and read the latest issue of the SMOOSH Newsletter
and read the latest issue of the SMOOSH Newsletter
PAGE 1 SMOOSH NEWS VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 WELCOME HIGHLIGHTS OF TERM 1 IMPORTANT NOTES NEW STAFF JANUARY VACATION CARE EASTLAKES SMOOSH AFTERNOON TEA CHILDREN’S COMMENT TERM 1 2016 WELCOME Hi everyone, we just wanted to start this newsletter by saying a huge welcome to all of our new families and our new kindies as well as a huge welcome back to all of our retuning families .2016 has started at a full pace and is turning out to be another busy year! We welcomed 27 new families this year, of these we had 22 kindergarten children. HIGHLIGHTS OF TERM 1 2016 At the beginning of this year we added another feather to our cap by acquiring the Out Of School Care service at Eastlakes Public School and transitioned all families and children smoothly into our care .We have been getting great feedback from the teachers, principal and families about the care and program provided at the SMOOSH service and our quite overwhelmed with the positive response we have been getting since . QKeyLM and Facebook In keeping with our Philosophy and vision we strive to involve families and children in our process of continuous improvement by seeking feedback on the SMOOSH program and services. It being a technological era we looked at technology to help us in the betterment of our program delivery. Thus the SMOOSH Facebook page and web portal called QKeylm came into being this year! In Qkeylm families can view the Child’s Portfolio, Program Journals and Program online, enabling families to provide input into Programs and opportunities to contribute to the child’s learning. Facebook will be a great way to upload photos daily and receive comments, suggestions from all stakeholders in the community. We have sent out a password to families for the Qkeylm and invite to our Facebook page. Please let Rekkha or Mariko know if you have not received an email with the password. SMOOSH Garden– Sustainability SMOOSH is committed to the development of a sustainable educational environment that endeavors to inspire and teach children to use best sustainable practices by developing each student’s personal understanding, knowledge and love for the natural environment. We implement a hands-on approach to education for sustainability, through curriculum planning that includes experiments and activities that are both amusing and educational too. Thus to build upon our sustainable practices we are adding a worm farm, and chickens in our garden area soon! Finally, we combine gardening with cooking; we use the products of our vegetable garden to cook nutritious meals or snacks for our afternoon tea. Thus, the children learn to use healthy products from their garden for their food. PAGE 2 IMPORTANT NOTES ABSENT CHILDREN Please ensure that you have the SMOOSH mobile 0431427176 and SMOOSH number 83389678 so you can call if your child is away from school on a day that they usually come to SMOOSH .It is imperative that you call SMOOSH if your child is not coming to SMOOSH, as it is very stressful to run around the school looking for your child and also trying to then contact parents. The school do not notify us if your child is away or leaves school early. VACATION CARE Autumn Vacation Care program has been released , so book early to secure a place. It is very important for all children to have hats and water bottles each day during the holiday program. Sunscreen is also provided for the children. You are more than welcome to pack specific sunscreen. CHILD DEVELOPMENT As SMOOSH Educators we value children's play as a basis for their learning. Although the children are only with us for a short time per day, we aim to provide daily documentation available for families to read. A folder with child observations is also available (on request :) SMOOSH CLOSING TIME Our closing time is 6.00pm sharp. If you think you may be late, please call to notify SMOOSH or organise an alternative. Regular late pickups will be issued with late fees and possible cancellation of care. NUT AWARE CENTRE Please remember we are a ‘Nut Aware’ Centre. We ask that children not come to SMOOSH with nut products such as peanut butter, Nutella and nuts. We have children in attendance who are highly allergic and so we need to avoid exposure as far as possible PAGE 3 . IMPORTANT NOTES EZI-DEBIT PAYMENTS Payments are made every Monday for the 2 week s ahead. On the days of payment you receive a statement. If you are not receiving your statements please verify your email address with SMOOSH BOOKING CHANGES Booking changes and cancelations As per our Parent hand book, we require two weeks’ notice for any bookings changes and/or cancelations this includes casual bookings. WELCOME NEW EDUCATORS AT SMOOSH . Marianna Chatziemmanouil Shirin Gharagozli Our team at SMOOSH continues to increase in diversity as we have had two new educators join us this term. We welcomed Marianna and Shirin to the SMOOSH team at the beginning of this year. Marianna has a Greek background and Shirin is Persian. Marianna is currently studying at Macquarie University, doing her Doctorate in Management & Leadership in Education. Marianna brings with her, her love for sustainability and environment protection. She enjoys gardening, cooking, and sports with the children. Shirin has a background in interior design. She is enthusiastic about painting and arts & crafts. She is a qualified interior designer and her hobbies are designing, watching movies and doing art work. We look forward to working with both of them at SMOOSH !! SUMMER VACATION CARE We ended 2015 with a dance performance and a Christmas party for families at SMOOSH. Like every other year this party was hugely popular with families and children. We had a Santa giving out presents to children .Children performed a dance routine that they had rehearsed over the term, played party games and enjoyed some yummy party snacks! Thanks to everyone who helped us make this event successful! Santa giving out presents and children performing! We had a great beginning to our holiday program with HEROES day! Children learnt about fire safety and first aid and where to get help from when we received special visits from the firefighters and the paramedics. Teresa a parent of SMOOSH who is also a paramedic greatly contributed to the success of this day. The children were also able to try on the paramedics uniform which the children found very exciting. Children learning the process of administering First aid and ensuring fire safety Throughout the week, more exciting excursions came along such as visiting the Movies, Inflatable world, Monkey Mania, Laser skirmish, Sky Zone, City amusement. Galaxy world, Inflatable world and laser skirmish activities enjoyed by children! As for Incursions, we had Jason from Road Tripz comes in to do bike riding and skateboarding with the children, a circus workshop was held and we had Malaysia day to celebrate its culture and tradition. Adam’s grandmother kindly came in and talked to the children about Malaysia, which is where she is from. She showed us the traditional dress, and taught the children a game called Enjit2 Semut which means “shake ants from my hand.” Malaysian day, drum beats and an Afternoon with Aaron Gray at SMOOSH One of the children’s and educators favourite venue was going back to the Harbor cruise. It was a beautiful day for a tour around Sydney Harbor. They saw the Sydney Opera House, The Harbor Bridge, Cockatoo island, Fort Denison and Taronga Zoo. The children enjoyed delicious dishes including chicken, noodles, sausages, salads and potatoes. Farm animals, water Play day with 450 children from other OOSH services One of the highlights of this Vacation care was when we hosted 450 children from ten other OOSH Centre's to come for a GALA Day. There was a big carnival set up in the school grounds with water slides, jumping castle and lots of fun water games. Summer holidays came to end with the most popular activities Sky Zone and Luna Park. . PAGE 6 . . EASTLAKES SMOOSH NEWS This year South East community Connect has added a new centre to our ranks, located at Eastlakes Public School. We took over the centre from Alouette Child Care. At the moment we have an average of 6 children in the morning and 15 children every afternoon. We have also welcomed 9 new families into our service this year. Now we have 26 families accessing the service Children are provided with breakfast and a yummy afternoon tea every day. We have initiated new weekly programs including a homework club, cooking class and gardening. The children spend their time playing outdoors and also doing craft and other fun activities centred around their interests, which are featured in our weekly program. Children participating in cooking, having a picnic and a game a cricket In just one school term SMOOSH has accomplished a lot. We have introduced a new afternoon tea menu and weekly program centred on the children’s interests (found out through our monthly children’s group meetings). Children have made dolls houses, trains, light sabres and have done cultural and celebratory crafts including ones for Chinese New Year, Harmony Day and Easter. Children have also enjoyed weekly gardening sessions and cooking class where they make food for their own afternoon tea which is now down in a picnic style as suggested by the children. Gardening art and craft are the other activities enjoyed by children The children have a lot of fun playing outdoors, engaging in group games such as tips, Soccer, cricket, hula hoop competitions and hide and seek as well as their own free play At SMOOSH we are also in the process of setting up computers for homework and free play as well as coaches to teach the children different sports once a week from next term . FUN TIMES AT SMOOSH Eastlakes We made a birds nest! Free Play is great! . Love art and Craft! I love playing on the equipment Play dough is the best! Children’s comments: Smoosh. When you say SMOOSH I say yeah ok, I will tell you why I say yeah when anyone in the world ever say SMOOSH, I will yell yeah SMOOSH and I will tell you why. Because it’s fun and exciting, The best afterschool care I have ever seen and the best thing about Smoosh is the staff. Now I will tell you a little about the staff, First of all they're fun, funny, kind, always helpful and always have new things for us to do at Smoosh, Exciting things that Smoosh kids including me enjoy so much. - Charlize SMOOSH is getting better– Valerie I like SMOOSH because of the arts and crafts and activities - Danielle & Scarlett.W Zachary said SMOOSH is best because of the staff Elijah thinks that SMOOSH is awesome because there are lots of things to do around SMOOSH has great food!- Bianca Aysha says SMOOSH is the best in the world because it is a nice place to hang out with your friends Jessica thinks that SMOOSH is the best because they have the best toys to play with like, dress ups and the food is also very good like the yum balls! SMOOSH is a good place to play with your friends, with lots of places to play and variations of things to play with… SMOOSH is the best and SMOOSH also has great food, I have anaphylaxis and I thought I couldn’t eat because of my anaphylaxis, but I could eat because they give me things I'm not allergic to ,so I'm happy with their meals.– Jayden FUN TIMES AT SMOOSH Halloween party food at SMOOSH! Bike riding The huge PUMPKIN at SMOOSH and the Scott family that donated he seed!!! Mana the artist at work !! Scarlett enjoying her playtime! Tara happily showing off her tail! SEMOLINA PUDDING RECIPE Semolina Pudding was one of the most popular afternoon tea enjoyed by children last week. 600ml (2 1/4 cups) milk or water 115g (1/2 cup) caster sugar 65g (1/3 cup) semolina 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom 90g (1/2 cup) sultanas STEP1 Combine the milk (or water), sugar, semolina, cinnamon and cardamom in a medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low, add the sultanas and cook uncovered, stirring often, for 12-14 minutes or until the mixture thickens slightly. STEP 2 Pour the mixture on a serving tray and spread it even. Then cut them into diamond pieces and serve. THANK YOU Thank you to all families that continue supporting us with their donations and contribute to the service delivery by taking time to provide valuable feedback and suggestions. We are grateful to Muharram Ayer (Taner’s dad) for installing our SMOOSH mosaic artwork once again. Thanks to Uddy’ s parents -Manish and Megha Agarwal for donating a professional cricket gear to SMOOSH children. Thank you to Adam Zaeen’s grandma for helping us on the Malaysian day A big thank you to all teachers and the Principal of Gardeners Road Public School and Eastlakes Public School for their help and support provided to us during the term.