Winter 2008 Waiting for spring, page 5
Winter 2008 Waiting for spring, page 5
Winter 2008 Waiting for spring, page 5 2 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 Vol 51 Winter 2008 No 1 CONTENTS Columns & Special Features President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tales from the Creeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Next Apex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A Look Back at the 2007 Season . . . 26 2007 Autocross Year End Results . . . . . . . 27 Behind the Wheels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Holiday Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2007 Fourth Quarter General Meeting. . . . 31 Upcoming Events M- Brand Featured at First Quarter meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tech Session at Schneller Performance BMW Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Performance Driving “Ground School. . . . . 15 BMW CCA Foundation Print Sale. . . . . . . . 15 Tentative Driving School Schedule page . . 24 Standing Features New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Officers and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ultimate Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 On the Cover Many towns in New England have not seen bare ground since late November of 2007, which leaves many fully prepped BMW track cars anxious for an early spring thaw. “What happened to Global Warming?” this owner asked. Photo by Rachel Oglesby | 3 Advertising Rates Black and White Rates Ad Size 1 time 5 times 10 times Full Page $200 $190 $180 2/3 Page $160 $150 $145 1/2 Page 141 133 128 1/3 Page 100 96 90 1/4 Page 90 86 81 1/6 Page 51 47 45 1/8 Page 40 39 36 (business card) Color Ad Rates: Color is an additional charge to the rates shown on the Club web site at aspx. and requires prior confirmation with the Boston Bimmer Editor. Spot color is available as a processed color only. Color is not discounted for multiple insertions. Ad Size Full Page 2/3 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/6 Page 1/8 Page Spot Color $30 per page $30 $25 $25 $20 $20 $15 4 Color $60 per page $60 $50 $50 $40 $35 $30 Special Placements: Special placements include: inside front cover, inside back cover, back cover, table of contents page and 2-page spread pages. Rates for special placements are listed on the Club web site at org/bimmer/info/rate-card.aspx. Special placements require prior approval. Inserts: Rates and availability for inserts upon request. Not all inserts can be managed by our fulfillment center. Terms, Conditions and Services: Boston Bimmer rates are subject to change. A complete list of advertising rates, payment terms, cancellation and commission policies, and design services are listed on the Club web site at org/bimmer/info/rate-card.aspx. The Boston Bimmer is the official publication of the Boston Chapter, BMW CCA, Inc. The Boston Chapter and its individual contributors retain the copyright for all information, articles and photos included in the publication in both the print and electronic versions. Reproduction or other use of the materials in this publication is not permitted without the written approval of the Boston Chapter of the BMW CCA. Unless otherwise stated, maintenance and modification procedures herein are not “Factory Authorized” and their use may void your BMW warranty. Ideas and opinions are those of the writers, and no authentication or approval is implied by the editor or the Board, who assume no liability for information contained herein. The publication is printed 10 times a year and mailed to members in good standing at the time of publication. 4 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 M-Brand Featured at First Quarter Meeting Foreign Motors West/ Herb Chambers Wednesday, April 16th 7-9 p.m. The First Quarter General Meeting for the Boston Chapter will be held Wednesday, April 16 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Foreign Motors West/Herb Chambers BMW in Natick MA. The evening’s program will feature the North American M-Brand Manager Larry Koch, who will inform us about the latest and greatest from BMW AG in the Motorsports World, focusing on the all new M3. Larry is trying to bring up a NEW M3 Convertible for us to look at. Marc Huaman BMW Sales Manager at FMW/Herb Chambers has promised to have a 128 coupe and a 135 coupe on hand as well. There will be food and beverages available courtesy of Foreign Motors West/Herb Chambers BMW, and their BMW Parts Department will also be open that evening. Their standard BMW CCA discount applies for all purchases. Please sign up for this event via the Chapter registration system on the website at This will help us have enough food and chairs for everyone in attendance. Event Coordinator: John Sullivan Directions: FMW is located at 253 North Main St. (Rte. 27) between Rtes. 9 and 30. They are just off the Mass Pike at exit 13 continue South on Rte. 30 for approximately two miles until you reach Rte. 27 go right at N. Main St. and drive for approximately 1.5 miles. The dealership is located on the left side of the Street. President’s Message W elcome to a new year of the BMW CCA Boston Chapter. This year is starting out like last year finished – snow, snow and more snow. I just hope spring arrives before our first track event this year. I am really looking forward to getting the M3 out of the barn and onto the track. If you haven’t participated in our driving events – you owe it to yourself, and your BMW to get out and explore the wonderful driving experience that the “Ultimate Driving Machine” can deliver. We finished off the events of last season with our annual Holiday Party at Lombardo’s. The consensus of the attendees was that it was the best party we have had in many years. Great food, a great DJ and lots of dancing made it a great party. There were lots of new participants and a great response to the silent auction that resulted in a substantial donation to the Jimmy Fund again this year. There is more about the party with some photos in this issue. I am looking forward to another year of great events from the Chapter. Last year we had over 50 events – this year will be even busier. We have a lot of new members on the board who are full of new ideas and energy. Expect to see expanded driving events, autocross, ice racing, tech sessions and our traditional social events. In addition to our traditional events we’re also trying to re-energize rallies and add some other new events, so stay tuned. Any regular readers of this column know that I can’t start the New Year without a discussion of the upcoming season of Touring Car Racing. Touring Car racing is the life blood of BMW and drives to the very soul of the company and its cars. Formula 1 may be the big spender of BMW racing money, but the heart is still with the “Tin Tops.” Our local team, Turner Motorsports, is poised for a great year with its two M3’s and the 325i racing in the Grand Am Koni Challenge. They have already started the season at Daytona, but unfortunately did not finish well due to mechanical issues. But, the season is long and Will Turner is determined to finish as series champs again this year. The Bimmerworld team is preparing for the 2008 Speed Touring Car season with its two E90 325is. They are looking to move up the standings as they continue to get their arms around the E90 chassis. James Clay, the owner of Bimmerworld, was our 4 th quarter meeting speaker and explained the challenges by John Oglesby of moving from the E46 to the E90. There is more about the 4 th quarter meeting later in this issue. On the international front, BMW unveiled their new Formula 1 car a few weeks ago, and we are all waiting to see how they do in the New Year. They have raised high expectations and we will have to wait and see. The international Touring Car series, the BTCC and WTCC have more BMW entries this year, and diesel powered 320i race cars are being introduced as well. I’ll keep you posted as these seasons develop. All-in-all I anticipate a great year for the club and BMW – and I didn’t even mention the new 135i – more on that in a later issue. ♦ Until next month, stay on track! If the market is causing you sleepless nights, take this number and call us in the morning... 978-475-3325 Ask for Bill Cox or Roland Jacobson Cox Capital Management L L C 18 Railroad Avenue • Andover, MA 01810 | 5 3.625” x 4.875” Tales from the Creeper Can you see the light? W ith the shorter days and the onset of daylight savings time, I thought it was an appropriate time to cover lighting upgrades since many of us are now commuting in the dark. As always: attempt these procedures and utilize this information at your own risk. Headlights The US version of the 3-series (and many other older, nonHID equipped models) was refitted with substandard US DOT approved headlights. The superior European-only ellipsoids (not DOT-approved), with their glass covers, never made it to the US, but are available in the aftermarket and make great upgrades. The cost of these range from a couple hundred dollars for the non-OEM to up to a thousand for the Bosch OE lights. After a few years in New England, the stock plastic covers can get very pitted, especially if the car has seen a few winters. A great way to restore the look and performance of the headlight covers is to use a plastic polish such as “Mother’s.” Bulbs I was looking for an inexpensive way to improve the lighting without upgrading the housings. Some of the High Intensity Discharge (HID) retrofit kits seem attractive too. However, I was concerned about the possible glare given the poor optics of the stock housings and the infamous bulb failure warning message from the Figure 1. Passenger side high and low beam bulbs/housings and up/down 6mm hex headlight adjustor. 6 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 by Colin S. Whelan on-board computer. That message is triggered when the lower current draw of the HIDs fools the computer into thinking one of the bulbs is burned out. To do this right, you’d want to first upgrade to the European ellipsoids and remove the check control circuitry in the on-board computer for the headlights. Table 1 shows the standard low and high beam bulb ratings found on the 3-series (Figure 1) and many other older BMWs (9005 and 9006 type). The light output is rated in lumens and the color of the light is measured in temperature (degrees Kelvin). (Sunlight is near 5000K). Ideally, you want the most light output with the light’s color as close as possible to sunlight (without compromising the light output rating, which many of the cheap “blue” light-filtering bulbs do). One way to achieve this is to increase the bulb’s wattage, but that can compromise the wiring, so I investigated what bulbs options existed. A new version of the Osram-Syvania Silverstar, called “Ultra,” is now available, and is shown in Figure 2. These are significantly better than the normal Silverstars which offer whiter light, but are not much brighter than stock. In addition to their whiter light, the Ultras increase the light output by approximately 20%, while hardly compromising the bulb’s lifetime. These are a direct fit, offer no compromises, and run about $30-50 a set. Figure 2. Osram-Syvania Silverstar Ultra 9005 high beam bulbs. A somewhat newer type of bulb technology is called HIR, or Halogen Infrared and is made by both GE and Toshiba, see Figure 3. They apply a coating to the spherical glass filament enclosure that reflects the infrared wavelengths, heating the filament even hotter, which allows the bulb to more efficiency generate visible light for the same power consumption (Watts). These bulbs came standard on such cars as the BMW Z8 and Dodge Viper. They’re available now for about $50 a set and offer 40-80% more light output than standard halogens. Unfortunately, I’ve found that these bulbs don’t work well in some cars (including the stock US 3-series housings) due to the location change of the filament in the housing. Installation Tips Finally, the website E34main/Upgrade/More_light.htm details a procedure for retrofitting high beam bulbs with their respective 70% more light output into the low beam position (i.e. 9005 in a 9006 location). This is done by slightly modifying the bulb itself. Again, one would need to consider the possible wiring upgrade needed for this and would absolutely need to insure that this did not cause any additional glare to oncoming cars. Figure 3. Halogen Infrared (HIR) bulbs. Remember when changing any bulb, never touch the glass with your finger or the oil from your hands will shorten the bulb’s life. I upgraded the high and low beams on my Corvette (see Figure 4) and BMW with Silverstar Ultras and am quite happy with the results for the low cost incurred. I actually tried the HIRs for a short time as well, and although they provided great light output, they gave a narrow pencil-beam shape in the stock US housings which I didn’t like. Don’t forget to take your time to carefully align the headlights after a bulb change to insure proper aim! ♦ Table 1. Low beam (55W) Standard Silverstar Ultra HIR1 High beam (65W) Standard Silverstar Ultra HIR2 Lumens Temperature 1000 1200 3200K 4000K 1700-1875 ~3600K Lumens Temperature 1700 2040 3200K 4000K 2300-2500 ~3600K Figure 4. Silverstar Ultra high beam (driver side) compared to the stock high beam bulb (passenger side) on a Corvette. | 7 The Next Apex Driving in Winter W inter was off with a bang this year. Halfway through December, we’d already seen more snowfall than all of last year! This begs two questions: How much performance does your car have in snow, and how safe are you when the roads get slippery? When I bought my 325i new in 2001, I stubbornly decided I was not going to be browbeat into buying snow tires. I was going to try and see how the car would do with the factory sports tires. Luckily, 2001 had record low snowfall and living right in Boston meant I was always driving on wellplowed roads. The couple of dustings that I had to drive in made it clear that driving with these tires in snow would be a lot like trying to run in snow with ballroom dancing shoes. Even if I managed to not hurt myself or damage the car, I’d be a very clumsy “dancer.” The following year, I bought a set of Dunlop M2 WinterSport tires, which miraculously transformed the car in snow. My 3-series on snow tires stopped much better than my wife’s Audi A4 Quattro on all-season tires. It also handled better. The only thing her Audi did better was get going off the line and maintain better stability on steep hills. OK, the Quattro also did not require you to use the throttle nearly as judiciously as the rearwheel drive BMW. What really matters in snow, though, is stopping, not going. If you can’t get going, worst case scenario is you would be stuck. Not good, but if you can’t stop fast enough while going, you would be in real trouble. And this is exactly what the snow tires gave me: the ability to stop on a dime in any snow or icy conditions. And I don’t mean a difference of a couple of feet or so. The BMW with Dunlop snow tires could stop in almost half the distance of the Audi Quattro with all-season Dunlop tires. I’ve driven both cars back to back extensively for six years and know that for a fact. It’s an added bonus 8 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 by Christo Tinkov that today’s snow tires are just as quiet as all-season tires and considerably quieter than performance tires. Traction is a function of weight, and so is braking. Heavy vehicles are more likely to be able to compact fresh snow powder, dig through it and get to the pavement. Weight over the drive wheels in particular helps traction. A typical front-wheel drive, which is much heavier in the front, would get going more easily in snow than a BMW with its trademark 50:50 weight distribution. A Porsche 911 will also get more traction off the start because so much of the weight is over the rear drive wheels. But while weight helps traction under acceleration, it works against braking. Everyone knows from car tests that big, heavy vehicles take longer to stop than lighter cars on dry roads. The difference in brake distances is greatly magnified in slippery conditions. A BMW’s 50:50 weight distribution is not ideal for rear-wheel drive acceleration in snow, but it helps with handling and braking stability. In addition, the electronic stability program (DSC, ASC, etc.) that replaced the limited slip differential in non-M BMWs in the 90’s works reasonably well to keep most drivers out of trouble, although the cars could still benefit tremendously from a mechanical limited-slip as well. The problem with DSC is that it is too restrictive in slippery conditions and can be a real problem when trying to get going, especially if you have to merge into a busy road from a standstill on an icy road. Ever seen a BMW or Mercedes inch forward into an intersection looking as if they are about to stall? That’s “dynamic stability” at work. The more the driver panics and gets aggressively on the throttle, the quicker and longer the electronics will cut power to the drive wheels. This is just one more reason to get snow tires: in addition to stopping much faster, you will also be able to get going faster. Because of all the performance driving I do, I am comfortable with the limits of my car and I usually switch off DSC and traction control completely on dry roads. In the snow, I usually switch off DSC leaving just the traction control on so I could send more wheel spin to the drive wheels while accelerating from low speed. At higher speed, I turn the DSC back on. It’s great that BMW NA trusts drivers enough to allow them to switch off the electronics partially or completely – there are fewer and fewer manufacturers remaining whose lawyers would allow that. Unfortunately, speaking with many BMW drivers that I meet outside of driving events, they have little idea what the electronics do, let alone if and when to switch them off. Not surprisingly, I have heard a few complaints from owners that their BMWs “get stuck in snow” easily. If you cannot get traction off the start, switching off the electronics partially or even fully has always worked for me. In deep snow, “rocking” the car back and forth the old-fashioned way helps to get going. If that fails, then it’s time to stretch out, warm up, and get the shovel out the trunk. And speaking of the trunk, you may have heard from long-time BMW owners that adding a bag of sand or two in the trunk helps traction. I have tried this myself by adding a 50-lb bag in each of the far corners of the trunk, right above each of the drive wheels and can testify that you get better traction. Problem is, braking suffers marginally because of the added weight and the car’s tail swings out a bit more easily, especially if braking and turning at the same time. For those of you worried more about traction, though, adding weight in the trunk would definitely help. Another technique that works well for me and has helped me stay out of trouble after nearly 20 years of driving in the Boston area is determining the traction available for the specific road conditions. I do not wait to find out what the car will do until I have to brake abruptly or the electronics violently step in to keep me out of trouble. I provoke the car into minute deviations from its intended path of travel to get a better sense for the available traction. This is something that I do at lower speed, with no cars around, and in small increments so I’d know how the car would behave in an emergency maneuver. If you are forced to find out the car’s limits in a real emergency instead, you will not have sufficient information to control your car effectively. With all this talk about winter driving, let’s not forget the most important contributor to safety: the driver. Put that cell phone down, establish 360-degree vision around you, leave sufficient distance between your car and the one in front, always use directional signals, and know your car’s capabilities well. Knowing what you and your car can do in the specific road and weather conditions can save your and other people’s lives. Or at least keep you and your insurance agent from getting to know each other on a first name basis. ♦ | 9 10 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 | 11 The Ledoux Greer Group Your destination is unique. Your financial road map should be too. At Morgan Stanley, we provide a personal and comprehensive approach to helping you manage your wealth so you can spend your time enjoying your passion. Talk to us today and we’ll help you get started. Bruce Ledoux Senior Vice President Wealth Advisor The Ledoux Greer Group 45 William Street, Suite 130 Wellesley, MA 02481 Toll Free: 866-752-4220 [email protected] 12 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 NY CS 5650281 12/07 Investments and services are offered through Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, member SIPC. © 2007 Morgan Stanley Tech Session at Schneller Performance BMW Shop There will be a Tech Session at Schneller’s, an Independent BMW shop, on May 10th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. at their location in Newbury located at 26 Middle Rd. Unit 1-2. The event is limited to the first 20 persons that call Mike Morris at Schneller (978)465-2002 or e-mail Mike at [email protected]. You must contact Mike in order to participate. Every car will have a complete undercarriage inspection checking for problem areas, and recommendations will be given by Mike’s Technicians. Since this event is just before the May 22nd Chapter Driving School at NHIS, Schneller will be doing complimentary brake fluid flushes and will provide Track Inspections to the first twenty members to sign up for the Tech Session. Event Coordinator: John Sullivan Directions from South: 1. Rte. 95 North to Exit 56 Scotland Rd. 2. At bottom of exit ramp go right onto Scotland Rd., Drive 2 miles to Highfield Rd. 3. Go right onto Highfield Rd. and drive to the end, go left onto Middle Rd. for 1/4 mile, turn left into parking lot at 24-26 Middle Rd. 4. Drive to the left to unit 1-2 where Schneller is located. Directions from North: 1. Rte. 95 South exit 56 Scotland Rd. 2. Follow the directions 2-4 above. WE INSIST. SWEAT THE DETAILS. As with the car you drive, your appreciation for individuality and craftsmanship resonates in all that you surround yourself with. Cullen Home Builders creates custom homes, garages and barns that will reflect your personality and sensibilities. CULLEN HOME BUILDERS P.O. Box 171 North Marshfield, MA 02059 781-962-6373 | 13 join the car club Why join the BMW Car Club of America? Because your membership will add to your enjoyment of one of the world’s finest automobiles, and you can take advantage of the many Club services that are available. Whether you own a brand-new BMW or a classic model, whether you’re interested in technical information, driving challenges, interaction with other owners, or consumer tips, the Club is here to serve you. Your membership will bring you 12 issues of Roundel magazine, filled with maintenance tips, new product information and the latest BMW news. your membership entitles you to: • the Roundel, the Club’s monthly magazine • discounts on parts and supplies • free classified ads • video services • driving schools at internationally renowned race tracks • autocrosses • leaf-peeping tours • technical tips and information • tech sessions • social events • camaraderie • outstanding National events: Oktoberfest and TechFest To join, log onto or call (800) 878-9292. membership rewards You may be eligible to receive an allowance based on the purchase or lease of a new or certified pre-owned BMW through an authorized U.S. dealer. A membership in the BMW CCA of one year or more immediately preceding the purchase date of the vehicle is required to take advantage of this program. A member in good standing cannot have any lapse in membership during that 12-month period. For more information, log onto www. address changes If you are experiencing mailing issues or need to change your mailing address please contact the National Office at (864) 250-0022 or All address changes must be made through the National Office. 14 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 new members COMPILED BY LARRY BARBIERI, MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MEMBER LOCATION CAR REFERRED BY Altshuler, David Peabody, MA 1997 3281 Amar, Ilan Marblehead, MA 2008 535xi Robert P. Cipriani Avery, Lindsay South Hamilton, MA Avery, Richard South Hamilton, MA 2004 325 ci Ayeroff, Jason Portsmouth, RI 2001 330xi Bergman, Charles Falmouth, MA 2002 330ci Harrison Roberts Bersack, Bret Belmont, MA 2008 328xi Black, Richard Medfield, MA 2008 328xi Bladek, Roger Taunton, MA 2004 Subaru WRX Cardillo, Paula Cranston, RI 2008 328xi Carvalho, Dennis Lincoln, RI Da Silva, Susanlee Brockton, MA 2008 328xi Gary Saunders Dahbar, Nizar Medford, MA 2003 530i Davis, Geoffrey Middleton, MA 2001 330Cic DeMont, Jeff Lexington, MA 1990 325ic Robert S. Healy Dickie, Kevin Medway, MA 2006 750Li Kenneth Stambaugh DiTucci, Paul Topsfield, MA 2008 X5 Drew, Ernest Providence, RI 2004 X3 Falco, William Weymouth, MA 2007 335i Felix, Andrew Foxboro, MA 2001 M3 Feng, Ben Sudbury, MA 1999 540iT Fier, Ian Southborough, MA Flaherty, Jim Bolton, MA 1998 m3 convertible Gadoury, Michael Providence, RI 2001 325xi Geissler, Roy Winthrop, MA Gerjarusak, Saravut Wayland, MA 2008 335xi coupe Gonzalez, Jose Framingham, MA Gorgan, Radu Boston, MA Gorman, Susan Seekonk, MA 2008 328i Johnson, Matthew Boston, MA 2001 X5 James Parker Kamalanavin, KamolwanWayland, MA Kamin, Jon Marblehead, MA Kannally, Tom Northborough, MA 2008 328xi Koch, Kristin Weymouth, MA Damon Katz La Liberte, John Carlisle, MA 2001 330xi Landers, Keith Dracut, MA 2004 325 xi Letourneau, Tom Cumberland, RI Ling, Gabriel Cambridge, MA 2006 325xi Kristopher Linquist Marrion, Cyril Acton, MA Marrion, Kathleen Acton, MA Marrion, Valerie Acton, MA McCarthy, Justin Westford, MA 2006 330xi McDonough, William Shrewsbury, MA McGrew, Jeff Wellesley Hills, MA Mitchell, Don Beverly, MA 2007 328xi Jan Krusell Moynihan, Jennifer Mansfield, MA 2004 X3 Nguyen, Michael Mansfield, MA Poole, Mark Bristol, RI Rawashdeh, Omar Stoughton, MA 2003 X5 Rothschild, David Jamaica Plain, MA 2007 MZ4 Seth A. Gillman Seitz, Amee Boston, MA James Parker Singleton, Michael Harwich, MA Spanos, Alexander Marblehead, MA 1999 540i Spanos, Nicholas Marblehead, MA Stelmach, Craig Reading, MA 2003 m3 convertible Sullivan, James Westford, MA 2000 323i Tyack, James Quincy, MA White, Robert Pawtucket, RI 2000 540 Wilcox, Byron Kingston, RI 1986 325 Williams, Jason Chestnut Hill, MA mini cooper 2003 Yeh, Michael Needham, MA 2008 335xi Mark Daniel PERFORMANCE DRIVING “GROUND SCHOOL” Saturday, March 29 th 10:00AM to 2:00PM HMS Motorsport: 9A Electronics Ave, Danvers Industrial Park Danvers, MA You already know how much fun it is to drive a BMW or MINI, but if you have never experienced the thrill of an Advanced Safety Skills School, Autocross, or High Performance Driving School – you can’t begin to imagine how much fun your car can really be. Our annual Performance Driving “Ground School” will introduce you to each of our different types of driving events. We will teach you everything you need to know to become a participant. If you have been thinking about trying one of these events, this event meeting will help you make up your mind. The Driving Events Committee will explain the format of each type of event and show some great videos of what you can expect. Whether you are new to these events, or even if you have already participated, we are sure that you will find the presentations informative. They will include: Video and commentary from Drivers Schools at Mt. Tremblant, NHIS, and Watkins Glen Video from the Autocross Series at held at Ft. Devens Video from the Advanced Skills Schools held at the New Hampshire International Speedway parking lot Tips for getting the most out of a driving event Basic driving techniques Inspection and preparation of your car for the track Safety flags Update on the latest safety equipment (helmets, harnesses, roll bars, etc) Boston Chapter Mentor Program Questions and answers This annual event is always well attended and is beneficial to everyone – novice or experienced. With the first Driving School over one month away, you will have plenty of time to get you and your car ready to for the start of the new season. The tech session is a great opportunity to meet your fellow participants, get psyched, and gather some great tips about how to make the most of this season’s events! Our hosts HMS Motorsport will provide lunch and offer ONE DAY ONLY DISCOUNTS on safety equipment such as Schroth Harnesses, helmets, driving shoes, driving gloves, Red Line & Motul fluids, and Performance Friction Race brake pads and fluid. Remember the new SNELL 2005 helmets are now out and you must have at least a SNELL 2000 helmet to participate. If you have any questions about the prep session please call Matt or Luke at (978) 774-1615. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by phone or e-mail [email protected] so that they can get a count for lunch. See you there! ♦ Check the Boston Chapter or HMS Web Site for detailed directions . Classic Prints Support Foundation Second print in series now available In 2006, the BMW CCA Foundation produced a limited edition BMW McLaren F1 GTR print to celebrate the very special cars that directly impacted BMW in North America. The print was so successful, that a new venture for the BMW CCA Foundation was formed. In 2007, the Foundation started an “American Legacy Series” of prints that includes all the milestone race cars that contributed to BMW’s reputation, prestige and excitement. We plan to commission one or two limited edition prints per year – in very small print runs. Each will be numbered and signed by the artist, Englishman Steve Dunn. The second car in the series is the legendary 1977-79 IMSA Camel GT BMW 320i Turbo driven by David Hobbs. This print is 16 x 12 inches and is limited to 100 prints and sells for $85 plus postage. Your purchase of this print will help support the BMW CCA Foundation Archives department. Details on how to order your print – visit our online store web site at http://www.bmwccafoundation. org/shop/listCategoriesAndProducts. asp?idCategory=32 The prints are in stock now and ready to ship (only 24 prints were still available as this issue goes to print). It is a first come, first serve for any remaining numbers. You can call or e-mail Michael Mitchell at the BMW CCA Foundation [864-3291919 or mmitchell@bmwccafoundation. org] to see if a specific number is still available before your purchase. The next print in the series will be launched around May or June of this year, and will be the Red Lobster M1. — Michael R. Mitchel BMW CCA Foundation | 15 BMW DEALERS This is a listing of the BMW dealers in the Boston Chapter area. Most of these dealers offer a 10%-20% discount on parts. Just present your CCA membership card to get your discount. BMW Gallery Norwell 98 Accord Park Drive Norwell, MA 02061 (781) 982-455 BMW Gallery Norwood 918 Providence Highway Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 769-9600 BMW of Peabody boston chapter advertisers TO LEARN MORE VISIT WWW.BOSTON-BMW CCA.ORG These independent shops are supporters of the Boston Chapter. The Boston Chapter BMW Please mention the Boston Bimmer or our web site when you patronize these fine businesses. AlphaCars Boxboro, MA (978) 263-9000 service Autobahn Automotive Natick, MA (508) 647-1500 service Auto Engineering Lexington, MA (781) 676-7700 service Bavarian Autosport Portsmouth, NH (800) 535-2002 parts supplier Bavarian Performance Group Stoneham, MA (781) 279-4444 service Blue & White Motors Inc. Attleboro, MA (508) 399-6320 service 221 Andover Street Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 538-9900 Bruce Ledoux Track Days (800) 934-4899 driving instruction Foreign Motors West BMW Century 21 – Rob Cohen Boston, MA (617) 262-2600 real estate - ext. 29 Concord Motorsport Chichester, NH (888) 477-2697 sales, service, parts Cullen Home Builders N. Marshfield, MA (781) 962-6373 home builders GPS Cambridge, MA (617) 349-2993 sales, service, parts 1172 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02134 (617) 731-1700 Gralty Automotive Natick, MA (508) 653-0909 service HMS Motorsport Peabody, MA (978) 532-1170 member deals; equip. Landshark Automotive Natick, MA (508) 655-3957 service Inskip Auto CenterBMW Prudential Financial Needham, MA (781) 449-9100 financial services 1515 Baldhill Road Warwick, RI 02886 (401) 821-1510 Rim & Wheel Works Waltham, MA (781) 547-5826 wheels; straightening RimPro Tewksbury, MA (888) 274-6776 wheels, service Newport Auto CenterBMW Sansossio Auto Body Inc. Natick, MA (508) 655-9646 auto repair 253 North Main Street Natick, MA 01760 (781) 235-9096 Herb Chambers BMW 1215 West Main Road Middletown, RI 02840 (401) 846-6636 TEC N. Attleboro, MA (888) 594-7800 equipment supplier Turner Motorsports Amesbury, MA (978) 388-7769 parts & service Trans-Atlantic BMW Vintage Sports and Racing Bow, NH (603) 288-2888 service 25 Falmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 (508) 775-4526 (no parts discounts) Wagner BMW of Shrewsbury 752 Boston Turnpike Shrewsbury, MA 01545 (508) 845-0505 16 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 CCA assumes no liability for the work or merchandise from these independent service shops To become an advertiser, please see boston chapter officers & staff TO CONTACT OFFICERS & STAFF VISIT WWW.BOSTON-BMW CCA.ORG 2007 Boston Chapter Board Activities President John Oglesby Activities Committee Vice President & Activities Director John Sullivan Chair John Sullivan Secretary Baer Connard Coordinator Derek DeSousa Treasurer Joe Marko Coordinator Mark Lipsky Membership Chair Larry Barbieri Coordinator John Oglesby Director of Communications (open position) Karting Mark Gallagher Director of Driving Events Luka Serda Concours Derek DeSousa Director Dan Chadwick Director Simon Cooper Rhode Island Director Derek DeSousa RI Activities Bob Sweeney Jr. RI Representative Bruce Machon 2007 Boston Chapter Staff Newsletter Boston Bimmer Driving Events Autocross Editor in Chief Rachel Oglesby Chair Christo Tinkov Editorial Coordinator Mark Lipsky Chair Larry Nicklas Art Director Gail Tanzer Registrar Baer Connard Columnist Ina R. Ames Autocross Timing Scott Baston Columnist Tom Merrifield Columnist Christo Tinkov High Performance Driving Schools Chair Luka Serdar Columnist Colin Whelan Chair Joe Marko Columnist Lance Woodley Chief Instructor Craig Olmsted Photography Miguel Aponte-Rios Tech Steward Mike Barton Photography Dan Mull Mentor Program Leonardo Topa Photography Rachel Oglesby Registrar Larry Barbieri Photography Barry Tarr Registrar Peter Bergwall Advertising Manager (open position) Registrar Simon Cooper Autocross Correspondent Larry Nicklas Registrar Denis Friedman Registrar Todd Merrill Instructor Registrar Denis Friedman Instructor Development Barry Tarr Advanced Driving Skills School Sean Silva Club Racing Chapter Services Legal Advisor Trish Farnsworth Merchandise (open position) Technical Advisor Chip Myers Bruce Smith Webmaster Jim Dresser Chair Stan Jackson, Sr. Coordinator Stan Jackson, Jr. Officers and committee members can be reached by clicking the Email link beside their name on the club website, www. Ice Racing | 17 TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, LOG INTO WWW.BOSTON-BMWCCA.ORG Cars for Sale 2003 530i Sport Package. 73K highway miles. Gray with Black interior. Automatic with winter package. Sunroof. Last summer: new tires, front brake rotors, new LCD displays in dash. Second owner, non-smoking car, in great condition. Asking $17,500 obo. Email [email protected] for questions/offers, pictures available. Or call Steve@603-892-1383. Located in Worcester. 2003 325XIT WBAEP33493PE91522 Topaz Blue Metallic, Gray Leather, 75K miles, 5-speed manual, Sports, Premium, and Cold Weather Packages, Colgan Bra, one operator, non-smoker, excellent condition! Available 4/15/08. Asking $18K, Eric: (508) 415-9395, [email protected], (RI) 2001 330xi WBAAV53411JR79683, Silver, Black Unique Car! Dinan 3 Series. Stage 2 suspension, intake, throttle, exhaust and software. UUC short shift, BMW M strut bar, Cryo slotted rotors, stainless steel brake lines. Heavy-duty Stewart water pump. Turner Motorsport underdrive pulleys, trailing arm limiters and subframe reinforcement kit. Super clean, always garaged, fanatically maintained!!! classified ads All work done by dealer or Turner. Nonsmoker, original owner.55,000 miles, black leather, alarm, CD changer, premium and cold weather packages. $22,000 obo. Contact Marty at [email protected] or 203-750-0493 (CT) 2000 BMW 740 Sport. WBAGG8343YDN80496 Well Maintained, garaged. Anthracite and gray leather interior. Second Owner, 133,000 Miles, Navigation (small screen). CPO Car till May 2006 so alot of new parts. Have all receipts and service records from Landshark, Wagner and Foreign Motor West. The following has been recplaced in the last 2 years: - Radiator, Expansion Tank, Coolant Hose, Waterpump, Thermostat, 4 new Kumho ASX tires, Trust arm bushings, Front and Rear brakes (Pads and rotors) , Lower Oil Pan gasket, Two new window regulators, Rear Ball Joints, all Drive belts M-Parallel wheels. A second set of original E38 wheels with Michelin Alpin winter tires included. $10,500 (or reasonable offer) Ed: 617-202-3747 Email: [email protected] 2000 750IL WBAGJ0348YDD73995 Oxford green with beautiful tan leather interior. All options. Gorgeous example of these V-12 luxury cars. 97% of what it was like when it was a brand new $100,000 car. All services done. 113K mi. Genuine BMW one piece armrest. 18’ M whls. $19,750; E-mail: [email protected]. Jay: 978-333-6100 1999 528i WBADM5339XBY15768 Schwarz black/black leather. 5 speed manual, 85,000 miles. Premium and cold packages. Excellent condition, no accidents, proactively maintained. In the past year, have done the following: new Bilstein HDs (front), new rear brakes (pads and rotors), front brakes were new in April 06 and include cross-drilled rotors, Kumho Ecsta SPTs (including spare; approx 50% tread remaining), new sway bar links front and rear, new ABS module and new wheel sensors, new plugs, filters, brake fluid flush/fill, new serpentine belt. OEM parts always used, work always done by experienced BMW independent tech. I have all records during my ownership. Oil and filter changed every 5K using BMW-branded 5W-30 synthetic. Literally needs nothing, no wheel shimmy, no pixel issues. Every single electrical accessory works perfectly (heated seats, maplights, HVAC - everything). Also included are a set of four Blizzak WS-50 snow tires on BMW steel rims with full BMW wheel cov- Agenc Client: W.S.#: File Na Locati Artist: AE/AC Media Size: Color: Date: AE/A Dat Arti Dat Tim 18 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 ers, used only 2 seasons, along with a set of custom fitted rubber mats for winter. Selling to buy an E39 wagon. $11,700 or best offer. Todd Doherty, day: (617) 4347498, evening: (781) 837-1325 or e-mail [email protected]. Car located in Marshfield. 1998 BMW M3, WBSBG9326WEY78042, Artic Silver exterior, Black interior. 5 speed Manual. 70k miles. 2nd owner. Clean autocheck report. Great condition, enthusiast driven, never abused, never tracked, never driven in snow. All maintenances up to date including new Bilstein shocks and Eibach springs, new RMSs, new rear ball joint, new tires and many more. Title in hand. $15,500 obo. Yong Kim. Belmont, MA. (978) 317-7264. yongkookkim@gmail. com 1995 BMW M3 WBSBF9329SEH02182 Graphite with black interior, 5 speed manual, 34k not actual miles( car fax shows 90-91k ) ,new clutch and short shifter with 5-6k mile on it, lower suspension , 18” wheels , Scorpion exhaust , clean engine runs great , 14.6 on 1/4 mile . Great car for every day drive and/or autocross. Will sell today for $8,000 firm. Call Mike at (603) 554-5355 or e-mail at euromike676@yahoo. com E-mail me for more pictures. 1995 540 Sport, 68.9K miles, Calypso red/ tan, Schrick cams, stroked with M5 crank, sleeved, Stage III suspension, AP brakes, 2 sets of wheels Kenwood/ADS stereo, Blanton Differential with Quafe, Sport clutch, lightened flywheel, B&B Triflow, Alpina gauges, wired for V1, European headlamps and tail lamps, HID low and 100 watt High beams,new tires plus snows, New AC and much more. $16700 View at www.bewired. com/BMW or email: [email protected] 1982 320i (restore or for parts) -- recent accident, damage to front end (hood/ grill/headlights/radiator). I wanted to sell it to a BMW enthusiast, not a towing company! Aside from that it would need new exhaust & brakes. Regularly driven back and forth to NYC, and from Cape to Boston for work, many, many times. Buyer pays towing costs plus $650 or best offer - car is sitting in Braintree (5-corners area) [email protected], cell (774) 238-0482 home (617) 725-8905 1972 BMW 3.0 CS VIN 2950263 Baikal Blue/ tan pigskin interior. 5000K on 3.5L w 5 sp OD (spare CR available) triple webbers, korman 300 cam, stahl headers, bilstein HD, korman springs, decamber plates, high compression pistons, balanced. Restored in 90s with new body rubber, paint, headliner, windshield. Has sunroof, AC (AC removed) comes with free non running 1976 530i parts car. Garaged since restoration. Email requests for photos. $7000 or make offer. Doug @[email protected], 508-339-1438 (eve) Cars Wanted 2003 E39 M5 in Carbon Black / Silverstone Interior, with under 40k on the clock. I had a 2000, and miss it greatly... I’m looking for exactly the car above. If you’re interested in parting with your baby, please get in touch. Arash 401-847-8280 x8016 [email protected] Z3 Model Year 2001 or 2002 2.8 or 3.0 engine w/ Automatic transmission. Less than 50k miles and well maintained, preferably in silver, gray or other light color, but will entertain anything. If it is time to make more space in your garage please call us! Nick (781) 727-4665 Miscellaneous Ads Now Hiring: Detail-Oriented Parts Person: If you’re looking for a real job with a real company with a real career opportunity, your search ends here. While we don’t work on BMWs, this position will utilize your love of fine engines and German engineering. We are a growing 91-year-old diesel engine distributor located in Worcester that needs to add one more quality person to our team. This position will appeal to a fast-paced person who is attentive to detail. Initially you will be working in our shipping department helping fulfill orders and responding to customer shipping inquiries. Later, as you gain experience, you will move into direct customer support and interact with customers and vendors. We are looking for someone with good communication skills, some college experience, and three verifiable references. A positive attitude, running shoes and a laptop will move you to the head of the line. Like Southwest Airlines we hire for attitude and train for skill. (We’ve always wondered if that included their pilots too?) Please review our website,, to see what we do and how we do it. Then send our Dr. Diesel a cover letter and your resume to [email protected]. He will respond within 24 hours if he thinks you are up to the challenge and could help move us forward for another 91 years. Parts for Sale Noah All Weather car cover for E39, 5 Series, BMW. Used, but in great shape. Bought new 3 Series BMW and this cover is too big. Paid $200 new. Will sell for $75 plus shipping. Contact Rick at (508) 730-9491 and leave message or rickrickrabbo@aol. com. Somerset, MA X5 Snow tires and wheels. Used one season on my traded in 04 X5 4.8is , these 18 inch Modas with Pirelli 235.60’s will not fit my 2008 X5 4.8i, so I needed to purchase a new set for $2300.! The rims are unscratched and I paid over $1200 for them. Located in Norwood, MA, I am asking $650. [email protected]. Thanks X5 oem BMW tan rubber winter floor mats in good condition. Should fit 2000 to 2006 X5. The set is 4 mats. Please e-mail [email protected] or call 781-826-4499. I prefer local pickup in Pembroke, MA but will ship them. Buyer will pay the actual shipping costs. $40 (plus shipping) Winter tires/rims: Blizzaks 245/45/17 (Set of 4) Used one season $300 set; Dunlop WS-2 225/45/17 (Set of 4) Used one season $300 set; Five spoke alloy wheels, 7Jx17HS, accept BMW roundel inserts, set of 4, slight curb rash on 1 one $200 set. John 508-5393888 (w). Email: [email protected] WeatherTech floor mats for E36 - front and rear, heavy rubber, black color, plus matching cargo mat for trunk. Used but not abused. Very rugged, they stay in place, and do hold a lot of melted slush (just like the ads say.) Cost new over $200; asking $50 for all five. Located in Topsfield, MA. Call John Spencer (978) 887-6827 or e-mail [email protected]. WeatherTech Cargo Liner, Black for E39 Touring. $60 + shipping (if necessary). Located in Westford, MA. Mike, [email protected], (978) 505-7510. UUC Performance Organic Clutch and Pressure Plate for E36 - This is the upgraded model with the heavy duty drive straps, thicker, more aggressive clutch material. The clutch is heavy duty yet still organic so street drivable (you CAN slip this and not kill it with the heat). Heavy-duty pressure plate for better clamping force, great for higher HP cars. Clutch was in car for 2 days at Mt. Tremblant, taken out when I did the whole tranny. Like new! You’ll need to provide a new throw-out bearing (always should for new clutch). Cost >$600 new, asking $400. Call Neil at (617) 6309869 or email [email protected]. Used interior bike rack for 04-07 BMW X3 Sports Activity Vehicle. Bike racks go for 275.00 in BMW Sales Department. Description: The system is able to transport up to two mountain or racing bicycles while protecting them from the elements or possible theft and also eliminates problems associated with low overhead clearance. BMW’s bike rack features two adjustable aluminum fastening rails that are mounted on the rear cargo floor. The interior bike rack system is designed to hold one or two bicycles utilizing special parts designed to work with the built-in cargo fastening rails. The bicycle is positioned upright and firmly attached to the rails using lateral traverses. The front wheel is then secured to the bicycle frame with lashing straps. Slightly used, but in good shape and complete with straps. $100. dhart00@hotmail. com Track car parts and pieces, garage clean out! I want to give dad back the garage for his birthday! Preference given to local sales, all items located in Southeastern, CT 06330 just off I-395. Evosport seat bracket, similar to VAC but with more holes, never actually drove the car with this in it, test fitting only. $200; GForce window net only $10; UUC black transmission mounts $20; Unidentified short shifter for E30 M3 $25. Contact Duncan [email protected] or 860-917-5411 anytime. All prices OBO. Pics available for everything. Still cleaning out the garage! 18” Michelin Pilot Sport PS2, 225/40 18 $200 each and 255/40 18 $250 each. Brand new, never mounted, sticker tires. Contact Duncan, 860-917-5411, Email: pureone55@yahoo. com Steel Wheels – 4 steel wheels on OEM BMW in good shape PLUS 1 regular OEM wheel. Fit 528e 1988. Stored in basement some flash rust. $50 for the lot (not each). Firm. Fred [email protected] Snow tires and wheels: I have 5 factory 16” x 7” aluminum alloy wheels. 4 of the wheels have Michelin Artic Alipns | 19 mounted and the 5th is the original full size spare that was never used. 2 wheels have minor road rash, but none are dented or bent. Call or email Erik, 978-987-1956 [email protected]. Asking $500 Schrick aluminum intake manifold: Up to +15HP instantly. S52 Engine 3.2 Used 6 months only on track and autox events. Total of 10 track days and 12 Autocross events. No scratches, perfect condition. Retails for $1200.00 Shipped/local pickup for $825.00 Priced to sell soon! Contact: Miguelangel Aponte-Rios (857) 540-9720 [email protected] Pirelli Winter 210 Tires 285-40-17 (2) Brand new, never used, asking $300 for both. Pirelli Winter 210 (4), 205-6015 on E36 steel wheels, one season left $125 set. Call Carlos at 978-887-4121 or [email protected] Performance Suspension Parts For Sale Pair of Eibach Springs from ground control: 7”x2.5” 500 lb/in rate and 6.5”x2.5” 545 lb/in rate. $75.00 obo. This set up was on a ground control suspension in an E36 M3 coupe. Great street/track set up. Pictures furnished upon request. Prefer local pickup in greater Boston area, Bill Townsend Email: [email protected] Misc. Parts for 528E 1988. Various parts including computer, steering wheel, wind deflector, vent controls. Yours for pick up or shipping. [email protected] 978.443.7293 Sudbury, MA Michelin X-Ice snow tires, set of 4. P205/ 55R16 91Q mounted on black factory rims. Used only one season. Specially priced to sell at $499. Pick up in North Andover. Contact Frank at [email protected] Four Bridgestron Blizak Tires on ASA JH3 Rims-- four 225/45R17 LM22 run flat winter tires mounted on ASA JH3 17 inch rims. Tire and Rim package purchased 11/21/2006 from Tire Rack used for 2006/2007 winter on my 2003 Z4. Great riding tires with less than 3,000 miles of usage. Package will fit any 3 series and most 5 series. $750.00 Prefer pick up in Mansfield, but may agree on mutual exchange location in Boston area. Keith Broyles. [email protected] (617) 6941490. For Sale. 4 Wheels and snow tires for any BMW E46. The wheels are original BMW7x17 grey steel rims part number 36-12-6-750-254 and tires are Conti Winter Contact 205/50/R17. Gently used for 2 seasons. Very low miles. Good tread left. Center caps will also be included. Contact DMHarlow. (508) 866-7128 or at [email protected] E46 M3 OEM 18’ M double spoke alloy wheels without tires from 2002 M3. Perfect for second set of daily, track or winter use. Minor curb rash but no accidents. Photos upon request. $500 plus shipping. Call Chuck at (603) 557-4772 or email at herr. [email protected] (NH) E46 330ci Sport Springs. These come of my 06 330ci and have been used for only 2,500 miles. Like brand new. I am selling all four for 100$. Please contact Anton Georgiev at (401) 215-4407 or e-mail at [email protected]. This weblink has a picture of the springs: http://i39. E46 ‘06 330ci stock rear bumper and side skirts. I have a stock rear bumper and side skirts from a jet black ‘06 330ci . Both items are in great condition. They came of my car and were replaced by M-tech panels. Please let me know if you want more info or high resolution pictures. I am located in Boston $100 or best offer. Contact Anton Georgiev at [email protected] or phone (401) 215-4407. Here is a link to some pictures: e155/antongeorgiev/for%20sale/</A< body> E36 wheel and tire package: Four 16x7 style 42, {46mm offset} with 225/50-16 Nokian WR all season performance tires. These are all season but severe duty ratedexcellent in snow. This set was used three seasons. Had another set for snows. The wheels are pristine with no scratches or curb rash. The tires are in excellent condition with 80% tread remaining. Pictures available on request. Asking $700 Steve 401-965-6695 [email protected] E36 Headlight & Taillight Assemblies - OEM US spec with amber turn signal lenses, in good condition. The headlight assembly plastic covers are sandblasted, but usable; could be polished prior to installation for near-new clarity. Includes both sidelights, plus two Hella H-1 halogen bulbs in original packaging. They were all working perfectly when last installed; removed when I switched to Euro headlights Dinan authorized dealer able to create the high performance BMW or MINI of your Dreams! Five expert auto technicians with over 100 years of experience Now servicing BMW, MINI, Audi, Volvo, and Porche at our state of the art Facility Come see our 50+ inventory of hand-selected pre-owned BMWS and MINIS 169 Dover Rd. Chichester, NH 03258 • www • (603) 798-3700 • (800) 477-2697 20 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 and changed the taillights and side markers to match. Perfect if you’ve cracked a lens, or even want them for all the bulbs. $40 for the lot. Call John at (978) 887-6827 in Topsfield, or e-mail jk.spencer@verizon. net. BBS RC 302 Rims for Sale (E39 fit - 19972003 5 Series). Set of 4 Wheels. 17” x 8.5” width. Silver finish. I bought these as my winter rims but only used them for 2000 miles or so because I put on the stoptech big brake kit. No curb rash and straight. $600 for set of 4 + shipping/handling if I need to ship them. Please contact me at “[email protected]” if you’re interested Almost new windscreen from 2007-08 from 335CIC. Used a half a dozen times. Like new. First $300 takes it away. Prefer pick up. Ed Polansky at Edward750@comcast. net, Just west of Boston Ma 99’ MOMO Nascar K/C Racing Seats (2), Kevlar/Carbon Red/yellow, with MOMO brackets excellent condition, asking $750 for both. Camara mount $75.Call Carlos at 978-887-4121 or [email protected] 4 Michelin Pilot Sport 2 tires for a 2006 M3, virtually brand new, driven less than 50 miles...$675. Please call Jon Kelly (781) 913-1238 or e-mail [email protected] 4 Dunlop SP winter sport M3 snow tires. 235-55R17-99H. Fits BMW X3 and latest generation mustangs among others. Approximately 6,000 miles in perfect condition with no plugs. $295 or best offer. Contact Sean at [email protected] or (978)-283-8443 ext. 1, Gloucester, MA. Pickup only. 1972 2002 parts. Recaro/BMW sport seats and matching cloth rear seat, black / charcoal. Front seats could use upholstery. Original brown front seats, bottom of driver’s seat torn. Driver’s side door complete, no rust. Original interior AC parts. Assorted tii engine parts. Front bumper center section, mint. Differential and axles, Top-End header. Rebuilt 4spd gearbox. Piles of other stuff. Call with requests and / or reasonable offers. Harry (508) 3413939, [email protected] BMW OEM 6-CD Magazine for trunkmounted system. From 1996 E36 (no part number available.) As pictured; clean, complete & in excellent condition. Will ship within US only for $6 including insurance. Asking $12. Call John at (978) 887-6827 or e-mail jk.spencer@verizon. net. Parts Wanted HMS or TC Kline roll bar for E36 M3. Please contact at drivrswntd@cox dot net 15” basket weave hub cap for 1989-91 325ix. Call Tremont (781)237-7667 or [email protected] E30 (‘84-’91 3 Series) Parts Wanted: Windshield in excellent condition; Front lip spoiler (1” or 2” version); Rear Muffler (6 cylinder); Four 14” Snow tires in excellent condition, rims not required. Right front brake caliper in excellent or rebuilt condition. Please email me with what you have and prices. Thanks - bhilliard@smma. com. ♦ | 21 22 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 When did you receive your Boston Bimmer? Please let us know. We would like to predict delivery times better. Please send the name of your city/town and the date you received this issue to the editor: http://bostonbmwcca. org/people/index. aspx | 23 ultimate calendar For the most up-to-date information on Boston BMW CCA events please see the calendar online at March, 29 Saturday, 10:00am – 2:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Preformance Driving “Ground School” @ HMS Motorsport (see article in this issue) April 16 Wednesday, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Boston Chapter Social Event 1st Quarter General Meeting April 27 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series May 10 Saturday, 9:30am to 3:00pm Boston Chapter Technical Event Undercarriage Tech Session at Schneller BMW Performance May 10 Saturday through May 11, Sunday Boston Chapter Driving Event Evolution Autocross Training School May 25 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series June 22 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series August 24 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series September 28 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series October 12 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series July 27 Sunday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Boston Chapter Driving Event Autocross Series TENTATIVE Driving School Schedule – THIS MAY CHANGE Sunday May 18 Advanced Driving Safety School Thursday May 22 driving school at NHMS (previously known as NHIS) Sunday June 15 ADS Saturday June 21 Street Survival: emergency driving skills for teens Sunday/Monday July 6-7 Driving school & possible Club Race (TBD) at NHMS Saturday August 2 Advanced Driving Safety School Friday-Sunday August 8-10 Driving School and Club race – “Bimmers Across the Border X” in conjunction with the Quebec Chapter BMW CC. Northeast Region Premier Race weekend. Sunday Sept. 21 Street Survival: emergency driving skills for teens Wednesday-Sunday September 24-28 BMW CCA Oktoberfest. 5 days including Driving Schools, Club Race School, and Club Racing. Please see for details. Friday-Sunday October 3-5. Driving school at NHMS in conjunction with our White Mountain Chapter friends. Please remember that these are tentative dates. This is not an official announcement. Please see the club website for most current schedule. The schedule and planning this year has been complicated by the sale of NHIS and the integration of our Watkins Glen event into Oktoberfest. 24 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 | 25 Autocross A Look Back at the 2007 Season Pictured: Rupert Barrington I f you haven’t participated in Autocross, you’ve missed your opportunity to test the limits of your car and your driving skills against the clock and a demanding course. Although the club hands out awards each year for our high performers, in many ways the program is more of a personal challenge than a competition. This year we hope to share highlights of the season as it unfolds with more pictures and commentary. To take one last look at the 2007 season, we asked drivers to send us their favorite pictures which we’re pleased to share along with the 2007 winners circle. ♦ Steve Hazard 26 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 Sergy Osminkin 2007 Autocross Year End Results BMW Classes Class AR 1st Alex Shchipkov 156 2nd Steven Hazard 0 3rd Miguelangel Aponte-Rios 98 BMW M Roadster Class AS 1st Matt Shoop 2nd Larry Nicklas Class BS 1st Sergiy Osminkin 2nd Gerry Desrosiers 3rd David Seavey Class CS 1st Hank Wallace 2nd Baer Connard 3rd Ruslana Tsurikova Class DS 1st Mark Chambers 2nd Christo Tinkov 3rd Roman Boychenko Matt Shoop 89 BMW 325i 98 BMW M Roadster 15 Class ES 1st Konstantin Klitenik 222 2nd Robert Knochenhauer 32 3rd Philipp Zeissig 205 SCCA Classes 89 31 97 BMW M3 97 BMW 332ti 86 181 3 98 BMW M3 97 BMW 328i 88 BMW M3 9 325 46 00 BMW Z3 2.3 01 BMW 330i 00 BMW Z3 2.3 18 44 65 00 BMW 328Ci 99 BMW 328i 99 BMW 328i Class G 1st Gaven Hawk 2nd Andrew Kessel 3rd Brad Anderson Class H 1st Russ Siggelkoe 2nd Chang Kim 3rd Scott Thursby Class I 1st William Brundige 2nd James Woodburn 3rd Evan Boyle Class J 1st Charles Stromeyer 2nd Michael Condict VIII 3rd Kevin Kirchoff Class L 1st Anthony Alves 2nd Eric Chiang 3rd Keith Housman Class M 1st John T. Mac Donald Rob Healy 06 BMW 325xi 95 BMW 525i 01 BMW 530i 256 251 131 07 Infiniti G35 05 Scion tC 04 Mazda 3s 41 24 87 05 Lotus Elise 89 Honda Civic 07 Mazda Mazdaspeed 3 22 21 909 98 VW Passat 03 Toyota MR2 04 Volkswagen Jetta GLI 77 79 97 Porsche 993 turbo 03 Mitsubishi Evolution 62 93 Mazda RX7 481 910 867 95 Acura Integra GS-R 89 Honda Civic 02 Nissan Sentra 75 75 Caldwell D13 S William Brundige | 27 Behind the Wheels Diagnosing car vibration L et’s dispel a common myth up front. If your car is vibrating, it is not necessarily only the tires or wheels. If I had a dollar for every time over the last 16 years someone told me “if there’s a vibration, it’s the wheels or tires,” I could retire rich. Checking the tires and wheels are only your first steps. They are not the whole process. Car problems can be simple, but they are often complex and systemic. Car vibrations, for example, may be caused by one or more of the nine problems I’ve listed below. Sometimes, the cause of the vibration creates a domino effect: a bent wheel can cause tires to become out of round or steel belted tires to separate, or it can cause problems with the car’s alignment, suspension, sway bar, or tie rod. And they are circuitous! Around in a circle you go not knowing when you’re being helped or ripped off. People tend to postpone diagnosing and repairing these problems and then end up with a domino effect of expenses! Years ago, I drove to New York City with straight steel wheels and new Michelins that had been installed that morning. When I returned to work on Monday, I told my former business partner that the tires were bad. He pulled in my car, and discovered that I had three bent steel wheels. Just from driving into NYC, parking in a garage (checked the mileage), and driving out. After fixing the wheel problem, I then had to have the tie rod in the front of the car replaced. Just from a few potholes in New York! The point is; you’ll never know which of the issues listed below are causing the vibration and which are caused by the vibration until you have the car checked out. Ina’s top nine reasons why your car might vibrate: l Tires: Your tires can have flat spots on the outside and or belt separation in the inside. When spun on a balancer, you can usually see the flat spots. You shouldn’t be able to see the steel belts on the outside of the tire unless the tire is shot. In order to truly see steel belt separation, you need to remove the tire from the wheel. Steel belted radials are superior to the older style tires for many reasons, however belt separation is a big problem. They’re developing carbon belted tires. I’m taking a look and see attitude towards them. If your tires have flat spots, or belt separation, that can cause vibration. Rims: The most obvious problem is that your wheels could be bent. Straightening usually solves that problem. If you have multi-piece wheels, you may have the 2 28 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 by Ina R. Ames additional problem of the seal having broken during the impact when the wheels were bent. There is no way of telling this until you drive with the wheels on the car. Not fun, but true. Another problem straightening the wheels won’t help is if your wheel is hub-centric bent or has barrel damage. A center bent wheel is different from a hub-centric bent wheel or barrel damaged wheel. A center bent wheel is a wheel that is twisted in the barrel. There are about a half dozen to a dozen of us in the country that can straighten these. No one can straighten a hub-centric bent wheel. The hub is the area of the wheel in the center of the cosmetic face – where your center cap goes. If this is bent, the wheel can’t be straightened. Usually, one has to straighten the rest of the wheel before one can diagnose a hub-centrically bent wheel. Normally we don’t see this problem unless the wheel is off an older model car or if the car has been in an accident. Alignment: If your tires are good or replaced and your wheels are straight or straightened and you still have vibration, you should have a four-point alignment. Make sure that whoever does the alignment is qualified and recommended. I am not going to recommend any specific shops here, but it is best to use someone you trust or get recommendations from friends with the same car or go online to one of the car forums. Front suspension: Cars often vibrate because of a suspension that is off. The front suspension could be out of alignment or it could need the rubber bushings replaced Upper sway bar. Have your upper sway bar checked for alignment. Lower sway bar: Have your lower sway bar checked for two possible problems. It could be out of alignment or the rubber bushings might need to be replaced. Tie rod: Your tie rod may need to be replaced. If the tie rod can be moved with your hands, it needs to be replaced. However, this is best diagnosed by an expert. Brakes and rotors: If the car vibrates while braking and it’s not any of the above, your problem may be your brakes and rotors. The first thing to go on your braking system is your pads. If you don’t replace the pads when needed, they wear out and you’ll get “train tracks” on your rotors. If the damage isn’t too bad, some rotors can be sanded down, but only to a certain level. 3 4 5 6 7 8 continued on the bottom of next page 2008 Holiday Party Rocks Silent Auction raises $2600 for the Jimmy Fund T he Boston Chapter’s Holiday Party got off to a tantalizing beginning with great appetizers and a wonderful set of items donated for the silent auction. This event wraps up the Chapter’s events for the last year and signals the start of a new beginning for 2008, so it was great to start the year on such a high note. Derek DeSousa organized the party again this year, and cranked it up a notch with good food, cash bar, and a great DJ that got lots of attendees dancing! He also worked with John Sullivan to solicit the silent auction donations. As is our tradition at the Holiday Party, the yearly Autocross trophies were presented by the Autocross leaders, Chirsto Tinkov and Larry A festive evening Nickals. It was obvious that the Autocross season was well supported last year with several new names on the awards. John Oglesby introduced the new Chapter officers and thanked the outgoing officers for their service last year. There are three new directors, Simon Cooper, Dan Chadwick and Derek DeSousa who rejoins the board this year. The party wrapped up with the announcement of the silent auction winners. As we have done for the last few years, the silent auction was dedicated to raise money for charity, the Jimmy Fund. The Jimmy Fund is a cancer treatment charity that was started for a little boy – it is ardently supported by many Boston organizations – most prominently, the Boston Red Sox. This year the silent auction raised $2600 for the Jimmy fund, a great success for the party. All of our members should make it a point to thank the generous donors of the silent auction items. Without them, the $2600 donation to the Jimmy Fund would not be possible. continued on page 29 After that you’ve got a costly rotor replacement ahead of you. People have a tendency to doubt their pads need replacing. They question how the pads could wear down so quickly after only “x” miles. If you doubt one vendor, check with another. Replacing pads is an iota of the cost of replacing rotors. Pads are designed to wear down and save the wear and tear on the rotors. CV Boot: Finally, if your car has front wheel drive, the CV boot of your axle could be worn out. This can be a very dangerous problem. This is very dangerous because if all of the grease in your CV boot leaks out, the CV boot will snap. When it snaps, the tire falls either inward or outward, and y our car ends up basically leaning on the tire and wheel (which is horizontal to the ground) – not a good thing. Unfortunately, your CV boot will snap whenever it does – meaning, you could be on a side road or on the highway doing 85 miles per hour. At the moment your CV boot snaps, your car stops dead. It doesn’t care if you’re on the side street or the highway. 9 Fortunately, your CV boot almost always gives you a warning – a click, click, click sound. If you hear a click, click, clicking that sounds like it’s coming from a wheel or tire, pull over, call whomever you trust with your car and get an immediate appointment. I can’t say this is the definitive list of why your car is shaking, but it does cover the majority of the problems. I have a saying that’s on the top of each of our newsletters, “The life of your car depends on your engine and mechanics. Your life depends on your wheels, tires and brakes.” Diagnosing a vibration problem can be simple or complex. Remember to start on the ground (your tires) and work your way up. The sooner you start this process, the less expensive it’ll tend to be. People think that they can “get away” with ignoring a vibration. It’s a costly mistake. In my next column, I’ll answer the following riddle: How is driving on a bent wheel like a quiz show? ♦ | 29 continued from page 29 This year’s donations came from the following Boston BMW CCA Supporters: AphaCars Bavarian AutoSport Bentley Publishing BMW Gallery of Norwell BMW Gallery of Norwood BMW of Newport BMW of Peabody Dent Wizard Ed Pedi Photography Foreign Motors West/Herb Chambers Magical Meditaion Rim and Wheel Works Turner Motorsport Wagner BMW ♦ Derek DeSousa, left, planned the evening which included the silent auction (pictured here), Great food, Autocross awards, And great desserts, Larry Nicklas and Christo Tinkov present Autocross awards 30 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008 Hank Wallace is an Autocross winner! The Bimmer women: Gail Tanzer, Ina Ames and Rachel Oglesby enjoyed the evening, 2007 Fourth Quarter General Meeting Reported by John Oglesby, Photos by Barry Tarr M embers who attended Boston Chapter’s Fourth Quarter General Meeting at BMW of Peabody were in for a great evening. Held in Dec. of last year, the meeting had an unusually large crowd with many new faces not seen at our quarterly meetings in the past, including members from as far away as Albany, NY. The guest speaker for the evening was James Clay, the owner of Bimmerworld. James runs a successful business supplying parts and accessories for BMWs from his Virginia business as well as running a successful Speed Touring Car Championship team. James explained how his need for track event funds led to a successful business startup that has grown to be a leading supplier of BMW parts and accessories. A great example of how your passion can lead to a great career. He also told us how participating in BMW Driving Schools like the ones the Boston Chapter sponsors led him to become an instructor and ultimately into professional racing, which is quite an accomplishment. James talked about the new Bimmerworld racing team cars based on the new E90 chassis and how they were the only people in the US racing the E90. Others are running the E46 chassis and James explained that he now knew why! He has struggled to make the E90 competitive due to the rear suspension geometry, but now thinks they have it figured out – as demonstrated by their competitive position at the end of the 2007 season. Let’s all wish James Clay great 2008 Speed Touring Car season, and you can follow his team on Speed TV. ♦ James Clay James Clay, owner of Bimmerworld Relaxed refreshments An Attentive Audience Prez John Oglesby BMW of Peabody’s shop hosted a record crowd A new car buffet? Simon Cooper, Larry Barieri and friend | 31 -iÀÛVi Ý«iÀiViÊÌ iÊ/ÕÀiÀÊÌÀëÀÌÊÃiÀÛViÊViÌiÀ°Ê7iÊ`ÊÌÊ>t ÀÊÊV >}iÃÊÌÊÌÀÊÃÜ>«Ã]Ê ViÊÞÕÊiÝ«iÀiViÊÌ iÊ/ÕÀiÀÊÌÀëÀÌÊ`vviÀiViÊ ÞÕÊÜÊÜ`iÀÊ ÜÊÞÕÊiÛiÀÊVÕ`Ê >ÛiÊÌ>iÊÞÕÀÊ7ÊiÃiÜ iÀi° 6ÃÌÊÕÀÊiÜÊiÝ«>`i`Êà ÜÀ]Ê«iÊÊvÀÊ>ÊÌÊÈ«° ÌÕÀiÀÌÀëÀÌ°VÊNÊÇnÎnnÇÇÈÊNÊnääÓnäÈÈÈÊNÊÇnÎnn{ÓäÓÊv>Ý®ÊNÊvJÌÕÀiÀÌÀëÀÌ°V £ÈÊÕÌÊ,>`Ê-ÕÌ ÊNÊiÃLÕÀÞÊNÊÊ䣣ÎÊNÊ,} ÌÊvvÊ{x]ÊiÝÌÊx{ Üi`}i>LiÊ-Ì>vvÊNÊ>ÃÌÊ-iÀÛViÊNÊÜiÃÌÊ*ÀViÃÊNÊ>ÞÊ- ««}ÊNÊÕÊ-iÀÛViÊ>VÌÞ Boston Bimmer Boston Chapter BMW CCA P.O. Box 51448 Boston, MA 02205-1448 32 | Boston Bimmer • Winter 2008
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