All of Us


All of Us
All of Us
The Hammer Family
“As government support
is shrinking, the demand
for Hammer’s services
is increasing. I believe
contributing our time
and resources is especially
critical today.”
Margaret Argall
In 2009, Hammer’s budget was cut
by $425,000. 2011 will require
even deeper cuts.
Parent and Planned Giving Contributor
“Hammer did what was
needed to make it possible
for my sister to stay in the
comfort of her home, a true
gift to anyone facing the
challenges of Alzheimer’s.”
Marge Barrett
Sister of Patty Rogers who lived at Hammer from 1953 to 2008
“I believe we, as a
community, have a
responsibility to affirm
the value and support the
dreams of people with
Greg Rye
Volunteer and Consecutive
28% of our residential clients have
mobility issues. 22% have Alzheimer’s
or a high probability of developing
the disease.
Less than 50% of people with
developmental disabilities have an
unpaid friend.
Giving Society Member
“We want to do
whatever we can to help
Hammer address this
heartbreaking reality for
other families. It really
does take a village.”
Rosemary and Marvin Fish
Parents of Leslie who moved into
Hammer’s Sumac Home in 2008
4,000 Minnesotans with developmental
disabilities are on waiting lists for
2009 Hammer Highlights
Lucky to Have You
James, 73, is the handsome man pictured on the top of
the previous page. His parents and other relatives are all
deceased. Some of us at Hammer have known him for 30
years or more. We are James’ family.
James relishes being with people. He has a free day each week
so he “hangs out” at our office center, chatting with all of us who
work there. He often refers to us as family: “Tim,” he’ll say to me,
“I am lucky to have such a nice family. Isn’t that right, Tim?” I reply
each time, “Yes, James, you are lucky, and we are lucky to have
you, too.”
I believe all of us – not just Hammer staff – are James’ family. He has
lived a long and productive life because the community supports
his basic right to a satisfying life. His family is all the taxpayers who
are willing to give a portion of their earnings to provide him a life of
dignity. His brothers and sisters are the people who volunteer and
become his friends. His extended family is made up of donors who,
out of their generosity and sense of humanity, provide for special
opportunities that bring him joy and a home that accommodates his
needs as he ages.
More than ever, we need to partner in our efforts to give James and
other folks a life of dignity and hope and belonging. Together, we
can meet the challenges of shrinking government funding, aging,
feelings of isolation and waiting for services.
On James’ behalf, I want to thank those of you who pay taxes,
those of you who volunteer and those of you who donate financially
to ensure we accomplish our mission. James would say to you,
“I’m lucky to have a family like you, aren’t I?” And I would say, “Yes
you are, James, and we are lucky to have you, too.”
Two New Homes Opened: Knollway has
served four young men between the ages of
19-28 since August. They are very active in
their community and enjoy group activities.
Gardner, the home of four women, opened in
December and is unique because it is a familyowned home run by Hammer.
Hammer Travel Launched: We are
proud to expand our mission by offering travel
opportunities for people with developmental
disabilities that are unique, safe and
enjoyable. Please go to our new website for more details on all
our destinations and to book a trip.
Direct Support Teams Creatively Cut
Expenses: In response to government
cuts, we trimmed 3% or $425,000 from our
budget with minimal impact on our services.
While some administrative positions had to be
cut, we maintained optimum staffing levels in
our homes.
433 New Donors: ARTcetera, our annual
fundraising event, made $30,000 and many
new friends. New in ’09: “FUNdraising Parties”
were held by a few dedicated individuals and
raised $7,000! The Wayzata Rotary was our
inaugural community group for a “Friendraising
Tour” of our main offices last fall.
425 Volunteers Gave Over 8,000 Hours:
Active (continuing) volunteers dedicated over
7,000 hours of their time. One-time volunteers
gave 1,186 hours. The grand total of 8,186 hours
has an estimated value of $170,678.10!
High Scores in Employee Satisfaction:
An independent survey conducted by Deyta Co.
resulted in employees giving high marks in all
categories. A few stand out: on a 5 point scale,
4.73 of employees trust that Hammer leadership
will “do the right thing.” 4.65 would themselves
feel comfortable using our services.
Hammer provides adults and children with developmental
disabilities the opportunity to experience life to its fullest.
Consecutive Giving Society
Legacy Contributors
We would like to thank the following Legacy Contributors for their
extraordinary lifetime contributions. Your leadership and commitment
is vital to Hammer and those we serve. Our Lifetime Giving Societies
are named in honor of key individuals in Hammer’s history.
Evelyn Carlson Society
Members of the Evelyn Carlson
Society have contributed more than
Bill Bieber and Kathy O’Connor
Reuben Lindh Society
Members of the Reuben Lindh
Society have contributed between
$750,000 and $999,999.
Anonymous (2)
Ralph Rosenvold Society
Members of the Ralph Rosenvold
Society have contributed between
$500,000 and $749,999.
Patrick and Alice Rogers ++
The Patrick and Alice Rogers Family Foundation
Bill McGlinch Society
Members of the Bill McGlinch
Society have contributed between
$250,000 and $499,999.
James + and Margaret Argall
John and Nancy Berg
Robert M. Reed Trust +
Mary Wesley
Jenny Malmgren Society
Members of the Jenny Malmgren
Society have contributed between
$100,000 and $249,999.
Anonymous (2)
Bieber Family Foundation
The Cargill Foundation
Plymouth Housing and
Redevelopment Authority
Marshall and Elaine Siegel
TCF Foundation
Josephine Robinson Society
Members of the Josephine Robinson
Society have contributed between
$50,000 and $99,999.
Argall/Hibbs Foundation
B & H Way Foundation
The Barry Foundation
Rae Carlson Trust
General Mills Foundation
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
John and Alice Johnson
Mark and Judith Jones
Knights of Columbus #3758
Thomas and Margaret Lowe
Martinson Clinic Foundation
Lewis Mithun
Scherer Brothers Lumber Company
Village Automotive Group
Xcel Energy Foundation
Mildred Thomson Society
Members of the Mildred Thomson
Society have contributed between
$25,000 and $49,999.
Bruce and Celeste Amlicke
Anchor Bank
Dorothy A. Bailey
Lawrence and Jo Ann Barbetta
Carolyn Foundation
Michael and Beverly Cleary
The Jaye F. & Betty F. Dyer Foundation
Peter and Carolyn Ferguson ++
Patricia and Michael Houston
ING Community Matching Gifts Program
Kraus-Anderson Construction Company
Lake Community Bank
Lions Club of Wayzata
Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP
Lyman Lumber Company Foundation
The Minneapolis Foundation
E.B. Osborn Charitable Trust
John and Lois Rogers
Ms. Susan W. Seymour +
Pam and Mike Sime
Michael and Joyce Urbanic
Valspar Corporation
Wayzata Amoco BP Service Center
Wayzata Community Church
Wells Fargo Bank, Wayzata
Members of the Consecutive Giving Society have contributed to
Hammer for 15 or more consecutive years.
Martinson Clinic Foundation
Margaret Argall
Betsy and Bruce Pankonin
Dorothy A. Bailey
Mary Patterson
Bill Bieber
Greg and Lisa Rye
Alfred Colling
Marshall and Elaine Siegel
Richard and Judith Corson
Loretta Solinger
Patricia and Dennis Fleming
Kay A. Tart
Ted and Shirley Freeman
Jerome + and Marie Tuckner
Bernice J. Jorgensen
Mark and Kathy Wallraff
LeJeune Investment, Inc.
Mary Wesley
Wally Lentz and Susan Nixon
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative
Electric Assoc.
Alvina Hammer Heritage Society
Hammer is proud to honor these visionary individuals who have made
a Legacy Gift by naming Hammer in their will, charitable trust or other
planned giving vehicle. If you are interested in making a planned gift to
Hammer, please visit our website or call Ellen at 952.277.2433.
Lewis Mithun
Leonard Aase +
Tim and Jean Nelson
James + and Margaret Argall
Robert M. Reed Trust +
Steve Argall
Al and Vonnie Ribbe
Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong
Claire Schonlau +
Dorothy A. Bailey
Marshall and Elaine Siegel
Richard and Judith Corson
Wallace and Deloris Solseth ++
Ted and Rip Freeman
Patty Solum
Donovan + and Claire Hinrichs Paul and Grace Voetmann ++
Ingvald and Beaulah Hongerholt
Mary Wesley
Bill and Joan Krippner
Thomas Wesley and Debra Wolter
+ Deceased
Board of Directors
Lisa M. Anderson, President
Day James
Mytech Partners, Inc.
Jon Matejcek, Vice President
Dashe and Thomson
Steven Levoir
General Mills
Affiliation: Family Member
John A. Johnson, Treasurer
ING (retired)
Affiliation: Family Member
Mary E. Patterson, Secretary
Bloomington School District (retired)
Affiliation: Family Member
Joseph Reis
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Carla J. Rose
Sit Investment Associates
Janet H. Anderson
Cargill, Inc.
Jane E. Shaffer
Hennepin County Government
Affiliation: Family Member
Sondra J. Dahmer
Affiliation: Family Member
Thomas Silver
Hawkins & Jahnke Associates
Beth E. Fondell
U of M
Institute on Community Integration
Donald Smithmier
Rumble, LLC
Susan D. Gregor
Wayzata Public Schools (retired)
Barbara Tuckner
Tuckner Consulting, Inc.
Affiliation: Family Member
Mary M. Hill
Minneapolis Public Schools
William Young
Herzing University Online
Linda M. Holmen
Teacher, self-employed
Affiliation: Family Member
Lisa Poppe
Resident Board Advisor
Hammer Residences, Inc. 2009 Financial Statements
Operating Revenue and Support
Operating Revenue and Support
Programs and
Total revenues, support and grants 16,155,045
Operating Expenses
Property related
Operating Expenses
Programs and
Decrease in net assets before Propertyrelated
Other income (expense)
other income (expense)
Other income
Net investment loss 759,052
Total other income and expense
Decrease in net assets
Programs and Services
$11,994,704 75%
Hammer’s ability to develop and serve is directly tied to the support we receive from individuals and
organizations who believe in our mission. We are pleased to recognize those who contributed so generously in 2009.
$25,000 or More
Bieber Family Foundation
Mary Hill
Linda and Kenneth Holmen
Ron and Karen Hurlbert
$10,000 - $24,999
ING Community Matching Gifts * Bruce and Celeste Amlicke
Mr. Bob Cummins
Ms. Julie Jurrjens
John and Alice Johnson
Key Medical Supply, Inc.
Mark and Diane McMorro
Plymouth Housing and Redev. * Kimberly Clark Foundation
Knights of Columbus #3758
Jo Ann Koltes
Marshall and Elaine Siegel
Kopp Family Foundation
Mike and Pam Sime
LeJeune Investment, Inc.
Karl Stoltenberg
Lions Club of Wayzata
TCF Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Mansfield
Darlene and Thomas McCarthy
$5,000 - $9,999
The Steven Argall Trust
Argall/Hibbs Foundation
B & H Way Foundation
The Barry Foundation
The Caridad Corporation
John and Andrea Casey
Patricia and Michael Houston
Jack and Mary Ann Huddleston
Minnesota Conway Fire &
Martinson Clinic Foundation
Safety, Inc.
Sit Investment Associates
Minnesota Twins
Solveig Misner and Leigh Wold
Village Automotive Group
Mr. Lewis Mithun
+Mrs. Grace M. Voetmann
Wayzata Community Church Kenneth and Marilyn Murray
Tim and Jean Nelson
Mrs. Mary Wesley
Windmiller Design Group
Kathy O’Connor
Lillian Orenstein
$1,000 - $4,999
E.B. Osborn Charitable Trust
ACI Asphalt Contractors, Inc. Bruce and Merry Jo Parker
Mary Patterson
Patty and Dan Alger
Popp Telecom
Allegra Print & Imaging
Susan and Andrew Rein
Alton Foundation
The Patrick and Alice Rogers Joel and Mary Amundson
Marshall and Dru Anderson Family Foundation
Ms. Carla Rose
Mrs. Mary Joy Anderson
Rotary Club of Wayzata
Mickey and Krista Anderson
Lisbeth and Mark Armstrong Max and Linda Rutman
Jane and Don Shaffer
Elaine and Robert Bache
William and Joyce Sexton
Mrs. Dorothy A. Bailey
Tom and Angela Blanchette Family Foundation
Ms. Maryann Brandenburg- Don and Ann Smithmier
Mrs. Loretta Solinger
Marjorie and Bob Spanjers
Mr. Ward Brehm
St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Bullis Insurance Agency
Tom and Nicky Carpenter
Charles and Ellen Swanson
Susan Cary-Hanson
Charles B. Sweatt Foundation
City Club Foundation
Drs. Mary and Jan Tanghe
Brian Clark
Thomas and Charlene Cusick Alan and Barbara Tennessen
Tenney Family Charitable Fund
Mrs. Elizabeth Dablow
Mrs. Marie Tuckner
Sondra and Joe Dahmer
Mark and Kathy Wallraff
Mr. Dennis Doyle
Wayzata Amoco BP Service Marvin and Rosemary Fish
The Flannery Family
Patricia and Dennis Fleming Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Ms. Karole Whipps
Jean and Bill Gjetson
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Gray Plant Mooty
Elec. Assoc.
Jean Hunt Hanratty
Hennes Art Company
Family Foundation
$500 - $999
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church
Anonymous (2)
Matthew and Martha Mueller
Tim and Wanda Aaser
William and Gail Munsell
James and Patricia Amlicke
Patty and David Murphy
Gregory Anderson
Mytech Partners, Inc.
Peter and Grace Anderson
New Hope Golf Course
Mr. Jon Andresen
Orville and Vonnie Olson
Margaret Argall
Mary and Michael Ongstad
Leigh Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. John Ossanna
John and Sheila Barbetta
Lawrence and Jo Ann Barbetta Ralph Pettyjohn
LeRoy and Darlene Bergerson S. Kay Phillips and Jill
Peter and Julie Birgersson
Dan and Katherine Poppe
Bob’s Shoe Repair, Inc.
Kristin and Duane Pyka
Patty Bohline
Rae Carlson Trust
Dan and Katie Bottiger
RBC Royal Bank
Brost Clinic
Joseph and Kathleen Reis
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown
St. Philip the Deacon Memorial Kate and Stephen Budd
Ernest and Marie Burch
Business and Estate Advisers Ms. Rita Schofield
Audrey and George Schultz
Sharing & Caring Foundation
Mr. Paul Schultz
Chambers Hotel
Ms. Renee E. Solinger-Audette
Charles and Mary Carlsen
Mary Stadnik
Charles and Deb Carlson
Ms. Sandra C. Carlson
Barbara Tuckner
John and Pauline Coleman
UBS Financial Services, Inc
Richard and Judith Corson
Mary Ulrich
Mr. Daniel Croonquist
Michael and Joyce Urbanic
Cub Foods - Donations
The Vala Family
Richard and Lynn Voelbel
David and Debra Czech
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton Pete and Carolyn Wahtera
Wells Fargo Insurance
Linda Eckman
Services of MN, Inc.
Flagship Bank Minnesota
John and Kathryn Wesley
Ted and Shirley Freeman
Whitney Foundation
Gary & Susan Rappaport
Family Fund
The Wine Company
Kim and Pat Gharrity
Xcel Energy
Susan Argall Haas and
William and Bonnie Young
Brian Haas
Don and Heidi Haberman
$100 - $499
George and Carol Hamilton
Anonymous (2)
Donald and Ida Hanna
Margaret and John Abdo
Judi and Jim Hathaway
Alpha Dental
David Hess and Theresa Anchor Bank
Janet and David Anderson
Mr. Ronald E. Hovda
Ms. Jody Anderson
Ms. Judith M. Johnson
Lisa Anderson
Sherri and Steve Johnson
Terry and Ann Anderson
Knights of Columbus #13359
Aon Foundation
John and Terry Kruse
Aquarius Water
Ms. Karen Lafferty
Conditioning, Inc.
Gregg and Stephanie Larsen
John and Patricia Bailey
Virgil and Patricia Leih
Ms. Susan Baker
Sher and Roger Leksen
David Banks
Philip and Barbara MacNeill
Garry and Shannon Banks
Madeline Applauds Great Goals Barclay Floor Covering
Jon and Terriann Matejcek
Kathryn and Richard Barrett
Jean and Edison McDaniels
Ms. Janet Bast
John and Molly McDonald
Mrs. Dianne Berg
Kathleen McDonald
Josephine Berge
Terry and Mark McFarland
Ms. Lisa Bester
Michael and Julie McGlynn
Edward and Barbara Bies
Ms. Mary Metzler
Jacqueline Bilski
Fredrick and Christine Meyer
The Binning Family
The Kathy and Tom Miller
Mark and Sara Bonk
General Mills
Earl Borene
Minnesota Vikings
Ms. Kim Keprios
Ms. Phyllis Genest-Stein
Dave and Lisa Boss
Minnetonka Travel
Terry and Nancy Kirsch
Mr. Dave Brand
Amy Mitchell
Eric and Jeanne Kjellberg
Victor Glantz
Brian Graham Salon
Mark Mitchell
Mr. Dan H. Klein
Rosemary and Lawrence
Michael Bryant and
Amber Mittelholtz
Ms. Joyce Klemz
Phelomina Silva- Bryant
Anne and Derrick Monroe
Everett and Jane Klosterman
Michael and Cindy Gleysteen The Klug Family
Bucca di Beppo
Suzanne Montella
Stanley and Luella Goldberg Knights of Columbus #13096
Jodi Buchina
Mike and Jodi Mooney
Family Foundation
Kathy Buggy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moor
Knights of Columbus #13506
Mr. Chris Burbank
Robert and Patti Glumack
Shawn and Kathryn Moren
Knights of Columbus #3949
The Business Bank
Mr. Samuel Goad
Mount Olivet Rolling Acres
David and Sally Koenig
Barbara Butcher
Diane Goodrich-Bixler
Mr. Larry Mueller
Stephen Kortus
CGI International, Inc.
Patricia Gossin
Renee Mueller
Eric and Betsy Krause
Al Cady
Carol Gottschalk
Mike Mullaney
Susan and Jeffrey Lambert
Jean and Tom Campbell
Lloyd and Loretta Graven
Jim and Kate Murphy
James and Gayle Landt
Candlelight Floral
Jane Greenheck
Nasim Namy
Ms. Eunice Lange
Card Party
Sue and Ilja Gregor
Arnan Nelson
Laura Langer
Caribou Coffee - Wayzata
Becky and Don Gromek
Kristie Niemi
Kurt and Constance Larson
Ms. Joanne C. Carlson
Ms. Zim Gunderson
Ms. Carol M. Nikolai
Lavish Interiors
Judy Carlson
Gary and Kathleen Hadley
Mrs. Vicki Nolan
Bridget and Rob Layne
Scott and Gerda Carlson
Mrs. Leota Hales
Novus Print Media
Kathleen Leighton
Ms. Sherry Carpenter
Sharon and Jack Hammang
Mr. Craig Oliver
Ms. Melissa Lemke
Ms. Sharon V. Cashman
Ms. Kim Hansen
Senator Gen Olson
Wally Lentz and Susan Nixon
Robert Chadfield
Harriet and Edson Spencer LarsonAllen LLP
Ms. Sandra Olson
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres Foundation
Donald and Virginia Olstad
Marcia and Fred LeVoir
Ronald and Janet Haskvitz
Ms. Kari Christianson
Ordway Center
Mark LeVoir
Patricia and Ben Hastings
Mary Coleman
Susan and Michael Oreck
Herbert and Kathie Levy
John and Saundra Hayde
Mr. Alfred Colling
Orluck Organics LLC
Bryan Lewis and Sara
Melvin Heckt
Bethany Collins
Christy and Jay Orris
William and Kay Hempel
Cookie Cart
Otten Bros. Nursery
Marissa Lewis
Robert and Kathy
Yvonne Courtney-Baranick
Richard and Karen Palmer
James and Kathleen Lindahl
and John Baranick
Betsy and Bruce Pankonin
Paul and Janice Lindbloom
Mr. Robert A. Hensel
George and Peggy Crolick
Mr. Frank Parisi
John and Patricia Lindgren
John and Sandra Hey
Cummings Mobility
Joseph Parker
Hosain Lipson
Mrs. Mary Hilgert
Carol R. Patterson
The Longview Foundation
Mr. Robert B. Hill
Cooperating Community
Doug and Marilyn Paul
Deane and Nancy Manolis
Dick and Mary Himes
Programs, Inc.
Greg Petryszyn
Marnie Mellberg & Associates
Claire Hinrichs
Mrs. Ramona Cushman
Massage Energy Therapy David and Sharon Petterson
Lynne Dablow and Connie John and Cindy Hitt
Heather and Richard Pfeiffer
John and Colleen Hooley
Mr. Rich Mast
Pheasant Acres Golf Course
Jim Damiani
Stephanie Hopkins
Bruce and Linda Mathison
Rebecca Phillips
Ms. Carla Danielson
Ms. Jan Hopper
Maynard’s Restaurant
* Pohlad Family Foundation
Ms. Robbie Danks
J. Jerome and Ruth
Rose Ann Mazierski
Mrs. Betty Pomerleau
Dashe & Thomson
Mike and Jennifer McDonald
Ruth Pope and Arnold Johnsen
David Lee Funeral Home
Alan and Diane Horner
Mr. Kevin McLaughlin
Ms. Chris Poppe
Judith and Kent Davidson
Kent and Marilyn Howe
Christine and Joseph Porcelli
David and Candy Davis
Ms. Pam Howe
Porter & Frye
Debra Deanovic
Target Center
Dean Pospesel
Audrey Dehn
Robert and Janet Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pouliot
Samantha Dennis
Mr. Rob Hunt
Gayle and Robert Prokupek
Brian and Susan Hussey
Mary and Robert Putnam
Jane Diers
Imagine Coaching
RBC Foundation
Lisa and Scott Dongoske
Dr. Eric Irwin
Ken and Penny Ranzinger
Frank and Mary Dunbar
James and Ann Howard
William Rebholz
Eich Interior Design
Family Fund of The Mpls. Marti Reidel
Preston and Betsy McMillan
Marjorie and Charles Elliott Foundation
Brent and Pam Richter
John McNaught
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeter
Jack and Bernice Engdahl
Buck and Kim Riesgraf
S. M. and Jimmie McWhorter
Brian and Kelly Johnson
Daniel and Elizabeth Esch
Ms. Ellen Riley
Lynne Megan
Denise Johnson
Mrs. Helen Evans
Ms. Rose M. Rizzi
Ken and Bunny Meier
Mr. Momo J. Johnson
45th Parallel Spirits, LLC
Ms. Ellie Rogers
Barry and Mary Jo Miller
Mr. Nels Johnson
Beverly Fishman
Julane Rose
Darcy and Ross Miller
Margaret and Roger Jones
Sheila Foss
Mindy Rudd and John
Stefanie Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jopps
Steve and Jeane Franta
Minneapolis/St. Paul
Mrs. Bernice J. Jorgensen
Jerry Fritz
Greg and Lisa Rye
Kristine Kaehn
Fuzzy Duck Design
Christine Sagstetter
Minnesota Epilepsy Group, Dolores Sahlin
Alden and Faye Beth Keiski
G. Everett Enterprises, Inc.
George and Dorothy Keprios P.A.
Martin Gardner
Salon Sabel
Ms. Gailend Drew
Harold and Mary Carol Bigot
Peggy and Bill Warner
Robert and Bonnie Scheer
Heather Dunn
Ms. Joan Boerschinger
Barb Watson
Ms. Ann Scheitlin Johnson
Eagle Lake Golf Center
Wayzata Chiropractic Clinic, David Boese
Mike Schindele
Debra Edwards
Paul Boettner
Sharon Schmid
Wayzata Plastic Surgery
Elaine Barthel Home Interiors
Mr. Matt Bollis
Bridget Schultz
Wells Fargo Bank, Wayzata
David and Marilynn Boorsma Ellen Mankoff Appearances
Mr. David Schwandt
William and Elizabeth Ellgren
Earl and Margaret Borer
Carolyn and Jim Schwantes Melissa Werra
Julia Wesley
Barbara Engler
John and Mary Borgh
Bailey and Nancy Seida
Sue and Don Wester
Jeffrey and Debra Erager
Ms. Linda A. Borrell
Semmer Group
The Westin Minneapolis
Karen Erickson
Ms. Margaret Borth
Dr. and Mrs. David Wigren
Ms. Leila J. Erlandson
Mr. Brian M. Bos
Connie and Alan Wilensky
Juanita and Ray Ernhart
Dr. Trenda Boyum-Breen
Diane and Timothy Williams
Mr. Tim Eshelman
Nichole Brabbit
Richard and Sandra Willis
Marit Esterberg
Ms. Barbara L. Brauch
Winton-Whitney Fund
Diane Falken
Mr. Aaron Briggs
Mary Ann and John Wolters
Ms. Esther Fallah
John Brodrick
Rick and Mary Worringer
Mr. Christopher Faris
Joan and Quincy Brown
Ms. Lori L. Wurth
Ms. Kristina Bruggeman-Maag Ms. Kendra Ferrier
Ms. Kelly Yrjana
Kristin Finberg
William and Theresa Bruski
SuAnn Senso
Zealand Apartments
Finnegan’s Irish Amber
Karl and Jennifer Burkum
Serendipity Accessories
Jeff Zibley
Business & Estate Advisers, Inc. Susan Fischer
Lori and Ron Shelby
Bob and Terrisa Fisher
Mrs. Clara Butler
David Shimota
Under $100
Doris Fisher
Karen Butler Alwin
Paul and Melissa Siegel
Anonymous (3)
Five Swans
C.E.L. Public Relations, Inc.
Tom and LeeAnn Silver
David Abramson
Tim and Tami Fogely
Florence and Mike Sivanich Ms. Mary Adema
Robert and Tamara Campbell Ms. Beth E. Fondell
Richard Smaciarz
Don and Kathy Adkinson
Food Perspectives, Inc.
Rosemary Campbell
Betty Smith
Randy and Lori Aest
Gary and Tricia Frederickson
Dan and Renee Carlson
Jeffrey and Kathryn Smith
Mr. Moses Agbonkhese
Theresa Galles
James Carlson
Mr. Mark J. Smith
Ms. Mary E. Albrecht
Mr. Jeff Garthwait
Lloyd and Shirley Carrigan
Diane Solinger and Jerry Cook Collin and Suzanne
General Store of Minnetonka
Megan Carstens
Mr. Lloyd Sorensen
Ms. Phyllis Genest
Sarah L. Casey
South Lyndale Liquors
Ms. Marie A. Altman
Mr. Moses Getugi
Johannah Catino
Dean and Ruth Spatz
Franz and Karen Altpeter
Robert and Wendy
Ms. Tomeko Champion
Carrie Sporer
Norma Ames
Steven and Marjorie Champlin Giannattasio
Ms. Anne Stanchfield
Matt and Heather Anagnostou Sandra Chew
Ms. Sara Givand
Ben and Mary Stephens
Daniel and Sheryl Andersen
Mr. John Givogre
Barry K. Childers
Ms. Rebekah Stivers
B.J. and Mary Anderson
Ms. Kathryn H. Glen
Kay Christianson
Mrs. Nancy Stone
Chace and Barbara Anderson Ms. Patti Claffey
Mr. Kirt Goetzke
Christine and Allen Strande
Forrest and Harriet Anderson Judy Cochran
Mr. David J. Golden
Trevor Studanski
Ms. Gervae Anderson
Ronald Goldstein and Susan Dan and Sheila Cole
Arnulf Svendsen
Glenn and Barbara Anderson Cole’s Salon
Ms. Peggy Swanson
Mr. Jeffrey H. Anderson
Michael and Connie Goneau
Theresa Connelly
Thomas and Jeanne Sween Lisa Anderson
Donna Gorski
Peg Constantine
Target Center
Michael P. Anderson
Ann and James Gosack
Mrs. Dorothy A. Corens
Target Greatland - Minnetonka Norma Anderson
Gene and Janice
Susan and Denny Cota
Mrs. Kay A. Tart
Steve Anderson
Mr. Ed Cracraft
Mr. Michael W. Tenney
William and Myrna Anderson
Lawrence and Ronya
Ms. Kari Cribbs
Brian and Michelle Thompson Judi and Jerry Andresen
Carol Croegaert
Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Grimm
Kelly Cruz
Toro Company
Arc Minnesota
Tara Gundacker
Carrie Dahl
Ms. Becky Treb
Ms. Susan K. Armstrong
Katie Haberman
Neal Dahmer
* Thrivent Financial for Lutherans ARRM
Michael and Maureen Flo Hallgren
Mr. Calvin W. Aurand, Jr.
Mark and Libby Hansen
John, Cheryl and Cory
B Original
Ms. Anne Harmon
Andrea Bader
Nancy Harper
Clay and Adele Tutland
Mr. Mike Baker
Paul and Martina Hartmark
Beth Ulrich
Ms. Jane Balster
Robert and Christine Haskins
United Hardware Distributing Margaret and Thomas Barrett
Shawna and John Hasser
Carolyn Barrette
Ms. Gwyn Hausman
UnitedHealth Group Campaign Stephanie Bauer Larsen
Mr. John Hauwiller
Mr. Bradley Beckman
Harold and Elizabeth Heck
David and Jan Usset
Jim and Sandy Beckman
Jessica Hehl
Ann Vermeer
Ms. Margaret M. Davis
Joseph Beckman
Orlen and Doris Helgerson
Walter Versteeg
Margo Davis
Tiffany Beckman
Keith and Colleen Hempel
William and Page Volbrecht
Claire Deming
Mr. Thomas P. Bedard
Kris Henderson
WCCO Television
Janet Deming
Mr. Lon Bencini
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Henninger
WW Johnson Meat Co.
Brendan and Katherine Dillon Janet Herman Frey
Ms. Jean Bender
Ms. Sue Walker
Faith Dohmen
Kerman and Ardyce Benson
Anne Hilgert
Carla Warner
Mark Dorff
Ms. Joan Biegert
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Hill
James and Wynona Warner Biella Ristorante
Ms. Gail Dorsey
Donald and Mary Hinze
Linda Warner
Ms. Peggy Douglas
Mr. Bill Bigot and Family
Shelly Hoberman
Dick and Carol Stucky
Michael Rogers
Pat and Victoria McConnell
Paul Hodapp
R.F. Sudbeck
Mr. Wallace Roles
The McGowan Family
Virgil and Marlys Hoffman
Ms. Jenna R. Swan
Catherine Rose
Mrs. Pat Mellenthin
Mrs. Gail Hoffmann
John and Dot Swanson
Ms. Toni Lee Rosen
Mavis Merrell
Nancy Holden
Adam and Michelle Szymanski
Audrae Rosenzweig
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Holm Theresa Meuers
Andy Tanghe
Ms. Elizabeth Rossini
Eric and Sumiko Meyerhoff
John Hoshal and Mary
Rick and Barb Roy
* Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mrs. Agnes Hovda
Ms. Barb J. Tenney
Diane Runyan
Ms. Kristine K. Miller
Jennifer Hudak
Ms. Jean Thompson
Elsa Rusch
Matt Miller
Kenneth and Tina Hughes
Trost & Trost Dist. Inc.
Mr. Tom Rusch
Rebecca Miller
David and Lucia Huibregtse Ms. Lisa Mlazgar
Katherine Troyanek
James and Jody Rutledge
John and Patricia Ingmand
David and Jo Ann Tschimperle
Cate Saracen-Peters and
Nancy Monnier
Mr. Bobby Innes
Janet Tuckner
Gordon Peters
The Montebello Family
John Jaka
John Saxhaug and Lyn C. Peter Tuckner
John Murphy
Ms. Amy Jensen
Sally and Peter Tulkki
Ashley Nelsen
Peter Schaffran
Mrs. Jinny Jensen
Jeff and Shelby Tutland
Alan and Susan Nelson
Michael and Holly Schellin
Ms. Amy Johnson
Mr. Keith Tvedten
Mr. Otto Nelson
Mrs. Frances Scherer
Cindy Johnson
Paul and Mary Twite
Laurie and Anthony Ness
Michael and Julie Schlicht
June Johnson
Brian Twito
Max and Mary Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson Christine and Thomas Nickels Glen and Sandy Schlief
Ms. Maureen Tyra
Richard and Alice Johnson
Ms. Leslie Ubl
Laurie Nitzberg
Ms. Claire Jones
* U.S. Bancorp
Ms. Joanne Nolan
Mike and Kerry Joyce
Divya Varshney
Ms. Rukayat Oba
The Jungle Theater
Bruce Volkart
Scot and Anne O’Brien
Ms. Isatu Jusu
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Votel
Nici Obstarczyk
Evelyn M. Kahn Revocable Robert and Georgia O’Connor
Robert and Sheryl Walker
Matthew Walsh
Sharon and Greg Ohland
Francis and Jessa Kajeneki Ms. Carolyn Olson
Art and Colleen Warner
Mr. Jay Kasdan
Dale and Ann Warner
Sheila Olson
Ms. Kimberly Schmidt
Mrs. Philip A. Keen
Mark and Christine Warner
Dale and Florene Oppegard
Bethany Schmoll
Jill and Michael Kelly
Therese Warner
Allison Oreck
Jodi Schoenauer
Ms. Sharika Kennedy
Doug and Kristina Watercott
Michael and Susan Oreck
School of the Wise
Mr. William R. Kennedy
William and Judith Waterman
Debra Page
Ms. Diane Schroeder
Cheryl Kinney
Wayzata Chamber of
Christine Schultz
John and Jodi Kirchner
Ms. Maima Parker
Ms. Nancy Schwalen
Barbara and David Kleist
Ms. Katherine M. Webb
Kelly Patrick
Earl and Pat Schwartzhoff
Peter Knaeble
Ms. Linette Weed
Molly Patten
James and Cheryl Seeman
Christine and Michael Koalska Mr. and Mrs. TJ Pelkey
Bruce Weidner
Arne Kolbjornsen
Colleen Welti
Performance Chrysler Jeep Ms. Elizabeth Senne
Mr. Josh Senso
Jamie Korzan
Alice Patty West
Ms. Erin Setterholm
Kay Krafka
Performance Volkswagon
Ms. Denise Widstrom
Ms. Paula Krippner
C.M. Perme & Associates, LLC Kira Setterholm
Mr. Peter Wiering
Mr. Eric Shaffer
John and Diana Kroska
Mr. Bill Perrine
Guyle and Barbara Wills
Liz Shamla
Ms. Kathy Kuehn
Thomas and Molly Petersen
Sandra Lee Wilson
Shamrock Golf Course
Ms. Jill Kunze
John and Marie Peterson
The Wine Shop
Myron and Joyce Shapiro
Robert and Jesalyn Lange
Mr. Stephen D. Peterson
Robert and Crystal Wisen
Ms. Wendy E. Sharpe
Kari Larson
Barry and Kathleen Petit
Ms. Brenda Witt
Michael and Janice Shay
Ms. Marianne Laurent
J. A. Pillsbury
Mr. Jon Woidylla
Frank Sherwood
Oliver Lemke
Gerald and Sharon Pipes
Corrine Wojciak-Perry
Fabian and Elsie Shoults
Gayle Lens
Frank and Mary Plant
Ms. Nicole M. Wolverton
Jill and Steven Sicheneder
Ms. Jaime L. Lescarbeau
David Plocek
Bob and Judy Worrell
Side Door Ltd.
Joel and Mary Levin
Lorraine Pohlen
Karen Wrobel
Phelomina Silva-Bryant and Donald and Beverly Wyse
John and Barbara Lewis
Predictive Profiles Inc.
Michael Bryant
Life Planning for Persons with Randy’s Sanitation
Judy Young
Juliette Silvers
LaVergne Raskob
Edward and Patricia Zappa
Douglas and Kathryn Smith
Lindblom Jewelers
Roger and Marge Reamer
Mr. Dennis Zelee
Mrs. Jane Soshnik
Susan Lindgren
Lavonne Rebholz
Ed and Labelle Zeller
Mr. Adam Southam
Mr. Antonio Lopez
Craig and Kelly Reesor
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lott
Kevin and Courtney Reichard Greg Spah
Mr. Warren Spannaus
Ms. Leah A. Louden
+ Deceased
Heather Reinert
Mark and Amy Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lovaas Diane Reiss
* Matching Gift Company
Ms. Amanda R. Spratt
David Luby
Ms. Cristina L. Resch
Mark and Gayle Stage
Vicki Luby
Ms. Rachel Revels
Ms. Margaret Starr-Knox
Mrs. Mary K. Lund
Gary and Beverly Richards
Sue Lundquist
Linda and Michael Richardson Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Stenson
Michele Stern
Chad Selmecki and Nan
Dick and Joyce Richter
If we misspelled or
Katherine Steward
Edwin and Christina Ritchie
failed to include your
Ms. DeeAnn Stinebaugh
Michelle Madigan
Paula Rivers
name, please accept
Mr. C. Scott Massie, Esq.
Earle and Gina Roberts
our apologies and let
Jay and Jan Matykiewicz
Angela Rodin
us know of the error
Ms. Nicole E. Strenglis
Scott and Kathleen Mauer
by calling Julane at
Amy Rogers
Ms. Valerie L. Struck
John McComb
Jennifer Rogers
Hammer’s dedicated volunteers make a difference every day in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your time and talent!
Please go to our website or contact Katie at 952.277.2427 if you are interested in volunteering.
Mary E. Abbott
Claire Alber
Robert A. Alber
Joel Amundson
Mary Amundson
David Anderson
Dru Anderson
Janet H. Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Lisa M. Anderson
Marshall Anderson
Steve Anderson
Margaret Argall
Armstrong National Honor Society
Jane Balster
David Banks
Samantha A. Banks
Heather A. Barber
John Barbetta
Sheila Barbetta
Kathryn A. Barrett
Robert Bayer
Anna Beddor
Bruce Bendel
Elijah Berg
Nancy Berg
Darlene J. Bergerson
LeRoy R. Bergerson
Madeline Berglund
Steve Berglund
Linda Bergsma
Jenn Berkopec
Bill Bieber
Barbara Bies
Edward Bies
Dennis G. Bilski
Londa G. Bilski
Amy Binning
Doug Binning
JoJo Binning
Katie Binning
Peter Birgersson
Blake High School
Margaret Bloomer
Tom Boe
Patty A. Bohline
Jerome Bolte
Kevin Borer
Mike Boris
Pat Boris
Molly Bottiger
Pat Bottiger
Breck School
Yvonne Bryan
Maurice Bryan
Tom Budish
Meredith B. Bundul
Katherine Busch
Angie Butterbrodt
Bob Butterbrodt
Nancy Cahn
Rich Camp
Benjamin Carlson
Andrea R. Casey
Bridget K. Cauley
Megan Chard
Chinmaya Mission
Kay Christianson
Jan Cincoski
Mackenzie Clark
Bethany Collins
Patrick Conry
Michael A. Cuellar
Nicholas Cuellar
Robert P. Cushman
Edward N. Davis
Marianne Davis
Debra L. Deanovic
Cathy Deeney
Larry Deeney
Melissa Diamond
Dave Dittrich
Liz Dittrich
Nick Dittrich
Patty Dittrich
Loretta L. Docken
Keegan D. Dubbs
Mary Dubois
Mike Dubois
Colleen Duffert
Jane H. Eberhart
Eide Bailly LLP
Ashley P. Erickson
Michael Ernhart
Theresa Ernhart
Danielle Esterley
Jon Evans
Lindsay Felien
Bob Fern
Julie Fern
Thea Fern
Tyler Fern
Jessica Finseth
Rosemary M. Fish
Debbie Flannery
Julie Flannery
Mark Flannery
Patricia A. Fleming
Deb Foley
Alex Forbes
Michelle Forbes
Wiliam G. Forbes
Robert Foreman
Sheila J. Foss
Hilary Frank
John Frederickson
Ryan Frisbie
Kate Fruth
Marilyn S. Fryer
Layne Gabbert
Cynthia Garin
Kim Gharrity
Pat Gharrity
Debra Gjoraas
Donna S. Gorski
Carol A. Gottschalk
Maureen Grazzini
John P. Grecula
Karen Grecula
Sue Gregor
Becky Gromek
Don Gromek
Martha Gschneider
Dan Guerin
Don Haberman
Leann S. Hammer
Joe Harrington
Sue Harrington
Teri Harris
Marg Hartung
Mary Hauff
Whitney Hazelmyer
Latawnie Hernandez
Justin Heyl
Laine Higgins
Mary Hill
Carol Hiltz
Claire Hinrichs
Linda Holmen
Patricia Houston
Jennifer Hudak
Vernetha Hunter
Javan Larson, Loretta
Docken, former Board
Member, and Bill Young,
Board Member, help
out at the 2009 Run for
Ralph Event.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
David Ingham
Leah Issacson
Jennifer Iverson
Meghan Jahnke
Day James
Pam Janczewski
Beth Jann
Kelsey Japs
Gretchen E. Jelinek
Michael Johnson
Alice Johnson
Blaine Johnson
Celia Johnson
Erin Johnson
John A. Johnson
Justin Johnson
Karie Johnson
Anne Marie Jones-
Marie Josie-Smith
Marie Jubert
Julie Jurrjens
Kristine H. Kaehn
Dan Keniston
Hugh Kirsch
Pamela Kivi
Barbara Kleist
Chris Klug
Peggy Klug
Peter Knaeble
Robin Knaeble
Norman Knowles
Ann Koerner
Arne Kolbjornsen
Elizabeth Koltes
Jo Ann Koltes
Joe Koltes
Jamie Korzan
Kay Krafka
Pete Kramer
Pam Krop
Ellen Krueger
Jill Kunze
Jeffrey W. Lambert
Brian Larson
Javan Larson
Lee Anne Larson
Lynette Larson
Audrey G. Lazarus
Larry Lee
Rachel Lee
Al Lenss
Mitzie Lenss
Marcia J. LeVoir
John Parod
Kristeen Parod
Molly Patten
Mary E. Patterson
Jackie Peacha
Abby Pearson
Ellen Pearson
Betty Pederson
Muril Pederson
Bill Perrine
Rondi Persaud
Aaron Peterson
Elizabeth J. Peterson
Elizabeth Poppe
Steve LeVoir
Nancy Porte
Marissa Lewis
Alyssa R. Porubcan
Margaret L. Lowe
Benjamin J. Porubcan
Linda Lucke
Joey Prusak
Mary K. Lund
Max Prusak
Alicia A. Luther
William Pugh
Elizabeth Mansfield
David Quam
Jon P. Matejcek
David Quinby
Nicholas Matko
Karen Quinby
Judy McConico
Sarah Randall
Terry McFarland
Shane Raymond
Valerie McGoldrick
Lindsay Redepenning
Tanya M. McManimon
Ross Redepenning
Matt McManimon
Tracy Redepenning
Stephanie Melander
Craig Reesor
Joe Miatech
Kelly M. Reesor
Kristine K. Miller
Jo Joe Reeves
Solveig M. Misner
Joseph Reis
Lorna Mitchell
Kathleen Reis
Jean Modjeski
Mike Remole
Katie Moe
Frank Renshaw
Marcia Moen
Madaline Renshaw
Randy Moen
Mandy Reuter
Hamid Mog
Ellen Riley
Roxanne Montebello
Rose M. Rizzi
Lisa M. Moore-Girard
Matt Rohman
John Morrisette
Carla Rose
Cindy Morton
Mary Rutkowski
Ka Moua
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church Greg Rye
Jim Schaffran
Ashley Nelson
Patricia Schaffran
Jo Jo Nemec
Debra Schaust
Naomi Neubauer
Cindy Scheller
Franklin D. Newell
Audrey Schultz
Hanh H. Nguyen
Bridget Schultz
Christine Nickels
George Schultz
Kathy Nilson
Diane Schwab
Kevan Nitzberg
Michael J. Schwarz
Laurie Nitzberg
SuAnn Senso
Travis Nitzberg
Jane Shaffer
Alexandra Norell
Roopa Shastry
Andrew Null
Ron Sheldon
Hunter Null
Veronica Sheldon
Tegan Oare
LeeAnn Silver
Louis B. Oberhauser
Thomas Silver
Julie Odenbach
Stephen Slocum
Amy Olson
Michele Smith
Gen Olson
Molly Jo Smith
Mary Ongstad
Patty Smith
Michael Oreck
Donald E. Smithmier
Susan R. Oreck
Loretta Solinger
Katherine Oritz
Maureen M. O’Shaughnessy Amanda Sorell
Max Sporer
Bruce Parker
Susan Sporer
Joseph Parker
Anna Spratt
Merry Jo Parker
Margaret Starr-Knox
Tom Stotts
Clarissa Strader
Kayla Strait
Christine Strande
Melissa Swanson
Rachelle Sykora
Sew-wah Tay Chew
Tyler Textor
Krystal Thomas
Steve Thompson
Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Nancy Timp
Lois Torgerson
Jay Tschetter
Lisa Tschetter
Barbara Tuckner
Cory Tuckner
John Tuckner
Max Tuckner
Paul Tuckner
Peter J. Tuckner
Samantha Tuckner
Beth Ulrich
Beth M. Ulrich
Amanda Vala
Katherine Vala
Lisa Vala
Warren Vala
Kathleen Velner
Ann Vermeer
Kathleen Wald
Michele Wald
Ron Wald
Sue Walker
Leah Walkowski
Kathy Wallraff
Suzanne Wanous
Barb Watson
Bill Watson
Kevin Weber
Robin Weiser
Greg Weitzel
Kelsey Weitzel
Max Weitzel
Tina Weitzel
David Westlin
Alysa Wiesner
Connie Wilensky
Leigh Wold
Claire Wolters
Melissa Woo
Judy Young
Bonnie Young
William R. Young
Kate Zehren
Ivar A. Zemmels
Judith Ziegeweid
Robert Ziegeweid
Elza Zuyeva
Annual Report Contributors:
Katie Bottiger
Lynne Dablow
Jim Landt
Tim Nelson
Ellen Timmerman-Borer
Bridget Ulrich
Julane Rose, Editor and
Production Coordinator
Graphic Design:
Karen Lafferty Design