Tanjung PuTing naTional Park


Tanjung PuTing naTional Park
Indonesia Exploration Guide
First Edition | September 2013
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English version
With Sharks
Lodge in the middle of the ocean and
swim with sharks in Karimunjawa.
Scan image cover
to watch video.
An orderly how to is available
on the next page.
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Tanjung Puting
Borneo News
& Kobar Cummunity
Efan Ekananda
Buluh Besar River is
situated in the working
area of the Conservation
Section in the 3rd Region
of Tanjung Harapan,
Teluk Pulai Resort,
Tanjung Puting National
Destinasi Indonesia |
Saud Teguh Anggoro P
a collaboration
We Tell Story
Destinasi Rubric:
Photographed by Ibu
Penyu Trip
[email protected]
he beauty and diversity of the archipelago is
doubtless. But among the hundred millions of Indonesian very few is actually aware and have the experience to enjoy the richness of the nature. More-
over, very little percentage of people have the awareness
to protect and preserve the beauty, diversity and richness
of Indonesia. Destinasi Indonesia would like to tell a story on
the richness of the archipelago. Through this activity we can
Saud Teguh
anggoro P
built the awareness to enjoy, to be grateful and to preserve
One Day Traveling
CP: Arief
the beauty and diversity that we own. Let us tell a story on
the richness and beauty of our fabulous country. Who knows,
little things can encourage us to be grateful and responsible
base on our love of the nation.
Destinasi Indonesia is published base on Free Magazine
concept. In addition, to reach a wider circle, the English version can be read and downloaded at destinasiindonesia.
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Destinasi Indonesia |
FamIly VacatIon
Like to try something different?
Come lodge in the middle of the ocean
and swim with sharks in Karimunjawa,
Jepara, Central Java.
Ignore Sun
The “5 cm” movie has inspired Wicaksono, chief editor of PlasaMSN.com,
and his family to spend the school holiday at Mount Bromo, East Java.
t’s going to be fun to spend the holiday at Bromo,” said 13 year old Sastra Jendra Hayudiningrat
and 10 year old Wangi Bunga Savana after they
watched the beauty of Mount Bromo on the “5
cm” movie. Their comments have moved their
father Wicaksono, known as Wicak, to plan the trip. He is
also known as “Ndoro Kakung” in the blogger world.
As holiday approaching the thought of Mount Bromo that
has cristalized in their mind was finally executed. This time
Wicak did out of the ordinary by planning the trip by air from
Jakarta to Surabaya.
“With the traffic condition it’s hard to enjoy the trip.
Jakarta, Bandung and the North Coast is always congested
espeially in June approaching the month of Ramadhan. Cost
wise it wasn’t too different driving and flying, but driving was
surely exhausting,” said Wicak explaining his choice of vacation this year.
The field trip
and hiking track to the
Bromo crater
After he made certain about the destination of the trip
Wicak set his vacation time. The departure date will be June
19-23, 2013. The next step, he went online to get informations and recommendations. He also discussed the trip with
his wife and children. Through discussions and information
hunting in the internet they decided the destinations and
tourist sites that will be their target after the trip to Mount
Bromo. After a long search the family waas settled to make
Surabaya as the arrival and departure point from Jakarta.
“Surabaya is the alternative because there are lots of flight
in and out of the city. So there should be a lot of choices and
I can surf the internet to look for cheap tickets,” explained
The next step is to arrange the itinerary. Jakarta – Surabaya
– Bromo – Batu – Surabaya – Jakarta will be the route and it
will be specified to a more detailed tourist sites. Again the internet and friend’s recommendations are the best reference.
Next, Wicak surf the internet for cheap tickets, to book
a hotel for four days and a Toyota Hardtop as their transportation to cross the sandy plain of Bromo. “I was recommended To rent the jeep by a friend. My consideration was a
good driver who knows the area well. I got the price of Rp.
600.000/day including gasoline and driver.”
Trick & Tips
photo: Franciska Margati
Destinasi Indonesia |
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
Swim With
isit West Kotawaringin, Central
Kalimantan, when you have a
chance. The departure point to
every activity in the regency is in
Pangkalan Bun.
Lodging is not to be concerned, since Pangkalan Bun has a lot of hotels with various styles
from a unique concept to those with stars,
from 200 thousands to million rupiahs per
All you need to think of is transportation.
Public transportations in Pangkalan Bun are
not reliable. There are a lot of ojek that stop at
every street corner, but if you want your trip to
be pleasant you can rent a car for 400 to 450
thousand per day.
g with the
scary. In
fact lots
It looks
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sand spre ral with the blue
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the beach.
Trick & Tips
Planned Trip
Save Cost
DeStInatIon: KaRImunjawa
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina | Ida
Destinasi Indonesia |
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Saud Teguh Anggoro P
Destinasi Indonesia |
If we are lucky we can see
hundreds of fireflies decorating
the dark sky above Sekonyer
River, Central Kalimantan
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
the River
and Forest
of Tanjung
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: : Efan Ekanandal
Destinasi Indonesia |
Sungai Bulu Besar
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
DESTinASi: TAnjung PuTing
Ultraviolet radiation
is said to be one of the
cause of premature
aging, black spot, cataract
and skin cancer.
So, never ignore to wear
sun screen!
Should danger spoil your
planned vacation? Don’t! Take
action to avoid danger without
ruining your excitement. Put
on sun screen, wear hat, loose
clothes and other clothing that
can protect your skin from the
Before applying sun screen it
is best to have a clear under­
standing on the product that
is called sun block. Here are
some terminologies used that
need to be comprehended.
• UV: Ultraviolet radiation (UV).
Researches show that over
exposed to UV radiation can
interrupt skin health. Re­
searchers called UV radiation
as the cause of different
types of skin cancer like no
melanoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, and alkali, cell
UV is divided into UVA and
UVB. The radiation can pe­
netrate earth atmosphere
and danger to skin health.
• UVA: UVA donates about
95% of UV radiation that
enter the earth atmosphere
and penetrating the glass.
Over exposure can cause
unbathing in the ocean or in
the mountain during holiday
is exciting. We can relax
and get benefit out of the
sun. New research from
Edinburgh University Dermatologist,
London, England as what has been
published at bbc.co.uk, mentioned
that the sun is not only rich in vitamin
D but also proven to help lower down
blood pressure and give good impact
to the heart.
keep cautious
The sun light over exposure may be
harmful. So it is best to be cautious,
damage to the skin among
many are the appearance of
black spot and premature ag­
ing. The research also men­
tions over exposed by UVA
can be the main cause of
many types of skin cancer.
• UVB: the emission of UVB
cannot penetrate glass. Over
exposure of UVB can cause
skin burn and redness.
• SPF (Sun Protection Fac­
tor): beside mentioning its
benefit, to protect skin from
UVA and UVB radiation, sun
block lotion usually write
the content of the SPF for in­
stance SPF 15, SPF 30, SPF
50 or even SPF 90.
The numbers show the
length of time the sun
screen is able to protect the
skin from UVB exposure.
The longer you are exposed
to UVB the highest SPF
should be chosen.
• PA+, PA ++, PA +++: is a
sign that show the product
to protect skin from UVA.
The more a “+” sign is
written on the product the
longer it will protect the skin
from UVA.
Trick & Tips
photo: Franciska Margati
Destinasi Indonesia |
even though you will not feel the impact
Many researches show that over
exposed to sun light can lower the skin
immune that may easily irritated and in­
fected the skin, the appearance of black
spot and premature aging.
Too much ultraviolet radiation will
cause cataract and different types of
cancer such as skin or eye cancer. The
ozone thin layer is believed to give
great percentage on ultraviolet radiation
conductance to earth. The Vision Council
London lately appealed to always wear
sunglasses when having outdoor activi­
ties in a long period of time. The appeal
is not only for adults but also children.
• Protect yourself from
ultraviolet radiation with
sunscreen cream
• It is recommended to apply
sunscreen cream every two hours
• cover yourself with hat
• Don’t stay too long under the sun,
especially above 10 AM
• Don’t wear tight clothes when
having activities under the sun. Tight
clothes will directly lead the radiation
to the skin. Wear loose clothes.
• Wear sunglasses.
• Don’t rely only on foundation, pow­
der, or any other makeup that contain
sunscreen protection. Those kinds of
makeup are not for outdoor.
• keep on wearing sunscreen cream
on cloudy weather. Ultraviolet radia­
tion especially UVA happens in the
morning, afternoon, evening and in
any weather.
• Don’t forget to protect your lips
with lip balm that contain ultraviolet
The level of SPF and PA
stated on the product does
not relate to the level of pro­
tection the product can give.
Instead it indicates the length
of time of the protection.
The highest the SPF level, the
longer the protection will be.
Reading Point
Destinasi Indonesia |
Minatourism of The Small and Outermost Islands
Advetorial kkp
Tourism Fact 2013
Smart Traveler
Klick Chick
In Line Water Tourism Phenomenon
Tips & Trick
Never Ignore Sun Screen!
West Java Coffee
Sleeping, Eating in the middle of Rice Paddy
Community Event
To Cirebon with
the Community One Day Traveling
Planned Save Cost
Family Vacation
6 Must Visit Islands
Swim With Karimunjawa Shark
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Eat | Floating
Check in | Mengenal Alam Rimba Lodge
Tanjung Puting
Do you know? | Facts on Orangutann
Tanjung Puting
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Destinasi Indonesia |
Explore the River and Forest of Tanjung Puting
Swim with the sharks
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Saud Teguh Anggoro P
Destinasi Indonesia |
the River
and Forest
of Tanjung
If we are lucky we can see
hundreds of fireflies decorating
the dark sky above Sekonyer
River, Central Kalimantan
isit West Kotawaringin, Central
Kalimantan, when you have a
chance. The departure point to
every activity in the regency is in
Pangkalan Bun.
Lodging is not to be concerned, since Pang­
kalan Bun has a lot of hotels with various styles
from a unique concept to those with stars,
from 200 thousands to million rupiahs per
All you need to think of is transportation.
Public transportations in Pangkalan Bun are
not reliable. There are a lot of ojek that stop at
every street corner, but if you want your trip to
be pleasant you can rent a car for 400 to 450
thousand per day.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: : Efan Ekanandal
Destinasi Indonesia |
Sungai Bulu Besar
Location at
Tanjung Harapan
To reach Tanjung Harapan by Klotok Boat
from Kumai needs about
1,5 to 2 hours. If you take
the speed boat it will take
1 to 1,5 hours.
It will take 30 minutes to
one hour from Tanjung Harapan to Pesalat by
klotok and 15 to 30 minutes by speed
Pondok Tanguy
dark sky sprinkled with stars, the
sound of the nature and if you are
lucky you can see fireflies enlight­
en the atmosphere.
Do not worry on what to eat. If
you ride the klotok boat to Tanjung
Puting, you can hire a cook to
indulge your appetite with main
dishes and snacks. But if you take
the speed boat please bring food
Before entering Tanjung Pu­ting,
Camp Leakey is the first stop to
rest, to eat lunch and to take care
of the paperwork such as, report­
ing to the local authority and buy­
ing tickets.
The speed boat’s travel time is
shorter compared to klotok boat.
That is why most tourists who do
a one day trip will pick the speed
boat as their transportation. They
depart in the morning and back to
Kumai harbor in the evening.
Sekonyer River
From Pesalat to Pondok
Tanguy needs 1 to 1,5
hours by klotok and 30
minutes to 1 hour by
speed boat.
Camp Leakey
From Podok Tanguy it
takess 1 to 1,5 hours to
get to Camp Leakey
at the feeding (above), enjoying
the forest fruit (below)
Arrived at the National Park you might
or might not be lucky. During fruiting
season Orangutan will not appear by
the outer part of the forest. But once
the fruits in the forest are lacking they
will come and greet you at the entrance
gate of the park.
Beware when you bring food. The
wild free orangutan will be interested
in your food as they see and smell it.
They will not release your hands and
foot until you give them all the food you
have. It is prohibited to give the orang­
utan food but in reality tourists violate
the rule.
One of the attractions that you can
see in Tanjung Puting is the feeding
of the orangutan that is just being set
free and needed adjustment. To see
this you have to walk into the forest
for about one hour. It is interesting to
stroll in the thick forest where you can
smell the scent the fresh ground. The
orangutan will come and meet you.
Even those tame ones will like to be
cuddled. Some will not walk unless you
hold their hands. How does it feel to
be holding hands with the orangutan?
They are really heavy. A mature male
orangutan stands 150 cm and weighs
120 kg. Meanwhile the female ones are
120 cm tall and weigh 45 kg.
Educational Tour
There are so many things that you
can learn At Tanjung Puting National
Park, such as the history of orangutan,
their age and extinction. You will learn
how they protect and nurtured their
babies. And you will also be reminded
by how much trees have been cut to
make papers, wooden chopsticks and
stick matches.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Saud Teguh Anggoro P
Destinasi Indonesia |
Phorographed: Efan Ekananda
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Kemenparekraf/indonesia.travel
Destinasi Indonesia |
Tanjung Puting National Park is
usually the main destination for
tourist who comes to Central Ka­
limantan specifically to Pangkalan
This research, conservation and
wild free location for orangutan is
famous overseas. To get to Tan­
jung Puting you have to go through
Kumai Harbor about one hour
travel from Pangkalan Bun. At the
harbor you can rent a speed boat
or a klotok boat. The trip to Tanjung
Puting with the klotok boat takes
about six hours.
You can enjoy the speed of the
boat while sightseeing to the right
and left of the river. Long tailed
monkeys hang on the trees. Birds
fly or perch on the branches.
Sometimes you can see crocodiles
sunbathing quietly that you might
think a floating log.
The water color of the Sekonyer
River has its own story. At the
beginning of the journey the water
looks brownish because of the pol­
lution causes by the illegal mining
in the area. As you get closer to
Tanjung Puting National Park, the
water changes to black and reddish
color. In fact it is the original water
color of rivers in Kalimantan. The
dark color is caused by the reflec­
tion of the old tree trunk under the
water. The water is so clear that
the objects underneath can be
When night comes, the boat will
dock by the river bank. Enjoy the
Do you know?
Facts on Orangutan
Kalimantan is one of the areas in Indonesia that is
categorized as prone to malaria and other mosquito
bite diseases. You are suggested to take medication
for malaria before your vacation to Tanjung Puting
and Pangkalan Bun. Consult your doctor especially
when traveling with children.
Don’t forget to bring repellent.
Touring at Tanjung Puting will give you a
great new knowledge and experience but it is
not recommended to bring children under the
age of 5.
Children need guidance and supervision on the trip down the river and
exploring the forest.
Bring your personal medication to
Tanjung Puting.
If you don’t want to be hassled, you can
ask the travel agent to arrange the trip.
The price for the service varies from 3
to 6 million rupiahs per person (including tour and lodge). For local tourist the
price is less.
Juli hingga Agustus merupakan masa high
season. Biasanya sewa kapal klotok menjadi
lebih sulit. Namun, pada bulan-bulan itu
bisa dimanfaatkan untuk bergabung de­
ngan rombongan lain, sehingga harga
sewa perahu menjadi lebih murah.
May is the best time to visit Tanjung Puting.
The fine weather allows travelers to explore
the forest and feast their eyes with the view.
They can watch the apes swinging and the
birds flying on the trees by the river bank. If
you are lucky you can see crocodiles and
fireflies decorating the dark sky around the
National Park.
dengan p perjalanan
erahu klo
There are 50 klotok tour boats
in Kumai. The fare is arranged by
Kumai Klotok Tour Association. It is
set depending on the size of the
boat and the number of passenger.
There are boats with a capacity
of 4 persons while others can take
20 persons. The rental price for
one day (within 24 hours) is about
1,4 to 2 millions. You can get a
cheaper price if you stay more than
one night.
The fare does not include food. You
can buy your own food supplies
and give them to the cook or give
the money to the cook to prepare
for the food. He will fix your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The
cook’s fare is negotiable. It is usually
100 rupiahs per day per three
persons. He will charge 30 thousand
per person if there are more than 3
persons on board.
The guide is 250 thousand per day assuming
that there are 3 to 4
people in the group.
Entrance ticket is Rp
2.500/person for local
tourist and Rp 20.000/
person for foreign tourist.
A camera will be charge
Rp 5.000 (local) and 50
thousand rupiahs (foreign). A handy cam is
charge Rp 15.000 (local) and 150 thousand
rupiahs (foreign).
If you decide to have
a one day trip with the
speed boat, you will be
charged 50 thousand
rupiahs to dock the
boat. And the rental
fare is 600 to 800 thousand rupiahs per day.
1. Orangutan is a
protected animal.
The law prohibited
to own, kill, catch
and hurt the orangutan. In Indonesia
the law was legalized in 1931 and
in 1958 and 1963
in Sarawak and
Sabah, Malaysia.
2. An orangutan
named Guas
is believed to
be the oldest
orangutan in
the world. Guas,
a domesticated
orangutan, lived
up to the age
of 58. While wild
orangutan can
live up to 50
years old.
3. The word
comes from a
Malay language, which
means a person who lives
in the forest.
4. The orangutan’s
long cry is really
amazing. It can
cry as long as
one to four minutes. The sound
of the orangutan in Borneo
is considered to
be the loudest
and scariest.
5. A mature male
orangutan is
bigger than
the female
orangutan. It
can grow up
to 150 cm tall
and weigh 120
kg. Meanwhile
the female
orangutan can
only reach up
to 120 cm tall
and weigh 45
kg. The male
orangutan has
cheeks and
saggy neck.
6. Orangutan
mother is the
only animal
that keeps and
protects their
infant until the
age of 7 or 8.
7. Baby orangutan is never
away from their
mother’s side
until the age
of 5. Mother
orangutan carries their baby
wherever they
go; even to
swing from one
tree to another.
8. Female orangutan gives birth
to a baby in
every 8 years.
This is considered to be the
longest birth
period in the
animal kingdom.
But in some
cases a female
gives birth to a
9. Wild orangutan
mother breast
feeds their
infant until the
age of 5 to 6.
And will keep
on lookingafter their
children until
the age of 7
to 8.
10. Wild female
gives birth at
the age of 15
until not more
than 35.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Foto: Efan Ekananda
Destinasi Indonesia |
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Efan Ekananda
Destinasi Indonesia |
The feeding hour starts at
9 AM to 2 PM.
Check in
Lodging at Rimba Ecolodge is not just to slumber.
The place offered adventure, knowledge, insight
and astonishing view.
ou can have a different
experience at Rimba
Ecolodge, and it is
worth trying. The lodge with
the natural forest and river
as its background offered
life with fresh air and other
impressive activities.
Rimba Lodge is located
near the Sekonyer River and
the edge of Tanjung Puting
National Park, Central Kaliman­
tan. It is one of the most well
known places in the world,
a conservation for wild free
Orangutan that are declining in
Rimba Lodge can be
reached only by boat or motor
boat from Kumai Bay. The
travel distance is one hour
from Pangkalan Bun, the capi­
tal city of West Kotawaringin
Regency, Central Kalimantan.
Staying at Rimba Lodge
means to be ready to experi­
ence unforgettable moments.
Surrounded by forest, we can
listen to the birds chirp and
sing, watch the butterflies
dance, katydid, fireflies, even
monkeys swinging on the
trees. Exploring the jungle is
possible but with a guide.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Rimba Lodge
Destinasi Indonesia |
often waylay the tourists
It only takes minutes to travel by
boat to Tanjung Harapan, Orang­
utan’s feeding place, and to Camp
Leakey to rest and take care of the
paper work before entering Tanjung
Puting National Park visiting area.
Rimba Ecolodge offers a unique
tour package for education. Camp
Leakey Package and Pesalat Tour
will take tourists to trace the Se­
konyer River and to witness the
acts of illegal gold mining, log­
ging and hunting that destroyed
the ecosystem and the habitat of
Orangutan. There are 80% of the
Orangutan’s habitat vanished in the
last 20 years.
“This is a battle between the
industrial development, people’s
living source, and biodiversity,” said
Gede Ori from Rimba Ecolodge.
If the time allows, within four
hours travel we can stop by Camp
Leakey and Pesalat Reforestation
Center. It is a natural area with
an easy path to travel. We can go
through marshland, dry land and
dill area. If you are interested in
plants you may take small tree
home. While you are there you
might see tiger on the tree branch­
es and honey bear. Don’t be scared
they will not harm you unless they
are threatened.
The tour package is offered in
various prices depending on the
number of interested people.
For Pesalat tour the price offered
US$249/person for one person,
US$149/person for two persons,
US$116/person for three persons,
US$99/person for four persons,
US$89/person for five persons,
US$83/person for six persons.
There are other tour packages
that range in price and schedule,
such as 3 days and 2 nights lodging package including the
activities. For more information
you may visit http://rimbaecolodge.
& Facilities
32 guestrooms (3 Diamonds, 12 Emeralds, 6
Amethysts, 4 Sapphires,
10 Rubies)
Mosquito net and repellent
Diamonds, Emeralds,
Amethysts are equipped
with AC and hot water
Sapphires are equipped
with hot water and fan
Rubies are equipped
with cold water and fan
Beverages at the lounge
(alcohol is restricted by
the local government)
Rimba Ecolodge
Transportation (additional expense)
Tour guide to observe
the birds and others
Twin bed
Western style bathrooms
and toilet
Fan in every room
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Rimba Lodge
Destinasi Indonesia |
To Know Nature
at Rimba Lodge
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
West Kotawaringin (Kobar) is
one of the 14 regencies in Central
Kalimantan with the capital city
Pangkalan Bun or it is well known as
Kota Manis. The regency is situated
close to the equator. That makes
the sun shines so intensely during
dry season.
Kobar is regency that becomes
one of the Palm Plantation Centers
in Central Kalimantan. Therefore,
many workers from Java Island
come to make a living at the planta­
tion. Meanwhile, Dayak, the native
tribe, usually live in the outskirt of
the city.
Last year, about 6000 tourist (do­
mestic and foreign) came to Kobar.
Mostly (60-70%) are foreigner. The
average destination point is Tanjung
Puting National Park (TPNP), the
natural habitat of Orangutan. TPNP
is a tourist location and also one
of the world research centers for
Access and Transportation
Air Lines
Sea Lines
Pangkalan Bun is the city center and the capital city of
West Kotawaringin Regency (Kobar), Central Kalimantan.
Iskandar airport is in Pangkalan Bun. It is the only airport in
Central Kalimantan which is equipped with direct bunkering.
Iskandar airport is the arrival point for tourist from Jakarta,
Semarang, Surabaya, and Palangkaraya (the province’s capital
city). There are two airlines operating in Pangkalan Bun,
Trigana and Kalstar. Air fares are ranging between Rp 800
thousand to Rp 1.5 million. These are the highest fare during
school holiday and other holidays such as Lebaran, Christmas,
and New Year.
Trigana Air Schedule
Jakarta – Pangkalan Bun
Pangkalan Bun - Jakarta
Semarang – Pangkalan Bun
Pangkalan Bun - Semarang
Surabaya – Pangkalan Bun
Pangkalan Bun - Surabaya
You can choose to
travel by sea through
Surabaya and Semarang
port. PELNI ship will take
you to Panglima Utar
Kumai harbor located an
hour away from Pan­
gkalan Bun. The fares
are ranging between Rp
200 thousand to Rp 600
thousand depending on
the class.
Inner City
The official airport taxi
is the only transportation
available from Iskandar
airport to the hotel. Inner
city transportations are
relatively difficult to find
in Pangkalan Bun. So it is
recommended to rent a
car or ojek.
West Kotawaringin is regency by the
beach. The specialties in the regency
are mostly seafood. People indulge
themselves with the food at Kubu
Beach Area, while getting pleasure
from the view and the ocean breeze.
In the city, seafood is also available
at street vendors in Tugu area. Young
people and families hang out in the
area especially at night and on week­
Besides seafood, there are other
specialties such as, kerupuk amplang
made of belida, a kind of fish. And also
coto manggala, a kind of soto with cas­
sava as the substitute for rice. Unfor­
tunately coto manggala is hard to find.
You might find it at small stalls around
Bundaran Pancasila, Pangkalan Bun.
They will charge Rp 6000 per portion.
If you take the trip during Rama­
dan, stop by Wadai Market in front of
Ku­ning Palace, Pangkalan Bun. The
market which opens every evening during fasting month, sells selections
of traditional cakes and dishes.
and gifts
Orangutan Founda­
tion of Indonesia lo­
cated at Bhayangkara
street km 1, Pangkalan
Bun, Central Kaliman­
tan can also be an
option to buy souve­
nir. But the amount
and varieties are very
West Kotawaringin is famous for its precious stones. You can
find various precious stones sold at the stores that sells souve­
nirs. You can also buy Dayak accessories such as necklace, Man­
dau (Dayak sword), armor, or boat made of rubber sap. The prices
varied, please bargain first. The easy to reach souvenir shops are
in front of Kuning Palace. You can find them also at Indrakencana
and Indrasari market, Pangkalan Bun.
Another must
visit souvenir place
is Tanjung Harapan
Village. It has more
varieties and more
over the shops are
manage by coopera­
tion owned by the
local people.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Borneo News/ Keluarga Besar Fotografer Kobar
Destinasi Indonesia |
A Glimpse
of Kobar
Other than Tanjung Puting National Park there are
many tourist sites that related to coastal, cultural or
educational tour.
Cultural Tour
Tourist Sites in
Pangkalan Bun
There are three existed palaces to visit.
•Kutawaringin Palace/Kuning Palace in
Pangkalan Bun.
•Alnursari Palace at Old Kotawaringin
•Mangkubumi Palace at Pangkalan Bun
City close to Kuning Palace. The build­
ing was owned by the Prime Minister of
Kutawaringin monarchy.
spare clothes, towel
2 Bring
and bathing supplies if
glasses and hat.
sandals. It will cause
4 Wear
a fuse if you have to take
off your shoes each time the
sand gets inside.
Kubu Beach often called
Bugam Raya, short for
Kubu, Teluk Bogam and
Keraya. These are names
of the villages around
Kubu Beach area. The
place is suitable for family
tour. It is equipped with
playing arena, 24 hour
street vendors that serve
varieties of seafood dishes
and young coconut juice.
walk on bare foot
5 Don’t
at Bugam Raya area
forget to bring along
6 Don’t
the first aid kit.
food when visited
7 Bring
Bugam and Keraya Bay
Bugam Bay and
Keluang Bay
Keluang Bay serves similar view as Kubu Beach.
The only difference Keluang Bay has cleaner sand
and pine trees dominate the area of the beach. To
reach Keluang Bay, Klotok boat can be hired with just
Rp10.000 and it will be more expensive during the
school holiday.
Keluang Bay is a game preserve area for turtle. It
is facilitated with a turtle farm which can be used as
a media for tourist to learn. Besides turtle the area
is also the habitat to several kinds of monkeys, raja
udang brids, and civet. Fishing, swimming and ba­
nana boating can also be done in Keluang Bay.
Yayorin (Orangutan Foundation of Indonesia)
It is a conservation quarter base on integrated environmental
learning for people to have. Through its alternative learning activi­
ties, Yayorin prioritizes applied knowledge and direct interaction
with the nature. The conservation is categorized as environmental
education tour destination.
Other facilities available are:
- Library
- Movie theater
- Green house for organic farm­
- Fresh water fish cultivation
- Study hall
- Cow farming
- Compost house
- Alternative energy learning
media (Biogas)
- Orin Ecolodge (Lodging)
- Yayorin Creative Workshop
that sells souvenirs like T-shirt,
woven rattan bracelet, wood
carving and many more
and Tanjung Keluang. There
are not many food sellers
there. They are available only
during the holiday and very
you travel with children,
8 Ifalways
watch and remind
them not to swim too far
because the waves can be
fierce anytime.
your vehicle be9 Check
cause of the tough field.
Fill up your gasoline tank at
Pangkalan Bun for there is no
gas station along the way. But
on particular circumstances
there are gasoline retailers
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Borneo News/ Keluarga Besar Fotografer Kobar
Destinasi Indonesia |
because of its virgin beach
there may be sharp objects
that can hurt your foot.
Educational Tour
Coastal Tour
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Borneo News/ Keluarga Besar Fotografer Kobar
Destinasi Indonesia |
equator, the sun can be very
yourself with other
3 Equip
accessories such as sun-
Kubu Beach
Bugam Bay can be
reached in one hour from
Kubu Beach. The road
to Kubu Beach is not
as smooth as those in
the city. But you will be
entertained with the ap­
pearance of monkeys and
different kinds of birds.
Bogam Bay is a white
sand beach. The water
and beach is much cleaner
comparing to Kubu Beach.
Since there are no food
stalls available, you have
to bring your own food
when touring.
Prepare sunblock. Pang1 kalan
Bun is close to the
you plan to spend time at the
Pantai Kubu
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Borneo News/ Keluarga Besar Fotografer Kobar
Destinasi Indonesia |
Kubu Beach Seafood
Kubu Beach, Kumai subdistrict, Pang­
kalan Bun, often become the coastal tour
and culinary target to people of Pangkalan
Bun and its surrounding areas. The beach
is equipped with grottos and row of street
vendors that open 24 hours.
Seafood is their main dish. Grilled fish,
crab, squid, shells are cooked with variet­
ies of seasoning. Since the location is
near the sea, everything is fresh and alive.
From all the eatery available in Kubu
Beach, there is one interesting place,
Lintang Eatery. You can order varieties of
grilled, fried seafood with different kinds
of sauce such as oyster sauce, padang
sauce and many more.
Lintang the cook is always ready to
bring out the best cuisine. The food
ranges from Rp40 thousand to Rp100
thousand per portion.
Enjoying the food while feasting your
eyes with the sunset and feeling the wind
blows can help you release your burden
and weary. Unfortunately, waste has pol­
luted the beach.
Kubu Beach
Sarang Walet Soup
Besides seafood, Lintang Eatery also serves Sarang
Walet Soup for Rp 100 thousand per portion.
Pangkalan Bun and its surroundings are
the producers of Sarang burung Walet.
This menu adds more variety to the menu.
A lot of people come for the soup.
Sarang Walet, made of the bird’s saliva, is believed
to make you healthy.
If consume regularly can keep you body healthy,
raise vitality, healthy skin, to prevent from cancer
(contain antioxidant) and many more.
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photo: Borneo News/ Keluarga Besar Fotografer Kobar
Destinasi Indonesia |
How do you feel eating at a floating eatery
in the middle of the river?
You must try.
xtraordinary! That’s
the best word to de­
scribe Alam Ria, a float­
ing eatery that floats under a
bridge in the middle of Arut
River. The bridge runs through
Pangkalan Bun towards Old
Kotawaringin, West Kotawar­
ingin, Central Kalimantan. It is
interesting to see the eatery
sway whenever a boat passes
by. The green rice that was on
the menu is mouth watering.
The smooth and savory rice
really blends in your mouth.
The aroma of pandanus leaf
makes the rice more tempt­
ing. Mas Pandikono, the
eatery owner, and his wife
Salimah open up their green
rice’s secret recipe. “The
green color comes from the
blended spinach, the aroma is
from the pandanus leaf, the
taste of savory comes from
coconut milk, lemon grass and
salt,” explained Salimah.
The green rice that has been
the eatery’s main dish is only
served on Sunday. On the week
days Alam Ria Floating Eatery
serves plain rice. You can have a
choice of fried or grilled chicken
and fish, hot tomato sambal and
raw vegetables to go with the
If you want to try the sway
of the boat and menu of the
eatery, it is best to come in the
afternoon. Sunset around River
Arut Bridge is worth seeing,
beautiful and romantic.
Eating at Alam Ria Green Eat­
ery can be a special experience
for tourist. The sensation felt
since you lay foot on the eatery.
The view of the boat pass by,
sunset and the taste of green
rice an experience cannot be
found anywhere else.
Peak season estimation
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Photographed: Saud Teguh Anggoro P
Destinasi Indonesia |
4 days and 3 nights estimation
The first and third night lodge at a hotel in
Pangkalan Bun
The second night on top of Klotok boat on
Sekonyer River
Main destination TPNP
Basic cost (airline ticket, Klotok boat, lodging, food)
A roundtrip Airline ticket from Jakarta –
Pangkalan Bun Rp 2 million.
Rp 1,3 million to hire a Klotok Boat.
Meals for 4 days and 3 nights Rp 400
2 nights at a hotel in Pangkalan Bun Rp
500 thousands. Two nights at a three-star
hotel 1,6 million
A total of Rp4.300.000/person in a budget hotel
A total of Rp5.200.000/person in a three stars hotel
One day tour to TPNP on Speedboat
Boat owner’s budget estimation
Speedboat and tour guide
•1 person Rp1.350.000/speedboat
•2 persons Rp1.488.000/speed­
•3 persons Rp1.615.000/speed­
•4 persons Rp1.680.000/speed­
Cost Break Down
•Speedboat rental Rp800.000
•Tour guide Rp250.000 to
Rp350.000 (depend on the num­
ber of person)
•Tickets to TPNP Rp2.500
•Camera used charge Rp5.000
•Boat berthing Rp50.000
•Donation for ranger Rp50.000
•Meal and snack Rp55.000/person
•10% Management fee
Low Season
4 days and 3 nights estimation
Prices subject to change
Round trip ticket Jakarta-Pangkalan Bun
Three-star hotel Rp1.500.000
The above cost can be reduced
when there are more tourists
join the group.
To avoid troublesome on arrang­
ing your trip especially when
traveling with family, call the
local travel agent to get further
information or tour packages
Swiss Belinn Hotel
Kagonangan Restaurant
Jl Ahmad Yani KM 2
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
– 74113
Phone 0532 – 27888 Fax 0532 –
Jl Hasanuddin No 11
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
- 74115
Phone : 0532 - 21523
Flora Homestay
Jl Diponegoro No 43
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 25088
Sekonyer, Pangkalan Bun,
Central Kalimantan
Contact: Mr Bana Lodg
([email protected] and
Grand Kecubung Hotel
Jl Domba No.1
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
- 74111
Phone: 0532 - 21211
Email: reservation
Avilla Hotel
Jl Diponegoro No.18
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 27710
Fax : 0532 - 27711
Email : [email protected]
Arsela Hotel
Jl Iskandar 15
Pangkalan Bun
Mahkota Hotel
Jl Pangeran Antasari No.303
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone: 0532 – 21172
Tiara Hotel
Jl Pangeran Antasari No.16
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 – 22717
Abadi Hotel
Jl Pangeran Antasari No.150
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 21021
MM Hot Plate Restaurant
Ruhama Restaurant
Jl HM Rafii, masuk mentok Gg
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 085226392222
Dunia Laut Restaurant
Jl Diponegoro No.77B
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 23251
Minang Jaya Restaurant
Jl PRA Kusumayudha No.1
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 23258
Quick Chicken
Cipta Land, 2nd Fl.
Jl Iskandar, across Kompi
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Solo Baru Restaurant
Jl Udan Said No.
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 27040
Jawa Timur Restaurant
Jl Abdullah Mahmud No.55
Across Blue Kecubung Hotel
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 24051
Prambanan Restaurant
Jl Hasanuddin
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Klotok Wisata Kobar
Police: (0532) 21110
Hospital: (0532) 21238
Airport: (0532) 21666
bank & money changer
BCA Bank
Antasari No 22
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
- 74113
Phone : 0532 – 28889
Mandiri Bank
Jl. Udan Said No 3
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 24255 / 24966 /
35306 / 27726
Syariah Mandiri Bank
Jl. Sukma Aria Ningrat No 14
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone: 0532-25624 / 25625 / 25636
BRI Bank
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No 141
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 – 21015
BNI Bank
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No 123
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone: 0532-21046 / 21080 / 21946
Danamon Bank
Quizas Cafe
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No 5
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone: 0532-23165 / 23433
Iduna Cafe
Jl. Sukma Aria Ningrat
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
- 74113
Phone: 0532–25087
Jl Iskandar No.15
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532
Jl Rangga Santrek No.5
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kaliman
Meranti Restaurant
Jl PRA Kusumayudha
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone : 0532 - 27487
Important Numbers
Mega Bank
Sinarmas Bank
Important Numbers
Cultural and Tourism Agency
West Kotawaringin
Jl Sutan Syahrir 2A Pangkalan
Bun,Central Kalimantan
Phone: (0532) 25002 & (0532) 275
Jl. Udan Said
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Kalteng Bank
Jl Diponegoro No 42
Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan
Phone: 0532–21062
Destinasi: Tanjung Puting
Destinasi Indonesia |
Hotel at Pangkalan Bun
Swim With
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
Like to try something different?
Come lodge in the middle of the ocean
and swim with sharks in Karimunjawa,
Jepara, Central Java.
g with t
he shar
scar y. In
ks? It lo
eign tou ct lots of local
and for­
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tried this
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are emp
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ave ver y
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Speed b
take you at and passeng
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to Karim
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, but the
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the surro
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Swim with the sharks
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina | Ida
Destinasi Indonesia |
Destination: Karimunjawa
Apung Jaya House
Menjangan Besar
Menjangan Besar Island of­
fered sensational adventure you
have never experience before.
Not only snorkeling and div­
ing but also swimming with
the sharks. The island can be
reached in about 10-15 minutes
by motor boat from Karimun­
jawa. Other than the shark
captivity, you will find a floating
house which is often used as
a lodge. The rent is considered
very cheap, around Rp150.000,
including 3 seafood meals,
mainly fresh fish. This place is
often visited by local and foreign
tourist, mostly students and
At the floating house, enjoy
the sensation of the peaceful
nature that is only disturbed by
the sound of the waves. You will
feel small and helpless to see
the greatness of the Creator.
The floating house is sur­
rounded with water that is
framed with floating balls. Inside
the frame there is a shark
captivity and all sharks
have been fed.
The sharks are divided
into two different pools.
There is a pool for the
babies and the other for
the adults. If you are
brave enough you may
swim with them. Do
not be afraid. As long
as you do not have
bleeding scars or hold
the shark’s tail you
are safe to swim with
Other than the
shark farm, the
56 hectare-island,
is also a place for
conservation and breeding to
turtles. This is part of the Kari­
munjawa National Park Bureau
programe. And remember to
feast your eyes with the beauty
of sunrise and sunset on the
Posing a
t Pulau C
Besar Be ra
You can feel a remarkable sensation at Apung
Jaya House, a 20 minutes ride by motor boat
from Karimunjawa. Apung House has been the
favorite lodge to most tourists, because it is
It has more room than the Floating House but
it is still limited, only 15 units. That is why the
lodge is always fully booked several months in
At Apung House, there is also a shark pool and
several other marine animals that the guest can
swim with and touched. Snorkling, diving, and
fishing are three activities among many others
that can be done there. At night, when the sky
is clear, you can enjoy sitting on the veranda of
Apung House, staring at the dark sky and sea,
feel the tranquility and the sound of the waves
Whenever you travel without a travel arrange­
ment from an agency, remember to set up an
appointment with the fishing boat owner for a
pick up because they do not come daily. If there
is no tourist that needs to be picked up or any
matter that needs to be done in the island, they
will just pass by. If it happens to you then you
have to find a way to return to Karimunjawa.
Karimunjawa underwater
Traveling Around
It is mandatory to visit the islands
around Karimunjawa.
The beach with clear blue water,
coral reefs and colorful ornamental
fish with the white sand overlaying
is always astonishing.
That is the outlook of the tiny islands
around Karimunjawa.
Everything offers enchantment.
Moreover snorkeling and diving
spots that are worth trying.
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina | Ida | Vidnya
Destinasi Indonesia |
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina | Dinda
Destinasi Indonesia |
Booked for tickets ahead of time. Passenger boat and speed­
boat to Karimunjawa are often full especially during holiday.
Diving & Snorkling
Riding speedboat is more comfortable. If you ride the passenger boat, come early to get a comfortable seat.
If this is your first trip to Karimunjawa, you are suggested to
use a travel agency or at least a tour guide.
Up to this moment electricity in Karimunjawa is not 24 hours.
It is turned on from 6 PM to 6 AM. Make use of the time to
recharge your gadget’s battery such as camera, handy cam
and cellular phone.
Fishing, snorkeling and diving tools can be rented in Karimunjawa.
Bring sun block lotion to protect skin from the sun. Bring hat
if possible
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
Remember to bring jackets, because at night the wind often
blows stronger.
The rent of the fisherman’s boat ranges betweet Rp 300.000
to Rp 600.000 depend on the size of the boat or the boat’s
capacity, wth the time limit from dusk until dawn.
Before you travel, spent time to search for in­
formation or brow the internet. The cyber world
can be the best information source to look for
and select travel agent, tour guide, and hotels
that are recommended a lot.
It is safe to visit Karimunjawa with your family
to tour and learn the marine world. But if you
decide to lodge at Apung House, it is not rec­
ommended to bring children under the age of 7,
or children that needs continuous supervision.
Because Apung House is in the middle of the
sea, children above the age of 7 should always
be supervised.
Always wear life jackets when boating, and
make sure the boat is equipped with them.
These are tourist’s favorite activities. Equip­
ments can be rented at Karimunjawa or at the
lodges. Karimunjawa and its surrounding are
heaven for divers. The waves are calm. There
are a lot of untouched underwater garden,
although there are some damage ones with the
brownish corals.
Explore the Islands
There are 27 little islands in Karimunjawa.
Some are close to each other that make them
an astonishing tourist attraction. The clear blue
water and unpolluted white sand can be an
extraordinary view and exciting photographic
Pesona bawah laut
Sunset & Sunrise
The sunrise and sunset are astonishing view.
Cycling/Motor cycling
At Karimunjawa there are bicycle and motor
cycle rentals. It is pleasant to go around the
island riding a bicycle and once in a while rest
at the food stall and cart selling young coconut
juice on the side of the street.
Glass Bottom Boat
Watching coral reef and decorative fish in a rented glass bottom boat can be very enter­
Involve in the Local People’s Activities
If you are the type of person who likes to
interact with the local people, traditional crab
hunting is worth trying. You will be equipped
with a spear, pincer and petromaks lamp.
Karimunjawa island and the lodges provide
fishing equipments and including the bait.
In principle, touring at Karimunjawa can be
inexpensive if you come in group, so you can
share renting the room and boat. You are not
recommended to travel alone if this is your first
time to Karimunjawa. It is safer to utilize the
travel agent so you can have a tour guide.
The travel agent usually offered a package
for Rp600.000 (not including air fare, lodging or
not, and types of hotel chosen) in a condition
where you will be grouped with other tourists,
in a minimum of 10 people. If it is less than
the quota the price is divided to the number of
people, this way it is more expensive.
The package consist of:
• Lodging (Apung House, home stay, resort,
budget hotel)
• Boat rental Rp350.000 (small boat)
• 3 meals a day
• Speed boat or passenger boat departed
from Semarang or Jepara
• Tour guide
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
The weather that affected the waves is often the obstacle
that made passenger boat and speedboat canceled their
departure to Karimunjawa or return to Jepara and Semarang.
So always bring extra money.
6 Must
Visit Islands
JEPARA and Semarang, Central
Java is the departure point to Kari­
munjawa. If you travel by air Achmad
Yani Airport in Semarang will be your
starting point. You can continue the
journey by speedboat from Tangjung
Mas Port, Semarang.
If your departure point is in Jepara,
Karimunjawa can be reached by
speedboat and passenger boat from
Kartini Port.
Although regular departure sche­
dule is available, but you still need
check it. Sometimes the boat cannot
depart because of the weather.
1. Cemara Besar Island
2. Cilik Island
Heaven! The water in Cemara Besar Is­
land is so clear spread with white sands
and lineup of pine tree. The view is so
seducing that you cannot ignore. Picture
taking, playing sand, snorkeling, diving
and exploring the island are activities
can be done in the island.
Tourists who love diving and
snorkeling in Karimunjawa,
called this island as the
most beautiful one. Cilik
Island is only 2 hectare
wide, equipped with
wooden pier for boats
to harbor. From the
pier you can see
decorative fish
swimming freely.
The water in the
island is crystal
clear with
coral reef
and colorful
3. Menjangan Besar Island
Ticket is subject to change anytime.
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Vidnya
Destinasi Indonesia |
Menjangan Besar Island can be reached
in about 10 minutes by boat from
Karimunjawa Island. Tourists are often
directed to the island to see the shark
breeding pool. There are two 10X15 me­
ter pools with 2 meters in depth contain
white and black fin shark. Tourist can
look around the breeding site and swim
with the sharks.
4. Menjangan Kecil Island
Ticket is subject to change anytime.
You need 2 hours to ride a
boat from Kartini Port and
3,5 to 4 hours from Sema­
rang. Ticket price is between
Rp90.000 to 110.000 (rounded
up) depend on the class. You
need 6 hours from Jepara by
KM Muria passenger boat.
The ticket price is between
Rp30.000 to Rp80.000
(rounded up).
Ticket is subject to change anytime.
The 46 hectare island has a lot of snorkeling
spots. Coral reefs and colorful decorative fish
are an enjoyable view. Between Menjangan
Besar Island and Menjangan Kecil Island
there is a diving spot where divers love
to dive. In one of the location there is a
shipwreck “Panama Indono” that sank
in 1955. Menjangan Kecil Island is more
well equipped and organized. There is
a wooden pier which often visited by
tourists to enjoy the scenery while
5. Tengah Island
6. Karimunjawa Island
The island is only about 4 hectare wide,
but it is considered well equipped. It has a
wooden pier, bathrooms and toilets. If you
travel with children the tour guide will take
you to Tengah Island.
Karimunjawa Island is considered to be the departure
and arrival point for tourists coming from Jepara and
Semarang. The island is also the departure and the ar­
rival point for tourist that decides to explore the surrounding
islands of Karimunjawa with or without snorkeling and diving.
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
Important Phone Numbers
KMC Kartini
Communication and Information Service
Central Java Province
Jl. Siliwangi 357 Phone: (024) 7605660,
KMP Muria
ASDP Jepara Phone: (0291) 591048
CP Retno: 08122895510
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
KMC Express Cantika
Jl. AE Suryani no. 41 Bulu-Jepara
Jepara (0291) 598488, 592999
Karimunjawa (0297) 312333
Tourist Information Center
(TIC) Jawa Tengah di Semarang
Jl. Pemuda 147 Semarang
Phone/Fax: +62 24 3515451
Contact Person: Kartika Koemalasari S, SS
Mobile : 081 5753 28835
varieties of fauna such as scaled
turtle, green turtle, sea eagle
and many more.
Karimunjawa has calm waves,
but it can change anytime. It
has 27 islands that mostly with
white sand beaches. Five out of
27 islands are populated. They
are Karimunjawa, Kemujan,
Nyamuk, Parang and Genting.
Town square is the center of activities
and entertainment of the people in Kari­
munjawa. During the night the square turns
to be culinary arena. Most menus offered
are rice with varieties of fish. And there are
also commonly known food such as baso,
somay and chicken noodle.
1. Apung House, Menjangan Besar Island
In fact, Apung House is not a lodge. It is bet­
ter called a little house with simple rented rooms.
The house is located in the middle of the sea so
it looks floating. Apung House is a place for the
employee of a private fishery company to watch
the breeding of various kinds of fish that will be
exported to China, Malaysia, Singapore and many
others. Close to the house you can see a place for
fish breeding.
Apung House can be reached in 20 minutes
from Karimunjawa Island. The location is sur­
rounded with little sharks breeding that become
an attractive tourist attraction and activities.
2. Nirwana Resort Hotel
4. Apung House
This is the tourists’ favorite place to lodge in
Karimunjawa. Apung House is not just a lodge,
but also a place that offers adventures. It is built
on top of a sandbank situated 20 minutes from
Karimunjawa Island. Apung House is well known
among tourists, researchers and other scientific
marine activity agents.
It is equipped with 15 guestrooms that
comes in various prices. There are selections of
rooms such as, AC or non AC rooms with bath­
rooms inside and non AC rooms with outside
bathrooms. It is also equipped with snorkeling,
diving, banana boating and touring around the
surrounding islands. The lodge also offered activi­
ties playing and swimming with the sharks and
other marine animals.
In Karimunjawa Island
Home stay and hotels are available in Kari­
munjawa. The prices varies in an average below
Rp350.000. There are also resorts that offer blue
water beach lodging with modern equipments.
But if you desire for a unique experience, lodge at
Apung Jaya House. Unfortunately, the rooms at
Apung House are very limited. So you need to make
reservation ahead of time.
5. Escape Romantic Beach Hotel
Dok nirwana resort hotel
3. Kura Kura Resort
The resort is located on the beach with private
nuance. It offered activity package from snorkeling, diving, to trips around several islands with a
tour boat.
+62 (0)24-766 325 10
+62 (0)24-761 27 07
+62 (0)852 257 398 88 (Emergency)
Around 10 minutes ride from
Karimunjawa Port.
6. Karimunjawa Inn Hotel-Bungalow-Restaurant
A budget hotel own by Central Java Provincial
Government Jl. Kapuran Karimunjawa
Phone: 0297-312253
7. Omah Alchy Cottages 2 stars
Jati Kerep Karimunjawa Regency,
Karimunjawa 59432
For more info: Nino : +62 811 253 792 and
Aris: +62 857 394 26598 / +62 812 346 21338
www.alcheringaholiday.com, Facebook.com/
rumah.alcheringa, twitter: @rumahalcheringa,
email: [email protected]
DoC kura kura resort
Destinasi: Karimunjawa
Photographed: Ibu Penyu | Ravina
Destinasi Indonesia |
at a Glance
arimunjawa Island
is part of the Jepara
Regency, Central Java.
The width of the land is 1.500
hectare and the ocean is about
11.000 hectare. On March 15
2001, Karimunjawa is deter­
mined to be a National Park.
The decision is made to protect
the coral reefs, mangrove and
Family Vacation
The “5 cm” movie has inspired Wicaksono, chief editor of PlasaMSN.com,
and his family to spend the school holiday at Mount Bromo, East Java.
t’s going to be fun to spend the holiday at Bro­
mo,” said 13 year old Sastra Jendra Hayudiningrat
and 10 year old Wangi Bunga Savana after they
watched the beauty of Mount Bromo on the “5
cm” movie. Their comments have moved their
father Wicaksono, known as Wicak, to plan the trip. He is
also known as “Ndoro Kakung” in the blogger world.
As holiday approaching the thought of Mount Bromo that
has cristalized in their mind was finally executed. This time
Wicak did out of the ordinary by planning the trip by air from
Jakarta to Surabaya.
“With the traffic condition it’s hard to enjoy the trip.
Jakarta, Bandung and the North Coast is always congested
espeially in June approaching the month of Ramadhan. Cost
wise it wasn’t too different driving and flying, but driving was
surely exhausting,” said Wicak explaining his choice of vaca­
tion this year.
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
The field trip
and hiking track to the
Bromo crater
After he made certain about the destination of the trip
Wicak set his vacation time. The departure date will be June
19-23, 2013. The next step, he went online to get informa­
tions and recommendations. He also discussed the trip with
his wife and children. Through discussions and information
hunting in the internet they decided the destinations and
tourist sites that will be their target after the trip to Mount
Bromo. After a long search the family waas settled to make
Surabaya as the arrival and departure point from Jakarta.
“Surabaya is the alternative because there are lots of flight
in and out of the city. So there should be a lot of choices and
I can surf the internet to look for cheap tickets,” explained
The next step is to arrange the itinerary. Jakarta – Surabaya
– Bromo – Batu – Surabaya – Jakarta will be the route and it
will be specified to a more detailed tourist sites. Again the in­
ternet and friend’s recommendations are the best reference.
Next, Wicak surf the internet for cheap tickets, to book
a hotel for four days and a Toyota Hardtop as their trans­
portation to cross the sandy plain of Bromo. “I was recom­
mended To rent the jeep by a friend. My consideration was a
good driver who knows the area well. I got the price of Rp.
600.000/day including gasoline and driver.”
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
Planned Trip
Save Cost
Total Budget 15 million rupiahs
Length of time 5 days 4 nights
One family
(2 adults and 2 children)
• Wicaksono
• Santi
• Jendra (12)
• Bunga (10)
Jakarta – Surabaya – Bromo –
Batu – Surabaya – Jakarta
Santi, Wicak’s wife, prepared basic
medication. She also prepared some
traditional remedy for the children.
On the D day they depart for Suraba­
ya. As they arrived at Juanda airport
arented car was ready to take them
to Bromo. On the way the children
had a chance to see Suramadu
Bridge and stop by at the location of
Lapindo Mud. The purpose was to let
the children witness in real what they
have seen on television.
They reach Bromo at 3.30 PM.
They went straight to Kafe Lava Inn
with a Rp. 600.000/night rate. Kafe
Lava Inn was picked up because of
the wifi and some recommendations
of local and foreign tourists. At dawn
Jendra and Bunga was so eager to
get ready to head for Pananjakan
with the rented Jeep which often
used for sandy desert and rocky road.
From Pananjakan they continued the
journey by horse and foot heading for
the spot where they can feast their
eyes with the magnificent sunrise.
The kids had their clothing ready
skullcaps, gloves, jacket and raincoat
to cover their body from the dew.
Their next destination was the
crater. This time Wicak decided to
stay in the Jeep while his wife and
children enjoy the horse riding and
stepping each step towards the
crater. The journey continued to the
Whispering Sand and Teletabies Hill.
They got back to the inn just
in time for lunch. After they
enjoy their meal and packed
up their belongings they car­
ried on with their journey to
Batu, East Java. Batu is a city
known as Little Switzerland of
Java. They spent the night at
Royal Orchid Garden.
The next day, the children’s
felicity was poured out at
Jatim Park 2. At Bromo the
kids were amazed by the
sand whereas here they can’t
stop moving. The animals,
the rides and the shows can’t
stop them from trying each
one. “They played since 10
AM until the place closed at 6
PM. They said it’s not enough
and wanted to come back
some other time,” told Wicak
After a short rest at the
hotel, they went to Batu Night
Spectacular. A recreational
place opens at night that com­
bines culinary and children’s
games. Jendra and Bunga
spend their time playing until
Tireless, the kids woke up
the next morning with the
same spirit. They seem to
have an extra energy to play at
Safari Garden, Pandaan. They
explore the arena and play.
The peak of the occasion was
to watched the Cowboy Show.
“The kids love this show. It
has lots of surprises like water
splashes that make them
Jendra, Bunga and Santi at
Batu Apple Plantation
laugh. They can tell what’s
going to happen but they still
shout and laugh happily,” told
The trip from Pandaan Safari
Garden continued to Sura­
baya. They stayed there for
one night at Mercure Hotel
Surabaya before they depart
for Jakarta the next day.
1. We can find recommendations for tourist destination
by browsing the internet to
see the web sites or blogs.
2.A well prepared plan will
help a lot. You wont get confused what to do and where
to go.
3.It will be easy to purchase
airline tickets because every
airline has a web site and
we can book tickets online.
We can order the seats that
we want if we plan the trip in
4.I suggest you to book a hotel through a website such as
Agoda. Not only it’s cheaper
and has lots of selection but
also you can read people’s
5.Ask friends or relatives who
have visited our destinaton
in the past.
6.Pack the things that you
need. Make sure you don’t
bring excessive luggage.
Make room for gifts to bring.
Jendra and Bunga at
Lapindo Mud Monument
di Bromo.
Posing at Jatim
Eco Park 2
7.Don’t forget to bring basic
and private medication.
• Airline ticket
• Hotel (Bromo, Batu, Surabaya)
• Car rental (4 days)
• Hardtop rental (Bromo)
• Jatim Eco Park 2, Batu
• Night Spectacular, Batu
• Safari Garden Prigen, Pandaan
• Food
• Day 1 Wednesday, June 19th,
• In the morning depart for Surabaya
• With the rented car heading for
• Stop by the Suramadu Bridge
and Lapindo Mud site
• Arrive in Bromo
Day 2 Thursday, June 20th, 2013
• At dawn, with the hardtop
heading for Pananjakan, Whispering Sand, Teletabies Hill
• At noon, back to the hotel to
check out and continue the trip
to Batu
• At dusk, arrive in Batu and rest.
Day 3 Friday, June 21st, 2013
• Morning, a trip to the apple
• Leave for Jatim Eco Park 2,
opening hours 10 AM to 6 PM
• Back to the hotel get ready to
go to Batu Night Spectacular
until midnight
• Back to the hotel and rest
Day 4 Saturday, June 22nd, 2013
• Morning, depart for Safari Garden Prigi, Pandaan
• At dusk, heading for Surabaya
to stay for one night
Day 5 Sunday, June 23rd, 2013
• Depart for Jakarta
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
Family Vacation
Photos: Dok Pribadi
Destinasi Indonesia |
Bromo Crater
Smoke of the
One Day Traveling
Being busy is not a good excuse for not touring,
One Day Traveling Community helps you to have
a one day trip.
Photo: www.disparbud.jabarprov.go.id
Destinasi Indonesia |
never thought visiting
tourist destinations and
culinary places in one day
can be done neatly and
pleasantly. I am so lucky to
be part of the One Day Travel­
ling, a community that facili­
tates busy people who want
to enjoy life with traveling.
Solo, Jogja, Medan, Ban­
dung, Garut, Cirebon, has been
explored by the community.
A while ago I had a chance to
travel with the community, led
by Raga Dipa a 22 year old who
loves traveling and art, to the
Shrimp City Cirebon, West Java.
On the fixed date, we ga­
thered at Gambir Station at 5.15
AM. There were five of us who
traveled that day. The train and
other on land transportations
are always the choice for every
trip. “In principle, we toured
to places that can be reached
within less than five hours from
Jakarta without the airplane”
revealed Raga.
But this principle is not a set
thing. If most members request­
ed a trip that requires airplane,
it will still be done. Up to this
moment traveling is still a one
day trip. We leave in the morning
and return in the evening without
staying overnight.
Ojek Wisata
CP: Venggar
CP: Arief
Nasi Jamblang
With the morning train, we
headed for Cirebon. It was my
first trip to the city. While listen­
ing to the roaring of the train, I
had doubt on the trip. Would it be
possible to visit the city’s tourist
destinations and culinary places
in just one day? This was an
interesting challenge that I looked
forward to.
I was tempted to have break­
fast on the train. But the tour
guide suggested on holding our
hunger. After a three hour trip we
arrived at Cirebon Station. The
ground was still wet from last
night’s rain.
In front of the station the “tour
ojek”, the community’s partner­
ship” was ready to take us. The
fleet was commanded by Veng­
gar the manager of the “tour
ojek”. The group set out to the
first destination that was Nasi
Jamblang breakfast at Mang Dul,
Cipto Street. That morning the
eatery was already filled with
Nasi Jamblang is fist size rice
wrapped in teak leaf. Because
the rice is only a fist size, one is
not enough. People usually eat
more than two.
There were various side dishes
to go with the rice, such as,
goreng otak, quail eggs satay,
squid, tofu, krupuk kulit chips, frit­
ters and many more. There were
25 different dishes that we can
select. But the red chili paste that
has savory, sour, sweet taste but
not too hot was the best.
Photo: Komunitas OneDayTraveling, www.wisatacirebon.com
Destinasi Indonesia |
To Cirebon
with the Community
Sunyaragi Cave
Kasepuhan Palace
Photo: Komunitas OneDayTraveling, www.wisatacirebon.com
Destinasi Indonesia |
After breakfast the group rushed to the
Kasepuhan Palace. The palace was celebrat­
ing the Prophet Mohammed’s Maul. There
were lots of visitors and vendors surrounding
the palace. To reach the court of the palace,
built in 1529 by Mas Mochammad Arifin II the
great grandchild of Sunan Gunung Jati, we
had to pass the some vendors. They were
there during the festivity. These vendors sold
varieties of snacks such as giant onde-onde
three times the regular size. Some vendors
sold home appliances. In fact, there were
also fortune teller and charm seller among
the vendors.
After we purchased the entrance tickets, a
guide fluently explained every corner of the
palace. We started at the well maintained
main gate to the utmost part of the palace
where the king’s throne located. On the
steps to the throne there where ornaments
and ceramics decorated with pictures taken
from the Bible story.
From the main hall we were taken to the
weapon storage. They store weaponry such
as Keris in that place. And then the guide led
us to the golden chariot. It has a unique shape,
the front part resembles a dragon where as
the back part has the shape of a horse.
The chariot is made of black wooden steel.
It was designed by one of the prince before
the Dutch conquered the country. The great
thing about the chariot is its advance techno­
lo­gy. It uses rocking suspension and power
steering. In the old days chariots are pulled
by buffalo, on bumpy roads the spring will
rock and the tongue of fire come in and out
of the dragon’s mouth. The chariot has a
pair of wings on the left and right that move
constantly as if they flap. Interestingly, It has
been the target of chariot collectors around
the world.
Klinong-Klinong ning Suroboyo
Organized by House of Sampoerna
Tour schedule : Sunday, 23 and 30 September 2013
: 7 – 8:30 AM
Departure and return point: House of Sampoerna
For further information please call the Marketing Team
HoS (031) 353-9000 ext 24109
Working hours (Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM) or
TIC (031)-353 9000 ext 24142.
Contact Person :
Arman Mulyadin 082114547135
Ibupenyu Trip
Trusmi Batik
From the cave we headed
for the Batik Trade Center in
Trusmi. Every batik maker
sends their work here.
Buyers will freely picked
the style, color, print and
price of their choice. The
prices were tagged between 45 thousand to 500 thou­
sand rupiahs. Along the way, we could see little bou­
tiques that sell Batik. If you can’t find anything that you
like at the batik center, you can try at these boutiques.
Jelajah Gunung Padang, Lampengan,
Curug Cikondang, Cianjur
Organized by:
Doyan Jalan (doyanjalan.com)
Sabtu 28 September 2013
Time: 5.30 AM – 10 PM
Meeting Point:
In front of UKI campus
(last day payment
20 September 2013)
Trip Kiluan Bay – Hunting Dolphin
Organized by ibupenyu.com
Trip schedule
November 2013: Derawan Trip 4D3N (via Berau)
Meeting point : Balikpapan>> Rp. 2.200.000
Participant: a minimum of 12 persons or a
maximum of 15 persons
cost include:
air tax (Balikpapan & Berau), transportation in Berau,
transportation in Derawan, accomodation (ACshared
room), meals, tips, 1 day snorkeling, tour guide.
Exclude : airfare, air tax from each destination, snack.
Organized by:
Travelmate Indonesia
(Sahabat Jalan)
27-29 September
(by sea)
Umang Island,
Legundi Island, Kelapa
Island, Kiluan Bay, Hunting Dolphin, Special
spot go to Lagoon
Rp 575.000
WhatsApp (Malik Id)
Empal Gentong
After a long shopping spree
we eventually got hungry. The
tour bike rider swiftly took us
to a restaurant called Empal
Gentong Mang Darma. The
restaurant has been around
since 1947. The taste of the empal, fried
spiced beef chunks, was so delightful with slices of
rice cake and sprinkled with dried chili.
Souvenir Center
After we indulge ourselves with the food, we rushed to
Pangestu souvenir center, located at South Sukalila Street.
There we can find selections of gifts a specialty of Cirebon.
We can buy krupuk kulit, shrimp krupuk, shrimp paste, sam­
bal rebon, salty fish sambal, Tjampolai syrup and many more
that you can take home. Finally it was time to go home. We
had to rush back to the station. After a quick rest and pic­
tures taking for a half hour, we were ready to leave. Wow!
We explore Cirebon in one day. It was true.
Eksplorasi Indonesia
Nesabridalbeauty.com is a bridal, beauty, fashion
and knick knacks owned by Shinta Antonia. Born in
Singkawang, June 20, 1989, Shinta has interests and
concerns in beauty, knick kancks and bridal, particularly wedding apparel inspired by go green and environment friendly movement.
She designs wedding gown with mahony skin, accesory made of beak and feather of hornbill and Ruai
of Singkawang.
There is also wedding gown made of wooden
and coil lantern, and husk. Recently, she is working on a gown made of bamboo. She also makes use
of Batik Singkawang on her designs. The Queen of
Singkawang is the maestro of her work in 2012. She
is preparing a boutique for wedding apparel label.
“I will make apparels with an environment friendly
material. It is difficult to do. I hope my work can be a
contribution to the fashion and beauty world in Indonesia,” she said.
Community: Event
Destinasi Indonesia |
Berpose di depan
Keraton Kasepuhan, Cirebon.
After the Kasepuhan
palace we raced to the
village of Graksan, Taman­
sari, where we could see
the Sunyaragi Cave. Su­
nya means quiet and Ragi
means body. In the past the
cave was used for medita­
tion. Tracing in and out of the cave was exciting. We
entered the dark and narrow cave then we crossed
a little bridge and back into the cave. After that we
looped near the lychee tree. Not far from the tree
we saw an art performance stage.
Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
Sleeping, Eating
in the middle of
Rice Paddy
Mulih k Desa offered a replica of daily life
in the villages
There are various activities that
can be done during the day like, to
walk around the paddy field, to pick
velvetleaf and other edible leaves,
trivial activities that gives pleasure.
At the end the leaves can be given
to the cook to be cooked for dishes.
Children can also have different
kinds of activities such as, to know
varieties of plants or play in a field
with commonly used playthings such
as swing, see-saw. There are also
outbound equipments and traditional
playthings such as stilts.
If you come in group there will be
a lot more activities can be done.
The management will provide mud
pool to play tug of war, pillow fight
and walk on bamboo Foot Bridge.
Going under a mud hole is another
activity where you can feel the plea­
sure of cleaning a fish pond, diving
into the mud and catching flounder­
ing fish.
Guests lodge in the month of
November and December can expe­
rience ploughing the rice field, plant­
ing or harvesting rice, tracking the
surrounding villages and traditional
market or visiting tourist attraction
like Kawah Ratu and hot spring in
Cipanas, Garut.
Other than lodging, Mulih k Desa
also offered village style culinary
adventure. Selection of menus like
organic fried chicken, nasi liwet,
salty fish, velvetleaf sauté, ongseng
leunca, fried gurami can be enjoyed
at opened grottos in the middle of
the rice paddy.
The foods are cooked in a tradi­
tional way by cooking on a stove
with firewood. Eating with olden
tableware like, zinc cups and plates
matted with leaves, rice bowl and
dish plate made of bamboo.
Lodging at Mulih k Desa is not
just staying over but you are invited
to learn the farmer style village life.
Children can learn a lot from culture
and nature.
Mulih k Desa
Jl Raya Samarang,
kamojang, Garut, West Java
Phone: (0262) 542271,
Gubuk Cikuray Rp900.000
Papandayan Rp1.000.000
Prices include:
- breakfast for 2
- dinner for 2
- evening snacks
-Hot Spring ticket Water
Cipanas Tirtangangga
Rice plant and harvest
(November – December)
Go under the fish pond
(cleaning the fish pond)
Traditional games
- pillow fight
- walk on bamboo Foot Bridge
- tug of war on the mud
- buffalo ride
- children’s playground,
explore the villages and
traditional market.
Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
f you look for tranquility
through a village nuance, Mulih
k Desa in Samarang, Garut,
West Java, can be an option
to stay. Mulih k Desa offered
daily activites, eating and sleeping
in the middle of the rice paddy and
Mulih k Desa is equipped with 25
gubuk (guestrooms) with wooden
terraces stand in the middle of the
rice paddies and plantations. The de­
sign of the lodging combines village
nuance and modern equipments.
At night, sit at the terrace viewing
the harmonious nature while sip­
ping tea, coffee, bajigur or bandrek
(West Java special beverage) with
the traditional snack such as fried
cassava and banana. It can take you
away from the exhausting daily life.
In certain times you can hear kecapi
suling (traditional music instrument)
played by traditional music player.
West Java
Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
Coffee lovers must enjoy the taste of West Java
coffee at Parahyangan Koffie, located at the
Floating Market, Lembang, Bandung.
nly few people know
that Papandayan and
Pengalengan are the
first coffee plantation
in Indonesia which
was successfuly planted with Arabi­
ca coffee beans brought by Thomas
Stamford Bingley Raffles (1811).
In fact, Raffles had tried to grow
Arabica coffee tree in Bengkulu, but
failed. The English botanist concluded
that Arabican can only grow on a land
1000 meters above sea level.
“History recorded, West Java was
the producer of the number one quali­
ty coffee in the world. Unfortunately,
as time went by the title disappeared.
“Papandayan and Pengalengan, is
better known for its tourist attractions
and tea plantations” said Alexander
coffee lovers and self-taught coffee
Luckily, there are coffee drink­
ers that still care about West
Java Coffee. Therefore when
entrepreneur meets an idealistic
coffee expert, they decide to
built Parahyangan Koffie. Nico­
laus Iskandar and Alexander
agreed to colaborate in regain­
ing the glory days of West Java
coffee. They buy coffee beans
above the market price from the
farmers. The difference in price
is given in a form of fertilizers.
The product is not only
marketed in the country but
also overseas. China is the first
country to import Parahyangan
Koffie. “They welcome Para­
hyangan Koffie. Especially the
special edition coffee. How
can coffee tastes like red wine,
that’s what they said,” explained
Nicolaus laughing.
Alexander explains, the
taste of coffee depends on the
nu­trient and age of the soil,
harvesting technique, sorts
of coffee, maintenance, postharvest handling proccess,
and roasting process. “Storing
technique affect the process of
fermentation and coffee flavor,”
said Alexander.
According to Alexander, cof­
fee has a lot of varieties in flavor
because of the external factors
and its ability to absorb odor.
There is a coffee plantation in
Guatemala that offers coffee
with orange flavor. People love
it. Although it is expensive, 19
million rupiahs per kilo.
“Eventhough it needs a lot of
processes, but we can do the
same one here. Coffee with
o­range flavor is grown alter­
nately between a row of coffee
and orange tree. In Pengalengan
there is coffee with green tea
flavor, 100 green tea trees are
grown around the coffee planta­
tion to help shield them from
the wind. The bottom line we
are rich but unnoticed let alone
cultivated,” explained Alexander.
Parahyangan Coffee
Alexander and Niclaus not
only carry Parahyangan Koffie
brand to China but also offered
coffee with the same brand
at the Floating Market area in
Lembang, Bandung.
It is so enjoyable sipping a cup
of West Java coffee processed
in a Japanese coffee maker,
Chiffon . Relaxing on a wooden
chair while laying your eyes on
the cafe’s traditional interior, the
lake view outspread in front of
our eyes, the afternoon sunlight
that penetrates through tiny
holes around the cafe which
formed golden lines as if we are
in a painting.
Almost three hours has
passed. Visitors came in and
out of the cafe, observing the
coffee bean display, enjoy­
ing the coffee flavor, pamper
themselves with the view of
the nature, the sound of water
splashing and the brezee.
The sky gets dark. It is time to
go. Finished the second cup of
coffee made with the Vietnam
Drip and headed home.
Parahyangan Koffie
Floating Market Lembang Jl Grand Hotel 33 E, Lembang,
Bandung, Jawa Barat Telp: 022 - 61717556
Buka pukul 08.00 – 22.00 WIB
Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia
Destinasi Indonesia |
Red Wine Coffee
Es Krim Premium Duren-Q
Duren-Q adalah buah dari semangat kerja keras tiga
orang pengusaha muda yang masih aktif bekerja sebagai
pegawai dan staf kementrian negara , Rizky Andrika,
29 tahun (Staf Marketing di Industri Chemical), Adhi
Pradono, 29 tahun (Staf HRD Di Industri Multifinance)
Dan Syamsudin Prasetyo, 29 tahun (PNS Kementrian
Agama), latar belakang yang berbeda membuat mereka
yakin bahwa Bisnis Es Krim Duren Premium (Duren-Q)
ini mampu disejajarkan dengan Es Krim yang sudah
mempunyai nama besar.
Mengandalkan Cita Rasa Durian Asli dan dengan
resep yang sudah disempurnakan selama lebih dari
15tahun membuat para pelanggan yang sudah mencicipi
kelezatan es krim ini untuk menjadi pembeli setia, rasa
pekat Durian yang membekas di lidah para penikmat es
krim ini menumbuhkan rasa ketagihan dan kerinduan
untuk menikmatinya disetiap saat.
Dengan proses produksi dan menjunjung tinggi
konsep steril , Es Krim Duren-Q bisa dibilang unggul di
atas es krim duren yang dimiliki kompetitor lain. Satu
tahun berjalan dari pertama es krim ini diluncurkan
akhirnya Managemen Duren-Q siap untuk mentargetkan
15 outlet waralaba Baru di sekitar wilayah Jakarta.
“Bumbu Desa present modern Indonesia
– Asian cuisine. It provides a well defined,
sophisticated, elegant
dining where the producers
and customers are brought
together in celebration,
with the best in service
and cutting edge serene
Outlet Duren-Q
Dapur Raya Pasar Raya Blok M
Dapur Raya Pasar Raya Manggarai
Jl Cidodol Raya, Kompleks Hankam No 4, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
Perhitungan Laba-Rugi
Medan | Padang | Pekanbaru | Bukittinggi | Bengkulu | Palembang | Batam | Bintan | Bangka | Lampung | Jakarta |
Bekasi | Depok | Karawang | Bandung | Cirebon | Semarang | Solo | Jogja | Surabaya | Kediri | Malang | Bali | Makasar |
Gorontalo | Menado | Pontianak | Batulicin | Banjarmasin
KLCC | Alamanda | The Curve | Midvaley
Harga jual per gelas15.000
bumbudesa.com |
Bumbu Desa - Indonesia |
Tip Top Restaurant,
Bakery & Cake Shop
Visit Sapu Lidi Resort to enjoy
culinary plus the extraordinary
village and traditional nuance.
This place amazed food lovers
and those who are crazy about
Destinasi Indonesia |
Jl Otto Iskandardinata
no. 89
Phone: (0262) 2246767
and 2247007
Business hours:
10.00 – 22.00 WIB
watering. Don’t forget to taste fried
small fish so crispy that you can
chew the bones. And also Oseng
buncis oncom served on little skil­
For snacks there are choices of
traditional pancakes to fried ba­
nanas. Selections of beverages
such as young green coconut juice,
bandrek and bajigur. You can dine in
an open cool air of Lembang. When
visit Bandung you must stop by at
Sapu Lidi.
Jl Ahmad Yani No 92 (Jalan Kesawan), Medan, Sumatera
Sapu Lidi
jl. Sersan Bajuri kompleks
Graha Puspa
Cihideung – Lembang ,
Bandung, West Java
Phone. +62 22 2786915 ,
Fax. +62 22 2787499
jl. Cihampelas 107
West Java – Indonesia.
Phone. +62 22 2034109
Fax. +62 22 2035060
illage atmosphere present through the traditional huts
with floor sitting arrangement. The structure of the eatery
is mostly made of wood and bamboo. It uses combinations
of traditional, modern and modified Table wares. Try their
menus like, nasi kohkol, rice with various dishes, chili paste,
raw vegetables served on half kentongan shaped bamboo.
Kentongan is olden communication equipment. There are se­
lections of food on the menu such as, traditional Sundanese,
sauté squid, vegetables, capcai, grilled fish and many more.
i-Top , an old restaurant in Medan built in 1929, has
been the silent witness of the city’s rapid development.
In 1929, the restaurant, used to be named Jangkie like the
owner’s name, was located in Jalan Pandu, Medan. In 1934
it was moved to Jalan Kesawan with a new name Tip-Top
that means perfect. Tip-Top serves Indonesian, Western and
Chinese food.
Omah Ndeso
Jl Dr. Soepomo No. 55
Mangkubumen Solo
Phone: 0271-737379
Business hours:
hen you are in Solo you must visit Omah Ndeso or it
is well known as Pecel Solo. The place serves various
Solo cuisines with a dining area in an old house nuance. Even
equipments used have nuance from the past glass jar or dec­
orations like mortar, lamp and antique chest. Menus served
are pecel Solo, pecel ndeso, garang asem, nasi liwet and
many more. The must try beverages are beras kencur, temu
lawak, kunir asem sirih, jahe pandan gulo jowo, and so on.
Oasis in the middle
of the city
Tired of modern atmosphere, Warung Solo in East Cilandak,
South Jakarta is worth trying.
t is heaven to be able to enjoy din­
ing in a traditional nuance in Ja­
karta. Moreover to dine in an open
air wide premises with an interior
that remind us of olden village atmo­
sphere. We will not pay attention on
the bumper to bumper traffic in front
of the eatery.
That is the atmosphere of Warung
Solo that stands on a 4.000 square
meter land. The owner, Dani Sarwono,
builds the eatery out of paint peeling
wooden board. There are old style
wooden tables and dining table made
of sewing machine table. Selection of
menus like nasi pecel, complete nasi
gudeg, nasi liwet, varieties of fries,
ketupat tahu Magelang, Java noodles,
asem, botok,
mangut, nasi
gereh sambel
bawang, and
many more.
All sorts of snacks are available
like, various flavors of pancakes, fried
banana, kremes, fried tape, lumpia,
mendoan, otak-otak, and others. Their
special drinks are beras kencur ice,
blewah with brown sugar, cendol,
stroop, gula asem, kunir asem and so
It is refreshing to enjoy various tradi­
tional foods with a traditional interior.
It is like finding an oasis in the middle
of the city.
Goela Djawa
Jl Fatmawati No. 16 - 69
Petronas Gas Station
West Cilandak, Cilandak
South Jakarta 12430
Phone: (021) 7515106
Business Hours:
10.00 – 22.00
Oasis in the middle
of the city
Warung Solo
Jl Madrasah No 14
Jeruk Purut
South Jakarta
Phone: (021) 78843144
ula Djawa restaurant Goela Djawa Restaurant is simple
but attractive. Decorated with traditional interior, cement
floor and wooden chairs. There are varieties of Indonesian
buffet menus serves on top of a stove. All menus are Sema­
rang, Cirebon, Yogya, Solo style. Sayur lodeh, sambal goreng
ati, krecek oseng tempe cabai hijau, garang asem, tahu gejrot
are in the menu. There are selections of beverages like, teh
poci gula batu, kunir asem, or dawet. Varieties of snacks that
brings us back to our childhood.
Destinasi Indonesia |
ou will regret not to try fried
mushrooms in Sapu Lidi. It
has become a debate subject
among those who have tried it.
Some say it taste like chicken some
say fish. Bottom line! Delicious!
Words cannot describe the bliss
of Bob Doank’s, Sapu Lidi owner,
secret recipe. The resort is located
at Graha Puspa Cihideung, a luxuri­
ous residential area in Lembang,
Bandung. Here you can try varieties
of traditional food that are mouth
Roemah Kampoeng
Trick & Tips
Ignore Sun
Ultraviolet radiation
is said to be one of the
cause of premature
aging, black spot, cataract
and skin cancer.
So, never ignore to wear
sun screen!
Trick & Tips
Photo: Franciska Margati
Destinasi Indonesia |
Should danger spoil your
planned vacation? Don’t! Take
action to avoid danger without
ruining your excitement. Put
on sun screen, wear hat, loose
clothes and other clothing that
can protect your skin from the
Before applying sun screen it
is best to have a clear under­
standing on the product that
is called sun block. Here are
some terminologies used that
need to be comprehended.
• UV: Ultraviolet radiation (UV).
Researches show that over
exposed to UV radiation can
interrupt skin health. Re­
searchers called UV radiation
as the cause of different
types of skin cancer like no
melanoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, and alkali, cell
UV is divided into UVA and
UVB. The radiation can pe­
netrate earth atmosphere
and danger to skin health.
• UVA: UVA donates about
95% of UV radiation that
enter the earth atmosphere
and penetrating the glass.
Over exposure can cause
unbathing in the ocean or in
the mountain during holiday
is exciting. We can relax
and get benefit out of the
sun. New research from
Edinburgh University Dermatologist,
London, England as what has been
published at bbc.co.uk, mentioned
that the sun is not only rich in vitamin
D but also proven to help lower down
blood pressure and give good impact
to the heart.
Keep Cautious
The sun light over exposure may be
harmful. So it is best to be cautious,
even though you will not feel the impact
Many researches show that over
exposed to sun light can lower the skin
immune that may easily irritated and in­
fected the skin, the appearance of black
spot and premature aging.
Too much ultraviolet radiation will
cause cataract and different types of
cancer such as skin or eye cancer. The
ozone thin layer is believed to give
great percentage on ultraviolet radiation
conductance to earth. The Vision Council
London lately appealed to always wear
sunglasses when having outdoor activi­
ties in a long period of time. The appeal
is not only for adults but also children.
damage to the skin among
many are the appearance of
black spot and premature ag­
ing. The research also men­
tions over exposed by UVA
can be the main cause of
many types of skin cancer.
• UVB: the emission of UVB
cannot penetrate glass. Over
exposure of UVB can cause
skin burn and redness.
• SPF (Sun Protection Fac­
tor): beside mentioning its
benefit, to protect skin from
UVA and UVB radiation, sun
block lotion usually write
the content of the SPF for in­
stance SPF 15, SPF 30, SPF
50 or even SPF 90.
The numbers show the
length of time the sun
screen is able to protect the
skin from UVB exposure.
The longer you are exposed
to UVB the highest SPF
should be chosen.
• PA+, PA ++, PA +++: is a
sign that show the product
to protect skin from UVA.
The more a “+” sign is
written on the product the
longer it will protect the skin
from UVA.
• Protect yourself from
ultraviolet radiation with
sunscreen cream
• It is recommended to apply
sunscreen cream every two hours
• cover yourself with hat
• Don’t stay too long under the sun,
especially above 10 AM
• Don’t wear tight clothes when
having activities under the sun. Tight
clothes will directly lead the radiation
to the skin. Wear loose clothes.
• Wear sunglasses.
• Don’t rely only on foundation, pow­
der, or any other makeup that contain
sunscreen protection. Those kinds of
makeup are not for outdoor.
• keep on wearing sunscreen cream
on cloudy weather. Ultraviolet radia­
tion especially UVA happens in the
morning, afternoon, evening and in
any weather.
• Don’t forget to protect your lips
with lip balm that contain ultraviolet
The level of SPF and PA
stated on the product does
not relate to the level of pro­
tection the product can give.
Instead it indicates the length
of time of the protection.
The highest the SPF level, the
longer the protection will be.
Trick & Tips
Photo: Franciska Margati
Destinasi Indonesia |
In Line Water Tourism
The event that combines sports and cultural tourism has become
an accurate marketing strategy and at the same time actuating
the region in developing river and lake tourism
What is the obstacle in developing in line
water tourism in Indonesia?
River and lake management in many countries
in Europe has been regulated and laid-out. The in­
frastructures are more organized and easy to care.
Indonesia needs different approaches. The devel­
opment of river and lake tourism has already been
done in written instruction.
What is the way out?
The best way is to create agenda with news
value that will be the attention of the media. Those
two things can motivate the region to work to­
gether to build river and lake tourism. Of course it
needs coordination between central and regional
government. In this case the role of mass media
is very important. Coverage on the process and
preparation of infrastructure can spur on the region
to bring target into reality.
NDONESIA possesses thou­
sands of unexplored potential
fresh water tourism. There
are 5.950 drainage basins
and 1.575 lakes to benefit
as tourist attraction to improve
the people’s welfare and at the
same time arouse awareness on
nature rearing and preservation.
How to harmonize raising the
potential, marketing and preserva­
tion awareness seems to be the
According to Sapta Nirwandar,
Deputy Minister of Tourism, the
three matters mentioned interrelat­
ed. Many countries are developing
potential fresh water tourism which
is called in line water tourism. In line
with the Tourism Day theme held
on September 27th, Tourism and
Water: Protecting our Common
Following is part of the interview
between Destinasi Indonesia and
Sapta Nirwandar on potentials and
marketing strategy &promotion
related to in line water tourism.
Has this been done in the past?
Tour de Singkarak, an international scale bike
race, has proven this to be an effective way. The re­
gent and his deputy always attend the coordination
meeting. On a certain level the meeting is attended
by the governor. Control is done by the media
through its coverage. Once there was an inspec­
tion before the event and found out that one region
was not ready. As soon as it was in the news, in
marathon they finished the work. The event was
proven successful and the building of the support­
ing infrastructure went smoothly. People can feel
the benefit right away.
Will the government hold this type of event
on river and lake?
This is the most effective way in promoting and
marketing the river and lake tourism and at the
same time to motivate the regional government
and customary society to move forward in building
and decorating their region. This is more effec­
tive than just delivering instruction by the central
What kind event is effective?
The combination of sport tourism and cultural
tourism, especially an international sports compe­
tition can be a fast way to invite tourist. It has a
great news value to be covered by the media. We
can rearrange existing festivals and create new
festivals with interesting concepts. For instance,
developing heritage tourism by utilizing Batanghari
River that used to be a trade route, holding fashion
shows on top of a boat, music festivals and many
What kind of impact is expected?
Firstly, of course this is to increase people’s
welfare. As a result of seeing the river and lake
can elevate their welfare, there will be awareness
in protecting what can be used to make a living.
Developing river and lake tourism can trigger the
development of hotel and infrastructure. Vietnam
and Thailand have successfully benefited Mekong
and Chao Phraya River. We have a greater poten­
tial. Maybe one day guestroom hotel build facing
the river can have higher value.
Photographed: Destinasi Indonesia/Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana
Destinasi Indonesia |
Photographed: Destinasi Indonesia/Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana
Destinasi Indonesia |
KLIK chick
Smart Traveler
Tourism Fact 2013
Visa Survey Result
Traveling with children can be exciting,
but in a certain moment it can be frus­
trating. The long line at the airport dur­
ing holiday and your loved ones whining
Ride-On Carry-On
Klik Chick
Destinasi Indonesia |
can give you a headache. Ride-on Carryon can be a solution. While lining up or
taking care of other matters you will not
be frustrated with your loved ones whin­
ing or worried that they will be out of
Organizer Cocoon
bag and case
The small bag
made by Coccon
makes it possible
for you to arrange
little things that you
always bring when
travelling. With
Kokon Grid-It you do
not need to scram­
ble your bag to find
a pen, cell phone,
power bank or other little things. To keep everything
in its place, the organizer is equipped with elastic
rubber in the inside. The size is small with 30.5
cm width and 20.3 cm height and only weigh 0,33
kg. The price tagged on cocooninnovations.com is
your supervision.
A new Ride-on Carry-on bag, the
back part that connects to the wheel is
equipped with a nylon children’s folded
chair. Children can sit behind the bag,
while Mom and Dad pulled it. The bag is
recommended for an 8 months to a five
year old. This innovation has passed the
safety test in the US and some other
countries and recently was rewarded
Best New Product by Business Week.
Interested? The price tagged on rideoncarryon.com is US$39.95.
Toiletry Kit
Organizing toiletry, shaver,
and cosmetic in the suit­
case may cause a fuse.
If you travel a lot you can
look at the products at
magellans.com. The little
bag is only 2 x 18 cm. it
can be packed horizontally in the suitcase.
The inner part
of the kit is made
transparent with
a strong zipper
when you have to
go through custom
check at the airport, the officer can easily
see through without unpacking it. The kit is
tagged US$35, made of black nylon, with
handle and shoulder strap.
The World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) data shows Chinese
tourists expenditure while travel­
ing overseas increase averagely
30% per year. The Japanese tour­
ists also shows recovery in 2013,
post earthquake disaster. the two
countries is the prime mover in
the Asian market. (The World Tourism Organization/
ITB World Travel Trend Report)
Technology &
Social Media
The role of information technol­
ogy and social media is undeni­
able. Tourists rely on technology
to buy traveling product and
service. They depend on personal
recommendations that can be
obtained through social media
such as blog, youtube, twitter, facebook, and many
more. (ITB World Travel Trend Report)
Movie Role
Movie is proven to be an effec­
tive media promotion in tourism.
New Zealand’s tourism jump
drastically after the movie Lord of
the Rings with the country’s back­
ground played in many countries.
It is not surprising nowadays
many countries facilitate the movie maker to have
their country as the background of a movie.
Attraction, scenery and culture
are still the main reasons for
tourists to travel. This answer is
obtained from a study conducted
by VISA to 12.631 tourists from
25 different countries. In the
mid of 2013, there is a global
average travel budget increase from US$2.390
to US$2.501. Asia Pacific Market shows huge
growth. Based on VISA survey, tourists originated
from this area spent an average of US$273 per
day or the second highest from the global average
US$239. Visa survey also shows 79% tourists will
travel once or twice a year. More than 40% prefer
to arrange their own trip and has done it ahead of
time. 37% of the respondents mentioned relax­
ing with friends and family is their main reason to
travel. Around 39% respondents chose to stay at
star hotels. (visa.com)
Medical Tourism
Many European tourists no lon­
ger go for the sun and beach. But
now they are into medical tour,
this is because of the high cost
of medical treatment and health
insurance. A survey mentioned
about 3%-4% of tourist in the
world have medical tour. In fact, there are more un­
revealed medical tour request. Medical tour among
the European tourist increases 24% last year. A
survey conducted by Bad Honnef Internasional
University of Applied Sciences, Germany shows
52% adult tourist picture themselves traveling
overseas to have dental treatment, surgery and
other because of a low treatment cost.
(ITB World Travel Trend Report)
Destinasi Indonesia |
The Strength of
China and Japan
Indonesian Pearl Festival 2013
Indonesia Pearl Festival (IPF) 2013 will be
held in Jakarta Convention Center, Octo­
ber 2-6. The 3rd IPF event is organized by
the Directorate General of P2HP, Women’s
Association of the Ministry of Fishery and
the Association of Indonesian Pearl Cultiva­
tion in cooperation with PT Rajawali Pacific
The theme of the event is Hidden Treasure of Papua. IPF 2013 is targeting 66
booth to be filled by pearl cultivator of
Indonesia, jeweler, UMKM, Dekranas, and
9 province of pearl producer and marketer
in Indonesia.
Lake Toba Festival
The Awesome
South Sea Pearl
outh Sea Pearl is the best pearl in the world which
can only be found in Indonesia and Australia. Unfortu­
nately not too many Indonesian have the knowledge
on pearl. It is not surprising if the Chinese, Japa­
nese and Australian come to Indonesia to culti­
vate the Indonesian pearls. The product is sold overseas
particularly the top grade quality AAA and AA. “There is
lack of education on pearl among the Indonesians. Not
too many people know that this is a profitable invest­
ment. During monetary crisis in 1998 the price of gold
and diamond are declining, but the price of pearl is
steady even increasing,” said Kengrry Retanubun, direc­
tor of CV Rosario Mutiara Ambrosius. A top grade quali­
ty South Sea Pearl is the same price as a house. But the
production of top grade quality are very limited only 0,5%
a year in every farm. But overall Indonesia is the biggest pearl
producer in the world, preceding Australia, the Philippines, and
Myanmar. The South Sea Pearl is the best quality in the world,
followed by Black Pearl from the Southern Pacific, Akoya from
Japan and Vietnam and then Fresh Water Pearl from China.
“Overseas, particularly Europe, south sea pearl has been status
symbol exceeding other jewelry,” said Ambrosius.
carried out on September 8-14, 2013. The
main stage venue is on Beta Hill, Tuk-Tuk
Beach, and Samosir Island. Lake Toba has
tourism potency which can be developed
into a world class tourism said Sapta.
Several main icons that will be performed
in the event are Solu Bolon Competition
(a kind of Dragon Boat), glider, Marlange
(Swimming), Si Gale-gale Carnaval, Lake
Toba’s World Drum Festival, traditional
games, Tourism and Creative Economics
exhibition and many more.
Underwater Hotel
in Dubai & Maldives
After Dubai, the Republic of Maldives
is constructing a super luxurious under­
water hotel with the same technology
offered by Deep Ocean technology (DOT).
In Dubai, the underwater hotel called Wa­
ter Discus is built aptly a super luxurious
world class resort. The building is build in
futuristic style in a form of disks connect­
ed with a pipe like structure functioning
as lift and stairs.
Water Discus is a structure consists of
two huge discs that is placed under water
and on the water surface. The combina­
tion make it possible for the hotel guests
to enjoy the warm climate on the water
surface at the same time admire the
beauty of the underwater life.
Water Discus is built in 10 meter depth.
There are 21 luxurious guestrooms
equipped with special lighting and it is
designed soundproof. There is a disc in
5-7 meter depth for multifunction lobby,
spa, restaurant and recreational area.
Dubai and Maldives are two countries that
own super luxurious underwater hotel with
the latest technology carried out by DOT.
Previously Dubai owns Hydropolis Underwa­
ter and Apeiron Island, an underwater hotel
with luxurious facilities. Meanwhile the US
owns Jules Undersea Lodge.
Photo: deep-ocean-technology.com
Destinasi Indonesia |
Photo: Dok Rosario Mutiara
Destinasi Indonesia |
The world is interested in the in line water
tourism. For that purpose the Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economics support
the comeback of Lake Toba Festival.
“Lake Toba Festival is an event organized
by the local government of North Sumatera.
This year the ministry is involved in formu­
lating the concept and coordinating the
execution until the year 2017,” said Deputy
Minister of Tourism and Creative Econom­
ics a while ago. Lake Toba Festival used
to be called Lake Toba Celebration will be
of The Small and Outermost Islands
Photos: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Destinasi Indonesia |
Minatourism will combine
its activities to encourage
investment in the small
islands, particularly tourism
and protective measure on
ecosystem through conservation
ipadan Ligitan case is a
valuable lesson for Indo­
nesia. Now, the govern­
ment is intensively work­
ing on the small islands
in the outermost, one
of it is Minatourism
Program. The program
is initiated by the
Directorate General
of Coastal Marine and
Small Islands, The
Ministry of Marine and
Fisheries. It is mainly
aimed to inhabited
small islands located in the border.
“Minatourism Program will com­
bine activities that motivate invest­
ments in small islands in particular
Ditjen KP3K Sudirman Saad ketika mengunjungi
masyarakat di pulau kecil terluar.
tourism and ecosystem
protection through con­
servation activities,” said
Sudirman Saad, Director
General KP3K, explaining
the concept of Minatour­
There are 92 outermost
islands in Indonesia, and
31 islands among them are inha­
bited. Although each island has
their own extraordinary natural
resources but in general infrastruc­
tures are very limited. For that
reason Sudirman explain, every in­
stitution need to participate includ­
ing private and public universities.
Currently, KKP is focusing on
developing 12 small outermost
islands. Those islands are Sebatik,
Nusakambangan, Miangas, Ma­
rore, Marampit, Lingayan, Maratua,
Wetar, Alor, Enggano, Simuk and
Dubi Kecil.
The development of the small
outermost islands is an effort to
Currently there are investors
who are willing to develop Anam­
bas Island in Riau Islands, Raja
Ampat in Papua, and Tiga Gili
Island in West Nusa Tenggara.
Those investors are from Singa­
pore, Maldives and the Middle
East. “The investment planning
is still under assessment and
business planning. Therefore, we
encourage them to invest as soon
as possible. Moreover they are so
interested in developing Anambas
Island in Riau Islands, Raja Ampat
Island in Papua dan Tiga Gili in
West Nusa Tenggara Barat,” said
KKP focused on developing
12 islands
In the Period of 2012-2013
Sebatik, East Kalimantan
Nusakambangan, Java
Miangas, North Sulawesi
Marore, North Sulawesi
Marampit, North Sulawesi
Lingayan, Central Sulawesi
Maratua, East Kalimantan
Wetar, Maluku
Alor, East Nusa Tenggara
Enggano, Bengkulu
Simuk, North Sumatera
Dubi Kecil, Riau Islands
KKP keep on pushing every
investment effort in the small
outermost islands, to facilitate, to
help promoting, to issue policies
and strategies and to optimize
the development in the coastal
area and small islands, to increase
the attempt, to maintain and to
rehabilitate the ecosystem in the
coast. The strategy is proclaimed
to increase the economical value
added by relying on tourism sector
and avoiding the environmental
damage. “With the KKP’s policy,
we believe the investments in
those islands will be realized
Small outermost island has a
potential extraordinary tourism
beauty. KKP will keep on trying to
improve the people’s understand­
ing on ecosystem through Mina­
tourism Program with a manage­
ment base on natural resources
and environmental friendly. The
development of Minatourism is
based on conservation.
According to Sudirman, Mina­
tourism is directed to activities
like ecosystem rehabilitation and
To support continous tourism,
to educate, to train, and to do
research that will support the
preser­vation of the marine spe­
cies. Minatourism has developed
the cultivation tourism, so that visi­
tors can witness the operational of
Karamba floating net and the seed­
ing and maturation of grouper and
napoleon. Minatourism has done
the same way to capture fisheries.
“This way the people’s economy
can be developed, at the same
time educate them on utilizing the
environmental friendly cultivation
Photos: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Destinasi Indonesia |
support the master plan of the ac­
celeration and expansion of Indo­
nesia’s economical development,
to provide opportunity in tourism,
and to help the government to
protect the country’s defense and
“If we don’t develop the islands
the case of Sipada Ligitan will
happen again. Moreover, the eco­
nomics of these small islands are
potential. For instance, there are
many islands can be develop into
resorts and diving spots.”
“Base on the concept of Mi­
natourism the development and
investment should not damage the
ecosystem of the existing island,”
said Sudirman.
within this year. Minatourism is in
great demand. We targeted the in­
vestment value between Rp 50 to
Rp 100 billion,” explain Sudirman.
Besides bringing investors to
invest, KKP is working with several
universities to adopt small outer­
most islands as their built area.
KKP and Hasanuddin University,
Makasar is working together to
develop Sebatik Island in Nunukan,
East Kalimantan in the border of
“This way KKP is targeting the
development of the small outer­
most islands will be executed as
soon as possible. Around 92 is­
lands are expected to be executed
in 2014.”
Sanur Village Festival
September 2013
Sanur Village Festival diselenggarakan di Kawasan Sanur, Bali, menawarkan kegiatan budaya: tari tradisio­
nal, musik, olahraga air dan festival
Makanan penuh masakan lezat.
September 2013
Festival Seni, Budaya &
Tony Bennet
Live In Concert
ASEAN Jazz Festival 2013
13 September 2013
Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta,
pukul 19.00
20-21 September 2013
Harbour Bay, Terminal Ferry. Batam
Festival Derawan 2013
5 -20 September 2013
Pawai Budaya, Fishing Game, Ke­
jua­­raan Selancar Angin, Layar, dll
Destinasi Indonesia |
Sangiran Ethnic
Festival Minggu
September 2013
Sekitar Kawasan Situs Manusia
Purba, Sangiran
CP: Disparbudpor Kabupa­ten
Telp. 0271- 7087446,8822856
Festival Teluk Ambon
27 – 29 September 2013,
Ambon, Maluku
Acara antara lain: Lomba Perahu
Tra­disional Manggarube Arumbae
(satu perahu ditumpangi hingga
31 orang), Lomba Perahu Bercadik,
Kompetisi fotografi taman bawah
laut, hberenang estafet dari teluk
Ambon ke ujung selatan Ambon,
lomba memancing tradisional,
melukis, dll.
Jazz on Bromo
26-28 September
Gunung Bromo, Jawa Timur
Penyanyi yang tampil antara lain:
Tahez Komez, Kelompok Musik Etnik
Kramat Madura, Kulkul Band, Ring
of Fire Project featuring Djaduk Ferianto, Idang Rasjidi and Jen Shyu,
Rieka Roslan, dan Barry Likumahuwa
Festival Danau Batur
Java Soulnation Festival
4-6 Oktober 2013
Istora Senayan, Jakarta Me­nam­­­pi­l­­­kan
Macy Gray, Legendaris Bet­
ty Da­
vis, ouarted band electric, Ni­
Louis, Jamie Aditya Graham, Rai­
Dira Sugandi, tulus, Art of The Tree
7-8 September 2013
Menampilkan kegiatan budaya,
festival kuliner dan pameran berbagai produk yang terbuat dari
bambu. Tari yang akan ditampilkan
antara lain tari kolosal Ketangin
Danau yang akan dimainkan 130
penari. Ada pula kegiatan fun bike,
treking, dekorasi penjor, kompetisi
mengukir buah, lomba fotografi, dll
Borobudur 10 K,
1 -30 September 2013
Kabupaten Magelang
Lomba lari sejauh 10 km dengan
start dimulai dari Desa Blondo
Kabupaten Magelang dan Finish
di pelataran Candi Borobudur.
Borobudur 10K akan diikuti oleh
atlet-atlet jarak jauh dalam dan
luar negeri.
CP: Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga
Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Telp. 024-8419956
Festival Jamu dan Kuliner
Grebeg Besar Grebeg Besar
13-15 September 2013
Halaman Kantor Gubernur
Jawa Tengah
Jl. Pahlawan Kota Semarang
Agenda Kegiatan : Pameran
jamu dan produk herbal, kulinery,
angkringan mbah Podang,
Pengobat­an Herbal, Warung Jamu
Solo Keroncong Festival
13-14 September 2013
Balaikota Surakarta
Menampilkan para seniman keron­
cong local, nasional hingga internasional dalam upaya melestarikan
musik tradisi dan memupuk rasa
Kabupaten Demak
Tempat : City Square
Rangkaian perayaan menjelang
dan sesudah Hari Raya Idul Adha
yang diselenggarakan di pendopo
Kabupaten Demak. Prosesi diawali
dengan pasar malam/rakyat pada
H-15. Kemudian, pada tanggal 9
Dzulhijjah atau 15 Oktober 2013,
arak-arakan tumpeng dari pendopo Kabupaten Demak ke Masjid
Agung Demak, dilanjutkan pengajian akbar dan pembagian nasi
Solo International
Performing Arts
20-22 September 2013
Halaman Pura Mangkunegaran
• Festival Permainan Rakyat
7-8 September 2013
• Lut Tawar MTB Challenge 25-29 September 2013
Jakarta (Jakarta Convention
• Indonesia Pearls Festival:
14–15 September 2013
• Garuda Travel Fair 2013:
13-15 September 2013
• Hotel Expo 2013:
19 -22 September 2013
• Indonesia IDE 2013:
19-22 September 2013
• Books & Toys Fair:
19 – 22 September 2013
Jakarta Book Fair 2013
1-6 Oktober 2013
FX Senayan, Jakarta
festival wayang
Festival Kota Lama
21-22 September 2013
Kawasan Kota Lama
Kota Semarang
Agenda Kegiatan : Old time food
fiesta, The old town journey, Old
Car Exhibition, Simfoni Kota Lama,
Carnival of scenes, Lomba Fotografi
SIPA atau Solo International Performing Arts adalah sebuah ajang
pergelaran seni budaya berskala
international dengan materi berupa
seni pertunjukan,seperti seni tari,
seni musik, hingga seni teater.
Solo City Jazz
27-28 September 2013
Halaman Benteng Vastenburg
Festival Wayang International 2013
22-27 September 2013
Rumah Topeng, Banjar Tengkulak
Tengah, Desa Kemenuh, Bali
Rubrik ini disediakan untuk
menyebar luaskan berbagai
event terkait seni, budaya,
pariwisata, dan expo yang
diselenggarakan di Indonesia.
Silakan kirim realese dan foto ke
[email protected].
Destinasi Indonesia |
Festival Seni, Budaya &
Visit Aceh Year 2013
Reading Point
Kementerian Pariwisata &
Ekonomi Kreatif
Kementerian Perikanan dan
Kantor gubernur
Kantor Bupati
Dinas Pariwisata
Reading Point
Destinasi Indonesia |
Lounge & Boarding Gate Bandara Soekarno Hatta
Garuda Indonesia Lounge
Soekarno Hatta
Padang Golf Rancamaya/Ran­
camaya Golf & Country Club
BSD Golf/Damai Indah Golf &
Country Club
Padang Golf Pondok Indah
Golf Halim
Inako Toys Cafe
Sinou Cafe
Kafe Merica
Kafe Has Es Ef Kopitiam
Warung Solo
Star Buck Plaza Indonesia
Anomali Coffe
Tree House Kemang
Les Classiques Cafe
Cocktail & Friends
Warung Strawberry
Harum manis
Cafe Batavia
Hotel Dharmawangsa
Fave Hotel Pasar Baru
Citi Residence Hayam Wuruk
Oak Tree Urban Hotel
Smart Hotel
Alila Hotel
Grand Mahakam
Intercontinental Mid Plaza
Red Top Hotel
Sugi Salon
Dental Health Center
Kids Foot, RS Mitra Keluarga
Kelapa Gading
RS Siloam Kebon Jeruk
RS Puri pondok Indah
RS Omni Pulo Mas
Rumah Main Cikal
Animaland FX Senayan
Esther House of Beauty
Holistic Centre
Roger Salon, Clinic & Spa
Madeline Beauty Center
Carina Hair & Beauty
Kat Salon
Click House
RSIA Kemang Medical Center
Brawijaya Women & Children
Studio Foto Kodok Ijo
RSIA Yadika
Drg Linus
Drg Edward
Hocus Focus MOI & Plaza
Royal Progress International
RSIA Family
RS Hermina Podomoro
Klinik Gigi Gading Graha
Warung tahu Kelapa Gading
Punk Q Hair Studio
Chocokids Little Town
RH Baby & Mommy Spa Pluit
RSIA Bunda
Prodia Childlab
Pan Travel
Best Western Hotel
Bumbu Desa Cikini
RS Mitra Kemayoran
Sekolah Musik Indonesia
Apotek Mahakam
Animaland Store FX Sudirman
Animaland Store Senayan City
Kiddy Cuts
Ever Green
Click House
RS Yadika
Children Hair Salon
Circus Play & Party
Coffee Toffee
Planet Car Wash kebon Jeruk
Victory Car Wash
Mr Pancage Puri
Dunkin Donat Hayam Wuruk
Saudagar Coffee
Royal Safari garden
Baby and Child Klinik Tumbuh
Kembang Anak
Resto De’leuit
Kafe Kebun Kita
Hotel Horison
Rancamaya Golf and Country
Cafe Dedaunan
Hotel Salak The Heritage
Adventure Tour & Travel
Swara Harmony Music School
Elfa Music School Antapani
E’s View Cafe & Resto
Melinda Hospital & Esthetical
Selasih Cafe
Rollaas Coffee & Tea
D’Carmel Boutique Hotel
Harris Hotel
The Valley Resort Hotel
Gumilang Regency
Chara Hotel
Imah Seniman Resort
Mason Pine Hotel
Gino Feruci Hotel
Diva Clinic
Svarga Holistic Health Center
Icos Cafe Tembalang Semarang
Dante Coffee Shop & Restaurant
Arjuna Radio Cafe & Resto
Miracle Aesthetic Clinic
Lexa Skin Clinic
Hotel Gumaya
Grand Candi
Hotel Ciputra
Hotel Horison
Haryono Tour & Travel
MG Suites MAVEN Semarang
Kencana Agrowisata Hotel &
Resort Ungaran Semarang
RS Bunda
La Dolce Vita
Cafe Wedangan Mooei
River View Cafe
Icos Cafe Tembalang
Wong Art Bakery & Cafe Puri
Indische Cafe and Imperial
Parahita Coffee Shop & Resto
Quest Hotel
Hotel Crown Plaza
Buku Café
Zoe Café & Library
RS Ibu dan Anak Graha
RS Bunda
Burger Grill
RS Hermina
RS Puri Cinere
Fery Salon & Spa
Hair Coloring & Beauty Salon
Margo City
Resto Solo
Karaoke Bellaluna
Parahyangan Coffie
Prime Coffe & Tea Factory
Badung Bar & Lounge
Aston Braga & Residance
Marbella Suite
The Peak Resort Dinning
Bumi Bandhawa Hotel
El Cavana Hotel
Mountain View Golf Club
Bandung Giri Gahanan Golf
Padma Hotel
The Trans Luxury Hotel
The Lamar’s Day Spa & Family
Amaris Hotel Cimanuk Bandung
Cipaku Garden Hotel
Dago Highland Resort & Spa
Yellow Truck
Kopi Selasar Sunaryo
Santosa Hospital
Bumbu Desa
Cafe Rumah 1930
Rumah Teras Pavilion
Asmila Boutique Hotel
Roemah Coffee
Congo Gallery & Caffe
Imah Kopi
Verde Resto & Lounge
Kopi Progo
Getback Coffee
Siera Cafe & Lounge
Kong Kow Cafe
Noah Barn Coffee
Coffee Clinic
Bradford Coffee & Lounge
Pop Hotel
Exelco Coffee Dago
Klinik Prima Gemilang
Matah Cafe
Paramita Lab
Coffee Combi
MPX Travel
Bina Insani Tour
Kota Bukit Indah Plaza Hotel
Resort Laut Biru
Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa
Bumbu Desa
Hotel Grage
RS Ibu & Anak Sumber Kasih
RS Gunung Jati
Praktek Dr Hendrawan
Hotel Patra Jasa
Hotel Bentani
Restoran Klapa Manis
Hotel Grand Tryas
Klinik Kecantikan Kusuma
Beauty Lab
Hotel pandanaran
Classic Coffe House
Lemon Tea Resto bakery & Cafe
Salon Rudy Hadisuwarno
Bliss Pampering Studio, Spa
Salon and Reflexy
KoenoKoeni Cafe Gallery
Coffee Toffee
The Rays Cafe and Resto
Cafe Deoholic
House of Ramiten
Cafe Momento
Lincak “Warung Hotspot
Bukan Cafe”
Kedai Kopi
Penginapan Pugeran
Artemy Italian Gelato & Coffee Shop
Legend Coffee
Snap Cafe
Bale Hotspot & Cafe
Coklat cafe
Dixie Square Yogyakarta
De Sava Coffee
Jentra Hotel
Hotel Brongto
Roemah Djawa Resort
Hotel 1001 Malam
Rumah Mertua Hotel
Dusun Jogja Village
Cakra Kusuma Hotel
Lecker Je Cafe
Scherz Cafe
The Phoenix Hotel
Merapi Merbabu Hotels &
Hotel Tentrem
Hotel Sewu Padi
Hotel Melia Purosani
Perpustakaan Kota
Djendelo Cafe
Kopi Item
Coklat Cafe
Kesuma Restoran
Bright Dental Maguwo
Klinik Harmoni Keluarga
The Cafe House of Sampoerna
Garuda Indonesia Lounge
Ciputra Golf Club & Hotel
Bukit Darmo Golf
Finna Golf & Country Club
Chicco Swalayan
Siloam Hospital
Hotel Majapahit
Refresho Coffeee Sidoarjo
Hotel Singgasana
Oost Koffie & Thee
C2O Library & Collabtive
Ladang Coffee
Coffee Corner
Trimurti Lounge & Restoran
Honeymoon Desert
The Library
Vis A Vis
Café Rollas
Wing Dom
Hotel Oval
Hotel Tugu
Padi City Resort
Santika Premiere Hotel
Hotel Haris & Convention
Solaris Hotel
Travel Café
Mokko Donuts & Coffee Mall
Laboratorium Enggal
RS Imanuel
RS Anugerah Medika
Apotek K-24 Antasari
Lampung Futsal-Kedung
Apotek Anak Ibu
RS St Theresia
Town for Kids
Borneo News Kalteng
Palangka Post Kalteng
Refresho Kedai Kopi Paser
Hotel Swiss Bellin
Repvpublik Kopi
Bumbu Desa
Macehat Cafe
Kok Tong Kopi Tiam
Rocco Coffee & Snack
Hotel Swiss Bellin
Hotel Danau Toba International
Karibia Boutique Hotel
Refresho kedai kopi padang
Hau’s Tea
Elidarman Cafe
Villa Air Manis
Hotel Batang Arau
D’Ox Ville Hotel
Cubadak Paradiso Village
Bedudal Café Bukittinggi
Café Turret
Bumbu Desa
Break Cafe
May cafe
Waffle Town USA
Kaya Toast
Spa Central Sukajadi
Ozon International Hotel
The Rock 8 Hotel
Romance Hotel
Holiday Hotel
Vista Hotel
Batam Smailing Tour & Travel
Eka Shogi Travel
Kaha Tour & Travel
Kafe Baca Biblioholic
Starbook Cafe
Kafe Buku
Singgasana Hotel
Hotel Hertasning
Bumbu Desa Renon
Bambu Indah Hotel
Hard Rock Café Bali
The Coffee House
Kopi Bali House
Komaneka at Rasa Sayang
Melting Wok
Luhtu’s Coffee Shop
Maya’s Coffee & Smothie Bar
Street Cafe
Izakaya Café & Bar
Café Moka
The Batu Belig Hotel & Spa
J-Boutique Hotel
Bali tropic Resort & Spa
The Kunja Hotel
Buddha garden Villa
Villa Mahapala
Karma Jimbaran
The Magani Hotel & Spa
Pondok Ayu
Dijon Cafe
Kopi Paras Cafe
Black Canyon Cafe
Café Batu Jimbar
De Quake Lounge Bar &
Cafe & Restaurant Alberto
Mahamaya Boutique Resort
Cafe Wayan
Lombok Kosaido Golf Club
Lombok Golf Kosaido Country
Chillout Bungalows and Bar
Segara Villas
Pool Villa Club Senggigi
Alang-Alang Boutique Beach
Bintang Senggigi Hotel
Holiday Resort Lombok
Three-C Tea & Coffee
Tami’s Neverland
Bumbu Desa Alamanda
Bumbu Desa Suria KLCC
Bumbu Desa Mid Valley
Reading Point
Destinasi Indonesia |
Away fom all the rush