and what you don`t see! Fun at the Sandwich Fair 2012


and what you don`t see! Fun at the Sandwich Fair 2012
The Voice
Open Door Rehabilitation Center
Serving Adults with Developmental Disabilities
September-October 2012
What you see….. and what you don’t see!
Fun at the Sandwich Fair 2012
Brook S. trying her luck at the Ring Toss
Brian T., Jessie, Greg S., Renee, Steve S., are
“Juggled” by the lady on the stilts!
Jack P., Alicia, Vecente W., Brian H., Jason M., Beth M.
in line for a famous Open Door Lemon Shake-up!
The clients of Open Door look forward to the week long events at the Sandwich Fair. You know what they say, “There
is something for everyone at a fair.” What they didn’t mention is the price. With the generous sponsorships of our
readers and supporters, all of the clients were able to attend their favorite events and then some. This would not have
been possible without all of your support. Thank you, thank you!!! Here are some highlights of this year’s fair.
Day programs enjoyed the fair Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. While most people were at work over 60 individuals
from Open Door strolled the fair grounds enjoying the animals, music, games, various booths and everyone’s all time
favorite… the food!
The fair is never complete unless you have a few dare devils out for the rides. Thursday, a group enjoyed the wristbands
for over 6 hours…wow, that makes me dizzy!
Volume 19 / Number 5
The Voice is the bi-monthly
newsletter of Open Door
Rehabilitation Center, a not-forprofit organization
serving adults with
developmental disabilities.
Bill B. measuring
himself up to farm
Headquarters are located at 405
South Wells Street, Sandwich,
Illinois 60548
Phone: (815) 786-8468
Fax: (815) 786-6241
The Voice welcomes your questions
and contributions of news
of interest to our friends and
Rita Potter
Terra Stetz
Laurie Wisdom
Candi Baker
Tami Carper
Becky Clemons
Gene Stephens
Cindy S. in the
mood for some
souvenir shopping.
Founders of ODRC
William & Virginia Squier, Sr.
David & Juanita Graf
President Emeritus
Robert J. Coleman, D.C.
Executive Director
David Baker
Deb C., Glenn E.
and Sue C. Pose after
a fantastic meal!
Board of Directors
Volunteer Leadership
Lane Kapela
Country music lovers enjoyed the concert preformed by Justin Moore, for
an outstanding evening. This year the weather was a little touch and go but
Mother Nature was on our side. Over 25 individuals attended this foot
stompin’ event thanks to your support! Wow!
Vice President
Dick Banning
Denise Mestemaker
Mike Bennett
Eric Danielson
Jim Dirst
Jim Dockendorf
Robin Goldsmith
Bryan Harbin
Becky Lueken
Claudette McCaslin
Quendred Carpenter
Jeff Metzger, Sr.
Phyllis Niles
Saturday was a nice leisurely day and the group was not on a schedule and
didn’t have a care in the world. This was perfect for those who just wanted to
explore! Nothing like a good 8 hours to take your mind off of things.
Sunday is the favorite day for our gear heads to enjoy an afternoon of
demolition derby as cars show off and smash into each other until the last
running car is left standing! The adrenaline is high as the crowd roars! This
turned out to be a very exciting afternoon!
John H., Minnie E., and Beth G.
eagerly remain seated waiting for
Justin Moore to appear
Theresa Y. and Minnie E. wave so they don’t Mike P. and Jason M. prepare to take flight Mike P., Deb C., Jason M., Melissa J.,
Daniel P., Dennis S., Sue C. and June S.
show fear!!
saying, “Good morning! We are here to
What you don’t see… behind the scenes
Sue C., David S., and Jack P. gloving up for work.
Daniel P. sweeping away!
John G. inspecting
his work. Very nice!
Not only do Open Door clients enjoy the fair, they proudly contribute as well. Just like so many people in the
Sandwich Community that play an important part in making the fair a success, so too do the clients at Open Door.
Did you ever wonder how the Grandstands are so clean for the various events? Several individuals have employment
opportunities if they are willing to get up at the crack of dawn. Open Door has cleaned up for many years and there
is no shortage of individuals that are willing to work. Each event is in need of Open Door’s busy bees. Up early with
brooms, cloths and buckets in hand, they clean the grandstands until they sparkle. They beam at how good their work
looks! What a sense of pride!
A final crew comes in and cleans the grounds after all of the vendors have left. Not so much as a corndog stick is left
after this crew works their magic!!
A very special thank you to all our supporters for making this event filled week possible!!! Thank you, thank-you!!!!
Open Door’s Family Expands
Recently, Open Door has expanded its family. With the newly completed remodel of the Cedar group home, Open Door has
been able to serve a few more individuals and their families from our community. We would like to welcome Paul S., Lauren B.,
and Michelle B. to our Open Door Family.
Lauren B. is originally from the
Plainfield area and lived in a sixteen
bed Intermediate Care Facility at
another agency. In April of 2010,
Lauren and her housemates chose to
attend Open Door’s Day Programs.
From that point on, it was a match
made in paradise. Lauren quickly
made new friends and relationships
with other individuals and staff in
the workshops and homes. She
started working at the Chef’s
Kitchen cooking program and
discovered a love of cooking and
serving others. Lauren loved it so
much at Open Door that she and
her guardian from the “Office of
State Guardian” decided that Lauren
would like to live at Open Door as
well. This past May, Lauren moved
into an opening at the Cedar group
home. She has become a fast friend
to many and is loved for her gentle
nature, infectious laughter and jovial
sense of humor.
Michelle at her work station at the West
Lauren serving tacos she made with
Chef ’s Kitchen
Paul working at his work station at the West
Michelle B. has lived in the DeKalb area for the last twenty-some years at another agency. Her parents have retired out of state
while her siblings live in Sandwich and adjacent communities. It was the wish of Michelle and her family that she live closer to
her siblings so that they may make a seamless transition of guardianship and supports in effect from her parents to her siblings.
In early September, Michelle moved into an opening at the Cedar group home. She is adjusting to her new home very well. She
already has made many new friends and really enjoys the numerous and wide variety of activities that Open Door has to offer in
its programs. Michelle also loves the fact that she is just minutes away from her family members and that they can just “pop in”
whenever they want.
Paul S. has been with Open Door for many years; however, he is new to Open Door’s residential programs. Paul has attended
the Open Door West workshop since January of 1980. During this time, Paul lived with his mother in their house in Plano.
Unfortunately, Paul’s mother passed away last October leaving Paul and his siblings to wonder how Paul would adjust and
manage living on his own without his loving mother’s support. Paul and his family discussed Paul’s needs with Open Door and
together Paul, his siblings, and Open Door decided that the Intermittent CILA program would best serve Paul. The Intermittent
CILA program assists individuals in their own homes with daily living skills needed to maintain a level of independence in the
community. Paul has made the transition exceptionally well and continues to live and thrive in his own home with the support
from his siblings and Open Door.
You scored big hits-
bringing a profit of $17, 570 to our 20th Golf Outing!
Huge thanks to all of our sponsors, golfers and volunteers!
• Community Disposal
• Joliet Pattern
• National Bank & Trust
• Rick Turner
• Castle Bank
• Gordon Food Service
• Frost Electric Company, Inc.
• Display Connection, Inc.
• Valley West Community
• Craig & Gail Martin
• Gjovik Chevy Buick GMC &
Gjovik Ford Mercury
• The Office Works, Inc.
• Edgebrook Country Club
• Henrich Lawn Care and
• DeKalb Mechanical
• R.P. Products, Inc.,
• Henderson Engineering
• Kinsel’s Collision Center, Inc.
• Dart Container
• Earthmover Credit Union
• Caywood & Associates
• John Guehler, Realtor
• Dock’s Appliances
• Country Market
• Dick Banning
• Citizen’s First National Bank
• Leo’s Awards
• Hoadley Hallmark Shop
Ken & Denise Mestemaker
John & Alice Senka
Art’s Food Market
Mark D. Weinhold, D.D.S.
John & Mary Burgin
Michael Maroscia, D.D.S.
• Dr. Martin BrauweilerSandwich Medical Clinic
Stan & Marie Bracken
Vineyard Liquor Store
Yingling Salvage, Inc.
Dave & Candi Baker
Jerrold Raske
Somonauk/Rex Insurance Agency,
Lane & Donna Kapela
Sandwich Floral
Louis & Claudette McCaslin
Robert & Mary Pritchard
Larry & Sharon Larson
Cooper Home Furnishings
Beverly Holmes
Kerry & Sheri Anthenat
Sprint by Air 1 Wireless
John & Janene Tuttle
G.L. Hartman
Village ACE Hardware
Taylor Freezers & Equipment Co.
Rich & Jeanne Baker
Augustine Brothers Painting &
Thorson 4-Some
Hoadley Hallmark Shop
Bud’s Service & Car Wash
Today Cartage
Rick Turner
Mayor Bob Hausler
Eric Danielson
Wright Insurance Agency, LLC
Buzz & Sue Lindholm
Sandwich Area Chamber of
Karen Vilmin
Debbi Bewley
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Country Market
Gene’s Carry Out, Inc.
Country Cuts
Johnson’s Floral and Gifts
Phyllis Niles
Patti Webber
Ken and Pat McCaslin
Rick and Amanda Adkerson
Kelsey Baker
Dan Grandgeorge
Denise Mestemaker
Ginny Banning
Marisa Hanson
Jerry Raske
Virginia Behrens
Buck Heusinger
Lauri Scoughton
Mike Bennett
Jenny Jordan
Autumn Skorup
Tami Carper
Mayor Tom Thomas
Gene Stephens
Doc Coleman
Donna Kapela
John Tallent
Eric Danielson
Jennie Logan
Maegan Walker
Angie Davis
Becky Lueken
Patti Webber
Barb Erickson
Louis Mayer
Doug Yingling
Pam Fritsch
Claudette McCaslin
Jerry Garncarz
Louis McCaslin
Michael O’Flynn participated in the McCormick Tribune Foundation’s Service Day program by
volunteering at this event, which facilitated a gift from the McCormick Tribune Foundation.
Lane Kapela
Claudette McCaslin,
Phyllis Niles, Becky Lueken,
Dave Baker, & Candi Baker
Darin Stanford, Mario Jimenez, Jeff Nichols,
Tom Doyel
1st PlaceLane Kapela
2nd Place John Schneider
3rd Place Gene Shumway
In Recognition of
Lane Kapela
Golf Outing Event Coordinator 1993 - 2012
In appreciation of your
length of service as Event Coordinator
of the Open Door Golf Outing
Open Door Rehabilitation Center
July 25, 2012
Shelly Johnson
Bill Garrish
Gerrard Dannewitz
Tracy Grandgeorge
Chuck Hickey
Chuck Hickey
Mitch Pazdro
Brent Baker
Terry Duffy
Dan Grandgeorge
These folks take the Roaring Twenties very
L to R: Denny Kupp, Jake Kupp, Jenny
Jordan, Brent Baker, Deej Jordan
Every 4-some needs flappers!
L to R: Kelsey Baker, Addison Reed,
Kurt Mattson, Mark Glidden, Harland
Bidstrup, Autumn Skorup
Bobby Holmes 21st Memorial Golf Outing
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The Sandwich Post Office - What is Back There?
If you are a frequent patron of our Post Office, have
you ever noted the lovely mural located above the
door to the Office of the Postmaster? That mural
was commissioned by Marshall Frederick who was
a renowned sculptor. Bob told us that Mr. Frederick
made sculptures for multiple libraries. What is really
cool is that he tried to make them so they represented
the heart of the town. In this case, Sandwich was a
farming community so our sculpture has horses, sheep,
and pigs. If you have not seen this sculpture, Jen M.
said that it “is very pretty.”
Bill W. and Brian H. are watching the vault while it’s open.
Many of the people of Sandwich know the friendly
staff at our local Post Office and those who cover the
routes, but how many of us actually know the story
of the building or what they do in the back? If you
are thinking that some of us from Open Door went to
investigate, you are right!
Post Office employee, Bob, offered to be our tour
guide. We were very lucky to have him because he
sure knows a lot about the building’s history along
with how it operates. Bob told us that the building
was built during the Great Depression back in 1938.
Construction began in 1936 in an interesting manner;
the vault came first and the Post Office was built
around it. Bill W. was very impressed by the thickness
of the vault walls. Bill W. said that “they built things
strong back then.” In case you are wondering, the
Sandwich and Plano Post Offices are the only ones in
our area that still use the buildings constructed from
this era.
Bob showed us the path that letters take from start
to finish. Angela T. was impressed by the stacks and
stacks of empty postal bins from sorted mail when she
stated “that is a lot of boxes.” We also got to see the
box for Open Door’s mail. Lynn S. said “that is a big
box for a lot of mail. I certainly think that Open Door
gets a lot of mail.”
John G. looks like he is getting comfortable
behind the wheel!
John G thought that the highlight of the trip was
getting to go out back, climb through the back of an
actual Post Office truck, and get his picture taken from
the driver’s seat. “I like the trucks and the seat was
comfy,” said John.
So all and all it was a fun day and we all learned a
little something. Daniel P. said that he learned that
“there is a lot going on in the back that we don’t see
up front.” Thanks Bob for the tour and the rest of the
staff for the smiles. We are thinking of adopting the
code of the Post Office, what do you think? “Neither
rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the gang
at Open Door from getting the most out of life and
appreciating opportunities as they show themselves.”
What do you think?
Lynn S. likes the mural.
The big box for Open Door mail.
Angela T. thinks that the Post Office sorts
through a lot of mail!
Working at the Car Wash, Yea….
So this summer was a hot and dry one…no doubt about
it. In July, we planned a car wash to raise money for
programs here at Open Door. I was really worried it
would be so hot that we couldn’t be out all day washing
cars in the hot, hot sun. So the day came and what do
you know? A beautiful sunny day that was nice and
mild showed up in the middle of our hot streak just in
time for our car wash!
Daniel P.
Eating Lunch: All our supporters!! Thanks!
Austin C. working on finishing up a big truck!
Group Drying: One big team!
We had about ten consumers ready to work; grabbing
towels and rags, filling buckets, just waiting for that first
car. It started off a little slow, but an hour or so in we
had lines forming! A staff member pulled his truck up
and cranked the tunes which just got everyone in a great
mood, singing and dancing while scrubbing down the
cars of employees, friends, neighbors and strangers… all
here to support Open Door!
The smell of hot dogs filled the air, water was flying
and soap was bubbling all over! Next to arrive were the
water guns and super soakers! Don’t get me wrong, it
was a beautiful day and not as hot as it had been, but
the sun was bright and we were working up a sweat.
The water guns were a nice cool down for everyone. We
moved some picnic tables up and we had folks sitting,
eating, talking and enjoying some time at the west
workshop. Our friends from Castle Bank came down
for lunch and a car wash too. A few people brought one
car and then went home to get their other cars! In fact,
at one point we had a line of eight cars waiting for the
Brandon S. and Stephanie K. work with Chef ’s Kitchen doing the hotdog lunch.
All of the consumers worked really hard, whether washing or drying, taking money or helping with the hot dog
lunch. We even had a few others who weren’t already signed up to work join in the fun! It was a great turn out and
a fun day. We want to thank everyone for coming out to support us during the car wash and we hope to see you
again next year!
Annual Membership Drive
November/ December
2012 – 2013
Parents’ Club X-Mas Party
December 7, 2012
Contributions & Memorials
Listed below are contributions & memorials received between 7/1/12 & 8/31/12.
We deeply appreciate all of the honorariums, memorials, & donations give to Open Door. For your convenience, we
provide a donation envelope in each newsletter. We hope you find this to be helpful.
Thank you very much! We are deeply grateful to you for all of your support!
Thomas & Patricia Andresen
Wayne & Madeline Bagwill
Judy Bark
Harold Barry, Jr.
Beverly Bender
Quendred & Robert Carpenter
Castle Bank/Sandwich
First Look For Charity
Lee & Sue Hage
Cliff & Betty Hair
Dick & Pat Hauser
Chris Hickey
Richard & Barbara Holland
Bill & Karen Horoszko
David & Linda Hulne
Glenn & Carol Johnson
Lane & Donna Kapela
Emma Kinsel
Lindsay & Kathy Legner
Ginny Lubdtile
Jeanne Mason
Marie Miles
Leon Natonek
Joe & Oweta Neuhauser
Cliff & Linda Oleson
Allen & Bette Otto
Norman & Nancy Otto
Bill Reinhart
Reliable Computer Services
Teresa Riebe
Mary Robinson
Sandwich Lions Club
Somonauk Comm. Jr. Womans Club
St. John’s Lutheran Church/Somonauk
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ/Hinckley
John Schneider
Dale & Jeannie Shatters
Gordon Shepherd
Jay & Marjorie Smith
Steve & Angela Turney
Len & Kathy Wass
Pam & Barry Whitcraft
Nick & Sarah Whitten
Shirley Wilkowski
Sharon Williams
In Memory of Linda (Fruland) Beecher In Memory of Larry Decker
Jim & Sally Donahue
Ron & Barb Johnson
Carol Fruland
Charleen Seville
Bob & Carol Nordengren
Donna Twait
In Memory of Ruth Cohoon
Ruth Catron
In Memory of Rose Eipers
Mike & Juanita Huss
In Memory of Vera Cook
Ruth Catron
In Memory of Dr. Norris Erickson
Dr. Bob & Edie Coleman
In Memory of Ralph Dearden
Dorothy Dearden
In Memory of Mollie Erickson
Jerry & Carol Hinterlong
In Memory of James Flint
Margaret M. Grist
Rick & Lynn Menth Jr.
Andrew & Karen McGaughan &
In Memory of Richard Gleason
Mary Rohrer
In Memory of Jean Goldman
Carol Larson
In Memory of Barb Gunderson
Bud’s Service, Inc.
Memorials (Cont.)
In Memory of Mary Anne Hess
Carol & Marilyn Hess
In Memory of Gladys Mason
Dan & Rhonda Bernard
In Memory of Maye Sebby
Michael & Carol Gunier
In Memory of Ray Josliin
Joyce Bernard
In Memory of Phyllis Miller
Greg & Karyn Grandgeorge
In Memory of Arthur Smith
Robert & Anna Henrich
George D. & Mary C. Murphy
In Memory of Shelly Kash
Carol Larson
In Memory of Karen Lynn McNutt
Jim & Kathy Potter
Bernie & Kim Frieders
Brad Johnson
Ron & Barb Johnson
Mary Meyer
Matthew & Joanna Olson
In Memory of Larraine Kolzow
Eugene & Jan Meier
In Memory of Catherine Krafft
Eric & Debra Honkala
Janice Meier
In Memory of Clarence LaBolle
Sharon Austin
Florence Gudmunson
Jerome & Diane LaBolle
Cathie & Richard Morehouse
Joann Nowak
Charles & Alice Rohrer
Nancy Rohrer
In Memory of Doris Larsen
Jerry & Carol Hinterlong
Kathryn Meyer
Mary Meyer
Alvin & Myrtie Warren
In Memory of Howard Lemke
Dale & Susan Williamson
In Memory of Edward Mars
Mary Rohrer
Newell & Jean Harmon
Norma Hough
Carol Larson
In Memory of Ruth Marselus
Ruth Catron
Norma Hough
Mary Meyer
Gene Olson & Carrol DannewitzOlson
Mary Ann Stevenson
In Memory of Roberta Modaff
George & Evelyn Walz
Roger & Mary Walz
In Memory of Joe Myers’ August 10th
Patricia Myers
In Memory of Norman Nicholas
Mrs. Norman Nicholas
In Memory of Don Potter
Clyde French & Betty Phillips French
In Memory of Marge Prendergast
Denise & Ken Mestemaker
In Memory of Marlys Smith
Denise & Ken Mestemaker
In Memory of Ben Spisak
Charles & Mary Rohrer
In Memory of Robert Stiefbold
Don & Sharon Ness
In Memory of Marilyn Striegel
Joyce Bernard
Delores Devine
Denise & Ken Mestemaker
In Memory of Mary Jo Twait
Bud’s Citgo
Jim & Josie Castelli
Terrence & Karen Duffy
Robert & Barbara Johnson
In Memory of James Van Pelt
Gary & Barb French
In Memory of Delbert Weber
Ronald & Ruth Anthenat
In Memory of Nellie Riks
Wayne & Madeline Bagwill
Rich & Jeanne Baker
Ruby Benson
Jim & Marilyn Elliott
Bobby & Emily Cuddy
Ron & Barb Johnson
The Eisenberg Family
Phyllis Reding
Scott & Karen Breunig
Don & Katie Tellefson
Irene Brown
Darwin & Louise Classon
In Memory of Avis Rompf
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Clesle
Terrence & Karen Duffy
Joan Dobnick & Dan Dobnick
Robert & Barbara Johnson
Arthur & Wanda Fedro
Carol Larson
Wayne & Fran Fitzpatrick
Clyde French & Betty Phillips French
Gary & Barb French
Merlyn Wiley
Chuck & Lori Frieders & Family
G L Hartman
In Memory of Bob Scheppler
Delores Devine
Robert & Ann Henrich
Memorials (Cont.)
Virgil & Jane Hyte
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Klatt
Fran Kleckner
Jerry & Donna Leonard
Rich & Alice Mathre
Gene Olson & Carrol DannewitzOlson
Mischelle Reiners
Brian & Jennifer, Jacob & Ethan
Lane & Mary Lou Sheldon
Butch & Etta Stahl
Rick & Betty Stahl
Clarion & Jean Swenson
Tom & Betty Thomas
Jim & Lori Updike
Jim & Kyle Wahlgren
Roy & Christine Wahlgren
Russell & Allene Wahlgren
Eileen Weber
Dale & Susan Williamson
Jeff & Nancy Brown
Ruth Catron
Marjorie Jones
Jill Jutila
Berline Ohme
In Memory or Robert Whiteaker
Dorothy Whiteaker
In Memory of LaVerne Weber, Jr.
Gladys Allen
In Honor of Cynthia Coleman’s Birthday
Lois A. Burroughs
In Honor of Doc & Edie Coleman’s 65th Wedding
Dave & Candi Baker
Imre Gonczy
In Honor of Sue Ellen McLaughlin’s August Birthday
Chuck & Mary Mahara
In Honor of Judy Northcutt’s 65th Birthday
Chuck & Mary Mahara
In Honor of Edward “Duke” & Janet Fanning’s 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Ray & Judy Hendron
In Honor of Vaughn D. Hudson, Jr.’s August Birthday
Chuck & Mary Mahara
In Honor of Vaughn D. Hudson Sr.’s September 1st
Chuck & Mary Mahara
In Honor of Stephanie Scents’ Birthday
Chuck & Lori Frieders
In Honor of Ruth A. Wagner’s 100th Birthday
Russell & Allene Wahlgren
In Honor of Don & Jean Wegener’s 60th Anniversary
St. Paul’s Fatima Group
In Honor of David & Tamera Wyman’s Wedding
Earl & Bonnie Staley
In Honor of J.D. McLaughlin’s 30th Birthday
Chuck & Mary Mahara
In Honor of Ralph & Sue McLaughlin’s July Anniversary
Chuck & Mary Mahara
Matching Gifts
Chicago Automobile Trade Association/
First Look for Charity
Olaf Gjovik/Gjovik Chevy Buick GMC
Springfield, IL
Permit No. 364
Open Door Rehabilitation Center
405 South Wells Street
Sandwich, Illinois, 60548
Sandwich Lions’ Club
Pictured: L to R: Dave Baker, Executive Director
of Open Door Rehabilitation Center and Sandwich
Lions’ Club President Bob Jones.
Baker thanked the Sandwich Lion’ Club for their
generous gift to Open Door. This contribution
will be channeled to the remodeling and expansion
of the Pine Group Home to benefit adults with such
developmental disabilities as mental retardation,
autism, cerebral palsy, and Down’s syndrome. Dave
Baker expressed his appreciation to the Lions Club,
“We are grateful to you for your continued support.”
Jones commented, “We like to do what we can to help
out in the community.”