Spring 2009 Newsletter
Spring 2009 Newsletter
VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 Volume 7, Issue 1 Spring 2009 The Virginia Chevelle Times V i r g i n i a C h e v e l l e E n t h u s i a s t s A s s o c i a t i o n w w w . c h e v e l l e s . n e t / v c e a VC E A H O L D S P R E - S E AS O N M E E TIN G K I C K S - O F F 2 0 09 S E A S O N WITH A B ANG! Setting 2009 VCEA Schedule of Events... INSIDE THIS ISSUE: VCEA Meeting Recap 1,3 President’s Message John Parker VCEA President 2 2009 VCEA Events 3 Member’s Ride Chris Williams 4 VCEA Member News 4 Top 10 Reasons to Visit Chevell-abration 5 VCEA, ACES Membership Forms 6 Sponsor Spotlight 7 2009 Show Registrations... 8-10 Don’t Forget… • Be sure and send newsletter ideas for future editions • Bubba’s Open House, 26 Apr! • Pay your DUES!!! Members of the Virginia Chevelle meeting (Apr 4); a club trip to the Enthusiasts Association (VCEA) deSpring Carlisle & Swap Meet (Apr cided to break the dead of winter with 25); VCEA club meeting at the Apple a pre-season meeting on February 28, Blossom Car Show (May 3); Chevell2009, at Hard Times Chili & Cue in abration in Goodlettsville, TN (June Manassas, VA. In an effort to shake the chills of winter, VCEA members met to discuss club business, welcome new members, and set sights firmly on the 2009 season. Aside from catching up and Standing from left: Rick Morder, Buck Feathers, Chris Williams, John swapping Parker, Mike Drennan, Roger Butler, Sean Houts; Kneeling from left: project upMickey Pessagno, Jeff Dillon; Not pictured: Tom Kinman dates on 4-6); and the Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Chevelle and El Caminos, VCEA Show in Northeast, MD (June 27-28). members enjoyed some good chili to fire up the outlook for the 2009 John Parker, VCEA president, VCEA calendar. Key VCEA events walked the members through the discussed include: the next VCEA “State of the Club” and provided... Cont. page 3. VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 2 P R E S ID E N T ’ S M E S S AG E . . . J O HN P ARKE R V CEA P RES IDENT Wouldn’t it be nice, if we were older... You may not believe this, but I used to be a big fan of winter…honest. I mean, growing up in the South Texas heat where you could fry an egg on your parent’s car (I know, I tried…) you really looked forward to that time of year when days got shorter and weather got colder. Most call it winter, for South Texans it’s called January! Fast forward more years than I care to remember and a few Northern Virginia winters I’d love to forget, and you find me itching for Spring Break. I’ve traded those “fan-of-winter” days for the “Please-God-melt-the-snow-so-I-cantake-the-car-out-for-a-cruise!” days, which usually consumes the entire month of February, currently my least favorite month. So, as VCEA President, I’m thrilled to declare: …March. Yep, Virginia Chevelle and El Camino enthusiasts have survived another (cruel) winter…and can now (finally) get ready for the 2009 cruise season!! This edition of the Virginia Chevelle Times is dedicated to the upcoming season – to give you an idea of what’s on the VCEA calendar and help plan your participation in 2009 club events (see page 3). Looking back, 2008 was a great season and a “banner” year (such as, the VCEA banner). I’m happy to report VCEA had steady and consistent growth throughout the year, and from all corners of the state. Expect this year to be similar, and that’s great news. Remember the original Virginia State Motto: Virginia is for Chevelle Lovers! (Okay, probably not…) Last Spring, I laid out VCEA club goals for 2008, with a focus on: 1) taking care of the club and 2) growing the club. We need to continue that for 2009. These goals add to the overall health of the club and what we get out of the club. All in all it’s a win-win situation when we take care of the club and help the club grow. But I also want to share a few other goals for 2009. So, in addition to participating and supporting VCEA in 2009, I also need your help with these… 2009 VCEA Goals 1. Participate in VCEA Events – the club is like a sponge, “you get out of it, what you put into it”… and we’ve got a good variety of events throughout the first half of 2009, truly something for everyone! So mark your calendars and make plans to join in on the 2009 VCEA events, whether it’s attending a swap meet, going to a car show, participating in a VCEA meeting, or meeting at a cruise-in…take advantage of the opportunity to meet some great folks and enjoy your club experience (your car will thank you!); 2. Fill Vacant Positions – this is the key to seeing VCEA grow to the next level, recall last year’s goal of keeping up with our neighbor states; the critical vacancies that need filling to help the club are Membership Coordinator and Events Coordinator, filling these positions help sustain the momentum and keep the club pointed in the right direction; I think VCEA needs to consider adding a regional Vice President position to cover regional membership and issues, particularly in the Central Virginia area; 3. Plan a VCEA Cruise/Picnic – we’ve got good events for the first part of the season, and I think a late summer/early fall cruise or picnic would be great to top off the second half of 2009…more to come on this; I’ll tell you, we just wrapped up a VCEA “preSeason” meeting (28 Feb) in Manassas, VA, and had an absolute blast catching up and getting to know each other over a bowl of chili. But one thing’s clear, the club is really about the members…not the president, not the website, and not the merchandise. So here’s to a great 2009 season for VCEA, look forward to seeing you and your Chevelle/El Camino throughout the season… ...then we wouldn’t have to wait so long… oh wouldn’t it be nice…. John H. Parker, VCEA President Spread the Word...tell a friend about VCEA!! Sign up @ http://www.chevelles.net/vcea VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 3 VC E A H O L D S P R E - S E AS O N M E E TIN G … ...members some gifts and trinkets provided by VCEA sponsors, Hinshaw’s Chevelle & Restoration and Ausley’s Chevelle Parts. Hinshaw’s and Ausley’s continue to represent the very best of the Chevelle and El Camino enthusiasts, and VCEA thanks them for their continued support and our MidAtlantic connection. VCEA members also discussed club business relating to website, group communications and vacant club positions. Several members used the meeting as an opportunity to update their wardrobe with snazzy VCEA club shirts! It was a great way to get ready for the 2009 season and catch up with VCEA members. While the chili was good, the conversation was better. VCEA also discussed a club cruise or picnic for the second half of the cruise season...keep your eyes open for more details!! Be sure and make plans to attend the next VCEA club meeting on April 4, and mark your calendars for the 2009 VCEA club events listed below. F R OM PAGE 1 Above, VCEA member Buck Feathers shows off the new crate engine in his ‘66 El Camino; Buck gets the “Furthest Distance Traveled in Your Car” award after driving in from Front Royal, VA. Rick Morder, Strasburg, VA, gets “Overall Furthest Distance Traveled”. At left, Chris Williams and Sean Houts (background) wave to onlookers and enjoy Mike Drennan’s show-winning paint job at the 28 Feb. VCEA meeting. T H E VC E A C AL EN DAR ...U P C O M IN G C LU B E V EN TS Date Event Location April 4, 2009 VCEA Meeting To Be Announced April 25, 2009 Spring Carlisle Carlisle, PA May 3, 2009 Apple Blossom Car Show/ VCEA Meeting Winchester, VA June 4-6, 2009 Chevell-abration Goodlettsville, TN June 27-28, 2009 Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show North East, MD VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 4 M E M B E R ’ S R ID E … C HRIS W ILLIAMS ’ ‘72 C HEV ELLE A little here, a little there… Chris Williams’ ‘72 Chevelle transforms before our eyes, with steady updates just in time for the 2009 season. Case in point, these beautiful new “SS” stripes...nice touch Chris! VCEA Member News We’re proud to welcome the newest members to VCEA… Mickey Pessagno 66 Chevelle Alexandria, VA Mike Drennan 72 Chevelle Fredericksburg, VA Buck Feathers 66 El Camino Front Royal, VA Gary Sutherlin 66 El Camino Manassas, VA Correction from last “VCEA Member News” should have read Stuart Robeson (not “Stuart Robesonir”) 66 Chevelle Convertible 66 Chevelle 67 El Camino Warrenton, VA VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 5 T O P 1 0 R EA SO NS TO V IS I T C HE VE LL - A B R ATIO N 2 0 09 ! J O HN P AR KE R , VCEA P RE SI DE NT Now we’re talking...this is the time of year when men’s hearts start to rumble with the sound of big blocks, the smell of highoctane, and the longing to hit the ‘go fast’ pedal. No doubt we’re all ready to hit the road and get kneedeep into the upcoming cruise season. Having been to the last couple Chevell-abrations, I wanted to share my observations and encourage your participation in the 2009 Chevell-abration events. So, here are the Top 10 reasons to put Chevell-abration on your calendar: 10. “Road Trip!” — There’s something about a road trip...you know what I mean, the waking up early, heading in the opposite direction of the morning commute, stopping at truck stops to gas up (and sampling truck stop junk food!)...then there’s exchanging “thumbs-up” with other Chevelle drivers along the way, which you’re sure experience the entire way! With the ease of air travel, sometimes we forget how good road trips can be...enjoying the blue ridge views, scanning local radio stations, and anticipating the good times ahead. 9. Parts & Vendors — If you need it, they’re there...one stop shopping and saving on shipping? Priceless! And who knows, maybe they can help find that lost treasure you’ve been looking for...like the ‘72 Super Sport steering wheel, which I hear could be a feature in the next episode of Raiders of the Lost Ark! 8. Vacation — what better way to put something good on your calendar, giving you something to look forward to and being able to spend quality time with the ones you love...your car AND your family! Folks planning Chevell-abration know time (and money) is tight, and the best experience will allow for a great balance of car time and family time. Don’t forget the hotel pools! 7. Restoration Seminars — getting the latest on technology, products, and tips from industry experts to keep you and your car fresh. From cooling systems, paint, interiors, and the best restoration experts...even if you don’t have/want a show car, you’ll pick up tidbits to keep your ride safe, sound, and on the road. 6. Hotel Parking Lots — wow, this could take up the remaining spaces, but there’s something about bumping into and hanging out with Chevelle/El Camino owners from around the country (and around the world!) both before and after the days events. Bumping into “Heart of Dixie” members during the free breakfast or bench racing with “Peach State Chevelle Club” members before dinner, you realize a common bond with the good folks that keep this hobby on track. 5. “Chevelleville” — sort of like Disneyland for Chevelle owners, seeing a modern day city swarming with rumbling big blocks and beautiful A-bodies from yesteryear. Almost everywhere you look there are Chevelles and El Caminos prowling the streets of Goodlettsville: gas stations, drive-thrus, restaurants, shopping malls, Wal-Mart's, driveins, and even barber shops! Just like yesterday...only better. 4. Comparing notes & getting information — what better way of improving your car, saving time and money, and getting the best in- Chevell-abration 2009 Quick Facts: When? June 4-6, 2009 Where? Goodlettsville, TN What’s the big deal? The largest gathering of 1964-1972 Chevelles, Malibus, and El Caminos from around the country with fun filled events for the entire family! Where to stay? VCEA members, along with many Chevelle clubs from the south, stay at the Holiday Inn Express, Goodlettsville, TN (1615-851-1891) How to participate: 1. Be an ACES member 2. Register by May 15, 2009 A must-do at least once, whether as spectator or participant, for any Chevelle, Malibu, or El Camino owner...make plans and we’ll see you there!!! formation from actual survivors, originals, and folks that faced the same challenges. Tips, tricks, lessons learned from folks who are willing to share...no strings attached! 3. The Events — drive through the countryside, a trip to the drag strips, awards ceremony, creeper races...literally something fun for the entire family, all the ingredients for a great family vacation. 2. The People — chance to meet outstanding Chevelle and El Camino enthusiasts from around the country and even far off places like Hawaii and Dublin, Ireland. 1. The Cars!! — can’t forget the best reason and great examples of drivers, survivors, and show winners...an awesome display of America’s Favorite Muscle Car — the Chevelle!! Whew, is it June yet?!?! VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 6 Virginia Chevelle Enthusiasts Association www.chevelles.net/vcea Name: Address: Email: Chevrolet 1964-72 A-Bodies Owned (NOTE: You do NOT need to own one to join VCEA) Year:_________ Model:_____________________________ Engine:______ Year:_________ Model:_____________________________ Engine:______ Special skill, talent, or area of interest (optional):________________ Membership Fees are $10 yearly Enclosed is my check made out to John Parker for $10 ______ By signing this application I agree to follow the by-laws of VCEA Mail Application & Check To: John Parker, VCEA President 8100 Willingboro Ct. Gainesville, VA 20155 Signature________________________________________ Date___/___/_____ Application for membership in the AMERICAN CHEVELLE ENTHUSIASTS SOCIETY Name______________________________ Phone____________________ Address____________________________________________________ City____________________ State________________ Zip__________ E Mail Address____________________________________( if applicable ) Year, Model, and description of your Chevelle(s) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ___ Enclosed is $45 for regular membership (US only) ___ Enclosed is $65 for Canadian membership (US funds only) ___ Enclosed is $85 for foreign membership (US funds only) Make checks or money orders payable to: American Chevelle Enthusiasts Society 900 Conference Drive, Ste 1-B #222 Goodlettsville, TN 37072 VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 7 Sponsor Spotlight...Thanks to our VCEA Sponsors!! Get your Ausley’s Chevelle Parts at these regional shows... March 1919-21— Run to the Sun, Myrtle Beach, SC April 2424-26— Super Chevy, Dinwiddie, VA April 2222-26— Spring Carlisle, Carlisle, PA See the Hinshaw’s Chevelle Parts at these regional shows… April 1818-19— Call today for all your Chevelle and El Camino needs…(336) 586-0802 www.hinshawschevelle.com Carolina Autofest, Kenansville, NC June 44- 6 — Chevell-abration, Goodlettsville, TN June 2727-28— Mid-Atlantic Chevelle Show, Northeast, MD Bubba’s East Coast Rods & Customs Your One-stop Classic & Custom Car Shop 9494 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA Monday—Friday, 8 am—5 pm 703-766-0295 http://www.bubbascustomcars.com/ Virginia Chevelle Enthusiasts Association www.chevelles.net/vcea VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 Join the Virginia Chevelle Enthusiasts at the 19th Annual Apple Blossom Show In Winchester, VA on Sunday May 3 For a Car Show and Meeting...See you there!!! 8 VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 Chevell-abration 2009 Registration Form 9 VCEA Newsletter Volume 7, Issue 1 10
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