4263,43 Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu
4263,43 Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu
RAMURA DE ȘTIINȚĂ: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE ȘI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAȚIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu Centralizator Standarde minimale necesare si obligatorii pentru Profesor universitar Nr. crt. Domeniul activitătilor 0 1 1 Activitatea didacica si profesionala (A1) 1. Structura activitătii candidatului Activitate candidat Subcategorii 2 Carti si capitole în carti de specialitate in edituri recunoscute Material didactic / Lucrari didactice 4 3 Carti/ monografii/ capitole A1.1.1 ca autor A1.1.2 Manuale didactice Indicatori (kpi) Criterii minime necesare (PROFESOR) Numar realizat 5 6P 7 8 7 175 4 80 8 80 internationale 25 nationale 20 A1.2.1 10 4 carti/capitole 2 materiale didactice 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) S kpi 100 Articole in reviste cotate si in volumele unor manifestari stiintifice indexate ISI proceedings (25+20 * factor impact) / nr.de aut A2.1 Factor de impact cumulat pentru publicatii Articole in reviste si volumele unor manifestari stiintifice indexate in alte baze de date internationale (BDI) Proprietate intelectuala, brevete de inventie, certificate ORDA Director/ responsabil Granturi / proiecte castigate prin competitie Membru in echipa A2.3.1 A2.3.2 A2.4.1.1 A2.4.1.2 A2.4.2.1 A2.4.2.2 internationale nationale internationale nationale internationale nationale A3.1.1 A3.1.2 A3.2.1 A3.2.2 A3.3.1 A3.3.2 carti, ISI BDI internationale nationale ISI BDI nationale si internationale neindexate Academia Romana, ASTR, academii de ramura, premii internationale premii nationale in domeniu 35 / nr.de autori 25 / nr.de autori 20 * ani de desfasurare 10 * ani de desfasurare 4 * ani de desfasurare 2 * ani de desfasurare 335 12 articole 27 6 6,75 20 / nr.de autori A2.2 2 granturi/ proiecte Recunoasterea si impactul activitatii (A3) 3 Prezentari invitate in plenul unor manifestari stiintifice nationale si internationale și Profesor invitat Punctaj unic pentru fiecare activitate Membru in colectivele de redactie sau comitete stiintifice ale revistelor, organizator de manifestari stiintifice, internationale indexate ISI Punctaj unic pentru fiecare activitate Premii in domeniu A3.3.3 A3.4.1 A3.4.2 Indicatorul de merit (A = A1+A2+A3) 8 / nr aut art.citat 4 / nr aut art.citat 10 5 10 6 20 citari 3 322,5 22 224,01 2 8 2 5 5 233 608 13 25 340 20 32 14 977,51 974,71 1307,21 130 17 52 170 312 9 27 S kpi 500 Citari in carti, reviste si volume ale unor manifestari stiintifice Suma indicatori realizati 15 6 5 S k1i + S k2i + S k3i 30 S kpi 100 2950,92 700 4263,43 Scor de referinta Punctaj Punctaj/Ref Indicator Hirsch H^3/2 700 4263,43 6,09 6,2 15,43788 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A1.1.1 - Carti si capitole în carti de specialitate in edituri recunoscute internationale Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lucrarea publicata Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Social Media Challenges for Academia. Chapter in the book "Contemporary Issues in Education and Social Communication", Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, ISBN ISBN 978-3-86924-156-2 – 2011 (contributie proprie 12 pagini) Felicia Banu, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Igor Sevcenco. (2011). Evaluarea calitatii predarii si invatarii in invatamantul superior. Tipografia Centrografic, Chisinau, Moldova, ISBN 978-9975-914-70-3 – 2011 (contributie proprie 35 pagini) Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). Capitol Microblogging in education. In Global e-learning, MADRID OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISBN 978-84-454-2218-2 (contributie proprie 14 pagini) Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu, Bogdan Patrut. (2013). Academic Perspectives on Microblogging. Chapter in the book ―Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges‖, IGI Global Publishing House USA – 2013, ISBN 978-1-4666-2851-9 - Scopus indexed (contributie proprie 14 pagini) Carmen Holotescu, Vladimir Crețu. (2013). Microblogging Platforms in Education: Features, Usages and Arhitectures. Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2013). Cirip.eu – An Educational Mobile Multimedia Microblogging Platform. 2 capitole in "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be used in Formal and Informal Education". Editors: Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Antonio Calvani, Filippo Bruni; AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 978-3-86924-498-3, http://www.amazon.de/MicrobloggingEducational-Settings-Platforms-Education/dp/3869244984 (contributie proprie 23 pagini) Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2013). Scholarly Digital Curation in 140 Characters. In "Applied Social Sciences: Education Sciences". Book printed by Cambridge Scholars Publishing http://www.amazon.de/Applied-Social-SciencesEducation/dp/144384246X, ISBN 978-1-4438-4246-4 (contributie proprie 4 pagini) Antoanela Naaji, Anca Mustea, Carmen Holotescu, Cosmin Herman. (2015). How to Mix the Ingredients for a Blended Course Recipe. In "Social Media and Open Education". Editors: Bogdan Patrut, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Diana Andone. Woodhead Publishing, imprint of Elsevier (to be printed) (contributie proprie 5 pagini) TOTAL Indicator realizat 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 175 A1.1.2 - Carti si capitole în carti de specialitate in edituri recunoscute - nationale Nr. crt. 1 Lucrarea publicata Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 (122 pagini) Indicator realizat 20 2 Carmen Holotescu, Antoanela Naaji. (2007). Tehnologii Web. Vasile Goldis University Press, Arad, 2007. ISBN 978-973-664-205-0 (contributie proprie 200 / 244 pagini) 20 3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2014). Evaluare 2.0: abordări conceptuale. In volumul "Repere orientative în evaluare", editori Dragomir, G. M., Todorescu, L. L. Editura de Vest, Timisoara, 2014, ISBN 9789733606031. (contributie proprie 9 pagini) 20 4 Carmen Holotescu. (2015). Emerging technologies in education. Conceiving and building a microblogging platform for formal and informal learning. Teza de doctorat. Teze de doctorat ale UPT, Seria 14, Nr. 22, Editura Politehnica, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-554-927-2 (230 pagini) 20 TOTAL 80 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A1.2.1 - Material didactic / Lucrari didactice Nr. crt. Indicator realizat Lucrarea publicata 1 Carmen Holotescu, Vladimir Cretu. (1996). Structuri de date si algoritmi. Indrumator de laborator. Editura Cultural SRL Timisoara (contributie proprie 50 / 92 pagini) 10 2 Carmen Holotescu, Ioana Sora. (1998). Structuri de date si analiza algoritmilor. Indrumator de laborator. Editura Grafoprint, Timisoara (contributie proprie 75 /145 pagini) 10 3 Carmen Holotescu. (2005). Limbaje de programare. Suport de curs pentru anul I ETC, UPT. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (80 pagini) 10 4 Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Programare Web. Suport de curs pentru anul III CTI, UPT. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (90 pagini) 10 5 Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Instruire asistata de calculator. Suport de curs pentru toate facultatile UPT. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (70 pagini) 10 6 Carmen Holotescu. (2007). Programare in Perl. Suport de curs pentru Master Credis, Universitatea Bucuresti. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (80 pagini) 10 7 Carmen Holotescu. (2006). Programare in Java. Suport de curs pentru Master Credis, Universitatea Bucuresti si anul III Calculatoare, Univ I Slavici Timisoara. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (100 pagini) 10 8 Carmen Holotescu. (2006). Sistemul de operare Linux. Suport de curs pentru Master Credis, Universitatea Bucuresti. Online la http://www.timsoft.ro/courses (100 pagini) 10 TOTAL 80 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A2.1 - Articole in reviste cotate si in volumele unor manifestari stiintifice indexate ISI proceedings Nr. crt. Lucrarea publicata Nr. autori Factor impact Indicator realizat 1 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; 2 0,25 15 2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374; 2 0,25 15 3 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best practices with Cirip.eu . World Conference on Educational Sciences, Istanbul, Turcia, 4-8 February 2010 - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences - Innovation and Creativity in Education, WCES 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, pages 2151-2155, published by Elsevier Ltd., ISSN: 1877-0428; 2 0,25 15 4 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Learning from the Stream. An "M" Case Study: M for microblogging, my-conference/my event and micro/my learning. Proceedings of ICVL 2010, The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning, “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, pp. 172-178, Targu-Mures, Romania; 2 0,25 15 5 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Tracing learning through spectrum of conversations. A microblogging approach to students' experience on learning and research. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, World Conference on learning teaching and administration, 29-31 October 2010, The American University Cairo Egipt (WCLTA 2010); 2 0,25 15 6 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); 2 0,25 15 7 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Academic Research in 140 characters or less. Conference proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Bucharest,28-29 April 2011, vol.2/2011, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 0,25 15 8 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Understanding (the use of) microblogging as a virtual environment for teaching and learning in academic courses. The 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning, NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, 28-29 Octombrie 2011, ClujNapoca, Romania; 2 0,25 15 2 0,25 15 3 0,25 10 2 0,25 15 6 0,25 5 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Teacher education in 140 characters - microblogging implications for continuous education, training, learning and personal development. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9 vol.11, 2011, Teachers for the Knowledge Society, pag.160-164, The First International Conference "Teachers for the Knowledge Society”, 17-19 March, 2011 Sinaia Romania, ISSN: 1877-0428; Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD 10 CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). An empirical analysis of the educational effects of Social Media in universities and colleges. The 8th 11 International Scientific Conference „eLearning and software for Education” Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, ISSN 2066-026X; Carmen Holotescu, Liliana Cismariu, Maria Fernanda Spina, Gabriela Grosseck, Antoanela Naaji, Mugurel Dragomir. (2012). Identifying and preventing 12 educators' burnout using a microblogging community. 3rd World Conference on Psychology. Counselling and Guidance (WCPCG-2012), Izmir, Turkey, 9-12 May 2012. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal, ISSN: 1877-0428; 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Elena Danciu. (2013). Educational digital stories in 140 characters: towards a typology of micro-blog storytelling in academic courses. 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, 05-08 February 2013, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Microblogging. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). MOOC's Anatomy. Microblogging as the MOOC's Control Center. The 9th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 2013, Bucharest, April 25-26; Carmen Holotescu, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2014). Microblogging architecture and scenarios for learning in mobile groups. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 143, 14 August 2014, Pages 1158–1163. 3rd Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research, CYICER 2014, 30 January – 1 February 2014, Lefkosa, North Cyprus; Malinka Ivanova, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2014). Multimedia, Hypermedia and Transmedia in Support of Learning. The 5th International Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning, Birmingham City University, July 2-4, 2014; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Elena Danciu. (2014). The power of the three words and one acronym: OER vs OER. Subtitle: I’m not an Ogre of the Enchanted Realm (of cyberspace). I’m an Omnipresent Educational Rescuer (because I use the OER!). 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), Malta, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier ScienceDirect, ISSN 1877-0428; (not indexed yet - Elsevier ScienceDirect indexed); Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Carmen Holotescu, Laura Malita. (2014). Massive Open Online Courses as e-Bricks for Smart Cities. 10th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, ROMANIA, ISSN 2066 - 026X; (not indexed yet); Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2014). Open Educational Resources - How open they are?. 10th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, ROMANIA, ISSN 2066 - 026X; (not indexed yet); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Antoanela Naaji. (2014). Integrating MOOCs in Blended Courses. 10th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, ROMANIA, ISSN 2066 - 026X; (not indexed yet); Carmen Holotescu. (2014). Using Design Based Research for Building Open Learning Platforms. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2014 Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania. Editura Medimond din Bologna, Italia, ISBN 978-88-7587-712-5; (not indexed yet); Maria Perifanou, Carmen Holotescu, Diana Andone, Gabriela Grosseck. (2014). Exploring OERs and MOOCs for Learning of EU Languages. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania. Editura Medimond din Bologna, Italia, ISBN 978-88-7587-712-5; (not indexed yet); Carmen Holotescu, Giles Pepler. (2014). Opening up education in Romania. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania. Editura Medimond din Bologna, Italia, ISBN 978-88-7587-712-5; (not indexed yet); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Liliana Cismariu. (2015). Working with Visual Impairment in Romanian Universities. Designing for Social Media Empowerment. 7th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), Athens, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier ScienceDirect, ISSN 1877-0428; (not indexed yet); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu, Ramona Bran, Malinka Ivanova. (2015). A Checklist for a MOOC Activist. 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, ROMANIA, ISSN 2066 - 026X; (not indexed yet); Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2015). Researching Data Privacy Models in eLearning. 14th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training - ITHET 2015, 11-13 June, 2015, Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal. (not indexed yet); TOTAL 3 0,25 10 4 0,25 7,5 3 0,25 10 3 0,25 10 3 0,25 10 4 0,25 7,5 4 0,25 7,5 3 0,25 10 4 0,25 7,5 1 0,25 30 4 0,25 7,5 2 0,25 15 4 0,25 7,5 4 0,25 7,5 3 0,25 10 6,75 322,5 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A2.2 - Articole in reviste si volumele unor manifestari stiintifice indexate in alte baze de date internationale (BDI) Nr. crt. Baza de date Nr. autori Indicator realizat Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 2 10 3 Carmen Holotescu, Dorina Gutu, Gabriela Grosseck, Mona Bran. (2011). Microblogging meets Politics: The Influence if Communication in 140 Characters on Romanian Presidential Elections. In Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, vol.13 , no.1(21), pag.37-47, ISSN 1454-8100 B+, Google Scolar 4 5 4 Gabriela-Alina Dumitrel, Teodor Todinca, Carmen Holotescu, Cosmina-Mariana Militaru. (2011). Computational Tool for Techno-Economical Evaluation of Steam/Oxygen Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasification Technologies. WASET 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Venice, Italy, April 27-29, 2011, ISSN 2010376X Scopus 4 5 5 Göran Karlsson, Margareta Hellström, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Roza Dumbraveanu. (2011). Are We Ready to Move Towards a New Type of Teacher Training? Case Study: The WETEN Project. The Third International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning, eL&mL 2011, February 2328, 2011 - Gosier, Guadeloupe, France, ISBN: 978-1-61208-003-1 Scopus 5 4 IEEE Xplore 3 6,67 Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 1 20 Google Scholar 1 20 Google Scholar 4 5 Google Scholar 1 20 Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 2 10 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Lucrarea publicata Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3-learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck,. (2011). Cirip.eu – An Educational Microblogging Platform around Objects 2.0. Formare Erikson, nr.74, ISSN: 18257321 Diana Andone, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2014). Learning Communities in Smart Cities. Case Studies. “DUBAI 2020: Smart City Learning” Workshop Proceedings, Nov, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dan Pescaru, Carmen Holotescu. (2002). Authentication in an Online Learning Environment: A Case Study. Proceedings RoEduNet Conference Cluj 2002 Carmen Holotescu. (2003). A Program for eLearning Facilitators. 2nd International GIREP Seminar, Sept. 2003, Udine, Italy, pg. 155-160 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Developing a Program for Training the eTrainers. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technical Informatic, CONTI‘2004, Timisoara, May 2004 Carmen Holotescu, Christine Nena Karagianni, Spyros Papadakis, Gabriela Grosseck. (2007). A Methodology for Developing Blended Courses Integrated With Web2. 0 Technologies. The 8th European Conference E-COMM-LINE 2007, 20-22 sept. IPA Publishing House BucureĢti, ISBN 13: 978-973-88046-6-1, ISBN10: 973-88046-6-3 Carmen Holotescu. (2007). Open Educational Resources and FLOSS. Proceedings of eLiberatica, Brasov, May 2007 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08) Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging For Collaborative Learning. Volume „New Technology Platforms for Learning – Revisited. LOGOS Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort”, 19-20 Jan. 2009 Budapest, Hungary, EDEN - European Distance and E-learning Network, p. 71-80, ISBN 978-963-87914-1-2 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Anagramming PLE: Empowering 16 Professional Learning through microblogging. The 1st PLE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 8-9 July, 2010, ISSN 2077-9119 Carmen Holotescu, Mirella Mioc, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). Assessment in Microblogging Enhanced Courses. 11th WSEAS International Conference on 17 DATA NETWORKS, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS (DNCOCO '12), Sliema, Malta, Sept 7-9 2012 Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). Analysis of 18 Personal Learning Networks in Support of Teachers Presence Optimization. PLE Conference, Aveiro Portugal, July 11-13, 2012 Antoanela Naaji, Anca Mustea, Carmen Holotescu, Cosmin Herman. (2014). Aspects regarding the relevant components of online and blended courses. 8th 19 International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, ISBN 960-8052-82-3 Carmen Holotescu. (2003). Cursuri online in Invatamantul Superior de 20 Calculatoare. Conference "Educational Technologies in Engineering Higher Education", UPB, 2003, Bucuresti Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2008). Posibilităţi de utilizare a 21 sistemelor de microblogging în educaţie. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş Arad, 2007, pg,46-54, vol 17, cod CNCIS 438 (cat. C). ISSN: 1584-2355 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Multimedia si microblogging prin cirip.ro. International Conference „Directii si strategii moderne de formare si 22 perfectionare in domeniul resurselor umane”, Bucuresti, 21 nov. 2009, DPPD, University Politehnica Bucuresti, ISSN 2067 – 1024 TOTAL Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 3 6,67 Google Scholar 3 6,67 Google Scholar 4 5 Google Scholar 1 20 Google Scholar 2 10 Google Scholar 2 10 224,01 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A2.3.1 - Proprietate intelectuala, brevete de inventie, certificate ORDA - Internationale Nr. crt. 1 2 Nr. autori Lucrarea certificata TOTAL Indicator realizat 0 A2.3.2 - Proprietate intelectuala, brevete de inventie, certificate ORDA - Nationale Nr. crt. 1 2 Lucrarea certificata Vladimir I. Cretu, Carmen Perianu (Holotescu). (1986). Sistem de dezvoltare pentru aplicatii timp-real destinat unui sistem de calcul ECAROM-881. MEI 476/12.12.1986, Romania. Vladimir I. Cretu, Carmen Perianu (Holotescu). (1986). Executiv timp-real pentru sistemul de calcul ECAROM-881. MEI 477/12.12.1986, Romania. TOTAL Nr. autori Indicator realizat 2 12,5 2 12,5 25 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A2.4.1.1 - Granturi / proiecte castigate prin competitie - Internationale - ca Director / responsabil Nr. crt. Nr. ani desfasurare Indicator realizat 1 Superconductivity Multimedia Educational Tool phase 2 for the continuing vocational training of upper secondary school physics teachers; Leonardo da Vinci, N/04/B/PP/165.008, 2004-2007; Coordinator: Simplicatus, Norway; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 3 60 2 Defeminization of Poverty: The Balkans/Asia Minor E-Entrepreneur Development Project; Leonardo da Vinci, TR/05/B/F/PP/178.057, 2005-2007; Coordinator: Kavrakoglu Consulting and Training, Turkey; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 3 OBELFA: Open BlendEd Learning For Adults; Grundtvig I, 225880 - CP -1-2005-1TR - GRUNDTVIG - G1PP, 2005-2007; Coordinator: Ankara University, Cankiri College, Turkey; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 4 ELF - E-Learning Facilitators: analyses of their different roles within different methodologies and approaches; Leonardo da Vinci I/05/B/F/PP-154178, 20052007; Coordinator: Dipartimento di Filosofia “A. Aliotta” Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 5 3L Welfare: Lifelong Learning & Welfare Policies, good practices and innovative processes for training, guidance, employment and social inclusion: comparing the Danish, French, Spanish and Italian experiences; Programme of Government of the Province of Naples, 2007-2009; Coordinator: Dipartimento di Filosofia “A. Aliotta” Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 6 WETEN - Western-Eastern Teacher Education Network; TEMPUS Project, 20092011; Coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 7 SUTRA: SUpporting TRAiners working with people with mental/cognitive difficulties; Grundtvig Project GRU-11-P-LP-28-TM-IT, 2011-2013; Coordinator: Dipartimento di Filosofia “A. Aliotta” Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 8 IN-SIGHT: INformal learning pathways for supporting elder to see beyond SIGHT; Grundtvig Project GRU-12-P-LP-163-TM-IT; 2012-2014; Coordinator: Associazione U.N.I.Vo.C. di Napoli, Italy; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 2 40 Grantul / proiectul TOTAL 340 A2.4.1.2 - Granturi / proiecte castigate prin competitie - Nationale - ca Director / responsabil Nr. crt. Grantul / proiectul Nr. ani desfasurare Indicator realizat 1 Career Orientation and Counseling; Phare Project, 2003; Coordinator: Center Education 2000+ Bucharest, Romania; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 1 10 2 eLearning for Managers; Phare Project, 2003-2004; Coordinator: Expert Consulting SRL, Timisoara, Romania; Role: Timsoft Partner project manager 1 10 TOTAL 20 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A2.4.2.1 - Granturi / proiecte castigate prin competitie - Internationale - ca Membru in echipa Nr. crt. Grantul / proiectul Nr. ani desfasurare Indicator realizat 1 HeLPS. - High e-Learning Professional Skills; Leonardo da Vinci I/04/B/F/PP154112, 2005-2007; Coordinator: Istituto Tecnico Industriale F.Giordani, Napoli, Italy; Role: Consultant 1 4 2 Development of Education Policy Concerning the Integration of Information Technology and Communications in the Pre-University Romanian Education System; Knowledge Economy Project, 2007; Coordinator: Finnish Consulting Group, Finland; Role: Consultant 1 4 3 UNIQUE Integration of particulate abatement, removal of trace elements and tar reforming in one biomass steam gasification reactor yielding high purity syngas for efficient CHP and power plants; FP7 Project, 2008-2011; Coordinator: University of L’Aquila, Italy; Role: Researcher 3 12 4 VIP: Vocational training In Prison; Grundtvig Project GRU-12-P-LP-9-TM-IT; 20122014; Coordinator: Cooperative Lazzarelle, Napoli, Italy; Role: Researcher 1 4 5 POERUP: Policies for Open Educational Resources Uptake; Lifelong Learning Programme under Key Activity 3 ICT; 2011-2014; Coordinator: Sero Consulting Ltd, London, UK; Role: Consultant 2 8 TOTAL 32 A2.4.2.2 - Granturi / proiecte castigate prin competitie - Nationale - ca Membru in echipa Nr. crt. Grantul / proiectul Nr. ani desfasurare Indicator realizat 1 Vladimir I. Cretu (Director), Mihai V. Micea (Research theme manager), Mircea Stratulat, Mircea Popa, Carmen Holotescu, Marius Marcu, Doru Todinca, et al., "OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat" ("OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control"), CNCSIS R&D Grant, A-717/2005 - 2007, Research Theme 9/2007, CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania. Contract GR76/23.05.2007. Total value: 22105 RON (~ 6700 EUR). 1 2 2 Vladimir I. Cretu (Director), Mihai V. Micea (Research theme manager), Mircea Stratulat, Mircea Popa, Carmen Holotescu, Marius Marcu, Doru Todinca, et al., "OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat" ("OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control"), CNCSIS R&D Grant, A-717/2005 - 2007, Research Theme 9/2006, CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania. Contract A1/GR181/19.05.2006. Total value: 21995 RON (~ 6600 EUR). 1 2 3 Vladimir I. Cretu (Director), Mihai V. Micea (Research theme manager), Mircea Stratulat, Mircea Popa, Carmen Holotescu, Marius Marcu, Doru Todinca, et al., "OPEN-HARTS: Modelarea, proiectarea si dezvoltarea sistemelor timp-real pentru aplicatii critice de achizitii de semnal, prelucrare si control digital incorporat" ("OPEN-HARTS: Modeling, Design and Development of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, and Embedded Control"), CNCSIS R&D Grant, A-717/2005 - 2007, Research Theme 7/2005, CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, Romania. Contract 27688/14.03.2005. Total value: 20995 RON (~ 6300 EUR). 1 2 4 DidaTEC: Şcoala universitară de formare iniţială şi continuă a personalului didactic şi a trainerilor din domeniul specializărilor tehnice şi inginereşti; POSDRU/86/1.3/S/60891, 2010-2013; Coordinator: Technical University of ClujNapoca, Romania; Role: Expert 2 4 5 Estart: Master Program in eActivities; POSDRU/86/1.2/S/54956, 2012-2013; Coordinator: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Role: Course Tutor 2 4 TOTAL 14 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A3.1.1 - Citari in carti, reviste si volume ale unor manifestari stiintifice indexate ISI Nr. crt. Sursa citare Lucrarea citata Nr. autori Indicator lucrare realizat citata 1 Pedro Isaìas, Sara Pìfano, Paula Miranda (2013). Higher Education and Web 2.0: Theory and Practice, E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education, IGI GLOBAL, ISBN 978-1-4666-4876-0 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. 2 4 2 Shumei Chen, Chuanming Chen, Shuncong Zhong. (2012). English-Chinese Bilingual Lectures on Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission and Engineering Education. Engineering Education and Management. SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3-642-24822-1 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. 2 4 3 Michele Zappavigna. (2013). The language of tweets. Discourse Studies Reader: Essential Excerpts. BLOOMSBURY, ISBN 978-1-44-1172693 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. 2 4 4 Oghogho Ikponmwosa (2014). Web 2.0, ICT Infrastructure, and Training Provision for E-Government Readiness in Nigeria. In Emerging Mobile and Web 2.0 Technologies for Connected E-Government, IGI Global, ISBN 9781466660823 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); 2 4 5 Ma, L., Chen, P (2014) A study of mobile learning for higher education. In Advances in Computer Science and Technology, WIT Press, ISBN 978-1-78466-031-4 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); 2 4 6 Soureh Latif Shabgahi, Nordiana Ahmad Kharman Shah, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile Andrew M. Cox. (2013). A Comparative Review of learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Research Literature on Microblogging Use and Risk in Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd Organizational and Educational Settings, Online World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES Communities and Social Computing, SPRINGER, ISBN 9782011); 3-642-39370-9 2 4 7 Oghogho Ikponmwosa (2014). Web 2.0, ICT Infrastructure, and Training Provision for E-Government Readiness in Nigeria. In Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, ISBN 9781466686144 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); 2 4 8 Sofo, M., & Sofo, F. (2014). Participatory Barriers to the Informal Learning of Older Australians using the Internet and Web 2.0 Technologies. Synergic Integration of Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments for Adult Lifelong Learners, IGI Global, ISBN 9781466646551 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 9 Mark Hewitt. (2014). Microblogging 172 Success Secrets. Emereo Publishing. ISBN 9781488862243 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 Lin, X., Wang, Z., & Sun, L. (2015). MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows. In MultiMedia Modeling 10 (pp. 442-453). Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-14444-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 Jing Zhang. (2015). A Novel Education Pattern Applied to Global Crowd of All Ages: Mobile Education. In Handbook 11 of Mobile Teaching and Learning, 2015, pp 1-14. Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-41981-2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 12 Yu (Aimee) Zhang. (2015). Student Feedback in Mobile Teaching and Learning. In Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning, 2015, pp 1-14. Springer, ISBN 978-3-64241981-2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 13 Yu (Aimee) Zhang. (2015). Characteristics of Mobile Teaching and Learning. In Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning, 2015, pp 1-14. Springer, ISBN 978-3-64241981-2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 Cranford-Wesley, D. (2015). Designing a Mobile Applications Curriculum: An Overview. In Handbook of 14 Mobile Teaching and Learning, 2015, pp 1-11. Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-41981-2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; 2 4 Elisabetta Cioni, Alessandro Lovari (2014). Social Media for Health Communication: Implementation Issues and 15 Challenges for Italian Public Health Authorities. In Social Media and Mobile Technologies for Healthcare. IGI Global, ISBN 9781466661509 Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; 3 2,67 Malinka Ivanova, Tatyana Ivanova. (2013). Organisation of Effective Hashtags Queries for Learning Enhancement. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How 16 Microblogging Platforms can be used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 978-3-86924-498-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 2 4 Ersöz, Selva and Meriç, Övünç (2012) How and Why Do Turkish Scholars Use Social Networking Platforms? In: 17 Science and the Internet. düsseldorf university press, Düsseldorf, pp. 31-41. ISBN 978-3-943460-16-2 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; 2 4 Malinka Ivanova, Tatyana Ivanova. (2013). Organisation of Effective Hashtags Queries for Learning Enhancement. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How 18 Microblogging Platforms can be used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 978-3-86924-498-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; 2 4 Maria Perifanou. (2013). Microblogging in Language Education: State of the Art. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be 19 used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; 2 4 Tian Luo, Fei Gao. (2013). Designing Microblogging-Based Class Activities with Twiducate. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be 20 used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; 2 4 Paliktzoglou, V., & Suhonen, J. (2014). Microblogging as an Assisted Learning Tool in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Bahrain: The Edmodo Case. Handbook of 21 Research on Interactive Information Quality in Expanding Social Network Communications, 184. IGI Global, ISBN 9781466673779 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; 2 4 Michele Zappavigna. (2014). CoffeeTweets: bonding around the bean on Twitter. In The Language of Social 22 Media: Identity and Community on the Internet. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-1-137-02930-0 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4 Michele Zappavigna. (2013). The language of tweets. 23 Discourse Studies Reader: Essential Excerpts. BLOOMSBURY, ISBN 978-1-44-1172693 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4 Michele Zappavigna. (2012). Evaluation in microblogging. In Discourse of Twitter and Social Media: How We Use 24 Language to Create Affiliation on the Web. BLOOMSBURY, ISBN 978-1-4411-2303-9 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4 Maria Perifanou. (2013). Microblogging in Language Education: State of the Art. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be 25 used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4 Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Lani Ritter Hall. (2011). The 26 Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age. Solution Tree. ISBN 978-1935543176 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4 Marius Pascan. (2011). NOILE MEDIA ġI FOCALIZAREA RELAŢIILOR PUBLICE. In Intercultural Perspectives on 27 European Integration between Tradition and Modernity, EDITURA UNIVERSITATII PETRU MAIOR, ISBN 978-606581-011-2 Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers Survey, eLearning eJournal 2 4 Tudor Salcudeanu, Paul Aparaschivei, Florenta Toader Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză 28 (2009). Blogosferă sau blogosfere? In Bloguri, facebook si statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers politica, Tritonic, ISBN 978-606-92275-2-7 Survey, eLearning eJournal 2 4 Dorina Guţu Tudor (2008). The Internet Influence on Political Information with the Participation of Romanian Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză College Students. In Teenagers‘ Actions and Interactions 29 statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers Online in Central and Eastern Europe. Potentials and Survey, eLearning eJournal Empowerment, Risks and Victimization. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS, ISBN 978-973-610-807-5 2 4 Traian Anghel. (2008). Bloguri si microbloguri. In 30 Instrumente Web 2.0 utilizate in educatie, Editura Albastra, ISBN 978-973-650-243-9 Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers Survey, eLearning eJournal 2 4 Ulmanu, A. (2007). The Romanian media landscape. In Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză "European media governance. National and regional 31 statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers dimensions", Intellect Books: Briston, ISBN 978-1-84150Survey, eLearning eJournal 192-5 2 4 Minodora Sălcudean. (2011). Jurnalism online. Editura Carmen Holotescu, Cristian Manafu. (2007). O analiză 32 Universităţii „Lucian Blaga‖ din Sibiu, 2011, ISBN 978-973- statistică a blogosferei româneşti bazată pe Robloggers 739-970-0 Survey, eLearning eJournal 2 4 Minodora Sălcudean. (2011). Jurnalism online. Editura Carmen Holotescu. (2005). O analiză statistică a 33 Universităţii „Lucian Blaga‖ din Sibiu, 2011, ISBN 978-973blogosferei româneĢti, eLearning eJournal 739-970-0 34 35 36 37 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Hoffmann, A. (2011). Web 2.0-Technologien: Überblick, Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Diskussion und Vorschläge für die Verwendung im Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends Englischunterricht. Thesis, University Leipzig. Diplomica and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Verlag GmbH, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-8428-2039-5 Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Estela Ene. (2012). Technology and Teaching Language Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends for Specific Purposes. The Encyclopedia of Applied and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Linguistics. JOHN WILEY, ISBN 978-1-405-19843-1 Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Tihomir Orehovački, Goran Bubaš, Andreja Kovačić. Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, (2012). Taxonomy of Web 2.0 applications with Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends educational potential. Transformation in Teaching: Social and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Media Strategies in Higher Education. INFORMING Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and SCIENCE PRESS, ISBN 978-1-932886-49-8 Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Xavier Inghilterra, William Samuel Ravatua-Smith (2013). Microblogging For Collaborative Learning. Volume „New Online Learning Communities: Use of Micro Blogging for Technology Platforms for Learning – Revisited. LOGOS Knowledge Construction, E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT Web Applications in Higher Education, IGI GLOBAL, ISBN research effort”, 19-20 Jan. 2009 Budapest, Hungary, 978-1-4666-4876-0 EDEN - European Distance and E-learning Network, p. 7180, ISBN 978-963-87914-1-2; 1 8 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Maria Perifanou. (2011). Microblogging in Language Education: State of the Art. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be 38 used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging For Collaborative Learning. Volume „New Technology Platforms for Learning – Revisited. LOGOS Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort”, 19-20 Jan. 2009 Budapest, Hungary, EDEN - European Distance and E-learning Network, p. 7180, ISBN 978-963-87914-1-2; 2 4 Esposito, A. (2013). The Networked Faculty and Student Engagement: The Case of Microblogging to Support Participation in a Human Resources Management Postgraduate Course. In Increasing Student Engagement 39 and Retention using Classroom Technologies: Classroom Response Systems and Mediated Discourse Technologies. Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education. Emerald Group Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78190-511-1 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Academic Research in 140 characters or less. Conference proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Bucharest,28-29 April 2011, vol.2/2011, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 4 Valentin Dogaru-Ulieru, Luminita Draghicescu. (2011). 40 Educatie si dezvoltare profesionala. Craiova : Scrisul Romanesc Fundatia - Editura, ISBN 978-606-8229-05-8 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8 Simona Marilena Ilie, Cristian Pavel. (2009). Creating online tests to verify theoretical knowledge of mechanics. In Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura 42 in Education. Edited by A. Méndez-Vilas, A. Solano Martìn, Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 J.A. Mesa González and J. Mesa González. Published by FORMATEX, Badajoz, Spain, ISBN 978-84-692-1788-7 1 8 Teodora Chicioreanu. (2011). Computerul in activitatea 43 educationala dincolo de ora de curs . Politehnica Press, ISBN 978-606-515-200-7 1 8 41 Adăscăliţei, A. (2007). Instruire asistată de calculator: didactică informatică. Polirom, ISBN: 978-973-46-0687-0 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 Trandafir I. (2014). ROLUL PLATFORMELOR DE ELEARNING ÎN PROCESUL INSTRUCTIV EDUCATIV. Share Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura 44 knowledge and good practices regarding the use of IT/eSolness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 Learning in VET guidance. Sitech Publishing House, ISSN 2360-4522 1 8 Ruicu, D., M. (2014). UTILIZAREA TEHNOLOGIILOR MULTIMEDIA ÎN E-LEARNING. Share knowledge and 45 good practices regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance. Sitech Publishing House, ISSN 2360-4522 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8 Buzuloiu, D. (2014). E-LEARNING – THE MOST COMPLEX FORM OF INTEGRATING INFORMAL EDUCATION INTO Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura 46 THE FORMAL ONE. Share knowledge and good practices Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance. Sitech Publishing House, ISSN 2360-4522 1 8 Teodora Chicioreanu. (2011). Computerul in activitatea 47 educationala dincolo de ora de curs . Politehnica Press, ISBN 978-606-515-200-7 Carmen Holotescu. (2007). Despre RSS. Utilizari in educatie. Revista de Informatica Sociala, UVT, anul IV, nr. 7, iunie 2007. ISSN 1584-384X 1 8 Tobias Ley, Paul Seitlinger, Karin Schofegger, Stefanie Lindstaedt. (2012). Community-orientiertes Lernen. In 48 CSCL-Kompendium 2.0: Lehr-und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernen. Haake, J., Schwabe, G., & Wessner, M. (Eds.). Walter de Gruyter Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Tracing learning through spectrum of conversations. A microblogging approach to students' experience on learning and research. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, World Conference on learning teaching and administration, 29-31 October 2010, The American University Cairo Egipt (WCLTA 2010); 2 4 Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). Analysis of Personal Learning Networks in Support of Teachers Presence Optimization. PLE Conference, Aveiro Portugal, July 11-13, 2012 3 2,67 Ivanova, M., Minor, M. (2014). Case-based Workflow Modeling in Support of Automation the Teachers' Personal Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. and Social Behavior. In Learning and Diversity in the (2012). Analysis of Personal Learning Networks in Support 50 Cities of the Future, editors Ilona Buchem, Graham of Teachers Presence Optimization. PLE Conference, Attwell, Gemma Tur. Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, ISBN 978- Aveiro Portugal, July 11-13, 2012 3-8325-3811-8 3 2,67 Sabine Reisas. (2013). A theoretical analysis of the sociomaterial entanglement of Personal Learning Environments and its methodological and pedagogical implications. In 51 Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future, editors Ilona Buchem, Graham Attwell, Gemma Tur. Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, ISBN 978-3-8325-3811-8 Malinka Ivanova, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). Analysis of Personal Learning Networks in Support of Teachers Presence Optimization. PLE Conference, Aveiro Portugal, July 11-13, 2012 3 2,67 Anastasios Karakostas (editor). (2014). Web 2.0 in 52 Education (in Greek) Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Anagramming PLE: Empowering Professional Learning through microblogging. The 1st PLE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 8-9 July, 2010, ISSN 2077-9119 2 4 Elvira Popescu. (2013). Social learning environments, 53 Editura Sitech, Craiova, ISBN: 978-606-11-3297-3 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). An empirical analysis of the educational effects of Social Media in universities and colleges. The 8th International Scientific Conference „eLearning and software for Education” Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 4,00 Bista, K. (2013). Twitter in Higher Education: New Pedagogy in the Knowledge. Emerging Pedagogies in the Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Networked Knowledge Society: Practices Integrating Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 54 Social Media and Globalization: Practices Integrating Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Social Media and Globalization, IGI Global, ISBN education (eLSE08); 9781466647572 2 4,00 Suku Sinnappan, Samar Zutshi. (2011). A Framework to Enrich Student Interaction via Cross-Institutional 55 Microblogging, Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2011, SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3-642-25812-1 2 4,00 49 Castañeda, L. y Adell, J. (2013). La anatomìa de los PLEs. En L. Castañeda y J. Adell (Eds.), Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: Claves para el ecosistema educativo en red (pp. 11-27). Alcoy: Marfil, ISBN: 978-84-268-1638-2 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Joanna C. Dunlap, Patrick R. Lowenthal. (2011). Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social 56 Presence. In "Sociology of Organizations: Structures and Relationships", edited by Mary Godwyn, Jody Hoffer Gittell. SAGE Publications. ISBN 978-1-4129-9195-7 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Lobo, M. D. O., & Robinson, B. J. (2011). Facebook, Twitter or Tuenti? A first look at the academic use of Web 2.0 social networks in translator training. In Multiple 57 voices in academic and professional discourse: Current issues in specialised language research, teaching and new technologies (pp. 367-379). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4438-2971-7 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 58 Prince-Collins Igbinigie. (2011). How to use Twitter for our present day educational activities. In "Computer Science for the Information Society". Publisher "Noulidzh", ISBN 978-617-579-309-1 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 59 Xiaokang Zhou, Qun Jin (2011). Dynamical User Networking and Profiling Based on Activity Streams for Enhanced Social Learning, Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL, SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3-642-25812-1 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Jose Luis Santos, Sven Charleer, Gonzalo Parra, Joris Klerkx, Erik Duval, Katrien Verbert. (2013). Evaluating the 60 Use of Open Badges in an Open Learning Environment, Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact, SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3-642-40813-7 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Filippo Bruni. (2013). From blogging to microblogging: saturation, simplification, game. In "Microblogging in Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © education (eLSE08); Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Soureh Latif Shabgahi, Nordiana Ahmad Kharman Shah, Andrew M. Cox. (2013). A Comparative Review of Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Research Literature on Microblogging Use and Risk in Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Organizational and Educational Settings, Online Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Communities and Social Computing, SPRINGER, ISBN 978- education (eLSE08); 3-642-39370-9 João Bártolo Gomes, Mariam Adedoyin-Olowe, Mohamed Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Medhat Gaber, Frederic Stahl (2013). Rule Type Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Identification Using TRCM for Trend Analysis in Twitter, Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, education (eLSE08); SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3-319-02620-6 Cruz, M. B., & Cruz, S. B. B. (2013). The use of Internet- Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Based Social Media as a Tool in Enhancing Student‗s Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Learning Experiences in Biological Sciences. Higher Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Learning Research Journal, 3(4). education (eLSE08); Brian Thoms, Evren Eryilmaz, (2013). Introducing a Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use twitter discussion board to support learning in online and Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International blended learning environments, Education and Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Information Technologies, SPRINGER, ISBN 1360-2357 education (eLSE08); Malinka Ivanova, Tatyana Ivanova. (2013). Organisation of Effective Hashtags Queries for Learning Enhancement. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Microblogging Platforms can be used in Formal and Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Informal Education". AVM – Akademische education (eLSE08); Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 978-3-86924-498-3 Suku Sinnappan, Samar Zutshi. (2013). A Framework to Enrich Student Interaction via Cross-Institutional Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Microblogging. In "Using Social Media Effectively in the Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Classroom: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, and More", edited by Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Kay Se. Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2013. ISBN 978education (eLSE08); 0415896801 McEwan, B. (2012). Managing boundaries in the Web 2.0 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use classroom, Interpersonal Boundaries in Teaching and Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Learning: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for JOHN WILEY, ISBN 0271-0633 education (eLSE08); Pedro Isaìas, Sara Pìfano, Paula Miranda (2013). Higher Education and Web 2.0: Theory and Practice, E-Learning 69 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education, IGI GLOBAL, ISBN 978-1-4666-4876-0 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Xavier Inghilterra, William Samuel Ravatua-Smith (2013). Online Learning Communities: Use of Micro Blogging for 70 Knowledge Construction, E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education, IGI GLOBAL, ISBN 978-1-4666-4876-0 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Lori Langer de Ramirez (2010). Social networking: Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. Empower English 72 Language Learners With Tools From the Web, SAGE, ISBN 978-1-4129-7243-7 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Appelt, R. (2010). Einsatzpotenziale von (Micro-)Blogging in der Weiterbildung. In E-Learning in Hochschule und 73 Weiterbildung: Einsatzchancen und Erfahrungen. Betelsmann Verlag GmbH, ISBN 978-3-7639-3342-6 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Michael Nentwich,René König. (2012). Microblogging, 71 Cyberscience 2.0: Research in the Age of Digital Social Networks, CAMPUS VERLAG, ISBN 978-3-593-39518 74 Mike Ribble. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools. ISTE, ISBN: 978-1-56484-301-2 Sonja Gust V. Loh, Wolfgang G. Stock, Sonja Gust Von Loh. (2012). Informationskompetenz in Der Schule: Ein 75 Informationswissenschaftlicher Ansatz, DE GRUYTER, ISBN 978-3110289794 A Preussler, M Kerres. (2010). Managing reputation by generating followers on Twitter, Medien – Wissen – 76 Bildung Explorationen visualisierter und kollaborativer Wissensräume, INNSBRUCK UNIVERSITY PRESS, ISBN 978-3-902719-65-2 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Eder Wagner, Candido Maia Lorenzo. (2011). A Utilização Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 77 Das Redes Sociais Na Educação. Editora Clube de Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Autores. Rio de Janeiro. ISBN 978-85-916519-0-0 education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Martin Ebner, Sandra Schon. (2013). Lernen mit MicroTwitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 78 /Blogs, Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Technologien, EPUBLI, ISBN 978-3844268560 education (eLSE08); Preussler, A., Kerres, M. (2013). Managing social Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use reputation in twitter. Digital Identity and Social Media, Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 79 edited by Steven Warburton. IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-4666- Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for 1915-9 education (eLSE08); Jaakkola, M. (2013). Vastakaikua visertäen-TwitterGabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use osallistuminen toimittajaharjoittelijoiden oppimisyhteisön Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 80 laajentajana. In "Sulautuvaa opetusta ja oppimista" Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for (Blending into the teaching and learning), ISBN: 978-952education (eLSE08); 10-9712-6 Lang, C., & Lemon, N. (2014). Embracing Social Media to Advance Knowledge Creation and Transfer in the Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Modernized University: Management of the Space, the Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 81 Tool, and the Message. In Advancing Knowledge in Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Higher Education: Universities in Turbulent Times. IGI education (eLSE08); Global, ISBN 9781466662025 Narelle Lemon. (2014). Twitter for Arts Community Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Collaborations and Networking: Social Impact of Fostering Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 82 Partnerships. In Representations of Working in Arts Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Education: Stories of Learning and Teaching. Intellect, education (eLSE08); The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-1-78320-187-7 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Traian Anghel. (2008). Bloguri si microbloguri. In Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 83 Instrumente Web 2.0 utilizate in educatie, Editura Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Albastra, ISBN 978-973-650-243-9 education (eLSE08); Zhou, X., Man, H., Chen, H., Wu, Y., & Jin, Q. (2014). Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Blended Learning Support with Social Media Empowered Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 84 by Ubiquitous Personal Study. In New Horizons in Web Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Based Learning (pp. 130-139). Springer, ISBN 978-3-662education (eLSE08); 43453-6 Shudong Wang, Jun Iwata, Douglas Jarrell. (2014). Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Creating and Delivering Learning Materials for Mobile Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 85 Phones - Our Findings in Japan. In Hybrid Learning. Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Theory and Practice. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-08960-7 education (eLSE08); Ângelo Jesus, Maria João Gom. (2013). Web 2.0 Tools in Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Biomedical Education: Limitations and Possibilities. In Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 86 Learning Management Systems and Instructional Design: Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Best Practices in Online Education. IGI Global, ISBN education (eLSE08); 9781466639300 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Embi, M. A. (2011). Web 2.0 Tools in Education: A Quick 92 Guide. Pusat Pembangunan Akademik, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ISBN 978-983-3168-16-3 2 4,00 93 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 4 2,00 87 Ersöz, Selva and Meriç, Övünç (2012) How and Why Do Turkish Scholars Use Social Networking Platforms? In: Science and the Internet. Düsseldorf University Press, Düsseldorf, pp. 31-41. ISBN 978-3-943460-16-2 Ebner, M. (2013). The influence of Twitter on the academic environment. Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges. IGI Global, 293-307. ISBN 978-1-4666-2851-9 Esposito, A. (2013). The Impact of Social Media on Scholarly Practices in Higher Education: Online 89 Engagement and ICTs Appropriation in Senior, Young, and Doctoral Researchers. Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges. IGI Buchem, I., Appelt, R., Kaiser, S., Schön, S., & Ebner, M. (2011). Blogging und Microblogging90 Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Bildungskontext. Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien. ISBN 978-38442-6594-1 Esposito, A. (2013). The Networked Faculty and Student Engagement: The Case of Microblogging to Support Participation in a Human Resources Management Postgraduate Course. In Increasing Student Engagement 91 and Retention using Classroom Technologies: Classroom Response Systems and Mediated Discourse Technologies. Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education. Emerald Group Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78190-511-1 88 94 95 96 97 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Schön, S, Wieden-Bischof, D. (2011). Mobile Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Lerngemeinschaften. In Mobile Gemeinschaften. Verlag Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for und Herstellung, ISBN 978-3-902448-25-5 education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Steven M. Baule, Julie E. Lewis (2012). Social Networking Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International for Schools. ABC-CLIO, 2012, ISBN 978-1-58683-537-8 Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Anastasios Karakostas (editor). (2014). Web 2.0 in Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Education (in Greek) Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Jean D. M. Underwood, Lee Farrington-Flint. (2015). Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Learning and the E-Generation. Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN: Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for 978-0-631-20860-0 education (eLSE08); de Oliveira, R. R., Costa, F. M., de Carvalho, C. L., & Ambròsio, A. P. (2015). Semantic Retrieval of Documents Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use from Digital Repositories and Twitter Integration in the Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Moodle Environment. In Artificial Intelligence Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Technologies and the Evolution of Web 3.0, editors education (eLSE08); Tomayess Issa and Pedro Isaìas, IGI Global, ISBN 9781466681477. Anna Michniuk. (2015). Nowe media w pracy współczesnego nauczyciela, o tym jak być efektowym i efektywnym wobec cyfrowych tubylców. In "Pedagog we 98 współczesnym świecie", editors V. Tanaś, W. Welskop. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Łódź, ISBN: 978-83-940080-4-8 Piao, G., Zhou, X., & Jin, Q. (2015). Associative Recommendation of Learning Contents Aided by EyeTracking in a Social Media Enhanced Environment. In 99 Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor (pp. 493-501). Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-0179617-0 Muyia, H. M., & Nafukho, F. M. (2015). Keeping It Social: Transforming Workplace Learning and Development 100 through Social Media. In Handbook of Research on Innovative Technology Integration in Higher Education, 93. IGI Global, ISBN 978-1-466-8170-5 Carmen Holotescu, Dorina Gutu, Gabriela Grosseck, Mona Valentina Marinescu. (2013). Entre réel et virtuel: la Bran. (2011). Microblogging meets Politics: The Influence communication politique en Roumanie (2004-2008/2009). of Communication in 140 Characters on Romanian 101 Les réseaux sociaux sur Internet à l'heure des transitions Presidential Elections. In Romanian Journal of démocratique. KARTHALA, ISBN 978-2811109769 Communication and Public Relations, vol.13 , no.1(21), pag.37-47, ISSN 1454-8100. Marwick, B. (2013). Discovery of Emergent Issues and Controversies in Anthropology Using Text Mining, Topic Modeling, and Social Network Analysis of Microblog 102 Content . Data Mining Applications with R. Yanchang Zhao, Yonghua Cen (Editors). ACADEMIC PRESS, ISBN 978-0124115118 Elisa Arrigo. (2015). Micro-Blogging as Generator of Market Insights and Competitive Intelligence. In 103 Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging. IGI Global, ISBN: 9781466684089 Tortora, Giuseppe. (2012). Media e tecnologie per la formazione : partecipazione transmediale nei processi di 104 formazione. In "Ambienti multimediali per i beni culturali", editor Francesca Cantone. Napoli : Liguori, 2012. ISBN: 9788820760007 Filippo Bruni. (2013). From blogging to microblogging: saturation, simplification, game. In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Microblogging Platforms can be 105 used in Formal and Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013 © Thomas Martin Verlagsgesellschaft, München, ISBN: 9783-86924-498-3 Holland, C. (2013). Learning 2.0-Pedagogy and Social Media: A Critique of Pedagogical Models/ Approaches Deployed in the Infusion of Social Media in Higher Education. Proceedings of the International Conference 106 SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 107 Amza, C., Chicioreanu, T. (2014). M-learning - an effective learning style. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania Chicioreanu, T., Amza, C. (2014). Are teachers ready for the augmented reality?. Proceedings of the International 108 Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania 109 Chicioreanu, T., Burcea, M. (2015). Top 10 - Web 2.0 Tools useful in Teaching Activity. The 11th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2015 Amza, C., Chicioreanu, T. (2014). M-learning - an effective learning style. Proceedings of the International 110 Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania Chicioreanu, T., Amza, C. (2014). Are teachers ready for the augmented reality?. Proceedings of the International 111 Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania Chicioreanu, T., Burcea, M. (2015). Top 10 - Web 2.0 Tools useful in Teaching Activity. The 11th International 112 Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2015 Carmen Holotescu, Dorina Gutu, Gabriela Grosseck, Mona Bran. (2011). Microblogging meets Politics: The Influence of Communication in 140 Characters on Romanian Presidential Elections. In Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, vol.13 , no.1(21), pag.37-47, ISSN 1454-8100. 4 2,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu, Bogdan Patrut. (2013). Academic Perspectives on Microblogging. In Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges, 2013, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA 3 2,67 Anita Pinkas, Carmen Holotescu, Elisa Manzi. (2007). Guideline for e-tutors. Napoli: ELF: E.Learning Facilitators Project 3 2,67 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Editoriale. Form@ re-Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 11(74) 2 4,00 4 2,00 4 2,00 4 2,00 4 2,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck,. (2011). Cirip.eu – An Educational Microblogging Platform around Objects 2.0. Formare Erikson, nr.74, ISSN: 1825-7321 2 4,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck,. (2011). Cirip.eu – An Educational Microblogging Platform around Objects 2.0. Formare Erikson, nr.74, ISSN: 1825-7321 2 4,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck,. (2011). Cirip.eu – An Educational Microblogging Platform around Objects 2.0. Formare Erikson, nr.74, ISSN: 1825-7321 2 4,00 2 4,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Microblogging. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Microblogging. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Microblogging. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Microblogging. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2013). Cirip.eu – An Educational Mobile Multimedia Microblogging Platform. Chicioreanu, T., Bilal, E., Butnariu, M. (2015). QR Codes in In "Microblogging in Educational Settings. How Education - Success or Failure?. The 11th International 113 Microblogging Platforms can be used in Formal and Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Informal Education". AVM – Akademische Education, Bucharest, April 2015 Verlagsgemeinschaft München 2013, ISBN: 978-3-86924498-3 Abu Ziden, A, Rahman, MFA. (2013). The Use of Twitter for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social 114 Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Lafferty, N. T., & Manca, A. (2015). Perspectives on social media in and as research: A synthetic review. 115 International Review of Psychiatry, 27(2), 85-96, IF: 1.403 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu, Bogdan Patrut. (2013). Academic Perspectives on Microblogging. In Social Media and the New Academic Environment: Pedagogical Challenges, 2013, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA 3 2,67 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 4 2,00 4 2,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). MOOC's Anatomy. Microblogging as the MOOC's Control Center. The 9th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 2013, Bucharest, April 2526 3 2,67 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). MOOC's Anatomy. Microblogging as the MOOC's Control Center. The 9th eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE 2013, Bucharest, April 2526 3 2,67 2 4,00 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Academic Research in 140 characters or less. Conference proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Bucharest,28-29 April 2011, vol.2/2011, ISSN 2066-026X; Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Academic Alwagait, E., Shahzad, B., & Alim, S. (2014). Impact of Research in 140 characters or less. Conference social media usage on students academic performance in proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education" Saudi Arabia. Computers in Human Behavior. IF: 2.273 Bucharest,28-29 April 2011, vol.2/2011, ISSN 2066-026X; Abu Ziden, A, Rahman, MFA. (2013). The Use of Twitter Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions. Proceedings Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Usher, K., Woods, C., Casella, E., Glass, N., Wilson, R., Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best Mayner, L., ... & Irwin, P. (2014). Australian health practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral professions student use of social media. Collegian, 21(2), Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES 95-101. 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Hu, B. -S ; Shi, X. -P ; Tao, J. -L ; et al. (2011). Research Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best on Teaching Model of Specialty Experiment. International practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Conference on Future Computers in Education (ICFCE Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES 2011), Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Shirley Ann Williams, Melissa Terras, Claire Warwick. Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best (2013). What people study when they study Twitter: practices with Cirip.eu. In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Classifying Twitter related academic papers. Journal of Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010: 2151-2155. WCES Documentation. 1,138 2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010. Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Elena Danciu. (2014). The power of the three Pavel, V., Manolea, B., Bucur, A., Voicu, O., & words and one acronym: OER vs OER. Subtitle: I’m not an Constantinescu, N. (2014). OER: Policy and Best Practices Ogre of the Enchanted Realm (of cyberspace). I’m an from Romania. 10th International Scientific Conference Omnipresent Educational Rescuer (because I use the eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, OER!). 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences ROMANIA, ISSN 2066 - 026X (WCES), Malta, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier ScienceDirect, ISSN 1877-0428 Pavel, V., Manolea, B., Bucur, A., Voicu, O., & Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Constantinescu, N. (2014). OER: Policy and Best Practices Cretu, Antoanela Naaji. (2014). 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The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators Kerstin Borau, Carsten Ullrich, Jinjin Feng, Ruimin Shen. for the analysis of learning and practice communities from (2009). Microblogging for Language Learning: Using the perspective of microblogging as a provocative 126 Twitter to Train Communicative and Cultural Competence. sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2009 Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 Conde, M. Á., Garcìa-Peñalvo, F. J., Rodrìguez-Conde, M. J., Alier, M., Casany, M. J., & Piguillem, J. (2014). An 125 evolving Learning Management System for new educational environments using 2.0 tools. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(2), 188-204. 1,302 Marques, A. M., Krejci, R., Siqueira, S. W., Pimentel, M., & Braz, M. H. L. (2013). Structuring the discourse on social 127 networks for learning: Case studies on blogs and microblogs. Computers in Human Behavior. 2,067 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4,00 Makoto Okazaki, Yutaka Matsuo. (2010). Semantic Twitter: Analyzing Tweets for Real-Time Event 128 Notification. Recent Trends and Developments in Social Software Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2009). Indicators for the analysis of learning and practice communities from the perspective of microblogging as a provocative sociolect in virtual space. The 5th International Scientific Conference eLSE - eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009 2 4,00 2 4,00 1 8,00 1 8,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). 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Despre eLearning, eLearning 131 and Technologies. In The International Scientific eJournal Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Vol. 4, p. 93). " Carol I" National Defence University. Kuhn, K. A. L., Russell-Bennett, R., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2010). Promoting student learning with online videos: a 132 research agenda. In Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 206210). Springer International Publishing. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Öztürk, E. (2015). FACEBOOK AS A NEW COMMUNITY OF INQUIRY ENVIRONMENT: AN INVESTIGATION IN TERMS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND MOTIVATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(1); IF: 0.481 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 133 Zurita, G., Baloian, N., & Frez, J. (2014). Using the cloud to develop applications supporting geo-collaborative 134 situated learning. Future Generation Computer Systems, 34, 124-137. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Bicen, H. (2014). Student Opinions Regarding Twitter Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 135 Usage with Mobile Applications for Educational Purposes. Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 136, 385-390. education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Ha, I., & Kim, C. (2014). The Research Trends and the Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 136 Effectiveness of Smart Learning. International Journal of Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014, IF: 0.923 education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Ellis, J. M. (2014). Pop culture, Twitter, and study abroad: Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 137 Estonia as a case study. PS: Political Science & Politics, Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for 47(01), 204-208. education (eLSE08); Karaoglan, B., Candemir, C., Haytaoglu, E., Algin, G. B., & Demirci, S. (2014). Using Twitter as a diagnostic teaching and learning assessment tool. In EAEEIE (EAEEIE), 2014 25th Annual Conference (pp. 73-76). IEEE. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Ha, I., & Kim, C. (2014). Understanding User Behaviors in Social Networking Service for Mobile Learning: a Case Study with Twitter. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 27(2). Ha, Il-Kyu; Ha, Sung-Yong; Kim, Chong-Gun. (2014). Analysis of the Questioning Pattern of Students in Mobile 140 Learning: with focus on Twitter Application. Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering Silvestre, F., Vidal, P., & Broisin, J. (2014). Tsaap-Notes-An Open Micro-blogging Tool for Collaborative Notetaking 141 during Face-to-Face Lectures. In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on (pp. 39-43). IEEE. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 138 139 Geoffrey Barbier, Reza Zafarani, Huiji Gao, Gabriel Fung, Huan Liu. 2012. Maximizing benefits from crowdsourced 142 data. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 0,424 Charitonos Koula, Canan Blake, Eileen Scanlon, Ann Jones. 2012. Museum learning via social and mobile technologies: (How) can online interactions enhance the 143 visitor experience?. British Journal of Educational Technology. 1,313 R.Junco, G.Heiberger, E.Loken. 2011. The effect of 144 Twitter on college student engagement and grades . Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 1,632 Bernard J. Jansen, Mimi Zhang, Kate Sobel, Abdur Chowdury. 2009. Twitter power: Tweets as electronic 145 word of mouth. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 2,005 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 C. Ross, M. Terras, C. Warwick, A. Welsh. 2011. Enabled Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists. Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Journal of Documentation. 1,138 Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Bicen, Huseyin. Cavus, Nadire. 2012. Twitter usage Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use habits of undergraduate students. 4th World Conference Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International on Educational Sciences (WCES), Univ Barcelona, Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Barcelona, SPAIN education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Aharony, Noa. 2012. Twitter use by three political leaders: Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International an exploratory analysis. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for 0,939 education (eLSE08); Sreenivasan, Nirupama Dharmavaram. Lee, Chei Sian. Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Goh, Dion Hoe-Lian. 2012. Tweeting the friendly skies Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Investigating information exchange among Twitter users Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for about airlines. PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND education (eLSE08); INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 0,377 Ren, Gang. 2009. Beyond Classroom Respond System: Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Use Mobile and Micro-blog to Enhance the Classroom Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Interaction. International Conference on Artifical Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for Intelligence and Education Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R education (eLSE08); CHINA Cetintas, S., Si, L., Aagard, H., Bowen, K., CordovaGabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Sanchez, M.. 2011. Microblogging in a classroom: Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Classifying students' relevant and irrelevant questions in a Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for microblogging-supported classroom. IEEE Transactions on education (eLSE08); Learning Technologies. 0,758 Grosseck Gabriela. 2009. To use or not to use web 2.0 in Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use higher education?. WORLD CONFERENCE ON Twitter in educational activities?. 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Getting Granular on Twitter: Tweets from a 157 Conference and Their Limited Usefulness for Nonparticipants. 21st IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC), Australian Comp Soc (ACS), Brisbane, AUSTRALI, Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society Zou, X.-L. , Luo, T.. 2012. Research on the application of Twitter-like platform based on web 2.0 technology in college English extracurricular learning: From the perspective of interactive teaching. " 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science, CACS 2011. Bali. Indonesia Suleyman Cetintas, Luo Si, Sugato Chakravarty, Hans Aagard, Kyle Bowen. 2010. Learning to Identify Students‘ Relevant and Irrelevant Questions in a Micro-blogging Supported Classroom. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, PA. Wolfgang Reinhardt, Steve Wheeler, Martin Ebner. 2010. All I Need to Know about Twitter in Education I Learned in Kindergarten. Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society. 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The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 174 Yamada, Y., Hattori, A., Kobayashi, T., Hayami, H.. 2012. Method of visualizing relations between tweets to facilitate discussions via twitter. 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Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita. (2015). Achieving better Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International 179 usability of software supporting learning activities of large Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for groups. Information Systems Frontiers. IF: 0.761 education (eLSE08); 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 175 176 177 178 Ciprian Chirila. (2014). Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms. Proceedings of the 180 International Conference SMART 2014 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Timisoara, Romania Krutka, D. G., Bergman, D. J., Flores, R., Mason, K., & Jack, A. R. (2014). Microblogging about teaching: 181 Nurturing participatory cultures through collaborative online reflection with pre-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 40, 83-93. Born, J., Scheihing, E., Guerra, J., & Cárcamo, L. (2014). Analysing Microblogs of Middle and High School Students. 182 In Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities (pp. 15-28). Springer International Publishing. Yavuz, M. (2014). Evaluation of Twitter Users Writings 183 about Teachers in Turkey. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 14(4), 1-14. 184 Fei Gao, Tian Luo, Ke Zhang . (2012). Tweeting for learning: A critical analysis of research on microblogging in education published in 2008–2011. British Journal of Educational Technology. 1,313 Perifanou, Maria A. (2009). Language Micro-gaming: Fun and Informal Microblogging Activities for Language 185 Learning. 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2009) Elavsky, C.M., Mislan, C., Elavsky, S. (2011). When talking 186 less is more: Exploring outcomes of Twitter usage in the large-lecture hall. Learning, Media and Technology. 0,644 Wright, Noeline. (2010). Microblogging for Reflection: Developing Teaching Knowledge Through Twitter. 5th 187 International Conference on e-Learning Location: Univ Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2008). Can we use Twitter in educational activities?. The 4th International Scientific Conference e-Learning and Software for education (eLSE08); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Gunuc, Selim; Misirli, Ozge; Odabasi, H. Ferhan. (2013). microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Primary School Children's Communication Experiences Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, with Twitter: A Case Study from Turkey. "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, NETWORKING. 1,842 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. Wesely, Pamela M. (2013). Investigating the Community Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, of Practice of World Language Educators on Twitter. "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Journal of Teacher Education. 1,627 Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Luo, T. (2015). Instructional guidance in microblogging- microblogging in education. Case Study: Cirip.ro. supported learning: insights from a multiple case study. Proceedings 6th Conference on e-Learning Applications, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-22. IF: "Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning 0.826 Applications", American University, Cairo, 10-12 January, 2009; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to Zurita, G., Baloian, N., & Frez, J. (2014). Using the cloud microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on to develop applications supporting geo-collaborative learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference situated learning. Future Generation Computer Systems, Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", 34, 124-137. April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to Krejci, Rafael, and Sean Siqueira. (2013). YouFlow microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on Microblog: Following Discussions on an Educational learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference Microblog. Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 M. Agharazi, H. Song, S. Rahimi. (2011). Microblogging as Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to an educational tool to advance learning: Case studies and microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on recent reports. EDULEARN11: 3RD INTERNATIONAL learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", TECHNOLOGIES, Barcelona, Spain April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 Kerstin Borau, Carsten Ullrich, Jinjin Feng, Ruimin Shen. (2009). Microblogging for Language Learning: Using 188 Twitter to Train Communicative and Cultural Competence. Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2009 2 4,00 189 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 190 191 192 193 194 Raihan, M. A., & Han, S. L. (2013). Web-based e-Learning Adoptions in TVET by Linking Social Network: the Social195 Affective &Cognitive Perspectives. IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ). 0,356 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 2 4,00 Gustavo Zurita, Nelson Baloian. (2013). Geo-collaboration and Microblogging to Support Learning: Identifying 196 Problems and Opportunities for Technological Business. Collaboration and Technology. SPRINGER, ISBN 978-3642-41346-9 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 2 4,00 2 4,00 1 8,00 1 8,00 1 8,00 1 8,00 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Learning to Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita. (2015). Achieving better microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on 197 usability of software supporting learning activities of large learning scenarios in a microblogging context. Conference groups. Information Systems Frontiers. IF: 0.761 Proceedings of "eLearning and Software for Education", April 2010, issue: 01/2010, pages: 365-374 Chicioreanu, Teodora Daniela. (2010). VOICETHREAD 4 EDUCATION. 6th International Scientific Conference on Carmen Holotescu. (2007). VoiceThread – Not only a 198 eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, Slideshow System. eLearning eJournal ROMANIA Păuleţ-Crăiniceanu, Laura. (2014). Integrating the Web Carmen Holotescu. (2015). Emerging Technologies in 2.0 Technologies in Romanian Public Universities. Education. Conceiving and Building a Microblogging 199 Towards a Blended Learning Model that Addresses Platform for Formal and Informal Learning, PhD Thesis, Troubled Student-faculty Interaction. Procedia-Social and UPT Behavioral Sciences 142 (2014): 793-799. Edelhauser, Eduard: Dima, Lucian Lupu; Ionica, Andreea. (2010). DESIGNING AN ONLINE MASTER USING AN ECarmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura 200 LEARNING PLATFORM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 PETROSANI. 6th International Seminar on the Quality Management in Higher Education, Tulcea, ROMANIA Ilie, Simona Marilena; Pavel, Cristian. (2008). Online Tests Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura 201 for Applications Mechanics, 3rd International Conference Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 on Virtual Learning, Constanta, ROMANIA Ilie, Simona Marilena; Popescu, Gheorghe C.; Neacsu, Antonela; Munteanu, Loreta. (2010). Virtual Collection of 202 Minerals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL LEARNING, ICVL 2010 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8,00 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8,00 Carmen Holotescu. (2004). Ghid eLearning. Editura Solness Timisoara, 2004. ISBN 973-8472-91-1 1 8,00 Carmen Holotescu. (2007). Curs Tehnologii Internet, UPT 1 8,00 1 8,00 3 2,67 Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; 3 2,67 Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of Qian, Z. M. W. (2013). Trends of Web 2.0: Get close to social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD Social Media. 2013 International Conference on Advances 209 CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) in Social Science, Humanities, and Management (ASSHM 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social 2013) and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; 3 2,67 3 2,67 2 4,00 2 4,00 Ilie, Simona Marilena; Pavel, Cristian. (2007). The Implementation of E-Learning Systems for the On-line Courses Management. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND 203 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL LEARNING: VIRTUAL LEARNING - VIRTUAL REALITY: MODELS & METHODOLOGIES, TECHNOLOGIES, SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Dumitrache, A. (2015). Educational Platforms Evaluation 204 Framework. The 11th International eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April, 2015 205 Ilie, Simona Marilena; Popescu, Gheorghe C.; Neacsu, Antonela; Munteanu, Loreta. (2010). Virtual Collection of Minerals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL LEARNING, ICVL 2010 Ilie, Simona Marilena; Pavel, Cristian. (2007). The Implementation of E-Learning Systems for the On-line Courses Management. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND 206 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL LEARNING: Carmen Holotescu. (2007). Curs Tehnologii Internet, UPT VIRTUAL LEARNING - VIRTUAL REALITY: MODELS & METHODOLOGIES, TECHNOLOGIES, SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Kim, M., Jung, Y., Jung, D., & Hur, C. (2014). Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of Investigating the Congruence of Crowdsourced social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD 207 Information With Official Government Data: The Case of CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) Pediatric Clinics. Journal of medical Internet research, 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social 16(2), IF: 4.669 and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; Al Fayez, R. Q., & Joy, M. (2014). A Framework for Linking Educational Medical Objects: Connecting Web2. 0 208 and Traditional Education. In Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2014 (pp. 158-167). Springer International Publishing. Marius Calin Popoiu, Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2012). What do we know about the use of Tainter, C. R., Wong, N. L., & Bittner, E. A. (2015). social media in medical education?. 4th WORLD 210 Innovative strategies in critical care education. Journal of CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) critical care, 30(3), 550-556, IF: 2.191 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46, 2012, Pages 2262–2266; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Alwagait, E., & Shahzad, B. (2014). When are Tweets Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends 211 Better Valued? An Empirical Study. Journal of Universal and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Computer Science, 20(10), 1511-1521. Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Mills Kathy Ann, Chandra Vinesh. (2011). Microblogging Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends 212 as a Literacy Practice for Educational Communities. and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 0,627 Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; 213 Wang, Tiansheng; Wang, Fei; Shi, Luwen. (2013). The use of microblog-based case studies in a pharmacotherapy introduction class in China. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 1,409 214 Shirley Ann Williams, Melissa Terras, Claire Warwick. (2013). What people study when they study Twitter: Classifying Twitter related academic papers. Journal of Documentation. 1,138 215 Reynolds, B. L., & Wang, S. L. (2014). An investigation of the role of article commendation and criticism in Taiwanese university students' heavy BBS usage. Computers & Education, 78, 210-226. 216 Hadersberger, J., Pohl, A., Bry, F. (2012). Discerning Actuality in Backstage Comprehensible Contextual Aging. 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-33262-3 Kulakli, A., & Mahony, S. (2014). Knowledge Creation and Sharing with Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning 217 Roles in So-called University 2.0. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 648-657. Nechita Elena, Timofti Iulia-Cristina. (2011). Increasing Independence versus Increasing Collaboration with ICT 218 Support. 2nd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY), Instanbul, TURKEY Wei, X., & Hong, H. J. (2013). Micro Blogging Opinion 219 Leaders of Quality Circle Based on Social Network Analysis and Mining. Journal of Applied Sciences Qian, Z. M. W. (2013). Trends of Web 2.0: Get close to Social Media. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 220 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE, HUMANITIES, AND MANAGEMENT Ahmad Kharman Shah, N., Latif Shabgahi, S., & Cox, A. M. (2015). Uses and risks of microblogging in 221 organisational and educational settings. British Journal of Educational Technology, IF: 1.394 222 Kulakli, A., & Mahony, S. (2014). Knowledge Creation and Sharing with Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning Roles in So-called University 2.0. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 648-657. Sally Eaves. (2014). Evaluating Academic Conference Discursive Development using Twitter and the 223 Blogosphere. Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2014, University of Brighton, UK, 1011 July 2014, ISBN 978-1-910309-28-5 224 Esra Sisman Eren. (2014). Developing Social Media Use Purposes Scale and Examining Based on Some Personal Variables. HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, Volume: 29 Issue: 4 Pages: 230-243 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). Mobile learning through microblogging. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, Pages 4-8, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences – 2011 (WCES 2011); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Tracing learning through spectrum of conversations. A microblogging approach to students' experience on learning and research. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, World Conference on learning teaching and administration, 29-31 October 2010, The American University Cairo Egipt (WCLTA 2010); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2010). Tracing learning through spectrum of conversations. A microblogging approach to students' experience on learning and research. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, World Conference on learning teaching and administration, 29-31 October 2010, The American University Cairo Egipt (WCLTA 2010); Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). An empirical analysis of the educational effects of Social Media in universities and colleges. The 8th International Scientific Conference „eLearning and software for Education” Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 Vlieghe, J., & Rutten, K. (2013). Rhetorical Analysis of 225 Literary Culture in Social Reading Platforms. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). An empirical analysis of the educational effects of Social Media in universities and colleges. The 8th International Scientific Conference „eLearning and software for Education” Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 4,00 Stanca, L., & Felea, C. (2013). WIKI TOOLS IN TEACHING ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES - AN ANALYSIS OF 226 STUDENT LEARNING BEHAVIOUR PATTERN. Conference Proceedings of The 9th eLearning and Software for Education International Conference (eLSE) Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2012). An empirical analysis of the educational effects of Social Media in universities and colleges. The 8th International Scientific Conference „eLearning and software for Education” Bucharest, April 26-27, 2012, ISSN 2066-026X; 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 2 4,00 4 2,00 4 2,00 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging For Collaborative Learning. Volume „New Yavuz, M. (2014). Evaluation of Twitter Users Writings Technology Platforms for Learning – Revisited. LOGOS about Teachers in Turkey. Educational Sciences: Theory & Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT Practice, 14(4), 1-14. research effort”, 19-20 Jan. 2009 Budapest, Hungary, EDEN - European Distance and E-learning Network, p. 7180, ISBN 978-963-87914-1-2; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging For Collaborative Learning. Volume „New Wright, Noeline (2010). Microblogging for Reflection: Technology Platforms for Learning – Revisited. LOGOS Developing Teaching Knowledge Through Twitter. 5th Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT International Conference on e-Learning Location: Univ research effort”, 19-20 Jan. 2009 Budapest, Hungary, Sains Malaysia, Penang, MALAYSIA EDEN - European Distance and E-learning Network, p. 7180, ISBN 978-963-87914-1-2; Özdamlı, F., & Yıldız, E. P. (2014). Parents‘ Views towards Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3Improve Parent-School Collaboration with Mobile learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging Technologies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, 131, 361-366. 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; Bicen, Huseyin; Cavus, Nadire. (2012). Twitter usage Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2011). M3habits of undergraduate students. 4th World Conference learning - Exploring mobile multimedia microblogging on Educational Sciences (WCES), Univ Barcelona, learning. World Journal on Educational Technology, Vol. 3, Barcelona, SPAIN 3, 9, ISSN 1309-1506; Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2010). Learning Danciu, Elena; Grosseck, Gabriela. (2011). Social aspects from the Stream. An "M" Case Study: M for of web 2.0 technologies: teaching or teachers' microblogging, my-conference/my event and micro/my challenges?. 3rd World Conference on Educational learning. Proceedings of ICVL 2010, The 5th International Sciences (WCES) Conference on Virtual Learning, “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, pp. 172-178, Targu-Mures, Romania; Carmen Holotescu, Dorina Gutu, Gabriela Grosseck, Mona Bran. (2011). Microblogging meets Politics: The Influence Mocanu, M., Aldea, A., & Rawal, R. (2013). 6 ―Why fix it of Communication in 140 Characters on Romanian when it‘s not broken?‖. Politics and the Internet in Presidential Elections. In Romanian Journal of Comparative Context: Views from the Cloud, 11, 95. Communication and Public Relations, vol.13 , no.1(21), pag.37-47, ISSN 1454-8100. Carmen Holotescu, Dorina Gutu, Gabriela Grosseck, Mona Patrut, M., Stoica, V. (2014). Twitter and the Globalization Bran. (2011). Microblogging meets Politics: The Influence of Election Campaign Communication? A Case Study. of Communication in 140 Characters on Romanian Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2014 Presidential Elections. In Romanian Journal of Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, Sept, Communication and Public Relations, vol.13 , no.1(21), Timisoara, Romania pag.37-47, ISSN 1454-8100. TOTAL 974,71 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A3.1.2 - Citari in carti, reviste si volume ale unor manifestari stiintifice indexate BDI Nr. crt. Sursa citare Baza de date Lucrarea citata Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Malinka Ivanova, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu. (2013). Educational Augmented Reality and Location-Based Applications. Case Study: Georgescu, Mircea, and Daniela Popescul. "Social Media Elsevier Microblogging. Proceedings of the International 1 Literacy in Romanian Universities–Are we Ready Yet?." ScienceDir Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Procedia Economics and Finance 15 (2014): 437-444. ect Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania, edited by Bogdan Patrut, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 9788875876869 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Elena Danciu. (2014). The power of the three Radu Vasiu, Diana Andone. (2014). OERs and MOOCs words and one acronym: OER vs OER. Subtitle: I’m not The Romanian experience. In Web and Open Access to an Ogre of the Enchanted Realm (of cyberspace). I’m an 2 IEEE Learning (ICWOAL), 2014 International Conference on Omnipresent Educational Rescuer (because I use the (pp. 1-5). IEEE OER!). 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), Malta, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier ScienceDirect, ISSN 1877-0428 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Elena Danciu. (2014). The power of the three words and one acronym: OER vs OER. Subtitle: I’m not Toia, M. (2015). Regional Analysis Report IREA, Google an Ogre of the Enchanted Realm (of cyberspace). I’m an 3 Romania Open Educational Resources uptake in adult Scholar Omnipresent Educational Rescuer (because I use the education. OERup Project OER!). 6th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES), Malta, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier ScienceDirect, ISSN 1877-0428 Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Vladimir-Ioan Cretu, Elena Danciu. (2014). The power of the three words and one acronym: OER vs OER. Subtitle: I’m not Toia, M., IREA (2015). Summary Report of OERup! Google an Ogre of the Enchanted Realm (of cyberspace). I’m an 4 Need Analysis Open Educational Resources uptake in Scholar Omnipresent Educational Rescuer (because I use the adult education. 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World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck. (2009). Using Microblogging to Deliver Online Courses. Case-study: Cirip.ro. World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4-7 February 2009 - New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, Edited by Huseyin Uzunboylu and Nadire Cavus, vol. I, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2009, pag. 495-591, ISSN: 1877-0428; Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu. (2011). Teacher education in 140 characters - microblogging implications for continuous education, training, learning and personal development. 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Twitter como herramienta profesional en el entorno personal de aprendizaje de 602 los docentes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Master Thesis, National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain David Squires. (2014). M-Learning: Implications in Learning Domain Specificities, Adaptive Learning, 603 Feedback, Augmented Reality, and the Future of Online Learning. Journal of Educational Technology (JET) Serra, A. (2013). Leadership for Technology in Schools‘ Project Planning the use of ICT to enhance global 604 collaboration in education. MEd International Education with an Emphasis in Educational Technology. Lamar University, USA TOTAL 1307,21 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A3.2.1 - Profesor invitat si Prezentari invitate in plenul unor manifestari stiintifice - Internationale Nr. crt. 1 2 Indicator realizat Activitatea Online Tutor UMUC University of Maryland University College, USA (2002-2013): cursuri online pe platforma UMUC WebTycho - CMIS102 Introduction to Problem Solving & Algorithm Design, CMIS141 Introductory Programming, CMIS170 Introduction to XML, CMIS242 Intermediate Programming, CMIS325 UNIX with Shell Programming, CMIS340 Programming in Java, CMIS485 Web Database Development, CMSC350 Data Structures & Analysis (12 ani, 8 cursuri facilitate, cate trei in paralel/trimestru) Curs online "Insights in Building Successful Online Courses", in cadrul programului Master in Open Distance Learning, Facoltà di Scienze della formazione, Udine, iulie 2003 TOTAL 120 10 130 A3.2.2 - Profesor invitat si Prezentari invitate in plenul unor manifestari stiintifice - Nationale Nr. crt. 1 2 Activitatea TOTAL Indicator realizat 0 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A3.3.1 - Membru in colectivele de redactie sau comitete stiintifice ale revistelor, organizator de manifestari stiintifice - indexate ISI Nr. crt. Activitatea Indicator realizat 1 Membru Scientific Committee eLearning and Software for Education Conference eLSE, Bucharest, 2013, 2014, 2015 30 2 Organizator International Workshop "Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses", in cadrul eLearning and Software for Education Conference - eLSE, Bucharest, April, 2014, 2015 20 3 Membru Scientific Committee SMART Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching; 2013 (Bacau), 2014 (Timisoara) 20 4 Membru comitet de recenzie revista Interactive Learning Environments ISSN 1049-4820, IF: 0.750; 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 40 5 Membru International Scientific Committee ICSLE 2015 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments, Sinaia, Romania 10 6 Membru Program Commitee Journal of Universal Computer Science, pentru "Interaction in Massive Courses" Special Issue; ISSN 0948-695X; IF: 0.401; 2014 10 7 Membru comitet de recenzie revista Computers & Education; ISSN 0360-1315, IF: 2.630; 2014 10 8 Membru comitet de recenzie revista Expert Systems with Applications; ISSN 03601315, IF: 2.254; 2014 10 9 Membru Editorial Advisory Board carte indexata ISI "Social Media in Higher Education: Teaching in Web 2.0", editors: Patrut, M., Patrut, B. IGI Global 2013, ISBN: 9781466629707 10 10 Moderator Round Table "Distance learning in Computer Science and Mathematics", SYNASC 2003, Timisoara TOTAL 10 170 A3.3.2 - Membru in colectivele de redactie sau comitete stiintifice ale revistelor, organizator de manifestari stiintifice - indexate BDI Nr. crt. Activitatea Indicator realizat 1 Membru Editorial Scientific Committee Je-LKS Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, Italy ISSN 1826-6223- http://www.je-lks.org (indexata Scopus); 2004-2015: 12 ani 72 2 Membru Comitato scientifico internazionale Form@re Open Journal, Italy ISSN 1825-7321 - http://www.fupress.net/index.php/formare (indexata Ulrich, Google Scholar); 2004-2015: 12 ani 72 3 Chair Workshop "How to Use Microblogging Platforms in Education", ICL International Conference, Sept 2009, Villach Austria (indexata Scopus) 6 4 Chair workshop "Microblogging in education" 5th Plymouth eLearning Conference 2010 (indexata Google Scholar) 6 5 Chair Workshop "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Language Learning and Communication", International Conference about Language and Communication in the Digital Era, March 2015, Timisoara (indexata Google Scholar, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, Fabula) 6 6 Membru Program Committee/recenzie IADIS International Conference e-Learning (indexata Scopus); 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 42 7 Membru International Scientific Committee Revista de Informatică Socială, UVT ISSN 1584-384X (indexata Google Scholar, Ulrich/ProQuest, Index Copernicus); 2007-2011; 5 ani 30 8 Membru Scientific Committee 1st International Workshop on using Microblogging to enhance communication within Communities of Practice (MicroECoP2010), in cadrul WCC2010 World Computer Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 September, 2010 (indexata Scopus) 6 9 10 11 Membru comitet de recenzie IEEE EDUCON International Conference (indexata IEEE, Scopus); 2012, 2013 Membru comitet de recenzie IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (indexata IEEE, Scopus); 2013 Membru comitet de recenzie International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and Online Learning (indexata Scopus); 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 12 6 36 12 Membru comitet de recenzie International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (indexata ACM, Scopus); 2012 6 13 Membru comitet de recenzie Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (indexata ACM, Scopus); 2015 6 14 Membru International Programme committee Plymouth eLearning Conference 2011 (indexata Google Scholar) 6 TOTAL 312 A3.3.3 - Membru in colectivele de redactie sau comitete stiintifice ale revistelor, organizator de manifestari stiintifice - nationale si internationale neindexate Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Indicator realizat Activitatea Moderator eWorkshop international "Online Communities", eLearnTS platform, 2002 Moderator eWorkshop international "Methodologies in eLearning", eLearnTS platform, 2002 Moderator Workshop "VLE si PLE", Scoala de vara "Informatica la Castel" Macea Arad, sept 2010 Moderator Workshop "Social Media in Academia", International Conference "Modernity and competitiveness in Education", UPB, Dec 10-11, 2011 Membru Comitet Stiintific Seminarul international "Linux si medii virtuale de instruire", UUV Arad - 2006, 2007, 2008 Membru Comitet Stiintific Conferinta Internationala MOODLE MOOT Romania 2013, 19-24 august 2013, Brasov Moderator Workshop "Microblogging in education", in cadrul Conferintei Internationale "CO11 - Integrating technology for Active Lifelong Learning", 2011 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 27 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu A3.4.1 - Premii in domeniu - Academia Romana, ASTR, academii de ramura, premii internationale Nr. crt. 1 Indicator realizat Premiul decernat TOTAL 0 A3.4.2 - Premii in domeniu - premii nationale Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Indicator realizat Premiul decernat Carmen Perianu (Holotescu): Premiul II la Olimpiada Nationala Universitara de Matematica, Cluj-Napoca, 1982 si membra a Lotului Balcanic de Matematica, Brasov, 1982 Carmen Perianu (Holotescu): Premiul I la Olimpiada Nationala Universitara de Matematica, Iasi, 1983 si placheta "Traian Lalescu" pentru cel mai bun student la Matematica din IPTVT (UPT) Carmen Holotescu: nominalizare Premiul TIC 2004 "Proiectul cu cel mai bun continut educational", pentru proiectul "eLearning pentru Manageri" Premiul de excelenta la Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, Iasi, 2009, pentru lucrarea "Cirip.eu: Building Learning Communities on Microblogging Platforms", autori Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck Nominalizare UNESCO Romania pentru "UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education" - April, 2012: proiectul Cirip.eu, autor Carmen Holotescu Vladimir I. Cretu, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Cristian Armeana: nominalizare pentru "Innovative Education Award", WCES Roma, 2013, pentru cercetarea "Microblogging in education" TOTAL 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu RAMURA DE STIINTA: INGINERIA SISTEMELOR, CALCULATOARE SI TEHNOLOGIA INFORMATIEI Candidat: Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu Impactul activitatii stiintifice h-index Web of Knowledge h-index Scopus h-index Google Scholar Total 5 5 11 6,2 Candidat, Dr. ing. Mariana-Carmen Holotescu