INsULTECH - Carl Magill Associates, Inc.
INsULTECH - Carl Magill Associates, Inc.
r)r?t ll TETLI llrJJtLt ',Lr t INsULTECH insulation areas onalltypes toproblem process Theremovable, reusable features 0tINSULofsteam equipment. TECH loweroperation costs, shoden downtime,savevaluable drastically reduce laborcostsassociated energy, improve theworkenvironment and withinstallation, removal andreinstallation. quality quality Thismeans torspecific application needs, construction features whichmake retrofitted tofieldconditions anddesign designs INSULTECH user friendly tothefieldmechanic. HEADS HEATEXCHAI'IGER Desjgn: LT450SS-1.5"lhickness Fasiener:StainlessSteelWirelwists accuracy. Thr0ugh formaximum design yearsofinformation gathering, aswellascustom standardized designs possible for our CAD filebaseincludes designs are alltypesofequipment. Pressure Valves, Condensate Pumps, standardized designs onGate BallJoints, Reducing Valves, Expansion Joints, Strainers SlipandBellows geometric Traps. Even themostdiflicult surfaces suchas andSteam treatment. Turbines forblanket Steam canbeengineered constructed ol a high jacketing. The tillerwitha fullyencapsulated outer density insulation jacketing seams. The isdouble attheclosing outer sewnandbound jacketing protection tothe ensure longlasting andsewnconstruction insulation filler. tunnels and such assteam possible high humidity and manholes. Highchloride environments with designs, INSULTECH flooding havelittleornoeffectonspecific blanket toaccommodate theseextreme offersa widerange ofspecialty designs conditions. HEAD& BODY HEATEXCHAT{GER - 1.5"lhickness Design: LT450TT Fastener VelcroFlaps/ Stainless SteelWirelwists part0ftheblanket andbecome the Thefasteners design areanintegral quickandeasy. Allmetal feature inmaking installs andremovals dominant Velcro canbe hardware isstainless steelforadded strength anddurability. flap. sewnintoboththebelting system aswellast0theouterjacketing r. INSULTECH fi fi',' nt Itrl l rrrri i! "F,i I &uq+.qriir,r i l ' piece labelThetagincludes 1/8 embossed lettering forindividual jacketing sudace. The ing.Thetagisriveted directly 0rindirectly t0the0uter part0ftheblanket. Intheeventa blanket is tagbecomes anintegral place Tags itsrightful attheiime0f installati0n. removed, thetagwillidentify c0meinbothstainless steelandaluminum. GAIEVALVES & SEBUIGE GOT'IiIEGI PIPII'IG Desqn: [,1T800SG|V Fastener:SiainessSteelW retwsts Withmany design specifications established as lifecanbeexpected withcOstefticienindustry standards, 0ptimum service 0nspecitying. representative forfurtherinf0rmati0n cy.COnsult a fact0ry goalis problem-sol Ourultimate "Energy for ingat manylevels. Shannon Enterprises canotfer Surveys" "Sound f0rn0isy equipment 0r steam andprocess systems, Surveys" "Engineering knowledge inthelieldol Services" forpackaged systems.0ur insulation manuasa fullservice blanket insulation isbroad and0urabilities intheindustry. faclurer areunprecedented HIGHPRESSUBE SIEAMEXPA]ISIOiI JOII{T& PIPIiIG Desgn: LT450STF20 BuckleStraps Fastener:SideRelease HIGHPRESSURE ORIFIGE FLAI'IGE - 2 lh ckn""ss Desgn: N4TB00SGl'.4 Fasiener SiainessSteelWreh!sts PUMP SIEAMCONDENSAIE - 1 lh ckness Desgn: LT450TT Fastener:StainessSieelWrretwists :g r'g- 'r$t.i!n - ENTERPRISES OF \^{NY INC. 8II 250# FLAiIGEDGATEVALVE Desgn: LT450SS Fasiener:Slan essStce!l rei\,rs1s I I F 75 MainStreet,P.0.Box199 NorthTonawanda, NY14120 (710)693-7954 FAX(716)693-1647 - Shannon Enterprises willofiera calculated bare y0 heatl0ssreview surface 0f r steamsystem. Witha number 0I survey fOrmats t0 choose from,INSULTECH Blanket Insulation is recommended on piping perfOrmance. steam systems which lackproper thermal insulati0n INSULTECH Blanket Insulation willbeprOposed inareas which typically are leftuninsulated suchasValves. Flanges, Fittings, PBV s,Strainers, Expansi0n Joints, Valve Bonnets, Traps, Steam Condensate Pumps, ect.. These baresurfaceconditions represent anen0rmOus surface area0f heatlosswhichcan becalculated. From theheatlosscalculati0ns.Operating c0sts andeventually payback period anoverall canlledetermined. The"Energy Survey" becomes a personalized heatl0sssummary of yoursteamsystem, withdetailed descriptions 0fspecific lOcati0ns. Typical Energy Surveys" showpayback periods wellwithan 0neyear's time. When calculating theeconomic beneJit gains 0ftheinitial investment, areashighas15times theinitial investment. pr0jects Notmany capital canmalch lhese ec0n0mies. - ShannOn Enterprises isa markel leader in product design, devel0pment andapplicati0n. Pr0duct linecatalogs are available forbothINSULTECH Thermal andINSULTECH Acoustic. Weareone 0fthefewblanket manufacturers whichbridges thegapbetween the0ry andappiication. - Shannon supplies insulati0n not0nlytothed0mestic systems endusermarket butalsothe0.E.lvl. andinternati0nal markets aswell.Witha representation strong network, Shann0n will continue t0 emerge asanindus. pr0gressive tryleader, withthechanging world. CONDENSAIE PUMPRETURII PIPING & FIIIIIIGS Design: LT450SS Fastener Stan essSteeWiretw sts i BOITER HEADHEAIEXCHAI'IGER & PIPI]IG Desig|r IT450SS Festener:StanlessSteeWretr,v sts SIEAMPRESSURE Desgn: LT450SS Fastefer StarnessSteeW retwists STAT!ONS !l,YJ) UrLl-UEUUA INsULTECH Temp. 0peraling (121"C) 250"F (149"C) 300"F (177"C) 350"F (204"C) 400"F (232.C) 450"F (2BB'C) 550"F (343"C) 650"F (399"C) 750"F (454"C) 850"F Thick. I I I 1' 1" 1" 1" 1 I Surface Iemp. 100.2F 108.6.F 117.2"F 126.0"F 135.0"F 154.0"F 175.0"F 197.0"F 221.0"F Thick, 1.5 1.5 1.5' 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5 1.5 Temp, Surlace 92.0"F 98.2"F '104.6"F 111.2"F 118.0"F 132.0"F '148.0"F 165.0"F 184.0"F Thick, 2" 2" 2" 2 2 2 2 2' 2" Temp. Surlace 87.4.F 92.3"F 97.4"F 102.7'F 108.0"F 120.0"F 133.0"F 147.0"F 163.0"F . Theabove thickness design. reference temperatures lleusedasguidelines forblanket c0ldfacesurface sh0uld . Thec0ldfacesurface temperatlrre conditi0ns. temperature 0ftheillanket should approach anbient . Theecon0mic performance. thickness 0ftheblanket should c0nsider blanket costt0thennal . HeatlosscalculatiOns 0na 70oF ambieni usinq a flatsurface conditi0n. arebased INsULTECH & it Double Sewnand Stainless Steel 0verlappinq Hardware1-112" Fabric Birded Seanrs Lacinq withFeatured Flapat closing Wiretwist Seams Fastener (optional)Wind Flapwith Draw Chord tow Point StainlessDrain Grommel StainlessSteel or Aluminum Embossed ldentilicationTag (Rivetedto 0uter Jacketinq) Two paece Conslruction (SeparateBody and Bonnel) Durable S i l i c o n e ( o p t i o n a "l )0 " RingSlrap with lmpregnaled FiberglassCloth velcro" Tab (DoublS e ewn) NY14120 75 MainStreet,P.0.Box199. NorthTonawanda, . FAX(716)693-1647 (716)693-7954
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