Joyful Notes - Martin United Methodist Church
Joyful Notes - Martin United Methodist Church
U. S. Postage Paid Volume 15 Issue 4 Non-Profit Org. APRIL 2016 -The People of the United Methodist Church Martin United Methodist Church 969 E. Allegan St. PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 Worship: 9:30a.m Children’s Worship: 9:45am The Rock @ 5 O’Clock Saturday at 5:00pm Shelbyville United Methodist Church 938 124th Ave. Shelbyville, MI 49344 Worship: 11:00am Children’s Worship: 11:05am Pastor Sean Kidd 616-401-8576 [email protected] Pat Hoekstra, Office Manager 269-672-7097-office [email protected] Web site: Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8am to 5pm Joyful Notes Martin, MI 49070 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Roast Pork Dinner Friday, April 15, 2016 4:30pm to 7:00pm Permit # One MARTIN AND SHELBYVILLE UMC Martin / Shelbyville United Methodist Church PO Box 154 Martin, MI 49070 Roast Pork Dinner and Fixings, Dessert & Beverage $10.00 adults $6.00 children (6 - 12 yrs.) 5 & under free Location: Martin United Methodist Church 969 E. Allegan St. Martin, MI Proceeds are to benefit Local Students in the Lions of Michigan All State Band Come and join the fun. Everyone is Welcome! MARTIN’S CHURCH KITCHEN ACTIVITIES Thank you to Mary Hoffman for helping to get the church kitchen organized. She furnished the trays and totes to help in the process. Thank you also to Lue Phelps, Mary Lou Boyle, Ronda Kelly and Mary Hoffman for putting in the man hours to help! ST. PATRICK’S DAY COMMUNITY DINNER 2016 115 People served $499 donated $200 expenses $75 General Fund $299 Christian Care and Share Budget line Page 2 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 Page 15 CHRISTIAN SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP REQUEST DESSERT, LOVE AND YOUR PELVIC FLOOR Register your student for the camp of their choice. Summer camp brochures are available in the MUMC office or by going on line to or JOIN US FOR A DELICIOUS, FUN, AND EDUCATIONAL EVENING! Complete the form below and staple a copy of your child’s registration/receipt to camp to this form. Turn this form into the MUMC office attention: Melinda Tisron It is our goal to honor all requests that have been made with a 50% scholarship if funding allows. Students who have completed the 5th grade or more and have not received a 100% scholarship from Martin UMC are eligible for a one-time 100% scholarship for one week of camp. Requests are due by May 1st. Camper’s Name___________________________________________________ Parent’s Name____________________________________________________ Parent’s phone____________________________________________________ Parent email______________________________________________________ Name of camp facility______________________________________________ Name of session attending___________________________________________ Date of camp______________________________________________________ Total cost of camp_________________________________________________ Amount requested in scholarship from MUMC_________________________ Date final payment is due to the camp_________________________________ Families who find that they need further assistance with funding for their camper (beyond our scholarship) should first seek out scholarship from the United Methodist Conference or the other Christian camp they have chosen. Date: Thursday, April 28 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Martin United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 969 East Allegan Street, Martin 49070 Did you know living in harmony emotionally and physically can positively influence your health? Join us for a fun and educational evening offering attendees (women only, no men allowed) simple approaches for improving overall pelvic health. Delightful desserts will also be served! Presenters: Allegan General Hospital’s Pelvic Health specialists Jennifer Dentler, NP-C; Julie Briening, PT; Karen Dys, PTA and Susan Rood, Social Worker Space is Limited! Register for this free event at or call AGH’s Community Events Line at (269) 686-4231 To learn more, visit aghspirit,org If you have further questions please contact: Melinda Tisron-Camp Coordinator (269)383-4331 [email protected] Page 14 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 Page 3 MARTIN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ADMINSTRATIVE COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT Monday, March 21, 2016 - 6:30pm MINUTES PRESENT: Lue Phelps, Sharon Buys, Don Rambadt, Anita Rambadt, Patsy Hoekstra, Maggie Stoken, Joyce Jenkins , Royal Boulter, Don opened with prayer. Maggie Stoken shared a devotion prepared by Pastor Sean. Previous Meeting’s Minutes: Royal moved we accept the minutes as printed with the correction: Other Business: 1.…proceeds going to the Lions of Michigan All State Band who will be traveling to Japan. OTHER BUSINESS: 1. Camp Scholarships motion from Melinda Tisron Maggie moved we commit to $2,500 for camp scholarships with the money available from the Oetman Fund and the remaining from the General Fund. Sharon seconded, motion passed. 2. Definition of sesquicentennial- a 150th anniversary or its celebration Sharon and Maggie agreed to chair the celebration. PASTOR’S TIME MP3 players with the gospel on it—tabled MARTIN CHURCH NEWS We, who are the Martin United Methodist Church, are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to: *SHARING God's Love *TEACHING the Bible and spiritual life *INVITING the community to grow and walk with us in Christian faith *SERVING the needs of our neighbors Choir will rehearse on Sunday mornings from 8:15a-9:00a before morning worship. Kids and adults are welcome. Please join us for a time of fellowship and song as we glorify God with our voice. 4/3 Maggie Stoken 4/10 Jacob Wheeler 4/17 Javier Guevara 4/24 Issy Mundo APRIL NURSERY SCHEDULE Pastor Sean Kidd ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION and /or VOTE 1. Treasurer’s Report Anita Rambadt Maggie moved we accept the treasurer’s report as printed. Scott seconded. Motion passed. 2. Finance Committee Scott Warner Committee met prior to the council meeting. Items discussed were: evaluating the ministry shares quarterly, continue with moratorium, trash service, payroll and granted permission for Anita to have the 2015 books audited. Scott shared the the treasurer’s report balanced. 2. Staff Parish Relations Committee Maggie Stoken Had joint meeting with Shelbyville, will be meeting June 6 with Martin 3. Evangelism Committee - no report Sharon Buys 4. Worship Committee Della Bellgraph Lent banners have been purchased by Memorial Fund. 5. Trustees Gordon Ash Clavinova-tabled Royal will be getting the road sign put back up east of town that the snow plow knocked down this winter. Continued on page 5 Page 4 APRIL ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 4/3 Mary Jo Ash & Amanda Northrup 4/10 Danelle Wheeler & Maggie Guevara 4/17 Diane & Matthew Northrup 4/24 Marlene & Dakota Rose Administrative Council meeting April 18, 6:30pm PLEASE REMEMBER OUR HOMEBOUND WITH CARDS AND CALLS: Alice Kraima Jake VanDenBerg Trudy Wells Doris Hawkey Dorothy Warner Sharan Leverich VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 613-118th Ave. 203 W. Bridge St. William Crispe 413 Mill St. #1 829 116th Ave. Stanford Lodge 409 Naomi St 1960 10th St. Martin, MI 49070 Plainwell, MI 49080 Wayland, MI 49348 Martin, MI 49070 Plainwell, MI 49080 Martin, MI 49070 Page 13 "JUST IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING” DATE 2/27 3/5 3/12 3/19 DATE 2/28 3/6 3/13 3/20 DATE 2/28 3/6 3/13 3/20 THE ROCK @ 5 O’CLOCK ATTENDANCE OFFERING 27 $103 23 $57 33 $92 39 $121 SHELBYVILLE ATTENDANCE OFFERING 41 $834 58 (13 children!) $825 43 $932 65 $1,237 MARTIN ATTENDANCE OFFERING 62 $1,736 68 $2,378 76 $2,245 70 $2,648 Continued from page 4 6. Missions Committee—no report Deb Straub 7. Christian Education Committee Danelle Wheeler Beginning the first of April, children pre-school through 3rd grade will be invited to the Fellowship[ Hall after children’s moment. Children of all ages are invited to the altar for A Moment with Children. The nursery remains available for children younger than preschool. 8. The Rock @ 5 O’Clock-no report Joyce Jenkins NEW BUSINESS: 1. Lue reported the St. Patrick’s Day dinner was a huge success this year. We served 115 people and we set the jug out for donations at the request of some of the guest. $499 were received. $200 in expenses. $75 for 15% for General Fund. Anita moved we put $499 in the Christian Care and Share budget line, pay the bills and seed the next community dinner project. Lue seconded, motion passed. 2. Joyce mentioned that she heard positive feedback on the Odyssey of the Mind open house we had here at the church. The people were very grateful for a quiet place to escape. NEXT MEETING: Monday, April 18, 6:30pm MARTIN SHELBYVILLE Food Pantry - $200 One Great hour of Sharing-$5 Monthly Loose Change - $ 52-missionary Community Breakfast – $95– Food Pantry Building Use - $100 Bibles - $30 Weekend Blessings - $10 Easter 5k Run - $1,136 (bills need to be paid) St. Patrick’s Day Dinner - $499 One Great Hour of Sharing - $115 Sound System - $10 Page 12 ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted by Patsy Pending Administrative Council approval. VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 Page 5 DRUM CIRCLE—3RD SATURDAY OF MONTH-3PM CHURCH ACTIVITY THE VOICE OF THE DRUM Martin UMC Community Breakfast Third Saturday every month! April 16 8am to 10:30am Proceeds to Food Pantry Menu surprises monthly! Oasis (Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group) Sundays 4 – 6pm Bring a friend! Thanks, Lindsey! But she needs players—coed softball ages 14 years and up. Fridays are game nights at the Memorial Park in Otsego at 6pm and /or 7:30pm. Love to play the sport? Contact Lindsey. We will have the schedule available in the newsletters and announcements for those who would like to cheer the time on! Page 6 Together, we empower local spiritual development and educate Native American seminary students to serve God faithfully. Native American Ministries Sunday is April 10, 2016 American Cancer Society Benefit Breakfast Saturday, April 2, 8 to 11am Spring is in the air and softball season is just around the corner. Lindsey Folk has agreed to coach again this season. Just like humans, each drum has its own very unique voice and vibration . Each animal from which the drum is made has its own unique medicine; its spirit is part of the drum. In order to give a drum its voice it needs to woken’ in sacred ceremony. Until the ceremony takes place the drum should not be played. During ceremony the drum is first dedicated to the Original Creator. The drum is a sacred object, therefore, when not in use it should be shrouded in its own bad made of natural material. Hanging the drum on a wall as an art piece diminishes its voice and purpose. You wouldn’t hang a human on a wall to be admired, and as the drum is human, it should not be put there either. The drum should always be placed skin-side up as a sign of respect. Trowbridge United Methodist Church 355 26th St., Otsego One tribe in North America has told this story for centuries: when people “pale as birch” crossed the great water in large canoes, they brought with them “The Black Book.” However, the bringers of the physical Book could not have known what it would mean and look like to be Native and a follower of Jesus. Today Native Americans—with many unique languages, many unique cultures—honor their heritage, and live as Jesus-followers, led by a rotation of primarily Native American pastors. Supporting the Ministry of Christ Among Native People Most Americans today recognize that the history following the arrival of the large canoes bore little resemblance to the one all Christians identify as Creator. That’s why the people of The United Methodist Church, Native and non-Native, are creating a new history. Through Native American Ministries Sunday, we’re able to equip and empower Native American pastors, congregations and seminary students to do what only they can do: authentically worship and serve Jesus. As a member of The United Methodist Church, your gift, on this day, equips Native congregations—like New York’s Onondaga Nation UMC and Nebraska’s Native American Sacred Winds congregation—to worship and serve as only they can. This work, and hundreds of other ministries, are possible because you give. Our Giving Allows Native Americans to Encounter, Worship and Serve Jesus When you support Native American Ministries Sunday, you equip seminary students who will honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. And you empower congregations that are finding fresh new ways to minister to their communities with the love of Christ. Dr. Richard Twiss, a member of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, asked: “Will we be allowed to develop new ways of doing church that honor God’s purposes for the creative expression of our cultures? Will new ministry partnerships and coalitions form? Will you help be a part of this wonderful process of reconciliation, restoration and release?” Say yes. Page 11 Women’s Spiritual Growth Retreat ODDS AND ENDS! “Embrace the Silence” May 6-7, 2016 Hosted by: Grand Rapids, Albion & Lansing District UMW St. Francis Retreat Center 703 East Main Street Dewitt, MI (517) 699-8321 Check-in: 4-5 pm Friday, send-off 3pm Saturday Pastor Susann Hagen will share her journey into contemplative living and prayer. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about different tools that can be used to find peace in a frantic world and explore the difference between “Doing Mode vs. Being Mode.” Ingathering: Reservations deadline: April 22, 2015 Cost: $85 School supplies for Send Registrations to: Sue Van Portfliet UMCOR school kits 1333 Ravanna Drive SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Purse Auction: Bring your old purses to do*Checks should be payable to: Grand Rapids District UMW Remember- Bring your bible and note paper. ---------------------- nate to the auction & get ready to bid on a new one! Proceeds from the auction will go to Community House. Name_____________________________________________ Address ______________________ City ____________________ Phone____________________Email _______________________ THIRSTY THURSDAYS A Bible study like no other! 10am at Shelbyville UMC. 7pm at Pastor Sean’s home. 1 Psalm 42 As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. WORSHIP DVD AVAILABLE The Martin Church records worship every week on dvd. If you would like to borrow the dvd, contact the church office. EMMAUS GATHERING Monday, April 25 @ Shelbyville Deb and Dan Boniface will be hosting potluck for dinner. Don Rambadt will be share with us a devotion. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE April 15, 2016 On Wednesday, April 27 at 10am, we will assemble the May 2016 Joyful Notes newsletter. We will meet in the Martin Fellowship Hall. Got a big event coming up? The church office has a form for you to fill out to help promote the event. They are on bulletin boards at both churches. Thank you from Patty Jarvis for the many birthday wishes and cards she received! She so very much appreciated them! District___________________Church ______________________ Roommate __________________________________________ *All rooms have twin beds and a bathroom. All rooms and facilities are accessible. Page 10 VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 Page 7 PRAY WITHOUT CEASING... SHELBYVILLE CHURCH NEWS MARTIN CHURCH PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYER: CANCER: Dustan Colyer Rainer Zacher Greg Melvin Dana Hall Stacey Lewis Maura Martin Ragan Meeter Ed Simpson Phil Straub Betsy Losey Sandy Conklin Kevin McKay Paula Oglesbee Ashley Julie Curry LeeAnn Bowen Sharon Buys Torey Whitten Val Davis Dana Walters Tami Lindstedt Andrea VandenBerg Virginia Murfree Emma Orr Angelique Bardin Missy Christopher HEALTH ISSUES: Dale Talsma Else Zacher Robert Biersma Curt Hall Don Pyle Jalissa Stratton Nicole Ashton Frank Havener Letty Sherry Dave Smith Sarah Powell Pete Zwart Brooke Carol Kohtal Lindsey Folk Scott McKie Jake VandenBerg BobbieRae Straub THE ROCK @ 5 O’CLOCK PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: CANCER: Greg Melvin, Dustan Colyer, Angie Tucker, Ragan Meeter, Wayne Mills, Raylene Bennington, James Connor, Jessica Meany, Mark Wheeler, Paula Oglesbee, Dickie Decker, Missy Christopher HEALTH ISSUES: Judy Palmer, George Lowe, Paige Reigler, Andrew Troyer, Maria Patrick, Saundra Johnson, Lynn Sadowski, Brandy Ferguson, Doris Hawkey, Helen Lane, Vickie Blanchard, Mary Baumgart, Letty Sherry Administrative Council Meeting April 6, 6pm MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Shelbyville United Methodist Church is to provide a warm, loving environment in which to worship the Lord, and to educate and reach out to others in our community. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Wednesday, April 13 All women of the church are invited. 10am Church wide potluck at noon MISSIONS PROJECTS MADE EASY! The United Methodist Women collect aluminum pop tops UPC labels from Spartan products and Box Tops for Education labels, Weick’s grocery receipts and Campbell Soup labels and all are money making projects to serve mission project! Easy? Save yours and bring them to church! PLAYDAY Wednesdays after school 3:30 to 5:30pm Games crafts, snacks for children Come join the fun! SHELBYVILLE CHURCH PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: CANCER: Greg Melvin Dustan Colyer Wayne Mills Paula Oglesbee Dana Hall Mike Boysen Allison Batist Shirley VanderPloeg Tom Rybiski Sandy (VandenBerg) Johnson Jeff & Linda Allen Kay VanderPloeg MEDICAL ISSUES: Sarah Sabin Laurie Ann Butler Matt Moore Mark Padilla Matt Johnson Jaydon Allofe Jack Ward Jeff Oldenbecken David Nickels Curt Hall Jeff Burkey Lacy Logiwitz Dale Boniface Kayla Kimmel LIFE ISSUES: Chris Zachman Allison Guritz HOMEBOUND: Dorothy Warner Stanford Lodge 409 Naomi St Plainwell, MI 49080 Page 8 “Thank you” to all who sent me birthday, get well, and Christmas cards. Your warm wishes gave me a lot of happy hours. I’d especially like to thank the ladies who made up the cookie plates at Christmas and to Nancy Nicolai who brought one to me and visited with me. I’d also like to thank my relatives, especially Russ and Mary, who visit me twice each week and my 2 girls who come so often and Bob Benedict who dropped in to visited me and got caught up on some of what is going on in the church. Thanks to all of you, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you to Pat for all the help she has given me over the years. May God bless you all, Dorothy Warner VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 Page 9
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