Untitled - city of Johannesburg
Untitled - city of Johannesburg
1 Joburg Arts Alive International Festival is an annual event brought to you by the City of Johannesburg. It is managed by the directorate for Arts, Culture and Heritage as part of the Community Development department for the City of Johannesburg. This programme has been made possible with the sup port o f: - City Po w er - EMS - JD A - JTC - JMPD - Job urg W ater - Job urg Zo o - Job urg, So w eto an d Roodep oort Theatres - JRA - City Parks - M etro Bus - Pikitu p f or this, w e are enormously grate f ul. We also thank the team at Grou p Communicatio ns an d Tourism from the City o f Jo han nesb urg. The success o f this programme has been greatly enhanced by the con tribu tion made by: - French Institu t - Hig h Commission o f India in So u th A frica - The Embassy o f the People’s Rep ublic o f China Finally, w e ackn o wledge the SABC as our media partner, and in particular the sup port received by SA F M and M etro F M . 2 Genre: Theatre Bopha: Written by Percy Mtwa and directed by James Ngcobo featuring Siyabonga Twala, Samson Khumalo, Dom Gumede, Thabo Rametsi Venue: Soweto Theatre Time: 16:00 Bookings at Computicket or tickets at the door Go od in ten tions are f amo us f or pavin g the road to hell, b u t more o f ten they just lead to w ellmeanin g tedium. That’s the case with this surprisin g drama ab o u t a black Sou th A frican f amily destroyed by apartheid in 1980. “Bo p ha! ” is a Zulu w ord that means “ arrest ” to the previo us Sou th A frican police an d “ resist ” to the co u n try’s black p o pulatio n. The prod uctio n is based on Percy M t w a’s semi-au to bio grap hical play ab o u t the co n fl icts bet w een a black policeman, his bro ther and the p oliceman’s activist so n. Genre: Theatre The Pen: Written by Monde Mayephu and directed by Mpho Molepo featuring Mahlubi Kraai, Zandile Msunthwana and Mmabatho Mogomotsi Venue: Soweto Theatre – Blue Theatre Time: 19:00 Bookings at Computicket or tickets at the door The Pen tells the story o f a yo u n g playwrig h t, Sip h o, in the throes o f writing a ne w play. Beset by writers block, the writer is lured in to a sed uctive journey with his M use, Thandi. The bou ndaries bet w een f an tasy an d reality become blurred as he begins to live in an increasingly illusionary w orld d ominated by his sexy, assertive writing go ddess. His girlfrien d Pinky, inn ocen tly dra w n in to his passio nate in ternal w orld, soo n starts to su ff er as she comes to understand the dep ths o f Sip h o’s passio n f or Than di. Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, directed by Greg Homann, starring David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay and Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Delirium is set against the backdro p o f inven ted lan ds at w ar. A ltho ug h the play is largely in En glish, D orfman has inven ted a ne w lan g uage w hich is in tegrated in to dialo g ue. The three characters hang on to a series o f delusio ns as a means o f survivin g the insane bou ndaries that have been created by State an d f amily. W hen a ne w b order line is dra w n throu g h the middle o f the elderly couples’ h o use, dividin g it in to t w o co un tries, a series o f f arcical even ts un f old 3 Sat 1 Sept Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris; First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, author Athol Fugard, directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket or tickets at the door Set in A th ol Fugard’s beloved Karo o, this ten der story revolves arou n d the gradual disin tegration o f a marriage thro u g h misu n derstan din g, neglect and disap poin tmen t. It is told thro ug h the reminiscences an d regrets o f wid o w er f armer Robert Hannay an d his loyal f arm w orker and wif e’s companio n, Rieta. The Blue Iris dissects the pain o f missed o pp ortu nity an d emo tio nal disconnectio n. It is Fu gard at his most h o nest and in trospective. Genre: Music Buskers on Rea Vaya 6 stations 10am to 12pm Genre: Craft Market Newtown Craft Market hosted by JDA Venue: Newtown Park Literary Festival Mail and Guardian Literary Festival: Political Satire Chair: Sandile Memela Panel: Nic Dawes, Glenda Daniels, Diane Victor, Zapiro Venue: The Laager at the Market Theatre Time: 9:30 – 13:00 Free entrance The M ail an d Guardian Literary Festival is an an nual f estival. No w in its third year, this is the fi rst time the f estival has partnered with the Jo b urg A rts A live In ternatio nal Festival. The Literary Festival runs from 28 A u g ust to 4 Sep tember. A nd f eatures The Yo un gsters (a fresh, en tertaining series o f p ocket b o oks that f eature prominen t Sou th A frican voices such as: A nele M do da, Dan ny K, Khaya Dlan ga, Nik Rabin o witz, Shaka Sisulu); a p oetry nig h t with (Breyten Breyten back, Rustum Ko zain, Osw ald M tshali an d Dan W ylie). A lso inclu ded in the line-up is a session on political satire chaired by San dile M emela, and has panellists such as Glen da Daniels, Zapiro, Diane Victor, Si fi so Yalo Literary Festival Joburg: City of extremes Chair: Marie Huchzemayer (Cities with Slums; Tenement Cities) Panel: Jonathan Noble (African Identity in Post-Apartheid Public Architecture: White Skin, Black Masks) Martin Murray (City of Extremes) Venue: The Laager Theatre Time: 11:30 – 13:00 SA Literature Free entrance 4 Sat 1 Sept Literary Festival Mail and Guardian Print Cultures: How has the print landscape changed? Chair: Darryl Accone Panel: Terry Morris Dion Chang, Alistair Fairweather Venue: The Laager at the Market Theatre Time: 14:30 Free entrance Literary Festival Mail and Guardian Literary Festival: French Season in South Africa Georges Lory to facilitate talk on translation with Patrick Chamoiseau, and Breyten Breytenbach Time: 16:30 Free entrance Genre: Music Sencity - See, Hear, Feel, Taste & Smell the music Lineup: Tidal Waves, CAPSO, Skin2Soul, Battle Cock, iScream & the Chocolate Stix, DJ Tappy & DJ Matty, DJ Rudeboy, DJ Prince, DJ Lancelot Venue: Bassline, Newtown Time: 20.00 Price: R50 @ computicket and at the door If you’ve ever w an ted to kn o w w hat music lo oks, smells, f eels an d tastes like to gether with so und, then the Sencity Jo b urg Sprin g party is f or you. Sencity is an o u t o f this w orld sensory experience organised by a team o f Dea f, hard o f hearin g and hearing people. The even t brings these people together o n o ne common plat f orm that allo ws them to all experience the passio n an d emo tions o f music. The combinatio n o f music, video jockeys, sign dancers, aroma jockeys, lig h t artists, taste jockeys an d a vibratin g dance fl o or allo w Dea f, hard o f hearing an d hearin g people to appreciate music in unique, in n ovative w ays by allo wing them to see, hear, f eel, taste and smell music. It is revolu tio nary in the music scene! Sun 2 Sept Genre: Music Jazz on the Lake: Lira, Vusi Mahlasela, Thandiswa Mazwai, Maleh , Bokani Dyer, BEZ (Nigeria), Puisano Live Music presents L8 Antique Venue: Zoo Lake, Parkview Time: 11:00 -18:00 Free entrance Jazz o n the Lake marks the begin nin g o f sprin g an d the opening o f the Jo b urg A rts A live In ternatio nal Festival. Jaz z o n the Lake is a glorio us, lazy f amily day in Job urg - su n, music, and goo d company. Local legen ds, combine with emerging artists in a musical treat. 5 Sat 1 Sept Sun 2 Sept Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2: Stepping Stones Venue: Uncle Toms Arts Centre Time: 10:00 Entance: free A celebratio n o f the diverse cultures livin g in So u th A frica!! From Hip Ho p to Pan tsula, A frof usion to Ballet, Spanish and traditio nal dance, this plat f orm o ff ers somethin g f or everyo ne. Genre: Theatre Bopha: Written by Percy Mtwa and directed by James Ngcobo featuring Siyabonga Twala, Samson Khumalo, Dom Gumede, Thabo Rametsi Venue: Soweto Theatre Time: 16:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre The Pen: Written by Monde Mayephu and directed by Mpho Molepo featuring Mahlubi Kraai, Zandile Msunthwana and Mmabatho Mogomotsi Venue: Soweto Theatre Time: 14:00 Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, directed by Greg Homann, starring David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay, Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Bookings at Computicket Genre:Theatre The Blue Iris: First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, Author Athol Fugard, Directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Craft Market Newtown Craft Market hosted by JDA Venue: Newtown Park 6 Genre: Theatre Hillbrow Theatre Project: Joburg 2040: My City, Our Future Venue: Hillbrow Theatre Time: 11:00 - !6:00 Price: R10 at the door The Hillbro w Theatre Project is pro u d to an n o u nce the 8th Inner City Hig h Scho ols Drama Festival ’12 that will take place at the Hillbro w Theatre from the 3rd to the 8th o f Sep tember 2012. Jo’burg Stories is o ur theme – w e w an t this year’s plays to be inspired by o ur city - its history, presen t or f u ture. The Festival w as started to promo te drama in hig h sch ools in the inner city, to con tribu te to w ards b uildin g p ositive at titu des within the inner city commu nity by bringin g people together, an d to b uild an d stren g then dialo gue bet w een in ner city ed ucatio nal institu tions. Tues 4 Sept Literary Festival Mail and Guardian Literary Festival: New Fiction and South African Society Chair: David Medalie Speakers: James Whyle, Imraan Coovadia, Boykie Sidley, Michiel Heyns Venue:The Market Theatre Time:10:00 Free entrance Literary Festival Mail and Guardian Literary Festival: The Exiles Chair: Ronnie Kasrils Speakers: Lauretta Ngcobo and Liepollo Lebohang, Barry Gilder Venue: The Market Theatre Time: 12:00 Free entrance Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Be Still... by Shanell Winlock Venue: Market Theatre Time: 20:00 – 21:00 Bookings at Computicket Humanity is under great pressure to evolve because it is our o nly chance o f survival as a race. This will a ff ect every aspect o f yo ur lif e an d close relatio nships in particular. Never be f ore have relatio nships been as problematic an d co n fl ict rid den as they are n o w. As yo u may con tin ue to pursue the goal o f salvatio n thro u g h a relatio nship, you will be disillusioned again an d again. Bu t if yo u accep t that the relatio nship is here to make you co nscio us instead o f hap py, then the relatio nship will o ff er you salvatio n (Q u o te by Eckhart Tolle) 7 Mon 3 Sept Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay, Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre:Theatre The Blue Iris: First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, Author Athol Fugard, Directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre Hillbrow Theatre Project: Joburg 2040: My City, Our Future Venue: Hillbrow Theatre Time: 11:00 - 16:00 Price R10 at the door Wed 5 Sept Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Be Still... by Shanell Winlock Venue: Market Theatre Time: 20:00 – 21:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Skwatta by Vincent Mantsoe Venue: SPACE.COM at the Joburg Theatre Complex Time:18:00 – 18:30 Bookings via Ticketing 0861 670670 Based o n the idea o f w hat w e in So u th A frica call sq uat ter camps, w here anyb ody an d everyb ody can stay; Sk w at ta is a w ork f ollo win g M an tsoe’s NTU/// w hich f ocused on the ‘un derprivileged’ settlemen ts usually re f erred to as “sq uatter camps” . The w ork re fl ects o n the poverty, frien dly neigh b o urs an d the lau g hin g or smilin g acts, w hich are p ortrayed in every corner o f this man-made hell. These are or may be the p oin tless argumen ts, stran ge echoes o f precious cries, stirring clo u ds o f d ust day or nigh t, like that win ter blanket covering the Sk w at tas. 8 Tues 4 Sept Genre: Theatre Bopha: Written by Percy Mtwa and directed by James Ngcobo featuring Siyabonga Twala, Samson Khumalo, Dom Gumede, Thabo Rametsi Venue: Soweto Theatre Time: 20:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre The Pen: Written by Monde Mayephu and directed by Mpho Molepo, featuring Siyabonga Twala, Samson Khumalo, Mahlubi Kraai, Zandile Msunthwana and Mmabatho Mogomotsi Venue: Soweto Theatre Time: 19:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre Rats - by Lionel Newton Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 20:00 Bookings at Computicket A f ter a year with the Royal Shakespeare Company, a w ard winning actor, Lio nel Ne w ton w as at the f estival with an exq uisitely cra f ted o ne man sh o w f eaturing the p oig nan t madness o f Samuel Becket t’s “ Krap p’s Last Tape ” , an d the asto u ndin g p oetry o f Ro bert Bro w nin g. A n extraordinary theatrical treat n o t to be missed! Genre: Music Freddy Masamba (Africa Unites) Mokoomba, Nathalie Natiembe, The Brother Moves On Venue: Bassline Time: 20:00 - 23:00 Price: R60 at the door Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay, Fezile Mepela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris: First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, Author Athol Fugard, Directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket 9 Wed 5 Sept Genre: Theatre Hillbrow Theatre Project: Joburg 2040: My City, Our Future Venue: Hillbrow Theatre Time: 11:00 – 16:00 Price: R10 at the door Thur 6 Sept Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Beauty Tips by Kristin Wilson Venue: SPACE.COM at the Joburg Theatre Complex Time: 18:00 to 19:00 Bookings via Ticketing 0861 670670 There is n o denyin g the sig ni fi cance society places o n yo u th and beau ty. Invasive an d unavoidable adverts dominate p u blic spaces an d p o pular media. We relen tlessly pursue the perceived perf ectio n o f airbrushed images p u ttin g pressure o n o urselves to live u p to an unrealistic, distorted ideal o f “ beau ty ” . This can lead to self absorp tio n and a fragmen ted concep t o f the b ody an d ap pearance. Dye, lif t, tuck, pluck, shave, pad, w ax. Vanity alters. A n orexia, bulimia, tan nin g, bo tox, plastic surgery, steroids. Vanity kills. Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Moffi e by Bailey Snyman Venue: Market Theatre Time: 20:30 – 21:30 Bookings at Computicket Being gay in the military has f or cen turies been a matter o f debate. O nly recen tly has the USA lif ted their “ D on’t ask, D o n’t tell ” p olicy. In So u th A frica, altho ug h the Tru th an d Reco nciliation Commissio n w en t a lon g w ay to exp ose an d exorcise some o f the atrocities committed in the name o f A partheid, very lit tle has been revealed ab o u t the adversities f aced by gay peo ple under the old regime. M o f fi e is a story ab o u t love, sexuality an d violence an d w as inspired by A ndre Carl van der M erw e’s n ovel. This dance versio n considers bo th the historical an d con temporary exploratio ns o f gay peo ple in the military. Stan dard Bank Yo un g A rtist f or Dance 2012 Genre: Theatre Owl - by Jon Keevy Performance by Briony Horwitz Venue: Market Theatre Laboratory Time: 20:00 Bookings at Computicket and tickets available at the door O wl is a one w oman sho w, the narrator relivin g her experiences. The themes o f gro win g u p, domestic ab use and teen age sexuality are han dled with sensitivity and honesty b u t n o t witho u t humour. 10 Wed 5 Sept Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay, Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris: First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, Author Athol Fugard, Directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket and tickets available at the door Genre: Theatre Hillbrow Theatre Project: Joburg 2040: My City, Our Future Venue: Hillbrow Theatre Time: 11:00 - 16:00 Price: R10 at the door Genre: Visuall Arts O pening of t h e FNB Jo o burrg Arrt Fair Venue: Sandtt on Conve e ntio o n Ce ntre,, FNB Jo b bu urg Arrt Fairr Time: 18:00 This is an inv v it i ed guestt on n l y ev v en e t. Genre: Puppetry Award winning Quanzhou Marionettes Performances at regionally identifi ed schools Time: 9:00 - 12:00 Q uanzh o u M ario nette A rt is an ancien t an d hig hly acclaimed traditio nal Chinese art f orm. This spectacular a w ard-win nin g tro u pe will presen t an appealing array o f sou th Fujian f olk stories accompanied by traditio nal music. These exq uisitely cra f ted p up pets have enjoyed in ternatio nal acclaim an d w ere seen by over 4 billio n peo ple d uring the ico nic opening o f the Beijing O lympics. This vibran t p up pet sh o w will ap peal to audiences o f all ages. Presen ted by the Cultural M inistry o f the Peo ple’s Rep u blic o f China. Training Capacity building programme, hosted by the Department of Arts, Culture and Heritage Venue: Museum Africa, Newtown The capacity b uildin g pro gramme is aimed at assisting A rts and Culture organisatio ns an d individ ual arts to f ormalize an d organise themselves to make gains in the A rts an d Culture Ind ustry. This w orksh op is mo n thly thro u g h o u t the year. For w orksh op registratio n atten dees can con tact Zandile Nzima 011 373 7501 / 072 349 4975 11 Thur 6 Sept Genre: Music Futhi, Wanda, Matsatsing, Matsatsing, Prinston, Stellinzicht/Cappuccino, Jazz Expressions, Mzansi Jazz Band Venue: Nikis Entrance: free Genre: Music Kool Breez, Stone Aged Souls BLAZIN FIRE, Face Squad, Delft Big Band, C’nky and The Crew, Thoriso Band Venue: Shikisha Entrance: free Genre: Music Keneilwe “Ene”, Mamelis, Donte, Beacy Nkosi, Riebeck kasteel, Steelband, Puisano Band Venue: Shikisha Entrance: free Fri 7 Sept Genre: Various Weekend in Jozi: Your Golden Ticket to the City Catch the Gautrain and the Rea Vaya and enjoy a weekend of fun in the city. Genre: Music Newtown Music Festival Featuring: Big Nuz, Magesh, Bucie, Donald, Pro, TKZee, Miss Cosmo and regional winners: Kwaito 411 and Thuso Desmond Mamorare Venue: Mary Fitzgerald Square Time: 20:30 till late Price R80 at Computicket Genre: Music Africa Unites Featuring: Freddy Masamba, Lino, Bouba Kirikou, Equation Musique, Nathalie Natiembé, Jerome Galabert, IZA, Jean Max, Erna Chimu, Vincent M wamba Venue: Bassline Doors open at 18:00 Genre: Theatre Hayani by Nat Ramabulana and Athandwa Kani Venue: Market Theatre Laboratory Time: 18:30 Bookings at Computicket 12 Thur 6 Sept Exploring a true tale o f a So u th A frican h ome! Hayani (h ome in Venda) – it’s an accomplished play that re fl ects o n the meanin g o f “ h ome ” in So u th A frica. The play delves in to the stories o f t w o u niq ue Sou th A fricans to reveal a complex, h onest and poignan t jo urney to w ards understanding themselves as So u th A fricans an d w hat it means to be a So u th A frican. Genre: Theatre Rats - by Lionel Newton Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 20:15 Genre: Theatre Tickets available at the door The Pen: Written by Monde Mayephu and directed by Mpho Molepo featuring Mahlubi Kraai, Zandile Msunthwana and Mmabatho Mogomotsi Venue: Soweto Theatre – Blue Theatre Time: 20:00 Bookings at Computicket Double Bill Genre: Theatre Owl - by Jon Keevy Venue: Market Theatre Laboratory Time: 20:30 Tickets available at the door Genre: Theatre Mother of all eating written by Zakes Mda, directed by Makhoala Ndebele, performed by Tefo Ompile Paya Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 18:30 Tickets available at the door Genre: Music Buskers on Rea Vaya 6 stations 16:00pm - 18:00pm 13 Fri 7 Sept Genre: Theatre Theatre Night Theme: “experience the beauty of township theatre” Mentorship by: The South African Theatre Initiatives (SATI) Price: R100 (opening night only). Bookings at Computicket Time: 19:30 Theatre Nig h t is a theatre develo pmen t pro gramme established by Twilig h t Theatre O rganization in a rou te o f sh o wcasin g circle o f pro f essional / mainstream theatre pro ductions from and ou tside o f A lex. It’s aimed at promo tin g theatre in the en tertainmen t ind ustry an d bringin g it in closer to the peo ple in the to w nships, an d develo pin g b uyin g adult au dience. O penin g nigh t will sho w “Baby Sh o w er ” a comedy starrin g M ichael M abizela, Zo d w a Nkosi, M asilo M ag oro, Lindiw e M b u n d u, Vusi Simelane, Sbon giseni Phakathi & Taki Ph o phi, writ ten by Boikarabelo M o tau n g directed by M p h o M olep o. “Sh o w O ff ” a drama starrin g M eshack M avuso, Stanley M abaso, M apaseka Koetle & Clemen t Shimane, written and directed by Boikarabelo M o tau ng. Stu den ts will also sh o wcase “Princess in Red & W hite ” the f ollo wing day. Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring, David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay and Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Delirium is set against the backdro p o f inven ted lan ds at w ar. A ltho ug h the play is largely in En glish, D orfman has inven ted a ne w lan g uage w hich is in tegrated in to dialo g ue. The three characters hang on to a series o f delusio ns as a means o f survivin g the insane bou ndaries that have been created by State an d f amily. W hen a ne w b order line is dra w n throu g h the middle o f the elderly couples’ h o use, dividin g it in to t w o co un tries, a series o f f arcical even ts un f old Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris; First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, author Athol Fugard, directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Set in A th ol Fugard’s beloved Karo o, this ten der story revolves arou n d the gradual disin tegration o f a marriage thro u g h misu n derstan din g, neglect and disap poin tmen t. It is told thro ug h the reminiscences an d regrets o f wid o w er f armer Robert Hannay an d his loyal f arm w orker and wif e’s companio n, Rieta. The Blue Iris dissects the pain o f missed o pp ortu nity an d emo tio nal disconnectio n. It is Fu gard at his most h o nest and in trospective. 14 Fri 7 Sept Genre: Poetry Spoken Word - SPEAK THE MIND Featuring: El Nino (of Driemanskap), Khadija Heeger, Synik (Zimbabwe), Napo Masheane & The Fat Black Women Sing, Nancy G, Word ‘N Sound Experience, Ngwatilo Mawiyoo (Kenya), Shanelle Gabriel (USA), The Muffi nz , Dj Kenzhero, Flo Mokale (MC) Venue: Arts on Main, 264 Fox Street Time; 19:00 Price: R50 @ computicket and R70 at the door SPEA K THE MIND - a fi rm f eature o n the So u thern A frican cultural calen dar – returns to the Jo b urg A rts A live Festival 2012. No w in its 7 editio n, this ann ual re fi ned an d urbane in ternatio nal spoken w ord / beat p oetry sh o wcase f eatures a blen d seaso ned artists an d w ordsmiths from within the co n tinen t as w ell as the diaspora; laced with solid sh o ts o f a froso ul rhythm. In Johannesb urg, this even t has been h osted as part o f the broader Job urg A rts A live In ternational Festival since 2005. A stro n g Speak the M in d traditio n is the incorp oration o f pertinen t organic music (live acts) to complemen t the collage o f w ord perf ormances. O ne o f the key objectives o f the even t is the creatio n o f permanen t plat f orms f or the w ord an d w ord related genres - to help pro fi le yo u n g, fresh So u th A frican voices; and poets o f in ternatio nal standing. Genre: Puppetry Award winning Quanzhou Marionettes Performances at regionally identifi ed schools Time: 9:00 - 12:00 Collaboration bet w een p u p pets an d arts an d culture yo u th organisatio ns Genre: Puppetry Award winning Quanzhou Marionettes Venue: Metro Building Time: 10:00 Q uan zh o u M ario nettes meet employees an d o f fi cials o f the City o f Jo han nesb urg an d perf orm in f ormally o n the piazza in fro n t o f the M etro Building. Genre: Puppetry “The Charm of Fujian” presented by the celebrated Quanzhou Marionette Puppet Theatre Venue: The Globe, Gold Reef City Time: 8:00pm Booking at Computicket Price: R100 Block Booking, students and pensioners R80 Deligh t f ul traditio nal Chinese p u p pet sh o w f or the w h ole f amily. 15 Fri 7 Sept Fri 7 Sept Genre: Discussion and debate Pan-African Art Talks - Art & the City Eric Itzkin, City o f Johan nesb urg Paula A isemberg, La M aiso n Rou ge, Paris, M artin y Sicilia, duo o f Spanish artists, Vivan Su n daram, In dian artist, in partnership with the CISA , Cen ter f or Indian Studies in A frica, Elvira Dyan gani Ose, In ternational Curator at the Tate M o dern, Lo n do n, Gabriele Heidecker, artist from Berlin (ph o to project abo u t NEW ART FAIRS, Didier Schaub, A rtistic Director o f D oual’ A rt, Camero o n Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fair Time: 11:30 - 19:00 Price: R50 The f ocus o f this discussio n is o n the role that art can play in envisioning a city’s f u ture an d in participating in its transf ormatio n. Genre e: Visual arts Only y Half Taken Ven n ue: Sandton Convention Centre e, FNB FN Joburg A rt Fair All day Priice: R50 16mm fi lm installation comprisin g t w o sets o f f o o tage spliced an d shared bet w een projectors. Thro ug h the use o f repetitio n an d mechanically pro duced loo ps these t w o seemin gly incongruous and fragmen ted seq uences evidence the artist’s e ff orts to explore histories o f f ailed u topias. Genre: Visual arts M arket Photo o Worksho o p Show w case a t the e Ar A ts Fairr Venue: Sandtt on Conve e ntio o n Ce ntre, FNB Job b urg A rt Faiir A ll day Prrice: R50 M arket Ph o to Worksho p to sh o wcase some o f their alumni and stu den t w ork Ge e nr n e: Visual arrts t Arti tists Proof Stud ud d io Showcas ase att t he h Arts Faiir Venu u e:Sandton Co o nvention Cen e tre, FNB N Joburg g Ar Artt Fair Time e: All day Price: R50 A rtists Proo f Studio Worksh o p to sh o wcase some o f their alumni and stu den t w ork Genre: Vis isual arts Bag Factorry Showcase at the e Ar A ts Fair Venue: Sandt dton Convention Centtre, re e, FN FNB Joburg g A rt Fair Time: All day Price: R50 Bag Factory to sho wcase some o f their alumni an d studen t w ork 16 Genre: Visual Arts Regional Schools Arts Comp mpe e tition Schools Visual Arts Prog ogram: Joburg 2040: My Joburg, Our City y Venue: Sandton Con n v ention Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fair Price: R50 Sat 8 Sept Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Dada Masilo’s Swan Lake Venue: Dance Factory Time:18:00 – 19:00 Bookings at Computicket This w ork will previe w be f ore embarkin g o n an in ternational tour. This is a co n temporary version o f the old classic Sw an Lake, that will give a w h ole ne w lif e to the w ork. Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Umqombothi Kabar by French/Via Katlehong Venue: Market Theatre Time: 10:00 – 20:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Afternoon at a Foehn V 1 by Phia Menard Venue: Museum Africa Time: 10:00, 12:00 & 14:00 Call 082 570 3083 to book tickets W hat is the lif e expectancy o f a plastic bag? From cru de oil p olyethylene to the momen t it is thro w n a w ay? For ho w lo n g is it actually in use? No t lo ng at all… compared to the len g th o f time it will then stray across the planet, blo w n an d b u ff eted by the win d. This is w here its real lif e begins… let’s ho pe there is a stro n g will to help it!! This perf ormance piece uses a simple turbine in order to create a vortex. The lit tle plastic bag characters evolve in the air space, respon ding to the movemen t o f the air w hich is, in turn, con trolled by the pro tag onist. Genre: Music Newtown Music Festival Featuring: Professor, Zakwe, Cashtime, Thembi Seete, Kabomo, AKA, Khuli Chana, Mosa, regional winner Lolo featuring Slash 2 Klippa and Ben Sharpo and Idem presented by French Season Venue: Mary Fitzgerald Square Time: 20:30 till late Price R80 Bookings at Computicket 17 Fri 7 Sept Sat 8 Sept Genre: Music Dj Zan-D Venue: OST Time: 22:00 Genre: Music ADVAITA (India), The Shadow Club and Dance You’re on Fire Venue: Bassline Doors open at 20:00 Genre: Music Puisano Live Music presents Bozoo & Methapo Sound Venue: Sophiatown Entrance: free Genre: Music Puisano Live Music presents DMDC & On Stage Venue: Nikki’s Entrance: free Genre: Music Sia and Ribatone Venue: Ko’spotong Entrance: free Genre: Theatre Hayani by Nat Ramabulana and Athandwa Kani Venue: Market Theatre Laboratory Time: 18:30 Bookings at Computicket Exploring a true tale o f a So u th A frican h ome! Hayani (h ome in Venda) – it’s an accomplished play that re fl ects o n the meanin g o f “ h ome ” in So u th A frica. The play delves in to the stories o f t w o u niq ue Sou th A fricans to reveal a complex, h onest and poignan t jo urney to w ards understanding themselves as So u th A fricans an d w hat it means to be a So u th A frican. Genre: Theatre Rats - by Lionel Newton Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 20:15 Tickets at the door 18 Genre: Theatre The Pen: Written by Monde Mayephu and directed by Mpho Molepo featuring Mahlubi Kraai, Zandile Msunthwana and Mmabatho Mogomotsi Venue: Soweto Theatre – Blue Theatre Time: 20:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre Hillbrow Theatre Project: Joburg 2040: My City, Our Future Venue: Hillbrow Theatre Time: 10:00 – 13:00 Price: R20 at the door Double Bill Genre: Theatre Owl - by Jon Keevy Venue: Market Theatre Laboratory Time: 20:30 Tickets available at the door O livia arrived in the to w n with her Dad; she w as the ne w girl, the quiet girl, the w eird girl. Then she met Kay, the girl with the scar. Told in t w o parts, O wl begins with a ne w friendship in the heat o f the Overberg summer bet w een t w o ten-year-old girls, an d fi nds them again six years later. It’s an ho nest picture o f gro win g u p diff eren t in the mid dle o f n o w here; a story abo u t climbin g trees, pu nchin g b oys an d kissin g girls. O wl is a one w oman sho w, the narrator relivin g her experiences. The themes o f gro win g u p, d omestic ab use and teen age sexuality are handled with sensitivity and ho nesty b u t n o t with o u t h umo ur. Genre: Theatre Mother of all eating, written by Zakes Mda, directed by Makhoala Ndebele, Performed by Tefo Ompile Paya Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 18:30 Tickets available at the door The classic o ne man satire explores pervasive corru p tion involvin g corru p t g overnmen t o f fi cials. The play cen tres on The M an, the principal secretary o f State w ho is corrup t to the core and has enriched himself within the ranks o f g overnmen t. The M an is main character/fi g ure involved in major g overnmen t ten der that g oes wro n g an d turns to hau n t him and his f amily, threatenin g their lives and brin ging their extravagan t lif estyle to the end. Set in Leso th o in 1980’s, the fi rst stage production w as d o ne in 1992. 19 Sat 8 Sept Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring, David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay and Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Delirium is set against the backdro p o f inven ted lan ds at w ar. A ltho ug h the play is largely in En glish, D orfman has inven ted a ne w lan g uage w hich is in tegrated in to dialo g ue. The three characters hang on to a series o f delusio ns as a means o f survivin g the insane bou ndaries that have been created by State an d f amily. W hen a ne w b order line is dra w n throu g h the middle o f the elderly co uples’ ho use, dividin g it in to t w o co u n tries, a series o f f arcical even ts u n f old Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris; First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, author Athol Fugard, directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Set in A th ol Fugard’s beloved Karo o, this ten der story revolves arou n d the gradual disin tegration o f a marriage thro u g h misu n derstan din g, neglect and disap poin tmen t. It is told thro ug h the reminiscences an d regrets o f wid o w er f armer Robert Hannay an d his loyal f arm w orker and wif e’s companio n, Rieta. The Blue Iris dissects the pain o f missed o pp ortu nity an d emo tio nal disconnectio n. It is Fu gard at his most h o nest and in trospective. Ge e nre: Visual arts On n ly Half Take en Ven n ue: Sandton n Conventt ion n Cen n tre r , FNB B Jo Jobu burg Art Fair All d ay Price e: R100 16mm fi lm installation comprisin g t w o sets o f f o o tage spliced an d shared bet w een projectors. Thro ug h the use o f repetitio n an d mechanically pro duced loo ps these t w o seemin gly incongruous and fragmen ted seq uences evidence the artist’s e ff orts to explore histories o f f ailed u topias. Genre: V is i ual arts Market Pho hoto Workshop Sh Showcase at the Arts Fair Venue: Sandt d on Convention Ce Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fairr All day Price: R100 M arket Ph o to Worksho p to sh o wcase some o f their alumni and stu den t w ork 20 Sat 8 Sept Genre: Visual arts Artists Proof Studio Showcasse at the Arts Fair Venue: Sandton Conventt io ion Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fair Time: All day Price: R100 A rtists Proo f Studio Worksh o p to sh o wcase some o f their alumni an d studen t w ork Genre: Visua al arts Bag Factorry Showcase at the Ar Arts ts Fair Venue: Sa a ndton Conventio o n Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fair Time: Alll day Price: R100 Bag Factory to sho wcase some o f their alumni an d stu den t w ork Genre: Music The classic Kailash by Kailash Kher Venue: Walter Sisulu Hall Randburg Time: 19:00 Genre: Arts and Culture Inguquko Festival: My Jozi, My Pride by the Jabulile Arts & Culture Society - poetry and visual art Venue: Orange Farm Multi-purpose Community Centre Time: 09:00 - 19:00 Price: R10 at the door Genre: Visuall Arts Re Regional Scho o ols Arts Co Comp p et e itio ion on Scchools Visuall Arts Progra r m: Jobu urg 2040: My Jobur urg g, Ou ur Citt y ur Ve e nue: Sandton n Conventio ion Ce e nt n re e, FN F B Joburg rg A rt Fairr Pricce: R100 This exhibitio n sho wcases the w ork o f 25 sch o ols w h o participated in this aspiratio nal visual arts program. W ith represen tatives from all 7 City Regio ns this compellin g w ork will see our yo un g artists’ creative visio n f or the f u ture o f the City as promp ted by the Jo burg 2040 Develo pmen t Strategy. The art w ork will be exhibited at the Jo b urg A rts Fair, f ollo w ed by a secon d exhibitio n at the City’s M ain Library. Genre: Film Kasi Movie Nights Screening: Man on Ground and Tripple O the comedy Venue: Newtown Park Time: 19:00 21 Sat 8 Sept Sat 8 Sept Genre: Puppetry Award winning Quanzhou Marionettes Venue: Bandstand at the Johannesburg Zoo Time: 10:30 - 11:30 These delig h t f ul pu ppets will en tertain children at the bandstan d with a perf ormance an d demo nstration. Genre: Various Weekend in Jozi: Your Golden Ticket to the City Catch the Gautrain and the Rea Vaya and enjoy a weekend of fun in the city. Genre: Puppetry “The Charm of Fujian” presented by the celebrated Quanzhou Marionette Puppet Theatre Venue: The Globe, Gold Reef City Time: 8:00pm Booking at Computicket Price: R100 R80 – block bookings, students and pensioners. Genre: Arts and Culture Sibambisene Arts and Culture festival programme 13 theatre productions (poetry and drama) competing Venue: Lord Khanyile Community Hall and Ivory Park Youth Centre Time: 09:00-19:00 Genre: Music Buskers on Gautrain Stations Sun 9 Sept Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Dada Masilo’s Swan Lake Venue: Dance Factory Time: 14:30 to 15:30 Bookings at Computicket This w ork will previe w be f ore embarkin g o n an in ternational tour. This is a co n temporary version o f the old classic Sw an Lake, that will give a w h ole ne w lif e to the w ork. 22 Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Umqombothi Kabar by French/Via Katlehong Venue: Market Theatre Time: 15:00 to 16:30 Bookings at Computicket The energy o f Sou th A frican dancers, Via Katleh o n g an d the musical madness o f the Reu nio n island gro up, Lindigo, will give yo u absolu te pleasure! Lin dig o gives a taste o f M aloya p o w er spiced with its Indian/A frican an d M adagascan origins. M aloya music transcends the slaves lamen t throu gh its rhythms, so n gs, traditio nal an d modern sou nds: it is call to h o no ur their ancestors w ho made Reu nio n Islan d with a M alagasy to uch an d a marked In dian Ocean colour. The A partheid system in Sou th A frica in the 1960s f orced black people to move to to w nships. Situated ou tside the main cities, these h o usin g areas is w here a ne w culture w as born: Pan tsula. The Via Katleh o n g Dance Company, lau nched in 1992, comes from the Katlehon g To w nship, east o f Jo han nesb urg an d they have mixed Pan tsula and neo-traditio nal dances like g umb oo t and Steps creatin g they o w n style: M o gaba. This sh o w mixes to stron g stories o f black history. Genre: Dance Dance Umbrella 2 - Afternoon at a Foehn V 1 by Phia Menard Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 12:00, 14:00 and 19:00 Call 082 570 3083 to book tickets Genre: Arts and Culture Inguquko Festival: My Jozi, My Pride by the Jabulile Arts & Culture Society - modern and traditional dances Venue: Chris Hani Hall, Orange Farm Time: 10:00 - 15:00 Entrance: free Ing uquko Festival uses vario us art disciplines to celebrate heritage an d promo te vario us cultures. The main f ocus o f In g u q uko Festival is to: Celebrate heritage, promo te vario us cultures, unearth ra w talen t an d iden tify ne w an d u pcomin g artists, a ff ord you ng peo ple a chance to have a voice in commu nity b uildin g, provide local an d regional gro ups an opp ortunity to sho wcase their talen t, use art as a to ol to provide recreatio nal activity an d raise a w areness on the importance o f takin g part in arts & culture activities, and promo te O ran ge Farm as a tourists destinatio n 23 Sun 9 Sept Genre: Music Eldos Jazz Festival: JSL Project, Jordan, Nancy G, ADVAITA (India), Dr Kathy Brown (Jamaica), Blondie & Pappa, The Rockets, Don Laka Venue: Kremetart Park, Eldorado Park Ext. 3 Time: 10h00 – 18h00 Entrance: free Eldos A rts & Jazz Festival 2012 comes alive in the A rts, with this To w nship Jazz experience to be enjoyed by youn g an d old. It creates harmo ny in diversity, w hile listening to musical gems from across the globe. Film Kasi Movie Nights Screening: Man on Ground and Tripple O the comedy Venue: Kremetart Park Eldorado Park Extension 3 Time: 19:00 Genre: Theatre The Pen Venue: Blue Theatre (small venue at Soweto Theatre) Time: 15:00 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre Bopha Soweto Theatre Time: 16:30 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Theatre Mother of All Eating Venue: MuseumAfrica Time: 14:00 Tickets at the door Genre: Theatre Delirium: Written by Ariel Dorfman, Directed by Greg Homann, Starring, David Dennis, Fiona Ramsay and Fezile Mpela Venue: Barney Simon Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket 24 Sun 9 Sept Genre: Theatre The Blue Iris; First premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, author Athol Fugard, directed by Janice Honeyman Venue: The Market Theatre and the Fugard Theatre Time: Tues – Sat, 20:15 and Sun, 15:15 Bookings at Computicket Genre: Visual ar artts Only Half Take ken Venue: Sand d ton Convention Ce Centre, FNB Joburg Art Fair All day Price: R10 00 16mm fi lm installation comprisin g t w o sets o f f o o tage spliced an d shared bet w een projectors. Thro ug h the use o f repetitio n an d mechanically pro duced loo ps these t w o seemin gly inco ngru ous an d fragmen ted sequences evidence the artist’s e ff orts to explore histories o f f ailed u to pias. Genrre: Visual artss Mark rket Photo W orkshop Sh Show w case a t t he Arts Fare e Ven n ue: Sandton n Conventio o n Centre Ce re e, FNB Joburg Art Fai ar All d ay Pricce: R100 M arket Ph o to Worksho p to sh o wcase some o f their alumni and stu den t w ork Gen nre: Visual arts Bag g Factory Sho o wcase att the e Arrtss Fair Ven n ue: Sandton n Conventt ion Ce C nttre r , FN NB Joburg A rt Fairr All d ay Price e: R100 Bag Factory to sho wcase some o f their alumni an d studen t w ork Genre: e: Visual Arts Region n al Schools Art rtts Competitio on Schoolss Visual Arts Prrog o ram: Joburg 20 2040: My Jobur urg g, Our City Venue: San a dton Conve e nt n ion Centre, FNB Job b urg Art Fair All day Price: R100 0 This exhibition sho wcases the w ork o f 25 sch o ols w h o participated in this aspiratio nal visual arts program. W ith represen tatives from all 7 City Regio ns this compellin g w ork will see our yo un g artists’ creative vision f or the f u ture o f the City as promp ted by the Jo b urg 2040 Develo pmen t Strategy. The art w ork will be exhibited at the Jo b urg A rts Fair, f ollo w ed by a seco n d exhibition at the City’s M ain Library. 25 Sun 9 Sept Genre: Arts and Culture Sibambisene Arts and Culture festival programme 13 dance productions (Pantsula, Sibujwa and Traditional dance) competing Venue: Lord Khanyile Community Hall and Ivory Park Youth Centre Time: 09:00-19:00 M etaph or: Hip hop perf ormance 09-09-2012 Le8A n tic Ban d: live ban d perf ormance 09-09-2012 A w ards with a band backgro u n d En d o f the f estival M on day 10 Sep tember Arts Alive Plus 15-16 Sept Genre: Theatre Shared History: Nothing Like Lear Venue: Globe Theatre Gold Reef City 18-19 Sept Genre: Dance Shared History: Sriyah by Nrityagram Nrityagram Dance Ensemble Venue: Dance Factory Time: 19:00 26 Sun 9 Sept NB: This programme is subject to change. For most up to date in f ormation please visit w w w.artsalive.co.za For all q ueries please con tact: lesley@cu t2black.co.za / 011 482 3580 28