Spring 2014 - Bitter Root Humane Association
Bitter Root Humane Association Volume 14, Issue 2 Spring 2014 GOOD THINGS COME TO HE WHO WAITS … Or so that saying goes. Buddha came to BRHA in September 2013, a beautiful, quiet 2 year old Aussie mix. As his name indicates, Buddha is a patient and well-mannered boy. He learned the routine quickly: sit quietly, wait at doors before going through, don’t pull on the leash (they soon let you off and you can run like crazy) and no barking, please. And so, Buddha-like, he patiently waited…and waited. Four months later that patience was rewarded. Katie and Thomas came to the shelter from Missoula; the happy ending is shown at leftv. Shelter hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - 1-6pm; Wed - CLOSED; Sat - noon-5pm; Sun - 2-5pm Member of Humane Society of the United States • Montana Animal Care Association • Bitterroot Chamber of Commerce Quilt Raf fle to benefit the Bitter Root Humane Associatio 262 Fairgrounds Road P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, Mt 59840 n 406.363.5311 e.org brhafront@bitterroothuman org ne. ma thu www.bitterroo BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kathy Good; President ent Jim Coulter; Vice Presid Kathie Butts; Secretary Linda Williams ; Treasurer Linda Turner Mary Fox Rhonnie Leonard ly at contact the Board direct .org brha@bitterroothumane STAFF Eve Burnsides Operations Manager Michele Craig Volunteer Coordinator Char Medical Specialist Jennifer Front Counter/Adoption Counselor Drawing June 21, 2014 TickeTs AvAilABle AT Robbins on Main, chapter One Book store, Paper clip and the Animal shelter. $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 Quilt created and donated by kel Erin, Kelly, Amber, Ashley & Nick ley Floyd - approximately 5 fee t square. Displayed at Robbins Hallmark Way down my kennel the hill is with me in crying silen tly 2 Bitter Root Humane Association it iest kids The luck ets from t their p p o d a Get to shelters Animal Spring 2014 I thought you m ight like to know committees: “The a little about ho w the board wor President appo ints, subject to ks. Our bylaws Committee, an the approval of provide for d such other co a m m aj m ority of the Dire ittees as the Pres There is to be a ctors, a Nominat ident or a major minimum of on ing e Director on al ity of the Direct implemented an l Board committ ors deem necess d utilized many ees.” During th ar y. committees. e last several ye At our organiza ars, we have tional meeting in April, we ag of President, Ka reed the Nomin thy Good, Vice ating Committee President, Jim C suggestions or m would be compr oulter and Mar entions of intere y ised Fox. This com st from other boar candidate as a mittee consider d members or pe board member. s rs Th ons, of anyone e committee di to a board mee who might be a scusses these po ting to express their interest, an tentials, intervie recommendatio d then ultimatel ws them, invite n to the board. s them y, when there is a good fit, mak Our Executive C es the ommittee is com prised of the four Butts and Linda Williams. The m officers of the bo onthly meetings ard, Kathy Goo or matters of in d, Jim Coulter, include review terest that have Kathie of the monthly arisen following the next meetin financial reports the previous bo g agenda. , incidents ard meeting, an d topics of discus The Document sion for Review Comm ittee acts when board’s directio necessary to re n, recommend view, consider alterations in ex to remain up to revisions and, up isting documen date with our or on the ts or new documen ganization polic ts which may be ies. Mary Fox cu The Funding C needed rrently chairs th ommittee usua lly meets every is committee. months. The co two weeks, parti mmittee is chai cularly in the sp red by Linda Pe Good and Rhon ring, summer an rry Turner and nie Leonard, V is d fall co olunteer Coord mprised of boar McCormack, Su inator (and prio d members, Ka san Behrman an r th ch y ai r) Michele Craig d Becky Lovejo board, funding, , and volunteers y. This committ fundraising and , ee Sue organizes and P R events for th fundraisers, as recommends to e organization. well as seek ou th e Th t and consider ey consider tra aspects of even potential new fu ditional events ts, including as ture events. Th and king and schedu ey engineer an ling any volunt The Marketing d ca rr y out all ee rs Committee, ne needed to acco w this year, an mplish the even Rhonnie Leonar d chaired by Ji ts. d and Linda Pe m Coulter, includ rry Turner, and collaborates an es board membe operations man d works closely rs ager Eve Burnsid with the fundin out, recommen es. This committ g committee an d to the board, ee d management of and implemen happenings an t marketing stra the shelter. They d human intere tegies to make map st stories are kn sure that all of own to the publ Our Educationou r ev ic en an ts, Outreach Comm d our dedicated ittee, chaired by supporters. and is comprise d of many of ou volunteer coordi r volunteer base nator Michele C implement, a sy raig, meets quar who have time stematic approa and opportunity terly, ch to reach Rava Their focus is gr to develop and lli County kids ades 2-5 and th about humane ey hope to beco and the comm treatment of an me active in ev ittee have deve imals. ery school distric loped a very ba similarities betw t in the valley. sic humane ed een people and M uc ichele ation presentatio animals, as wel n that focuses on l as safety tips fo the r approaching strange animal s. With the except ion of the Execut ive Committee, all of these com mittees may an d do include volunteers from among our volu nteer base, member and su pporter base, an d interested community mem bers. If you ha ve a particular interest or expe rtise which you would like to le to help us achiev nd e our work, plea se let our front desk know, 3635311, and we will be very ha ppy to welcom e you. - Kathy Spring 2014 Bitter Root Humane Association 3 An Akbash Update Let’s talk warm and fuzzy! The warm hearts of the people who come in and adopt our creatures…who take them in, love and share their homes and lives with our furry friends… The fuzzy faces that are oh so expressive in their joy when they meet their new moms and dads… And speaking of happy homes, here’s an update on the Akbash that were brought to us this past Thanksgiving and those that were brought in shortly thereafter. As you’ll recall, these dogs came to us shy and afraid due to their unfortunate start with a breeder who could not properly care for them. Thanks to the efforts of dedica ted staff and volunteers, these dogs have lea rned that life can be good and that the hands tha t feed them will also stroke and pet them. The y learned that human companionship is not such a sca ry thing after all. Not all have come around, but we aren’t giving up! RAYMOND FINANCIAL JAMES SERVICES, Member NASD /SIPC One exceptional pup, Mira, rec ently passed her Beginner education with flyin g colors. Once very shy, she now goes to see new people with a wagging tail. Happy dog, happy family. Nine of the fourteen dogs and puppies have been adopted into loving hom es. Three are in foster homes learning how to be nor mal, happy dogs. The remaining two are still here at the shelter just waiting for that special someone to tak e a chance on love… INC. Paul M. Kink Branch Man Diane Thom P.O. Box 1887 172 Golf Cour se Road Hamilton, M T 59840 ager as-Rupert Financial Adv isor (406) 363-4293 (800) 800-6766 Fax: (406) 36 3-4303 imr@montana .com Still at the shelter. They all love me, but it’s been Trust Care You Can 00 406 / 363-76 reet 246 Marcus St 840 59 T M , n o ilt Ham s Jack Barning rnings | Dr. Dr. Mandy Ba such a long stay now 4 Bitter Root Humane Association Spring 2014 Volunteer Spotlight: “Volunteer of the Year for 2013” Debbie Reid the Oscars, TV Movies have er ys and the Bitt has the Emm as h n tio Associa Root Humane ard w a r ea of the Y the Volunteer in ce cellen to recognize Ex e t the shelter w A ! g Volunteerin ith w p el h teers to rely on volun tra , as well as ex ts en special ev e th r fo se d exerci care, love an er te n u ol v ls. But shelter anima d oes above an g d Debbie Rei beyond! at volunteering Debbie started She April of 2010. the shelter in ad h el a h and Mic and her husb e ill sv en ed to Stev recently mov bie eb D e er h , MD, w co er p p U om fr at a hool teacher had been a sc ren ild ch r school fo small private hile W s. ce differen with learning e rc fo g in the driv Michael was root er tt Bi e ove to th behind the m ra fo d te ci ie was ex Valley, Debb re. new adventu y had previousl Since Debbie t a d n Maryla volunteered in on-profit horse n a “Days End”, ation, she knew rescue organiz find a place to she wanted to animals in her volunteer with ity. She started new commun nd ganizations a researching or ed er v co is and d animal rescues e Human the Bitter Root . Association Spring 2014 ing at the sides volunteer Be s out at the Debbie started r, Debbie help te el sh Immediately s a nd cares shelter. She w ilton Players a m a H helping at the is d three dogs, og walker an er many pets: h r fo trained as a d m tea a cat. Thank og Squad”, a e horses and re th part of the “D t a our continued dog walkers th , Debbie, for y ou y of dedicated e th of Root Humane play with all ice to the Bitter rv se ns , in exercise and ra r… congratulatio 365 days/yea ociation and ss of A er te n s shelter dogs, u lk ol a e “V hail! Debbie w eing named th b on s y snow, sleet or a alw week, and is the Year”. dogs twice a ial ec sp t a t ou p el h to le availab des. isers and para events, fundra personality, Her quiet, calm e, and supportiv listening skills te personality compassiona et er a huge ass have made h of ite or v fa a and for the shelter te el r aff and the sh volunteers, st animals. Bitter Root Humane Association 5 February 1, 2014 through BRHA gratefully acknowledges the support and generosity of so many who wish to honor the memory of loved ones. We are humbled by the dedication and love of animals that those departed loved ones exhibited, and are truly grateful to their families for suggesting that memorials be sent to the BRHA for the benefit of the animals. IN LOVING MEMORY OF PETS IN LOVING MEMORY OF PEOPLE For Isabelle Boulter From Diane & Kent Myers For Maggie Plummer From Becky & Jim Cote Charlie & Charlotte Oliver For Lily Depp From Charlie & Charlotte Oliver Dick & Cindi Hayne Becky & Jim Cote For Oscar From Charlie & Charlotte Oliver For Roy From Diane & Kent Myers Becky & Jim Cote Charlotte & Charlie Oliver For Sweet Pea From Jan & Ted Cabe For Deuce FromMommy For Mister, Lucas, Aspen and Eliza From Pam & Rich Grant For Boris Myers From Jenny Laing & Zoe For Barnie & Jesse James From Barry Mills For Lola From Dave & Carole Mackie For Reilly From Dave & Carole Mackie For Chica May From Kyp, Whitney & Sydonia For Abzug & all rescue animals From Theresa Paradis Allegra proudly su pports the Bitter Root Humane Asso ciation 1151 N. 1ST , SUITE C HAMILTON, M T 59840 406.363.764 5 ALLEGRAHM T.COM DESIGN • PR INT • MAIL • 6 For Terry Thomas From Beth Robbins For Barbara Boatwright From Steve Farina Leif Magnusson Maude & Tom Kent Steve & Amy Leibeck Lawrence & Lois Scammon Peter & Sandra Scripture For Kathy Richie From Arlene Curry For Robert Kohn, Bernie Dittmaier Dennis Claxton, Arthur Fladstol From Kea & Joe Yanzick For Rosalie Dean From Pam & Rich Grant For Paul Berglund From Alan & LuAnn Burgmuller For Sonny Hilton From Vincent & Celinda Scales For Wanda Larson From Beth Robbins For Stanley Parker From Gayle Sommer For Hal Eardley From Lee & Lorena Erickson For Carter Mason From Warren & Anne Hill Margaret McGuinnis & Family Harold & Carolyn Nelson Roberta Burnett John & Patricia Powell Tina West For Carter and Ruff Ruff From Lauralee Bell & John Wallace For Roxanne Farrell From Morgan & Elizabeth Farrell For Mom & Dad, in loving memory From Ally For My Husband Ludwig From Trudy Landwehr For Loydene “Deanie” Raymond Arnold From Ally IN HONOR OF SIGNS • APPA REL Bitter Root Humane Association For Mable McKillop From Carol Meves For Katie Mei Gibbs Birthday From Michele Craig For Marcia Prather’s BirthdayFrom Mary Lyon Spring 2014 d e t a i c e r p p A y Previousl ART SALE A Fundraiser for the Bitter Root Humane Association Saturday, June 21, 2014 11 am to 4 pm 315 S. 3rd St., Hamilton We need your d onations to make this a su ccess! Paintings, photography, sculpture, pottery, and all things artistic. Free yourselves of the bu rden of past decors and sty les. Help the Shelter and suppor t animals in need. Please contact Linda @ 360-7387 or Susan @ 363-2834 for further and/or pick up. Or send an email to [email protected] Fully tax deductible - 100% of proceeds will go to suppor t the BRHA. Donors may set a minimum price for items valued over information $100 and request their return if unsold. BRHA Annual Meeting room, a Board of Realtors meeting lley Va t roo ter Bit the at , g the reservation was held March 27 Kathie Butts for arrangin u yo nk Our 2014 annual meeting tha d an R, BO s, meeting. Thank you BV ns Manager, Eve Burnside very nice venue for our , Michele Craig, Operatio tor chele ina Mi ord by Co r ted tee sen lun pre s Vo en by year award wa the of r tee lun for us. Reports were giv Vo . od term and President, Kathy Go to Judy Paul for her long Treasurer, Linda Williams s presented by Michele wa ard aw on ati dic de ecial Craig to Debbie Reid. Sp an g. Public Lands. KC gave volunteerin air of Trap Free Montana ch ey rk, Yo orn C Att K , te est Sta gu r the ou to ve as to present We were honored to ha 5 signatures by May 31 ,17 on 24 r ing the pp ga tra d to s en ed to ne group 169 seeks enlightening report. The vember ballot. Initiative No t ou the ab on d t an pu llot be 9 ba 16 e the Initiativ estions about qu d ere sw an d an General, proposing that ps tra of KC showed us a variety Montana public lands. . ee year term which will the traps. Thank you KC reelected for a second thr s wa tts fill Bu e thi Ka ld. he ers was the last calendar year to Election of board memb ed by the board during int po ap rd na en be Leo d nie ha on tes Rh . er candida renewal due March, 2015 renew March, 2017. Oth was elected with a term r rne elected with term Tu s wa rry Pe er ult da Co Lin s. Jim vacated position e March, 2016. du als d to ew ren m ter th wi d renewals are staggere elected laws, term expirations an and Linda Williams were by HA BR th wi e nc da . In accor renewal due March, 2017 the board. n thi wi y uit ff maintain contin including board and sta ed by all who attended, joy en re we at itch ch d Refreshments an lunteers. erested and involved vo members and many int Spring 2014 Bitter Root Humane Association 7 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Hamilton, MT 59840 Permit No. 38 262 Fairgrounds Road P.O. Box 57 Hamilton, Mt 59840 PASS IT ON to a friend when you are finished reading your newsletter. By increasing readership and awareness you will be performing a valuable service for the animals we’re trying to help. You can assist us in cutting costs by advising us of your change of address or duplicate mailings. We would appreciate your help in updating our records. Low Cost Vaccination Clinic, st Vaccination Clinic, Microchips, Nail Trims, Clinic, & Name Tags! Low Cost Vaccination s, NailLow Trims,Cost & Name Tags! Vaccination Clinic, st Bring your dog or cat on Saturday May 31 , 10 am to 2 pm st Microchips,, 10 am to 2 pm Nail Trims, & Name Tags! cat on Saturday May 31 to the BRHA Animal Shelter, 262 Fairgrounds Rd., Hamilton st - 2pm Saturday, May 31st • 10am Bring your dog or cat on Saturday May 31 , 10 am to 2 pm al Shelter, 262 Fairgrounds Rd., Hamilton Bitterroot Humane Association Animal Distemper/parvo dog booster st Shelter $15 to the BRHA Animal Shelter, 262 Fairgrounds Rd., Hamilton Bring your dog or cat on Saturday May 31 , 10 am to 2 pm parvo dog booster $15 262 Fairgrounds Road, Hamilton Kennel Cough $15 $15 Distemper/parvo dog booster gh Distemper/parvo dog booster $15 $15 o the BRHA Animal Shelter, 262 Fairgrounds Rd., Hamilton Kennel Cough $15 Kennel Cough $15 Feline leukemia/respiratory booster $25 emia/respiratory booster $25 Feline Leukemia/respiratory booster $25 $25 Feline leukemia/respiratory booster Distemper/parvo dog booster $15 Rabies (dog or cat) $15 Rabies (dog or cat) $15 or cat) Rabies (dog or cat) $15 $15 Microchips, Nail Trims, & Name Tags! Sponsored by Dr. Linda Perry Turner and the Bitterroot Petmobile, Inc. Kennel Cough $15 Sponsored by Dr. Linda Perry Turner and the Bitterroot Petmobile, Inc. da Perry Turner and the Bitterroot Petmobile, Inc. All proceeds benefit the Bitter Root Humane Association All proceeds benefit the Bitter Root Humane Association Feline leukemia/respiratory booster $25 enefit the Bitter Root Humane Association Rabies (dog or cat) $15 Sponsored by Dr. Linda Perry Turner and the Bitterroot Petmobile, Inc. All proceeds benefit the Bitter Root Humane Association Poor mat ted o livin g ou ld ca tside t , wa Look n d ing f ering or a hom e Joyo us co Volu nnec ntee tion rs an d sh Love elter the a staff nima ls Car door open Into s an the s d h elter Why w e go do y ... ou le ave me? Warm sunny spring days Invite the best exercise long walks with our dogs
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