electric service rules
electric service rules
2O14 ELECTRIC SERVICE R U L E S SUPPLEMENT GENERAL INFORMATION CLEARANCES DISTRIBUTED GENERATION GROUNDING HUD MANUFACTURED METERING OPTIONAL STAND-BY OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND SERVICE PRIMARY, SPECIAL AND FARM SERVICES SPECIAL EQUIPMENT & MOTORS TEMPORARY SERVICE © 2014 Alliant Energy 1605939 1/14 JS Electric Service Rules Manual Supplement for 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION PAGE ESR 110C – Revision ................................................................S1 Aluminum Bonding Jumper – Revision ........................................S2 Copper Bonding Jumper – Revision ............................................S3 Overhead Clearance Chart – Revision .........................................S4 Pad-mount Transformer Location – Revision ...............................S5 ESR 903 Holiday Lighting Drawing – Addition ..............................S6 ESR 900 – Update ....................................................................S7 ESR 901 – Update ..................................................................S8 Supplemental Drawing for Wireless Attachment ...........................S9 ESR 530A Distributive Generation (Net-Metered Self-contained 277/480 Volt) – Addition ..........................................................S10 ESR 530B Distributive Generation (General Service Instrument rated with Net Metering) - Addition .........................................S12 ESR 109C – Addition ................................................................S14 ESR 115C – Addition for Clarity ESR 402A Revised for Clarity ...............................................S15 ..................................................S16 Typical Installations – Supplemental Information Only .................S17 SUPPLEMENT & N9$ ,3/:3/ (/(&75,&6(59,&(58/(6 3DJH61 ,VVXHG-DQ 6+257&,5&8,7$1$/<6,6 3ULPDU\9ROWDJH )XOO/RDG 'HVLJQ 6HFRQGDU\ 6HFRQGDU\ 7UDQVIRUPHU ,]# 9ROWDJH &XUUHQW 0XOWLSOLHU ϶& $// 7UDQVIRUPHU 6HFRQGDU\ )DXOW &XUUHQW$ // 6LQJOH3KDVH3ROH0RXQW7UDQVIRUPHUV 25 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/240 50 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/240 100 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/240 167 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/240 2.21 1.97 2.03 2.22 104 208 417 696 45.25 50.76 49.26 45.05 4,713 10,575 20,525 31,344 7KUHH3KDVH%DQNRI3ROH0RXQW7UDQVIRUPHUV 75 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/208 150 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/208 300 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/208 500 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 120/208 75 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 277/480 150 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 277/480 300 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 277/480 500 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 277/480 2.21 1.97 2.03 2.22 2.21 1.97 2.03 2.22 208 416 833 1388 90 180 361 601 45.25 50.76 49.26 45.05 45.25 50.76 49.26 45.05 9,420 21,136 41,022 62,518 4,082 9,159 17,776 27,091 6LQJOH3KDVH3DG0RXQW7UDQVIRUPHUV 25 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 240/120 50 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 240/120 100 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 240/120 167 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 240/120 2.11 2.11 2.24 2.24 104 208 417 696 47.39 47.39 44.64 44.64 4,937 9,874 18,601 31,064 7KUHH3KDVH3DG0RXQW7UDQVIRUPHUV 75 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 150 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 300 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 500 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 750 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 1000 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 208Y/120 3.77 4.09 4.13 3.58 5.77 5.75 208 416 833 1388 2082 2776 26.53 24.45 24.21 27.93 17.33 17.39 5,522 10,180 20,163 38,768 36,081 48,275 3.51 4.14 3.99 3.90 5.76 90 180 361 601 902 28.49 24.15 25.06 25.64 17.36 2,570 4,358 9,044 15,421 15,662 75 150 300 500 750 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 13200 GY / 7620 Z-Tap 480Y/277 480Y/277 480Y/277 480Y/277 480Y/277 Page S2 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Page S3 Issued Jan 2014 Page S4 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Page S5 Issued Jan 2014 Page S6 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Page S7 Issued Jan 2014 CHAPTER 9 ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES – UTILITY/CATV SERVICES 900. GENERAL A. Alliant Energy receives many requests for electric service from other utilities; telephone, telecommunications companies, cable television, the Department of Transportation and local municipalities. This section of the Electric Service Rules has been established to deal with service requests from these customers. Many of these services include a request to place a meter socket and/or disconnect devices on Alliant Energy poles. Requests involving attachments of customer equipment, disconnects, power supplies, risers, and meter sockets can create conditions where the pole becomes cluttered, making it very difficult and dangerous to climb. Requests for underground service to customer owned underground termination and/or metering facilities may or may not meet requirements set forth by Alliant Energy for service. We will look at each request on an individual basis. B. The preferred method for these types of service will be to an approved meter pedestal with or without fused disconnects as shown in Section 902. C. Alliant Energy will not allow meter sockets or customer’s power equipment on the following poles: transformer bank poles, capacitor poles, riser poles, three‐phase switch poles, three‐phase buck arm corner or tap poles, and ornamental lighting poles. Meters or metering facilities will not be allowed on Alliant Energy poles, except where a prior joint use attachment agreement exists between Alliant Energy and the party requesting the service. D. When the customer’s equipment, risers and meter‐sockets are allowed on Alliant Energy poles, they may not occupy more than two adjacent quadrants. Clearances shall be maintained as indicated in the NESC and NEC and any local or state codes. Written approval or a signed Attachment Agreement shall also be obtained from Alliant Energy before any of these attachments are placed on Alliant Energy poles. Failure to get approval will result in immediate removal of the non‐approved facilities. E. Alliant Energy personnel will review municipal attachment requests for Christmas lights or decorations on poles. These attachments may be allowed if adequate space is available to meet NESC requirements and if the customer provides a fused weather tight GFCI receptacle at the point of service connection. All wires serving Christmas decorations will be strung from pole to pole. In no case will Alliant Energy provide service to Christmas decorations from pole to building. F. WiFi installations are allowed on Alliant Energy facilities. They require a signed WiFi Agreement through the Joint Facilities group before any facilities will be considered for placement. Contact the Alliant Energy Joint Facilities Coordinator for further information. Page S8 UTILITY/CATV SERVICES IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 901. UTILITY/CATV POLE‐MOUNT SERVICE, 120/240 VOLTS, SINGLE‐PHASE, 3‐WIRE, 200 AMP MAX. (CATV, TELEPHONE, MUNICIPAL W/ EXISTING ATTACHMENT AGREEMENT PRIOR TO YEAR 2002 ) Utility furnishes, installs & maintains 9. Service conductors and connections 10. Meter Customer furnishes, installs, & maintains 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Service Weather head Service Entrance Conduit Service Entrance Conductors Weather Proof Service Fused Disconnect Cable TV Power Supply or equivalent device Ground in accordance with the code (Refer to page 200‐203) (2) – 8’ Ground rods Meter Socket NOTES: 1. Non‐Metallic conduit, (Schedule 80). If metallic conduit is used, it shall be covered with a non‐ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. metallic covering 40 inches above and 40 inches below any communication attachments. The service entrance conductors shall extend at least 36” beyond the service head to permit proper connections. The disconnect power supply unit, meter socket and TV cable shall be mounted on the same quadrant of the pole. When a unit contains both the service switch and the power supply, installation height shall be in accordance with applicable codes. Power supply units may not be mounted on poles where transformer banks, risers, vertical supply conductors to aerial services, switch handles, traffic signal, capacitor banks or similar fixtures exist. Power supplies may not be mounted on three phase distribution corner poles or tap poles. When foreign facilities are attached to a pole supporting a lighting fixture, a clearance of 20” is required. Bonding should be provided between all metallic power and communications apparatus. Minimum wire size shall be number 6 AWG and maximum wire size shall be 4/0. Residential meter sockets are acceptable for service entrances 60 amps or less. For service entrances 100 amps or larger commercial meter sockets are required. All installations shall conform to the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin State Electrical codes for clearances and working space. U-GUARD 40" MIN. STREET STREET NO COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT THIS IN SPACE PEDESTAL MIN. ANTENNA CABLE AND GROUND W IRE UNDER U-GUARD MIN. 12" 72" MIN. 40" MIN. 12" ENCLOSURE(S) NOTE: DRI LLI NG OF POLE FOR CELLULAR EQUI PM ENT I S NOT ALLOW ED. ALL EQUI PM ENT I S TO BE BANDED TO THE POLE. 18’ MIN. POLE EXTENSI ONS ARE NOT ALLOW ED. I F ADDI TI ONAL HEI GHT I S REQUI RED, POLE I S TO BE CHANGED OUT. ESR 902 UG SERVICE PEDESTAL 8’ 0" MIN. 2" DIA 8’SCH ABOVE GRADE 9’ 0" MIN. ABOVE GRADE SCHEDULE 80 IN THIS AREA 12’ -0" MIN. 80 PVC INSTALL END INSTALL EXPANSION JOINT IN BOTH RUNS. 24" MIN. CONDUIT BELLS ON CONDUIT MIN.16" RADIUS ELBOW CONFI DENTI AL These docum ent s ar ef ort he use ofAl l i antEner gy. Al l i antEner gy di scl ai m s al lwar r ant i es, bot h expr essed and i m pl i ed. Use by anyone ot hert han Al l i antEner gy i s att hei rown r i sk. ATTACHM ENT REQUI REM ENTS FOR CUSTOM ER OR FOREI GN OW NED COM M UNI CATI ON EQUI PM ENT BETW EEN SUPPLY AND COM M UNI CATI ON LI NES. WI RELESS CELLULAR SYSTEM S ATTACHM ENT REQUI REM ENTS FOR EQUI PM ENT APPLI CABLE DRAW I NG REFERENCE: APPENDI X. doc DW G.NO. DATE: 03/11/2013 REV: Scal e:N. T. S. 031113M AH Page S10 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 530A. NET‐METERED SELF‐CONTAINED GENERAL SERVICE with SELF‐CONTAINED DISTRIBUTED GENERATION 0 – 300 AMP 3PH 277/480 Utility furnishes, installs & maintains 1. Meter Customer furnishes, installs, & maintains 2. Approved Meter Socket 3. Service Entrance Panel 4. Disconnect Switch 5. Load Break Switch 6. Approved Termination Cabinet 7. Expansion Joint 8. Grounding in accordance with the code (Refer to page 156‐159) 9. IEEE 1547 / UL 1741 Certified Inverter 10. Underground Feed NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The applicant shall label the interconnection disconnect switch “Interconnection Disconnect Switch” by means of a permanently attached sign with clearly visible and permanent letters. The applicant shall provide and post its procedure for disconnecting the DG facility next to the switch. A separate DG disconnect is not required if DG Service Entrance includes a disconnect switch with a visible break and can be locked open. The DG disconnect and its location shall conform to technical guidelines and state requirements. Consult with Alliant Energy for details and specifications. Communication intersystem bonding is not allowed on or in any metering device. Intersystem bonding may only be done at the ground rod(s), on the Grounding Electrode Conductor or ground bus in customers main disconnect. 6. NEC 408.36 (D) – Requires back‐fed breakers to be secured in place. 7. NEC 705.12 (D) (7) – Requires the breakers from an inverter to be located at the opposite end of the bus as the main breaker. A label is required on the circuit breaker panel reading : “ WARNING ‐ INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE” 8. NEC 705.12 (D) (2) Bus or Conductor Rating. The sum of the main breaker and the distributed generation breakers are limited to 120 percent of the bus rating. 530A. NET‐METERED SELF‐CONTAINED GENERAL SERVICE WITH SELF‐CONTAINED DISTRIBUTED GENERATION‐ CONTINUED Issued Jan of 2014 SUPPLEMENT 100 – 300 AMP 3PH 277/480 Page S11 IP&L/W P&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Page S12 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 530B. GENERAL SERVICE INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER WITH NET‐METERED DISTRIBUTED GENERATION 301 – 800 AMP 1 PH 120/240 301 – 800 AMP 3 PH 120/208 Utility furnishes, installs & maintains 1. Meter Customer furnishes, installs, & maintains 2. Approved Meter Socket 3. Service Entrance Panel 4. Disconnect Switch 5. Approved CT Cabinet 6. Optional Overhead Feed 7. Expansion Joint 8. Grounding in accordance with the code (Refer to page 156‐159) 9. IEEE 1547 / UL 1741 Certified Inverter 10. Underground Utility Feed NOTES: 1. The applicant shall label the interconnection disconnect switch “Interconnection Disconnect Switch” by means of a permanently attached sign with clearly visible and permanent letters. The applicant shall provide and post its procedure for disconnecting the DG facility next to the switch. 2. A separate DG disconnect is not required if DG Service Entrance includes a disconnect switch with a visible break and can be locked open. 3. The DG disconnect and its location shall conform to technical guidelines and state requirements. Consult with Alliant Energy for details and specifications. 4. Communication intersystem bonding is not allowed on or in any metering device. 5. Intersystem bonding may only be done at the ground rod(s), on the Grounding Electrode Conductor or ground bus in customers main disconnect. 6. NEC 408.36 (D) – Requires back‐fed breakers to be secured in place. 7. NEC 705.12 (D) (7) – Requires the breakers from an inverter to be located at the opposite end of the bus as the main breaker. A label is required on the circuit breaker panel reading : “ WARNING ‐ INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE” 8. NEC 705.12 (D) (2) Bus or Conductor Rating. The sum of the main breaker and the distributed generation breakers are limited to 120 percent of the bus rating. Page S13 Issued Jan of 2014 SUPPLEMENT IP&L/W P&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES 530B. GENERAL SERVICE INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMER WITH NET‐METERED DISTRIBUTED GENERATION 301 – 800 AMP 1 PH 120/240 301 – 800 AMP 3 PH 120/208 Page S14 SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 connecting to the supply side of the service disconnect as allowed in NEC 230.82. The Customer’s special service will then be served along with the main service from a single common drop or lateral. As an alternative, a customer may also have a separate service drop or lateral, and meter. These services are treated as standby services /duplicate facilities according to Alliant Energy’s extension rules. 1). Fire Pumps 2). Emergency systems 3). Legally required standby systems 4). Optional standby systems 5). Parallel power production systems 6). Systems designed for connection to multiple sources of supply for the purpose of enhanced reliability f. Special Occupancies Exceptions For row‐house construction a separate drop or lateral may be provided for each two attached units. (Buildings must comply with the unique building codes specifically intended for row‐houses only). This does not apply for condominiums. See item (B‐1) above in this section (distance requirement) for condominium projects exceptions. g. Zero Lot line Buildings 1. Buildings separated by a common wall; a. If it’s one building; then one service lateral with a multi‐meter socket b. If the buildings have a fire wall(s)(1) as allowed by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), then each building may have a separate service. Fire barriers shall extend from the top of the floor/ceiling assembly below to THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SLAB OR DECK ABOVE, (IBC Chapter 7), no HVAC vents or other piping between the units through the firewall, and no metallic paths may bond the two units together. C. UNDERGROUND NETWORK SERVICES a. Underground network service shall comply with the Network Standard. b. Totalization meters may be used within the underground network system(s). The meter shall serve only one customer with facilities located contiguously within one city block having loads in excess of 500KW at 277/480V or an equivalent load. AE will review each request to determine the feasibility and cost of such metering schemes. SUPPLEMENT IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Page S15 Issued Jan 2014 capacity. Adjustable breakers, whose maximum rating either individually or in combination, exceeds the rating of the self‐contained meter are prohibited. F. Meter disconnect switches nominally rated not in excess of 600 volts shall have a short circuit rating equal to or greater than the available short circuit current. These devices shall also be grounded and bonded according to parts V & VII of Article 250. (NEC 230.82) 115. CHANGES TO CUSTOMER’S EXISTING SERVICE‐ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT A. When the Customer is changing the ampacity of their service disconnect(s), they must meet the current version of the NEC and the ESR Book. B. When the customer modifies their service in any way that requires them to adhere to the current NEC they must also adhere to the current ESR Book. C. Moving or relocating the service entrance to new or different location shall constitute an upgrade. 116. ALLIANT ENERGY EQUIPMENT ON CUSTOMER PREMISES A. Customers shall grant Alliant Energy the right to install its equipment on the Customer’s premises to supply service. All such equipment shall remain Alliant Energy property and may be removed when service is no longer required. B. Alliant Energy shall have the right of access to its equipment located on Customer premises for inspection, maintenance, restoration and removal of service. The Customer shall provide without cost to Alliant Energy the necessary easements and/or right‐of‐way for Alliant Energy personnel to install, maintain, and access to electric facilities on the Customers property, that provide electric service to the Customer. This will include permission to trim and/or remove trees and brush that may interfere with the installation and operation of Alliant Energy’s facilities. C. Customers are expected to take reasonable care of Alliant Energy equipment located on their property. Customers will be responsible for all damages to or loss of Alliant Energy property located on their premise, unless damage is by causes beyond their control. The Customer shall not grant authority to anyone who is not an employee of Alliant Energy to open or operate Alliant Energy equipment. D. Alliant Energy will attempt to give advance notice when accessing Alliant Energy facilities on the Customer's property, but may not be able to do so during emergencies. Page S16 SUPPLEMENT D. E. F. G. IP&L / WP&L ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Issued Jan 2014 The Customer shall install, own and maintain all service entrance facilities other than the service lateral, meters, instrument transformers, and instrument transformer wiring. All underground service cables shall be protected from physical damage. See Rigid Conduit in Section 407. NEC 230.49‐50 & NEC 300.5 All equipment utilized for the termination of Alliant Energy service conductors shall have provisions which include landing pads and set screw connectors. Alliant Energy will install a service lateral when the proposed cable route is clear of all obstructions and within 6 inches of final grade. The Customer shall clear a 10 foot wide cable route of trees and other obstructions at their own expense. Grade changes of more than 6” over Alliant Energy’s direct buried cables are not allowed. 401. SIZING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES Alliant Energy will size underground facilities according to the following A. Conduit ‐ Number of conduits sized to customer's Main Disconnect. See Section 407 B. Transformer Pad ‐ Sized to Customer's Main Disconnect. C. Underground Conductors ‐ Sized to Customer's Load and to meet all Voltage Drop and flicker requirements. D. Transformer ‐ Sized to Customer's Load. E. Instrument Transformer or Termination Cabinets ‐ Sized to Customer’s Main Disconnect. 402. LOCATION OF ALLIANT ENERGY CABLES A. Buildings and Pools Alliant Energy’s cables (primary and secondary) shall not be located under buildings or pools. Inform Alliant Energy of plans for future buildings, pools etc. B. Sidewalks, Hard Surfaced Parking Lots, Driveways, Patios and Decks 1. With approval from Alliant Energy, buried cables may be installed in conduit through these areas, if no other acceptable route exists.* 2. *Exception: Cable runs crossing under sidewalks at 90° may not be required to be installed in conduit, unless there are other circumstances which would require conduit. 3. With approval from Alliant Energy, a hard surface may be installed over the existing direct buried cable, provided a conduit with capped ends and tracer/pull wire(s), is/are installed 18‐24 inches away and parallel to the existing cable, at a 24 to 36 inch depth. 4. Conduit, if required, is to be installed by the Customer, or at the Customer’s expense. Services under concrete add conduit to 3 feet beyond edge. Typical Underground Single Phase 120/240 Volt Residential Metering Guidelines Standard Meter Sockets 200-300 amp Meter Socket (Front View) 200-300 amp Pedestal Type Meter Socket (Side View) Customer wire landing lugs Wall 200-300 amp Pedestal Type Meter Socket (Front View) Alliant wire landing lugs 200-300 amp Meter Socket (Side View) Upper lugs for WP&L connection 5 2 3 8 Common neutral lugs 2 Neutral bus 8 Wall Pedestal Meter Sockets Lower lugs for customer connection Neutral bus 4 Customer wires Ground wire from neutral bus in Main Disconnect (Not allowed inside meter socket) See Chapter 4 of Electric Service Rules Final Grade 5 18" 6' Min. 18" Recommended 1 100-300 Amp Main Disconnect 4 Ground rods as required (Ground wire and clamps must remain visible until service is dug in.) Foundation Alliant wires 6' Min. Utility furnishes, installs, and maintains 1. Underground service cable 2. Meter 9 18" Recommended 4. Grounding in accordance with the NEC. (Refer to Chapter 4 Electric Service Rules) 5. Concrete sleeve (encased in concrete) NOTE: All underground services 200 amp or less require a 200 amp meter socket. 6 8 Ground rods as required (Ground wire and clamps must remain visible until service wire is dug in.) 1 See Electric Service Equipment Book for approved meter sockets All residential electric installations must be inspected and approved by authority having jurisdiction Contact your City, Village or Township 3 100-300 Amp Main Disconnect 6' Min. 2- 8' ground rods Do not install in front of meter socket 18" See Electric Service Rules Manual for additional information Customer furnishes, installs, and maintains 3. Approved meter pedestal LB Fitting 7 Final Grade 6' Min. 1 All grounding must conform to NEC 250.52 Customer wires 9 Ground wire from neutral bus in Main Disconnect (Not allowed inside meter socket) See Chapter 4 of Electric Service Rules 4-5' 3-4' Customer wires All grounding must conform to NEC 250.52 Customer neutral to neutral bus in main disconnect 1 Utility furnishes, installs, and maintains 1. Underground service cable 2. Meter Customer furnishes, installs, and maintains 3. Customer service entrance panel 4. Rigid conduit (Schedule 80 PVC electrical; Galvanized steel or Intermediate metal conduit (IMC)) 2½” for 200A 3" for 300A 5. Approved meter socket 6. Concrete sleeve (only required if conduit passes through concrete 7. Conduit expansion joint (optional) Required where horizontal conduit runs are installed. 8. Conduit insulating bushing 9. Conduit straps 10. Grounding in accordance with the code (refer to Chapter 4 Electric Service Rules) Page 1 of 2 This information is only a supplement to the Electric Service Rules, The Electric Service Equipment and National Electric Code books. For complete information about meter sockets and installation go to: www.alliantenergy.com >utility services>for contractors and trade allies>utility service information>service information manuals>Electric Service Rules & Electric Service Equipment 1phreshandout Rev.12/17/2013 rmartingilio Typical Single Phase 120/240 Volt Residential Metering Guidelines Customer Service Entrance Grounds (Leave ground wire and top 2" of ground rods exposed until service lateral is dug in) A Meter Socket lli an tS er Cable route must be with-in 6" of final grade and a 10' wide clear path before Alliant Energy will schedule installation DO NOT Build over or encase meter socket or service lateral with a patio, deck or any other structure without contacting your Alliant Energy Representative first. vi ce La te ra l Alliant Energy Pole,Pedestal or Pad -mount Transformer UNDERGROUND SECONDARY SERVICE 400. GENERAL 402. LOCATION OF ALLIANT ENERGY SECONDARY VOLTAGE CABLES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. The underground service lateral is defined as Alliant Energy’s underground service conductors from the last pole, pedestal, transformer or other Alliant Energy structure, connecting to the Customer’s metering point, termination equipment or disconnecting device. Alliant Energy will install, own and maintain the underground service laterals in accordance with Alliant Energy’s applicable tariffs and extension rules. Alliant Energy will not terminate service lateral conductors inside the Customer’s building or in Customer owned switchgear. The termination point shall be outside the Customer’s building in either free standing or wall mounted equipment, (self contained meters, CT cabinets, or a termination box. Alliant Energy will not terminate on a customer’s circuit breaker. The Customer shall make application to Alliant Energy for underground service and obtain approval for the service location, before installing service entrance equipment. The Customer shall install, own and maintain all service entrance facilities other than the service lateral, meters, instrument transformers, and instrument transformer wiring. All underground service cables shall be protected from physical damage. See RigidConduit in Section 407. NEC 230.49-50 & NEC 300.5. All equipment utilized for the termination of Alliant Energy service conductors shall have provisions which include landing pads and set screw connectors. Alliant Energy will install a service lateral when the proposed cable route is clear of all obstructions and within 6 inches of final grade. The Customer shall clear a 10 foot wide cable route of trees and other obstructions at their own expense. Grade changes of more than 6 inches over Alliant Energy’s direct buried cables are not allowed. 401. SIZING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES Alliant Energy will size underground facilities according to the following: A. Conduit – Number of conduits sized to customer’s main disconnect. B. Transformer Pad – NA C. Underground Conductors – Sized to customer’s load and to meet all voltage drop and flicker requirements. D. Transformer – Sized to customer’s load. A. B. C. Buildings and Pools Alliant Energy’s cables shall not be located under buildings or pools. Inform Alliant Energy of plans for future buildings, pools, etc. Sidewalks, Hard Surfaced Parking Lots, Driveways, Patios and Decks 1. With approval from Alliant Energy, buried cables may be installed in conduit though these areas, if no other acceptable route exists.* 2. *Exception: Cable runs crossing under sidewalks at 90 degrees may not be required to be installed in conduit, unless there are other circumstances which would require conduit. 3. With approval from Alliant Energy, a hard surface may be installed over the existing direct buried cable, provided a conduit with capped ends and tracer/pull wire(s) is/are installed 18 to 24" away and parallel to the existing cable, at a 24 to 36" depth. 4. Conduit, if required, is to be installed by the Customer, or at the Customer’s expense. Compliance Whenever a direct buried cable installation is found to be out of compliance with any of the stated requirements, or in violation of local, state or national codes, the Customer’s equipment and /or company’s facilities will be modified, at the customer’s expense, to bring the installation into compliance. 403. UNDERGROUND SERVICE INSTALLATIONS A. B. C. Service 300 Amps or Less Alliant Energy will provide trench and cable for all underground services 300 amps or less. An expansion joint is not required with a vertical conduit run from the meter socket to a depth of 18". When a horizontal conduit run, such as referred to in 402(B) is required, an expansion joint is required. Service Greater than 300 Amps (See Electric Service Rules Book or contact your Alliant Energy Representative) The Customer’s service installation shall fully comply with all requirements of the National Electric Code and those of Alliant Energy. Page 2 of 2 1phreshandout Rev.12/16/2013 rmartingilio THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER PAD/METERING GUIDELINES 3 Phase Secondary Metering Specification 400A-3000A Single Meter All metering equipment will be installed outdoors C.T. Cabinet See Chapter 2 of Electric Service Equipment Book 3' min Combustible Wall CLEARANCES See Chapter 3 ESR 2013 for additional information Contact Alliant Energy for pad orientation and location. 4' Clear working space in front of all metering equipment Bonding Conductor CL 10' min. Mount socket 5' (+/- 3") above grade Transformer Pad Top View Meter Socket 25' Max. G F (max) FRONT Sleeve (if encased in concrete or asphalt) C 5" Primary Conduits Contact Engineering for Orientation Grounding (see Section 440-441) Bonding (see Section 442-445) in Chapter 4 ESR 2013 Grounding Electrode Multi-meter & Pad Mounted Installations See Chapter 4 ESR 2013 CONTRACTORS It is your responsibility to read and understand all specifications in the 2013 Electric Service Rules Book and the 2013 Electric Service Equipment Book or at www.alliantenergy.com. that are required by Alliant Energy. All 3 phase metering equipment will be approved by Alliant Energy prior to installation. Send your proposed metering diagram with manufacturer name and catalog numbers to your Alliant Energy Engineering Technician/Field Engineering Specialist prior to ordering any material for approval. 24" min Secondary Conduits PAD DIMENSIONS See Chapter 4 ESR 2013 10' Clear Space Typical Installation (2) 36" or 48", Schedule 40, 5" PVC 90 degree sweeps, 3 to 4 feet below grade, extending 3' min. beyond pad. (Plug and mark both ends) Cabinet Bonding Conductor & Conn. Point 24"-30" 400-1000A 20"-24" 12003000A OPEN SPACE 13" Notes: N 6" Min. 39" Min. E 1"Galv. Grade D A Neutral Bus Insulating Bushing Conduit Strap Rigid Conduit Expansion Sleeve(s) B Service Disconnect Outside Wall Non- combustible Wall SECONDARY CONDUIT SPECIFICATIONS Alliant Energy Engineering will specify which pad is correct for your installation 120/208v 277/480v A B C D E F G PAD THICKNESS PAD I 100-1200 AMP 100-600 AMP 84" 96" 10" 55" 13" 31" 22" 6" PAD II 1600-3000 AMP 800-3000 AMP 105" 108" 14" 60" 17" 34" 27" 8" 1. All conduits shall enter through the window opening provided in the pad foundation and shall be cut off so the top of the conduit is flush with the surface of the pad. 2. All metallic conduits (if installed) shall be fitted with an insulating bushing. 3. When an oil sump is required, excavate 18" under, and around pad and fill with coarse crushed rock - check with local building code to determine if required. 4. Concrete mix shall have a minimum strength of 4000 lb./sq.in. after 28 days. 5. The top of the pad shall be level and all edges and corners rounded off. 6. The pad shall be reinforced with #4 wire, 4" x 4" welded mesh or equivalent materials with additional 3/8 reinforcing rods around the cable opening. The mesh shall not be less than 1" from the edges and opening, and 3" below the surface. If the #4 wire, 4" x 4" mesh is not available, 2 layers of #10 wire, 6" x 6" mesh, horizontally staggered, may be substituted. # of Conduits Conduit Size Min. Bend Radius (steel) Min. Bend Radius (pvc) 400 2 4" 16" 30" 600 2 4" 16" 30" 800 3 4" 16" 30" 1200 5 4" 16" 30" 1600 4 5" 24" 36" 2000 5 5" 24" 36" 2500 7 5" 24" 36" 3000 8 5" 24" 36" Main Disc. Amperes Riser Material will be: Schd. 80 PVC (electric rated); Galv. Steel or IMC See Chapter 4 ESR 2013 for complete specifications 12/17/2013 3ph handout.vsd rmartingilio