Join us the weekend of April 7 for a service led by the youth of


Join us the weekend of April 7 for a service led by the youth of
April 2013
“Let no one
despise your youth,
but set the
believers an
example in speech
and conduct, in love,
in faith, in purity. Put
these things into
Volume 35
Becoming in Christ
Issue 4
Join us the weekend of April 7
for a service led by the youth
of Resurrection!
Youth will join the praise band, service as worship
assistants and one of our seniors will even preach.
Support our youth on the first Sunday
after Easter as they share their gifts
with the congregation.
practice, devote
yourself to them, so
that all may see your
progress. 15Put
these things into
practice, devote
yourself to them, so
that all may see your
1 Timothy 4: 12, 15
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my
prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am
confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion
by the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:3-6
I talk about the importance of receiving the blessings
of God’s love and care. There are times in our lives
when, as much as we would prefer to be on the giving side, we need to be on the receiving side of that
which God would give us. For our own sake and for
those called to be the givers.
Two memories: First, I had
just arrived back at my
brother’s house, come in,
hung up my coat and wandered into the kitchen. He
was going through the mail when he came to a letter,
looked at me and said, “You know you’ve been here
too long when you start getting mail.” It was a card
with a beautiful sketch by Sarah on the front and expressions of prayers and kind thoughts from many
members inside. At that point I had been in Ohio
nine days and the card was a sign that my church
family remembered me and was keeping me in their
I have received much in these past weeks and your
support has been a blessing to both Rod and me.
Thank you for that. And in the mist of all our travel—
being here and not being here—you still remembered
my birthday! We thank you for the cards, prayers,
funny stories, drawings, chocolates, cake and many
other remembrances.
Second, I arrived at church, Wednesday night, February 27 and was warmly greeted by the congregation.
But maybe best of all was the picture Rachel Barton
gave me that she had painted. Surrounded by a rainbow of colors were the words, “God love’s you.” Indeed.
We pray that the ministry that you have shown to us
continues to be the ministry of this congregation for
many years to come. May all those who are experiencing loss, struggle, grief, loneliness or other traumas of the heart and spirit come to know God’s love
through your gracious hands and feet, through your
words and laughter, your prayers and through your
As of this writing I have completed my sermon for
Maundy Thursday, and at the time you get your copy spirit-filled care.
of the newsletter you may have already heard it. In it
Resurrection Lutheran Church Council, 2012-2013
President—Nancy Carlson, 515-779-3547
[email protected]
Vice President—Matt Ahrens, 515-963-9324
[email protected]
Secretary—Brenda Reedy, 515-480-9907
[email protected]
Treasurer—George Stevens, 515-635-0371
[email protected]
Christian Education– Kelly Ahrens, 515-963-9324
[email protected]
Congregational Life—Jennifer Slipka, 515-963-1808
[email protected]
Evangelism— Renata Eustice-Cleveland, 991-1976
[email protected]
Property—Co-Chair, Gerri McCurdy 515-965-4545
[email protected]
Co-Chair, Bob Slipka 515-963-1808
[email protected]
Social Ministry—Co-Chair, Linda Baker,
515-964-1982, [email protected]
Co-Chair, Wanda Miller, 515-964-2190
[email protected]
Stewardship—Ken Carlson, 515-201-4446
[email protected]
WELCA Representative—Evelyn McClure, 964-1967
[email protected]
Worship and Music—Marion Polzin, 515-965-0829
[email protected]
Youth—Andi Donaghy, 515-964-9316
[email protected]
Discovery World Rep. - Kara Califf, 515-963-1920
[email protected]
Pastor Lisa Parker, 964-7392
[email protected]
On Twitter @ldparker1
Summary of March Council Meeting
April 12 & Lutheran World Relief truck loading is on
April 20 Stewardship: Spiritual Gift forms have been
sent out. The construction loan has been paid off and
we will begin paying down existing mortgage. Worship & Music: $500 was donated by Ankeny Community Chorus for risers and they are loaning theirs
for us to try out. Christian Ed: The Easter egg hunt is
planned. Congregational life: Soup supper help has
been good. We are planning a May event for the congregation. Social ministry: The homeless shelter dinner is on April 6.
Devotions were given by Bob Slipka from “Beyond
Mission to Maintenance”, chapter 9. Financial report
submitted by George Stevens. It was pointed out that
we are approximately $9,000 behind budget through
the month of February. Motion made by Renata Eustice to approve the February financials and seconded
by Bob Slipka, motion carried. Pastors report – discussed the Saturday morning class. Joint ministries:
Youth encounter with the Laotian community. DWP:
meeting was held last week and no minutes available
at this time. Kinder prep enrollment still down, a few on the
waiting list for other grades.
Youth: They will be adding a sunrise seating to the Easter breakfast
and will be having a HuHot fundraiser April 15. Property: Nick
Turner is working on an Eagle Scout landscaping
project. It was noted that some doors are being left
unlocked on the weekend. The board has looked at
samples and pricing flooring for the bathrooms. Cabinets are being installed in the youth room and there
are enough left to put some in one of the Sunday
school rooms. They are moving forward with the
AED purchase and purchasing a wall cabinet to keep
it in ($350 has been given by WELCA from their memorial funds.) WELCA: Slumber party will be held
Old Business: Each board chair is
to email Janice a list of members
that will be staying and going.
New Business: The next council
meeting will be on Tuesday, April
A motion was made by Linda Baker that Earl Dunsbergen be appointed to the Social Ministries board, it
was seconded by Marion Polzin, the motion passed.
Matt Ahrens made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Linda Baker, the motion passed
February Budget Information
Net Income
Feb. Actual
Feb. Budget
Feb. Variance
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
YTD Variance
We began the year below budget. Winter weather and pastoral substitutions can diminish attendance. Please
be attentive to and current with your giving. Financial results are always available to any member of the
church. You can contact the office at [email protected] or George Stevens at [email protected], or call
The next council meeting is scheduled April 16 at 7:00 pm. All members are welcome to attend. If you would
like to be informed about what the council is doing, email [email protected] to be put on a monthly
emailing list; or request a copy of the minutes by contacting the church office at 964-7392. Hope to see you at
the next meeting!
Youth Happenings
from St. Paul’s Laotian ministry will come to our
church to watch a movie, have a discussion, and eat
pizza during a fun filled Encounter gathering.
Grand View Lock-in
In March, the youth had some great experiences; a
few of us went to a lock in at Grand View University.
We had the opportunity to meet ELCA youth from
around the Des Moines area as well as Grand View
students. We all had a blast playing games, seeing a
mime, and having good conversations with one another.
The youth also held their annual Easter breakfast.
The proceeds went towards their mission trip to
Kenosha Wisconsin (which will take place July 28 August 3.) The youth’s next fundraiser will be at HuHot on Monday, April 15, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. RLC
youth will bus the tables at the restaurant. The youth
would like to invite the entire congregation to come,
dine, and support them.
(The lock-in attendees Photo provided by Grand View student ministry
FB page)
During the month of March the youth worked hard
on planning the youth-led worship service. The service will be on April 7. Special readings and songs
from the youth as well as a sermon from Emma Potter will be part of at the service. You don’t want to
miss church that day!
Youth Event
•HuHot Fundraiser April 15
•LWR Truck Loading April 20
•Wii Wednesday
Apr. 3, 10, 17 & 24
Arp. 14 & 28
In April the youth will have the opportunity to meet
up again with the Laotian youth group. The group
5-8 pm
5-7 pm
VBS & Youth Annual Bake Sale
RLC youth and Christian Ed will be holding their annual bake sale after both services on Sunday, April
28. All donations will go to the youth mission trip
and vacation bible school.
used to help fund this summer’s VBS week and also
the youth mission trip.
We are excited to announce that our VBS
theme is “Kingdom Rock.” VBS will be held
the evenings of Sunday, July 21 through
Thursday, July 25. Kids will enter an epic
adventure that empowers them to stay
strong. God’s victorious power isn’t a fairy tale! More
information to come regarding a Kingdom Rock
Kickoff party to be held in May!
Bring a rumbly tummy with you to church on
Sunday, April 28! Sunday School students in
preschool through 12th grade will be bringing
yummy items to tempt your taste buds. The items
will be available for a free will offering that will be
Thank You
The RLC Worship and Music Board wants to thank
the Ankeny Community Chorus for the loan of the
risers for the choir and for the donation of $500 for our own risers.
Christianity Rediscovered
The first article in this series looked at attempts to
evangelize Africans first by purchasing slaves and
“Christianizing” them in exchange for their
“freedom” and later by establishing schools where
religion was taught, so that children grew in the
Christian faith. “To bring freedom or knowledge or
health or prosperity to a people in order that they become Christians is a perversion of missionary work.”
That was Father Donovan’s conclusion after spending
one year as a missionary in Masailand in Tanzania,
Africa. Father Donovan worked in the Loliondo Mission which had four schools, a hospital, and a small
chapel. The schools had religious instruction, yet
there were no adult Masai practicing Christians seven
years after the mission was established. The priests
would drive sick people long distances to the hospital
and help the schools, but were never able to speak to
the Masai about the one area close to a missionary’s
heart, the gospel.”
of years of existence, they have never accepted anything from the outside. You cannot bring them the
gospel without going through several preparatory,
preliminary stages.” “But I would like to try. I want
to go to Masai daily safaris --- unencumbered with
the burden of selling them our school system, or begging for their children for our schools, or carrying
their sick, or giving them medicine. Outside of this, I
have no plan, no strategy, no gimmicks --- no idea of
what will come. I feel rather naked. I will begin as
soon as possible.”
Calling all Gardeners
Shelter Meal
Even if you’ve never planted anything, you are welcome to join us in the church garden project. Last
year volunteers prepared the ground, planted,
mulched, watered, weeded and harvested produce.
We will again be offering the congregation the produce for a free-will offering. The dollars generated
along with the additional produce will be donated to
the local food pantry at the Nevelyn Center.
Social Ministry will be serving a meal at the Homeless Shelter April 6.. We are serving loaded baked
potatoes, lettuce salad, bread sticks, fruit cup, and
dessert bars. Please refer to the sign up board to donate (monetary donations are also appreciated).
Once again we anticipate serving over 200 people.
Father Donovan summoned Ndangoya, one of the
elders of a community, and told him that he no
longer wanted to talk about schools and hospitals,
but to talk about God and the message of Christianity
--- the very reason he had come there from so far
away. Ndangoya looked at him for a long time with a
puzzled look and responded “If that is why you came
here, why did you wait so long to tell us about this?”
Father Donovan wrote his bishop, “I know what most Father Donovan had no answer for that, but asked to
speak to the four villages. He was given permission.
people say. It is impossible to preach the gospel directly to the Masai. They are the hardest of all the pa- Read more about Father Donovan’s experiences in future
gans, the toughest of the tough. In all their hundreds articles.
We are looking for volunteers to transport and serve
the meal (sign up on board), and plan to leave the
church by 5:00 p.m. Washing, wrapping, and baking
over 200 potatoes will be a challenge. Anyone willing
to assist at the wrapping party let Wanda Miller,
Linda Baker or Earl Dunsbergen know.
We will be meeting Monday April 8 at 6:30 at the
church to talk about what went well last year and
what new things we may want to try. Bring your
ideas and attend the meeting. If that isn’t possible,
contact Nancy Carlson, 779-3547 or
[email protected] to
be part of the project!
It takes a Village ☺ Thanks for your continued support in feeding the hungry.
Mark your calendar for the Spring 10/11 Cluster
meeting at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Indianola
on Saturday, April 6. The speaker will be Pastor Carrie LaPlante, speaking on “God’s Hands…Helping
Hands.” This program is part of the Indianola Ministerial Association projects. The Love Offering will go
to support Helping Hands. We will car pool from the
church. Departure time will be 8:15am.
The WELCA Soup Supper brought in $204. This
money will be used to purchase 8 foot length banquet
tables for use in the fellowship hall. Thank you to all
for your support for this project.
Many of you or a family member or close friend have
received a beautiful greeting card from the ISBD
group. These cards are hand made by Sharon Miles.
We just want to thank Sharon for sharing her gift and
talent with all the beautiful cards she gives us to send
out. We aren’t sure who enjoys them more…the giver
or the receiver.
Set aside Friday, April 12 for the WELCA Slumber
Party. Come and enjoy a fun night from 7-9:30pm.
You still have a couple of weeks left to donate items
for the LWR Kits. We are emphasizing baby care kits,
personal care kits, sewing kits and soap.
The nicest place to be is in your thoughts!
The safest place to be is in someone’s prayers!
And the best place to be is in Gods Hands!
The “It Shall Be Done” group meets every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. The first Thursday of the month we have a
Bible study taken from the church magazine, Gather. The rest of the month we have fun projects going
with coffee on the side. Join Us!
Tai Chi for Health at RLC
The next session of Tai Chi at RLC will run from
April 17 thru May 24!
classes. Reduced price for 2 family members. (No additional charge for the 2nd day of Beginning TCA)
8:30-9:15 - Beginning TCA (Basic 6, Advanced 6) both Wednesday & Friday 9:30-10:30 Continuing
classes on both Wednesday and Friday
New participants may try one class for free. Tai Chi
may be done seated. Tai Chi for arthritis was developed for those with arthritis, so it's easy on the joints,
but it's beneficial to anyone interested in improving
their health. In addition to physical health benefits,
tai chi helps develop the ability to focus, powerfully
enhancing powers of relaxation and concentration.
Check out the Mayo Clinic website (,
google tai chi benefits, or ask Deanna for more benefit
Questions? contact Deanna Jens, certified Tai Chi for
Arthritis and Fall Prevention Instructor (at 289-2575
or [email protected]
Tai Chi classes are offered at RLC on Wednesday and
Friday mornings. The cost is $5 per class or $25 for 6
Directory Update
Carolyn Nehls
808 NW 21st Court
Ankeny, IA 50023
[email protected]
Ty and Sara Closson
324 NW Driftwood Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023
[email protected]
Meghan O’Brien
813 SE Rio Circle
Ankeny, IA 50021
[email protected]
Beau& Elizabeth Miller
310 SE Trileine Drive
Ankeny, IA 50021
Sean and Samantha
2708 SW Fieldstone Court
Ankeny, IA 50023
[email protected]
Cullen & Meagan Stevens
Sarah Keller
3000 Grand Avenue #215
Des Moines, IA 50312
[email protected]
New Members
Eight members joined March 10 through Affirmation
of Baptism and three members joined March 30
through baptism. Please welcome these new members to the RLC family.
Ty and Sarah Closson live in Ankeny with their two
children, Zoey who is two and Drew who is seven
months. Ty and Sarah both work at John Deere, Ty is
in product support and Sara is in visitor services. Ty
enjoys golf, softball, running, farming and is fixing
up an old tractor. Sarah enjoys golf, softball, running,
baking, and travel.
Carolyn Nehls lives in Ankeny and is employed at
Orchard Place as the office manager. Carolyn has
two sons and enjoys travel, music, walking and
walking along the beach in Florida.
Beau (Broderick) Miller is married to Elizabeth Miller
and they have a daughter Charlotte. Beau is finishing
up his final semester at Morningside College as a
student teacher.
Sean and Samantha McFarland live in Ankeny with
their daughter Sarah who is eight and they are expecting a baby in April. Sean is a technician at Mercedes Benz and Samantha is an application analyst at
Iowa Health Hospital.
Meghan O’Brien lives in
Ankeny with her husband, Aaron Cluver and
their three children,
Connor, Sophie and Keller. Meghan is an administrator/division director
with Iowa Department
of Public Health.
Sarah Keller is our Director of Youth and
Family Ministry. She resides in Des Moines, and
enjoys painting, running, cooking, reading
and swing dancing.
April Birthdays
Book Club
6—Keri Bolles
6—Zoey Closson
6—Brian Humke
7—Ashley Allen
7—Charlotte Miller
8—Juliet Becker
10—Rex Ratzlaff
12—Molly Donaghy
12—MacKenzie Miller
12—Vath Varangkounh
13—Jim Maxwell
15—Helen Johnson
16—Eliana Heins
17—Nick Adams
17—Melissia Heins
17—Jonathan Petersburg
18—Elijah Allen
The Book Club will meet on Thursday, April 18, at
the home of Sheri Gustafson. Please RSVP to Sheri at
255-4563. The book we are reading is Mrs. Dalloway
by Virginia Woolf. Everyone is welcome!
Apr. 7
Apr. 14
Apr. 21
Apr. 28
18—Sheri Gustafson
21—Kaitlyn Allbee
21—Chris Yancy
22—Ben Ollie
22—Jay Wignes
22—Randy Wilson
23—Bill Burma
24—Brent Aronsen
24—Allivia Bolles
25—Mary Penning
25—Mike Rupert
27—Ryan Keifer
28—Nancy Carlson
30—Tom Carleton
30—Emma Dahle
30—Ray Hansen
Adult Education
Join us as we continue in the New Testament, Sunday mornings in the sanctuary at 9:30.
April 7—The Greatest Story - You Will Be My
April 14—The Greatest Story - The Power of God for
April 21—The Greatest Story - So Great a Cloud of
April 28—The Greatest Story - Come Lord Jesus
Children's Sermon
Josie Wram
Marge Rupert
Pastor Lisa
Andi Donaghy
Apr.6 5:00
Apr. 7 8:15
Apr. 7 10:45
Cinnamon Roll Sunday—April 14, 2013
8:15 Service
10:45 Service
Amy Donaghy
Nick Turner
Emma Potter
Emma Califf
Snow Removal/Lawn Mowing
Week of Apr. 7
George Stevens
Week of Apr. 14
Bret Wram
Week of Apr. 21
Al Lehman
Week of Apr. 28
Bob Slipka
Accompanists Liturgists
Praise Band
Praise Band
Apr. 13 5:00
Apr. 14 8:15
Apr. 14 10:45
Apr. 20 5:00 Diane Rauser
Apr. 21 8:15 Diane Rauser
Apr. 21 10:45 Diane Rauser
Lois Kern
Apr. 27 5:00 Deanna Jens
Apr. 28 8:15 Kendra Leisinger
Apr. 28 10:45 Kendra Leisinger
Lois Kern
Quilt Auction
Pastor Lisa is now serving on the board of Lutheran
Lakeside Camp. Lakeside is where our confirmation
students go each year for confirmation camp. Most of
our students are very positive about their experience
there and at Riverside Bible Camp. On April 20/21 we
will lift up the ministries of church camps and take a
special offering toward their work. The offering will
be divided equally between Lakeside and Riverside.
Lutheran Lakeside Camp ‘s annual quite auction will
be on April 20, at Augustana Lutheran Church, 309 S.
Green Street, Boone, IA at 1:00 p.m. You can view the
quilts from 11:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. Faith Lutheran
Church, Odebolt is matching funds for the auction.
For every $3.00 raised, they will match with $1.00 up
to $7,000. If you can not make it to the auction and
would like to help reach the goal, please send donations to Lutheran Lakeside Camp, 2491 170th Street,
Spirit Lake, IA 51360. Thank you!
Stewardship and Finance
I am happy to announce that the construction loan
has been paid in full. We obtained this loan from the
Mission Investment Fund in December of 2011 to pay
for the church renovations. Your contributions to the
Capital Campaign allowed us to pay it off in just 16
months, well ahead of the 36 months of the loan’s
term. We want to extend a very big thank you to everyone for continuing to follow through with your
commitments to the Capital Campaign.
monitor contributions to the Capital Campaign and
plan to make a monthly payment towards principal.
We intend to keep a small balance of around $1,000
plus any earmarked funds in the account and use the
rest towards the mortgage. In contrast, we were holding a minimum balance of around $20,000 while the
construction loan was active.
Thank you to all those that have filled out and returned their Offering of Spiritual Gifts forms. Madde
Burma and Sarah Keller did a great job with their
temple talks supporting our program this year. They
shared how they used their gifts in support of God’s
mission. (If you have not filled out your Offering of
Spiritual Gifts form, please do so and let us know
which gifts you are willing to share.)
We will now begin to use Capital Campaign contributions to pay down our existing mortgage, which
was $308,482 at the end of February. The congregation approved the use of $100,000 of Capital Campaign monies for this. As you can see, reducing the
mortgage by $100,000 will make a big impact on our
debt. The Board of Stewardship and Finance will
RLC Kids
God. The kids will even get to
feel like Jonah and see what it
might have been like to be inside
the big fish! We will have a great time as we learn
how GREAT God’s grace is.
Join us for a WHALE of a good time!!! Wednesday,
April 17 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Parents, don’t worry about feeding the kids before
they come! We’ll start the evening with Jonah’s silly
supper. We will be having a kid-friendly meal that
the kids will get to “order.” The meal items will have
silly names and the kids won’t know in what order
they will get their meal. They might get dessert first!
Kids preschool age through 5th grade are invited and
kids 6th grade on up are welcome to assist! We need
wait staff for our silly supper (and we’ll make sure to
feed the wait staff, too!). Please RSVP for this special
event so we know how many children to plan for.
Send an email to [email protected]. Thanks!
After our silly supper together, we’ll learn about
what happened when Jonah tried to “hide” from
WELCA Slumber Party
Healing Service
The WELCA Spring Event will be a Slumber Party!
Come and enjoy a fun night out on Friday, April 12
from 7-9:30 p.m. Dress comfy in your pajamas for a
movie and refreshments.
On April 27/28 we will incorporate the Healing Liturgy into our regular worship services. In the service there will be time
for laying on of hands, prayer and
meditation and lighting of candles as
we lift up prayers for ourselves or
others. Please join us.
Worship Assistants
If you find your assigned service time conflicts with
your schedule, please contact another member to
cover for you and then contact the office at 964-7392
or email [email protected] with the date,
time and name of your replacement in order to make
sure the bulletin is accurate. Thank you! Please let
6 5:00 pm
Gerri McCurdy
7 8:15 am
Nick Turner
David Ollie
Nick Turner
Dane Ahrens
7 10:45 am
Mikala Oehler Sophia Barton
Madde Burma
Rachel Jones
Doris Bacot
Maggie Potter
13 5:00 pm Bob Slipka
14 8:15 am
14 10:45 am
Tom & Renee
Bob Frazier
Dan Brazelton
Janice Stocker know if you have future plans to be
out of town or on vacation so accommodations can be
made, prior to the newsletter scheduling. PLEASE
Thank You For Sharing Your Talents With RLC!
Karen Lincicum Isabel Ollie
Amanda Bellis Vicky Payseur
Isabel Ollie
Maggie Potter
Amy Donaghy
Isabel Ollie
Bill Burma
Andi Donaghy Amy Donaghy Leisinger
Linda Baker
Lois Kern
Kathy Storch
Clarlee Stevens
Cheryl Hamilton
Andy Donaghy Megan Stevens Cullen Stevens
Nancy Carlson
Kristi & Madde
20 5:00 pm Judy Schnurstein
Amanda Bellis Vickie Boelman
21 8:15 am
Vali Potter
Doug & Joan Keifer Trisha Lincicum Anneliese
21 10:45 am Mike & Marge
Lois Porth
Rachel Jones
27 5:00 pm Gerri McCurdy
28 8:15 am
Alan & Joyce
Carolyn Ollie
Isabel Ollie
28 10:45 am Sheri Gustafson
Terry Luloff
Mikala Oehler
Diane Simonson
4 5:00 pm
Gerald Fieser
Jean Turner
Jean Turner
Gwen Luloff
Bob Slipka
8:15 am Brennan Cleveland Sharon
Ken Carlson
5 10:45 am Marion Polzin
Lois Porth
Sophia Barton
Sharon Miles
Rachel Jones
Bill Burma
Gerald Fieser
12 8:15 am Tom & Renee
12 10:45 am Sheri Gustafson
Clarlee Stevens
18 5:00 pm Vicky Payseur
Doris Bacot
Mikala Oehler Gwen Luloff
Dave Potter
19 8:15 am Al & Joyce
19 10:45 am Bob Frazier
Dan Brazelton
Carolyn Ollie Isabel Ollie
Mikala Oehler
Mary Jo
Maggie Potter
Rachel Jones
25 5:00 pm Gerri McCurdy
26 8:15 am Doug & Joan
Joan Strand
11 5:00 pm Gerri McCurdy
Velma Iles
26 10:45 am Kevin Petersburg Karen
Bret Wram
Jean Turner
Andi Donaghy
Isabel Ollie
Maggie Potter
Dave Potter
Jean Turner
Dave Potter
Becky Wram
Cheryl Hamilton
Amy Donaghy
Jane McCurdy Judy Schnurstein
Gina Rooney
Renata Eustice
Sandy Barton Bob Frazier
Sandy &
Hannah Vagts
Linda Baker
Judy Schnurstein
Renata Eustic
Nancy Carlson
Gina Rooney
Kevin Petersburg Kelly Ahrens
Amy Donaghy
Karen Wignes
Jane McCurdy
Sandy Barton
Karl Anderson
Terry Luloff
George Stevens
Amanda Bellis
Vickie Boelman
Helen Johnson
Joe Johnson
Megan Stevens
Cullen Stevens
Jane McCurdy
John Strand
Judy Schnurstein
Andi Donaghy
Mikala Oehler Nancy Carlson Becky Wram
Bill Burma
25 5:00 pm Bob Slipka
26 9:00 am Evelyn McClure
Kathy Storch
Kristi & Madde
Cheryl Hamilton
Clarlee Stevens
Diane Simonson Sandy &
Hannah Vagts
Linda Baker
Vicky Payseur
Vali Potter
Alan Lehman
Kelly Ahrens
Juliet Becker
914 NW Ash Dr.
Ankeny, IA 50023
ir l
A p O ff
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Resurrection Lutheran Church
914 NW Ash Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023-1525
Pastor Lisa Parker:
[email protected]
Sarah Keller
Director of Youth and Family Ministry
[email protected]
Office Manager, Janice Stocker:
[email protected]
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:15 & 10:45 am
April Highlights
(See inside for more events and details)
April 6
April 7
April 12
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
April 20
April 27/28
April 14 & 28
April 3, 10, 17 & 24
5 pm
Shelter Dinner
Youth Led Services
WELCA “Slumberparty”
5-8 pm
Youth Fundraiser at HuHot
7 pm
Council Meeting
6-7:30 pm
RLC Kids
7 pm
Book Club @ Gustafson
LWR Trucking Loading
Healing Service
5-7 pm
3:45-5:30 pm Wii Wednesday
Our Statement of Mission and Identity
We nurture all souls through Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
We are an exciting, spiritual, vibrant Lutheran Church
in a dynamic community.
We beckon everyone to know Jesus Christ
through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.