Salado Shopping Map of Salado on Page 4B Fireworks at Mill Creek
Salado Shopping Map of Salado on Page 4B Fireworks at Mill Creek
Shopping Map of Salado on Page 4B Salado Village illage V Voice oice V Vol. XXXIX, Number 8 Thursday, JuNe 30, 2016 254/947-5321 50¢ Fireworks at Mill Creek Mill Creek Country Club invites you to its third annual Independence Day celebration, culminating with a professional fireworks show over the pond and fountain. The daylong event will be July 2, so that otherwise working families can participate. Bring lawn chairs and come early for good seats for the fireworks display which will start at about 9 p.m. when it gets dark enough. Billy Helm invites Saladoans and visitors to the annual event, started three years ago by the new ownership group of Mill Creek. Prior to the fireworks going off at dark, Mill Creek is providing free live music 6-9 p.m. July 2. The day-long event includes a Golf Tournament teeing off at noon on July 2. Sign up at least two hours beforehand at the Pro Shop. The Mill Creek Grill will also have Hamburger Plates for $10 including soft drink and Hot Dog Plates for $8 including soft drink available for purchase during the evening. “We appreciate our corporate sponsors for this event,” Helm said. “They help us to make it a better event for Salado.” If you would like to be a sponsor or contribute to the community event, you can mail a payment to Mill Creek Golf Course, P.O. Box 159, Salado, TX 76571 or go by the Pro Shop. Annual picnic at SHS July 4 The annual Salado Independence Day “pot-luck picnic” will be held in the Salado High School auditorium, hosted by the Salado Historical Society. The doors will open at 1 p.m. and everyone is encouraged to come to visit with old friends and meet new ones, enjoy lots of food and a rip-roaring patriotic music program provided by the Salado Community Chorus. Also on the agenda will be information about progress on the changes for the Central Texas Area Museum, presented by the interim curator, Coleman Hampton, and on growth in the community. This will be the first time that the event will be held in the cafeteria of Salado High School, which is located at 1880 Williams Rd. (Hwy 2484), Salado. Salado Community Chorus has been providing musical programs in the Central Texas area since 1994. The musical program for the picnic will include a Tribute to the Armed Forces and a singa-long of several familiar patriotic songs. The Historical Society encourages all active-duty personnel and veterans, and their families to attend the picnic. Other performances by the Community Chorus this year include the Spring Concert at First Baptist Church, Christmas in October at The Venue, the Community Thanksgiving Service, and a Christmas Concert at FBC. Currently, Jim Mohon is the choral director, David Kaufus is the pianist and Lezlie Mann is the president of the organization. For more information about the chorus, go to www.saladochorus. com. “There are many changes happening in the Village of Salado that affect the way we live and the way our beautiful community is perceived throughout the State of Texas and beyond. We are seeing progress with road construction; the Stagecoach Inn, a longtime landmark and tourism draw is being renovated and will be reopening soon,” said Historical Society president Sandi Wicker. “Several businesses are relocating and expanding; and the Central Texas Museum is being reorganized and restyled.” Recently, Hampton, who holds an M.A. in Museum Studies, was employed to begin evaluating, organizing, and implementing changes to the CTAM. He will be present at the picnic to share the vision of the museum board and staff. The Salado Historical Society sponsors the annual 4th of July Picnic and will be providing fried chicken and drinks. Children are welcome and guests are asked to bring a side dish, salad or dessert. Salado Public Library’s final Summer reading program was a visit from the Wild Things Zoofari at Thomas Arnold Elementary Gymnasium. (Photos by Royce Wiggin) DPS officers will be out in force this weekend AUSTIN – A prisoner in his own body. This is how Sean Carter describes his life following his fateful decision 11 years ago to get into a vehicle driven by a drunk driver. When the driver slammed into a tree, then-22-year-old Sean was left severely injured and unable to walk or talk. “Don’t drink and drive,” Sean said, via the aid of an iPad. “And please, don’t make my mistake of riding with someone who has been drinking. If I knew then that my decision would affect the rest of my life, you can bet I would not have gotten in that car.” Today, Sean continues his life’s mission of warning others about the consequences of drinking and driving by sharing his story through the Texas Department of Transportation’s “Plan While You Can” campaign. The campaign is intended to save lives and decrease alcohol-related crashes all year long, but with a particular emphasis during holidays such as the upcoming Fourth of July weekend. During the 2015 Fourth of July weekend, there were 355 alcohol-related crashes in Texas, resulting in 19 fatalities and 32 serious injuries. Texas Department of Public Safety officers will be out in force this holiday weekend to insure Texas drivers don’t drive drunk. “Drinking and driving is stupid!” said Texas Transportation Commissioner Jeff Moseley. “The concept is simple: Save your own life and the lives of others by planning for a sober ride.” The “Plan While You Can” campaign – which coincides with an increase in drunk driving enforcement along with local norefusal efforts – includes a multi-city tour that stops at shopping malls in Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, Lubbock and Waco. Shoppers are invited to test their driving skills during a two-minute interactive game that simulates soberto-impaired driving conditions, including difficulty in steering, delayed reactions and blurred vision. In addition, two large video monitors will allow mall shoppers to watch 30-second videos from the Faces of Drunk Driving website featuring Sean’s story as well as other stories from drunk driving crash victims in Texas. Drivers under the influ- ence of alcohol can face up to $17,000 in fines and legal fees, the loss of a job and other costs. TxDOT strongly encourages everyone to plan for a sober ride before going out. Visit to find alternatives to drinking and driving, such as: • Calling a taxi or using a transportation app on your smartphone. • Asking a sober friend or family member for a ride home. • Spending the night. Page 2A SALADO Village Voice, June 30, 2016 (254) 727-5700 #hechoenqueso Homemade Mexican Fusion Available for events & catering Every Friday 4-10 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co on Royal Street Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for our current location Bruce A. Bolick, CPA File your taxes Sooner than Later (254) 718-7299 Dr. Richard Cashion visits with Romayne and Tom Schatte during a booksigning June 25 at Fletcher’s Books & Antiques. Dr. Cashion recently published “The Road to Troas: A Legacy Letter of Faith & Trust.” (Photo by tim FleischeR) 560 North Main, Suite 4, Office 3 ACROSS FROM THE CIVIC CENTER [email protected] You Have a Choice™ Home owned and operated since 1876. Liz Armstrong Salado Branch Manager Escrow Officer [email protected] 213 Mill Creek Dr., #140 (254) 947-3922 fax (254) 947-8632 Alton D. Thiele PC Alton Thiele CPA, MBA Certified Public Accountant Certified Public Accountant Tax Planning & Preparation Small Business Accounting Tax Exempt Organization Consulting 254-939-0701 1-800-772-7043 300 E. Avenue C, Belton, Texas 76513 [email protected] Silver Spur Arts Academy InnSPURational Theater Arts Camps are underway. For more information visit Photos by Jessica Flynn Brookshire Brothers floral department 947-8922 TEXAS-BASED. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED. INDIVIDUALLY DEDICATED. The banking services your business calls for, from a bank you can call your neighbor. Stop by. We’d love to meet you. 815 North Stagecoach Road Salado, Texas 76571 Phone: 254-947-8636 Hot Summer Sizzler Bouquets SALADO FORUM An Open Exchange of Ideas Heed Trump’s Warning One of Donald Trump’s political skills is giving widely condemned speeches. His post-Orlando jeremiad fit the pattern. There is something so inherently inflammatory in Trump’s delivery that he could read the Gettysburg Address and some listeners would wonder how he could possibly say such a thing. The kernel of Trump’s speech was rather obvious: “The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to talk about.” The reaction of much of the opinion elite was nearly instantaneous: Whatever we do, let’s not talk about that fact. Countless articles have been written on how much better we are at assimilating Muslim immigrants than Europe is, usually with back-patting over our openness and fluidity as a society in contrast to the self-defeating insularity of a country like France. This may be true, but the assumption that we have the magic formula is under stress now that we’ve repeatedly suffered mass killings by second-generation immigrants. The Islamic State Rich Lowry model of inspiring “lone wolves” already here is dependent on loosely assimilated American Muslims susceptible to its hateful appeals. Disturbingly, it is finding takers. In six months, terrorists have killed more than 60 people on our shores; two of the perpetrators were the sons of immigrants, and one an immigrant herself. One of the reasons we have avoided the problems of a France may be sheer numbers. France has 50 percent more Muslim immigrants than we do, even though it is a much smaller country. Only 1 percent of the U.S. population is Muslim; 7.5 percent of the French population is. On the current trajectory, we will take in 1 million Muslim immigrants or more over the next decade. It can’t be out of bounds to ask whether that’s a good idea. Or it shouldn’t be. The immigration debate is so encrusted with unexamined pieties that any suggestion that we reduce the number or the composition of the current immigrant flow is taken as an attempt to kneecap the Statue of Liberty. At bottom, the Trump doctrine on immigration is that our policy should serve our values and interests, and the status quo fails on both counts. That said, his proposed Muslim ban is a mistake. It communicates a hostility to all Muslims and, besides, is unworkable. Responsibility for Omar Mateen’s heinous act is all his own, but it is certainly relevant that his Dear Old Dad supports the Taliban and hates gays. He is exactly the kind of immigrant you would hope to deny the priceless privilege of coming here. Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies proposes to reduce legal immigration. If we eliminated the visa lottery, tightened the criteria for family unification and accepted fewer refugees, we would diminish the number of low-skilled immigrants who have trouble thriving here, and at the margins, the number of new Muslim entrants. Donald Trump does the cause of immigration restriction a disservice by rendering it in caricature. But the questions he raises won’t go away, and they shouldn’t. Rich Lowry is the editor of the National Review. (c) 2016 by King Features Synd., Inc. MEMBER 2016 Salado Village Voice, 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite #125 • P.O. Box 587, Salado, TX 76571 Phone: 254/947-5321 Fax: (254) 947-9479 Publisher: Salado Village Voice, Inc. Salado Village Voice is published weekly every Thursday by Salado Village Voice, Inc., 213 Mill Creek Dr, Suite #125, PO Box 587, Salado, Texas 76571. Periodicals postage paid at Salado, Texas. Periodicals permit #02527. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Salado Village Voice, PO Box 587, Salado, TX 76571. Subscription Rates: $26 per year in Bell County, $28 per year outside of Bell County; $38 per year outside of Texas. Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays News releases: [email protected] Display advertising: [email protected] Classified advertising: [email protected] Deadlines: Display ads • noon Fridays Classified ads • noon Mondays Editorial policies: Opinions on the editorial pages are those of the writer, not necessarily the owners or employees of the Salado Village Voice. All letters to the editor should be signed and have a phone number and address for verification. The editor reserves the right to reject and/or edit any letter. Letters should be limited to 300 words. We DO NOT run poems in our Letters to the Editor. Tim Fleischer, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Marilyn Fleischer, Managing Editor [email protected] Stephanie Hood, Composition [email protected] Royce Wiggin, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Village Voice, June 30, 2016, Page 3A Putting forth an optimistic future; Happy 4th of July Britain voting to leave the European Union was extraordinary. Listening to news-talk shows and Internet scanning, a variety of reasons emerged – security and financial stability among the top. There was another reason, similar to our July 4th -- Britain declared their Independence. It was a breaking-away from the status quo; a bold, emotional act that declared: “for the sake of country, we will go it alone if necessary.” Such extraordinary measures are necessary when: people are unsure; confidence has to be demonstrated; people are vacillating; certainty has to be restored; there is hesitation; action has to be taken; weakness is evident; strength has to be applied; floundering is symp- Mayor Skip Blancett tomatic; expertise has to be sought; cowardice is evident; courage has to come forward; cynicism is written or spoken; optimism must take hold; and there is a conviction that the future will be brighter than ever. Do you see any similarity between Britain and Salado? (Drucker) See the big picture and hear the same words as above: “For the sake of our Village, we will not accept status quo; we will go forward with optimism; and face our future with confidence. In two months, fol- lowing the May election, Salado has: made major changes in the Ordinances; seen I-35 construction progressing on schedule; reached the final stages of the sewer and waste water treatment plans; made road repairs; celebrated new stores opening; observed real estate markets flourishing; worked with developers and discussed annexation; tackled environmental concerns; reviewed and revised security policies; and placed emergency procedures in effect. This year, Salado celebrates July 4th with a strong voice and a conviction that optimistically declares “a bright future and an overwhelming desire to make it extraordinary. “ That is and will always be the spirit of Salado -strong and powerfully independent. Happy 4th of July. Readers have deer ordinance and future on their minds To the Editor: Recently the Board of Alderman passed a resolution prohibiting the feeding of deer within the boundaries of the Village. I can only assume from reading the ordinance that the U.S. Constitution which requires “presumption of innocence” in criminal matters, has been amended as the ordinance states “a person shall be presumed to have fed deer, or made food available for consumption if that person places food, or causes food to be placed, on the ground, outdoors or on any platform that stands fewer than five feet above the ground,” a provision that appears to be clear presumption of guilt. Perhaps the Alderman and Mayor should carefully peruse the First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution before attempting to prosecute anyone for violation of this ordinance. I am further concerned as to how law enforcement officials plan to locate and cite individuals for violation of the ordinance. Has the Village also amended the provisions in the Constitution which deal with illegal search and seizure? Will police obtain a search warrant for suspected violations or will they feel free to enter private property to determine that deer food has been place on the ground in the backyard? Your Voice Letters to the Editor While I do not agree with the prohibitions against feeding deer, I believe that if such a law is passed, it should conform to the protections of the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Texas. Respectfully, Dr. Paul Cromwell Salado, TX To the Editor: As I was taking my early morning walk in our beautiful village listening to the flow of the water in the creek, hearing the birds sing, admiring the beautifully manicured yards along the way and yes, of course, seeing a few deer, I could not help but reflect on GOD’s great blessings. On my lifelong journey to determine how to take care of this body GOD so wonderfully made for each of us, I embarked on a second career to learn and study how to best nurture His creation. Over the years, lifestyle advancements have served in some respect to make life easier but in many respects have given us choices which are destroying His creation. My first challenge was to learn how to aid and re- plenish the body with natural resources to offset our negative lifestyle choices. When I decided to open my natural health center in Salado almost 20 years ago, I had two primary considerations. I wanted a source I could trust to consistently supply the highest quality nutritional support and I wanted access to ongoing scientific research and education. Twenty years ago I partnered with Nature’s Sunshine, and I continue to be pleased with the quality, cutting edge scientific research and product development offered by this soon to be 45 year old company. While getting in my 60 minute “lifestyle choice” walk, my mind was clear and open to reflection. This morning I was thinking about our food choices. As I was enjoying the blessings of the cool morning walk, I thought about how often when we bless our food, we ask it be blessed for the nourishment of our body. Wow! How often is nourishment a consideration when we choose or put food in our mouth?What other choices might we be overlooking? Perhaps if we make mindful choices concerning our coNTINued oN page 8a Page 4A SALADO Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Community Community Life Life St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church Sunday School Sun. • 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Sun. • 11 a.m. St. Stephen Catholic Church Religious Education Classes - Wednesday K thru 12th 5:30 - 8 p.m. Mass Schedule Tuesday - 6 p.m. Wed & Thurs - 8:30 a.m. Friday - Noon Saturday - 5:30 p.m. Confesssions 4:30-5:15 p.m. or call for an appointment Sunday (English) 9 a.m. (Spanish) 10:30 a.m. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - Noon & 1:30 - 3 p.m. 881 North Main Street 947-3160 601 FM 2268 947-8037 CTC’s College for Kids classes continue in July The Central Texas College (CTC) Continuing Education department has opened registration for its College for Kids classes to be offered in July. Classes are directed to youngsters three years to high school-age and combine fun and hands-on learning in the studies of science, performing arts, arts and crafts, life skills, languages and more. Some of the classes open in July include: Rocket Science (age 6-12): Students will learn all about rockets including where they were invented, what gives them thrust, how they blast off and how to build their own model rocket. The class is Wednesday, July 6 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The cost is $35. Programming for Teens (age 14 and older): Explore the basics of computer programming using Java. Students will learn Celebrate Independence Day Mill Creek July 2 at the pond on hole #9 FREE TO THE PUBLIC BEGINS AT DUSK ks r o w e r i F y t i Commun . m . p 9 6 Live Band 10 $ s e t a l P r e g Hambur $8 s e t a l P g o D Hot r i a h C r u o y Bring Contributions to make this a spectacular community event are welcome. Send your contribution to: Mill Creek Independence Day PO Box 159 Salado, Texas 76571 or drop off at Mill Creek Clubhouse Food and Drink available for purchase (please, no outside food or drinks) for more information, contact Mill Creek Golf Course at (254) 947-5698 Lobby Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. concepts such as variables, data types, logic, loops, algorithms, version control and principles of object-oriented programming which can be used with any modern programming language. The class is Monday-Thursday, July 11-14, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. The cost is $99. Slippery Slimy Science (age five and older): Students will become mad scientists in training as they learn to make ooze, a lava lamp, plastic milk worms, and other slimy stuff as they learn basic scientific principles. The class is Monday-Thursday, July 11-14, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The cost is $69. Messy Science (age 6-12): This class offers hands-on experiments involving volcanoes and static electricity. The class is Thursday, July 7 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. The cost is $39. Kids Improv (age 8-12): This is an exercise in imagination that teaches beginner’s improvisational theater fundamentals with games and exercises. The class meets Monday – Friday, July 11-15, from 9 a.m. 12 p.m. The cost is $59. Lights, Camera, Action! (age six and older): Students will learn to produce a 30- to 60-second video. They will create a storyboard, learn how to file and edit material to create a short video presentation. The class meets for two Saturdays, July 9 and 16, from 10-11 a.m. The cost is $25. Watercolor and Colored Pencils (age 7-12): This art class will teach youngsters basic watercolor and colored pencil skills and techniques. Projects encourage creative thinking and allow students to develop their artistic skills. The class is Monday-Thursday, July 11-14, from 9-11 a.m. The cost is $65. Treat the World with Music (age 7-10): This new class will expose youngsters to music, art and dance from different parts of the world. Students will make a “passport” and travel journal to record their daily discoveries. The class is Tuesday – Friday, July 5-8, from 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. The cost is $89. Comic Books (age eight and older): Students will learn the fundamentals of crafting and creating their own comic book story. The class focuses on exploring story lines, drawing, improvisation, layout and formatting. The class meets each Saturday, July 16-30 from 1 – 3:30 p.m. The cost is $55. A variety of other science-related, cooking, arts and crafts, language and computer classes are also scheduled for July. A complete College for Kids schedule is available online at or by calling CTC at 254526-1586. Starbucks Coffee Company Brooke May, Mngr. (254) 933-2179 Drive-in Mon - Thur 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat 9 a.m.- noon Coffee, Pastries and more Digital Rewards 200 N IH35 Belton Main Street at Thomas Arnold Road, Salado (254) 947-5852 16258 Gooseneck Road, Salado Member FDIC Church service starts 10 am (254) 947-7211 Salado Public Library July Sit and Knit Tuesdays | 10 a.m. - noon knit, crochet or stitch with friends Sports Movie Matinee Thursdays | 3 - 5 p.m. Adult Crafts July 6 | 2 - 4 p.m. Adults only | register at 947-9191 Mah Jongg July 20 | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. bring a lunch or snack to share OPEN Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registration & Information (254) 947-9191 Coffee with the Director July 21 | 10 -11 a.m. Questions about the library? Join Salado Public Library Director Jeanie Lively for coffee in the large meeting room. TAME Trailblazer Visit July 23 The Trailblazer is a 40-foot exhibit trailer that houses a variety of engineering and science exhibits for grades 3-8 Wellness Day July 30 | 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Alice Cooper - Exercise, Strength, Posture & Pilates Tracey Davis - Yoga Salado Smoothies - Demos & Samples Calming crafts The Library will be closed July 4 Follow events on our website calendar Poetry in Cookbooks at the next Writer’s Guild on July 7 Merle Stalcup hands over the gavel to Deanna Whitson. Whiston was elected President of the Salado Rotary Club. Stalcup has served in that position for three years. The club meets 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays at Johnny’s Steaks and Barbecue. (Photo by lynn PeRsky) Bell County Writer’s Guild will meet 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 7 at the Lena Armstrong Public Library, 301 E. First Ave., Belton. Poetic Charm will be the topic with its poetry in cookbooks theme. Join them for readings and SALADO submit your poems and recipes to share. Short inspirational stories and illustrations to fit the theme are welcomed. Entrees will be considered for a BCWG Poetic and inspirational cookbook. For more information call Lana Dyck at 769-6194 Village Voice, June 30, 2016, Page 5A Thank You The family of R. L. Copeland would like to thank everyone for all the prayers, visits, food, flowers, calls and cards that were received in honor of R. L. Thanks to Brother Robert and the 3C Cowboy Church for all they did. Thank you to Brother Billy Johnson of Fort Worth. God Bless each of you. The Copeland Family, Bell, Ricky and Larry Obituaries Obituaries cW3 mIchael sTeVeN adkINs FORT HOOD, Texas -- Fort Hood officials released the name of the Soldier who died June 22 from illness at Scott and White Hospital in Temple, Texas. Chief Warrant Officer 3 Michael Steven Adkins, 37, whose home of record is Wooster, Ohio, entered active-duty military service in January 1997 as a quartermaster technician. He was assigned to 206th Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas, since 2013. Adkins deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from January 2002 to August 2003, March 2004 to January 2005 and from July 2009 to July 2010. He also deployed in support of Operation New Dawn from June 2011 to November 2011. Adkins’s awards and decorations include two Bronze Star Medals, two Meritorious Service Medals, Joint Service Commendation Medal, three Army Commendation Medals, five Army Achievement Medals, two Army Good Conduct Medals, two National Defense Service Medals, Kosovo Campaign Medal with two Service Stars, three Iraq Campaign Medals with Campaign Stars, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Kuwait Defense Service Medal, two Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbons, Army Service Ribbon, two Overseas Service Ribbons and the NATO Medal. on Thursday, June 23, 2016, at a care facility in Round Rock. She was born in Nacogdoches on December 1, 1929, to the late Joe and Leola (Stivers) Aiken. Betty graduated high school in Nacogdoches, attended East Texas Baptist College and graduated from Stephen F. Austin. She earned a Doctorate in Music from University of Oklahoma. Betty married James B. Thorn, Jr. on January 30, 1948, in Nacogdoches. She was a professor of music at Montgomery County Community College in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and a professor of Music Education and Voice at University of Mary Hardin Baylor until her retirement. Betty was also the director of the Salado Community Choir for many years and a literacy volunteer at Salado Public Library. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Belton. She was preceded in death by her husband, James B. Thorn, Jr., in 2000 and a son, Jackson Rhodes Thorn, in 2013. Survivors include a son, James B. Thorn III of West Virginia and a daughter, Jeannine Holt of Colorado. She also is survived by brothers, Joe Mack Aiken and Marvin Aiken. Loves of her life included three grandchildren: Amy, Sarah, and Patrick and their spouses, and five great-grandchildren, Evan, Hailey, Cohen, Brielle and Harper. The family received visitors at 9 a.m. preceding the service at the church. Services have been entrusted to Harper-Talasek Funeral Home in Belton. SALADO CLEANERS Laundry • Dry Cleaning • Alterations 1209 N. Stagecoach (Next to the Library) -Joe Keyes, minister 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mon - Fri • 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sat Sunday Bible Classes • 9 a.m. Worship • 10 a.m. Spanish Worship - Call Church for times Wash & Fold Wednesday Bible Classes • 6:30 p.m. IH-35 at Blacksmith Rd. 947-5241 ....serving those who love and remember 949 West Village Road, Salado Dr. Travis Burleson, Senior Pastor Summer Connect Schedule Memorial Day - Labor Day 9:15 a.m. Small Group Bible Study 6 p.m. FBC-U (Adult Bible Study) 6 p.m. Childrens and Youth Activities* 7 p.m. Choir Practice * Contact church office for children’s and youth activities schedule 5798 FM 2484 (254) 947-5917 Please come to the 10 a.m. morning worship service at Grace Baptist Church Sunday New Time for Worship ... 10 a.m. Sunday morning Small group Bible studies following worship Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study and prayer RAs and GAs, Mission Friends, Upstairs youth ministry I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 9 am 10 am 11:15 am Rev. Lara Whitley Franklin, Pastor “In Service to our fellow man...” The Remedy Massage Therapy Do you suffer from Headaches? Migranes? We’ve Got The Remedy! Call (254) 624-7912 to schedule your therapeutic massage Libby Nichols MT044934 113 N. Stagecoach Rd. Suite 5 Office hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Worship Service in Worship Center Traditional Sunday School All Ages Worship Service in Chapel Contemporary Wednesday, July 6 650 Royal Street (254) 947-5482 2525 N. Main • Belton • 933-2525 Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S. (254) 947-5242 Main and Thomas Arnold Road Sunday, July 3 1 Timothy 2:1,2 Funeral Home Get Straighter, Whiter Teeth, Without Removing Healthy Tooth Structure WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Dossman A Life-Changing Smile is in Your Future (254) 947-0066 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Funeral services for Dr. Betty A. Thorn, 86, of Round Rock, formerly of Salado, were held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at First Baptist Church in Belton. Rev. Andy Davis officiated. Burial followed in North Belton Cemetery. Dr. Thorn passed away “We invite you to worship with us at any available opportunity. You will find a group of sincere, Godloving and Christ-exalting people, who will make you feel at home with our church family. 254-947-7299 (254) 947-5465 Main St. at the Creek beTTy a. ThorN The Salado Church of Christ ‘Shaped by His Cross, Sharing His truth, Showing His love.’ 5:15 pm 6 - 7 pm 6 - 7:15 pm 6 - 7:30 pm Fellowship Meal Adult Ramp project M & M Kids Movie Night NO YOUTH ACTIVITIES Page 6A, SALADO Pocket Music July 9 Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Title Insurance is a Big Deal. The Salado Pocket Music Series will continue July 9 with performances during the day at several local business. The Pocket Music Series is hosted by Salado Chamber of Commerce/ Tourism Bureau. Treble Soul will perform noon to 2 p.m. at Chupacabra Craft Beer & Winery. Local Duo, Treble Soul, has opened for headliners Gloriana and Tracy Lawrence. Curt Jones is a Louisiana native who moved to Nashville to pursue a music career. While he was there, he was introduced to Texas native Hannah Gabriel Hartman Mascot Vintage Vinyl at Creekside First Community Title 40 N. Main Street 254-947-8480 (f)254-947-9480 or find us on facebook Treble Soul is Curt Jones and Hannah Prestridge. Vintage Vinyl LP Records for Sale right here! Creekside Used Furniture Salado’s Leather Specialist on the Boardwalk at #6 Old Town Finney Insurance Agency LASTOVICA Fine Jewelers, Inc. “Known for Service” Prompt In-Store Jewelry Repairs Diamond Sales • Custom Casting • Diamond Appraisal • Watch Repair • Diamond Setting Jewelry Repair (254) 947-3599 Agent Rita Ronnebaum 1202 S 31st St. & Ave. L • Temple 773-5772 Home • Auto • Life • Liability Commercial • Farm • Ranch WE BUY SCRAP GOLD & SILVER Texas Coin Connection 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 135B in Salado Plaza ri a 108 E FM2410, Suite G - Harker Heights Buy Sell Trade Gold, Silver, Coins, Currency & Jewelry (254) 699-2646 Locally Owned - Salado Resident %0/5$0.130.*4&0/"650 */463"/$&(&5'"3.&34 The Mortgage You Need - The Service You Expect • Competitive Rates • Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loans • Conventional, FHA, VA & USDA Financing • Mortgages for Home Owners and Investors • Home Equity Loans t"650 t#64*/&44 t.0503$:$-& t)0.& t3&/5&3 t$0/%0 t#0"5 t.0#*-&)0.&4 t-*'& t3&$3&"5*0/"- t$0--&$5"#-& t1&340/"8"5&3$3"'5 7&)*$-&4 "650 1&340/"-4&37*$&:06%&4&37&$"--50%": CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE MORTGAGE CONSULTATION (254) 760-0534 cell (254) 947-3454 office 40 North Main, Suite C, Salado, TX [email protected] Lorraine Basham, Sr. Loan Officer Registered Mortgage Loan Orginator NMLS #415114 :063-0$"-'"3.&34"(&/5 $633&/5-:0''&344"7*/(4'03 3*5";#3"/&, 254-947-0995 4."*/4545&"t4"-"%059 XXXGBSNFSTBHFOUDPNS[CSBOFL Prestridge by John Taylor at the legendary Tootsies and they started playing Tennessee hot spots such as Rippy’s, Tequila Cowboy, Legends, The Row, The Hard Rock Café and Honky Tonk Central. The duo soon played their way back to Texas and decided to make this their permanent home when they welcomed a daughter in January, 2015. They currently play in Austin, Waco, Temple, San Antonio, and everywhere in between. They are currently booking festivals, fairs, various bars, clubs, special events, private parties and house concerts. Way Worn Traveler will perform noon to 2 p.m. at Sofi’s at The Stagecoach. Three of Salado’s own, Bryan, Angela, and Jim playing original songs in an old school style with a modern twist. From Folk to Rock to Old Time Standards, get ready to have some fun. TigerLily will perform 2-4 p.m,. at the courtyard at Salado Square. TigerLily (born Julia Tucker) was born in Waco, TX and raised in the hill country just outside of Ft. Hood, TX. She started writing songs at the age of 10 and playing guitar at the age of 13. She studied music at McLennan Community College in Waco during which, she co-founded a group coined Girls ‘N Guitars that showcased local female singer/songwriters at several venues in central Texas for two years. She now gives music lessons at the local Guitar Center and performs a blend of Americana originals, jazz, swing, country, and alternative rock. For further information visit or contact the Village of Salado Chamber/Tourism Bureau at 254-947-5040. All loans subject to credit approval Copyright©2016 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289. 4801 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-877-699-0353. All rights reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Equal Housing Lender. THE PERSONAL WEALTH COACH ® Family Wealth Management An SEC Registered Investment Adviser Objective Independent Investment Advice Insurance & Financial Services Highly Personalized Portfolio Design and Management Listen to our radio show on KTEM 1400 AM every Saturday from 10 till noon Jeffery W. McClure, CFP® Serving Investors Since 1982 P.O. Box 1029 | 918 N. Main St., Salado, Texas 76571 Jacob A. McClure, CIMA® 947-1111 or 1-800-914-7526 (254) 778-8087 Auto Home Ranch Business Life Health 3317 Pecan Valley Drive, Temple Salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016, Page 7A Carpet Upholstery Tile & Grout Salado Masonic Lodge installed officers for the 201617 Masonic Year on June 25 at the Lodge, located at 90 S. Church St in Salado. Installed into office were (from left to right) Dorsey Chandler, Tiler; Mason Simmons, Senior Deacon, Brian Arnett, Worshipful Master, Art Wadford, Senior Warden, Darrell Street, Senior Steward, Sean Bryant, Senior Deacon and (back) Tim Fleischer, Secretary. Others continuing in their office were these Walt Tollefson, Junior Warden, Pat Purvis, Treasurer, Doug McNeese, Chaplain and Jamie Oyler, Junior Steward. At right, Arnett honored Wadford as the Mason of the Year for 2015-16 for his many activities in the Lodge, including renovation work on the 100+ year old building, composing the newsletter, cooking for monthly breakfasts and dinners and much more. New Alamo license plate now available Sales to benefit Alamo preservation and education programs AUSTIN – Today Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush and Texas State Representative Lyle Larson (District 122-San Antonio) announced the availability of a new Alamo license plate for all Texans! With each purchase, $22 of the license tag price will go directly to the Alamo to pay for preservation efforts and historical educational programs. “The creation of this new license plate coincides with a new and exciting chapter in the Alamo’s history as we continue to make great strides in the historic master plan process,” Commissioner Bush said. “I commend Rep. Larson who wrote the legislation that has made this specialty plate a reality. Not only will this license plate enable Texans across the state to show their pride for the Alamo, the Shrine of Texas Liberty, but it will also provide valuable funds for continuing preservation work and valuable educational resources so that we can continue to teach visitors about the historic events that occurred on this sacred site.” “There are a lot of folks who take pride in Texas’ heritage, and the Alamo is the cradle of Texas independence,” said Rep. Larson. “This will give folks the opportunity to embrace that concept when they purchase their license plates and support the restoration of the Alamo for future generations.” Salado Owned and Operated $30 per room special (254) 231-5870 Twisted Metal Diesel & Automotive (254) 947-7257 Wayne Taylor, Owner 3514 FM2484, Salado [email protected] Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - Noon Full Service Motor Repair Diesel & Gas Transmission Rebuilds Oil Changes Truck Performance Accessories Lift Kits Vehicle Dealer State and DOT Inspections One Call Does It All (254) 933-7400 Jenny Wiggin Potter Colorist Hairstylist (254) 534-3169 Keratin Treatments Dreamcatchers Extensions New Location Expressions 774-9751 3126 South 31 Street across from HEB in Temple st 24 HOUR HEALTH CLUB Summer Special 4 months - $130 cash or check Student Discounts Available Fitness Classes Included Personal Training Available 24 Hour Access Activity & Diet Tracking Apps (254) 947-1063 Guaranteed Satisfaction ed Locally Own 213 Mill Creek Drive #155 This July 4th remember fireworks can be scary for pets Tips from Animal Medical Salado 1. Keep pets indoors. If outdoors, use a leash. A.J. Lopez Glass Replacement Table Top Glass Custom Mirrors Storefront Storefront Repair Solar Screens Frameless Shower Glass Framed Shower Enclosures Insured Free Estimates 2. Make sure your pet ID is current. Micro-chipping is recommended. 3. Close the curtians or blinds and turn on the TV radio to provide some distraction. Animal Medical Salado Full Service Vet Hospital (254) 947-8800 Dr. Lindsay Quirk-Fultz Dr. Linda Quirk 1914 S. IH 35, Belton Cliff Coleman, owner Paint & Body • Frame Repair • Hail Repair FREE ESTIMATES INSURANCE CLAIMS WELCOME Page 8A, Salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed Ace Daughters of the Republic of Texas settle with General Land Office; State relinquishes all claims to historic archives as Daughters move forward Pest and Lawn 947-4222 Free Estimates Locally Owned and Operated Licensed by the Structural Pest Control Board TPCL #12512 PHYSICAL THERAPY • SPEECH THERAPY • PELVIC HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY • IN-HOME SKILLED NURSING Walt’s PC Repair W T & Gaming Zone Let us sell your stuf f on Walt Tollefson, Owner SALADO PLAZA suite #135a Mon - Fri 9 - 5 | Sat noon - 3 history as a sovereign republic.” As a result of the settlement, the General Land Office dropped any ownership claims to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library Collection. The collection closed to the public on June 1 to prepare for its move from its historic home adjacent to the Alamo Shrine to Texas A&M-San Antonio. Through the agreement, Bush also agreed to reimburse the Daughters $200,000 for legal expenses. Shortly after taking office in 2015, Bush ordered the Daughters and their Mark Peterson, Manager [email protected] Your time is valuable! Save a trip and time. health or other areas of our life we will be able to better enjoy the life GOD has planned for us. For me, it is evident there is no better time than now for me to rethink my lifestyle choices. Whether just needing to remove a little extra weight, manage my daily stress level better or fight one of the many health challenges identified with aging or metabolic syndrome, I have learned it has been scientifically proven the answer is in mindful holistic lifestyle choices. Several years ago I had a sign in front of my store attesting to Salado’s rich history and unstoppable future. The future is near. Please call for an appointment (254) 947-3309 1325 N. Stagecoach Road Good Luck from your ‘Home’ Team Lunch Special 3 Hamburger 5 $ 69 Cheeseburger 5 2 Eggs, Hashbrowns, Bacon or Sausage, and Toast or Biscuit $ 99 (254) 947-5228 JD's Travel Center The Haire Shop Barber - Beauty - Body 213 Mill Creek Dr., Suite 160 Appointments Honored Tues - Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tammy (254) 760-1990 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. Breakfast Special inside 860 N. Main 254-947-5050 Our Mayor has advised us we are about to have our rendezvous with destiny. Are we ready? My friends, time to be honest, the last few years have been tough on those of us who have hung on. My business isn’t the same it was 20 years ago. Our business arena has changed and is about to change again. Like JD's Grill OPEN Daily for Breakfast & Lunch Walk-Ins Accepted staff to be locked out of the library after he terminated their management contract for the Alamo. DRT staff were only able to reenter the library after the Daughters received a temporary restraining order against Commissioner Bush and the GLO. Lamont Jefferson, who negotiated the settlement on behalf of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, said he was pleased with the result. “The Daughters of the Republic of Texas are a respected organization of women who honor and preserve our state’s history. This lawsuit was about protecting individual liberties against the overreach of the state.” Jefferson said. “This settlement will allow the Daughters to return to their work telling the story of Texas, which they have done so well now for almost 125 years.” Edwards said the more than 7,000 members of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas are up to the task. “We may just be a nonprofit organization of women, but we are Texas women,” she said. “We will persevere, and we will succeed.” leTTers To The edITor coNTINued from page 3a p ut e r S e r ce s (254) 291-6354 m vi Co Multiple Locations | | 254.699.3933 (AUSTIN, Texas) — The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush have reached a legal settlement to their yearlong dispute over an archival library housed on the Alamo grounds since 1950. “The Daughters held fast and our prayers were answered,” said Dr. Betty J. Edwards, president general of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. “With this behind us, we can refocus on our mission to ensure the next generation of Texans understand and appreciate our unique Burger, Fries and a 16 oz Drink $ 19 NEW 2 U RESALE SHOP Furniture | Home Decor 15881 South IH 35 Collectables in Salado Take I35 Exit South 283 or North 282 many of you I am considering how to best prepare for the next part of the journey. When I was in high school, I remember sometimes having summer school like taking Drivers Education to get my drivers license at an earlier age or getting extra credits in home economics by documenting the hours spent on improving my home environment. I even taught summer school the year I graduated. Here I go again some 50 years (ouch) later engaged in summer school to adjust my lifestyle while teaching others holistic living choices. While some of us are struggling others have perhaps become complacent. What is important is We are Salado. Every one of us make up who we are. Weary though we may be, together we can hold each other up and march boldly in to the next phase of our history embracing our long awaited destiny. Sincerely, CJ Harbuz Angelic Herbs Project Graduation 2016 Thank You! Project Graduation for the Class of 2016 was held after graduation on June 4 beginning at 7 p.m. and lasting until 5 a.m. the next morning at Tenroc Ranch and Salado High School. Approximately $17,000 was raised by the Class of 2016 for this event. The Senior Class of 2016 also received donations from sponsors at various levels of sponsorship. The Cornett family donated the use of the Blue Heron room at Tenroc Ranch, and Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que donated the use of Johnny’s Outback for the event. The Platinum level donated $300 or more, while the Gold level donated $150 or more, the Silver level donated $50 or more and the Friendship sponsor level was less than $50. The Senior Class of 2016 would like to thank the following sponsors that helped make Project Graduation a huge success. Platinum Sponsors: SALADO Member FDIC Go ! Eagles Go! We stand behind our home town teams Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que, Tenroc Ranch, Clayton Capps, A Class Roofing, Inc., Academy Sports & Outdoors-Temple, Custom Trophy & Screen Printing-Austin, The Pizza Place, Don Ringler Chevrolet/Toyota, First Baptist Church Salado, Hartman ABC Pest Control, Church of Christ Salado, The Shed/Alexander’s Distillery, Dr. Lewis and Cheryl Hutchinson, Dr. Jeff and Kristi Jarvis, Erin and Kim Bird, Nancy Spicer, Derek and Linda Thoreson Gold Sponsors: Sh el l e ysau tosal es. n et T e x a s F r i e n d lY Eag le Prou d 727 S. Main Street, Belton 947-1153 The 6 weeks to 12 years Play Yard Christian Environment TSR Certified Preschool Age appropriate Curriculum All ages Drop off & Pick up@Salado ISD Two Salado Locations 15299 S IH 35 | Thomas Arnold Road Preschool Infant Center Come learn & grow with us Salado Village Voice, Fuddruckers-Killeen, Performance Food Group, Schlotzsky’s-Belton/ Temple, Chick-fil-A Temple, Animal Medical of Salado, Bloomer Trailers, Faulkner Law Firm, First State Bank of Central Texas, Salado United Methodist Church, Solana Ranch Co., Texas Corrugators, Wilsonart International, Inc., Mark and Rene’ DePoy, Glynn and Donna Gantenbein, Robert and Kem Kyburz, the Price Family, Jim and Bethany Rosebrock, Gary and Luz Rubianes, Steven and Debby Sather, Don and Lucy Vaughn Silver Sponsors: Megan Rodeffer, Barnes and Noble - Market Heights, Walmart-Temple, Sam’s Club - Harker Heights, Shanna Armstrong, Suzanne Payne, Joy Hill, Margaret Murray, Bed, Bath & Beyond - Temple, Bed, Bath & Beyond - Killeen, Rick and Shannon Ashe, Temple Tint & Trim, Britt Heating and Air, Central Texas Kitchen Center, Century 21 - Bill Bartlett, First Community Title, Garlyn Shelton Auto Dealerships, Hair Designs, Monteith Abstract & Title, The Nest - Salado, Norman Building Supplies, Salado Plumbing, Inc., Shelley Auto, St. Stephen Catholic Church, Tablerock Festival of Salado, Union State Bank, West Temple Orthodontics, Barry and Loraine Basham, Steve and Lee Ann Bott, Seth and Kerry Chambliss, Amy Dawson, Rodney and Shelley Ebeling, Paul and Suzanne Macek, Denver and Jackie Mills, Clarence and Joyce Pinkerton, Karen Pratt, Noel and Suzanne Schnitz, Thomas and Jennifer Suhling, Warren Stevens, John and Peggy Wilson Friendship Sponsors: Academy Sports & Outdoor - Killeen, Sonic Drive-In of Salado, Steven and Sandra Lastovica, Nail Passion Spa-Harker Heights, Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers - Harker Heights, Sam’s Club-Temple, Gatti’s Pizza-Belton, Cefco - Salado, Jimsco Glass & Window Salado Village Guide Section B • Salado Village Voice• June 30, 2016 • 6 Pages • Shopping, Dining, Overnight, Events Salado Legends takes the stage in July and August tickets on sale now Central Texas’ favorite outdoor musical drama, Salado Legends, will open July 23 at Tablerock’s Goodnight Amphitheater on Royal Street. Performance dates are July 23, 30 and August 6. Fajita dinner will be served before the play at 7:15 p.m. at Tablerock’s park. Enjoy your meal at one of the limestone tables or rock benches under the shady live oak trees. Reservations are required for the $10 catered meal. Tickets for the show are $20 for adults, $5 for children. Arrive at 8:15 p.m. if you are not attending the dinner. Tickets are available at the gate or at For group rates call (254) 947-9205. Playwright Jackie Mills a fresh TAKE ON LUNCH FRIDAYS G SATURDAYS 11:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. at the r ange ' 101 M AIN salado 254.947.3828 ' THERANGERESTAURANT.COM The legend of Sirena is only one of the stories brought to life in Salado Legends. Breakfast Served daily 7 - 11 a.m. 301 Thomas Arnold Rd. 254-947-GOOD Daily Specials BBQ Chicken Fried Steak Mesquite Grilled Steak Burgers A place for weary travelers, thirsty tourist, and hungry neighbors! GOOD EATS, FULL BAR, 7 TV’S Open Mon, Wed, Thurs 5 p.m. Fri, Sat & Sun 11 a.m. Closed Tues (254) 947-1960 Corner of Royal Street and Center Circle (West) Casual Summer Styles was honored in Washington D.C. when Salado Legends was placed in the Library of Congress as a “Local Legacy.” This year Donnie Williams will direct a cast and crew numbering 114 people in the epic tale that the Library of Congress called “a record of life in America at the end of the 19th century.” Add the horses, carriage and wagon plus the Tablerock cat that sometimes graces the stage and you’ve got a special show. Andy Andersen is once again called upon to perform many roles in “Legends.” This year the full-time weather man for KCEN TV for the past 18 years and the part-time movie actor has appeared in yet another film. Anderson played Juan Seguin at the Alamo in the documentary “Behold a Pale Horse” which was filmed in May of 2013. Last year he appeared in the trailer for “They Rode On” filmed near Menard, Texas. Anderson played the Captain of a Ranger Company in “Dawn of the Crescent Moon” that premiered at a Houston film festival and won two top awards. In addition, he has been cast as a sheriff in a new film called “Retail Hell: Do You Work Here” in addition to being asked to head up the creative team and play the lead as a Sheriff in the movie “A Good Man’s Decision,” a modern day story concerning the 2nd Amendment. Joey Kincaid, returns in his role as Andrew McIver. He is a Belton High School graduate and attends Texas State University in San Marcos. Kincaid has played lead roles in Guys and Dolls, How to Succeed in Business, Cinderella, Once Upon a Mattress, and many other plays. Megan Daniell, who has appeared in Tablerock productions for the past six years, will portray Lucy McDougal. As a 2016 graduate of Salado High School Daniell was asked to sing the National Anthem before the graduation ceremony. She will be attending Temple College this fall. Howard Horton, retired University of Mary Hardin Baylor professor, returns for his eighteenth year to portrayed Sam Houston. Returning in the role of Cam McDougal is Matthew Ritch a 2016 graduate of Salado High School where he played the Euphonium in the school band, participated in the UIL one act play and was elected to the National The Pizza Place Main Street Salado 230 North Main Street (254) 947-5239 947-0022 Open at Lunch no minimum orders Pickup • Dine-in • Delivery Handcrafted Pizza and Sandwiches Hand Dipped Blue Bell Ice Cream Baked Pasta Dishes | Wings All You Can Eat Salad Bar Honor Society. Ritch, with 24 dual credits earned at Temple College, was accepted to University of North Texas at Denton and Texas State University at San Marcos but chose Texas Tech in Lubbock to enroll in Pre-Med. Taryn Kornegay who has been in Salado Legends since she was in the third grade and has held many leading roles in the play, has completed her second year at Texas State University - San Marcos in Pre-Nursing having earned the honor of being on the Dean’s List. During her two years at TSU Taryn was elected to the Renegade Roses, little sisters to the Renegade Rugby Team, and as such was active in planning food drives and conducting benefits for needy children. Kornegay has been accepted to the University of Texas Nursing Program starting in this fall and will specialize in either ERRN, Trama Nurse, or ORRN, Cardio Vascular Nurse. Cast and crew members from Salado are: Addie Ashe; Shannon Ashe; Gayle and Skip Blancett; Laurie Cahoon Stephen, Kim, Ashlyn and Edward Cathriner; Anne, Sam and Sarah Colley; Casey, Megan and Kathy Daniell; Emma Rose, Ian, Kyle and Raylene Gill; Taryn and Tonya Kornegay; Madison Letts; Kathy Lucas; Dina and Chrysanthe Nikalaidis; Angie, Chris and Katie Neas; Paula Miller; Jenny Miller; Jackie and Denver Mills; Sylvester Olivas; Geno, Patti and Logan Pitts; Matthew Ritch; Carolyn Taylor; Ashlyn and Hailey Stouder; Walt Tollefson; Donnie and Bridget Williams; David and Matthew Woodall. Open Daily 11 am 41 taps of Texas Craft Brews 150 wines from around the world Beer or Wine Tasting DailY $10 Live music every Friday & saturday 5 huge tvs Sun -Thur Noon - 10 p.m. | Friday Noon - Midnight | Saturday Noon -1 a.m. 418 N. Main Street (254) 947-9000 free wifi Liquor Store A Refreshing Splash of Flavor We carry a fine selection of infused and flavored spirits Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 1109 W. Village Rd, Salado (behind Sonic) (254) 947-7117 Page 2B, salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Village of Salado Calendar of Events JuNe 30 July 1 July 2 Sports Movie Matinee, 3 - 5 p.m. at Salado Public Library Granger Smith, 7 p.m. at Johnny’s Outback. info: Check Point Food Truck at Salado Lone Star Winery and Chupacabra Craft Beer July 2 July 4 Make and Take, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Stamp Salado. Free info: Salado Historical Society Annual 4th of July Pot Luck Supper, 1 p.m. at the Salado High School Cafeteria. Bring sides or desserts for potluck meal. JuNe 30 Pint Night - Rahr & Sons at Chupacabra Craft Beer JuNe 30 Salado Masonic Lodge stated meeting, 7:30 p.m. Officers for 2016-17 will be elected. JuNe 27 - 30 Boys Basketball Camps at SHS gym. grades 3 - 6: 8:30 - 10:30 a.m., grades 7 - 9 noon - 2 p.m. cost: $50 info: 9476900 x1203 July 2 4th of July Celebration at Mill Creek Golf Course. Family day of golf and fireworks for the community. July 4 Salado Public Library Closed July 2 July 7 Judith Miller Band, 7 - 10 p.m. at The Range at the Barton House Live Music with BenJamin’ Guenther, 7 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 1 July 2 Brian Bell, 7 - 11 p.m. at Salado Lone Star Winery and Chupacabra Craft Beer Finadene Food Truck at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 8 Salado Swirl, 6 - 10 p.m. across the village info: July 8 Salado Swirl 6 - 10 p.m. and music from Backroad, 7 - 11 p.m. at Salado Lone Star Winery and Chupacabra Craft Beer July 8 Timeless Upscale Consignment Women’s Clothing, Jewelry, Local Art and Home Décor #3 North Main Corner of Main and Pace Park Road Dee’s Antique Mall 702 N Main Street (254) 947-3775 FURNITURE GLASSWARE KEEPSAKES SUN Noon - 5 | MON 10 - 5 CLOSED TUES & WED THURS - FRI 10 - 5 | SAT 10 - 6 NOW OPEN 38 Dealers Sip & Shop, 6 - 9 p.m. at The Shoppes on Main. Wine and snacks. 10% discount for Salado Swirl participants July 9 Altered art project Class - Treasure Box/5 cards, 10:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. at Stamp Salado. Instructor: Annii, prizes, $32 info: July 9 - 10 Salado Market Days, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Salado Antique Mall, 721 Stagecoach Road, behind Dee’s Antiques on Main. info: (254) 947-3355 July 9 Salado Pocket Music Series noon - 4 p.m. and music from Salt Creek Revival, 8 - midnight at Salado Lone Star Winery and Chupacabra Craft Beer July 9 Murder at the Juice Joint, interactive murder mystery event at Alexander’s Distillery. info: (254) 947-5554 July 9 Korean Kravings Food Truck and Live Music with J-Z and the Kats, 6:30 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 9 Shop at Salado’s Boutique Marketplace Women’s Apparel, Shoes ~ Flip Flops to Boots, Jewelry, Baby Gifts & Apparel, Gourmet Food, Home Decor & Furniture, Home Fragrance, Junk Gypsy™ Paint, Gifts & More 22 North Main Street Gene Snow and Paula Reid, 7 - 10:30 p.m. at The Range at the Barton House July 11 - 14 Eagle Football Camp 1 (grades 2 - 8) 9 a.m. noon at Eagle Stadium $50 info: 947-6900 x1072 July 11 2nd Monday Book Club, 7 - 9 p.m. at Salado Winery. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. info: July 15 Eagle Air it Out, 8 - 10 a.m. and Lineman Challenge 10 a.m. - noon at Eagle Stadium (grades 6 - 8) $25 info: 947-6900 x1072 July 15 Josh Abbott Band, 7 p.m. at Johnny’s Outback. info: July 16 Stamping and Watercolor Project Class, 10:30 a.m. at Stamp Salado. Instructor: Diane, $28 info: July 16 Paul Cox, Live in the Lounge, 6 - 9 p.m. at The Range The Salado Ladies Auxillary brings Christmas in October to The Venue on Royal Street during the weekend of October 7 and 8. July 16 DAM Sandwiches Food Truck and Live Music from Wayworn Traveler, 6 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 16 Salado Corvettes at Mill Creek, 10 - noon at Mill Creek Golf Club House. Free, lunch on your own. Show off your corvette or just come to look. July 18 - 22 Salado United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. – noon. Info (254) 9475482 July 18 Salado Masonic Lodge Stated Meeting, 7:30 p.m. July 21 The Priest’s Pint, 6:30 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 22 Trunk Show and Make n’ Takes - new Beach designs, 12:30 p.m. at Stamp Salado. Instructor: Jimmye Sue of Texana Designs, $28 info: stampsaladotexas. com July 22 Five Year Anniversary Celebration, 6 - 10 p.m. at Sirril Art Gallery on Royal Street. Owner/ Artist Michael Pritchett will introduce new artists. July 22 Live Music with Wes Perryman, 7 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 23 The Texas Association for Minorities in Engineering Trailblazer exhibit trailer, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Salado Public Library. STEM activities for children grades 3 - 8 info: barrowbrewing. com July 23 Joe Berg, Live in the Lounge, 7 - 10 p.m. at The Range at the Barton House July 23, 30 aNd aug 6 Salado Legends at Tablerock. info: (254) 947-9205 July 25 - 28 Eagle Football Camp 2 (incoming Freshmen) 8 - 10 a.m. at Eagle Stadium. $50 info: 947-6900 x1072 July 25 - 29 SSAA Imagineer Array of Arts Camp. Info: July 28 Live Music with BenJamin’ Guenther, 7 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: July 29 Eagle Air it Out, 8 - 10 a.m. and Lineman Challenge 10 a.m. - noon at Eagle Stadium (incoming freshmen) $25 info: 947-6900 x1072 July 29 Pat Green, 7 p.m. at Johnny’s Outback. info: July 30 Simple Card Class and Mystery Class, 10:30 a.m. at Stamp Salado. Instructor: Jenice, info: July 30 Wellness Day, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Salado Public Library augusT 1 SISD New Student Enrollment, 8:30 - 5 p.m. at Salado Intermediate School. PreK - grade 12, documents required, info: or (254) 947-6974 augusT 3 Teen Painting Day, 11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Salado Village Artists building. info: 947-1089 augusT 6 CNJ BBQ Food Truck and Vanilla Bean Bake Shoppe at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: barrowbrewing. com augusT 6 The Judith Miller Band, 7 - 10 p.m. at The Range at the Barton House augusT 6 Bell County Star Party, 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. at Overlook Park, Stillhouse Hollow Lake on FM1670. Central Texas Astronomical Society. info: augusT 11 Salado: Jewel in the Crown of Texas advertising deadline. Edition on stands October thru December. info: (254)947-5321 augusT 13 - 14 Salado Market Days, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Salado Antique Mall, 721 Stagecoach Road, behind Dee’s Antiques on Main. info: (254) 947-3355 augusT 13 Korean Kravings Food Truck and Live Music from The March Divide, 6:30 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: augusT 15 Salado Masonic Lodge Stated Meeting, 7:30 p.m. augusT 18 Pre-K Parent Meeting, 5:30 - 6 p.m. at Thomas Arnold Elementary. For parents of students registered and qualifying for the 3 and 4 year old classes. Parents only. augusT 18 The Priest’s Pint, 6:30 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: augusT 18 July 23 augusT 5 3-dimensional Card and Coloring Technique Class featuring new stamps, 10:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. at Stamp Salado. Instructor: Annii, $28 info: Summer Olympics Opening Ceremonies Party, 5 - 7 p.m. at Salado Public Library Kindergarten Parent Meeting, 6 - 6:45 p.m. at Thomas Arnold Elementary. All Kindergarten parents are encouraged to attend. Parents only. augusT 6 augusT 20 Thai Yoga Massage and Partner Workshop with Alex Merkowitsch, E-RYT200, noon - 6 p.m. info: Meet the Eagles, 6 p.m. at Salado High gym July 23 Frosti Cones Food Truck at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. June 30, 2016, salado Village Voice, Page 3B Regular Events in Village of Salado oNgoINg Junior Golf Academy, grades 12 and under at Mill Creek Golf Course. info: (254) 338-3848 Tues - saT Central Texas Area Museum open, 10 am. - 4 p.m., Free admission Thru augusT 5 Summer Reading Challenge at Salado Public Library. Visit the library for a challenge list. Thru augusT 7 Salado Youth Soccer Association Registration, registration: moNdays Yoga for Women’s Health, 9 a.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 681-7623. Summer Reading Fun, 11 a.m. - noon at Thomas Arnold Elementary Gym. Hosted by Salado Public Library. Salado Village Artists Stitchers & Knitters, 2 p.m. at Salado Village Artists Building. Monday Madness Sale, 2 - 5 p.m. at Stamp Salado. Yoga Basics & Beyond, 6 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623. Salado Masonic Lodge, Floor practice is 6:30 p.m. at the Lodge every Monday except Stated Meeting. Stated meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday on or before Full Moon. fIrsT moNday Salado First Monday Gardeners, 8 a.m. at the Visitor Center. Monday Club, 2 p.m. at Salado United Methodist Church Youth Activities Center Salado Historical Society board meeting, 6 p.m. at Salado Public Library. secoNd moNday Second Monday Book Club at Salado Winery, 7 9 p.m. Public Arts League of Salado open board meeting, 5 p.m. at the Visitor’s Center on Main Street. Salado FFA Meeting, 6 p.m. at Salado High School AG building Sept. - May. Salado Youth Fair Booster Club meeting, after the FFA meeting at Salado High School AG building. Info: [email protected] Salado Athletic Boosters Club meeting, 7 p.m. at the High School Library. Info: ThIrd moNday Salado United Methodist Women, 5:45 p.m. at Salado United Methodist Church Room 117 Center. Hatha Therapy, 3 - 4 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 6817623 Salado ISD Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m. at the Salado Civic Center. fourTh moNday Salado Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, 5 p.m. at the library secoNd suNday Asanas and Ales, 6:30 p.m. at at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: Tuesdays Summer Art Fun with Salado Village Artists, 1 - 3 p.m. kids age 7 - 12. Tuesdays in June, info: 947-1089 Learning English Among Friends (LEAF) class, 4:30 p.m. at Thomas Arnold Elementary. Class for Salado ISD parents interested in learning English. 947-6910 YogaStrong, 9-10 a.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623. Salado Village Artists, Village Art Building, 9 a.m., Bring your artwork third Tuesday will be set up for still life. Adult game day at Presbyterian Church of Salado, 10 a.m. Sit & Knit, 10 a.m. - noon at Salado Public Library. info: (254) 947-9191 Salado Rotary Club, 11:30 a.m. at Johnny’s Steaks & Barbecue first three Tuesdays of month; Roving Social after hours on fourth Tuesday of month. Chair Yoga, noon - 1 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 6817623. Tex Mex Tuesday at Alexander’s Distillery (254) 947-5554 Prix Fixe at The Range, 5 p.m.- close. $14.95 for entree, dessert, drink. Salado Community Chorus practice, 6 p.m., Salado Civic Center, unless otherwise noted. info: 254-947-1833 Restorative Yoga, 6: - 7 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 681-7623. fIrsT Tuesday Salado Village Artists Board Meeting, 9 a.m. at the Village Art Building. Followed by General Meeting at 10:30 a.m. Salado 4-H Club meeting, 6 p.m. at Salado Intermediate Cafeteria, Sept. - May. ThIrd Tuesday Bell County Genealogical Society Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Temple Public Library. Bunco, 6:30 p.m. at Salado Lone Star Winery and Chupacabra Craft Beer WedNesdays IN.FORM course, 5 p.m. at Angelic Herbs. Info: (254) 947-1909 Yoga for Core, 8 8:50 a.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623. Salado Yoga and Wellness (254) 791-9440 • Yoga • Massage Therapy • Raindrop Therapy • Reflexology • Elite Personal Training • Metabolic Testing • Anti Inflammatory Nutrition Plans • Hypno Therapy Full schedule at 560 North Main #8 secoNd WeekeNds Salado Market Days, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Salado Antique Mall, 721 Stagecoach Road. Salado’s original Market Days event. info: (254) 9473355. Granger Smith performs July 1 at Johnny’s Outback. Tickets available at Johnny’s Steaks and Bar-be-que on Thomas Arnold Road. Power Flow Yoga level 1&2, 6:10-7:10 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623. WOW Wednesday at Angelic Herbs. 947-1909 Wine Wednesday at Alexander’s Distillery (254) 947-5554 secoNd WedNesday Salado Lions Club, 11:30 a.m., Salado Civic Center. ThIrd WedNesday Mah Jongg at Salado Public Library, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. fourTh WedNesday Salado Lions Club, 11:30 a.m., Salado Civic Center. Thursdays Flow & Glow Yoga, 8:45 - 10:15 a.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 681-7623. Chair Yoga, noon - 1 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 6817623. Hatha Flow levels 1&2, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness Info: (254) 681-7623. Salado Aldermen meeting, 6:30 p.m., Municipal building, 301 N. Stagecoach Rd. Meeting is open to the public. First and third Thursday are regular meetings and second and fourth Thursday are workshop meetings. Thursdays IN JuNe Sports Movie Matinee, 3 - 5 p.m. at Salado Public Library ThIrd Thursday Salado Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, 8:30 a.m. at the Visitors Center. Yoga on Salado Square, 9 - 9:45 a.m., info: erinelizabechlabadie. com Third Thursday Music Club, 5 - 8 p.m. at JD’s Travel Center. Old time music, acoustic only. Everyone welcome to come play or listen. frIdays Pop in for a pastry, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. at First Community Title. Hecho En Queso food truck, 4-10 p.m. at Barrow Brewing Co. on Royal Street. info: Friday Night Special at Mill Creek Country Club Bar and Grill. Menu changes every week. Call 947-5698. Prenatal Yoga, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623. Live music in The Lounge, upstairs at The Range Restaurant on Main St., 7 p.m. Artists change weekly. Check website for details. fIrsT & ThIrd saTurday Trudy’s Closet, 8 a.m. at Grace Baptist Church secoNd saTurday Salado Pocket Music Series suNdays Open discussion AlAnon Meeting, 6 p.m. Salado United Methodist Church Youth Activities MUD PIES POTTERY HAND THROWN POTTERY ONE PIECE AT A TIME Handmade Pottery, Homemade Fudge OVER 50 FLAVORS including Sucrose free Gluten Free Closed Mondays 18 N. Main Salado 947-0281 Springhouse 120 Royal Street fourTh frIday Fourth Friday Gospel Singing, 7 p.m. at First Cedar Valley Baptist Church on FM 2843. Pot luck to follow, bring a favorite dish or dessert. Royal Art Walk, late shopping, dining, art and entertainment Mon-Sat 10:30 - 5 (254)947-0747 Open Daily (254) 947-1909 560 N. Main, Suite 10 saTurdays Hatha Flow Levels 1 & 2, 8:30-9:30 a.m. at Salado Yoga and Wellness. Info: (254) 681-7623 Studio Time for Salado Village Artists members, 10 a.m. info: It’s never too late to start the journey to good health. Shop WOW Wednesday for 10% Savings on Purchases Free Wellness Lifestyle Change Tip WOW of the Week Special fIrsT Thursday Chisholm Trail American Business Woman’s Association meeting, 6 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of Salado. Inn at Salado Historic Bed and Breakfast ~Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Meetings secoNd Thursday Salado Ladies Auxiliary Meeting, 9 a.m. at the Salado United Methodist Church Youth Activities Center. Crop Night, 5 - 9 p.m. at Stamp Salado, $5 reservation required: (254) 947-8848 (254) 947-0027 | (800) 724-0027 North Main & Pace Park Dr. Cowboys Bar-B-Q Exit 285 • 1300 Robertson RD ng S l o w C oo k i Fast Service Catering, Take Out or Dine In 254-947-5700 Miguel Perez, owner Custom blown glass made in Salado. View our gallery of hand-blown pieces or make your very own Mill Creek Cleaners #2 Peddlers Alley Salado Texas 76571 254-947-0339 Quality Dry Cleaning, Laundry, Alterations & Custom Tailoring (by appointment) Massage Therapy Salado Fitness 254.338.9564 Heather Foster - Sparks, LMT 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 200 Salado Plaza next to Brookshire Brothers Mon-Fri 8-6 • Sat 9-2 • Closed Sunday (254) 947-0100 Deep Tissue | Relaxation | Sports Massage 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. DAILY same day appointments available 605 Thomas Arnold Road Shopping Map of Salado Page 4B, salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016 7 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 13. 14. 17. 19. 23. 24. 27. 29. 32. 34. 36. 37. 43. 48. 50. 51. 52. Animal Medical Salado 254-947-8800 S JD’s Travel Center 254-947-5228 D The Play Yard Preschool 254-947-1153 $ Wildfire Ranch Arena 877-947-9988 E St. Stephen Catholic Church 254-947-8037 C Egbert Automotive 254-947-5782 $ SALADO COLLEGE HILL PARK Stagecoach Inn Restaurant under renovation PUBLIC RESTROOMS Central Texas Area Museum 254-947-5232 E SHADY VILLA CENTER Salado Glassworks 254-947-0339 S Barrow Brewing Co. 254-947-3544 D Henco en Queso Food Truck on Fridays D Springhouse 254-947-0747 S The Shed 254-947-1960 D Inn on the Creek B&B 254-947-5554 L Alexander’s Distillery 254-947-5554 D Tablerock Amphitheater 254-947-9205 E HISTORIC SALADO CEMETERY Salado United Methodist Church 254-947-5482 C First Baptist Church of Salado 254-947-5465 C CREEKSIDE CENTER W.A. Pace Memorial Park 254-947-5060 THE VERANDA A. First Texas Brokerage 254-947-5577 R First State Bank 254-947-5852 $ FIRST CENTRE A. First Community Title 254-947-8480 R B. Farmers Insurance Zbranek Agency 254-947-0995 $ 642 N. Main St. 53. Timeless 254-947-4779 54. Inn at Salado B&B 254-947-0027 55. SALADO SQUARE A. Magnolia’s 254-947-0323 B. Lively Coffeehouse & Bistro 254-947-3688 56. The Range at the Barton House 254-947-3828 Linda Rountree Pritchard Egg Massage Therapist 254-947-4263 58. Salado Family Dentistry 254-947-5242 61. Salado Creek Jewelers by Kiki 254-855-5538 62. Passport to Paradise 254-935-3580 63. Mud Pies Pottery 254-947-0281 Sir Wigglesworth Fudge 64. The Shoppes on Main in Salado 254-947-0888 70. OLD CHURCH PLACE The Pizza Place 254-947-0222 72. ERA Colonial Real Estate 254-947-3400 75. SALADO CIVIC SQUARE 79. CORNETT CORNER Salado Creek Winery 254-947-0237 Crain Chiropractic & Wellness 254-947-2225 80. Historic Log Cabins & Aiken Cemetery 81. Salado Art Center and Village Artists 82. Salado Civic Center Salado ISD Administration 254-947-5479 85. Salado Visitors Center 254-947-8634 Salado Chamber of Commerce 254-947-5040 86. Salado Wine Seller 254-947-8011 87. St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church 254-947-3160 89. Presbyterian Church of Salado 254-947-8106 90. Troy Smith Financial Services 254-947-0376 (254) 947-8848 Rubber Stamps Scrapbooking ribbons Great Classes s ta mp sa l a d o t e x a s . com S L S D D $ S S $ S S D $ S $ E S C C $ 91. Salado Sculpture Garden 92. SALADO ARTS COMPLEX 96. THE STAGESTOP CENTER Bruce Bolick, CPA 254-718-7299 The Yoga Room 254-681-7623 Angelic Herbs 254-947-1909 97. Creekside Used Furniture 254-947-9471 99. Dee’s Antiques 254-947-3775 98. Stamp Salado 254-947-8848 100. Salado Post Office 254-947-5322 101. Century 21 Bill Bartlett Real Estate 254-947-5050 102. Subway 254-947-5593 Old-Fashioned Burgers 254-947-5271 103. The Personal Wealth Coach 254-947-1111 105. SALADO PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER B. Salado Village Voice 254-947-5321 B. Ace Pest Control 254-947-4222 B. Walt Tollefson Computer 254-291-6354 B. Finney Insurance 254-947-3599 B. Monteith Abstract & Title 254-947-3922 B. Anytime Fitness 254-947-1063 B. The Haire Shop Tammy Haire, stylist 254-760-1990 B. Mill Creek Cleaners 254-947-0100 C. Brookshire Brothers 254-947-8922 108. Mill Creek Country Club 254-947-5698 109. Salado Public Library 254-947-9191 110. Salado Cleaners 254-947-7299 111. Hairitage Barber Shop 254-947-3309 116. Salado High School 254-947-5429 119. Salado Fire Department Station #2 $ $ S S S S R D D $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S E E $ $ E 121. 124. 125. 131. 136. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 147. 148. 151. 152. 153. 156. 157. 159. Grace Baptist Church 254-947-5917 C Cowboy’s Barbecue 254-947-5700 D Fairway Sports Vehicles 254-947-4065 S Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que 254-947-4663 D Salado Fitness Massage Therapy Heather Foster-Sparks, LMT 254-338.9564 S Salado Lady Eagles Softball Field Thomas Arnold Elementary 254-947-5191 E Salado Intermediate School 254-947-1700 E Salado Junior High School 254-947-6985 E Salado Eagle Stadium Eagle Baseball Field Village Spirits 254-947-7117 S Broecker Funeral Home 254-947-0066 S Salado Masonic Lodge #296 254-458-2643 CV Salado Baptist Church Youth Activities Center Salado Fire Department Station #1 Salado Church of Christ 254-947-5241 C Village of Salado 254-947-5060 Salado Antique Mall 254-947-3355 S Horizon Bank Salado 254-947-8636 $ Cedar Valley Baptist Church 254-947-0148 C NOT SHOWN ON MAP 3C Cowboy Fellowship Coleman Auto Restoration Don Ringler Garlyn Shelton Cadillac 254-947-7211 254-933-7400 254-774-6500 254-771-0128 C $ S S To advertise your business in the Salado Village Voice newspaper, call Marilyn at 254.947.5321 Linda Pritchard-Egg, RN, LMT 254.947.HAND (4263) 101 N. Main St. Salado (next door to The Range) [email protected] Therapeutic Massage Stress Management & Healthy Lifestyle SALADO Village Voice, June 30, 2016, Page 5B The one that got away line of play that would have assured his success and did not depend on any luck at all. After drawing trumps, he should have attacked clubs, not hearts, by leading a club from his hand at trick four. The purpose of this play would be to establish his fourth club, which eventually would provide a parking place for one of dummy’s hearts. This approach would have rendered the location of the A-Q of clubs and K-J of hearts totally irrelevant. If West took the first club and led a heart, declarer would finesse the queen, after which the defense could not score a second heart trick regardless of what East did next. (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. Contract Bridge By Steve Becker A good way of improving your play is to ask yourself, after going down in a contract, whether you could have made it. This type of selfanalysis helps to prevent a future error of the same kind. Take this case where South made a mistake that cost him dearly. He ruffed the diamond lead, drew trumps, then played a heart to the ten, losing to the jack. East returned a low club, and West won the jack with the queen. West led another heart, the queen losing to the king, and East then cashed the ace of clubs to put the contract down one. South was without question very unlucky on the deal. He tried three finesses and lost them all. He would have gotten home safely had West held the king or jack of hearts, or had East held the queen of clubs. The odds against losing all three finesses were 7-1. Nevertheless, he should have made the contract, despite the bad lie of the cards. South overlooked a 1. HISTORY: Which American Revolution conflict featured “the shot heard round the world”? 2. FOOD & DRINK: From what plant is the spice saffron obtained? 3. MYTHOLOGY: What mythical monster had a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a snake’s tail? 4. LANGUAGE: What is xenophobia? 5. MOVIES: Who played the lead character in “Hellboy”? 6. MEDICAL: What is the medical term for a nosebleed? 7. LITERATURE: This 19thcentury poet wrote “Leaves of Grass”? 8. MUSIC: How many notes are in a major scale? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet? 10. GEOGRAPHY: What is an atoll? Answers 1. Battles of Lexington and Concord 2. Crocus 3. Chimera 4. A fear of foreigners or strangers 5. Ron Perlman 6. Epistaxis 7. Walt Whitman 8. Seven (the eighth note duplicates the first at double its frequency) 9. Omega 10. A ring-shaped coral island surrounding a central lagoon (c) 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. Page 6B, June 30, 2016 salado Village Voice TRY OUR NEW MENU (254) 947-5271 OLD FASHIONED BURGERS and ICE-CREAM 882 North Main Street $1 off any burger or sandwich combo with this ad subscribe at Keeping Salado Healthy 418 N Main St #5 next to Salado Creek Winery 947-2225 rain Chiropractic & Wellness Your home for chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture and holistic care Allyn Crain, DC Wellness Consultant & Chiropractor Joining our team: Massage Therapists Jennifer Hulme and Sandy Hankins The Greater Roadrunner raises its crest The Greater Roadrunner prefers to stay grounded The dynamics of this generation are quite a bit different from just a couple of decades ago, including Saturday morning cartoons. My children have difficulty grasping the concept of watching cartoons just once weekly, and they have no real concept of the epic struggle of good (prey item) against evil (predator) as depicted by Warner Bros. Of course I am referring to the Coyote and the fascinating Roadrunner. The Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) is a common bird throughout much of the southwestern portions of the United States, ranging from western Arkansas westward to northern California. From there it occurs throughout much of the Chihuahuan Desert and Mexican Pla- Coffee | Espresso Breakfast | Lunch Bagel | Croissant | Pastry Toast Selections Salad | Soup | Sandwich LIVELY • COFFEEHOUSE & BISTRO • EST. 2015 GET LIVELY WED - SAT 9 - 4 SUN 10 - 4 | MON 9 - 4 closed Tues 21 North Main Street Salado Square (254) 947-3688 A night of Mystery, Intrigue and Dinner Alexander’s Distillery presents Wild About Texas Michael Price teau regions of Mexico. It can be observed throughout the entire state of Texas, barring a small swath of the southeasternmost counties. It is not a migratory species, meaning that it occurs in its Texas range year-round. This attractive and subtly colorful species of bird is moderately large, with a body length of approximately twenty four inches, while the wingspan can approach six inches more. The breast coloration is generally a light tan to yellow, with numerous vertical dark and light streaks. These streaks fade away underneath the breast area. The back feathers are colored similarly to the breast area, but tend to be much darker overall. The feathers on the top of the head, or crest, are very shaggy in appearance. This comical bird has a tendency of raising these crest feathers, giving it the look of an ‘80’s “hair band” front man. There is a patch of featherless skin behind the eye that is usually blue in coloration, although it can occasionally be candy apple red. The tail is long, and is often raised high and slowly lowered when the bird is irritated. The beak is heavy and dark, while the legs are long and thin, but are very strong. Roadrunners are commonly seen while foraging for food along roadways, primarily while on the ground or perched on a fencepost. They feed on a number of invertebrate creatures, as well as smaller vertebrates. Documented food items include such animals as grasshoppers, beetles, lizards, snakes (including venomous rattlesnakes), mice, kangaroo rats, bird eggs, and smaller birds. They will also occasionally feed upon fruits and seeds, particularly prickly pear cactus tunas. These birds typically prefer to live a solitary life except during mating season, the timing which can vary annually depending on weather conditions. This species of bird is monogamous, and it is widely believed by most naturalists that Roadrunners will mate for life. One to two broods per year are produced, with the nest containing two pale yellow eggs being constructed near the ground in cactus or shrubs. Incubation time is only twenty days, and the young are unable to take care of themselves at hatching. Both sexes will feed them during the next two weeks as they learn to hunt for food and to evade predators. Roadrunners are somewhat bashful birds, and usually will opt to run from perceived threats rather than fly. When they do take flight, it is with several fast wing beats followed by a low glide. They are seldom seen very far above the ground, preferring to perch on rocks and fence posts in dry, open spaces. The habitat of choice is grasslands, pasturelands, and rocky desert areas. Roadrunners are a common to abundant bird throughout their range in Texas. The best place and time to observe them is during mid-morning or late afternoon drives. Look for them as they perch along the roadside, or as they dart across the roadway. Hopefully, seeing one of these magnificent creatures in person will elicit memories of those carefree Saturday mornings of yesteryear. SALADO ANTIQUE MALL and Bee’s Antiques Thousands of Antiques, Collectibles and Primitives in a unique and inviting atmosphere The Original Salado Market Days 9-5 on the 2nd weekend - Don’t THURS - SAT 10 - 5 SUN 12 - 5 MON 10 - 5 CLOSED TUES & WED 947-3355 July 9 miss July 9 - 10 751 Stagecoach Road I-35 frontage road North Clean Restrooms Reserve your ticket today (254) 947-5554 Get your part to play in the Murder Mystery limited to 20 participants costumes encouraged $50 ticket includes dinner and two glasses of wine Alexander’s at Inn on the Creek 106 North Main Street (next to Ambrosia Tea Room) 602 Center Circle 18 unforgettable holes of Golf designed by Robert Trent Jones, Jr. (254) 855-5538 Private Showings Book Your Tee Time Today (254) 947-5698 Open for Breakfast 7 a.m. Daily OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Practice Facility Memberships Available Mill Creek Country Club Bar & Grill open to the public 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Dine In or Carry Out Marketplace Section C Salado Village Voice Classifieds: Deadline is noon Mondays Serving Central Texas, South Texas, Hays County, Bell County, Highland Lakes and the Texas Hill Country. 3116 River Place Price Improvement!!! Belton, TX 254.947.5321 Automobile & SmAll engine RepAiR E&E Air-Cooled Engines: Shindaiwa Dealer, parts, sales and service, chain saw sharpening, 254-947-8006, 24767 FM 2268. tfnd B&K Small Engine Repair: Lawn mowers, trimmers, edgers, chain-saws, much more, 254-933-7557. tfnd C.A.R.S. Collision Center: auto body repairs, detail shop, 1914 S. IH-35 Belton, 254-933-7400. tfnd ‘the best experience in real estate’ ® 301 N. Main St. Salado, Texas T.L. Anderson Texas REALTOR® (254) 220-3734 Katlyn Volney Texas REALTOR® (254) 913-7485 Child CARe bAbySitting 860 N. Main Salado, Tx June 30, 2016 The Play Yard: 6 weeks to 12 years with age appropriate curriculum, drop of and pick up from Salado schools, 254-9471153. tfnb CleAning Debbie’s Cleaning Service- 28 plus years experience, Georgetown and surrounding areas, supplies included. Going above the exception. 830-6130145. 6/16-7/6p QuickDri Carpet Cleaning- carpet, upholstery, tile and grout. Salado owned and operated. (254)231-5870, quickdri. com. tfn ComputeRS Walt Tollefson computer repairs and sales, data recovery, configurations, Salado Plaza suite #135, 254-291-6354. tfnd dRy CleAneRS Salado Cleaners: Laundry, dry cleaning, alterations, leather, suede, 1209 N. Stagecoach, 254-947-7299. tfnd Mill Creek Cleaners, quality dry cleaning, laundry, alterations, 213 Mill Creek Dr. Suite 200, 254-947-0100. tfnd coNTINued oN, pg 2c 254.947.5050 716 DeGrummond Way, Salado 5 BR, 5.5 BA $649,021 2205 High View, Belton 4 BR, 3.5 BA $589,921 1002 Wildberry Circle, Salado 4 BR, 3.5 BA on 1.25 ac. $549,921 318 N. Main, Salado 2 Commercial Buildings $479,021 404 FM 2268, Salado 3 BR, 2 BA w/ 1 BR, 1 BA apartment, on 3 ac. $462,021 2209 Highland Dr., Salado 4 BR, 3.5 BA on 1+ ac. $435,021 LD O S 1295 Western Trail, Salado 3 BR, 3 full BA, 2 half BA on 9 ac. $425,021 1510 Guess Dr., Salado 3 BR, 2.5 BA 1284 Western Trail, Salado 3 BR, 2.5 BA $379,021 2301 Indian Tr., Salado 3 BR, 2 BA $299,721 1602 Mill Creek Dr., Salado 4 BR, 3 BA $239,721 2 Cliffhouse Dr. #318, Belton 2 BR, 2 BA $199,921 Area Land Listings • Creeks of Salado: Estate-sized lots starting at $60,000 • Mill Creek lots: $32,000 - $49,000 • Hidden Springs lots: $39,900 - $74,900 • 1.1 tree covered acres on Center Circle. • 1.25 ac. Commercial tract in Jarrell at I-35 & Meadow Valley Loop. • 4.6 ac. fronting I-35, just S. of Salado • 13.8 acres, native pasture with hillside views. Owner financing available. • 99 ac. w/ 3 BR, 2 BA, workshop and barn. Page 2C, salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Classified Ads diRt/Stone woRk J & H Painting and Dry Wall Repair Interior/Exterior Painting Wallpaper Removal Dry Wall Repair & Texture Specialist Acoustic Ceiling Removed & Textured Bleach & Power Washing No Cost Estimates • 36 years of Excellence Office (254) 657-2735 Cell (254) 721-3941 Salado Plumbing “We are ready” Lone Star Gr ading, commercial, residential, industrial excavation, grading, paving, pads, driveways, roads, 254-947-0149 or 254-933-7900 CBS Construction: septic tanks, house pads, driveways, lot clearing, top soil, 254-718-1752. tfnd FinAnCiAl & ReAl eStAte SeRviCeS Troy L Smith Financial: Personal investment solutions. 254-947-0376, Alton D. Thiele PC: Certified Public Accountant, tax returns, business accounting, auditing, consulting, 254-9390701. tfnd In home repairs 947-5800 Master LIC M 16892 Dispatcher Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc is currently seeking a qualified candidate for a Dispatcher. Qualified candidate will dispatch, be responsible for outage management, SCADA switching, line locates, production of reports, and review of reports for accuracy. Must possess analytical skills and the ability to multi task in high pressure situations. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office, be well organized, possess good communication skills (both written and verbal), and proficient with spreadsheets. Must be able to work with members, general public and fellow employees in a professional, friendly and courteous manner. Competitive Pay & Benefits! Employment requires: HS-GED Background check, Pre-employment drug screen, Physical, TX Drivers License, Good driving record Interested applicants, please submit your resume to: Debbie Wright Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 200 Bartlett, TX 76511 [email protected] Resumes will be accepted until position is filled Equal Opportunity Employer Bruce A. Bolick, CPA: Payroll, W-2, Direct Deposit, By appointment, 254-718-7299. [email protected]. tfnd First Community Title, branches in Salado, Temple, Killeen and Gatesville. 40 N. Main Street, Salado 254-9478480. tfnd The Personal Wealth Coach®: SEC registered investment advisor, highly personalized portfolio design and management, 254-947-1111. Monteith Abstract & Title Company: Full service title company, 213 Mill Creek Dr., Suite #140, 254-947-3922. John Hall: Insurance and financial services, auto, home, ranch, business, life, health, 254778-8087. Rita Zbranek, Farmers Insurance, auto, home, life, commercial, 254-947-0995. Finney Insurance, home, auto, life, commercial, liability, farm, ranch, 254-947-3599. FloRiSt Brookshire Brothers full service florist. Blooming plants. 254-947-8922. FoR SAle A n t i q u e s a t D e e ’s Antique Mall - Furniture, Glassware, Keepsakes at 702 North Main Street. Over 30 vendors (254) 947-3775 tfn Antiques at Salado Antique Mall and Bee’s Antiques - Antiques, vintage and collectables, many vendors at one location 751 Stagecoach Road, North I-35 frontage road (directly behind Dee’s Antiques on Main) 947-3355. Salado Market Days second weekend of each month. tfn Furniture at Creekside Quality Used Fur niture: Save On- Leather sofas, recliners and office desk#6 Old Town Road 254-947-9477. Follow us on FB. from 1C gARAge, AuCtionS, eStAte SAle Huge Sale: 7/2 & 7/3, 8-4, 409 Crockett St. Holland. Don’t miss this one. gARbAge Clawson Disposal: Competitive pricing for great garbage service; containers, too. 512746-2000. heAlth And FitneSS Anytime Fitness- 24 hour Health Club. Fitness classes, personal training available, 24 hour access. 254947-1063. Angelic Herbs: Professional Wellness, Lifestyle, weight loss and stress management solutions. C J Harbuz, CNHP 947-1909, 560 N. Main Suite 10. Crain Chiropractic & Wellness- chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture and holistic care. 418 N. Main St. #5.,947-2225. Inte g rity: Reha b & Home Health. Physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, in-home skilled nursing., 254699-3933. Massage T her apy Salado Fitness, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily - by appointment only. Same day available (254) 3389564 Heather LMT. 1/14tfn The Remedy- Massage Therapy. TheRemedySalado. com, Libby Nichols MT044934. 113 N. Stagecoach Rd. Suite 5. (254)624-7912. Therapeutic Massage, stress management and healthy lifestyle strategies, Linda Pritchard-Egg, RN, LMT, 254-947-4263. Family Dentistry: Lumineers for straighter, whiter teeth. Douglas B. Willingham, DDS, 254-947-5242. The Yoga Room- 560 North Main #8, 254-791-9440. heAt & AiR Britt Heating & Air: Installation and repairs, 254760-1004, 254-947-5263, TACL #B006640 Bell Air Conditioning: All brands repairs, free estimates, 100% financing available, 254939-1141. TACLA002113C Devereaux’s Jewelers: Quality crafted custom work, jewelry repair, appraisals, watch repair, stone setting, diamond sales, photo design. 254-7711260. lAndSCAping lAwnwoRk & tRee J & W Lawn Care, Your complete lawn care service. Let us work for you. Brian Wooley (254) 718-5295 or Randy Jackson, 54 year resident of Salado (254) 760-2439. Scout’s Tree Service and Lawn Car e. For free estimate or questions call (254)654-0213. Trees, Shrubs & Landscaping, Pruning, www. 1-512-818-3822, Removal and Hauling. Flower beds, yard work, top soil. Serving Salado 32 years. 0724tfn Double J Tree Service: Lot clearing, acreage mowing, chipping, mulching, trimming, 512635-4064. 512-746-272. loSt & Found Lost in or around The Venue, during the ABWA Luncheon/Style Show on June 16 or possibly the Salado Post Office or Brookshire Brothers Grocery. A gold chain and small round pendant which is a family heirloom. $250 reward. Please call Joyce at 254-947-5314. 6/30p peRSonAl SeRviCeS Guiding Light Home Care for all your home care needs. Licensed by the State of Texas and all our caregivers are bonded and insured. Call 512-863-7233 or visit us at www. Jenny Wiggin PotterColorist, Hairstylist at Expressions, 3126 South 31st St. across from HEB in Temple. (254) 774-9751. Salon of Salado- Full service salon, walk-ins welcome. Susan Haywood 32 year experience. (254)947-7282, cabin across from Salado Creek Winery. Mar y Kay ProductsAnne Marie Harwell, consultant. 254-258-4460, web: marykay. com/AnneMarieHarwell. 8/6tfnb Mary Kay Cosmetics, Glenda McCravey, Beauty Consultant, (254)654-0059. web: 3/175/4b Hairitage Barber Shop: Full service Barber Shop, call 254947-3309 for appointments. JeweleRS Salado Creek Jewelers by Kiki Creations: 106 North Main St. 254-855-5538, private showings. Lastovica Jewelers: in-store jewelry repairs, diamond sales, setting and appraisal, custom design, watch repair, 254-773-5772. The Haire Shop, full service salon, walk-ins accepted. 254-760-1990. peSt ContRol Ace Pest Control: Customer satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, TPCL #12512; David Preston. 254-947-4222 coNTINued oN, pg 3c B&K Small Engine Repair 5571 West Hwy 190 Belton Lawn Mowers (all sizes) Trimmers • Edgers Chain-Saws • Generators Golf Carts Service & Repair Prompt Professional Service Most all makes and models Pick -up and delivery available (254) 933-7557 Britt Heating & Air Conditioning Installations • Repairs 947-5263 Mobile 760-1004 Office Serving Salado for 25 years TACL #B006640 Classifieds Ads RentAl/leASe ReSidentiAl H o u s e fo r Re n t i n Salado, 3 BR, 2 Full BA, attatched garage. Call Sunni, 210-771-7868. 3BR, 3 1/2 BA, 2200 Sq. Ft., 3 Car Garage, Golf Cart Garage. All brick, on golf course. 254-721-3578, ask for Frank. 8/13 tfnb For Rent clean 2 BR, 2 B duplex, $700 mo. call 760-4440. 0918tfnb Charming, spacious, 2/2/1 townhome for rent. Clean!! 6 closets, vaulted ceiling, w/d closet inside. Walk to shopping center. Lawn care provided. 254-913-9813. 4 BR, 3 BA home in the heart of Mill Creek. Recently updated kitchen to include custom cabinets and granite counter tops. Two living areas with updated flooring. Open floorplan with living, breakfast and kitchen in one large area. 1602 Mill Creek Drive, Salado. $239,721. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050. Escape to your own resort all on 5 pristine acres. As you walk into this home you will be taken by the grand great room with high ceilings, custom wood beams and large windows overlooking the swimming pool. $599,875. Call Ryan 541-2255. First Texas Brokerage 254-9475577 9/8tfn 10/2tfnb ReSidentiAl SAleS Perfect home overlooking the Texas Hill Country. Hill country flavored home on 5 gorgeous acres with barn for horses $429,900. More info at www.1349hiddensprings. com Call First Texas Brokerage 947-5577 Home on approx. 3 acres close to downtown Salado. Two living, one game room, 3 BR, 2 BA home with a 1 BR, 1 BA apartment. Beautiful large oak trees cover the acreage. Nice concrete floor Old world Charm and Custom craftsmanship can be seen throughout this Texas Hill Country Farm House on 4.9 tree-covered acre estate. Features include: Spray foam insulation. 2 tankless water heaters. 2-16 seer AC/Heating units $549,900. Call Ryan 541-2255. First Texas Brokerage 947-5577 9/8tfn Elegant Austin Stone Home on tree-covered lot. Large covered back patio overlooking the tropical landscaping and swimming pool. Granite counters, stainless steel appliances. $499,900 Call First Texas Brokerage 947-5577. 01/23tfnf Incredible back yard on this 3 BR, 2 BA home in the heart of Mill Creek. Two living, one dining room with open kitchen. This home even boasts of a butler’s pantry for extra storage. Recently remodeled master bathroom with walk-in shower and separate tub. Multi-level backyard makes this home perfect for entertaining. $299,721. 2301 Indian Trail, Salado. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050. Home on 9 acres fronting the Willingham Creek in Hidden Springs. Heavily wooded acreage creates a private setting. 3 BR, 3 full baths, 2 half baths. Beautiful beam vaulted ceiling in living area. Up to 3 horses are allowed. 1295 Western Trail, Salado. $425,021. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 cleared. 5 units, 8 personnel. June 22 9:03-9:48 p.m., 11000 Block Stinnett Mill Rd. Out to Rose Ln. and Stinnett Mill Rd. for a control burn. Arrived on scene to find a burn pile on fire. Noticed no one around monitoring. Used approximately 700 gallons to extinguish. Noticed building materials in area. All units cleared. 3 units, 5 personnel. June 23 3:19-3:56 a.m., 20400 Block Prairie Dell Ln. Dispatched for a woman that had put her hand through glass window. Staged, waited for Sheriff’s Office arrival on scene. Assisted Scott & White with bandages. Scott & White transported patient. 2 units, 2 personnel. 10:04-10:20 a.m., 2600 Block FM 2268. Out for a patient possible suicide thoughts. Went en route and was notified by dispatch that patient had left scene in a red car. Went all the way to address and found no red car. Notified dispatch of findings, they had no further info. Cleared with no patient on scene. 2 units, 3 personnel. 5:17-5:52 p.m., 400 Block Center Circle. Out for a male patient possible seizure. Arrived on scene to find the patient sitting in a chair, patient was unresponsive. Patient was stating 88 on room air. Obtained patient vitals and charted. Gathered patient history, monitored patient until medic unit arrived on scene. Scott & White units arrived on scene and took over patient care. Assisted getting patient to stretcher. Scott & White transported. 2 units, 3 personnel. June 24 8:49-9:07 p.m., 10100 Homesites in Heritage subdivision, 1+ acres, Salado schools, no city taxes, financing, restricted, call Raney and Associates: 254-913-1215. (254) 760-2439 Randy Jackson 54 year resident of Salado (254) 718-5295 Brian Wooley SeRviCeS Cpt. Temple Fire Department Party room available for rent $25/hour. Plan your holiday event at our place. Salado Winery, 841 N. Main Street, (254) 947-8011. Cutting Edge Contractor s- Remodeling, roofing, custom patios, concrete, painting, dry wall. 254-624-0741 or tommy. [email protected] StoRAge Visit www.cedar to find out more about the facility on FM 2843 or call 512-417-7196. CBS Construction 254 718-1752 Gravel Driveways | Parking Lots Septic Tanks | House Pads Lot Clearing | Demolition Chet Sutton, owner-operator pRopeRty FoR SAle Two 12 acre lots on Darr’s Creek: On Lindeman Road. Electricity, Jarrell-Schwertner water. Interesting site with beautiful pasture-land and trees. Offered separately or together. 254-760-4346 or (254) 947-5049. 7/18tfnb Bell County Land - 6 ac. I-35; 20 ac. native oaks, home, guest house; 50 ac. I-35 Belton; 50 ac. South of Salado, pond, barn. Many more tracts to choose Salado Volunteer Fire Dept. Report June 21-26 June 21 6:18-7:19 p.m., 9200 Block FM 2484. 2:02-4:45 a.m., 277 NB I-35. Out for an accident with fire. Located in Williamson County. Jarrell Fire Department requested our assistance. Gave mutual aid to Jarrell for man power and water supply. Used/supplied 10,000 gallons of water to help extinguish fire. Jarrell Command cleared Salado units. 5 units, 10 personnel. 2:27-2:38 p.m., 9200 Block FM 2484. Out to Crows Ranch Rd. and FM 2484 for a control burn/ rekindle. Arrived on scene to find small pile smoking. Worker on scene had garden hose, putting it out. Checked area, no other smoke showing. All units cleared. 2 units, 6 personnel. 6:27-8:21 p.m., Out for a Motor Vehicle Accident involving 2 18-wheelers. Arrived on scene to find 2 18-wheelers one with major damage and the other with moderate damage to the rear end of the trailer. Set up scene safety and traffic control and checked for injuries. Found a total of 3 patients, 2 patients transported to hospital for evaluation by Scott & White EMS and the other non inured signed a refusal for transport. Applied absorbent to the oil/ antifreeze spill from the truck with major damage and began cleaning up all of the debris from the highway. I-35 was shut down from 3 lanes to just 1 lane open until the accident was cleared. Took K-2 saw and cut the side of the truck off for towing purposes. Assisted wrecker service with all clean-up, once trucks and all debris was cleaned up from roadway all units Kevlin Trail - Only 1 lot left! Premier half-acre lot, underground utilities ready for building. $59,900. Call Raney and Associates: 254-913-1215. tfn08/02 J & W Lawn Care Your Complete Lawn Care Service Let Us Work For You Block South Shore Dr. Out for a possible psych patient, possible suicide thoughts. Went en route and staged for BSO to arrive on scene. Once they arrived Harker Heights medic also arrived. They advised they needed no assistance and all units cleared. 2 units, 3 personnel. June 26 12:47-1:27 p.m., 284 SB. Dispatched to traffic assist with Salado Police block service road for 18 wheeler to get off interstate. Once truck got off interstate highway was reopened. 2 units, 3 personnel. 2:05-2:32 p.m., CEFCO. Dispatched to I-35 Service Rd. for a female patient with pregnancy problems. Arrived on scene to find 25 year old female patient sitting in a car. Patient said she was 6-7 weeks pregnant with her first child, patient vitals taken. Scott & White arrived on scene and transfered patient care to medic. 1 unit, 3 personnel. 2:19-2:28 p.m., SB 282. Dispatched to possible bus fire. Bus kept going on interstate. Checked 282 no bus, already in Williamson County. 1 unit, 1 personnel. 4:24-5:16 p.m., I-35 North Bound MM 285. Dispatched for a possible Motor Vehicle Collision. Arrived on scene to find 4 vehicles involved from minor to moderate damage. Established Salado command and started checking for injuries. Scene safety measures. Upon checking all vehicles and patients. No patients wanted to be transported, medic arrived on scene and started patient refusal paperwork. 4 units, 7 personnel. Salado Water Supply Corporations 2015 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report (or CCR), is now available on our website at: pdf or you can get a paper copy at our office located @ 410 Salado Plaza or call to request your copy at 254-947-5425. HHHH HHH H LONE STAR GRADING & MATERIALS HHH Yount Sewer & Drain: septic tank & grease trap pumping, 254-947-5036 F i ve b e d r o o m , 5 . 5 baths on approx. one acre in Mill Creek. Beautiful live oak trees with magnificent drive up appeal. Circle drive with side entry garage. Master bedroom suite & one guest bedroom with private bath downstairs. Open kitchen & breakfast area with island, custom cabinets, under counter lighting, coffee bar, double oven & flat cooktop. Large laundry room off kitchen. Open living & dining area for easy entertaining. Additional 3 bedrooms & 3 baths upstairs with loft. 716 DeGrummond Way, Salado. $649,021. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050. COMMERCIAL H RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL EXCAVATION • GRADING • SITE PREPARATION YARDS • LOT CLEARING • PADS • ROADS DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS ALL TYPES DIRT WORK • MATERIALS & HAULING ***FREE ESTIMATES*** (254) 947-0149 or (254) 933-7900 HHHH HHH Salado Plumbing. Inhome repairs, 254-947-5800. Master LIC M 16892 Home on acreage in Mill Creek. 4 BR, 3 BA, two dining, two living and office. Separate room above garage and additional bedroom or storage. 26 x 21 game room for additional living area off of breakfast area. Private backyard with mature trees. Master Suite has two walkin closets and separate shower/ bath. Building in back yard could be used as another office or workout room. 2209 Highland Drive, Salado. $435,021. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050. from 2C from. Century 21 Bill Bartlett, Salado 254947-5050.11/10 tfnf HHH Moffat & Daughters Plumbing: Service, repair, remodeling, 254-289-5986 Master LIC # M017002 shop in back yard for projects or storage. 404 FM 2268, Salado. $462,021. Century 21 Bill Bartlett 947-5050 2/2tfnf HHH plumbing June 30, 2016, salado Village Voice, Page 3C HHH H 1+ Acre Homesites • Salado School District • No City Taxes • Highly Restricted • No Homeowners Association • Combined lots at discount • Mail delivered to house ANNA LOU RANEY, Broker/Realtor 254-913-1215 DANIEL RANEY, Realtor 254-760-2591 ANN CARROLL, Realtor 254-760-0101 Page 4C, salado Village Voice, June 30, 2016 Salado Police Report June 20-25 A/C Repair ALL BRANDS TACLA002113C Free Estimates & Second Opinions 100% Financing Available Senior Citizens Discount on service 939-1141 Toll Free 877-422-5500 • 310 E. Central Ave. • Belton SERVING CENTRAL TEXAS FOR OVER 38 YEARS June 20 9:29-10:30 p.m., North Rest Area. Agency Assist, assist Bell County on possible drunk driver. I arrived along with a Bell County Deputy. Clear. June 21 9:54 a.m., 500 Block Royal View. Theft, call for a theft. Report on file. 5:07 p.m., 300 Block Royal Street. Dispatched in reference to a stolen table. Arrived on scene and met with the owner of the property, who stated a middle aged white, lady in a silver in color SUV pulled in front of her bed and breakfast, where she got out and took both metal tables from the front porch. She told me she just wanted us to know about it so we would warn other people and business owners in town. I gave her a business card with event number on it. I advised her if she could think of anything else to call the Salado Police Department, where she called back a short time later and reported 10 glass items were taken from her porch. Asks if we would come by tomorrow and she would show us what the missing glass pieces look like. I advised her someone from the Police Department would stop by. 5:53 p.m., 50 South Main Street (First State Bank). Dispatched to an ATM alarm. Pressure washing the bank stalls and the ATM machine. I observed no signs of forced entry or anything broken into. I advised dispatch to notify alarm company. June 22 Al Clawson Disposal, Inc. (512) 930-5490 • ASK US ABOUT OUR SERVICES Waste Pickup • Recycling • Roll-Off Containers Double J Tree Service W. J. Martone 512-746-2172 Johnnie R. Martone 512-635- 4064 No Job too Small Free estimates Locally Owned and Operated Brakes | Tires | Belts and Hoses Muffler Check | Exhaust Check Engine Light | Heating and A.C. Steering and Suspension | State Inspections LOT CLEARING ACREAGE MOWING CHIPPING/MULCHING TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION TRACTOR WORK 24 HR EMERGENCY CALL 1:03 p.m., 900 Block N. Robertson. Disturbance, subject was given a ride home. 12:33-12:40 p.m., 900 Block Robertson. Welfare Concern, an employee was acting strange and left the restaurant. He was not in the area. 4:54 p.m., 1300 Block Walker Circle. Identity Theft, walk-in complainant reporting incident of identity theft. Report. 7:03-7:05 p.m., 100 Block Mill Creek Dr. Criminal Trespass, suspect on scene assaulted resident and pushed him from residence stating that “he” lived there now. Subject located and taken into custody for Criminal Trespass and Assault-B.I. Suspect also C/T’d from property. Report. 9:00-9:01 p.m., 1800 Block Williams Rd. Agency Assist, possible DWI. Dispatched as suspect vehicle turning right by High School and fire station. Later updated to SB on service rd. Caller stated suspect vehicle weaving. Caller no longer following. Checked SB service road. and business from 2484 to 2268. Unable to locate. June 23 5:21-5:25 p.m., 400 Block Center Circle. Miscellaneous, convulsions/ seizure. 58 year old patient, not conscious, breathing. SVFD on scene providing initial patient care. Patient transported by Scott & White. June 24 8:13-8:15 p.m., 400 Block N. Main St. Traffic Hazard, caller states food truck in middle of street by Chupacabra and traffic is having to go around. Arrived on scene to find food truck well off of roadway, on Century Link property, and not creating a hazard. Clear. June 25 4:48 p.m., 283 North I-35. Reckless Driving, observed reckless driver pass me at over 100 on Interstate 35. I conducted a traffic stop and after further investigation driver was arrested for POM. June 26 12:42-1:34 p.m., 284 IH 35 South. Traffic Control, observed an 18 wheeler stopped at the above location. Arrived on scene and trucks rear brakes were locked up and not disengaging. 121 Towing was contacted and picked up the vehicle. CHASE 889 FM 2268 (Holland Road) REMODELING & CONCRETE, INC Carpentry, Painting, Decks, Patios, Room Add-ons Ken (512) 595-1003 Moffatt & Daughters Plumbing Co. Service • Repair • Remodeling Riannai authorized service provider George (Bubba) Moffatt Yount Sewer & Drain Septic Service, L.C. Master Plumber Lic M017002 254 289-5986 (local) ANNA LOU RANEY, Broker/Realtor 254-913-1215 DANIEL RANEY, Realtor 254-760-2591 ANN CARROLL, Realtor 254-760-0101 NEW NG LISTI NEW 3901 CHISHOLM TRAIL # 10 Townhouse in great location near the Mill Creek Golf Course. 3 BR, 2.5 BA, large living area, formal and informal dining. 2 car garage Beautiful grounds with water and lawn care included in monthly HOA dues. $170.000 SOLD NG LISTI NEW 1207 CHISHOLM TRAIL Desirable brick home with beautiful trees and located on the corner. Close to shopping this home has 4 BR, 2 BA. The living room has cathedral ceiling with a beam, WBFP and opens to the dining room and kitchen. $195,000 Septic tank & grease trap pumping 254 947-5036 PR I C E 850 GREAT OAKS Picturesque home on 3 acres with 3 BD, 3 BA, large great room and dining room with charisma galore! $350,000 Subscriptions to Salado Village Voice (254) 947-5321 Name: Address: SOLD Phone: Email: 513 DEGRUMMOND WAY Nantucket style two story home with lots of curb appeal. Well maintained home with 3BR, 2.5 BA & 2 Living areas with front and back porches. Recently renovated with Saltillo tile, quartz, marble and stainless appliances. Attached 2 car garage and 1 detached, garden house and sprinkled landscape yard. $315,000 SOLD 2 PARK DRIVE 701 INDIAN TRAIL Just in time for spring! Over an Acre with trees and patios for outdoor cooking and entertaining. There is a nice fenced area for pets, 2 car garage plus a carport and lots of privacy. A unique 3 BR-3 BA home with an open kitchen, breakfast room with views of trees and deer roaming at a distance, formal dining and a great room with a wall of windows and a WBFP. $309,900 LD S O3901 CHISHOLM TRAIL #2 341 WINDMILL HILL Beautiful 5.14 fenced acres, 4,797 sq ft home with great floor plan including 4 BD 3 BA, 3 LA, beautiful pool,workshop and barn. $599,900 First Class Mail Delivery includes access to the Digital Edition at $26 per year in Bell County $28 per year outside Bell County $38 per year outside Texas List your property with Raney and Associates Temple/Belton Board of Realtors MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MLS LAND LISTINGS 1014 ARROWHEAD DRIVE OLD Unique lot with an established neighborhood in the heart of MillSCreek. $35,000 694 ASHLEY COURT Great location just off Main Street in established neighborhood. Lot size is .517 Acre $ 72,500 KEVLIN TRAIL Only 1 lot left! Premier half-acre lot, underground utilities ready for building. $59,900 $20 Online Access Only PAY ONLINE at Mail payment to Salado Village Voice, P.O. Box 587, Salado, TX 76571 Mastercard VISA Discover Number: Expiration Date: Code: Name on Card: Only nine 1+ acre lots in the beautiful Heritage subdivision 6112 MILLER LANE SOLD For photographs and detailed descriptions of these unique properties Where is your subscription? digital and print available June 30, 2016, salado Village Voice, Page 5C Page 6C, June 30, 2016 salado Village Voice Watershed steward workshop July 12 in Killeen A free Texas Watershed Steward workshop on water quality and management related to the Lampasas River and other area watersheds will be held from 1-5 p.m. July 12 at Texas A&M UniversityCentral Texas in Killeen. The workshop will be held in the Founders Hall Building, 1001 Leadership Place. The workshop will be presented by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board in coordination with Texas A&M AgriLife Research and the Lampasas River Watershed Partnership. Anyone interested in improving, or learning about, water quality in the Lampasas River and surrounding area is welcome to come, said workshop coordinators. Participants are encouraged to preregister online at http://tws. A free sandwich lunch provided by HEB will begin at 12:30 p.m. for attendees who preregister by July 10. GARLYN SHELTON CADILLAC 2016 ATS SEDAN 2.5L LEASE FOR 379 / 27 $ PER MONTH 5 6 2 5 S . G e n e r a l B r u c e D r. a t I 3 5 , Te m p l e , T X ( 2 5 4 ) 7 7 1- 0 1 2 8 MONTHS 2016 Cadillac ATS Sedan # G0173225 MSRP $35,925, $2000 Customer Cash Rebate, $1400 Texas Customer Cash Rebate, $21,555 Residual, 27 Months, 10,000 Miles per Year, Money Factor .00048. $1999 Down Excludes TTL + 1st Month Payment.. Photos for illustrative purposes only. Offer Good thru June 30, 2016.
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