Trechos de Filmes para verificar se o uso de Vocabulário Mais
Trechos de Filmes para verificar se o uso de Vocabulário Mais
ISBN 978-85-8015-079-7 Cadernos PDE II Versão Online OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE NA PERSPECTIVA DO PROFESSOR PDE Produções Didático-Pedagógicas 1) FICHA DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO Ficha para identificação da Produção Didático-pedagógica – Turma 2014 Título: Trechos de Filmes para verificar se o uso de Vocabulário Mais Explícito ajuda na Compreensão em Leitura Autor: Sandra Carmen Chitolina Disciplina/Área: Língua Inglesa Escola de Implementação do Projeto e sua localização: Colégio Estadual Castro Alves Município da escola: Pato Branco Núcleo Regional de Educação: Pato Branco Professor Orientador: Eunice P. Guimarães Instituição de Ensino Superior: Unicentro Relação Interdisciplinar: Língua Portuguesa. Resumo Verificar se a introdução de vocabulário de maneira mais explícita melhora a compreensão em leitura em uma turma de 2º Ano do Ensino Médio, na Escola Estadual Castro Alves, Pato Branco, Paraná, através de trechos de filmes. O gênero escolhido tem relação com o cotidiano do aluno e vem de encontro com a Metodologia Sociointeracionista, a qual visa desenvolver competência linguística através da comunicação e a troca de experiência. Língua neste foco é mais que estrutura, é um meio de construção de significados e interação, possibilitando ao aluno ser agente de transformação do meio social, tendo um papel atuante como cidadão integrado com o mundo, com várias chances, possibilidades e capaz de adquirir independência no sentido amplo da palavra. O trabalho será norteado pelas ideias de Scaramucci, Schmitt e Nogueira que defendem o uso da aprendizagem direta de vocabulário a partir de 1995 no Brasil, para que o aluno não fique apenas com as deduções superficiais e as adivinhações ao ler um texto. Sugerem aquisição direta de vocabulário, principalmente nas séries iniciais, defendem que para se aprender uma língua precisa um querer consciente e mais sistemático. O estudo será demonstrado com uma pesquisa qualitativa, com quatro unidades didáticas, onde o aluno poderá perceber as nuances de pronúncia, as gírias, os diferentes sotaques, o contexto cultural, através de trechos específicos de alguns filmes, com propósitos previamente estabelecidos no ensino de Língua Estrangeira, relacionando com situações significativas da vida do aluno. Palavras-chave: Vocabulário. Leitura; Contexto; vocabulário; filmes Formato do Material Didático: Unidade Didática Público: Alunos do 2º Ano do Ensino Médio. 1. Apresentação Este trabalho, disponibilizado em forma de material pedagógico, tem por objetivo principal verificar se a introdução de vocabulário de maneira mais explícita, poderá melhorar a compreensão, discussão e fixação de vocabulário na área de Língua Inglesa Moderna, direcionado aos alunos do Segundo Ano do Ensino Médio, na Escola Estadual Castro Alves, Pato Branco, Paraná, através de trechos de filmes, cujas atividades serão desenvolvidas através de uma Sequência Didática. Seguindo as orientações de Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly, que asseveram que ao trabalharmos com as Sequências Didáticas estaremos nos beneficiando de “um conjunto de atividades escolares organizadas, de maneira sistemática, em torno de um gênero textual oral ou escrito”. (2004, p. 97) Assim, ensinar expressões orais e escritas, através de sequências didáticas, observando o procedimento dos autores é criar contextos de produção precisos, efetuar atividades ou exercícios múltiplos e variados que permitam aos alunos apropriarem-se das noções, das técnicas e dos instrumentos necessários para o bom desenvolvimento de suas capacidades de expressão oral e escrita, em situações diversas. O gênero escolhido tem relação com o cotidiano do aluno e vem de encontro com o objetivo deste trabalho, que através de uma análise reflexiva sobre as práticas de ensino de LEM, corroborada pela Metodologia Sociointeracionista, a qual visa desenvolver competência linguística através da comunicação e a troca de experiência, em uma prática diferenciada nas aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira. Nesse contexto, a língua não é simplesmente uma estrutura linguística, mas sim um meio de construção de significados e interação, onde os alunos passam a ser agentes de transformação da própria sociedade, altamente atuantes como cidadãos integrados com o mundo. Segundo as Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação de LEM: “Para que o aluno compreenda a palavra do outro, é preciso que se reconstrua o contexto sócio histórico e os valores estilísticos e ideológicos que geraram o texto.” O trabalho, cujo enfoque principal é o uso de um vocabulário mais explicito, será norteado pelas ideias de Scaramucci, Schmitt e Nogueira que defendem o uso da aprendizagem direta de vocabulário, a partir de 1995 no Brasil, para que o aluno não fique apenas com as deduções superficiais e as adivinhações ao ler um texto. Neste sentido considerando que qualquer texto pertence a um determinado gênero é que construímos nosso trabalho no gênero Filmes, considerando que este gênero é de contínua circulação nas diferentes esferas sociais, e os textos apresentam amplas formas de comunicação e sugerem aquisição direta de vocabulário. No contexto escolar, principalmente nas series iniciais, defende-se que para se aprender uma língua precisa um querer consciente e mais sistemático. Assim este trabalho está formalizado através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, o que nos propicia o respaldo teórico, para a formulação das quatro unidades didáticas, que compõem este trabalho, onde o aluno poderá perceber as nuances de pronúncia, as gírias, os diferentes sotaques, o contexto cultural, através de trechos específicos de alguns filmes, com propósitos previamente estabelecidos no ensino de Língua Estrangeira, relacionando com situações significativas da vida do aluno. Sendo assim este trabalho apresenta Trechos de Filmes para verificar se o uso de Vocabulário Mais Explícito ajuda na Compreensão em Leitura, elaborado através de 4 unidades didáticas, cada uma contendo 8 aulas, objetivando um trabalho de 32 horas em sala de aula. O primeiro módulo contempla oito aulas, produzido a partir de trechos do filme Up – The Greatest Adventure, onde teremos a contextualização do gênero filme, enumeração de alguns pontos turísticos mundiais, expressões idiomáticas, adjetivos relacionados a descrição de cidades e características pessoais e produção escrita curta. O segundo módulo com trechos do filme: The Devil Wears Prada, com atividades para oito aulas, apresenta vocabulário relacionado a moda e vestuário, verbos e perguntas no passado simples e “speaking and writing activities”. O terceiro módulo acontece através de trechos do filme: Billy Elliot, e propõe atividades para oito aulas, com ênfase no vocabulário relacionado a personalidade e comportamento humano, esporte e profissões. O quarto módulo com trechos do filme: As Good as It Gets, traz atividades relacionadas ao vocabulário de características físicas e psicológicas, problemas de saúde, raças de alguns animais, going to, gírias, distribuídas em aproximadamente oito aulas. Assim, considerando as especificidades deste trabalho, e o material aqui apresentado, espera-se que ele seja de grande valia para o processo de ensinoaprendizagem, não se limitando somente aos conteúdos de sala de aula mas também os seus reflexos socioeducacionais, nas mais diversas interações estabelecidas pelos alunos e outros elementos da sociedade. First Class Hey you there at the desk. I have a question for you. Do you like to watch films? Oh Yeah! Me too! That´s nice because from now on we are going to talk about films. What is your definition for film? _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ What is your favorite film? Why? ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 1. Some buildings remember many movies. Look these pictures and write at least one name of movie: Let’s Watch the Evolution of Cinema (1895-2010) 1 You are going to love it! Let`s watch!! 1 A movie is a series of pictures shown quickly so they simulate motion. But a film can be so much more than that. It can tell a story, inform people of news, or educate. A movie can shock, provoke, and stimulate the imagination. There are many movie genres, some of them are: • Comedy • Action • Science Fiction • Romance • Drama • Horror • Thriller • Cartoons • Musicals • Etc.. What movie genre do you like the most? Why? ____________________ ____________________ ______________ Guess what!! Movies are considered the 7th art. Did you know that? _________ ___________________ _ Have you ever watched the movie “Up - The Greatest Adventure”? If not, what do you think it is about? _______________________ _______________________ Answer about: Up- The Greatest Adventure. a. Who has already heard about this film? What did you hear about? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ b. Have you already watched it? When? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ c. How did you like it? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ d. Can you tell a little about the film with your classmates? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Second Class Vetor - película, ardósia, Ilustração UP- THE GREATEST ADVENTURE MyofBig Fat … Greek Wedding It atells story a (Fred one day she met an American It tells historythe of Carl Frederickson Carl´s biggest regret is that he never took his Greek girl called Toula man, called Ian and they fell in Asher) a retired Ballon seller whose wife wife Ellie to visit her dream destination of who wasn’t very pretty love. The only problem was: he was recenttly passed away. paradise in SouthWhat America..... and popular and had a was notfalls Greek… do you crazy big family… think that happens to them? 13/08/14 Let´s watch the 1ª part of: UP – The Greatest Adventure! 2- Link 1- 1ª Part: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em 2- 1. Did you like the story? 2. What are the names of the main characters in the film? 3. What is the main characteristic of Ellie? a. ( ) shy b. ( ) talkative c. ( ) fat d. ( ) tall e. ( ) lazy 4. The last part of the first scene there aren’t words, but happened many things. Put the phrases in order to organize the story: a. She was sad, because she couldn’t have babies. b. They fixed the old house. c. They got married. d. Carl and Ellie dreamt about having babies. e. Carl made her happy again with the idea of traveling on a great adventure. f. They start saving money for traveling. g. The time passed and they used the money for their needing. h. One day he noticed they were old, so he decided to travel, but it was too late because Ellie had died. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. In the movie UP – The Greatest Adventure, the main character Carl, when he was still a boy, he mentioned some tourist points, write them: a. ........................................ b. ............................................ d. ........................................... c. ......................................... 6. Mark the names of other famous sightseeing: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. All pictures by pixabay ( ) THE CAPTOLIO ( ) THE STATUE OF CHRIST IN RIO ( ) THE STATUE OF LIBERTY DE JANEIRO ( ) THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE ( ) NIAGUARA FALLS ( ) THE EIFFEL TOWER ( ) THE BIG BANG ( ) IGUAÇU FALLS ( ) THE WHITE HOUSE ( ) THE PETRONAS TOWERS ( ) THE CN TOWER ( ) LOUVRE MUSEUM Third Class 1. Let’s read the dialogues about the first part of movie: UP – The Greatest Adventure.3 Part 1 TELLER: - Here’s Charles Muntz piloting his famous dirigible. - He hurdles Pikes Peak. - He hurdles The Grand Canyon. - He hurdles The Mount Everest. - He goes around Mount Everest. - Is there nothing he cannot do? - Yes, as Muntz himself says, “Adventure is…” Ellie: - Adventure is out there! Look out! Mount Rushmore! - Hard to starboard! Must get Spirit of Adventure over Mount Rushmore! 3 - UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em . Acesso em 25-11-2014 - Hold together, old girl. - How’re my dogs doing? All engines, ahead full! Let’s take her up to 26 000 feet. - Rudders 18 degrees toward the south. - It’s a beautiful day. Winds out of the east at 10 knots. - Visibility unlimited. Enter the weather in the logbook. - There’s something down there. I will bring it back for science. - It’s a puppy! No time! A storm! Lightning! Hail. - What are you doing? Don’t you know this is an exclusive club? - Only explorers get in here, not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles. - Do you think you’ve got what it takes? Well, do you? - All right, you’re in. Welcome aboard. - What’s wrong? Can’t you talk? Hey, I don’t bite. - You and me, we’re in a club now. I saw where your balloon went. Come on. Let’s go get it. - My name’s Ellie. There it is. Well, go ahead. Go on. Ellie: - Hey kid! Thought you might need a little cheering up. - I get something to show you. I am about to let you see something I have never shown to another human being. - Ever! In my life! You’ll have to swear you will not tell anyone. - Cross your heart. Do it! My adventure book you know him. Charles Muntz, explorer. - When I get big, I’m going where he’s going South America. - It’s like America, but south. Wanna know where I’m gonna live? “Paradise Falls”, a land lost in time. - I ripped this right out of a library book. I’m gonna move my clubhouse there and park it right next to the falls. Who knows what lives up there? Well, I’m saving these pages for all the adventures I’m gonna have. - Only I just don’t know how I’m gonna get to Paradise Falls. - That’s it! You can take us there in a blimp! - Swear you’ll take us! Cross your heart! Cross it! Cross your heart! Good, you promised. No backing out. - Well, see you tomorrow, kid. Bye! - Adventure is out there! You know, you don’t talk very much. - I like you! Carl: Wow! 2. Did you like the way the teacher read? 3. Now it´s your turn. Read some lines for your classmate. It´s going to be fun! 4. Circle the words or expressions you don´t know. Do you know the meaning of cognate words? No problem, you can talk with your friend or ask for teacher`s help. No? Cognates are words in two languages with similar meaning, spelling and pronunciation. EX English Portuguese Cinema Accident Banana brilliant Cinema Acidente Banana brilhante You can understand them easily. 5. Now underline the cognates or known words in the text. 6. What does “Ripped” means in the movie: a. Ellie paid the book for staying with it some days. b. Ellie took the book without permission. c. Ellie exchanged books. 7. Find one synonym to the word “hurdles”: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 8. In this part of the movie there is an idiomatic expression. Do you know what an IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION is? It is a group of words which have different meaning when used together and other when used separated. Such as: strike while the iron is hot I have a sweet tooth Money talks Time flies 9. Find the idiomatic expression in the text you have read: Fourth Class As you know, Carl had a dream to take his wife to South America to visit paradise falls. And you? Do you also have a dream? 1. Tell us about your dream. Let´s make a list on the board: Is it possible? 2. How do you intend to conquer it? 3. Just for reading. These famous men dreamt one day: a. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. By Martin Luther King4 4 - Disponível em http:/ Acesso em 25-06-2015 b. You may say, I´m a dreamer But I´m not the only one I hope someday you´ll join us And the world will be as one By John Lennon5 4. The years are passing and many dreams are conquered and others are destroyed. Relax, find some words that represent some good and bad moments in the life. fklweddingijzmkljobiepoclamnkdifjglkmlouksienfuneralsdkoo dkflebirthdpelgkjgraduationwpfowrfgirlfriendwpelskflfightwps epwldjktnediccasafcjglpassionldpeldifslunemploymentadkfp boyfriendskdpwlfkavacationfsbvlspodeathldjapdkecroviddjal aldjfhabortioncngkasjdfemircdhflaldçlaloveldjsjdjsjinjusticeds dkfhjfhforgivenessdklfhcmahfdkkcelebrationdldldlajdfxcmnfls dflsjfjaldkjalaldkjajfjaldlaldffmsilohoclavnflqoejdffhjapeldjawq 5. Brainstorm: a. What is making you happy? Love 5 - Disponível em http:/ b. What is making you sad? 6. Take this little paper and write a nice message to your classmate. Be polite and kind, please! ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Don´t forget to tell the message to him/her looking into his/her eyes. Make them happy! Fifth Class Let´s watch the 2ª part chosen about UP – The great Adventure movie Link 2 – 2ª Part.- Disponível em Acesso em 26-07-2015 6 1. What did you think of the movie? 2. What was the most interesting part of the movie? 3. Would you do the same? Let`s read the second part of movie: Up – The Greatest Adventure7 The old Carl: - Stevie, throw me a deuce! Quite a sight, huh, Ellie? Mail’s here. Shady Oaks Retirement.Oh, brother. A man: - Hey! Morning, Mr.Fredricksen. Need any help there? Carl:-No, yes. UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em Link: UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em 6 7 Tell your boss over there that your boys are ruining our house. A man: - Well, just to let you know, my boss will be happy to take this old place off your hands, and for double his last offer! What do you say to that? I take that as a “no”, then? Carl: I believed I made my position to your boss quite clear. A man:-You poured prune juice in his gas tank. Carl: -Yeah, that was good. Here, let me talk to him. You in the suit. Yes, you. Take a bath, hippie! A man: - I am not with him! This is serious! He’s out to get your house. CARL: - Tell your boss he can have our house. A man: - Really? Carl: - When I’m dead! A man: -I’ll take that as a maybe. TV announcer: -Order now, you get the camera you get the printer, 4x optical zoom, Schneider lens, photo printer,cd card. Russell: - Good afternoon. My name is Russell. “And I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweet Lodge 12.” “Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?” I could help you cross the street. Carl: -No. Russell: - I could help you cross your yard. Carl: -No. Russell: - I could help you cross your porch. Carl: - No Carl: - No, I’m doing fine. Russell: - Good afternoon. My name is Russell. Carl: - Kid…kid. Russell: -And I am a Wilderness Explorer, in tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12. Carl: - I … Slow down. Kid! Russell: - Are you in need of any assistance… CARL: - Thank you, but I don’t need any help… Russell: - today, sir? Carl: -Proceed. Russell: - Good afternoon… Carl: - But skip the end! Russell: - See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges. You may notice one is missing. It’s my Assisting the Elderly badge. If I get it, I will become a Senior Wilderness Explorer.’’ The Wilderness must be explored!” It’s gonna be great! There’s a big ceremony, and all the dads come, and they pin on our badges. Carl: - So, you want to assist an old person? Russell: -yep! Then I’ll be a Senior Wilderness Explorer. Carl: - You ever heard of a snipe? Russell: - Snipe? Carl: - Bird. Beady eyes. Every night it sneaks in my yard and goblles my poor azaleas. I’m elderly and infirm. I can’t catch it. If only someone could help me. Russell: -Me, me! I’ll do it! Carl: -I don’t know. It’s awfully crafty. You’d have to clap your hands three times to lure it in. Russell: -I’ll find him, Mr. Fredrickson! Carl: - I think its burrow is two blocks down. If you go past… Russell: - Two blocks down. Got it! Snipe. Here, snipey, snipey. Carl: - Bring it back here when you find it. Russell: -Snipe! A worker: - Okay, keep her coming. Keep coming. And stop. Stop. Stop! Carl: - Why… Hey! Hey, you! What do you…What do you think you’re doing? A worker: - I am sorry, sir. Carl: -Don’t touch that! A worker: - No, no, no. Let me take care of that for you. Carl: - Get away from our mailbox! A worker: - Hey. Sir, I … Carl: I don’t want you to touch it! Another worker: - Steve, you all right? Let’s read the third part: Carl: - Morning, gentlemen. Nurses: - Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. You ready to go? Carl: - Ready as I’ll ever be. - Would you do me a favor and take this? - I’ll meet you at the van in just a minute. I wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Nurses: - Sure take all the time you need, Sir. - That’s typical. He’s probably going to the bathroom for the 80 th time. - You think he d’ take better care of his house. Carl: - So long, boys! I’ll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls? Carl: - We’re on our way, Ellie. Russel: - Hi, Mr. Fredricksen. It’s me, Russel. Carl: - What are you doing out here, kid? Russel: - I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch, but. - This snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. - Please let me in. Carl: - No. - Abright, you can come in. Russel: - I’ve never been in a floating house before. - Goggles. Look at this stuff. Wow! - You’re going on a trip? - “Paradise Falls, a land lost in time”. - You’re going to South America, Mr. Fredricksen? Carl: - Don’t touch that! You’ll soil it. Russel: - You know, most people take a plane, but you’re smart because you will have all your TV and clocks and stuff. - Whoa. - Is this how you steer your house? - Does it really work? Carl: - Kid, would you stop with the… Russel: - This makes it go right. Let go of that… - And that way’s left. Knock it off! - Hey look! Buildings. - That building’s close I could almost touch it. - Wow! This is great! - You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen. - Look, there’s a bus that could take me home two blocks away! - Hey, I can see your house from here. Carl: - Don’t jerk around so much, kid. Whoa! Carl: - Well, that’s not gonna work. Russel: - I know that cloud. It’s a cumulonimbus. - Did you know that the cumulonimbus forms when warn air rises ever cool air? Carl: - Stayed up all night blowing up balloons for what? Russel: - … and that’s how we get lightning. Carl: - That’s nice, kid. Russel: - Mr. Fredricksen? - There’s a storm coming. - It’s starting to get scary. - We’re gonna get blown to bits! - We’re in big trouble… Carl: - What are you doing over there? Russel: - Look. - See? Cumulonimbus. - My pack! - Get you! 4. Find the synonymies for the bold words in the text. Attention, there are three spare words: (blocks; ruining; stuff; porch; kid; poured; rises; burrow; awfully; storm; trouble; happy) problem child tempest flowed upsurge roof entrance hole thing terribly quarter damaging bride coin glad glasses 5. Write one phrase using at least three words from exercise 4: _______________________________________________________________ Sixth Class 1. Let’s practice the vocabulary: Take one card from the teacher’s box; Read both sides of the card to the classmates; (one card side there is just one word / other side there is a phrase with the word given) Ex.: storm A storm ruined the east side of the city last night. a. Create other phrase using the word studied: __________________________________________________________ 2. Now, for practicing more, create a group with four or five classmates and exchange cards with them, speaking and coping the other phrases. Watch (3a part of movie): 8 Link 3- 3ª Part. Disponível em Acesso em 25-07- 2015 8 UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em Link: Text (3ª part of movie): 1. Let’s read9 the third part of the movie, and discuss about it Carl: - Morning, gentlemen. Nurses: - Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. You ready to go? Carl: - Ready as I’ll ever be. - Would you do me a favor and take this? - I’ll meet you at the van in just a minute. I wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Nurses: - Sure take all the time you need, Sir. - That’s typical. He’s probably going to the bathroom for the 80 th time. - You think he d’ take better care of his house. Carl: - So long, boys! I’ll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls? Carl: - We’re on our way, Ellie. Russel: - Hi, Mr. Fredricksen. It’s me, Russel. Carl: - What are you doing out here, kid? Russel: - I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch, but. - This snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse. - Please let me in. Carl: - No. - Abright, you can come in. Russel: - I’ve never been in a floating house before. - Goggles. Look at this stuff. Wow! - You’re going on a trip? - “Paradise Falls, a land lost in time”. - You’re going to South America, Mr. Fredricksen? Carl: - Don’t touch that! You’ll soil it. Russel: - You know, most people take a plane, but you’re smart because you will have all your TV and clocks and stuff. - Whoa. - Is this how you steer your house? - Does it really work? Carl: - Kid, would you stop with the… Russel: - This makes it go right. Let go of that… - And that way’s left. Knock it off! - Hey look! Buildings. - That building’s close I could almost touch it. - Wow! This is great! - You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen. - Look, there’s a bus that could take me home two blocks away! - Hey, I can see your house from here. Carl: - Don’t jerk around so much, kid. Whoa! Carl: - Well, that’s not gonna work. Russel: - I know that cloud. It’s a cumulonimbus. - Did you know that the cumulonimbus forms when warn air rises ever cool air? Carl: - Stayed up all night blowing up balloons for what? Russel: - … and that’s how we get lightning. UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em Link: 9- Carl: - That’s nice, kid. Russel: - Mr. Fredricksen? - There’s a storm coming. - It’s starting to get scary. - We’re gonna get blown to bits! - We’re in big trouble… Carl: - What are you doing over there? Russel: - Look. - See? Cumulonimbus. - My pack! - Get you! 3. Risk the word that doesn’t belong: a. scary: frightening / terrifying / pleasure b. meet: race / join / gather c. land: soil / surface / fork d. steer: guide / navigate / tube 4. Writing / listening activity: Please, cover this written paragraph with a piece of paper; Then, write what teacher will say about a house; Don’t miss any word! It´ll be repeated twice, ok? After that, when you finish, uncover the paragraph and check it. Ok? My house is on Atalaia Street, at number 208, it is a small but comfortable house. I live alone, or better, with my dog, it is called Alien. It has this name because it is a very strange dog. The biggest room in my house is my bedroom with a king size bed. By the way, it cost a small fortune. Nobody can even touch the bed. I have a giant poster with a red Ferrari. I really love my cramped blue house. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Seventh Class 1. Ellie died without seeing her dream place. Here you have many postcards from places around the world. Choose one cards and speak a little about it, using the vocabulary you have been in contact up to now. By Pixabay 2. Look these pictures from some cities. Associate them with the description: a. It’s a very famous city with many hills, windy and foggy almost all year. It’s fairly big, but not so big and you can easily see many seals there. It has one famous bridge and one old prison. b. It’s a business city, very hot in the summer. The people have a particular accent there. Many of them wear boots and hats. There is a famous monument named Williams Square. c. It is a modern city, with its impressive high round buildings to park the cars. There is one of the biggest fast food restaurants in the world. Some skyscrapers such as Willis Tower, John Hancock Center are found there. Watch (4a part of movie): 10Link 4 - 4ª Part. Disponível em Acesso em 25-07-2015 3. Did you like the movie? 4. Do you think old people can have an exciting life? 5. Would you like to have an adventure like that? 10 UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em Link: Eighth Class LET’S READ11 THE FOURTH PART: The vilan: - Where are you, Fredricksen? Carl: - Russell? Russel: - Mr. Fredricksen! Carl: - Dug, bring her over! Russel: - You come back for Kevin? - Let’s go get her? Carl: - I’m getting Kevin. You stay here. Russel: - But I wanna help. Carl: - I don’t want your help. - I want you safe. - Howe do we get past these dogs? Dug: - Point! Carl: - Don’t worry, Kevin. - We’re on our way. Vilan dogs: - Allow no one to be entering through these doors. - Guard well that bird, my minions. Carl: - What do we do now, Dug? - Who wants the ball? Vilan dogs: - Me! I want it . - Me! I do! - I want the ball! - Give it to me! Carl: - Then go get it! Vilan dogs: - I’m gonna get there first! - Getting the ball! - I got it! - Uh-ho! Carl: - I’m sorry, Kevin. Let’s get you out of here. Vilan dogs: - Master! He’s gone! The old man! He’s here! - He’s got the bird! The bird’s gone… The vilan: - Calm down! One at a time! Russel: - I… want… to… help! Vilan dogs: - He’s in Hall D! He’s in Hall D! - It’s the old man! The vilan: - Does anyone know where they are? - Gray leader? Take down the house. Vilan dogs: - Gray leader, checking in. - Gray two, checking in. Gray three, checking in. - Target sighted. Carl: - Come on, Kevin. Dugs: - Hi. The vilan: - Any last words, Fredricksen? Come on! Spit it out! Carl: - Come on! UP – The Greatest Adventure. Disponível em Link: 11 The vilan: - Enough! I am taking that bird back with me. Alive or dead! Carl: - Come on Kevin. Vilan dogs: - I will have many enjoyments from what I am about to do, Dug. Other dogs: - He wears the Cone of Shame! Vilan dogs: - What? Do not just continue sitting. Attack! - No, no! Stop your laughing. - Get this off of me! Dug: - Listen, your dog. Sit! Other dogs: - Yes, Alpha. Dug: - Alpha? I am not Alpha. He is… Russel: - I can’t do it. Carl: - Russel! Russel: - Huh? Russel: - You leave Mr. Fredricksen alone! - Hey, squirrel! Vilan dogs: - Squirrel? Where? Where? Where? Where’s the squirrel? - I hate squirrels. Carl: - Dug! Dug: - Master! Carl: - Russel! Over here! Let’s go! Russel: - Mr. Fredricksen! Carl: - Go on, Kevin! Carl: - Russel! Get out of there! No! leave them alone! - Russel, hang on to Kevin! - Don’t let go of her! - Kevin! Chocolate! Russel: - That was cool! Carl: - Don’t jerk around so much, kid! Easy, Russel! Dug: - I’m ready to not be up high. Russel: - Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen. Carl: - You know, it’s just a house. The fourth part of movie brings some wh-questions. Let’s review?! Question words where Examples Where do you live? why Why do you sleep early? when When do you go to work? how How do you go to school? what What is your name? which Which one do you prefer? The red or the blue? Whose is this book? whose Where are you, Fredricksen? whom How do we get past these dogs? Who Whom did you meet? Who's that? What do we do new, Dug? Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters 'W' and 'H'. Who wants the ball? What? Do not just continue sitting. Attack! 1. How about you create three wh-questions to interview your classmates using the vocabulary you have learned? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. What is the most suitable phrase for saying in these situations? Mache the appropriate a. Don’t worry Kevin d. Calm down! b. I want you safe e. That was cool! c. No, no, stop your laughing ( ) A man lost his job and he is very sad. ( ) An old lady fell down in front of some kids. Kids’ mother said: ( ) Raquel got a surprise birthday party last night. ( ) A man had fought with someone, his wife probably said to him: ( ) A woman persuading her husband to drive carefully . First Class LET’S WATCH THE FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (First Part) 12Link 1- 1ª Part: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 1. Well students. Did you like this part of the movie? 2. What did you see here? 3. What kind of clothes is the girl wearing? 4. What else? 5. What was the only expression they said? 6. Answer the follow questions: a. Write at least 10 items of girls’ closet: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12 The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em Link: b. At least 12 items of boys’ closet: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ By pixabay 7. Mark: What things are more suitable, in your opinion, for: (a) woman, (b) man, (c) everybody. ( ) colored nails ( ) tight colored jeans ( ) earrings ( ) make up ( ) high heels ( ) piercing ( ) bright clothing ( ) wigs Second Class LET´S WATCH THE FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (Second Part) 13Link 2- 2ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 13- The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em 1. Did you understand this part of the movie? 2. What place is that where the people were working? 3. Why were everybody in such a hurry? Let´s read the dialogue of the second part of the movie14 The Devil Wears Prada Woman 1: - No, no, no? Andrea: - What´s wrong? Woman 1: - She´s on her way. Tell everyone. Man 1: - She´s not supposed to be here until 9. Woman 1: - Her drives just text – messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk. - God, these people. Man 1: - Who´s that? Woman 1: - That I can´t even talk about. Man 1: - All right, everyone. Gird your loins. - Did someone eat an onion bagel? Woman 2: - Sorry, Miranda. Woman 1: - Move it. Miranda: - I don´t understand why it´s so difficult to confirm appointments. Woman 1: - I´m so sorry. I actually did confirm. Miranda: - Details of your incompetence do not interest me. - Tell Simone I won´t approve that girl. She sent me for the Brazilian layout. - I asked for clean, athletic, smiley. She sent dirty, tired and paunchy. - R.S.V.P. “eyes” to Michael Kors party. - I want the drives to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp. - Then call Natalie at Glorious Foods and tell her “no” for the 40 th time. 4. What famous quotations best describes your idea about fashion? Circle the letter: a) “It`s always the badly dressed people who are the most interesting”. Jean Paul Gaul tier b) “Eat to please oneself, but dress to please others”.- Benjamin Franklin c) “Three-tenths of good looks are due to nature; seven-tenths to dress”. – Chinese proverb 5. Write, at minimum, three clothes/ accessories, you can`t live without: ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Draw a picture with what is written: 14- The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em a. THERE IS A ONE DOOR OPENED CABBINET AND INSIDE IT, THERE IS A FACE CREAM JAR, A CAN OF HAIR SPRAY, ONE PACKAGE OF TISSUE, A TOOTH CREAM TUBE, A FEMALE PINK PERFUME INSIDE A SMALL GLASS BOTLLE , A BIG HAIR BRUSH b. INSIDE A ROUND CARRY ON BAG THERE IS A LIPSTICK, A TOOTH BRUSH AND THREE HAIR PINS WITH LITTLE STARS ON THEM. By pixabay Third Class 1. Look the phrases in the text. When do you supposed to use them? Connect: a. What’s wrong? b. Who’s that? c. Did someone eat an onion bagel? d. Good luck e. Details of your incompetence do not interest me. ( ) Mary has an important and difficult test today. ( ) Mary does something wrong and tries to explain. ( ) Mary has bad breath. ( ) Mary is going out with one friend. 2. Some opposite words appear in this phrase: “I asked for clean, athletic, smiley. She sent dirty, tired and paunchy.” Now, it is your turn, find the opposite meaning for the words listened: a. Tight x _______________ b. Long x _______________ c. Tall x _________________ d. Wide x ________________ e. Thick x ________________ f. Plain x ________________ 3. Mark your preference: I prefer … a) tight / baggy jeans d) plain / flowered t-shirt b) long/ short necklaces e) thick/ thin fabric c) wide / narrow belts 4. About clothing, do you prefer comfort or appearance? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you think boys can wear “girl clothes”? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. If you answered yes, what clothes? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. You are traveling; organize your carry-on bag, pick- up the items: lipstick deodorant sun block tooth brush comb hair brush tooth paste mirror hair pin mascara shampoo hair conditioning body lotion hand cream blush perfume sunglasses cotton pad face foundation soap Carry-on bag: Fourth Class 1. Look at the text, and find: One question in the simple past tense ___________________________________ One regular in the past tense: _________________________________________ One irregular verb in the past: ________________________________________ 2. Ok, now you remembered the past tense form, let’s practice. Tell to your classmate what you did or didn’t do yesterday. I cooked. I Just relaxed. Let´s speak. 3. Ask to your classmate questions in the past? Student A a. What did you do yesterday night? b. Did you have fun last weekend? c. Did you miss the class last Monday? d. What did you eat at dinner yesterday? e. Did you study in this school last year? By pixabay Student B a. Did you watch a good movie last night? b. What food did you eat in the breakfast? c. Where did you go last Sunday? d. Did you go to the beach last summer? e. Who did you meet in the morning? 4. In group, discuss some questions, after that write the answers on the board: a. Do you just wear brand name? Why? What? b. What clothes do you consider chic? c. Do you think fashion is just for skinning people? d. Does your clothing style represent who you are? Fifth Class 1. Read the description and try to discover the fashion object: a. It’s made of leather, plastic, fabric. The women love it. In general, it matches with shoes. You can put things in it. It´s ____________________________________________________________________________ b. You can wear one or more in yours arm. It’s made of metal, plastic, rubber. It just for fun. It´s It´s____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ c. They protect your eyes, but they come in many different colors, shape, styles. When you drive or go to the beach they are very useful. It´s ____________________________________________________________________________ d. It is an accessory to hold the pants, but you can use it over your clothes, just matching with your clothes. They come in different prices, colors, materials and shapes. It´s ____________________________________________________________________________ LET´S WATCH THE FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (Third Part) 15Link 3- 3ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 15- The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em: FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA READING16 - Text (3a part): Woman 1: - Oh, my God. - What took you so long? - I have to pee. Andrea: - You haven´t peed since I left? Woman 1: - No. - Been manning the desk, haven´t it? - I´m bursting. Andrea: - Oh, hi. Woman 1: - You do coat. - Do the coat. Andrea: - Okay. Woman 1: - Be prepared. The run-through is at 12:30, and people are panicking. - So the phone is going to be ringing off the hook. Andrea: - The run-through. Right. Woman 1: - Yes. Editors bring in options for the shoot, and Miranda chooses. - She chooses every single thing in every single issue. - It´s a huge deal. I don´t know why you don´t know that. Andrea: - Okay, are you today? Gisele: - Oh, hi, hi. Woman 1: - Right, well, after the loo, Serena and I are going to lunch. - This is her, the new me. Andrea: - Hi. Woman 1: - Told you. Gisele: - I thought you were kidding. Woman 1: - No, quite serious, yeah. - I get 20 minutes for lunch, and you get 15. - When I come back, you can go. Andrea: - Okay. Gisele: - What exactly is she wearing? - Her grandmother´s skirt. 2. Reading the text. Boys are: woman 1, Girls are: Andrea Teacher is: Gisele. Ok?!! 3. The woman that works with Andrea said: I have to pee. What modal verb is better? 16 - The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em: Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. They are: Can – Could – May – Might – Must – Ought to – Shall – Should – will – Would , including including had better, have to, and have got to Here are some important differences: 1. Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person. Examples: I can speak English. You should study more 2. You use "not" to make modal verbs negative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past. Examples: She should not smoke. Maria might not come to the party. 3. Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses. Examples: You can´t say We will can go with you. It is wrong They musted drive too fast. It is wrong 4. Now mark the best alternative to the sentence that the woman who works with Andrea said: I have to pee. What modal verb is better? a. ( ) should b. ( ) must c. ( ) might d. ( ) may Sixth Class 1. Gisele Bünchen asked about the clothing of Andrea: What exactly is she wearing? Her grandmother’s skirt. a. And you, what are you wearing today? __________________________________ b. Tell your classmate: I am wearing ______________________________________ 2. Pick up the clothes you want to create one great look! Mark (x) a. For a night club: ( ) mini bright dress ( ) fancy skirt and top ( ) ripped jeans and t-shirt ( ) Flat shoes ( ) long dress ( ) necklace ( ) Shine shorts and top ( ) watch ( ) plain shorts and shirt ( ) bracelet ( ) heels ( ) purse ( ( ) others ) ring ( ) sneakers Are you ready girls? Draw your look: ( ) tunic and tight pants b. Boys choose one look for a night club: ( ) Plain jeans and t-shirt ( ( ) leather jacket, jeans, and shirt ( ) cap ( ( ) country boots ) suit and tie ( ) sneakers ( ) shoes ( ) baggy pants and t-shirt ) watch ( ) others ( ) fancy tie, shirt, pants ( ) hood sweatshirt, jeans Draw your look: 3. Write three phrases about your clothing style: a. _________________________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________________ LET`S WATCH THE FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (Fourth Part) 17Link 4- 4ª Part.: Disponível em READING18 Text 4a part: Woman 1: - Guard this with your life. Andrea: - Of course. - You know, if I can deliver the Book, that means I must´ve done something right. - I´m not a psycho. - And, you know she called me Andrea? - I mean, she didn´t call me Emily. - Isn´t that great? Woman 1: - Yeah, whoopee. - Now, it´s very important that you do exactly what I´m about to tell you. Andrea: - Oh, okay. Woman 1: - the book is assembled by 10, 10:30… and you must wait around for it until then. - You will be delivering Miranda´s dry – cleaning with the Book. - Now, the car will take you straight to Miranda´s townhouse. - You let yourself in. - Andrea. You do not talk to anyone. - You do not look at anyone. - This is of the utmost important. You must be invisible. Do you understand? - You open the door and you walk across the foyer. - You hang the dry – cleaning in the closet across from the staircase. - And you leave the Book on the table with flowers. Andrea: - Shit. Kids: - It´s that door to the left. Andrea: - Okay. - Thank you. Kids: - You can give the Book to us. Andrea: - Which…? Which table? Kids: - It´s okay. Come on up. Andrea: - No, I can´t. I can´t. Kids: - What? It´s okay. Come on. - Yeah, come on. It´s okay. 17 The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em: Acesso em 12-07-2015 The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em: 18- - Please stop talking. Kids: - Or you could bring the Book upstairs. - Emily does it all the time. - She does? Right. She does. All the time. Andrea: - Yeah? Okay. Miranda: - What did you expect me to do, walk out in the middle of a shoot? Man: - I rushed out of an investment committee meeting. - And I sat there waiting. Miranda: - I told you cell phones… didn´t work. No signals. Man: - I knew everyone in the restaurant was thinking. “- There he is, waiting for her again.” Woman 1: - Okay, okay. Andrea: - Okay, okay. It really wasn´t that big a deal. I promise. - The twins said hello, I said hello back and then… - I went up to give her the Book… Woman 1: - You went upstairs? - You went upstairs. My God. - Why didn´t you just climb into bed with her and ask for a bedtime story? Andrea: - Okay, okay. - I made a mistake. I know. Woman 1: - Andrea, you don´t understand. - If you get tired, that might jeopardize Paris. It that happens.,, - … I´ll search every Blimpie´s in the tristate area for you. Andrea: - Hold on. She´s gonna fire me? Woman 1: - I don´t know. She´s not happy. Miranda: - Andrea. 4. Andrea said: I am not a psycho. And you? a.I am not _________________________________ b. Let’s speak, Tell your classmate what he/she is or she is not: By pixabay Seventh Class FILM: THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (Fifth Part) 19Link 5- 5ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 Let´s read the fifth part of the movie 20 (Text 5a part): Woman 1: - I know. I´m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight. - That´s John Folger, the new artistic director of the Chelsea Rep. Miranda: - John. Man: - Hey, there. Miranda: - Thanks for coming. Man: - Thanks. It´s always nice seeing you. Woman: - Stop fidgeting. Andrea: - I´m sorry. I´m so late. Woman 1: - Just deal with it. You have to be here. Andrea: - Emily. Come here. - Isn´t that Jacqueline Follet from French. Woman 1: - Oh my God. Miranda hates her. - She was supposed to arrive after Miranda left. - Runway? Andrea: - I didn´t know. Emily: - Yeah. Ciao: - Miranda. Fabulous event as always. Miranda: - You´ve brought Jacqueline. - Wonderful. We´re so happy that you were able to come to our little gathering. 19 20 The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em - The Devil Wears Prada. Disponível em: Jacqueline: - Of course. - I plan my whole year around this. Miranda: - Well, we´re so grateful that you do. - Ciao. - Have you gotten my mote? Ciao: - Yes, I did. - We´ll discuss it on Wednesday. Miranda: - I agree. - No, business tonight. Ciao: - Not tonight Miranda: - Enjoy. 1. Listen to your teacher dictates the small texts twice. Write them please. a. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Let´s correct together. By pixabay 2. Unscramble the words given creating phrases about “fashion”: Jacket They hair is are She actress He made the clothes is long expensive in wears blond has The fit slim of leather a. _________________________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________________________ c. _________________________________________________________________ d. _________________________________________________________________ e. _________________________________________________________________ 3. Write phrases or words that represent the “beauty standard” in our society nowadays in your opinion: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Eighth Class 1. Working in pair, you are going to describe your closet. Your classmate needs to draw what you are saying. Be patient with him/her. Ex.: There is a mirror in it. There are two yellow t-shirts. It has two pairs of sneakers. 2. Writing activity. Can you describe your closet? Your clothing style? Tell us some fashion tips. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Mark the alternative that better describe your opinion: a. ( ) I think, we need to wear what we like, it doesn`t matter if it is classified for girls or boys. b. ( ) For avoiding problem, we need to wear what the society suggests as woman or man`s clothing. 4. Crossword about fashion: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. a. It is used on the head, comes in many colors, and sizes b. An arm accessory with different colors and shapes. c. It is used to keep the clothes inside. By pixabay d. Girl clothing, you can use it with a blouse. e. Sometimes it comes attached on your sweater. f. An accessory to decor your finger. g. You can go to the gym or wear a blouse over h. Women love it, you can put many things inside, match with the clothes and shoes. First Class FILM: BILLY ELLIOT 1. Underline the words that represent reasonable behavior, considering our society nowadays: HONEST BAD DECENT WEIRD RELIABLE LIAR ATTENTIVE DISHONEST RESPONSIBLE WORRIED ABOUT LIFE AND INJUSTICES CRAZY PATIENT CORRUPTIBLE FURIOUS VIOLENT ANGRY FRIEND PSYCHO ACTIVE STUDIOUS LOYAL TOLERANT PARTICIPATIVE 2. Write what occupations or activities you suppose being for girls: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ And for boys: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ By pixabay 3. How do you suppose an old person should be treated? Circle the phrases better describe your view/idea: a. with insults; b. argue with him/her all the time; c. respect; d. help him/her; e. pretend you misunderstand him/her; by pixabay f. listen to him/her with attention; g. learn with his/her experiences; h. love him/her; i. feed him/her; j. hurt him/her; l. ignore him/her inside house, in the hospitals or nursing homes; 4. Brainstorm (write words that are related with the matter): a. ELDERLY______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ b. YOUTH________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Second Class 1. Emanuel is fascinated about movies and he wrote some synopses to his friend guess the names of movies in Portuguese: a. The story was about a woman that worked in New York in a famous model company. She just wore fancy clothes, went to chic parties. She had two married sisters and some nephews. One day her life changed dramatically, it was when one of her sisters died in a car accident and left three kids for her to take care. After that She lost her job, she didn’t have time for herself, little money. When she was almost depressive, she met a pastor that gave meaning for her life again. When the movie finishes you feel the life and family worth. It’s a funny movie. _____________________________________ b. A beautiful young woman met an interesting guy inside a train. They talked a lot and decided to stay in Vienna for one night. They had a great time and promised to each other to have a date in other time. The movie is full of whisperings, lovely moments. _____________________________________ c. A man was married and very busy. His life started changing when he got a ‘‘magic remote control.” _____________________________________ 2. Write a synopsis of your favorite movie: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Let´s speak about Billy Elliot movie a. Have you watched it? b. What do you know about it? by pixabay Third Class 1. We are going to watch the first part selected, there is one music playing, draw what you understand about it: I danced myself into the tomb (T.Rex-Rock English Band) Link 1a part: FILM: BILLY ELLIOT 21Link 1- 1ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 2. Let´s talk about your drawings. Let´s speak! 3. Let´s know a little bit more about the band: T.Rex. Text 1a part: The song22 I danced myself into the tomb. I danced myself into the tomb. Is it strange to dance so soon? I danced myself into the tomb. Is it wrong to understand 21 22 Billy Elliot. Disponível em - Billy Elliot. Disponível em The fear that dwells inside a man? And what´s it like to be a loon? Billy: - No. - I liken it to a balloon. - Oh. - Oh, oh, oh. - I danced myself out of the womb. - I danced myself out of the womb. Billy: - Grandma? Grandma: - Yelps. Billy: - Your eggs. - It´s Billy. - I danced myself into the tomb. - And then again. Billy: - Come on. - I danced myself out of the womb. - I danced myself out of the womb. Is it strange to dance so soon? Brother: - You been playing my records? Billy: - I never played nowt. - Ow. Brother: - Knohhead. Billy: - If Dad Knew you smoked that stuff, he´d go mental. Brother: - Fuck off, will you? Twat. Faint music through headphones - I danced myself out of the womb… Billy´s brother: - Here we go, Dad. Come on, man. - Dad? - Ho way, Dad, man, we´ll be late. - The whole world´s gonna be on that picket line this morning. - Oi, you tidied our room? Dad? Dad: - Not much of this coal left. Brother: - It´s fine. We´ll be digging it up again next month. Dad: - Don´t kid yourself. Brother: - I´m not wanting for yours. Dad: - Tony. Brother: - See you down the picket line, Dad. Dad: - Leave it, Billy. Billy: - Man would´ve let us. Dad: - Your fifty pence is on the fridge. Crowd: - Scabs! Scabs! Scabs!... Friend: - Are you sure you´re not going to come? - Am I fuck. It´s a load of bollocks. Billy: - No, It´s not. Friend: - It´s shite, kicking people in. anyway, I don´t know why you bother. Billy: - I´m good. Friend: - Are you shite. Look at them gloves. - They went out with the ark. Billy: - they´re me Dad´s, these. Friend: - Exactly. Coach: - Right, lads, listen up here. - Hold it. Oi! Oi! - Here Coach: - Now, because they´re using downstairs as a soup kitchen for the striking miners, I´m going to let Mrs. Wilkinson use the bottom end of the boxing hall for the ballet lessons. - So no hanky – panky, understood? Boys: - Yes. Coach: - Elliot, you´re late. - Get changed and get in here. - Right, give it all you´ve got. - Round one. - Well, don´t just stand there, Elliot. - Oh, not again. This is man – to – man combat, not a bloody tea dance. - What ya deein´, man? Hit him. - He´s just pissing about. - Get stuck in and give him a belt. - He´s like a fanny in a fit. Dad: - Billy! Hit him! Coach: - Jesus Christ, Billy Elliot. - You´re a disgrace to them gloves, your fatha and the tradition of this boxing hall. - You owe us fifty pence. - How! Liderance! Will you give it a rest? (Girl giggles) Coach: - Billy, punch bag. 4. Did you like the song? 5. Did you know the movie? 6. In your opinion, when was it? Fourth Class 1. In the text, can you explain what these two phrases trying to say: a. He´s just pissing about. b. Don´t kid yourself. 2. Find synonym to these words: a. whole ( ) difficult b. bother ( ) abandon c. stuff ( ) thing/ matter d. leave ( ) entire e. punch ( ) annoy f. bottom ( ) stroke g. rest ( ) relaxation h. wrong ( ) the lowest part 3. Mark with (x) the best phrase describing the context: a. Billy´s father and brother are miners and now they are protesting for better conditions at work. Billy doesn´t feel comfortable playing boxing. b. Billy doesn´t like his family, because they are very kind with him. He is very happy for boxing better now and his grandmother isn´t absent-minded now. 2a part of the movie: Billy Elliot. 23Link 2- 2ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 Let´s read the 2ª Part of the movie24 Mrs. Wilkinson: - Ok, girls, left hand on the barre. 23 24 Billy Elliot. Disponível em Billy Elliot. Disponível em - Thank you, Mr. Braithwaite, and… - Pretty arms. - Bottoms in. - Where are you lookin´, Susan? - Lift. Feel the music. Feel it. - In time, Debbie, please. - And one, and two, and three, and four, and five, six, seven, eight. - And one, and two, and three, and four, five… - And hold. Hold it. - Support yourselves. - Don´t look at me, look ahead. - Where´s your confidence? Come on. - And down. - Connie, oh God. - And, Debbie, eyes front. And five, and six, and seven, and stop. - For God´s sake. Thank you, Mr. Braithwaite. - Right, into the center, girls, please. (Girls chatter) Billy: - Miss? Miss, the keys. Mrs. Wilkinson: - Not now. - Right, Mr. Braithwaite, The Sun Will Come Out tomorrow. Fat chance. - Ready? And… - Port the bras forward, and up. - Now forward and up. Girls: - Why don´t you join in? Mrs. Wilkinson: - Now forward,… - And up. - Nah. Port the bras forward, and up, and hold. And three, and four, and Debbie, straight leg. Seven and eight. - And one, and two, and three and four. - And five, boots off, seven and eight. - What size are you? Billy: - Miss, what about the keys? Mrs. Wilkinson: - Into the center. - Go on, I dare you. - Prepare. - And one, and two, and three, and four, - And five, and six, And… and eight. - And hold. - Hold it. - Hold it. - What have we got here, then? Mrs. Wilkinson: - Heel out. Drop your hip. - Nice, straight leg. - Good arch. - Turn that leg out. - Right, class dismissed. Home time. - Debbie, get the fifty pences. Fifth Class 1. In the film Miss Wilkinson is teaching ballet to the girls, she said: a. Port the bras forward, and up. c. Heel out. Drop your hip. b. Debby, straight leg. d. Left hand on the barre. Can you draw the body positions, please. By pixabay he 3ª part selected of film: 25Link 3- 3ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 Read 3ª part:26 Mrs. Wilkinson: - And one, two, three, pas de bourreé. TV: - In a speech to Tory MPs yesterday, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher referred to members of the striking National Union of Mineworkers as the “enemy within”. - The speech comes following several months of violent clashes between police officers and striking miners… Billy: - See you, then. Tony: - Wait, your breakfast´s ready. Dad: - What the hell´s he up to? Mrs. Wilkinson: - One, two, three, pas the bourreé. - And one, two, three and a turn. - And one, two, three, pas de bourreé. - And one, two, three, pas de bourreé. - And one, two, three, pas de bourreé. - And one, two, three, pas de bourreé. Dad: - You! Out! Now! Mrs. Wilkinson: - I beg your pardon? (Giggling) Billy: - Please, Miss. Mrs. Wilkinson: - All right. Which way are we facing? Come on. - And one, two, three, pas the bourreé. And… Dad: - Ballet? Billy: - What´s wrong with ballet? Dad: - What´s wrong with ballet? Billy: - It´s perfectly normal. Dad: - Perfectly normal? Grandmother: - I used to go to ballet. Billy: - See? Dad: - Aye, for your nanna. 25 26 Billy Elliot. Disponível em Billy Elliot. Disponível em - For girls. Not for lads, Billy. - Lads do football, or… boxing, or… wrestling. - Not friggin´ ballet. Billy: - What lads do wrestling? Dad: - Don´t start, Billy. Billy: - I don´t see what´s wrong with it. Dad: - You know perfectly well. Billy: - No, I don´t. Dad: - Yes, you do. Billy: - No, I don´t. Dad: - Yes, you bloody well do. - Who do you think I am? - You know quite nicely. Billy: - What? - what are you trying to say, Dad? Dad: - You´re asking for a hiding, son. Billy: - No, I´m not. Honest. Dad: - You are. Billy. Billy. Billy: - It´s not just poops, Dad. - Some ballet dancers are as fit as athletes. - What about that Wayne Sleep? - He was a ballet dancer. Dad: - Wayne Sleep? Billy: - Aye. Dad: - Listen, Son, from now on, you can forget about the fucking ballet. - You can forget about the fucking boxing as well. - I´m busting my arse for those fifty pences and you… - No, from now on, you stay here and you look after nanna. Got it? - Good. Grandmother: - They used to say I could have been a professional dancer. If I had trained. Dad: - Will you shut up? Billy: - I hate you! You´re a bastard! ( T. Rex: Children of the Revolution) Billy: - Get off! - Billy, Billy. But you won´t fool. The children of the revolution. No, you won´t fool The children of the revolution. No, No, No Yeah… By pixabay 2. Billy´s father said: - Aye, for your nanna. - For girls. Not for lads, Billy. - Lads do football, or… boxing, or… wrestling. - Not friggin´ ballet a. And you? Do you agree with Billy´s father? b. The story of movie was more than 25 years ago. And nowadays, do you think Billy´s father would have the same reaction? 3. In this part of movie is playing a music: Children of Revolution (T.Rex). “No, you won´t fool. The children of Revolution”. a. Why do you think this music was chosen for this part of movie? Sixth Class 1. Find the words the best define the attitude of boy’s father in the movie: Billy Elliot at first, when He discovered that his son likes dancing: Frustratinghappyentusiastichungryotimistshockingthurtyfuriouslovelylatemotivatedrich sickhotpoormiserableashamedmillionaryloyalstupidreliablehonestpatientcutecharmwo nderfulterriblebeautifulhardworkinghandsomeweakstrongoutlawprecioussereneworrie dnervoussafeindanger By pixabay 2. List at minimum six positive and six negative feelings found in the last exercise: Positive feelings: Negative feelings: __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 3. Let´s make a list of sports. The class tells, teacher writes on the board, ok? _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ 4. Is there any sports or activity you consider just for man? Explain. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4ª part of movie Billy Elliot 27Link 4- 4ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 5. In the 4ª part of movie Billy Elliot 28, there is one music playing: Town called malice (Jam Band – Punk rock), can you tell or write what the music is saying. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Seventh Class Read 4ª part: Mrs. Wilkinson: - Billy /Baby wails/ /dogs bark/ Mrs. Wilkinson: - Hello! Woman: - Can I help you? Mrs. Wilkinson: - Yeah, I was looking… - They´re out. 27 28 Billy Elliot. Disponível em Billy Elliot. Disponível em Woman: - Sorry. Mrs. Wilkinson: - Billy. Billy: - Please, Miss, don´t. Dad: - What´s going on, Billy? Brother: - Who the fuck are you? Dad: - I think we better go inside. Mrs. Wilkinson: - I know this might be difficult for you, but today, Billy, missed a very important audition. Brother: - Audition. Mrs. Wilkinson: - For the Royal Ballet School. Brother: - The Royal Ballet? Mrs. Wilkinson: - School. It´s where they teach the ballet. Brothers: - You´ve gotta be joking, love. Mrs. Wilkinson: - No, I´m perfectly, serious. Brother: - Have you any idea what we´re going through? - I´ve been in a fucking cell all night, and you come round here talking shite. And you! Fucking ballet?! Brother: - You trying to make him a fucking scab for the rest of his life? Look at him. - He´s only 11, for fuck´s sake. Billy: - You have to train when you´re young. Brother: - Shut it! - No brother of mine is running round like a right for your gratification. Mrs. Wilkinson: - Excuse me, this is not for my gratification. Brother: - And what good´s it gonna do him? He´s only a bairn! - What about giving him a childhood? Billy: - I wanna be a ballet dancer. Brother: - What do you know about it? - What qualifications have you got? Mrs. Wilkinson: - I haven´t come here to defend me self. Brother: - For all we know, you´re some fuckin´ nutter. I´ll get the social on to you. Mrs. Wilkinson: - You should calm yourself down, son. Brother: - You say he can dance. Well, … - Go on then. - Set´s see you fuckin´ dance, then. Mrs. Wilkinson: - This is ridiculous. Brother: - If you´re a fuckin´ ballet dancer, then let´s be having you. Mrs. Wilkinson: - Don´t you dare! Brother: - What sort of a teacher are you? - He´s got a chance to dance, now you´re tellin´ him not to. - Dance, you little twat! The Jam: Town Called Malice. Brother: - No, so piss off. - He´s not doing, any more fuckin´ ballet. - Go near him again, I´ll smack you, you middle-class cow. Mrs. Wilkinson: - You know nothing about me, you sanctimonious little shit! Stop dreaming of the quiet life… - He won´t grow up to race whippets, grow leeks, or piss his wager up the wall. I´ve been with him. Those rosy days are few and Stop apologizing for the things you´ve never done. Time is short and life is cruel. But it´s up to us to change. This town called Malice Rows and rows of disused milk floats stand dying in the dairy yard. Rows and rows of disused milk floats stand dying in the dairy yard. And a hundred lonely house wives clutch empty milk bottles to their hearts. Hanging out their old love letters on the line to dry. It´s enough to make you stop believing. When tears come fast and furious. In a town called Malice Yeah Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Ba-ba-ba-da-ba Oh Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-da-ba Struggle after struggle Year after year The atmosphere´s fine blend of ice I´m almost stone cold dead In a town called Malice Ooh yeah A whole street´s belief in Sunday´s roast beef Gets dashed against the co-Op To either cut down on beer or the kids´ new gear It´s a big decision in a town called Malice Ooh yeah… Billy: - Argh! Friend: - Billy! The ghost of a steam train echoes down my track. It´s at the moment bound for now here. Just going, round and round. Ah, playground kids and creaking swings Lost laughter in the breeze I could go on for hours and I probably win but I´d sooner put some joy back in. This town called Malice Yeah yeah A town called Malice Yeah /grunts/ Friend: - Billy! Billy, come on! - Hurry up! Man: - Merry Christmas, everybody! /cheering/ /crowd/ Here we go, here we go, here we go! Here we go, here we go, here we go! Here we go, here we go, here we go! Here we go, here we go, here we go! /hammering, distorted musical notes´/ /Jackie shrieks/ Billy: - Do you think she´ll mind? Dad: - Shut it, Billy. She´s dead. - Well, Merry Christmas, everybody. Billy: - Merry Christmas. /Jackie sobs/ /cries/ 1. Mrs. Wilkinson explains Billy lost an important audition for the Royal Ballet School. What do you know about this school? Let´s research! ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ By pixabay 2. Billy Elliot fought for his dream, and you? 3. How are you fighting for your desires? a. Studying hard b. Arguing with everybody c. Just complain d. Thinking everyday about it e. Planning, reaching and thinking about it 4. Write three questions to interview your classmate about his/her future occupation, why he/she likes it, what he/she is doing to get it. a. _____________________________________ b. _____________________________________ c. _____________________________________ Eighth Class 1. Interview at least, three classmates with the questions you created last class: Interview your friends! By pixabay Watch 5ª part: 29Link 5- 5ª Part.: Disponível Acesso em 12-07-2015 Text 5a part30: Billy: - And first. Carry on. Fifth. Friend: - A tutu. /chatter/ Coach: - How, George. - George, there´s somebody in the club. - This kangaroo, he´s walking away with it… - He´s called her… Norman. - And then round the corner came this wallaby. Billy: - Plié first. Friend: - What´s a plié? Billy: - It´s French. Friend: - Why it French? Billy: - I dunno. Second, like a princess. - Second and down. - And first. Carry on. Fifth. - Shoulders down. Long neck. Friend: - How do I look? Billy: - Shut up, you proof. Friend: - Fuck off. Billy: - Second, and down. - And first. Second. Down. - First. Fifth. Coach: - Jackie! - Jackie, man! Here! Billy: - Give us your hand. /both laugh/ 29 30 Billy Elliot. Disponível em Billy Elliot. Disponível em Friend: - Dance! /clapping/ Billy: - Dad? 2. Imagine you got a friend in one country that just speaking English and you are curious about his/her preferences and curiosities about movies. Sit with one classmate and simulate this dialogue, writing and later acting it: John: How the things are going there? Karina: I am ok! And you? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3. Now is your turn! Tell to the class what your classmate told you about movies: Speak up! First Class By pixabay Let´s watch the movie AS GOOD AS IT GETS - (1ª part selected) 31Link 31 1- 1ª Part.: Disponível em As Good As It Gets. Disponível em Reading Text 32 1ª part: Woman: - I´m going to get some flowers, dear. - I´ll be back in 20 minutes. - It´s tulip season today, and I´m so happy. Udall: - Come on sweetie. - Yes, come on now, sweetheart. - Go for a little ride, then you can whiz all over the city. - Go for a ride. - Como on sweetie. - Freeze! - Get down leg down. - That´s it. - Come on now. - No, you monkey – eared son of a bitch! - You have pissed your last floor. - Bet you wish you were a real dog. - Oh, you dog – eared monkey. - If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. - You ugly smelly. Other man: - Verdell! Udall: - Uh, oh. Other man: - Where´s my good doggie? - Verdell. - Come here sweetheart. - Mr. Udall? Udall: - Mm – hmm? Other man: - Have you seen Verdell? Udall: - What does he look like? Other man: - My dog. You know, my. - My dog with the little, adorable face. - Don´t you know what my dog looks like? Udall: - Oh, I got it. - You were talking about your dog. - I thought it was the name of that colored man I see in the hall. Simon: - Which color was that? Udall: - Like thick molasses… - With a broad nose… Simon: - Frank. Udall: - Perfect for smelling trouble and prison food. Frank: - Simon, you´ve got to get dressed. Simon: - Frank Sachs, Melvin Udall. Udall: - How are you doin´? Simon: - Frank shows my work, Mr. Udall. - I think you know that. Frank: - People´s gonna start coming. 32 As Good As It Gets. Disponível em Udall: - What I know is that as long as you keep your work zipped up around me… - I don´t give a rat crap what or where you shove your show. - Are you done being neighbors for now? Frank: - Let me talk to you… Simon: - No! Not worth it. - Definitely not worth it. - Verdell must be in the apartment. Frank: - Okay. Udall: - Hope you find him. - Love that dog. Simon: - You don´t love anything, Mr. Udall. Udall: - one, two, three, four, five - one, two, three, four, five - Okay. - Hot, hot, hot, hot. Frank: - Hi, Carl. Carl: - Frank, where is he? Other man: - Isn´t he here? He lives here. Frank: - Take it easy. - He had a little thing with the dog. Carl: - It´s not such a hot-looking dog. Other man: - He´s adorable. Carl: - Who buys more than me? - He isn´t the only one working. Simon: - Good Lord. - Where have you been? - Oh, look at my dog boy. - Look at him. Old man: - I found him, Mr. Bishop. Simon: - I know you did. We know you did. - Where was my little baby? Old man: - In the basement garbage bin eating diaper shit. Simon: - go ahead, John. - You earned your fun. Old man: - Sorry, it just struck me. - It´s funny. Simon: - Oh, wait. - How did he get down in the basement… even if he got in the elevator? Old man: - Maybe some nice neighbor shoved him down the garbage chute? Udall: - Somewhere in the dark… - She load confessed, and he had forgiven. - “This is what you live for”, he said. “Two heads on a pillow, where all is approval… and there is only the safety… of being with each other.” - How, she wondered, could she find such hope… 1. Answer: a. Are you polite with others? If you have a neighbor like Mr. Udall, what would you do? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b. Do you know people like Mr. Udall? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ c. Why do you think he is like that? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. When people love each other sometimes they say: sweetie, sweetheart. Can you find other words like these presented in the movie? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 3. Simon said to Mr. Udall: - You don´t love anything, Mr. Udall. a. And you? What or who do you love? _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ b. Now, tells your classmate what you love: _______________________________________________________________ 4. Mark (x) in the adjectives that better describe Mr. Udall: ( ) ironic ( ) polite ( ) sociable ( ) helpful ( ) kind ( ) impolite ( ) unfriendly ( ) egotistical By pixabay Second Class 1. In the dialogue between Mr. Udall and Simon, they said: - What does he look like? - My dog with the little, adorable face. - Which color was that? - Like thick molasses… These sentences are used to describe people or things. Look some adjectives for description: Beautiful thin fat medium height Short tall ugly long hair Short hair curly hair brown eyes handsome Cute wonderful blond black hair a. Can you choose three characteristics to describe your classmate beside you: _________________ _________________ _________________ b. Tell him or her: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Let´s watch and read the 2ª part chosen of movie: AS GOOD AS IT GETS. 33Link 2- 2ª Part.: Reading Text34 2ª part: At restaurant Helen: - Look at you. you´re all better. A mother: - It´s that new medication. Helen: - You know all my son stuff, right? - No, no. I got a date tonight. 33 34 As Good As It Gets. Disponível em As Good As It Gets. Disponível em - I´m walking out and he says, “Mom, I promise not to get… one of my fevers or coughs during your date”. A mother: - Isn´t that sweet? Helen: - A little blond angel. A woman at the restaurant - It came out of me: “You love me the way you love your remote control”. - As long as I switch every time you press one of my buttons. A man at the restaurant: - That´s terrific. Udall: - People that talk in metaphors ought a shampoo my crotch. - Eat up. Helen: - Stay there I got your money. Another waitress: - No, pay me next week. Helen: - I owe you. I told you today. That´s the rule. - Excuse me, Melvin. Melvin Udall: - Don´t… Helen: - There you go. You take care. A costumer: - Thank you. Helen: - Pardon me. - Take the money. - Debts make me crazy. Another waitress: - This way take a cab home so you can get ready for the date. Helen: - Ready is not my problem. Udall: - I´m starving. Helen: - Go on. Sit down. - You know you´re not allowed back here. - Spence is more excited than I am. - He says, “I promise not to get a fever or cough during your date.” - Sometimes this kid you just want to… Udall: - I´ve got Jews at my table. Helen: - It´s not your table. - It´s the place´s table. Behave. - This once you can sit at someone else´s station. - Or you can wait your turn. A woman at restaurant: - You have feelings for her? A man at restaurant: - Well, yes? Udall: - How much more you got to eat? - Appetites aren´t as big as your noses, huh? A woman at restaurant: - What? Udall: - That´s it. Forget it. A woman at restaurant: - Let me talk to him. - I don´t care how many books he sells. Helen: - Give him one more chance. Here I go. Barred the life. Udall: - They left. Helen: - Yeah. What do you know? - Bryan says he doesn’t care how long you´ve been coming. You ever act like this again, you´re barred for life. - I´m gonna miss the excitement, but I´ll handle it. Udall: - Three eggs over easy… - Two sausage, six strips of bacon with fries. Helen: - Fries today. Udall: - A short stack, coffee with cream and sweetner. Helen: - You´re gonna die soon with that diet. Udall: - We´re all gonna die soon. I will, you will. - It sounds like your son will. Helen: - If you ever mention my son again… you will never be able to eat here again, understand? - Give me some sign you understand, or leave now. - Do you understand me, you crazy fuck? - Do you? Udall: - Yes. Helen: - Yeah? Udall: - Yes. Helen: - Ok, I´ll let your order. Another waitress: - Wear my earring tonight. Helen: - It´s just so interesting what you said at dinner. - You said it like it was nothing. Boyfriend: - Where´s the bedrooms? 2. Helen tells the symptoms of sickness about her son: fever and cough. a. Let´s write on the board other health problems: _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ b. Have you been sick lately? c. What is the problem? d. What are you doing? 3. Udall ordered at the restaurant: three eggs over easy, two sausage, six strips of bacon with fries, coffee with cream and sweetener for his breakfast. And you? a. What do you eat for breakfast? b. Tell to the class? c. In Brazil, is the breakfast similar By pixabay Third Class Third part of the movie: AS GOOD AS IT GETS. Let´s watch and read! 35Link 3- 3ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 Text 3ª part:36 A man on the street: - Hey, look out! Udall: - Excuse-me. - Sorry. At restaurant a waitress: - I got on the third line of dialogue. - I blanked. I had no clue as to what the next line was. Udall: - Ignores me. A waitress: - He said to me, “Last chance”. Helen: - Last chance. - Oh, god. A waitress: - I came back in. Udall: - Here she comes to ignore me again. A waitress: - I messed up on the exact same line. - Guess what. Helen: - What? A waitress: - He cast me! Udall: - Just what the world needs… another actress. Helen: - Okay, okay. - Can´t live without me, huh? - I´m finally gonna ask. - what´s with the plastic picnic ware? 35 36 As Good As It Gets. Disponível em As Good As It Gets. Disponível em - Why don´t you try ours? - You´re afraid it isn´t clean? Another waitress: - You okay? Helen: - Yeah. Udall: - I see the help. It´s a judgment call. Helen: - So give yourself a little pep talk. - Must try other people´s clean silverware… as part of fun of dining out. Udall: - What´s wrong with your son? Helen: - Yeah. What do you care? - He´s go to fight to breathe. - His asthma can shoot off the charts. - He´s allergic to dust. - This is New York, so his immune system bails on him whenever there´s trouble. - So an ear infection… Is this bothering you? - An ear infection, whatever, sends us to the emergency room six times a month… - Where I get whatever mine-year-old they just made a doctor. - Nice chatting with you. Udall: - His name? Helen: - Spencer. Udall: - Okay. Helen: - Spence. At the beginning of movie, Mr. Udall, put a little dog away. He demonstrated he doesn’t like it. 1. Do you know other people that hurt or dislike animals? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you think one person that mistreats animals are a good person? Explain your opinion: ___________________________________________________________________ 3. On the other hand, you sometimes see some families that believe the puppies and kitties are their children. What is your opinion about it? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you have a pet? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. If you do, what does it look like? ___________________________________________________________________ Fourth Class 1. What is your favorite dog´s breed? Circle it? Basset Boxer Dalmatian Poodle Beagle ST. Bernard Collie others Why? ______________________________________________________________ 2. Mark (1) for cat words, (2) for dogs, (3) for both: ( ) Angora ( ) Kitty ( ) Bark ( ) Persian ( ) Noisier ( ) Hunt ( ) Claws ( ) Tail ( ) Maltese ( ) Fur ( ) Poodle ( ) Siamese 3. At the beginning of movie, an old lady said: - It´s tulip season today, and I´m so happy. Read the description of a garden, draw it in your way. Be creative! In the middle there are five beautiful roses. On the right, at the top, it has eleven tulips. Around the roses there are some carnations and some violets. At the bottom on the left, it has seven lilacs. 4. When you watch this movie, you observed many feelings and reactions. Relax and find some emotional words: D G W O R R Y J Y E N E R E S C D W R S N O I T A P I C I T N A I E E O D A Q H C B U T S U G S I D R B C A N J T Y S S E N D A S I E G I Y H X X B Z W M H O P E E C E E N X D I S U R P R I S E J N T G X T N W E V O T S U R T O A V C A C E O T T S D P L E E Y Y O Y E R I R I P Y P S F H X M O C H L R U T E S M D E L E W R N P L B B E O E S N E Q D S A R N E W A U L T C D T E T K I O R A T J G D T H N K W E T N O R G I R P S N N F H I M D excited interested anger annoyance anxiety courage delight disgust doubt empathy envy fear hope joy pride sadness serene stressed surprise tension trust worry D N O I P T H G I L E D A Y Y N K D H C S J O X O D E S P A I R E L by pixabay Fifth Class 1. Tell the emotions you are feeling now: ___________________________________________________________________ Watch 4ª part of the movie: 37Link 4- 4ª Part.: Disponível em Acesso em 12-07-2015 2. Write a short text expressing what you feel or react when things happen in your life: Ex.: When the alarm clock is going off in the morning I feel angry because I am very lazy and I´d like to sleep more five hours at least. Ex.: When my favorite team wins. I… 37 As Good As It Gets. Disponível em ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Relax, review and learn: In group (4 students), practice the modal verbs, regular/irregular verbs. Take turns, every student take one card from the pile and read the verb written (present and past) and others need to say the translation. Mark how many scores each one gets. Sixth Class 1. Connect the verb tenses: a. simple present b. past tense c. present continuous d. present perfect tense e. future ( ) Mr. Udall washed his hands with hot water. ( ) I have studied English lately. ( ) I never will be boring as Mr. Udall. ( ) I enjoy watching movies similar this one. ( ) I am being busy now. By pixabay When we want to tell things we have been doing lately. We use: have + past participle. Ex.: I have studied at Castro Alves for four years. We have spent too much money with junk food. Since I got my cellphone, I have used it. Present perfect tense 2. Tell your classmate things you have done lately (you can use the verb list): Speak By pixabay 38 Reading Text: Helen: - Look how friendly he is. - That´s your dog? - What are you doing with a dog? Udall: - Suckered in, set up, pushed around. Helen: - You´re not worried someone might take it? Udall: - No, not until now, for Christ´s sake. Helen: - Sorry. Udall: - I´m gonna sit here. Girl: - Hey, puppy. - He´s cute. Boy: - I love his little face. - It´s so cute. - I wonder what breed he is. Helen: - He´s a little dog. - Next time, if Bryan´s not here, you can bring him in. Udall: - How old are you? - If I guessed by your eyes. I´d say you were 50. Helen: - If I went by your eyes, I´d say you were kind. 38As Good As It Gets. Disponível em - So much for eyes. - How old are you? - You brought it up. - No, I´m curious. Udall: - No, that you are ugly. Helen: - Yeah. Easy, pal. - I can take the complement. - But my knees knock when you turn on the charm full blast. Udall: - But I mean, what´s with the dark? Helen: - Dawn patrol. - Major dawn patrol. - My son had a full blown attack. - This time, for extra fun, they gave us the wrong antibiotics. Udall: - So I get him home… Udall: - No, no! - The dog. - The bacon´s for the dog. - Last week I was playing the piano for him, and he likes it. - So I decided I´m gonna… make a joke. Helen: - So you´re all set here. Udall: - Yeah. Seventh Class 1. In this dialogue, you can notice a little transformation in Mr. Udall temper: a. What do make people chance? Talk to your classmate. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ b. Do you really believe people change? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. In the text: Helen: - What are you doing with a dog? Udall: - Suckered in, set up, pushed around. a. And you what are you doing? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Helen said: - Yeah. Easy, pal. Write other phrases with the same meaning: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Tell your classmates how you are feeling now: Speak I’m going to... 5. Udall said: - So I decided I’m gonna… make a joke. (going to) This phrase represents future progressing. Use be going to + verb for plans you’ve decided on. Ex: What are you going to do after school? I am going to go to the gym. And you, what are you going to do after class? Tell the class. 6. Write your future progressing: Tomorrow, I _________________________________________________________ Next month, _________________________________________________________ Next year, __________________________________________________________ 7. Circle some adjectives in the text above and write them down: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Find the best in your classmate. Write polite adjectives for them. Make your friends happy. You are: ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Eighth Class _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ . Now, liberate your creativity and write a composition with words you have learned. Choose a topic: a. Ellie, at film “Up-The Greatest Adventure” had a dream to visit of paradise falls in South America. And you? Write about a place you would like to know, enumerate the things you would do there. Release your imagination! b. Describe your closet, your fashion ideas, your style, the accessories you cannot live without, your favorite look/outfit, suggest some clothes for parties, weddings or other events. Just be fashionable! c. Billy Elliot fights for dancing, for his dream occupation. Now, it is your turn! Describe what you really want to be and how to get it. Express your feelings! d. “As Good as It Gets” movie shows Mr. Udall personality, that is not an easy one. Well, you can write about your friends, family or your own personality. What things do make you or they happy, sad? How are your or their reactions facing difficult circumstances? Let’s write! e. Maybe, you can write about your favorite movie, describing the main characters, where and when it happens, summarizing the movie plot, giving details about your favorite scene. Let’s go! ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ CRONOGRAMA DE ATIVIDADE EM HORA AULA * ** PLANEJAMENTO DAS AÇÕES 01 Aplicação da prova diagnóstica 03 Definição de filme/apresentação de alguns nomes de filmes famosos/gêneros e filmes/primeiras cenas do filme Up! The Greatest Adventure! /Características dos personagens. Pontos turísticos famosos/Cognate words/Idiom expression/Tell your dream/Write message to your classmate. 03 02 Write activity/Associate the description. Unit 2 03 Clothes vocabulary/Famous fashion quotations/Draw representing the scenes/Past tense activities 03 Speak in the past/Modal verbs/Describing clothing/Listen and write 02 Describe your closet using there is/are/it has/Crossword about fashion Unit 3 03 Behavior words/Occupations/Elderly condition/Synopses of some movies/Know a little about T. Rex Band 03 Slangs/Feeling words/Some sports/A little about Jam Band/Royal Ballet/Desires 02 Create a dialogue/Speak about movies Unit 4 03 Things you love/Adjectives to describe personality/Describe physical traits/Health problems/Kinds of breakfast/Pets 03 Dog’s breed/Crossword/Write feelings and reactions 02 Verb tenses/Present Perfect tense Total de horas trabalhadas: 32h em sala de aula com o público alvo e 32h de planejamento e análises de atividades. Totalizando 64h. * Atividades desenvolvidas com o público alvo. ** Planejamento e análise das atividades REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS BAKHTIN, M. Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem. Tradução de Michel Lahud e Yara Frateschi Vieira. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1979. _____. Os gêneros do discurso. In: _____. Stética da criação verbal. Tradução de Maria Ermantina Galvão Gomes Pereira. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992. BRONCKART, J. P. Activité langagière, textes ET discours: pour um interactionisme socio-discursif. 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Curitiba: Secretaria de Estado da Educação Superintendência da Educação, 2008. SCARAMUCCI, Matilde V.R; GATTOLIN, Sandra R. B. Pesquisas sobre vocabulário em Língua Estrangeira. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2008. VIGOTSKI, L. S. A Construção do Pensamento e da Linguagem. Tradução de Paulo Bezerra. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001. _____. Pensamento e Linguagem. Tradução de Jeferson Luiz Camargo. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1993. SCHNEWLY, B. Genres et types de discourses: considerations psychologiques et ontogénétiques. In: REUTER, Y. (Ed.). Actes du Colloque de L’université Charles-De Gaulle III. Les interactions lecture-écriture. Neuchatel: Peter Lang, 1994. _____. DOLZ, J. Pour un enseignement de l’oral: initiation aux genres formels de l’école. Paris: ESF, 1998. WINCH, P.G. Gêneros textuais como inovação no ensino de língua inglesa. Artigo de Projeto de Pesquisa DIPIED 2006 (Dilemas e Perspectivas para Inovação Educacional na Educação Básica e na Formação Inicial de Professores). 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