march 30, 2014 - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community Reston
march 30, 2014 - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community Reston
ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA MARCH 30, 2014 PARISH STAFF (NOTE: Please use the 703 area code for all numbers.) CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, OSFS 860-8510 x143 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Donald J. Heet, OSFS Rev. Robert A. Mancini, OSFS 860-8510 x157 860-8510 x145 In Residence: Rev. William N. Dougherty, OSFS 860-8510 x144 Permanent Deacons: Deacon Dennis A. Holley Deacon John A. Wagner 860-8510 x222 860-8510 x321 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assist. Office Secretary Office Secretary Hispanic Coordinator Bulletin Editor Accountant Parish Nurse Facilities Manager Custodian Custodian Patty Kwapniewski 860-8510 x159 Beth Farmer 860-8510 x511 Maria Tumolo 860-8510 x140 Celia Sandoval 860-8510 x353 Ludy Rauber 390-2353 Email: [email protected]* Pat Rau 860-8510 x142 Susan Infeld, RN 390-2349 Email: [email protected] Mark Gosselin 860-8510 x343 Sylvia Payne 860-8510 x307 Douglas Alvarado LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Music C J Capen Coordinator of Liturgy Patty Bartnick Secretary Pat Gilbertson 390-2352 860-6151 860-6150 FAITH FORMATION Director Pre K-8 Youth Minister 9-12 Secretary Mary B. Lyons Laurie Hertneky Doug Johnson Silvia Bustamante 860-2815 390-2340 390-2345 860-6141 390-2348 OUTREACH Director of Outreach Young Adult Ministry Sue Colyer Jordan Gorzalski COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council Finance Council 860-6149 860-8510 x171 Jackie Garcia 860-8510 x312 Email: [email protected] Patricia Maloney 860-6310 Email: [email protected] PASTORAL CARE INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the Baptism Class, offered monthly. English 703-860-8510; Spanish 703-860-8510, x353. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Please call Mary Lyons, 703-390-2340, to inquire about becoming Catholic. MARRIAGE: Begin preparation with one or our parish priests at least six months before the desired marriage date. SICK: Please call the office if you know of someone who is hospitalized, seriously ill, or home-bound. *Please Note: Material for the bulletin must be submitted no later than Thursday, ten days prior to the intended publication date. THIS WEEK AT SJN... SUNDAY, M ARCH 30 RE Classes Brown Bag Weekend Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Mass ARE Adults: 8:30am; Auditorium Sunday Coffee: 8:30am; Auditorium Youth Catechumenate: 10:00am; Youth Room Shawl Ministry: 2:00pm; Conference Room Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adult Lenten Faith Sharing: 3:45pm; B4 RCIA Dismissal: 5:30pm; Conference Room High School Teens: 6:15pm; Youth Room MONDAY, M ARCH 31 RE Classes Boy Scout Troop 124: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Power of Story: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel Welcome Home: 7:00pm; Conference Room TUESDAY, APRIL 1 RE Classes French Conversation: 9:30am; A2 Hypothermia Prevention: 7:00pm; Conference Room Taizé: 7:00pm; Church Knights of Columbus: 7:30pm; Auditorium Legion of Mary: 7:30pm; B2 Pastoral Council: 7:30pm; Conference Room RCIA Catechumenate: 7:30pm; A1/A2 RCIA Inquiry: 7:30pm; Bridal Room RCIA Purification and Enlightenment: 7:30pm; Youth Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 RE Classes Angel Choir: 5:00pm; Music Room Children’s Choir: 5:30pm; Music Room The Light Is ON For You Confessions: 6:30pm; Church Bereavement Group: 7:00pm; Bridal Room JustFaith: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Legión de María: 7:00pm; B4 Liturgy Committee: 7:00pm; Conference Room Divorced or Separated Ministry: 7:30pm; Bridal Room THURSDAY, APRIL 3 Healing Hearts: 7:00pm; Bridal Room Life After Sunday: 7:00pm; B1 Spanish Stations of the Cross: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel Young Adult Lenten Faith Sharing: 7:00pm; B4 Zumba 101 For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 7:00pm; A1/A2 FRIDAY, APRIL 4 Mothers’ Group Play Group: 9:30am; Early RE Room Lenten Fish Fry: 5:00pm; Auditorium Zumba For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 6:00pm; A1/A2 Spanish Young Adults: 6:30pm; Bridal Room Stations of the Cross: 7:00pm; Church VOCE Concert: 7:30pm; de Sales Chapel (continued) THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT THIS WEEK AT SJN… (cont’d) SATURDAY, APRIL 5 Argentine Dinner Ticket Sales After Mass Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Mass Family Mass: 5:00pm; de sales Chapel Spanish Prayer Group: 6:00pm ; de Sales Chapel SUNDAY, M ARCH 6 Argentine Dinner Ticket Sales After Mass Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Mass Pancake Breakfast: 8:30am; Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Youth Catechumenate: 10:00am; Youth Room Diocesan Work Camp Team: 1:00pm; Youth Room Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adult Lenten Faith Sharing: 3:45pm; B4 High School Teens: 6:15pm; Youth Room DEAR PARISHIONERS: I want to announce that Sandy McCarthy, our Administrative Assistant, has retired after 26 years of faithful service to the parish in various capacities. We are all certainly grateful to Sandy for her dedication and kindness to so many of us in all the positions she has occupied, and the many things she has done even as a volunteer before her hiring in 1988. It has been a difficult year for Sandy health-wise and we would like to celebrate her retirement once she regains her strength. We are hoping that Sandy will be able to join us on a part-time basis even as she retires. Continue to keep her in prayer for a speedy recovery. Patty Kwapniewski has moved into Sandy's position as Office Manager and that was effective last week. Patty has served well in the Religious Education department as secretary and she brings a wealth of previous experience from the corporate world into her new position. I am sure she is up to the task at hand. We have abstained from offering the Cup at Eucharist at the recommendation of our health people who were concerned about the flu season. We will resume having Eucharist under both forms starting the first weekend in April. God bless, Father Tom WE WELCOME those who have recently entered into our faith through the waters of Baptism: Michael Kenneth Lamb, son of Christopher and Regan; and Shelbie Senseney Lamb, daughter of Christopher and Regan. Prayer and Liturgy THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS: 1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13; Psalm 23: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 Today, Jesus reminds us that He is the world’s Light that produces goodness, justice and truth. We are urged to live in His Light. St. Francis de Sales notes: The human mind finds its entire satisfaction in discovering and knowing the truth of things. The greater the truth, the greater the delight. Yet, our human condition makes us skillful in the pursuit of honors, riches and power. Experience teaches us daily that these useless loves make us prone to turn from the truth, rather than consider the truth of God’s love. God’s love has us think on the truth of a Paradise filled with eternal happiness. Our hearts are refreshed and energized with holy love as we accept in faith the truth of the teachings of Jesus. It is a sign of interior conversion when God’s goodness gives us light to see our blindness. We come to know ourselves as children of the Light. When we remove the obstacles that stop us from loving God, we become capable of loving one another, as God desires us to love each other. A human flaw discovered is half healed, for we have received an insight that frees us of our blindness. Nonetheless, we must be patient at the sight of our faults. We must learn to acknowledge them calmly and without fuss. Nothing is more favorable to the growth of those “weeds” than our anxiety to get rid of them. Stay always on the road to holiness and these imperfections will grow weak. Our Savior held us in His hand and guided our life when we did not want to be completely His. Since we now desire ardently only to do God’s will, don’t you think He desires to protect His little lambs that strayed from the gentle Shepherd? Faithfully focus, then, on nourishing God’s gift of conversion with awe and confidence. Let us make God’s grace effective in our lives by persevering in our holy resolutions and good desires. We then will live in the Light of Christ, producing truth, justice and goodness. (Adapted from the writings of St. Francis de Sales) BEST WISHES to Veronica Ramierez and Joseph Jay who were recently joined in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. May they grow together in Christ’s love. WE PRAY for those who have died, especially Patricia Cole, mother of Tricia Russo; Ellen Dombroski, former librarian at Bishop Ireton and Paul VI High Schools; Frances McGrath, aunt of Maryann LaTurno and Nancy Richardson; and John M. Wagner, father of Deacon John Wagner. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA SATURDAY 5:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm MONDAY 9:00am 12:10pm TUESDAY 6:30am 9:00am WEDNESDAY 9:00am 12:10pm THURSDAY 6:30am 9:00am FRIDAY 9:00am 12:10pm SATURDAY 5:00pm Church 5:00pm Chapel SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm MARCH 29 People of the Parish MARCH 30 Michael Anthony Stott † Luke McGuire † Khosrwo Mikily † Florence Mahon † Stephen Kelley † MARCH 31 Meg Friel † Joyce Wurth † APRIL 1 Gertrude Tozzi † David Craven † APRIL 2 Anna Weindler † James Mulhern † APRIL 3 Bill Strobel † Daniel Watt † APRIL 4 Lynne Willett † Bob Mercure † APRIL 5 Michael Collins † John Donohue † APRIL 6 People of the Parish Charles E. Trautman † Clifton Hendricks † Flora and Jean Hanuschak †† Cecilia Benincasa † PLEASE PRAY for those who have asked for our prayers: Michael Ahrens; Virginia Azancot; Suzanne Brown; Edward Fletcher; Mary Ann Flint; Paul Garrity; Becky Gronlund; Stephen Lamb; Robert Leacock; Alan Lord; Bill Torkewitz; Natalie Wormeli; and for all who are sick. When you call to add a name to our prayer list, please leave your name and number as a contact and let us know what the illness is. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person or a member of the family about adding their name—we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone's desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for three weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Boldface type is used for names that are new to the list this week. MARCH 30, 2014 THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! You know how it feels as though life often “kicks us when we’re down”? God is never like that; He always gives us a helping hand. In fact, that’s what Confession is all about. On Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:00pm come to St. John Neumann and experience God’s compassionate love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. To find Confession times at other parishes and for additional resources visit and see The Light is ON cards found in the pamphlet racks. UPCOMING SPECIAL LITURGIES Sunday, March 30th 5:00pm RCIA Second Scrutiny Sunday, April 6th 9:30am RCIA Third Scrutiny Saturday, April 26th 5:00pm Baptism Sunday, April 27th 11:30am Baptism NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS: Next weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday In Lent. Please prepare for Mass and the Homily by reflecting on these texts from God’s Word: Ezekiel 37:12-14 The fifth significant step of salvation is the announcement of the return from exile. To the people of Israel destroyed by despair, the prophet predicts a rebirth. Psalm 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 With The Lord There Is Mercy and Fullness Of Redemption This psalm expresses confidence in God’s forgiveness. Romans 8:8-11 For Paul the flesh is the human person, body and soul, which closes in upon itself and its sin. The Spirit is the force of new life given to the believer in the risen Christ. The same divine power which raised Jesus from the dead, already works within the baptized and will raise the believer up on the last day. John 11:1-45 “I am the Resurrection and the Life”: this affirmation of Jesus is at the center of the gospel story of the raising of Lazarus. To believe in Jesus, the Messiah and Son of God is to have already within oneself eternal life, a life which death can never take away. THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT PRAY FOR A PRIEST DAILY We continue our daily prayers for the priests in our diocese by praying for: March 31st Reverend Andrew J. Fisher April 1st Reverend Daniel N. Gee April 2 nd Reverend James R. Gould April 3 rd Reverend Paul M. Grankauskas April 4 th Reverend Donald C. Greenhalgh April 5th Reverend Horace H. Grinnell April 6th Reverend Ronald J. Gripshover, Jr. RCIA: THE SECOND SCRUTINY This weekend at the Sunday 5:00pm Mass we celebrate the Second Scrutiny with our elect. As they prepare for Baptism at the Easter Vigil, we pray that Christ, the light of the world, will free them (and us) from the blindness that allows us to be indifferent to the suffering of the world. We ask for deliverance from the social sins of failing to seek justice, peace and reconciliation; the sins that allow us to close our eyes to those who suffer from poverty, homelessness, racism, and war. SCHEDULE LITURGIES OF AND LENTEN SERVICES Daily Mass Monday - Friday, 9:00am Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:10pm Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30am Confessions The Light is ON For You, Wednesdays - 6:30 - 8:00pm April 2nd, 9th, and 16th; and Saturdays - 10:00 - 10:30am Lenten Reconciliation Service Tuesday, April 8th, 7:00pm Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD: Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; Though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. Isaiah 1:18 Suggested Examination of Conscience Father, forgive them . . . . For those who have betrayed us For those who have let us down For those who have been indifferent to us For those who have crippled our lives For those who have accused us For those who have preferred others to us For family members who have hurt us For friends who have denied us For those who have walked away from us. (except Holy Saturday) Father, forgive me . . . . Lenten Penance Service Tuesday, April 8th, 7:00pm For my own self pity Exposition and Adoration Thursday, April 10th, 3:00 - 8:00pm Stations of the Cross Thursdays (in Spanish) - 7:00pm (except April 10th) Fridays - 6:30pm, followed by Soup Supper th (except April 4 , with Fish Fry at 5:00pm followed by Stations) Taizé Prayer Tuesdays, April 1st and April 15th, 7:00pm As we near the end of our Lenten journey, the schedules for Palm Sunday, Holy Week services, Triduum and Easter will be included in this column. For my lukewarm-ness For my times of despair and distrust For my refusals to be loved For my disbelief in your love For my searching everywhere but in your heart For apologies frozen on my lips For my words of love unspoken For compliments never offered For a heart closed in self-centeredness For my own unforgiving postures For not believing in your forgiveness. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA MARCH 30, 2014 AN OPPORTUNITY TO PRAY AS A COMMUNITY DURING LENT Join us on Fridays during Lent. Stations of the Cross will begin at 6:30pm except on April 4 th. Soup Suppers will follow immediately after the Stations on most, but not all, evenings. Please come to pray with us, enjoy a Lenten meal and on some evenings, hear an informative speaker. April 4th; 5:00pm; 7:00pm The Knights of Columbus and the Pastoral Council will host the annual Fish Fry at 5:00pm; followed by the Stations of the Cross beginning at 7:00pm. Please note the time change. April 11th; 6:30pm The Health Ministry and the Spanish Ministry will be our hosts. Stations will be bilingual this evening. Rebecca Ruiz, Program Manager, from the Migration and Refugee Office, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington will be our presenter. April 18th; 3:00pm On Good Friday, the Living Stations of the Cross will be led by the High School Teens group. Please note the time change. There will be no meal following this worship event. WOULD YOUR LENTEN SPIRIT BE BOLSTERED BY SPENDING A LITTLE TIME WITH FR. MIKE NEWMAN, OSFS? Fr. Mike will be directing a Woman’s Weekend Retreat at the Dominican Retreat House this coming Friday evening, April 4th through Sunday afternoon, April 6th. The theme is “Peace, the Promised Gift - Accepted And Shared”. The precious and valued gift of Peace has been given to all of us by God through Jesus Christ. Jesus has called us to live in His peace, in all of life. We can experience this gift in our lives (despite the challenges to its promise that sometimes seem to obstruct our path) by using it. What does this mean? Those of you who recently attended Live Jesus will certainly enjoy this additional opportunity to hear and learn from Fr. Mike, with a Salesian point of view on this topic. For registration information, call the retreat house at 703-356-4243, but don't delay as space is limited, as is lead-time. FAMILY MASS NEXT WEEKEND Next Saturday evening we celebrate our fourth Family Mass at 5:00pm in de Sales Chapel. This Mass, not solely for families with children, is being well-received by the community. Our young ministers are doing a wonderful job in their new roles and all are welcome to join us as we worship together! MagnifiKid! is a spiritual guide for children between the ages of six and twelve. Subscribers receive the issues on a monthly basis. In each month’s packet, children will find a booklet of sixteen color pages for each Sunday, and also special issues for all major feast days. Each issue offers all the readings and the prayers of the Sunday Mass with explanations of difficult words and the meaning of the rituals; a daily prayer adapted from the Liturgy of the Hours; many suggestions on how to live the entire week with the Lord; various games, a comic, and activities to help children learn about Christian life and culture; and, a page intended for the parents with suggestions for family prayers. The parish provides limited copies each week, and many of you have been asking about them. For more information, visit magnifikid. Parish Information IT’S BROWN BAG WEEKEND! The Cornerstones van is in our parking lot this weekend, March 29th and 30th. If we each bring just a few non-perishable food items we will help stock the Cornerstones pantry for the weeks ahead. Thank you for your continued generosity. PANCAKE TIME IS ALMOST HERE The Knights of Columbus are hosting Pancake Breakfast next Sunday morning, April 6th. Breakfast will be served in the auditorium from 8:30 to 11:30am. Proceeds from your freewill offerings will benefit Herndon-Reston FISH, Inc. (Friendly, Instant, Sympathetic Help). FISH is a volunteer, non-sectarian, organization dedicated to helping people meet emergencies and short-term needs. FISH responds to requests for rent, transportation to medical appointments, furniture, utilities, medical items (including prescriptions) and other short term emergency needs. Their goal is to prevent an eviction, keep utilities from being turned off and help people pay for their medications. EASTER EGG HUNT The Hispanic Ministry and Mothers’ Group will co-host our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12th at 10:00am in the Auditorium. The hunt will be limited to 200 children. Each child must be 10 years old or younger and be accompanied by an adult. To sign up online, please go to the event section of the St. John Neumann web page( and click on Easter Egg Hunt. You do not need to create an account within Signup Genius to sign up your child. Simply click the button which says “I don’t want an account”. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Sturgell at [email protected] or (703) 349-5966. THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT HELP NEEDED FOR EASTER VIGIL RECEPTION Each year at the conclusion of the Easter Vigil service we gather to celebrate this great feast and to welcome those who have been baptized into the Catholic Church at the Vigil. We need many helping hands to make this a truly gala celebration. Consider donating your talents in decorating, baking, setting up or cleaning up. Stop by the shelf in the hallway between the narthex and parish hall to sign up. LENTEN MISSION VIDEOS Thanks to Father Don Heet, you may now access videos of Fr. Jim Greenfield, OSFS and his Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evening presentations in English on our web site. You may access them directly from this address, http://, or go to our main web page and follow the instructions to locate them under the faith formation section. CAR RAFFLE Stop by the Raffle Table and learn more about who will truly benefit from the raffle proceeds this year. The funds received for our participation in the 5-Car Raffle will be put towards three worthy groups: our sister parish - Nino Jesus in Manta, Ecuador; the Centreville Labor Resource Center; and Christ Our King - the parish in Wilmington, DE where Fr. Joe Brennan is now pastor. The prizes include five 2014 vehicles (Honda Civic, Buick Verano, GMC Sierra Truck, Honda CRV Sport Utility, and Honda Odyssey Van) and $20,000 in cash prizes. For just $5.00 you can have a chance to win one of these fantastic prizes! Pick up a ticket for yourself or some to sell some to those you know! It’s your chance to win – and help so many in need! Fellowship ONGOING FELLOWSHIP Sunday Coffee Join us for coffee, juice, muffins, and fellowship each Sunday from 8:30—11:30am. All are welcome! 9:00am Daily Mass and Fellowship: Following Mass in the Chapel, join us in the Bridal Room for coffee and cookies. Mothers’ Group: Join us for weekday or evening/ weekend playgroups, nights out, and more. Membership is open to all caregivers of small children. Membership is free, and participation is voluntary in all group activities. The Membership Coordinator is Michelle Bergstresser, who can be reached at [email protected] or 703-424-1862. Young Adults: If you are in your twenties or thirties and are looking for a community to socialize, do service and pray with, then come join us! For more information, email Jordan Gorzalski at [email protected]. Knights of Columbus: Are you a male, age 18 years or older and a practicing Catholic, and wish to embark on a journey that emphasizes faith, fraternity, and fellowship with a real commitment to service in our community? If so, please consider becoming a member of the K of C Family of Man Council #7566. Take that first step and contact us at [email protected]. Shawl Ministry: On alternate Sunday afternoons we gather to pray, talk, and create beautiful handmade shawls for those who are ill or grieving. Contact Teresa Westhues at 703-969-8430 to join or request a shawl. ARE YOU DIVORCED OR SEPARATED? Would you like to talk with someone else who is traveling the same journey? Would you like to find out more about what our Catholic faith has to say regarding divorce? Could you use some positive thoughts regarding your future? Please consider joining our ministry here at St. John Neumann. We are meeting weekly. For information or to register contact Sue Colyer at [email protected] or (703)860-6149. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS When our new church was built, the Chapel was modified so that we could incorporate all of our space under one roof. These changes required removal of some of our beautiful stained glass. We saved the stained glass, hoping we could use it in a meaningful way - perhaps to be turned into Christmas ornaments, trivets or something we have not yet thought of - that could be meaningful gifts to parishioners. We are looking for someone with an artistic mind who would be willing to share their talents to make this happen. If this is your gift and you are willing to discuss possibilities contact Sue Colyer at [email protected] or 703-860-6149. SJN: VOCE CHAMBER SINGERS presents its most recent commission, Matthew Harris’ i love you much for a cappella chorus, followed by Brahms’ masterwork, Ein deutsches Requiem Friday, April 4th, at 8:00pm, in the de Sales Chapel. Voce is accompanied by our own Director of Music, CJ Capen, and Schola singer Joan Winter Skerritt sings in the ensemble. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased either at the door, or in advance online at or by calling Voce's message line at 703-277-7772. AT 50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES: Thursday, April 10th: Today we will travel to the historic town of Ellicott City, MD. With its railroad depot/museum and quaint antique shops. We have a tour of St. Anthony Franciscan monastery on our agenda and will visit their chapel. Later, we will lunch at the Diamondback Tavern. For more information on upcoming events, call Ed Geiger at 703-620-0659 or Pat Bossie at 703-620-3747. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA Faith Formation Mary B. Lyons, Director 703-390-2340 [email protected] “WELCOME HOME” Are you a returning Catholic or perhaps thinking this may be your home? Contact Mary Lyons and see the page on our website: Interested in being Catholic? Do you have questions? Please contact Mary Lyons and visit our website St. John Neumann, Reston is on Facebook. To receive updates from the parish, please go to our parish page on Facebook and click LIKE ! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (AGAPE) Doug Johnson 703-860-6141 [email protected] UPCOMING HIGH SCHOOL TEEN EVENTS Sunday, March 30th- High School Teen Night: 6:15pm; Auditorium Wednesday, April 2nd- Living Stations of the Cross Practice; 6:00pm; de Sales Chapel Saturday, April 5th - Mini Work Camp: 9:00am - 3:00pm; Parking Lot Sunday, April 6th - High School Teen Night: 6:15pm; Auditorium Wednesday, April 9th - Living Stations of the Cross Practice: 6:00pm; de Sales Chapel MARCH 30, 2014 LIVING STATIONS CROSS We need you! “The Living Stations of the Cross” is a powerful prayer presentation in which teen participants portray Christ’s Passion and Death. Practices will take place on Wednesday evenings April 2nd and April 9th in the chapel, with a final practice on Good Friday, April 18 th. Please join us. All 7th through 12th graders are invited and encouraged to participate in this powerful and prayerful presentation. Teen participants will portray Jesus, Mary, Pilate, crowd members and other individuals identified with the Stations of the Cross in a freeze-frame tableau with narration of the Stations and contemplative music. Actors, readers, singers and musicians are all needed for this presentation. The Living Stations of the Cross will be prayerfully presented with the Saint John Neumann community on Good Friday, April 18th at 3:00pm. If you plan to participate as an actor, narrator, singer or musician, please send me an e-mail at [email protected] and come to the de Sales Chapel on Wednesday night at 6:00pm (with your instrument, if you are a musician) for practice. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Doug Johnson on 703-860-6141 or by email. APRIL MINI WORK CAMP Calling all teens and adults! Would you like to help those in need, learn some new skills, do hands-on basic home repairs and have fun? If your answer is yes, sign up and join us for the next Mini Work Camp Saturday, April 5th from 9:00am - 3:00pm. No experience is necessary to bring hope by sharing your Christian love with those in need. Contact Phyllis Rienzo at 703-795-0339 or email at [email protected] for a required permission slip or more information and to let her know you will be joining us! SJN HIGH SCHOOL TEEN MINISTRY E-MAIL LIST: Contact Doug Johnson at [email protected] if you wish to be placed on the SJN High School Teen Ministry e-mail list. This is a great way to learn the latest information on events, programs and opportunities to serve in our high school youth program. HIGH SCHOOL TEEN NIGHT Join us this Sunday, March 30 , in the Auditorium for food, fellowship, faith sharing, meeting new friends and having lots of fun! Tonight we will continue to explore the Passion and death of Jesus and its profound meaning for all Christians. We will discuss the charges against Jesus, the meaning of the cross and the death of Jesus as the most perfect sacrifice throughout all time with special emphasis on its meaning for all humanity. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith and values, share snacks, and enjoy fellowship. All high school teens and their parents are welcome to join us to continue our faith journey together. Bring a friend; friends do not have to be members of our parish or Catholic. OF THE Around the Diocese th NEW POST-ABORTION HEALING WEBSITE An invitation for help, healing and hope is waiting for you at It’s a safe place to take the first step to learn more about healing after abortion. All inquiries are completely confidential. Talk to someone who understands. Contact us today for non-judgmental and compassionate care. For more information, please visit our website or call 888-456-HOPE (4673). THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT More Around the Diocese FALL PILGRIMAGE TO SWITZERLAND AND FRANCE Join Father Mike Gallagher on September 2 nd 13 , visiting Geneva, Annecy, Avignon, Lourdes and Paris. For a full itinerary and registration brochure visit: or call Caroline at 1-800-334-5425. . th ANNUAL ECUMENICAL MEMORIAL SERVICE WITH DIVINE MERCY CARE Divine Mercy Care and Tepeyac Family Center invite you and your family to attend our annual Memorial Service on Saturday, May 10th, at 6:30pm. The Ecumenical Memorial Service is for those who lost a child through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, stillbirth, abortion, or infant death. This touching prayer service honors life and provides an unique opportunity for healing through music, readings, personal reflections and recognition of infants lost. All who suffered a loss, family members and friends are cordially invited to attend. The Memorial Service will be at St. Thomas á Becket Catholic Church located at 1421 Wiehle Avenue, Reston. Please respond by Thursday, May 1st with the name(s) of your lost child(ren), your name and the number of people attending. Names will be printed in the Memorial Service Program. Respond by sending a message to [email protected] or calling 703-934-5552. Additional Stewardship BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL - RENEWING HOPE WITH HEARTS AFIRE The Bishop’s Lenten Appeal is in full swing and we are hoping that families in our parish will support this important appeal to the extent that they are able. The BLA funds many programs, services and ministries that serve people in need and further Jesus’ Mission in our diocese. Together we can do so much to help so many! SECOND COLLECTION “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection serves Jesus in the victims of human trafficking, in those who suffer from unjust laws, and in those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through your support with today’s Collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. OUR THANKS TO HOMEWORK REMODELING FOR SPONSORING AN AD IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN CATHOLIC RESOURCE AND ASSESSMENT FOR COUNSELING The IPS Center for Psychological Services (IPS Center) provides counseling for a variety of concerns, assessment and career services. IPS Center is committed to providing high quality, affordable mental health services, employing advanced doctoral students and doctoral level clinicians who are available for long-term treatments consistent with Catholic teaching. To learn more about IPS Center, please call (703) 418-2111 or visit CATHOLIC CHARITIES JOB MINISTRY EXPANDING Christians Are Networking (CAN), the allvolunteer jobs ministry of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, offers support to anyone who is unemployed or struggling with career transition decisions in three locations: at St. Philip in Falls Church on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 7:00 - 9:00pm; first and third Tuesdays at St. Theresa School in Ashburn from 7:00 - 9:00pm; Thursdays at St. Martin de Porres Senior Center in Alexandria 7:00 - 9:00pm; and Ephiphany Middle School in Culpeper every second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30 8:30pm. For more information, email [email protected] or call 571-217-7551 for St. Theresa; email [email protected] or call 703-5733808 for St. Philip, email [email protected] or call 703-683-7704 for St. Martin de Porres, or email [email protected] or call 703-944-8450 for Epiphany Middle School. PUT THE GOSPEL INTO ACTION BY TEACHING ENGLISH OR BECOMING A SITE COORDINATOR! Catholic Charities-Hogar Immigrant Services has volunteer opportunities to teach English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) at our office in Manassas, Our Lady of Angels, Holy Family, Christ the Redeemer (Sterling), or St. Joseph (Herndon) parishes. Site Coordinators are also needed! Classes are held weekday evenings. Volunteers teach once per week, so pick the time that suits you best. No experience or special language skills needed; we will train you but a dedication to helping immigrants goes a long way! Call or email for more information 571-208-1572, ext. 102, or email Lisa Ehm Waller at [email protected].
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