USDP Packaging Digest Article


USDP Packaging Digest Article
Spirits soar with new
liquor filling/labeling line
A redesigned sixth bottling line at spirits manufacturer and copacker
U.S. Distilled Products provides a 60-percent increase in speed over existing lines.
Anne Marie Mohan, Senior Editor
ust as wine depends upon the perfect proportion of acidity
and sweetness, fruit and oak, and alcohol and flavor to
create a well-balanced taste, U.S. Distilled Products Co.
(USDP) is placing more emphasis on a balance between
short and long product runs, and own-brand versus copacked
products to sustain its thriving business.
Establishing a bottling facility in 1981 for its own alcohol
product lines, the Princeton, MN-based company later uncorked
its capabilities for other brands. Today, with a recent brand
acquisition, USDP has come full circle.
“We’re trying to focus on a balance between our own brands
and our relationships with other companies, so that we can keep
our plant’s capacity at a very high level,” says Todd Geisness,
general manager and executive vp of USDP.
Traditionally USDP’s strongpoint had been in producing small
runs of 100 to 200 cases of bottled liquor. Thus, it equipped its
six filling lines with versatile machinery that allowed for quick
changeovers. But, as its brands grew in popularity, so did its run
lengths. This evolution, coupled with the competitive nature of
A new 51-nozzle rotary fill-to-level filler allows USDP to bottle its
range of liquor products using gravity, pressure or combination
gravity/pressure filling methods, depending on the liquid’s viscosity.
the bottling market
drove USDP to
install a completely
new line , outfitted to
accommodate largervolume runs quickly
and efficiently .
Scrapping its
existing sixth
packaging line,
USDP put in place a
new high-speed
bottling system. As
most of the ne w line
was designed inhouse by employees
familiar with the
company’s needs,
each piece of
equipment was
hand-picked from
among a number of suppliers , including
MRM/Elgin, A -B-C Packaging Machine,
Accraply, Hartness, Videojet Technologies
and others.
‘If you build it, they will come’
Housed in a 245,000-sq-ft facility ,
USDP currently handles an into xicating
number of 2,800 stockk eeping units.
These include cordials , white and gold
spirits , wines, crèmes and schnapps, and
nonalcoholic products such as mix ers and
ready-to-drink be verages. McA dams
Canadian Whisk ey, Kark ov Vodka,
Rondiaz Rum, Luccio Chianti, Mothers
Schnapps, and Jean Durèe Cognac are
just some of the brands mark eted by
USDP. Add to that the long list of drinks
it copacks, and you have a fully stock ed
Contrary to what the compan y’s name
implies , USDP does not distill alcohol,
but rather it purchases alcohol and other
components from sources around the
world and uses these ingredients to
complete formulas , or recipes, supplied
by its customers. After being blended , the
liquor products are filled on one of the
company’s six bottling lines into bottles
that can range in size from 0.200 mL to
1.75 L. USDP uses both glass and
polyethylene terephthalate bottles ,
supplied, respectively, by Anchor through
its brok er, Saxco, and by SchmalbachLubeca.
Says Geisness, “Before the startup of
the new line , the equipment that w e had
in place was very v ersatile; it allowed us
to do many different bottle sizes and
shapes, and to run at v arious speeds,
A decaser/single filer unpacks the bottles from reshippers
which created a lot of flexibility for us.
But, it did not allo w us to run at v ery
high speeds.” By the summer of ‘99,
USDP needed a bottling line that could
produce its more popular brands ,
requiring longer production runs, with
greater cost-efficiency.
The secondary motiv ation behind the
new line w as “kind of a Field-of-Dreams
issue: ‘If y ou build it, they will come ,’”
says Geisness. “We built it on speculation
that it w ould mak e us even more versatile
and attract other customers to our
facility .”
Clean installation
A tribute to the competence of USDP’s
employees, most of the planning and
execution of the compan y’s new line w as
carried out in-house , under the direction
of maintenance manager Bill R owland .
Outside resources were used to provide
CAD dra wings and a line la yout, and an
engineering firm pro vided some helpful
insight, “but eighty percent of the line
design and how it was implemented w as
done in-house with Bill and his people ,”
Geisness tells PD.
USDP opted for Allen-Bradle y SLC
5/03 controllers throughout the line ,
which w ere programmed by its master
technician. R owland says the company
has always used Allen-Bradley controllers
on its lines , due to their easy
expandability , speed, and Ethernet
capabilities, which allo w the compan y to
communicate with other machines .
The line w as installed over a one-year
time frame , with startup in January , ‘01.
Outside of “ a few glitches here and
there,” Rowland says, everything was
deliv ered on time and in good shape, and
the service backup from equipment
suppliers w as excellent.
Today, USDP typically runs three lines
per 10-hr day, four da ys per w eek,
maximizing the efficiencies of both its
low- and high-speed equipment to meet
various filling needs . To take advantage of
the new line’s speed, USDP minimizes
changeover on the filler b y limiting to
three the number of bottle sizes run: .750
mL, 1 L and 1.75 L. "We could do all of
the sizes if w e wanted to,” explains
Rowland , “but w e feel that it’s not
efficient to fill the smaller bottles ,
because the volume is just not there .”
Due to the clean-running operation of
the line’s ne w MRM/Elgin-supplied filler,
products of all viscosities are run, from
water-thin spirits to thick and sugary
cordials. But the largest v olumes, notes
Rowland , are in the spirits .
Gentle bottle handling
Starting off USDP’s ne w line is a
Model 156 decaser/single filer from A -B-C
Packaging Machine Corp. F unctioning as
a flap-opener and positioner , as well as an
unpacker and bottle single filer , the
system is designed for operations running
multiple bottle sizes . Providing minimum
bottle-to-bottle contact, the machine is
said by the company to reduce do wned
plastic bottles and help eliminate
scratching of glass bottles.
Glass and PET bottles are supplied to
USDP packed inv erted in corrugated
reshippers, which are carried to the
Model 156 via an Ermanco roller-skate-
style conveyor supplied b y Conveyor
Concepts. As each case is moved through
the decaser, major and minor bottom case
flaps are opened, and the bottles drop out
onto a bottle conv eyor positioned just
slightly lo wer than the case conveyor.
Once empty, cases proceed up an incline
leading to an overhead conveyor that
carries them to the end of the line . The
decaser/single filer then v ery gently sidesweeps the bottles into a single-file lane ,
separating them with its unscrambling
Rowland says that pre vious
experience with A -B-C’s equipment w as
a factor in the choice of the Model 156,
as “they build a really good , heavy-duty ,
reliable machine ,” but the ease of
changeover and speed of the machine
Rowland . “It depends on both the
product being filled and the bottle being
used.” Foamy products , such as sugarbased cordials, fill easier using the gra vity
method, while highly viscous liquids , lik e
crèmes, are filled more efficiently using
pressure filling.
Also attracting USDP to the equipment
was the machine’s exclusiv e bottom
manifold feed design with shut-off disc .
Says Rowland , “When w e are pressurefilling our PET bottles , the manifold
design relieves the pressure so that we
don’t ha ve a lot of spills and drips coming
off of the bottle when it e xits the
Also facilitating the machine’s cleanrunning operation and uptime,, an
adjustable drive mechanism is positioned
with the ability to nearly double its
previous output. Before installation of the
new line , the sum total produced b y all of
its short-run lines amounted to just
10,000 to 12,000 cases/day.
Once bottles leave the filler , they are
carried through a rotary capper from
Pneumatic Scale (formerly Consolidated
Capper), also purchased through Change
Parts. The model T G-16-31 applies caps
from K err Group in 28- and 33-mm sizes
that offer a tamper-e vident break away
ring; 33-mm caps also include a built-in
pour spout. The machine then tightens
caps to a specific poundage designation.
were also critical issues.
After single-filing onto a bottle
conveyor from Laughlin, bottles mo ve
through a U.S. Bottlers Sanitair air
cleaner from Change Parts, Inc . Using a
dual-stage cleaning process involving a
combination of compressed air and
vacuum, the Sanitair removes any
contaminant particles from the bottles
before they reach the filler .
on top of the machine . Notes MRM/Elgin,
“The inherent difficulty of filling liquids
lik e cordials is the sugar content. When
driv e parts are below the fill le vel, the
sugar can get into the mechanism where
it’s hard on cams , bearings and other
machine parts.”
Rowland adds that he was also
impressed by the filler’s ease of
maintenance, made possible by a
centralized lubrication system, and the
quick changeover enabled by tool-less
changeparts. Changing over from one
product to another , while retaining the
same bottle size, is a 20-minute process,
he notes, while a full changeo ver can be
accomplished in an hour and fifteen
minutes. “If y ou look at the amount of
nozzles we have, that’s pretty quick,” he
On average, the filler runs at a 230- to
250-bottle/min rate , for a total of 15,000
to 20,000 cases/day. This pro vides USDP
piece of equipment on the line: an
Accraply Model 9000R rotary labeling
system. A break from its custom of using
cold-glue applicators, the pressuresensitive labeler w as chosen by USDP for
a number of reasons, says Rowland ,
including less machine cleanup, faster
speeds and enhanced graphics
Agrees USDP’s Geisness, “If you look
at one of our pressure-sensitiv e labels
compared to a cold-glue label, y ou get a
much purer product with pressuresensitive,” he says. “I think it’s because
of the v ersatility of printing options , and
what mark eters can do with the labels as
a result of that.”
The Model 9000R, in particular , w as
chosen, says Rowland , because of its
ability to meet se veral criteria. First, the
applicator had to be flexible enough to
handle USDP’s range of bottle sizes, with
minimal changeo ver time . The Accraply
Bigger is better for long runs
The heart of the ne w line is a 51nozzle MRM/Elgin Husky 5 RFL rotary
fill-to-le vel liquid filler that allo ws for
gravity , pressure, or combination
gravity/pressure filling. This versatility
was vital to USDP’s equipment selection,
given the company’s large range of
product viscosities , and container sizes
and materials. “To change over from one
mode to another is fairly simple and can
be done in about ten minutes ,” says
P-s enhances looks, speed
Matching the filler in speed and
versatility , as well as in cleanliness, is the
36/8 45/8 in.
After labeling, the back of
the bottles receiv e a code by
way of a Videojet EX CEL
170i ink-jet coder from
Videojet Technologies
(formerly Marconi Data
End-of-line flexibility
From Hartness
International, two Model 825
vertical drop pack ers are the
next stop on the line for
filled , labeled bottles. Also
chosen for their fle xibility ,
speed and ease of
MRM/Elgin 51 Spout Rotary Fill to Level Filler
changeover, the case packers
handle shippers from
labeler, he says, allows operators to
13 10 14 (tall) in. to 15 12 17 (tall)
change from one paper or film label to
in., and can be expanded to
another in roughly 10 to 20 minutes ,
accommodate additional case sizes, notes
while programming for a new label can
Rowland .
take anywhere from fiv e to six hours,
Div erted into tw o lanes after being
depending upon ho w man y turns the
coded, bottles are fed simultaneously to
bottle has to mak e.
the packers, which load them into cases
The second criterion for the labeler
(delivered from the front of the line via
was its ability to consistently apply spot
conveyor) at speeds up to 30/min. Two
labels in the correct orientation. As
packers provide double productivity
opposed to some other rotary machines
while offering redundancy , “so that if
that use a cam to turn the bottle plates ,
something happens to one machine, the
the Model 9000R is equipped with serv oline does not have to be shut down,”
driv en plates that “can be programmed
explains Rowland . Tool-less changeover is
according to how man y turns y ou w ant,
accomplished in 10 to 30 min, he sa ys,
how far y ou w ant the plates to turn, and
depending upon bottle size .
in which direction y ou require them to
Next, an A-B-C Model 336 automatic
turn,” sa ys Rowland . Once a containertop case sealer folds the case flaps and
movement profile is configured , it can be
seals the shippers at speeds up to 45/min.
stored and downloaded to the serv o from
A Marsh CP/ML8 ink-jet case coder from
a touchscreen operator control panel.
Videojet, acquired through Jesco
Using the Model 9000R, USDP is
Industrial Supplies and incorporated into
achieving a placement accuracy of ± 1/16
the sealer, then applies a governmentin., estimates Rowland , at speeds up to
required panel of information onto the
300 bpm.
sealed cases, which then conv ey to a
Three applicators—applying neck,
back and face labels, consecutively—
Also new on the line , the Alv ey 881
make up the complete system, with room
Series front-discharge palletizer meets
available for a fourth applicator , if
USDP’s varied case-size requirements.
needed. Labels are supplied b y USDP or
Typically , pallets are formed 12
its customers, depending on the product,
cases/layer, five la yers high, with pallet
and range in size up to a maximum of
patterns being customer-specific .
Reprinted from
According to Alvey's machine
specifications, the palletizer offers a biparting plate apron that helps maximize
operation speed while minimizing drop
distance, resulting in tight, square loads .
An air-cushioned case turner pro vides
gentle product handling.
After palletizing, loads are unitized
using a new ITW Mima King Cobra
automatic rotary-arm stretch wrapper .
The machine uses an overhead rotary
design to spin a film w eb around the
load, which remains stationary during the
wrap cycle . Eliminating the problem of
film tails coming loose in transit, a
patented heat seal welds the last rope of
film to itself at the end of a cycle.
‘Cheers’ to the new line
According to USDP’s Geisness, after
just more than a year and a half in
operation, the ne w line is virtually bugfree and is deliv ering “greatly increased
productivity .”
“You don’t just flip a switch and ha ve a
new line w ork perfectly from the start,”
he says. “Certainly Bill and his team
deserve a pat on the back for starting up
the line so successfully. And , when Bill
had a problem with the equipment, he
contacted the suppliers , and they came in
and worked with our people to resolv e
the issue. As a result, w e just continue to
get better and better and better . We’re
now really getting to the point where we
have the system fine-tuned and feel very
comfortable with all the equipment on
the line .
“We have a very skilled group of
people here,” he continues . “We’re very
versatile, and w e take pride in that ability .
Installing the ne w line to increase our
production capability enhanced our
flexibility , and this has allo wed us to
become more efficient. And , obviously ,
the more efficient you are , the more
competitiv e you can be when bidding on
a contract. There is no doubt that our
ability to be competitive has resulted in a
lot more inquiries from potential
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For more information, contact:
MRM/Elgin Corp.
902 Stokke Parkway
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: 715-235-5583 Fax: 715-235-0512
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