300 DPI
300 DPI
600000 610000 25°50' 0" W 620000 25°40' 0" W 630000 640000 25°30' 0" W 650000 25°20' 0" W 660000 25°10' 0" W Activa tionID:EMS N018 P r oductN. :09S AO MIGUEL,v1,English Glide Number :( N/ A) Sao Miguel - Portugal Tsunami & Storm Surge Risk Assessment - 2015 Population at Risk Map - Overview 4210000 38°0' 0" N 38°0' 0" N 4210000 P r oductionda te:8/ 2/ 2016 9000 Cartographic Information 4200000 4200000 1: 100. 000 0 1, 25 Full colorA1,high r esolution( 300dpi) 2, 5 5 7, 5 10 Km Gr id:W GS 1984Z one 26N ma pcoor dina te system Tick ma r ks:W GS 84geogr a phica l coor dina te system Legend Risk Level 804 716 75 0 865 863 856 821 705 800 825 675 611 544 763 777 774 601 485 824 510 709 750 700 415 577 591 326 313 357 341 329 150 100 74 50 Calhetas Rabo de Peixe port 86 188 162 182 214 Gramas 50 Santana Aflitos Maia 100 Moinhos Porto Formoso 5 244 135 379 0 82 161 256 Sao Bras Lomba da Maia 1 1 1 321 285 283 249 389 337 345 353 30 0 284 271 415 451 542 431 441 961 950 735 925 900 949 899 750 500 400 4180000 900 450 0 55 500 Atalhada 550 300 0 50 800 Remedios Airport Ponta Delgada John Paul II 794 721 714 689 ! Pedreira 824 703 704 545 Povoacao port 899 85 0 822 80 0 681 85881 0 750 509 50 500 4 670 550 391 399 Agua Retorta Ribeira Cha 64 134 34 103 77 41 Agua d'Alto Field hospita l Helicopterla nding spot Ga soline ta nk Uncla ssified S ! ( Loca l R oa d Commer cia l,P ublic & P r iva te S er vices O ther Highwa y S econda r yR oa d P or t P la ce ofw or ship P olice P r ima r yR oa d Air por t Industr y&Utilities Br idge &over pa ss ¬ a P or t O ther Physiography 300 # P r ima r y S econda r y S potheights Hydrography R iver s &str ea ms Coa stline × Ñ Fir e sta tion H I Educa tion G ! ( ð Ú t" E ! ô Ñ Ø d ! S por ts Gover nment Fa cilities Industr ia l fa cilities W a terinfr a str uctur e Electr icity infr a str uctur e W a ve power infr a str uctur e P ow ersta tions Y X W ind tur bines ¤ ! Ma r ina 9 " © ! O il Milita r y Consequences within the AOI Island: Sao Miguel Risk Level Very Low Low Medium High Very High Population (Inhabitants) 3236 1574 3182 1118 1382 Area of Built-up areas (hectares) 76,095 44,617 41,820 35,030 104,183 Data Sources 550 Faial da441Terra 293 Sao Miguel port Agua de Pau S helter Hospita l Tunnel V illa ge Buildings Ca mploca tion C I The pur pose of the r equested ma pping is to pr ovide compr ehensive knowledge of the potentia l impa ctonAzor es isla nds ( P T) ,ofdiffer entna tur a l disa ster s,including ea r thqua kes, floods,volca nic er uptions,la ndslides,soil er osion,tsuna mis a nd stor m sur ges,a nd coa sta l er osion. The a na lysis a ims toidentify a ssets a t r isk,focusing onpopula tion,infr a str uctur e a nd the envir onment toa llow infor med decisionma king tota ke pla ce concer ning the pla nning a nd r ecover ya ctivities ofthe involved sta keholder s.Tothis end,specific r isk mitiga tionmea sur es ar e pr oposed,a long with the specifica tionofcr itica l fir str esponse infor ma tion. The key user s of the ma pser ies a r e the R egiona l ( Açor es,P or tuga l)Author ities:( 1)Dir eção R egiona l O br a s P ública s e Comunica ções,( 2)S er viçio R egiona l de P r oteça o civil e bombeir os dos Açor es,a nd ( 3)CIV IS A:Centr ode Infor ma çãoe V igilância S ismovulcânica dos Açor es. 302 797 527 470 365 350 400 429 365 Town Points of Interest Map Information 871 357 224 Ribeira Quente port 832 I 4 c J Air por t 684 701 576 582 282 395 706 939 915 391 Lomba do Alcaide Lomba do Carro Lomba do Cavaleiro 0 70 750 Arrifes 900 850 Cabouco 724 594 504 250 0 20 Faja de Cima Relva 757 0 75 250 400 Rocha da Relva 1 102 947 1023 974 986 950 981 977 955 0 90 Pico da Pedra 553 585 597 841 711 481 418 384 553 545 707 432 200284 249 272 544 275 282 573 597 423 482 500 487 1 0 3 1 2 6 608 547 687 698 222 233 246 358 104 155 481 588 547 207 433 124 633 450 406 345 501 455 437 138 1 4 3 3 6 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 417 231 5 2 2 287 709 786 5 7 0 3 4 4 30 225 278 616 613 723 451 393 355 367 335 312 219 0 562 569 699 644 783 244 326354 216 400 166 447 6 1 5 372 5 8 8 1 2 7 6 6 9 7 1 5 5 3 3 348 816 875 553 835 564 554 266 341 337 368 278 707 734 186 183 7 4 9 7 0 4 346 193 843 273 264 341 757 793 570 0 3 7 4 5 2 6 3 8 3 4 2 4 3 0 832 752 643 3 470 35 551 0 483 296 242 317 244 80 801 670 6 2 3 2 6 3 317 3 2 1 1 9 5 3 0 4 800 799 259 369 300 413 837 378 650 606 605 263 214 324 538 887 882 363 319 205 0 30 291 274 226 193 596 284 259 292 592 464 0 20 457 364 227 255 556 7 1 3 3 4 9 2 0 5 7 3 5 6 3 1 0 261 592 233 80 271 564 267 361 317 300 304 226 234 224 6 4 3 319 312 20 237 558 567 246 219 203 727 643 300 257 259 702 711 562 565 2 6 9 8 8 4 5 5 6 2 1 5 5 9 2 7 2 4 2 6 9 1 9 9 0 674 278 318 612 229 223 700 264 274 224 298 213 235 85 564570 239 238 312 349 672 626 487 496 464 209 275 299 611 204 756 727 669 255 265 253 671 294 248 266 821 0 333 285 237 306 338 722 481 549 682 628 668 5 5 3 269 2 6 3 273 265 717 2 5 4 0 2 3 5 7 6 3 8 0 9 5 9 2 2 3 7 8 0 5 1 9 2 2 1 7 2 3 2 343 268 209 485 6 1 4 3 5 4 25 182 6 6 7 6 5 0 302 603 537 570 670 352 637 642 622 369 217 259 572 149 241 249 676 862 901 392 247 850 659 618 697 670 189 122 3 6 7 6 0 7 350 3 1 1 3 0 4 126 215 871 6 6 7 569 143 145 5 6 8 5 6 3 943 385 570 373 197 133 692 696 133 631 197 339 271 550 1 17 146 554 691 372 97 83 701 286 490 754 518 561 662 692 554 215 183 0 821 623 195 70 199 296 74 37 72 538 416 102 336 551 505 707 700 43 357 444 389 470 3 8 3 444 598 497 442 351 371 400 476 435 402 341 1 19 273 350 295 307 274 232 33 297 50 157 207 253 165 162 162 157 157 158 531 417 545 391 353 373 423 381 0 75 Feteiras . ! S tr uctur a lr einfor cementof a ssets 294 850 607 Sao Vicente Ferreira 362 162 138 44 347 161 312 323 372 398 414 Fazenda 37°50' 0" N 4190000 103 154 262 0 25 681 83 50 Candelaria 783 772 Populated places . City ! Br ea kw a ter s,sea w a lls,gr oynes 4180000 592 74 809 221 50 1 19 151 Santo Antonio Santana Feteira Grande Sao Pedro Algarvia 285 311 Achada 369 70 0 350 222 788 729 796 852 811 Fenais da Ajuda Achadinha 700 531 45 0 536 Municipa lity Mitigation Measures 800 Santo Antonio 0 80 550 37°50' 0" N 327 612 00 5704 613 Æ 9 Æ O Æ c Æ Ã ¾ Z Santa Barbara 292 Administrative boundaries Transportation Fir stAid Ar ea s 450 400 300 4190000 0 35 Ginetes 291 First Aid Areas Remedios 377 Sete Cidades 403 513 383 316 395 539 385 50 572 388 460 427 272 542 162 167 198 189 490 00 5 493 450 415 V er yHigh 550 448 185 219 272 262 231 255 144 254 162 222 Joao Bom 262 361 470 Varzea Bretanha 334 Mosteiros 317 300 148 20 0 38 Medium High 50 Covas V er yLow Low ± Inset maps based on: W or ldV iew2mosa ic © Digita lGlobe ( a cquir ed on2015/ 01/ 29) ,GS D0. 5m,~ 7% cloud cover P leia des mosa ic © AIR BUS ( a cquir ed fr om 2013/ 02/ 01 to 2015/ 07/ 1 1) ,GS D 0. 5 m,~ 7% cloud cover Reference Imagery: R egiona l O r thophotogr a phy © Dir eçãoR egiona l da s O br a s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açor es ( yea rof a er ia l photogr a phy a cquisition:2003, 2004) ,GS D 0. 5m, sca le 1: 10000 Vector layers: R oa d Networ k:pr ima r y sour ce is the O S M duly upda ted/digitized,fr om the sa tellite ima ges,Buildings Footpr ints digitized fr om the sa tellite ima ges,Administr a tive limits ( CAO P 2015)© Dir eçãoGer a l doTer r itór io( P T) ,Census Da ta – Census Blocks geometr y a nd infor ma tion ( 201 1)© Instituto Na tiona l de Esta tistica ( P T) .Eleva tion da ta a nd La nd Cover /Use Da ta ( duly upda ted/ r efined onthe ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointer pr eta tion) pr ima r ysour ce © Dir eçãoR egiona l da s O br a s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açor es. The da ta pr ovided is subjecttothe ter ms outlined inthe a r r a ngements concer ning a ccess to a uthor ita tive geospa tia l r efer ence da ta forCoper nicus emer gencyma na gementser vice. Dissemination/Publication Vila Franca do Campo port The pr oducts ( ma ps)a r e a va ila ble thr ough the EMS Coper nicus P or ta l a tthe following UR L: http: / / emer gency. eu/ ma pping/ listof/ components/ 018. Deliver yfor ma ts a r e GeoTIFF ,GeoP DF,GeoJ P EG a nd vector s( sha pefile a nd K MLfor ma ts) . Nor estr ictions onthe publica tionofthe ma pping a pply. Framework The pr oducts ela bor a ted in the fr a mewor k of the cur r ent R isk a nd R ecover y ma pping a ctiva tiona r er ea lised tothe bestofoura bility.All geogr a phic infor ma tionha s limita tions due tosca le,r esolution,da te a nd inter pr eta tionof the or igina l da ta sour ces.The pr oducts a r e complia ntwith the Coper nicus EMS R isk a nd R ecover yP r oductP or tfoliospecifica tions. 4170000 37°40' 0" N 37°40' 0" N 4170000 Map Production The ma pshows the combined a ssessmentof Tsuna mi a nd S tor m sur ge r isk.The T suna mi ha za r d sever ity wa s expr essed a s the ma ximum wa ve height,H,a long coa sta l zones a nd thenma pped insequentia l coa sta l segments ofconsta ntlength.The ha za r d a ssessmentha s beendeter mined by ( i)the selectionof tsuna misour ces ba sed onthe tsuna mihistor y of the ar ea ,( ii)the deter mina tionof fa ultpa r a meter s forthose seismic sour ces,( iii)the numer ica l simula tionof the mostpr eva lentscena r ios.The ma ximum wa ve heightdue tostor m sur ge events wa s a dditiona lly a ssessed.The inla nd wa ter pr opa ga tion cha r a cter istics wer e deter mined by a pplying the a ppr opr ia te hydr a ulic models forthe tsuna mi & S tor m sur ge ha za r ds consider ing the ma ximum wa ve height,the geomor phology a nd the hydr a ulic r oughness,inor dertoestima te the a ffected inla nd a r ea s a nd ca lcula te the loca l wa terdepth. All sa tellite ima ges ha ve been r a diometr ica lly enha nced a nd geor efer enced using the r efer ence or thophotos. The estima ted geometr ic a ccur a cy of the ima ge is 2. 5 m orbetter ,fr om na tive positiona l a ccur a cy of the ba ckgr ound sa tellite ima ge,complia nt with J R Cr equir ements for1: 10, 000 ca r togr a phy. The estima ted thema tic a ccur a cyofthis pr oductis 85% orbetter ,ba sed oninter na l va lida tion pr ocedur es a nd visua l inter pr eta tion of r ecogniza ble items on ver y high r esolution optica l ima ger y. The sta tistica l ta ble included inthe ma pshows the popula tiona ffected a tva r ious R isk Contact 600000 25°50' 0" W 610000 25°40' 0" W 620000 630000 25°30' 0" W 640000 25°20' 0" W 650000 660000 25°10' 0" W 4160000 4160000 The ma pwa s pr oduced on8/ 2/ 2016by GEO AP IK O NIS IS ( EL)– NO A( EL)– CIMA ( IT)– AL TAMIR A( ES )underthe S er vice Contr a ctnr .25981 1ofthe Eur opea nCommission. Na me ofthe r elea se inspector( qua litycontr ol) :JR C. Ema il:emsr iskr ecover yma pping@jr c. ec. eur opa . eu http: / / emer gency. coper nicus. eu/ ma pping
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