programme its festival 2015 TICKETs
programme its festival 2015 TICKETs
programme its festival 2015 sunday JUNe 21st dance CT = compagnietheater iyma 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 mime off stage 16:00 playwriting 22:00 festival radio frascati 1 daily discussion 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 festival radio ct zuilenzaal 20:00 21:00 22:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 festival radio festival radio festival radio ct foyer theatre walk frascati 1 23:00 festival radio choreo[graphic] selection frascati 2 doelenzaal doelenzaal i can’t imagine tomorrow brakke grond theaterschool baal cjp dance workshop theatre triple date #1 theatre triple date #1 oNLINE Online at get a €2,- discount per ticket! Buy your ticket online up to 1 hour before the performance. You can print your ticket at home or collect your ticket at the ITs Box Office at Compagnietheater or one hour before curtain up at the theatre concerned. Online payment methods: iDEAL, Visa or Mastercard. BOX OFFICE ITs Box Office at Compagnietheater: open from 19–26 June. ITs Box Offices at different venues: open one hour before the performance. RESERVATION ITs Reservation Hotline at +31 (0)20 – 626 68 66. (Mon 11:00-17:00, Tue-Fri 11:00-19:30, Sat 17:00-19:30). Tickets reserved by phone must be collected at the show’s venue, at least 30 minutes before the performance; otherwise your booking will be cancelled. DANCE FREMDKörper Fontys Dance Academy A clubevent full of short theatrical, daring, edgy and pop-art underground performances. Free admission! (LNP) DANCE DOUBLE DATE #1 #1 talent on the move 2015 Codarts Dance Rotterdam Fragments of the new choreographies The Third Person, The Eyes’ History, Lamento Della Ninfa and Stonehenge. (LNP) DANCE DOUBLE DATE #2 #1 Kokokito Louis Vanhaverbeke A new choreography by the winner of the ITs Krisztina de Châtel Award 2014 and is part of the IYMA selection as well. (EN/NL/FR) Admission (unless stated otherwise) Standard: €15,Web Standard: €13,Concession*: €10,Web Concession*: €9,* with valid Stadspas, CJP or Student card LNP NL EN FR PL FA DE = = = = = = = language no problem Dutch English French Polish Farsi German EINDVOORSTELLING DANS ArtEZ Dansacademie Students with their own identifying signature present themselves. (LNP) #2 BOMA (Mkutano) Internationaal Danstheater Boma is a Swahili word for enclosed homestead and there are now many different Bomas, each one representing one of Kenya’s major ethnic groups. (EN/NL/FR) peer gynt 14:00 DANCE DOUBLE DATE #3 #1 Kokito Louis Vanhaverbeke The choreography with which Louis won the ITs Krisztina de Châtel Award in 2014. (EN/NL/FR) #2 boma (Mkutano) Internationaal Danstheater (See description Dance Double Date #2) >> 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 festival radio festival radio 23:00 festival radio IYMA double date #1 nominatielezing #1 nominatielezing #2 nominatielezing #3 wisselvallige leven daily discussion Do you have a CJP-card? Lucky you! This year’s dance workshop is exclusively reserved for CJP-card holders. This year you’ll get the chance to work on a Modern Dance routine with Min Hee Bervoets (So You Think You Can Dance & Ultimate Dance Battle) and it gets even better: if your friend doesn’t have a CJP-card, he/she will still be able to buy a ticket and join you on your CJP-card. Limited tickets are available, so don’t hesitate and order your tickets now! Only possible in advance by telephone or online! theaterschool 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 festival radio festival radio 22:00 23:00 festival radio wittgenstein’s mistress een lichaam >> continuation DANCE Choreo[graphic] Selection All Dutch Dance Schools Meet the youngest generation of dance makers! (LNP) iyma IYMA DOUBLE DATE #1 #1 PLAY HOUSE École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France (Scenography) Two people are trying to live together. An experiment on space and form on the rhythm of Martin Crimp’s Play House. (EN) CT = compagnietheater 13:00 ITsINSTED 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 ITsINSTED is a network organisation that is dedicated to improve the international position of young theatre makers. ITsINSTED connects young directors, playwrights, scenographers, mime actors, choreographers and dramaturges from different countries. It is a platform that offers (new) international exchanges, co-operative ventures and opportunities to get to know the (international) professional working field. festival radio ct zuilenzaal closing ceremony ct grote zaal ct kleine zaal daily discussion daily discussion frascati 1 een meeuw een meeuw frascati 2 theatre double date #1 doelenzaal Dance double date #2 brakke grond theatre double date #2 theaterschool dance double Date #3 vondelpark mimE The big unknown De Theaterschool, Mime With a bit of nature and everything else on my list of things to do. (NL/EN) playwriting kort applaus HKU Theater, Writing for Performance Actors read fragments of graduation work of young new playwriters in a talkshow setting. With special thanks to Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. (NL) Mime Triple Date #1 De Theaterschool, Mime #1 RHEA #2 Voor je het weet heb je niets door #3 werkzaamheid (film) Graduating mime students present their own work. (NL/EN) HAUTNAH (Closer) Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany (Directing) By Patrick Marber. Four young narcissists in a brutal battlefield of sexual destruction. (DE, EN surtitles) Buy 1 ticket and see 2 or even 3 performances in one go. Take a look at our programme for the double and triple dates of this year’s festival. friday june 26th #2 Little Mermaid – The Wedding The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art, Warsaw, Polen You are invited to a wedding! With music, balloons and alcohol. With love and dreams. But with some frustration too. (PL/EN) WHAT DO YOU DO? De Theaterschool, Moderne Theaterdans Using a range of physical and theatrical languages, What do you do? dives into the personal histories of its performers. (LNP) From each corner of Europe to each corner of Europe. With this ambition eight European festivals collaboratively offer the stage to emerging European performing artists. For the artists, IYMA can be a first step towards an international career. Check the performances with the IYMA label and know where to discover the latest European talent. cjp DANCe WORKSHOP 14:00 brakke grond theaterschool TICKETs 13:00 ct zuilenzaal doelenzaal brakke grond baal CT = compagnietheater frascati 2 daily discussion 13:00 Double and triple dates . frascati 1 hautnah choreo[graphic] selection frascati 1 krach festival radio International Young Makers in Action (IYMA) what do you do gif ct grote zaal ct foyer krach 23:00 ct foyer ct kleine zaal frascati 2 #2 students of harmony Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Austria Created for SEAD’s BODHI PROJECT students of harmony offers a playlist of edgy, raw and turbulent movement structures embodied by dancers‘ physicality and performative endurance. (LNP) 22:00 ct foyer ct grote zaal daily discussion 22:00 mime triple date #1 ct kleine zaal ct zuilenzaal dance double date #1 kort applaus 21:00 kort applaus CT = compagnietheater festival radio ct grote zaal ct kleine zaal 20:00 la isla bonita theaterschool 23:00 21:00 festival radio brakke grond papa tuesday june 23rd 14:00 20:00 doelenzaal eindvoorstelling uitsterven van de soorten brakke grond saturday june 20th 19:00 See for more info. thursday JUNe 25th doelenzaal 18:00 theatre double date #3 monday JUNe 22nd doelenzaal 17:00 daily discussion frascati 2 13:00 16:00 afgelegen eilanden theaterschool frascati 2 15:00 festival radio ct zuilenzaal theaterschool frascati 2 Opening Manifestation 14:00 frascati 1 rinoceros frascati 1 i can’t imagine tomorrow 13:00 ct grote zaal the dreaming rInoceros ct zuilenzaal fremdkörper CT = compagnietheater ct foyer ct kleine zaal 13:00 festival radio ct grote zaal theaterschool 23:00 theatre walk Launch festival radio ct foyer 22:00 ct foyer CT = compagnietheater ct kleine zaal brakke grond 21:00 ct kleine zaal 23:00 the big unknown ct grote zaal 20:00 kort applaus brakke grond theatre 21:00 19:00 ct kleine zaal doelenzaal 20:00 18:00 frascati 2 shadow group 19:00 17:00 the dreaming frascati 1 ct zuilenzaal CT = compagnietheater 15:00 festival radio ct zuilenzaal friday JUNe 19th 13:00 14:00 ct grote zaal for more info CT = compagnietheater 13:00 wednesday JUNe 24th off-stagE CJP dance workshop With Min Hee Bervoets (SYTYCD & UDB) Together with the participants Min Hee will work on a routine. Afterwards you can visit the Dance Double Date #1 together. Exclusively for CJP card-holders. Theatre walk With Willemijn van Breda Our guide Willemijn van Breda takes you through the facts, fascinating stories and fine architecture of some magnificent Amsterdam theatres while walking through the city centre. (NL) Daily discussions With ITsINSTED Aftertalks about performances and debates lead by the ITsINSTED team. The discussions take place on a daily basis. Free admission! (EN) nominatielezingen HKU Theater, Writing for Performance The three scripts nominated for the ITs Ro Theater Award are read by renowned actors, amongst whom Gijs Naber and Sylvia Poorta. In cooperation with De Tekstsmederij, with special thanks to Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. (NL) shadow group oPENING manifestation Shadow Group Get inspired at the State of the ITs by an outspoken international theatre personality! Free admission! heart: FESTIVAL RADIO Shadow Group Come and join us in conversation and discussion. ITsINSTED will join us on a daily basis between 14:15 - 16:00. Free admission! closing ceremony Shadow Group Celebrate 8 days of performances, encounters and experiments with us. theatrE peer gynt De Theaterschool, Directing The theatre is his kingdom. The actors, props and lights are inferior to him and his greatness. (NL, EN surtitles) Het wisselvallige leven (werktitel) Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing Het Wisselvallige Leven (werktitel) is about countless, shameless attempts at personal significance. (NL, EN surtitles) KRACH, naar Tsjechov en Luyendijk HKU Theater, Acting A multimedia performance about young bankers who are trying to get a grip on the consequences of the financial crisis. (NL) I can’t imagine tomorrow Tehran University, Iran (Directing) A man and a woman. Every evening they chat and drink coffee together. Both stuck in this everyday routine. Tonight this routine has to change but... (FA, EN surtitles) afgelegen eilanden Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing Young people looking for their place in a world on the verge of breaking down. (NL, EN surtitles) la isla bonita Toneelacademie Maastricht, Performing Be prepared for what might come; either we die or we will escape our impending doom. Don’t succumb to the temptations of the divine Sirens. (NL) Theatre Double Date #1 De Theaterschool, ATKA Graduating ATKA students present their own work. (NL) Theatre Double Date #2 Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium #1 ELENA Rinoceros ArtEZ Toneelschool, Acting A play by Eugène Ionesco, in which the things we take for granted turn into the absurd and the consequences of the shift in human thinking are shown. (NL) Wittgenstein’s Mistress Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing A monologue about a woman who is convinced that she is the sole survivor on earth. (NL, EN surtitles) baal De Theaterschool, ATKA Anarchistic, poetical, raw and unfinished, Bertolt Brecht’s first play has it all. (NL) (NL) Founded in 2006 by a student of De Theaterschool in Amsterdam, the network has grown to 700 members. Since 2011 the organisations of ITs Festival Amsterdam and INSTED form a strategic alliance. OPENING, HEART and END By the Shadow Group Dear fellow student, spectator, artist, politician, passer-by, teacher, policy maker! Whoever you are, wherever you are from – We are the Shadow Group and we have taken over the OPENING, HEART and END of this year’s ITs Festival. We are a group of students that came together last year to witness the festival and reflect upon it. This year, part of the festival is in OUR hands. Over Het Uitsterven Van Soorten – deel #1 Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing A vibrant variety show on the nature of extinction. (NL, EN surtitles) gif De Theaterschool, Directing An intense fight between two wanderers, who will keep on searching restlessly for that one thing, that will make them find peace again. (NL, EN surtitles) #2 Den Ibsen-tvilling’ Graduating Artesis students present their own work. (NL) Theatre Double Date #3 ArtEZ Toneelschool, Acting #1 Becoming Richard Two men get a life-changing assignment. They meet each other and wait. But for whom and more important: with whom? (NL) een lichaam Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing When two bodies truly touch, the consequences are incalculable. (NL, EN surtitles) PAPA Toneelacademie Maastricht, Directing A coming-of-age story of a daughter who questions if her father is the hero she thinks he is. (NL, EN surtitles) #2 dip. The fear of losing someone can be as big as the fear of being together forever. (NL) the dreaming Toneelacademie Maastricht, Acting Searching for the beauty of the infinite deep, the unreachable distance and impossible desires. (NL) Theatre triple Date #1 RITS School of Arts, Brussels, Belgium Graduating RITS students present their own work. (NL) BAAL Een meeuw HKU Theater, Acting A fresh take on one of Tsjechov’s masterpieces about the longing for acknowledgement, the search for passion in the existence of a performer and theatre on its own. (NL) We are very much looking forward to seeing the festival as an opportunity to engage, discuss, question with you, and to explore in many different ways what this new generation of graduating performing artists is about. So get inspired by the State of the ITs by an outspoken international theatre personality during the OPENING MANIFESTATION; come and join us in conversation and discussion during our 7 days of Radio at the HEART of the festival; celebrate 8 days of performances, encounters and experiments with us during the CLOSING CEREMONY. Shadow Group: Cassandra Onck, Elias De Bruyne, Eline Arbo, Eva Jansen Manenschijn, Marijn Alexander de Jong, Merel Smitt, Nicky Nina de Jong, Rozanne de Bont, Suze van Miltenburg a.o. Dinner is served! Grab a chair and join the ITs artists and crewmembers for dinner. From Friday 19th until Thursday 25th of June at the Compagnietheater Foyer from 17:30 to 19:00. Buy your meal ticket online for €15,- at least one day in advance before 20:00. Welcome to its in motion PHOTO BY AMAT BOLSIUS Meet the new generation of performing artists From 19 until the 26th of June, several theatres in the city centre of Amsterdam will be all about ITs! For 26 years already, the International Theatre School Festival (ITs) provides the stepping stone for talented young graduates from the Netherlands and abroad. During ITs Festival you can catch a glimpse of the promising performing artists of tomorrow. ITs Festival @ITsFestival Beside the theatre-, dance-, mime- and playwriting performances the festival programme is filled with inspiring debates, workshops and talkshows, which makes ITs the perfect place to meet, to exchange, to inspire and to get inspired! FONTYS DANCE ACADEMY Fremdkörper Opening ITs Festival Friday June 19 Compagnietheater ITsFestivalAmsterdam We look forward to see you at ITs Festival 2015! its made possible by Managing director: Jasminka Beganovic | Artistic director: Theu Boermans | Artistic leader dance: Tim Persent | Head of production: Marije Evers | Festival coordinator: Nynke Joustra | IYMA coordinator: Annette van Zwoll | Head of marketing and publicity: Joyce Wasterval | Marketing and publicity intern: Doris Zijlema | Technical coordinator: Marco Steenks | Production intern: Lucas Steinbusch | Shadow Group advisors: Anne Breure and Nina Aalders | ITsINSTED coordinator: Job Rietvelt | Ticket sales coordinator: Pieter Buwalda | Design campaign and brochure: met/zonder; | Graphic design assistance: Ylja Band | Print: Gianotten Printed Media | Board: Arthur Sonnen (chair), Jan Lau (treasurer), Rien Sprenger, Mei Li Vos, Noraly Beyer and Liselore van der Heijden | Special thanks to: Tessa Harmsen | The participating graduates, students, lecturers and employees of the participating schools | The participating theatres | The jury members | The ITs supporters 4 2 PHOTO CREDITS Lisa Schamlé, Paul Schneggenburger, Jeanine Vijgen, Casper Koster, Lucinda Bouten, Jan Hordijk, Seda Karaoglu, Marion Flament & Jimme Cloo, Nicole Beutler, Lieke Romeijn, Joeri van Spijk, Alexander Daems, Tiberio Frascari, Deen van Meer, Sanne Audenaert. 1 5 funded by 3 partners Locations not on this map: openluchttheater vondelpark Vondelpark 5a, 1. COMPAGNIETHEATER Kloveniersburgwal 50 3. doelenzaal Kloveniersburgwal 87 2. theater frascati Nes 63 4. de brakke grond Nes 45 5. de theaterschool Jodenbreestraat 3 Full programme ITs Festival Amsterdam 2015 HALf6 What’s going on? Who’s in town? Meet our inspiring guests! 19-26 june 1 55 INTERNATIONAAL FESTIVAL VOOR HEDENDAAGSE DANS ra ts g i st fe va l You are WELCOME on Tuesdays at 17:30 hrs Check our website: am s ter dam.c om duates in n o i t o m .i t s ww w in het Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam, r ar s t i 25 JAAR de Theaterschool ontmoeting & inspiratie pe r fo ng mi Public forum for debate and encounter in 1 - 11 JULI