grand times - 3801 Grand


grand times - 3801 Grand
3801 Grand, Your choice for Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care
Celebrating September
Classical Music Month
Courtesy Month
Newspaper Carrier Day
September 4
Labor Day (U.S.)
September 5
Chocolate Milkshake Day
September 12
Line Dance Week
September 12–17
Love Note Day
September 23
International Coffee Day
September 29
Spotlight on: Bob and Toni Casber
Our couple this month joined our community in October of last year. I
think it’s time we get to know them a little more!
Bob and Toni met on a blind date set up by Toni’s cousin. The two
attended a BBQ and then continued their date to Adventureland. They
spent the evening listening to Scott Smith Trio and danced the night
away! After a year together, Bob carefully asked Toni to marry him!
They were married in 1976 and just celebrated their 40 wedding
After the two were married, they decided to go build a house in the
country between Redfield and Linden. The house set on 25 acres. Bob
had a woodworking shop there as well. He has created some beautiful
works of art. He has many photos and some of his projects still that I’m
sure he would let you take a look at! Bob also owned and operated a
garage service / gas station on the corner of Franklin and Merle Hay
here in Des Moines. He ran it for 25 years, Toni helping with the
bookkeeping, until he sold it to Git N Go in 1988. Toni worked for the
Department of Economic Development for 15 years in Des Moines.
During the flood of 1993, Toni was an auditor for federal and state
funds. She would travel to D.C. and Dallas to attend seminars and
learn new computer programs. The two of them belonged to the
Catholic Church in Stewart, which burned in 1995. They assisted in
helping build the new church – Bob did a lot of woodworking for them.
He was also the custodian for the new church for about 10 years. Bob
belongs to Toast Masters and has for over 40 years, also the Knights of
Columbus and American Legion. Toni belongs to the Italian American
Club and American Legion. The two of them have led full lives,
especially with four children around!
Bob and Toni have two daughters and two sons. Michelle is their
oldest, she is an artist and is currently working on getting her first
children’s book published. Scott currently has two radio programs,
promotes collegiate wrestling and travels quite a bit. Vanda is a stay at
home mother and she also homeschools. Chris drives a fuel truck for
Kum & Go. He has won many awards in driving tests. He also came in
2 place last year at his company and participated in the National
Truck Rodeo in Indianapolis this year. It is very apparent that Bob and
Toni are proud of all their children and each other!
If anyone ever wants to hear a great story or speech, I know that Bob
would love to share some of his from Toast Masters. The two of them
have had a wonderful and humorous life together. Seeing how much
they love and support each other is a beautiful thing!
Interviewed by Amanda Poganski~
September 2016
I hope you have had a nice August, and are as
excited about the start of Fall and all it brings:
football, Cubs playoff baseball… I’m sure there
are other things people like but those two are the
most important!
I will also have the excitement of having my third
child to watch games with! Babies are great at
watching a game with Dad.
Selfies from the Cubs Game
I have had a great first 6 weeks at 3801 Grand. I
am impressed by the team we have, and believe
we are on the way to our goal of providing you
with the best experience possible. Whether it be
high quality food, excellence in housekeeping,
maintenance, and your personal laundry, fulfilling
activities or caring and professional personal
care- our goal is to make your experience a great
Cole Taggart
[email protected]
Finn Murray Taggart,
born 8/18/16
8lb 8 oz,
oz, 19.5 inches
Chef Dave’s Birthday
Party cupcake treats! Yummy!
Dorothy’s Angel Collections
September 2016
September Birthdays
3801 Grand
Monday-Friday Chair Exercises 11:00am
Monday – Friday Wii Bowling 3:00pm
Fridays – Trip to Price Choppers 2:00pm
Sundays – Worship Service 1:30pm
1 – Calendar & Newsletter Review 9:30am
1 – Resident Meeting 2:00pm
2 – Walking Club 9:30am
5 – Labor Day Holiday
6 – News & Coffee with Bev 9:30am
7 – Let’s Go Fishing! 11:00am
8 – Lunch Bunch – Waterfront 11:30am
9 – Men’s Pizza 5:00pm
12 – Nail Spa with Elisa 1:00pm
14 – Apple Pie in a Cup 2:00pm
15 – Music with David & Ellie 2:00pm
19 – Shopping trip to Gordman’s
20 – Sport Speaker 2:00pm
22 – Madison Co. Winery outing 1:00pm
27 – Reiman Gardens & Lunch at
Hickory Park 10:30am
29 – The Wall That Heals Outing 9:30am
29 – Birthday Party with Pat 2:00pm
In astrology, those born between September 1 and
22 are Virgos. Virgos are observant, independent,
reliable, and intellectual. Virgos require a sharply
organized mind and will analyze points in an
attempt to bring order to chaos, no matter the
consequences. Those born between September 23
and 30 balance the scales of Libra. Libras seek
equality, justice, and harmony. Eager to cooperate,
Libras are charming diplomats who seek
compromise and good will.
2nd - L.J. Larson
6th – Betty Krantz
7th – Mary Hoffman
16th – Barb Salmon
21st – Eldon Cowles
22nd – Merle Cron
27th – Clare Copely
30th – Sophie Gonzales
Grand Suites
Terrace Suites
Grand Suites
3801 Grand
Terrace Suites
3801 Grand
Grand Suites
Terrace Suites
Grand Suites
Mondays – Musical Exercises 11:15am
Mondays & Fridays – “Whist” Card Games 7:00pm
Wednesdays – Card Bingo 7:00pm
Fridays – Trip to Price Choppers 1:00pm
Fridays – Happy ¾ Hour with live music 4:30pm
1 – Brunch Buffet 10:00am
5 – Labor Day Holiday
6 – O.W.L.S. 10:00am
7 – Let’s Go Fishing! 11:00am
8 – Lunch Bunch – Waterfront 11:30am
13 – Bingo & Lunch Westside Center 9:15am
13 – Comedy/Movie Matinee 1:00pm
15 – Music with David & Ellie 2:00pm
19 – Shopping trip to Gordman’s
20 – Sport Speaker 2:00pm
22 – Coffee & Calendar with Terri
22 – Madison Co. Winery outing 1:00pm
26 – Community Service – Meals From the
Heartland 1:30pm
27 – Reiman Gardens & Lunch at
Hickory Park 10:30am
28 – Book Club 1:30pm
29 – The Wall That Heals Outing 9:30am
29 – Birthday Party with Pat 2:00pm
Lunch Bunch Outing - Ankeny Diner
Indianola Balloon Festival