online! The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Katelyn Wheeldon Named to University of Iowa Dean’s List Esther Naomi Steffen Esther Naomi Steffen, 87 of Montezuma passed away Saturday, February 14, 2015 at Grinnell Regional Medical Center. Funeral services were held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at the Holland-Coble Funeral Home in Montezuma. Visitation was held on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 with the family present at the Holland-Coble Funeral Home. Interment was held in the Jackson Township Cemetery in Montezuma. Memorial contributions may be directed to the West Liberty Church or the Montezuma Fire Department. Friends may send condolences or sign the online guestbook at Esther Naomi Steffen was born on July 8, 1927 in Poweshiek County, the daughter of Everett and Nina Johnson Schooley. She was raised on the farm and attended country school in the Deep River area. She graduated in 1944 from Barnes City High School and then attended William Penn for two years. She married Harold Steffen in October of 1947. They farmed in the Gibson and Deep River areas. Esther and Harold raised their sons Mike, Donald, Thomas and Leroy. Following Harold’s death in 1976, Esther worked as a secretary at the Christian Reform Church in Oskaloosa, at the ACT Testing Center in Iowa City and in the Poweshiek County Courthouse Clerk of Court’s Office. Esther loved her family and loved to bake and cook for them and her friends when they stopped by. She also enjoyed cutting quilt blocks, bird watching, gardening and looking at her many cookbooks. She belonged to the Gibson Garden Club and the West Liberty Church. Esther is preceded in death by her parents, her husband Harold, and her son Mike in 2009. She is survived by her sons Donald Steffen of Des Moines, Thomas Steffen of Deep River and Leroy Steffen of Carlisle; her sisters Barbara Ryan of Pleasantville and Sarah (Myron) Byers of Montezuma, as well as several nieces, nephews, and many friends. Melvin Leroy Foubert Melvin Leroy Foubert, of What Cheer, passed away Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at The University of Iowa in Iowa City. Melvin was born in Millerburg on December 18, 1940. He was the son of George and Beatrice Helm Foubert. After attending high school in Millersburg, Melvin was united in marriage to Karen Sue Martin on July 5, 1959 in Haysville. In 1960 the couple moved to What Cheer and started a family. Over the years, Mel worked as a mechanic at Robinson Ford and Hemsley’s Chevrolet. Then in the late 60’s, Melvin opened Mel’s Repair which began in his garage at home. Later in 1984, Mel purchased the Champlin Station where he owned and operated for over thirty years. Mel worked hard all day long every day but never forgot to enjoy life with his family. He was a loyal husband to his wife and a great father to his children. Mel loved camping, fishing, dancing, singing and even gardening. He also took pride coaching his sons and grandsons in both baseball and boxing. Mel will be remembered for his laid back, relaxed attitude and his ability to fix most anything. He was preceded in death by his parents and his two brothers: Donald Foubert and Keith Foubert. Mel is survived by his wife Karen Foubert of What Cheer; a daughter, Donna (Bill) Bos of What Cheer; four sons: Rick Foubert of What Cheer, Mike (Rhonda) Foubert of Delta, Brian Foubert of What Cheer and Jeff (Tami) Foubert of Gibson; a brother, Doug (Audrey) Foubert of Deep River; three sisters: Carolyn Phippen of Atlantic, Sandra (Ken) Stoddard of Platsmith Neb. and Joanne Robinson of Blue Springs Mo. He also leaves behind a legacy of nine grandchildren and a great grandson with one more on the way. Funeral Services were held Friday, Feb. 13 at Holland-Coble Funeral Chapel in What Cheer with Pastor John DeBoef officiating. Burial followed at McFarlan Cemetery in What Cheer. Way We Live Essay Contest The Iowa State Fair, Tractor Supply Co. and WHO News Radio 1040 are searching for six farm families to recognize with the ‘Way We Live’ Award at the 2015 Fair, August 13-23. These families must exemplify farm values derived from hard work and a love for the occupation of farming. To enter, submit an entry form along with a 500-1500 word essay describing how living on a farm and choosing the occupation of farming has shaped the family’s life. All entries must include a family picture that illustrates the family’s commitment to their farming operation. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Iowa State Fair website: http:// the-way-we-live-award/. All entries must be postmarked or e-mailed to [email protected] by May 1. Nominated families should show dedication to animal agriculture in their daily lives and in the lives of their family members. Winners will receive a prize package including $250 cash, Fair admission tickets, parking, Fair food vouchers and recognition during the Fair in the Paul R. Knapp Animal Learning Center. Eligible families must be residents of Iowa whose farming operation is centered on animal agriculture and may nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Send entries to: The Way We Live Award Iowa State Fair PO Box 57130 Des Moines, Iowa 50317-0003 Or e-mail all materials to ewynn@ For questions about the award, contact Emily Wynn at 515.262.3111 x244 or [email protected]. The members of Keokuk County Hospice Auxiliary Board want to thank all of the people who made our 2014 “Tree of Memories” a success. Thanks to everyone who made generous donations, memorial service participants. A special thanks to John Wehr Law Office, Wayne Bruns, Keokuk County Board of Supervisors, Rick Landgrebe and the members of the Auxiliary who make it all possible. We appreciate all of your support. Katelyn Wheeldon, a native of Sigourney, has been named to the University of Iowa’s Dean’s List for the 2014 fall semester. Undergraduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering and the Tippie College of Business who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher on 12 se- mester hours or more of UI graded course work during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the Dean’s List for that semester. The IRS TCE program, through AARP Tax-Aide, is assuring for the 27th consecutive year area residents have access to FREE tax preparation and E-filing for a faster refund (14 days less than direct deposit). Now through April 15 an IRS trained and certified volunteer counselor is available by appointment only at the Senior Citizens Center in Sigourney. Assistance for shut-ins can be arranged. Call 641-622-3266 for appointments. Erine DuBuis, local Coordinator for the program state, “AARP TaxAide does not require AAPR membership, and services all low and middle income taxpayers (except complicated returns) regardless of race, age, gender, disabilities or sexual orientation. Please bring the following with you when you schedule your appointment: • Copy of last year’s income tax re- turn(s). • W-2 forms from each employer. • Unemployment compensation statements. • SSA-1099 form if you were paid Social Security benefits • All 1099 forms (1099-INT, 1099B, etc.) Showing interest and/or dividends and documentation showing original purchase price of sold assets. • 1099-misc. showing any miscellaneous income. • 1099-R form if you received a pension or annuity. • All forms indicating federal income tax paid. • Dependent care provider information (name, employer, ID, Social Security Number). • All receipts or canceled checks if itemizing deductions. • Social Security cards or other official documentation for yourself and all dependents. 3 MILESTONES Free Income Tax Preparation Available Streigles Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leon Streigle will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with a card shower. Leon Streigle and Laurel Rice were married March 5th, 1955 at the home of Quincy and Gertrude Rice near Delta. They spent their married life on the family farm and were blessed with seven children - five sons and two daughters, Lyle and David (deceased), Melanie (Randy) Conrad of Ottumwa, Jon of Delta, Frosty (Shelly) of Sigourney, Brian (Anjou) of Elburn, Ill. and Amy Morel Mushroom Certification Davis Named Workshops Offered in April an Outstanding Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be holding workshops in April to help Iowans become certified to sell morel mushrooms legally within the state of Iowa. “The purpose of the workshops is to help assure that mushrooms sold as morels in the state are actually morels,” said Mark Gleason of ISU Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, who is conducting the workshops. “People can be poisoned by eating mushrooms that are misidentified as morels.” To legally sell morel mushrooms in Iowa, sellers must complete a certification workshop on identifying morels and false morels. The certification lasts for three years. Iowans who have not certified for three or more years must re-certify this year. Registration is open to out-of-state individuals. Workshop Agenda includes: pre-training identification test; slide presentation on recognizing morels and false morels as well as other species of wild mushrooms; examine preserved morels and false morels; post-training identification test (and re-testing as needed); and Receive wall-size and wallet-size training certificates All three 2015 morel certification workshops will be held on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, at Room 106, in the Seed Science Building, located at the northwest corner of Wallace Road and Osborn Drive, on the following dates: Saturday, April 4, 1-4 p.m.; Saturday, April 11, 1-4 p.m.; and Saturday, April 18, 1-4 p.m. Free parking is available near the Seed Science Building, in Lot #41 on the east side of Wallace Road. See an online campus map. To register for the workshop by Monday, March 30, contact Mark Gleason at 515-294-0579 or email [email protected]. Participants should indicate which workshop they plan to attend. Cost is $50 per person, payable at the training. Cash or checks are accepted; no credit cards. Student at AIB Jackson Davis of Sigourney has been recognized as an Outstanding Business Administration Student by the faculty at AIB College of Business. To receive the honor, Davis – who is working toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports and Event Management – and the other honorees were required to attain a grade point average of 3.75 or higher in the previous term. The students’ accomplishments were celebrated at a reception on campus attended by AIB faculty, staff and students. Wagler Motor Co., Inc 308 Main Street, Sigourney, IA 52591 (641)622-3260 or 800-254-9928 Hours of Operation: M-F 8-5, Sat. 8-12 2012 Fusion SE 4 Cylinder. We sold it new. Certified. $13,950 2003 Lincoln Aviator AWD V-8, Leather. Runs Good. $7,950 2010 F-150 Crew Lariat 4x4 Like New. $26,950 Come Take A Look At ALL Our New & Pre-Owned Vehicles! Become a friend! Like The News-Review on Facebook. Nadine Mason Nadine Mason card shower Nadine Mason will celebrate her 98th birthday on March 9, 2015. Please send cards to 1000 S. Stuart St. Apt. 4, Sigourney 52591. Contact The News-Review! 641-622-3110 (Scott) Falletta of West Chicago, Ill. Further blessings include 13 grandchildren. Leon farmed for 30 years and worked at the John Deere dealership in Sigourney, retiring in 2004 after 19 years of service. Laurel is a homemaker and retired from Indian Hills Community College in 2001 after 13 of service. Cards, memories, and congratulatory notes may be mailed to Mr. & Mrs. Leon Streigle 24432 112th Avenue, Delta, Iowa 52550. Mary Lee Trier Runde Celebrates 90th Birthday Mary Lee Trier Runde will be celebrating her 90th birthday with a luncheon at the Keota VFW on Sunday, March 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please no gifts. Cards may be sent to Mary Lee Runde, PO Box 186, Keota, Iowa 52248. Feb. 26: A. J. (Art) Dalziel Feb. 28: Celeisse Baird March 1: Jake Molyneux, Patrick Headley, Ryan McCullough March 2: Brant Amstuz, John DeBoef, Shelly Kay Kitzman March 3: Andrew Arndt, Daniel Elijah Ruckman, George Erwin, Mike Pacheco, Ryan Acord, Steffy Schlesselman, Tate Shipley March5: Eddie Lust, Jessie Boland, Marsha Hauschild, Nick Hazen March 6: Andrew Wagner, Bradley Becket, Cindy Hauschild, Helen Wilkening, Jonah Dalziel, Josh Wagner, Judy Roland, Mike Scholtus March 7: Cathy Daliposan, Clara Matteson March 8: Dave Schumacher, Jessica Ridgeway, Joshua Molyneux, Trenton Steinke March 9: Brett Buehneman, Chris Vermillion, Cooper Vermillion, Jamie Hartwig, Silas James DeBoef, Amelia Phillips, Elger Hansen March 10: Jasmine VanPatten March 11: Aubree Marie Cranston, Jake Brumbaugh, Mary Byrne, Scott Striegel March 12: Brad Crosser, Charles Striegel, Jake Gatton, Janice Tish, Jared Molyneux March 13: Aaron Clayton, Bonnie Sherer, Linda Moore, Rhonda Thomas, Sharon Baird March 14: Isaac Striegel March 15: Larry Swink You Are Invited To The 90th Birthday Party for Mary Lee Trier Runde Sunday, March 8 Got a tip? Call 641-622-3110 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the VFW Hall in Keota Lunch will be served Please No Gifts, But Cards May Be Sent To: P.O. Box 186 Keota, IA 52248 4 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Bethel United Methodist Church Pastor LuAnn Benge 319-456-3105 Located 6 miles east of Sigourney on Hwy. 92 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m. Alive at Five event is the 1st and 3rd Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Delta Christian Church Henry Goetz, Lay Pastor 641-799-4800 Worship: Sunday at 9 a.m. Delta United Methodist Church Vince Homan, Pastor Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School for Elementary age children is at 9:30-10:15 a.m. English River Church of the Brethren Diana Lovett, Pastor 29252 137th St., South English (2 mi. E. of S.E. on Hwy. 22) Church: 319-667-5235 Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. Worship at 10:30 a.m. Farson Baptist Church Jerry Newman, Pastor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church Joe Winkler, Pastor 308 N. Jefferson St. S.S. Supt. Dorothy Jacobs 641-622-2786 Worship, 10 - 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9 – 9:45 a.m. Bible Study, Thursday, 7 p.m. A Christian movie will be shown the last Saturday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Visitors Welcome First Presbyterian Church 215 N. Jefferson, Sigourney 641-622-3029 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 8 at 9:30 a.m. Annual Congregational Meeting Gibson Presbyterian Church Hans Cornelder, Pastor Worship, 10 to 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9 to 9:45 a.m. Youth Group: Second Sunday of the month at 5 p.m. Grace Family Church Rev. Dar Eckley, Pastor (Located between Hedrick and Richland on Hwy. 78) 23536 Hwy. 78, Box 64, Ollie Sunday Worship - 10:15 a.m; Sunday school-10:15 a.m. RocKnowledge Youth Group is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Hedrick First Christian Rev. Carla Nelson 206 Park St. Hedrick Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Gathering for Worship, 10:45 a.m. Hedrick-Martinsburg United Methodist Church Carl Benge, Pastor 203 N. Spring St., Hedrick 641-653-4477 Sunday Worship: 8:45 a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-636-3883 209 N Lincoln St, Keota Saturday Vigil Mass: 6 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8 a.m. Hope Lutheran Church, LCMS Rev. Richard Meyer This Week’s Crossword Puzzle Sponsored By: Atwood Electric, Inc. 641-622-3626 315 W. Kelly Street Office: 319-668-2999 Saturday worship at 5 p.m. Communion: 1st and 3rd Saturdays Keswick and Webster Methodist Church Circuit Pastor: John Tunnicliff WEBSTER: Sunday school: 9:30 a.m. Worship service: 10:30 a.m. KESWICK: Sunday worship at 9:15 a.m. Communion is on the 1st Sunday of the month for both churches Lancaster Christian Church Dirk Alspach 22934 W. County Rd. V5G 641-224-2255 Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday evenings from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Youth Group 7-12 grade. New Life Fellowship Dale Raatz, Interim Pastor Denny Eden, Pastoral Care 319-430-2677 Hwy. 22 South, Keswick 319-738-3851 Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Teaching: 7:00 p.m. Evening of Praise: every third Saturday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Ollie Baptist Church Gary Reeves, Pastor 641-667-2841 208 South 3rd St Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. Sewing and Quilting Prairie View United Methodist Church Pastor, Dave Peterson 27131 Highway 78, Ollie Sunday, March 1 9:00 a.m. Worship w/Communion, followed by fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Tuesday, March 3 9:00 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday, March 4 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting 7:00 p.m. Patriotic Panthers 4-H Friday, March 6 10:00 a.m. World Day of Prayer CWU w/UMW at Prairie View Saturday, March 7 8:30 a.m. Manna Meal / a free meal to the community Sunday, March 8 9:00 a.m. Worship followed by fellowship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 4:00 p.m. F.O.F. Youth Group Richland United Methodist Church Carl Benge, Pastor 106 W. South St., Richland Phone: 319-456-2251 Worship Times: Adult Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Church Sigourney Rev. Charles Fladung Rectory: 641-622-3426 Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 p.m. Sunday Mass: 10 a.m. Sigourney Christian Church Jim Stout, Interim Pastor 308 S. Jefferson, 641-622-2151 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. Elder Gathering 1st Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Board meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. CWF meet immediately following Sisters meet each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Sigourney Church of Christ Billy Claywell, Pastor 615 South Jefferson 641-622-3708, 641-622-3582 Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship with Communion Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service at 6:30 p.m. Sigourney United Methodist Church Richard Pippert, Pastor Website: Sunday Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. The Church Of Living Water Business Directory ABSTRACTING SERVICES KEOKUK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. 100 S. Main St. Sigourney, IA 641-622-3321 DAY & BORDwEll ABSTRACTS Abstracts of title in Keokuk & washington Counties 114 w. washington St., Ste. 1 P.O. Box 303 Sigourney, IA 641-622-2600 319-863-9200 FAX 319-653-4797 CARE FACILITIES Here are the answers to the crossword puzzle from February 18, 2015 MANOR HOUSE CARE CENTER DEER VIEw MANOR Assisted living, Intermediate and Skilled Care Facility 1212 S. Stuart St. Sigourney, IA 641-622-2142 SIGOURNEY CARE CENTER wINDSOR PlACE Assisted living, Intermediate and Skilled Care Facility 900 S. Stone, Box 21 Sigourney, IA 641-622-2971 INTERNET SERVICES Cloudburst9 wireless Internet High Speed wireless Internet that does not require a landline. Call 877-528-2727 or locally call Andy Conrad at 319-461-0108 LEGAL SERVICES llOYD, McCONNEll, DAVIS & lUJAN, llP Attorneys at law 117 S. Jefferson Street Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-2215 MEDICAL SERVICES KEOKUK COUNTY MEDICAl ClINIC Robert Castro., M.D. Mary Graeff, M.D., F.A.A.P. Sam Mikota, DNP, FNP-C Brian Murphy, A.R.N.P. 23019 Hwy. 149 (lower level) Sigourney, IA 641-622-1170 UI HEAlTH CARE-SIGOURNEY Family Medicine Harriet Echtenacht, M.D. Robert Baker, PA-C Michelle Malloy, ARNP 1314 S. Stuart Sigourney, IA 641-622-3840 PRINTING SERVICES THE NEwS-REVIEw Envelopes, letterheads, Forms, Register Forms, Business Cards, Posters, Banners, Invitations and More 114 E. washington P.O. Box 285 Sigourney 641-622-3110 fax 641-622-2766 PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS THE NEwS-REVIEw 114 E. washington, Sigourney Call For An Appointment 641-622-3110 Shane Jarr, Pastor 13 North Main St., Hedrick Sunday School -9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship -10:40 a.m. Evening Services - 7 p.m. Bible Study Wednesdays - 6 p.m. United Church of Deep River Michelle, Pastor 319-664-3653 Every Sunday: Inspiration time, 10 a.m.; Worship, 9 a.m. 1st Sunday of the month: Communion. 2nd Saturday of the month: Parish Council. Last Thursday of the month is the UCW meeting. What Cheer Baptist Church Dick and Jane Larson, Pastors 641-433-0013, 641-790-1934 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Kid’s Club and Adult Bible Study are on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. What Cheer United Methodist Church Rev. Vince Homan Sunday School, 9:30; Worship, 10:30 a.m. Youth Group, Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m What Cheer Christian Church Larry Naylor, Pastor Worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m. Everyone is Welcome! What Cheer Hilltop Chapel We Care John and Pat DeBoef, Pastors 4 blocks east of Opera House 506 E Briney St Phone: 641-634-2839 [email protected] Sunday 10a.m.-11:30 a.m., Worship 10:30am-11:30 a.m., Children’s Church on lower level. Sigourney PM to Host Community Blood Drive Sigourney PM will host a community blood drive from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3 at 100 N. Main St., inside the Conference Room. Appointments: To donate, please contact Ottumwa Telerecruitment Department at (800) 452-1097 or visit and use code 5037 to locate the drive. Donor Eligibility Criteria: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. or MVRBC Donor Card is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center at (800)747-5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 1/6/15 are eligible to give at this drive. About Blood Donation: Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors. ABOUT MVRBC: Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center is the provider of blood and blood components to more than 85 hospitals in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. In your area, MVRBC is the exclusive provider to Keokuk County Health Center. Sigourney Public Library Book Chat The Sigourney Public Library is holding a book chat on Saturday, March 21st at 10 a.m. The book chat this month is The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Author Erik Larson imbues the incredible events surrounding the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair with such drama that readers may find themselves checking the book’s categorization to be sure that ‘The Devil in the White City’ is not, in fact, a highly imaginative novel. Larson tells the stories of two men: Daniel H. Burnham, the architect responsible for the fair’s construction, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer masquerading as a charming doctor. Burnham’s challenge was immense. In a short period of time, he was forced to overcome the death of his partner and numerous other obstacles to construct the famous “White City” around which the fair was built. His efforts to complete the project, and the fair’s incredible success, are skillfully related along with entertaining appearances by such notables as Buffalo Bill Cody, Susan B. Anthony, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Hats & More Hold February Meeting Hats & More had 16 members and guest, Judy Cartwright, meet at the Pizza Ranch in Sigourney for their February meeting. The meeting was hosted by Dixie Knipfer. Doris Lockridge won the special door prize, which consisted of an evening meal prepared by Knipfer. The Hats & More will hold their next meeting March 18 at the Java Tip Night at Pizza Ranch, Sigourney Mon., Mar. 2 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Bethel United Methodist Church Proceeds Go Toward Mission Trip to Tennessee Lounge in Williamsburg at 11 a.m. for lunch. A menu has been selected for that day. After lunch the group will go to The Dress Barn at 1 p.m. at Tanger Mall for a Style Show, where several members signed up to model. Mary Jane O’Brien and Helen Donohoe will host the meeting. Everyone is reminded to ‘WEAR YOUR GREEN”. The Family of Dorothy Wonderlich would like to thank Holm Funeral Home and the Presbyterian Church for the beautiful service, and the Church Ladies for the wonderful meal. Your kindness and support was greatly appreciated. The family of Margaret Herman would like to express our sincere thanks to all our family, friends and neighbors who comforted us during this difficult time. A special thank you to Fr. Charles Fladung for his compassion, to Tom Hahn and the Holy Trinity choir for the beautiful music, to the Altar & Rosary Society ladies for the delicious luncheon, and to Lyle Donald and Powell Funeral Home for their care. We will always treasure all the beautiful words everyone said, or wrote about our Mother. Your kindness will always be remembered. Cindy and Gary Herman and Family Anne and John Cunningham and Family Mary and Ron Bombei and Family Karen and Kenny Weber and Family The News-Review KEOKUK COUNTY RECORDS Sigourney Police Department Criminal charges are mere accusations and the accused is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 2-9-2015 8:35 p.m. Assisted with medical call in the 500 block of North Shuffleton. 2-10-2015 10:15 a.m. Received report of pets possibly poisoned in the 400 block of South Shuffleton, incident under investigation. 11:00 a.m. Funeral traffic control at Jefferson and Jackson. 2-13-2015 2:36 a.m. Issued warning for no license plates. Person had just purchased the vehicle. 6:59 p.m. Received report of barking dog in the 200 block of West Elm, unable to locate owner. 2-14-2015 12:59 a.m. Received report of sus- Sigourney City Council Minutes Sigourney City Council Minutes The following are summarized minutes of the regular City Council meeting of February 18, 2015. The Sigourney City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 with Mayor Pro tem Glandon presiding and the following Council members answering roll call: Schultz, Landgrebe, Bender, Conrad and McLaughlin. Others present were: Amber Kephart, Sigourney News Review; Don Northup, Water and Wastewater Superintendent and Pool Superintendent; Randy Hemsley, Street and Sanitation Superintendent; Allan Glandon, Police Chief; and Angie Alderson, City Clerk. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Conrad moved, seconded by McLaughlin, to approve the tentative agenda. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. Schultz moved, seconded by McLaughlin, to approve the following items on the consent agenda: minutes from the February 4, 2015 regular Council meeting; Council accounts payable claims totaling $27,716.37; liquor license application for K & L Foods at 118 South Main Street for Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), Class E Liquor License (LE) and Sunday Sales; liquor license application for T-N-T Liquors at 110 South Main Street for Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer) and Class E Liquor License (LE); refund application for Casey’s General Store #3211, 214 North Main Street, Sigourney, Iowa; and the credit card report. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. Bender moved, seconded by McLaughlin, to approve moving forward with the removal of the hard water deposit from the Lewis Memorial Fountain. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. McLaughlin moved, seconded by Landgrebe, to approve Resolution No. 201502-01 re: approving pool personnel and wages for the 2015 swimming season. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. McLaughlin moved, seconded by Conrad, to approve Resolution No. 2015-02-02 re: establishing admission rates and rates for season passes for the 2015 pool season. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. Schultz moved, seconded by Bender, to approve the annual mowing agreement with Mat Dobbins of Dobbins Lawn Care and Landscaping. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. McLaughlin moved, seconded by Schultz, to approve the 2015 Tank Maintenance Project with Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. and to sign the contract. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. Landgrebe moved, seconded by Conrad, to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between Southern Iowa Economic Development Association (SIEDA) and the Sigourney Police Department for compliance checks. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. Schultz moved, seconded by Conrad to approve the following Community Betterment Projects: $200.00 to rent the Keokuk County Exposition for the Hawkeye State Archaeologi- cal Society event; $50.00 in Sigourney Bucks to the Sigourney After Prom Committee; $900.00 for a locator (metal detector) for the zoning department; $3,000.00 for tuck pointing work on the south side of City Hall; $1,300.00 to block shut and brick the four (4) windows on the south side of City Hall. Roll call vote was Ayes: 6. The March 4th, 2015 regular Council meeting will be held at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 6:38 p.m. The full and complete minutes are available at the Sigourney City Clerk’s office upon request. Douglas L. Glandon, Mayor Pro tem ATTEST: Angela K. Alderson, Sigourney City Clerk CITY OF SIGOURNEY February 18, 2015 CLAIMS Access Systems - Services $719.46 All American Pest Control - Services $130.00 Alliant Energy - Utilities $10,595.16 Atwood Electric, Inc. - Services $592.97 Courtesy Door Sales & Service Services $1,019.00 Electric Pump - Supplies $710.10 English Valley Radio Service Services $100.00 H & M Farm and Home - Supplies $207.95 Hawkeye Truck Equipment - Supplies $240.46 Heartland Shredding Inc. - Services $45.00 Hickenbottom Inc. - Supplies $21.77 International Code Council - Supplies $145.00 Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities $555.39 - Services Iowa Division of Labor Services Services $80.00 John N. Wehr Law Office - Services $415.00 Keokuk County Highway Dept. $1,005.66 Fuel Keokuk County Recorder - Services $17.00 Keystone Laboratories, Inc. Services $1,087.57 Lumber Company - Supplies $234.44 Mid-America Publishing Corp. Services $132.65 Municipal Supply, Inc. - Supplies $125.59 Myles Miller - Services $382.74 Neighbors Magazine - Services $300.00 Office of Vehicle Services Vehicle Inspections $20.00 Ottumwa Courier - Services $342.59 Philip L. Ascheman, Ph.D. - Services $180.00 Renner Constrution LLC - Services $1,500.00 Semco Landfill - Services $1,954.50 Sigourney Community Fire Department $96.14 - Appropriation Sinclair Tractor - Supplies $184.95 True Value Store - Supplies $39.14 USA Blue Book - Supplies $206.30 Verizon - Telephones $254.77 Wagler Motor Company, Inc. Services $179.83 Wayne Davis Trucking - Supplies $3,889.25 Windstream - Telephones $5.99 $27,716.37 S8 Keokuk County Board Proceedings KEOKUK COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in regular session, Tuesday, February 17, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. All members were present. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Dave Harper, Sigourney Superintendent stopped by to visit. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of February 9, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department. Discussion included contract rock and related pricing; updated critical bridge plan map review; Highway Bridge Fund restrictions and road use gas tax legislative happenings. Meeting was not held with Keokuk County Health Center Administrator/CFO Ives regarding ambulance budget due to absence. The Supervisors were invited to meet with Governor Branstad on March 2, 2015 at Sinclair Tractor from 2:45-3:45 p.m. to discuss pressing county issues. Wood moved, Hadley seconded approval of final 2015-2018 agreement with Keokuk County Secondary Roads as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the February 17, 2015 claim listing. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Wood attended a RUSS meeting. Hadley attended Emergency Management, Pipeline Safety and Area 15 REDI meetings. Berg attended a Regional Mental Health Redesign meeting. All three members attended the Conference Board and Annual Statewide Supervisors meetings last week. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. VA Director Blair distributed an agenda for the upcoming Veterans Affairs meeting to be held on March 27, 2015 in Iowa City. Elevator Inspector Wright informed elevator updates will be pricey if the bill passes legislation. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to designate IT hours of operation as: 7:00-8:00 a.m.; 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. (2 ½ hours per day / 12 ½ hours per week) as proposed by Charles Kent. Mike Hadley seconded the motion. All ayes and motion carried. Charles Kent also serves as the Assessor which is a full time position and additional jobs are not to overlap normal working hours. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. CLAIM DATE: February 17, 2015 ACE ELECTRIC 2,200.00 ADVANCED SYSTEMS 86.26 ADVENTURELAND INN 221.76 AG PLUS 31.00 AGRILAND FS 5,420.92 AHLERS & COONEY 500.00 ALL AM PEST CONTROL 120.00 ALLIANT ENERGY 1,187.22 ATI 199.25 B&B PROPANE 461.79 BAIN ELECTRIC 2,802.05 BANKERS LEASING 13.87 BARRON MOTOR 58.45 BOND, RICHARD 19.95 BOWERS, JERLYN 315.26 BRIGGS HEALTHCARE 196.69 BRUNS, JOHN 77.45 BRUNS, TIM 200.00 BUSINESS RADIO SALES 383.99 C J COOPER & ASSOC 70.00 CARD CENTER 1,196.82 CARPENTER UNIFORM 226.55 CASTRO, DR ROBERTO 200.00 CCDA 40.00 CENTRAL IA TOURISM REG 40.00 CLARAHAN, CASEY 24.17 CLUBB, ROBBIN 21.87 COX SANITATION & RECY 11.00 DIRECTV 64.98 EMBASSY SUITES 598.00 FARMERS COOP 2,852.24 FERRELL, JAMES 17.10 FIFTH DIST CO TREAS 95.00 GEMPLERS 292.63 GILLILAND, TAMI 30.60 GOLDMAN, DAWN 53.55 GREENLEYS CORP 84.98 GREINER, BERNARD 7.20 H & M FARM & HOME 360.65 HANSELMAN, BETH 165.88 HILLCREST FAMILY SERV 10,374.00 IA DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY 1,380.00 IA INDEP AUTO DEALERS 68.95 IACCVSO 60.00 IOWA BRIDGE & CULVERT 8,807.60 IOWA COMM NETWORK 32.23 IOWA CO RECORDERS ASSOC 200.00 IOWA EMERG NUMBER ASSOC 75.00 IOWA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSOC 25.00 IOWA SEC OF STATE 30.00 ISAC 160.00 JACK WALKER CDJ 192.44 JACK’S CORNER DRUG 117.94 JOHNSON CO SHERIFF 22.48 K AND L FOODS 1,645.73 KEMPF, MARGARET 192.40 KEOKUK CO AUDITOR 103.49 KEOKUK CO HEALTH CTR 358.00 KEOKUK CO HWY DEPT 264.45 KEOKUK CO RECORDER 17.50 LANKFORD, WENDY 22.88 LEE, BRYAN 8.10 LISCO/LTDS 1,303.72 LUMBER COMPANY 269.14 MARSHALL FURNITURE 1,049.00 MARTINS FLAG CO 4,317.02 MENARDS 97.89 MESSERSCHMITT, LAVADA 137.80 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING 633.12 MIKE’S PARTS & SERVICE 104.96 MILLER, PAT SNAKENBERG247.00 MYLES MILLER REFRIG 276.42 NATL ELEVATOR INSPECT 63.80 NO ENGLISH TELEPHONE 606.44 O HALLORAN INT 36.00 OFFICE CENTER 367.24 OSKALOOSA GLASS 153.00 PHELPS AUTO 633.74 POSTMASTER 395.00 QUALIFICATION TARGETS 78.80 RAMADA HOTEL 156.70 SAVAGE DIRT WORKS 11,155.00 SHOWMAN, DAN 12.15 SIEREN, KAREN 12.60 SIGOURNEY CLEANERS 42.90 SIGOURNEY, CITY OF 487.72 SMALL, STEPHAN 78.00 T I P REC 1,290.09 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 112.10 THRELKELD-LARSON, VIRGINIA 139.88 TRUE VALUE 295.73 US CELLULAR 604.65 WAECHTER, MARILYN 36.40 WAGLER MOTOR CO 992.10 WAPELLO RURAL WATER 178.90 WASHINGTON CO MHDS 2,504.49 WASTE MANAGEMENT 7,300.79 WINDSTREAM 1,401.29 111.60 WOOD, DARYL ZEP SALES & SERVICE 263.38 TOTAL $83,053.88 SK8 picious smell in the 600 block of East Jackson, spoke to parties involved. 10:36 p.m. Issued warning for taillight out. 2-15-2015 8:00 p.m. Received report of theft in the 200 block of East Washington, incident under investigation. 2-16-2015 10:53 a.m. Received report of illegal parking in the 100 block of North Main, vehicle was gone upon arrival. 9:40 p.m. Assisted with medical call in the 300 block of South Stuart. 10:29 p.m. Assisted resident in retrieving property in the 200 block of West Spring. 2-17-2015 3:18 p.m. Called to the 1000 block of South Main for a minor two vehicle accident, no injuries reported. 2-18-2015 7:00 p.m. Assisted Sheriff ’s Department with a call in Webster. Delta City Council Minutes DELTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 DELTA CITY HALL The Delta City Council met in regular session Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at the Delta City Hall. Mayor Votroubek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers answering roll call were as follows: Walker, Barb Fisher, Todd Fisher, Rostami and Whitmore. Also present the City Clerk. Upon motion by T. Fisher and second by B. Fisher, the consent agenda was approved as presented. Roll Call Vote: Walker, aye; T. Fisher, aye; B. Fisher, aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmore, aye. Discussion was held for Old/New Business. No action taken. Walker presented and moved for the approval of Resolution #02-11-15 setting the time and date for a Public Hearing for the Budget for FYE 2016 for March 11, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Todd Fisher seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Walker, aye; T. Fisher, aye; B. Fisher, aye; Rostami, aye; Whitmore, aye. Resolution adopted. The Mayor and Maintenance Reports were given and discussed. There being no further business to discuss at this time upon motion by T. Fisher and second by Whitmore, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. All ayes. The next regular meeting will be held March 11, 2015 at the Delta City Hall. Mayor Rudy Votroubek Attest: Alice Robertson, City Clerk JANUARY 2015 DISBURSEMENTS Alliant 1258.39 Windstream 105.25 Waste Management 2057.84 IPERS 594.95 Ogden Oil Co. 259.13 106.09 Mid-America Publishing Treasurer St. of IA 409.00 Delta Grocery 111.54 Iowa One Call 5.40 Scott Linder, boom truck rental 200.00 41.00 Sigourney Paper, subscription Area 15 RPC 144.32 Bernie Aulwes, budget prep. 262.50 IMFOA, dues 40.00 Dustin Hite, attorney 360.00 Wal-Mart, supplies 76.48 IRS, 941 tax 3356.56 Hedrick Bank, safe deposit box rent 35.00 US Cellular 125.33 WRWA 1461.90 Treasurer St. of lA, sales tax 1225.00 West Bend Ins., bond payment 100.00 1800.00 Delta Comm. Fire Dept. Municipal Supply, meters 464.00 75.00 Dave Prell, meter pit access Greg Ingle, reimbursement - heater 21.12 Tremmel Backhoe, lagoon drain 100.00 102.89 Keystone Labs, testing TOTAL 14898.69 JANUARY 2015 RECEIPTS General Fund 4.86 LOST Fund 2695.70 4540.85 Road Use Fund Trust & Agency Fund Water Fund 201.32 Sewer Fund 6655.75 2520.87 Garbage Fund TOTAL 18643.32 S8 2-19-2015 6:30 p.m. Issued citation to Anthony D. Todd, of Sigourney, for Operation of a Motor Vehicle with an Expired License at Main and Jackson. 6:37 p.m. Welfare check in the 200 block of North Jefferson, everything ok. 2-20-2015 9:54 a.m. Called to the 200 block of East Pleasant Valley for a suspicious odor, everything ok. 7:13 p.m. Issued warning for brake light out. 2-21-2015 11:22 a.m. Assisted Sheriff ’s Department with a dispute that previously occurred in the 200 block of West Spring, incident under investigation. 11:33 a.m. Received report of reckless driver heading into town, unable to locate. 5:15 p.m. Issued warning for no license plates, individual had just purchased vehicle. 11:00 p.m. Issued citation to Kelly M. Ballard, of Victor, for Operation without Registration in the 200 block of West Jackson. 2-22-2015 4:19 p.m. Issued citation to Amber M. DeVooght, of Sigourney, for Failure to Have a Valid License While Operating a Motor Vehicle in the 800 block of South Main. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Keokuk County Sheriff’s Report 2/15/15 thru 2/22/15 The Sheriff ’s news is a brief summary of the activities/arrests/tickets from previous weeks as submitted by Keokuk County Sheriff, Casey Hinnah. Criminal charges are mere accusations and the accused is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. 5 On Sunday, February 22, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department arrested Jerry Lee Horn, 32, Centerville, for Driving under Suspension. On Sunday, February 22, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department arrested Shane Steven Mudge, 25, Barnes City, for Serious Assault, False Imprisonment, and Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree. 6 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Tri-County School Board Minutes Tri-County Community School District January 19, 2015 Regular Minutes The Tri-County Community School District Board of Education fiduciary meeting was held prior to the regular board meeting on Monday, January 19, 2015 at the Tri-County Schools Library at 3003 Hwy 22, Thornburg, Iowa. Board members present: Regina Garber, Jody Schroeder, Matthew Steinke, and Karen Sieren. Absent: Justin Leer. Also present: Superintendent Dennis Phelps, Business Manager Dennis Gourley, Board Secretary Shelly Koehn, and Principal Sandy Steinke. Visitors: Connie Quinn, Dalton Ehret, Megan Streigel, Dale Walker. Opening, Roll Call, & Mission Statement: The regular meeting of the Tri-County Community School Board of Directors was called to order by President Regina Garber at 5:32 p.m. on Monday, January 19, 2015. Motion to open the regular meeting by Schroeder; second by Steinke. Motion carried 3/0. The following members answered roll call: Regina Garber, Jody Schroeder, Matthew Steinke. Absent: Karen Sieren. Reading of Mission Statement by Garber. Sieren arrived at 5:36 p.m. 1. Motion to approve the consent items of: agenda, December 15, 2014 minutes, financial reports, summary listing of bills by Schroeder; second by Sieren. Motion carried 4/0. 2. Communications and Reports: Students of the Month: Avery Roorda was chosen as Junior High Student of the Month. Avery is a very intelligent student. She is always polite and excited to be in class. She was a great addition to our school this year and always does a great job at completing all of her work. She is motivated to improve and always helpful to those around her. She is dependable and has a positive attitude. Avery is respectful to her teachers. Her work is always completed and handed in on time. She consistently gets good grades. Jacob Bombei was chosen as High School Student of the Month. Jacob is a good student who works harder than most students. He is polite and respectful daily. He is willing to help other students. He puts a lot of effort into all that he does, and has a very positive attitude. Jacob is a leader by example and is a great role model for younger and older students. TLC grant award: Tri-County was awarded the TLC grant for 2015-2016. Tri-County is the only school in SICL that has been awarded this for next school year. Principal Steinke presented the TLC leadership and mentoring plan. Community Request: None. Board Report: None. Summer Meal Program Overview: Connie Quinn presented information on the Summer Meal Program for summer 2015. Superintendent Report: Facilities Update: Dale Walker updated the board about the water heaters, state building inspection and updates. SICL Superintendents meeting: Mr. Phelps presented information on school calendar, negotiations, inclement weather procedures, rural school advocacy, and attendance center rankings. Principal Report: Principal Steinke presented information on Keswick Legion donated apples to the staff and books to the library, large group speech, Sophomore pancake supper. Activity Director Report: Scott Edmundson submitted a report updating the board on coaching positions and the AD meeting he attended. 3. Old Business: Motion to approve the 2nd reading of 600 Board Policy by Schroeder; second by Steinke. Motion carried 4/0. 4. New Business: Selection of Board Negotiations team consisting of Regina Garber and Matthew Steinke. The SIAC Committee submitted changes to the Tri-County Visions and Beliefs. Motion to approve the revised Visions and Beliefs statement by Steinke; second by Sieren. Motion carried 4/0. 2015 Summer Mowing Contract: Tabled. Dalton Ehret and Megan Streigel presented information on the Senior Class Trip on May 10-12 to Chicago. Field Museum, John Hancock, Zoo, Science Museum, Shed Aquarium are on the Itinerary. Motion to approve the Senior Class Trip by Sieren; second by Schroeder. Motion carried 4/0. 5. Board talking points: Shared Transportation Director update, thank you note from Morehouse visitation, possible remodel and update projects. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. by Sieren; second by Steinke. Motion carried 4/0. Board President, Regina Garber Board Secretary – Shelly Koehn TRI-COUNTY COMMUNITY SCHOOL January 19, 2015 OPERATING FUND 10 ALL AMERICAN TERMITE & PEST CO BI-MONTHLY PEST CONTROL $359.00 ALLIANT ENERGY, ELECTRIC 12-2014 $3,727.71 ATI (AQUA TECH OF IA, HEATER FILTERS $228.80 AXMEAR FABRICATING SERVICES INC, UPS WATER SAMPLE $10.08 AXMEAR FABRICATING SERVICES INC, UPS WATER SAMPLE $10.08 AXMEAR FABRICATING SERVICES INC, UPS WATER SAMPLE $10.08 AXMEAR FABRICATING SERVICES INC, MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $14.98 BJORK, ALLISON, MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $19.60 BJORK, ALLISON, MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $19.60 CASEY’S GENERAL STORE, INC., VEHICLE FUEL $431.93 CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING INC, GLASS CLEANER $107.00 COMBUSTION CONTROL COMPANY INC, REVERSE ACTING ACTUATOR /LABOR W. HEATER $355.00 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATION, FINAL SHOT $392.00 COX SANITATION & RECYCLING,INC, DEC. DUMPED CONTAINERS 2014 $340.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, BUS INSPECTION 13 TOTAL $520.00 ENGLISH VALLEY RADIO & TV SERV, FEE FOR RADIO LICENSES/ CALL LETTERS $100.00 ENGLISH VALLEYS CSD, QTR 1&2 OE 2014-2015 $27,544.50 ENGLISH VALLEYS CSD, 2014-2015 SHARED, ART TEACHER SEM 1 $5,140.08 GENE TISH, BUS CROSS ARM INSTALL LABOR $25.00 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR LABOR $300.00 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR EXHAUST, MUFFLER, HEATER PART $800.28 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR ABS, FUEL LEAK, HEATERS, ETC $300.00 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR PARTS $369.39 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR PARTS $153.68 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR LABOR $500.00 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR PARTS $314.46 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR LABOR $250.00 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR PARTS $25.47 GENE TISH, BUS REPAIR LABOR $100.00 HOGLUND BUS AND TRUCK CO., BUS SIGN DECAL $82.07 HOGLUND BUS AND TRUCK CO., BUS REPAIR PARTS $348.38 HOGLUND BUS SALES INC, BUS REPAIR PARTS $2,071.90 HOGLUND BUS SALES INC, BUS REAIR LABOR $247.35 HOGLUND BUS SALES INC, BUS REPAIR PARTS $434.83 IOWA ASSOCIATION OFSCHOOLBOARD, BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT CONSULTATION 10/14 $400.00 IOWA BRAILLE AND SIGHT SAVING SCHOOL, POWER DOME MAGNIFIER $25.16 IOWA DIVISION OF LABOR SERVICES, WATER HEATER INSPECTIONS $120.00 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS INC, 1099/W2’S AND ENVELOPES $132.48 JOSTENS INC, DIPLOMAS $90.79 K&L FOODS, CTE LUNCHEON GROCERIES $128.54 Mid-America Publishing Corp, DECEMBER 2014 LEGALS $469.16 MULTI-COUNTY OIL CO INC, BUS FUEL $1,782.97 NORTH MAHASKA CSD, QTR 2 OPEN ENROLLMENT 14-15 $19,893.25 OGDEN OIL COMPANY, HEATING FUEL $15,746.38 OGDEN OIL COMPANY, BUS FUEL $931.83 PEKIN CSD, QTR 2 SHARED SUPERINTENDENT $13,051.98 PEKIN CSD, ISFLIC CONFERENCE $90.00 POWESHIEK WATER ASSN., DECEMBER 2014 WATER $332.00 RIDGEWAY TRUSTWORTHY HARDWARE, MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $160.20 ROTO ROOTER SEWER SERVICE, SEWER JET $475.00 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO., SEAT BACK FOAM FOR BUS $248.30 SCIENCE CENTER OF IOWA, JH FIELD TRIP $344.00 SDE TIRE & SERVICE Inc., BUICK BATTERY $108.95 SDE TIRE & SERVICE Inc., TRACTOR BATTERY $107.95 SIGOURNEY BODY SHOP INC, BUS WINDOW STRIPS REPLACE $106.00 SIGOURNEY CSD, QTR 2 OPEN ENROLLMENT 14-15 $4,590.75 SIGOURNEY CSD, SEMESTER 1 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL $2,108.00 SIGOURNEY CSD, QRT 2 SHARED TRANSPORTATION $8,735.59 SIGOURNEY CSD, QTR 2 SHARED LIBRARIAN $3,397.14 SIGOURNEY CSD, QTR 2 SHARED TECHNOLOGY $3,071.70 SINCLAIR TRACTOR, BUS OIL FILTERS $39.67 SINCLAIR TRACTOR, BUS CHASSIS GREASE $123.90 Strobel’s Inc., BUS REPAIR PINION SEAL, LABOR $110.00 Strobel’s Inc., BUS REPAIR PINION SEAL, LABOR $102.94 THOMAS BUS SALES, INC, BUS WINDOW TRIM STRIPS $83.68 TRI-COUNTY HOT LUNCH, PD LUNCHES $240.00 TRUE VALUE-BROOKLYN, CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES $868.38 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA/WATER, WATER TESTING $299.50 US Cellular, SANDY CELL PHONE $21.42 Windstream, DECEMBER 2014 TELEPHONE $418.25 $124,609.11 NUTRITION 61 ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO., MILK $1,041.96 CONNIE QUINN, REIMBURSEMENT FOR GROCERIES $20.99 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO.INC., GENERAL FOOD SUPPLIES $238.62 K&L FOODS, GROCERIES $20.88 KECK INC, GENERAL FOOD SUPPLIES $2,311.93 MARTIN BROS DISTRIBUTING CO, I GENERAL FOOD SUPPLIES $3,261.21 TRACI HYNICK, LUNCH REIMBURSEMENT-MOVING $90.06 $6,985.65 LOST 33 KELLY SUPPLY COMPANY, BURNERS FOR WATER HEATERS RANDY DUNCAN, WATER HEATER INSTALL LABOR WEBER STONE CO. INC, SOFTBALL FIELD LIME $1,277.93 $1,631.55 $161.04 $3,070.52 PPEL FUND 36 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE, COPIER/ PRINTER LEASE PAYMENT $1,050.00 $1,050.00 ACTIVITY 21 4 SEASONS FUND RAISING, FFA FRUIT SALES REORDER 35.50 AL HUNTZINGER, 01-09-15 JHBB OFFICIAL 83.00 ANDY KOEHN, 12-18-14 JV BKB OFFICIAL 85.00 ANDY THOMAS, 1-12-15 JHGBB OFFICIAL 55.00 AWARDS PLUS, WRESTLING TROPHIES 62.00 BELLE PLAINE COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 1-17-15 JV BB TOURNEY FEE BOYS 40.00 BGM CSD, JV WRESTLING TOURNEY 12-2014 20.00 BRAND, LANNY, 1-13-15 V WRESTLIING OFFICIAL 120.00 DANIEL, DARIUS, 01-12-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 ELITE SPORT, BASKETBALL CLOTHING 842.50 ELITE SPORT, BASKETBALL CLOTHING 842.50 FARMER’S LUMBER COMPANY, SHOP SUPPLIES 163.50 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA, YOUTH WRESTLING WATER BOTTLES 95.21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA, WRESTLING CHEER SHIRTS 209.95 GENE VINEYARD, 01-09-15 JHBB OFFICIAL 55.00 GRIGGS MUSIC, DRUM STICKS, REEDS RESALE 70.22 IA H.S. SPEECH ASSOCIATION, LARGE GROUP SPEECH 116.00 JOE KOEHN, 12-18-14 JV BKB OFFICIAL 85.00 JOSH BERKA, 01-12-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 K&L FOODS, FFA FRUIT SALES 7.88 K&L FOODS, FFA FRUIT SALES 11.98 K&L FOODS, FFA FRUIT SALES 19.50 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY, SENIOR POP 566.00 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY, SENIOR POP (30.00) MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY, SENIOR POP 802.80 Matt Edwards, 1-6-15 VBKB OFFICIAL 95.00 MATT ROBERTS, 1-6-15 VBKB OFFICIAL 95.00 MIENE, TOM, 01-09-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 MINNTEX CITRUSINC, FFA FRUIT REORDER 40.72 POLLARD, TERRY, 1-12-15 JHGBB OFFICIAL 70.00 RON TERPSTRA, V WRESTLING TOURNEY 12-2014 160.00 RYAN HAACK, 01-09-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 Ryan Roberts, 1-6-15 VBKB OFFICIAL 95.00 SCOTT EDMUNDSON, WRESTLING TOURNEY FOOD REIMBUSEMENT 71.94 SVOBODA, SHANE, 01-12-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 TIM SULLIVAN, 01-09-15 VBB OFFICIAL 95.00 TOM WILLIAMS, V WRESTLING TOURNEY 12-2014 160.00 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA, GAMBLING SALES TAX QTR 3 10.55 WILLIAMS, JOHN, V WRESTLING TOURNEY 12-2014 160.00 5,886.75 S8 FOR SALE NOTICE For Sale: 400 brown yearling laying hens, $1.50/each; straw, small squares. Emery Miller, 20843 200th St. (1-1/2 miles North on Main St.), Sigourney.SK8* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Second and Third Crop Square bales, alfalfa/brome hay. Howard Linder, 641-622-3395. SK8-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Green Mountain wood pellet grills; Ammunition, hand loading, muzzle loader supplies, firearms by order at Myles Miller Refrigeration, 641-622-2643.S1tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Used Club Car golf cart. Don Bermel, 641-660-0732. SK34tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Southeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 800-227-7636 www.cnaads. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Full and Part-Time In-Home Childcare Spots for children birth to 10 years. located between Keswick, Deep River and Millersburg at 2955 F Avenue, North English. For more information contact Amanda Smothers, 641-777-8793. S7-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Call All American Pest Control to control rodents, birds, roaches, box elder bugs, flies, termites and fleas. 641-622-3565.SK8tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. www. (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA certified Aviation Maintenance training. Financial aid if qualified -Job placement assistance. CALL now. Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-682-6604 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dish Network -SAVE! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months.) Premium Channel Offers Available. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-684-4805 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOST & FOUND Lost: Lady’s gold ring with several stones. Lost in the last two weeks in Sigourney. Sentimental value. Reward. 641-622-3253. SK8* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FOR RENT For Rent: Very nice one bedroom apartment in Sigourney. Call Brian at 641-521-2307.SK8tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent In Sigourney: Ground floor 3 bedroom apartment, front and back entrance, no pets. Call 641660-9601, ask for Cindy. Deposit and references required. SK6-4* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, split-level home, 5 minutes west of Sigourney, 2 car detached garage, $750 plus deposit, plus utilities. Call after 5 p.m. 641-224-2543. SK7-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Rent: 1 bedroom apartment south of the square in Sigourney. Totally remodeled. Stove, refrigerator, microwave, on-site washer and dryer. No smoking. No pets. $350 plus deposit. 641-622-3906.SK5-6* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– tion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the instructional sharing agreements with Indian Hills Community College. Motion carried 7/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Steinhart to approve the resolution requesting the increase in Supplemental State Aid. Roll call vote: O’Rourke, aye; Conrad, aye; Arduser, aye; Boender, aye; Manchester, aye; Steinhart, aye; Streigel, aye. Motion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Striegel to approve the contract with Midwest Alarm Services at the annual cost of $1230. Motion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve a contract with Open Road Driving School for four years beginning with summer of 2015 through 2018. Motion carried 7/0. Arduser moved, seconded by Conrad to approve the request from the Spanish Club to take a trip to Costa Rica in 2016 and to begin raising funds for the trip. Motion carried 7/0. Discussion Items/Reports: Finance-met earlier, Buildings & Grounds-no report, Negotiations-exempt session later, Policy- will begin policy review soon. Mr. Harper reported on the SIAC Meeting, engineering quotes for boiler specs, the progress of the administrative office project, talks with legislators, sub teacher and bus driver pay, math teacher position, transportation and food service director positions, MOU’s and the school calendar. Mr. Harper reminded the board of the Indian Hills board appreciation dinner on March 5. Reports from administrators and directors were included in the board packet. Adjourn: Conrad moved, seconded by Manchester to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Motion carried 7/0. Mark O’Rourke, President Susan Huls, Secretary Sigourney CSD 02/11/2015 10:13 AM FEBRUARY 2015 List of Warrants Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND ABS FIRE EQUIPMENT SALES, SEMI ANNUAL SERVICES 191.50 ACME TOOLS, CREDIT 498.00 ALLIANT ENERGY, BUS BARN GAS/ELEC JAN 2 - FEB 4 2015 9,178.05 AMERICAN TIME, JANITORIAL REPAIRS 15.33 APPLE INC, 2 ELEM IPAD FOR SP EDUCATION 1,437.00 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY, TRANS. SUPPLIES 21.45 BARRON MOTOR SUPPLY, TRANS. SUPPLIES 17.04 CAM COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, 2014-15 2ND QTR OE 4,591.50 CENTRAL COLLEGE, HONOR CHOIR REGISTRATION 160.00 CENTRAL IOWA DIST, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 5,059.05 CITY OF SIGOURNEY, WATER/SANITATION 1,323.91 CJ COOPER & ASSOC. INC, TRANS DRUG TESTING 55.00 CONTINUUM RETAIL ENERGY SERVICE, LLC, ENERGY SERVICES 9,800.03 CRAWFORD, JOLYNN, READING NIGHT SUPPLIES 101.35 DESIGN HOUSE, THE, PRIDE POSTCARDS 45.00 DOHRN TRANSFER COMPANY LLC, SHIPPING REDELIVERY 43.00 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTR, 2014-15 SP EDUCATION 5,117.83 FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, 2014-15 2ND QTR OE 10,000.25 FIRST RESOURCES CORP./KEOKUK, DECEMBER 2014 WORK ACTIVITY 179.40 GREENLEY’S CORPORATION, CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 72.35 HARPER, DAVID, LEGISLATIVE CONF. REIM 8.25 HINCKLEY SPRINGS, CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.11 INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT 2,219.80 IOWA ASS’N OF SCHOOL BOARDS, IASB CONVENTION 2,045.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, NETWORK SERVICES 726.84 IOWA WATER MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, MONTHLY SERVICE AGREEMENT/WATER TESTING 145.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC, HS VOCAL 404.42 K & L, SIAC MEETING SUPPLIES 84.29 KABEL BUSINESS SERVICES - FLEX, JANUARY 2015 FLEX 165.60 KELLY SUPPLY CO, ELEMENTARY BOILER SUPPLIES 65.03 KEOKUK COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT, GAS/DIESEL 2,906.31 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC., TRANS. SUPPLIES 89.46 LISCO, DISTRICT PHONE SERVICES 1,172.87 LYNCH DALLAS, LEGAL SERVICES 1,452.00 MAHASKA BOTTLING, ELEM SUPPLIES 63.02 MULTI-COUNTY OIL COMPANY, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 26.40 NOTEWORTHY MUSIC SERVICES, HS & ELEM SERVICES 325.00 OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, 2014-15 OE 2,176.64 PHELPS AUTO SUPPLY, TRANS. TIRES 140.00 PITSCH, YVONNE, CENTRAL OFFICE FURNITURE 275.00 PIZZA RANCH, SIAC MEETING 101.50 QUILL CORPORATION, HS OFFICE SUPPLIES 175.82 SIGOURNEY BODY SHOP, TRANS. REPAIRS 905.50 SIGOURNEY NUTRITION FUND, PROGRAM MEALS 349.80 SIGOURNEY TREECARE, SNOW REMOVAL 1,417.50 SINCLAIR TRACTOR, TRANS. SUPPLIES 23.04 SNAKENBERG WELDING, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 45.18 STROBEL INC, TRANS. REPAIRS 365.00 SUBWAY/SIGOURNEY, YEARBOOK SUPPLIES 129.47 TOTALFUNDS BY HASLER, DISTRICT POSTAGE 500.00 TRI-COUNTY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, 2014-15 2ND QTR OE 13,772.25 TRUE VALUE, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 153.06 U.S. CELLULAR, JANUARY 2015 CELL SERVICES 274.23 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, UPS SERVICES 162.28 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, MAINT DIRECTOR REGISTRATION /RADON TESTIN 275.00 VANDENHUEVEL, KERI, GUIDANCE SUPPLIES 32.48 VETTER’S INC-CULLIGAN, BOILER SUPPLIES 64.45 VISA, ELEM SUPPLIES 804.36 WALSH DOOR & HARDWARE, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 115.00 Fund Number 10 82,089.00 Fund Number 22 MANAGEMENT FUND SU INSURANCE COMPANY, PREMIUM DEPOSIT 11,551.75 Fund Number 22 11,551.75 Fund Number 61 NUTRITION FUND ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO., NUTRITION SUPPLIES 3,101.37 EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANIES, INC., NUTRITION SUPPLIES 361.65 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES CO., NUTRITION SERVICES 226.29 K & L, NUTRITION SUPPLIES 43.82 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING, NUTRITION SUPPLIES 3,757.66 REINHART, NUTRITION SUPPLIES 67.98 SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOCIATION, NUTRITION WORKSHOP 100.00 Fund Number 61 7,658.77 Fund Number 21 ACTIVITY FUND ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP., SUPPLIES 338.25 ANDERSON’S, CHEERLEADING SUPPLIES 226.93 BELLE PLAINE HIGH SCHOOL, JAN 18, 2015 BB ENTRY 80.00 BGM COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, WR ENTRY 45.00 BOWHAY, GERALD, 1-27-15 BB OFFICIAL 95.00 BRECKENRRIDGE, BOB, OFFICIAL 2-3-15 95.00 CALDWELL, KEVIN, OFFICIAL 2-4-15 130.00 CAPPS, RICK, BB OFFICIAL 1-22-15 130.00 CHRISTNER, MIKE, OFFICIAL 1-19-15 75.00 DECKER SPORTING GOODS, BASEBALL UNIFORMS 526.00 DERLEIN SCALE, INC., ATHLETIC REPAIRS 337.50 DONELS, TODD, OFFICIAL 2-3-15 95.00 DUNCAN, DUANE, 1-27-15 BB OFFICIAL 95.00 EDDYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, ENTRY FEE 50.00 FAIR-PLAY, PENDANT SIGN FOR GYM 855.56 FANNON, JERRY, OFFICIAL 1-9-15 95.00 GLADBOOK-REINBECK SCHOOL DISTRICT, WRESTLING ENTRY 95.00 HALL, KIM, OFFICIAL 1-9-15 95.00 HEMSLEY, ROSS, OFFICIAL 1-19-15 75.00 HUDSON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, WRESTLING ENTRY 80.00 K & L, CONCESSIONS 1,521.57 MAHASKA BOTTLING, VENDING 2,991.60 MARION HIGH SCHOOL, WRESTLING ENTRY FEE 35.00 MCAVAN, PATRICK, OFFICIAL 2-3-15 95.00 MCDONOUGH, CHARLES, WR. OFFICIAL 1-13-15 125.00 MILLER, TRAVIS, 2-3-15 OFFICIAL 75.00 MOHR, DAVE, BB OFFICIAL 1-23-15 95.00 MOHR, DIEDRA, BB OFFICIAL 1-23-15 95.00 MOUNT VERNON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, WR ENTRY 2015 90.00 MULLENS, DONNIE, BB OFFICIAL 1-16-15 65.00 NATIONAL FFA ORGANIZATION, FFA APPAREL/SUPPLIES 1,404.00 NOWELL, BILL, BB OFFICIAL 1-16-15 65.00 PINKERTON, JOEL, 1-27-15 BB OFFICIAL 65.00 PROGRESSIVE REHABILITATION ASSOC, WRESTLING SERVICES 124.80 REGINA JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL, WRESTLING ENTRY FEE 75.00 RIPLEY, DAVID, OFFICIAL 1-9-15 95.00 SCOTT, TIM, OFFICIAL 2-3-15 75.00 SPURLIN, MIKE, BB OFFICIAL 1-23-15 95.00 TERPSTRA, RON, 1-26-15 WR OFFICIAL 250.00 TOTAL REHAB, JANUARY TRAINERS 840.00 WAPELLO COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, WRESTLING ENTRY FEE 70.00 WEBER, KLYNT, 1-29-15 BB OFFICIAL 65.00 WILLIAMS, JOHN PAUL, WR. OFFICIAL 1-20-15 125.00 WILLIAMS, TOM, WR. OFFICIAL 1-20-15 125.00 WILSON, JIM, 1-27-15 BB OFFICIAL 95.00 WILTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, WRESTLING ENTRY FEE 45.00 WOOD, NATHAN, OFFICIAL 2-4-15 260.00 WORLDS FINEST CHOCOLATE INC, TRAPSHOOTING FUNDRAISER 1,560.00 Fund Number 21 14,236.21 Fund Number 36 PPEL FUND BLDD ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,751.57 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, EQUIPMENT CONTRACT 790.19 ISFIS, CONSTRUCTION BACKGROUND CKS 504.00 Fund Number 36 3,045.76 Fund Number 40 DEBT SERVICE FUND FARMERS SAVINGS BANK & TRUST, LIGHTING PROJECT 2,743.24 Fund Number 40 2,743.24 S8 For more information please contact Melanie at 641-634-2590 FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 and 2 BR units available in Clear Lake. Rental assistance and utility allowance available. Onsite laundry, no pets. 877-9359340. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity. Handicap Accessible.MAP5-8 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– APARTMENTS FOR RENT Sigourney School Board Minutes Regular Meeting February 11, 2015 The Board of Directors of the Sigourney Community School District met in regular session on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at the Sigourney Jr/Sr High School Media Center, Sigourney, IA. Board members present included Mark O’Rourke, Denise Conrad, Anne Arduser, Justin Boender, Ruth Manchester, Marsha Steinhart, and Shellie Striegel. Also present: Superintendent Dave Harper, Elementary Principal Deanna Hutchings, Jr/Sr High School Principal Shannon Webb, and Business Manager/Board Secretary Susan Huls. Call to Order/Determination of a Quorum: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President O’Rourke. Conrad moved, seconded by Manchester to open the meeting. Motion carried 7/0. Good News/Comments from the Board: Anne Arduser commented that the Choral Reading was awesome and Marsha Steinhart added that the meal was delicious too. Mr. Harper reported that the recent SIAC meeting was great, and there was good input on our facility needs. He also mentioned the National Guard Scrap Metal Band performance last Friday was great and enjoyed by students and staff. Focus on Education: Josh Mohr, Corinne Donald, Isabelle Ireland, and Cade Streigle spoke about their experience attending the Biz Town. Many chaperones and staff also spoke about the event and how amazing it was. Amanda Atkinson gave a presentation on a proposed Spanish Club Trip to Costa Rica in 2016 and the plans to raise funds for the trip. Steve Cope of Johnson Controls presented information on the probable installation of new boiler/boilers at the Jr/Sr High School building. Approval/Amend Agenda: Steinhart moved, seconded by Boender to approve the agenda. Motion carried 7/0. Welcome Visitors/Public Comment: Mark O’Rourke welcomed visitors and guests Steve Cope, Julie Tremmel, Cade Streigle, Amy Jones, Tracy Donald, Brooke Donald, Corinne Donald, Josh Mohr, John Mohr, Shelly Streigle, Karol Ireland, Isabelle Ireland, Amanda Atkinson, Don Deutsch, and Lee Crawford. The board secretary read a note of thanks from the Alderson family. Consent Agenda: Conrad moved, seconded by Boender to approve the items submitted under the consent section of the agenda to include the minutes from the January 14, 2015 board meeting and the January 21, 2015 workshop, the financial reports and list of bills including the additional submission of the amount of $7271.43. Motion carried 7/0. Action Items: Arduser moved, seconded by Conrad to approve the 7th & 8th grade cookie dough fundraiser request and the Trapshooting fundraiser request. Motion carried 7/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Boender to approve the resignation of Klynt Weber as JH Softball Coach pending finding a suitable replacement. Motion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the resignation of Logan Mork as HS Science Instructor, JH Wrestling Coach, and Boys & Girls Golf Coach. Motion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to approve the resignation of Amy Leer as bus driver. Motion carried 7/0. Boender moved, seconded by Conrad to approve Brandi Wehr as elementary custodian and Jason Shifflett as full-time high school custodian. Motion carried 7/0. Striegel moved, seconded by Conrad to approve Kirk Magill as substitute bus driver. Motion carried 7/0. Conrad moved, seconded by Arduser to accept the resignation of Dan Taghon as Transportation Director effective June 30, 2015 and to approve his application to participate in the Early Retirement Incentive Plan. Motion carried 7/0. Steinhart moved, seconded by Boender to accept the resignation of Neda Spiegel as Food Service Director effective the end of this school year and to approve her application to participate in the Early Retirement Incentive Plan. Mo- NOTICE The City of What Cheer will be taking sealed bids on the mowing of vacant properties. A list of the properties is available at City Hall; bids will be accepted until Monday, March 9 at 12 p.m. Two and Three Bedroom Apartments in What Cheer, Hedrick, Sigourney •RentBasedonIncome •StoveandRefrigeratorProvided •TenantPaysUtilities Eligibility is Based on US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Screening If interested, call Area XV Multi-County Housing Agency 800-848-9438 AnEqualHousingOpportunityand anEqualOpportunityProvider Keokuk County Crop & Pasture Land For Rent In 2015 •Crop&PastureLandforRentin2015 •181acresm/lofCropland&141.4acresm/lofPastureLand •WarrenTownship-KeokukCounty,Iowa For Further Information and a Bid Packet, please contact Matt Mann with Iowa Land Sales & Farm Management at 641-990-4016 It’s as easy as... 2 5 10 Buy a line classified ad in any Mid America paper and add any other . paper for just $2 Add Marketplace for $5. Run your ad in all 22 papers (plus 3 shoppers) for just more. $10 Call now for details! Contact your local newspaper ad sales representative today! MARKETPLACE is published in the following MID-AMERICA PAPERS: Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal (Allison) • Clarksville Star • The Conrad Record • Eagle Grove Eagle • Kanawaha Reporter • The Leader (Garner, Britt) • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise (Rockwell, Thornton) • The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor • The Reporter (Ogden) • Eldora Herald-Ledger OTHER MID-AMERICA NEWSPAPERS: Graphic-Advocate • Keota Eagle • New Sharon Sun • Sigourney NewsReview • The Hardin County Index (Eldora) • Postville Herald • The Monona Outlook • Calmar Courier The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 7 Starts at $8.50 for 25 words! Call 641-622-3110 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Help Wanted: Full and part time Spring Help. Apply at the greenhouses. Reha Greenhouses Inc., 1160 Hwy. 22, Wellman, IA, 319-6462408.SK8 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers: OTR/Local Regional, great hometime, $500 sign on bonus. Top benefits. CDL-A. Stutsman, Inc., Hills, IA, [email protected], 319-679-2281.SK8-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted: Protein transport truck driver, CDL-A Tanker Endorsement. Pre-employment drug testing. Home most nights. Call 641-868-2049. MAP7-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Iowa Select Farms has local openings for Sow Farm Technicians and Class A CDL drivers. Technicians are responsible for the daily care of animals. Positions start at $28,000/year and increase to $31,000 after just one year plus full benefits. Class A CDL drivers ideally live within 45 miles of Iowa Falls and transport pigs within our production system five days a week, home EVERY DAY. Benefits, competitive salary and $1200 SIGN ON BONUS. Call Allyson at 641-3163251 for more info! MAP7-4 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RN’s up to $45/hr, LPN’s up to $37.50/hr, CNA’s up to $22.50/hr Free gas/weekly pay $2,000 bonus AACO Nursing Agency 800-6564414 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Hiring Regional Class A CDL Drivers. New Pay Package. Home Most Weekends, and $1500 Sign-On Bonus! Call 1-888-220-1994 or apply at (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Truck Driver for Nussbaum. OTR, home weekly. $1000 Sign On Bonus $1050 weekly guarantee. $63,000 average earnings. New, Maintained Equipment Visit www.nussbaumjobs. com. Call 866-764-3907 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Class A CDL Local Drivers for IA & MINN. $20.00/hr some jobs up to$35.00/hr plus Benefits. Call Monson & Sons @ 1-800-463-4097 ext 110/109. EOE (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –– Calling all Pickup Trucks! Foremost Transport is now hiring ½ ton and larger pickups and any vehicle that can pull a 7,000 pound trailer. $3,000 Spring Bonus! We pay our contract drivers top rates with non-forced dispatch, multiple nationwide terminal locations, quick settlements, and amazing dispatchers! Call 574-6422024 or email [email protected] today! (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PART-TIME ASSISTANT KEOKUK COUNTY ATTORNEY TheKeokukCountyAttorneyseeksqualifiedapplicantsfortheposition ofPart-TimeAssistantCountyAttorney.Dutiesofthepositionwillinclude prosecutionofcriminaloffenses,juveniledelinquencyandchildinneedof assistance cases, mental health commitments, representation of county officials in civil matters, and such other duties pertaining to the office as assigned by the CountyAttorney. The position is responsible to and supervisedbytheCountyAttorney. Applicants must be licensed to practice law in the State of Iowa or obtainadmissiontotheBaronorbeforeJune1,2015.Strongpreferencefor residenceinKeokukCounty,experienceasprosecutor,andknowledgeand experiencewithlawofficetechnologyingeneralandEDMSinparticular. Salary range is $20,000 - $30,000 based upon qualifications and experience. Interested persons must submit a resume and cover letter with a completedKeokukCountyEmploymentapplicationformavailablefromthe KeokukCountyAttorneyonorbeforeApril1,2015.Theinformationshould besubmittedtotheKeokukCountyAttorney,KeokukCountyCourthouse, 101 South Main Street, P.O. Box 231, Sigourney, IA 52591, telephone number641-622-3500,orviaemailto:[email protected]. Employment is anticipated to begin on or before June 1,2015. Keokuk County is an equal opportunity employer SERVICES SERVICES HELP WANTED Construction/Excavation Workers Now hiring dependable Skilled and Semi-Skilled Labor and Equipment Operators for long-term local area project to start Mid-March 2015. Pay based on experience. EOE Employer. To Inquire Call: A R S Construction, Inc. HELP WANTED Is Hiring Equipment Installers. Very Competitive Wages, OT, Health Insurance, 401K, Paid Vacation/ Holidays. Duties range from installing plumbing and mechanical systems, to operating company owned trucks, clean driving record a plus. Please go to: to fill out an application, stop by: 1204 1st Ave N, Wellman, IA or call: 319-646-2430 Sales and Service 105 South Green, Keota Gary Bain 641-636-3107 110 E. Washington B - Sigourney Dean Redlinger 641-622-3771 Residential & Commercial Electrical Work S&S Roger Steffen Specializing in Restoration of Homes Since 1972 • Vinyl Siding • Seamless Steel Siding • Insulation • Replacement Windows • Seamless Gutter Keota Transmission and Repair Erik Strand 128 E. Broadway • Keota, IA 52248 319-461-5767 Specializing In Transmission & Driveline Repair Free Estimates. Insured. Guernsey, IA HELP WANTED The Keota School District is currently looking for a The Keota School District is taking applications for a 7th-12th Grade Agriculture Teacher/ FFA Advisor Please email your letter of interest, resume, transcripts and reference letters to: [email protected] or please mail them to: Keota CSD Attn: Cherie Westendorf P.O. Box 88 Keota, IA 52248 Deadline to turn in application is March 13, 2015. AA/EOE AUCTIONS 720 South Stone St., Sigourney Contact Christina Peiffer For Your Insurance Needs! 641-622-2889 Dr. Randy Blaylock, Veterinarian Hedrick Office 641-653-4440 Sigourney Home 641-622-3633 McDonald Bone Yard & Auto Recycling Heath McDonald, Owner/Operator • 502 N. Davis, Keota We BuY Junk Vehicles, Trucks, Buses, RV’s, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metal We Sell Good used Tires and Batteries Call for PriCes 641-636-3892 or 319-461-5217 Mon.-Fri. - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Deadline to turn in application is March 13, 2015. AA/EOE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Located at Duwa’s Auction Building, 1½ mi West of Wellman, IA on Hwy 22 Sat – Mar 28, 2015 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Farm & Livestock Equipment Farm Trucks – 4 wheelers Shop & Lawn Equipment Ad deadline: Wed – Mar 11th Items may be brought to site - Beginning - Mon Mar 16th DUWA’S AUCTION SERVICE LLC Phone: 319-646-6775 Web: 13 Annual Spring Consignment th MAChinery AuCtion What Cheer BUSINESS DIRECTORY Friday, March 27 - 10:00 a.m. One piece or a full line of equipment. Please call with your consignments by March 17 so we can advertise them. To Consign Or For More Information Please Call: Abell Auction & Real Estate, LLC Justin & Becky Abell • Sigourney, IA 641-660-8048 or 641-622-3535 LAND AUCTION FRIDAY, MARCH 6 - 10:00 AM SALE TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED 6 Miles West of Packwood, Iowa or 3 Miles East of Farson, Iowa, then 1 Mile South at 22nd Avenue Auction Signs Will Be Posted Atwood Electric, Inc. Our Commitment To You: Pump and Plumbing 641-660-8930 • Sigourney 641-660-8930 • Keota 140 Acres m/l TRACT I - 80 Acres m/l with 76 NHEL tillable acres. CSR2 of 84.7. TRACT II – 60 Acres m/l with 57 tillable acres. CSR2 of 71.6. These tracts of land include high-production capability soil types. TERMS: 20% down day of sale, balance in cash upon delivery of a Warranty Deed, accompanied by Abstract of Title showing merchantable title. Real estate taxes will be pro-rated to possession date, possession given upon settlement. REAL ESTATE WILL SELL PROMPTLY AT 10:00 AM For further particulars or an appointment to inspect the property, please call the auction company: 641-682-5465. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. EDGREN FAMILY FARMS, OWNER JIM KOSMAN, ROGER CLINGAN, & TODD CARROLL – AUCTIONEERS AL MARTIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO., INC. 307 Church Street, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501 Phone: 641-682-5465 Website: 23124 Hwy. 149 P.O. Box 311 Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-3626 800-247-0214 Fax: 641-622-2438 LaKappCo., Inc. Larry Kapple M, W, F: 3 - 4:30 p.m. Thursday: 5:30 - 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to Noon Heating & Air Conditioning Pregnancy Testing Free and Confidential IRTHRIGHT 117 North 1st Street Oskaloosa, IA 52577 641-673-9722 Ridgeway Hardware What Cheer • 641-634-2080 Competine Township, Section 24, Wapello County, Iowa Selling in 2 Tracts • Quality • Integrity • Service PREGNANT? and NEED HELP? HOURS M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 Noon Closed Sunday 641-673-6001 Keota CSD Attn: Cherie Westendorf P.O. Box 88 Keota, IA 52248 MACHINERY Plumbing & Electric Supplies [email protected] Please contact the Keota Central Office at 641-636-2189 or cherie. [email protected] for an application, or send your resume to: AUCTIONS 319-685-4492 1-800-230-2974 Dave Goldman Part-Time Night Custodian 1-641-774-8423 Held at the Keoco Auction Co. yards, Sigourney, IA Bain Electric CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Keota Lawn and Power Equipment HELP WANTED Van Dee Bins 319-310-4105 or 641-595-4105 Deep River Authorized Dealer for: Bins We handle Sukup Floors, Drying Needs and Moving Existing Bins “Over 40 Years Experience” Call for ANY KIND of New or Used Bin Repair Repair - Service - Sales All Makes and Models 641-660-9840 Sigourney Health Care Assisted Living 900 S. Stone St. Sigourney, IA 52591 641-622-2971 • Skilled Nursing • Respite Care • Long Term Care • Assisted Living • Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy • In-House Restorative Nursing What Cheer Fire Department Jeremy Bolinger, Chief Chris Terrell, Assistant Chief Terry Burger, 2nd Assistant Mike Armstrong, Secretary/ Treasurer and Training Officer EMERGENCY: 911 Non-Emergency: 641-634-2361 “Your Full Service Florist” ✿ Fresh Flowers for All Occasions ✿ Blooming and Green Plants ✿ Silk and Dried Arrangements ✿ Balloons and Great Gift Ideas! 8 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Keokuk County Society News Tales of the Ancient Sportsman By Burdell Hensley It has been a busy sports week, but things are about to slow down big time. State Wrestling is over and the basketball tournaments are on deck. After those tournaments there is a long lull until the spring sports take over. I don’t like that long lull. A month or more without high school sports is much too long. We did have some area wrestlers make the award stand at the state meet and I congratulate them. In Class 1-A, English Valleys had thirds from Brennan Grimm at 195 and Zach Axmear at 152. Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont got a third from Jeren Glosser at 138 and an eighth from Hunter Johnston at 195. Sigourney/Keota received a third from Nathan Fritz at 145 and an eighth from Lane Boender at 152. In Class 3-A, Oskaloosa had a runner-up finish from Skylar DeJong. 16 years ago Skylar and his twin brother Spencer lived across the street from us. Those twins were active little guys and I had a feeling then that they might be something special. Both boys have starred in track and cross country and I believe they will compete in those sports in college. Spencer excelled in soccer and Skylar found success in wrestling. Little sister, Sieana was born while the DeJongs were our neighbors and she has become an all state cross country runner. They are quite a crew and it has been fun following their successes. The Girl’s State Basketball field is nearly complete. Only the regional finals are left to play on Tuesday and I have only one team left to cover and that is Pella. The Lady Dutch will tangle with Carlisle for a ticket to the big show in Des Moines. Lynnville-Sully out of the South Iowa Cedar League will take on Springville for a spot in the tourney. The boy’s tournament goes full steam this week with Class 3-A and 4-A action. I will be at the Centerville-Chariton and Pella-Oskaloosa games in Pella Monday. Tuesday I Jane Green Larson cover the Pella Christian-PCM game in Oskaloosa. This game should be a dandy with the winner going to sub-state. In Class 1-A, Sigourney is still alive and they match up with an upstart Twin Cedars team Tuesday at Moulton. Thursday night I covered an excellent game between Albia and Pella Christian. The game featured two all-state caliber point guards in Albia’s Matt Baker and Pella Christian’s Levi Jungling. Baker won the scoring battle 27-24, but Jungling won the war 85-69. Four of Jungling’s mates were in double digits and that balance made the difference. The game also featured some of the finest free throw shooting that I have seen in some time. PC was 21-24 from the line while Albia was 22-of-24. That is outstanding shooting in anybody’s book. Granddaughter, Lil’ Bea had a birthday this week. We went to Ottumwa Saturday to watch her play seven year-old basketball at the YMCA. That is an experience. Their game is more like rugby with a little basketball thrown in. The baskets are six-foot high and the ball is small. The girls would get the ball and take off on a dead run with an occasional dribble mixed in. Bea made a basket and she was so excited that I thought she was going to do cartwheels. After the game we finished off the birthday celebration at Pizza Ranch. Last week I mentioned that Kyle Korver, the grandson of my good friend, Lew Lundy, was in the NBA All-Star game. He had a great game with seven three point baskets. I was on the opposite bench when his mother, Laine Lundy, played for Montezuma and I have a pretty good idea where his shooting genes came from. She was a great player. Kyle’s grandpa, Lew, was also a great athlete. He played his high school ball in New Sharon and then went on to an outstanding career at Central College. I am encouraged that spring training opened last week for pitchers and catchers and everyone will get at it this week. That only means that spring is in sight and I am ready. The Cardinal in my back yard sings to me every morning and tells me that this is the year of the Red Bird. I’ve got to trust him. The Cardinals open with the Flubs in Wrigley at night on April 5, I think. If the wind is blowing in, there might be a serious wind chill that night. I enjoyed watching the Hawkeyes put it on Nebraska Sunday afternoon. Any time we can beat the cornhuskers, I’m all for it. I just wish it would happen in football and little more often. It is time again to see what happened in our yesterdays. 75 years ago: Feb. 22, 1940- Girl’s district play opened with Barnes City belting Agency 45-15 and Centerville slipping past Farson 39-38. Zelpha Bowen led Farson with 18 points and Frances Stansberry added 15. Barnes City was led by Marjorie Warrick with 24 points and Phyllis Dee with 13. Feb. 23- Numa beat New Sharon 52-25. Avis Coffey led New Sharon with nine points. Feb. 24- Delta boys whipped Kinross 45-31. Jack Reed led Delta with 18 points. Feb. 24- Sigourney trounced Eddyville 30-8. Bud Kleinschmidt led the Savages with 10 points and Bill Edmundson scored eight. Feb. 25- Numa, coached by John King, beat Centerville 39-36 and Lynnville beat Marengo 47-39. Both teams advanced to the state tourney. Feb. 28The All Chiquaqua Valley first team includes; Charles Wilcox, Stanley Hodson and Billy Evans of Eddyville, Ora Brown and Ralph Scharff of Cedar and Bus Burch of Fremont. 50 years ago: Feb. 18, 1965- Lynnville-Sully sends North Mahaska to the sidelines 60-41. Mike Reed and Randy Walston led the Warhawks. Feb. 18- Hedrick advances with a 60-53 win over Moulton-Udell. Ron Brown led Hedrick with 24 points and Rick Elkins added 22. Feb. 22Pekin polished off Hedrick 76-48 to win the sectional title, but both teams Hilda Souer will advance to the district. Feb. 23- Pleasantville and big Lloyd Thornburg ended the Pella Christian season with a 71-65 win. Thornburg had 32 points while Ken Van Wyk led PC with 24. Feb. 26- Pekin girls rolled past Mid-Prairie 75-52 to advance to the district final. Barb Sterling led Pekin with 28 points while Susie Meyers added 22 and Joyce Sauer chipped in with 21. 25 years ago: Feb. 20- 36 points by Kevin Welsch were not enough at Cardinal beat Eddyville 84-82 in district play. Feb. 20- Eddyville’s Holly Barnes, captured the two mile run title at the National AAU Indoor Track Championships in Lawrence, KS. Feb. 23- Four area wrestlers advanced to the state meet. Those boys are; Dean Pearson – Eddyville, Doug Readshaw- North Mahaska, Travis Moore – Tri-County and Dan Lane of Pella. Feb. 23- No. 1 Montezuma rolled over Pekin 91-68 in district play. Terry Rose led Pekin with 18 points and Todd Hartnell added 16. Feb. 26- Pella Christian advanced to the Girl’s State Basketball tourney with a 42-30 win over Indianola. Kim Pothoven and Staci Van Arendonk led the offense and Karen VandeVoort and Steph Van Maanen led the defense. Feb. 27- Pella Christian boys ripped Davis County 102-48 in the district opener. Brent Geetings led five Eagles in double figures with 20 points and Woody Klyn was close behind with 18. Have a great week and keep plenty of wood on the fire. I think it is going to be cold for a while. Ponderings of the Heart I had an opportunity to spend the week at my son, Jim and his family home in West Des Moines. This has been my first opportunity to spend some time with him since his last stay at Methodist Hospital from recent mini strokes. Jim’s son, Zechariah, has been laid off from work this winter and has been caring for his dad and he wanted to go to Chicago with friends for a few days because he will soon be called back to work and since my daughter-in-law works full time, she asked if I could come for a week’s visit and help Jim. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportu- nity! Zech took some training and has been going through the daily exercises with his dad, and I am happy to report that my son has been upgraded from home care to two visits to the Younkers Rehab Center each week. He also has gone from using a walker to a cane! Much progress has been made and I praise the Lord daily for these happenings. On the first day Zech quickly got down to business, in helping me learn how to help his dad with general things like going up and down stairs, getting up from a chair taking his vitals, etc. I quickly caught on with some patience from Jim and Zech. I praised God daily for the time spent with Jim and our conversations. I think we covered about every topic we could think of (however, stayed away from politics). As I climbed into bed each night, exhausted from our busy days, I thanked God for all the progress Jim has made and he survived yet another battle for his life. My husband joined me on Thursday and he too was happy to see how much Jim progressed. They watched an Iowa basketball game I think the most important thing for me was seeing how my son continues to work so hard and the therapists are exceptional and hard working people. I have much to thank and praise God. Just Reminiscing I was happy to be in Church Sunday to share with the congregation how thankful my heart is to God and to the people for their prayers on Jim’s behalf. The Psalmist says in chapter 35, verse 18, I will give thanks in the great congregation; I will praise thee among much people. Indeed, I do have much to be thankful for! I praise the Lord for his great mercy upon my son and his family. We don’t have to look far to see something that we can praise God for these days that is for sure. God bless you. See you next week! I’m sure most of you said, and sometimes memorized, some sayings, riddles, or something similar during your childhood years. Well, just recently I was told one that had part of what many said during their first years in school. As you read the following, I’m certain you will recall saying part or all of it sometime also. The Thee R’s: We used to have 3R’s that meant, Readin’, Ritin’ and Rithmetics’. Today the 3R’s stand for, Riot, Restlessness and Rebellion. If it continues, we will have Ruin, Rot and Regret. What we need is Respect, Religion and Responsibility. Another saying I remember saying was sometimes repeated by friends when they were playing on the “Giant Strides” on the school playground during my earlier time in grade school. “We fly through the air with the greatest of ease, like the daring young man on the flying trapeze!” The following is one I’m not certain if I am remembering correctly, but if not it is very similar. “Mares eat oats and Does eat oats, a kid will eat Ivy too, wouldn’t you?” This is extremely opposite of those two, but I remember saying it at times, especially when my parents would catch a mouse in a trap. Do you remember this one? “Three blind mice, see how they run, they all ran after the Farmer’s wife, she cut off their tails with a carving knife.” Deep River News Janet Rauch Saturday, Feb. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Casey (Charlotte) Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Healey and Alisha King were guests of honor at Cranforth Inn, rural Victor. The event was to celebrate Casey’s 62nd birthday, Harry’s 60th birthday and Alisha King’s 19th birthday. All of their birthdays are on January 31st. Lots of friends and acquaintances stopped by to wish the trio happy birthday. Charlotte reports the evening lasted two and a half hours and very much enjoyed by all. Monday I went with Pam Flanders and her little grandson, Jordan, to Newton and shopped at Walgreens, Dollar General and Goodwill. We didn’t buy any cookbooks, and we ate at Arby’s. I fixed Kenny beans and cornbread before I left. I didn’t have any Jiffy mix, so he ate at my mercy with cornbread. I don’t do biscuits well either. It was kind of a joke at Donna’s…I could mess up Bisquick. It was good to have the electricity back on again. You can’t imagine, all the things I thought about doing. I even put bread in the toaster! Steve, my son, had a doctor’s appointment in Iowa City so he spent a few days with his kids, Kiley and Colton. He had lunch with us Friday after we got home from Grinnell. Kenny had some thing to get. Kenny and I went to Osky this week and he go the oil changed in his car. It was so cold and windy I didn’t have much notion to stop. We came home and I made a fast lunch here. I’m always finding recipes that call for self-rising flour, and I never have any, then I found this hint for making your own! Take 4 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons baking powder and mix well, store in tight container till needed. Marveta McCown and her niece Melisa visited from Elkhart and Des Moines Sunday afternoon. We had a good visit. Marveta is a vegetarian and Melisa eats gluten free foods, so I fixed snacks they both could enjoy. Valentines Day was so windy and cold I spent the day with Kenny at home. Pastor Michelle Williamson wasn’t able to preach at the United Church on Sunday. Lori Wolf and Bill Armstrong filled in for her. We sang songs of choice of the congre- gation. Michelle had gone for tests in Iowa City and ended up having to stay over. Ellen Zimmerman went to get her and she was in really bad shape, Ellen talked them into keeping her over again. She had been given Tylenol, which she shouldn’t have and her liver couldn’t take it. She is now home, but pretty weak. Betsy Cranston has been feeling under the weather also. Fern Taylor is selling some of her things at the auction place in Keswick Saturday morning. She likes her apartment where she moved in Montezuma. Esther Stephen passed away, Shelly Long passed away also. Dave and Ellen Zimmerman are home from their trip to Florida and glad to be home safe after their scare that the plane was in trouble and needed to find a place to land. They had to leave everything and get out right away. It was pretty scary. They had to stay over till they got a plane home. Lori Wolf ’s mother had problems with her pacemaker so Donald took her to been seen about it. Jerry Cranston’s little great grandson is walking now and he had quite a time walking in church. His mother, Camie, had to keep track of him. He is so cute and everyone likes to see him. Quote of the Week: “A family tree is worth bragging about if it has produced a lot of timber, not just a few nuts.” Recipe of the Week: Barbecued Venison Ribs 4 lbs. venison ribs 1 C. onion (chopped) 1 8oz can tomato sauce ½ C. water 1/3 C. brown sugar ¼ C. lemon juice 3 TBS. Worcestershire sauce 1 ½ TBS. mustard 1 ½ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. pepper 2 drops liquid smoke Place ribs in a medium-roasting pan. Cover with onions. Combine all other ingredients, mixing well, and pour over ribs and onions. Bake covered at 350 degrees for 3 hours. Turn ribs a few times and skim off fat when necessary while baking. Remove the roaster lid and continue baking for 1 hour, basting often until ribs are tender. Makes 4 servings. Delta News Janet Rauch Jeremiah Green spent a week at home in Delta. He visited with family and friends. Jeremiah has returned to his post at Fort Polk Louisiana. Leo Fowler’s 80th birthday was celebrated Sunday, February 15th at the Delta Town and Country Center. Tables were decorated with a farm theme and pictures were displayed of him throughout his life. Family and friends from Cedar Rapids, Delta, Keswick, Martinsburg, Oskaloosa, Ottumwa, Rose Hill, Sigourney, What Cheer and Illinois enjoyed an afternoon of visiting and memory sharing. June Rice spent last weekend visiting in the home of Merrill and Marilyn Rice in Kansas City, Missouri. She joined the family in visiting Merrill in the hospital following right-knee replacement. He is now home recuperating. Sigourney Roller Hockey middle school league started last week. This league is playing each weeknight of the week starting at 6:30 p.m. Kirk and Rachel Magill are managing the league. Each game has three 20-minute periods. The high school league will begin playing on February 25th. Everyone is welcome to come join the fun. Keokuk County FFA Wednesday, February 25, 2015 9 Business Leaders Salute Keokuk County FFA Members Abell Auction and Real Estate LLC Agriland FS, Hedrick Bain Electric Bender Foundry Service, Inc. Brubaker Trucking Cassens’ Mill Century Insurance, Gary Bontrager Clarahan Hog Buying and Farms Clarahan Trucking Co., Inc. Copeland Auto Body, Hedrick Copeland Towing and Recovery, Sigourney County Bank, Member FDIC Dan Brubaker Trucking Delta Grocery Don’s Jewelry Faas Feed and Grain, North English Farmers Cooperative Fremont Funeral Chapel Gentry Insurance Greiner Real Estate and Auction LLC Holm Funeral Home Horak Insurance Jack Walker Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Jack’s Corner Drug John Wehr, Attorney Keoco Auction Company LLC Keokuk County Abstract Keokuk County Health Center Keokuk County Implement Co. Keota Lawn and Power Keota Meat Processing Kris’ Hair Stylin’ Lyle Insurance, Jerry and Rita Sheetz M4iconcrete Mahaska Health Partnership Hospice Services, Keokuk County Modern Communications, Inc. Morse Feed and Grain Northwestern Mutual Financial Pizza Ranch Powell Funeral Homes, Inc. Prairie Mutual Insurance Association Ray-Man, Inc. Ridgeway Hardware Schroeder Frame Alignment and Towing Sigourney Body Shop, Inc. Sigourney Financial Services Sigourney Shoe Repair Sinclair Tractor, Sigourney State Farm Insurance, Rodger Redden Strobel’s Inc. The Garden Gate The Greenley Companies The Lumber Company The Pro-Line Building Co. Town and Country Insurance TruBank, What Cheer, Member FDIC UI Health Care, Sigourney Van Dee Bins, Deep River Vittetoe, Inc. W.C. Gretter and Sons, Inc. Wayne “Pappy” Davis Trucking 10 Keokuk County FFA Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Sigou rney FFA The Sigourney FFA Member roster consists of: Hayley Abell, Ben Appleget, James Barnett, Victoria Bechert, Kaden Benson, Samantha Bird, Lane Boender, Noah Boender, Bryce Brown, Jordan Carter, Leah Carter, Heather Cline, Maria Cline, Dallas Clubb, Isaac Cowman, Peyton Crawford, Tyler Crawford, Caleigh Dale, Abbey Danowsky, Sierra Davis, Adam DeRegnier, Katie Dillon, J.C. Dumont, Payton Elwood, Will Flanegin, Nathan Fritz, Bryce Goldman, Blaine Gretter, Sarina Gretter, Cooper Greiner, Dennis Haines, Landon Helm, Luke House, A.J. Jammal, Casey Jarmes, Cory Jarmes, Gavin Jones, Curtis Klett, Johnathon Klett, Zane Kracht, Caitlyn Kuntz, Cassidy Leer, Macie Leonard, Madysen Leonard, Blane Long, Will Magill, Eric Meiners, Aaron Michel, Keegan Michel, Avery Moore, Mac Myers, Anna Ohland, Hannah Redlinger, Terra Reed, Kaleb Reeves, Madison Schauf, Christy Schimmelpfennig, Allison Schroeder, Alec Schuster, Ashley Shadley, Bryson Smothers, Khloe Snakenberg, Joseph Spangenburg, Danielle Stout, Thomas Stout, Mateer Strong, Sydney Striegel, Collin Svenby, Nathan Vest, Brooke Waechter, Bryce Waechter, Zeb Webb, Drayce Webster, Nolan Wehr, Meredith Wheeldon, Katelyn Williams and Charles Witkowski. Submitted By Allison Schroeder As the year starts winding down once again for the Sigourney FFA, we take a look at the highlights. With 29 Greenhands in a chapter of 76 members, our chapter had a very eventful year. All the way from the Petting Zoo, Fruit Sales, National and State Conventions, Contests, State Fair, Soil Judging and Iowa Degrees. The officer team this year was President Meredith Wheeldon, Vice President Drayce Webster, Secretary Mateer Strong, Treasurer JC Dumont, Reporter Allison Schroeder, Sentinel Nathan Fritz, Officer At Large Lane Boender, and Advisor Mr. Jerry Driscoll. The Chapter’s year started out in April at the banquet held in the cafeteria of the High School. Numerous awards and recognition’s were made at the banquet. The Star Greenhand was Allison Schroeder, Outstanding Sophomore Award went to Mateer Strong, Outstanding Junior Award went to Drayce Webster, and Becca Ohland was awarded Outstanding Senior. Along with that Shane Swearingen received the Dekalb Award and Meredith Wheeldon was selected as the Star Chapter Member. Going all the way back to last winter, you could find the FFA members busy working to prepare themselves for contests. Sub districts were held in Oskaloosa during February. The Parliamentary Proceedure team consisting of Danielle Stout, Blaine Gretter, Peyton Crawford, Gretchen Witzenburg and Hannah Redlinger advanced to districts. Right beside them on their road to districts was Allison Schroeder in Creed Speaking, Mateer Strong in Public Speaking, and Drayce Webster in Ag Sales. The District Contests were held in Mediapolis during March. At the district contest Collin Svenby, Eric Meiners, Sarina Gretter, Will Flanegin, Abbey Danowsky, and Bryce Goldman took the Greenhand Quiz. Allison Schroeder and Mateer Strong both received Alternate to State in their contests.” Next up was the State Convention. Our Greenhands, Collin Svenby and Bryce Goldman, both received a gold on the Greenhand Quiz. The Farm Business Management team consisting of Blane Long, Blaine Gretter, Nathan Fritz, and Curtis Klett received a bronze rating. To add to that, we had eight members receive their Iowa Degrees, which is the highest Degree the State FFA Association can bestow on members. Those members included: Drayce Webster, Blane Long, JC Dumont, Becca Ohland, Madison Wood, Jordan Carter, Adam de Reginer and Meredith Wheeldon. Drayce Webster was also named the Star Over Iowa in Agribusiness for his projects of rabbit and sweet potato slip production. With Spring, also came plant sales, and the petting zoo. Plant sales went very well this year as the greenhouse cleared out one flat at a time. Most of the plants sold clear out as the chapter gathered funding for the numerous yearly activities. The horticulture classes were busy seeding, watering and managing the flowers and plants in the Greenhouse as they matured and blossomed. The 2014 petting was a huge success once again. The Chapter had a wide range of animal species at the zoo this year. Sierra Davis brought in her baby raccoons, Will Magill with Turtles, Drayce Webster bringing his rabbits once again, Zeb Webb with a miniature pony, Blane Long brought in his calf, Madison Wood brought her horse, which is always a show stopper for the kids, and Maria Cline brought in her farm of Hedgehogs. Students from the elementary came to the High School Ag Shop to learn about all the different types of animals and also to visit with the FFA Members. Even with the school bell ringing for the last time of the 20132014 school year, the Sigourney FFA Chapter still wasn’t done. At the Keokuk County Expo Fair, Denny Haines showed his cow, Bluesy, which received Reserve Champion Dairy Cow. Along with Bluesy, Denny showed his heifer, Hanna, who awarded him with Grand Champion Dairy. Hannah Redlinger and Drayce Webster also participated at the Keokuk County Expo Fair showing their rabbits. Hannah had the Campion rabbit in the Fur Class, with Dryace placing second. Drayce won Grand Champion Meat pen of three, but didn’t stop there. He also won Best of Show and received 5 blue ribbons. With the summer heat still blazing, FFA members were still busy. JC Dumont and Blane long had spent their school year restoring an Oliver Row Crop 66 and a 1952 Farmall Super C Tractor. Both took their restored tractors to the Iowa State Fair and received blue ribbons. Also attending the State Fair was Mateer Strong competing in the Iowa State Fair Junior Cowgirl Queen Contest and was named The 2014 Junior Cowgirl Queen. Along with that we have 3 members participating as Grandstand Ushers. Those members includ- ed Meredith Wheeldon, Hannah Redlinger and Adam de Regnier. When fall finally came back around, it was time for National Convention. The trip to the convention all the way in Louisville, Kentucky was very exciting as Drayce Webster, Blane Long, Meredith Wheeldon, Hannah Redlinger, Nolan Wehr, and Khloe Snakenberg toured the Wild Turkey Distillery, Caterpillar Visitor Center, and The John Deere Pavilion. The convention lasted four days as the selected students attended seminars, the career fair, and various sessions getting to meet thousands of FFA members from across the country and listen to world renowned speakers. With the excitement of National Convention finally coming to an end, it was time to switch gears to Soil Judging. Sub-District soil judging was held at Lake Iowa. The team consisting of Drayce Webster, Blane Long, Blaine Gretter, Hannah Redlinger, Lane Boender, and Zeb Webb placed second and sent them to districts. The District contest was held in Muscatine where the team placed second once again, advancing them to the state competition. The soil judging team placed seventh at the state contest in Ames at Iowa State University, with Drayce Webster placing ninth overall individually. With all the events going on students still managed to find time to grill for the home Football Games. Grilling hot dogs and hamburgers at the football games went fantastic as a fundraiser this year with active members involvement. The hamburgers and hotdogs were sent to the concession stand to be devoured by many hungry fans.” Hamburgers were not the only food being sold by the FFA. Fruit sales went very good this year as members went out to the community to sell fruit, meat, cheese, and candy. Fruit arrived in December and members spent the day sorting and filling boxes. The Chapter is currently preparing themselves for the 2015 sub-district and district contests that will be taking place in February and March at Mid Prairie and Williamsburg High Schools. Members are practicing for events such as: Extemporaneous Speaking, Public Speaking, Ag Broadcasting, Parliamentary Proceedure, Creed Speaking, Conduct of Meetings and Welding. The year was full of many eventful times. The Sigourney FFA Chapter had yet another fantastic year full of fun and exciting moments and plans on working hard and achieving more in the months to come. Keokuk County FFA Wednesday, February 25, 2015 11 Front row Left to right - Mrs. Flander, Advisor, Gabe Trimpe, Parliamentarian, Taylor Harriman - Vice President, Davis Axmear - President (other officers not pictured, Zachary Axmear - Secretary, Mary CheneyTreasurer, Ryan Smith - Sentinel, Lexie Moore - Reporter; 2nd row Mattie Dylan, Maria VanDee, Mallory Hester, Audrey Grove, Sydney Olson, Mykayla Russell, Darian Blaylock, William Post; 3rd Row - Katherine Miller, Jaden Pfannebecker, Emily Westhoff, Dorothy Cook, Braydon Fisher, Tamta Sitchinava, Katerina Lukavenko; 4th Row - Kaitlyn Cook, Corbin Rowe, Peter Conrad, Austin Decker, Dyllan Bowman, Ambrose Coffman. Not pictured - Connor Armstrong, Grace Conrad, Aaron Gent, AJ Grimm, Adam Grove, Tanner Icenbice, Colton Miller, Clayton Morrison, Wyatt Olson, Holley Stewart. (Photo submitted) Management; Connor Armstrong, Crop Production Placement; Aaron Gent - Corn Production Placement; Davis Axmear, Crop Production Placement; Adam Grove, Diversified Ag Production Placement; Taylor Harriman, Sheep Production. Also at the banquet is the time that the members receive their Greenhand and Chapter degrees. Greenhand degrees are given to first year members who have plans for a SAE project. The members that received their Greenhand degree are: Mary Cheney, Ambrose Coffman, Kellan Coppinger, Katherine Miller, Clayton Morrison, Zachary Axmear and Andrew Kerkove. The Chapter degree is given to members entering their 2nd year and that have an established SAE project. Members receiving their Chapter degree were: Connor Armstrong, Peter Conrad, Kaitlyn Cook, Dorothy Cook, Kate Duello, Aaron Gent, Lexie Moore, Wyatt Olson and Gabe Timpe. April is always State FFA Leadership Conference in Ames. We had members participate in State Conference. Zachary Axmear and Mary Cheney participated in the Greenhand quiz. Our Agricultral Sales team was comprised of Ryan Smith, Kate Duello, Dorothy Cook and Dakota Olson, Gabe Trimpe. Aaron Gent, Kellan Coppinger and Connor Armstrong participated in the Chapter Display. Ben Duello, Dillon Sanders and Trevor Frazier also received their Iowa FFA degrees. The English Valleys FFA started a new annual tradition. To raise awareness for agriculture we, along with several other sponsors, hosted a “Farmers Share of the Dollar Breakfast”. Public was invited to a breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, orange juice, milk, and pancakes. They were charged just $2.00 for this breakfast even though it had a $10.00 retail price tag. We wanted host this breakfast to acknowledge the hard working local farmers and also shed to light how much of the retail dollar actually goes back to the producer. We would like to once again thank our sponsors: Faas Feed and Grain, Tyson, Cooks Meat Locker, Cassen’s Mill, New Century FS (Millersburg), Iowa County Farm Bureau, Champion Seed, Kalona Organics, Kemps, Frazier Auctioneering, Multi-County Oil, Forrest Hometown Market, Fisher family, Peter Conrad, North Keokuk Co Fire Dept, Montezuma Fire Dept, Danialle Render. We followed our breakfast up with our annual labor and pie auction. This was the first year that the proceeds from the pies went to starting the Terry Harriman Memorial FFA Scholarship. We had a very successful auction and raised over $6000. Because of the popularity of the event last year we are going to hold the event again this year. Mark your calendars for April 4th. This is the Saturday before Easter, so plan on coming out and buying desert for you Easter dinner! Under the direction and leadership of our 2013-14 FFA president Dakota Olson English Valleys pulled off a successful campaign to help with world hunger. Over $5800.00 were raised and almost 24,500 meals were sent to Haiti. The entire student body took turns packaging the meals and it was a great event! April also was the beginning of a very successful FFA greenhouse sale. Be sure to check out our greenhouse this spring. We are located next to the football field, behind the bus barn. We sell several varieties of bedding plants, hanging baskets, vegetable plants and herbs. In July things start to get busy again with county fairs. This year Dakota and Wyatt Olson, Ambrose Coffman and Colton Miller showed swine at the Iowa County Fair. August brings about the Iowa State Fair. Desta Rank showed horses at the state fair and Dakota and Wyatt Olson, Ambrose Coffman and Tiffany Rodgers showed swine. English Valleys FFA members also traveled to two soil judging contests this September. The participants at Subdistrict contest were Wyatt Olson, Davis Axmear, Clayton Morrison, William Tapken, Gabe Trimpe and Austin Decker. The same group also participated in the District Soil Contest in Muscatine. October is always a busy month for the FFA because National Convention is held during this month. Ryan Smith, Zachary Axmear, Kellan Coppinger, Davis Axmear, Peter Conrad, Aaron Gent, Adam Grove, Mallory Hester, Taylor Harriman, Katerina Lukavenko, Kaitlyn Cook, Gabe Trimpe made the trip to Kentucky this October. We had a great trip and the three days were crammed with different tours, career shows and listening to nationally known speakers. In November a group of 1st year memebers attended a Greenhand conference in Ankeny. Those members were Jaden Pfannebecker, Sydney Olson, Audrey Gove and Mykayla Russell. December a group of FFA members went to the Capri theater to watch a movie and then to Pizza Ranch in Sigourney for pizza for the Christmas party. Keota FFA Chapter Submitted by Kristin Flaunder FFA week is a time to stop and look back at the year and reflect on what has happened. February is Sub District CDE’s. We had Trevor Frazier and Ben Duello participate in the Welding contest and both received a gold rating and advanced to Districts, where they received a Silver team rating. March brings along our annual banquet. This is a time to celebrate members’ accomplishments throughout the year. Last year we had several members receive proficiency awards based on their size and scope of the SAE project (Supervised Agricultural Experience). These projects cover a wide variety of areas, all having to be related to agriculture. The projects help students learn responsibility and give them a place to practice skills taught in the classroom. The students receiving proficiency awards were: Dakota Olson, Swine Production; Trevor Frazier, Beef production; Lexie Moore, Beef Production; Dillon Sanders, Wildlife Keota High School FFA (front to back, left to right): Nate Sieren, Ryan Chalupa, Madison Sheetz, Brooke Sieren, Callie Greiner, Isaiah Hahn, Hannah Reed, Maggie Baker, Maitland Sieren, Bree Reed, Miranda Romoser, Paden Uphold, Cole Stout, Avery Conrad, Jace Uphold, Erin Chalupa, Raigan Sprouse, Cortney Hyman, Logan Sieren, Luke Greiner, Jack Eakins, Cole Brenneman, Lexi Black, Jacob Moeller, Riley Conrad, Marty Baker. Photo by Tomisha Sprouse, KE Editor. Submitted By Nate Sieren The 2014-2015 year was a good year for the Keota FFA Chapter. In April 2014, ten members attended the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference at Iowa State University. Brooke Sieren, Kelsi Sieren, Kolton Greiner, and Justin Hultman competed in the Farm Management CDE earning 14th place out of 79 teams competing. They received a gold rating. The ag sales team members were Callie Greiner, Luke Lyle, Nate Sieren, and Paden Uphold They received a bronze rating. Maggie Baker and Hannah Reed were part of the Iowa FFA Chorus. Erin Chalupa received a silver in the Greenhand test. Four junior high 8th graders attended the middle school session. The FFA members also held Farm Safety Day for the elementary students. They had many stations to spread knowledge about what and what not to do on the farm. There was a station about four wheelers and dirt bikes, gate safety, lawn mower safety, corn bin safety, and more general farm safety stations for the students. During the month of May, the annual Parent Member Banquet was held in the high school cafeteria. The students brought their own desserts to share and the meal was provided by Tailgater Toby. Awards were given out to outstanding individuals. Callie Hahn was there as a guest speaker and she spoke about her overseas experience. There was also an auction of the products that the FFA members had made in shop class. The horticulture class sold plants from the FFA Greenhouse. The cropland was planted to corn. Ten members participated at the Washington County Fair in July. In August, Nine members exhib- ited at the Iowa State Fair. Madison Sheetz and Raigan Sprouse exhibited sheep. Kolton Greiner, Luke Greiner, Callie Greiner, and Miranda Romoser exhibited swine. Kolton had the champion heavyweight gilt and Luke exhibited the champion light weight barrow. Erin Chalupa, Ryan Chalupa, and Brooke Sieren exhibited performance beef. Brooke exhibited the champion live performance beef in the hotel retail division. Ryan’s steer placed third in the rail part of the hotel retail division. Kyle Huber exhibited 1st Place in the Restored Farm Equipment Division Early fall 2014, Nine members competed in two State Ag Skills Career Development Events. The Milk Quality Team placed 5th in the state event. Brooke Sieren was state champion and Erin Chalupa received 8th place. Other team members were Ryan Chalupa and Madison Sheetz. Keota won the milk flavor defects and test divisions. Paden Uphold, Nate Sieren, Brianna Reed, Hannah Reed, and Isaiah Hahn participated in three Soils Judging events. They placed first in the Junior Division of the Quad County event. Paden and Nate received 1st and 2nd place. At districts, they placed 3rd and advanced state. They received a silver rating at State. Paden was 8th high individual. The annual FFA hayride was held at Cortney Hyman’s house. When members arrived they roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. During the months of November and December, the annual Soup Supper was held at the Holy Trinity Parish Hall. Over 130 people attended. The FFA members made presentations. Eligible members were awarded the Discovery Degree, Greenhand Degree, and Chapter FFA Degree. Maggie Baker spoke about the World Food Prize. Awards were also given out to the top fruit sales members. Conduct of meetings was demonstrated by the FFA officers as well as the Freshmen class. The FFA Fruit and Meat Sale produced record sales. The chapter also sold poinsettias. More recently in January and February 2015, members are working on leadership career development events. They will be competing in sub-district at MidPrairie. The freshmen class is working on Conduct of Meetings. Team members are: President- Riley Conrad, Vice President- Luke Greiner, Secretary- Logan Sieren, Treasurer- Jack Eakins, ReporterCole Brenneman, SentinelMarty Baker, Advisor- Jacob Moeller. The sophomore class is preparing for parliamentary procedure. Members are: Erin Cha.upa, Avery Conrad, Cole Stout, Raigan Sprouse, and Jace Uphold. Several seniors are doing individual events: Brooke Sieren- Job Interview, Callie Greiner- Ag Sales, Madison Sheetz- Radio Broadcast, and Maggie Baker- Extemporaneous speaking. FFA Week activities for 2015 will include Reading Relay, Tractor Day, and Faculty Breakfast. This year we have 25 junior high members and we have formed 2 mini-chapters. Recently they elected officers. The 7th grade officers are: President- Jaime Schulte, Vice President- JD Stout, SecretaryLauren Sieren, Treasurer- Kendall Wilson, ReporterAddison Swanson, Sentinel- Sam Menke, Advisor- Ty Sieren. The 8th grade officers are: President- Addison Sprouse, Vice President- Kolton Strand, Secretary- Brianna Duwa, Treasurer- Matthew Hyman, and Sentinel- Jolee Walker. 12 Keokuk County FFA Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Peki n FFA The Pekin FFA roster consists of: Antonia Garcia, Austin Fariss, Avery Bennett Baylie Dimmitt, Becky Phillips Bradley Pregon, Breanna Weinhold, Brent Dillard, Bridget Fritchen, Cassie Clubb, Caylee Swearingen Chandler Eckley, Chase Eckley, Chelsey Gillum, Cheyenne Deutschle, Clayton McKim, Cody Hassinen, Cole Reighard, Colton Emery, Colton Lanman, Dalton Reber, Drake Harbison, Dustin Tschudy, Dylan Kloski Dylan Richey, Elijah Sieren, Emily Hadley, Erica Johnson, Ethan Cooksey, Faith Oostra Garrett Greiner, Gretchen Greiner, Haven Walker, Hunter Swearingen, Isaiah Wittrock, Jacob Keith, Jakeup Huff, Jared Horras, Jarrett Matley Jessica Dage, Jessica Jacobson, Joel Swanson John Hollingsworth, Jordan Handy, Joseph Hagedon, Joshua Jasper, Kaden Baker, Kaitlyn Conger, Kayla Barton, Kyle Miller, Logan Lamb, Maci Gambell, Mackenzie Martin, Madelyn Baker, Makayla Hammes, Makenna Myers, Malcolm Myers, Mallory Reed, Matt Bollinger, Matthew Jones, McKenna Gambell, Micalea Knapp, Nicholas Brown, Nikole Arendt, Paige Baetsle, Payton Lock, Ryan MIllikin, Ryan Swanson, Samuel Roth, Shae Oostra, Skyler Juhl, Sloan Reighard Spencer Essary, Taylor Lock Taylor Reynolds, Thomas Hampton, Trevor Gregory, Tyler Copeland, Whitney Johnson and Zackary Conger. The Pekin FFA Chapter in Packwood, Iowa will celebrate National FFA Week, Feb. 21-28. This year’s theme is Go All Out! and it embraces more than 80 years of FFA traditions while looking forward to the organization’s future. More than half a million members will participate in National FFA Week activities at local, state and national levels. These members have a passion for agriculture. Designated as National FFA Week in 1947, the week of George Washington’s birthday is FFA Week, and runs from Saturday to Saturday. FFA Week gives FFA members an opportunity to educate the public about agriculture. During the week, chapters conduct a variety of activities to help others in their school and community learn about FFA and agricultural education. Pekin members will celebrate National FFA Week by preparing breakfast for Pekin faculty, friends and parents of members. It is their way of saying thank you for the continued support throughout the year. While members participate in many activities, the highlight of the year was Pekin FFA member Victoria Eckley, daughter of Dar and Shelly Eckley of Hedrick, earning the American FFA Degree in October at the National FFA Leadership Conference in Louisville. Victoria is only the 2nd Pekin member (Russell Capps) to earn the FFA’s highest degree! A special congratulations to Victoria and her family! Today’s FFA members are the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. Through agricultural and hands-on learning, they are preparing for more than 300 career opportunities in the food, fiber and natural resources industry. National FFA Week is sponsored by Tractor Supply Company as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. Tr i- C o u nt y FFA The Tri-County FFA Chapter 2014-2015 membership roster is as follows: Jenna Acord, Isaiah Ahlberg, Emma Bair, Ethan Bair, Gabrielle Bethke, Zachery Bolinger, Jacob Bombei, Luke Bombei, Amber Carruthers, Trevor Clemens, Braydon Clubb, Shelby Cranston, Riley Danner, Ryan Daughenbaugh, Bailey Davis, Ben Edmundson, Skyler Fisher, Mason Garber, Myrissa Garber, Samuel Gragg, Lydia Greene, Joseph Haberling, Clay Harper, Abbey Hartwig, Jordan Hartwig, Patricia Hartwig, Skyler Hartwig, Cory Hughes, Cameron Krumm, Anna Lankford, Camron Lankford, Kyle Leer, Lexie Leer, Katlyn Little, Quintin McAdams, Noah McCammant, Walter McKay, Hannah Miover, Austin Purdy, Ginny Schmidt, Kearstan Schmidt, Dylan Seaton, Alex Shafer, Allison Steinke, Natalie Steinke, Adam Striegel, Megan Striegel, Sarah Striegel, Dakota Thomas, Lane Williams. (Photo submitted) Submitted By Emma Bair Be on the look out for blue and gold next week as FFA Week gets underway! Our chapter has many events planned for this exciting week ahead of us! From a coloring contest for our elementary kids, to an assembly for our junior high and high school students, our week will be fun filled! One of our promotional activities we have planned is putting a giant billboard in our cafeteria. The billboard has a national blue background with corn gold “Go All Out” written on it. Go all out is the national FFA theme for this year, and national blue and corn gold are the official colors of the FFA. This billboard will encourage students to participate and go all out for our FFA Week activities! During the week will be hosting Daily Trivia for any students who wish to participate. This trivia will be agricultural and FFA trivia that might stump our faculty and students. Winners will receive an FFA t-shirt for being the first to get the correct answer. Another daily activity is dress up days. Past dress up days have included blue & gold day, dress like a farmer day, and camouflage day. This lets our students and faculty show some excitement and support for FFA! As the week goes on, we will continue our activities with a coloring contest for elementary students. Grades preschool through sixth grade will be participating. The younger students will have different coloring sheets to use, while the fifth and sixth graders will compete in a drawing contest. Winners will receive a stuffed pig with an FFA emblem embroidered on it. We want to get all students involved in this exciting week with the hope of getting them interested in agriculture and the FFA. An event we host for our teachers and staff during FFA week is an appreciation breakfast. FFA members will arrive early to school on Wednesday the 25th to get the pancakes, sausage, eggs, and drinks ready for our staff. We anticipate a great turn out like we did last year! Another event everyone seems to look forward to held on the last day of the week is an assembly for our students and faculty. Here we will discuss some FFA activities, agricultural topics and then host a few games afterwards. The games are always agriculturally related and usually end up with stu- dents or staff falling down or getting messy. This year’s FFA week will involve many activities packed into three days as Tri-County students don’t have school on Monday the 23rd or Friday the 27th. Although we will be very busy in trying to fit everything into three days, students and faculty always enjoy celebrating the importance of agriculture in our community and the impact FFA has upon our students. The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Keokuk County 4-H Senior Spotlight MVRBC Mobile Draws 14 Pints of Life-Saving Blood at South English First Responders Blood Drive Meet Gretchen Greiner, the daughter of Ann Lyle and Elmer Greiner Jr. Gretchen has one brother, Garrett. She attends Pekin High School where she is a Pekin wrestling manager. Greiner is a member of the Lafayette Feeders 4-H Club where she participates in showing swine at the Keokuk County Expo and serves as a member of the Keokuk County 4-H Council. Projects that she is involved in are swine, home improvement and animal science. Her special 4-H memory is the countless water fights in the barns during the fair. Gretchen is employed at the Keokuk County Health Center and has future plans to attend Kirkwood Community College to study healthcare. The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center mobile drew 14 pints of life-saving blood on February 17th at the South English First Responders blood drive. Blood Facts: About 1 in 7 patients require a blood transfusion. 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, but less than 10% actually donate. Only voluntary donations can be transfused. Public Notice EQUITY NO. EQEQ040712 ORIGINAL NOTICE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR KEOKUK COUNTY Richard Randall Rogers and Shirlee A. Rogers, VS. Estate of Lance Roy Rogers, Deceased; Dana ) L. Golden aka Dana L. Rogers; Colton Golden aka Colton Rogers, Minor Child of Dana L. Golden; Estate of Sandra Kay Rogers, Deceased; Jody L. Tuley; Tracy Lee Mitchell; Stacy A. Mitchell DeReus; Deseiri Mitchell Scholtus; Jay Dee Mitchell; Amber PollockJones; Brooke Elizabeth Smiley; Alexis Pollock (a minor child whose) surviving parent is Glenda Elmore; Paul Michael Pollock; Spencer Johnston; Hills Bank & Trust Company; Deere & Company; Discover Bank by its Agent Discover Financial Services, Inc.; State of Iowa and their Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Successors in Interest and their Unknown Spouses and Unknown Claimants of the following described real estate situated in Keokuk County, Iowa: The East Half of the Southwest Fractional Quarter, and The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, All in Section Six, Township Seventy-four North, Range Eleven West ofthe Fifth Principal Meridian, in Keokuk County, Iowa. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): You are notified that a Petition has been filedintheofficeoftheclerkofthiscourtnaming you as the defendant(s) in this action. A copy of thepetition(andanydocumentsfiledwithit)is attached to this notice. The name and address of the attorney for the plaintiff(s) is Rachelle L.K. Johnson, 204 E. Liberty St., PO Box 69, Montezuma, IA 50171. The attorney’s phone number is 641-623-2889; facsimile number: 641-623-2800. Youarefurthernotifiedthattheabovecase hasbeenfiledinacountythatutilizeselectronic filing.Unless,within20daysafterserviceofthis original notice upon you, you serve, and within a reasonable time thereafter file a motion or answer, in the Iowa District Court for KEOKUK County, at the courthouse in SIGOURNEY, Iowa, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for information on electronic filing and Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16, division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings. If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator at (641) 684-6502. Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. (SEAL) /s/ Heather Power, Designee CLERK OF COURT KEOKUK County Courthouse 101 S. Main St. SIGOURNEY, Iowa 52591 IMPORTANT: YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. S7-3 Stick to it 4-H Bake Sale The Stick to It 4-H group held a bake sale at the Garden Gate Saturday, Feb 14. KEOKUK COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 9, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in special session, Monday, February 9, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. All members were present. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of February 2, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer’s Administrative Assistant Manchester regarding Keokuk County Highway Department happenings as follows: crews are cutting brush when weather permits. Wood moved, Hadley seconded award of contract for the W15 Shoulder Project from Richland north to 277th Street to Norris Asphalt Paving Co., low bidder, in the amount of $747,516.44. All ayes and motion carried. Bids received: Norris Asphalt - $747,516.44; Heuer Construction - $845,414.98; Streb Construction - $910,953.76; Flynn Company - $928,319.61; Cedar Valley Corp, LLC. - $933,064.52; Manatts Inc. - $954,552.44; Shipley Construction Co $999,948.28. Wood moved, Hadley seconded approval to set Monday, February 23, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., Board Room, First Floor, Keokuk County Courthouse for a public hearing for vacating a portion of 160th Street between 110th Avenue and Zephyr Avenue as requested by an adjacent Gretchen Greiner, Pekin Community High School Sigourney Junior High Basketball Ends Season On A High Note The Sigourney Junior High boy’s basketball seasons both ended on a high note with hard fought wins against well-coached teams from HLV. The seventh grade boys came out strong and had a 7-point lead at the half. The Notice of Probate Probate No. ESPRO37864 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Iowa District Court Keokuk County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMMA KURTZ, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Emma Kurtz, Deceased, who died on or about January 20, 2015: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe10thday of February, 2015, the last will and testament of Emma Kurtz, deceased, bearing date of the 6th day of December, 2007, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Ronald Kurtz was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of the mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 10th day of February, 2015. Ronald Kurtz Executor of estate 20253 255th Street Sigourney, IA 52591 Lloyd, McConnell, Davis & Lujan, L.L.P. Attorney for executor P.O. Box 867 Washington, IA 52353 Date of second publication 25th day of February, 2015. S7-2 Keokuk County Board Proceedings landowner. All ayes and motion carried. Meeting was not held with Keokuk County Health Center, Administrator/CFO, regarding ambulance budget, instead will be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Possible approval of resolution appointing Jacque Striegel to Keokuk County Civil Service Commission was not held due to the term not expiring until December 31, 2015. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to set Monday, March 2, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., Board Room Courthouse for proposed FY 2016 Keokuk County budget public hearing. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Wood attended Pathfinders and 10-15 Transit meetings. Hadley attended E911 and Sieda meetings. The Endowment meeting was cancelled due to weather. Berg attended a Decat meeting last week. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. Stacy Flynn, Horak Insurance, presented an Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) reimbursement check of $3,944.67. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. SK8 Warriors fought back and came within 2 points of tying the game in the final seconds. Sigourney held on to the lead throughout the entire game getting the win with a final score of 29-27. Getting 3 steals Brady Powers led the scoring with 13 points including a nice 3 pointer. Payton Schauf contributed 8 points and had 6 rebounds. The seventh grade finished the season with an impressive 12-1 record. The only loss of the season was an away game at Keota where the final score was tallied at 35-36 in favor of the Eagles. Congratulations to the Sigourney Savage 7th grade team on a great season. The 8th grade boys played a great second half to come back from a 9-20 deficit to pull off a 31-24 victory. Grabbing 15 rebounds Kyle Weber came out fired up for the second half and nailed a season high 18 points, of which 14 came in the second half. Carson Crawford put up 10 points and pulled down 10 rebounds. Nick Goad filled in as point guard and accounted for 4 steals and a pair of defensive rebounds. This win closes the 8th grade season out with a very respectable record of 10-3. The 3 losses were to Oskaloosa, Eddyville and a split on the season with Pekin. Congratulations to the 8th grade boys and good luck to them next year, as they will have to choose between wrestling and basketball. ABOVE, RIGHT: 7TH GRADE TEAM PICTURE - The 7th grade roster consists of: Rick Danowsky, Sam Fowler, Kale Hemsley, Trent Hendricks, Ben House, Eric Johnson, Paul Montgomery, James Moore, Brady Powers, Payton Schauf, Cullen Smith, Zeke Webb and Dawson Webster (photo submitted) RIGHT: 8th Grade Team Picture - The 8th grade roster consists of: Sebastian Arduser, Tristan Bell, Mac Conrad, Carson Crawford, Nick Goad, Dustin Haines, Cale Jarmes, Ryan Jones, Spencer Magill, Trey Shafranek, Brett Striegel, Ian Terfehn and Kyle Weber. Coaches: Don Arduser and Kirk Magill; Managers: Ryleigh Leonard, Sloane Magill, Savhannah White and Summer Barthelman. (photo submitted) 4 Reasons to Build Now! 1. Historic Low Mortgage Rates 2. Lower Your Utility Bills 3. Material Costs Are Rising 4. We Make Building Fun! Now Booking Spring Construction! 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Brian Shaull, Owner/Manager 15396 160th Ave. • Keswick, IA 50136 Business Phone: 1-641-634-2329 CI2-IA-64300-OTTU0-MTPL0-NONE-NONE.pdf, CI2, Our specialists only sell..., IA, 6.4300 x4.5, PDF, North E Street, Oskaloosa, 641-673-3439 Cell Phone: 1-319-530-3859 BMXJRSB2YI, E HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 [email protected] Tap, Tap, Bank! With County Bank’s family and the importance of getting it right. That’s why we employ full-time specialists – spending check account balances, make transfers, pay bills and much more! OUR SPECIALISTS ONLY SELL CROP INSURANCE. THERE’S A REASON FOR THAT. We understand what crop insurance means for your mobile banking app: Android® 13 100% of their time working with crop insurance. Learning, understanding and making plans. iPhone® It’s just too complex and too important for anything less. Discover the difference with a no-cost, no-obligation crop insurance plan review. OTTUMWA OFFICE: 641-682-8778 MT. PLEASANT OFFICE: 319-385-3191 14 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 AREA SPORTS: Boys basketball EV’s Adam Kerkove turned in an excellent senior campaign. EV Overmatched by Montezuma in Districts By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor In a brutally unfavorable firstround matchup, the English Valleys varsity boys’ basketball team made the trip to Montezuma last Thursday to face off with the three-loss Braves. Despite a 15-point, seven-rebound performance from senior forward Sam Schauer, the Bears were unable to stay within striking distance with Montezuma, as the Braves cruised to a 65-27 win. It didn’t take long for Montezuma to establish itself on Thursday. The Braves outscored EV 17-4 in the first quarter, before building the lead to 38-10 at the half. Coach Derek Dixon’s Bears put together their best stretch of basketball during the third quarter at Montezuma. The Bears cranked up their defensive intensity throughout the third quarter of play and allowed just 13 points to the high-powered Braves. Along with playing defense and rebounding at a high level during the third quarter at Montezuma, the Bears played their best offensive basketball of the night in the third, scoring 12 points during the period. Despite EV’s excellent third quarter of play, the Bears still went into the fourth trailing by a score of 5122. The loss at Montezuma brought the team’s overall final record to 3-19. English Valleys was led in scoring this season by senior guard Adam Kerkove, who scored 9.4 p.p.g. and hit an impressive 51 3-pointers. Schauer, who scored his 15 points against Montezuma on five-of-six shooting, averaged 8.2 points per game and 7.1 rebounds per game, while fellow senior Tanner Icenbice came in at 8.1 p.p.g. Junior guard Kellan Coppinger finished his season averaging 8.7 points and 4.3 rebounds per game. The Bears will be forced to rebuild around Coppinger next year, as Kerkove, Schauer, Icenbice and Adam Grove will all move on. Juniors Casey Blaylock and Gabe Trimpe, along with Braydon Fisher, William Tapken and Payton Gerard will all be counted on to contribute, as well. Brady Donovan will be counted on by Coach Hutchinson and the Panthers again next season Panthers Fall in District Opener By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Beating an evenly matched team three times in one year is both difficult and rare. Unfortunately for the Pekin varsity boys’ team, Winfield-Mt. Union was able to beat the Panthers three times – all in close fashion – with the third time being last Thursday in Winfield, 48-41. Pekin’s unfortunate trend of shaky play during the fourth quarter continued against the Wolves. The Panthers led by one at the end of three quarters, but were outscored 24-16 in the final eight minutes. After leading 9-6 at the end of the first quarter, the Panthers and their offense stalled during the second period, scoring just two points to go into the half trailing 14-11. Coach Ken Hutchinson’s squad answered its sluggish second quarter by stepping up in the third. Led by juniors Keaton Winn and Brady Donovan, the Panthers outscored the Wolves 14-10 in the third quarter to gain a 35-34 lead heading into the fourth. However, the Panthers didn’t lead for long, as Winfield-Mt. Union exploded for 24 fourth-quarter points to notch the seven-point win. Winn, who finished his junior year as the team’s leading scorer (12.8 p.p.g.) and rebounder (12 r.p.g.), led the Panthers with 20 points, 13 rebounds and six steals against WMU. Donovan, who hit 55 3-pointers and averaged 11.5 p.p.g. as a junior, added 11 points, while Ryan Swanson, who averaged 12.3 p.p.g., pitched in seven points. The Panthers finished the season with eight wins and 13 losses, and will lose only seniors Christian Wittrock (4.8 p.p.g.) and Cole Reighard (3.6 p.p.g.) from next year’s squad. The return of guards Trever Northup, Joel Swanson and Ryan Millikin gives Pekin fans plenty to be excited about for next season. Trojans’ Season Ends Valiantly By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor The momentum established by the Tri-County boys’ basketball team during the last week of the regular season certainly carried over into last Monday’s first-round District game against Cedar Valley Christian. The Trojans played like their lives depended on it, especially early on, but couldn’t quite hold off the Huskies, as Cedar Valley Christian got the win, 60-52. Tri-County came out of the gates firing, building a 20-4 lead after one quarter of play, before increasing the lead even further in the early portion of the second period. The Huskies ratcheted up their intensity and focus, though, and erupted for 27 points in the second quarter alone and took a 31-28 halftime lead. Cedar Valley Christian, who beat HLV by 21 in its only prior win of the season, was limited to just ten third-quarter points by Tri-County’s locked-in defense, helping the Trojans stay well within striking distance. TC answered Cedar Valley Christian’s ten third-quarter points with 11 of its own, making the Trojans’ deficit after three quarters 41-39. As solid as Tri-County’s defense was in the third quarter, it wasn’t as strong during the final eight minutes. The Huskies increased on their two-point lead by tallying 19 fourth-quarter points, on their way to an eight-point win. Cedar Valley Christian outscored the Trojans a combined 56 to 32 in the final three quarters. Tri-County was led by senior Jake Brumbaugh, who came through with one of the best games of his career, scoring 26 points on 9-of15 shooting, including five made 3-pointers, giving him 34 for the season. Brumbaugh finished the season as the team’s second leading scorer, at 8.9 p.p.g., while Luke Bombei, who scored 11 points in the loss, led the team at 10.3 p.p.g., and shot 46 percent from the field. Jacob Bombei added six points, four rebounds and two assists against Cedar Valley Christian, finishing his sophomore campaign with an 8 p.p.g. average. Senior Dalton Ehret added five points and four steals to the effort, finishing his season averaging an even five points per game. Only seniors Brumbaugh and Ehret will be missed from next year’s squad, as head coach Curtis Fisher and the Trojans will look to carry on this momentum and build their program into something better. Lady Strikers 2/19/15 Win Loss 1. Alderson Tractor 111 57 2. Sigourney BP 97 71 3. KC Bowl 96 72 4. C & D Trucking 94 74 5. Garden Gate 86 82 6. K & L Foods 83 85 7. 7 C’s Winery 76 92 HISG: B. Muntz 202; C. Hemsely 201; B. Muntz 193; J. Webb 193. HISS: B. Muntz 555; C. Hemsley 528; L. Brooks 496. PinBusters 2/16/15 Win Loss 1. JR’s 68 35 2. Split Happens 66.5 37.5 3. Cassen’s Country 61 43 4. Three + Jam 58 46 5. Manor House 57.5 46.5 6. The Four Gals 48 56 7. Patio Partiers 46 58 8. Bye (No Team) 0 104 HISG: (Men) R. Dickerson 211; R. Muntz 191; H. Goetz 173; S. Clubb 170; P. Utterback 166. (Women) M. Sellers 208; C. Hemsley 167; C. Hamilton 160; N. Bird 153; K. Bird 151. HISS: (Men) R. Dickerson 523; R. Muntz 509; S. Clubb 475; P. Utterback 460; L. Meier 453. (Women) M. Sellers 541; C. Hemsley 448; K. Bird 441; N. Bird 409; C. Hamilton 403. Zach Mousel drew contact on this drive through the lane Overtime Heartbreak for Keota Boys By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor You often hear teams say they’d rather lose in a blowout to end the season, rather than to lose the way the Keota boys did last Thursday. Coach Dan Stout’s Eagles took on Twin Cedars in the first round of Districts last Thursday in Sigourney and, despite a fearless effort, came up a little bit short. Despite leading by five points with five minutes left to play in the fourth quarter, the Eagles were unable to shut down Twin Cedars’ Otis Roby in the final minutes, as the senior finished with 38 points in the Sabers’ 71-66 overtime win. Roby and the Sabers got out to a quick start in Sigourney, gaining an early 10-4 lead, before taking a 2015 lead into the second quarter. Keota responded in the second quarter by cranking up its defensive pressure and holding the Sabers to just ten points in the second quarter. The Sabers built their lead to as much as nine points with four minutes left in the half, until a late surge by the Eagles made Keota’s halftime deficit just 30-26. Keota continued to build onto its momentum in the second half by outscoring Twin Cedars 19-14 in the third. A big 11-1 run by the Eagles, which was highlighted by a four-point play by Zach Mousel, left the Eagles up 45-44 at the end of three. Mousel finished with 13 points and three 3-pointers in the game. The impressive play by the Eagles continued in the early portion of the fourth quarter, building their lead to as much as 53-48 with five minutes left. However, a Roby 3-pointer cut the Eagles’ lead to 53-51, before the Sabers finally tied the game at 56 with just under two minutes left in the fourth. Twin Cedars then took the lead moments later on a layup by Roby that came off of a despera- tion save by the Sabers. Keota answered, though, and tied the game a 60 with a minute left, to force overtime. The Eagles struck first in overtime and led 64-62 with two minutes left. Twin Cedars answered again, though, and tied things up at 66 with just under a minute left. A Roby layup on Twin Cedars’ next possession gave the Sabers a twopoint lead, before Keota turned the ball over on the following inbounds play. The Sabers sealed the deal in the final minute by forcing Keota misses, while hitting their free throws, to come away with the 7166 win. The loss brought Keota’s final overall record to 12-10. Nate Owen finished with 24 points, ten rebounds and seven assists, and ended the season as the SICL’s leader in each of the three categories. Sophomore big man Avery Conrad came through with the biggest performance of his young career against Twin Cedars, finishing with 20 points on 9-of-11 shooting, to go along with his six rebounds. Nate Sieren and Isaiah Hahn each added five points to the effort. Only Owen will be missed on next year’s squad, as the senior will play at Waldorf College next winter. In addition to Conrad, Sieren and Hahn, the team will welcome back guards Paden Uphold, Jacob Wickencamp and Tyler Verstraete, along with sharpshooter Cole Stout, making the Eagles formidable once again in 2015-16. The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 15 AREA SPORTS: girls basketball Beth Atwood turned in her second straight exceptional season for Pekin Maci Gambell goes up through traffic against EBF Gwynne Wright helped her Panthers finish at 18-3 this season Remarkable Run Ends at Regina By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Prior to last Friday’s showdown with the Regals in Iowa City, the Pekin varsity girls’ basketball team made an excellent Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont team look like a JV team. The Lady Panthers absolutely dominated the Rockets in their regional quarterfinal game in Packwood, building a 37-23 halftime lead, before blowing EBF away in the second half. Pekin outscored EBF 22 to 9 in the third quarter and 16 to 6 in the fourth, pulling away for the 75-38 win. “We ran the floor really well,” said Pekin head coach Davis Eidahl. “We scored many baskets in transition and played really well together as a team.” Eidahl’s group was led, as usual, by versatile junior B eth Atwood. Atwood, who averaged 17.6 points and 9.5 rebounds this season, finished with 24 points on 10-of-12 shooting against EBF, to go along with seven rebounds and five assists. It’s Your World. Read All About It Your Way. Get the latest in news, entertainment and shopping, any way you like it. The News-Review is available every week online. Online subscribers can read the entire current issue (and back issues) anytime or anywhere. You will see the newspaper on your computer screen the same way you see it in print when you log in with a unique username and password issued to you by email. Visit to subscribe for the Print or Online The News-Review today! Gwynne Wright’s offensive game was also clicking against the Rockets. The junior point guard hit two ‘3’s and finished with 13 points, four steals and three assists. Maci Gambell also nailed two 3-pointers, as she finished with 12 points, while McKenna Gambell went five-for-eight from the field and scored ten points. Sloan Reighard pitched in nine points and four rebounds, and Cassidy Tolle added five points, including three on a 3-pointer. Three nights later, the 11th-ranked Panthers traveled to 12th-ranked Iowa City Regina for a regional semifinal showdown. The Panthers quickly realized that the Regals were an opponent of a different caliber than they faced earlier in the week. After scoring 37 points in the first half against Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont, Pekin was held to just 17 in the first half by the Regals, including just four in the first quarter. The strong defense helped Regina build a 33-17 halftime lead, before the Panthers cut into it slightly, with a good third quarter. The Panthers outscored Regina 1411 in the third period, cutting the deficit to a not insurmountable 13 points after three. Trailing 44-31 after three quarters, Pekin would need a perfect final eight minutes to make a game of it. That didn’t happen, though, as the Panthers were held to single digits in the fourth and ultimately fell by a score of 58-40. The loss brought Pekin’s final overall record to 19-3. McKenna Gambell (6.6 p.p.g.), Madelyn Baker (2.4 p.p.g.), Bridget Fritchen (2 p.p.g.) and Kayla Barton (0.2 p.p.g.) will all be missed from next year’s team, but the Lady Panthers bring back everyone else, including Maci Gambell and Wright, who each averaged over eight points per game this season. Each of the team’s three losses came against ranked opponents, making the prospects of the 2015-16 season very promising, once again. Gritty Savages Come Up Just Short By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Like they did all season long, the Sigourney girls ended their season with same grit and toughness that had defined them throughout the year. Coach Andy Harter’s Savages fell to SICL foe English Valleys in the regional quarterfinals last Tuesday in North English, 58-52. Despite trailing for the entirety of the first half, Sigourney stayed poised and made a big second-half push. After trailing 14-7 after one, and 24-18 after two, the Savages came together and played an excellent second half of basketball. Led by guards Sierra Davis and Leah Carter, the Savages exploded for 19 third-quarter points and climbed to within 38-37 after three quarters of play. Davis finished with a team-high 21 points and hit four 3-pointers, while Carter scored 11 points on four-ofnine shooting, before fouling out. Even with the huge jolt provided by Davis and Carter, Sigourney wasn’t able to slow down the high-powered Bears in the final eight minutes. English Valleys scored 20 points in the fourth quarter and made free throw after free throw down the stretch to hold off the Savages, 58-52. EV went 24-for-36 from the foul line for the game, compared to Sigourney’s seven-for-ten mark. Rylee Voss scored a game-high 26 points for EV, while Lauren Miller Jordan Carter called for the ball on the post at EV added 17. Autum Barthelman scored nine points and dished out seven assists for the Savages, while Brooke Waechter added seven points and four assists. Senior Jordan Carter finished with four points and seven rebounds against EV’s formidable front line, and ended her season with a 13.5 p.p.g. average. Davis led the Savages in scoring with a 16.2 average, while Barthleman averaged eight points per game and Waechter averaged five. Jordan Carter, Brooke Waechter and Anna Ohland each averaged seven or more rebounds per game this year for the Savages, who finished at 13-9 on the season. Sigourney will be without Carter, along with fellow seniors Brooke Waechter and Emily Sande, next season, but will return a plethora of skilled and talented players, along with a promising group of eighth graders – meaning that the Savages won’t be going anywhere, anytime soon. 16 The News-Review Wednesday, February 25, 2015 AREA SPORTS: wrestling Third-Place Trifecta Zachary Axmear on the 152 pound podium Brennen Grimm on the 195 pound podium In the consolation semifinals, Fritz notched a 5-4 win over Audubon’s Brad Kerkoff, before registering a quick pin over Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Brady Brott to win bronze. Fritz finished his senior season with 49 wins and two losses. Matching Fritz’s third-place performance at Wells Fargo Arena were English Valleys’ only two wrestlers to qualify: Zachary Axmear and Brennen Grimm. Axmear, a sophomore 152-pounder and fifth-place finisher from a year ago, remained undefeated by winning his first two matches of the tournament last week. First, Axmear registered a pin against South Hamilton’s Luke Peters, before earning a 10-4 win over Don Bosco’s Chris Paulsen on Friday. Axmear’s third match came on Friday night in the semifinals against eventual State Champion Bryce Paul, of Albernett. Paul wound up edging Axmear 5-4 to hand the sophomore his first loss of the season and move into the title match. Following his first loss of the season, Axmear won back-to-back decisions, first against East Mills’ Josh Hopkins, and then against Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn’s Dakota Drenth, 11-9, to place third. Bryce Brown goes in on a shot against West Branch’s Jacob Giese Axmear’s impressive State perfor- Richardson defeated Grimm 2-1 in a mance leaves him at 102 career wins, tiebreaker. That wouldn’t be the last with two more seasons to wrestle. between Grimm and Richardson. The third area wrestle to knock Grimm stayed alive by winning bronze last weekend was EV senior consecutive decisions over Lo195-pounder Brennen Grimm. gan-Mangolia’s Drake Johnson and Grimm, who is a three-time qual- EBF’s Hunter Johnston, to stay alive ifier, won a 5-3 decision in sudden for third place. The senior then victory against MFL-MARMAC’s avenged his loss from Districts to Chase Strub to begin his run. North Cedar’s Clayton Juhl, defeatAfter winning in thrilling fash- ing him 4-3, before then avenging ion on Thursday, though, Grimm his loss to South Central Calhoun’s saw the other side of the spectrum Richardson, who Grimm pinned in in his following match on Friday, the second period. when South Central Calhoun’s Rylan Grimm’s five wins at State left his SK coaches J.J. Cooper and Craig Reeves look on during a Lane Boender match final career record at 137-60. matches to take eighth place. Sigourney-Keota was able to match Senior Bryce Brown (285), sophEV’s two podium finishers, on acomore Noah Boender (220) and count of two wins by 152-pounder and two-time State qualifier, Lane freshman Kaleb Reeves (182) each Boender. received unfavorable draws on The junior won his first match of Thursday and lost the first two the tournament, pinning Audubon’s Trevor Smith, before losing a 10-2 matches. Brown wrapped up his semajor decision to Edgewood-Coles- nior season with a mark of 27-11 burg’s Sawyer Amling. Boender and qualified for State twice, while bounced back, though, and earned Boender (31-14) and Reeves (29a podium finish by pinning Akron-Westfield’s Dylan Blinde. Bo- 19) will look for their second State ender went on to lose his next two berths next season. Noah Boender scores a late takedown in his second match on Thursday Zachary Axmear started his tournament with a pin of South Hamilton’s Luke Peters Kaleb Reeves battles it out with Maquoketa Valley’s Steve Huber Nathan Fritz on the 145 pound podium By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Maintaining a focused and hungry mindset after losing a match in the State Tournament isn’t likely an easy thing to do. With individual State championships out of the question, though, three area wrestlers stayed focused and hungry enough to bring home third-place finishes at last week IHSAA State Wrestling Championships in Des Moines. Two of those three third-place finishers lost to the eventual State Champ in their respective weight classes, including Sigourney-Keota’s Nathan Fritz at 145 pounds. Fritz started out his journey to third place with a 9-0 win over Lisbon’s Hunter Robinson in his only match on Thursday. The senior then saw his title hopes go out the window the next day, when eventual champion Blake Meyer, of Sumner-Fredericksburg, took out Fritz by a score of 8-2. Fritz maintained great focus, though, and won his next two matches on Friday. First, Fritz pinned Logan-Magnolia’s Brady Anderson in the first period. Then, the senior won an 8-0 decision against Westwood’s Drew Anderson and clinched a shot a earning third on Saturday. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS SALE MARCH 12 & 13 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. MARCH 14 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stop in or contact us for a FREE consultation! FAIRFIELD, IA 2303 W Burlington Ave (off I-34) 641-472-1525 STOP IN & SAVE ! Come in for a FREE GIFT with every building designed with our DreamMaker 3D Software! BEST PRICES OF THE SEASON! FEATURING: 800-373-5550 •
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