new for the new cycle
new for the new cycle
new for the new cycle Resonant Truth presents starting on 9/11 The Tzolkin Daybook Emerging through Emergency: A cycle of rebirth The Tzolkin Daybook g v celebrating the a Mayan 260-day Sacred count 9.11.11 - 5.28.12 s $20 + s/h ($5 usa, $10 overseas) only available from resonant RED DRAGON 9.11 - 9.23.11 84 spiral-bound pages (8.5 x 5.5 in.) including: V an introduction to the cycle’s new energy of emergence through emergency V writing on each wavespell V color plates for the days red eastern spiral of initiation a antipode: power: r guided by 1 1 Dragon guided by Wizard - the power of Spirit ca ik 2 Wind scorpion What is my challenge? guided by Hand - the power of Accomplishment ox akbal 3 j 9.12 mon 3:17 am 2 blue electric heart o 9.13 tues 3 Night deer How can I best be of service? yellow self-existing guided by Sun - the power of Universal Fire can kan 4 crown z 9.14 wed 4 Seed owl What form will my service take? red overtone guided by Skywalker - the power of Space ho chicchan 5 root w 9.15 thurs 5 Serpent peacock How can I best empower myself? white rhythmic guided by its own power doubled - the power of Death uac cimi third eye d 9.16 fri 6 Worldbridger a solarplexus bat What is my purpose? white lunar 6 9.11 hun imix sun lizard How can I extend my equality to others? sacral i We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present. -- Marianne Williamson, Red Resonant Dragon essence: Being Storm - the power of Self-Generation d 9.17 sat 7 Hand - the power of Birth Nurture uc manik 7 guided by its own power doubled action: I nurture birth into being. Blue Monkey analog: White Mirror occult: Yellow Sun blue resonant red magnetic Birth throat monkey How can I attune myself to others? yellow galactic Human - the power of Free Will guided by vaxac lamat 8 g 9.18 sun 8 Star 9 solarplexus hawk Do I live what I believe? red solar Serpent - the power of Life Force guided by j 9.19 bolon muluc mon 9 Moon jaguar How can I attain my purpose? white planetary guided by lahun oc 10 Dog 11 dog How do I perfect what I do? guided by its own power doubled o 9.20 tues - the power of Magic hun lahun chuen crown z 9.21 wed 11 Honoring Jose Arguelles Monkey serpent How can I release and let go? yellow crystal 12 heart g 10 blue spectral guided by Seed - the power of Flowering ca luhun eb root w 9.22 thurs 12 Human rabbit How can I dedicate myself to all that lives? red cosmic 13 Mirror - the power of Endlessness guided by ox lahun ben Earth - the power of Navigation third eye d 9.23 fri 13 i turtle How can I expand my joy and love? sacral Skywalker lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. w v The greatest glory in living -- Nelson Mandela, Red Solar Dragon