Connections to the NC EOG Test - Public Schools of Robeson County
Connections to the NC EOG Test - Public Schools of Robeson County
CONNECTION® to the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test Rich, Rigorous Assessments Skills-Based Board Games Data Connection® Data Analysis, Tracking, and Reporting System v North Carolina Goals and Objectives vC ommon Core State Standards Sole Source Vendor K AMICO ® INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA, INC. AN EFFECTIVE, RESEARCH-BASED PROGRAM CONNECTION® to the North Carolina End-of-Grade Test Assessment Series™ Grades 1 - 8 Content Areas: math and reading To view samples, log on to, and visit Books. v Validated by scientifically based research v Each assessment covers a mixture of goals and objectives v Assessments to identify objectives for which students are in need of remediation and provide maintenance of mastered objectives v EOG Test-formatted assessments v Goals and objectives alignment chart to facilitate curriculum integration v Test-taking strategies to ensure valid assessment and decrease student anxiety v Grade chart to provide record of student goals and objectives mastery v Constant reinforcement of ALL objectives in the EOG Test format Math Grades 1 - 8 Reading Grades 1 - 8 Science Grades 5 and 8 Created Specifically for North Carolina KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] PROVEN TO INCREASE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Standards Connection® Developmental Series™ Assessments, games, activities, and investigations to develop, reinforce, and enrich skills Grades 1 - 12 Content Areas: math, reading, writing, social studies, and science v 35 - 70 assessments and activities per grade level and subject area v Created for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes v Each assessment covers a specific standard v Each game, activity, or investigation reinforces or enriches a specific state standard v 600 - 1500 pages per grade level and subject area v Languages: English and Spanish v Validated by scientifically based research v Created with rich, meaningful content v Develops and extends knowledge of state standards v Contains engaging, customized instruction v Adjusts to meet various levels of cognitive demand v Filled with enrichment activities to extend skill mastery and expand critical-thinking skills v Facilitates peer interaction and communication v Decreases student behavior problems v Supports differentiated instruction Activities and Investigations Assessments KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] RESEARCH-BASED INTERVENTION Game Gallery® Games, activities, and investigations to develop, reinforce, and extend student knowledge of North Carolina goals and objectives and Common Core State Standards Grades K - 12 GG1MSK Spy Kids (Problem Solving Utilizing Mathematical Processes) GG2SRR Resource Race (Conserve natural resources, reuse or recycle paper, plastic, and metal) Content Areas: math, reading, writing, social studies, and science v Created for individual students, partners, small groups, teams, and entire classes v Languages: English and Spanish v Over 300 titles v Includes clear, concise directions v Comes ready to play with all parts included – tokens, dice, calculators, rulers, etc. v Contains colorful, engaging graphics v Filled with enrichment activities incorporating critical thinking to extend and enhance reasoning v Involves focused skill practice v Promotes student collaboration and interaction v Validated by scientifically based research GG8MGG Geometry Genius (Using Geometry to Solve Problems) To view KAMICO’s 300+ skills-based games, log on to, and visit Game Gallery. GG2MTM Three Mathketeers (Using Whole Numbers to Locate and Name Points on a Number Line) Context Commuter (Context Clues) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] SUPPORT FOR INTEGRATED LEARNING, ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, AND POSITIVE BEHAVIOR Connection® to Literature part of the Connection® series Study guides based on popular children’s literature and young adult novels Grades K - 12 v Vocabulary and spelling development v Reading comprehension v Writing composition v Math problem solving v Social studies activities v Science investigations v Technology applications v Presents enrichment projects and extensions based on various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy v Helps develop students into active readers as they gain an appreciation of children’s and young adult literature v Creates a positive attitude toward all content areas v Provides instruction for individual students, small groups, and entire classes v Develops, reinforces, and extends skills and concepts v Supports differentiated instruction Science Math Reading Technology Social Studies KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] STATE-OF-THE-ART TECHNOLOGY Data Connection® part of the Connection® series Grades K - 12 Data Analysis, Tracking, and Reporting System State-of-the-art system that disaggregates student data by individual student, class, grade, school, district, and demographic group (at risk, Title I, SES, etc.) v North Carolina Goals and Objectives and Common Core State Standards for every subject area and every grade level v Ability to align questions on any assessment to any of the North Carolina Goals and Objectives and Common Core State Standards 1. Print EOG Test- and EOC Testv Puts data-driven decision making at your fingertips v Provides RTI implementation support v Contains clear, easy-to-read graphics, charts, and tables v Generates teacher-friendly and parent-friendly reports v Captures and analyzes longitudinal data v Generates information needed to plan effective instruction Close Achievement Gaps! FREE!!! Web Demonstration Call 254.947.7283 or e-mail [email protected] to schedule a time that is convenient for you! formatted student bubble sheets on plain white paper. Use laser printer no fees for scan sheets. 3. Scan student bubble sheets. No proprietary scanner is needed. 4. Disaggregate student academic 2. Students complete • teacher-, school-, or districtcreated test, • released EOG and EOC Test items, • existing curriculum, or • KAMICO® assessment. data by individual students, classes, grade levels, schools, demographic groups (gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, Title I, migrant, English proficiency, bilingual, ESL, gifted-talented, at risk, special education), length of enrollment, and NCLB criteria. 5. Print individual student report to determine mastered goals and objectives and goals and objectives for which student is in need of remediation. Use to determine instructional focus, plan effective instruction, and inform parents of their child’s progress. KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] DATA ANALYSIS, TRACKING, AND REPORTING 6. Print class-, grade-, school-, and district-level reports in tabular or graphic form. Free Web-Based Training! View list of goals and objectives assessed, along with list of students who need remediation of each goal and objective. Use report to create tutorial groups for before-, during-, and afterschool supplementary programs. Free Technical Support! Network, stand-alone, or Web browser based Perform item analysis to determine most effective method of remediation. Compare demographic groups to ensure no discrepancies among performance levels. KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] Professional Development Support for highly qualified teachers and RTI implementation Path To Mastery® Math instructional software v Grades 2 - 9 Customized Training by Curriculum Experts KAMICO® is an Approved Continuing Professional Education Provider Proven to Increase ProblemSolving Abilities v Student Instruction v Assessments v Practices and Tutorials Kindergarten Connection part of the CONNECTION® series Volumes A - Z (one for each letter of the alphabet) Use all or one v 250 - 300 pages per volume v Daily sponge activities v Detailed lesson plans for every subject for each day of the week (math, reading, writing, social studies, science, fine arts, and physical education) vC lear, concise instructions for teaching skills and concepts v Bulletin board ideas v Engaging graphics v Creative lyrics and tunes for class songs vT asty recipes to teach students how to follow directions vF un activities for individual students, small groups, and entire classes vR eading comprehension assessments based on popular children’s literature v Regular assessments v Letters to parents KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 CONNECTION ® to Literature Please mark beside each title the number of literature guides that you wish to order. English Grades K - 5 Quantity Item # Book Title Quantity Item # Book Title CLATH Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day CLAYE Alexander y el día terrible, horrible, espantoso, horroroso CLAWU Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday CLAQE Alexander, que era rico el domingo pasado CLAS Arrow to the Sun CLFAS Flecha al Sol CLBI Brave Irene CLILV Irene, la valiente CLCGD Clifford’s Good Deeds CLLBA CLCTT Clifford Takes a Trip Las buenas acciones de Clifford CLCT Clifford’s Tricks CLCVD Clifford va de viaje CLC Corduroy CLLTD CLCG Curious George CLTFW The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship CLTLG The Lady of Guadalupe CLLYF Love You Forever CLMMM Murmel Murmel Murmel CLTPB The Paper Bag Princess CLSTC Sometimes Things Change CLTTP The Tale of Peter Rabbit CLTTT The Tale of Tom Kitten CLTMB Too Many Balloons CLTTS The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs English Grades 3 - 7 Quantity Spanish Grades K - 5 Item # Book Title English/Spanish Grades K - 5 Quantity Item # Book Title CLTAC The Adventures of Connie and Diego/Las aventuras de Connie y Diego CLBDL Big Dog... Little Dog/ Perro grande... perro pequeño CLTDM The Desert Mermaid/ La sirena del desierto CLFP Family Pictures/ Cuadros de familia Los trucos de Clifford CLTIH CLEED Edición Española de Corduroy The Invisible Hunters/ Los cazadores invisibles CLMSC CLJEC Jorge el Curioso CLTEB Tontimundo y el barco volador Mr. Sugar Came to Town/La visita del Sr. Azúcar CLSC CLNSG Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Song of the Chirimia/ La música de la chirimia CLSTQ Siempre te querré CLUNH CLAAA Agú agú agú Uncle Nacho’s Hat/ El sombrero del tío Nacho CLLPV La Princesa vestida con una bolsa de papel CLWMB With My Brother/Con mi hermano CLAVL A veces las cosas cambian CLECDP El cuento de Perico el conejo travieso CLECDG El cuento del gato Tomás CLDG Demasiados globos CLLVH La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos Spanish Grades 3 - 7 Quantity Item # Book Title CLCW Charlotte’s Web CLTDC Las telarañas de Carlota CLFJ Freckle Juice CLJDP Jugo de pecas CLHC Hank the Cowdog (The Original Adventure) CLHEP Hank el perro vaquero (Las verdaderas a venturas de Hank, el perro vaquero) CLHH-E Henry Huggins CLHH-S Henry Huggins CLJGP James and the Giant Peach CLJMG James y el melocotón gigante CLRP Ramona the Pest CLRLC Ramona la Chinche CLTFG Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing CLENQ El niño que pagaba el pato CLTWB The Whipping Boy KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 2 GAME GALLERY ® - Math Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Kindergarten Math Games Quantity Item # GGKMBD GGKMGCF Game Title and Objective Barnyard Dance (Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Describe one object in relation to another; place an object in a specified position) Can You Believe It? (Rounding 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers) GG2MCT Color Time (Telling Time) GG2MER Elevator Ride (Relating Informal Language to Mathematical Language) GG2MFFF Fact Family Fun (Addition and Subtraction Fact Families) GG2MFF Farm Factors (Multiplication with Models) GG2MFTA Feed the Animals at the Petting Zoo (Determining the Value of a Collection of Coins) GG2MFC Fractional Concentration (Fractions) Shape Shifter (Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Describe, identify, and compare circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares) GG2MHTI Hop to It! (Addition and Subtraction) GG2MLR Let’s Roll! (Problem Solving) The County Crows (Number, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning: Model and create addition problems in real situations) GG2MMJP Multiplication Jigsaw Puzzle (Multiplication with Models) GG2MPP Perfect Pairs (Attributes of Shapes and Solids) GG2MSAP Stars and Planets (Place Value) GG2MS Swat (Using Place Value to Compare Numbers) GG2MTAM Table-A-Mia Make-A-Pizza (Generating a List of Paired Numbers) GG2MTT Tantalizing Temperatures (Reading a Thermometer) GG2MT Target (Addition and Subtraction Solution Sentences) GG2MTM Three Mathketeers (Using Whole Numbers to Locate and Name Points on a Number Line) GG2MYAU You Add Up! (Addition) Grandma’s Counting Farm (Number, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning: Recognize quantities given in verbal or written form; use numbers to describe how many objects are in a set using verbal and symbolic descriptions) GGKMILC I Like Change (Mathematical Processes: Communicate mathematical ideas using words, pictures, and numbers; relate everyday language to mathematical language and symbols) Item # Game Title and Objective GG2MCYB Gr 1 Math Games Quantity Item # About Bingo (Estimating Sums and Differences) Get Your Mole to His Hole (Number, Operation, and Quantitative Reasoning: Share a whole by separating it into two equal parts) GGKMTCC Quantity GG2MAB GGKMGYM GGKMSS Gr 2 Math Games Game Title and Objective GG1MCS Circus Solutions (Addition and Subtraction) GG1MEV Estimation Vacation (Rounding Numbers) GG1MESO Even Steven vs. Odd Todd (Finding Patterns in Numbers, Including Odd and Even) GG1MFFA Fishin’ for Addition (Record Observations Using Words and Numbers) GG1MOS Operation Station (Addition and Subtraction) GG1MSW Say What? (Identify Events As Certain or Impossible) GG1MSK Spy Kids (Problem Solving Utilizing Mathematical Processes) GG1MTT Time Trials (Ordering Events by Time) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 3 GAME GALLERY ® - Math Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 3 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Gr 4 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG3MAFO Alien Feast of Adding (Addition) GG4MCD Cardboard Decimals (Adding and Subtracting Decimals) GG3MAIT All in the Family (Multiplication/Division) GG4MDTC Dare to Compare (A Place Value [through Millions]) GG3MCA Class Act (Problem-Solving Strategies: Acting the Problem Out) GG4MDD Detective Dilemma (Problem-Solving Strategies) Count Crackula (Multiplication with Pictorial Models) GG4MDMY GG3MCC Don’t Misstep Your Steps (Applying Mathematics to Everyday Situations) GG3MEAP Extend a Pair (Identifying and Extending Patterns) GG4MDTU GG3MFFF Find Freddy’s Fractions (Comparing Fractions) Draco the Unroundable (Rounding Whole Numbers in Problem Situations) GG3MGTK Get to Know Your National Parks (Reading and Writing Whole Numbers) GG4MFA Fraction Action (Equivalent Fractions) GG4MTGA The Great American Road Race (Addition/Subtraction with Whole Numbers) GG4MIAW I Am . . . Who Is (Division) GG4MMTH Measure Treasure Hunt (Measurement: Length, Perimeter, Time, Temperature, and Area) GG4MMM Multiplication Migration (Multiplication) GG4MSSS Sam’s Shopping Spree (Division) GG4MSOO Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other (Identifying Right, Acute, and Obtuse Angles) GG4MSIA Something Is Amiss(-ing) (Identifying Relationships between Two Sets of Related Data) GG4MXM X-treme Multiplication (Multiplication) GG3MGIA Give It a Second Chance (Probability) GG3MGT Good Times (Multiplication-Problem Solving) GG3MGF Goofy Fractions (Identifying Fractions) GG3MIGI I Guess I’ll Go Golfing (Problem-Solving Strategies: Guessing and Checking) GG3MIT It’s Time to Catch a Fish (Length and Time) GG3MMM Market Math (Identifying Mathematics in Everyday Situations) GG3MOU Order Up! (Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers) GG3MPP Pattern Playground (Problem-Solving Strategies: Patterns) GG3MPB Piggy Bank (Addition with Money) GG3MRR Rodeo Roundup! (Rounding) GG3MSS Simon Says (Problem-Solving Strategies: Working a Simpler Problem) GG3MSIL Step in Line (Problem-Solving Models) GG3MSS2 Super Sentence (+, –, x, ÷ Problem Solving) GG3MTT Table Twister (Problem-Solving Strategies: Making a Table) GG3MTEA To Estimation and Beyond (Estimation-Problem Solving) GG3MUCS U Can Solve Anything (Problem-Solving Models) GG3MVR Video Rewind (Problem-Solving Strategies: Working Backwards) GG3MTWT The Winning Time (Read and Write Times Shown on Digital and Analog Clocks) GG3MYC You Can Make a Difference! (Subtraction) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 4 GAME GALLERY ® - Math Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 5 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Gr 6 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG5MDAC Divide and Conquer Everest! (Division) GG6MBAE GG5MDYMU Do You Measure Up? (Converting Measurements within the Same Measurement System - Customary and Metric) Be an Expert Angler (Using Angle Measurements to Classify Angles) GG6MCN Circum-Navigation (Radius, Diameter, and Circumference of a Circle) GG6MF Fivers (Using Ratios to Describe Proportional Situations) GG6MHWY How Would You Solve This One, Sherlock? (Proportional and Other Relationships Involving Conversions, Sequences, Perimeter, and Area) GG5MEB Experimental Bingo (Using Fractions to Describe Results of Experiments) GG5MTGAV The Great Add-Venture (Addition with Whole Numbers and with Decimals) GG5MIM Ironman Math (Relating Informal Language to Mathematical Language) GG6MMM2 Measure Match (Converting Measures within the Same Measurement System - Customary and Metric) GG5MLHI Let’s Hear It for the Red, White, and Blue! (Making Predictions Using Experimental Results) GG6MMM GG5MMM2 Measurement Maze (Solving Measurement Problems: Length, Perimeter, Weight, Capacity, Time, Temperature, and Area) Measurement Mile (Measure and Solve Problems Involving Length, Area, Time, Temperature, Volume, and Weight) GG6MPP Protractor Pandemonium (Measuring Angles) GG6MRR Ratio Ravine (Using Multiplication and Division to Solve Problems Involving Equivalent Ratios and Rates) GG6MSA Shopping A-Round (Estimation-Problem Solving) GG5MMDG Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees (Mathematics in Everyday Situations) GG5MMM Multiplication Motocross (Multiplication) GG5MPJ Pattern Jeopardy (Finding Patterns in Graphic Organizers) GG5MPP Pattern Predicament (Finding Patterns) GG5MRC Relation Concentration (Relating Decimals to Fractions Using Models) GG5MRTR Riding the Range - but Keep off the Median! (Mean, Median, and Range) GG5MTSE The Super Estimation Bowl (Estimation) GG5MVOI Volumes of Ice (Measuring Volume) GG5MWYS What’s Your Sign? (Comparing Fractions) Gr 7 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG7MMES 400-Meter Expression Sprint/Relay (Simplifying Numerical Expressions Involving Order of Operations and Exponents) GG7MA Area 51 (Graphing Data to Demonstrate Relationships in Familiar Concepts) GG7MCYM Coordinate Your Moves (Locating and Naming Points on a Coordinate Plane) GG7MMP Match Point (Using Models to +, –, x, and ÷ Integers and Connecting the Actions to Algorithms) GG7MRR Ratio Rally (Using Division to Find Unit Rates and Ratios in Proportional Relationships) GG7MSC Step City (Problem-Solving Strategies) GG7MSS Symbol Slide (Using Models to Solve Equations) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 5 GAME GALLERY ® - Math Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 8 Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective High School Math Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG8MAM Add Mission (Adding Rational Numbers in Problem Situations) GGHSMFF Fiesta Function! (Relating Solutions of Quadratic Equations to the Roots of Their Functions) GG8MDD Distance Detective (Estimating and Finding Solutions to Application Problems Involving Percents and Proportional Relationships) GGHSMFTD Funkytown Throw Down (Determining Whether Situations Can Be Represented by Linear Functions) GGHSMIAI GG8MDBI Don’t Be Irrational (Approximating the Value of Irrational Numbers) It’s an INTERCEPTion! (Determining Intercepts of Linear Functions) GGHSMLL GG8MGG Geometry Genius (Using Geometry to Solve Problems) GG8MITF It’s Time for Jeopardy! (Estimating and Finding Solutions to Problems Involving Percents and Proportional Relationships) Linear Lagoon (Analyzing Situations Involving Linear Functions and Solving Problems with Linear Equations and Inequalities) GGHSMMM Measurement Mummification (Solving Problems Involving Surface Area and Volume) GG8MNR Notation Rotation (Scientific Notation) GGHSMPP GG8MPP Proportional Prospecting (Using Proportional Relationships to Find Missing Measurements) Parabolic Paths (Analyzing Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Drawing Conclusions Based on Problem Situations) GG8MPIA Put It All in Perspective (Drawing Solids from Different Perspectives) GGHSMPAC Planing across Coordinate Country (Locating and Naming Points on a Coordinate Plane) GG8MSTC Sample the Cheese, Please! (Evaluating Methods of Sampling Data) GGHSMPP2 Probability Premiere (Using Probabilities and Experimental Results to Make Predictions and Decisions) GG8MWWR White-Water Rate Rafting (Using Multiplication to Represent Proportional Relationships) GGHSMRRR Relatively Ridiculous Road Rules! (Using Proportional Relationships in Similar Shapes to Find Measurements) GGHSMSDT Slalom down the Slopes (Determining Slopes) GGHSMSM Smooth Moves (Finding Function Values, Simplifying Polynomial Expressions, Transforming and Solving Equations, and Factoring) GGHSMSS Symbols Sprint (Using Symbols to Represent Unknowns and Variables) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 6 GAME GALLERY ® - Reading Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 1 Reading Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Gr 5 Reading Games Quantity GG5RSFO 50-State Facts and Opinions (Fact and Opinion) GG1RBBB Bed Bug Boogie (Following Directions) GG5RDD Definition Derby (Multiple-Meaning Words) GG1RAFO A Field of Character Traits (Character Traits) GG5RMMI Matching Main Ideas (Main Ideas) GG1RWAB Words and Bubbles (Beginning Dictionary Skills) GG5RSS Sequence Scramble (Chronology) GG1RWW Word Wonderland (Context Clues) GG5RWR Word Race (Words in Context) GG1RAZO A Zoo-ful of Main Ideas (Main Ideas and Details) Item # Gr 6 Reading Games Quantity Game Title and Objective GG2RBOB Battle of the Books (Reader’s Purpose) GG2RBBB Bear’s Book Bag (Genres) GG2RBMI Beastly Main Ideas (Main Ideas and Details) GG2RFS Four Seasons (Fact and Fantasy) GG2RGGO Galloping Graphic Organizers (Represent Text in Different Ways) GG2RMI Mark It, Max (Forms of Text) GG2RNFN Names for Nina (Literary Terms: Title, Author, and Illustrator) GG2RRFR Reason for Reading (Reader’s Purpose) GG2RWAW Where and When Did It Happen? (Setting) GG2RWW Word War (Synonyms and Antonyms) Item # Game Title and Objective GG6RTTR To the Races (Words in Context) GG6RWTP What’s the Purpose? (Author’s Purpose) GG6RAWO A World of Facts and Opinions (Fact and Opinion) Gr 7 Reading Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG7RCMC Climbing Mt. Context (Words in Context) GG7RGRW Greco-Roman Wordplay (Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes) GG7RMWG Multifaceted Word Gems (Multiple-Meaning Words) Gr 8 Reading Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG8RAA Analogy Avalanche (Analogies) Game Title and Objective GG8RCCT Context Caravan to Cairo (Words in Context) GG3RCIC Caught in Context Canyon (Context Clues) GG8RHWC GG3RCC Context Colloquium (Context Clues) Hadrian’s Word Castle (Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes) GG3RDMM Dino-mite Main Ideas (Main Ideas and Details) GG8RSB Supporting Bridges (Supporting Responses by Referring to Relevant Aspects of Text) GG3RFFA Feline Facts and Opinions (Fact and Opinion) GG3RFF Football Frenzy (Context Clues) GG3RLIT Lost in the Library (Features of Genres) GG3RPW Puzzling Words (Prefixes and Suffixes) GG3RWID Write It Down, Rita (Forms of Text) Item # Gr 4 Reading Games Quantity Game Title and Objective Acorn Afternoon (Fact and Fantasy) Gr 3 Reading Games Quantity Item # GG1RAA Gr 2 Reading Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG4RCFA Canine Facts and Opinions (Fact and Opinion) GG4RCC Cat Curiosities (Main Ideas) GG4RPOA Plan of Attack (Text Organization) GG4RWCB Word Construction Bingo (Prefixes and Suffixes) GG4RWW Word Wrangler (Context Clues) High School Reading Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GGHSRATR And the Rest Is History (Connecting Literature to Historical Context) GGHSRCC Context Commuter (Context Clues) GGHSRLL Literary Lingo Loop-the-Loop (Understanding Literary Forms and Terms) GGHSRMOA Master of Allusion (Allusions) GGHSRWC Winner’s Circle (Analogies) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 7 GAME GALLERY ® - Writing, Social Studies, & Science Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 1 Writing Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Quantity Item # Capitalization Cookies (Capitalization) GG7WCTS Climb the Sentence Staircase! (Sentence Construction) GG1WSS Sentence Science (Grammar and Usage) GG7WTWW The Writing Wilderness (Grammar and Usage) Item # Game Title and Objective GG2WCC Capitalization Celebration (Capitalization) GG2WTGS The Great Sentence Search (Distinguishing Complete and Incomplete Sentences) GG2WHH Honey Hunt (Sentence Construction) GG2WQHP Quarter Horse Promenade (Grammar and Usage) Gr 8 Writing Games Quantity Item # GG8WDT Item # Game Title and Objective GG3WACI A Capital Idea (Capitalization) GG3WCU Cooking Up Sentences (Grammar and Usage) GG3WPI Punctuation Island (Punctuation) GG3WSS Sentence Search (Sentence Construction) Gr 4 Writing Games Quantity Item # Quantity Item # GGHSWGG Capitalization Bingo (Capitalization) GG4WWWW What’s Wrong with Me? (Grammar and Usage) GG4WYBS You’ve Been Sentenced! (Sentence Construction) Gr 5 Writing Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG5WCTM Catch Those Mistakes! (Grammar and Usage) GG5WPPA Pioneer Punctuation and Capitalization (Punctuation and Capitalization) GG5WTW This Way to Spell-Right Station (Spelling) Double Trouble (Sentence Construction: Avoiding Wordiness) Game Title and Objective Grammar Graduation (Demonstrating Control over Grammatical Elements) Gr 8 Social Studies Games Quantity Item # GG8SSEW Game Title and Objective Expanding Westward! (Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, and the Mexican War) Gr 2 Science Games Quantity Item # GG2SRR Game Title and Objective GG4WCB Game Title and Objective High School Writing Games Gr 3 Writing Games Quantity Game Title and Objective GG1WCC Gr 2 Writing Games Quantity Grade 7 Writing Games Game Title and Objective Resource Race (Conserve natural resources, reuse or recycle paper, plastic, and metal) Gr 5 Science Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG5SEIA Energy in Action (Forms of Energy) GG5SLHA Lab Hazards and Precautions (Laboratory Safety) GG5SPP Pattern Principle (Identifying Patterns of Change) Gr 6 Writing Games Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective GG6WGCA Getting Carried Away (Sentence Construction: Avoiding Wordiness) GG6WPPC Pirate Punctuation and Capitalization (Punctuation and Capitalization) GG6WSSS See It, Say It, Spell It, Write It (Spelling) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 8 GAME GALLERY ® - Matemáticas Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 1 Juegos de matemáticas Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective SGG1MEDO Estación de operaciones (Suma y resta) SGG3MALE SGG1MGEP Gaspar el Par contra Baltasar el Impar (Encontrar patrones en números incluyendo pares e impares) A la estimación y más allá (Resolución de problemas de estimación) SGG3MUAC Niños espías (Resolver problemas utilizando procesos matemáticos) Una actuación con clase (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Hacer una actuación) SGG3MADC Alcancía de cerdito (Suma con dinero) SGG1MNE SGG1MPDL Pesca de la suma (Anotar problemas utilizando procesos matemáticos) SGG3MAV Algunas veces (Solucionar problemas de multiplicación) SGG1MPDT Pruebas de tiempo (Tiempo transcurrido y ordenar eventos según el tiempo) SGG3MACL Atina con las tablas (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Hacer una tabla) SGG1MQHD ¿Qué has dicho? (Identificar eventos como seguros o imposibles) SGG3MECG El conde Griétula (Multiplicación con modelos pictóricos) SGG1MSDC Soluciones de circo (Suma y resta) SGG3MCTP SGG1MVDE Vacaciones de estimaciones (Redondear números) Conoce tus parques nacionales (Leer y escribir números enteros) SGG3MELF Encuentra las fracciones de Freddy (Comparar fracciones) SGG3MEHD Es hora de pescar (Longitud y tiempo) SGG3MEUP Extiende un par (Identificar y extender patrones) SGG3MFED Fiesta extraterrestre de la suma (Suma) Gr 2 Juegos de matemáticas Quantity Gr 3 Juegos de matemáticas Item # Game Title and Objective SGG2MA Aplástalo (Utilizar el valor de posición para comparar números) SGG2MBA Bingo aproximado (Estimar sumas y diferencias) SGG3MFC Fracciones chistosas (Identificar fracciones) SGG2MCDF Concentración de fracciones (Fracciones) SGG3MLHC SGG2MDDC Da de comer a los animales del zoológico (Determinar el valor de una colección de monedas) La hora campeona (Leer y escribir la hora de relojes análogos y digitales) SGG3ML ¡Listo! (Comparar y ordenar números enteros) SGG2MLD La diana (Oraciones de solución de suma y resta) SGG3MMEE SGG2MLEY Las estrellas y los planetas (Valor de posición) Matemáticas en el mercado (Identificar las matemáticas en situaciones diarias) SGG2MFDL Factores de la granja (Multiplicación con modelos) SGG3MMIA SGG2MFDO Familias de operaciones (Familias de operaciones de suma y resta) Me iré a jugar al golf (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Adivinar y comprobar) SGG3MPDR SGG2MHUP Hagamos una pizza (Generar una lista de pares de números) Patio de recreo de patrones (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Patrones) SGG3MPEF Pisa en Fila (Modelos de resolución de problemas) SGG2MHDC Horas de colores (Decir la hora) SGG3MREV SGG2MJAB Juguemos al boliche (Resolución de problemas) Rebobinando el vídeo (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Trabajar al revés) SGG2MLPC ¿Lo puedes creer? (Redondear números de dos y tres dígitos) SGG3MRDR Rodeo de redondeo (Redondeo) SGG3MUSO Una segunda oportunidad (Probabilidad) SGG2MPP Parejas perfectas (Atributos de figuras y sólidos) SGG3MSD SGG2MUPE Un paseo en elevador (Relacionar el lenguaje informal con el lenguaje matemático) Simón dice (Estrategias de resolución de problemas: Resolver un problema más sencillo) SGG3MLS La superoración (Resolución de problemas de +, –, x, ÷) SGG2MRAL Ranas a la obra (Suma y resta) SGG2MRDM Rompecabezas de multiplicación (Multiplicación con modelos) SGG3MTEL Todos en la familia (Multiplicación/División) SGG3MTPH Tú puedes hacer una diferencia (Resta) SGG2MS ¡Súmalo! (Suma) SGG3MTPR SGG2MTT Temperaturas tentadoras (Leer un termómetro) Tú puedes resolver cualquier cosa (Modelos de resolución de problemas) SGG2MTM Tres matemáticos (Utilizar números enteros para localizar y nombrar puntos en una recta numérica) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 9 GAME GALLERY ® - Matemáticas Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 4 Juegos de matemáticas Gr 5 Juegos de matemáticas continuación Quantity Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Game Title and Objective Montando el rango - ¡pero no te acerques a la mediana! (Media, mediana y rango) SGG5MMM Multiplicación motorizada (Multiplicación) SGG5MUOP ¡Una ovación para el rojo, el blanco y el azul! (Utilizar los resultados de experimentos para hacer predicciones) SGG4MADF Acción de fracción (Fracciones equivalentes) SGG4MLCD Las compras de Sam (División) SGG4MDDC Decimales de cartón (Sumar y restar decimales) SGG4MDDD Dilema de detective (Estrategias de resolución de problemas) SGG4MDEN Draco el No-redondeable (Redondeo de números enteros) SGG5MPCR SGG4MEBD En busca del tesoro de las medidas (Medición: Longitud, perimetro, tiempo, temperatura y área) Patrones con Riesgo (Encontrar patrones en organizadores gráficos) SGG5MSM SGG4MFA Falta algo (Identificar relaciones entre dos conjuntos de datos relacionados) ¿Sabes medir? (Convertir medidas dentro del mismo sistema de medición-usual y métrico) SGG5MVDH Volúmenes de hielo (Medir el volumen) SGG4MLGC La gran carrera americana (Suma y resta) SGG4MMDM Migración de multiplicación (Multiplicación) SGG4MMX Multiplicación x-trema (Multiplicación) SGG4MNDU No des un mal paso (Aplicar las matemáticas a situaciones diarias) SGG4MRDC Gr 6 Juegos de matemáticas Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective SGG6MSUE Sé un experto pescador de ángulos (Utilizar medidas de ángulos para clasificar ángulos como agudos, obtusos o rectos) Reto de comparación (Valor de posición [hasta los millones]) SGG6MCN Circunnavegación (Radio, diámetro y circunferencia de un círculo) SGG4MSDU Seis de uno, media docena del otro (Identificar ángulos rectos, agudos y obtusos) SGG6MC Cincos (Utilizar razones para describir situaciones de proporción) SG4MYSQ Yo soy... ¿Quién es? (División) SGG6MCRE ¿Cómo resolverías esto, Sherlock? (Relaciones de proporción y otras relaciones, tales como conversiones, secuencias aritméticas, perímetro y área) SGG6MCDM Correspondencia de medidas (Convertir medidas) SGG6MUMD Una milla de medidas (Medición) SGG6MEBD El barranco de las razones (Utilizar la multiplicación y la división de números enteros para resolver problemas, incluyendo situaciones en las que hay razones y tasas equivalentes) SGG6MDCP De compras por los alrededores (Estimar y redondear para resolver problemas) SGG6MPDT Pandemonio de transportador (Medir ángulos) Gr 5 Juegos de matemáticas Quantity Item # SGG5MMER Item # Game Title and Objective SGG5MBE Bingo experimental (Utilizar fracciones para describir los resultados de experimentos) SGG5MCDR Concentración de relación (Utilizar modelos para relacionar decimales con fracciones) SGG5MLCD La copa de la superestimación (Estimación) SGG5MCET ¿Cuál es tu signo? (Comparar fracciones) SGG5MDDP Dilema de patrones (Encontrar patrones) SGG5MEDN El dinero no crece en los árboles (Las matemáticas en situaciones diarias) SGG5MDYC Divide, y conquista el Everest (División) SGG5MLGS La gran sum-aventura (Suma con números enteros y con decimales) SGG5MIDM Ironman de matemáticas (Relacionar el lenguaje informal con el lenguaje y los símbolos matemáticos) SGG5MLDM Laberinto de medición (Resolver problemas de medición: Longitud, perímetro, peso, capacidad, tiempo, temperatura y área) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 0 GAME GALLERY ® - Lectura Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 1 Juegos de lectura Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Gr 3 Juegos de lectura Quantity Game Title and Objective SGG3LAR Apúntalo, Rita (Tipos de textos) SGG1LUCD Un campo de características (Características de personajes) SGG3LAEE Atrapados en el cañón del contexto (Pistas del contexto) SGG1LEPD El país de las maravillas de las palabras (Pistas del contexto) SGG3LCDC Coloquio de contexto (Pistas del contexto) SGG1LPYB Palabras y burbujas (Primeras destrezas de diccionario) SGG3LHYO Hechos y opiniones felinos (Hechos y opiniones) SGG3LIPC SGG1LTDB Tarde de bellotas (Hecho y fantasía) Ideas principales con dino-mita (Ideas principales y detalles) SGG1LUZD Un zoológico de ideas principales (Ideas principales y detalles) SGG3LLDF Locura de fútbol (Pistas del contexto) SGG3LPM Palabras misteriosas (Prefijos y sufijos) SGG3LPEL Perdido en la biblioteca (Características de géneros literarios) Gr 2 Juegos de lectura Quantity Item # Baile de la chinche (Seguir instrucciones) SGG1LBDL Item # Game Title and Objective SGG2LBDL Batalla de libros (Propósito del lector) SGG2LLCE Las cuatro estaciones (Hecho y fantasía) SGG2LDYC ¿Dónde y cuándo sucedió? (Escenario) SGG2LGDP Guerra de palabras (Sinónimos y antónimos) SGG2LIPB Ideas principales bestiales (Ideas principales y detalles) SGG2LMM Quantity Márcalo, Max (Formatos de textos) SGG2LLMD La mochila de la osita (Géneros) SGG2LNPN Nombres para Nina (Términos literarios-título, autor e ilustrador) SGG2LOGA Organizadores gráficos al galope (Representar el texto de diferentes maneras) SGG2LRPL Gr 4 Juegos de lectura Razón para leer (Propósito del lector) Item # Game Title and Objective SGG4LBDC Bingo de construcción de palabras (Prefijos y sufijos) SGG4LCCD Cualidades curiosas de los gatos (Ideas principales) SGG4LHYO Hechos y opiniones caninos (Hechos y opiniones) SGG4LPDA Plan de ataque (Organización del texto) SGG4LEVD El vaquero de palabras (Pistas del contexto) Gr 5 Juegos de lectura Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective SGG5LCDP Carrera de palabras (Palabras en contexto) SGG5LDDD Derbi de definiciones (Palabras con significados múltiples) SGG5LEIP Emparejando ideas principales (Ideas principales) SGG5LHYO Hechos y opiniones de cincuenta estados (Hechos y opiniones) SGG5LRDS Revoltijo de secuencia (Cronología) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 1 GAME GALLERY ® - Escritura & Ciencias Please mark beside each title the number of games that you wish to order. Gr 1 Juegos de escritura Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective Gr 5 escritura Quantity Atrapa esos errores (Gramática y uso) La ciencia de las oraciones (Gramática y uso) SGG1EGDM Galletas de mayúsculas (Uso de mayúsculas) SGG5EPYM Puntuación y mayúsculas pioneras (Puntuación y mayúsculas) SGG5EVAL Vía a la estación de ortografía correcta (Ortografía) Item # Game Title and Objective SGG2ECDM Celebración de mayúsculas (Uso de mayúsculas) SGG2EEBD En busca de miel (Construcción de oraciones) SGG2ELGB La gran búsqueda de oraciones (Distinguir oraciones completas e incompletas) SGG2EUPA Un paseo a caballo (Gramática y uso) Gr 3 Juegos de escritura Quantity Game Title and Objective SGG1ELCD Gr 2 Juegos de escritura Quantity Item # SGG5EAEE Item # Gr 5 Juegos de ciencias Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective SGG5CEEA Energía en acción (Formas de energía) SGG5CPDP Principio de patrones (Identificar patrones de cambio) SGG5CRYP Riesgos y precauciones en el laboratorio (Seguridad en el laboratorio) Game Title and Objective SGG3EBDO Búsqueda de oraciones (Construcción de oraciones) SGG3ECO Cocinando oraciones (Gramática y uso) SGG3EUIM Una idea mayúscula (Uso de mayúsculas) SGG3ELID La isla de la puntuación (Puntuación) Gr 4 Juegos de escritura Quantity Item # Game Title and Objective SGG4EBDM Bingo de mayúsculas (Uso de mayúsculas) SGG4EQMP ¿Qué me pasa? (Grámatica y uso) SGG4ETHD Te han dado sentencia (Construcción de oraciones) KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 2 CONNECTION ® to the North Carolina EOG Test Assessment Series™ Teacher Edition - 1 per teacher v Student Edition - minimum 10 per grade/subject Math Item Number Description Price EOG1MT Gr 1 Math - Teacher EOG1MS Quantity Reading Total Item Number Description Price $24.95 EOG1RT Gr 1 Reading - Teacher $24.95 Gr 1 Math - Student $11.00 EOG1RS Gr 1 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG2MT Gr 2 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG2RT Gr 2 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG2MS Gr 2 Math - Student $11.00 EOG2RS Gr 2 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG3MT Gr 3 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG3RT Gr 3 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG3MS Gr 3 Math - Student $11.00 EOG3RS Gr 3 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG4MT Gr 4 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG4RT Gr 4 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG4MS Gr 4 Math - Student $11.00 EOG4RS Gr 4 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG5MT Gr 5 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG5RT Gr 5 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG5MS Gr 5 Math - Student $11.00 EOG5RS Gr 5 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG6MT Gr 6 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG6RT Gr 6 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG6MS Gr 6 Math - Student $11.00 EOG6RS Gr 6 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG7MT Gr 7 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG7RT Gr 7 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG7MS Gr 7 Math - Student $11.00 EOG7RS Gr 7 Reading - Student $11.00 EOG8MT Gr 8 Math - Teacher $24.95 EOG8RT Gr 8 Reading - Teacher $24.95 EOG8MS Gr 8 Math - Student $11.00 EOG8RS Gr 8 Reading - Student $11.00 Quantity Total Quantity Total Science Q: What is the difference between the teacher edition and the student edition in Assessment and Developmental books? A: The teacher edition is the complete book. It includes resources only the teacher needs, like keys, alignments, and instructions. A teacher can buy only one for his or her class and can copy pages as needed for that class. Item Number Description Price EOG5ST Gr 5 Science - Teacher $24.95 EOG5SS Gr 5 Science - Student $11.00 EOG8ST Gr 8 Science - Teacher $24.95 EOG8SS Gr 8 Science - Student $11.00 The student edition is consumable; it contains only what students need, like assessments. It saves time by keeping teachers from having to copy pages from a teacher edition. There is a minimum purchase of ten student editions, and the purchaser will also need a teacher edition. KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 2 STANDARDS CONNECTION ® Developmental Series™ Teacher Edition - 1 per teacher v Student Edition - minimum 10 per grade/subject Math Item Number Description Price SCDE1MT Gr 1 Math - Teacher SCDE1MS Quantity Reading Total Item Number Description Price $45.95 SCDE1RT Gr 1 Reading - Teacher $45.95 Gr 1 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE1RS Gr 1 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE2MT Gr 2 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE2RT Gr 2 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCDE2MS Gr 2 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE2RS Gr 2 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE3MT Gr 3 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE3RT Gr 3 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCKDE3MS Gr 3 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE3RS Gr 3 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE4MT Gr 4 Math- Teacher $45.95 SCDE4RT Gr 4 Reading- Teacher $45.95 SCDE4MS Gr 4 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE4RS Gr 4 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE5MT Gr 5 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE5RT Gr 5 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCDE5MS Gr 5 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE5RS Gr 5 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE6MT Gr 6 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE6RT Gr 6 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCDE6MS Gr 6 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE6RS Gr 6 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE7MT Gr 7 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE7RT Gr 7 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCDE7MS Gr 7 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE7RS Gr 7 Reading - Student $11.00 SCDE8MT Gr 8 Math - Teacher $45.95 SCDE8RT Gr 8 Reading - Teacher $45.95 SCDE8MS Gr 8 Math - Student $11.00 SCDE8RS Gr 8 Reading - Student $11.00 Writing Item Number Quantity Total Quantity Total Quantity Total Science Description Price SCDE1WT Gr 1 Writing - Teacher SCDE1WS Quantity Total Item Number Description Price $45.95 SCDE1ST Gr 1 Science - Teacher $45.95 Gr 1 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE1SS Gr 1 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE2WT Gr 2 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE2ST Gr 2 Science - Teacher $45.95 SCDE2WS Gr 2 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE2SS Gr 2 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE3WT Gr 3 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE3ST Gr 3 Science - Teacher $45.95 SCDE3WS Gr 3 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE3SS Gr 3 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE4WT Gr 4 Writing- Teacher $45.95 SCDE4ST Gr 4 Science- Teacher $45.95 SCDE4WS Gr 4 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE4SS Gr 4 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE5WT Gr 5 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE5ST Gr 5 Science - Teacher $45.95 SCDE5WS Gr 5 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE5SS Gr 5 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE6WT Gr 6 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE8ST Gr 8 Science - Teacher $45.95 SCDE6WS Gr 6 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE8SS Gr 8 Science - Student $11.00 SCDE7WT Gr 7 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE7WS Gr 7 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE8WT Gr 8 Writing - Teacher $45.95 Item Number Description Price SCDE8WS Gr 8 Writing - Student $11.00 SCDE8SST Gr 8 Social Studies - Teacher $45.95 SCDE91011WT Gr 9/10/11 Writing - Teacher $45.95 SCDE8SSS Gr 8 Social Studies - Student $14.00 SCDE91011WS Gr 9/10/11 Writing - Student $14.00 Social Studies KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] O R D E R F O R M P A G E 1 2 STANDARDS CONNECTION ® Developmental Series™ en Español Edición del Maestro - 1 per maestro v Edición del Estudiante - minimum 10 per grade/subject Matemáticas Escritura Item Number Description Price SSCDE1MM Gr 1 Matemáticas - Maestro SSCDE1ME Quantity Total Item Number Description Price $45.95 SSCDE1EM Gr 1 Escritura - Maestro $45.95 Gr 1 Matemáticas - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE1EE Gr 1 Escritura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE2MM Gr 2 Matemáticas - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE2EM Gr 2 Escritura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE2ME Gr 2 Matemáticas - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE2EE Gr 2 Escritura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE3MM Gr 3 Matemáticas - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE3EM Gr 3 Escritura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE3ME Gr 3 Matemáticas - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE3EE Gr 3 Escritura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE4MM Gr 4 Matemáticas - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE4EM Gr 4 Escritura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE4ME Gr 4 Matemáticas - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE4EE Gr 4 Escritura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE5MM Gr 5 Matemáticas - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE5EM Gr 5 Escritura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE5ME Gr 5 Matemáticas - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE5EE Gr 5 Escritura - Estudiante $11.00 Lectura Quantity Total Quantity Total Ciencias Item Number Description Price Item Number Description Price SSCDE1LM Gr 1 Lectura - Maestro $45.95 Quantity Total SSCDE1CM Gr 1 Ciencias - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE1LE Gr 1 Lectura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE1CE Gr 1 Ciencias - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE2LM Gr 2 Lectura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE2CM Gr 2 Ciencias - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE2LE Gr 2 Lectura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE2CE Gr 2 Ciencias - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE3LM Gr 3 Lectura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE3CM Gr 3 Ciencias - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE3LE Gr 3 Lectura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE3CE Gr 3 Ciencias - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE4LM Gr 4 Lectura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE4CM Gr 4 Ciencias - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE4LE Gr 4 Lectura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE4CE Gr 4 Ciencias - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE5LM Gr 5 Lectura - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE5CM Gr 5 Ciencias - Maestro $45.95 SSCDE5LE Gr 5 Lectura - Estudiante $11.00 SSCDE5CE Gr 5 Ciencias - Estudiante $11.00 Kindergarten Curriculum Path to Mastery® Kindergarten Curriculum Teacher Edition - 1 per teacher Path To Mastery® Math Instructional Software Quantity Letter Quantity Letter Quantity Grade Quantity Grade Quantity en Español Letter Quantity Letter Quantity Letter A G M S Y 2 6 2 B H N T Z 3 7 3 C I O U 4 8 4 D J P V 5 9 5 E K Q W F L R X Grade Quantity KAMICO® Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. 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CONNECTION® to the North Carolina EOG Test Assessment Series Grades 1 - 8 Quantity Teacher Editions Student Editions Price Data Connection® Data Disaggregation Software Total $24.95 $11.00 Teacher Editions Student Editions Price Total $45.95 $11.00 Developmental Series High School Quantity Teacher Editions Math 9/10/11 Teacher Editions Reading 9/10/11 Teacher Editions Writing 9/10/11 Student Editions Price Price Total $3.50 Web Browser Based Version 3.5 Quantity Quantity 1 license per student STANDARDS CONNECTION® Developmental Series Grades 1 - 8 Network and Stand-Alone Application Version 2.5 Quantity 1 license per student Price Total $3.50 Brother DCP-8080 Quantity Price Total $363.50 Total $229.95 $139.95 $45.95 $14.00 Path To Mastery® Math Instructional Software Quantity Price Total $1995.00 Professional Development Continuing Professional Education Kindergarten Curriculum® Quantity Volumes A thru Z Price Quantity Price Total $1500.00 Total $21.95 CONNECTION® to Literature CONNECTION® To Literature Quantity Grade K - 5 Grade 3 - 7 Price Total $8.95 $16.95 Game Gallery® Game Gallery ® Quantity Games Price SUBTOTAL SHIPPING IS FREE! = ________ -0= ________ State and Local Sales Tax = ________ TOTAL = ________ Total $10.95 Billing Address Shipping Address ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ KAMICO® ships UPS. To receive your order, you must provide a physical address. UPS does not deliver to post office boxes. All prices are subject to change without notice. Please include all pages of your order form. School Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone # Credit Card # Expiration Date ________________________________________________________ Name as It Appears on Card School Name Address (Physical) City, State, Zip Telephone # Please enclose check, purchase order, or credit card information and return to KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc. v P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, Texas 76571 v Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v v [email protected] ® KAMICO® INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA, INC. P.O. Box 1143 v Salado, TX 76571 Telephone: 254.947.7283 v Fax: 254.947.7284 v [email protected] Rich, Rigorous Assessments Skills-Based Board Games Data Connection® Data Analysis, Tracking, and Reporting System v North Carolina Goals and Objectives vC ommon Core State Standards PRSRT STD U.S. Postage P A I D Salado, Texas Permit No. 143