KE 11 2016 03 16
KE 11 2016 03 16
January April January May Community Calendar Community The Keota Eagle Calendar Community Community Calendar Calendar Community Calendar VOL. 141 NO. 11 February Community March Calendar ONE DOLLAR Keota and Tri-County to enter into sharing agreement for 2016-2017 school year Wooden Wheel Vineyards Thursday, March 17 Wooden Wheel Vineyards will host a Murder Mystery Dinner at 6 p.m. The production is “Irish Eyes are Dying.” Knights of Columbus of Harper Fish Fry will be Friday, March 18 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. United Church of Faith UWF annual soup supper is Sunday, March 20 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at United Church of Faith in Keota. The event is a free will offering. Keota Easter Egg Hunt Science Fair Held at Keota School Keota’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 26 at 10 a.m. at Wilson Memorial Park in Keota. Knights of Columbus Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 26 at 10 a.m. K of C Hall or the Park in Harper, weather permitting. Keota High School Blood Drive Keota High School will host a blood drive Monday, March 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. inside the gym. Lagos Acres On Sunday, April 3 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Lagos Acres will host their annual breakfast. Free will offering. Managing Diabetes Diabetes education classes are scheduled at the Senior Center in Sigourney on Tuesdays, starting March 22 through April 26, from 9:30 – 11 a.m. Contact Keokuk County Public Health at 641-622-3575 to sign up. WEDNESDAY Mar. 16, 2016 The Keota sixth grade students joined seventh and eighth grade students this year for the annual Science Fair. This event is held in the cafeteria and it allows students to choose projects and do research that benefit them and could be used and related in their everyday lives. First place was awarded to Jaime Schulte and Kendall Wilson with “Organic Panic.” Second place went to Aaliyah Heldman and Taylor Conrad with “Boo Boo Bacteria” and third place was Dawson Baumert and Joe Swanstrom with “Wasteless Wigglers”. Bryce Greiner and Sam Sieren also received honorable mention for “Germination Battle.” Keota’s Ticket Enforcement Amie Van Patten, editor If you have ever received a ticket in Keota, you may be asking yourself what the difference between receiving a civil city ticket is and a normal ticket? Ordinance 251 allows officer Doug Conrad to issue a civil notice. This type of alternative ticket does not affect a person’s driving record if it is paid within 30 days of receiving it. This ticket also does not incur court or fi ling costs. Violations such as speeding, seat belt, parking and items to that degree would fall into this spectrum. More serious crimes and tickets do not fall under this ordinance. If the alternative is not paid in the 30 days it will be turned into a normal ticket and be fi led though the clerk of court, raising the cost and going on the person’s driving record. Officer Conrad brought the idea to the council and the city put it into place June 1, 2015. The money from these civil tickets goes back into the police department’s portion of the general fund and this revenue does try to help reduce the deficit for this fund. One thing to keep in mind is only Offi- cer Conrad can give a civil notice. A violation ticketed by another officer in the jurisdiction will result in a normal ticket. Amie Van Patten, editor Although neither school is new to the idea of sharing superintendents, the decision was not made lightly when deciding to share superintendent Dennis Phelps between both Keota School district as well as TriCounty Schools. When Keota made the decision not to renew their contract with Mid-Prairie, they knew that the search to find a superintendent to fit the needs of the school district could present a problem. Tri-County was also faced with the option of sharing or looking at other options for superintendent as well after Pekin and Mr. Phelps decided not to renew his contract. After talking to several districts and having meetings with a few sharing options, Keota determined that Mr. Dennis Phelps would be a good fit with the Keota district. Phelps is prominently known in the community and with the school board, which made the decision an easy one. Due to the fact that Keota and Tri-County are not bordering schools and consolidation is not an option, this decision is solely based on a fi nancial and business relationship. There are many reasons that schools decide to look at the sharing of a superintendent. In most cases, the principal reason is financial. The Iowa Department of Education offers generous fi nancial inducements for districts that engage in sharing practices. As the state cost per pupil rises, the funds available for district sharing administrators also increase, so the sharing concept becomes more attractive to fi nancially troubled districts. In the past, the absence of incentive dollars made it difficult for many smaller districts to offer the salary necessary to attract the caliber of candidates they desired Dennis Phelps for the superintendent position. By sharing the salary expenses, some districts were able to overcome this problem. Both Tri-County and Keota face issues of declining enrollment, and since the cost remains, a lot of schools have gone with sharing to make up for a deficit in state aid. The state currently pays an allotment for the number of students enrolled in the district and with challenges of families seeking jobs in larger communities as well as open enrollment rural communities are finding it difficult to stay within a reasonable budget based upon factors beyond a districts control. Each district receives a per-pupil funding equivalent to 8 students and as the per-pupil dollar amount goes up, the amount of sharing money increases. Tri-County and Keota are fi nalizing the details of the 28E sharing agreement with their school boards. With this agreement, Tri-County will hold the contract for Phelps and Keota will agree to a one-year sharing contract. Both districts would share fi ft y-percent of the contract with Phelps equally sharing his time between the two districts. Keota VFW Auxiliary The VFW Auxiliary meets the third Tuesday of each month, typically at the VFW building. Lagos Acres Lagos Acres Country Club will be hosting a social night the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. Golf simulator, cards and bags will be available for entertainment. KCSD Board Meeting The Keota School Board meets the second Thursday of each month, typically at 6:30 p.m. The next meeting will be in the Elementary Media Center Feb. 11. WCRF Spring Grants The Washington County Riverboat Foundation has announced that applications for spring grants are now available. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on April 6. Continued on page 2. In This Issue Classifieds Eagles Wing Gone Cold Local News Opinion/Editorial Public Notices Sports 5 6 4 2, 3, 7 4 4, 7 8 This Week’s Color In The Keota Eagle Is Brought To You By Keota’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 a.m. at Wilson Memorial Park in Keota. Children 4th grade and younger are invited to come participate in the egg hut. The Easter Bunny is expected to be at the park. Parents and grandparents are reminded to bring their cameras. The Egg Hunt is sponsored by the Keota Community Club. Think Spring Cleaning Amie Van Patten, editor With warmer weather among us, the aftermath of a wet winter lies before us. As you drive down the road, the left over leaves, sticks and even debris of garbage can be seen. Many become eager to clean up what winter has left behind. The city council wants to urge the community to make sure that when you begin your spring-cleaning to make sure that you are taking advantage of the city dump for compost items such as the leaves, plants, and wood. When utilizing this facility please make sure that all materials make it to the proper disposal area Farmers Cooperative and that if something is lost along the way that you are returning to pick up it up so that we can all work to keep the area clear of all waste. Keota also enforces a burn ban, ordinance 223, which prohibits the burning of recyclable, and raw materials as well as leaves. Yard waste including tree limbs, brush and stumps are permissible. The city’s spring-clean up day will be held on Saturday, May 14. More details will become available as the event nears closer. Visit Your Friendly Co-op 641-636-3748 or 641-636-3439 2 Community Wednesday, March 16, 2016 IHCC announces winter term graduates Indian Hills Community College has released the names of the students who completed their graduation requirements at the end of the 2015-16 Winter Term. This is a list of students who received an Associate of Arts (AA) degree, Associate of Science (AS) degree, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, a Diploma or a Certificate at the conclusion of the Winter Term. AGENCY: Haleigh Moyle (AA), Samuel Schmidt (AAS) ASBURY: Lauren Streets (AA) BEACON: Cara McMurray (Diploma) EDDYVILLE: Tonya Fletcher (AA), Donovan Young (AA) FREMONT: Codey Rupprecht (AAS) GILMAN: Courtney VanDekamp (Diploma) HEDRICK: Linda Milks (AA) NEW SHARON: Zachary Anderson (AA), Jaylin DeJong (AA), Christina Hipsher (AA), Joshua Robertson (AA) OLLIE: Allie Philips (AA and AS) OSKALOOSA: Skyler Baugher (AA), Tammy Brummel (AA), Nicholas Jordan (Diploma) SIGOURNEY: Brianna Ballard-Goldman (AA) UDELL: Joseph Simons (Diploma) UNIONVILLE: Joshua Fane (AA) Obituaries Russell Wallerich Russell James Wallerich, 82, of Green River, Wyoming, formerly of Keota, died on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Mission at Castle Rock in Green River. A longtime resident of Green River and a former resident of Keota, Mr. Wallerich died following a brief illness. He was born in Clear Creek, Keokuk County, on June 2, 1933, the son of Homer John and Irene Margaret Dumont Wallerich. Russell attended schools in Keota, Keokuk County, Iowa and was a 1951 graduate of Keota High School. He was a United States Navy Veteran of the Korean War. He was a self-employed carpenter for many years. His interests included spending time outdoors and collecting arrowheads. He was a Roman Catholic and a member of Knights of Columbus. Survivors include three brothers: Keith (Jeanne) Wallerich, of Keota; Melvin (Barb) Wallerich, of Burlington; and Ron (Annette) Wallerich, of Fairfax; five sisters: Jeanine (Harold) Hall, of Ames, Rita Harnish, of Cedar Rapids; Barbara (Don) Soutter, of Mitchellville; Suzanne (Dick) Sheaffer, of Windsor Heights; and Linda (Mike) Forret, of Adel; brother-in-law: Harold Peiffer, of Des Moines; 43 nieces and nephews; 76 great nieces and nephews; 17 great-great nieces and nephews; seven step-nieces and nephews; 25 step-great nieces and nephews; 11 stepgreat-great nieces and nephews; numerous cousins; his special friends, Jim and Lori Rockhold, of Green River, Wyoming; and all of his many friends in Green River, Wyoming. He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister: Rose Marie Peiffer, and two brothers: Ted Wallerich and Charles Wallerich. Memorial visitation will be held from 10 until 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 16, at the Powell Funeral Home in Keota. Private family burial will be held. A memorial fund has been established for the Keota Veterans Memorial. Powell Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Keota is caring for Russell and his family. Tributes may be left at January April Calendar Community Community January May Calendar Calendar Community Calendar Community Community Calendar Veterans February Memorial: Community Help find March Calendar relatives of Gold Star Keota Unlimited Veterans Continued from page 1. Keota Unlimited meets the fourth Monday of each month in the Libertyville Savings Bank conference room at 7 p.m. Keokuk County Supervisors The Keokuk County Supervisors meet weekly on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at the Keokuk County Courthouse boardroom. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings for AA (open) are held in the Wellman Municipal Building basement every Thursday at 8 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Alzheimer’s Support Group meetings are held the first Monday of each month at the Presbyterian Church in Washington at 6:30 p.m. Keota Eagle Deadlines The Keota Eagle deadline for all content and advertisements is noon. Submissions can be dropped off at the office, mailed to P.O. Box 18 Keota, Iowa 52248, or emailed to [email protected]. The Keota Eagle A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441 (USPS 293-620) Amber Kephart, Regional Manager Amie Van Patten, Editor Published Every Wednesday Address Correspondence To: P.O. Box 18, Keota, IA 52248 Billing Inquires: Contact Mid-American billing at 1-800-558-1244, ext. 124, Hampton, IA 50441 Circulation & Subscription Inquiries: Contact Mid-America circulation at 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122 Send Inquires To P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441, or email [email protected] Credit Cards are accepted. Subscriptions - $37.00 Per Year You may subscribe at our office by contacting us locally during business hours at 641-636-2309, or at Periodicals Postage Paid At Keota, IA Postmaster: Send address changes to: Mid-America Circulation P.O. Box 29 Hampton, IA 50441 Phone 1-800-558-1244, or email [email protected] Advertising Rate: $7.60/column inch (2.0278) $10 black and white photo fee $50 for obituaries The Keota Veterans Memorial com- mittee is seeking help in finding relatives of veterans who died while in the service. Most veterans whose relatives are being sought are from the Civil War era, however, there are some from the World War 1, World War II, and Vietnam. The veterans are listed in alphabetical order with the date of death listed beside the name of the veteran. Any information should be sent to Larry Gale Sanders, P.O. Box 283, Keota, Iowa 52248 or call 641-636-2394. Wayne N. Alquist 1945 Robert Beaty 1862 Edward Earl Blythin 1918 Frank Bonnarens 1968 Clarence D. Bridges 1945 John O. Brown 1944 Raymond J. Callister 1943 Franklin Connelly 1863 Robert J. Cresswell 1864 Samuel Crowner 1862 Fredd Drumm 1945 William Fulton 1862 Charles Goss 1862 Thomas P. Gray 1863 Alonzo Hinman 1864 Tobias Hites 1865 Isaac M. Home 1864 Thomas E. Home 1861 John D. North 1862 Richard Wayne Palmer 1945 Leon Pickering 1943 William Pickering 1944 Thomas A. Schockley 1862 Dale Shurts 1944 Isaac N. Smith 1861 Joe Porter White 1927 Nicholas L. Wilkin 1861 Marion Wolfe 1937 Learly L. Woolems 1918 William Wright 1861 Leland Funston Leland D. Funston, 79, of Keota, died on Thursday, March 10, 2016, at Mer- cy Hospital in Iowa City. The family received friends from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 at the Jones and Eden Funeral Home in Washington. Interment will take place at a later date. Memorials have been established for the Keota First Responders or the Keota Fire Department. Online condolences may be sent for Lee’s family through the web at Lee was born March 22, 1936, near Keota, the son of Clarence Roy and Martha Perle (Perrin) Funston. He attended country school through the sixth grade and then attended school in Keota, graduating from Keota High School in 1954. Following graduation, Lee joined the United States Air Force where he served honorably for four years. While in the Air Force, he met and married Darlene Goodwin on July 19, 1955. They moved back to Keota where Lee worked for the Farmer’s Co-Op for 36 years. He enjoyed camping and fishing. Lee was a volunteer for many years for the Keota Volunteer Fire Department. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Darlene Funston, of Keota; son, Clarence Funston, and his wife, Vilma, of Keota; three daughters: Christina Wagner, of Des Moines; Deb Sweeting, and her husband, Scott, of Iowa City; and Deanna Funston, of Tierra Amarillo, New Mexico; two grandsons, Rory Funston and Michael Funston; a granddaughter, Melissa Wagner; and a sister, Hazel Benson, of Wellman. Lee was preceded in death by his parents, an infant son and son-in-law, Denny Wagner. Menus & Calendars Bethel United Methodist Church Pastor LuAnne Benge 319-456-3105 6 miles E of Sigourney on Hwy 92. Website: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Worship at 10:30 a.m. Alive at Five every first and third Sunday at 5 p.m. Holy Trinity Parish 109 N Lincoln St. Pastor Rev. Charles Fladung 641-622-3426 Email - [email protected] Deacon Jim Striegel – 641-634-2896 Bookkeeping – Bulletins – Secretary Kara Sobaski – 319-461-4501 Email – [email protected] Parish Office Phone – 641-636-3883 Office hours are - Wednesday & Friday from 9 - 11 a.m. Bulletin deadline is Wednesday at 9 a.m. For ease in relaying messages for bulletin, send via email to: [email protected]. Announcements: Saturday Vigil has returned to Sigourney for the month of March. It is scheduled to return to Keota for the month of April. On Saturdays before the start of the 4 p.m. Mass, at either Saint Mary or Holy Trinity, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 3 – 3:30 p.m. If school is cancelled or delayed, morning Mass will be cancelled. United Church of Faith Pastor Michael Druhl 201 North Ellis Street, PO Box 208 Keota, IA 52248-0208 (641)636-3825 [email protected] - email - webpage Keota UCF – face book page Sunday Worship Service - 9:00 AM Youth Sunday School – 9:15-10 AM Wednesday, March 16 – Lenten meal @ 6 PM Devotional service @ 7 PM Thursday, March 17 – Communion @ Keota Health Care Center 10 AM Sunday, March 20 – Liturgist: Angie Carr Greeters: Vicki & Larry Fagen Cindy & Tom Messenger Musician: Craig McClenahan UWF Annual Soup Supper 4:30 - 6:30 PM Free will offering , carry outs available. CYM meeting @ 6:30 PM Wednesday, March 23 – Kids Club 3:45 -5:00 PM Thursday , March 24 – Maundy Thursday service @ 7 PM Musician: Janie Westendorf Friday, March 25 – Good Friday service @ 7 PM Musicians: Jane Edwards & Janie Westendorf Keota CSD This menu is subject to change. Wednesday, March 16 Breakfast: No School Lunch: No School Thursday, March 17 Breakfast: No School Lunch: No School Friday, March 18 Breakfast: No School Lunch: No School Monday, March 21 Breakfast: Whole grain breakfast pizza, tropical fruit, juice choice, milk choice Lunch: Baked chicken drumstick, savory rice, fresh broccoli, corn, oatmeal roll, sliced peaches Tuesday, March 22 Breakfast: Whole grain pancakes, peaches, juice choice Lunch: Pork rib on a bun, leaf lettuce and tomato, tri-tater, green beans, fresh kiwi, cookie (9-12) Wednesday, March 23 Breakfast: Cheese omelet, whole grain toast, orange smilies, juice choice, milk choice Lunch: Lasagna, garden spinach salad, whole grain breadstick, apple wedges, marinara sauce (9-12) Keota Music Boosters Birthday Calendar March 2016 March 16: Jacob Altenhofen March 17: (St. Patrick’s Day) Tierney Greiner, Leah Reed, Brandon Berg March 18: Haley Brenneman, Hannah Brenneman, Callie Hahn, Marilyn Luttenegger, Benjamin Merz March 19: Larry Hultman, Anthony Westendorf, M/M Dean Redlinger March 20: Rex Flynn, Beauen Werger, M/M Kelly Bennett March 21: Brynn Jeffries March 22: Linda Shafer, Patty Sieren, Caden Sprouse, Aidan Anderson March 23: Cassandra Sieren, Greg Merz, Dennis Shafer, Rita Sheetz SLOAN - MOHR MONUMENT COMPANY SINCE 1886 Statewide assessor testing scheduled Statewide examinations for the positions of deputy assessor and assessor have been schedule for April, according to Courtney M. Kay-Decker, Director of the Iowa Dept of Revenue. The examination for deputy assessor will be held Saturday, April 9, 2016, and the examination for assessor will be held Saturday, April 16, 2016. Both exams will be conducted at 8:30 a.m. in the fourth floor conference room of the Hoover State Office Building in Des Moines. Under Iowa law, a person wishing to become eligible for appointment as an assessor or as a deputy assessor must successfully complete an examination and be certified by the Director of the Dept. of Revenue. Local officials can appoint only those persons certified by the Director of Revenue. Applications for examinations may be obtained from city and county asses- sors, county auditors, or from the Dept. of Revenue-Property Tax Division. Director Kay-Decker said, “Our Property Tax Division must receive applications at least three days before the examination. I encourage interested persons to submit their applications as soon as possible. The examinations are given approximately every six months. Keokuk County Expo 2016 Spring Indoor Antique Tractor Pull Saturday, March 19 and Sunday, March 20 411 W. Jackson - Sigourney, Iowa 52591 TELEPHONES 641-622-3121 Office - 641-622-3502 Home Lagos Acres St. Patrick’s Day Party Saturday, March 19 Doors Open At 6:00 P.M. • Auction At 8:00 P.M. Spike on the Mike from 9:00 P.M. To 1:00 A.M. featuring Bill O’Malley’s Mulligan Stew Advanced Tickets $5.00 (includes entry into raffle drawing); At The Door $7.00 ID RequIReD Beginning at 9:00 a.m. Each Day National 5500 lb. Classic Championship starts at 6 p.m. Saturday in the Livestock Barn at Expo FISH FRY at Knights of Columbus Hall, Harper Friday, March 18 Serving 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. $10.00 Per Person Children 1/2 Price Serving Whole Catfish, Tilapia, Scalloped & Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Roll & Drink PUBLIC INVITED For Carry Outs Call 319-330-6456 Knights of Columbus AnnuAl for children up to 4th Grade Saturday, March 26 10:00 a.m. at K of C Hall or at the Park, Harper depending on weather Bring the Kids, Meet the Easter Bunny, Enjoy the Fun! We also need help picking up highway litter after the Egg Hunt There are times in life when the unimaginable happens, for us it was on Feb. 10th, 2016. It was during this time we realized how fortunate we are to be part of a great community. During this past year we have received love, encouragement and numerous acts of kindness from our families and friends. We would like to thank everyone for memorials,flowers, food, cards, prayers and to those who stopped by or called. A special Thank You goes out to all for making Jack’s Celebration such a beautiful send off, He would of loved it! Sincerely, The Jack Walker Family Susan (Midge), Joshua, Jessica and Mary Community Wednesday, March 16, 2016 3 Keota Science Fair Results Keota FFA March Minutes Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7:20 on March 4th, 2016 in the Agriculture Education Classroom. There were 23 members and no guests present. Officer Reports: Erin Chalupa gave the secretary’s report on the February meeting. Luke Greiner moved to approve the minutes and Riley Conrad seconded. The motion passed. Luke Greiner gave the treasurer’s report that the chapter has $18,958.36 with no outstanding bills or checks. Old Business: Marty Baker gave a report on the Sub-District competition on February 15th in Eddyville. We had a Parliamentary Procedure team move onto districts, and a conduct of meetings team receive a gold being the district alternate. We also had an individual Ag Sales participate. Luke reported on Tractor Day that was February 23rd and suggested that we have it on a Friday next year. Logan Sieren talked about the Faculty Breakfast on February 24th and said we need to write out thank-you’s for donations. All members discussed FFA Week and made suggestions for what we could do better next year. New Business: Logan Sieren reminded the group that District FFA Contest is on March 5th and that all members will leave at 6:00 A.M. Mrs. Amelon told everyone to fill out enrollment forms and talk to her about ordering tags if they are showing at the State Fair. Erin Chalupa discussed the Iowa Youth Institute World Food Prize paper opportunity and said that it is due March 25th. Ryan Chalupa talked about State FFA Contest in Ames, and reminded everyone to fil out applications and sign up for contests if the plan to attend. Next, Marty Baker moved to put the new t-shirt designing to a committee, and Luke Greiner seconded. Mrs. Amelon talked about going to Washington D.C. for graded 10-12. Logan set the date for the banquet on May 6th at 6:30. The Community Development committee decided to clean up the Eagle Trail on April 2nd from 9-11 for a community service project. The group discussed what to have in the FFA field and decided to have the Horticulture class look deeper into the matter. The next meeting will be held on April 1st and 7:30. Closing: Riley moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 and Luke seconded. The meeting was closed at 8:00. Best Data/Observations Honorable Mention - Riley Hahn & Luke Hammen - Nothing But Net 3rd - Anna Duwa, Claire Jaeger, Trinity Dalton - Mice on a Hype 2nd - Jenna Jaeger & Sky Weber Lower Your Blood Pressure Before it Lowers You 1st - Lauren Sieren & Addie Swanson - I Like Big Eggs, I Can Not Lie... Dutch Creek 4-H member, Aiden McGuire with his Shop safety board. Dutch Creek Flyers The Dutch Creek Flyers held their January meeting Monday, Jan. 25 at Pizza Ranch. Ten club members bused tables to earn money for the club. Despite the poor weather we were able to earn $283. The Dutch Creek Flyers held their February meeting Saturday, Feb. 20 at Saint Mary’s Church Hall. Ten club members attended the meeting. Cooper Sieren called the meeting to order and Bryce Greiner led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jacey Berg and Greta Sieren gave a presentation on Rabbit Showmanship with a fun audience quiz at the end. Aiden McGuire gave a very informative presentation on Shop Safety. We were glad to see some of our newest members do such great jobs on their presentations. Carmen Sieren led the 4H Pledge, and we enjoyed a snack of homemade brownies. Our next meeting will be held at Carmen and Greta Sieren’s house on Sunday, March 20 at 5 p.m. Members should show up at 4 p.m. if they want to work on the trash can for the fairgrounds. Dutch Creek members, Bailey and Carmen Sieren cleaning tables for tips at Pizza Ranch. Best Real Life Application HM - Jarrod Keller & Erik Smith Bring the Heat 3rd - Jaydin Benford & Tucker McDonald - Popcorn 2nd - Bailey Baumert & MiKayla Beatty - Apples to Apples 1st - Nolan Verstraete & JD Stout Fertilizer Frenzy Best Presentation 3rd - Jaydin Boer - Edible Water Bottles 2nd - Sam Menke & Cooper Sieren - Hyper Plants 1st - Bailey Sieren & Lindsey Imhoff - Savor the Flavor of Fudge Aaliyah Heldman and Taylor Conrad (not pictured) - “Boo Boo Bacteria” Best Overall HM - Bryce Greiner & Sam Sieren - Germination Battle 3rd - Dawson Baumert & Joe Swanstrom - Wasteless Wigglers 2nd - Aaliyah Heldman & Taylor Conrad - Boo Boo Bacteria 1st - Jaime Schulte & Kendall Wilson - Organic Panic They tested the reproductive rate of fruit flies that fed on organic vs. non-organic grapes. Bryce Greiner and Sam Sieren (not pictured) - “ Dawson Baumert and Joe Swanstrom Germination Battle” “Wasteless Wigglers” Sippin’ Green Beer This Year? Find a Safe Ride St. Patrick’s Day has become one of the deadliest holidays due to the number of drunk drivers on the roadways. That’s why the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) warns Iowans to not drink and drive this St. Patrick’s Day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2014, 28-percent of all crash fatalities during the St. Patrick’s Day weekend involved drunk drivers, and that number rose to nearly half in the post-party hours of midnight – 6:00 a.m., of March 18, 2014. Pedestrians walking while intoxicated are also at risk as lack of attention risks getting hit by a vehicle. In 2014, 35-percent of the pedestrians killed in crashes had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher. There is some good news, how- ever. The number of fatalities over this holiday period decreased nationally from 32 in 2013 to 29 in 2014. Likewise, the number of fatalities involving drunk drivers declined from more than one-third to one-fourth. The bad news is that every one of those deaths could have been prevented. Don’t let your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations end in tragedy. The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau encourages Iowans to plan ahead by identifying a designated driver or utilize another form of safe transportation if you choose to drink this St. Patrick’s Day. The relatively small fee for a safe ride home is much cheaper than the thousands of dollars it will cost for a drunk driving arrest. Let’s make this St. Patrick’s Day safer this year! Extra law enforcement officers will be on the roads March 16 – 19, 2016, to keep Iowa motorists safe. Whether you’re buzzed or drunk, it doesn’t matter. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving – drive sober and remember to buckle up! OPEN HOUSE Saturdays 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. or by appointment anytime 2089 117th Ct., Kalona 1 mile West and 1/4 mi. North of Kalona It’s a Great Time to Build! Call to discuss your Plans today! 319-656-5131 4 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Opinion / Records / Editorial Spurring community and economic growth A bipartisan agreement will help Iowans filing taxes this year. The decision will “couple” Iowa’s tax code with recent federal tax changes for 2015. Farmers and small business owners will benefit from a provision called Section 179 expensing. Federal law allows them to take a larger deduction for equipment purchased as an investment in their operations. SF 2303 also helps Iowa teachers who purchase supplies for their classrooms with their own money. Teachers may deduct up to $250 from their income for these expenses. The decision to couple with federal tax changes for 2015 will benefit other Iowans as well. I am pleased we’ve reached a fiscally responsible agreement on this important issue. A new grant program will spur economic growth by helping communities clean up neglected buildings. Many Iowa towns have underutilized, dilapidated buildings. To address the problem, the Iowa Senate recently gave bipartisan approval to SF 2229. The bill creates the Community Catalyst Building Remediation Fund to provide grants to rehab or demolish eyesores that stunt economic growth. Iowa’s Economic Development Authority will administer the fund, working with cities on plans to use grants in a way that is consistent with their community, housing and economic development goals. Forty percent of the money will go to towns with fewer than 1,500 residents. The bill is now under consideration in the House. Upcoming public forums Washington County Legislative Forum: March 19, 2016 at 10 a.m. at Washington County Courthouse, 222 West Main Street , Washington. Johnson County Legislative Forum: March 26, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at North Liberty City Hall, 3 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty. Sponsored by the League of Women Vot- ers of Johnson County. Additional information This is a legislative update from State Senator Kevin Kinney, representing Keokuk, Washington and Johnson counties. For newsletters, photos and further information, go to To contact Senator Kinney when the Legislature is in session, call the Senate Switchboard at 515-281-3371. Otherwise, he can be reached at 319631-4667. E-mail him at [email protected]. Senator Kinney is vice-chair of the Agriculture & Natural Resources Budget Subcommittee. He also serves on the Agriculture, Education, Government Oversight, Judiciary, and Natural Resources & Environment committees. Funnel Week This was the second funnel week which means all the Senate bills must be passed through the House committees. With that, we also saw quite a bit of floor debate and many bills passed the House. Thursday, we reached agreements with the Senate regarding the very important issues of tax coupling and consumables. This agreement provides certainty for Iowans by allowing them to couple with federal taxes. The consumables bill clarifies what is sales tax exempt which gets rid of the state unfairly taxing supplies and replacement parts during the manufacturing process. However, this week my focus will be on a topic that is a little bit lighter. I will be discussing the front license plate requirement on Iowan’s cars. Originally when HF 540 went to the House Transportation Committee it eliminated the front registration plate on all vehicles. However, the Iowa House was divided on whether this bill was a step in the right direction. Those opposed to the bill argued that the elimination of all front plates might hinder law enforcement. There were arguments that the ability to read front plates gives law enforcement a significant advantage in apprehending criminals and enforcing the law. Consistent with this line of On the Hill with Klein By State Representative Jarad Klein the arguments, the Iowa Police Chief Association and Iowa State Sheriffs’ and Deputies’ Association registered against the bill. Those for the bill argued that front plates are a nuisance and that not all new cars come with front plates, thus a mounting fee is required for one to install a plate. In agreement with this stance, Iowa Automobile Dealers Association registered for the bill. Due to a divide in opinion, an amendment was offered that struck the entirety of the bill and replaced it with language that would allow antique cars and sports cars to be exempted from having a front plate on the body of the car, as long as that plate was carried in the car. An antique car is a motor vehicle 25 years old or older and is registered as such. A sports car is defined a two-seater car, that is eight inches or lower to the ground, and is capable of exceeding speeds of 130 mph. The amendment passed and the bill was redrafted and renumbered as HF2148 to reflect the change. The bill was subsequently sent to the Senate. As a background, 19 states do not require front license plates, while 31 states do. In recent years, other states have looked at changing the law to go in the opposite direction of current law. In the past couple years Ohio has introduced legislation to eliminate the two license plate requirement, but the legislation failed due to concerns by law enforcement. Thus, states seeking to go from 2 license plates on vehicles to 1 should learn from legislators in Iowa who developed a creative solution to make both sides happy. As always, I want to thank you for continuing to allow me to represent the wonderful people of House District 78. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] or call or text me at 515-689-5430. Also, include your name and address so I am able to respond to constituents first. Keokuk County Board Proceedings KEOKUK COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS MARCH 7, 2016 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in regular session, Monday, March 7, 2016 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. All members were present. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the minutes of February 29, 2016 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department. Crews are cutting brush and working on the cross-road pipe replacement process. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the March 7, 2016 claim listing as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve Casey Thompson, Keokuk County Health Center, to continue to act as grant administrator and fiscal agent for the Iowa Department of Public Health EMS Grant for Fiscal Year 2017. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve EOC building repairs, not to exceed $750, for removal of furnace flue, patch & reshingle roof and replace siding. All ayes and motion carried. Keokuk County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan update was held with Emergency Management Coordinator Smith. Board consensus was not to spend taxpayer’s money on a pre-disaster plan since Keokuk County entities do not use it. Smith was instructed to continue to apply for grant funding. Wood moved, Hadley seconded approval of application for use of Keokuk County Courthouse Grounds on March 19, 2016 – MidWestOne Bank Easter Egg Hunt as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to change the holiday verbiage to read: All regular full-time employees qualify for the following ten (10) recognized holidays. All ayes and motion carried. The current verbiage differentiated between hourly and salary employees. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve Access Systems Monthly Total IT Care, at the cost of $1,665 per month, as Keokuk County IT backup support and resource as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Wood attended a RUSS meeting. Hadley attended E911 and IDOT Freight Council meetings. Berg attended a Decat meeting last week. Discussion of old/new business and pub- If you are reading this . . . . . . so are your customers! lic comment was held. Assessor Sanders informed assessment notices will be sent out this week or next. Pathfinders update was sent for review. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. CLAIM DATE: March 7, 2016 AGRILAND FS 1,583.14 AHLERS & COONEY 500.00 ALL AM PEST CONTROL 50.00 ALLIANT ENERGY 5,374.79 ALTORFER MACHINERY 2,215.94 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY 198.87 ATI 366.71 B&B PROPANE 223.92 BARRON MOTOR SUPPLY 247.77 CALHOUN-BURNS & ASSOC 5,457.50 CARD CENTER 875.42 CARPENTER UNIFORM CO 118.61 CASTRO, DR ROBERTO 200.00 CENTURY LINK 273.05 CLUBB, BONNIE 323.40 COBB OIL CO 1,662.37 COMBUSTION CONTROL 304.00 COPELAND AUTO BODY 15.00 COX SANITATION & RECY 31.00 CTI TECHNOLOGY 6,815.00 DIGGINS, KARI 67.00 DIRECTV 69.98 DON’S TRUCK SALES 561.98 DOUDS STONE 4,511.30 EARLS INC 156.00 FORCE AMERICA 37.27 GAVILON GRAIN 6,391.20 GISH, JOHN 1,013.05 GOLDMAN, DAWN 29.25 GREENLEYS CORP 179.33 H & M FARM & HOME 61.44 HADLEY, MICHAEL C 492.30 HD SUPPLY WHITE CAP 227.94 HEDRICK, CITY OF 500.00 IA EMERGENCY MNGT ASSOC 125.00 IA ST SHERIFFS & DEP ASSOC 125.00 IOWA COMM NETWORK 61.58 IOWA EMER NUMBER ASSOC 75.00 IOWA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 25.00 IOWA LAW ENF ACADEMY 6,285.00 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES 301.92 ISAC 415.00 ITSAVVY LLC 4,948.00 JONES, MAUREEN 92.56 KEMPF, MARGARET 278.72 KENT, CHARLES 5.35 To advertise, call Amber at 641-799-9293 the Keota eagle [email protected] 310 E. Broadway St. | PO Box 18 641.636.2309 | Keota, IA 52248 A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation Customized Business & Personal Printing KEOKUK CO HEALTH CTR 1,169.42 KEOKUK CO HWY DEPT 93.92 KEOKUK CO VET CLINIC 200.00 KIMBALL MIDWEST 137.13 LANKFORD, WENDY 107.12 LINN COUNTY SHERIFF 24.68 M & M SALES CO 135.50 MAIL SERVICES 347.22 MCKESSON MED SURGICAL 115.34 MCMILLAN, B SUE 27.00 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING 917.72 MILLER, PAT SNAKENBERG285.48 MODERN COOP TELEPHONE 351.80 MOORE, JANICE 49.92 MOORE, KELLY 12.00 MURPHY TOWER SERV 1,250.00 MYTECH PARTNERS 766.39 NORMAN, STEVE 481.50 NORRIS ASPHALT PAVING 1,170.15 NO ENGLISH TELEPHONE 682.78 POMP’S TIRE SERVICE 3,124.28 POSTMASTER 354.40 QUILL CORP 738.02 RASPLICKA, TUCKER 150.00 REVIER, NOREEN 200.00 SADLER POWER TRAIN 2,110.60 SAFETY X-TREME 1,308.80 SCEARCY, BOB 150.00 SCHNEIDER CORP 15,000.00 SHIVEHATTERY INC 2,338.50 SHOWMAN, DAN 11.70 SIACC 50.00 SIGN-UP LTD 58.75 SIGOURNEY BODY SHOP 1,342.50 SIGOURNEY CLEANERS 18.10 SIGOURNEY, CITY OF 586.60 SINCLAIR TRACTOR 1,367.90 STROBELS INC 18.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 117.71 THRELKELD-LARSON, VIRGINIA 249.60 TIFCO INDUSTRIES 157.42 TRANSIT WORKS 71.46 TRUE VALUE 19.99 U S POST OFFICE 98.00 US CELLULAR 437.89 VAN DIEST SUPPLY 10,706.40 WAECHTER, MARILYN 97.39 WAPELLO CO AUDITOR 756.45 WASTE MANAGEMENT 7,096.41 WELLINGTON TOOL SALES 31.95 WINDSTREAM 2,528.19 WITTHOFT FARM SUPPLY 100.00 WOOD, DARYL 126.00 ZEE MEDICAL 51.85 TOTAL $113,772.59 SK11 Classifieds Wednesday, March 16, 2016 5 Starts at $8.50 for 25 words! Call 641-622-3110 FOR SALE Good used rear tine tiller with counter rotating tines, 6 H.P. - 14 inch tine width. Model No. 917296IO. Mary Walker 641-224-2293 FOR RENT HELP WANTED For Rent: House in rural Sigourney. 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, no pets, no smoking. References. $600 plus deposit. 319-363-1020. S11-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted General laborer, starting $13-$15/hr. depending on experience. Need license and willing to travel. 641-622-3638. SK10-2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drivers: OTR, Great Hometime. Top benefits, sign-on bonus. CDL-A. Stutsman, Inc., Hills, IA, tpantel@, 319-679-2281. SK10-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Wanted: Farming operation looking for spring help. Full and part time. Class A CDL preferred. $15$25/hour. 319-461-4000. SK9-4 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Class A CDL Company Drivers Wanted: SIGN-ON BONUS UP TO $6,000 FOR THE NEXT 5 DRIVERS HIRED! Earn up to $60,000 annually! Home weekly! Contact us today! HEWITT TRUCKING 877-439-4881. MAP8-4 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Precision Manure Application Inc. is looking for tractor tank operators and Class A CDL drivers for this upcoming spring application season. If interested call Adam Jackson 1-515-321-8021 or Cory Jackson 1-641-373-2886. MAP10-10 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to $37.50/hr CNA’s up to 22.50/hr Free gas/weekly pay $2000 Bonus AACO Nursing Agency 1-800-656-4414 Ext. 12 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EMT/Paramedics. Central Iowa Professional Paramedic Service in a progressive, growing community has two full time openings. All EMS levels urged to apply. 515-370-0003 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! All new equipment. Home Every Week. Full Benefits. FT/PT, Weekends/Seasonal. Packwood, IA. LOWEST TURNOVER RATE IN THE INDUSTRY! 1-800-247-1081, (319) 695-3601, (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QLF Transportation – Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16 www.qlf. com (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Drive Flatbed - No previous flatbed experience needed! 44-50 CPM based on experience. High miles. Full benefits. Pets allowed. Requires CDL-A and 1-year OTR. 888.476.4860 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CDL A DRIVERS - *$7,500 SignOn-Bonus MEDICAL BENEFITS on DAY 1 & Earn $65k+ your FIRST YEAR!!!*GUARANTEED PAY *401k WITH COMPANY MATCH & MORE! Apply online goto/minnesota Or Call Hollie at 507664-3038 (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Available Now Accepting applications for HUD Section 8: Elderly/Disabled 1 BR apartment in Sigourney Low Rent Housing FOR SALE For Sale: New beige ($500) love seat, 5 ft. long, for $300. Reason selling, won’t fit space. Lloyd Hervey, Keswick, 319-738-2368. SK11-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Charbroil propane grill with cover. 2 years old. $150. 641-6342014. SK10-2* ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Sale: Dolmar Chain Saws: PS32 14” - $199.95; PS421 16” $319.95; PS5105 20” - $449.95; PS6100 20” - $580.95. New Snapper 360Z Mowers In Stock For Spring. Strobel’s Inc., 641-622-2159. SK5tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GUNS: Lowest price on transfers and new firearm orders! ammo, reloading, muzzle loading, supplies. Green Mountain wood pellet Grills. Myles Miller Refrigeration, 641-6222643 SK3tfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact Kathy at 800-254-9928 641-622-3260 Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. NOTICE Jody’s Tanning, Jody Miller, Open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Call for your appointment today. 1004 West Pleasant Valley Street, Sigourney, IA, 641-622-2411 or 641-660-0637. SK10-3 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PUBLIC MEETING: 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of every month at the Keota City Hall. Special meetings will be posted at City Hall. Ktfn ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RECRUIT an applicant in this paper, plus 33 other papers in Southeast Iowa for one week for only $110! Includes 25 words and runs in all the newspapers at one time! Call 800-227-7636 or order online: www. (INCN) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WANTED Hawkeye Mutual Ad 7x5 Final.pdf 1 9/8/15 11:30 AM Wanted: Old seed corn signs, sacks, license plate toppers, Farmer’s Hybrids, Tomahawk, Mallard, Pioneer, Blackhawk, or other Iowa seed corn company items. Also buying: old feed signs; old tractor catalogs, brochures, manuals or signs; oil, gas or soda pop signs; and old gas pump globes or old gas pumps. Good condition. Bryan Paul, Lakota, Iowa. 515-538-0187. MAP5-8 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 32927 S County Rd V5G Ollie, IA 52576 641-667-2516 • 1-888-667-2516 KEOTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY Keota Lawn and Power Equipment Sales and Service 105 South Green, Keota 641-636-3107 Dean Redlinger Olde English Barber Shop 641-636-3899 Hours: Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 10-8, Tues. 10-6, Fri. 9-4, Sat. by appointment only Nancy Morrison & Becky Adrian SERVICES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Is Hiring A Service Technician. Very Competitive Wages, OT, Paid Health Ins., 401K, Paid Vacation/ Holidays. Duties will include trouble shooting and repair work on swine and grain facilities and overseeing installers. Clean driving record required, pre-employment drug screen. Please go to: careers to fill out an application, stop by: 1204 1st Ave N, Wellman, IA or call: 319-646-2430 FT Weekend Package Registered Nurse Will work Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 7 pm to 7 am, 36 hours per week. ER experience is a plus. Must be licensed as a Registered Nurse and authorized by the State of Iowa to practice nursing. BLS, ACLS and PALS training required or within 90 days of hire and must maintain throughout employment. TNCC training required or after 6 months of hire and must maintain throughout employment. PRN Dietary Cook/Aide Seeking an individual that can help with vacations and sick time in the Dietary Department. Previous dietary experience and knowledge of healthcare facilities preferred. HELP WANTED Experienced Concrete Finisher. Driver’s license preferred. Pay based on experience. 641-660-2213 HELP WANTED Full Time Tiling • Operating Backhoe and Excavator James Waterhouse 319-863-3855 Looking for RN’s/LPN’s for 2-10 and 10-6 Shifts Competitive wages and sign on bonus. Apply in person at For more information, contact Annette Shafranek ® Human Resources/Payroll Professional (641) 622-1153 Applications may be picked up at: 23019 Highway 149 Sigourney, IA 52591 Keokuk County Health Center is an equal opportunity employer. Class A CDL Driver Wanted. 2 positions open (Feed/Grain) Local runs, overtime opportunities. Competitive wages/benefits. Farm experience/Mechanically included a +. Wellman Produce Co. 319-646-6073 Ask for Derek or Adam SERVICES or call Tammy at 641-636-3400 email: [email protected] Sigourney Health Care & Assisted Living is looking for the following to join our team: • Certified Medication Aides (CMA) for the day shift • Certified Nurse Aides (CNA) for 2nd and 3rd shifts If Interested, Please Call Pam at 641-622-2971 WANTED WANTED MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 AT 10:00 AM - 414 S OAK, RICHLAND, IOWA PARTIAL LISTING TRACTORS: Minneapolis Moline Jet Star tractor w/ loader; International 986, 83xx hours, 18-4-34 rubber; - HAY & FORAGE EQUIPMENT: 1596 JD Batwing Mower - 1000 RPM; JD No. 5 sickle mower; 287 bush hog mower; 6’ rotary mower; wheel rake; hay rack; New Holland 9' sickle bar mower, pull type; New Holland 1412 mower conditioner; LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: 100 - 6-bar x 20' continuous fence panels with clips and connectors; 40- 12' Portable corral Panels; 2 - 10 x 20 hog sheds; bale ring;- PLANTING & TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: JD 494 - 4 row planter; 10' disk; - HARVEST EQUIPMENT: 3 - 450 bu DMI wagons with tarps, truck tires, lights, brakes; wood barge box wagon; - ATVS: Subaru Mini Truck, full time 4x4; 2011 Polaris Ranger, 800 crew, 340 hours; - BRAND NEW SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS: augers and bits; brush grapples; grapple buckets; rock bucket grapple; rock bucket/brush grapple; tree & post puller; skid steer plate; pallets forks; skid steer tires; MOWERS & ATTACHMENTS: John Deere GX 345 riding mower, 54' deck, 20 hp V10; Snapper riding lawn mower, 11 hp Briggs motor; Yard Machine riding lawn mower, 14.5 hp Briggs motor; Murray push lawn mower; Huskee LT 3800 riding lawn mower, 12.5 hp Briggs motor; Attachments: lawn sweeper; lawn roller; fertilizer cart; two wheel trailer;; - MISCELLANEOUS: tools; Horse tack - saddle, briddles, lead ropes; MTD Snowflite snow blower with electric start, model 826; 3-point post-hole digger; 3-point blade; Coleman Powermate generator, 10 hp; several plastic gas cans; several plastic diesel cans; small bench with vice; 2 air compressors; Homelite chain saw; barb wire rolls; wood fence posts; steel fence posts; wire panels; gates; woven wire; pick up box on frame; wheel barrow; posts for volleyball net; 8 ft florescent lights; yard fountain in the box; heavy duty truck bed with hoist on truck frame; would make a great flat bed for truck; 40- 50 gallon drums; 3-point carryall; 5 & 6 bolt tires & rims; 24.5 and 22.5 truck tires; and more; Check website for list. TERMS: Cash or good check. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over ads. Not responsible for accidents or theft. STILL ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS! CONSIGN NOW! Final date to consign: March 30 Titled vehicles & trailers must be consigned by March 19. Call 319-694-4522 to consign or for additional information. Visit our website for full listing. Items added daily. 207 W. Washington, Keota Greiner Real Estate & Auction LLC, Richland, Iowa This Ad Courtesy of PEST CONTROL A 3rd Generation Family Business using the latest technology to solve all of your pest problems! Call Phil Laux, Dalton Laux or Nick Berg at 641-622-3565 Serving and supporting the community since 1971 Jim Tinnes rucking T Rock-Lime-Sand-Dirt Cell Ph. 319-330-6092 Keota, IA 52248 Mark Schneider Keota School District Superintendent • Keota Office: 641-636-2189 • Mid-Prairie Office: 319-646-6093 • Cell: 319-936-8601 • Home: 1-800-641-5811 [email protected] [email protected] . Auctioneers: Myron Greiner 319-694-4522 Mike Goehring 14th Annual Spring Consignment Machinery Auction SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 @ 10:00 a.m. Held at Keoco Auction Co. yards, Sigourney, IA. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Now accepting consignments, one piece or a full line of equipment. Advertising deadline is March 23rd by 12:00 Noon. Find What You Need In THE CLASSIFIEDS To consign or for more information please call: Abell Auction & Real Estate, LLC. Justin & Becky Abell, Sigourney, IA 641-660-8048 or 641-622-3535 4 6 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 The Keota Eagle The Eagle’s Wing Keota Jr./Sr. High School Student Newspaper Issue No. 21 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: ABBY SCHULTE KHS ATHLETE OF THE WEEK BY JACE UPHOLD This week’s Athlete of the Week is Freshman Tristan Sypherd. This track season, Tristan is looking forward to getting in shape and improving on his strength and agility. Tristan’s ultimate achievement in this sport would be to beat a school record. Tristan runs the 100-meter dash and his ultimate goal this year is to win all of his races. Tristan’s favorite part about this sport is running and staying in shape. We are looking forward to watching Tristan run this year. BLAST FROM THE PAST BY KYLEA TINNES Abby Nicole Schulte was born August 15, 1998. Her parents are Dan and Amy Schulte. Abby is the oldest of three girls in her family. Her two younger sisters are Jillian and Jaime. Abby admires her parents for how hardworking they are and for teaching her to believe in herself as she grew up. Abby says her favorite childhood memory was “getting into trouble for turning our living room into a WWE ring with the Swansons one summer.” She also fondly looks back on the vacations she took in the Ozarks with friends and family. Abby has been interested in politics since she was a little girl. In fact, she remembers telling people that she wanted to become the Governor of Iowa when she grew up! Now, at seventeen years old, Abby plans on attending Simpson College in the fall for Pre-Law and Political Science. Abby says she chose this major “because I love politics.” In ten years, Abby hopes to have a good job that she enjoys. The three things she would like to accomplish in her lifetime are to have a family, hold a public office, and become rich enough to give her family what they deserve. Abby believes the qualities that will help her reach these goals are that she’s very hard working, am- bitious, determined, and she will not give up when faced with obstacles. While attending KHS, Abby has been involved in many extracurricular activities, including volleyball, basketball, track, golf, softball, basketball cheerleading, speech, drama, choir, band, EagleRock!, National Honor Society, DARE, and science fair. One of the activities she enjoyed the most was volleyball, because it helped her see that even though sports are fun, they can also be really hard work. One of the accomplishments Abby is most proud of during her time at KHS is being named the KCRGTV Student of the Month. Another proud accomplishment for Abby was being part of the volleyball team that won the SICL Championship in 2014. Of all the memories and accomplishments she has had during her high school years, Abby’s favorite would have to be when Hillary Clinton came to Keota High School in December of 2015, and she got the honor of introducing her before she spoke to the community. After graduation, Abby thinks what she will miss the most is seeing her little sisters every day. The class Abby has enjoyed the most at KHS is Government, because she enjoys talking about politics and debate issues. However, she says her Sociology class has probably prepared her the most for life, because “it has taught me how to make connections with people.” Abby hopes that people remember her as someone who was very hard-working and not afraid to dream big. Her message to the future Seniors of KHS? “Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars!” We send our well wishes to Abby as she finishes up her Senior year at KHS and begins her bright future. CHEMISTRY CLASS TO HOST BLOOD DRIVE BY ELISE SWANSTROM The annual Keota High School Blood Drive is Monday, March 28. It will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the KHS Gymnasium, and is open to everyone in the community. Come show your support and save some lives by donating blood! If you have any questions about giving blood or do not know how to sign up, contact Jenny Hobbs or any of the members of the Junior Class. Free snacks and beverages are provided to anyone donating. PARLI-PRO TEAM MAKES IT TO STATE BY COLE STOUT KHS SENIORS VISIT THE IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BY GLORIA VEGA HOW WILL SENIORS RESPOND THE SECOND TIME AROUND? Each week, we ask a Senior the same question they were asked for the Question of the Week when they were in 7th grade. Let’s see how their responses have changed over the years... Pictured is the Parliamentary Procedure team of Luke Greiner, Riley Conrad, Erin Chalupa, Jack Eakins, and Logan Sieren. Tyler Verstraete This year, the Keota FFA Parliamentary Procedure team will be competing at State Convention. The people involved in Parliamentary procedure are Jack Eakins, Luke Greiner, Riley Conrad, Logan Sieren, and Erin Chalupa. This team received a Gold rating at both the Sub-District level and District level, placing . first at Sub-Districts and second at Districts. Congratulations to this team on their hard work, and we look forward to watching them at State Convention in Ames on April 18th. Q: What is your biggest fear? 9th: Answer: “Getting shot, because Moline is crazy.” 12th: Answer: “Probably heights.” School Countdowns 11 51 45 WEEKS ‘TIL SCHOOL IS OUT DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT DAYS ‘TIL PROM QUESTION OF THE WEEK STAFF AVERY CONRAD MEGAN HILL BAYLEI McCLELLAND COLE STOUT ELISE SWANSTROM KYLEA TINNES JACE UPHOLD GLORIA VEGA Pictured is the English 12 class on their recent Field Trip to the Iowa City Public Library. From left to right, they are: (back row) Ann Smith, Dylan Burgdorf, Gloria Vega, Cortney Hyman, Abby Schulte, Megan Hill, Ryan Chalupa, Paden Uphold, Nate Sieren; (middle row) Isaiah Hahn, Tyler Verstraete, Bekah Fagen,Mariah Lyle, Zach Mousel; (front row) Alyssa White. Not pictured: Grace Shemanski. BY BAYLEI MCCLELLAND The English 12 class went on a Field Trip to the Iowa City Public Library on Thursday, March 10th. The purpose of the visit was to check out books for the research papers they have been working on in English class. They also learned what resources are available in the library, how to find these resources, and how to ask for help when they need it. “With so many resources available on the internet these days, how to navigate your way around a large library has become a lost art,” said their teacher, Mrs. Conrad. “Many college classes still expect students to utilize books as a primary source, so Senior year is a great time for students to learn these important skills.” Students attending the Field MS. BRIES STAFF CORTNEY HYMAN 12TH BIANCA CARDONA 11TH COLE BRENNEMAN 10TH “I FOUND A PLASTIC EGG FULL OF AIR!” “A FISHING POLE AND TACKLE BOX!” “A MINI TV THAT WAS WRAPPED IN REECE’S!” “A BRAND NEW TRAMPOLINE!” Trip were Ann Smith, Dylan Burgdorf, Gloria Vega, Cortney Hyman, Abby Schulte, Megan Hill, Ryan Chalupa, Paden Uphold, Nate Sieren, Isaiah Hahn, Tyler Verstraete, Bekah Fagen, Mariah Lyle, Zach Mousel, and Alyssa White. JOLEE WALKER 9TH ADVISER: ANGELA CONRAD This page was composed and designed by Keota High School students. The Keota Eagle is not responsible for the makeup or editorial content expressed. TY SIEREN 8TH CONNER WOLTERING 7TH BY AVERY CONRAD WHAT ’S THE BEST GIFT YOU’VE EVER RECEIVED FOR EASTER? “A BIG CHOCOLATE BUNNY!” “MONEY!” “LOTS OF CANDY!” Report Of Chief of Police In Keota Submitted by Officer Doug Conrad Report Period Feb. 14 through Feb. 29, 2016 Complaints or service calls received- 17, Citations Issued- 4 Jaeger, Jean L- Speed/ Alternative Enforcement Lowe, Adam- Assist OWI Lowe, Adam- Possession Drug Paraphernalia Sheriff’s Report A charge is not an indication of guilt. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The Sheriff ’s news is a brief summary of the activities/ arrests/ citations from previous weeks as submitted by Keokuk County Sheriff, Casey Hinnah. Criminal Charges are mere accusations and the accused is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Arrests: On Wednesday, March 9, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department arrested James Robert Townsend, 29, Albia, on a warrant for a controlled substance violation. On Wednesday, March 9, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department arrested Stuart Michael Vanmersbergen, 47, Fremont, on a warrant for failure to appear. On Thursday, March 10, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department arrested Nile Lee Funk, 33, Marengo, on a warrant for probation violation. Citations: On Sunday, March 6, the Keokuk Keota Eagle County Sheriff ’s Department cited Samuel Tucker Ingle for speeding. On Sunday, March 6, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Dennis Dean Jones for speeding. On Sunday, March 6, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Jonathan Donald Yendes for speeding. On Sunday, March 6, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Carley Jean Bolhuis for speeding. On Monday, March 7, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Jorge Luis Castillo for registration violation. On Wednesday, March 9, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Ryan David Vos for excessive speed. On Thursday, March 10, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Amy Defalco operating without registration. On Thursday, March 10, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Amy Melissa Bos for excessive speed. On Saturday, March 12, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Aaron Ezra Blodgett for excessive speed. On Saturday, March 12, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Aaron Ezra Blodgett for operating without registration. On Saturday, March 12, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Andrew Douglas Cripe for excessive speed. On Sunday, March 13, the Keokuk County Sheriff ’s Department cited Anthony John Long for excessive speed. For news and stories about the people who matter ...your friends and family... Only $37 for 1 year Call to subscribe 1-800-558-1244 Pump and Plumbing 641-660-8930 • Sigourney 641-660-8930 • Keota Powell Funeral Home & Cremation Service 203 S. Green St. Keota, Iowa Pre-Need Funeral & Cremation Planning Available 641-636-3109 24 Hour Funeral News 641-636-2279 Keota Transmission and Repair Erik Strand 128 E. Broadway • Keota, IA 52248 319-461-5767 Specializing In Transmission & Driveline Repair English Valley Well and Pump Service Bill Van Dee Trenching and Backhoeing North English, IA 319-664-3516 Keota School District Board of Education Meeting Keota Elementary School Media Center Keota, IA 52248 March 10, 2016 6:30 P.M. President Billie Kindred called the meeting to order. Board members present: Scott Flynn, Billie Kindred, Pat Hammen, Naomi Gretter, Jim Tinnes Board members absent: Also present: Mark Schneider, Cherie Westendorf, Beth McBride, Nathan Carlson Scott Flynn moved to adopt the agenda as written. Seconded by Pat Hammen . Motion carried 5-0. Public Forum No one spoke. Consent Items Naomi Gretter moved to approve the following consent items. Minutes The minutes of the February 11, 2016, February 17, 2016 and March 3, 2016 meetings; Finance Report Business Manager Westendorf submitted a current financial report of the district. Payment of Bills The bills as listed for March 10, 2016 and prepaid bills; Open Enrollment Erica and Chet Cave request for their child, Hadley, to attend Keota CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Mike and Andrea Baumert request for their children, Dawson and Addison, to attend Sigourney CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Ashley and James Sines and Brock Yotty request for their child, Brayden, to attend Sigourney CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Tim and Angela Clarahan request for their children, Colten, Caden and Chase, to attend Sigourney CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Jason and Katherine Sieren request for their children, Carmen, Charlotte and Gretta, to attend Mid-Prairie CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Scott and Holly Flynn request for their children, Lily, Thomas, Anna and Jacob, to attend Mid-Prairie CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Ted and Wendy Greiner request for their children, Garrett and Ella, to attend Washington CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Mark and Glenda Sulentich request for their child, Teegan, to attend Washington CSD for the 2016-2017 school year. Personnel A contract was offered to Larry Lyle, High School Boys Track Coach at a salary of $2,996.88 for the 2016 season. Fundraising Requests Keota PTO- to raise funds for test taking snacks, classrooms prizes and elementary supplies. Buena Vista Field Experience Agreement A Field Experiences, Practicum’s, and Student Teaching Agreement between Keota CSD and Buena Vista University. The consent items were seconded by Jim Tinnes. Motion carried 5-0. Student Learning Elementary Class Sizes 2016-2017 Elementary Principal Beth McBride presented information to the board about the history of elementary class sizes. Information was also presented showing the possible class sizes for the 2016-2017 school year. The projected class sizes for 2016-2017 are; Kdg. – 27, 1st – 30, 2nd – 24, 3rd – 27, 4th – 30, 5th – 30, 6th – 18. The board had a lengthy discussion about the class sizes and the costs to add additional teachers and the cost of additional open enrollments. Elementary staff members also voiced their concerns about the current class sizes of the elementary. Naomi Gretter moved to add two elementary teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. Seconded by Scott Flynn. Motion carried 3-2, Records Wednesday, March 16, 2016 7 Keota City Council Minutes MARCH 7, 2016 The Keota City Council met on March 7, 2016, in the city hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Protem Keith Conrad. Council Members answering roll call were Greiner, Davis, Westendorf and Hill. Mayor Cansler was unable to attend the meeting. City employees present were Slaubaugh, Conrad and Osweiler. Amie Van Patten, The Keota Eagle; John Butters, The Washington Evening Journal; Aaron Gwinnup, HR Green; Tomisha Sprouse; Jerry Sheetz, Lyle Insurance Agency; Melinda Eakins, Keota Visioning Committee; and Denny Lyle, Keota Visioning Committee, were also in attendance. Motion was made by Westendorf to approve the agenda, Greiner seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Mayor Protem Conrad called the public hearing to order for the 2016/2017 budget. There were no written or oral comments filed with the clerk. No one was present for the public hearing. Motion was made by Hill to close the public hearing for the 2016/2017 budget. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Mayor Protem Conrad called the public hearing to order for Ordinance 253: An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Keota, Iowa, 2006, By Amending Provisions Pertaining to the Rates Charged for Sewer Rental Rates. No written or oral comments were filled with the clerk; there was also no one in attendance for the public hearing. Motion was made by Westendorf to close the public hearing for Ordinance 253, Hill seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Mayor Protem Conrad called the regular meeting back to order immediately following the public hearings. Motion was made by Greiner, seconded by Westendorf to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Jerry Sheetz, Lyle Insurance Agency, attended the meeting to review the renewal of the city’s insurance plan. The main increase to the plan is on the worker’s compensation due to past history of claims. The council will approve the renewal at the next council meeting. Aaron Gwinnup, HR Green, attended the meeting to give an update on the storm water project and sewer plant project. The DNR is still reviewing the revision and plan submitted for the sewer plant project. A map has been designed to show where all the water runoff is coming from on the field; there is about 14 acre feet of water that has to be captured, held and release properly to relieve the city’s storm sewer back-up problem. They are still working on the final design for this project. Melinda Eakins and Denny Lyle, Keota Visioning Committee, gave the council an update on the progress they have made on the trailhead. Lyle has had conversations with Washington County about the culvert in the ditch down from the trail head location and how they might be able to help with the water flow in that ditch by cleaning up the ditch some and replacing the culvert. He will follow up with the engineering department. He also spoke with the Washington County Conservation about the KeWash trail’s current status and they are going to look into helping clean it up. Eakins informed the council that there has been an interested donor willing to help pay for a new museum to hold the Keota artifacts and they would like to place it by the trailhead. The building would incorporate the restrooms and there would be picnic area in that location, too. The city would like them to talk with the museum committee and get more detailed information before they discuss this idea any further. She also went over how she plans to submit the WCRF grant for the trail head in two different grant cycles since there are multiple phases to the project. Kevin Slaubaugh presented the following for the public works report. There was a water leak at 105 East Washington Avenue on the city’s side of the line that was fixed. He had an inquiry about if the city would help tear down a garage with the property revitalization program. The council said they would help with a structure like this if the whole structure was taken down. About fifty percent of the new water meters have been installed. He purchased a new light bar for the snow plow truck and battery charger for the shop. Greiner made a motion to approve the public works report, Westendorf seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Officer Doug Conrad presented the following report for the police department. He issued one citation for speeding/Alternative Enforcement and assisted with three pending charges for OWI, procession of drug paraphernalia and procession of controlled substance. There were seventeen complaints/service calls: theft, vandalism, controlled substance, OWI, intoxication, disorderly conduct, suspicion, two assist/ service, misc. complaint, four traffic violations, parking and two harassment. Motion was made by Greiner to approve the police departments report, Westendorf seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Davis to approve Resolution 2016-3: A Resolution Approving the City Budget for 2016/2017, Hill seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: “Ayes”-Conrad, Hill, Davis, Westendorf & Greiner; & “Nays”none. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Osweiler did the third reading of Ordinance 253: An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Keota, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to the Rates Charged for Sewer Rental Rate. The rate increase is due to the mandated sewer project by the Iowa DNR. The increase will start a reserve to pay for the loan. Motion was made by Greiner to approve Ordinance 253: An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Keota, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to the Rates Charged for Sewer Rental Rate, Westendorf seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: “Ayes”-Conrad, Hill, Davis, Westendorf & Greiner; & “Nays”-none. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Westendorf to approve Resolution 2016-4: A Resolution Approving the Automatic Withdraw from the City’s Checking Account for Listed Vendor’s, Davis seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: “Ayes”-Conrad, Hill, Davis, Westendorf & Greiner; & “Nays”-none. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Greiner to approve the Information System’s Disaster Prevention and Recovery Plan, Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Hill to approve Computer System’s Security Policy, Westendorf seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Greiner to approve Lagos Acres Event on March 19th time extensions to 1 a.m. for music and 1:30 for liquor sales, Davis seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Osweiler asked for newsletter topics from the council. They gave her areas that they would like covered; they will review the newsletter at the first meeting in April before it is sent out. Motion was made by Davis to approve the payment of bills listed below, Hill seconded the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Motion was made by Hill seconded by Westendorf to approve the February financial report. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. FUND LIBRARY BEGINNING BALANCE RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES END BALANCE CD 138569.04 9.62 38578.66 LIBRARY CD 2 30343.26 7.57 30350.83 SEWER CD142185.89 70.9 142256.79 SEWER VEH CD 19690.27 69.48 19759.75 WATER CD 66241.33 233.75 66475.08 WATER VEH CD 411.85 411.85 DARE 708.1 708.1 POLICE FORFEITURE 772.49 772.49 GEN FD INV 1428.54 0.17 1428.71 GEN FD LIBR INV 4908.92 0.59 4909.51 LIB BUILDING1286.42 0.15 1286.57 LIB MEMORIALS 300.93 GEN FD CEM INV 4411.55 0.52 4412.07 POLICE VEHICLE INV 7733.43 0.92 7734.35 PARK & CEM VEH 6489.78 0.77 6490.55 CITY HALL BLDG RPR 14947.9 1.78 14949.68 CIVIL DEFENSE FU 3129.12 0.37 3129.49 TENNIS COURT PARK 179.68 0.02 179.7 LIB PFI 17320.19 2.06 17322.25 T&A METER INV 20334.21 2.42 20336.63 SIDEWALK SAVINGS 4821.28 WTR VEH SAVINGS 9825.72 WTR TWR MAIN SAVINGS 2001.78 SEWER VEH SAVINGS 5004.44 CHECKING 344289.79 64510.75 61192.91 347607.63 GENERAL 16469 21556.8 TRANS. IN 0 TRANS. OUT DARE 0 0 ROAD USE 10429.06 4306.51 TRANS. IN EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 252.78 5941.75 CAPITAL IMPROV RESER 61.32 0 LIBRARY 87.66 3511.71 TRANS. IN LIBRARY MUSEUM 0 0 WATER 27558.35 13425.48 TRANS. IN TRANS. OUT CP. WTR. TRTMNT. PLANT 0 0 TRANS. IN CP. WTR. TOWER 0 0 TRANS. IN CP. WTR. MAIN DAVIS ST 0 0 TRANS. IN CP. WTR MAIN BROAD/DAVIS 0 0 UTILITY DEPOSITS 52.42 0 TRANS. IN TRANS. OUT SEWER 10001.25 6131.89 TRANS. IN SEWER EXTBROADWAY 0 0 TRANS. IN SEWER PLANT UPGRADE 0 0 TRANS. IN TOTAL 64911.84 54874.14 TOTAL T.I. 0 TOTAL T.O. 0 Osweiler addressed the comment’s she received regarding the garage sale dates the council had set for May 6th and 7th. The council Keota School Board Minutes Hammen – Nay, Kindred – Nay. 28E Agreement for Superintendent Sharing The board reviewed the 28E agreement provided by Tri-County to share Superintendent services for the 2016-2017 school year. Scott Flynn moved to approve the 28E agreement contingent on Tri-County hiring a superintendent for the 2016-2017 school year. Seconded by Jim Tinnes. Motion carried 5-0. 2016-2017 School Calendar Superintendent Schneider presented the 2016-2017 calendar to the board. Scott Flynn moved to approve the 20162017 school calendar as presented. Seconded by Naomi Gretter. Motion carried 5-0. Finance District Financial Review and 2016-17 Certified Budget Business Manager Cherie Westendorf presented the FY2017 certified budget to the board. Set 2016-17 Certified Budget Hearing Date Scott Flynn moved to set a public hearing for April 14th, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Keota Elementary School Library for the purpose of hearing public comment on the 2016-2017 Certified Budget. Seconded by Pat Hammen. Motion carried 5-0. Budget Guarantee Resolution Naomi Gretter read the following resolution: Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Keota Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Seconded by Pat Hammen. Roll Call Vote: Kindred-aye, Gretter-aye, Flynn-aye, Hammen-aye, Tinnes-aye. Resolution passed 5-0. Shared Staff Members The board discussed sharing Sigourney’s business manager for next school year. Some of the board members feel it would be a benefit to share the Sigourney business manager to help with reports and financial advice. Some of the board discussed having a Human Resource Coordinator shared between Keota and 3 other area school districts. After the discussion the following motion was made. Naomi Gretter moved to approve the Human Resource Coordinator shared position for the 2016-2017 school year. Seconded by Scott Flynn. Motion carried 3-2, Hammen- Nay and Kindred – Nay. The board also discussed the High School Principal shared position with Mid-Prairie. The Mid-Prairie board has asked about the possibility of sharing this position at a 60/40 rate (60% Keota, 40%, Mid-Prairie). The Keota board indicated they would like to stay with the 50/50 shared agreement. Use of Sales Tax (Technology/Building Improvement Projects) The board discussed the list of building improvement projects. Custodian Brian Shifflett explained the importance of the top priority projects. Scott Flynn moved to authorize the following projects: #1 Replace Playground Concrete at a cost of $14,904; #2 – Install Gates on Playground Fence at a cost of $2,455; #5 – Replace Outside Unit for Kitchen Freezer at a cost of $8,600; and #6 – Add 2nd Compressor to High School HVAC System at a cost of $1,420 to be paid by Sales Tax funds. Seconded by Naomi Gretter. Motion carried 5-0. District Liability Insurance Superintendent Schneider presented information to the board about the Iowa Public School Insurance Program (IPSIP). IPSIP provides school districts with liability insurance. There is a possible cost savings with this program. The board asked the Superintendent to get a quote from IPSIP. WCRF Resolution Naomi Gretter read the following resolution: KEOTA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, IOWA RESOLUTION NO. 031016A A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE KEOTA SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVING THE APPLICATION(S) FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING BENEFITS FROM THE WASHINGTON COUNTY RIVERBOAT FOUNDATION. WHEREAS, the Washington County Riverboat Foundation has grant funds available that target Community Development and Beautification, Economic Development, Arts and Education, Human and Social Needs, and WHEREAS, the Washington County Riverboat Foundation has a grant application cycle that ends April 6, 2016, and WHEREAS, the Keota School District is supportive of these targets for improvements to the community and County, and WHEREAS, one or more applications from the Keota School District and/or from organizations with projects that will take place on school property, will be submitted to the Washington County Riverboat Foundation by the April 6, 2016 deadline, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Keota School District that the Keota School District authorizes the following grant applications to be submitted to the Washington County Riverboat Foundation for the April 6, 2016 application cycle: 1. Science Classroom Seating - Grant Request $9,000 – Total Project Cost $9,000 2. Keota Baseball and Softball Field Renovations - Grant Request $8,000 – Total Project Cost $11,915 3. Operation Hydration: A Refreshing Change - Grant Request $4,915 – Total Project Cost $5,915 Seconded by Jim Tinnes. Roll Call Vote: Flynn-Aye, Gretter-Aye, Hammen-Aye, Kindred-Aye, Tinnes -Aye. Resolution passed 5-0. Administrative Reports Secondary Principal Nathan Carlson reported to the board, the High School will present “Big Bad Musical” on April 5th & 6th. Mr. Stout’s PE classes will go to the Keokuk County Bowling alley on March 11th. The sophomore and junior classes have visited IHCC Keokuk Co. Carrer Academy & Kirkwood Washington Center recently. FFA Week was held the week of Feb 22nd - 26th, the FFA had a Reading Relay in the elementary, provided a breakfast for the staff and brought their tractor’s to school for Tractor Day! The Keota Sociology class will be speaking at the state house on April 5th. Elementary Principal Beth McBride reported the elementary had their monthly SOARR Celebration; 9,466 SOARR slips have been earned! The 5th & 6th graders performed well at solo contest on February 24th; all students earning I+, I or I-. The elementary celebrated Dr. Seuss Week complete with a photo booth, read n’ feed and getting to read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish to all elementary students. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held April 5 & 7, 4-8 p.m. The Kindergarten class had Rainforest Feast this week. The elementary is participating in the Pop Tab contest in support of the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City , the project is sponsored by the Libertyville Savings Bank. Curriculum Director McBride reported that the secondary staff have been working on scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year. The Elementary staff are working with iPad apps and possible teaching structures. For the science curriculum the staff will be using the FOSS kits for the 3rd implementation next year. Board Development and Inservice Activities None at this time. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda The focus group has asked for fund-raising ideas from the board, this will be discussed at the next board meeting. The next School Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 in the El- ementary Media Center at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. A negotiations strategy session was held after the meeting adjourned. Keota Community School Vendor Totals Report by Fund 02/12/2016-03/10/2016 Fund: 10 OPERATING FUND AIRGAS USA, HS SHOP SUPPLIES 322.03 ALLIANT ENERGY COMPANY, ELECTRICITY 4,870.10 AMELON, ALYSSA REIMB FOR FFA TRAVEL/FFA SUPPLIES 54.28 BLICK ART MATERIALS, ART SUPPLIES 324.10 CITY OF KEOTA, WATER AND SEWAGE 588.46 CONTINUUM RETAIL ENERGY SERVICES LLC, NATURAL GAS 6,674.19 COX SANITATION & RECYCLING, IN, GARBAGE COLLECTION 420.00 D & R PEST CONTROL, PEST CONTROL (formerly General Pest Con) 40.00 FARMERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, FUEL/SUPPLIES 2,562.09 FISHER SCIENTIFIC, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 48.57 FRANZEN-BAKER, DEIDRA , REIMB. FOR FUEL 14.00 GE MONEYBANK/AMAZON , INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 804.99 HENDERSON PLUMBING, PLUMBING, REPAIR SERVICE 57.98 HOLLAND & ANDERSON LLP, LEGAL FEES 198.00 INDIAN HILLS COMM. COLLEGE, CONCURRENT CLASSES /TEXTBOOKS 5,747.45 INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, TECHNOLOGY SERVICES/ COMPUTERS HARDWARE 351.99 IOWA ASSOC. OF SCHOOL BOARDS, IASB CONFERENCE FEE 300.00 IOWA ASSOC. SCHOOL BUS. OFF., BUDGET WORKSHOP FEE 178.00 IOWA TELECOM, WINDSTREAM, TELEPHONE 651.73 JB TOOL SALES INC., AG INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 25.60 JOSTEN’S, INC, SUPPLIES 151.23 KEOKUK COUNTY BOWL, PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONAL 88.00 KEOTA EAGLE FOODS, SUPPLIES 197.55 KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE, TUITION FOR CLASSES 14,691.00 MARCO, INC., OFFICE METER READS/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,370.68 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORPORATION, ADVERTISING 314.94 MID-PRAIRIE COMMUNITY SCH. DIS, OPEN ENROLLMENT/SHARE AGREEMENT 53,972.38 MILLER, MARY, YEARBOOK SUPPLIES 54.84 MONTZ, NOEL, SOLO CONTEST JUDGE 150.00 MOORE’S BP AMOCO, INC., WRECKER SERVICE 275.00 NASCO, INSTRUCTIONAL 57.58 OLD CREAMERY THEATRE, ASSEMBLY PROGRAM 620.00 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC., INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 319.52 SEIS HEALTH CARE PLAN, HEALTH INSURANCE 28,550.66 SIGOURNEY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, OPEN ENROLL TUTIION 11,140.50 SINCLAIR TRACTOR, TRANSPORTATION PARTS 108.47 SORRELL GLASS, GLASS REPLACEMENTS 130.00 STAPLES, SUPPLIES 190.00 SUNBURST DIGITAL, INC., PROGRAM RENEWAL 99.95 SUPPLYWORKS, KITCHEN/CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 952.98 TRUEVALUE COMMERCIAL SUPPLY, discussed the comments and decided to leave the dates as they were originally set. Davis inquired about how Officer Conrad was keeping track of the alternative enforcement tickets. The council discussed different options on to handle the tracking. Westendorf asked for it be on the next meeting’s agenda. Motion was made by Hill, seconded by Westendorf to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:29 P.M. The next regular scheduled council meeting will be on March 21, 2016, in city hall at 7 p.m. MAYOR PROTEM KEITH CONRAD ATTEST: NIKI OSWEILER, CITY CLERK CITY OF KEOTA MARCH 7, 2016 COUNCIL MEETING FOR PERIOD FEBRUARY 17, 2016 -MARCH 7, 2016 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT $41.94 2 CONTRACTED BOOKS INFOMAX OFFICE SYSTEMS INC. $141.96 LIB COPIER/FAX/SCANNER $85.52 WINDSTREAM LIB FEB ELECTRIC AND GAS $235.20 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE UTL. BILLS & 2 ROLLS STAMPS $124.41 BAUGHMAN, MELINDA PAYROLL $204.96 BYERS, NANCY PAYROLL $1,697.93 CONRAD, DOUGLAS L. PAYROLL $1,195.13 FREDERICK, CRAIG PAYROLL $747.96 HAMMES, TOMISHA PAYROLL $1,082.12 OSWEILER, NICOLE PAYROLL $1,263.71 SLAUBAUGH, KEVIN L. PAYROLL $337.54 AFLAC CONRAD AND FREDERICK INSURANCE ALLIANT ENERGY $4,615.98 FEB GAS AND ELECTRIC $144.99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY BATTERY CHARGER $154.70 COUNTY LINE MART, LLC POLICE FUEL AND SPPLIES AND SW COX SANITATION & RECYCLING $3,486.08 FEB GRBG AND RECYCLING & BAGS $209.00 FARMERS CO-OP ASSN SNOW & WTR FUEL AND WTR/SWR TE $579.98 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA FEB. LIB BKS & MOVIES AND WTR/ FUTURE LINE TRUCK EQUIPMENT $869.48 LIGHT BAR FOR SNOW PLOW $5.89 KEOTA EAGLE FOODS PAPER TOWELS KEOTA UNLIMITED $500.00 15-16 DONATION $115.00 KEVIN’S CELLULAR SERVICE FEB SNOW REMOVAL AT LIB KOCH BROTHERS $60.83 1ST QTR MAIN FOR COPIER/FAX/SC MALLEY HARDWARE & APPL. $84.29 FEB SUPPLIES FOR PARK, SHOP, W MARCELENE JUNIPER $4.26 MOP HEADS MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP. $480.77 FEB PUBLISHING STATE HYGIENIC LAB $555.00 WTR AND SEWER TEST ANAYLIS FOR US CELLULAR $187.86 FEB CELL PHONES FOR ALL DEPT UTILITY EQUIPMENT CO. $15,825.73 WATER METERS WASHINGTON EVENING JOURNAL $119.66 POOL ADVERSITING FOR HELP EFPT-AUTO W/DRAW $1,988.19 2ND HALF FEB SS/MED/FED W/HOLD IPERS-AUTO W/DRAW $2,658.86 FEB RETIREMENT FOR ALL EMPLOYEES TOTAL $39,804.93 K11 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 979.10 WASHINGTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, OPEN ENROLLMENT/ STUDENT MEALS 30,195.15 WESTENDORF, CHERIE, MILEAGE 81.48 Total: 168,924.57 Fund: 21 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND AMELON, ALYSSA, REIMB FOR FFA TRAVEL/FFA SUPPLIES 99.42 BEAUTIFUL LAND PRODUCTS, HS INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 482.16 COUNTY LINE MART, LLC, SUPPLIES 80.20 DOBEL, CHRIS, OFFICIAL 95.00 DVORAK, JOHN, OFFICIAL 95.00 EDWARDS, JANE, REIMB FOR SUPPLIES 55.23 GRAPHIC EDGE, UNIFORMS/TSHIRTS 119.32 GRIFFITHS, FRED, ATHLETIC OFFICIAL 95.00 HEIDELBAUER, CHRIS, OFFICIAL 95.00 HILL, ROD, REIMB. FOR CONCESSION SUPPLIES 75.20 HUNTZINGER, AL, ATHLETIC OFFICIAL 70.00 HY-VEE, FFA SUPPLIES 234.47 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASS’N, DISTRICT ENTRY FEES 128.00 KEOTA COMM. SCHOOL DISTRICT LUNCH ACCOUNT, COOKS HRS FOR STAT SHOW CHOIR 99.83 KEOTA EAGLE FOODS, SUPPLIES 230.71 LYLE, KRISTINE, SUPPLIES 24.00 M-F ATHLETIC, ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 144.90 MAHASKA BOTTLING COMPANY, SUPPLIES (246.50) MCQUILLEN, TOM, ATHLETIC OFFICIAL 95.00 MISC. ON MAIN, ACTIVITY SUPPLIES 518.00 POCH, BILL, OFFICIAL 95.00 PRAIRIE MEADOWS, SPEECH HOTEL 573.44 SNAKENBERG, SCHUYLER, REIMB INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 4.96 STAM GREENHOUSES, GREENHOUSE SUPPLIES 204.00 STONEY CREEK HOTEL, LODGING 1,388.80 VINEYARD, GENE, OFFICIAL 60.00 WASHINGTON CO. EXTENSION, FFA ENTRY FEES 50.00 WINDSTAR LINES, TRAVEL 9,513.00 Total: 14,479.14 Fund: 33 LOCAL OPTION SALES AND SERVICES TAX FUND AAA MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, IN, REPAIR SERVICES/ MAINTENANCE 6,794.93 Total: 6,794.93 Fund: 36 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, TECHNOLOGY SERVICES/ COMPUTERS HARDWARE 3,049.00 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC., INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES 1,343.15 Total: 4,392.15 Fund: 61 SCHOOL NUTRITION ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY, PURCHASED FOOD 1,289.72 EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANIES, INC., PURCHASED FOOD 308.48 KECK, INC., COMMODITIES 867.91 KEOTA EAGLE FOODS, SUPPLIES 15.96 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO., PURCHASED FOOD 5,734.63 REV TRAK, FEES FOR ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM 31.24 SEIS HEALTH CARE PLAN, HEALTH INSURANCE 3,017.99 SUPPLYWORKS, KITCHEN/CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 216.10 Total: 11,482.03 K11 8 Sports Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Tri-County senior Luke Bombei. Bowling Scores Keokuk Co. Bowl Pinbusters March 7 Keota head coach Dan Stout. Postseason honors keep rolling in for Keota boys By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor The Keota boys’ basketball team and its 17-win season continues to receive recognition for its successful season. Head coach Dan Stout was honored by receiving the Golden Triangle Coaches’ award, which is handed out to the most deserving coaches in the southeast region of the state. Also getting postseason recognition was senior guard Nate Sieren. Sieren received the South Iowa Cedar League’s Golden Award, which is handed out to athletes who suffered setbacks before or during the season that limited their performance. Sieren suffered a broken leg in Sigourney-Keota’s football game last fall against Mid-Prairie, yet still managed to come back and play in seven games for Coach Stout and the Eagles. The senior will now be working on getting back to full speed and make a return trip to the State Track and Field Meet. Team Standings W L Scared Splitless .......... 73......... 43 The Misfits .................. 66......... 50 Cassens’ Country .....57½ ... 58 ½ PPME .......................... 53 ......... 63 Manor House ............. 50......... 66 Mike & The Girls ......48½ ... 67 ½ Men’s High Scratch Game P. Utterback 201 Men’s High Scratch Series P. Utterback 523 Women’s High Scratch Game B. Muntz 220 Women’s High Scratch Series B. Muntz 526 Bombei’s and Little’s achievements recognized By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor The hard work and perseverance of two Tri-County student-athletes was recognized in the form two separate postseason awards. Senior Luke Bombei was honored by the Iowa Football Coaches Association for his excellence in the classroom and on the field. Bombei, who finished with an even 100 tackles this past season on the Trojans’ football team, was recently named to the IFCA 2015 Academic AllState team. Bombei was also honored for his play on the basketball court, earning Honorable Mention All-SICL. Also getting recognized was Tri-County junior Katlyn Little. As a sophomore, Little averaged 9.7 points and 3.2 assists per game, Tri-County junior Katlyn Little. but was sidelined for the entirety of her junior season after suffering a serious knee injury in the team’s season-opening jamboree at Lynnville-Sully. Little, who is Tri-County’s starting pitcher in softball, will look to be at full strength this summer for the Trojans. Keota senior Nate Sieren. CONTACT Amber Kephart DON’T TEMPT FATE your Advertising Connection Pekin senior Gwynne Wright. for The Keota Eagle Give Her A Call Today At 641-799-9392 or email: [email protected] THAT TEXT CAN WAIT You Can Now Reach Us At Our New Email Addresses! THE NEW EMAILS FOR THE NEWS-REVIEW AND KEOTA EAGLE PAPERS ARE: Amber: [email protected] Gail: [email protected] Adam: [email protected] Amie: [email protected] CJ: [email protected] or call 641-622-3110 - Sigourney 641-636-2309 - Keota Prestigious honors given to Pekin duo By Adam Meier Regional Sports Editor Following its groundbreaking 2015-2016 season, the Pekin girls varsity basketball team saw two of its members receive prestigious recognition for their performances on the court and in the classroom. Senior point guard Gwynne Wright was named the Class 2A recipient of the Iowa Bankers Association Student-Athlete Achievement Award. The award is given to just one member of the eight State-qualifying teams in each class, putting Wright in exclusive company. Wright will run track and cross country next year at Iowa State University. Also receiving postseason recognition was Pekin’s leading scorer this season, Beth Atwood. Atwood, who averaged 18.4 points and 8.9 rebounds as a senior, was named to the Iowa Newspaper Association’s First-Team, for Class 2A. Atwood was one of just seven girls to be named First-Team AllState by the INA. Pekin senior Beth Atwood.
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