CBFPoster_Final_new low - Chesapeake Bay Foundation
CBFPoster_Final_new low - Chesapeake Bay Foundation
C T on i R iv er R na Binghampton Montrose Tioga Wellsboro nd Tow a ek a Cre t Scranton Laporte Lyco mn g nch S Bra We s R nna a eh River Williamsport na Lock Haven PENNSYLVANIA Lewisburg ve r Middleburg squehann Su a Lewistown er r R ive Cl ea rfi el Jun i a ta nch Bra Co no Juniat a n Branch R a ystowBedford McConnellsburg Lancaster York Chambersburg O Baltimore R i v er Riv e River hester r Annapolis Easton Alexandria Luray R Rustburg Chesterfield Ri Appo m att ke Ri ver d gie r S o un Tan Bay Glouchester Ri Lake Chesdin Farmville Williamsburg Petersburg Water State Borders 40 Jam e Isle of Wight Miles Newport News er iv Tributaries 0 Hampton sR Bay Watershed Surry H Nottoway Accomac Eastville r ve MAP AREA i R ive r rk a Virgini ox a Virgini Richmond Rive on Poco moke Sou n d Chesapeake er ver J D.C. West ap Yo re Hanover tt Jersey Delawa Lancaster r New nd Maryla Tangier Island Ma Ja lvania Pennsy Ri v er aR iv e r es er o an n ck nn v Ri s e am Lynchburg Appomattox New Castle York ppa h So m New iv R Ra hA ut VIRGINIA Salisbury Potomac Spotsylvania Lake Anna Lexington R r Orange Staunton Clifton Forge ent Nan tic o S henan doa h Madison ux iv an R er d i ap Cambridge ive o C Prince Frederick P at F th Sou ho R iv er Manassas rk DEL. er p t a n k Riv Nor th Falls Church Fairfax ampton Ro a d s P o rt Norfolk Virginia Beach Portsmouth ATLANTIC O CE AN o rk Arlington F Harrisonburg Dover Chestertown Washington an doa h Ocean City Loch Raven Res. Tria Delphia Res. She n Franklin Bel Air C anc h Br So ut h No ac tom Liberty Res. Winchester Petersburg r P Charles Town Towson Frederick Wilmington C reek MARYLAND o Keyser ch Dee Pretty Boy Res Hagerstown Martinsburg WEST VIRGINIA Philadelphia ct Gettysburg Cumberland Mt. Storm Lake Harrisburg Riv e r et n i u g do Lake Koon Lake Gordon rth Trenton ro Cre ek Raystown Lake River Fra New Bloomfield Lebanon nk s tow n Hollidaysburg ora d iv R Litt Glendale u J n Lake le iata Creek ns Danville Ri Cr Pe n eek an Br Wilkes Barre Bloomsburg Clearfield Pittsburgh r ive Susqu in hon a m an queh us Sin ne C reek R ive r Pine Creek i quehan Sus er o Riv Elmira reek C g Cooperstown v er o Ca n The Chesapeake Bay watershed is 64,000 square miles and has 11,600 miles of tidal shoreline, including tidal wetlands and islands. The watershed encompasses parts of six states: Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as Washington D.C. Approximately 17 million people live in the watershed; about 10 million people live along its shores or near them. Unadilla River W ha rt o n C r. O oga m h ioug C oh ct ste er h e nang o R iver A watershed is all of the land whose water and rainfall will eventually drain into a particular river, lake, bay, or other body of water. v Ri Cortland e lic Ri ver NEW YORK ts The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Otsego Lake Chesapeake Bay Watershed Natural History Formed about 12,000 years ago as glaciers melted and flooded the Susquehanna River valley, the Chesapeake Bay is North America's largest estuary and the world's third largest. An estuary is a semi-enclosed area where freshwater from rivers and streams mixes with saltwater from the ocean to form brackish water. Fifty major tributaries pour water into the Chesapeake every day. The Susquehanna River alone drains 42 percent of the Bay watershed. There are more than 100,000 miles of streams, creeks, and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Even though we all don’t live along the shores of the Bay, virtually everyone in the watershed lives within a 15 minute walk to a stream or river that flows into it. Fragile Habitat This watershed model shows how water moves downhill through streams, rivers, and the ground toward the bay. The Chesapeake Bay is shallow. Nearly 200 miles long and 20 miles wide, the Bay only averages 21 feet deep. As a result there are large shallow areas where sunlight can penetrate to the bottom creating ideal places for underwater grasses to grow. Underwater grasses make excellent spawning and nursery grounds for many Bay animals. The Bay supports 3,600 species of plant and animal life, including more than 300 fish species and 2,700 plant types. Unfortunately, being so shallow also means the Chesapeake Bay holds a relatively small volume of water, limiting its ability to dilute pollutants. The main sources of these pollutants include sewage, runoff from urban and suburban areas, commercial agriculture, and air pollution from automobiles, factories, and power plants. What we do on the land affects water quality for all communities living downstream. Printed on Recycled Paper