100 DPI
100 DPI
25°20' 0" W 647000 648000 649000 25°19' 0" W 0 45 651000 652000 25°17' 0" W 300 2 96 25 0 Sao Miguel - Portugal 100 4 16 400 250 4179000 Population at Risk Map - Detail Tile 9016 P r oductionda te:9/ 2/ 2016 200 9 01 9 150 450 300 9 02 6 9 02 5 9 02 2 9 02 8 9 02 7 9 02 4 9 02 1 9 00 3 9 00 4 9 02 9 9 02 3 9 02 0 9 00 6 9 03 2 9 03 3 9 03 1 10 0 450 Tsunami & Storm Surge Risk Assessment - 2015 250 350 3 83 300 0 20 4179000 0 40 4 70 4 97 Activa tionID:EMS N018 P r oductN. :09S AO MIGUEL,v1,English Glide Number :( N/ A) 250 200 150 350 500 650000 25°18' 0" W 150 37°45' 0" N 646000 9 00 7 9 00 9 9 00 1 9 01 2 9 01 0 9 01 1 9 00 5 9 00 2 9 01 4 9 01 3 9 01 5 9 03 0 9 03 4 9 01 6 9 01 7 9 01 8 50 300 450 9 00 8 4178000 400 400 Cartographic Information 1: 10. 000 02 400 4 0 Ribeira Quente port 300 37°44' 0" N 25 0 350 400 3 41 37°44' 0" N 4178000 4 76 350 0, 125 0, 25 Legend V er y Lo w L ow Medium High V er y High Ribeira Quente Fir st Aid Areas 0, 75 Adm inistrative bo un dar ies Tr ansp or tatio n Municipa lity Po pu lated p laces . ! . ! ! 150 4177000 Æ Ã ¾ Z City I 4 c J T own Ca mploca tion S helter Field hospita l Helicopterla nding spot Ga soline ta nk S econda r y R oa d L oca l R oa d Commer cia l,P ublic & P r iva te S er vices Other Uncla ssified Mitigation M easu res Br ea kw a te r s,sea w a lls,gr oynes S tr uctur alr einfor ceme ntof a sse ts Br idge &over pa ss P r ima r y R oa d P or t P la ce of w or ship P or t Highwa y Air por t Industr y &Utilities Air por t Tunnel V illa ge Build in gs Fir stAid Ar ea s Æ 9 Æ O Æ c 100 4177000 0, 5 1 Km Gr id:W GS 1984Z one 26N ma pcoor dina te system Tick ma r ks:W GS 84geogr a phica l coor dina te system Risk Level 20 0 Full colorA1,low r esolution( 100dpi) Other Ph ysio gr aph y 3 00 P r ima r y S econda r y # S potheights Hydr og rap hy R iver s & str ea ms Coa stline ± Po in ts o f Inter est C I Hospita l ¬ a P olice × Ñ Fir e sta tion H I Educa tion S ( ! G ( ! ð Ú t" S por ts Gover nment Fa cilities Industr ia l fa cilities W a terinfr a str uctur e E ! ô Ø Ñ d ! Electr icity infr a str uctur e 9 " Oil W a ve pow er infr a str uctur e P ow ersta tions Y X W ind tur bines ¤ ! Ma r ina © ! Milita r y Consequences within the AOI Island: Sao Miguel Risk Level Very Low Low Medium High Very High Population (Inhabitants) 3236 1574 3182 1118 1382 Area of Built-up areas (hectares) 76,095 44,617 41,820 35,030 104,183 4176000 4176000 Map Information The pur pose of the r equested ma pping is to pr ovide compr ehensive knowledge of the potentia l impa ctonAzor es isla nds ( P T) ,of differ entna tur a l disa ster s,including ea r thqua kes, floods,volca nic er uptions,la ndslides,soil er osion,tsuna mis a nd stor m sur ges,a nd coa sta l er osion. The a na lysis a ims toidentify a ssets a t r isk,focusing onpopula tion,infr a str uctur e a nd the envir onment toa llow infor med decisionma king tota ke pla ce concer ning the pla nning a nd r ecover y a ctivities of the involved sta keholder s.T othis end,specific r isk mitiga tionmea sur es ar e pr oposed,a long with the specifica tionofcr itica l fir str esponse infor ma tion. The key user s of the ma pser ies a r e the R egiona l ( Açor es,P or tuga l)Author ities:( 1)Dir eção R egiona l Obr a s P ública s e Comunica ções,( 2)S er viçio R egiona l de P r oteça o civil e bombeir os dos Açor es,a nd ( 3)CIV IS A:Centr ode Infor ma çãoe V igilância S ismovulcânica dos Açor es. Data Sources 37°43' 0" N 37°43' 0" N Inset maps based on: W or ldV iew2mosa ic © Digita lGlobe ( a cquir ed on2015/ 01/ 29) ,GS D0. 5m,~ 7% cloud cover P leia des mosa ic © AIR BUS ( a cquir ed fr om 2013/ 02/ 01to2015/ 07/ 1 1) ,GS D 0. 5 m,~ 7% cloud cover Reference Imagery: R egiona l O r thophotogr a phy © Dir eçãoR egiona l da s O br a s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açor es ( yea rof a er ia l photogr a phy a cquisition:2003, 2004) ,GS D 0. 5m, sca le 1: 10000 Vector layers: R oa d Networ k:pr ima r y sour ce is the O S M duly upda ted/digitized,fr om the sa tellite ima ges,Buildings Footpr ints digitized fr om the sa tellite ima ges,Administr a tive limits ( CAOP 2015)© Dir eçãoGer a l doT er r itór io( P T) ,Census Da ta – Census Blocks geometr y a nd infor ma tion ( 201 1)© Instituto Na tiona l de Esta tistica ( P T) .Eleva tion da ta a nd La nd Cover /Use Da ta ( duly upda ted/ r efined onthe ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointer pr eta tion) pr ima r y sour ce © Dir eçãoR egiona l da s O br a s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açor es. The da ta pr ovided is subjecttothe ter ms outlined inthe a r r a ngements concer ning a ccess to a uthor ita tive geospa tia l r efer ence da ta forCoper nicus emer gencyma na gementser vice. Dissemination/Publication The pr oducts ( ma ps)a r e a va ila ble thr ough the EMS Coper nicus P or ta l a tthe following UR L: http: / / emer gency. eu/ ma pping/ listof/ components/ 018. Deliver y for ma ts a r e GeoTIFF,GeoP DF,GeoJP EG a nd vector s( sha pefile a nd K MLfor ma ts) . Nor estr ictions onthe publica tionofthe ma pping a pply. 4175000 4175000 Framework The pr oducts ela bor a ted in the fr a mewor k of the cur r ent R isk a nd R ecover y ma pping a ctiva tiona r er ea lised tothe bestof oura bility.All geogr a phic infor ma tionha s limita tions due tosca le,r esolution,da te a nd inter pr eta tionof the or igina l da ta sour ces.The pr oducts a r e complia ntwith the Coper nicus EMS R isk a nd R ecover yP r oductP or tfoliospecifica tions. Map Production The ma pshows the combined a ssessmentof T suna mi a nd S tor m sur ge r isk.The T suna mi ha za r d sever ity wa s expr essed a s the ma ximum wa ve height,H,a long coa sta l zones a nd thenma pped insequentia l coa sta l segments ofconsta ntlength.The ha za r d a ssessmentha s beendeter mined by ( i)the selectionof tsuna mi sour ces ba sed onthe tsuna mihistor y of the ar ea ,( ii)the deter mina tionof fa ultpa r a meter s forthose seismic sour ces,( iii)the numer ica l simula tionof the most pr eva lent scena r ios.The ma ximum wa ve heightdue tostor m sur ge events wa s a dditiona lly a ssessed.The inla nd w a ter pr opa ga tion cha r a cter istics wer e deter mined by a pplying the a ppr opr ia te hydr a ulic models forthe tsuna mi & S tor m sur ge ha za r ds consider ing the ma ximum wa ve height,the geomor phology a nd the hydr a ulic r oughness,inor dertoestima te the a ffected inla nd a r ea s a nd ca lcula te the loca l wa terdepth. All sa tellite ima ges ha ve been r a diometr ica lly enha nced a nd geor efer enced using the r efer ence or thophotos. The estima ted geometr ic a ccur a cy of the ima ge is 2. 5 m orbetter ,fr om na tive positiona l a ccur a cy of the ba ckgr ound sa tellite ima ge,complia ntwith J R Cr equir ements for1: 10, 000 ca r togr a phy. The estima ted thema tic a ccur a cy ofthis pr oductis 85% orbetter ,ba sed oninter na l va lida tion pr ocedur es a nd visua l inter pr eta tion of r ecogniza ble items onver y high r esolutionoptica l ima ger y. The sta tistica l ta ble included inthe ma pshows the popula tiona ffected a tva r ious R isk Levels. 37°42' 0" N 4174000 37°42' 0" N 4174000 Contact 646000 25°20' 0" W 647000 648000 25°19' 0" W 649000 25°18' 0" W 650000 651000 25°17' 0" W 652000 The ma pwa s pr oduced on9/ 2/ 2016by GEO AP IK O NIS IS ( EL)– NO A( EL)– CIMA( IT)– AL TAMIR A( ES )underthe S er vice Contr a ctnr .25981 1ofthe Eur opea nCommission. Na me ofthe r elea se inspector( qua litycontr ol) :JR C. Ema il:emsr iskr ecover yma pping@jr c. ec. eur opa . eu http: / / emer gency. coper nicus. eu/ ma pping
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